Wireless Water Quality Monitoring (WWQM)
Wireless Water Quality Monitoring (WWQM)
Wireless Water Quality Monitoring (WWQM)
Our group hereby declare that this project report is based on our original work except
for citation and quotations which have been duly acknowledged. Our group also
declares that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other
Diploma or award at Polytechnic or any other institutions.
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Register Number : 25DNS16F1016
Date :
2. Signature :
Register Number : 25DNS16F1048
Date :
3. Signature :
Register Number : 25DNS16F1004
Date :
Submitted by:
This project report has been proposed, checked and approved as a fulfilment and
need of report writing as determined.
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Supervisor’s Signature :
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Head of Department’s Signature :
Head of Department’s Name : ENCIK LAJIM BIN MOLAH
Date :
Assalamualaikum W.B.T
Praise to Allah, finally the Final Year Project (FYP) report is completed. In order to
complete this report, we had communicated with many people. They have contributed
towards our understanding and thought about our project.
First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to our supervisor,
Madam Siti Farah binti Hj Hussin who is really kind, patience and continuously guided
by share her time and knowledge during our project development.
Other than that, special thanks to our parents because always give us moral support
and finance to complete this project. Thanks a lot to our lecture for the collaboration
in helping us to complete our model project and coding for the coding.
Last but not least, not to forget friends who have given ideas during the process of
completing these report. Without them, our group might have lost track in what group
supposed to do. They have also never sighed in giving their cooperation when our
group needed help on something related our project. Finally, thank you so much.
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Problem Statement 1-2
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Scopes 2-4
1.4.1 User Scope
1.4.2 System Scope Hardware Software
1.5 Project Significant 4-5
1.6 Conclusion 5
4.1 Introduction 22
4.2 Design 22-23
4.2.1 Schematic Diagram
4.2.2 Physical Diagram
4.3 Finding 24-28
4.3.1 Connectivity ThingSpeak MIT Application
4.3.2 Full Prototype
4.4 Conclusion 28
Gant Chart
Project Cost
LIST OF FIGURES NodeMCU 10 Relay 15 ThingSpeak 17
4.3.2 pH Testing 24
1.1 Introduction
This project use an Arduino Mega as a monitor for our Wireless Water Quality
Monitoring (WWQM). Arduino is very popular for those who want to build IoT
project. In this project, we can know the temperature, pH level, turbidity of water and
water level in the fish pond. We also can get the notification about the temperature,
pH level, turbidity of water and water level from application that we program from
Arduino Mega. We secure the device and application with authentication by enter the
username and password.
This project is based on Arduino serial monitor to send data to the board. The
Serial Monitor is a separate pop-up window that acts as a separate terminal that
communicates by receiving and sending Serial Data. The data can be read by Arduino
and display the output on LCD or application on our devices.
The project Wireless Water Quality Monitoring (WWQM) functional to detect
the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and
water level in the fish pond. This project also can read the temperature, pH level,
turbidity of water and water level in one LCD and monitor by the application that
created. It can be easy to the user to read and know the temperature, level of pH,
amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level by using our
scattered by the suspended solids and water level. With this project, we can check the
temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and
water level in the same time also can read the data log in by using ThingSpeak and can
monitor by application that created using MIT Application. This is easier rather than
that user need to manually check the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is
scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond.
1. Manual method take a long time to check the temperature, pH level, amount
of light
that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond.
suspended solids and water level by using for example a thermometer probe
and pH meter.
3. Possibility hard to get the right temperature, pH level, amount of light that
is scattered
by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond.
1.3 Objectives
The project scope for this project has been divided into two which are user
scope and system scope. This project officially created for staff in Jabatan Perikanan
Malaysia as a working tool such as getting information for resources from fish farmers.
This project also may be the one thing as helper for our staff in Jabatan Perikanan
Malaysia. We create this project also to reduce the energy of staff in Jabatan Perikanan
Malaysia from checking the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by
the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond manually. This project use
wireless concept to make staff in Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia to find out the
temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and
water level in the fish pond. By this thing, user can check it by using ThingSpeak
which is the data log into it and monitor by application that created.
For this project, we setup the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is
scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond. It is easy to know
the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and
water level in the fish pond. After that, we convert the temperature, pH level, amount
of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the application in
smartphone. It easy to read the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered
by the suspended solids and water level in the same time. In that way, an application
will be a platform to notice a notification on our devices when temperature, pH level,
amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level surpassed or
lose the target. If the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the
suspended solids and water level surpassed or lose the target, the colour of LED at the
Arduino will be blink and the user get the notification. It also will give an alarm from
the buzzer.
Wireless Water Quality Monitoring make easier to who use this project for
their working process. For this project, the user targets for this project are:
Target user:
1. Staff in Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia
2. Fish farmers
3. Agriculture Student
The system scope for this project has been divided into two which are software
and hardware. Software
Software plays an important role in this project as it may affect the system
directly and indirect at the same time. First at all, the most important component is the
operating system, we use Windows 10 to install the Arduino Software (IDE) for the
platform to program the coding and the most important thing in this project is Arduino.
The microcontrollers are mainly programmed using a dialect of features from the
programming languages C and C++. The Arduino project provides an integrated
development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language project. After that,
we use ThingSpeak and MIT application as a tool to store data and get a notification.
We will create an application for this project to push out the notification and by that
application we can monitor temperature, pH level and amount of light that is scattered
by the suspended solids of water and water level in the fish pond. It can display sensor
data and ThingSpeak. ThingSpeak and MIT Application are an Internet-of-Things
(IoT) platform that allows us to develop our own connected solutions easily and
affordably. Hardware
The first hardware that needed in this project is Arduino Mega. Arduino is a
computer hardware, software and project microcontroller kits for building digital
devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical life.
This project’s board designs, which are manufactured by multiple vendors, use a
variety of microprocessors and controllers. The Arduino need to program by using
C++ language to perform the output for this project. This project use Arduino because
it is ready to use structure. As Arduino comes in complete package from which
includes the 5V regulator, a burner, an oscillator, a micro-controller, serial
communication interface, LED and headers for the connections.
After that, this project will use DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog PH meter
PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor as monitoring
tools. The DS18B20 temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature of water
in the fish pond, the Analog PH meter PH sensor is used to measure the pH level of
the water in the fish pond, the Analog turbidity sensor is used to measure the amount
of light that scattered by the suspended solids of water in the fish ponds and the HC-
SR04 ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the water level in the fish pond. The readings
from this sensor are then feedback to the Arduino.
can detect the quality of water in the fish pond. By using this project, the users no
longer need to worry about the quality of the fish because this project can ensure the
quality of fish in the fish pond.
1.6 Conclusion
The first chapter was explained the four objectives that must be achieved for
this project. In the end of the project, those four objectives need to archive. Firstly is
to measure the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended
solids and water level in the fish pond by using DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog
PH meter PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, to notify
the temperature, pH level, turbidity and water level in the fish pond by using LCD,
LED and buzzer to send the notification for the temperature, pH level, turbidity and
water level in the fish pond by using MIT Application and secure the device and
application with authentication by enter username and password. This project Wireless
Water Quality Monitoring (WWQM) using Arduino is very easy to use. This project
use using DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog PH meter PH sensor, Analog turbidity
sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and send the data logger to ThingSpeak also
monitor by the application created. If the temperature, pH level, amount of light that
is scattered by the suspended solids and water level surpassed or lose the target, the
colour of LED at the Arduino will be blink and the user get the notification. It also will
give an alarm from the buzzer.
2.1 Introduction
The literature review the final year project. Definition of Term and Previous
Project. Literature review are based on searching, collecting, analysing and drawing
conclusion from all debates and issues raised in relevant body of literature such as
book, journal, technical, reports, web pages and e-book. In this part, many research
have been done to collect information related to this project. There are plenty of
researches could be found in internet, e-book, journals and etc.
After that, the aim of comparison another project with Wireless Water Quality
Monitoring (WWQM) to know the advantages and disadvantages another project that
can be as the references of this project. In this project, there are equipment that are
using as Arduino Mega, Nodemcu, DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog PH meter
PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
All the disadvantages are easy broken due to the component that not
waterproof, high cost and there is one project that only can be use one time for one
person only. Besides, it needs Wi-Fi connection to link to the application that created.
This is easier rather than monitor the data manually by user.
The various hardware used for this project are NodeMCU, DS18B20
Temperature Sensor, Analog pH Meter pH Sensor, Analog Turbidity Sensor, HC-
SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, LCD module 20x4, Led, Piezo Buzzer and Water pump.
Arduino IDE is the platform to program the coding and the most important thing in
this project is Arduino. The microcontrollers are mainly programmed using a dialect
of features from the programming languages C and C++.
of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond. By
using this project, the staff in Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia can get a good quality of
fish due to a good quality of water in the fish pond that monitor by this devices and
get the notification by using an applications.
The 2 in one RobotGeek 3.5 mm Pulse sensor
Temperature and Sillicone Tubing Grove Oxygen
PH sensor RobotGeek Small gas sensor
Workbench TMP36
The Turbidity
RobotGeek temperature
Geekduino sensor
A GSM shield RobotGeek Sensor EMG sensor
An ultrasonic Shield LCD 16x2
Sensor RobotGeek Duino LCM1602C
4 RGB led
RobotGeek 300mm
A buzzer. 3-pin Sensor Cable
10 packs
RobotGeek 3-Pin
Coupler – 25 packs
RobotGeek LED
RobotGeek DC
Squid Cable
RobotGeek 6V/2A
Power Supply
Advantages Easier to monitor the Can refill the Can know to
quality of water reservoir measure
automatically parameters of
the patient’s
2.3.2 Hardware Description
9 NodeMCU
NodeMCU is an open source Lua based firmware for the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SOC
from Espressif and uses an on-module flash-based SPIFFS file system. NodeMCU is
implemented in C and is layered on the Espressif NON-OS SDK. The firmware was
initially developed as is a companion project to the popular ESP8266-based
NodeMCU development modules, but the project is now community-upported and the
firmware can now be run on any ESP module. DS18B20
Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple
DS18B20s to function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one
microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications
that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls, temperature
monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process
monitoring and control systems.
10 pH Meter
12 Buzzer
13 LED
14 Water Pump Relay
2.3.3 Software Description
A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called a sketch. The Arduino
IDE supports the language C and C++ using special rules to organize code. The
Arduino IDE supplies a software library called Wiring from Wiring project, which
provides many common input and output procedures. A typical Arduino C/C++ sketch
consist of two functions that are compiled and linked with a program stub main () into
an executable cyclic executive program. The message area gives feedback while
saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays text output by the
Arduino Software (IDE), including complete eroor messages and other information.
16 ThingSpeak
ThingSpeak is an open data platform for the Internet of Things. Your device or
application can communicate with ThingSpeak using a RESTful and you can either
keep your data private or make it public. In addition, use ThingSpeak to analyse and
act your data. ThingSpeak provides an online text editor to perform data analysis and
visualization using MATLAB. You can also perform actions such as running regularly
scheduled MATLAB code or sending a tweet when your data passes a defined
threshold. ThingSpeak is used for diverse applications ranging from weather data
collection and analysis to synchronize the colour of lights across the world.
At the heart of ThingSpeak is a time-series database. ThingSpeak provides
users with free time-series data storage in channels. Each channel can include up to
eight data fields. This tutorial provides an introduction to some of the applications of
ThingSpeak, a conceptual overview of how ThingSpeak stores time-series data and
how MATLAB analysis is incorporated in ThingSpeak.
17 MIT Application
2.4 Conclusion
3.1 Introduction
Methodology that is used is Spiral model. It has four steps which are determine
objectives, identify and resolve risks, development and test and plain the next iteration.
Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of methods applied to a field of
study. A methodology is needed so that others can understand the significance of the
project and make sense of how it all worked. In addition, methodology helps other
know the purpose of carry out this project in a particular way.
3.2.1 Determining Objectives (Phase 1)
The first step is determining objectives. Planning is the step that plans anything
to start the project. A discussion is made between the group members to complete
Chapter 1,2,3,4.5 and 6. Delegate task must be divided among the group members to
ensure the project work smoothly. Planning about the title of project and how to make
the project also the requirement that we needed to make this project successfully.
The third step is development and test. In this step, we test the component
which are the four sensor. We test NodeMCU standalone and it success to scan the
network available. After that, we connect the component and NodeMCU. We use MIT
applications for our project as to send the notification for the temperature reading, pH
level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the
fish pond. We secure the application with authentication bye enter username and
The forth step is plan the next iteration. In plan the next iteration step, the
project is release and need to improve for the future for example of our project we
must push and store the data reading of the sensor to the cloud.
3.3 Conclusion
After understanding this project, the conclusion from this chapter is using
Spiral model. We will know the process of the understanding how an information
system can support education needs, designing the system to users. In addition, that
we can conclude is we will know what the step we want to do because it will guide us
what step should we do, so we not lose our step and get our objectives. Moreover,
Spiral model also will be help us to improve our process to start the project as well as
it also can use from fail to run the project and it also can make our project run
efficiently without problem.
4.1 Introduction
This project use four sensors which are DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog
PH meter PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor as
inputs. Their function are to measure the temperature, pH level, amount of light that
is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the fish pond. Then, the
temperature, pH level, turbidity and water level in the fish pond will notify by using
LCD, LED and buzzer which are act as outputs. After that, the data will store in
ThingSpeak and notification for reading will be monitor by using MIT Application.
This project will secure the device and application with authentication by enter
username and password.
4.2 Design
The design for this project has been divided into two which are in schematic
diagram and physical diagram.
Figure 4.2.1: Schematic Diagram
Temperature <28⁰C
pH Value >7
All sensors in good reading
4.3.1 Connectivity ThingSpeak
Figure Channel and Field ThingSpeak
26 MIT Application
Figure Design of Application and the Blocks
4.4 Conclusion
The result of Wireless Water Quality Monitoring project is based on the test
plan of the project included how the configuration will be proceed. For this chapter,
the result is come by the testing process which are developed by established analysed
and design. Testing are important section because it is more test how the project will
be functionality and can safely use by staff in Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia or fish
farmers. After that, if any problems occurred in the project it may be solves to redesign
the requirement until the project run as well.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter is the last chapter which is it will discuss about the project which
this project has go through and the conclusion about the project achievement from the
beginning to the end of the project. In the end of chapter, it will discuss the future
recommendation or the opinion of the improvement to make this project has the value
to be used by user.
5.2 Discussion
This project found that mostly fish farmers in the world have to check the
quality of the water in the fish pond to overcome a good quality of fish. It take manual
ways to check temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended
solids and water level by using for example a thermometer probe and pH meter. This
will make user to take a long time to check for the water. It is also difficult to measure
the right temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended
solids and water level. With this project, we can check the temperature, pH level,
amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in the same
time also can read the data log in by using ThingSpeak and can monitor by application
that created. This is easier rather than that user need to manually check the temperature,
pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended solids and water level in
the fish pond.
5.3 Conclusion
The first chapter was explained the four objectives that must be achieved for
this project. In the end of the project, those four objectives need to archive. Firstly is
to measure the temperature, pH level, amount of light that is scattered by the suspended
solids and water level in the fish pond by using DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog
PH meter PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, to notify
the temperature, pH level, turbidity and water level in the fish pond by using LCD,
LED and buzzer, to send the notification for the temperature, pH level, turbidity and
water level in the fish pond by using MIT Application and secure the device and
application with authentication by enter username and password. This project Wireless
Water Quality Monitoring using Arduino is very easy to use. This project is using
DS18B20 temperature sensor, Analog PH meter PH sensor, Analog turbidity sensor
and HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and send the data logger of the reading to ThingSpeak.
Data reading from the ThingSpeak can be read also in the application that created
which was use MIT Application Inventor.
From this project, the future recommendation is to store the data reading for all
the sensors to the cloud. So, user can check the passes result or monitor the reading for
example in the last month or last week. This project can just checked the last one
minute result of data reading only. If this project can be improve by the
recommendation state, this project can achieve to the world market.
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Prima, E. C. (2017). Automatic Water Tank Filling System Controlled Using Arduino
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Pudasaini, S. (2014). Automatic Water Level Controller with Short Messaging Service
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Gant Chart
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Market Research
Define Specifications
Overall Architecture
Project Planning
Detailed Design
Software Development
Test Plan
User Documentation
Project Cost
pH Sensor
Turbidity Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
Water Pump