Karnataka Excise AR FY18

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(1ST April 2017 TO 31st March 2018)


1.1 Vision:
Optimization of Excise Revenue while preventing the use of unsafe
liquor and ensure informed consumption in hygienic conditions.
1.2 Mission:
Implementing State Excise policies and procedures by regulating
manufacture, transport, possession, sale and other activities of
the trade in spirit, spirituous preparations, potable liquor and
other intoxicants, and monitoring collection of associated taxes.
1.3 Objectives:
1. Generate optimal revenue for the state exchequer
2. Regulate manufacture, transport, possession and sale of all
excisable articles
3. Effective enforcement and inspection to control crime
4. Impart training for better efficiency & formulate
e-governance initiatives
1.4 Functions:
1. Collection of excise revenue.
2. Issue of licences for manufacture, transport, possession and sale of
all excisable articles.
3. Conduct inspections of licenced premises, raids and road watches
4. Review performance at regular intervals.
5. Training of Officers and Staff.
6. Verification of EVCsand permits.
7. Registration, investigation and prosecution of cases.
8. Monitor transaction of all excisable articles.
9. Computerization of departmental activities.

(I) State Acts and Rules.

1. The Karnataka Excise Act 1965.
2. The Karnataka Prohibition Act 1961.
3. The Rules framed under the above Acts.
4. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Karnataka) Rules 1985
5. Karnataka Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Bootleggers Drug-
Offenders, Gamblers, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders and Slum
Grabbers Act 1985.
(II) Central Acts and Rules.
1 The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act 1955,
And Rules 1956.
2 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985
(Central Act No. 61 of 1985)


1.5.1. The Department is headed by the Excise Commissioner who belongs to

the LA.S. Cadre (Super time Scale). The Headquarters of the
Department is in Bangalore. The Excise Commissioner is assisted by one
Additional Commissioner of Excise (Crime and Enforcement),
Additional Commissioner of Excise (IML), Joint Commissioner of
Excise (Distillery & Brewery), Deputy Commissioner (Administration).
The other senior staff comprising Deputy Commissioner of Excise
(Legal), 5 Superintendents of Excise including Headquarters Assistants I
and " of the rank of Superintendent of Excise, 6 Deputy
Superintendents of Excise, a Deputy Director (Statistics) and an
Assistant Director (Statistics) on deputation from Directorate of
Economics and Statistics, a Senior Accounts Officer and Senior Audit
Officer (Internal Audit) on deputation from the Accountant General's
Office also assist the Excise Commissioner.


The Joint Commissioner of Excise heading the State Excise Intelligence

Bureau (S.E.LB.), is headquartered in Bangalore and has jurisdiction
throughout the State. The Joint Commissioner assists the Excise
Commissioner on intelligence, inputs and prevention of excise offences
such as illicit distillation, adulteration of liquor, illegal spirit movement,
illegal transportation of liquor and evasion of Excise Duty etc. The
S.E.LB. works under the direct control of the Excise Commissioner. In
addition, there are four Excise Intelligence Bureaus in Bangalore
(Urban) district each headed by a Superintendent of Excise under the
administrative control of the Deputy Commissioners of Excise of
Bangalore East, West, North and South districts who assist in
enforcement and implementation of the Excise Act and Rules.


Further, for administrative efficiency, the state is divided into six

administrative divisions. Each division is headed by a Joint
Commissioner of Excise. The jurisdiction of each division is as below;

51. Name of the
Jurisdictional Districts
No Division
1. Bangalore Division Bangalore (U), Bangalore (R), Kolar,
Tumkur, Ramanagar and Chikkaballapur
2. Belgaum Division Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Bagalkote
and Haveri
3. Gulbarga Division Bidar, Gulbarga, Raichur and Yadagiri
4. Hospet Division Bellary, Chitradurga, Davanagere,
Koppal and Gadag
5. Mangalore Division D.Kannada, U.Kannada, Udupi,Kodagu
and Shimoga

6. Mysore Division Mysore, Mandya, Hassan, Chickmagalur

and Chamarajanagara

1.5.4. Every Revenue district in the State has a Deputy Commissioner of

Excise who works under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner
(Revenue) of the districts. The Deputy Commissioner of Excise
discharges statutory responsibilities under the Karnataka Excise Act,
1965 and other statutory Acts and Rules. The enforcement work in the
district is the responsibility of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise.
There are 34 Deputy Commissioners of Excise, one each in the 33
Excise districts and one at the Head Office. Bangalore Urban district
has 4 Deputy Commissioners of Excise because of its vast jurisdiction.

1.5.5. Superintendents of Excise, Deputy Superintendents of Excise,

Inspectors of Excise, Sub-Inspectors of Excise, Excise Head-Guards and
Excise Guards comprise the executive staff of the department. There
are 63 Sub-Divisions, each headed by a Deputy Superintendent of
Excise who functions under the administrative control of the Deputy
Commissioner of Excise of the district. Officers of the rank of
Superintendents/ Deputy Superintendents of Excise/Inspectors of
Excise assisted by other staff are posted to Distilleries, Breweries, and
Wineries to supervise the transactions and to enforce the applicable
Excise Laws. The Department also has a Central Chemical Laboratory
headed by a Chief Chemist.


With an intention of canalizing wholesale trade of liquor and to curb

illegal trade in the business, Karnataka State Beverages Corporation
Limited was established in the year 2003 as a sole liquor distributing
agency in the State. KSBCLhas so far established 68 liquor depots and
33 spirit depots all over the state.



Excise Revenue mainly emanates from the following sources.
a) Excise Duty and Additional Excise Duty on IML, Beer and Wine.
b) Licence fee on Distilleries, Breweries, Wineries and IML vending
c) Fines, fees and amount realised by confiscations.
d) Miscellaneous.
In addition to the revenue realised under the Karnataka Excise Act
1965, the State Government also gets revenue under Medicinal and
Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955.

The Excise Revenue in the State has been steadily increasing

from Rs.7.11 crores in the year 1967-68 to Rs. 16,483.75 crores in
the year 2016-17. In the year 2017-18 the Excise Revenue collected
was Rs. 17,948.51 crores and there is an increase of Rs. 1,464.76
crores in the year 2017-18 and 8.89 growth is registered. RS.152.85
crores has been spent on Salaries and other expenses of Officers and
Staff of this department, which is 0.85 % to the total Excise revenue.

The source wise Excise Revenue for the years 2015-16 to

2017-18 are as follows:-
(Rupees in Crores)

SOURCE 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. IML 12,928.51 13,745.21 15,084.30

2. Beer 1,792.71 1,977.71 2,151.44

3. Others 611.66 760.83 712.77

TOTAL 15,332.88 16,483.75 17,948.51

Total revenue realized and expenditure incurred by the
department under salary and non-salary Heads during the years
2015-16 to 2017-18 are as follows:-
(Rs in crores)

Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Revenue 15,332.88 16,483.75 17,948.51

Expenditure 132.61 146.25 152.85

Percentage of expenditure
0.86 0.89 0.85
to total receipts.



The Production of Molasses, Rectified Spirit, IML, Beer and Wine

for the years 2015-16 to 2017-18 are as follows:-
(In lakh bulk Itrs)

ARTICLES 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1. Molasses (in L.M.T) 18.93 10.96 16.99
2. Rectified Spirit 5,124.48 3,642.11 3668.56
3. IML 5,183.36 5,205.71 5067.49

4. Beer 2,147.36 1,971.53 1901.18

5. Wine 95.24 63.26 67.05


The sale of IML and Beer for the years 2015-16 to

2017-18 are as follows:-

(In lakh carton boxes)

ARTICLE 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
IML 566.79 558.57 564.86
Avg.per month 47.23 46.55 47.07
Beer 270.58 244.22 265.77
Avg.per month 22.55 20.35 22.15


From 1-4-2017 to 31-3-2018, the Departmental Officers have

conducted 78,288 raids and have booked 42,910 cases for violation of
Excise Laws. 23,104 persons were arrested and 704 vehicles involved in
the crime were seized.

In addition to the above, the following excisable articles were seized.


1. 1. I,M.L 55,804
2. 2. Beer/Toddy/Fenny 22,304
3. 3. Spirit: RS/NS/DS 63,951
4. 4. Illicit liquor destroyed 8,368
5. 5. Wash destroyed 12,780

2.3.4 Distillery, Brewery and Winery Units

Number of Distilleries, Breweries and Winery units renewed for the

Excise year 2017-18 are as follows:

Number of
51.No. Unit Units
1. Units manufacturing only IML (Blending & Bottling) 31
2. Breweries 08
A) Fortified Wine 04
B) Fruit Wine 11
C) Fortified and Fruit Winery (Both) 07
4. Microbrewery 40
Total 101


The number of Liquor licenses renewed during the Excise year 2017-18:

51. 2017-18
Kind of Licence 2015-16 2016-17

1. CL-2(Retail Shops) 3,950 3,953 3920

2. CL-4 (Clubs) 218 219 228
3. 6A (Star Hotels) 63 68 72
4. CL-7(Hotels & Boarding Houses) 932 1,008 981
5. CL-9 (Bars & Restaurants) 3,592 3,589 3476
6. llC - (MSIL Shops) 399 406 624
7. RVB (Retail Vend of Beer) 375 411 449
8. Others 472 511 438
TOTAL 10,001 10,165 10,188


The Central Government vide notification No: 27/2016 dated 14-05-

2016, has brought an amendment to the Industries (Development and
Regulation) Act 1951. As per this amendment, the heading,"26
Fermentation Industries" in the first schedule of the IDR Act has been
substituted by the heading "26 Fermentation Industries (other than
potable alcohol)". After the said amendment all the issues relating to
Fermentation Industries (other than potable alcohol) lie under the
exclusive control of the Government of India. Hence, L-l and L-2 licences
have not been renewed for the year 2017-18.


The Central Government vide notification No: 27/2016 dated

14-05-2016, has brought an amendment to the Industries (Development
and Regulation) Act 1951. As per this amendment, the heading,"26
Fermentation Industries" in the first schedule of the IDR Act has been
substituted by the heading "26 Fermentation Industries (other than
potable alcohol)". After the said amendment all the issues relating to
Fermentation Industries (other than potable alcohol) lie under the
exclusive control of the Government of India. Hence, RS-2, DL-3, DL-5, DL-
6 & DL-9 licences have not been renewed for the year 2017-18.

2.3.8 TODDY

Sale of toddy is allowed through Tappers Co-Operative Societies in

Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. Revenue from this source is very
insignificant compared to the revenue realised from other sources.


With an object of curbing over MRP sales, the Government has
permitted Mysore Sales International Limited (MSIL) to open 463 retail
outlets (CL-llc) in the state and so far MSIL has opened 417 outlets.
In the 2nd stage the Government has sanctioned another 900 retails
outlets in the state and so far MSIL has opened 211 outlets.



[-Doesn't come under the purview of State Excise Department-]




1. Notification No. FD 11 PES2015 dated 19.05.2017 Amendment to

Rule 5 of the Karnataka Excise (General Conditions of Licences)
Rules, 1967 -Exemption from Rule 5 sub-rule (1) to licensed
premises located within a distance of distance of 100 metres from
any religious or educational institution or Hospital or any Office of
the State Government or Central Government or Local Authorities,
renewed or existed as on 1st July, 2016.

2. Notification No. FD 01 PES2017 dated 08.06.2017 Amendment to

Rule 5 & Form CL-5 of the Karnataka Excise (Sale of Indian and
Foreign Liquors) Rules, 1968 to include the words "serve or sale
and serving of liquor" along with the words "sale of liquor".

3. Notification No. FD 08 PES 2016 (Notification -1 & II) dated

11.07.2017 Amendment to Rule 9-B & 9-C the Karnataka Excise
(Sale of Indian and Foreign Liquors) Rules, 1968 and Rule lOA of
the Karnataka Excise (Bottling of Liquor) Rules, 1967 - increase in
label approval fee of imported brands and permanent approval of
local brands of IML/Beer/Wine instead of annual renewal of

4. Notification No. FD 22 PES 2015 (Part-l) dated 25.09.2017
Amendment to Rule 18 of the Karnataka Excise (Lease of the Right
of Retail Vend of Liquors) Rules, 1969 to the effect that, in those
cases where the applicants have applied only under Kara-
Samadhana Scheme - IV and wherein the Earnest Money Deposit
was forfeited, the same shall be adjusted towards the losses
sustained by the State Government from re-disposal of the Right
of Retail Vend of Liquors.

5. Notification No. FD 02 PES 2015 dated 20.11.2017 - Framing of

Karnataka Excise (Neera) Rules, 2017

6. Notification No. FD 18 PES2017 dated 03.01.2018 Amendment to

Schedule D of the Karnataka Excise (Excise Duties and Fees) Rules,
1968 and creation of additional slab after the existing 17th slab
and fixation of Additional Excise Duty in 17th slab & 18th slab.

7. Notification No. FD 10 PES 2017 (Notification I-VI) dated

11.01.2018 Amendment to (1) Karnataka Excise (Bottling of
Liquor) Rules, 1967, (2) Karnataka Excise (Brewery) Rules, 1967 (3)
Karnataka Excise (Denatured Spirit & Denatured Spirituous
Preparations) Rules, 1967 (4) Karnataka Excise (Distillery &
Warehouse) Rules, 1967 (5) Karnataka Excise (Manufacture of
Fortified Wine from Grapes) Rules, 1968 (6) Karnataka Excise
(Manufacture of Wine) Rules, 2008 to implement decisions
regarding delegation of powers to Distillery/Brewery/Winery
Officers and Deputy Commissioner of Excise.

8. Notification No. FD 17 PES 2017 (Notification I & II) dated

20.01.2018 Karnataka Excise (General Conditions of Licences)
Rules, 1967 & Karnataka Excise (Sale of Indian and Foreign
Liquors) Rules, 1968 have been amended to provide exemptions
and relaxations to licensees affected by the judgement of the
Hon'ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal Nos. 12164-12166 of 2016
[Arising out of SLP (C) Nos.14911-14913 of 2013] and Civil Appeal
No.12170/2016 Dated: 15-12-2016.

9. Notification No. FD 16 PES2017 dated 05.02.2018 Amendment to

Rule 3(7) of the Karnataka Excise (Sale of Indian and Foreign
Liquors) Rules, 1968 - For obtaining CL-7 (Hotel & Boarding
House) licences, the criteria of having a minimum of thirty double
rooms in Corporation areas and twenty double rooms in other
areas relaxed to a minimum of fifteen double rooms in
Corporation areas and ten double rooms in other areas

10. Notification No. FD 02 PES2018 dated 27.03.2018 Amendment to
Schedule D of the Karnataka Excise (Excise Duties and Fees) Rules
to increase Additional Excise Duty on IML.


After the completion of every financial year, a publication is

brought out by the department comprising 'Basic Excise Statistics'
highlighting revenue collections, production, sales, export and import of
liquor, prevailing licence fee and Duty Structure, Crime & Enforcement
Activities, renewal of licences, telephone nos. and e-mail addresses of
officers of the department etc.


5.1 The number of sanctioned posts for the department is 5,485 out of
which 2,965 posts are filled and the remaining 2,520 posts are vacant.
Details are given below:-

SI.No. Designations Pay Scale Sanctioned Working Vacant

1. Excise Commissioner (lAS) 1,44,200- 1 1 0

2. Addl. Commissioner of Excise 40050-56550 1 0 1
(Hqtrs. & Admn.) (lAS)
3. Addl. Commissioner of Excise 37400-67000 1 1 0
4. Joint/deputy Commissioner of 44250-60600 1 1 0
5. Addl. Commissioner of Excise 48900-63600 2 0 2
6. Joint Commissioner of Excise 44250-60600 8 4 4
7. Deputy Commissioner of Excise 40050-56550 34 32 2
8. Deputy Director of Statistics 36300-53850 1 1 0
9. Senior Accounts Officer 56100-128200 1 1 0
10. Senior Audit officer 15600-39100 1 0 1
11. Superintendent of Excise 28100-50100 94 18 76
12. Chief Chemist 28100-50100 1 1 0

13. Asst. Director of Statistics 22800-43200 1 1 0
14. Dy. Superintendent of Excise 21600-40050 105 78 27
15. Senior Chemist 21600-40050 1 0 1
16. Junior Chemist 17650-32000 2 0 2
17. Lab Assistant 11600-21000 2 0 2
18. Office Superintendent 20000-36300 43 31 12

19. Inspector of Excise 20000-36300 470 347 123

20. Asst. Accounts officer 9300-34800 5 3 2
21. Sub Inspector of Excise 16000-29600 631 448 183

22. First Division Assistant 14550-26700 269 156 113

23. Stenographer 14550-26700 52 26 26
24. Second Division Assistant 11600-21000 359 260 99
25. Typist 11600-21000 42 09 33
26. Head Guards 12500-24000 345 43 302
27. Excise Guards 11600-21000 2475 1208 1267
28. Senior Drivers 14550-26700 83 80 03
29. Drivers 11600-21000 359 146 213
30. Group - D workers 9600-14550 95 69 26
TOTAL 5485 2965 2520

5.2 Statement showing the vacancy position and retirements due during

5.2.1 Group A & B

Sanctioned Working Vacant (+) or (-) Retirements during the
year 2017-18
146 60 86 - 07

Retirements during the
Sanctioned Working Vacant (+) or (-)
year 2017-18
112 82 30 - 02

5.2.2 Group C & D

51. Retirements
No. Designation Working Vacant during the
year 2017-18
1 Inspector of Excise 470 347 123 05
2 Sub Inspector of Excise 631 448 183 06
3 Office Superintendent 43 31 12 01

4 Junior Chemist 02 0 02 0
5 First Division Asst. 269 156 113 02
6 Stenographer 52 26 26 0
7 Second Division Asst. 359 260 99 01
8 Lab. Assistant 02 0 02 0
9 Typist 42 9 33 0
10 Excise Head Guard 345 43 302 0
11 Excise Guard 2475 1208 1267 150
12 Senior Driver/Driver 442 226 216 04
13 Group D 95 69 26 01
Total 5227 2823 2404 170

5.3 Group wise and sex wise number of officersl officials:

5.3.1 Group-'A'&'B'

Group-A Number of officers

belonging to 5C/5T Total
Male Female Total 5C 5T

43 17 60 06 03 09

Group-B Number of officers

belonging to 5C/5T Total
Male Female Total 5C 5T

74 08 82 21 05 26

5.3.2 Group-C and Group-D :

51. Sanction Working

Designation Male Female SC ST
No. ed post strength
1. Inspector of Excise 470 347 252 95 56 12
2. Sub Inspector of Excise 631 448 389 59 94 19
3. Office Superintendent 43 31 16 15 08 04
4. Junior Chemist 02 0 0 0 0 0
5. First Division Asst. 269 156 120 36 34 06
6. Stenographer 52 26 17 09 02 01
7. Second Division Asst. 359 260 193 67 61 14
8. Lab. Assistant 02 0 0 0 0 0
9. Typist 42 09 06 03 04 00
10. Excise Head Guard 345 43 33 10 26 04
11. Excise Guard 2,475 1,208 1,145 63 287 96
12. Senior Driver/Driver 442 226 214 12 44 16
13. Group D 95 69 25 44 18 05
Total 5227 2823 2410 413 634 177


5.4.1. Excise Sub Inspectors:

Recruitment for 177 post under process and a proposal has been
sent to KPSCto recruit 59 posts

5.4.2. Excise Guards:

Proposal has been sent to KPSCto fill up the 1003, posts of Excise
Guards and they conducted examination at present the physical fitness
had been done. The proposal is under process.

5.4.3. Drivers:

Government has issued sanction to fill 100 posts of drivers, out of

which 48 posts are already filled, action being taken by DC's to fill
remaining posts.

Further government has permitted to fill 188 Driver posts for the
year 2014-15 & 2015-16. Out of which 55 Posts are already filled, action
being taken by DC's to fill remaining posts.


SI. No. of officers/staffs

Training Subject deputed for the
1. Management Development Programme in the 07
month of April-2017
2. Computer Training, in the month of
March,July,Sept, Nov,Dce-2017 & Feb-2018
3. Right to information-200s in the month of July &
Sept-2017 08
4. PITNDPS Act 1988 in the month of July,Dce-2017
5. Service Matter in the month of July-2017 1
6. Regarding CCA Rules in the month of July-2017 1
7. Contract Management in the month of Aug-2017 04
8. Sevottam in the month of Aug-2017 4
9. Leader ship, Personality Development & Team
building in the month of Aug-2017
10. Recruitment Rules in the month of Aug-2017 02
11. Record room training in the month of Aug-2017 02
12. Expenditure Bill training in the month of Aug-2017 02
13. Office Management training in the month of Sept-
14. HRMS & K2 Training in the month of Sept-2017 03
15. KTPP ACT &Financial Management in the month of
16. SAKALA &HUMAN RIGHTSTraining in the month of
17. Pension pay Training in the month of Nov-2017 01
18. Accounts Audit & Complience Report Training in the
month of Nov-2017
19 Women Rights & Sexually Hurresment Training in the
month of Dec-2017
Total 182

5.6 Filling up of Posts on outsourcing basis:

Stenographers and Typists:

The Government has given approval to fill up vacant posts of

Stenographers and Typists on outsourcing basis Vide Govt. letter No:FD
1148/EPS/201 0 dated: 06-12-2010 & AAEIl07/EPS/2014 dated: 27-10-2014. 11
typists have been taken on outsourcing basis through KEONICS in the Excise
Commissioner's office

5.8 Inspections:
5.8.1 Inspections conducted by Joint/Deputy Commissioners of Excise.

51. Designation Offices Inspected

1. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Deputy superindent of Excise,Haveri
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division sub division Haveri District (on 26/04/2017)
2. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Deputy superindent of Excise,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Ranibennur sub division Haveri District (on
3. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Savannur Range.
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Haveri District (on 26/04/2017)
4. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Deputy superindent of Excise,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Bhagalkote sub division Bhagalkote District (on
5. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise,Belagavi North
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Range belagavi District (on 29/07/2017)
6. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Ranibennur Range
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Haveri District (on 28/07/2017)
7. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Herekerur Range
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Haveri District (on 27/07/2017)
8. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Deputy superindent of Excise,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Ramadurga sub division (on 25/05/2017)
9. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Bilagi Range,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Bhagalkote District(on 13-03-2016)
10. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Badami Range,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Bhagalkote District (on 15-06-2017)
11. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Kanapur Range,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Belagavi District(on 27-05-2017)
12. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Soudathi Range,
Excise, (E&I), Belagavi Division Belagavi District( on 26-05-2017)
13. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Adugodi Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Bangalore(South) District (on 19/05/2017)
14. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Yelahanka Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Bangalore(North) District (on 06-06-2017)
15. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Chikkballpur Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Chikkballpur District (on 26-05-2017)
16. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Hoskote Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Bangalore Rural District (on 14-06-2017)
17. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Kengeri Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Bangalore (West) District (on 04-07-2017)
18. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Tumkur Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Tumkur District (on 18-07-2017)
19. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Kolar Range Kolar
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division District (on 28-07-2017)
20. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Ramanager Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Ramanager District (on 29-08-2017)
21. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Sampangi
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Ramanager Range Bangalore (South) District
(on 29-08-2017)
22. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, bangarpet Range
Excise, (E&I), Bangalore Division Kolar District (on 15-09-2017)
23. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Tharikere Range
Excise, (E&I), Mysore Division Chikkmagalur District (on 06/06/2017)
24. The Joint Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Kadur Range
Excise, (E&I), Mysore Division Chikkmagalur District (on 16/06/2017)
25. The Deputy Commissioner of 110The Inspector of Excise, 'Channrayapattana
Excise, Hassan District snge Hassan District (on 27/04/2017)
26. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Arakalagud Range
Excise, Hassan District Hassan District (on 30/05/2017)
27. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Rajmahal Vilasa
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Range Bangalore (East) District (on 29/05/2017)
28. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Frezer Town Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 12/06/2017)
29. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Banasavadi Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 10/07/2017)
30. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Jeevan Bhima
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Nager Range Bangalore (East) District (on
31. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Ashok Nager
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Range Bangalore (East) District (on 11/09/2017)
32. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise White Field Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 09/10/2017)
33. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Mahadevapur
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Range Bangalore (East) District (on 13/11/2017)
34. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise K.R. Puram Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 11/12/2017)
35. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Indira Nagar Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 15/01/2018)
36. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Ulasur Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 12/02/2018)
37. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Munireddy Palya
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Range Bangalore (East) District (on 12/03/2018)
38. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Shivaji Nager Range
Excise, Bangalore District (East) Bangalore (East) District (on 16/04/2018)
39. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Hospet Range-l
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/06/2017) --

40. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Siraguppa Range
Excise, BalIery District Ballery District (on 12/07/2017)
41. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Hospet Range-2
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/08/2017)
42. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise Sandur Range
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/09/2017)
43. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise H.B Halli Range
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/10/2017)
44. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Ballery Range-l
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/11/2017)
45. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Hadagali Range
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/12/2017)
46. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Ballery Range-2
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/01/2018)
47. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, Kudligi Range
Excise, Ballery District Ballery District (on 12/02/2018)
48. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Deputy superindent of Excise Ballery
Excise, Ballery District sub division (on 12-03-2018)
49. The Deputy Commissioner of 0/0 The Inspector of Excise, kunigal Range
Excise, Tumkur District Tumkur District (on 07/09/2017)

5.8.2 Inspection conducted by the officers and staff of excise

Commissioner's office

51. Designation Offices Inspected

1 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I), Bangalore
Bangalore Division & Deputy Commissioner of excise, Kolar
Dist (June-2017)
2 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I), Mysore
Bangalore Division & Deputy Commissioner of excise,
Chamarajnagar Dist (July-2017)
3 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I), Belagavi
Bangalore Division &Deputy Commissioner of excise, Belagavi
Dist (Aug-2017)
4 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I), Hospete
Bangalore Division & Deputy Commissioner of excise, Bellary
Dist (Sep-2017)
5 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I), Kalaburgi
Bangalore Division & Deputy Commissioner of excise,
Kalaburagi Dist (Oct-2017)
6 Excise Commissioner office, The Joint Commissioner of Excise, (E&I),
Bangalore Mangalore Division &Deputy Commissioner of
excise, Dakshinakannada Dist (Nov -2017)



6.1.1 Number of offices inspected and audited jointly by the staff of this
Office and Staff of Accounts section.

Office/ Establishment Number

Offices of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise -
Sub-Divisions -
Range Offices -
Distillery 2
Total -

6.1.2 Number of Audit Paras raised (money value)

Office/ Establishment Paras Amount (Rs.)

Offices of the Joint Commissioner of Excise Nil Nil
Offices of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise Nil Nil
Range Offices Nil Nil
Distilleries 1 5239
Sub Divisions Nil Nil
EIB Nil Nil
Total Nil Nil

6.1.3 Number of audit para cleared (money value)

Office / Establishment Paras Amount (Rs.)

Offices of the Deputy Commissioner of Excise Nil Nil
Range Offices Nil Nil
Distilleries Nil Nil
Total Nil Nil

6.2 Number of LA & LCQuestions received/ answered

Starred Un starred
Session Replied
Received Replied Received
Legislative Assembly 12 09 60 52
Legislative Council 21 19 65 53

6.3 Number of Court cases being agitated by and against the Dept. in
various Courts/Tribunals

6.3.1 Number casesadmitted in High Court of Karnataka (Writ Petitions)

Details No. of Cases
Opening balance 81
Casesfiled 124
Total 205
Cases disposed off 150
Balance 55

6.3.2 Number of casesadmitted in Karnataka Administrative Tribunal (KAT)

Details No. of Cases

Opening balance 208
Casesfiled 221
Total 429
Cases disposed of 70
Balance 359

6.3.3 Number of cases admitted and disposed in the Court of Excise

Commissioner (Appeal)

Details No. of Cases

Opening balance 112
Casesfiled 141
Total 253
Cases disposed of 174
Balance 79

6.4 Implementation of RT I Act

Number of applications received, replied, rejected and number of

responses pending in appeal under the RTIAct.
51.No. Details No. j
l. O.B 48 -__j,i
2. Number of applications received 3081 ii
3. Number replied 3111 I
4. Non receipt of fee from applicants 86 i
5. Number of applications for which replied under 41 I

Sec. 8(1}(h)& Sec. 14

Balance (within time limit of 30 days)

Number of responses pending in appeal in

Information Commission


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