Starting Running Nonprofit Organization
Starting Running Nonprofit Organization
Starting Running Nonprofit Organization
Nonprofit Organization
second edition
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Starting and Running a
Nonprofit Organization
second edition
Joan M. Hummel
Thanks... vii
About This Revised Edition of Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization ix
Introduction 1
A Checklist of Things to Be Done When Starting a Nonprofit Organization 5
Boards of Directors: "Behind Every Good Organization..." 9
Bylaws: Playing by the Rules 21
Legal Aspects: Cutting the Red Tape 29
Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals: Creating the Formula 39
Managing Financial Outcomes: Budgeting the $$$$ 51
Accounting: Keeping Track of the $$$$ 73
Fund Raising: Finding the $$$$ 83
Human Resources: Building Your Organization's Team 101
Community Relations: Staying in Touch 115
Sources of Assistance: You're Not Alone 141
Nonprofit Management Bibliography 145
Index 151
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To Ricky Littlefield, director of the Center for Nonprofit Management, who guided the
preparation of this revised edition, and to Kent Shamblin of the Center, who edited the
text and developed additional material to reflect the numerous changes in laws, regula-
tions, and management practices that have occurred since the original edition was pub-
lished in 1980.
A number of other people have been instrumental in determining what needed to
be updated or added to the book:
We also add our thanks to those who reviewed all or portions of the revised manu-
script for accuracy and clarity, as well as for its value to those who are starting and run-
ning nonprofit organizations:
Also, a special thanks to the former staff and board members of Enablers, Inc.,
who advised and assisted in the development of the first edition of this book, especially
Terri Barreiro, Douglas Johnson, David Nelson, and Albert Veranth. Enablers, Inc., was an
organization that helped many nonprofits get off the ground in the Minneapolis-St. Paul
area during the 1970s.
About This Revised Edition of Starting
and Running a Nonprofit Organization
This handbook is for people who are forming new nonprofits, thinking about converting
an informal, grassroots group to tax-exempt status, reorganizing an existing agency, or in
the early stages of managing a nonprofit. It provides practical and basic how-to informa-
tion for the small nonprofit.
When the original edition of this handbook was produced in 1980, little was avail-
able in a single, simple book form concerning the legal, tax, organizational, and other issues
involved in managing even a small nonprofit. There was almost nothing generally avail-
able of much use to people starting up a nonprofit. Today, numerous books are published
on nonprofit management, but Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization remains
unique as a compact guide for the new or reorganized small nonprofit.
Most of the information provided here will be useful to any nonprofit practitioner
in any state. Where regulations or other legal requirements vary by state, the Minnesota
law is used as an example, but the handbook can be used as a tool to research the laws that
apply to nonprofits in other states. When tax laws and reporting requirements apply dif-
ferently to the thirty various types of nonprofits, this handbook focuses on charitable
nonprofits, often called "501(c)(3)s" because of the applicable IRS tax code chapter.
At the end of this book are two short sections for the nonprofit practitioner inter-
ested in and willing and able to invest in acquiring additional knowledge. The first lists
sources for assistance and management development; the second is a bibliography of some
of the available publications on nonprofit management.
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The French politician Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about 160 years ago that "Americans
are forever forming associations." Today, that remains a strong characteristic of our soci-
ety, and a great many critical services are provided to the American public by nonprofit
associations, in addition to those provided by governments and businesses.
Throughout the country, nonprofit organizations provide needed services to chil-
dren, other young people, elder adults, the mentally and physically differently abled, and
other socially or economically disadvantaged people. They promote the arts. They advo-
cate for the rights of people in our nation's wide range of human diversity and focus atten-
tion on threats to the environment, the rights of consumers, and other critical interests of
our society. They work and volunteer in support of many religious faiths and organiza-
tions. They foster the development of professionals in a variety of fields. They provide
recreational and educational opportunities. And there are a variety of civic associations in
almost every city and town.
The number of nonprofit organizations in the United States increases each year.
Among this growth is a new wave of grassroots organizations—young, often struggling
groups put together by members of a community who have an issue on their minds and
who, most often, have little or no experience in agency development and very little money
in their pockets. The range of concerns of these grassroots groups is enormous.
An organization develops from a seed — a common concern, a critical issue, a cen-
tral purpose, an individual's passion. If this seed interests enough people, including poten-
tial contributors who share the passion, a group of some sort forms. Individuals who have
a common concern and want to do something about it begin meeting, talking, and planning
their directions. One direction such a group may take is to form an organization with a
name, identity, and purpose, and possibly a membership or staff. The most common form 1 name, id t y an pur ose, and p ibly a me rship o taf . The most c n form 1
2 Introduction
an organization of this nature can take is that of a nonprofit corporation. (The benefits
derived from this form of organization are discussed in the chapter on legal aspects.)
But there are other directions to consider. There may be a better way to achieve
the group's goals than by formalizing into yet another nonprofit organization that will be
subject to various and increasing state and federal regulations, required financial report-
ing, competitive fund raising, the time-consuming establishment and operation of a formal
board of directors, and the like. If a group does not need to raise much, if any, money to
achieve its purpose, it may be able to function as a loosely knit association. If the group is
uncertain about the need to form a permanent organization, it might find an established
nonprofit sympathetic to its "cause" that will act as a "foster parent" on a temporary basis.
This could include providing office space and a telephone. In some cases, the established
nonprofit might agree to serve as a "fiscal agent" for any money the group raises. If a group
is concerned that a certain type of service should be made available to a community, it
could work with an existing organization in the same service area to develop the specific
type of program needed. Or the group might find that a neighboring community has the
type of organization needed and try to persuade that organization to open a branch in its
After considering these options, a group may still decide that it should establish a
separate, legal identity to accomplish its mission and secure the legal and other advantages
that incorporation offers. It may form a nonprofit corporation regardless of whether it has
paid staff or an office, offers established programs to the public, or solicits fees from its
Many small nonprofits are managed entirely by unpaid volunteers. This may be a
temporary measure in the formative stages of the new organization, with an executive di-
rector and other staff added as the group expands and obtains the necessary funds, or it
may be a permanent arrangement. However, most direct service agencies need paid staff
in order to serve their clientele. When considering these alternative ways to operate, a
group should keep in mind that the form it decides is most feasible in the organization's
infancy does not have to be permanent. Organizations can change and grow and develop
different ways of functioning as necessary.
A group needs more than an issue, a goal, or a mission to make something happen.
It needs a well-thought-out program, a sound financial base, an effective staff (paid or vol-
unteer) and board of directors, and good community relations. These are areas of man-
agement expertise that can be developed by grassroots organizers with time, effort, and
help from others.
This book will serve as an introduction to the basic concepts and skills of agency
planning and development. Because nonprofit organizations must rely on limited resources,
their leaders should learn to develop their human and monetary assets to the fullest. Many
Introduction name, id t y pur os an ibly me r h p o staf . T c m n or 1
worthwhile and needed programs ultimately fail to reach their goals because they were
not put together well; their organizational skeletons were too weak to carry the weight. In
the end, it is the client and the community who are affected most by such failures. The
tradition of community service will be carried on by the newest crop of nonprofits if the
roots they plant in their early stages are strong ones.
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A Checklist of Things to Be Done
When Starting a Nonprofit Organization
This checklist is a summary of the key considerations and actions that the founders of a
new nonprofit organization generally should consider. The sequence shown here will not
always be the chronological way a new nonprofit develops, but this list can serve as a gen-
eral guide for the development of your own checklist and target dates. Every item in this
checklist is discussed in the chapters that follow.
Your program probably owes its existence to a creative spark that went off in the heads of
a few concerned individuals who came up with a good idea — the original organizers of
your program. Your organization will keep going, however, because this idea is nurtured
and given the opportunity to develop, change, and expand by other groups of people, in-
cluding your board of directors. The board of directors is legally, financially, and morally
responsible for the operations and conduct of the nonprofit corporation.
The board should not be static. Its size, structure, and composition should re-
spond to the evolving scope and needs of your organization. In the beginning, the initial
organizers should seek out other people with the interest and skills necessary to help
translate ideas into functioning services. If and when the organization incorporates, this
group can serve as the initial board of directors. As the organization continues to develop,
the composition of the board will likely need to change. In spite of the inevitable (and ap-
propriate) turnover in board membership, the board provides continuity for the nonprofit
Board members must give more than lip service to the serious responsibility they under-
take when they agree to serve, because under the laws of every state they have certain le-
gal duties and can incur liabilities for failure to meet those duties.
Second, everyone should agree that individual members of the board, including the
chair, have no authority except as given by the board or as stated in the articles of incorpo-
ration or the bylaws. This is a legal limitation in some states.
Third, generally the board makes decisions only in meetings or through a proper
"action in writing." Again, this is a legal limitation in some states. Generally, an action in
writing must be unanimous.
In new, small nonprofits, board members also tend to act as cheerleaders for the
organization's founders and staff. If there are only one or two employees or a part-time
staff or no staff at all, the board may, in addition to its governing responsibilities, function
as a "working" board. That is, members of the board may do some types of work that nor-
mally are, and should be, carried out by employees, such as bookkeeping and writing grant
Finally, the board and the senior staff should understand that one of the most
important duties of the board is to review the performance of the senior staff (the proc-
ess may be delegated to a committee of the board); this includes replacing the senior
staff person in charge of the organization when that is in the best interest of the organi-
The board generally assumes specific responsibilities in the areas described below.
which generally is prepared by the staff, and reviews and approves the annual audit of the
organization's financial condition, bookkeeping practices, and financial records.
Fund Raising
Fund raising is not a legal responsibility of the board, but most nonprofits expect
some or all of the board members to participate in fund raising activities, such as serving
as the agency's contacts with certain potential funders. Board members usually are expected
to make personal financial contributions to the organization at whatever level each finds
comfortable. Even a modest donation is symbolically important.
The board reviews and approves the organization's operating policies, perhaps
through various committees, that the staff proposes. (Policies are the rules or guidelines
that provide the framework for the staff's decision making or actions; for example, "All
checks larger than $500 must be signed by two people.") Sometimes boards, especially
those of new or small nonprofits, will go beyond policies and insist on establishing proce-
dures that spell out what steps must be taken and who must be included in certain internal
processes, although generally procedures should be formulated by the staff and only re-
viewed by the appropriate board committees.
Human Resources
The board hires the executive director (or the chief staff person, whatever the title),
evaluates his or her effectiveness, and removes him or her when performance is unsatis-
factory. The board may determine the salary scales and benefits for the staff, especially
if they have professional expertise that the staff does not, and may approve staff-devel-
oped personnel policies. (However, staff members who report to the executive director
generally should be hired, fired, and evaluated by the executive director, who should also
12 Boards of Directors
determine their individual compensation within the overall compensation policy approved
by the board.)
Community Relationships
Most nonprofits exist to serve one or more specific communities. A community may
be everyone within a geographic area, such as a neighborhood or entire city, or it may
consist of an ethnic group or other particular segment of society. An organization's com-
munities also include donors and government. The board is accountable to these commu-
nities for the effective and ethical performance of the organization. Too often, boards be-
come concerned with how their organizations are interacting with their communities only
when a crisis comes to board members' attention through the media.
Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is the process through which the actual outcomes of programs
(the services the nonprofit exists to provide) are measured against specific objectives. This
is a responsibility of the staff, but the board should be informed of evaluation results.
Board Development
Although the bylaws usually establish the structure of the board (officers, direc-
tors' terms, and ongoing committees), the board itself often determines how frequently it
meets, sets the criteria and procedure to secure board members, appoints members of
committees, and sets standards for its own self-evaluation. Unless the organization has
members with voting rights, the board selects new board members.
Advising Staff
The board may offer administrative guidance to the staff, but this can often lead
to micromanagement. The executive director is hired to get the things done that are con-
sistent with the mission and the strategic direction set by the board. If he or she needs
mentoring or could benefit from certain kinds of advice, a separate group of volunteers
with that expertise or experiences might be set up.
Getting Organized
The board of directors must organize itself in a manner that allows its duties to be carried
out in a timely and responsible way. The bylaws of your organization usually are the gen-
eral rules that govern the organization and define the board's composition and structure
Boards of Directors 13
(although bylaws are not legally required by some states). The rules should allow the
board to be flexible enough to respond to the changing needs of the organization.
There is no one best model for a nonprofit board. The size of the board, types of
committees, frequency of meetings, and other aspects of governance will vary according
to the characteristics of different organizations.
The board selects one of its members to be the chair, who presides at meetings,
keeps the group directed toward its goals, delegates responsibility for tasks to other mem-
bers or committees, and serves as the primary contact between the board and the execu-
tive director and other staff. The chair is responsible for keeping the group of directors
functioning effectively and efficiently.
Other officers typically designated in bylaws include a vice chair (who fills in for
the chair as needed) and perhaps a treasurer (who has general responsibility for the agency's
funds and accounts, but this role can and probably should be delegated to staff). Some-
times a director is designated as secretary, responsible for the written records of the board,
including the minutes of meetings, but usually the secretary's responsibilities are best as-
signed to a staff member, if feasible (the minutes may get done faster that way, unless the
staff member has too heavy a workload).
Dividing board work by committees is the most effective means of governance for
many organizations, as well as a way to make sure board members feel well utilized. Com-
mittees have only the authority that is specifically given to them by the bylaws or the board. If
your board is small, it may prefer to deal as a body with the business of the corporation,
with no need for committee work. But if your board has a dozen or more members, it
may choose to divide its major responsibilities among standing (ongoing) committees,
which report to the board as a whole. Board members with interest and expertise in spe-
cific areas are appointed, generally by the board's chair, to serve on standing committees.
In some states, all committee members must be members of the board. In other states, the
board is permitted to appoint other people to committees, which it may want to do to ac-
quire special expertise, spread the major time commitments required among more people,
or involve potential candidates for future board membership.
Even if your organization chooses not to develop an extensive committee structure,
it may have an executive committee. Typically, an executive committee is composed of the
officers of the corporation and the chairs of key board committees. An executive committee
may fulfill a variety of roles, and it is essential that the bylaws clearly define these roles.
14 Boards of Directors
For example, an executive committee could be given decision-making authority in the by-
laws to act on urgent business that arises during the periods between board meetings.
The bylaws might authorize the board to delegate additional authority to the executive
committee, although care should be taken that the full board does not become a "rubber
stamp" or a group that meets infrequently and does not fulfill a normal governance role.
If the bylaws provide for the committee to carry out certain duties but state that
these are "subject to the approval of the board," the executive committee is only advisory.
As an adviser, an executive committee can be responsible for planning other board activi-
ties and for developing the agendas of board meetings. If there are no other committees,
the executive committee may take on the functions that otherwise would be handled by
standing committees.
Your organization should determine its committee structure and the powers of com-
mittees carefully, keeping in mind the size of the board, the amount of time board members
are able or willing to commit, and the needs of the organization. A relatively young agency
may start with no committee structure or only one or two committees, and add more
committees as it develops. In a fully developed board committee structure, which many
new and small nonprofits will not find necessary, the standing committees generally cor-
respond to the various areas of the board's responsibilities, outlined earlier in this chapter.
The finance committee monitors fiscal operations, assists the executive director in
developing an annual budget, and assures that an audit is performed annually. It may also
be responsible for developing and overseeing a fund raising plan (or this may be assigned
to a development committee).
The nominating committee recommends individuals to serve as board members. It
may also be assigned the broader role of board development. This would include recom-
mending the criteria for selecting new board members (otherwise, the board as a whole
should develop the criteria), providing orientation to new members (although the chair
and executive director may fill this role), and reviewing the participation and performance
of current members.
The human resources committee reviews personnel needs, determines the schedules
of salaries and benefits, and develops personnel policies. If the board wants to provide a
grievance review body for staff, this committee could be designated to serve that role.
A community relations committee, which ideally would include people with public
relations expertise, may be established to work with the staff in disseminating information
about the organization to its different publics through the media and by other means.
A program committee of volunteers may be useful to advise the staff in service deliv-
ery activities, recommend service delivery policies, monitor the agency's services, and pro-
vide the board with detailed information regarding the effectiveness of these services.
Boards of Directors 15
Regular channels of communication must be set up among board members and
between the board and the staff. The most common of these communication channels, of
course, are periodic board meetings. Small and active boards tend to have monthly meet-
ings. Larger boards may meet only quarterly to deal with major issues, while committees
of board members work on organizational concerns between the quarterly board meetings.
Most state laws do not require even one meeting a year, but it is a matter of good gover-
nance for board meetings to be held at least four times a year. Your organization must de-
termine a meeting schedule (including where to meet, for how long, and what time of the
day) that suits its needs and responsibilities and that operates within the time constraints
of its board members.
The minutes of board meetings are very important, because they function as legal
records of a nonprofit corporation. In general, minutes should be shorter rather than longer,
but all controversial or potentially controversial issues, major litigation, and matters involv-
ing substantial amounts of money should be raised at meetings of the board, with the min-
utes noting that issues were discussed and recording any decisions made. Minutes are sub-
ject to review by financial auditors, in some legal matters, and by the IRS in connection
with any audit of compliance with tax-exemption conditions. Executive committee meet-
ings should also be recorded in minutes. Action items recorded in the minutes should in-
clude who has the authority to carry out the action.
Board meetings should provide sufficient opportunity for the exchange of opinions
and proposed actions between management and the board members.
The chair of the board should meet regularly with the executive director, and should
play a major role in keeping communication channels open and effective. He or she should
ensure that (1) board members clearly understand the strategies and goals of the agency
and their roles in the organization's governance; (2) meetings that are called are truly nec-
essary and deal with important matters; (3) agendas and meeting notices are sent well in
advance of meetings, accurate minutes are prepared soon after meetings occur, and these
minutes are included in materials sent to the board; and (4) the staff and board have op-
portunities to interact.
16 Boards of Directors
The executive director also is responsible for assuring that the organization's offi-
cial documents are safeguarded and kept at one location. He or she should never allow
them to become scattered among various board members' personal files.
Other factors to consider in the composition of the board include the goal of bal-
ance in human diversity, including diversity of age, gender, and race. Some organizations
develop formal selection criteria for board members designed to ensure that certain pro-
portions of the board represent specific groups. Such criteria may also assure that the
board includes a diverse representation of skills and viewpoints.
It is tempting to try to add some "letterhead heavies" to your board—people who
occupy prominent public positions in the community but aren't expected to do any actual
work or attend board meetings. The theory is that their names on your letterhead or their
signatures on your letters make it easier to raise funds from some foundations and corpo-
rations. However, prominent names on a letterhead seldom impress sophisticated donors,
and committed directors may resent such never-seen members.
skills and viewpoints you want them to contribute; the committee work they will be ex-
pected to do; the amount of time they can expect to be involved in meetings and other ac-
tivities; the length of their terms on the board; the possible cost to them as board members,
such as for lunches, travel, and time away from work; and any expectation of personal fi-
nancial contributions. You should also try to ascertain whether or not potential board mem-
bers have any conflicts of interest (any business or other relationships that could affect
their ability to serve your organization's interests).
In exchange, you should ask prospective board members what they want to con-
tribute to your organization and how their participation can be easily and best utilized by
your organization. Remember that board members need rewards too, and consider what
your organization can give to its board members, such as the satisfaction of serving the
community, social contacts, and experience in policy making, fund raising, and other as-
pects of the agency.
Prospective members should not be rushed for answers at the initial meeting;
rather, you should encourage them to take some time to think about your invitation. New
board members who are well informed about the organization, including its problems and
opportunities, and about their own expected role are more likely to participate well and
be effective board members.
Getting Oriented
In order for board members to function effectively, they must first have a thorough un-
derstanding of the organization they serve. New members, as individuals or as a group,
should be introduced to the program by current board members or staff. This introduc-
tion should include information about the community needs your organization serves; its
programs; its strategic goals, strategies, and philosophy; and its sources of operating funds.
You should also provide the minutes of recent board meetings so new members can re-
view the issues, and decisions, the board has addressed. Include a tour of your facility and
an introduction to staff members.
Each new board member should be given a file that includes the organization's
mission statement; statement of goals; budget; list of funding sources; bylaws; organiza-
tional chart; the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the board members and senior
staff; and a list of current board committee assignments. Any brochures or major reports
recently issued or grant proposals pending could also provide useful information for new
board members. You should also discuss with new board members any indemnification
clause in your bylaws (the organization indemnifies board members for legal expense and
judgments in case of lawsuits alleging negligence; in some states, they must be indem-
nified unless the bylaws say otherwise). The purchase of directors and officers liability
Boards of Directors 19
Bylaws are the rule book for a nonprofit corporation. They govern most of the internal
affairs of your organization. They determine who has power and how that power works.
They give structure to your organization, help prevent conflicts and disagreements, and
can protect against the misuse of funds.
Bylaws outline how your board of directors will operate; they specify the size of
the board, the selection and tenure of board members, the number of board meetings, the
numbers of officers and committees, the financial and legal procedures, and the purpose
of the organization.
Bylaws should be tailored to meet the needs of your organization. The model pro-
visions offered in this chapter can be helpful, but you should not simply adopt a set of by-
laws formulated by someone else. Decide how you want your own organization to function.
Remember that these rules may not be appropriate forever; your bylaws should outline
steps by which they can be revised when it becomes necessary or desirable.
If you incorporate (see the next chapter), some of what otherwise would be in
your bylaws will be included in your articles of incorporation; this material need not be
duplicated in the bylaws.
The following questionnaire outlines the decisions you will need to make about
what will be in your bylaws. For each question, a sample bylaw provision is provided, but
you should remember that this is only an example. You should have your bylaws reviewed
by an attorney to ensure that they meet the legal requirements of your state. Although
state laws do not necessarily require that you address all of the following items, generally
it is wise to include them. 21
22 Bylaws
the objectives and purposes of this corporation and who are deemed qualified for membership under
the terms established by the board of directors and have met all conditions for membership (such as
paying dues).
(You may also establish classes of membership, e.g., individual persons and families
and corporate members, each paying different dues or fees and/or each having different
rights and duties.)
2. What is the length of membership?
Example: Membership shall terminate at the end of the term as established by the board
of directors and may not otherwise be terminated or suspended other than for nonpayment of dues
or fees fixed by the board of directors except where the member is given not less than fifteen days'
written notice and reasons and the member is given an opportunity to be heard orally or in writ-
ing. A terminated or suspended member may be reinstated by action of the board of directors.
(Note: This provision for termination would be permitted under some state laws, but rules
vary from state to state.)
3. Powers: What can the members decide, if anything?
Example: Members are not entitled to vote.
Or: Members shall approve any changes to the bylaws and all mergers.
4. Meetings: What is the least number of meetings that will be held during a
year; who can call the meeting; what advance notice is required; how many mem-
bers must be present to conduct business; will Robert's Rules of Order or Sturgis par-
liamentary rules prevail (it is advisable to designate a specific set of rules); and can
members vote by proxy? (You should meet at least once a year. Don't set a quorum that
will be difficult to reach without extraordinary efforts; on the other hand, some states do
not allow such a low number that only a few attendees will satisfy it.)
Example: An annual meeting shall be held at a date, time, and place determined by the
board of directors, with written notice to each member provided at least fifteen days in advance of
the meeting (some states specify the minimum). An officer of the organization shall chair the
meeting. A quorum shall consist of (?) members. Proxy votes are (are not) permitted. Robert's
Rules of Order will govern motions, voting, and other conduct of the meeting.
Example: The business and charitable affairs of the corporation will be managed under
the direction of a board of directors comprising not fewer than six persons and not more than fif-
teen, as determined by the board.
2. Who is eligible to be a member of the board of directors? If there are cer-
tain groups who should be represented or if there will be any "ex officio" directors, these
should be indicated. (It is important to understand that ex officio board members are not
"unofficial," "honorary," or "nonvoting." Rather, an ex officio director serves on the board
because of his or her office, such as the chief staff officer, and has all of the rights of the
other directors. Some nonprofits decide that the executive director should be a member
ex officio; others conclude otherwise. There's no one right answer.)
Example: At all times, not less than 25 percent of the directors shall be persons who repre-
sent (?). The executive director shall be a member of the board ex officio.
3. How long do board members serve, and can they serve more than one
term? The bylaws may also spell out the nominating process, or this could be left to the
board to decide.
Example: Directors shall be elected by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors
present at a duly held meeting of the board, except that no director shall vote for his/her own elec-
tion, and shall serve for a term of three years each, but shall be so elected that approximately one-
third are elected each year. A director may serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms.
(The incorporators, named in the articles of incorporation, can serve as the initial direc-
tors, who then elect the additional beginning directors.)
4. How are board members who resign during their terms replaced? Typi-
cally, the board elects replacements, unless it chooses to leave any positions vacant.
Example: Should a director die, resign, or be removed, the board may elect a director to
serve for the duration of the unexpired term.
5. Can board members be removed from the board of directors before their
terms are over? If so, how? Under what conditions? In most states, the board may not
remove a director who was elected by the members.
Example: A director may be removed from office, with or without cause, by an affirma-
tive vote of a majority of the directors present at a duly called meeting, provided that not less than
five days' and not more than thirty days' notice of such meeting, stating that removal of such direc-
tor is to be on the agenda, shall be given to each director.
6. Will board members be compensated for time, services, transportation, or
other expenses? Generally, bylaws of nonprofits indicate that board members will not be
paid for time and services. State laws governing incorporation may state whether or not
such board members can receive monetary compensation.
Example: No compensation shall be paid to any member of the board of directors for ser-
vices as a member of the board, except that by resolution of the board, directors may be reimbursed
for expenses incurred on behalf of the corporation.
Bylaws 25
1. What is the minimum number of times the board must meet during a
one-year period? For effective governance, a board generally needs to meet at least quar-
terly, preferably bimonthly and possibly monthly, but the bylaws should allow some lee-
way to the board. Who sets the schedule and place of board meetings?
Example: The board of directors must meet at least quarterly and may hold its meetings
at such times and places as a majority of the directors in office determine. The board may delegate
this determination to the chair.
2. Who may call a special meeting of the board—chair, executive director,
and/or a certain number of directors? In some states, the members may call a meeting
of the board.
Example: Special meetings of the board of directors may be called at any time upon re-
quest of the chair, the executive director, or any two directors, provided that any such request shall
specify the purpose of the meeting. Such a meeting shall be held with within fifteen days of such a
3. What are the notification requirements regarding meetings?
Bylaws generally indicate that written notice regarding the time and place of reg-
ular and special meetings must be sent to all board members a certain number of days
prior to the meeting. A provision for waiving notice should be included, to allow directors
to accept notice by telephone or other means.
Example: Written notice of regular and special meetings shall be given not less than fif-
teen days prior to such meetings, provided, however, that any director may execute a written waiver
of notice before or during the meeting, and the secretary shall enter it in the minutes or other
records of the meeting.
4. What is the quorum for a board meeting?
Example: At all meetings of the board of directors, a majority of the directors then in of-
fice shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
5. Is a simple majority (the votes of half of the board members present plus
one) sufficient to pass a motion at a meeting of the board? (Voting by proxy at a
board meeting is illegal under the incorporation laws of most states.)
Example: Except where otherwise required by law, the articles, or these bylaws, the affir-
mative vote of a majority of the directors present at a duly held meeting shall be sufficient for any
6. Will "actions in writing" be authorized? An action in writing involves
preparing a written motion or resolution and sending it to each director for his or her sig-
nature. This procedure makes it convenient to approve a required action against a dead-
line, especially when the action wouldn't generate much, if any, discussion.
26 Bylaws
Example: Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the board of direc-
tors may be taken by a written action, provided that all of the directors approve the action. The writ-
ten action is effective when signed by all directors, unless otherwise provided in the action. (Most states
require that actions in writing be unanimous and bear the signatures of all directors.)
7. What rules or procedures will be used to conduct meetings? Robert's
Rules of Order are commonly used.
rate records, and perform such other duties as may be determined from time to time by the board of
The treasurer shall have charge of the corporate treasury, receiving and keeping the monies
of the corporation and disbursing funds as authorized. The treasurer shall perform other such du-
ties as may be determined by the board of directors.
5. Determine which officers are members of the board.
Example: The chair and vice chair shall be members of the board of directors. All other
officers may but need not be members of the board.
2. What is the fiscal year of the corporation? This can be omitted from the
bylaws and left to the board to determine.
Example: The board of directors may from time to time adopt, amend, or repeal all or
any of the bylaws of this corporation.
Legal Aspects: Cutting the Red Tape
There are a variety of legal matters that apply to nonprofit organizations, including regis-
tering with government agencies, filing reports, securing licenses, employment laws, and
tax issues. Some of these concerns are governed by federal law; others, by state law. Some
local governments may also have some requirements.
Most of the procedures for handling legal matters are fairly simple once you un-
derstand them. Although it is possible to go it on your own, it can be helpful, timesaving,
and reassuring to have professional legal advice, and there are attorneys who specialize in
this area of law. Because attorneys' fees can be formidable, check to see whether you can
get donated or inexpensive legal services through a legal assistance program or through
the contacts of a board member.
It isn't necessary to incorporate in order to function on a tax-exempt basis. Some groups
may be able to operate as loosely knit unincorporated associations. For example, if an as-
sociation solicits contributions, it might find an established, incorporated nonprofit sym-
pathetic to its purpose that will act as a "fiscal agent" (although this is not as simple as it
might seem, and can present potential fiduciary issues for the fiscal agent). Or a group
might work with an existing organization in the same service area to develop and operate
a specific type of program.
Incorporation is advisable, however, because it provides the significant advantages
outlined below. 29
30 Legal Aspects
A corporation is a legal entity with rights, privileges, and liabilities separate from
those of the individuals who invest money in it, compose its membership, and run it.
Even though a large number of businesses are sole proprietorships or partnerships,
those doing the greatest volume of business and owning the most capital are organized in the
corporate form. Incorporation is also a major form of organization for nonbusiness groups
formed for artistic, educational, social, or charitable purposes. Incorporated nonprofit or-
ganizations do not generally have stockholders as do business corporations, but they do
have boards of directors and may have voting members who act like shareholders. In ad-
dition, in most states the state attorney general is legally deemed to be the public's repre-
sentative for dealing with misconduct of charities.
Corporations are generally formed under the provisions of state law. Usually, there
are separate state statutes that govern incorporation procedures and requirements for non-
profit groups (the statute may use the term not-for-profit), including philanthropic, religious,
social service, welfare, educational, patriotic, cultural, artistic, and public interest organi-
zations. Formation of a corporation under such statutes creates a new entity with the fol-
lowing special characteristics:
the state. In some circumstances, such as if the organization will operate across state lines,
a nationwide search may be necessary.
The state agency that registers new corporations often can supply a form for your
articles of incorporation, but it may be sufficient only for meeting the state's legal re-
quirements and may not be adequate if you intend to seek 501(c)(3) status (secure a copy
of IRS Publication 5 5 7).
The information that should be included in the articles of incorporation varies
from state to state, but may include some or all of the following items:
When they are complete, the articles of incorporation are submitted to the state
agency that handles incorporations. In some states, this is the secretary of state. A "certifi-
Legal Aspects 33
cate of incorporation" or a "charter" will be issued; at that time, the corporation legally
begins its existence. Your state may require annual registration to maintain active status.
After the organization's incorporation, the first meeting of the directors should be
held. During the first meeting, the initial bylaws should be adopted if not already established
(some states require that the incorporators adopt the bylaws). The bylaws are needed
early in the process, because they spell out how the board functions, officers to be elected,
and possibly other business that needs to be conducted. (Even if your state law does not
require bylaws, it is highly advisable to establish some, to help avoid questions of who can
do what and how.) Your state law may also require that your organization conduct itself in
a certain manner and within certain structural limitations, such as having officers, peri-
odic meetings, and maintaining financial records and minutes. For membership organiza-
tions, the law may set out additional or different requirements.
Tax Exemption
Tax exemption is more complicated than people often realize, involving various
types of taxes and levels of government and affecting the numerous types of nonprofits
differently. Also, organizations that qualify for exemption from paying federal income
taxes on some or all of their income are not necessarily eligible to receive contributions
that are tax deductible for the donors.
Nonprofits classified as 501(c)(3) (named for the section of the Internal Revenue
Code that applies) must operate for one or more of these purposes: "religious, educational,
charitable, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international
amateur sports competition or preventing cruelty to children or animals." These are gen-
erally referred to as charitable nonprofits.
A nonprofit not qualifying for the charitable exemption may qualify for exemption
as a "social welfare" organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The fundamental difference between the two exemptions is not found in the ultimate pur-
pose of each, but rather in the kinds of activities in which they engage. For example, civic
organizations usually are classified as 501(c)(4). Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations
generally may not be claimed as charitable contributions on donors' income tax returns.
A charitable organization—501(c)(3)—may also engage in limited lobbying, un-
less it is a private foundation. Consult a legal specialist on tax exemption to find out exactly
how far your organization may go in lobbying before getting into trouble with the IRS.
erally, the IRS will treat the organization as if it were 501(c)(4) for the period prior to fil-
ing for tax-exempt status. You should contact your local IRS office and ask for form 1023,
the application form used to file for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, and IRS Publication 557,
which provides detailed instructions for determining eligibility.
In addition to filing form 102 3 for tax-exempt status, every exempt organization is
required to have an employer identification number, regardless of whether it has any em-
ployees. An employer identification number is the official identification code for an orga-
nization (similar to a social security number for an individual) that is used by the Internal
Revenue Service for tax-related purposes. To ensure the quickest validation for tax-exempt
status from the IRS, you should file form SS-4 to secure your employer identification num-
ber as soon as possible, even before you file form 1023. Both forms can be obtained from
a local IRS office. Note carefully where each form is to be sent.
You can file the application yourself, but it is better to have the assistance of an at-
torney. Copies of your articles of incorporation and your bylaws, if any, must be included
with the application. If your application is approved, the Internal Revenue Service will re-
spond with a letter that states that your organization is tax exempt and cites the exact code
under which it is classified. It can take up to a year for the IRS to respond to an applica-
tion, but it usually takes three to four months. When you receive the IRS letter, keep it in
a safe place, because foundations and corporate funders generally require a photocopy of it
if you apply for a grant. Never let the original letter leave your office.
Within five and one-half months after the end of your organization's fiscal year,
tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations must file form 990, the "return" for organizations ex-
empt from income tax, with the Internal Revenue Service. Your state may also require this
form, although if a state does require a copy, some waive the filing for nonprofits whose
annual revenues are under a certain amount, such as $25,000. Form 990 requires an account-
ing of all income, expenses, assets, and liabilities of the organization.
only routine; it is just another one of the compliance rulings your organization must fol-
low according to the law.
For application forms and further information on state income tax exemption for
nonprofits, contact your state department of revenue.
generally must be acquired each year and require annual reports of income, expenses related
to solicitations, and expenditures of the organization.
For example, in Minneapolis, any nonprofit organization soliciting ten or more
sources in the city within a year (including corporations, foundations, or individuals) is re-
quired to file for a solicitation license, with an annual fee. But in St. Paul, only those orga-
nizations that seek donations from individuals on the street are required to obtain permits.
If you plan a large funding campaign aimed toward several sources within one
municipality, you should check with the city clerk to see whether a solicitation license is
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Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals:
Creating the Formula
Without a well-thought-out plan, which includes a clear statement of mission for your
organization, a vision of the kind of organization you want to become, and well-defined
goals and objectives for your programs, you not only handicap yourself in getting from
here to there, but none of the people important to you will have a clear picture of where
"there" is. Good planning involves both a long-range view—generally called a strategic
plan — and a set of short-term objectives and related activities to undertake—sometimes
called the annual plan, tactical plan, or operating plan.
For both long-range and short-term plans, typically there are three ways you might
go about planning. The first way is all in your head. You've already spent much time thinking
about the needs your program will address and how you want to do that, or you wouldn't
be starting up a new nonprofit organization. Maybe you're one of those people who can
have all that so well organized in your head that you can talk easily about the mission, vi-
sion, and strategies to potential members of the board, funders, and other constituencies.
The second way to plan is to put ideas down on paper, an exercise that can help
focus your own thinking and help the people important to your future success understand
just what, why, how, when, and where you'll do what you intend to do. Satisfied that
you've completed some sacred rite, you then tuck the plan away somewhere and go on
with your work. 39
40 Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals
The third way of planning is to take the written ideas, approved by your board,
and keep them continually in front of everyone who has a role to play in making your or-
ganization a success. The ideas and goals you've written down drive your annual plans,
priorities, and other critical decisions. You share them with potential funders, staff, and
volunteers. You sit down with staff and board periodically and see if they still make sense.
This third way of planning is what this chapter is all about.
Strategic Planning
There are about as many ways to develop and write a strategic plan as there are books,
seminars, and consultants dealing with the subject (and there are a lot of each). However,
there are some generally accepted guidelines:
A Step-by-Step Process
Step 1: Create a Planning Group
It's tempting to do all the planning yourself—it's certainly more efficient, and you
don't have to argue with people who don't see things your way. However, doing it by your-
self is pretty risky. You can get far down the road with your plan only to discover that there
is a point of view, some knowledge, some experience, some expectation, that you should
have considered back at the beginning. Although your actual planning group doesn't have
to involve everyone with something to contribute to the plan, it should consist of the key
people who will help you put the organization and its programs together. For example, a
planning group for a new, small nonprofit might consist of the chief executive, one or
more other staff members if any, the chair of the board, someone from the board or a key
volunteer who knows something about planning, and someone who can see things from
the perspective of potential clients.
Step 2: Create a Mission Statement
The mission statement describes the purpose of the organization—the essence of
why it exists. It generally identifies its target audience and may refer to its geographic area
of operation. The staff, board, volunteers, and clientele will best believe in the mission if
they participate in its development. The statement should be short enough that staff, board,
and volunteers can recite it from memory. For example: The Self Sufficiency Center moti-
vates and assists low-income people in the metropolitan area to develop and implement individual-
ized, realistic self-sufficiency action plans.
Step 3: Establish Your Vision Statement
The vision statement sets forth the expected future of the organization. All of
your constituencies should understand what is expected over the long term so that every-
one can focus on that desired outcome. Again, you should keep the vision statement as short
as possible. For example: The Arts Center will become the city residents'1 first place of choice for
studying, experiencing, and supporting the humanities.
42 Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals
neighborhood who are identified as using drugs extensively. The better you are able to
define the target audience, the more likely it is your program will be effective in meeting
the needs of its clients.
As a result of the needs assessment process, you should develop a statement of the
problem and the defined client population. For example:
• Needs statement: Working mothers critically need a readily acces-
sible, reliable, and affordable service to refer them to quality child-
care providers who meet the mothers'1 varying requirements.
• Problem statement: Many elderly citizens in the community are
forced to give up living independently because they lack transporta-
tion, are unable to perform heavy housekeeping and maintenance
tasks, and no longer have regular personal or family contacts.
• Client population: Residents in the downtown neighborhood over
age 65 who live independently but who need assistance to continue
living in their own homes or apartments.
Step 6: Lay Out Your Goals
Goals define the intended outcomes of what you intend to do. They are concise
statements of what a program is designed to accomplish. They are the long-term aims of
the organization and are driven by the organization's mission and vision.
A goal can be stated in the form of a description of a new condition that the pro-
gram will achieve through the services provided. A goal statement would not necessarily
describe your year-to-year objectives or program activities, but would set forth what will
result from them. It should be stated in terms of some measurable criteria. For example:
Successfully assist single parents to secure jobs that produce economic benefits greater than depen-
dency on welfare programs.
A goal may or may not have an ending point. For instance, it's likely there will always
be new single parents who need help to become self-sufficient; on the other hand, eradi-
cating smallpox was a goal that was fully completed.
The achievement of goals requires good strategies (described shortly) and spe-
cific, short-term objectives (defined in the section on the annual plan). Although goals
and objectives can form a sturdy framework for program planners, many planners choose
not to differentiate between the two. Instead, they describe their program plans in a series
of goal/objective statements that may be either short- or long-term. You must decide
which format works best for you.
Be sure that your goal/objective statements describe measurable outcomes. These
outcome statements should refer specifically to who will be affected; describe what these
44 Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals
people are expected to do, under what conditions, and how well or to what extent; and in-
clude a time factor.
Goals need to be written clearly and simply, in terms free of jargon and ambiguity
that can be easily understood by anyone, within or outside the organization.
they will be provided. This includes determining which strategies will best eliminate or
weaken the factors that limit your efforts, strengthen the facilitating factors, and promote
the achievement of your goals.
A first step is to brainstorm with your staff, volunteers, and board about all of the
possible strategies that relate to your goals. What approaches to this problem have been
tried in the past? With what results? Are any particular strategies suggested by perti-
nent research or literature? Are there any similar programs in your community or in
other areas on which you want to model your program? If other projects addressing this
problem have not been successful, how will your program be different? What approach is
most feasible, in terms of your resources, values, and goals? Which strategies will over-
come the limiting factors and strengthen the facilitating factors you have identified previ-
ously? Which methods are most likely to be supported by funding sources? Which would
be most acceptable to your target population or constituency? Are there other organi-
zations already involved with the need you've defined with which you should partner in
some way?
From these possibilities, your planning group must select an approach to the prob-
lem that is feasible, consistent with your values and beliefs, appropriate for your constituen-
cies, and likely to achieve the desired outcome. For example:
Step-by-Step Process
on results rather than on methods. Like goals, objectives should be feasible, measurable,
and stated so that they are clearly understandable to anyone.
The plan should contain exact measurement references related to anticipated achieve-
ment levels of each objective. Often, precise estimates regarding performance will be pro-
jected. It is important that these projected "success" rates be realistic and, if possible, that
they be based on the experiences of similar programs.
Objectives should be specific. For each objective, or projected outcome, ask your-
self who will be affected, what is going to occur, when, how, and what will be the indicator
of desired outcome? For example: Assist low-income, single mothers to identify five to eight com-
munity resources or agencies available to help them secure child care, health services, family plan-
ning, income maintenance, vocational training, and counseling. (Such an objective likely would
be only one among several steps taken to help low-income, single mothers achieve more
Note that this objective is measurable. Whatever approaches are used, how many
mothers were assisted as described, and so on, can be determined. Too often, objectives
mean little because they are not specific enough to be measurable and don't include spe-
cific measures of outcomes. If you cannot measure how well you have achieved something,
neither you nor your constituencies can be sure you have accomplished anything. The
standard of measurement specified in an objective may be results of pretests and posttests
or questionnaires, observable behavior (pregnancy, court adjudication, legislation passed),
or simply the number of people completing a program successfully.
Whenever the performance stated in an objective is abstract or covert (e.g., putting
training to work, change of attitudes, or renewed commitment to something), you should
add an overt behavior to the objective (measurable or observable) that might indicate
whether the covert performance has been achieved. For example: Eighty percent of the sin-
gle mothers participating in the program will develop specific actions they will agree to undertake
in the following six months.
Not all objectives in the annual plan are necessarily related to programs, of course.
For instance, you may have an objective for securing a certain level of funding and an ob-
jective for operating within your approved budget.
cally as possible. Each activity should be matched to the objective that it supports. (An ac-
tivity can relate to more than one objective, and vice versa.)
Each activity should be put into a time frame. When will it start? How long will it
take? How often will it be done? When will it be completed? Assign primary responsibil-
ity for each activity and task within an activity to a specific person, and also note who else
will contribute to it. An activity calendar can then be formulated that will summarize the
work plan for the organization.
In summary, the written annual plan will include the following items:
1. A set of objectives
2. The actions that will be taken to achieve the objectives, dead-
lines, who has overall responsibility for each action, and who
else must be involved
3. A calendar of the detailed tasks required to complete the actions
4. A list of task assignments
5. The organization's budget
tant for evaluation purposes that goals and objectives are measurable. If your program is
doing things that cannot be evaluated or measured, you may be unable to demonstrate
that you are achieving anything.
Choose the criteria by which you will judge whether your goals and objectives
have been achieved. There are several common ways to measure outcomes, including the
Choose methods appropriate for each objective. Use more than one means of measure-
ment when possible and affordable.
zation. In some cases, it will be frustrating to try to quantify the objectives of your pro-
gram. Some of your program's accomplishments may not be objectively measured. Nev-
ertheless, it is important to try to measure, as specifically as possible, the outcomes of
your program. A well-designed program plan gives an organization a clear destination and
a way to tell whether or not it got there. One aspect of this process should be considered
rigid: involve your clients at every step.
Managing Financial Outcomes:
Budgeting the $$$$
The budget is the financial blueprint of your organization. It is the plan that sets out your
desired financial outcomes—what you intend to accomplish financially during a specific
period, usually a year. (The annual twelve-month period used for financial planning pur-
poses is called a fiscal year. Often, this corresponds to the calendar year—January through
December—but your fiscal year can begin with any month.)
The budget should clearly establish what should happen in both revenues and ex-
penditures as a result of your service programs, fund raising, and so on. Don't just outline
what you want to spend and assume the money to cover expenses will be found somewhere
as the year progresses. Realistically budget the expected sources of income — grants, gov-
ernment contracts, members' contributions, fees, and donations of services and supplies.
New organizations should be conservative in forecasting income, which means, of course,
being conservative in estimating what you can afford to spend.
are not realistic, adjust them during regular budget reviews. If the budget review indicates
an upcoming crunch or deficit, you must take corrective action to avoid a financial crisis.
Such action may include expanding your fund raising and/or cutting back on expenses.
The earlier corrective action is taken, the more likely it is that you will be able to avoid
cutting back on staff and programs or going into debt. Effective use of the budgeting
process allows you to catch small problems and alleviate them before the organization
finds itself in a financial stranglehold.
Another budget area of immediate usefulness is that of fund raising. You need to
know how much money you must raise to conduct your anticipated programs for at least
a one-year period. A carefully constructed budget is essential to your funding proposal.
The budget is an indication to funders of your planning and management skills. The
funds your program requires must be projected clearly so that the organization's needs
can be understood and accepted by potential funders.
However, don't make the mistake of hanging your budget on at the end of your
grant proposal and forgetting it! Your budget should be used as an ongoing management
tool by the staff and board of directors. If you shelve it until the end of your fiscal year,
you may well find that you are having difficulty making ends meet long before your next
fiscal year ends. Engage, with your staff, in "contingency planning." That is, think through
what you will do if revenues do not develop month to month as you have planned or if some
unusual expense occurs. (It's best that the original budget be developed with the participa-
tion of all key staff people. Such participation can gain for the organization a broader per-
spective, greater knowledge, and stronger staff commitment.)
Fledgling organizations will find it more difficult to project future expenses with-
out the financial records and past experience that older agencies use as a basis for future
budgeting. It is helpful to discuss expenses with, and review the budgets of, managers of
other programs similar to yours.
The budget is usually developed by the agency's executive director, but the first
year the board probably will be involved from the beginning. Regardless of who prepares
the budget, it is important that the skills and experience of other staff people and the
board members be used throughout the process of budget development. Final approval of
the budget is the responsibility of the board of directors as a whole. Development of the
budget usually should begin three to six months before the onset of the new fiscal year
and be approved by the beginning of the new year.
Temporary Employees: The amount of money needed to pay temporary people used period-
ically is more difficult to determine than the amount needed for salaried workers. You
must consider the types of tasks to be performed, the amount of time it will take to per-
form them, and the hourly wages for each type of job. If you will use an agency that pro-
vides temporary workers, its fee will include wages, FICA, and so on. Again, the amount
needed for each job should be calculated separately to arrive at a total budget item for
temporary workers.
Consultants: Consulting fees cover payments to people who provide services directly to the
staff, such as trainers, accountants, and evaluators. Fees for an annual financial audit can
be included here. (An audit may not be legally required, but flinders may require it; fees
for an audit can be substantial unless you arrange for the service to be contributed in
whole or in part.)
FICA: Call your local Social Security Administration office to get the current FICA/
Medicare rate.
Health and Life Insurance: Although currently legally optional, health and life insurance
are benefits provided by most employers to their full-time staff (and often to part-time
staff working a certain number of hours weekly). New nonprofits, of course, may decide
they must defer offering these benefits until they're better established. Insurance costs
depend on the type and amount of coverage purchased and the ages of the individuals
covered (some state laws may restrict differences in rates on the basis of age). Call a
couple of insurance agents and ask them for quotes on both health and life insurance (a
board member may be able to refer you to reliable agents). Ask similar organizations
about their insurance programs and rates. It's best to have a firm quote before you finalize
your budget.
Managing Financial Outcomes 55
Retirement Plan: New, small nonprofits may not immediately establish retirement plans.
Some never do. Eventually, you'll find it difficult to retain experienced, talented people
without some sort of retirement plan. This could take the form of the organization's con-
tributing an amount equal to a set percentage of an employee's salary to a plan, with the
employee responsible for deciding how to invest the funds. This places the fiduciary re-
sponsibility for the ultimate outcome on the employee and not the employer. Get some
professional advice before proceeding with any kind of retirement plan.
Unemployment Insurance: A tax may be required of all organizations and businesses within
your state to maintain a public state fund for unemployment benefits, or it may apply only
to organizations with more than a certain number of employees. Such benefits are based
on a percentage of an employee's wages. Call the taxation division in your state to deter-
mine the rate of taxation for your organization.
Social Security: Social security (FICA/Medicare) taxes that must be deducted from the wages
of employees must be determined, because an equal contribution is made by the employer.
Staff Development: An organization should try to make some funds available to be used by
employees for further education and training in their fields, including management devel-
opment for managers.
Physical Facility
Rent: If you will rent space and have not arranged for it at the time you develop your bud-
get, it will be hard to determine an exact rental figure. You should identify a potential area
for your office and ask a real estate agent for the going rate, per square foot, for office
space in that area. After you have determined the amount of space needed in terms of
square feet, multiply this figure by the rate estimate. (Be sure to ask what is included in
the estimate — any parking, custodial care, light, heat, storage, and so on.)
If you plan to share a facility with an existing agency, determine the amount of
space you will occupy and multiply this by the rate per square foot the agency is paying.
Utilities: Monthly charges for heat, electricity, and water may or may not be included in
rent payments. If most of your rent estimates include utilities, you do not need a separate
budget item for them. However, if they do not, ask potential landlords for estimates of
monthly utilities payments.
Telephone: Ask the local phone company for a rate schedule. Rates will vary depending upon
the type of system chosen and the number of phones installed. Don't forget to get a quote
on the cost of installation and add it to your first year's budget. Also, estimate the cost of
anticipated long-distance calls. Consider the value of voice mail service.
56 Managing Financial Outcomes
Janitorial Services: Rental or lease agreements may not include cleaning services for your
office space, trash service, or pickup of recycled materials. Estimates for janitorial services
are based on the square footage of your office space. Include this item in your budget if
your rent estimates do not include janitorial services.
Purchased Equipment: First, list the items needed: desks, chairs, tables, file cabinets, personal
computers, computer software, fax machine, copier, calculators, and so on. If you are just
starting out, these costs can be very high. At least initially, you may need to seek alterna-
tives to purchasing new equipment, such as buying used or rebuilt equipment and solicit-
ing donations from corporations of furniture and equipment (call a corporation and ask
for the person in charge of contribution giving; even if that corporation doesn't donate
equipment, this person may be able to refer you to other sources).
Today's world of personal computers provides major clerical productivity and other
advantages. New organizations often start with personal computers and printers donated
by for-profit companies. This may be necessary, but it is not ideal, because your employees
may wind up with computers that can't share data or diskettes or that don't run the soft-
ware you need. If possible, determine the kind of software you need before you decide on
the hardware.
Finally, try to include an item in the budget for depreciation of equipment; that is,
set money aside for the inevitable time when you will need to replace worn-out or obso-
lete equipment. (However, a new organization may not be able to set up a depreciation
account in its early years.) Established nonprofits generally have a "capital budget" that
includes the purchase of equipment that has a useful life of longer than a year.
Leased Equipment: Instead of purchasing equipment such as fax and copying machines, you
can rent it on a monthly basis or on longer leases. Call various rental businesses and seek
quotes on the items you need. Sometimes rental payments can be applied to the possible
subsequent purchase price of the equipment.
Equipment Maintenance: Machines such as copiers require regular maintenance, especially
as they get older. If you own such equipment, ask an office equipment dealer about the
cost of maintenance contracts. Often a copier can be leased, with maintenance included.
Other Costs
Insurance: Your organization will likely need several kinds of insurance: bonding, theft,
fire, vehicle, workers' compensation, general liability, and directors and officers (D&O)
liability. Talk to an insurance agent about your needs and the costs of each type of insur-
ance your organization requires. States generally require businesses and organizations to
provide for compensation to employees for salary lost and expenses incurred from injuries
Managing Financial Outcomes 57
to talk to someone in a similar organization. Watch your costs closely during the first few
months of the budget year; you may need to revise this budget item during the year.
Conferences: This may be a low priority, especially in the organization's initial years, but
attending conferences and workshops can keep your staff informed about their fields, can
trigger ideas, and can help to motivate workers and management.
Travel: Usually the biggest single item in the travel budget comprises mileage reimburse-
ment and parking fees for employees' use of their personal cars for organization business.
Calculate the number of miles per month each staff person may need to drive for job-re-
lated purposes. Estimate yearly costs on the basis of these figures by using a set per mile
reimbursement figure, obtained by calling other nonprofits to determine the usual local rate.
Advertising: This includes newspaper advertising for staff positions as well as any advertis-
ing of your program in the community. There are many low-cost ways to advertise your
program, so you need not plan on an expensive media campaign before you try other ap-
proaches (see the chapter on community relations).
Fees: Itemize any fees for memberships and licenses you anticipate for staff members and for
the organization and fees charged by your bank on the organization's checking account.
Petty Cash: This is a cash fund used for small office expenses. It shouldn't be an actual bud-
get category; rather, set it up for an amount that is replenished monthly, require receipts
for all disbursements, keep close track of the expenses, and include them in the appropriate
expense categories (such as supplies and postage).
supplies, phone, and so on.) Will you have a sliding fee schedule (some clients pay the full
cost and others don't, based on their income)? What do other providers of similar services
charge? Can you test your fee schedule by talking to likely users? Then, estimate how
many participants you will serve in each of your programs during the coming year.
Contributions from individuals may also play an important part in your income
plan. Funds to be raised from any special events and benefits can and should be estimated
(remember to include a realistic budget for putting on such events). Another source of in-
come could be earnings on endowment investments, if you have any.
Because the above-mentioned sources of funds are more in your control than are
grants, you must try to be as precise as possible in estimating the income you expect to de-
rive from these. The balance of your support, depending upon your specific programs, will
come from various private or public grants.
Outline as precisely as possible all the grants you anticipate receiving from out-
side sources. Be reasonable in your expectations, taking into account any past experience
with the funders and/or your initial inquiries. This step of budget development is especially
difficult for new programs, which have no funding history on which to base projections.
At this stage, you should ask those sources you are most sure of to confirm their interest
in you and to estimate the amounts of their grants.
When the anticipated income from all these sources is added together, the differ-
ence between this figure and your expense budget is the amount you still need to raise
from undetermined sources. Mostly these will be foundations and corporations you have
not previously approached or of whom you are less sure. If this figure is a large portion of
your budget, you may have set unrealistically high income goals for yourself, and you
should consider either trimming back expenses or rethinking what you can achieve from
other sources of income. Calling on potential funders to share your vision and financial
needs before you make a formal request could help you estimate the likelihood of meeting
your grants income objective.
When you present your proposed budget to your board, you should be prepared
to outline prioritized spending decreases or increases from initial budget plans, depend-
ing upon the progress you make with your funding sources.
The second format outlines the organization's expenses according to the service
or program areas (this is called a functional budget). For instance, a community clinic that
provides an extensive counseling program and an educational outreach program as well as
clinical services may find it most useful to organize its budget in terms of those program
areas. This format outlines the costs of providing each of these services. Often, organiza-
tions raise funds separately for each program area, and the functional budget format is es-
sential in those cases.
A functional budget may or may not have a separate column for overall adminis-
trative costs. These are expenses that relate directly to running the overall organization
and include staff time spent in management, fund raising, bookkeeping, budget reporting,
supervision, and other administrative tasks. It is easier to have a separate column for gen-
eral operating costs and often enlightening to see how much it actually costs to keep the
program running. However, it is difficult to raise funds separately for administration, and
for proposal purposes you may wish to allocate administrative costs to each of the program
areas for which you raise funds.
The third budget format is used for organizations that operate principally through
a number of branch offices. Operating expenses are disbursed mainly according to office
units, including the "home office." If there are some central expenses that apply to each
of the units (such as administrative expenses), these should be distributed among the units
according to appropriate proportions. Each office is accountable for meeting its budget.
Regardless of which format you use, as the year progresses, you and your board
should review actual income and expenditures to date against some budget benchmark.
Remember that fund raising takes time and that it will be months between an initial con-
tact date and the actual receipt of money.
Outline anticipated income and expenses at least on a quarterly basis, preferably
per month. If there appears to be a period when you will not have enough money to meet
expenses, determine (1) whether it is realistic to anticipate that funds to cover these expenses
will be available during a later period in the year, and (2) if so, whether you should cover
these expenses with a loan to be repaid when the cash is available (remember the interest
rates) or whether you can delay some of the expenses (furniture purchases can be delayed,
salaries cannot); if not, you must determine how to cut back on your expenses.
The cash-flow schedule should also be used to compare estimated monthly expenses
and income with the actual figures as the year progresses. If you have consistently overes-
timated your expected income or underestimated your expenses, you should determine
why and take this into account when you prepare the next year's budget and cash-flow
Contributed Revenue
Anticipated cash grants $
Contributed equipment $
Fund raising benefits, net $
Total Contributed Revenue $
Total Income $
Physical Facility
Rent $
Utilities $
Janitorial services $
Equipment and maintenance $
Other Expenses
Insurance $
Loan repayments $
Supplies $
Postage $
Books/subscriptions $
Services purchased $
Printing $
Conferences and travel $
Miscellaneous and contingency $
Total Expenses $
This page intentionally left blank
Managing Financial Outcomes 65
Budget Worksheet
This worksheet can be a useful tool. It will not only display total funds needed for
each expense item, but also provide (1) detail of how you arrived at those costs and
(2) a basis for developing a monthly cash-flow exhibit.
All organizations need workable systems for recording what they do with their money—
keeping track of where it comes from and where it goes. On the other hand, young non-
profit agencies often are staffed by people unfamiliar with basic accounting methods. The
purposes of this chapter are to introduce you to the types of records your agency will need,
familiarize you with the elementary components of a bookkeeping system, define common
accounting terms, explain that there are some differences in financial statements for non-
profits versus other kinds of organizations, and suggest how to obtain more comprehensive
guidance on accounting and bookkeeping.
A good bookkeeping system provides the means for documenting, recording, sum-
marizing, and reporting the financial transactions of your organization. A written record
of your financial history is another benefit. Ultimately, you and your board should be able
to use accounting information to make sound financial decisions and as an aid in future
planning for your organization. The specific information that you get from a good book-
keeping system will do the following:
1. Tell you where your revenues came from and where they have
been spent
2. Assist in budgeting and calculating fund raising needs
3. Assist in preventing the misuse of funds
4. Save money by identifying wasteful or inefficient spending
5. Provide the basis for determining the cost-effectiveness of
each of your programs
6. Provide the information needed to construct required finan-
cial statements
Accrual Accounting
One decision to be made is whether to use an "accrual" or a "cash" basis bookkeeping sys-
tem. In a cash-base system, revenue is recorded when received (receipts) and expenses are
recorded when paid (expenditures). In an accrual system, revenue is recorded when it is
earned, which may be several months before or after it is actually received (that's when
you wind up with "accounts receivable" for payments to come) and expenses are recorded
Accounting 75
when they are incurred, which may be before or after they are actually paid ("accounts
payable" for payments still to be made and "prepaid expenses" for payments made before
all of a given service has been provided to you).
In general, the information provided by an accrual bookkeeping system is more
useful to an organization and anyone else with an interest in its financial condition than a
cash system would be; accrual accounting provides a more accurate, total financial picture
for a given period. Among other entries or adjustments, knowing both the amounts due
to the organization and the amounts it owes to others means having more adequate infor-
mation on which to base a financial assessment and to use in making financial projections.
However, accrual systems are more complicated and time-consuming, which is disadvan-
tageous to small nonprofits. An alternative is to keep the books on a cash basis, with an
outside accountant helping you make accrual adjustments for year-end financial reports.
if you receive a large number of checks as the result of fund raising campaigns, you can
have the checks sent directly to the bank by the use of a lock box. This provides stronger
protection against theft or misuse of funds. Even in the smallest organizations, it is recom-
mended that cash and checks be received and the mail opened by someone other than the
person who makes the deposits. A separate list of all the checks and cash received should
be kept by this person on a daily basis, and a copy of the list should be passed on to the
bookkeeper. This control mechanism is very important, but it is all too often overlooked
in agencies that feel they do not have sufficient staff. In addition, if possible, the person
who touches the cash should not also touch the books.
Your cash disbursements journal is used to record all of the checks that you write.
You must document why each check was written. When it is appropriate, documentation
should include a copy of the bill covered by the check. The bill should be marked with the
date, check number, and amount paid. If there is no bill, there should be a simple request
form that agency staff members can use to request checks for items such as postage, con-
ference preregistration, and mileage reimbursement. This form should include date, amount,
payee, reason for payment, the name of the person requesting the check, and the signa-
ture of someone authorized to approve the expenditure. Your organization should have a
procedure whereby all purchases are authorized for payment before checks are written. If
this is not possible, the executive director should personally initial all bills before signing
the checks for payment.
For control reasons, it is best that all operating checking accounts require two sig-
natures for checks, but at least two signatures should always be required for large amounts
("large" for a very small nonprofit might be $50 or more; for a larger nonprofit, $1,000 or
$2,000 or more). The usual method is to require that both the executive director and one
of the corporate officers of the board of directors sign checks. In the absence of the exec-
utive director, two of the other designated officers sign. Relevant documents, such as the
original bills or request forms, should be presented with the checks for signature.
The cash receipts journal and the cash disbursements journal are used to record
money received and money spent, but if there is a paid staff, a separate payroll journal
should be kept that records the amount earned by each employee, the amount withheld for
taxes, the amount paid for benefits, and the amount paid to the employee. Sales or fees-
earned journals should also be kept when this type of income is received regularly by your
agency. An accrual-basis accounting system also requires an accounts receivable journal and
an accounts payable journal.
The procedures outlined above concern the documenting and recording functions
of the bookkeeping system. The summarizing function is performed by the general ledger.
This is a book with a separate sheet for each category of assets (bank accounts, petty cash,
accounts receivable, furniture and equipment), liabilities (accounts payable, loans), income
Accounting 77
(grants, contracts, fees), and expenses (rent, salaries, supplies, and so on). At the end of
each month, all of the entries in your journals are totaled and the total for each category
of expenses and income is entered onto the appropriate page of the general ledger. Each
of these categories is called an account. In order to save time and make record keeping eas-
ier, each account is usually assigned a number. The list of these numbered accounts is re-
ferred to as the chart of accounts.
Accounting software is available for various types of personal computers, and there
are several programs that are relatively easy to use (well, at least you don't have to be an
accounting professional to use them).
Statement of Activities
At a minimum, your statement of activities (your annual operating statement) should
show the change in net assets during the past year for the organization as a whole, the
78 Accounting
change in each of the three classes of net assets mentioned above, and whether any items
were moved from one net asset class to another.
are donated to you. Accounts of donated material and services not only show the total costs
of your program, they also provide excellent public relations tools. Such figures show fun-
ders the interest in your organization that others have expressed through donation of time
and materials.
Incidentally, volunteer fund raising efforts usually are not recorded, because they
do not directly fulfill the organization's objectives or provide services to clients.
that can be authorized by your executive director without board approval, and all other ex-
penses should be approved by the board, with documentation in the minutes of the board's
meeting. A board member should approve all payments for personal expenses incurred by
the executive director.
An audit of your books should be conducted annually, and the auditor should, in-
dependent of the staff, report the results of the audit to the board of directors.
Don't minimize the board's financial involvement and responsibility by bypassing
the procedures outlined above. Requiring the board's knowledge of financial operations
and involvement in financial decision making can ensure effective control of your organi-
zation's money.
Fund Raising: Finding the $$$$
What kind of funding strategy will keep your organization operating effectively? Who will
fund your activities? How do you successfully approach potential funders — foundations,
corporations, other businesses, government, and individuals? Will you focus on annual
giving by foundations, corporations, and individuals, or will you also use special events,
try to create an endowment, or establish a "planned giving" program?
This chapter is an introduction to fund raising strategy, developing funding sources,
and soliciting contributions. The information included in this chapter does not reflect
everything that could be said about philanthropy and how to raise funds, but this book's
bibliography lists some valuable books and other materials that will help you. Most of the
reference books listed are available in the Foundation Center collections located in more
than eighty libraries throughout the United States—useful starting points for research
on fund raising. For more information on the Foundation Center, see "Sources of Assis-
tance" in the back of this book. You should also call other nonprofit organizations to find
out if useful seminars on fund raising are available in your area.
Writing grant proposals, soliciting contributions from individuals, and other fund
raising techniques are crucial skills that most new nonprofit organizations must acquire
early in their development. Both the board of directors and the executive director of the
organization should be active in fund raising. Other volunteers can be trained to help as
well, especially in soliciting donations from individuals. A sound strategy, research to iden-
tify realistic prospects, and an investment of time and energy to learn the basics of fund
raising will be critical to your success. 83
84 Fund Raising
Funding Strategies
You need dollars for general operating expenses—rent, utilities, administration, and so on.
You require money to run your specific programs—art shows, social services, educational
courses, whatever. You may need financial help dedicated to short-term projects—strate-
gic planning, setting up a computer system, surveys. And someday you may undertake a
capital campaign—raising money for your own building or an endowment fund—and you
may establish a planned giving program. (An endowment fund consist of assets contributed
by one or more wealthy individuals and/or a number of foundations and corporations.
The assets are invested to produce annual income available for general operating expense
or designated uses. Planned giving involves a major gift that fits a particular donor's financial
needs, e.g., a way to make a major contribution to a favorite charity through a will, living
trust, life insurance, annuity, or other means.)
To raise money, you must identify the best sources for each type of financial need.
You've probably been on the receiving end of standard, mass-mailed letters asking for your
personal donation. That kind of approach will not work with foundations, corporations,
government, and other institutional funders. And even mass mailings to individuals gen-
erally target people who have been identified as having potential interest in the appeal.
Some institutional funders (foundations, businesses, associations, and government)
will provide ongoing general operating support; some want to provide grants only for
programs; some will never make capital grants; and some will consider all of the above.
Some funders focus on a few charitable areas, such as the arts, neighborhood development,
youth services, education, protecting the environment, or human rights advocacy.
Most funders have written guidelines as to what they will fund and how you can
apply for grants. Many foundations and corporations with major charitable giving pro-
grams issue annual reports, which generally list actual grants. Do your homework, so that
your time and resources are focused on funders most likely to be interested in your
Individual donors who respond favorably to what you're doing and who you serve
are usually a good source of funds for general operating support.
Both as you first devise your strategy and periodically thereafter, try to see your-
self as funders may. Place yourself in the position of those with the money to give and re-
view what you are telling potential funders about your organization and its programs.
Would you be impressed? Honestly, now—impressed enough to give some dollars?
Listed below are the critical questions you will need to ask yourself as you devise
your fund raising strategies (much of this should already be included in your organization's
strategic plan).
Fund Raising 85
Who Is Involved?
This is closely related to your credibility. Who are your staff members (paid or
volunteer)? The ability of the staff to carry out the program and of the board to direct the
organization responsibly and raise funds necessary for ongoing support should be explained.
Who is serving on your board of directors? Information about board members' corporate
or other affiliations will be of interest to many potential funders.
Exactly what the board's role in fund raising will be needs to be resolved. Board
members may be most effective in helping to raise money from individuals and in helping
you make contacts with institutional funders.
86 Fund Raising
What Changes Will Your Program Make in Your Clients? In Your Community?
Have you developed specific, measurable objectives? Clearly describe, in quantita-
tive terms, the changes you want to facilitate in your clients and in the community. Make
sure that these projected outcomes are realistic. You must have measurable objectives in
order to evaluate the effectiveness of your program.
How Will You Know Whether You Have Accomplished Your Objectives?
The criteria you plan to use to monitor your progress should be described in your
proposal. Develop an evaluation process. Will the evaluation be internal or involve outside
consultants? What instruments and forms, if any, will you use? An evaluation plan will
not only give your funders a means of judging your effectiveness, but more important, it
will allow you to refine and improve your program as it develops.
The reader of the case statement should be able to understand exactly what your
organization is all about, its importance to the community, how it operates, who it serves,
and why the reader should care about enhancing your capacity to achieve your mission. It
will be your principal source document for developing grant proposals, recruiting a board
of directors and other volunteers, and communicating with the community.
Funding Sources
There are more than twenty-seven thousand active U.S. foundations (which are
also tax-exempt nonprofits). Some foundations are huge; some are small. Some focus on
one or a few types of programs; some are willing to fund a broad range of nonprofit en-
deavors. Foundations don't fund only big nonprofits. Increasingly, many are funding smaller
projects serving low-income neighborhoods or other grassroots efforts. Regardless of size
or program interest, foundations tend to fall into one of the following categories.
Independent Foundations: Most foundations fall into this category. Independent foundations
may be local or national in scope, and their endowments may have come from an individ-
88 Fund Raising
ual, family, or group of people. They may have a broad charter for grantsmaking, but many
limit their giving to well-defined program areas. They may have large, full-time staffs and
prestigious boards of directors drawn from the community, or the founding family may
control governance and giving.
Within this broad category are such large, national, wide-reaching foundations as
the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Foundation (despite the
large scope of these foundations, they do not necessarily exclude small local organizations
from consideration for grants); special purpose foundations, established usually through a
will or a trust to give money to one specific cause — a scholarship fund or a specific college,
for example; and so-called family foundations, established by wealthy individuals, includ-
ing highly successful entrepreneurs, or families, which fund charitable programs accord-
ing to the donors' wishes (local institutions and causes favored by the donors are the usual
beneficiaries) and often governed by family members.
Community Foundations: These are professionally staffed foundations that receive money
from many local sources (smaller family foundations, gifts, and estates) and distribute it to
local causes. One staff, then, does the work for many funding sources and small founda-
tions. Community foundations are usually governed by boards made up of prominent lo-
cal citizens.
Although most of the funds handled by community foundations are designated for
specific beneficiaries or service areas, often these foundations have some open-ended and
unrestricted funds available for other causes. A wide variety of programs are supported by
community foundations, due to the broad range of their donors' interests. The oldest com-
munity foundations in the United States are the Minneapolis Foundation and the Cleve-
land Foundation.
Corporate Foundations: Corporate foundations are separate legal organizations set up with
their own assets by business corporations. Although legally independent of the sponsoring
company, the corporate foundation is generally governed by trustees who are also company
officers. A corporate foundation often focuses its contributions in communities where the
corporation operates and in service areas of interest to the corporation or its employees.
Foundations of any kind almost always have printed guidelines available that cover
what they fund, how to apply for grants, and so on.
"community relations," "public affairs," or "public relations" department. They may fund
a broad range of charities where the company has branches; focus only or principally on
the corporation's headquarters city; make grants without any geographic limitation; con-
sider any kind of charity; focus on business-related interests; or make grants independent
of the corporation's business interests but give preference to one type of giving, such as
the arts, education, or a particular type of human service. As with foundations, corporations'
giving functions generally have printed guidelines available that cover what they are will-
ing to consider funding.
Other businesses — accounting and law firms, retailers, small and medium-sized
manufacturers and service businesses—may also make charitable contributions, and some
will offer pro bono services (professional services provided without charge), in-kind gifts
(such as a computer manufacturer providing free or heavily discounted equipment), or
other noncash contributions (e.g., used furniture or other equipment a company is replac-
ing, printing services).
Membership Organizations
Membership organizations—such as service clubs (Kiwanis, Lions), fraternal or-
ganizations (Elk, Moose), civic/business associations (chambers of commerce), professional
societies (bar associations), and women's organizations — also donate funds to projects of
interest to them. The proposal process for seeking funding from such organizations usu-
ally is less formal and more personal than the process required by larger funders. Gener-
ally, such organizations give small amounts to local community and neighborhood pro-
jects. A good way to access these sources of funds is to offer to make presentations on the
community needs your program serves at these groups' periodic membership meetings.
Religious Groups
Citywide and national units of churches, synagogues, and other religious groups
can also be important sources of funding for some programs.
planning and coordination for member agencies. In addition, some provide some manage-
ment support and program evaluation services to member agencies.
Generally, the application process for becoming part of a United Way or other
combined appeal must begin at least a year before the next funding period. Although new
agencies may apply for membership in most of these federated fund drives, only a small
amount of funding generally is given to agencies and programs in their early stages of
An agency that receives money from a federated fund drive may be required to
participate in public presentations of the fund drive, have an agency representative serve
on a committee, or provide other support.
Contributions by Individuals
Developing individual gifts can take a greater investment of time, and sometimes
money, than securing grants from foundations, corporations, and other institutions, but
such gifts are often more stable than grant funding over the long haul.
It may be harder to figure out the most appropriate public funding source from
which to seek support than it is to choose which private resources to approach. Maintain-
ing informal contacts and keeping up-to-date on funding activities related to your field
are especially important. In addition, you should do the following:
The first step in looking for funding is to ask yourself the simple question stated
earlier, which you must keep constantly in mind: Is the program you are proposing truly
worth funding? You must have not just a worthwhile idea, but a well-planned and care-
fully defined program that will appeal to others. Potential funders must be able to get a
clear understanding of what it is you are asking them to support.
The case statement, outlined earlier, is your starting point for developing the grant
proposal along the lines of what each potential funder has established as what it wants in-
cluded in applications for grants. Throughout the early planning stage, write down key
points and ideas that may be useful during proposal writing. Proposals should be written
only after the purpose and scope of the program have been carefully delineated, its rela-
tionship to existing community resources outlined, and methods and target population
During the planning stage, you also should gather documentation of the needs
that your program proposes to meet. Such documentation should include demographic
and census data related to your service area that give basic information about your target
population (age, education, income, and so on) and the extent of the problems you are ad-
dressing (rates of drug abuse, unemployment and crime, extent of deteriorated housing,
degree of environmental damage, or whatever). Such data are available from state, county,
and city departments in the areas of health, welfare, crime and delinquency, planning, recre-
ation, and law enforcement. Private agencies that serve the same target population you
will also should be able to give you information in these areas. Any studies and reports,
especially local ones, that are related to your program area may alsd provide documentation.
In addition, outline the services currently available to your potential constituency.
What services will you provide that differ from those already available? How will your
program interact with these? Your program will not be viewed in isolation; it will be con-
sidered as part of a network of services and programs. You must be able to explain where
your organization will fit into that network.
Contact other persons involved in your field, especially those whose agencies your
program will be working with, receiving referrals from, and making referrals to. Other
support and input should be solicited from related bodies or from legislators. Get this in-
put early in the planning process and identify those people who support your proposed
program and are willing to serve as references for potential funders. Solicit letters of sup-
port from such contacts.
Fund Raising 93
You need to follow these steps if you are going to persuade funders that your pro-
posal is necessary and worthwhile and ensure that you develop a program that will be ef-
fective and responsive to the needs of those you serve. If you cannot persuade any funders
that your program is worthwhile, it may not be!
the changes that will be brought about through your program. The goals and objectives
should follow directly from your definition of the problem. You must not confuse methods
with objectives. (You should be able to extract the goals and objectives from your strategic
Staff: Your proposal should include a description of the responsibilities and qualifications
of the program's staff and may outline the structure of the organization (include an orga-
nizational chart of decision-making processes).
Evaluation: Describe how you will measure your program's effectiveness and whether or
not you have achieved your goals and objectives. Indicate whether the evaluation will be
conducted in-house or whether you will use an outside consultant.
Future Funding: If the funding source is not being asked to fund the entire program, where
will the rest of the funding come from? Outline your present and future plans for fund-
ing. Funders look for a well-planned funding strategy that indicates you are not perma-
nently or totally dependent upon them and that you have thought out your funding future
Budget: The proposal should list your anticipated expenditures, including salaries and ben-
efits, rent, utilities, equipment, supplies, and so on. It should also outline projected income.
The budget should be realistic. Are you trying to run a $100,000 program on a $50,000
budget? Or are you asking for $100,000 for a program that could be conducted for $50,000?
If your objectives and methods do not match the scope of your budget, your credibility
could be damaged.
Appendix: Copies of your letters of support, staff resumes, list of board members, letter of
tax exemption (a must), and any statistical charts and newspaper clippings about your or-
ganization should be attached to your proposal as an appendix.
Cover Letter: Proposals should be typed and accompanied by a personal cover letter ad-
dressed to the director of the funding source. It is acceptable to submit identical proposals
to a number of funders at the same time. Each proposal, however, should ask for a specific
amount of money. You should not ask each funder for the total amount needed. As noted
above, most funders do not wish to be your sole source of support.
96 Fund Raising
The cover letter should indicate any other sources from which you are seeking
funds, any sources who have supported you in the past, and your long-range funding
plans (many sources do not want to fund you forever). You may also suggest a meeting to
discuss your request, but although personal contact is the best way to sell your program,
don't be surprised if the funder's staff are unwilling to make a "site visit" (i.e., come out to
your agency to see how your program operates) or to allow you to make a personal visit to
their office. Many funders are short staffed, considering what is expected of them (just
like nonprofits!) and, given the scads of applications sent to them, just don't have the time
to meet with everyone seeking grants.
Many funders will acknowledge receipt of your proposal. If you hear nothing within
a couple of weeks after you have submitted a proposal, you may call the funder to be sure
it arrived. (However, the staff generally will not appreciate calls asking about the status of
your request while it is under consideration.) The decision-making process may be a lengthy
one from your point of view. The funder's guidelines probably will at least hint at the time-
line, which may range from a few weeks to several months. If you don't hear of the fun-
der's decision when expected, then follow up with a telephone call.
If funds are not granted, ask the funder to explain the reasons for the rejection and,
if it is appropriate, ask whether you can resubmit your proposal at a different point in your
organization's development.
If you receive a grant, be sure you understand the reporting procedures you are
expected to follow. In some cases, periodic progress reports are required. Otherwise, report-
ing is usually left to your discretion. You should be prepared to give your funding sources
information about program activities (especially any major changes in the program), ex-
penditures, staff changes, and any other relevant data. Even if they do not specifically re-
quire it, send your program's annual reports to all your funding sources. It is important to
develop good ongoing relationships with your funders. They can be an important source
for ideas regarding program development, future funding, and community support. In addi-
tion, they can be used as references about your program when you approach other fund-
ing sources in the future.
There are a number of ways to secure contributions from individuals. Determin-
ing which ones will produce the best results for your organization and which you have the
resources to support will involve a lot of thought by you and your board. You may want to
set up a special committee to research, design, and oversee this effort.
Memberships: Many 501(c)(3) nonprofits have members. Some members may have voting
rights, but more often the members are simply donors with no other role to play. Unless
they receive something of value as part of their membership, their dues generally are tax
deductible. (An "incidental" benefit, such as a token mug, key chain, or poster, does not
necessarily reduce the deduction. Publications generally are considered by the IRS to have
no measurable fair market value if their primary purpose is to inform members about or-
ganizational activities and if they're not available to nonmembers by paid subscription or
newsstand sales. But if an organization's publication includes articles written for pay and
accepts advertising, it could be treated as a "commercial quality" publication having a
measurable market value. The IRS rules change from time to time, so secure the latest
rules from the IRS.)
Annual Fund: This is usually an annual solicitation, but it may be conducted throughout
the year. Some nonprofits use the annual fund drive not only to secure dollars but to recruit
volunteers. High-income people who have special interest in your work can be sources of
substantial annual gifts.
Planned Giving: Federal and state income tax laws can make bequests attractive ways for a
person with investments and other assets to make sizable gifts to favored charities.
Special Events: Fund raising dinners, auctions, and festivals are among the numerous ways
that many nonprofits have developed to encourage individuals to provide financial support.
Special events can also help you build a mailing list of people interested in the mission of
your organization that you can use for annual fund solicitations.
1. You still need to develop the case statement for your pro-
gram—Why should a donor care enough to part with some
dollars to support your cause?—but appeals to individuals
require a more concise approach than do those to institutional
98 Fund Raising
books. If you're near one of the Foundation Centers, visit and study the myriad materials
available. Attend a seminar devoted to fund raising basics and then go on to one that cov-
ers raising money from individuals (if that will be among your strategies), grant proposal
writing (if you will be approaching foundations or corporations), benefit events (if that's
in the cards for you), and so on.
Don't forget that when you have successfully raised some money, you must have
in place the proper procedures to process and record the funds received and to produce
reports in accordance with established financial standards (see the chapter on accounting).
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Human Resources: Building Your
Organization's Team
At this point you may be the only paid staff of your nonprofit organization, but even if
this is so, don't skip over this chapter. You may lean heavily on volunteers to do what a
paid staff does in a larger nonprofit, and whether your staff is paid or consists of unpaid
volunteers, there are common principles involved in building a team and motivating people.
To a large extent, the identity of your program in the community and with your
clients is determined by your staff—the employees and your volunteers. The community
looks at your staff and sees your agency. A good program plan, a healthy budget, and a
committed board cannot carry the ball without a qualified and motivated staff. Personnel
issues for the new program include determining staffing needs, developing job descrip-
tions (again, for all positions, whether paid or volunteer), recruiting people, and develop-
ing personnel policies.
1. Determine the skills needed for each task. The tasks (or func-
tions or responsibilities, if you prefer those terms) should be 101
102 Human Resources
Organizational Models
There are a range of models that an organization can follow. On one end of the continuum
is a loosely structured team in which all members have equal roles. The entire organiza-
tion may operate as a team (whole group model) or there may be several teams. There may
be no traditional supervisor, leader, or coordinator; instead, such roles are rotated among
some or all members of the team. At the other end of the continuum is the traditional hi-
erarchical structure under a manager with broad powers. Some organizational models
combine features of both kinds of approaches. A fledgling organization can choose an or-
ganizational structure and then refine it or change to another model as the organization
develops and grows.
Hierarchical Model
The traditional hierarchical organizational structure consists of a manager/super-
visor with people accountable to him or her for getting things done. Decisions are gener-
104 Human Resources
ally made by the supervisor with input and feedback from those supervised, but some de-
cisions are delegated.
Team Model
In larger agencies, the staff can be broken into subgroups, such as by program or
by major organizational functions. Each team functions similarly to that in the whole group
model. The executive director or other senior manager coordinates the various teams.
An agency may choose to combine features of the above three organizational mod-
els to allow both group interaction and individual feedback and appraisal.
Although there are a variety of useful formats for job descriptions, most include
three basic parts: the job's primary responsibilities and essential functions, any other ac-
tivities the job may entail, and the level of education and experience that the job requires.
Primary Responsibilities
Generally, a one- to three-sentence statement explains the general areas of respon-
sibility and gives a fairly broad description of the position. This statement should answer
the question, What is the primary reason this position exists?
Human Resources 105
Other Activities
If there are other activities that the job holder will be asked to perform if possible,
but that are not essential to fulfilling the requirements of the job, these could be listed here.
Primary Responsibilities:
1. Provides individual and group treatment for youths in the program.
2. Develops individual treatment plans for youths in caseload.
Essential Job Functions (For each function, you may wish to estimate the percentage of
time most likely expended on these activities, possibly using a range of time per function.
This can later be used in determining the extent to which the job holder is meeting the
critical requirements of the job. However, some jobs may not be readily broken down by
percentage of time for each activity because this varies so much from week to week.)
A. Provide individual counseling for six to eight youths at least once a week, devel-
oping treatment plan with the youths, setting up monthly behavioral contracts with them,
and assessing their needs. 20-30%
106 Human Resources
Other Activities:
A. As time permits, serves as a member of the program counseling developmental
team and attends staff meetings.
B. Works with other youth counselors in mentoring and supervising interns.
1. Skills and knowledge: demonstrated knowledge of group and individual counsel-
ing skills, a working knowledge of community youth resources, ability to work with youths
and their families, behavior planning skills.
2. Education: training in individual, group, and family counseling.
3. Experience: at least three years' experience in youth work.
teer positions, what procedures to use in screening resumes and applications, how you are
going to select your final candidate(s), who you want involved in each of these steps, and
when the steps should be taken.
Generally, the best way to attract qualified staff people is to use as many advertis-
ing media as possible, but this can get expensive. The most commonly used resources are
local newspapers, especially the Sunday editions, which reach masses of people, but don't
overlook the publications serving communities of color. Neighborhood and other weekly
papers may also be useful, especially in recruiting volunteers if your program is focused
on a particular geographic area. You could also send your job notices to special interest
publications in your field, professional newsletters and journals, related agencies, and place-
ment offices at colleges and universities. Ask people at other nonprofits if there is a local
central registry of nonprofit staff positions available and a placement facility for volunteers.
You may also find interns through college and university departments.
Employment ads should include the job's title, a brief description of the job's re-
sponsibilities and functions, a list of the required skills and background, the employing
agency and its address, the materials required for application, and the deadline for submit-
ting those materials. This information can be summarized from the basic job description
you compiled during the planning stages.
Consider whether you want to require written resumes or applications. On the
one hand, you can use resumes or written applications to screen out applicants who clearly
appear unqualified for the position, rather than doing this in personal interviews or over
the telephone. On the other hand, the best information about someone's qualifications for
the job usually comes from the applicant, and not all applicants express themselves well in
written material. By depending solely on written material for prescreening applicants,
you may discriminate against qualified applicants who have not presented themselves well
on paper. Whichever way you go, it is important to be consistent. If you choose written
resumes as the method for prescreening applicants (most hiring in social service agencies
is done this way), be sure to examine all of the resumes carefully, looking for the basic
skills you require.
You also must be aware of what information you can legally request in applications
and in interviews. Some information you should not ask on applications or interviews can
be obtained after a person has been employed. The rules vary by state, so you should call
whatever state agency handles human rights to find out your legal limitations.
Reviewing Resumes
You must develop a simple but fair procedure for reviewing resumes and judging
each applicant's potential for doing the job. This process is necessarily subjective, but the
aim is to be as objective as possible. You must be able to get beyond simply saying, "I think
108 Human Resources
I like this person better than that person," and be able to justify that preference based on
your actual hiring criteria.
One review method is based on a two-step process: (1) selecting those who indi-
cate that they have the minimum skills required for the job and (2) judging the skill levels
of those with at least minimal skills. A written rating scale can be developed for reviewing
resumes during these two steps. The knowledge, skills, and experience outlined in the job
description are used as criteria for the resume review tool.
Skill rating based on resumes is not an exact, perfectly reliable science. It is simply
an effort to be more precise than totally subjective, off-the-cuff judgments allow you to
be. Keep this shortcoming in mind when designing and using a resume review tool. Your
rating scale should be defined in simple, clear terms so that all involved in the review
process have a common understanding of the criteria. The skills and knowledge you re-
quire should be translated into measurable terms, when possible.
Each item can be assigned a rating scale, either a two-step (has/does not have min-
imum capacity) or a three- to five-level scale based on the applicant's number of years' ex-
perience, level of responsibility, skills, and so on. Each item should indicate the minimum
level of skill or experience acceptable. If an applicant does not indicate at least minimal
skills on all items, he or she would not be considered further.
When using the scale, you should not be so restrictive as to eliminate applicants
unfairly because they do not have exactly the right kind of experience; people can learn
skills through many types of experience, and their capabilities may not be represented on
paper exactly as you expect them to be.
During the initial review step, you should reject only those applicants deemed un-
qualified. The next step is to judge the quality and quantity of the skills of those appli-
cants who pass the initial review. As a result of this step, you will develop a small pool of
applicants to interview (perhaps five to ten).
Before interviewing the final applicants, jot down notes on areas in which you
need more specific information based on their resumes. You can use these to formulate
questions for the interview.
In most situations you can judge the basic skills of applicants through their resumes,
but a further step is needed to choose among those who seem to have the ability to do the job.
The interview can elicit much more information than it is possible to get from a resume. It
gives both the employer and the applicant a chance to ask questions that have developed dur-
ing earlier stages of the hiring process. However, the flexibility and subjectivity of interview-
ing make it a double-edged tool. It has the potential of supplying crucial information for
decisions, but it also has equal potential for unfairly screening out qualified candidates.
Human Resources 109
Standardized interviews can be designed to allow you to treat applicants equally and
compare different people. If you do not have parallel information on different applicants,
comparison will be very difficult. Interviews for all applicants can be structured so that
they closely resemble each other in content and format. Write down the questions you
wish to have answered and ask them of all applicants, use the same interviewers, and de-
velop a means of noting answers and rating them.
Loosely structured interviews rely on questions tailored to each individual appli-
cant. This allows you to round out the information contained in the resumes. It is often
helpful to hear applicants explain their experience and skills. This also allows you to deter-
mine more specifically the strengths and weaknesses of each applicant and to draw more
individual images of each person you interview.
Interviews can be designed to balance standardization with flexibility. Several open-
ended questions can be developed that are appropriate for all applicants and allow you to
compare responses. Other questions can be developed specifically for each person to be
interviewed. Most interview questions should be open-ended. If possible, several people
should interview candidates and a combination of the interviewers' conclusions can be
used as the basis of the selection.
You may wish to narrow the choice down to two or three candidates after the first
interview and then interview these final candidates a second time. During the second in-
terview, you may wish to involve other staff members who will be working with this per-
son. Since you have already discussed the quality of these candidates, the second interview
can focus on related values and attitudes, work style, and preferences regarding manage-
ment and supervision.
After the candidates have been interviewed, but before you make your final selection, con-
tact the people listed as references by the final candidates. Ask the references to confirm
the reliability of the individuals and the quality of their past work. However, you may find
that the references will not go beyond confirming that the candidate was employed in a
particular position and the dates of employment. Many employers, particularly larger or-
ganizations, have policies that prevent supervisors from making any comment on the per-
formance or other qualities of former employees, because of the fear of lawsuits. Never-
theless, contacting references is still a way to determine whether applicants have presented
themselves accurately on paper and in person.
When the final selection has been made, the individual chosen should be formally
offered the job. A written offer to hire should include a brief summary of the job's respon-
sibilities, the starting salary and fringe benefits provided, the beginning date of work, the
110 Human Resources
number of work hours expected of a part-time employee (if appropriate), any special agree-
ments or arrangements between the agency and the new employee, the signature of the ex-
ecutive director, and a copy of the agency's personnel policies.
As soon as a candidate has accepted the position, all those who applied for the job
should be notified as quickly as possible that the position has been filled.
We will not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment
because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual
orientation, age, disability, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance.
We take affirmative action to ensure that employment practices are free of such
discrimination. We realize that some groups are underrepresented in employment.
Human Resources 111
We affirm the value of human diversity and seek to manage all aspects of our
organization so that every individual has the opportunity to achieve his or her
fullest potential regardless of any particular human characteristic.
As a new and most likely small-staffed organization, you probably won't be sub-
ject to the American with Disabilities Act, which currently applies to employers with fif-
teen or more paid employees. However, its provisions reflect the responsible treatment of
people with disabilities, and some state and local laws may apply similar provisions to all
organizations. Under the ADA, an employer must make "reasonable accommodations" to
the known disability of an otherwise qualified employee or applicant, unless the employer
can show that the accommodation will impose undue hardship.
If you have problems trying to design fair employment procedures, contact your
state department of human rights or the personnel department of larger cities or counties
for guidelines.
Carefully document all aspects of your recruitment and hiring practices as a safe-
guard against allegations of discrimination. The dates and texts of ads and the publications
in which the ads were placed should be recorded, and the hiring procedures should be
outlined in writing.
Personnel Policies
Personnel policies are written guidelines defining the relationship between an agency and
its staff. They spell out what the agency expects of the staff, what the staff can expect from
the agency, and what the procedures are for resolving work-related conflicts. Well-written
policies can promote good communication between your agency and its employees, and
can prevent conflicts arising from misunderstandings.
Your board of directors should hold itself accountable for the existence of written
personnel policies. You may want to seek the help of a director or a special ad hoc com-
mittee of the board to draft the policies. Ideally, personnel policies should be determined
during an early stage of the agency's development. The input of the director of the agency,
and of any other staff members who have already been hired, aids the development of
workable, satisfactory policies. Ask organizations similar to yours that have reputations
for being well managed for copies of their policies to use as models. Your own personnel
policies, however, should be tailored to fit your organization's needs and values.
The personnel policies should be formally accepted by the board of directors.
They should be reviewed from time to time and revised, when necessary, to reflect new
organizational needs and capacities. Each employee should be given a copy of the policies.
The following outline can be followed in developing personnel policies.
112 Human Resources
Employee Definitions: Define full-time employee, part-time employee (in terms of numbers
of hours worked; you may use a range of hours), temporary employee, volunteer employee,
and any other classification of employee to be used by your agency. Eligibility for benefits
should be defined.
Hiring Practices: Hiring procedures and policies, including advertisement, screening, se-
lection, and promotion considerations, should be explained. A statement explaining affir-
mative action and equal employment policies should be included also. (Check to see which
federal and state laws apply to your agency because of its size, nature, and funding sources.)
Salaries: Agency policy regarding salary schedules, salary reviews, and reimbursement for
travel, overtime, use of personal car for agency business, and other expenses should be
specified, as should the schedule for paydays.
Benefits (if any): Explain any health and life insurance coverages provided to employees.
Any staff development or training benefits should also be described, including funds or
leaves available to employees for education or training.
Absences, Vacations, and Holidays: Specify paid or unpaid time away from work that is avail-
able to employees and rate of accumulation, procedures for arranging time off, eligibility
restrictions, and salary policies for each of the following: vacation, sick leave, holidays,
personal days, leaves of absence, maternity/paternity leaves, and jury duty.
Hours: The minimum hours of work required per week, the daily office or program hours,
and procedures for variances from these should be specified. Large employers in particular
Human Resources 113
are likely to have all this written out in plain English for their supervisors, so see if you can
get a copy, or call your state's department of labor and industry (or equivalent department).
Personnel Files: Explain the contents of personnel files, procedures for access, and the pro-
cedures for challenging or adding to the materials included in them.
Performance Management
Even if you have only one, part-time employee reporting to you, good performance man-
agement is the best way to produce results for your organization. And much of what ap-
plies to employee performance management can be transferred to getting the most from
Some people do not perform as well as their education, experience, talents, and so
on indicate they should. Their performance may be "minimally satisfactory" in terms of
what is expected, but only that. When this is the case, most likely they're responding to
their total working environment. An organization can have wonderful statements of mis-
sion, vision, values, and so on, but those alone do not create a motivating working climate.
Good performance management includes the following:
The relations you develop with your community are crucial to the success of your pro-
gram. Who is your community? It consists, first of all, of those your program was designed
to serve. Depending upon your program, your client constituency may be disadvantaged
people who need the services you offer, all residents of a neighborhood, other individuals,
nonprofit organizations, or some other group. But there likely are others as well whose
understanding and support of what you're all about are important to your organization.
These could include community leaders, government agencies with an interest in the pop-
ulation you serve, potential donors, and state and local elected officials. These various seg-
ments of the community are your "publics."
Within some nonprofit organizations, the process of developing effective relations
with various publics is known as marketing, public affairs, or public relations. Regardless of
the label, we're talking about a management process that analyzes and interprets the knowl-
edge and perspectives of your organization's various publics that could affect the organi-
zation positively or negatively; that informs those publics of the organization's goals, ac-
tivities, and policies; and that attempts to influence public opinion and public policy so
that it is favorable toward the organization and its mission. Related activities include media
relations, advertising, newsletters and brochures, membership recruitment, special events,
public meetings, and personal interaction of staff and board members with those in the
community. Good relations with your publics can attract clients, members, volunteers, or
other participants; help secure financial resources; and provide useful input in converting
these resources into programs and services.
Nonprofit groups, as well as businesses, engage in public, or community, relations.
Every organized group is involved in community relations—whether it knows it or not
and whether it has planned for it or not. And these relations are having an impact on the IV.
116 Community Relations
program—for better or, sometimes, for worse. Unless you develop community relations
according to a well-thought-out plan, your efforts in this area will have limited, transitory,
and perhaps harmful effects.
Developing a plan for effective community relations will help an organization to
achieve its program's objectives. The success of a program depends as much on the people
outside of the agency as it does on those within. The support of your community—of
clients, members, other agencies and professionals, funders, community residents and lead-
ers—is essential.
Planning effective community relations involves the following steps:
Who should be involved in developing your community relations plan? The input
of both board and staff is essential. It works best when one person is designated to be re-
sponsible for overseeing the community relations of your organization. If the staff is large
enough and has some expertise in this area, a staff member can perform this role. In many
cases, a board member serves as public relations chair, perhaps working with a committee.
You may be able to recruit someone with experience in this area to serve as a board mem-
ber in this role. One option is to have a public relations chair on the board who works
closely with one staff person—perhaps the executive director, assistant director, or infor-
mation coordinator—to develop and administer community relations plans. In any case,
the input of other board and staff members is important; they can bring additional insight
and expertise to this planning process, and their support will be needed to carry out your
public relations plans.
The following community relations planning guide is supplemented by worksheets
at the end of this chapter.
munity theater establishes relationships with theatergoers, actors, and others involved in
producing plays and funders interested in the arts. A youth group may want to reach
youths, their parents, school officials, and other youth agencies in the area.
Some of publics may be organized — other agencies, service clubs, other special
interest associations, political parties, neighborhood associations, government bodies. Some
are not organized but are easily identified—members, clients, families of clients, funders,
and certain community leaders. Other groups are larger, unorganized, and less easily iden-
tified—senior citizens, music lovers, smokers, potentially delinquent youths, and busi-
In order to identify your publics, ask yourself: To whom will you be providing ser-
vices? Who do you want to attract to your program? Will you be referring clients to any-
one else? Will you be receiving clients referred from other sources? Who will be provid-
ing funding and other support for the program? Are there groups you will be trying to
influence? Who will be trying to influence you? Are there those whose goodwill you de-
pend on? The answers to these questions should provide you with an outline of the major
groups in the community with whom you have or will be establishing relationships.
Each of these major groups, or markets, should then be divided into smaller units,
or segments. This segmentation will allow you to examine the differences among each of
these groups based on their interests, needs, perceptions, size, and so on. Your community
relations plan should take into account these differences among the segments of your mar-
ket in order to be more effective in reaching all of the segments. Each may require a dif-
ferent message sent through different media and aimed at different objectives. You may
want different things from each of your publics.
It can be helpful to rate the relative importance of each of these segments to your
organization in order to set priorities for your efforts and avoid spending a lot of time and
effort reaching groups that are relatively unimportant to you while ignoring more signifi-
cant groups. Importance can be defined in terms of the extent to which a group can have
an impact on your program or the extent to which you feel your program can have an im-
pact on the group.
must be specific, realistic, and measurable in terms of numbers of people, dates, money,
and so on. They should be concerned with results rather than process. In addition, they
should be agreed upon and written down. Revisit your strategic plan to see what commu-
nity relations objectives are needed to support your mission, vision, and strategic goals.
Objectives can be short-term, related to a specific community relations effort, or
ongoing, aimed at maintaining a certain level of performance. What do you want your
public to think or do as a result of your communication with them? This should be some-
thing very specific, such as becoming a participant in your program, referring others to
your program, providing funding, establishing a service contract with you, supporting your
presence in the community, or attending a concert. You may also want a response that is
more difficult to perceive: for example, a change in attitude toward your program or an
increase in the level of knowledge about a particular issue. In either case, you should be
able to pinpoint the intended response closely enough that you will later be able to tell
whether your communication succeeded. The following are some examples of possible
needs that your program will be addressing. And you should have a clear description of
the programs and services to be provided.
Use this information to arrive at a description of the program or, in a sense, the
"product" that you are offering to the community. Briefly outline each service your orga-
nization provides and the need for each service. Emphasize each service's uniqueness. What
are the characteristics of the service that will appeal to the community you wish to serve?
Such features may be related to its availability elsewhere in the community, the back-
ground of the staff, the program, its philosophy, its target constituency, its price, and the
uniqueness of the program. In other words, what should you stress about your program
when you tell the community about it? Why should the community care?
How do your publics regard you? What impression do they have of you? This im-
age can be described in terms of expertise, confidence level, comfortability, and accessibility.
Are you considered to be competent, trustworthy? Are your staff considered outsiders in
the community? Do your publics know what you offer and at what cost, and how to get
involved in your program?
If you are unsure of your image in the community, develop a feedback mechanism
to give you this information. Formal feedback, through polls and surveys, can be costly,
but you should be able to conduct small-scale surveys periodically. Questionnaires to be
completed by current members or participants are relatively easy to develop and adminis-
ter. However, most of your community feedback will probably be "anecdotal," gleaned
through meetings, interviews, and casual discussions with members of your various publics.
Even such anecdotal measures, if collected systematically and without filtering out un-
pleasant feedback, can tell you much about your program's image and provide good infor-
mation to improve your program.
In turn, how do you want each of your markets to regard you? What impression
of you do you wish them to have? Are there any discrepancies between what people see in
your organization and what you want them to see? If so, how can these be minimized?
The results of this exercise are important to consider when you are designing your mes-
sage to the community. You must take care to establish an identity that you feel truly rep-
resents you and design communications that reinforce this image. In some cases, you may
have to make some program changes in order to develop a more positive image in the
At this point, you should have a good idea of the messages you wish to convey,
and you can write your messages out briefly and simply. For example:
Such statements will be the basis for your communications with your publics.
each, their potential impacts, and any drawbacks they may have for your organization
(such as relatively high cost). Draw on the resources of your board members to help make
decisions regarding the most appropriate media for your purposes. If none of your board
members has expertise in this area, chances are that someone on the board can refer you
to others with that knowledge.
Once you have made these decisions, outline the specific activities that correspond
to each of the community relations objectives you have already identified. Examples of
such activities include the following:
Outline your community relations plan in terms of the resources necessary: people,
time, materials, and money. Be realistic. What can your agency afford? You should consider
community relations costs when you plan your budget. Community relations is not a friv-
olous extra; you need to plan on spending time and money on it, because it can be crucial
to the success of your organization.
For each activity, pinpoint the date, at least by month, by which the activity should
be complete. Identify the staff member or volunteer who will complete the activity or take
responsibility for its completion. Any needed resources should be identified: equipment,
facilities, information, skills outside of your agency. Determine the cost of completing this
activity. Such expenses may include production or printing costs, paper, postage, comput-
erized mailing lists, and consulting or design fees. You may also wish to determine how
much the activity will cost in terms of staff time, converted to a dollar figure, when possible.
The list of resources, skills, and expenses may seem overwhelming initially, but
consider all of the resources in your community on which you can draw for help: public
relations, advertising, and graphic arts departments of the businesses and corporations
that fund you, that your board members work for, or that may be interested in providing
such a donation can provide design, production, and printing assistance. Public relations
122 Community Relations
and advertising agencies may be willing to "adopt" your agency for a period as a public
service. Professional associations of journalists and other communication professionals may
help you locate volunteers. Schools of journalism and/or advertising at local colleges and
universities may be interested in helping you. A media resource center for nonprofit agen-
cies may be available, if you are in a large metropolitan area.
1. How many callers heard about you through the radio spot?
(You will have to ask them when they call.)
2. How many clients were referred by the agencies you met with?
(You will have to record this information.)
3. How many of the local media carried articles based on your
news release? (Monitor and keep clips of those that were used.)
If you received outside assistance in designing your communication, you can ap-
proach your volunteers or consultants again after the results are in to help you determine
what went right or wrong, how future results could be improved, and how to follow up on
this communication.
After you have carried out one community relations program and evaluated its ef-
fectiveness, you will be able to develop the next phase in your effort to communicate with
your public. Community relations must be an ongoing process of listening to the concerns
of your identified community, telling them what you have to say about your issue or your
program, and listening again for their response.
relations activities. From the endless agenda of things you could be doing to interact with
the various groups in your community, you must choose which are the highest priority, most
feasible, most affordable in terms of time as well as money, and most likely to get results.
Begin with a limited plan and choose a few activities that you feel you can do well.
When these are completed, review what you have done. How did it go? What could you
have done better? What did you do well? Did you get some results? Where do you go
from here?
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Community Relations 125
Worksheet A
Determine Who You Want to Reach
Public Segments:
Publics: With whom Who are specific Relative Importance
should you interact? target groups? (1 = high, 5 = low)
Funders 1. Foundations •
2. Businesses •
3. Government •
4. Individual donors •
Volunteers 1. From businesses •
2. Neighborhood •
4. •
Clientele 1. •
2. •
3. •
Public opinion makers 1. Media editorialists •
2. Political reporters •
3. Other reporters •
4. Public officials •
5. •
Church leaders 1. •
2. •
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Community Relations 127
Worksheet B
Determine Your Objectives
Target Date
Objective or Time Span
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Community Relations 129
Worksheet C
Determine Your Message(s)
The Information: The Message:
Public What do you want them What should
Segment to know or do? you tell them?
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Community Relations 131
Worksheet D
Selecting the Media
Part I: Pros and Cons of Various Media
Medium Pros Cons Most Effective Use
Personal • Trust more easily • Time-consuming • Introduce self or
contacts established • Impractical for large program to key people
• Immediate feedback public
possible • "Getting in" may be
• Greatest impact difficult
Brochure • Control of message • Competes with many • Mailing list is up-to-date
• Low-cost pieces can other items with right individuals
be effective • Recipients may not • Easy to read
• Mass mailings can be absorb key messages • Designed for both skim
targeted to individuals • Difficult to secure and detailed reading
immediate feedback
Poster, • Control message • Competes with many • Short, quickly absorbed
billboard • Can reach large group other items message
or target narrow • Short message • High-impact message
audience • Generally no immediate
• Usually easy to deliver feedback
• Can be expensive
Print • Control message • Competes with many • Need quick delivery
advertising • Easy to deliver other ads • Seeking response
• Detailed messages • Ads in daily newspapers • Detailed message
possible and magazines
• Can reach large generally expensive
Radio • Control message • No visual image • For high impact
advertising • May secure free public • Need quality taped • Simple message
service announcement message • Able to use listeners'
(long shot) • Expensive imaginations for images
• Stations have defined • Generally no immediate • Refer listeners to
audiences feedback sources — "look us up
• Can have high impact • Message must be short in phone book"
PV advertising • Same as radio but also • Need quality • For high impact
provides visual images production • Simple message
• Expensive • Refer listeners to
• Generally no immediate sources — "look us up
feedback in phone book"
• Message must be short
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Community Relations 133
Part I:
Sources of Assistance 143
8. Your local library and some university libraries may have collections of books
on various nonprofit topics, including some of the books listed in the bibliography.
9. The Nonprofit Risk Management Center offers training, technical assistance,
and publications on insurance, liability issues, and other risk reduction for nonprofits. For
information, write to 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036; tele-
phone (202) 785-3891.
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Nonprofit Management Bibliography
Many books are available on nonprofit management and other nonprofit sector subjects.
(One publisher, Jossey-Bass, produces a "nonprofit sector series" that includes a variety of
useful books.) This bibliography lists some of the books and publications that should be
especially useful to those engaged in starting a nonprofit organization. Some items are
not available through bookstores, but must be ordered from the originating organizations
(see end of bibliography for addresses).
nonprofit executives will manage for the year 2000 and beyond, with chapters on mission,
strategic planning, marketing, public relations, fund raising, fiscal management, human
resources management, communications, running productive meetings, governance, and
volunteers. 238 pages.
Accounting and Budgeting in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Manager's Guide.
By C. Y. M. Garner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991. 272 pages.
Sales Tax Exemptions for Charitable., Educational, and Religious Nonprofit Organizations.
Byjanne Gallagher. Washington, D.C.: Independent Sector, 1992. Provides a broad-brush
look at the patterns of sales tax exemptions as they affect nonprofits in the course of car-
rying out their missions and related activities and fund raising. 16 pages.
Nonprofit Management Bibliography 149
Collaboration Handbook: Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey. By Michael
Winer and Karen Ray. St. Paul: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 1994. Offers tips to
speed the collaborative journey, including worksheets, annotated resources, illustrations,
case studies, and a number of examples. 192 pages. Order from Wilder Foundation.
Chronicle of Philanthropy, P.O. Box 1989, Marion, OH 43306. Biweekly paper that
bills itself as the "Newspaper of the Nonprofit World." Reports on news affecting non-
profits, management matters, fund raising techniques, IRS regulations, corporate/foundation
grants, and conferences. Annual subscription $67.50 (six months also available for $36).
Nonprofit World. The Society for Nonprofit Organizations, 6314 Odana Rd., Suite
1, Madison, WI 53719. Bimonthly magazine. Focuses on leadership and nonprofit man-
agement. Annual subscription $79; free to members of the Society ($95 annual member-
ship fee).
150 Nonprofit Management Bibliography
Nonprofit Risk Management Center, 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900, Wash-
ington, DC 20036
evaluation of organization's effectiveness, 47-49 recruiting and screening job candidates, 106-9
staff, kinds of, 101-3
fund raising, 83-99
case statement, 86-87 legal aspects 29-37. See also bylaws
grant proposals to corporations, foundations, directors and officers liability insurance, 18
government, 92-96 incorporation, how, 31-33
individuals, seeking donations from, 96-98 incorporation, why, 29-31
questions, strategic, 85-86 licenses, public solicitation, 36-37
sources of funding, 87-91 registration, state and local, 35-36
strategies, 84-86 tax exemption, 33-35
membership, 22-23
governance. See boards of directors
mission statement. See planning
human resources, 101-13 planning, 39-50
fair employment practices, 110-11 implementing the work plan, 49
hiring, 109-10 mission and vision statements, 41
interviewing job candidates, 108-9 reviewing plan and repeating planning process, 49
job descriptions, 104-6 strategic plan, 40-45
models, organizational, 103-4 tactical plan, 45-47
performance management, 113
policies, 111-13 vision statement. See planning
Joan M. Hummel has extensive communications experience, with a focus on public re
tions and marketing communications for nonprofit organizations and government agen-
cies. She has served as both staff and board member at nonprofit organizations, and has
experience in working with foundations and other supporters of nonprofit organizations.
The Center for Nonprofit Management is based in the Graduate School of Business,
University of St. Thomas, . Paul. It develops and offers management de-
velopment courses, informational services, and management tools to improve the organi-
zational effectiveness of nonprofit organizations. The Center's programs are designed to
meet the specific and special needs of nonprofit managers and other professionals.
Sources of Assistance 143
8. Your local library and some university libraries may have collections of books
on various nonprofit topics, including some of the books listed in the bibliography.
9. The Nonprofit Risk Management Center offers training, technical assistance,
and publications on insurance, liability issues, and other risk reduction for nonprofits. For
information, write to 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036; tele-
phone (202) 785-3891.
This page intentionally left blank
Nonprofit Management Bibliography
Many books are available on nonprofit management and other nonprofit sector subjects.
(One publisher, Jossey-Bass, produces a "nonprofit sector series" that includes a variety of
useful books.) This bibliography lists some of the books and publications that should be
especially useful to those engaged in starting a nonprofit organization. Some items are
not available through bookstores, but must be ordered from the originating organizations
(see end of bibliography for addresses).
nonprofit executives will manage for the year 2000 and beyond, with chapters on mission,
strategic planning, marketing, public relations, fund raising, fiscal management, human
resources management, communications, running productive meetings, governance, and
volunteers. 238 pages.
Accounting and Budgeting in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Manager's Guide.
By C. Y. M. Garner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1991. 272 pages.
Sales Tax Exemptions for Charitable., Educational, and Religious Nonprofit Organizations.
Byjanne Gallagher. Washington, D.C.: Independent Sector, 1992. Provides a broad-brush
look at the patterns of sales tax exemptions as they affect nonprofits in the course of car-
rying out their missions and related activities and fund raising. 16 pages.
Nonprofit Management Bibliography 149
Collaboration Handbook: Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey. By Michael
Winer and Karen Ray. St. Paul: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 1994. Offers tips to
speed the collaborative journey, including worksheets, annotated resources, illustrations,
case studies, and a number of examples. 192 pages. Order from Wilder Foundation.
Chronicle of Philanthropy, P.O. Box 1989, Marion, OH 43306. Biweekly paper that
bills itself as the "Newspaper of the Nonprofit World." Reports on news affecting non-
profits, management matters, fund raising techniques, IRS regulations, corporate/foundation
grants, and conferences. Annual subscription $67.50 (six months also available for $36).
Nonprofit World. The Society for Nonprofit Organizations, 6314 Odana Rd., Suite
1, Madison, WI 53719. Bimonthly magazine. Focuses on leadership and nonprofit man-
agement. Annual subscription $79; free to members of the Society ($95 annual member-
ship fee).
150 Nonprofit Management Bibliography
Nonprofit Risk Management Center, 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 900, Wash-
ington, DC 20036
evaluation of organization's effectiveness, 47-49 recruiting and screening job candidates, 106-9
staff, kinds of, 101-3
fund raising, 83-99
case statement, 86-87 legal aspects 29-37. See also bylaws
grant proposals to corporations, foundations, directors and officers liability insurance, 18
government, 92-96 incorporation, how, 31-33
individuals, seeking donations from, 96-98 incorporation, why, 29-31
questions, strategic, 85-86 licenses, public solicitation, 36-37
sources of funding, 87-91 registration, state and local, 35-36
strategies, 84-86 tax exemption, 33-35
membership, 22-23
governance. See boards of directors
mission statement. See planning
human resources, 101-13 planning, 39-50
fair employment practices, 110-11 implementing the work plan, 49
hiring, 109-10 mission and vision statements, 41
interviewing job candidates, 108-9 reviewing plan and repeating planning process, 49
job descriptions, 104-6 strategic plan, 40-45
models, organizational, 103-4 tactical plan, 45-47
performance management, 113
policies, 111-13 vision statement. See planning
Joan M. Hummel has extensive communications experience, with a focus on public re
tions and marketing communications for nonprofit organizations and government agen-
cies. She has served as both staff and board member at nonprofit organizations, and has
experience in working with foundations and other supporters of nonprofit organizations.
The Center for Nonprofit Management is based in the Graduate School of Business,
University of St. Thomas, . Paul. It develops and offers management de-
velopment courses, informational services, and management tools to improve the organi-
zational effectiveness of nonprofit organizations. The Center's programs are designed to
meet the specific and special needs of nonprofit managers and other professionals.