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Injell Pyar R. Suni, Christian M. Pungtilan, Jay Lord O. Ulit
College of Engineering, BS in Ceramic Engineering III
Department of Material Science and Engineering
Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City, Ilocos Norte, 2906
CP# 0956-569-1904, Email:

This study presents the physical and thermal properties, rheological behavior, chemical
and mineralogical composition and morphological structure of clay deposits at km 584, Brgy.
Pasaleng, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte. The physical properties include are moisture content,
plasticity, particle size distribution and classification by sieve analysis (dry method) and
sedimentation method, which were determined based on ASTM. The thermal property being
determined was loss of ignition by subjecting the clay powder samples to heat treatment in the
laboratory box furnace at 1000℃ for four hours. The rheological behavior includes specific
gravity, density and viscosity by mixing clay powder with distilled water in 1:1 and 1:2 ratio and
with deflocculant and without deflocculant. The rheological behavior was measured in the clay-
water system according to Clays & Ceramic Raw Materials. The chemical and mineralogical
composition were determined by subjecting the clay sample to x-ray fluorescence and x-ray
diffraction analysis respectively. The morphological structure of clay was determined by
subjecting the clay powder sample to scanning electron microscopy analysis. The crude clay
sample undergone beneficiation process by elutriation to improve the quality in terms of its
chemical and mineralogical composition.
The results of physical properties having 0.73% moisture, for the plasticity test the clay
sample was low plasticity. In particle size distribution using dry method analysis and
sedimentation method determined the clay sample was contained dominantly of fine particles as
clay minerals.The thermal property which was the loss of ignition has a weight percentage of
The results for the rheological behavior in density with a clay-water system 1:1 without
deflocculant, 1:2 without deflocculant and 1:2 with deflocculant, the density of the three clay-
water system was 1.39g/ml, 1.16g/ml and 2.07g/ml. And for the specific gravity was also the
same value with respect to each clay water system but the unit for specific gravity was unitless.
the result for the clay-water system having a ratio of 1:1, and 1:2 in viscosity with and without
deflocculant. The behavior of the clay-water system with no deflocculant and with deflocculant,
the MPa.S of with no deflocculant was started to decreased to increased while in without
deflocculant was inversed to the result in with deflocculant.
The chemical properties, different treatments were used in identifying the chemical
components of the clay, which is the moisture content, passing 200 mesh, sedimentation,
elutriation and the loss of ignition samples. The x-ray fluorescence analysis results showed that
the major chemical constituent oxides are silica and alumina with the value of 39.04% to 43.07%
and 35.41% to 44.65% respectively. The x-ray diffraction analysis result showed that the mineral
content of the clay was dominated by kaolinite, then hematite and anorthite.
The finding of the study, it showed the clay deposit of Brgy. Pasaleng, Pagudpud, Ilocos
Norte was suit for academic study.

Keywords: clay powder samples, physical and thermal properties & rheological behavior

The oldest ceramic raw material is undoubtedly clay. Clay has been defined as an earth
that forms a coherent, sticky mass when mixed with water; when wet, this mass is readily
moldable, but if dried it becomes hard and brittle and retains its shape. Moreover, if heated to
redness, it becomes still harder and is no longer susceptible to the action of water. Clay may take
various form; it is easily recognized as the sticky, tenacious constituent of soil, but it frequently
occurs as a rock which, owing to compression, is so hard and compacted that it is not initially
plastic and is almost impermeable to water [1].
The objective of the study for moisture content is to determine the amount of water
present in a clay expressed as a percentage of the mass of dry clay, for density and also for the
specific gravity to determine the Pasaleng clay density and specific gravity. For plasticity test to
determine whether it has a low or high plasticity, the objective for particle size distribution
analysis is a necessary classification test for clay, in that it represents the relative portions of
different sizes of particles. To determine the fine, moderate and coarse particle of the Pasaleng
km 584 clay and also aims the process by which the particles are formed by accumulation of
sediment. For viscosity is to determine the measurement of the internal friction of a liquid. For
loss of ignition it was to determine the weight between before and after drying in the high
temperature furnace. The X-Ray Diffraction was to determine the diffraction pattern of Pasaleng
clay and for X-Ray Fluorescence is to determine the chemical composition of all kinds of
materials. The materials can be in solid, liquid, powdered, filtered or other form.
The clay used in conducting the experiment was Pasaleng clay. It was also done through
experimentation by evaluating the physical property such as moisture content, plasticity test,
particle size distribution by sieve analysis (dry method) and sedimentation method. Loss of
ignition for the thermal property. For rheological behavior such as density, specific gravity and
viscosity. And for the chemical property such as X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Fluorescence.


Physical Characterization

2.1 Moisture Content

The moisture content is expressed either as a percent of the oven dry mass or of the as-
received mass [2]. The objective of the study for moisture content is to determine the amount of
water present in a clay expressed as a percentage of the mass of dry clay. This is termed as the
moisture content of the clay. The determination of the moisture content by mass of clay where
the reduction of mass by drying is through loss of water.
The clay sample subjected to this study was gathered from stockpile of ceramic raw
materials in the engineering laboratory during the start of the laboratory activities, the clay that
was chosen was Pasaleng km 584. After getting the representative samples for moisture content,
three samples of 100 grams were selected in oven drying at 110°C for eight hours.

Figure 1. The experimental flow chart of the study for moisture content determination

2.2 Plasticity Test

Clay changes when it is wet. Wet clay can be pressed, rolled, and molded into intricate
shapes . The objective for plasticity test is to determine if the clay has a high or low plasticity.
The clay sample used was passing 200 mesh, the three samples of 150 grams was mixed
with 100ml of distilled water. the clay was with water until the clay abled to wedge then after
that it was able to coiled around the finger.

Figure 2. The experimental

flow chart of clay plasticity.

2.3 Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis

The particle size distribution is defined via the mass or volume. Sieve analysis is used to
divide the particulate material into size fractions and then to determine the weight of these
fractions. In this way a relatively broad particle size spectrum can be analyzed quickly and
reliably [5]. The objective for particle size distribution analysis is a necessary classification test
for clay, in that it represents the relative portions of different sizes of particles.
For sieve analysis, 100 grams of dry clay samples were prepared. The set of sieves used
are #10, #30, #60, #120, #200, #270 and #325 mesh. The sieves were arranged from larger to
small opening. Placed the 100 grams on the top part of the sieve. The set of sieves was put in the
mechanical sieve shaker and run for 10 minutes which is the desired time before removing the
sets of sieves in the sieve shaker and then after that, the sieve of sets was weighed individually.

Fig 3. The experimental flow chart for particle size distribution by sieve analysis.

2.4 Particle Size Separation by Sedimentation Method

Sedimentation of particles in a fluid has long been used to characterize particle size
distribution [7]. The objective of the study is to determine the fine, moderate and coarse particle of
the Pasaleng km 584 clay and also aims the process by which the particles are formed by
accumulation of sediment.
For sedimentation method, six samples of 201.46 grams was use for the sedimentation
method. The 200g + 0.73% (200g) = 201.46 grams. The 200g was the reserved clay, the added
0.73% was the average percentage of moisture content multiplied by 200grams. So, the first 3
samples poured into the three pieces of 1000 ml beaker mixed with a tap water of 600 ml it was
stirred for 10 minutes. After stirred for 10 minutes the three samples it was transferred into the
1000 ml graduated cylinder and each of them was added 400 ml of water then stirred it again for

15 minutes. Wait for 24 hours before measuring the samples with a ruler. For the three remaining
samples, repeat the procedure by using distilled water.

Fig 4. The flow chart for sedimentation using tap and distilled water

2.5 Beneficiation Process by Elutriation

Elutriate is an environmental matrix that enable the replication of sediment mobilization
phenomena (Shubaet al., 1978) and the prediction of the release of contaminants from the
sediment to the water column (ASTM, 1990) [6].
The clay sample used for elutriation was three samples of 201.46 grams (same with the
computation for sedimentation method). The three samples mixed with distilled water in the
beaker having a ratio of 1:1. It was stirred for 1 hour and after, the clay pass through using the

series of sieves (#20, #100, #200 and #300 mesh).

Fig 5. The experimental flown chart for elutriation.

Thermal Property

2.6 Loss of Ignition

The change in mass as a result of heating a sample under specified conditions. The loss
on ignition (LOI) is expressed as a weight percentage of the dry mass [9]. The objective for loss of
ignition was to determine the weight between before and after drying in the high temperature
The clay that was moisture was the clay used. The clay was place in a porcelain crucible
and then after that it was place in high temperature furnace at 1000℃ for 4 hours. After the 4
hours of heating the clay, the clay in a porcelain crucible weighed to the kern (PCB 1000-2) to
determine the loss of ignition(LOI).

Fig 8. Experimental flow chart for loss of ignition

Rheological Behavior

2.7 Density and Specific Gravity

Density (ρ) is the proportion of mass (m) to volume in an amount of material [3]. The
objective is to determine the density and specific gravity of Pasaleng clay.
To determine the density and specific gravity, three samples of 200 grams was used. The
beaker was the container used, the clay samples were mixed up with distilled water with a 1:2
ratio, 100 ml of distilled water and 200 grams of clay. Stirred manually for 30 minutes then get
the spg cup and put a slip clay inside the spg cup until it was full then weigh to the kern. After
the first reading, repeat again the procedure for the two left samples.
Figure 6. The experimental flow for density and specific gravity

2.8 Viscosity
Viscosity may be defined as the resistance of a liquid to flow. As a general rule, when a
liquid flows all parts of it must be in motion, so that successive planes of molecules slide over
each other. The objective for viscosity is to determine the measurement of the internal friction of
a liquid [8].
In viscosity two samples of 100 grams was used. The two samples were mixed with water
in a beaker, with a ratio of 1:1, 100 grams of clay and 100 ml of distilled water. The clay-water
system of the one sample was mixed with 0.01ml of sodium silicate. After it was stirred
manually for thirty minutes, the digital viscometer was set up and the samples were put into the
viscometer and started showing the results in the screen of the digital viscometer.

Fig 7. The flow chart using the clay-water system with a ratio of 1:1, with deflocculant and
without deflocculant of Pasaleng clay

Chemical Properties

2.9X-Ray Diffraction & X-Ray Fluorescence

The objective for X-Ray Diffraction was to determine the diffraction pattern of Pasaleng
clay using Olympus BTX II diffractometer with CuKα wavelength and 2Ɵ range of 0 to 55, with
55 exposures cycle.
X-Ray Fluorescence is an analytical method to determine the chemical composition of all
kinds of materials. The materials can be in solid, liquid, powdered, filtered or other form. XRF
can also sometimes be used to determine the thickness and composition of layers and coatings
. The model used for X-Ray Fluorescence and spectrometer (Olympus Delta professional)
The clay taken from the moisture content as received, particle size distribution passing
200 mesh of sieve, beneficiation process by elutriation, sedimentation and loss of ignition was
analyzed and place in XRD analysis and XRF analysis to determine the mineralogical and
chemically composition of Pasaleng clay.




Fig 9. Experimental flow chart for a.) X-Ray Diffraction and b.) X-Ray Fluorescence analysis

Morphological Structure

2.10 Scanning Electron Microscope

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) scans a focused electron beam over a surface to
create an image. The electrons in the beam interact with the sample, producing various signals
that can be used to obtain information about the surface topography and composition [11]. The
clay used for the SEM was from the extracted sedimentation and elutriation.
3.1 Physical Characterization
For physical characterization seven parameters were determined: moisture content was
determined first and then followed by Plasticity Test, Particle Size Distribution by Sieve
Analysis, Particle Size Separation by Sedimentation Method, Beneficiation Process by
Parameters Unit Average Result
Moisture Content % 0.73
Plasticity Test Unit less Low plasticity
Table 1. Physical Characterization of Pasaleng Clay deposits, Km 584, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte
Table 1 present the results in the Physical characteristic of the Pasaleng clay. The water
or moisture on the clay material was ranged from 0.67% to 0.79%. For the plasticity test, when
wet clay coiled around the forefinger the clay breaks and have many cracks, indicated that the
clay has poor plasticity.

Figure 10 Showed the results in Cumulative Percent Finer Than and % in class of the Pasaleng
clay sample. The CPFT or Cumulative Percent Finer Than is the percent passing. The % in class
is the percent retained which the inverse of CPFT, and as the screen opening decreases the
cumulative size increases.

% in Class CPFT

pan 45 53 75 125 250 600 2000


Figure 10. Graphical Illustration for CPFT and % in class

Table 2. Results in the Particle size classification (fine, medium and coarse) by sedimentation
method results.
Using Tap Water Using Distilled Water
(mm) (mm)
COURSE 15.7 16 25 22
MEDIUM 25.7 26 38.7 34
FINE 56.7 58 5 44
TOTAL AVERAGE: 98.1 100 113.7 100

Table 2 presents the particle size separation by sedimentation method using a tap and
distilled water. The result of percentage for the left part was using the tap water. And percentage
for distilled water to the right part. On tap water the percentage of coarse was 16% on medium
26% and for fine it was 58% a total of 100%. And for distilled water the percentage for coarse
was 22%, 34% for the fine and it was 44% for fine. In the observed experiment, the clay sample
using tap water is faster to settle down than the distilled water used.

Table 3. Results in the Recovery of Beneficiation process by elutriation.

Sieve size 20 100 200 300 -300Passing Total

Average 112.75 51.87 11.51 15.34 40.51 231.98
% 48.603 22.359 4.962 6.613 17.463 100

Table 3 presents the results for beneficiation process by elutriation using 1:1 ratio. For
the elutriation method there wasfive parts, the #20mesh, #100 mesh or coarse, #200 mesh or
medium, #300 mesh or the fine and the passing -300 mesh. The percentage for the total of #20
mesh was 28.61%, for the coarse was 13.16%, the percentage for medium was 2.92%, 3.89% for
fine and 51.41% for the passing -300.

3.2 Rheological Behavior

For rheological behavior such as density (clay-water system 1:1, 1:2, 1:2 with
deflocculant), Specific Gravity, and viscosity.

Table 4. Rheological behavior

Parameters Unit Average Result

Density (clay-water system 1:1) g/ml 1.39
Density (clay-water system 1:2) g/ml 1.16
Density (clay-water system 1:2 with deflocculant) g/ml 2.07
Specific Gravity (1:1) Unit less 1.39
Specific Gravity (1:2) Unit less 1.16
Specific Gravity (1:2 with deflocculant) Unit less 2.07

For the density and specific gravity of the clay, H 2O was the substance used for easier
calculations using the density of the clay. The result of the density in the clay water system for
1:1 ratio was 1.39 g/ml, for the clay-water system 1:2 the average density was 1.16 g/ml, the
average density in the clay-water system 1:2 with deflocculant was 2.07 g/ml.
For the ratio 1:1 the specific gravity was 1.39, for 1:2 without deflocculant its specific
gravity was 1.16, the specific gravity of 1:2 with with deflocculant was 1.16.
Fig 12 Showed the results for the viscosity of clay-water system with and without deflocculant.
At the left as shown in the graph the clay-water system with deflocculant, the ratio used was 1:1
added with 0.01 ml of sodium silicate. The graph shown that in the clay-water the average for the
first was 22.9 MPa.S. For the second, 24.2 MPa.S and for the third reading the MPa.S was 29.7.
The graph shown in the clay-water system without defloccculant the three average for the three
readings was 328.1 MPa.S, 684.7 MPa.S and 683.6 MPa.S.

80 1000
70 900
Viscosity (MPa.S)

Viscosity (MPa.S)

50 600
40 500
30 400
10 100
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time (Seconds) Time (Seconds)

A. B.
Figure 11. Graph of viscosity vs time of the 1:1 clay-water system. A.) With deflocculant B.)
Without deflocculant
3.3 Thermal Characterization
Table 5. The result of % loss on ignition
Before After
Clay+Crucible Porcelain % LOI
Sample Porcelain
Clay (g) (g) Crucible Clay (g)
No. Crucible (g)
1 10.8736 1.0266 11.9002 11.7819 0.1183 11.5235
2 8.7892 1.0974 9.8866 9.7587 0.1279 11.6548
3 10.4816 1.2282 11.7098 11.5679 0.3397 11.5535

Table 5 presents the results for loss of ignition the clay sample was subjected to high
temperature of 1000°C. The result for the percentage loss of weight for the first sample was
11.52, for the second sample the percentage was 11.65 and for the third sample has a percentage
of 11.55. The total average of the percentage for loss of ignition 11.58%.

3.4 Chemical Characterization

Table 6. Chemical analysis of Pasaleng Clay at different preparations
Clay Powder in different conditions
Extracted from Extracted Undergo Loss
Componen Undergo
Passing 200 Sedimentation from of Ignition Test
t Moisture
mesh screen Process Elutriation
Oxides Content Test
SiO2 39.04 39.85 43.08 41.57 39.44
Al2O3 44.53 35.42 44.65 44.45 44.15
Fe2O3 6.93 7.34 5.60 7.97 6.62
TiO2 4.62 6.77 3.60 4.37 4.87
MgO 4.88 4.07 3.06 0 4.92

Different treatment used in determining the mineralogical composition of the clay by

XRF analysis as presented in the Table 3 that SiO2 has dominant content followed by the major
content Al2O3, minor content of Fe2O3 and trace amount of TiO2 and MnO, however other
ceramic oxides was not detected.
Table 7. Results of Probable Mineral of Pasaleng Km 584 Clay by XRF Analysis
Clay Powder in different conditions
Extracted from Extracted Undergo Loss of
Mineral Undergo
Passing 200 Sedimentation from Ignition Test
Clay Moisture
mesh screen Process Elutriation
(Norms) Content Test
Orthoclas 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Albite 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Anorthite 0.00 31.20 0.00 7.04 0.00
Kaolinite 101.62 57.00 100.22 91.54 100.91
Quartz -12.03 -1.75 -8.39 -9.35 -11.30
Hematite 6.25 7.05 4.97 6.95 5.99
Rutile 4.17 6.49 3.20 3.82 4.40

Table 7 Presents the results for probable mineral analysis of Pasalenng clay. Different
conditions of clay sample used in determining the probable mineral analysis. For the undergo
Moisture content, extracted from sedimentation and undergo for Loss of ignition the 100
percentage was greatly part of kaolinite. For the passing 200 mesh screen 57% of kaolinite and
31% for anorthite and a little bit percentage for Hematite and rutile. From the extracted for the
elutriation process, 91% of kaolinite and 7% part of anorthite, 6.95% for hematite and 3.82% for
rutile. For the clay powder in different conditions, the result for the Pasaleng clay has the highest
part was kaolinite.
Figure 12 Shows the diffraction of the Pasaleng clay. The different pattern of the loss of
ignition, sedimentation and moisture content was determined, mostly the detected amount was
quartz and kaolinite with a low content of hematite. However, the passing 200 mesh and
beneficiation process by elutriation shows the great amount of quartz and kaolinite and some
parts are anorthite and it is due to the clay sample that screened using 200 mesh for passing 200
and 300 mesh for the elutriation. It was reveal that the clay samples were composed of
crystalline phases of quartz, kaolinite hematite and anorthite.
Figure 12. X-Ray Diffraction pattern of the Pasaleng clay of different preparations methods.
Figure 14 Shows the image results of image for elutriation and sedimentation for SEM.
The morphological structure of the clay powder to the extracted from elutriation in sedimentation
clay. The formation of the images has been demonstrated through the results.
The morphological structure for the elutriated powder A & B, the image of the clay sample for
1000x(A) the powder was like granules and for the 5000x(B), the part of the sample which
having a white and clearer determined as quartz.
For the extracted powder from the sedimentation C & D, the limage at 1000x(C) the powder was
just like a granules and for the 5000x(D) the determined part was quartz and it was like a page of

Morphological Structure
Fig 13. SEM micrograph image of Pasaleng Clay. A & B Elutriated clay powder and C & D
Extracted powder from the sedimentation

Clay from Pasaleng, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte was determined by physical and thermal
properties, rheological behavior, chemical and mineralogical composition and morphological
structure of clay deposits at km 584, Brgy. Pasaleng, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte.
For the physical property which was the moisture content the clay has an average percentage
moisture of 0.73% and for plasticity the clay was poor.The thermal property which was the loss
of ignition has a weight percentage of 11.58.
The rheological behavior in density with a clay-water system 1:1 without deflocculant, 1:2
without deflocculant and 1:2 with deflocculant, the density of the three clay-water system was
1.39g/ml, 1.16g/ml and 2.07g/ml. And for the specific gravity was also the same value with
respect to each clay water system but the unit for specific gravity was unitless. the result for the
clay-water system having a ratio of 1:1, and 1:2 in viscosity with and without deflocculant. The
behavior of the clay-water system with no deflocculant and with deflocculant, the MPa.S of with
no deflocculant was started to decreased to increased while in without deflocculant was inversed
to the result in with deflocculant.
The chemical properties, different treatments were used in identifying the chemical
components of the clay, which is the moisture content, passing 200 mesh, sedimentation,
elutriation and the loss of ignition samples. The x-ray fluorescence analysis results showed that
the major chemical constituent oxides are silica and alumina with the value of 39.04% to 43.07%
and 35.41% to 44.65% respectively. The x-ray diffraction analysis result showed that the mineral
content of the clay was dominated by kaolinite, then hematite and anorthite.
The finding of this study showed that the clay deposit of Brgy. Pasaleng, Pagudpud, Ilocos
Norte was only suit for academic study.

[1] W.E. Worall. Clay and Ceramic Raw Materials. Second Edition, Elsevier Applied Science
Publishers. (1986). P1
[2] ASTM Standards 2974-87 Standard Test Methods for Moisture Content, Ash, and Organic
Matter of Peat and Other Organic Soils.
[3] DensityDeterminationManual.pdf
[4] A. Rule & S. Guggenheim (2007). A Standards-based Curriculum for Clay Science
[6] A. Arizzi Novelli, C. Losso, G. Libralato, D. Taglaprieta, C. Pantani, A. Volpi Ghirardini.
(2005) Ecoxictocology and Environmental Safety, Is the 1:4 elutriation ratio reliable?
Ecotoxicological comparison of four different sediment: water proportions.
[8] W.E. Worall. Clay and Ceramic Raw Materials. Second Edition, Elsevier Applied Science
Publishers. (1986). P 127
[10] P. Brouwer (2003). Theory of XRF Getting acquainted with the principles, PANalytical
BV, The Netherlands.

After all the days of hard works, efforts and sacrifices, finally the authors successfully
finished this study. This paper is the fruit of all waiting. Through this piece, the authors would
like to extend her gratitude and thanks to the following:

Engr. Dionesio C. Pondoc, for sharing his time and priceless suggestions and also greatly
helped in improving the paper.

Engr. Andrew C. Dono, for helping us to analyze our data in X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
using Match 2 Software. He provided valuable input and perspective.

CIMEA (Center for Innovative Materials in Emerging Applications) for the free of
charge on the different state-of-the-art equipment including X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray
Diffraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
Engr. April Mae Patac, for operating those equipment for our samples to be analyzed.

Engr. Rotsen Pasion, for being our laboratory aid and for providing the materials needed
in our laboratory works.

To our parents, for all the kindness and supports, for extending their helping hands.

The God almighty who gives wisdom, knowledge and strength to finish this study, for his
guidance during the time that we’re down and depress. We will lift up your name and worship
you Lord Jesus because of who you are.

Apparatus and Equipment used

For Physical Properties

Moisture Content

Detailed calculations

TRIAL Weight of the Weight of the moisture Weight of the sample

clay (g) can (g) after drying (g)
1st 100.07 41.12 140.16
2nd 100.52 41.49 141.06
3rd 100.92 38.85 138.68
TOTAL AVERAGE 100.503 40.49 139.97
In equation form,
Initial Weight−Oven Dry Weight
MC= ×100
Oven Dry Weight
MC = moisture content of soil and expressed as a percentage
Initial Weight = weight of the sample after drying
Oven Dry Weight = weight of the sample after heated
Sample #1

Moisture Content = ×100
14 o .16
Moisture Content = 0.73%
Sample #2

Moisture Content = × 100
Moisture Content = 0.67%
Sample #3

Moisture Content = ×100
Moisture Content = 0.79%

Average of the Sample

MC of Sample 1+ MC of Sample 2+ MC of Sample 3
Average of the sample=
0.73 %+0.67 %+0.79 %
¿ =0.73 %
Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis
Detailed calculations

Size (um) Weight of sieve Weight of sieve Weight % in class

(g) and clay (g) remained (g) (g) CPFT
2000 520.05 541.65 21.6 21.68457 78.31543018
600 405.2 431.58 26.38 26.483285 51.83214537
250 429.84 450.57 20.73 20.811164 31.02098183
125 362.41 372.85 10.44 10.480875 20.54010642
75 334.49 340.65 6.16 6.1841181 14.35598835
53 333.84 338.21 4.37 4.3871097 9.968878627
45 329.65 332.76 3.11 3.1221765 6.846702138
0 358.03 364.85 6.82 6.8467021 0
99.61 100

Particle Size Separation by Sedimentation Method

Detailed Calculations for Sedimentation Method



1st 17 24 58 15.667
2nd 13 21 60 25.667
3rd 17 32 52 56.667
TOTAL AERAGE 15.667 25.667 56.667 98



1st 25 40 50 25
2nd 26 41 50 38.667
3rd 24 35 50 50
TOTAL AVERAGE 25 38.667 50 116.667

Beneficiation Process by Elutriation

Detailed Calculation

1:1 #20 #100 MESH #200 MESH #300 PASSING PASSING

H (g) (g) (g) FINE (g) (g)
1ST 112.75 48.32 9.28 13.12 40.51 28.613
2ND 119.77 52.35 13.25 12.47 607.73 40.51 13.693
3RD 105.73 54.94 11.99 20.44 40.51 2.920
TOTAL 338.25 155.61 34.52 46.03 121.53 3.894

For Thermal Property

Loss of Ignition
Detailed Calculations

TRIAL Weight of the Weight of crucible with Weight of the sample

crucible (g) clay (g) after heating (g)
1st 10.8736 11.9002 11.7819
2nd 8.7892 9.8866 9.7587
3rd 10.4816 11.7098 11.5679
TOTAL AVERAGE 10.05 11.17 11.04
Loss of Ignition Formula
LOI (weight %) = ¿ ¿
N 1= weight of crucible porcelain
N 2= weight of crucible porcelain + dried sample clay
N 3= weight of crucible porcelain + fired sample
Sample #1

LOI (weight%) = ×100
LOI (weight%) = 11.5235g

Sample #2

LOI (weight%) = × 100
LOI (weight%) = 11.6548g
Sample #3

LOI (weight%) = ×100
LOI (weight%) = 11.5535g

For Rheological Behavior

Density and Specific Gravity

Detailed Calculations for Density and Specific Gravity

Ratio 1:2

TRIAL Weight of the Weight of the SPG Volume of the Density Mass of the
SPG Cup (g) Cup + clay (g) SPG Cup (g) (g/ml) clay slurry (g)
1st 36.82 47.17 8.36 1.24 10.35
2nd 36.82 45.67 8.36 1.06 8.85
3rd 36.82 46.63 8.36 1.17 9.81
Mass of Clay Slurry
Density =
Volume of Clay Slurry
1st trial 2nd Trial 3rd trial
10.35 g 8.35 g 9.81 g
D= D= D=
8.36 g /ml 8.36 g /ml 8.36 g /ml
= 1.24g/ml = 1.06g/ml = 1.17g/ml
Trial 1+ Trial 2+Trial 3
Total Average ¿
1.24 g /ml+1.06 g /ml +1.17 g/ml


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