4 Genre Arti
4 Genre Arti
4 Genre Arti
explanation teks
inflation is a state of the economy in a country where there is a tendency to increase prices of
goods and services in general in a long time (continuous) due to the imbalance in the flow of
money and goods. This inflation occurs because of demand or a strong public appeal for an item.
Then, the scarcity of production and / or also includes the scarcity of distribution, although there
is generally no significant increase in demand. Reduced production can occur due to various
things such as problems with the source of natural disaster production, weather or the scarcity of
raw materials to produce the production. Triggering the scarcity of related production on the
market. Increased production costs can also be caused by rising prices, for example rising raw
material prices. It also can be caused by increases in wages or salaries.
inflasi adalah suatu keadaan perekonomian di suatu negara dimana terjadi kecenderungan
kenaikan harga-harga barang dan jasa secara umum dalam waktu yang panjang (kontinu)
disebabkan karena tidak seimbangnya arus uang dan barang. inflasi ini terjadi karena permintaan
atau daya tarik masyarakat yang kuat terhadap suatu barang. Kemudian, kelangkaan produksi
dan/atau juga termasuk adanya kelangkaan distribusi, walau permintaan secara umum tidak ada
perubahan yang meningkat secara signifikan. Berkurangnya produksi bisa terjadi akibat berbagai
hal seperti masalah pada sumber produksi bencana alam, cuaca atau kelangkaan bahan baku
untuk menghasilkan produksi tersebut. Sehingga memicu kelangkaan produksi yang terkait
tersebut di pasaran. Meningkatnya biaya produksi juga dapat disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga
misalnya kenaikan harga bahan baku. Selain itu juga bisa disebabkan kenaikan upah atau gaji.
One of the causes of demand inflation or strong public appeal for an item. Then, the scarcity of
production and / or also includes the scarcity of distribution, although there is generally no
significant increase in demand. Inflation also has an impact on the community, one of them is
saving it again in the bank because the savings interest is smaller than inflation, even though the
payment of administrative costs is still running. In addition, in determining the cost of goods and
selling prices are also not accurate. Inflation not only gives a negative impact but can have a
positive impact. A positive impact on people's income might occur. In certain conditions such as
when there is soft inflation, entrepreneurs will be encouraged to expand production so that the
economy increases. For that we must find out ways to overcome inflation in our country.
Salah satu penyebab inflasi permintaan atau daya tarik masyarakat yang kuat terhadap suatu
barang. Kemudian, kelangkaan produksi dan/atau juga termasuk adanya kelangkaan distribusi,
walau permintaan secara umum tidak ada perubahan yang meningkat secara signifikan. Dari
inflasi itu juga berdampak pada masyarakat sala satunya masyarakat engan menabung lagi di
bank karena bunga tabungan lebih kecil dariada inflasi padahal pembayaran biaya administrasi
tetap berjalan. Selan itu dalam menetapkan harga pokok dan harga jual juga tidak akurat. Inflasi
tidak hanya memberi dampak negatif saja namun bisa memberikan dampak positif. Dampak
positifnya pada pendapatan masyarakat mungkin terjadi. Pada kondisi tertentu seperti ketika
terjadi inflasi lunak, pengusaha akan terdorong untuk memperluas produksi sehingga
perekonomian meningkat. Untuk itu kita harus mencari tahu cara-cara mengatasi inflasi di
negara kita.
inflation is a state of the economy in a country where there is a tendency to increase prices of
goods and services in general in a long time (continuous) due to the imbalance in the flow of
money and goods. Inflation has many impacts on society and therefore we have to deal with
inflation in a way
The central bank can adopt a policy to reduce the money supply by determining the supply of
money in circulation and establishing the cash supply in banks. the central bank can implement a
discount policy by increasing the value of interest rates. The goal is to encourage people to save.
the central bank can reduce the amount of money in circulation by selling securities.
inflation is a state of the economy in a country where there is a tendency to increase prices for
goods and services. And the above is how to overcome them.
inflasi adalah suatu keadaan perekonomian di suatu negara dimana terjadi kecenderungan
kenaikan harga-harga barang dan jasa secara umum dalam waktu yang panjang (kontinu)
disebabkan karena tidak seimbangnya arus uang dan barang. Inflasi memiliki banyak dampak
untuk masyarakat oleh karena itu kita harus mengatasi inflasi itu dengan cara
Bank sentral dapat mengambil kebijakan untuk mengurangi uang yang beredar dengan jalan
menetapkan persediaan uang yang beredar dan menetapkan persediaan uang kas pada bank-bank.
bank sentral dapat menerapkan kebijakan diskonto dengan cara meningkatkan nilai suku bunga.
Tujuannya adalah agar masyarakat terdorong untuk menabung. bank sentral dapat mengurangi
jumlah uang yang beredar dengan cara menjual surat-surat berharga.
inflasi adalah suatu keadaan perekonomian di suatu negara dimana terjadi kecenderungan
kenaikan harga-harga barang dan jasa. Dan diatas adalah cara mengatasinya.
Discution teks
Inflation is a tendency to increase prices of goods and services in general which continues over
time. There are two main causes of inflation. First, excess demand while production is relatively
stable. Second, increased production costs that encourage producers to sell their goods are more
The debate over purchasing power associated with low inflation and slowing economic growth
does not seem to be showing signs of abating. As always, there will always be two different axes
in every debate. First, those who believe in low inflation are due to falling aggregate demand.
Other parties are those who say that the low inflation is due to the successful efforts in
controlling prices.
What is certain is that the style of analysis of these strategic indicators depends on the
background and interests of the analyzer. A Fadli Zon is an opposition politician. Not
surprisingly, he concluded that the low inflation indicates a decrease in purchasing power. In
fact, if the condition is allowed, the man born 46 years ago believes it can lead to depression. A
prediction that might be too excessive. Even though he is a politician, his basic economics
cannot be considered ordinary. He is a doctor and master of development studies at the London
School of Economics and Political Science.
For this Gerindra politician, the government is seen as making it difficult for the people to live
with the removal of subsidies from some vital needs. The rise in fuel prices, the loss of electricity
subsidies, plus the scarcity of natural gas, made the economy of the lower middle class
increasingly squeezed.
This man born in Jakarta also questions capital-intensive and high-teck infrastructure policies in
the midst of financial conditions that are not truly supportive. The policy is considered to have
no real impact on improving people's income. Not many local workers are absorbed, except
leaving a growing state debt. As a result, with relatively the same income while living costs soar,
forcing people to rearrange their finances by suppressing the consumption of other goods. In the
end, there was a decrease in aggregate demand which triggered low inflation. The fall of some
retail and quiet mall visitors seemed to reinforce these allegations.
It is also different from the government and sympathizers. They argue that low inflation is the
result of the successful control of commodity prices. The next reason is because there is a change
in shopping from conventional to online. Although the volume of online shopping is suspected to
be no more than 2 percent. Another thing is the shifting of consumption patterns of upper middle
class people. The government believes there has been a shift in spending patterns from
previously shopping goods changed to leisure. In short, this faction is not enough to believe or is
too proud to justify a decline in purchasing power.
In addition to differences in background and interests, the angle of view is not the same. Waka
DPR and groups who agree with him take the perspective of the lower classes. Meanwhile, the
government camp views the issue more from the perspective of the upper middle class. How not,
they talk about shopping online and shifting consumption patterns towards leisure. Something
that might be quite far from the reach of the lower classes. Even so, both of them have something
in common, that is, both in the name of the people.
Two camps with two different analyzes. Sort of like a war, there is an attack and then another
defense. Something plural happened. We also cannot necessarily say that one is right and the
other is wrong. In expressing their opinions, both sides certainly use their respective supporting
Betulkah inflasi rendah atau deflasi menjadi penanda melemahnya daya beli?
inflasi adalah kecenderungan naiknya harga barang dan jasa pada umumnya yang berlangsung
secara terus menerus. Ada dua penyebab utama inflasi. Pertama, kelebihan permintaan sementara
produksi relatif stabil. Kedua, meningkatnya ongkos produksi yang mendorong produsen
menjual barangnya lebih mahal.
Ada dua poros berbeda dalam setiap perdebatan. Pihak pertama, mereka yang meyakini
rendahnya inflasi dikarenakan permintaan agregat yang menurun. Pihak lain adalah yang
mengatakan bahwa rendahnya inflasi karena keberhasilan upaya dalam pengendalian harga.
rendahnya inflasi menunjukkan adanya penurunan daya beli. Bahkan, jika kondisi tersebut
dibiarkan dapat berujung depresi. Sebuah ramalan yang mungkin terlalu berlebihan. Pihak lain
berpendapat inflasi rendah sebagai buah keberhasilan pengendalian harga komoditas. Alasan
berikutnya karena terjadi perubahan belanja dari sebelumnya konvensional menjadi online.