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JUN - 00119 (To be filled by the Candidate)
Time Allowed : 1 Hour] [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates
1. Write your Seat No. and OMR Sheet No. in the space provided 1.
on the top of this page.
2. This paper consists of Fifty (50) multiple-choice type of questions.
Each question will carry two marks. All questions of Paper I 2.
will be compulsory.
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet 3.
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JUN - 00119/I—A

JUN - 00119/I—A
Paper I
Time Allowed : 60 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : This Paper contains Fifty (50) multiple choice questions, each question
carrying Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.
(50) (2)

1. The reflective level teaching is :

(A) teacher-centered and subject-
centered but not learner- (A)


(B) not teacher-centered but is

subject-centered and learner-

(C) teacher-centered and not

subject-centered and learner-

(D) neither teacher-centered nor

subject-centered but is learner-

2. The adult learner is : 2.

(A) peer-motivated (A)

(B) self-motivated (B)

(C) family-motivated (C)

(D) society-motivated (D)

3 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

3. Massive Open Online Courses 3. (MOOCs)

(MOOCs) are :
(A) (Mass)
(A) flexible and open form of self-
directed, online learning
designed for mass participation

(B) flexible and open form of

(B) (Mass)
teacher-directed, online
learning designed for mass

(C) flexible and open form of self- (C) (Mass)

directed, off-line learning

designed for mass participation

(D) flexible and open form of

(D) (Mass)
teacher-directed, off-line
learning designed for mass

4. Modern teaching support system 4.

includes :

(A) Smart Boards (A)

(B) Green Boards (B)

(C) Charts (C)

(D) Maps (D)

JUN - 00119/I—A

5. Which of the following is not 5.

applicable to the internal
assessment ? (A)
(A) Integration of teaching and
evaluation (B)
(B) Testing of skills and abilities (C) (periodic)
(C) Periodic and continuous (continuous)

(D) Use of only achievement tests (D)

6. Dialogue method of discovering the 6.

truth was given by :

(A) Plato (A)

(B) Socrates (B)

(C) Froebel (C)

(D) Herbart (D)

7. If one variable is measured on 7. (nominal

nominal scale and other variable is scale)
measured on interval scale, the (interval scale)
appropriate research method will
be :

(A) Experimental method (A)

(B) Case-study method (B)

(C) Cross-sectional method (C)

(D) Correlation method (D)

5 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

8. Which of the following is not a 8.

characteristic of good hypothesis ? (hypothesis)

(A) Testability (A)

(B) Objectivity (B)

(C) Complexity (C)

(D) Conceptual clarity (D)

9. If mean and median of a frequency 9.

distribution are 20 and 22 20 22
respectively, then the mode of the
distribution will be :

(A) 21 (A) 21

(B) 16 (B) 16

(C) 26 (C) 26

(D) 11 (D) 11

10. Using someone else’s research 10.

without due acknowledgement is
called as :
(A) Copyright
(B) Plagiarism
(C) Publication
(D) Patent
JUN - 00119/I—A

Directions :

Answer Question Nos. 11 to 15

11 15
based on either the English
passage or the Marathi passage :

A sanctuary may be defined as a

place where Man is passive and the
rest of Nature active. Till quite
recently, let me tell you, Nature had
her own sanctuaries, where man
either did not go at all or only as
a tool-using animal in compara-
tively small numbers. But now, in
this machinery age, there is no
place left where man cannot go
with overwhelming forces at his
command. He can strangle to death
all the nobler wildlife in the world
to-day. To-morrow he certainly will
have done so, unless he exercises due
foresight and self-control in the mean

There is not the slightest doubt that

birds and mammals are now being
killed off much faster than they can
breed. And it is always the largest
and noblest forms of life that suffer
most. The whales and elephants,
lions and eagles, go. The rats and
7 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
flies, and all mean parasites, remain.
This is inevitable in certain cases.
But it is wanton killing off that I
am speaking of to-night. Civilized
man begins by destroying the very
forms of wildlife he learns to
appreciate most when he becomes
still more civilized. The obvious
remedy is to begin conservation at
an earlier stage, when it is easier
and better in every way, by
enforcing laws for close seasons,
game preserves, the selective
protection of certain species, and

I have just defined a sanctuary as

a place where man is passive and
the rest of Nature active. But this
general definition is too absolute for
any special case. The mere fact that
man has to protect a sanctuary does
away with his purely passive
attitude. Then, he can be beneficially
active by destroying pests and
parasites, like bot-flies or mosquitoes,
and by finding antidotes for diseases
like the epidemic which periodically
kills off the rabbits and thus starves
many of the carnivores to death.
JUN - 00119/I—A
But, except in cases where
experiment has proved his
intervention to be beneficial, the less
he upsets the balance of Nature the
better, even when he tries to be an
earthly Providence.

11. In the passage, it is implied by the

author that his first definition of a
‘Sanctuary’ is :
(A) somewhat idealistic

(B) quite wrong (A)

(C) completely unacceptable

(D) difficult to defend
12. The author seems to be much
concerned about the active role of
man in protection of animals
because : 12.

(A) he is afraid of the fact that it

would lead to the imbalance of
the ecological system

(B) he is sure that it is beneficial (A)

for the mankind itself
(C) he thinks that man’s
passiveness is not a sign of his (C)
being alive
(D) he is more idealistic
9 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
13. The above passage can be : 13.
(A) a part of an article in a scientific
journal (A)
(B) an argument in front of the (B)
court of law
(C) a part of a speech delivered to (C)
an educated audience
(D) an extract of a scientific report
14. The author intends to convey the 14.
message that :
(A) Man is quite a clever animal
(B) If the man failed to maintain
the ecological balance, it will be
harmful in the long-run (A)
(C) Man wishes to destroy the wild-
life as it is harmful for his (B)
(D) The balanced ecosystem will
decrease the importance of man (D)
in the overall affairs of the
universe 15.
15. The tone of the author can be best
described as being : (A)

(A) descriptive (B)

(B) humorous
(C) narrative
(D) sarcastic (D)

16. According to Dr. Deval, communi- 16.

cation means :
(A) Sharing of ideas
(B) Sharing of experiences
(C) Perception
(D) Sharing of emotions (D)
JUN - 00119/I—A
17. To select media to teach a lesson to 17.
class, teacher should consider
objectives of the lesson, age group
of students, knowledge about media
to be used and :
(A) teaching methods (A)
(B) teaching aids (B)
(C) mass media (C)
(D) evaluation system (D)
18. Traffic signals are example of 18.
.................... communication.
(A) mass (A)
(B) non-verbal (B)
(C) verbal (C)
(D) one to many (D)
19. Customers coming to mall and 19.
sharing some common interest and
group based activities are steadily
increasing. This is the example of
........................ group.
(A) open (A)
(B) closed (B)
(C) peer to peer (C)
(D) hierarchical (D)
20. Sometimes mass media misleads 20.
society because receivers are :
(A) heterogenous
(A) (heterogenous)
(B) in large numbers (B)
(C) illiterate (C)
(D) critical (D)
11 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

21. In a game with two players X and 21. X Y

Y and given n ( 4) number of circles
n ( 4)
drawn on a plane paper, alternately
each one of X and Y is suppose to
join two different circles which were
not already joined by a line. The
winner is one who joins the last X
available pair of circles and the
game ends. If X starts the game
then : (A) X
(A) X always wins
(B) Y
(B) Y always wins
(C) n X
(C) X wins whenever n is odd
(D) n
(D) Y wins whenever n is a power
of 2 Y

22. In a classroom there are ten chairs 22.

in a row c1, c2, c3, ........., c10 which
c1, c2, c3, ......., c10 1, 2, 3, ......, 10
are labelled by numbers 1, 2, 3,
.........., 10 arbitrarily but satisfying
the condition that ki kj whenever k 1, k 2, k 3, ........., k 10
i j, where k1, k2, k3, ........., k10
are the labels given to the chairs c1, c2, c3, ........., c10
c1, c2, c3, ........., c10 respectively. ki kj i j
Then which of the following is
true ?
(A) For some i, ki = i (A) i ki = i

(B) There are two i and j such that (B) i j ki = i kj = j

ki = i and kj = j
(C) All labels must be distinct (C)

(D) For every i, ki = i (D) i ki = i

JUN - 00119/I—A
23. There are flowers in a basket which
are to be distributed to five persons
standing in a row. The second person
received half of the number of
flowers given to the first person, the
third person received half of the
number of flowers received to the
second person; the fourth person
received half of the number of
flowers received to the third person
and the fifth person received half of
the number of flowers received to the
fourth person. If the fifth person
received only one flower and there
is no flower remaining in the basket,
how many flowers were their in the (A) 31
basket ?
(B) 32
(A) 31
(B) 32 (C) 16
(C) 16
(D) 15
(D) 15
24. If 6 men or 8 children complete one 24. 6 8 24
task in 24 days, then how many days 7 12
will be required to complete the task
for 7 men and 12 children ?
(A) 12
(A) 12
(B) 9 (B) 9

(C) 10 (C) 10

(D) 16 (D) 16

13 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
25. The area of a parallelogram is 25. 128 cm2
128 cm2 and its altitude is twice the
corresponding base. What is the
length of the base ?
(A) 6 cm
(A) 6 cm
(B) 7 cm
(B) 7 cm
(C) 12 cm
(C) 12 cm
(D) 8 cm (D) 8 cm

26. Arrange the following terms in a 26.

meaningful-logical order indicating
the correct sequence :
(1) Grass
(2) Curd
(3) Milk
(4) Cow
(5) Butter
(A) 1—4—3—2—5
(A) 1—4—3—2—5
(B) 4—3—2—1—5 (B) 4—3—2—1—5

(C) 5—2—3—4—1 (C) 5—2—3—4—1

(D) 4—1—3—2—5 (D) 4—1—3—2—5

27. If the term HJLN is converted into 27. HJLN ILOR
ILOR, then by the same principle DFHJ
what could be the correct alternative
for the term DFHJ ?
JUN - 00119/I—A

28. ‘Parrots have green colour.’ This 28.

statement is a/an :

(A) Perception (A)

(B) Inference (B)

(C) Comparison (C)

(D) Implication (D)

29. Which of the following is/are the 29.

valid conclusions based on the
statements given below ?
I :
Statement I :

All donkeys are hardworking.

II :
Statement II :

Some hardworking animals are

human beings. 1 :

Conclusion 1 :

Some donkeys are hardworking.

2 :
Conclusion 2 :

Some donkeys are human beings.

(A) 1
(A) 1 only
(B) 2
(B) 2 only
(C) 1 2
(C) 1 and 2 both
(D) 1 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
15 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

30. Which of the following diagrams 30.

shows the correct relationship

among :

Boys, Students, Girls

(A) (A)

(B) (B)

(C) (C)

(D) (D)

JUN - 00119/I—A
31. A report regarding certain 31.
examination is given below :
Total number of candidates
appeared = 1000 = 1000
The number of male = 550
candidates = 550
The number of candidates = 700
passed = 700
The number of successful male
candidates will lie between the
limits ......................... . (A) 100 250
(A) 100 to 250
(B) 250 550
(B) 250 to 550
(C) 550 700
(C) 550 to 700
(D) 700 to 1000 (D) 700 1000

Direction :
Question numbers 32 and 33 32 33
are based on the following
information :
State Total number Ratio of Percentage
of male & number of of post-
female males to graduate
employees that of among total
female employees
A 20,000 13 : 7 60
A 20,000 13 : 7 60
B 30,000 8:7 50
B 30,000 8:7 50

C 25,000 5:5 64 C 25,000 5:5 64

D 40,000 14 : 6 72 D 40,000 14 : 6 72

E 10,000 6:4 42 E 10,000 6:4 42

17 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
32. Find the number of male employees 32. D
in state D :
(A) 14,000 (A) 14,000
(B) 6,000 (B) 6,000
(C) 28,000 (C) 28,000
(D) 20,000 (D) 20,000
33. Find the number of post-graduate 33. B
female employees in state B :
(A) 8,000 (A) 8,000
(B) 15,000 (B) 15,000
(C) 350 (C) 350
(D) 7,000 (D) 7,000
Direction :
Question numbers 34 and 35
34 35
are based on the following pie-
diagram :

A : Printing cost A :
B : Cost of paper B :
C : Royalty C :
D : Advertisement charges D :
E : Other charges E :
JUN - 00119/I—A

34. If the cost of paper is Rs. 16,000, 34. 16,000

then find the amount of other
charges :
(A) 16,000
(A) Rs. 16,000
(B) 10,000
(B) Rs. 10,000
(C) 8,000
(C) Rs. 8,000

(D) Rs. 12,000 (D) 12,000

35. The tax deducted at source is 10% 35. 10%

of the royalty amount then the
amount of tax paid is ............... .
(A) 1,200
(A) Rs. 1,200
(B) 800
(B) Rs. 800
(C) 1,000
(C) Rs. 1,000

(D) Rs. 8,000 (D) 8,000

36. Which of the following is the correct

full form of IPTV ?

(A) International and Political

Television (A)

(B) Internet Proliferation (B)

(C) Inter Provisional Television

(D) Internet Protocol Television (D)

19 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

37. The world’s first computer, ENIAC 37.

was developed in the year :

(A) 1945 (A) 1945

(B) 1940 (B) 1940

(C) 1955 (C) 1955

(D) 1960 (D) 1960

38. Which communication service has 38.

been recently closed in India ?

(A) Postal service (A)

(B) Landline (B)

(C) Telegram (C)

(D) Fax (D)

39. For recruitment as a school teacher 39.

in Maharashtra one must enroll

himself/herself on the web portal :

(A) Saral
(B) Maha Jobs

(C) e-Seva (C)

(D) Pavitra (D)

JUN - 00119/I—A

40. Which statement among the 40.

following is not correct with respect
to National Digital Library of
India ? (A)

(A) It is a project by Department of

Technology. (B)
(B) It is a virtual repository of
learning resources with single
window search facility.
(C) It is friendly to differently-abled
(D) It is being developed at Indian
Institute of Technology,

41. Convention on Ozone Depleting 41.

Substances is also known as :

(A) Basel Convention (A)

(B) Montreal Protocol (B)

(C) Ramsar Convention (C)

(D) Conference of Parties (D)

42. Unit used to measure noise level is : 42.

(A) Joule
(A) Joule
(C) Bit (C) Bit
(D) dB (D) dB
21 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A

43. Green India Mission was part of 43.

the :
(A) Millennium Development Goals (A)
(B) River Action Plan (B)
(C) Swatch Bharat Abhiyan (C)
(D) National Action Plan for climate (D)
44. International Solar Alliance was 44.
established to develop co-operation
in developing solar energy was
proposed by : (A)
(A) Indian Prime Minister
(B) French President
(C) African Union
(D) European Union (D)
45. Concentration of toxic chemicals 45.
through food-chain result into :
(A) Accumulation (A)
(B) Excretion (B)
(C) Biomagnification (C)
(D) Elimination (D)
46. Technical and scientific education 46.
was given in :
(A) Vedic system of education (A)
(B) Pre-Vedic system of education (B)
(C) Buddhist system of education (C)
(D) Islamic system of education (D)
JUN - 00119/I—A
47. According to UGC list published the 47.
state with the most universities is :
(A) Uttar Pradesh (A)
(B) Maharashtra (B)
(C) Tamil Nadu (C)
(D) Rajasthan (D)
48. For creation and development 48. MOOC
of MOOC courses in different MHRD
disciplines MHRD has notified
........................... is one of the eight
national co-ordinators.
(A) Mumbai Vidyapeeth
(B) U.G.C. (B)


(D) IIT Mumbai (D)

49. Most of the State Universities are 49.
............................. in nature.
(A) Affiliating Universities (A)
(B) Deemed Universities (B)
(C) Self-financing Universities (C)
(D) Private Universities (D)
50. Which organization arranges 50.
administrative course for principals ?
(A) HRD Ministry
(D) NCTE (D)
23 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A



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