Jun 00119 A PDF
Jun 00119 A PDF
Jun 00119 A PDF
JUN - 00119/I—A
Paper I
Time Allowed : 60 Minutes] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : This Paper contains Fifty (50) multiple choice questions, each question
carrying Two (2) marks. Attempt All questions.
(50) (2)
3 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
(MOOCs) are :
(A) (Mass)
(A) flexible and open form of self-
directed, online learning
designed for mass participation
5 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
(A) 21 (A) 21
(B) 16 (B) 16
(C) 26 (C) 26
(D) 11 (D) 11
Directions :
(C) 10 (C) 10
(D) 16 (D) 16
13 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
25. The area of a parallelogram is 25. 128 cm2
128 cm2 and its altitude is twice the
corresponding base. What is the
length of the base ?
(A) 6 cm
(A) 6 cm
(B) 7 cm
(B) 7 cm
(C) 12 cm
(C) 12 cm
(D) 8 cm (D) 8 cm
Conclusion 1 :
among :
(A) (A)
(B) (B)
(C) (C)
(D) (D)
JUN - 00119/I—A
31. A report regarding certain 31.
examination is given below :
Total number of candidates
appeared = 1000 = 1000
The number of male = 550
candidates = 550
The number of candidates = 700
passed = 700
The number of successful male
candidates will lie between the
limits ......................... . (A) 100 250
(A) 100 to 250
(B) 250 550
(B) 250 to 550
(C) 550 700
(C) 550 to 700
(D) 700 to 1000 (D) 700 1000
Direction :
Question numbers 32 and 33 32 33
are based on the following
information :
State Total number Ratio of Percentage
of male & number of of post-
female males to graduate
employees that of among total
female employees
A 20,000 13 : 7 60
A 20,000 13 : 7 60
B 30,000 8:7 50
B 30,000 8:7 50
D 40,000 14 : 6 72 D 40,000 14 : 6 72
17 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
32. Find the number of male employees 32. D
in state D :
(A) 14,000 (A) 14,000
(B) 6,000 (B) 6,000
(C) 28,000 (C) 28,000
(D) 20,000 (D) 20,000
33. Find the number of post-graduate 33. B
female employees in state B :
(A) 8,000 (A) 8,000
(B) 15,000 (B) 15,000
(C) 350 (C) 350
(D) 7,000 (D) 7,000
Direction :
Question numbers 34 and 35
34 35
are based on the following pie-
diagram :
A : Printing cost A :
B : Cost of paper B :
C : Royalty C :
D : Advertisement charges D :
E : Other charges E :
JUN - 00119/I—A
19 [P.T.O.
JUN - 00119/I—A
(A) Saral
(B) Maha Jobs
(A) Joule
(A) Joule
(C) Bit (C) Bit
(D) dB (D) dB
21 [P.T.O.
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