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Dear associates in Christ,
Malankara Jacobite Syrian Sunday School Association (M.J.S.S.A.) is function-
ing as a spiritual organization of the Church, with its headquarters at Puthencruz,
in order that the children of the members of Jacobite Syrian Christian Church would
nurture depending and fearing in God; they would realize and experience Christ and
the light of Christ would enlighten the society through them; and they would become
virtue-based citizens by learning the Bible, true faith, history, prayers and liturgy
of the Church. On every Sunday, classes are conducted after the Holy Qurbana in a
structured way having textbooks from Class I to XII.
Accepting the continuous request of our students, teachers, parents, Reverend
priests and Their Eminences Metropolitans to revise the textbooks as per the needs
of the present era, M.J.S.S.A. presents such a more attractive and student-centred text
book. This new curriculum tries to introduce Jesus Christ to our kids in various ways
such as games, drawings, colourings, songs, and stories.
Mastertrainers of the Educational Department has given leadership in this chal-
lenging endeavour. M.J.S.S.A. is much obliged to Rev. Fr. Varghese Paul Thombra,
Mr. T.C. Alias Master, Rev.Fr. Eldhose Karuthedathu, Rev. Fr. Jijo Varghese, Rev. Fr.
Shaji Varghese, Rev. Fr. JaisonBlayil, Rev. Fr. JyothisPothara, Mr. Eldhose Mathew,
Mr. A.G. Alias Master, Mr. Siju Paul, and Mr. P.V. George. Along with gratefully ac-
knowledging the contributions of the Executive Committee Member Mr. P.V. Jacob
as the Coordinator of the Curriculum Committee, M.J.S.S.A. appreciates the efforts of
all the Curriculum Committee members. Express special thanks to Rev. Fr. Varghese
Paul Thombra, co-ordinator Sri. P.V. Jacob and T.C. Alias Master for their sincere
efforts in English translation work. Sincere gratitude also goes to Smart Creations
Angamali and Modern Graphics Angamali for the design works. M.J.S.S.A presents
this new text book curriculum with authentic approval, after several discussions and
meetings presided by the President of M.J.S.S.A. His Eminence Mor Aphrem Mathews

Executive Committee
Chev. M.J. Markose (General Secretary)

Chapter 1
God is our Creator
Bible Reference: Genesis 1; 2:4-8

Bible Verse to Learn: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth.” (Genesis 1:1)


♦ God created everything.

♦ God loves and protects everything.
♦ We also have to love and protect every living thing.

Let us look around…

♥ What all things we see in the sky???
♥ What we see in the garden???
♥ What could we see in the river???
♥ Do you like them???
♥ Who has created them?

Heaven and Earth

Land and Sea
Sun and Moon
Wind and Rain
Thunder and Lightning
Stars and Planets
Birds and Animals

All these are created by

When God said, “Let it be there,”
then everything was there.

Read Aloud


Identify the following pictures


God had an order for creation

FIRSTDAY Light, Day and Night Sky

THIRD DAY Land, Sea, grass, plants and trees
FOURTH DAY Sun, Moon and Stars
FIFTH DAY Reptiles, Birds Whales and Fishes

On the sixthday,after creating various animals, God
looked at His every creation. And God saw everything
was good. But God realized that there was no creation
in His own image and likeness.
God took dust of the ground
and made a human form.
Then He breathed the God created man
breath of life into his nostrils on
and the man became a living being. the Sixth Day
God created man in His own image and likeness

Who created us? (Give colour)

On which day God created the following?
(Write the correct answer in the given box)

Give ‘Yellow’ to those which has formed when God said ‘Let there be’;
and give ‘Green’ to those which God has made by His own hands.



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God named the first man ‘Adam’. God let Adam to live in the Garden of
Eden, which was very beautiful and marvellous. One day, God saw that
Adam was living alone. God felt very sad and created a woman as
companion for Adam. Adam named her ‘Eve’. God said to both of them,
“You have to take care of all the living beings in the Garden of Eden.”
Afterwards, along with all the living creatures, Adam and Eve lived
together very happily in the Garden of Eden.

Give Colour:

Let us sing together:
Adam nammudevallyappan
Eden ennathottathil
What should we do?
♦God protects us.
♦We also have to take care of all living creatures in the world.

♦ We should not destroy anything.

How we could take care of God’s Creation?

(Give ‘green’ to the box under right answer and ‘red’ to the box under wrong answer)

My Pledge

I, ………………………….(name)
love God;

depend on God’s grace;

pray to God;

respect and obey my parents and teachers;

take care of land, plants, trees and animals.

Let us pray:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,

By whose glory the heaven and the earth are filled,
Hosanna in the Highest.
Parishudhan, Parishudhan, Parishudhan,

Colour the below picture; and likewise the children in the picture, please plant a tree in your
courtyard and take care of it.


Give Colour to the Bible Verse and Learn it:

Let us praise God:

I praise you O God, my Lord,

for creating me in this beautiful world.

Answer the Following:

1. Who is the creator of everything?

2. Name the first human?
3. Who was given by God to Adam as a companion?
4. Where did God let Adam to live in?
5. Who created us?
6. How did God create man?

Chapter 2
Father of the Faithful
Bible Reference: Genesis 12: 1-9
Bible Verse to Learn:“I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”

(Genesis 15:1)


♦ Nothing is impossible for God

♦ God fulfils all His promises
♦ God will bless us

Look at the Picture

♦ Why does this child jump into the hands of his father without any fear?
♦ Will he be getting any accidents or injuries? Why?
♦ What is he thinking in his mind while jumping?

I am jumping into the hands of my dad.

Dad will catch me without falling.
I trust my dad that I am always safe in the
hands of my dad.

Likewise, in whom else do you trust?



Teachers Father

Priest Grand-

Mary Grand-


Long years ago, there was a God-fearing man lived in the
town of Ur. His name was Abraham. He trusted in God than
anything else. Sarah was his wife. They were very rich and
had a lot of camels, sheep and land. But they did not have a
child even though they were very old.

When Abraham was seventy five years old, one day God
said to him,

♦ Go from your country and your kindred and

your father’s house to the land that I will show
♦ I will bless you.
♦ I will make your name great.
♦ I will give you children.
♦ I will bless those who bless you.
♦ I will curse those who curse you.

Abraham believed everything that God said to him. He

never doubted it. Being obedient to God’s commandment, he
started his journey to the land which God is about to show

Colour the Picture of Abraham’s Journey:

What could have been Abraham thinking during his journey?

♦ To which country God is leading me?

♦ Will there be anyone to help me when
I reach there?
♦ Will the people of that land welcome
me wholeheartedly?

Abraham consoled himself and said in his mind.

My God always fulfils His

God will protect me.
I only have to trust and obey
My God Yahweh is with me.

Do you know to which land God had led Abraham?
(Give colour and read aloud)

And hence Abraham entered into the Promised Land of Canaan,

the land which God had shown him. He lived there and worshipped

Do you know the significance of Canaan?

Canaan was known as the land flowing with milk and

The soil and weather of Canaan was very good for
The fruits grown in Canaan were very big and most

A bunch of grapes grown in Canaan was so big that at least two
people were needed to carry it.
Look at it. Oh! How big it is!!! Colour the Bunch of Grapes.

Even though they have reached the Promised Land, Abraham and
Sarah were very sad. God did not give them a child. God had seen the
sorrow of the old couple. God knew that Abraham and Sarah had
believed and trusted in Him wholeheartedly. So He had mercy upon
them. God, who fulfils His promises, had blessed Abraham and Sarah
by giving them a child. Abraham was one hundred years old and Sarah
was ninety years old when they became a dad and a mom.

Abraham named his Son

(Give colour and read aloud the name of Abraham’s son)

The meaning of the name ‘Isaac’ is

Say aloud the meaning of the term you understand

from the above picture and mark the correct one.

I believe in God wholeheartedly.
I believe that I am a gift of God given to my parents.
I believe that God who blessed Abraham
would bless me too.

Give Colour:


Let us Pray:

“Blessed is He, who has come and is to come, in the name of the
Lord God. Glory be to Him in the Highest.”
(“DeivamaayaKarthavin tethirunaamathil vannavanum
varuvaanirikkunnavanum aayavan vaazhthappettavan
Answer the Following:
1. From which land did Abraham start his journey?
2. What did God say to Abraham to do?
3. What was God’s promise to Abraham?
4. Where did Abraham and Sarah reach?
5. How old was Abraham when Sarah gave birth to Isaac?
Whose gift are children?

Chapter 3
Joseph and His Dream
Bible Reference: Genesis 37: 5-8
Bible Verse to Learn: “How good and pleasant it is when brother live
together in unity!” (Psalm 133: 1)
• To enhance mutual love among kids.
• To recognize the importance of brotherly love.
• To understand that God will elevate those who depend on Him.
To realize that God loves everyone.
Do you dream??? YES NO
Couldyou explain what this child is dreaming?


Explain one of the DREAMS you had!!!

Likewise we could see a famous dreamer in the Bible. He was Joseph,
one among the twelve sons of Jacob.

Colour Jacob and his Twelve Sons:

Jacob loved his son Joseph than any other sons. He used to
give him new dresses and wonderful gifts. Joseph was very
handsome too.

Peculiarities of Joseph

♦ He used to pray every day.

♦ He was a person of good character.
♦ He loved everyone.
♦ He gave respect to his parents and elders.
♦ He had the ability to dream and explain
its meaning.

Look at the below pictures.

( Give 9 to good conduct and 8 to bad conduct. )

Jacob and his sons were good farmers. They used to cultivate everything
for their food.

One day Joseph had a dream.

Joseph and his brothers were binding sheaves in the paddy
field. Suddenly Joseph’s sheaf rose and stood upright; then the
sheaves of his brothers gathered around his sheaf, and bowed
down to it.

After some days, Joseph had another dream, which was more fabulous.

The Sun, the Moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to

His brothers realized that one day they would have to bow Joseph.
And therefore, they became very jealous towards him.

One day, Joseph came to the valley where his brothers were pasturing
their father’s flock. His brothers, who became jealousy towards
Joseph, had thrown him in a pit in the wilderness.

Colour the Picture of Joseph inside the Pit:

While his brothers were having food, some Arabic traders
(Ishmaelites) were coming down on that way. His brothers suddenly
lifted him out of the pit and sold him tothem for twenty pieces of
silver. And they took him to Egypt.
The Almighty God did not want to trouble Joseph anymore. He
raised him step by step; and Joseph became the Prime Minister of
Egypt. During his time, Egypt became very rich and fruitful.

. After several years, the land of Egypt was struck by a great

famine. Land became dried up and left everyone in poverty. It
spread wide around even up to the land of Canaan. The house of
Jacob was also struggling without food grains

But the storehouse of Joseph had plenty of food grains.

People around the land came to the Prime Minister of Egypt for
buying grains. By hearing this, Joseph’s brothers also came to
Egypt to have some grains for their food. When Joseph saw his
brothers, even after several years, he suddenly realized them
and welcomed them warmly. He wholeheartedly gave them food
and grains. But his brothers were not able to recognize their
younger brother Joseph.

Colour the below Picture

Brothers requesting grains to the Prime Minister Joseph

♥ Like Joseph, we also have to love our brothers.
♥ Whoever hates us, God loves us.
♥ God will raise us to heights.

Let us sing and Praise God:


Holy Art Thou O God!
Holy Art Thou O Almighty!
Holy Art Thou O Immortal!
Crucified for us, Have mercy on us.
(Deivame Nee Parishudhanaakunnu
Balavane Nee Parishudhanaakunnu
MaranamIllathavane Nee Parishudhanaakunnu

Answer the Following:

1. Name the father of Joseph?
2. How many sons did Jacob have?
3. God raised Joseph to the Prime Minister of …………..
4. What were the peculiarities of Joseph?
5. What should we do in order to get elevated by God?
6. Explain any one of Joseph’s dreams?

Chapter 4
Child Moses
Bible Reference: Exodus 2: 1-10
Bible Verse to Learn: “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3: 12)
Aim:To understand that God safeguards us.

Can you identify the difference between the kids in below pictures?

(Teacher organizes discussion)

Have you ever heard about a child who was flown on water and
rescued by God? The name of the child was

The child Moses was born in Egypt. His father was Amram and his
mother was Jochebed. They were living in Egypt as slaves of king Pha-
raoh, who was very cruel and had no fear of God.
Though the parents were gifted with Moses, they were not
so happy during his birth.
Could you look at the picture and identify the reason for their sadness?

“Every boy that is born to

Israelites should be thrown into
the river Nile.”

Oh! What should be done??? How can the child be rescued???

His parents decided not to throw their child in the Nile. But they let
Moses to stay with them, and hid him in the house. No one came to
know that there was a boy child growing in the house.

But after a few months, as Moses grew, people from outside used
to hear the sounds of a small child playing and crying inside the
house. Then his parents told themselves, “We cannot hide our
child anymore. If Pharaoh would come to know that we are hiding
a boy child here, he will surely kill us. We need to do something
to rescue our child.” They took a papyrus basket, and decorated
it. Then his mother put him in the basket and placed it on the

Colour the below Picture
Moses in the Papyrus Basket

Moses’ elder sister, Miriam was hiding far away and looking at what would
be going to happen to her younger brother. Suddenly, she got excited,
“Oh! King Pharaoh’s daughter is coming to take bath in the river along with
her friends.”
What would have they seen?

The princess saw a beautifully decorated papyrus basket in the river.

She went near to it and noticed a small baby sleeping inside it. She was
very happy that she did not have a child. She took the child from the river
and named him ‘Moses’.
The name ‘Moses’ has a meaning:



The princess became very much worried and anxious that she
couldn’t feed him. She asked her friends,

Oh! Who will breastfeed

And who will be helping me to
nurture him up??

Miriam was overhearing it

and she replied immediately.

I will bring   one person.

The princess was so happy and allowed Miram to bring

that person. With great joy in her mind, Miriam ran very
fast to her house and came back with Moses’ own mother.

The princess handed over Moses to his mother. And hence,

as a little prince, Moses could live in the palace along with his
own mother.

Doyou understand how did God protect and take care of Moses?
Let us sing together:

(God protects us daily
DhinavumNammePottunnu God provides us daily
AapathonnumKoodaathe Without any
DeivamNamme harmfulness
Karuthunnu. God takes care of us daily.)

Name the person through whom God protected and took

care of Moses?
Read Aloud:

Through the Princess of Egypt

Give colour to the Bible Verse:

Let us Pray
Lord!have mercy upon us.
Lord!be kind and have mercy.
Lord!accept our worship and prayers
and have mercy upon us.

Answer the Following:

1. Who were the parents of child Moses?

2. What was the name of Moses’ elder sister?
3. Who was the king of Egypt?
4. What was the order of Pharaoh?
5. What was the material used for making the basket in which
Moses was placed on the river?
6. Through whom did God protect and rescue Moses?

Chapter 5
Bible Reference: 1 Samuel 1
Bible Verse to Learn:
“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:9)
Aim: Be prepared to hear God’s call.

Identify the media through which God

speaks to us???

Who does wake you up in the morning every day???

Let us learn about a small child who was wake up by God

Long years ago, in Israel, there was a person named Elkanah. He was very much
dedicated to God. Even though he was married to Hannah for many years, they
did not have a child. And they became very sad. His wife Hannah used to go to
the church and spent her time in weeping and praying. She gave a promise to God:

“If You give me a boy child,

then I will submit him before

The priest of the church, Eli had consoled her and blessed her.
Let us Sing:
Thou who receive our Praarthanaye
prayers Kelkkunnavane
Thou who grant Yachanaye Nalkunnavane
supplications; Paarthanakettee
Hear our prayers and atone Dhaasarude
Granting requests in mercy. Yachanayenalkeedaname.

Among the following guys who is praying???

In the very next year, God blessed Hannah by giving her a child. And
Elkanah and Hannah named him
(Please colour the name)

Do you know the meaning of the name ‘Samuel’???

Asked from God

Samuel had grown up. In order to keep their promise to God,
his parents took young Samuel to the church and dedicated
him to God. Thence after Samuel started to live in the
church along with priest Eli.

One day, while Samuel was sleeping, he heard a voice

of someone calling him,


Suddenly he wake up and replied aloud, “Here I am” and ran to priest Eli
and said, “Here I am, for you called me.”
But Eli said, “I did not call you my boy; go and lie down again.”
So he went and lay down. After sometime he heard the same sound,
calling him again, “Samuel…… Samuel……” He went to the priest, but
he replied the same that he had not called him. Then for the third
time also, the call repeated. Samuel ran and went to Eli. Having been
realized that it was God calling Samuel, the priest told him, “Go, lie
down, and if you hear the same voice calling you again, you
shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for Yourservant is listening.’ “He heard
the same voice again, calling him, Samuel…… Samuel……; and he

“Speak, Lord, for

Your servant is

God had raised the child Samuel, who was obedient to His call and
commandment, to the position of a priest and a prophet of Israel.

How should I prepare myself to hear the Calling of God???
(Complete the Petals and Colour the Flower)

l go rch
l u
wi ch rly.
I e la
th egu
y. r
I will pra
I will go
I will
Sunday r
School pries espect
. I will .
the B arn

(Colour the alphabets)

GOD Let us Pray:

Glory be to Thee, O God.
Glory be to Thee, O Creator.
Glory be to Thee, O Christ, our King,
who does pity sinners, Thy servants. Barekhmor.

Answer the Following:

1. Who were the parents of Samuel?
2. “Hannah spent her time in weeping and praying.” Why?
3. What is the meaning of the name ‘Samuel’?
4. Who did call Samuel?
5. What was Samuel’s reply when God called him?
6. What will be your answer when God calls you?

Chapter 6
David and Goliath
Bible Reference: 1 Samuel 17: 12-54
Bible Verse to Learn: “The Lord is my strength and my shield.”
(Psalm 28:7)
Aim: Dependence in God strengthens everyone.

Which is the biggest animal in land?

Who controls the elephant?
What does the Mahout (elephant
rider) carry in his hand?

Have you seen a small man controls the

biggest animal elephant?
Not strength and size are important, but
wisdom and courage.

There were very big and tough men lived in long years back. They were
called champions or giants. One such giant was Goliath.

But there was a small boy

who defeated
this champion courageously
by depending on God.
Do you know who he was?

In Bethlehem, there lived an old man named Jesse.

David, the youngest among his eight sons, became
a shepherd filled with divine grace. One day,
having prepared a box full of eatables, Jesse
called David and said, “My dear son, your brothers
are fighting against Philistines, our enemies at
the Valley of Elah. Take this food, go and give to

David’s mind was overwhelmed with joy that he

could see his elder brothers after a long time. As
quickly as possible, he began his journey to the
valley of Elah.

Could you help David to reach upon his Brothers???

David reached the valley of Elah very safely. While he was engaged
in chatting with his brothers,suddenly he heard a loud noise. He
turned back and saw a giant man.

Who is there to
defeat me???

When the army of Israelites saw the giant man Goliath, they
had trembled with fear. Even Saul, the king of Israel had hid
himself inside his tent. But David had no fear on him. Do you
know why?

Yahweh is with me;

and I will fight
against him.

Everyone became so amazed because of David’s courage. King
Saul had clothed David with his armour. But David was not used
to it and found it very difficult to walk with it. So he removed it.
Then he took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones
from the wadi, and put them in his shepherd’s bag. His sling was
in his hand, and he drew near to Goliath.
When Goliath looked and saw David, he disdained him and said, “Am
I a dog, that you come to me with sticks and stones?” And David
replied him, “I have come to you in the name of the Lord, the God
of Israel; and the Lord will deliver you into my hands today.”
Then David took a stone from his bag, and slung it towards
Goliath. The stone, which moved upwards in the sky without los-
ing its aim, struck directly on Goliath’s forehead. And the giant
Philistine, with a loud noise, fell face down on the ground. He
never got up afterwards.

Give colour to the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. Who was the father of David?
2. What was David?
3. Where did David go to see his brothers?
4. Against whom, were the brothers of David fighting?
5. Why did the army of Israelites tremble with fear?
6. What were the weapons of David?
7. Look at the picture of Goliath and name his weapons?
8. How did David defeat Goliath?

Chapter 7
Mother of Jesus
Bible Reference: St. Luke 1: 26-38
Bible Verse to Learn: “Nothing is impossible for God.” (St. Luke 1:37)

♦ God uplifts the humble.
♦ We need to be very humble towards our parents and elders.
♦ We need to obey them.

Introduce Yourself:
♥ What is the name of the place where you live?
♥ Who all are there in your house?
♥ What is the name of your school?
♥ Where is your mother’s house?

The house of the mother of Jesus, Mary was at Bethlehem. Her father
was Joachim and mother was Hannah. She was so humble to everyone.
Mary, who lived with her parents in obedience and humility, was betrothed
to a carpenter named Joseph.

At that time, God the Father had chosen Mary to become the mother
of His Son, Jesus. And God sent the angel Gabriel to announce this glad
news to Mary.

One day, when Mary was praying, an angel appeared to her and said:

Do you know, what did the angle said to Mary?

Read aloud….

“Hail Mary, full of Grace, our Lord is

with you. Blessed are you among

When she heard this, Mary became very much afraid.
Then Gabriel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary,
for you have found favour with God. God’s grace will
come upon you. And you will conceive in your womb and
bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.”

Having bowed her head in humbleness, Mary

replied to the angel, “Here am I, the servant
of the Lord, let it be with me according to your
word.” Then the angel departed from her.
With the power of the Holy Spirit,
Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ.
And we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ as

Mary, because of her humility and meekness, was blessed to

give birth to the Son of God Jesus Christ.
Therefore, St. Mary is the Mother of God.

Let the children enact the conversation between St. Mary and
Gabriel in the classroom.

Find out the good qualities of the Mother of God:

Prayer Humbleness

Humility Mocking Others

Anger Lying

Love Quarelling

Obedience Fear of God


Paste a
of your
mother here

I and My Family
(Colour this family)

Let us read aloud:

™ I will pray together

™ I will obey my parents
™ I will behave humbly
™ I will love everyone
™ I will live fearing God

Give Colour to the Bible Verse:

Let us Pray:
Hail Mary, Full of Grace!
Our Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our Lord Jesus Christ. O
Virgin Saint Mary, O Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at all times, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Let us Sing:
Bhaktharpukazhchabhaajaname Thou whose praise the church
Ninniludhichorekasuthan does sing
Thrikkaralnjangalilalivaan Intercession for us bring
than Unto Him, thine only Son
Pakkalapekshaanakkenam. That we may not mercy shun.

Answer the Following:

1. Who is the mother of Jesus Christ?

2. Name the angel who announced the will of God to St. Mary?
3. Name the birthplace of St. Mary?
4. Who were the parents of Virgin Mary?
5. To whom Mary was betrothed?
6. Who said, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord”?
7. What was the job of Joseph?
8. What are the good qualities that you have found in St. Mary?
Chapter 8

Bible Reference: St. Luke 2: 1-20

Bible Verse to Learn: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men.” (St. Luke 2: 14)
♦ To understand the love and humility of God.
♦ To realize that we should also live in love and humility.

♦ When is your Happy Birthday?

♦ How do you celebrate your Happy Birthday?
♦ Do you cut any cakes?
♦ Do you distribute candies or chocolates?

Let us sing the Happy Birthday Song!!
Have you ever hear about the birthday of Jesus Christ??

We celebrate
the birthday of Jesus Christ as

Do you know when we celebrate Christmas?

Give your favourite colour to the correct answer:
During the month of Christmas, it is

Rainy season Summer Winter

We have learned about Joseph and

Mary in the previous chapter.
The Roman Emperor, who ruled in
Bethlehem, had ordered that
everyone’s name should be registered.
Joseph and Mary also came to
Bethlehem in order to register their
name. But they did not get a place to
stay there because lot of people came there to register their names.
Mary, conceiving Jesus in her womb, was struggling with pain. At last,
they had found a cave. And Mary gave birth to the Son of God, Jesus
Christ there in the cave. They wrapped the infant Jesus in bands of
cloth, and laid him in a manger.

Where did you born? Cave Hospital House

Where did Jesus born? Cave Hospital House

In Bethlehem, there were shepherds living in the valleys, keeping

watch over their flock by night. In that night, an angel of God appeared
to them and said:

“Do not be afraid; I am bringing you

good news of great joy for all the
people; to you is born this day in
Bethlehem a Saviour, Jesus. You
will find a child wrapped in bands of
cloth and lying in a manger.”

And suddenly, a group of angels sang

from the heaven, praising God,

(The Teacher trains a carol song and let the children sing it together)
Find out the meaning of the word ‘Jesus’ by colouring the below alphabets.

When the angels left the shepherds, they started their journey to
Bethlehem in that night itself. When they reached the place, they
had found the child lying in the manger. They were so happy and
bowed their heads down showing him deep respect. Then they
returned, glorifying and praising God.
God loved human beings very much than any other creatures. And
that is the reason why God sent His Own Son Jesus Christ as our

Give colour to Santa Claus:

What all other things could we do while celebrating Christmas??

Going to Church

Helping the
poor kids
Sharing the love
and humility of Feeding the
Jesus Hungry

Doing Visiting the sick

Charities people

Colour the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. When do we celebrate Christmas?

2. What is the meaning of the word ‘Jesus’?
3. To whom did the good news of Jesus’ birth was brought?
4. Who said, “Do not be afraid; I am bringing you good news of great
joy for all the people”?
5. What did a group of angels sing from the heaven?

Chapter 9
Jesus being Obedient to His Parents

Bible Reference: St. Matthew 21: 28-32

Bible Verse to Learn: “To obey is better than sacrifice.”
(1 Samuel 15:22)
♦ To enrich the kids with obedience.

Whom do you obey?

In how many things, do you obey your parents?

Jesus was obedient to his parents in everything that they had said to
him. And Jesus only likes obedient kids.
Let us learn a story said by Jesus Christ:
There was an old man who had two sons. One day the man thought in
his mind:
Oh! I am so tired; and I am
not able to go to the
vineyard today. Let me ask
my sons to go and do the No,
I will not.

He went to his elder

son and said: Son, I am so tired today. Could
you go to the vineyard?
father, I
Then he went to his will go.
younger son and said: Son, could you go to the
vineyard today? I am so

After sometime, both the brothers thought in their minds:

Oh! I was not supposed to say like that to my father.

I should obey him. I am going to the vineyard.

Even though I said to my father that I would go, I am

not going. I have some other things to do.

Among these two brothers, to whom do you like to

identify yourself?

Shall we give colour to the childhood of Jesus??

What was the job of Joseph?

And what is Jesus doing?


Like Jesus,
I will also obey my parents;
I will help them in their works;
I will keep my house and surroundings clean;
I will go to the church;
I will obey my teachers;
And I will live as an obedient kid.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus,
give Your grace to us
that we will also obey our parents and
teachers,like you obeyed your parents
in everything. Amen.

Colour the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. What is better than sacrifice?
2. Who did decide to go to the vineyard by obeying his father?
3. What kind of children does Jesus like most?
4. How could we help our parents?
5. Explain the story of ‘the father and the two sons’?

Chapter 10
Jesus in the Church
Bible Reference: St. Luke 2: 41-51
Bible Verse to Learn: “I must be in my Father’s house.” (St. Luke 2:49)
♦ We need to go to the church regularly.
♦ We need to love our church.
♦ We need to grow in the Word of God.

Paste a Picture of Your Church Here:

♦ With whom do you go to the Church?
♦ What do you do when you see a Church or a Cross?
♦ Do you know the prayer while we enter into the

“In reverence, I will enter Your House, and offer my vows to You.”

Put a 9 on the place where you stand inside the church:

Holy Place Praakaaram Varandhah

Jesus, when he was twelve years old, went to
Jerusalem Temple along with his parents for the
Festival of Passover (PesahaPerunnal). Because of
large number of people coming for the Festival,
there was a great rush in the Temple.

Find out the Answers:

♦ What is the name of your church?
♦ Which the main festival/feast (perunnal) of your
♦ Do you come to the church, even before the Holy
Qurbana starts?

After attending the festival, Joseph and Mary

started to return. They thought that Jesus had
already begun his journey along with his relatives.
But, after travelling a long distance only, they
came to realize that he was not with them. With
anxiety and weeping, they went back to the

Please help them to find out the way

Joseph and Mary searched Jesus everywhere; but they
could not find him. At last, they had found him inside the
Temple, sitting among the priests, speaking to them the Word
of God and answering their questions. And they were amazed
at his knowledge. When his parents saw him they were very
happy and surprised. Mary ran to him and said, “Child, why
have you treated us like this? Look, we have been searching
for you in great anxiety.” He replied her, “Why were you
searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my
Father’s house?” Being an obedient son, he went back with his
Our church celebrates a Feast on February 2 every
year. Can you say the name of the Feast?

Give Colour

(Presentation of Christ in the Temple)

Where should we stand during the Holy Qurbana celebrated on

a Church Festival Day?

Nearby the toys shop

Inside the Church

In front of the
Ice cream store

Colour the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. Name the festival for which Jesus had gone to the Temple?
2. Name the place where the ‘Prayer Table’ is situated inside
the church?
3. What was Jesus doing inside the Temple?
4. What did Jesus reply to his mother Mary when she ran to
5. What is the prayer to be recited while entering the church?

Chapter 11
Jesus Endearing Children

Bible Reference: St. Mark 10: 13-16; St. Matthew 19: 13-15
Bible Verse to Learn: “You change and become like children.”
(St. Matthew 18:3)
Let the children know that Jesus loves them very much.

Have you ever noticed that how the priests

bless the sick and pray for them?

One day, Jesus was sitting at the bank of river Jordan and
teaching the Word of God to a large crowd of people.Some
mothers brought their little children to him in order that he
would touch them, lay his hands on them, and bless them. Lot of
sick people were also there to get cured, and Jesus was healing
them as well. His disciples were also with him.

The crowd was rushing to get nearer to Jesus. Even the

mothers with their children also tried to get closer to him. But, his
disciples stopped the mothers and spoke to them harshly. Seeing
this, Jesus said to them:

“Let the little children come to me;

do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that
the kingdom of God belongs.”

When the mothers and the children heard this, they be-
came very happy. The little ones ran nearer to Jesus. He, with
lots of love and affection, endeared them to his heart. And he
laid his hands on their head and blessed them.

Jesus loves you very much.

Go nearer to Him.
He will bless you.

Give colour to Jesus who loves us

Colour the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. Who had stopped them, when the mothers and the children
came to Jesus?
2. What did Jesus say to his disciples?
3. How did Jesus bless the little ones?
4. Where was Jesus teaching the crowd the Word of God?
5. In our church, who has the authority to bless by laying hands
on one’s head?

Chapter 12
Jesus Teaching to Pray
Bible Reference: St. Matthew 6: 9-13
Bible Verse to Learn: “Pray without ceasing.”
(1 Thessalonians 5: 17)
♦ To develop the habit of praying.
♦ To learn the Lord’s Prayer

♦ At what time you wake up in the morning?

♦ What all sounds you hear from the surroundings when you wake
Let the Children speak up:

Birds Chirping Church bell ringing

What should we do after waking up every morning?

Likewise, every living thing in this world starts its day by

praising God the Creator.

How should we pray???

By folding our hands By facing towards By making the sign of

on our chest. east. Cross.

How do we draw/make the sign of Cross?

Hold together the thumb, index finger and the

middle finger. Then draw from the forehead
to the chest; and then from the left arm to
the right arm.

Make the Sign of Cross and Colour the Cross

When shall I pray? In the

When go to
I PRAY Before

starting a

One day when Jesus was praying, his disciples requested him to teach
them, ‘how to pray’. In reply, Jesus instructed them to pray in such a
way that:

Our Father, who art in Heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
Lead us not into temptation;
But deliver us from the evil one;
For Thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory
for ever and ever. Amen.

You will receive a gift, if you learn by-heart and recite the prayer
taught by Jesus Christ.


(Join the dots and colour it)


11   . 12  .
2   . 3 

10   . 4 

9   . 8  .
6   . 5 

. 7 

Colour the Bible Verse:

Answer the Following:

1. How should we pray?
2. How do we make the sign of Cross?

Chapter – 13
Child Loving
Aim: To let the kids understand that they should love their
parents in any situation, who have suffered great troubles and
pains in order to nurture them.

Mom, why your face is so dark and skin has got


When you were small, my face got burned

and all these bad colouring and marks are
its after effects.

How did it happen, mom?

You were onlysix months old. Our house was very

small and its ceiling was made of hay. Dad had
gone for his job. You were sleeping inside your
cradle, and I was doing some work in the
courtyard. Suddenly, I saw that frightening

What did you see, mom?

Our house was burning!!! The fire got up even

over the ceiling. I cried aloud thinking of you;
I called your dad aloud; no one was there to
help me. I did not wait for anyone……
Immediately I went inside of the burning
house, and screaming loudly…… my son…… my
son…… and that was my only aim.

How did you rescue me, my dear mom?

I jumped into the blazing fire, took you from the

cradle, and ran outside. But by then, the fire
caught up my dress, leaving me burnt. And these
marks on my face and body are the after effects
of that burning. Afterwards, your dad was the one
who took care of you and me.
We could make a new house only because of your dad’s
hard work.
Dear mom, now your face is more beautiful than before. On that
day, if you did not rescue me…… Mom, let me kiss on your face……

God has entrusted our parents to nurture us. They will rescue
us from all dangers. We should obey them. We should take care
of them, when they become old. Then we will be strengthened
in Spirit and filled with wisdom; and God’s grace will be will us

Discuss about how you could help your parents and elders in your


1. Who is your Creator?

Ans: God is my Creator.
2.Does God watch over you?
Ans: Yes, God watches me throughout day and
3.Who is Jesus Christ?
Ans: Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God.
4.What is the name of our Church?
Ans: Holy Jacobite Syrian Christian Church.
5.What is church?
Ans: Church is the house of God where God
6.How should we stand inside the church?
Ans: Inside the church, we should stand with
owe, bowing our heads and facing towards east.
God watches us always.

Prayer - Kaumo

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, one true God. Glory to Him, and may His grace and
mercy be upon us for ever. Amen.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, by whose glory the heaven
and the earth are filled, Hosanna in the Highest.

Blessed is He, who has come and is to come, in the Name of the
Lord God, Glory be to Him in the Highest.

Holy Art Thou, O God!

Holy Art Thou, O Almighty!
Holy Art Thou, Immortal!
h) Crucified for us have mercy upon us.
(Three Times)

Lord have mercy upon us;

Lord be kind and have mercy;
Lord accept our prayers and worships; and have mercy upon

Glory be to Thee, O God!

Glory be to Thee, O Creator!
Glory be to Thee, O Christ our King, who does pity sinners,
Thy servants, Barekhmor.

Our Father, who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us; Lead us not into
temptation; But deliver us from the evil one; For Thine is the
kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with thee; blessed art
thou among women; and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, our
Lord Jesus Christ. O Virgin Saint Mary, O Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and at all times, and at the hour of our
death. Amen.

Prarthana - Kaumo
Pithavum Puthranum ParishudhaRoohayumaaya sathyamulla eka Deivathinte
thirunaamathil thanikku sthuthi. Nammude mel thante karunayum
manogunavum ennekkum undaayirikkatte. Amen.

Thantesthuthikalaal aakaashavum bhoomiyum niranjirikkunna balavanaaya

Deivamthampuraan parishudhan, parishudhan, parishudhan,
UyarangalilSthuthi.Deivamaaya Karthavinte thirunaamathil vannavanum
varuvaanirikkunnavanum aayavan
Deivame nee parishudhanaakunnu
Balavaane nee parishudhanaakunnu
Maranamillathavane nee parishudhanaakunnu
(Three Times)


ninakkusthuthi. Barekhmor.

Swargasthanaaya njangaludePithave! Ninte thirunaamam

parishudhamaakkappedename. Ninte raajyam varename. Nintethiruvishtam
swargathilepole bhoomiyilum aakaname. Njangalkku aavashyamulla appam
innunjangalkkutharaname. Njangalude kadakkaarodu njangal
kshemichirikkunnathupole njangalude kadangalnjangalodumk shemikkaname.
Njangale pareekshayilekku preveshippikkaruthe. Ennaalo dhushtanilninnu
njangale rakshikkaname. Enthukondennnal rajyavum shakthiyumm ahatvavum
ennekkum ninakkullathaakunnu. Amen.

Krupa niranja Mariyame ninakku samaadhaanam. Njangalude Karthavu

ninnodu koode. Sthreekalil nee vaazhthappettavalaakunnu. Ninte
udharaphalamaaya njangalude Karthav Yeshu Mashiha
vaazhthappettavanaakunnu. Deiva maathavaya vishudha kanyaka
MorthMariyame ippozhum eppozum njangalude marana samayathum
paapikalaaya njangalkkuvendi apekshichukollaname. Amen.

Holy Qurbana Songs

1. Bhoovilashesham
Sleehanmaar poi
Swarga mahaaraajyam.
1. Those apostles,
Chosen, sent by God, they went
To ev’ry place,
Through all the world
Gentiles heard from them the news
The Gospel grace.
They proclaimed the kingdom
Heav’n’s rule of freedom
For the faithful bliss.

1. Moran eeshoKurishumh Nin


2. By Thy Cross, O Jesus Lord,

By Thy Mother’s praying word,
Take from us and from our path
Punishments and rods of wrath.


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