Creation of Man
Creation of Man
Creation of Man
Now on the SIXTH day, after God created the animals, God spoke again. This time He said, “Let
us make man in our image and let man rule over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the air, and
the animals on the land.” And it HAPPENED — just like He said. He created the very first
MAN. And God blessed man and told him he could eat the plants in the field and the fruit on the
trees. He gave grass to the animals and the birds to eat. God saw everything that he had made,
God commanded man to take charge of all the birds, the fish, and the animals. How did God
make man? Oh, that's a WONDERFUL story! The Bible says that God-shaped man out of the
dust on the ground. Then God BREATHED His own breath right into that first man's nose, and
you know what? Right then, that first man came alive. And God named this very first man
Then on the SEVENTH day, God ended His work and took a wonderful REST. And God blessed
that seventh day and made it HOLY.
Afterwards, the Bible tells us God planted a beautiful garden and He placed the man He had
made in this lovely garden and told him to take care of it. And God made beautiful trees grow
right up out of the ground, trees that were filled with good food to eat. In the middle of this
beautiful garden, God planted two very special trees. One He called the tree of life and the other
He called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God told Adam He could eat the fruit on every tree in this garden, EXCEPT for the fruit on the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil. “If you eat of this tree,” God said, “you will surely DIE!”
Now THAT sounded like a very important command to obey, didn't it? Do you think this Adam
listened? Well, let's find out. The Bible tells us that God brought every animal and every bird to
Adam to see what he would call them, and Adam named each bird and each animal.
God saw that the man was all alone and needed someone to help him. So, God made Adam fall
into a very deep sleep, and, while he was sleeping, God took one of the ribs from his side, closed
up his side, and used Adam's rib to make the very first WOMAN. Adam named this very first
woman EVE and she became the mother of all living things.
God made you special, just the way you are, and He has a very special plan for your life.
Memory Verse
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).
God made you special, just the way you are, and He has a very special plan for your life.
Now, give yourself a BIG hug and say, “God loves me and wants me to love Him back.”
Next, turn to a friend and tell them, “God loves you and wants you to love Him back.”
Then turn to God and tell Him you love Him and want to love and obey Him.
Dear God, teach me to
OBEY your voice and help me to do what is right.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.