My Linkedin Profile
My Linkedin Profile
My Linkedin Profile
SaiLikhith Kanuparthi
Actively seeking Summer Internship for Software Engineer roles | Python, Java, SQL, Javascript, C++ | MS in CS@NYU
(LinkedIn) Greater New York City Area (Portfolio)
Top Skills
Machine Learning First and foremost, I love writing code. Ever since writing my first
Python program in Java and manipulating it to produce a desired output,
Algorithms I have been obsessed with the idea of using software to solve
practical problems. Software engineering is a never-ending puzzle
Certifications that I am passionately engaged in solving. I believe in the power of
Oracle Certified Expert E-Business programming to transform and improve the lives of people around
Suite R12 System Administrator the world.
Machine Learning by Coursera
Oracle Linux Fundamentals (Oracle
Though I started my coding journey a bit late when compared to
undergrad CS students, I managed to cope up with it because of my
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE
8 Programmer interest towards creating programs to solve real-world problems.
Apache Spark Essential Training
I am a Computer Science graduate student at The New York
Honors-Awards University, having 2 year professional work experience as a Software
Best Evaluator, Best Speaker, Best Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the field of the
Role Player information technology and services industry, with strong technical &
Best Chess Player analytics skills, flexible in learning new technologies and tools.
Best Poster Presentation
Best Academic Project
My Expertise areas include:
Third prize in National Science
► Implementing Algorithms and Data Structures using Java, Python.
Talent Test
► Data Mining, Data Analysis and Visualization in Big Data using
frameworks and tools like Hadoop,
PySpark and using libraries like NumPy, Pandas and Sci-kit learn.
► Automation of Test scripts using Selenium and Python.
► Full stack web application development using HTML, CSS,
Bootstrap, Node.js, REST API, Flask
► Creating various Machine Learning models using Python libraries.
► Web hosting using Google cloud platform, AWS
Even when I leave the college, I tend to continue writing code at the
house. I do have personal projects which I created out of my own
interest. Most recently I have been working on an NLP, Computer
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Vision based project for aiding visually impaired people, "The Eye",
check out my GitHub for more information.
Associate Software Engineer
August 2017 - July 2019 (2 years)
Bangalore, India
► Developed numerous test scenarios and test cases and performed all types
of testing for our clients which include Integration testing, system testing and
component testing with 95% success ratio.
► Played key role in developing the ERP Dashboard project based on data
analytics using Oracle Application Express as a sub-project from our team at
Oracle to our client's CEOs, where they can see the gist of their business on
the go. This will help the CEOs to monitor their business in a much efficient
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► Worked with the optimizing databases of our clients. Frequent archiving and
cleaning unimportant data archives on weekly basis by communicating with
DBA (Data Base Administration) team improved performance significantly by
33.3% i.e., faster processing.
► Researched for the possible issues which client could be facing after
production upgrade and discussed during various customer interactions during
the time of enhancements and upgradations. This helped several upgradations
to Go-Live time 40% approx. faster than expected.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Master of Science - MS, Computer Science · (2019 - 2021)
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