SAS 9.2 Companion For Windows, Second Edition
SAS 9.2 Companion For Windows, Second Edition
SAS 9.2 Companion For Windows, Second Edition
SAS 9.2
Companion for Windows
Second Edition
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2010.
SAS ® 9.2 Companion for Windows, Second Edition. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS® 9.2 Companion for Windows, Second Edition
Copyright © 2010, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA
ISBN 978-1-60764-482-8
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What’s New ix
Overview ix
SAS Default Directory Path ix
Word Tip ix
Software Migration x
Support for Windows Versions x
Running SAS in Batch Mode x
SAS Disk Cleanup Handler Utility x
Recovery Information If SAS Does Not Start x
SAS Logging Facility xi
Remote Browsing xi
Reformatting SPSS Files xi
SAS Language Elements xi
Using SAS Files from Other Versions with SAS 9.2 for Windows 137
Using SAS 9.2 Files with Previous Releases 141
Using Remote Host SAS Files in SAS 9.2 142
Reading BMDP, OSIRIS, and SPSS Files 142
Transferring SAS Files between Operating Environments 145
Accessing Database Files with SAS/ACCESS Software 145
Using the SAS ODBC Driver to Access SAS Data from Other Applications 146
Glossary 637
Index 649
What’s New
SAS under Windows enables you to complete your data and computation tasks in
SAS while integrating with the Windows applications that are already in place on your
desktop and within your enterprise. SAS supports information sharing through
Windows tools and techniques.
The following changes and enhancements are new in SAS under Windows:
3 SAS Default Directory Path
3 Word Tip
3 Software Migration
3 Support for Windows Version
3 Running SAS In Batch Mode
3 SAS Disk Cleanup Handler Utility
3 Recovery Information If SAS Does Not Start
3 SAS Logging Facility
3 Remote Browsing
3 Reformatting SPSS Files
3 SAS Language Elements
Word Tip
Information was added about Word Tips that help you understand abbreviations that
you add.
x What’s New
Software Migration
The following information was added and enhanced regarding the migration of SAS
3 Differences between 32–bit SAS for Windows and 64–bit SAS for Windows are
3 Short extensions are now included in Windows File Extensions and their
corresponding SAS Member Types table.
3 References are now included in Using SAS Files from Other Versions with SAS 9.2
for Windows to the SAS Migration focus area at
3 Starting with SAS 9.1, you can now use the MIGRATE procedure to migrate a SAS
library from a previous release. You are now warned not to use the CPORT and
CIMPORT procedures when you are regressing a SAS file to a previous release.
3 New references to cross–release compatibility are included in the Migration focus
area at
Remote Browsing
Information about remote browsing has been added to the document.
The following SAS command was modified:
3 The ICON command has two new arguments: ON and OFF.
Options FILE SIZE and DATE MODIFIED were added to the FINFO function .
The following statements was modified:
3 The INFILE statement’s option TERMSTR values: CRLF, LF were modified. NL
was replaced with CR.
The range of the LRECL (record-length) option was changed to 1 – 1,073,741,823 for
the following statements:
The automatic macro variable, SYSSCPL, has several new values. The SYSSCPL
variable returns the name of the specific Windows environment that you are using.
xii What’s New
System Options
The following system options are enhanced:
3 Information was added to the MEMSIZE system option to specify the total amount
of memory that is available to each SAS session.
3 Information was modified to the SASINITIALFOLDER system option to clarify the
open OPEN and CLOSE dialog boxes and current folder.
The following system options are new:
Getting Started
commands and windows are available through the GUI. In some cases, you select
operations through dialog boxes and various other GUI controls.
Starting SAS
2 Select Programs.
3 Select SAS.
2 In the Target field, append the system options to the SAS command. Remember
that double quotation marks are required around pathnames. For example,
"c:\program files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\sas.exe" -config "c:\mydir\sasv9.cfg"
Getting Started 4 Starting from a SAS File 7
Note: These examples are displayed on multiple lines because of space limitations.
When you enter a command from the command prompt, the command must be on one
line. 4
3 Disable the Enhanced Editor in the Edit tab of the Preferences dialog box.
For additional information, see “Switching from the Enhanced Editor to the Program
Editor” on page 111, “Edit Preferences” on page 61, and “ENHANCEDEDITOR System
Option” on page 511.
Getting Started 4 Sample SAS Session 9
For more information, see “Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39 and
“SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page 559.
Note: Do not confuse the current folder with the Work data library. For more
information about the Work data library, see “Work Data Library” on page 21. 4
After you submit the program, the output appears in the Results Viewer window as
The items in the SAS menu bar at the top of the main SAS window change, depending
on which window is active within the SAS session. In addition, you can access
window-specific pop-up menus, which offer the same menu choices. The pop-up menu in
the following display was generated by right-clicking in an Enhanced Editor window.
When you are ready to end your SAS session, double-click the SAS control menu (the
small icon in the upper-left corner of the main SAS window) or click the X (in the
upper-right corner) and click OK when the dialog box verifies your request.
Note: If you have disabled the Confirm Exit of SAS option in the Preferences
dialog box, your SAS session ends without asking if you are sure you want to end the
12 What If SAS Does Not Start? 4 Chapter 1
session. For more information about how to customize your SAS session, see “Setting
Session Preferences” on page 59. 4
location of your SAS Help and Documentation files as well as the location of message
files and the pathnames to SAS executable files. The SAS configuration file is
particularly important because it specifies the folders that are searched for the various
components of SAS products. You must have at least one configuration file in order for
SAS to initialize; you can have multiple configuration files that are all processed while
your SAS session begins. For a list of system options that you can use in your SAS
configuration file, see “Summary of System Options for Windows” on page 479. For
more information about system options, see Chapter 23, “SAS System Options under
Windows,” on page 473 and “SAS System Options” in SAS Language Reference:
The setup application deletes all data below this warning but does not affect the
options that are specified above it. The SET system option defines the following SAS
appends the following system options below this warning: SASUSER, WORK,
To avoid corrupting your configuration file, use a SAS text editor or an ASCII text editor to
edit your configuration file. The text editor that you choose to edit the configuration file
is important to preserve some of the special character formatting in the file. The
recommended method is to edit your configuration file by using a SAS text editor
(such as the Enhanced Editor) and save it by using the Save As dialog box. If you do
not use a SAS text editor, be sure to use another ASCII text editor (such as Windows
Notepad). Do not use a specialized editor such as the WordPad application or
Microsoft Word. Using such editors can insert carriage control characters into your
configuration file or corrupt the characters that are there. 4
If SAS cannot find the configuration file, an error message is displayed, and SAS does
not initialize.
Getting Started 4 SAS Configuration Files 15
For more information about the CONFIG system option, see “Processing Options
Specified by Additional CONFIG Options” on page 18 and “CONFIG System Option” on
page 506.
Invoke SAS
Is the
Process the file
SAS_SYS_CONFIG Yes specified by
environment variable
defined? SAS_SYS_CONFIG.
Is there a
Process the
SASVx.CFG file in the Yes
SASVx.CFG file in
folder where SAS.EXE
the SAS.EXE folder.
Is there a
Process the
.SASVx.CFG file in Yes .SASVx.CFG file in the
the Windows user profile
Windows user profile folder.
Is there a
Process the
SASVx.CFG file in Yes SASVx.CFG file in the
the Windows user profile
Windows user profile folder.
Is the
SAS_USER_CONFIG Yes Process the file that
environment variable is specified by
Is the
Process the options
SAS_OPTIONS Yes that are specified in
environment variable
Process the options that are specified
in the SAS invocation command.
Note: For information on determining the current folder, see: “Determining the
Current Folder When SAS Starts” on page 9. 4
2 Search the paths that are specified by the Windows PATH environment variable.
3 Search the root folder of the current drive.
4 Search the folder that contains the SAS.EXE file.
If an AUTOEXEC.SAS file is not present in one of these folders and if you did not
specify the -AUTOEXEC option on the command line or within any of your
configuration files, then SAS assumes that there is no autoexec file to process. For more
information, see “AUTOEXEC System Option” on page 496.
Getting Started 4 SAS Autoexec File 19
If the specified autoexec file is not found, an error message is displayed, and SAS
Or you can use the OPTIONS statement to set the page size and line size for your
SAS output and use several FILENAME statements to set up filerefs for commonly
accessed network drives, as in the following example:
options linesize=80 pagesize=60;
filename saledata ’f:\qtr1’;
filename custdata ’l:\newcust’;
filename invoice ’o:\billing’;
Other system options, in addition to the AUTOEXEC system option, provide ways to
send SAS information as it is initializing. These options are listed below in the order in
which they are processed:
1 CONFIG (at SAS invocation only)
For more information about the CONFIG, AUTOEXEC, INITSTMT, and SYSIN
system options, see “SAS System Options under Windows” on page 475. For more
information about the INITCMD system option, see SAS Language Reference:
Profile Catalog
Table 1.2 The Default SASUSER Locations for the Windows Operating
entries that you saved to your Profile catalog. In addition, any text that you stored in
NOTEPAD windows is erased. For this reason, it is a good idea to make a backup copy
of your Profile catalog after making significant modifications to your SAS session
Temporary Subfolders
Because you can run multiple SAS sessions at one time, SAS creates temporary
subfolders under the folder that you specify with the WORK option. These temporary
subfolders are created in the unique form _TDnnnnnnnnnn, where TD means
temporary folder and nnnnnnnnnn is the process ID for each SAS session. These
subfolders enable multiple SAS sessions to be invoked, each using the same
configuration file, and they prevent the Work folder from being shared. SAS creates any
temporary files that are required within each temporary folder. As with all temporary
files that are created in the Work data library during a SAS session, these temporary
folders are deleted when you end the SAS session. If SAS terminates abnormally, you
might need to delete the temporary files.
Incorrect registry entries can corrupt your SAS registry. Registry customization is
generally performed by more advanced users who have experience and knowledge of
SAS and their operating environment. 4
contains Test Stream programs.
contains miscellaneous external files shipped with the product.
Some products, such as SAS/CONNECT software, also have other subfolders that are
associated with them. For details about each product’s structure, see the specific SAS
product documentation.
For more information about how the SAS folders are configured at your site, contact
your on-site SAS support personnel.
You can run SAS jobs in batch mode in the Windows operating environment. Place your
SAS statements in a file and submit them for execution along with the control
statements and system commands that are required at your site.
You can run windowing procedures, such as those that are associated with
SAS/GRAPH, SAS/INSIGHT, and SAS/ACCESS software in a batch SAS job.
You can submit more than one file at a time by selecting a group of files that contain
SAS programs and then dropping them onto the open SAS session. The order in which
the programs are run when they are submitted as a group is determined by Windows.
Therefore, if order is important, you should drop each program file separately.
If SAS is busy when you drop a SAS program icon, the dropped file is ignored. The
only indication that the dropped file was ignored is a warning beep.
26 Submitting Code Stored in Registered SAS File Types 4 Chapter 1
When you double-click a file that has this extension (or that has this icon) SAS is
invoked and the contents of the file are included in the Enhanced Editor or Program
Editor window. The SAS code that is contained in the file is not processed until you
submit it (for example, by pressing F8 or by clicking the Submit tool). If you already
have a SAS session running, double-clicking a file begins a second SAS session; it does
not use the already-existing session.
SAS uses the default configuration file if you start SAS by double-clicking a
registered SAS file type, such as .sas or .sas7bpgm.
To issue a command asynchronously, use either the SYSTASK statement with the
NOWAIT option or specify the NOXSYNC system option. To issue a command
synchronously, use either the SYSTASK statement with the WAIT option or specify the
XSYNC system option. For more information about running asynchronous commands
using the SYSTASK statement, see “SYSTASK Statement” on page 467.
In this case, the C:\EXTRA folder is created regardless of whether the value of
ANSWER is equal to ’n’ or ’y’.
This example uses the value of the variable FLAG to conditionally create folders.
After the DATA step executes, three folders have been created: C:\MYDIR, C:\JUNK2,
and C:\XYZ. The C:\MYDIR2 folder is not created because the value of FLAG for that
observation is not Y.
For more information about the CALL SYSTEM routine, see “CALL SYSTEM
Routine” on page 391 and the section on the CALL SYSTEM routine in SAS Language
Reference: Dictionary.
If you receive this message box, click Command Prompt on the Windows Task Bar.
Enter the EXIT command from the prompt to close the window and return to your SAS
Getting Started 4 Comparison of the XWAIT and XSYNC System Options 29
Specifying NOXSYNC can be useful if you are starting applications such as Notepad
or Excel from your SAS session. For example, suppose you submit the following X
x notepad;
If XSYNC is in effect, you cannot return to your SAS session until you close the
Notepad. But if NOXSYNC is in effect, you can switch back and forth between your
SAS session and the Notepad. The NOXSYNC option breaks any ties between your SAS
session and the other application. You can even end your SAS session; the other
application stays open until you close it.
XWAIT means that the command prompt session waits for you to type EXIT
before you can return to your SAS session.
XSYNC means that SAS waits for you to finish with the other application
before you can return to your SAS session.
The various option combinations are summarized in Table 1.3 on page 29.
XWAIT The command prompt window waits for you to type EXIT before
NOXSYNC closing, and SAS does not wait for the application to finish.
30 Terminating a SAS Process 4 Chapter 1
where process ID is the SAS process ID. You can get this process ID from the
output of the tasklist command.
3 in the Windows Task Manager, select the process and click End Process.
Using the taskkill command or the Windows Task Manager to terminate a SAS process
might result in data loss or data corruption. 4
3 closing the SAS session from the Task List by selecting the session process (the
process name differs depending on how you started SAS) and selecting End Task
3 selecting Exit SAS from the File menu in the main SAS window menu bar
3 selecting Exit from the File pop-up menu
3 pressing the ALT+F4 accelerator-key combination that is defined by Windows.
If SAS terminates with errors the SAS log might contain error messages that explain
the failure. Any error message that SAS issues before the SAS log is initialized are
written to the MSG window if it is available or to the SAS console log, which is a
Windows file. Under Windows Vista, the Windows SAS console log is typically located
in c:\Users\user ID\AppData. Under all other Windows operating environments, the
SAS console log is typically located in c:\Documents and Settings\ user
ID\Application Data. You can obtain the location and filename for the SAS console
log from the Application Event Log. To open the application Event Log, submit
eventvwr from the Run dialog box and click Application.
Interacting with SAS under
The following are the primary components of the main SAS window:
menu bar
presents the menus available for the active SAS application window. As you
switch between application windows, the menu bar changes.
Similarly, the pop-up menus that appear when you click the right mouse button
inside an application window are customized for that window.
command bar
provides a way to quickly enter any SAS command. The command bar retains a
list of the commands that you enter.
To repeat a command that you previously issued, either type until the command
appears in the command bar or select the command from the list box and click the
check mark button. Pressing ENTER will also submit a command.
To switch the keyboard focus to the command bar, press F11 (the function key
defined as COMMAND FOCUS).
provides quick access to the commands you perform most often. The toolbar is
completely configurable and can contain up to 30 tools.
You can associate different sets of tools with different SAS application windows.
When you create a tool, you specify the tool button, the commands associated with
the tool, Help text displayed on the status bar, and the tip text. The bitmap
browser provides images that you can use to represent your commands on the
windowing environment
contains a workspace to open windows within the main SAS window. Certain
windows, such as windows that are used for navigation, can dock to the left side of
the main SAS window when Docking view is enabled from the Preferences dialog
box. Windows that cannot dock to the main SAS window open to the right of the
docking area. In the above figure, the Log window, the Output window, the
Enhanced Editor window, and the docked windows are all part of the windowing
environment. For more information about using dockable windows, see “Using the
Docking View” on page 37.
window bar
is located at the bottom of the main SAS window and provides easy access to any
window within the main SAS window.
When a window opens, a button that represents that window is placed in the
window bar. Whenever you want access to a window, click the button for that
window. That window then becomes the active window.
You can load a file into an application by dragging a file to the window bar
button for the application (making the application the active window), and then
continue dragging the file into the application window.
The window bar can be enabled or disabled from either the Preferences dialog
box or the window bar pop-up menu.
status bar
contains a message area, the current folder for SAS, and the Enhanced Editor
insertion point position.
The message area displays Help text for menus and tools, as well as messages
that are specific to SAS application windows.
The current folder area displays the name of the current working folder. To
change the current folder, double-click the current folder area. For more
information, see “Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39.
The Enhanced Editor insertion point position displays the current line and
column when the Enhanced Editor is the active window.
Using the SAS Interface 4 Using the Docking View 37
The status bar can be enabled and disabled from the Preferences dialog box. The
message line, the current folder, and the insertion point position can be enabled
and disabled from either the Preferences dialog box or the status bar pop-up
menu. When the message line is disabled, messages appear in the active window.
For toolbar help, place the mouse pointer over a button. A pop-up ScreenTip appears
below the mouse pointer and a longer description appears in the message area.
For help on other parts of the main SAS window, such as tabs, buttons, and the
status bar:
1 Place the mouse pointer over the item.
2 Hold the mouse pointer over the item for a few seconds. A pop-up ScreenTip
appears below the mouse pointer. When you place the mouse pointer over a
window bar button, the ScreenTip contains the window name.
To customize ScreenTip and status bar help text for commands available from the
toolbar see “Customizing the Toolbar” on page 68.
To enable or disable command bar or toolbar ScreenTips, you can use either the Show
ScreenTips on toolbars option in the Customize dialog box or type the TOOL TIP
command in the command bar.
All other ScreenTips can be enabled or disabled using the ScreenTip option in the
Preferences dialog box View tab or by using the WSCREENTIPS command. For more
information on enabling and disabling ScreenTips, see “Setting Session Preferences” on
page 59,“Customizing the Toolbar” on page 68, “WSCREENTIPS Command” on page
373, and “TOOLTIPS Command” on page 358.
Each docked window has a tab at the bottom of the docking area for easy access to
the window. When the number of docked windows is large enough so that you cannot
identify the tabs, a left and right arrow are displayed for you to navigate through the
docked windows.
You can also resize the docking view by using the WDOCKVIEWRESIZE command.
For more information, see “Resizing the Docking View in the Main SAS Window” on
page 81 and “WDOCKVIEWRESIZE Command” on page 363.
If you attempt to drop a file onto a windowbar button, SAS issues an error message.
Using Menus
You can access SAS commands, tools, and options by selecting them from the menus
at the top of the main SAS window or by using the pop-up menus within application
windows. The menus display options that are available to the active window. To access
a pop-up menu for a particular window, click the right mouse button anywhere within
the window. The pop-up menu that appears contains the menu items that are available
for that particular window.
Some SAS windows (such as the Explorer window) along with the main SAS window
can contain objects that have their own pop-up menus when you right-click an object.
For example, the command bar, the toolbar, and the status bar each have a pop-up
menu. In these windows, the pop-up menu is specific to the selected object.
at the bottom of the main SAS window. By default, SAS uses the folder that is
designated by the SASUSER system option in the SAS configuration file as the current
folder when you begin your SAS session. You can specify a different default current
folder by changing the Start In field that is available in the Properties tab for the SAS
program shortcut or by specifying the SASINITIALFOLDER system option during SAS
invocation. For more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page
Another method to change the SAS current folder during your SAS session is to
double-click the current folder in the status bar. Then use the Change Folder dialog box
(shown in the following display) to select a new current folder.
If you organize your files so that each project has its own folder, then this Change
Folder dialog box enables you to quickly switch between projects. As you select different
projects, the dialog box stores in the Folder list box the directories that you select.
To change the current drive, you can submit a change drive command (the drive
letter followed by a colon) such as the following:
x ’a:’;
Using the SAS Interface 4 Issuing SAS Commands 41
You can add or change the tools that are defined in the toolbar and customize the
toolbar for an application. For more information, see “Customizing the Toolbar” on page
By default, SAS stores the commands in the order of most frequently used. To store
commands in the order of most recently used
1 Select Tools I Customize I Toolbars.
2 Select Sort commands by most recently used.
You can also retrieve previously issued commands by using the AutoComplete
feature. When you start to type in the command bar, SAS completes the command that
42 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 4 Chapter 2
best matches the command that you are entering. When the command that you want
appears in the command bar, press ENTER. To enable AutoComplete
1 Select Tools I Customize.
2 Select Use AutoComplete.
3 Click OK.
You might need to install an e-mail client that supports one of these protocols before
you can use SAS e-mail support. Also, although you can use SAS to send messages, you
must use your e-mail program to view or read messages.
When you send mail interactively, SAS automatically includes the contents of the
active window as an attachment to your e-mail. Depending on the contents of the active
window, the attachment can be a text file (.TXT), a bitmap (.BMP), an HTML file
(.HTML), or an RTF file (.RTF).
SMTP is available only by using the FILENAME statement for e-mail. If you specify
SMTP as the e-mail system in the EMAILSYS system option and you are using an
e-mail dialog box, the MAPI e-mail system is used. For information about using SMTP,
see SAS Language Reference: Concepts as well as the FILENAME Statement, EMAIL
(SMTP) Access Method, and the EMAILHOST and EMAILPORT system options in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary.
Using the SAS Interface 4 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 43
Initializing E-Mail
To send e-mail from within SAS, use the following system options that are
appropriate for your e-mail system in the SAS configuration file or when you invoke
your SAS session:
specifies which e-mail interface to use. By default, SAS uses MAPI. The SMTP
interface is available only when you send e-mail programmatically. SMTP is not
available when you use either your e-mail program native dialog box or the SAS
e-mail dialog box.
Note: The directory that contains the e-mail DLL file (for example,
MAPI32.DLL or VIM32.DLL) must be specified in your Windows PATH
environment variable. SAS will use the first e-mail DLL that it finds for the
interface that you specify. 4
specifies whether to use the native e-mail interactive dialog box that is provided by
your e-mail application or the e-mail interface that is provided by SAS. SAS uses
the native dialog box by default.
specifies the domain name for the SMTP server that supports e-mail access for
your site. This option is necessary only if you are using the SMTP e-mail interface.
-EMAILAUTHPROTOCOL authorization protocol
specifies the authorization protocol to use in SMTP e-mail. The default
authorization protocol is LOGIN.
-EMAILID VIM e-mail login ID | MAPI profile | e-mail address
specifies either your VIM e-mail login ID, the MAPI profile that you use to access
the underlying e-mail system, or a fully qualified e-mail address if you are using
SMTP. If any of these values contain spaces, you must enclose them in double
quotation marks.
-EMAILPORT port number
specifies the port number to which the SMTP server is attached. This option is
necessary only if you are using the SMTP e-mail interface.
-EMAILPW “password”
specifies your e-mail login password, where password is the login password for
your login name. If password contains spaces, you must enclose the password in
double quotation marks.
For example, if your login ID is J.B. Smith and your password is rosebud, your
SAS invocation might look like this:
c:\sas\sas.exe -emailsys vim
-emailid "J.B. Smith"
-emailpw rosebud
icons and names of any files that you want to send with the message. You or the
recipient can open an attached file by double-clicking its icon, provided that its file
extension has a File Manager association with a Windows application (for
example, the .TXT extension might be associated with Notepad).
To open a file selection dialog box that you can use to select files to attach, click
Attach File.
To remove an attachment, select the file’s icon in the Attachments field and
click Remove.
Note: The attached files are sent as they exist on the disk; that is, if you edit a
file before attaching it to an e-mail message, the saved version of the file is sent
with the message. 4
To verify whether the addresses that you specified in the To and Cc fields are valid,
click Check Names. If one or more of the addresses is ambiguous (that is, the mail
program cannot locate them in the address books) SAS displays an error message and
highlights the first ambiguous address.
Note that an ambiguous address is not necessarily invalid. It is possible to send mail
to recipients who are outside your immediate local-area-network (LAN) by using
gateways, even though the addresses might not be resolved by using Check Names.
Whether an address is considered invalid or ambiguous depends on the e-mail
program that you are using and on the configuration of your network. For example,
suppose you want to send e-mail to a colleague on the Internet. Your LAN might have a
gateway to the Internet that enables you to address the mail to
at Internet (where at is the gateway directive keyword and Internet is the name of
a gateway on your LAN). Because your mail program uses the at keyword to direct
your message to the Internet gateway, the address is considered valid. However, when
you click Check Names, the address is considered ambiguous because the final
destination address cannot be resolved by using the local address book. You can still
click Send to send the message without an error.
Clicking Address invokes the address book facility for your e-mail program, provided
that the facility is accessible.
Table 2.1 File Type for E-mail Messages (by Active Window)
.bmp Explorer
46 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 4 Chapter 2
MAPI in the EMAILSYS system option, specify your profile name. If the
value contains a space, enclose the name in double quotation marks. This
e-mail option can be specified in the FILENAME statement that overrides
the SAS system option.
specifies your e-mail login password, where password is the login password
for your login name. If password contains a space, enclose it in double
quotation marks. This e-mail option can be specified in the FILENAME
statement that overrides the SAS system option.
SAS supports three types of e-mail interfaces:
Mail API is the interface that is supported by Windows operating
environments, which is used by Microsoft Exchange. MAPI is the
Vendor Independent Mail, such as Lotus Notes.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
specifies the primary recipients of the e-mail. If an address contains more
than one word, you must enclose the address in double quotation marks. If
you want to specify more than one address, you must enclose the group of
addresses in parentheses and each address in double quotation marks. For
example, valid TO values are
to="John Smith"
to=("J. Callahan" "P. Sledge")
specifies the recipients who will receive a copy of the e-mail. If an address
contains more than one word, you must enclose the address in double
quotation marks. If you want to specify more than one address, you must
enclose the group of addresses in parentheses and each address in double
quotation marks. For example, valid CC values are
cc="John Smith"
cc=("J. Callahan" "P. Sledge")
specifies the recipients who will receive a copy of the e-mail. These addresses
will not be visible to those individuals in the TO and CC options. If an
address contains more than one word, you must enclose the address in double
quotation marks. If you want to specify more than one address, you must
enclose the group of addresses in parentheses and each address in double
quotation marks. For example, valid BCC values are
bcc="John Smith"
bcc=("J. Callahan" "P. Sledge")
specifies the subject of the message. If the subject text is longer than one
word (that is, it contains at least one blank space), you must enclose the text
in double quotation marks. You must also use quotation marks if the subject
48 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 4 Chapter 2
!EM_BCC! addresses
replaces the current copied recipient addresses with addresses. These recipients
are not visible to the !EM_TO! or !EM_CC! addresses. If you want to specify more
than one address, you must enclose each address in quotation marks and the
group of addresses in parentheses.
!EM_SUBJECT! ’subject’
replaces the current subject of the message with subject.
!EM_ATTACH! filename.ext
replaces the names of any attached files with filename.ext. If you want to specify
more than one file, you must enclose each filename in quotation marks and the
group of filenames in parentheses.
Here are the directives that perform actions:
sends the message with the current attributes. By default, SAS sends a message
when the fileref is closed. The fileref closes when the next FILE statement is
encountered or the DATA step ends. If you use this directive, SAS sends the
message when it encounters the directive, and again at the end of the DATA step.
This directive is useful for writing DATA step programs that conditionally send
messages or use a loop to send multiple messages.
abends the current message. You can use this directive to stop SAS from
automatically sending the message at the end of the DATA step. By default, SAS
sends a message for each FILE statement.
clears all attributes of the current message that were set by using PUT statement
The following example code sends a message and attaches a file to multiple
recipients, and specifies the e-mail options in the FILE statement instead of the
FILENAME statement.
Example Code 2.2 Attaching a File and Specifying Options in the FILE Statement
file outbox
/* Overrides value in */
/* filename statement */
to=("Ron B" "Lisa D")
cc=("Margaret Z" "Lenny P")
subject="My SAS output"
put ’Folks,’;
put ’Attached is my output from the SAS’;
put ’program I ran last night.’;
put ’It worked great!’;
You can use conditional logic in the DATA step to send multiple messages and control
which recipients get which message. For example, suppose you want to send
customized reports to members of two different departments. The following example
code shows such a DATA step.
Example Code 2.3 Sending Customized Messages Using the DATA Step
The resulting e-mail message, and its attachments, are dependent on the department to
which the recipient belongs.
Using the SAS Interface 4 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 51
Note: You must use the !EM_NEWMSG! directive to clear the message attributes
between recipients. The !EM_ABORT! directive prevents the message from being
automatically sent at the end of the DATA step. 4
The following example code shows how to send a message and attach a file to
multiple recipients. It specifies the e-mail options in the FILENAME statement instead
of in the FILE statement. This method will override the values for the SAS system
The FRAME entry has objects that enable the user to type the following information:
MAILTO the user ID to send mail to.
COPYTO the user ID to copy (CC) the mail to.
52 Sending E-Mail Using SAS 4 Chapter 2
/* set up a fileref */
rc = filename(’mailit’,’userid’,’email’);
/* if the fileref was successfully set up,
open the file to write to */
if rc = 0 then do;
fid = fopen(’mailit’,’o’);
if fid > 0 then do;
/* fput statements are used to
implement writing the mail and
the components such as subject,
who to mail to, etc. */
fputrc1= fput(fid,line1);
rc = fwrite(fid);
fputrc2= fput(fid,’!EM_TO! ’||mailto);
rc = fwrite(fid);
fputrc3= fput(fid,’!EM_CC! ’||copyto);
rc = fwrite(fid);
fputrc4= fput(fid,’!EM_ATTACH! ’||attach);
rc = fwrite(fid);
fputrc5= fput(fid,’!EM_SUBJECT! ’||subject);
rc = fwrite(fid);
closerc= fclose(fid);
call execcmd(’end’);
You can also send an attachment by using the ATTACH e-mail option in the
FILENAME statement. Compress non-textual attachments such as SAS data sets,
bitmap files, and HTML files before using the ATTACH e-mail option.
You can also use SMTP to send HTML output without using an attachment:
filename temp1 email to=("")
subject="HTML OUTPUT"
ods html body=temp1 style=default;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
ods html close;
Using Save instead of Save As from the File menu to save a file causes SAS to
overwrite or append the file. Always use Save As when you want to save the
contents of the editor to a new file. If you open a text file in the editor window,
whether you use the Open dialog box or the INCLUDE command, the editor
title bar displays the name of the file that you opened. When you select the File
menu and then the Save item, SAS overwrites or appends the file of that name
with the current contents of the editor. 4
2 Select or name the file in which to store the window contents. You can also select a
file type from the Save file as type list. SAS saves most file types as plain text
and assigns different file extensions based on the type you select; the exception is
the RTF file type, which SAS saves in rich text format (RTF).
If you select a file type from the list, SAS remembers that selection and presents
it as the default type the next time that you save a new file in that window.
54 Clearing the Window and Filename 4 Chapter 2
Defining Keys
To display the key definitions that are active for the SAS session (that is, the
DMKEYS entry in your Sasuser.Profile catalog), either type KEYS in the command bar
or select Tools I Options I Keys. These key definitions apply to the basic SAS
windows, such as the Enhanced Editor, Output, and Log windows. For a list of default
keys, see “Default Key Definitions under Windows” on page 623 and “Keyboard
Shortcuts within the Enhanced Editor” on page 626.
To define or redefine a key within SAS:
1 Click the mouse pointer in the Definition column across from the key or mouse
button that you want to define.
2 Type the command or commands that you want to associate with that key or
The definition must be a valid SAS command or sequence of commands. When you
specify a sequence of commands, separate the commands with a semicolon ( ; ). For
example, if you want to define the Ctrl + H key sequence to maximize a window and
recall the last submitted program, specify the following commands in the Definitions
column next to CTL H:
zoom; recall
SAS does not check the syntax of a command until it is used (that is, when the key is
pressed). If you misspell a command or type an incorrect command, you do not discover
your error until you use the key and receive an error message that indicates that the
command was unrecognized.
Key definitions are stored in your Sasuser.Profile catalog. SAS creates a Profile
catalog each time you invoke SAS with a different value for the SASUSER option.
Changes that you make to one Profile catalog are not reflected in any other catalog.
However, you can use the COPY command from the KEYS window or the CATALOG
procedure to copy key definition members to other Profile catalogs. For more
information, see the CATALOG procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
Although SAS enables you to define any key that is listed in the KEYS window,
Windows reserves some keys for itself to maintain conformity among Windows
applications. These reserved keys are not shown in the KEYS window.
Other SAS products have their own key definitions. Use the menus in the specific
product window to access key definitions for specific products.
Using the SAS Interface 4 Using the Clipboard 55
The metafile format provides more information about the image than the bitmap
format and is sometimes called the PICTURE format.
DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) format
is used with color bitmap files. When a bitmap is stored in the DIB format, colors
correspond correctly from one device to another.
These formats enable you to copy text and SAS bitmapped information (for example,
from a graphic) to another application. You can also use the Print Screen and ALT+
Print Screen keys to copy information from your SAS session to the clipboard. Pressing
the Print Screen key places the entire display in bitmap form on the clipboard. Pressing
ALT+Print Screen places just the SAS session (including any menus and scroll bars) or
the active dialog box (if any) on the clipboard.
You can use the clipboard only if both the source and destination applications provide
support for the clipboard facility and for the format you are using. Note that whereas
some operating environments allow multiple paste buffers, SAS uses the Windows
clipboard, which is a single buffer.
The GSUBMIT command can be used to submit SAS code that stored on the
clipboard even if the editor window is not the active window (or is closed). If you use
the GSUBMIT command often, you can define an icon for the command in the toolbar,
or assign the GSUBMIT command to a function key. For more information about how to
define buttons, see “Customizing the Toolbar” on page 68.
If you submit SAS code from the Windows clipboard while a procedure RUN group is
active, the submit will fail. You can submit this code by copying the code to a new
Enhanced Editor window and then submitting the code.
Key Description
Selecting Fonts
To change the font for button text and descriptive text elements, use the
SYSGUIFONT system option either in the configuration file or at the command prompt
when you start SAS.
To choose a different font or point size for text in SAS windows, open the Fonts
dialog box by using the DLGFONT command or by selecting Tools I Options I Fonts
To change the font in the Enhanced Editor, select Tools I Options I Enhanced
Editor and click the Appearance tab.
The fonts that are available for SAS windows depend on the monospace fonts that
you have installed under Windows. For example, you might have the Courier font and
Lucida Console font available.
When you select a font or point size, the Font dialog box and the Enhanced Editor
Options dialog box display a sample of the font that you have selected. For more
information about selecting fonts for the Enhanced Editor, select Help I Using This
Window or press F1 when the Enhanced Editor is the active window.
When you install SAS, the Setup program automatically installs a TrueType font,
named SAS Monospace, that is designed specifically for use with SAS. This font, in
combination with the Sasfont display font, ensures that tabular output is formatted
properly whether you view it in the Output window, print it, or copy it to another
Windows application.
By default, SAS uses the SAS Monospace font to produce printed output. In addition,
any text that you cut, copy, or drag from a SAS window to paste into another Windows
application will be formatted with the SAS Monospace font.
You cannot use the Fonts item to select SAS/GRAPH fonts.
Using the SAS Interface 4 Setting Session Preferences 59
Beware of changing certain display characteristics on low-resolution displays. If you
select large font sizes on some monitors, you might not be able to see all the text in
your SAS windows at one time. In windows that have no scroll bars, large font sizes
can hide some choices, causing them to be invisible. For these types of displays, large
font sizes are not recommended. This same problem can occur if you change the
Windows Appearance properties and select a thick window border. On low-resolution
displays, you should not use thick window borders. 4
General Preferences
The General tab enables you specify the general options that control how your SAS
session works. The following are the General options:
Recently used file list
specifies whether SAS retains a list of the files that you have accessed. If this
option is selected, you can specify in the entries field up to 30 files that you want
to retain. Show recently used file list on submenu specifies whether the
files will be displayed from the Recent Files submenu that you access from the
File menu. If Show recently used file list on submenu is not selected, the
files are displayed in the File menu. Each time that you access a file from an
editor window, the filename is added to the list.
Confirm exit
specifies whether you want SAS to prompt you for confirmation before you end
your SAS session.
Save settings on exit
specifies whether SAS should automatically save your settings when you exit your
SAS session.
Submit contents of file opened
specifies whether you want to submit the contents of all files that you open to SAS.
Mail current window as attachment
specifies whether the active window should be automatically included as an e-mail
attachment when you initiate electronic mail from within SAS. If you select this
option, then you can also specify whether the attachment should be formatted as
plain text or as RTF (rich text format, which retains font and color information).
Using the SAS Interface 4 Setting Session Preferences 61
View Preferences
The View tab lets you specify the options that control the appearance of your SAS
session. The View options include
specifies whether your SAS windows contain scroll bars and a command line. You
can also enable or disable ScreenTips (the helpful hints that appear when you
position your mouse pointer over window controls).
specifies whether to show certain aspects of the SAS interface, including the
following settings:
Docking View
specifies whether to enable the docking area so that windows that can be
docked appear on the left side of the main SAS window.
Window Bar
specifies whether to display the window bar at the bottom of the main SAS
status bar
specifies which aspects of the status bar, if any, you want to have visible in
your session. Display message lines specifies whether to display the
message area of the status bar. Display current folder specifies whether
to display the SAS current folder area. Display cursor position specifies
whether to display the line and column position of the Enhanced Editor
insertion point.
Edit Preferences
The Edit tab controls options that affect the SAS text editors, including:
Overtype mode
specifies whether to insert text or type over on existing text when you type text in
a SAS application window. You can also toggle the overtype mode by pressing the
Insert key on your keyboard. Overtype mode is not available for the Enhanced
Autosave every n minutes
specifies whether to automatically save the contents of the editor, and how often to
save it.
The Enhanced Editor contents are saved as Autosave of filename.$AS in the
operating environment Application Data folder. Under Windows Vista, the
pathname for the Application Data folder is c:\Users\ user ID\AppData. Under
all other Windows operating environments, the pathname for the Application Data
folder is c:\Documents and Settings\user ID\Application Data.
The Program Editor contents are saved to pgm.asv in the current active folder
so that you can recover your work in the event that your SAS session ends without
enabling you to save the contents of the editor.
Enable unmarking with navigation keys
enables you to unmark text by using the UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT
navigation keys.
Use Enhanced Editor
specifies whether the Enhanced Editor is the primary editor. If this check box is
not selected, the Program Editor opens when SAS starts.
62 Setting Session Preferences 4 Chapter 2
Results Preferences
The Results tab enables you to configure how you would like to view your program
output results. The Results tab options include the following:
specifies to display program output in the Output window.
Create HTML
specifies to display program output in HTML format.
specifies a folder to store HTML output files. You can either type a folder
name or click Browse to search for a folder. This setting is available only
when the Use WORK folder setting is not selected.
Use WORK folder
specifies to store HTML output files in the Work folder. The Work folder is a
temporary folder that is deleted when SAS closes.
enables you to choose the appearance of the program output. For more
information about styles, see the TEMPLATE procedure in SAS Output
Delivery System: User’s Guide.
View results as they are generated
specifies whether to update the browser with the latest generated HTML output.
View results using
specifies a browser to view HTML program output. Internal browser is
available if Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed. When Internal browser is
selected, SAS displays HTML output using the Results Viewer.
If you select Preferred browser, your HTML output appears using the
browser that is specified by the Preferred browser - Other text field of the
Preferences dialog box Web tab.
Note: If you select Use default in the Preferences dialog box Web tab, your
output is displayed using the browser that is registered with Windows. 4
Web Preferences
The Web tab enables you to specify your preferred Web browser for use within your
SAS session. These preferences are used whenever you issue the WBROWSE command
(either directly or by selecting a Help menu item or toolbar button that issues the
command). For more information, see “WBROWSE Command” on page 361. You can
specify the following Web options:
Preferred browser
specifies the preferred Web browser to use when accessing Web information from
within SAS. By default, SAS uses the browser that is installed on your system and
registered with Windows as the default browser. To use a browser other than the
default, select the Other radio button and either type a path to the Web browser
or click Browse to search for the path to the Web browser.
Start page
specifies the default Web page to which to navigate when invoking the web
browser within SAS. By default, the browser navigates to (the
SAS Institute home page on the World Wide Web).
Using the SAS Interface 4 Customizing Your Windowing Environment with Commands 63
Advanced Preferences
The Advanced tab enables you to specify options that can affect your SAS session,
including scrolling policy and other miscellaneous behavior. The Advanced options
Scrolling Options
specifies the number of lines that the Log and Output windows scroll when
information is written to them. The default value for the Log window is 8.
When you select Scroll page, the Output window will not display any lines
until an entire page is written.
When Scroll max is selected, no output will be written to the window until the
procedure is complete.
If Scroll lines is selected and the Output window is full, the Output window
scrolls the number of lines specified in the Scroll lines box. The default value is
0. If the value is 0, no output is written to that window while statements are
executing, thus providing the best performance.
Scrolling can increase the length of time that SAS takes to run your program.
The less that the Log and Output windows have to scroll, the faster your program
will run.
You can also set these values by using the Editor Options window or the
AUTOSCROLL command. For more information, see “AUTOSCROLL Command”
on page 329 and the SAS Help and Documentation.
The following settings are miscellaneous options settings:
Hide cursor in non-input windows
specifies that the insertion point will not appear in windows that do not
require text input, such as some SAS/AF programs.
Disable scroll bar focus
specifies that the scroll bar does not become the selected window component
when you click it. This setting eliminates flashing problems that can occur in
some SAS applications.
While the default configuration is sufficient for efficient SAS use, you can open more
windows for easy access and rearrange the windows within the main SAS window. For
example, you can keep the My Favorite Folders window open, but minimized, and the
windows arranged in a mosaic pattern so you can see all of them at once.
To accomplish this configuration
1 Open the My Favorite Folders by selecting View I My Favorite Folders
2 Select the minimize button in the window title bar for the My Favorite Folders
3 Select Windows I Tile Vertically
The following display shows the resulting main SAS window:
In addition, you can undock windows so that all windows can be positioned where
you want them or you can minimize the docking view. For more information about the
docking view, see “Using the Docking View” on page 37.
For a list of SAS commands used to control the appearance of the main SAS window,
see “SAS Commands That Control the Main SAS Window” on page 318.
When you click Contents of SAS in the Tools menu, the output of the Windows DIR
command is displayed in a command prompt window.
The following is an example of adding an .EXE file to the menu along with a
specification of a working folder of C:\EXDATA:
-register "Excel" "excel.exe" "c:\exdata"
This action adds Excel to the menu. When you click Excel, the file EXCEL.EXE is
Using the SAS Interface 4 Customizing Your Windowing Environment with System Options 67
The REGISTER system option is valid only as an invocation option (that is, in a SAS
configuration file or in the SAS invocation command). For more information, see
“REGISTER System Option” on page 553.
Setting the Initial Path For the Current Folder and the Paths Specified in
the Open and Save Dialog Boxes
If you want to start SAS with a current folder other than the default current folder,
use the SASINITIALFOLDER system option when you start SAS. The pathname that
you specify in the SASINITIALFOLDER option sets the initial current folder as well as
the initial pathname for the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
You can specify the SASINITIALFOLDER option either on the command line when
you start SAS or in a configuration file. For example, you might specify sas
-sasinitialfolder "c:\mySasFiles" to start SAS.
For more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page 559.
The DLL that is used as the icon resource file must be created using the Win32
Software Development Kit (and must therefore be 32-bit). For more information about
how to build a resource file, refer to the documentation for the Microsoft Win32
Software Development Kit.
68 Customizing the Toolbar 4 Chapter 2
You can incorporate icons into your SAS/AF and SAS/EIS applications using a
FRAME entry. For more information, see “USERICON System Option” on page 582 and
refer to the SAS Help and Documentation for SAS/AF software and SAS/EIS software.
Command Bar
specifies to display the command bar and enable the options to use the
command bar.
When Use AutoComplete is selected, SAS stores commands that were
entered previously and completes the command once you start typing
the command.
Select Sort commands by most recently used to display commands in
the command bar list by the most recently entered command. If this
setting is not selected, the commands are ordered by the most frequently
In Number of commands saved, type the number of commands to save in
the command bar list. Valid values range between zero and 50. The
default is 15.
When you have configured the Toolbars tab, either click Customize to complete
your customization or click OK to close the dialog box.
Customizing a Toolbar
The Customize tab, as shown in the following display, enables you to add, delete,
and modify commands on the toolbar.
Restores a toolbar to the default settings.
Displays the title text which appears in the title bar when the toolbar is undocked.
Add a tool
Adds a tool or a separator space to the toolbar. This tool has two parts. When you
click the left button a blank tool is added to the toolbar. When you click the down
arrow, you can select to add either a Blank tool or Separator. Windows that
define an action set (for example, Explorer) have a selection for Action.
Remove tool
Deletes the selected tool from the toolbar list.
Change icon
Opens the Bitmap Browser for you to select a new icon for the selected tool.
Move tool up
Moves a tool up one position in the toolbar list.
Move tool down
Moves a tool down one position in the toolbar list.
Deletes the selected icon from the toolbar list and places it in the clipboard.
Places a copy of the selected icon in the clipboard.
Copies an icon from the clipboard to the selected tool in the toolbar list.
displays the command for the tool that is selected in the toolbar list. You can
modify the command in the Command box.
Help Text
displays the Help text that appears in the status bar message area when the
pointer is placed over the button in the toolbar. You modify the Help text in the
Help Text box.
Tip Text
displays the ScreenTip that appears under the button when the pointer is placed
over the button in the toolbar. You modify the tip text in the Tip Text box.
Toolbar list
lists the buttons, commands, Help text and separators that are defined in the
3 Click the Add tool down arrow and select Separator to add a separator to
the toolbar list.
2 Click the Bitmap Browser button to select an icon for the tool. When you have
selected an icon, click OK.
3 Type Help text in the Help Text box.
4 Type ScreenTip text in the Tip Text box.
5 Position the tool in the toolbar list by clicking the Move tool up and Move tool
down buttons.
6 When you are finished, click Save. In the Save Tools dialog box, type the library,
catalog, and toolbox name. Then click OK.
catalog, and entry name as the PMENU entry for the application or window. SAS
first looks for toolbox entries in Sasuser.Profile before searching the application
If you save the toolbar so that it is associated with a particular application, SAS
automatically loads the tools when that application’s window is active.
You can use the TOOLLOAD command to load your custom toolbar manually. For
more information, see “TOOLLOAD Command” on page 357.
6 Click the Save the toolbar button to save the tool with your default tool
The following are some examples of other tools that you might find useful to create:
includes a program that you use often into the Enhanced Editor window for editing.
saves a SAS program after you finish editing it and clears the Enhanced Editor
includes and submits a SAS program that you use often.
includes and submits a SAS program to sign on to a remote system. For example,
to sign on to a remote MVS session, the SIGNON.SAS program might contain
options comamid=tcp remote=mytso;
libname remtdata ’mylib.mydata.monthly’;
language element name and help on the specified language help libname statement
type element
HELP how to use the HELP command help help
Complete documentation for installed SAS products is available from the SAS
Products entry in the SAS Help and Documentation table of contents.
Getting to SAS Institute (and Other Web Sites) from within SAS
SAS is configured to launch your local Web browser to view HTML files. You can
invoke your Web browser several ways:
3 Type a URL ( in the command bar. SAS launches the
browser that you specified in the Preferences dialog box Web tab.
3 Type wbrowse in the command bar. This action opens the browser to the SAS
home page or another default URL that you specify in the Preferences dialog box
Web tab. For more information, see “WBROWSE Command” on page 361.
Note that you can access web pages on the Internet (such as the SAS Institute home
page) only if your workstation is connected to a network that allows access.
After these system options are set, desktop computers can display Web pages. If
there is an insufficient number of ports or if the system options are specified incorrectly,
a message appears in the SAS log.
For more information about these options, see HTTPSERVERPORTMIN= System
Option and HTTPSERVERPORTMAX= System Option in SAS Language Reference:
3 You can use the keyboard, menus, and commands to access and modify the docking
view and the SAS Explorer list view. See the following:
3 “Resizing the Docking View in the Main SAS Window” on page 81
3 “Sorting Window List Views by a Specific Column” on page 82
3 “Resizing the Detail Columns of a List View” on page 82
3 If your accessibility aid has difficulty reading menus, see “Improving Access to
Menus” on page 82.
Explorer Find
New Library
Catalog Create
Explorer Options
Using the SAS Interface 4 The ACCESSIBILITY System Option 79
Find none
Font none
Open none
Replace none
Results Results Properties
Save as Object
Templates and resulting dialog boxes
Run none
SAS System Options none
Save none
Windows none
The fully accessible user interface adds buttons to these dialog boxes so that all
commands and tabbed pages are accessible by using the keyboard:
3 the Customize Tools dialog box Custom tab
3 some SAS Properties dialog boxes.
You specify the ACCESSIBILITY system option either in your configuration file or at
the command prompt when you start SAS. Valid values for ACCESSIBILITY are
specifies to use the preferred user interface that is not fully accessible. This is the
specifies to use the fully accessible user interface.
Enlarging Fonts
To make text easier to read, you can enlarge the font by using the Font dialog box
and the SYSGUIFONT system option.
To open the Font dialog box, type dlgfont in the command bar or select Tools I
Options I Fonts. Specify the font size in the Size box and click OK.
To enlarge fonts in button text and the descriptive text, such as the words Contents
of SAS Environment in the SAS Explorer window, use the SYSGUIFONT system
option either in the configuration file or at the command prompt when you start SAS.
The following SAS command uses the Times New Roman font with a font size of 16:
sas -sysguifont "times new roman" 16
Note: You might need to maximize the SAS window in order to allow space for large
fonts to be readable. 4
Enlarging Icons
To enlarge icons, do the following
1 Select Tools I Customize
2 In the Toolbars tab, select Large icons.
specifies to include icons in menus.
specifies not to include icons in menus.
For example, sas -nomenuicons starts SAS and excludes menu icons. In an
OPTIONS statement, you specify
options nomenuicons;
Using the SAS Editors
title bar
ods rtf file=”c:\em\oranges.rtf”;
data oranges;
input variety $ flavor texture looks;
datalines; expanded
navel 9 8 6 code section
temple 7 7 7
valencias 8 9 9
mandarins 5 7 9
proc sort data=oranges;
by descending total;
proc print data=oranges;
code section
ods rtf close;
title bar
The title bar contains the Enhanced Editor icon and the name of the file. If the file
is new, the filename is Editor Untitledx, where x is a window number. An
asterisk ( * ) in the title bar indicates that any changes to the file have not been
expanded code section
An expanded code section displays all of the code within the code section. It is
indicated in the margin by the minus sign ( - ).
collapsed code section
A collapsed code section displays only the signature line of code (the line of code
that contains the keyword). It is indicated in the margin by the plus sign ( + ).
Enhanced Editor insertion point position
Part of the main SAS window, the Enhanced Editor insertion point position
displays the insertion point line and column position.
You use the margin on the left side of the Enhanced Editor window to
3 select one or more lines of text
3 expand and collapse code sections
3 display line numbers, code section brackets, and bookmarks.
You can move between Enhanced Editor windows by
3 selecting an Enhanced Editor window
3 typing wnextedit or wpgm in the command bar.
88 Using the Enhanced Editor Window 4 Chapter 3
Opening Files
The following table shows different methods of opening files in the Enhanced Editor.
Actions Instructions
Open multiple views of an opened file 1 Make the file the active window.
2 Select Window I New Window*
When you open multiple views of a file, changes that you
make in any view of the file are made simultaneously in all
Append a file to an opened file 1 Make the file that is to be appended the active
2 Select File I Append.
3 Select a folder and the file to append.
4 Click Open.
* The Enhanced Editor must be the active window.
Note: To change the default directory for the Open dialog box, either start SAS
using the SASINITIALFOLDER system option or change the current working directory.
For more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page 559 and
“Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39. 4
Saving Files
An asterisk ( * ) that appears in an Enhanced Editor window title bar indicates that
the editor contains text that has not been saved to disk. Enhanced Editor windows that
Using the SAS Editors 4 Using the Enhanced Editor Window 89
display the name Editor Untitledx in the title bar are new files that have never been
saved. The x indicates a window number.
To save the contents of the Enhanced Editor window, click the Save toolbar button
(the diskette). If the file is to be saved for the first time, the Save As dialog box opens
for you to name the file.
To save a file with a new name
1 Select File I Save As
2 Select a folder in the Save in field.
3 Type a filename in the File name field.
4 Select a file type from the Save as type field.
5 Click OK.
Note: To change the default directory for the Save dialog box, either start SAS using
the SASINITIALFOLDER system option or change the current working directory. For
more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page 559 and
“Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39. 4
If SAS ends unexpectedly, you can recover the contents of Enhanced Editor windows
if the autosave feature is selected in the Preferences dialog box. The Enhanced Editor
autosave files are saved in the operating environment Application Data folder with the
filename Autosave of filename.$AS, where filename is the name of the file. Under
Windows Vista, the pathname for the Application Data folder is
c:\Users\userid\AppData. Under all other Windows operating environments, the
pathname for the Application Data folder is c:\Documents and Settings\user
name\Application Data\SAS\EnhancedEditor. For example, the path to the autosave
file for MYPROGRAM.SAS in folder C:\TEMP would be
C:\Documents and Settings\myuserid\Application Data\SAS\EnhancedEditor
\Autosave of myprogram.$AS
SAS deletes autosave files when a file is saved, when the Enhanced Editor window
closes, or when a SAS session ends normally. If you have renamed a file and SAS ends
abnormally, you will find the autosaved file under the original filename.
For information about setting the autosave feature, see “Edit Preferences” on page 61
and “WAUTOSAVE Command” on page 360.
Command Description
You can display line numbers either by selecting Show line numbers in the
Enhanced Editor Options dialog box or by typing nums in the command bar. To
suppress line numbers, either deselect Show line numbers or type nums again in the
command bar.
All line number commands begin with a colon ( : ). A space is not required between
the command and the number. The following line number commands are supported:
Page Up up a page
Home to the beginning of the current line
Ctrl + down arrow toward the bottom of the file while scrolling down
Ctrl + right arrow to the start of the next word
In addition to using key sequences, you can move the insertion point up by one page,
down by one page, to the left by one page and to the right by one page by using the UP,
DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT commands in the command bar.
By default, when you click the mouse button past the end of a line, the insertion
point is placed after the last character in a line.
To enable the Enhanced Editor to place the insertion point past the end of a line:
1 Select Tools I Options I Enhanced Editor I General
2 Select the Allow cursor movement past end of line check box.
3 Click OK.
One or more lines of text using the margin 1 Click and hold down the left mouse button
in the margin on the first line of text that
you want to select.
2 Still holding down the left mouse button,
drag the mouse pointer within the margin
to the last line that you want to select.
3 Release the left mouse button.
Single or multiple characters, or whole lines of 1 Click and hold down the left mouse button
text before the first character that you want to
2 Still holding down the left mouse button,
drag the mouse pointer to the last
character that you want to select.
3 Release the left mouse button.
To... Instructions
Extend a selection in a particular direction Press the Shift key and then press a directional
Extend a selection one character at a time Press Shift + left arrow or right arrow
Move selected text 1 Place the mouse pointer over the selected
2 Click and hold down the left mouse button.
The mouse pointer displays a vertical line.
3 Still holding down the left mouse button,
drag the selected text and place the
vertical line at the position where you
want to place the text.
4 Release the left mouse button.
Note: In addition to using commands from the Edit menu, you can use editing
commands that are available from the pop-up menu when you click the right mouse
button in the Enhanced Editor window. 4
Using the SAS Editors 4 Using the Enhanced Editor Window 93
Dragging Text
To move or copy text
1 Select the text, place the pointer over the selected text, and hold down the left
mouse button.
2 To move the text
Find text
Type a text string to find. The initial value of this field is the last text string
that was used in a search.
Find in
Click the Find in box to specify whether to search in the code only, in the
comments only, or in both the code and comments.
Select either the Up or the Down option. Up specifies to search from the
insertion point position toward the beginning of the file. Down specifies to
search from the insertion point position toward the bottom of the file.
Match whole word only
Select the check box to specify that a match of the text must be a whole word
and not part of a word.
Match case
Select the check box to specify that upper and lowercase characters must
match exactly.
Regular expression search
Select the check box to specify that the text string is a regular expression. A
regular expression uses special characters as wildcards to search for a string
or substring. For a selection of special characters that you can use in regular
expressions, click the arrow that is located to the right of the Find text field.
3 Click Find Next.
Unmatched comments Look for one or more lines of the program that are the
same color.
Text that follows an open comment symbol ( /* )remains
the same color until the comment is closed with a closing
comment symbol ( */).
Matching DO-END pairs Place the cursor within a DO-END block and press Alt + [.
The cursor moves first to the DO keyword. If one of the
keywords is not found, the cursor remains as positioned.
When both of the keywords exist, pressing Alt + [ moves
the cursor between the DO-END keywords.
Matching parentheses or brackets Place the cursor on either side of the parenthesis or
bracket. Press Ctrl + ].
The cursor moves to the matching parentheses or bracket.
If one is not found, the cursor remains as positioned.
For a list of the components that you can color-code, open the Enhanced Editor
Options dialog box. Select the Appearance tab. The components are listed in the File
elements box. For more information about defining colors for program components, see
“Setting Appearance Options” on page 108.
Note: Changing the tab size modifies tab settings to the new value in all Enhanced
Editor windows. 4
Bookmarking Lines
When you bookmark a line, you create a line marker that is used to easily access
that line. A vertical rectangle in the margin indicates that the line is bookmarked.
Table 3.8 on page 96 shows the keyboard shortcuts that you can use with bookmarking.
Using Abbreviations
You can define a character string so that when you type it and then press the TAB
key or the ENTER key, the string expands to a longer character string. For example,
you could define the abbreviation myv6sasfiles, which would expand to
’c:\winnt\profiles\myid\personal\mysasfiles\v6’;. Abbreviations are actually macros
that insert one or more lines of text.
To create an abbreviation
1 Press Ctrl + Shift + A or select Tools I Add Abbreviation
2 In the Abbreviation field, type the name of the abbreviation.
3 In the Text to insert for abbreviation field, type the text that the
abbreviation will expand into.
4 Click OK.
To delete an abbreviation
1 Press Ctrl + Shift + M or select Tools I Keyboard Macros I Macros
2 Select the abbreviation from the list of Current Macros.
3 Click Delete.
4 Click Close.
Using the SAS Editors 4 Using the Enhanced Editor Window 97
When you open the program in the editor Select the Submit check box in the Open dialog
Use the SUBTOP command to submit either the first line or a specified number of
lines of a program.
The resulting output displays the filename in the title and the full path in the
Display 3.2 Using an Environment Variable to Place a Filename in DATA Step Output
These environment variables are set only when code is submitted using the
Enhanced Editor in the Windows environment. They are not set when you submit SCL
code or when you submit code in a batch session.
However, when SAS is running in batch mode, you can obtain the full path (which
includes the filename) by submitting %sysfunc(getoption(SYSIN)). The following
macro can be used to obtain the full path in both a batch session and an interactive
session by using the Enhanced Editor:
%let execpath=" ";
%macro setexecpath;
%let execpath=%sysfunc(GetOption(SYSIN));
%if %length(&execpath)=0
%then %let execpath=%sysget(SAS_EXECFILEPATH);
%mend setexecpath;
%put &execpath;
You can also use the following %PUT macro statements to display the filename and
full path in the SAS log:
%put Submitted file path is %sysget(SAS_EXECFILEPATH).;
%put Submitted file name is %sysget(SAS_EXECFILENAME).;
The values for these environment variables can be overwritten if subsequent programs are
submitted while an interactive procedure is active. The environment variables are set to
the last submitted program. If a program starts an interactive procedure and
subsequent programs are submitted while the interactive procedure is still active,
the environment variables are set to the filename and full path of the latest
submitted program. The filename and full path of the program that submitted the
interactive procedure are no long available. 4
100 Using the Enhanced Editor Window 4 Chapter 3
Go to line Ctrl + G
For information about defining keyboard shortcuts, see “Using Keyboard Shortcuts to
Customize the Enhanced Editor” on page 109.
a Press ENTER.
b Type rsubmit;
c Press ENTER.
d Press ENTER.
e Type endrsubmit;
f Press the UP arrow.
g Press the TAB key.
h Select Tools I Keyboard Macros I Stop Recording
The resulting macro contains the following commands:
Insert carriage return
Insert character [’r’]
Insert character [’s’]
Insert character [’u’]
Insert character [’b’]
Insert character [’m’]
Insert character [’i’]
Insert character [’t’]
Insert character [’;’]
Insert carriage return
Insert carriage return
Insert character [’e’]
Insert character [’n’]
Insert character [’d’]
Insert character [’r’]
Insert character [’s’]
Insert character [’u’]
Insert character [’b’]
Insert character [’m’]
Insert character [’i’]
Insert character [’t’]
Insert character [’;’]
Move cursor up
Insert character [’|’]
Keyboard macros can be shared by multiple users. You can import or export them to
or from a folder by using the Keyboard Macros dialog box. To open the dialog box, select
Tools I Keyboard Macros I Macros
To import a keyboard macro, click Import, select a folder from the Look in box and
a filename from the Filename box. Then click OK.
To export a keyboard macro, click Export, select a folder from the Look in field, type
a filename in the Filename box, and click OK.
A collapsed section is indicated by a plus sign in the margin, and the signature line
is the only line of code that is displayed. To expand a section, click the plus sign.
Display 3.3 The Enhanced Editor When Collapsible Code Segments Are Enabled
Brackets in the margin and a section line across the editor window mark the
beginning and end of a section. If you do not want to see either the brackets or the
section line, you can suppress them by using the Enhanced Editor Options dialog box.
To disable collapsible code sections, or brackets and lines, select Tools I Options I
Enhanced Editor I General and select the appropriate settings:
3 Clear the Collapsible code sections check box to disable collapsible code
3 Clear the Show section lines in text check box to disable section lines in the
3 Clear the Show section brackets in margin check box to suppress section
brackets in the margin.
The following rules apply when you select and edit collapsed segments:
3 Selecting a line from the margin that includes a collapsed segment includes all
text within the collapsed segment.
3 Selecting a line of text by dragging the mouse over the text or by using the
keyboard selects only that line of text.
3 Selecting text from above a collapsed section and into a collapsed signature line
copies text from the start of the selection to the end of the selection. The selection
includes any hidden lines above the signature line up to the end of the selection.
3 Selecting text on a signature line down into another section marks text from the
beginning of the selection to the end of the selection and includes hidden text
below the signature line.
3 Any keystroke on a signature line expands the section.
3 Pasting into a signature line or section expands the section.
3 Typing something above a section that affects the section, such as comments or
quotes, expands the section.
3 Pressing ENTER at the beginning of a signature line adds code at the beginning of
the section.
3 Pressing ENTER at the end of a signature line adds code at the end of the section.
3 Selecting Undo will not undo the collapse and expand commands.
104 Creating Your Own Keywords 4 Chapter 3
3 When you search for text and the text is found within a collapsed segment, the
segment expands.
3 When text within a collapsed segment is to be replaced, the segment expands.
3 When text within a collapsed segment is to be replaced and you select Replace
All, collapsed sections do not expand.
To associate other file extensions with SAS and SCL programs, and HTML and XML
documents, do the following:
1 Open the Enhanced Editor Options dialog box by selecting Tools I Options I
Enhanced Editor
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select a file type from the File type box.
4 Click File Extensions and then click Add.
5 Type the file extension and press ENTER.
To delete a file extension, select the file extension and click Delete.
To revert to the default file extensions, click Default.
Click the tabs that are located along the top of the dialog box to navigate to the
settings that you want to change, and then select the options that you want. When you
are finished, click OK.
Tab size
specifies the number of spaces to indent.
Insert spaces for tabs
specifies whether to insert the space character or the tab character when you press
the TAB key. If it is selected, the space character is used. If it is not selected, the
tab character is used.
Replace tabs with spaces on file open
specifies whether to replace all tab characters in a file with the space character
when the file is opened.
specifies the type of indention to use. When None is selected, no indention is used.
When Automatic is selected, the next line is automatically indented by the same
amount of space that the previous line is indented.
Collapsible code sections
specifies whether to enable the expansion and contraction of code sections. If it is
selected, the collapsible code sections can be collapsed or expanded. If it is not
selected, all code appears in the editor window. The following settings are active
when the Collapsible code sections setting is selected:
3 When Show section lines in text is selected, a line appears after each
section of text.
3 When Show section brackets in margin is selected, brackets are
displayed around each section in the margin.
Clear text on submit
specifies whether to clear the contents of the Enhanced Editor window after you
submit a program for processing. If it is selected, the Enhanced Editor window is
cleared when you submit the program. If it is not selected, the program remains in
the editor window. If this setting is selected, you can recall the last submitted
program by using the F4 key.
User Defined Keywords
opens the User Defined Keywords dialog box that you use to create user-defined
File Extensions
opens the SAS Extensions dialog box. Use the SAS Extensions dialog box to define
file extensions that are recognized by the Enhanced Editor.
Appearance Options
The following appearance options enable you to specify foreground and background
colors, and font styles for file elements. You can also create and save color schemes. For
more information about using these appearance options, see “Setting Appearance
Options” on page 108 and “Using Schemes” on page 109.
File type
specifies the type of file whose elements you want to color-code. You can color-code
file elements for SAS programs, SCL programs, HTML and XML documents, and
text documents. To color-code an XML document, select HTML Document. The
default is the file type of the file that you are editing at the time that you invoke
the Editor Options dialog box.
is a name that represents a saved set of appearance options for the specified file
108 Setting Enhanced Editor Options 4 Chapter 3
specifies the name of the font for the scheme.
specifies the font size for the scheme.
lists the character sets available for the specified font. The character set that is
used by the default script is determined by the Windows regional options.
File elements
lists the elements of the specified file type that can be color-coded.
specifies the text color that is to be applied to the selected file element.
specifies the background color that is to be applied to the selected file element.
Font Style
specifies whether Normal, Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic font is to be applied to
the file element.
specifies whether the file element is to be underlined.
displays a sample of the selected file element colors and font.
d From the Font Style box, select Normal, Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic.
e If you want the element to be underlined, select the Underlined box.
8 Review your selections in the Sample box. Click on a file element in the sample to
see its color and font assignment. When you have finished formatting all file
elements, click OK.
Using Schemes
A scheme is a saved set of formatting options, such as font, font size, and script. You
can set your appearance options by selecting a file type and a scheme instead of setting
individual file elements. SAS provides several schemes which you can select from the
Scheme box. Schemes provided by SAS use the Default script.
To create a scheme
1 Select a file type from the File type box.
2 Select a font, font size, and a script.
3 For each file element, select a color for the foreground and background, a font
style, and the underlining option.
4 Click Save As and type a scheme name in the Save Scheme dialog box.
5 Click OK.
To modify a scheme
1 Click in the File type box and select a file type.
2 Click in the Scheme box and select a scheme.
3 Make the font and file element changes that you want.
4 Click Save As. The selected scheme name appears in the Scheme name entry box.
5 Click OK.
To delete a scheme
1 Click in the File type box and select a file type.
2 Click in the Scheme box and select the scheme name that you want to delete.
3 Click Delete.
Opening Files
To open a file in the Program Editor:
1 With the editor window active, do one of the following:
3 Click the Open toolbar button (the opened file folder)
3 Type dlgopen in the command bar
3 Select File and click Open
SAS displays the Open dialog box.
2 Use the Open dialog box to select the file you want to include. By default, SAS
looks for files with the .SAS file extension (which contain SAS code, by
convention). However, you can change the default by adjusting the Files of
type field. (If you change the selected file type, SAS will remember that selection
and present it as the default the next time that you open a file for that window
during the SAS session.)
Note: To change the default directory for the Open dialog box, either start SAS
using the SASINITIALFOLDER system option or change the current working
directory. For more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on
page 559 and “Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39. 4
3 If the file that you are including contains SAS code that you want to submit, check
the Submit box before clicking OK.
Note: If you select Submit , it remains selected each time you use the Open
dialog box to open a file. You must deselect it if you do not want to submit the
contents of the file you want to open. 4
You can also drag and drop a file into the Program Editor from the Windows Explorer
or the My Favorite Folders window. To drag and drop a file:
1 Open the source window.
112 Using Line Numbers 4 Chapter 3
2 Position the source window and the Program Editor window so that both are
3 In the source window, find and select the file you want to open; click and hold
down the left mouse button
4 Drag the file over the Program Editor window and release the left mouse button.
If you open a file with lines longer than 256 characters in the Program Editor
window, the lines are truncated unless you use the INCLUDE command with an
LRECL= value equal to the number of characters in the longest line, and you set either
the AUTOWRAP or AUTOFLOW command to ON. If you want to use the Open dialog
box to open a file with lines longer than 256 characters, use the FILENAME statement
to set up a fileref with the appropriate options and then use the fileref, enclosed in
double quotes, in the Filename field in the Open dialog box.
If you recall a SAS program that has more than 256 characters on a line into the
Program Editor, the Program Editor wraps the line on to the next line. A line that is
greater than 256 characters and wraps onto the next line is considered one line of code.
Using Tabs
Many text editors retain tab characters, while others expand tabs into space
characters. The SAS Program Editor window expands tabs into space characters.
Using the SAS Editors 4 Selecting Text 113
Pressing the TAB key inserts spaces and moves any text to the right of the insertion
Selecting Text
You can use the mouse or the SHIFT key in combination with the insertion point
movement keys to select text. The marking of an area of text continues until you
release the mouse button or release the SHIFT key. To select all of the text in the active
window, select the Edit menu and then select Select All. The following are some
advanced text selection methods:
3 Double-click a single word to select it. To select an entire line, hold down the
CTRL key as you click on the line you want.
3 Use the ALT key as you hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse to select
a rectangular block (or column) of text (as illustrated below.)
3 Use the SHIFT key in combination with the mouse button to select the text
between the current text insertion point and the position in the text where you
click. You can also use this technique to extend a text selection. (You can use this
feature only within the current page.)
If characters are selected and you start typing text, the marked area is replaced with
the new text. This action occurs even if you have moved the mouse pointer away from
the marked area. For information about marking and copying text with a mouse, see
“Using the Clipboard” on page 55.
To unmark text, click the left mouse button in the window. Alternatively, you can
unmark text by selecting Deselect from the Edit menu or you can press the ESC key.
Typing the WNAVKEYUNMARK ON in the command bar also enables unmarking with
the arrow navigational keys.
114 Deleting Text 4 Chapter 3
Deleting Text
The Delete key deletes the currently selected text, if there is any; otherwise, it
deletes the character to the right of the insertion point. To delete from the insertion
point to the end of the current line, press ALT+Delete. To delete from the insertion
point to the end of the current word, press CTRL+Delete. To delete from the insertion
point to the start of the current word, press CTRL+Backspace.
You can also use the Edit menu to delete text. To delete all text in the window, click
Clear All. To delete only selected text, click Clear. To delete selected text and copy
that text to the Windows clipboard, click Cut.
Find text
Type a text string to find. The initial value of this field is the last text string
that was used in a search.
Select the Up or Down check box. Up specifies to search from the insertion
point position toward the beginning of the file. Down specifies to search from
the insertion point position toward the bottom of the file.
Match whole word only
Select the check box to specify that a match of the text must be a whole word
and not part of a word.
Match case
Select the check box to specify that upper- and lowercase characters must
match exactly.
3 Click Find Next.
Find text
Type a text string to find and replace. The initial value of this field is the last
text string that was used in a search.
Replace with
Type the replacement string.
Select either the Up or Down check box. Up specifies to search from the
insertion point position toward the beginning of the file. Down specifies to
search from the insertion point position toward the bottom of the file.
Match whole word only
Select this check box to specify that any match of the text must be a whole
word and not part of a word.
Using the SAS Editors 4 Dragging and Dropping Text 115
Match case
Select this check box to specify that upper- and lowercase characters must
match exactly.
3 Click Find Next.
4 If the text is found, click one of the following:
3 Replace to replace this single occurrence of the text with the replacement
3 Replace All to replace all occurrences of the text in the file with the
replacement string.
any SAS text window another SAS window that supports text editing
(such as the Program Editor window)
any SAS text window another Windows application that supports text
drag and drop
a Windows application that supports text drag any SAS window that supports editing
and drop
Windows Explorer (text file item) any SAS window that supports editing
Default Nondefault
Data Target Action Actions
The actions that occur when you drag text out of a SAS window into another
Windows application depend on the target application. In most cases, dragging and
dropping text between SAS and other applications actually moves the text from one
window to another (that is, the text is cut from one window and placed in the other).
You can change that behavior by applying a drag-modifier—a key you press while
you drag and drop. To copy text from one window to another (instead of moving it),
press and hold the CTRL key before and during the drag and drop. When you release
the mouse button to drop the text, release the CTRL key as well.
Drag Scrolling
While dragging text to a SAS text editor window, you can cause the target window to
scroll vertically or horizontally. This action lets you drop text in a window area that is
not currently visible.
Once you have selected the text and drag it to the SAS text editor window, pause
near the border of the SAS text editor window. The window scrolls in the direction of
that border. For example, to cause the target window to scroll down, drag the mouse
pointer just above the bottom border of the window and pause.
Drag scrolling only happens when you pause near the drop area border; it does not
occur if you drag quickly past the border.
Saving Files
To save the contents of the Program Editor window, click the Save toolbar button (the
diskette icon). If the file is to be saved for the first time, the Save As dialog box will
open for you to name the file.
To save a file with a new name:
1 Select File I Save As
2 Select a folder in the Save in field.
3 Type a filename in the Filename field.
4 Select a file type from the Save as type field.
5 Click OK.
Note: To change the default directory for the Save dialog box, either start SAS using
the SASINITIALFOLDER system option or change the current working directory. For
more information, see “SASINITIALFOLDER System Option” on page 559 and
“Changing the SAS Current Folder” on page 39. 4
You can also use the WAUTOSAVE command to enable, disable, and set the interval.
WAUTOSAVE INTERVAL=minutes will turn on autosave using minutes as the interval.
For more information on the Autosave feature, see “Edit Preferences” on page 61,
“WAUTOSAVE Command” on page 360, and “AUTOSAVELOC= System Option” in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary.
Using SAS Files
9.2 files and SAS files created with previous releases of SAS (back to Version 5),
whether they were created under Windows or other operating environments. Multi
Engine Architecture also provides access to files created by other vendors’ products,
including database files.
The following sections highlight information you need in order to create and use SAS
files with the various engines under Windows.
Table 4.1 Windows File Extensions and their Corresponding SAS Member Types
V7 and
V6 File Beyond File Short SAS Member
Extension Extensions Extentions Type Description
V7 and
V6 File Beyond File Short SAS Member
Extension Extensions Extentions Type Description
Do not change the file extension of a SAS file; doing so can cause unpredictable results.
The file extensions assigned by SAS to SAS files are an integral part of how SAS
accesses these files. Also, you should not change the filename of a SAS file using
operating system commands. If you want to change the name of a SAS file, use the
DATASETS procedure or select the file in the SAS Explorer window or the My
Favorite Folders window and select Edit I Rename. 4
Note: Do not delete files from your Work and Sasuser libraries during your SAS
session. SAS creates temporary utility files that you do not need to access directly but
that are necessary for processing SAS data.
If your SAS session ends abnormally, you might need to delete files outside SAS in
order to regain disk space. You can delete files in the Work library by using the
WORKINIT and the WORKTERM system options when you start SAS. For more
information, see “WORKINIT System Option” and “WORKTERM System Option” in
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary. 4
Interface SAS data views contain descriptor information for data formatted by
other software products, for example, a database management system. You access
database views using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement. For more
information, see SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files: Reference and SAS/ACCESS
for Relational Databases: Reference.
SAS Libraries
All permanent and temporary SAS files are stored in SAS libraries. A SAS library is
a collection of SAS files that are stored in a physical location under the operating
system. Although the physical location in the operating system can contain files that
are not managed by SAS, only SAS files are considered part of the SAS library. Any
Windows folder can be treated as a SAS library.
To use a SAS library in your SAS session, you must assign a libref (library reference)
and an engine to the library. The libref is the name you use to refer to the data library
during a SAS session or job. You can create a libref from the Explorer window or you
Using SAS Files 4 SAS Engines 125
SAS Engines
What Is an Engine?
Engines, also called access methods, provide access to many formats of data, giving
SAS a Multi Engine Architecture. Engines apply only to SAS data sets.
The engine identifies the set of routines that SAS uses to access the files in the
library. With this architecture, data can reside in different types of files, including SAS
files and data formatted by other software products, such as database management
systems. By using the appropriate engine for the file type, SAS can write to or read
from the file. For some types of files, you need to tell SAS what engine to use. For
others, SAS automatically chooses the appropriate engine. For more details about
engines and Multi Engine Architecture, see SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
Engines are of two basic types, library and view. Library engines control access at
the SAS library level and can be specified in the LIBNAME statement or function. View
engines enable SAS to read SAS data views described by the DATA step, SQL procedure,
or SAS/ACCESS software. The use of SAS view engines is automatic because the name
of the view engine is stored as part of the descriptor portion of the SAS data set.
default V9, BASE accesses SAS System 9, 9.1, and SAS 9.2 data
When using the default engine, choose which name, V9 or BASE, that you use in
your SAS jobs considering future releases. If your application is intended for SAS 9.2
only, and you do not want to convert it to later releases, use the name V9. If, however,
you plan to convert your application to new releases of SAS, use the name BASE
because that refers to the latest default engine. Using the name BASE makes your
programs easy to convert. The engine name BASE does not refer to Base SAS software;
it refers to the base, or primary, engine. The BASE engine can be used with more than
the Base SAS software product.
This document uses the term default engine to refer to the V9 engine. The V9 engine
is the default engine for accessing SAS files under SAS 9.2 unless the default engine is
changed with the ENGINE system option. To see the value of the ENGINE system
option, do one of the following:
3 Submit
proc options option=engine;
3 select Tools I Options I System to open the SAS System Options window. Then
select Files I SAS Files. The ENGINE system option displays the default engine
for SAS libraries.
Name Description
For more information about these engines, see “Reading BMDP, OSIRIS, and SPSS
Files” on page 142 and “ENGINE System Option” on page 509.
Using SAS Files 4 Specifying a Libref 127
Specifying a Libref
The libref is a label or alias that is assigned to a folder so that the storage location
(the full path, including drive and folder) is in a form that is recognized by SAS. It is a
logical concept describing a physical location, rather than something physically stored
with the file.
If a libref is created from within a SAS program, it exists only during the session in
which it is created. If a libref is created interactively, by using the New Library dialog
box, you can select Enable at Startup to make it a permanent libref.
A libref follows the same rules of syntax as any SAS name. See the SAS language
rules section in SAS Language Reference: Concepts for more information about SAS
naming conventions.
There are several ways to specify a libref:
3 Use the New Library dialog box that is described in SAS Help and Documentation.
3 Use the LIBNAME statement or function as described in “Assigning SAS Libraries
Using the LIBNAME Statement or Function” on page 128
3 Define an environment variable as described in “Assigning SAS Libraries Using
Environment Variables” on page 130.
Note: You can eliminate the LIBNAME statement by directly specifying the drive
name and the DATA set name within quotes. An example follows:
data "d:\mydata";
128 Assigning SAS Libraries Using the Graphical User Interface 4 Chapter 4
This statement indicates that the libref TEST accesses SAS 9.2 files stored in the folder
C:\MYSASDIR. Remember that the engine specification is optional.
This statement indicates that the two folders, C:\REVENUE and D:\COSTS, are to be
treated as a single SAS library. When you concatenate SAS libraries, SAS uses a
protocol for accessing the libraries, depending on whether you are accessing the
libraries for read, write, or update.
You can concatenate multiple libraries by specifying only their librefs, as in the
following example:
libname sales (income revenue);
This statement indicates that two libraries that are identified by librefs INCOME and
REVENUE are treated as a single SAS library whose libref is SALES.
For more information, see “Understanding How Multi-Folder SAS Libraries Are
Accessed” on page 133 and SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Note: The concept of library concatenation also applies when specifying system
options, such as the SASHELP and SASMSG options. For information about how to
specify multiple folders by using system options, see “Syntax for Concatenating
Libraries in SAS System Options” on page 478. 4
Assigning Engines
If you want to use another access method, or engine, instead of the V9 engine, you
can specify another engine name in the LIBNAME statement. For example, if you want
to access only Version 6.12 SAS data sets from your SAS 9.2 session, you can specify the
V612 engine in the LIBNAME statement, as in the following example:
libname oldlib V612 ’c:\sas612’;
Another example is if you plan to share SAS files between SAS 9.2 under Windows
and Version 6 under Windows, use the V6 engine when assigning a libref to the SAS
library. Here is an example of specifying the V6 engine in a LIBNAME statement:
libname lib6 V6 ’c:\sas6’;
Remember that while SAS 9.2 can read Version 6 SAS data sets, Release 6 cannot
read SAS 9.2 data sets. For methods of regressing a SAS 9.2 data set to a version 6
data set, see information in the Migration focus area at
For more information about using engine names in the LIBNAME statement, see
“Using SAS Files from Other Versions with SAS 9.2 for Windows” on page 137 and
“Reading BMDP, OSIRIS, and SPSS Files” on page 142. You can also see the LIBNAME
statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Data sets that are referenced by the libref ONE are created and accessed using the
compatibility engine (V8), whereas data sets that are referenced by the libref TWO are
created and accessed using the default engine (V9). You can also have multiple librefs
(using the same engine) for the same SAS library. For example, the following two
LIBNAME statements assign the librefs MYLIB and INLIB (both using the V9 engine)
to the same SAS library:
libname mylib V9 ’c:\mydir\datasets’;
libname inlib V9 ’c:\mydir\datasets’;
Because the engine names and the Windows pathnames are the same, the librefs
MYLIB and INLIB are identical and can be used interchangeably.
When you assign an environment variable, SAS does not resolve the environment
reference until the environment variable name is actually used. For example, if the
TEST environment variable is defined in your SAS configuration file, the environment
variable TEST is not resolved until it is referenced by SAS. Therefore, if you make a
mistake in your SET option specification, such as misspelling a folder name, you do not
receive an error message until you use the environment variable in a SAS statement.
Because Windows filenames can contain spaces or single quotation marks as part of
their names, you should enclose the name of the physical path in double quotation
marks when specifying the SET option. If you use the SET option in an OPTIONS
statement, you must use quotation marks around the filename. For complete syntax of
the SET system option, see “SET System Option” on page 561.
Any environment variable name that you use as a value for a system option in your
SAS configuration file must be defined as an environment variable before it is used. For
example, the following SET option must appear before the SASUSER option that uses
the environment variable TEST:
-set test "d:\mysasdir"
-sasuser "!test"
In the following example, environment variables are used with concatenated libraries:
-set dir1 "c:\sas\base\sashelp"
-set dir2 "d:\sas\stat\sashelp"
-sashelp (!dir1 !dir2)
Note that when you reference environment variables in your SAS configuration file or
in a LIBNAME statement in your SAS programs, you must precede the environment
variable name with an exclamation point (!).
It is recommended that you use the SET system option in your SAS configuration file
if you invoke SAS through a Windows shortcut.
The environment variables that you define with the SET command can be used later
within SAS as librefs. In the following example, the Windows SET command is used to
define the environment variables PERM and BUDGET:
Clearing Librefs
You can clear a libref by using one of the following methods:
3 the SAS Explorer window
3 the LIBNAME window
3 the LIBNAME statement
3 the LIBNAME function .
SAS automatically clears the association between librefs and their respective libraries
at the end of your job or session. If you want to associate the libref with a different SAS
library during the current session, you do not have to end the session or clear the libref.
SAS automatically reassigns the libref when you use it to name a new library.
For more information about using the SAS Explorer window to manage libraries, see
The Little SAS Book or the SAS Help and Documentation.
Using SAS Files 4 Understanding How Multi-Folder SAS Libraries Are Accessed 133
To clear a libref by using the LIBNAME window:
1 Issue the LIBNAME command in the command bar. The LIBNAME window opens.
2 Right-click on the node of the libref that you want to clear.
3 Select Delete.
LIBNAME Statement
To clear a libref by using the LIBNAME statement, submit a LIBNAME statement
using this syntax:
LIBNAME libref|_all_ < clear>;
If you specify a libref, only that libref is cleared. If you specify the keyword _all_, all
the librefs you have assigned during your current SAS session are cleared. (Maps,
Sasuser, Sashelp, and Work remain assigned.)
Note: When you clear a libref defined by an environment variable, the variable
remains defined, but it is no longer considered a libref, and it is not listed in the
Explorer window. You can use the variable in another LIBNAME statement to create a
new libref. 4
LIBNAME Function
To clear a libref by using the LIBNAME function, the only argument to the function
is the libref:
The same would be true if you opened OLD.SPECIES for update with the FSEDIT
134 Using the Sasuser Data Library 4 Chapter 4
Output Access
If the data set is accessed for output, it is always written to the first folder, provided
that the folder exists. If the folder does not exist, an error message is displayed. For
example, if you submit the following statements, SAS writes the OLD.SPECIES data set
to the first folder (C:\MYSASDIR), replacing any existing data set with the same name:
libname old (’c:\mysasdir’,’d:\saslib’);
data old.species;
If a copy of the OLD.SPECIES data set exists in the second folder, it is not replaced.
In this case, the DATA statement opens TEST.SPECIES for output according to the
output rules; that is, SAS opens a data set in the first of the concatenated libraries
(C:\SAS). The SET statement opens the existing TEST.SPECIES data set in the second
(D:\MYSASDIR) folder, according to the input rules. Therefore, the original
TEST.SPECIES data set is not updated; rather, two TEST.SPECIES data sets exist, one
in each folder.
You can use the SASUSER system option to make the Sasuser libref point to a
different SAS library. If a Sasuser folder does not exist, SAS creates one. If you use a
folder other than the default folder, you can add the SASUSER system option to the
sasv9.cfg configuration file.
SAS stores other files besides the Profile catalog in the Sasuser folder. For example,
sample data sets are stored in this folder.
Using SAS Files 4 Using the Work Data Library 135
The Sasuser data library is always associated with the V9 engine. You cannot change
the engine associated with the Sasuser data library. If you try to assign another engine
to this data library, you receive an error message. Therefore, even if you have set the
ENGINE system option to another engine, any SAS files that are created in the Sasuser
data library are SAS 9.2 files.
For more information about your Profile catalog, see “Profile Catalog” on page 20.
For more information about the SASUSER system option, see “SASUSER System
Option” on page 560.
If you display the SAS Explorer window now, you will see the Sports data set in the
Work folder.
You can display all the temporary data sets that are created during this session from:
3 the SAS Explorer window. Double-click the Libraries folder icon and then
double-click the Work folder icon.
3 the LIBNAME window. Type libname in the command bar and double-click the
Work folder icon.
The Work data library is always associated with the V9 engine. You cannot change
the engine associated with the Work data library. If you try to assign another engine to
this data library, you receive an error message. Therefore, even if you have set the
ENGINE system option to a different engine, any SAS files that are created in the
Work data library are SAS 9.2 files.
136 Using Large Data Sets with Windows and NTFS 4 Chapter 4
The SET option associates the MYVAR environment variable with the C:\TEMPDIR
folder. Then the WORK option tells SAS to use that folder for the Work data library.
When you exit your SAS session, the temporary folders and any files they contain are
When you set the User libref to a folder as in the previous example and you want to
create or access a temporary data set, you must specify a two-level name for the data
set, with Work as the libref.
Alternatively, you can assign the User libref when you invoke SAS by using the USER
system option or by creating a Windows environment variable named USER. If you
have a Windows environment variable named USER, the USER libref is automatically
assigned when you invoke SAS. For more information about the USER system option,
see “USER System Option” on page 581 and SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Note: You can assign other engines to the User libref if you want the data sets that
are saved with one-level names to be stored in a format for use with other releases of
SAS. 4
the same SAS file, but only one user can access and make changes to a single record
(observation) at a time.
To open a data set in the VIEWTABLE window, from the SAS Explorer window:
1 double-click the Libraries icon
2 double-click the library containing the data set
3 double-click the data set.
To edit the data set, select Edit I Edit Mode and then select either Table Level
Edit or Row Level Edit.
When you edit a data set using FSEDIT or FSVIEW, you can set the update mode to
either MEMBER or RECORD. When you select MEMBER mode, only you have access
to the data set. When you select RECORD mode, multiple users can write to the same
SAS file but only one user can update a single record (observation) at a time.
To open a data set using FSEDIT or FSVIEW:
1 type FSEDIT or FSVIEW in the command bar
2 double-click the library name in the Select a Member dialog box
3 double-click the data set name.
To edit the data set, select Edit I Update and then select either the MEMBER or
RECORD radio button.
The RSASUSER system option, described in “RSASUSER System Option” on page
555 allows you to share the Sasuser data library. If multiple users need update access
to common SAS data sets, use SAS/SHARE software.
For details about rules for multiple user access to the same data set and its
members, see the SAS Help and Documentation and SAS/SHARE User’s Guide.
Using SAS Files from Other Versions with SAS 9.2 for Windows
Introduction to Using SAS Files from Other Versions with SAS 9.2 for
SAS files that were created in Versions 8, 7, and 6 can be processed, with some
restrictions, without having to convert files to the SAS 9.2 format.
SAS 9.2 file formats are the same as Version 7 and 8 file formats with the exception
of a few new features. Table 4.5 on page 138 summarizes the actions that you need to
take in order to use SAS files from a previous release, if the files in the SAS library are
for the same release of SAS.
If you want to use SAS 9.2 to access catalogs that were created with earlier releases
of SAS for Windows, you might have to convert the catalogs from the earlier releases to
the SAS 9.2 format before you can use the catalogs in a SAS 9.2 program.
The following table provides information about data set and catalog conversion.
138 Using Release 6.08 through Release 8.2 Data Sets 4 Chapter 4
Table 4.5 Summary of Using Version 6, 7, and 8 Data Sets and Catalogs in SAS
Releases 6.03 and 6.04 Use the V604 engine to read not supported
data. You cannot write to
Release 6.03 and 6.04 data sets.
As the table shows, in 32–bit environments, except for Release 6.04 and Release 6.03
data sets, Version 6 (32–bit environments) and Version 7 and 8 data sets do not need to
be converted to SAS 9.2 data sets in order for SAS 9.2 to read, update, and write to the
data sets. In 64–bit environments, the cross-environment data access (CEDA) facility
imposes some restrictions.
In 32–bit environments, Version 7 and 8 catalogs also do not need to be converted to
V9 catalogs. Only Version 6 SAS catalogs can be read. If a Version 6 catalog is to be
updated, you must convert it to a SAS 9.2 catalog.
The Migration focus area at discusses in
detail how to use or convert SAS files that were created in Release 6.08 through Version
8. See the SAS/CONNECT User’s Guide for information about accessing Version 6 SAS
files if you use Remote Library Services to access SAS files on a server.
To use SAS files that were created under an operating environment other than
Windows, you will need to transport those files to the Windows environment. A
separate document, Moving and Accessing SAS Files, discusses transporting files from
one operating environment to another operating environment.
For example, if you know that the ’c:\mydata’ SAS library contains only Version 6
files, the following SAS statements print a Version 6 SAS data set that is named
WINDATA.SALEFIGS created under Windows:
libname windata ’c:\mydata’;
proc print data=windata.salefigs;
title ’Sales Figures’;
Where all SAS files in the library are Version 6 SAS files, you can omit the engine
parameter because SAS automatically detects the V6 engine.
Using the same example, suppose you are unsure of the file’s version or suppose you
know that the SAS library is a mixed mode library. In those cases, you must specify the
engine name in the LIBNAME statement in order to access the V6 files:
libname windata v6 ’c:\mydata’;
proc print data=windata.salefigs;
title ’Sales Figures’;
Release 6.03 and Release 6.04 SAS files require a specific engine. For more
information, see “Using Release 6.03 and Release 6.04 SAS Data Sets” on page 139.
The Release 6.12 SAS catalog can now be read by SAS 9.2. For information about the
CPORT and CIMPORT procedures, see the Base SAS Procedures Guide and Moving
and Accessing SAS Files.
Converting Release 6.03 and Release 6.04 SAS Catalogs to SAS 9.2
If you want to convert Release 6.04 SAS catalogs to their SAS 9.2 counterparts, see
Moving and Accessing SAS Files.
BMDP Engine
The BMDP interface library engine enables you to read BMDP DOS files from the
BMDP statistical software package directly from a SAS program. The following sections
assume that you are familiar with the BMDP save file terminology.
To read a BMDP save file, you must issue a LIBNAME statement that explicitly
specifies that you want to use the BMDP engine:
In this form of the LIBNAME statement, libref is a SAS libref and filename is the
BMDP physical filename. If the libref appears previously as a fileref, you can omit
filename because the physical filename that is associated with the fileref is used. This
engine can read only BMDP save files created under DOS.
Because there can be multiple save files in a single physical file, you reference the
CODE= value as the member name of the data set within the SAS language. For
example, if the save file contains CODE=ABC and CODE=DEF and the libref is
MYLIB, you reference them as MYLIB.ABC and MYLIB.DEF. All CONTENT types are
treated the same. Therefore, even if member DEF is CONTENT=CORR, it is treated as
If you know that you want to access the first save file in the physical file, or if there
is only one save file, you can refer to the member name as _FIRST_. This convention is
convenient if you do not know the CODE= value.
Using SAS Files 4 OSIRIS Engine 143
The following example uses the LIBNAME statement to associate the libref MYLIB2
with the BMDP physical file. Then it prints the data for the first save file in the
physical file:
libname mylib2 bmdp ’mybmdp.dat’;
proc print dat=mylib2._first_;
Because the Inter-University Consortium on Policy and Social Research (ICPSR)
uses the OSIRIS file format for distribution of its data files, SAS provides the OSIRIS
interface library engine to support ICPSR data users and to be compatible with PROC
CONVERT, which is described in “CONVERT Procedure” on page 433.
The read-only OSIRIS engine enables you to read OSIRIS data and dictionary files
directly from a SAS program. These files must be stored in EBCDIC format. This
action assumes that you downloaded the OSIRIS files from your host computer in
binary format. The following section assumes that you are familiar with the OSIRIS file
terminology. *
To read an OSIRIS file, you must issue a LIBNAME statement that explicitly
specifies you want to use the OSIRIS engine. In this case, the LIBNAME statement
takes the following form:
In this form of the LIBNAME statement, libref is a SAS libref, data-filename is the
physical filename of the OSIRIS data file, and dictionary-filename is the physical
filename of the OSIRIS dictionary file. The dictionary-filename argument can also be an
environment variable name or a fileref. (Do not use quotation marks if it is an
environment variable name or fileref.) The DICT= option must appear because the
engine requires both files.
OSIRIS data files do not have member names. Therefore, you can use whatever
member name you like. You can use the same OSIRIS dictionary file with different
OSIRIS data files. Write a separate LIBNAME statement for each one.
The layout of an OSIRIS data dictionary is consistent across operating environments.
The reason is that the OSIRIS software does not run outside the z/OS environment, but
the engine is designed to accept an z/OS data dictionary on any other operating
environment under which SAS runs. It is important that the OSIRIS dictionary and
data files not be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII; the engine expects EBCDIC data.
There is no specific file layout for the OSIRIS data file. The file layout is controlled by
the contents of the OSIRIS dictionary file.
* See documentation provided by the Institute for Social Research for more information.
144 SPSS Engine 4 Chapter 4
SPSS Engine
The SPSS interface library engine enables you to read SPSS export files directly
from a SAS program. The SPSS export file must be created by using the SPSS
EXPORT command. *The SPSS engine is a read-only engine.
To read an SPSS export file you must issue a LIBNAME statement that explicitly
specifies that you want to use the SPSS engine. In this case, the LIBNAME statement
takes the following form:
LIBNAME libref SPSS <’filename’>;
In this form of the LIBNAME statement, the libref argument is a SAS libref, and
filename is the SPSS physical filename, including the file extension. If the libref
appears also as a fileref, you can omit filename because the physical filename that is
associated with the fileref is used. The SPSS native file format is not supported. Export
files can originate from any operating environment.
Because SPSS files do not have internal names, you can refer to them by any
member name that you like. (The example in this discussion uses _FIRST_ .)
Note: SPSS can have system-missing and user-defined missing data. When you use
the SPSS engine or PROC CONVERT, the missing values (user-defined or system) are
converted to system-missing values. User-defined missing values have to be recoded as
valid values. When the data set is converted, you can use PROC FORMAT to make the
translation. For example, –1 to .A and –2 to .B. 4
places, SAS will return errors when you try to run a DATA step on the file or when you
try to view it with the table viewer. To use the SPSS file with SAS, you must reformat
the variable.
You can reformat the variable by reducing the number of decimal spaces to a value
that fits within the width of the variable. In the following code, the statement
revision=cat(format,formatl,’.2’); converts the number of decimal spaces to 2.
This value reduces the number of decimal spaces so that it is not greater than the
width of the variable.
libname abc spss ’FILENAME.POR’;
proc contents data=abc._all_ out=new; run;
filename sascode temp;
data _null_; set new; file sascode;
if formatd > formatl then do;
put ’format’ +1 name +1 revision ’;’ ;
data temp; set abc._all_;
%inc sascode/source2;
Note: The OPTIONS NOFMTERR statement does not allow SAS to use a data set
that has a DATA step or the table viewer. You must reformat numeric variables that
have a larger decimal space value than their width before you can use a DATA step or
the table viewer. 4
Using the SAS ODBC Driver to Access SAS Data from Other Applications
The SAS ODBC driver is an implementation of the open database connectivity
(ODBC) standard that enables you to access, manipulate, and update SAS data sources.
These data sources can include SAS data sets, flat files, VSAM files, as well as data from
any database management system (DBMS) for which you have licensed SAS/ACCESS
software. For information about how to access data from other Windows applications
that comply with the ODBC standard, see the SAS Help and Documentation.
The SAS ODBC Driver accesses data by communicating with either a local or remote
(SAS/SHARE) SAS server session using the TCP/IP protocol. The TCP/IP protocol
enables users to access remote SAS servers on a variety of host platforms. A SAS
server is a SAS procedure (either PROC SERVER or PROC ODBCSERV) that runs in
its own SAS session; it accepts input and output requests from other SAS sessions and
from the SAS ODBC driver on behalf of the ODBC-compliant application. For remote
access to SAS data, a SAS server must be installed on the server machine, but not on
the client machine.
The SAS ODBC Driver is included with Base SAS. Remote server configurations that
use the SAS ODBC driver require that these SAS products be installed:
3 Base SAS
For details about installing and configuring the SAS ODBC Driver, see the
installation documentation for SAS under Windows. For more information on
configuring and using the SAS ODBC Driver, see SAS Drivers for ODBC: User’s Guide.
Using External Files
In other words, SAS assumes that an external file reference is a standard Windows
file specification. If it is not, SAS checks to determine whether the file reference is a
fileref (defined by either a FILENAME statement, FILENAME function, or an
environment variable). If the file reference is none of these filerefs, SAS assumes it is a
filename in the working directory. If the external file reference is not valid for one of
these choices, SAS issues an error message indicating that it cannot access the external
Using a Fileref
One way to reference external files is with a fileref. A fileref is a logical name
associated with an external file. You can assign a fileref with a File Shortcut in the SAS
Explorer window, the My Favorite Folders window, the FILENAME statement, the
FILENAME function, or you can use a Windows environment variable to point to the
file. This section discusses the different ways to assign filerefs and also shows you how
to obtain a listing of the active filerefs and clear filerefs during your SAS session.
You can then use these file shortcuts in your SAS programs.
Note: File Shortcuts are active only during the current SAS session. 4
Then you can use this fileref in your SAS programs. For example, the following
statements create a SAS data set named TEST, using the data stored in the external
file referenced by the fileref MYDATA:
data test;
infile mydata;
input name $ score;
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use these words as filerefs. 4
You can also use the FILENAME, FILE, and INFILE statements to concatenate
directories of external files and to concatenate multiple individual external files into one
logical external file. These topics are discussed in “Assigning a Fileref to Concatenated
Directories” on page 153 and “Assigning a Fileref to Concatenated Files” on page 154.
The * and ? wildcards can be used in either the external filename or file extension for
matching input filenames. Use * to match one or more characters and the ? to match a
single character. Wildcards are supported for input only in the FILENAME and
INFILE statements, and in member-name syntax (aggregate syntax). Wildcards are not
valid in the FILE statement. The following filename statement reads input from every
file in the current directory that begins with the string wild and ends with .dat:
filename wild ’wild*.dat’;
infile wild;
The following example reads all files in the current working directory:
filename allfiles ’*.*’;
infile allfiles;
The FILENAME statement accepts various options that enable you to associate
device names, such as printers, with external files and to control file characteristics,
such as record format and length. Some of these options are illustrated in “Advanced
External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the FILENAME
statement, refer to “FILENAME Statement” on page 453.
can define environment variables using the System dialog box, accessed from the
Control Panel.
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use these words as environment variables. 4
The availability of environment variables makes it simple to assign resources to SAS
before invocation. However, the environment variables you define (using the SET
system option) for a particular SAS session are not available to other applications.
Then, in your SAS programs, you can use the environment variable MYVAR to refer
to the external file:
data mytest;
infile myvar;
input name $ score;
It is recommended that you use the SET system option in your SAS configuration file
if you invoke SAS using the Windows Start menu.
You can also define SET commands by using System Properties dialog box that you
access from the Control Panel.
You must issue all the SET commands that define your environment variables before
you invoke SAS. If you define an environment variable in an MS-DOS window, and then
start SAS from the Start menu, SAS will not recognize the environment variable.
Now you can use this fileref with a member name in your SAS programs. In the
following example, you reference two files stored in the JAN directory:
data westsale;
infile jan(west);
input name $ 1-16 sales 18-25
comiss 27-34;
152 Using a Fileref 4 Chapter 5
data eastsale;
infile jan(east);
input name $ 1-16 sales 18-25
comiss 27-34;
When you use member-name syntax, you do not have to specify the file extension for
the file you are referencing, as long as the file extension is the expected one. For
example, in the previous example, the INFILE statement expects a file extension of
.DAT. The following table lists the expected file extensions for the various SAS
statements and commands:
Table 5.1 Default File Extensions for Referencing External Files with
Member-Name Syntax
If your file has no file extension, you must enclose the filename in quotation marks,
as in the following example:
filename test "c:\programs";
%include test("testpgm");
To further illustrate the default file extensions SAS uses, here are some more
examples using member-name syntax. Assume that the following FILENAME
statement has been submitted:
filename test "c:\mysasdir";
These examples use SAS statements. SAS commands, such as the FILE and
INCLUDE commands, also accept member-name syntax and have the same default file
extensions as shown in Table 5.1 on page 152.
Another feature of member-name syntax is that it enables you to reference a
subdirectory in the working directory without using a fileref. As an example, suppose
you have a subdirectory named PROGRAMS that is located beneath the working
directory. You can use the subdirectory name PROGRAMS when referencing files
within this directory. For example, the following statement submits the program stored
in working-directory \PROGRAMS\PGM1.SAS:
%include programs(pgm1);
The next example uses the FILE command to save the contents of the active window
to working-directory \PROGRAMS\TESTPGM.DAT:
file programs(testpgm);
Note: If a directory name is the same as a previously defined fileref, the fileref takes
precedence over the directory name. 4
This statement tells SAS that the fileref PROGS refers to all files stored in both the
C:\SAS\PROGRAMS and the D:\MYPROGS directories. When you use the fileref
PROGS in your SAS program, SAS looks in these directories for the member you
specify. When you use this concatenation feature, you should be aware of the protocol
SAS uses, which depends on whether you are accessing the files for read, write, or
update. For more information, see “Understanding How Concatenated Directories Are
Accessed” on page 155.
SAS uses the following set of rules to resolve this external file reference. This list
represents the order of precedence:
1 Check for a fileref named PROGS defined by a FILENAME statement.
2 Check for a SAS or Windows environment variable named PROGS.
3 Check for a directory named PROGS beneath the working directory.
The member name must be a valid physical filename. If no extension is given (as in
the previous example), SAS uses the appropriate default extension, as given in Table
154 Using a Fileref 4 Chapter 5
5.1 on page 152. If the extension is given or the member name is quoted, SAS does not
assign an extension, and it looks for the filename exactly as it is given.
is the network file server name.
is the shared volume on the server.
is one of the directories on the shared volume.
is a continuation of the file path, which might reference one or more subdirectories.
For example, the following command includes a file from the network file server
include "\\zaphod\universe\galaxy\";
Clearing Filerefs
You can clear a fileref by using the following syntax of the FILENAME statement:
If you specify a fileref, only that fileref is cleared. If you specify the keyword _ALL_,
all the filerefs you have assigned during your current SAS session are cleared.
To clear filerefs using the SAS Explorer File Shortcuts:
1 select the File Shortcuts you want to delete. To select all File Shortcuts, select
Edit I Select All
2 press the Delete key or select Edit I Delete
3 Click OK in the message box to confirm deletion of the File shortcuts.
Note: You cannot clear a fileref that is defined by an environment variable. Filerefs
that are defined by an environment variable are assigned for the entire SAS session. 4
SAS automatically clears the association between filerefs and their respective files at
the end of your job or session. If you want to associate the fileref with a different file
during the current session, you do not have to end the session or clear the fileref. SAS
automatically reassigns the fileref when you issue a FILENAME statement for the new
If the file is opened for input or update, the first file found that matches the member
name is accessed. For example, if you submit the following statements, and the file
PHONE.DAT exists in both the C:\SAMPLES and C:\TESTPGMS directories, the one
in C:\SAMPLES is read:
filename test ("c:\samples","c:\testpgms");
data sampdat;
infile test(phone.dat);
input name $ phonenum $ city $ state $;
When you open a file for output, SAS writes to the file in the first directory listed in
the FILENAME statement, even if a file by the same name exists in a later directory.
For example, suppose you input the following FILENAME statement:
filename test ("c:\sas","d:\mysasdir");
Then, when you issue the following FILE command, the file SOURCE.PGM is
written to the C:\SAS directory, even if a file by the same name exists in the
D:\MYSASDIR directory:
file test(source.pgm);
If the file is opened for input, data from all files are input. For example, if you issue
the following statements, the %INCLUDE statement submits four programs for
filename mydata ("","",
%include mydata;
If the file is opened for output, data are written to the first file in the concatenation.
For example, if you issue the following statements, the PUT statement writes to
filename indata "dogdat.dat";
filename outdata ("mydat1.dat","mydat2.dat",
data _null_;
infile indata;
input name breed color;
file outdata;
put name= breed= color=;
Using External Files 4 Using a Quoted Windows Filename 157
When you use a quoted Windows filename in a SAS statement, you can omit the
drive and directory specifications if the file you want to reference is located in the
working directory. For example, if in the previous example the working directory is
C:\MYDIR, you can submit this statement:
%include "";
You can specify operating system physical names with or without a colon. For
example, you can specify either COM1: or COM1. For additional information, see your
Windows documentation.
The following example demonstrates how to capture data from an external device or
application that is transmitting data via a serial (RS-232C port).
options noxwait xsync;
data _null_;
if symget("sysscpl") = "XP_PRO" then
rc = system("mode COM1:9600,n,8,1,xon=on");
data fruit;
keep num type;
infile commdata unbuffered;
file commdata;
put "ready";
input totrecs records $;
if totrecs = . or records ne "RECORDS" then
file log;
put "ERROR: Unable to determine
number of records to read.";
158 Using a File in Your Working Directory 4 Chapter 5
do i = 1 to totrecs;
input num type $;
put "NEXT";
Note the use of the device-type keyword COMMPORT in the FILENAME statement
in this example. Because the access protocols for devices are slightly different from the
access protocols for files, you should always use the appropriate device-type keyword in
combination with the reserved physical name in the FILENAME statement. If you do
not use a device-type keyword, SAS defaults to using the access protocols for files, not
for devices.
For more information about available device-type keywords in the FILENAME
statement, see “SAS Statements under Windows” on page 449. “Reading Data from the
Communications Port” on page 164 discusses the access protocols for using a
communications port device.
Remember, though, that using this type of file reference requires that
3 the file is stored in the working directory
3 the file has the correct file extension
3 the filename is not also defined as a fileref.
For more information about how to determine and change the SAS working directory,
see “Determining the Current Folder When SAS Starts” on page 9 and “Changing the
SAS Current Folder” on page 39.
Here is an example using the FILE statement. This example reads the data in the
SAS data set MYLIB.TEST and writes only those scores greater than 95 to the external
filename test "c:\mydir\test.dat";
libname mylib "c:\mydata";
data _null_;
set mylib.test;
file test;
if score ge 95 then
put score;
The previous example illustrates writing the value of only one variable of each
observation to an external file. The following example uses the _ALL_ option in the
PUT statement to copy all variables in the current observation to the external file if the
variable REGION contains the value west.
libname us "c:\mydata";
data west;
set us.pop;
file "c:\sas\pop.dat";
where region="west";
put _all_;
This technique of writing out entire observations is particularly useful if you need to
write variable values in a SAS data set to an external file so that you can use your data
with another application that cannot read data in a SAS data set format.
Note: This example uses the _ALL_ keyword in the PUT statement. This code
generates named output, which means that the variable name, an equal sign (=), and
the variable value are all written to the file. For more information about named output,
see the description of the PUT statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary. 4
The FILE statement also accepts several options. These options enable you to control
the record format and length. Some of these options are illustrated in “Advanced
External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the FILE statement,
see “FILE Statement” on page 451.
Note: The default record length used by the FILE statement is 256 characters. If
the data you are saving contains records that are longer than 256 characters, you must
use the FILENAME statement to define a fileref and either use the LRECL= option in
the FILENAME statement to specify the correct logical record length or specify the
LRECL= option in the FILE statement. For details about the LRECL= option, see
LRECL= in “FILE Statement” on page 451. 4
* You can also use the FILE statement to direct PUT statement output to the SAS log or to the same destination as procedure
output. For more information, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
160 Using the %INCLUDE Statement 4 Chapter 5
Here is a simple example of the INFILE statement. This DATA step reads the
specified data from the external file and creates a SAS data set named SURVEY:
filename mydata "c:\mysasdir\survey.dat";
data survey;
infile mydata;
input fruit $ taste looks;
The INFILE statement also accepts other options. These options enable you to
control the record format and length. Some of these options are illustrated in
“Advanced External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the
INFILE statement, see “INFILE Statement” on page 461.
Note: The default record length used by the INFILE statement is 256 characters. If
the data you are reading have records longer 256 characters, you must use the
FILENAME statement to define a fileref and either use the LRECL= option in the
FILENAME statement to specify the correct logical record length or specify the
LRECL= option in the INFILE statement. For details about the LRECL= option, see
LRECL= in “INFILE Statement” on page 461. 4
The %INCLUDE statement also accepts several options. These options enable you to
control the record format and length. Some of these options are illustrated in
“Advanced External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the
%INCLUDE statement, see “%INCLUDE Statement” on page 459.
Note: The default record length used by the %INCLUDE statement is 256
characters. If the program you are reading has records longer 256 characters, you must
use the FILENAME statement to define a fileref and either use the LRECL= option in
the FILENAME statement to specify the correct logical record length or specify the
LRECL= option in the %INCLUDE statement. For details about the LRECL= option,
see LRECL= in “%INCLUDE Statement” on page 459. 4
Using External Files 4 Using the INCLUDE Command 161
If you have already defined the fileref LOGS to point to the SASLOGS directory, you
can use the following FILE command:
file logs(today)
In this case, the file extension defaults to .log, as shown in Table 5.1 on page 152.
If you use the FILE command to attempt to write to an already existing file, a dialog
box enables you to replace the existing file, append the contents of the window to the
existing file, or cancel your request.
If you issue the FILE command with no arguments, the contents of the window are
written to the file that is referenced in the last FILE command. This action is useful if
you are editing a program and want to save it often. However, the dialog box that
prompts you about replacing or appending appears only the first time that you issue the
FILE command. Thereafter, unless you specify the filename in the FILE command, it
uses the parameters that you specified earlier (replace or append) without prompting
Choosing Save As from the SAS main window File menu displays the Save As dialog
box. This dialog box performs the same function as the FILE command, but it is more
flexible in that it gives you more choices and is more interactive than the FILE
command. For more information, see “Saving Files” in “Saving Files” on page 88 and
“Using the Program Editor” on page 111.
The FILE command also accepts several options. These options enable you to control
the record format and length. Some of these options are illustrated in “Advanced
External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the FILE command,
see “FILE Command” on page 347.
For example, suppose you want to copy the file C:\SAS\PROG1.SAS into the Editor
window. If you have defined a fileref SAMPLE to point to the correct directory, you can
use the following INCLUDE command from the Command dialog box (if the Editor is
the active window) to copy the member PROG1 into the Editor window:
include sample(prog1);
Another way to copy files into your SAS session is to use the Open dialog box. In
addition to copying files, the Open dialog box gives you other choices, such as invoking
the program that you are copying. The Open dialog box is the most flexible way for you
to copy files into the Editor window. For more information, see “Opening Files” in
“Using the Enhanced Editor” on page 86 and “Using the Program Editor” on page 111.
The INCLUDE command also accepts several arguments. These arguments enable
you to control the record format and length. Some of these arguments are illustrated in
“Advanced External I/O Techniques” on page 162. For the complete syntax of the
INCLUDE command, see “INCLUDE Command” on page 351.
Issuing the INCLUDE command with no arguments includes the that is file
referenced in the last INCLUDE command. If no previous INCLUDE command exists,
you receive an error message.
You can also use the GSUBMIT command to submit SAS statements that are
specified as part of the command. For more information about the GSUBMIT command,
see the SAS Help and Documentation.
Note: SAS statements in the Windows clipboard will not be submitted using the
GSUBMIT command if a procedure that you submitted using the Enhanced Editor is
still running.
You can copy the SAS statements to a new Enhanced Editor window and then submit
them. 4
To read such a file, you need to use the LRECL= option to specify the record length
and the RECFM= option to tell SAS that the records have fixed-length record format.
Here are the required statements:
data test;
infile "test.dat" lrecl=60 recfm=f;
input x y z;
In this example, SAS expects fixed-length records that are 60 bytes long, and it reads
in the three numeric variables X, Y, and Z.
You can also specify RECFM=F when your data contains carriage returns and line
feeds, but you want to read these values as part of your data instead of treating them
as carriage-control characters. When you specify RECFM=F, SAS ignores any carriage
controls and line feeds and simply reads the record length you specify.
This example reads the variables SALES and EXPENSES from the external data file
C:\SAS\DATA\NEWDATA.DAT and appends records to the existing data file
If you are going to append data to several files in a single directory, you can use the
MOD option in the FILENAME statement instead of in the FILE statement. You can
also use the FAPPEND function or the PRINTTO procedure to append data to a file.
For more information, see the SAS functions section in SAS Language Reference:
Dictionary and the PRINTTO procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
put drive;
The information written to the SAS log looks similar to the information in Output 5.1.
This FILENAME statement defines the fileref TEST, uses the COMMPORT
device-type keyword that specifies you are going to use a communications port, and
specifies the COM1: reserved physical name.
Next, read the data from COM1: into a SAS data set using the TEST fileref. The
following DATA step reads in the data, 1 byte at a time, until SAS encounters an
end-of-file (the hexadecimal value of end-of-file is ’1a’x):
data acquire;
infile test lrecl=1 recfm=f unbuffered;
input i $;
/* Read until you find an end-of-file. */
if i=’1a’x then stop;
The communications port can be accessed multiple times. However, while multiple
reads are allowed, only one user at a time can write to the port.
Two useful functions in data acquisition applications are SLEEP and WAKEUP.
These functions enable you to control when your program is invoked. For example, you
can use the WAKEUP function to start your program at exactly 2:00 a.m. For more
information about these two functions, see “SLEEP Function” on page 413 and
“WAKEUP Function” on page 415.
Managing SAS Output
Printing 168
Introduction to Printing in SAS within the Windows Environment 168
Printing from within a SAS Window 168
Overview of Printing From Within a SAS Window 168
Setting Print Options 169
Windows That Can Be Printed 170
Printing a Window 170
Changing the Printer 171
Changing the Print Font 171
Setting Up the Printed Page 172
Print Options That Affect the Line Size and Page Size 175
Printing Line Numbers, Page Numbers, and in Color 175
Printing a Window as a Bitmap 176
Setting the Number of Copies to Print 176
Setting the Page Range to Print 176
Previewing Your Output Before You Print 176
How to Preview a Window 176
Features of the Print Preview Window 177
Print Preview Shortcut Keys 177
Using SAS Print Forms 177
Setting Print Options to Use Forms 177
Specifying the Current Print Form 178
Creating a Print Form 178
Printing with SAS Commands 179
Sending DATA Step Output to a Printer 179
Sending Printed Output to a File 179
Using the Print Dialog Box to Print to a File 179
Using the FILENAME Statement to Print to a File 180
Using the FILE Printer Option in Windows 180
Printing in Batch Mode 180
Default Printer Details 180
Canceling a Print Job 181
Routing Procedure Output to a Web Browser 181
Introduction to Routing Procedure Output to a Web Browser 181
Configuring Preferences for HTML Output 182
Using the Results Viewer Window 182
Configuring the Internal Browser 182
Using the Toolbar 183
Viewing HTML Files 183
Routing Procedure Output and the SAS Log to a File 184
Introduction to Routing Procedure Output and the SAS Log to a File 184
168 Printing 4 Chapter 6
Use the Print Setup dialog box to set the following print options:
3 Change fonts
3 Use Forms.
To access the Print Setup dialog box, select File I Page Setup
Display 6.2 The Print Setup Dialog Box
170 Printing from within a SAS Window 4 Chapter 6
Use the Page Setup dialog box to set the following print options:
3 Change the paper size
3 Change the paper source
3 Specify the orientation (portrait or landscape)
3 Set the margin sizes.
To access the Page Setup dialog box, select File I Page Setup
Display 6.3 Page Setup Dialog Box
You can specify document properties for the selected printer by selecting
File I Print I Properties
Windows That Can Be Printed
Not all SAS windows can be printed. To determine whether a SAS window can be
printed, make the window the active window. If the Print toolbar button or the Print
command in the File menu is active, the window can be printed.
The print output is a bitmap of the window if the Print toolbar button is active and
the Print command in the File menu is not. An example of a window that would be
printed as a bitmap is the SAS System Options window.
Printing a Window
To print the contents of a window, make the window the active window and do one of
the following:
3 To print using the current print settings, click the Print toolbar button.
3 To change the print options and then print, select File I Print and select your
printing options.
The Print dialog box might differ somewhat from what you see on your system,
depending on which Windows operating environment you use to run SAS, and on the
active SAS window.
Managing SAS Output 4 Printing from within a SAS Window 171
Printer Action
the Windows default printer Do not specify the SYSPRINT system option
when you start SAS.
the printer specified in the previous SAS session Start SAS with the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT
system option each time you start SAS.
Alternatively, you can change the font using the SYSPRINTFONT system option
when you start SAS, using an OPTIONS statement, or using the SAS System Option
window. Using the SYSPRINTFONT system options requires an exact match of the font
face-name and printer names.
To modify SYSPRINTFONT using the SAS System Option window,
1 Select Tools I Options I System.
2 Select the Log and procedure output control folder and then select the
Procedure output folder.
3 Right-click Sysprintfont and select Modify Value from the pop-up menu.
4 Type the font value in the New Value text box. Enclose the value in parentheses.
5 Click OK.
The following SYSPRINTFONT system option sets the font to Arial, bold, and italic
for the printer named "second-floor":
sas -sysprintfont="Arial" bold italic named "second-floor";
Paper size Specifies the size of Click the Size box PAPERSIZE
paper to print on. See and select a paper size.
the table below for a
list of some paper
Paper source Specifies the source of Click the Source box PAPERSOURCE
the paper, such as a and select a paper
printer tray, envelope source.
or manual feeder, or
specifies to
automatically select
the paper source.
Alternatively, you can set the page setup options using system options in the
OPTIONS statement or from the SAS System Options window. To set page setup
options from the SAS System Options window:
1 Select Tools I Options I System I Log and procedure output control I ODS
2 Place the cursor over the appropriate system option and double-click the right
mouse button.
3 Type a new value and click OK.
Modifying print options by using the Windows printing dialog boxes might change the
values of SAS printing system options, which might cause unpredictable output. If you set
printing options using SAS system options such as LINESIZE and PAGESIZE, and
then use the Windows printing dialog boxes to set printing options, the SAS system
options are set to the values specified in the Windows print dialog boxes. 4
Support for a particular paper size is printer dependent. The following is a list of
some paper size names:
LETTER Letter, 8-1/2-by-11-inch paper
LEGAL Legal, 8-1/2-by-14-inch paper
A4 A4 Sheet, 210-by-297-millimeter paper
CSHEET C Sheet, 17-by-22-inch paper
DSHEET D Sheet, 22-by-34-inch paper
ESHEET E Sheet, 34-by-44-inch paper
LETTERSMALL Letter Small, 8-1/2-by-11-inch paper
TABLOID Tabloid, 11-by-17-inch paper
LEDGER Ledger, 17-by-11-inch paper
STATEMENT Statement, 5-1/2-by-8-1/2-inch paper
EXECUTIVE Executive, 7-1/4-by-10-1/2-inch paper
A3 A3 sheet, 297-by-420-millimeter paper
A4SMALL A4 small sheet, 210-by-297-millimeter paper
A5 A5 sheet, 148-by-210-millimeter paper
174 Printing from within a SAS Window 4 Chapter 6
FANFOLD_LGL- German Legal Fanfold, 8-1/2-by-13-inch paper
Managing SAS Output 4 Printing from within a SAS Window 175
Print Options That Affect the Line Size and Page Size
The line size is the number of characters that can fit on one line. The page size is the
number of lines on a page. The line size and the page size that appear in the Print
Setup dialog box are automatically calculated based on these print options:
Table 6.3 Print Options That Affect The Line Size and Page Size
From the Print Setup From the Page Setup Dialog From the Font Dialog Box
Dialog Box Box
Although you cannot set the line size and page size from the dialog box, you can
adjust them by changing these print settings. The LINESIZE and PAGESIZE system
options also change when you modify these print options.
Modifying print options by using the Windows printing dialog boxes might change the
values of SAS printing system options, which might cause unpredictable output. If you set
printing options using SAS system options such as LINESIZE and PAGESIZE, and
then use the Windows printing dialog boxes to set printing options, the SAS system
options are set to the values specified in the Windows print dialog boxes. 4
Alternatively, you can click the Print Preview toolbar button or type dlgprtpreview
in the command bar.
Managing SAS Output 4 Using SAS Print Forms 177
Task Action
For a list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use in the Print Preview windows, see
“Keyboard Shortcuts within Print Preview” on page 629.
The information in the Printer Selection frame is also site-dependent, so the printer
list at your site will be different from the one shown in Display 6.4 on page 178.
Managing SAS Output 4 Sending Printed Output to a File 179
The Printer Selection frame appears only when you create a new print form. After
you create a form, it is stored in your user profile catalog or in the catalog that was
specified with the FSFORM command (entry type FORM). The next time you modify
this form, the Printer Selection frame is skipped. You cannot return to the Printer
Selection frame from the second FORM window frame.
In this example, the PRINTER device-type keyword specifies to print the output to
the printer that is specified in the SYSPRINT system option. For more information, see
“SYSPRINT System Option” on page 576.
In this example, the output from the DATA step is routed to a file, yet still contains
all the printer control information that is necessary for you to use your printer to
produce formatted output.
When you submit your job, SAS uses the SYSPRINT printer specification to spool
your output from the DATA step to the Windows printer.
If you start SAS with the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system option and not with the
SYSPRINT system option, SAS sets the SYSPRINT system option to the name of the
destination printer from the previous SAS session.
For information about changing the printer, see “Changing the Printer” on page 171.
proc print;
Any PROC or DATA statements that follow these statements and that generate
output send their output to the C:\SAS\FIRST.TXT file, not to the default procedure
output file. If you want to return to the default file, issue an empty PROC PRINTTO
statement like the following example:
proc printto;
data uspres2;
input pres $ party $ number;
Lincoln R 16
Grant R 18
proc print;
Issuing these statements redirects the SAS procedure output to the default
destination (filename.LST). In this way, you can send the output and log from different
parts of the same SAS job to different files.
Note: If you route procedure output to a file, the resulting file can contain
carriage–control characters. To suppress these control characters when you include the
file in the Program Editor, set the RECFM= option to P in the FILENAME statement.
Note that this action affects the way the file is read into the Program Editor, not the file
itself. 4
If you want to send the SAS log to a specific file, use the LOG= option instead of the
PRINT= option in the PROC PRINTTO statement. For more information about the
PRINTTO procedure, see “PRINTTO Procedure” on page 440 and Base SAS Procedures
Note: When you use the PRINTTO procedure to route SAS procedure output or the
SAS log, the Status window does not reflect any rerouting of batch output but indicates
that it is routing the procedure output file and log to filename.LST and filename.LOG. 4
This SAS command executes the SAS program PROG1.SAS and sends the procedure
output to the file C:\SASOUTPUT\PROG1.TXT. You can treat the SAS log similarly by
using the LOG system option instead of the PRINT system option. Two other related
system options, the ALTPRINT and ALTLOG options, are explained in “ALTPRINT
System Option” on page 493 and “ALTLOG System Option” on page 493.
Note: The Status window does reflect the PRINT and LOG system options values
when recording where the procedure output and log are being sent. 4
186 Using the SAS Logging Facility to Write Log Messages to the Windows Event Viewer 4 Chapter 6
Using the SAS Logging Facility to Write Log Messages to the Windows
Event Viewer
The SAS 9.2 logging facility makes it possible to categorize, collect, and filter log
events and write them to a variety of output devices. The logging facility supports
problem diagnosis and resolution, performance and capacity management, and auditing
and regulatory compliance. The logging facility has following features:
3 Log events are categorized using a hierarchical naming system that enables you to
configure logging at a broad or a fine-grained level.
3 Log events can be directed to multiple output destinations, including files,
operating system facilities, databases, and client applications. For each output
destination, you can specify:
3 the categories and levels of events to report
3 the message layout, including the types of data to be included, the order of
the data, and the format of the data
3 filters based on criteria such as diagnostic levels and message content
3 Logging diagnostic levels can be adjusted dynamically without starting and
stopping processes.
3 Performance-related events can be generated for processing by the Application
Response Measurement (ARM) 4.0 server.
The logging facility is used by most SAS server processes. You can also use the
logging facility within SAS programs.
For Windows, log messages can be written to the Windows event viewer.
For information about using the logging facility in your operating environment, see
SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference
Producing Graphics
If you use the DEVICE= option in the GOPTIONS statement to route your graphics
to a hard-copy device, and then you want to return to using your monitor to display
graphics, you must specify a driver. Submit the following statement to display graphics
output on your monitor:
goptions device=win;
You should also use the WIN device driver to produce graphics on your display when
you run your SAS job in batch mode.
If you specify that your program output is to be displayed in HTML, your graphic is
converted to a .GIF file and stored in the same folder as your SAS data set. For more
information, see SAS Output Delivery System: User’s Guide.
Printing Graphics
You can use two methods to print output from SAS/GRAPH:
3 Use the SAS/GRAPH generic driver with the Windows printer driver for your
device (supplied with Windows or with your output device). This method allows
SAS/GRAPH to send generic graphics commands to the Windows printer driver,
which then translates the commands to a format that the printer can use.
3 Use a SAS/GRAPH printer driver to create a printer-specific graphics stream that
can be sent directly to the device. When you use a SAS/GRAPH printer driver,
SAS bypasses the Windows printer drivers and creates printer-ready output for
your device. The SAS/GRAPH printer driver is also called a SAS/GRAPH native
print driver, which means that the driver creates output by using the printer
language that is native to the target device. SAS/GRAPH printer drivers under
Windows are similar to those drivers used by SAS on mainframe and UNIX
operating environments.
After SAS prepares output for a printer (by using either Windows printer drivers or a
SAS/GRAPH printer driver), the output is sent to the Windows printer, which then
queues it for printing on the device of your choice. Figure 6.1 on page 188 illustrates
how you can use the two sets of printer drivers within SAS/GRAPH to produce output
for a given device.
188 Printing Graphics 4 Chapter 6
Figure 6.1 SAS/GRAPH Generic Printer Drivers Compared with SAS/GRAPH Native
Printer Drivers
The method that you choose depends on the output device that you are using. For
more information, see “Choosing between a SAS/GRAPH Native Driver and the
WINPxxx Driver” on page 190. You can control both graphics printing methods by using
either the Print and Print Setup dialog boxes or the SYSPRINT= option and the
Note that you can assign only printer driver names that have been previously
configured in Windows.
2 Run your SAS/GRAPH program with the following graphic options:
goptions device=winp xxx;
The value of WINPxxx you specify depends on the type of output device that you
use to print your graph:
for black and white (monochrome) printers
for gray scale printers
for color printers
Managing SAS Output 4 Printing Graphics 189
for plotters.
The orientation of graphics output is determined by the following:
3 If you specify the ROTATE= graphic option, the output is oriented according to the
value that you specify for ROTATE. For example, suppose you specify
goptions rotate=landscape
Then the output is oriented as landscape, regardless of the settings in the Print
Setup dialog box.
3 If you do not use the ROTATE= graphic option, the output is oriented according to
the settings in the Print Setup dialog box.
Note: Graphics printing is affected by the margins that are specified in the Page
Setup dialog box. If you modify the margins when printing graphics and your intention
is to keep the graphic proportional, you must change the top and bottom margins by the
same amount you change the left and right margins. 4
where driver-name is the name of a valid SAS/GRAPH device driver. Consider this
goptions device=hplj5p3;
This statement formats the graph for the Hewlett Packard LaserJet Series V printer.
You can view the complete list of SAS/GRAPH drivers by submitting the PROC
GDEVICE statement.
To print a graph to a printer file (also called a graphics stream file, or GSF) instead
of directly to a printer, use the GSFNAME option in the GOPTIONS statement and use
a filename or a fileref to specify where you want the output. For example:
filename graphout "graphpic.prn";
goptions gsfname=graphout gsfmode=replace
190 Importing Graphics from Other Applications 4 Chapter 6
where driver-name is either one of the WINPxxx drivers or a SAS/GRAPH native driver.
By specifying a target device, SAS/GRAPH can format the graph with colors and
attributes that are appropriate for the target printer. To print the graph after it is
displayed, select the File menu and then select Print.
Note: If you do not specify a target device before you create the graph, SAS/GRAPH
will prompt you (in the Print dialog box) for a device driver name when you attempt to
print the graph that you are previewing. (In most cases the WINPRTM or WINPRTC
driver is specified by default. The graph colors, orientation, and sizing might not be
optimal for the output device you specify. 4
PC Paintbrush PCX
You can export graphics from SAS/GRAPH in any of the formats that are shown in
the following table:
For more information about exporting graphics to a SAS IMAGE catalog entry from
the Image editor, see SAS Help and Documentation for SAS/GRAPH.
This action copies the graph to the clipboard. You can then return to the target
application and paste the graph (typically by using the Paste or Paste Special
options in the target Windows application). For more information about how to paste
information from the clipboard, see the documentation for the other Windows
194 Exporting Graphics for Use with Other Applications 4 Chapter 6
You can export graphs from SAS/GRAPH to other graphics packages by using drivers
that were developed specifically for those packages. When you use computer graphics
metafiles (CGMs) as the medium of transport between packages, the graph retains its
separate components so that you can independently edit and size it. The editing
capabilities that you can use depend on the target graphics package.
To create a CGM from SAS/GRAPH, set GOPTIONS as follows:
filename fileref ’filename.cgm’;
goptions device=cgmxxxx gsfname=fileref
where CGMxxxx is the appropriate CGM driver for your target application, and
filename.CGM is the name of the file that you want to create. CGMOFML and
CGMOFMP are the recommended device drivers for all CGM output. If CGMOFML
and CGMOFMP are not adequate for the receiving software, then you can use the
devices in Table 6.9 on page 194. This table lists the graphics packages to which you
can export CGMs and the appropriate drivers to use.
The driver names that are marked with an asterisk (*) are already provided with
SAS 9.2. Some of the drivers have been disabled and are designated, in the table, by
the phrase, disabled in dgdevice catalog. To enable a device driver, do the following:
1 Point the library GDEVICE0 to a new location. For example:
2 Use PROC CATALOG to copy some or all of the entries to the GDEVICE0 location.
For example:
For more information about how to use the CGM drivers and graphics packages, contact
SAS Institute’s Technical Support Division.
Additional Resources
For full details about using SAS/GRAPH software, see SAS/GRAPH: Reference. For
further details about using graphics and fonts with SAS under Windows, see “Using
TrueType Fonts with SAS/GRAPH Software” on page 621.
Performance Considerations
Hardware Considerations
The following hardware factors might affect SAS performance:
3 the processor speed
3 the amount of physical memory that is available
198 Processor Speed 4 Chapter 7
Processor Speed
In general, a faster processor enables the computer to perform more operations per
second. The more operations that can be performed, the more performance will improve.
The amount of processor cache that is available also influences performance. More
processing cache will result in better performance.
The processor required to run SAS depends on the operating environment.
3 In 32-bit environments, you must have a PC that contains an Intel or
Intel-compatible Pentium 4 class processor.
3 In x64 64-bit environments, you must have an Intel64 or AMD64 processor.
3 In Itanium 64-bit environments, you must have an Intel Itanium II processor.
In general, more physical memory will result in better performance. Systems that
have large amounts of available memory are capable of handling large amounts of data
without swapping. Swapping uses the temporary space on the hard drive to store the
data that could not be loaded into memory. However, memory is faster than the hard
drive in manipulating temporary files and other system operations. Consequently, the
more memory that is available, the less the hard drive will need to be accessed for these
types of operations.
The minimum amount of memory that is required depends on the operating
Graphics Adapter
Since some SAS features use a significant amount of graphics memory, the type of
graphics adapter that you use can make a difference in performance. Generally, if the
same amount of graphics memory is available, AGP adapters are faster than PCI
adapters. However, the type of adapter that you can use depends on your motherboard.
The amount of memory that is available on the adapter can impact the speed at
which graphics are rendered. More memory usually results in better performance.
200 Windows Features That Optimize Performance 4 Chapter 7
Memory-Based Libraries
available for use by applications. When a PC or server has more than 4 GB of memory,
extended memory is defined as the memory that is above 4 GB, all of which is available
for use by applications. Extended memory can be used to support memory-based
Some Windows operating environments do not support extended memory. In
operating environments where extended memory is not supported or installed, SAS
uses conventional memory to support the MEMLIB and MEMCACHE options.
Conventional memory is defined as the memory that is below 4 GB in 32-bit
environments and all of the memory in 64-bit environments.
Using memory-based libraries reduces I/O to and from disk, therefore improving SAS
performance. Memory-based libraries can be used in several ways:
3 as storage for the Work library
3 for processing SAS libraries that have a high volume of input and output
3 as a cache for very large SAS libraries
Extended memory can be used to support memory-based libraries in 32-bit versions
of the Windows Server 2003 Family.
Conventional memory is used to support the MEMLIB and MEMCACHE system
options in these environments:
3 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP Professional
3 64-bit versions of the Windows Server 2003 Family
3 Windows Vista
3 Windows 7
The servers allow multiple processes to access memory-based libraries
After you have completed the setup for your operating environment, you use the
MEMLIB and MEMCACHE system options and the MEMLIB option in the LIBNAME
statement to access memory-based libraries.
It is possible to exhaust system memory, and thus cause system failure. You can use the
MEMMAXSZ option to limit the amount of system memory that SAS allocates to the
MEMLIB and MEMCACHE options. 4
Note: In the Local Security Policy window, you might see two check boxes: the
Local Security Setting check box and the Effective Policy Setting check box. If the
Effective Policy Setting check box is not selected for the users that you added, you
will need to reboot your computer so that the new security settings will take
effect. 4
Processing SAS Libraries as Memory-Based Libraries
SAS libraries that are well suited for memory-based processing have data that is
referenced or updated multiple times within a SAS session.
Using a Work library that is memory-based is beneficial for procedures such as
PROC SORT that write multiple times to large temporary files. To designate the Work
library as memory-based, specify the MEMLIB system option when you start SAS.
You designate a library as memory-based by using the MEMLIB option in the
LIBNAME statement. All librefs, including a libref to the Work directory, must have a
valid disk directory.
After the library is designated as memory-based, your SAS program needs to copy
the library from disk to memory. After processing the library in memory, the library
must be copied back to disk.
Copy the library that is in memory to disk after processing is complete. If you do not, you
will lose any changes that were made to the library. The changes are lost when the
SAS session ends 4
Performance Considerations 4 Memory-Based Libraries 205
The following example shows how to use the LIBNAME statement and the PROC
COPY statement to copy a library to and from memory.
/* Set up two librefs, one to the library in memory
and the other to the SAS library on disk. The library on
disk contains dataset1, dataset2, dataset3 and dataset4. */
You can also copy a data set to memory by using a DATA statement, as shown in the
following example:
data ondisk.dataset1;
set inmemory.dataset1;
For more information, see “MEMLIB System Option” on page 534 and the LIBNAME
Statement MEMLIB option“LIBNAME Statement” on page 464.
/* benefit. When you use the memcache option, ds1 is cached, and ds2 */
/* is not cached. */
options memcache = 4;
/* Read ds1 and place the data in the cache. This read operation could be a */
/* more useful read operation of the file in a real case. */
data _null_;
set cachelib.ds1;
/* Change memcache setting to use the cache only for files that */
/* already exist in the cache. */
options memcache = 1;
/* Data from ds1 will come from the cache and ds2 will not be */
/* cached. */
options memcache = 0;
For more information about the MEMCACHE system option, see “MEMCACHE
System Option” on page 533. For more information about Scatter Gather I/O, see “SAS
Features That Optimize Performance” on page 206 and “SGIO System Option” on page
The following are some additional features of SAS that you can control to improve
system performance and make efficient use of your computer’s resources. For additional
information about optimizing SAS performance, see the chapter on optimizing system
performance in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
Performance Considerations 4 Network Performance Considerations 207
3 Create SAS data sets instead of accessing flat ASCII files. SAS can access a SAS
data set more efficiently than it can read flat files.
Also, you should convert existing data sets that you use frequently to SAS 9.2
3 In your SAS code, use IF-THEN-ELSE conditional structures instead of multiple
IF-THEN structures. When one condition in the IF-THEN-ELSE structure is met,
control returns to the top of the structure (skipping the ELSE clause, which might
contain subsequent IF-THEN structures). With multiple IF-THEN structures,
each condition must be checked.
3 When using arrays, make them _TEMPORARY_ if possible. This action requires
less memory and less time for memory allocation.
3 Use programming structures that reduce file I/O, the most time-intensive aspect of
SAS processing. Some ideas for reducing file I/O are:
3 Use the WHERE statement in a procedure to reduce extra data processing.
3 Use indexed data sets to speed access to the desired observations.
3 Use the SQL procedure to subset and group your data.
3 Experiment with the value of the CATCACHE system option, which specifies the
number of SAS catalogs to keep open at one time. By default, no catalogs are
cached in memory (and CATCACHE is set to 0). Caching catalogs is an advantage
if one SAS application uses catalogs that are subsequently needed by another SAS
application. The second SAS application can access the cached catalog more
Note: Storing catalogs in memory can consume considerable resources. Use this
technique only if memory issues are not a concern. 4
3 Store your data sets in a compressed format (using the COMPRESS data set
option). This action can improve the performance of your SAS application, though
it might require more CPU time to decompress observations as SAS needs them.
The COMPRESS data set option is described in the data set options section of SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary.
3 If you specify the Scatter-read/Gather-write system option, SGIO, SAS bypasses
intermediate buffer transfers when reading or writing data. SAS will read ahead
the number of pages specified by the BUFNO system option and place the data in
memory before it is needed. When the data is needed it is already in memory, and
is in effect a direct memory access. Different values for the BUFNO system option
should be tried for each SAS job to find the maximum performance benefit.
Scatter–read / gather–write is active only for SAS I/O opened in INPUT,
OUTPUT mode, and UPDATE mode if the access pattern is sequential. If any SAS
I/O files are opened in UPDATE or RANDOM mode, SGIO is inactive for that
process. Compressed and encrypted files can also be read ahead using
scatter-read/gather-write. For more information on the SGIO system option, see
“SGIO System Option” on page 563.
The PROC SORT statement supports the SORTSIZE= option, which limits the
amount of memory available for PROC SORT to use.
If you do not use the SORTSIZE option in the PROC SORT statement, PROC SORT
uses the value of the SORTSIZE system option. If the SORTSIZE system option is not
set, PROC SORT uses the amount of memory specified by the REALMEMSIZE system
option. If PROC SORT needs more memory than you specify, it creates a temporary
utility file in your SAS Work directory to complete the sort.
The default value of this option is 64 megabytes (MB).
The TAGSORT option is useful in single-threaded situations where there might not
be enough disk space to sort a large SAS data set. The TAGSORT option is not
supported for multi-threaded sorts.
When you specify the TAGSORT option, only sort keys (that is, the variables
specified in the BY statement) and the observation number for each observation are
stored in the temporary files. The sort keys, together with the observation number, are
referred to as tags. At the completion of the sorting process, the tags are used to
retrieve the records from the input data set in sorted order. Thus, in cases where the
total number of bytes of the sort keys is small compared with the length of the record,
temporary disk use is reduced considerably. However, you should have enough disk
space to hold another copy of the data (the output data set) or two copies of the tags,
whichever is greater. Note that although using the TAGSORT option can reduce
temporary disk use, the processing time might be much higher.
location for the utility file. For sorts that use a single thread, the temporary utility file
is opened in the Work data library if there is not enough memory to hold the data set
during the sort. The utility file has a .sas7butl file extension. Before you sort, ensure
that your Work data library has room for this temporary utility file.
If you specify the OVERWRITE option in the PROC SORT statement, SAS replaces
the input data set with the sorted data set.
If you do not specify the OVERWRITE option in the PROC SORT statement, a
second file that has a .sas7butl file extension is created. If the sort completes
successfully, this file is renamed to the data set name of the file being sorted (with a
.sas7bdat file extension). The original data set is deleted after the sort is complete.
Before you sort a data set, be sure that you have space for this .sas7butl file.
Use the following rules to determine where the .sas7butl file and the resulting sorted
data set are created:
3 If you omit the OUT= option in the PROC SORT statement, the data set is sorted
on the drive and in the directory or subdirectory where it is located. For example,
if you submit the following statements (note the two-level data set name), the
.sas7butl file is created on the C: drive in the MYDATA subdirectory:
libname mylib ’c:\sas\mydata’;
proc sort;
by name;
Similarly, if you specify a one-level data set name, the .sas7butl file is created in
your Work data library.
3 If you use the OUT= option in the PROC SORT statement, the .sas7butl file is
created in the directory associated with the libref used in the OUT= option. If you
use a one-level name (that is, no libref), the .sas7butl file is created in the Work
data library. For example, in the following SAS program, the first sort occurs in
the SAS Work subdirectory, while the second occurs on the F: drive in the
JANDATA directory:
proc sort data=report out=newrpt;
by name;
libname january ’f:\jandata’;
proc sort data=report out=january.newrpt;
by name;
3 determine the data set size by performing simple math using information from the
CONTENTS procedure output.
For example, for a data set that has one character variable and four numeric
variables, you would submit the following statements:
data oranges;
input variety $ flavor texture looks;
navel 9 8 6
proc contents data=oranges;
title ’Example for Calculating Data Set Size’;
Output 7.1 Example for Calculating Data Set Size with PROC CONTENTS
2 flavor Num 8
4 looks Num 8
3 texture Num 8
5 total Num 8
1 variety Char 8
Performance Considerations 4 Increasing the Efficiency of Interactive Processing 211
The size of the resulting data set depends on the data set page size and the number
of observations. The following formula can be used to estimate the data set size:
number of data pages = 1 + (floor(number of obs / Max Obs per Page))
size = 1024 + (Data Set Page Size * number of data pages)
(floor represents a function that rounds the value down to the nearest integer.)
Taking the information shown in Output 7.1, you can calculate the size of the
example data set:
number of data pages = 1 + (floor(1/101))
size = 1024 + (4096 * 1) = 5120
Thus, the example data set uses 5,120 bytes of storage space.
Chapter 11. . . . . . . . .Controlling SAS from Another Application Using OLE 267
Using Lotus Notes to Distribute
SAS Data
Client Requirements
The following are requirements for using Lotus Notes with SAS:
3 A client version of Lotus Notes and a valid Notes user ID certification must be
installed on the machine that will be using the NOTESDB engine. However, Lotus
Notes does not have to be running in order for SAS to access it. You will be
prompted for a password to access the Notes server through SAS.
3 The Lotus Notes directory must be in the system path. You update the system
path by adding to the PATH system environment variable in the Advanced tabbed
page of the System Properties dialog box.
216 Populating a Lotus Notes Database Using the DATA Step and SCL Code 4 Chapter 8
Populating a Lotus Notes Database Using the DATA Step and SCL Code
searches the system path. Alternatively, you can specify the fully qualified path for
the database. You must specify a Notes database file that has this directive before
you can access a Notes database from SAS. If you specify this directive more than
once, the database that was specified in the most recent PUT statement is used.
!NSF_FORM! form-name
specifies the form that Notes should use when displaying the added note. If this
directive is not specified, Notes uses the default database form. If you specify this
directive more than once, the form that was specified in the most recent PUT
statement that has the !NSF_FORM! directive is used.
!NSF_ATTACH! filename
attaches a file to the added note. SAS looks for the file in the Notes data directory.
If it is not found there, SAS searches the system path. Alternatively, you can
specify the fully qualified path for the file. You can attach only one file in a single
PUT statement that has the !NSF_ATTACH! directive. To attach multiple files,
use separate PUT statements that have !NSF_ATTACH! directives for each file.
!NSF_FIELD! field-name!field value
adds the value to the field name specified. SAS detects the correct format for the
field and formats the data accordingly. Note that SAS extracts all line feeds or
carriage returns; you should not insert any of these control characters as they
affect the proper display of the document in Notes. Multiple PUT statements that
have the !NSF_FIELD! directive and the same field name will concatenate the
information in that field. Also, PUT statements that have no directives are
concatenated to the last field name submitted, or they are ignored if no PUT
statements that have !NSF_FIELD! directives have previously been submitted.
You can populate fields, which can be edited, of the following types:
3 text
3 numeric
3 keywords.
You can add text which will be formatted by Lotus Notes. You can also add a
bitmap (in Windows bitmap format) using the following form:
!NSF_FIELD! field-name <bitmap-filename>
Use these action directives to perform actions on the Notes database:
immediately adds a document to the Notes database within the DATA step
indicates not to add the note when closing the data stream. By default, the driver
attempted to add a note at the end of a SAS program for every FILE statement
clears all the field values that were specified by the !NSF_FIELD! directive. This
directive in conjunction with !NSF_ADD! facilitates writing DATA step programs
with loops that add multiple notes to multiple databases.
clears all the field values that were specified by the !NSF_ATTACH! directive.
This directive in conjunction with !NSF_ADD! facilitates writing DATA step
programs with loops that add multiple notes to multiple databases.
Note: The contents of PUT statements that do not contain directives are
concatenated to the data that is associated with the most recent field value. 4
218 Creating New Notes Documents 4 Chapter 8
Line 1 assigns a fileref by using the FILENAME statement to point to Notes instead
of to an ordinary file. NOTESDB is the device type for Lotus Notes. Line 3 uses the
assigned fileref to direct output from the PUT statement. Line 4 indicates which Notes
database to open. Lines 5 to 15 specify the field and the value for that field for the new
Notes document that is being created. Status is the field name and Order is the value
that is placed in the Status field for the particular document. Line 16 executes these
SAS statements. A new Notes document is created in the Business Card Request
The next example uses each observation in the SALES data set to create a new
document in the qrtsales.nsf database and fills in the Sales, Change, and Comments
fields for the documents.
Example Code 8.2 Creating a New Document from a Data Set
01 data sasuser.sales;
02 length comment $20;
03 format comment $char20.;
04 input sales change comment $ 12-31;
05 datalines;
06 123472 342 Strong Increase
07 423257 33 Just enough
09 218649 4 Not high enough
09 ;
10 run;
11 filename sales NOTESDB;
12 data _null_;
13 file sales;
14 set sasuser.sales;
15 put ’!NSF_DB! qrtsales.nsf’;
16 put ’!NSF_FORM! Jansales’;
17 put ’!NSF_ADD!’;
18 put ’!NSF_FIELD!Sales !’ sales;
Using Lotus Notes with SAS 4 Creating New Notes Documents 219
Line 11 assigns a fileref by using the FILENAME statement to point to Notes instead
of to an ordinary file. NOTESDB is the device type for Lotus Notes. Line 13 uses the
assigned fileref to direct the output from the PUT statement. In line 15, the NSF_DB
data directive indicates which Notes database to open. Lines 18, 19, and 20 specify the
field and its value for the new Notes document that is being created. Sales is the field
name and sales is the value that is placed in the Status field for the particular
document. Line 22 executes these SAS statements. A new Notes document is created in
the Sales database.
Expanding on the Business Card Request database example, you can create multiple
Notes documents within a single DATA step or within SCL code by using action
directives as well as data directives. The following example shows how to create
multiple Notes documents within a single DATA step.
Example Code 8.3 Creating Multiple Notes Documents within a Single DATA Step
Line 1 assigns a fileref by using the FILENAME statement to point to Notes instead
of to an ordinary file. NOTESDB is the device type for Lotus Notes. Line 3 uses the
assigned fileref to direct the output from the PUT statement. Line 4 indicates which
Notes database to open. Lines 5 to 15 specify the field and the value for that field for
the new Notes document that is being created. Status is the field name and Order is
the value placed in the Status field for this particular document. Line 16 forces the
220 Preparing SAS/GRAPH Output for a Notes Document 4 Chapter 8
creation of a new Notes document. Line 17 clears the values for the fields that are used
with the !NSF_FIELD! data directives in the previous lines. Lines 18 to 28 specify the
field and the value for that field for the second Notes document that is being created.
Status is the field name and Order is the value placed in the Status field for the
second document. Line 29 executes these SAS statements. A second Notes document is
created in the Business Card Request database.
Only one !NSF_DB! data directive is issued in the preceding example. By default, the
second Notes document is created in the same database as the one referenced in the
!NSF_DB! data directive on line 4. In order to create the second Notes document in
another database, you would have to issue another !NSF_DB! data directive with the
new database filename before executing line 18. The key additions to this example are
the action directives on lines 16 and 17.
Note: All directives are not case sensitive. However, the values following the data
directives, such as form name and field name, are case sensitive. 4
Lines 1 to 6 contain code that is taken from the SAS/GRAPH samples by using a
sample data set to generate SAS/GRAPH output. Line 8 assigns a fileref by using the
FILENAME statement to point to Notes instead of to an ordinary file. NOTESDB is the
Using Lotus Notes with SAS 4 Retrieving Information from Preexisting Notes Documents 221
device type for Lotus Notes. Line 10 uses the assigned fileref to direct the output from
the PUT statement. Line 11 indicates which Notes database to open. Lines 12 to 14
specify the field and the value for that field for the new Notes document that is being
created. Subject is the field name and US Energy Consumption is the value that is
placed in the Subject field for this particular document. Line 15 indicates a display of
usenergy.bmp bitmap file in the Body field because the less than symbol (<) rather
than exclamation point (!) is used to separate the field value from the field name. Line
16 executes these SAS statements. A new Notes document is created in the Electronic
Library database.
In the preceding example, the Detailed field is an RTF field. When using RTF
fields, you can intersperse data and bitmaps.
shows an example of how to use the DATA step to retrieve information from the
Business Card Request database.
Example Code 8.5 Using ODBC to Retrieve Information from Preexisting Notes Documents
01 proc sql;
02 connect to ODBC ("dsn=3Dbuscard");
03 create table sasuser.buscard as
04 select * from connection to
05 ODBC (select * from All_Requests_By_Organization);
06 disconnect from ODBC;
Line 1 processes SQL statements to manipulate SQL views and tables. Line 2
connects to ODBC, which establishes a connection to Notes through the SAS/ACCESS
to ODBC driver and the NotesSQL ODBC driver by using the 3Dbuscard data source.
Lines 3, 4, and 5 create a table and sasuser.buscard from the data that is retrieved from
the Notes Business Card Request database table that is called
All_Requests_By_Organization. This is the default view that is assigned to the
Business Card Request database. Line 6 disconnects from ODBC and closes the
connection to the Notes database. Line 7 executes these SAS statements. A new data
set named buscard is created in the Sasuser library.
As another alternative, you can view the available tables within Notes databases by
using the SQL Query Window. The SQL Query Window, a component of SAS, is an
interactive interface that enables you to easily build queries without writing
programming statements. You can invoke it by issuing the QUERY command from the
command line.
For more information about PROC SQL, see Base SAS Procedures Guide.
Using Windows System Tools
with SAS
SAS/CONNECT software can be viewed in the Application Log. For more information,
see “Event Viewer Application Log” on page 224.
Using the Windows System Monitor under Windows XP and Windows Server 2003,
you can monitor your SAS sessions to obtain the information that you need to diagnose
problems and tune your session. For more information, see “Performance Tools” on page
You can start SAS as a Windows service, which enables you to start SAS
automatically and to specify recovery procedures if SAS fails. For more information, see
“Starting SAS as a Windows Service” on page 234.
Note: Select Continue if you receive a message stating that Windows needs your
permission to continue. 4
4 In the tree view, select Windows logs.
5 Select Application log.
An alternate method of starting the Event Viewer is to type eventvwr in the Run
dialog box and click OK.
An alternate method of starting the Event Viewer is to type eventvwr in the Run
dialog box and click OK.
The following table lists the types of events that are available for the first parameter.
Error “ERROR”
Warning “WARNING”
Information “INFORMATION”
226 Sending Messages to the Application Log Using a User-Written Function 4 Chapter 9
Although the first parameter values that are displayed in the table are shown in
uppercase, mixed case is also allowed. The second parameter of the function is a string
that will appear in the Windows Event Viewer.
When you double-click the event in the Application Log, the Event Properties window
will display the message in the Description box.
228 Performance Tools 4 Chapter 9
Display 9.1 Displaying a User Message in The Event Detail Dialog Box
For information about LOGEVENT.EXE, see the documentation for the Windows
Resource Kit.
Performance Tools
Note: If you run SAS v9.1.3 or the 32-bit version of SAS 9.2 on a Windows x64
system, you will not be able to use the SAS performance counters. The reason for this is
that the Performance Montior (PERFMON) is a 64-bit application on Windows x64
systems, but SAS v9.1.3 and the 32-bit version of SAS 9.2 are 32-bit application and
run in compatibility mode. If you want to use the performance counters for 32-bit
versions of SAS on Windows x64 systems, then you will need to invoke the 32-bit
version of PerfMon after the 32-bit versions of SAS has been invoked. To invoke the
32-bit version of PerfMon, bring up a Windows Explorer and open the folder:
c:\Windows\SysWOW64 which contains the 32-bit applications. In this folder, you will
see the 32-bit version of PerfMon. Invoking this version of PerfMon will allow you to
see and use the 32-bit versions of SAS performance counters. 4
Using Windows XP
1 Start SAS.
2 Open the Performance window.
3 Click the Add (+) button.
4 From the Performance object list, select Process.
5 From the Instances list, select SAS.
6 For each counter that you want to monitor, select the counter from the list and click Add.
7 Click Close when you have completed selecting counters.
The performance monitor immediately collects and displays information about the
counters that you selected.
Multiple SAS counters can be monitored. You can see multiple instances monitored,
where each instance is a separate SAS process. SAS instances are listed in the form
SAS PID number. The PID number is the process identifier of the SAS session. You can
see a list of all processes by using the Task Manager.
Examples of Monitoring the DATA Step, PROC SORT, and PROC SQL
Examining the Performance between the DATA and PROC SORT Steps
To see the difference in performance between the DATA step and the PROC step,
submit this code:
options fullstimer;
/* Create a test data set with some random data. */
DATA a (drop=s);
do i = 1 to 500000;
x = ranuni(i);
y = x*2;
z = exp(x*y);
/* The sleep helps to delineate the subsequent */
/* sort in the Performance Monitor graph */
s = sleep(15);
PROC sort data = a noduplicates;
by z y x i;
After you submit this code, the Performance Monitor or System Monitor will
generate results similar to those results in Display 9.2 on page 231. You might have to
adjust the scale factor of the different counters.
Display 9.2 Performance of the DATA Step and the PROC SORT Step
The DATA step in the display shows that there is very little activity from Disk
ReadFile Bytes Read/Sec or Disk SetFilePointer/Sec. Notice that in the subsequent
PROC SORT output there is much more activity from these two counters. The output
indicates that the data set is being read (Disk Readfile Bytes Read/Sec) in order to be
sorted, and that a certain amount of random I/O is performed by the sort (Disk
232 Examining a PROC SQL Query 4 Chapter 9
The pause in the activity is caused by the SLEEP function that follows the DATA
step. The Disk WriteFile Bytes Written/Sec counter is active in both the DATA step and
in the PROC SORT step.
Finally, you can correlate the counters from the Process object with the user and
system CPU times in your SAS log.
/* Step 1 */
/* Create a test data set with some random data. */
/* Do this twice - once with Step 2 and once */
/* without Step 2. */
/* Step 2 */
/* Create a simple index on variable x. */
/* Submit this step once. */
2 Clear the graph by selecting Clear Display from the Edit menu or the Clear
Display toolbar button.
3 Submit the code in Step 3 to see a graph such as Display 9.3 on page 233.
/* Step 3 */
/* Perform a query on the data. Do this twice - */
/* once with an index and once without an index */
/* The query should select about 50% of the */
/* observations in the data set. */
create table sample.yz as
select y,z
from sample.a
where x > 0.5;
In Display 9.4 on page 233, the counters averaged under 10% on the scale, whereas
in Display 9.3 on page 233, several of the counters averaged more than 10%, and the
Disk WriteFile Bytes Written/Sec counter rose more than 25%. A higher value for these
counters implies good overall throughput for the operation.
Note that to make a valid comparison with the Performance Monitor graph or with
the System Monitor graph, you must ensure that the counters are using the same scale.
You can confirm the counters by observing the absolute values. The Average value for
Disk WriteFile Bytes Written/Sec in Display 9.3 on page 233 was 92528.953. Contrast
this value with the same counter in Display 9.4 on page 233, in which the Average
value was 47350.902. For this operation, bytes were written almost twice as fast when
the data set was indexed.
234 Starting SAS as a Windows Service 4 Chapter 9
You create the initialization file either by using the SAS SCU graphical user
interface (GUI) or by using a Unicode-capable text editor, such as Notepad. If you use
the SAS SCU GUI, you specify only the required values and the SAS SCU creates the
.INI file for you. If you use a text editor to create the .INI file, you must specify the SAS
service settings and their values. You must save the file as a Unicode file, not as an
ANSI or ASCII-encoded file. Table 9.4 on page 238 explains the settings that you
specify to create a SAS service .INI file with a text editor.
To configure the INI file, select the following tab and modify the appropriate settings:
Install tab
Service Name
is the service name that is registered to Windows when the service is
installed. The service name is also the name that is used when a net start or
a net stop command is issued. This field is required. The default is
Display Name
is the name of the service that is displayed to user-interface applications.
This field is required. The default is A SAS Service.
236 Creating an Initialization File 4 Chapter 9
Start Type
specifies whether the SAS service is started manually, automatically, or is
disabled. This field is required. The default is Manual. Manual specifies that
the service can be started by another process. Automatic specifies that the
service is started automatically during system startup. Disabled specifies
that the service cannot be started.
Service Path
contains both the directory path in which SAS is installed and also the SAS
command that is used to start the service. This field is required. For a new
installation, the default path is the SAS installation path, followed by the
command sas.exe -noterminal. If the SAS SCU has been installed
previously, the default path is c:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\
followed by sas.exe -noterminal. The NOTERMINAL system option is
required. To start a SAS program as a service, add the SYSIN system option
followed by the program pathname and filename to the Service Path. To
select a service path, click ... (ellipse button).
Working Path
is the working path that is used by applications that use the SAS Service to
create directories, store files, and log information. This field is optional. The
default is the user’s profile directory. Under Windows Vista and Windows 7,
the user’s profile is located at c:\Users\user ID\Documents\My SAS
Files\9.2 Under all other Windows operating environments, the user profile
is located at c:\Documents and Settings\user ID\My Documents\My SAS
Files\9.2. To select a working path, click ... (ellipse button).
specifies one or more Windows services that must be started before this
service is started. If a dependent service is installed and enabled, the service
is started before this service is started. If a service is installed but disabled,
this service will not be started.
To specify dependencies, type one or more service names separated by the
pipe ( | )character. For example, NetDDE|NetDDEdsdm.
Type a description of the service. The description appears in the Windows
Services window.
Remove tab
Remove Existing Service
specifies the name of the installed SAS service that you want to remove.
Options tab
Error Control
determines the error severity if the SAS Service fails to start. Select one of
the following error controls:
Table 9.3
is the level of access that an application has to the SAS Service. When you
select an access level, such as Read, Write, or Execute, certain access type
settings are set to 1(TRUE) in the INI file. To further configure all access
types settings, select the appropriate boxes. For a description of access type
settings, see Table 9.4 on page 238. The access levels are
enables an application to set the Interrogate, Query Configuration
and Query Status access type settings. Selecting this access level sets
the AccessInterrogate=, AccessQryCfg=, and AccessQryStatus= settings
in the .INI file to 1(TRUE).
enables an application to set the Change Configuration access type.
Selecting this access level sets the AccessChgCfg= setting in the .INI file
to 1(TRUE).
enables an application to set the Interrogate, Pause/Continue, Start
Service, Stop Service, and Define Control access types. Selecting
this access level sets the AccessInterrogate=, AccessPauseCont=,
AccessStart=, AccessStop, and AccessUserDefCtrl= settings in the .INI
file to 1(TRUE).
Account tab
System Account
specifies that the service is shared for all users that log on to this machine.
To enable the service to interact with the user from the desktop, select Allow
this Service to interact with the Desktop. When you select System
Account, the ServiceStartName= setting in the INI file is set to LocalSystem.
This Account
specifies that the service is for a specific user only. When you select This
Account, type the account name in the box. Then type the password in the
Password and Confirm Password boxes.
Table 9.4 SAS Service INI File Settings and Default Values
Setting Name Required Explanation Valid Values Defaults Field
Service Name= Yes The SAS Service Can contain up to 32 "SASService" Service
name registered to characters (/ and \ are not Name
Windows. valid). The name is not
case sensitive and it must
be contained in quotation
Display Name= Yes The name of the Can contain up to 256 "A SAS Service" Display
service that is characters, is not case Name
displayed to sensitive, and must be
user-interface contained in quotation
applications. marks.
Binary Yes Contains the directory The pathname must be ["SAS Service Path
Pathname= path in which the contained in both brackets installation
SAS Service INI file is and quotation marks. path\sas.exe
installed, followed by -noterminal"]
the SAS command to
start the service.
Start Type= Yes Specifies whether the SERVICE_AUTO_ START SERVICE_ Start Type
SAS Service is to SERVICE_ DEMAND_
start manually or DEMAND_START START
Setting Name Required Explanation Valid Values Defaults Field
WorkDir= No The directory used by The path to the working "Under Windows Working
applications to store directory must be Vista and Path
files created and used contained in quotation Windows 7-
by the SAS Service. marks. c:\Users\user
ID" or Under
Windows XP
and 2003 -
and Settings\
user ID"
Setting Name Required Explanation Valid Values Defaults Field
When you create an .INI file by using a text editor and you want to specify
ServiceStartName for a specific user, the Windows account name must be of the format
domainname\username and you must include an encrypted password in the
PASSWORD setting name. You can use the PWENCODE procedure to create an
encrypted password. For example, the following PWENCODE procedure specifies mypw
as the input password:
proc pwencode in=’mypw’;
The SAS log displays the encrypted password {sas001}bXlwdw==. You then specify
{sas001}bXlwdw== as the value for the Password= setting in your .INI file. An
encrypted password is necessary only if you specify Password= in an .INI file. In
comparison, when you create an .INI file by using the SAS SCU, you specify a text
password. The SAS SCU encrypts the password for you.
For more information about the PWENCODE procedure, see Base SAS Procedures
To install a SAS Service from the command prompt, ensure that both the SAS
Service Configuration Utility directory and the directory that contains the INI file are
accessible from your system path. From the command prompt type
sasservicemngr.exe path/filename.ini. When you install a SAS Service from the
command prompt, user messages are disabled.
Note: You can also install a service from the Install Tab for SAS SCU GUI. 4
Using Windows Tools with SAS 4 Installing a SAS Service 241
When a SAS Service is installed from an application, the command to install the
service is sasservicemngr.exe path/filename.ini. The following table lists the
return codes that can be passed back to the calling application:
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software
About OLE
OLE is a means of integrating multiple sources of information from different
applications into a unified document. These objects can include text, graphics, charts,
sound, video clips, and much more.
OLE 1.0, which the SAS has supported since Release 6.08, allowed you to link and
embed OLE objects into SAS/AF FRAME entries and SAS/EIS applications. OLE 2.0,
which SAS 9.2 supports, provides many new features that you can use to enhance your
SAS/AF frames and SAS/EIS applications.
Note: SAS under Windows (and OLE 2.0 in general) still supports all the features
from OLE 1.0. 4
SAS can function as an object container or client. The applications that create (and
update) the objects you place in a FRAME entry are known as servers. You can also use
SAS as a server from within other applications through OLE automation. For more
information, see Chapter 11, “Controlling SAS from Another Application Using OLE,”
on page 267 .
For more information about OLE in general, see the documentation for the Windows
operating environment. For descriptions of the error messages you might receive while
using OLE features in SAS/AF software, see “Using OLE” on page 616.
4 Select the type of OLE object you would like to insert based on the clipboard
contents. The object is determined by the application from which you copied the
data. (For example, you would typically paste Microsoft Word data as a Microsoft
Word object.)
5 If you want the OLE object to link to the data instead of embed the actual data in
the FRAME entry, choose Paste Link on the Paste Special dialog box. For more
information about linked objects, see “Using Linked OLE Objects” on page 249.
Note: If you paste data from a temporary source (such as a document that you
did not save), SAS will be unable to locate the data source when it attempts to link
to it later when it no longer exists. You should save your data file before copying it
to the Windows clipboard. 4
6 After you select the type of object to paste, click OK. SAS pastes the object into the
FRAME entry.
7 Select View I Properties Window . Select the object from the Properties box
and click on Object Attributes.
8 Enter a name for the object entry in the Entry field. Two-level HSERVICE names
are allowed, defaulting to the current catalog. You can also change the Name of the
object. The HSERVICE entry is not created until you Save or End the FRAME
editing session.
Click OK.
3 Select the object in the server application. Press the mouse button and drag the
object from the server application to the position in the FRAME entry where you
want to place the object. The cursor changes to a box with an arrow, indicating
that the FRAME entry is a valid place to drop the object. You do not need to draw
a region in the FRAME to insert the object. You can also use drag modifier keys,
as discussed in “Changing the Drag Action” on page 247 to control the drag and
drop behavior.
When you release the mouse button ("dropping" the object), SAS inserts the
object into the FRAME, automatically creating a name and an HSERVICE entry
for the OLE object. SAS displays a representation of the object at the position you
After this transformation, you can edit the object using all of the tools and menus
provided by the server application.
To end your visual editing session, click elsewhere inside the FRAME entry and
outside the object. SAS resumes control of the session, and returns to the default SAS
menus and tools.
1 The HSERVICE entry is automatically updated at the end of a visual editing
session only if the object has been saved previously (an HSERVICE entry has been
created for it). Otherwise, you must select Save (or End) from the File menu in
SAS/AF software to create the HSERVICE entry.
Also, if you modify the object during TESTAF mode and you want to save the
modifications in the HSERVICE entry, you must update the object’s contents by
selecting Update from the Locals menu before returning to BUILD mode.
2 If you move the OLE object within the FRAME entry during visual editing (in
BUILD mode), the object returns to its original position when you click outside of
it (ending the visual editing session). If you want to move the object to another
position in the FRAME entry, end the visual editing session and then move the
object region.
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software 4 Using Linked OLE Objects 249
3 Most OLE objects require that you double-click on them to activate them.
However, a few types of objects require only a single-click to activate them.
4 If you attempt to edit a linked object or an OLE object whose server application
does not support visual editing, the server application launches as a separate
instance and allows you to edit the object. This action is known as open editing
and is consistent with the behavior of linked objects and all OLE 1.0 objects.
You can specify multiple verbs in a single call to _EXECUTE_. For more information
about the _EXECUTE_ method, see “_EXECUTE_” on page 606.
4 If you want to actually convert the object to another type, select the desired target
object type and click OK.
If you want to toggle the object between icon view and content view, check
Display As Icon.
If you want to activate the object using another server, click on Activate as
and then select the server application to use.
5 Click OK.
An alternate way to open the Convert dialog box for an OLE object is to select the
object and issue the DLGCONVERT command on the command line. Also, you can use
the _EXECUTE_ method in SCL to invoke the DLGCONVERT command. For example:
call notify(’sheetobj’,’_execute_’,
Note: The return values and arguments passed between the automation server and
SAS using the OLE automation methods are passed by value, not by
reference–including those arguments that the server defines as pass-by-reference. The
arguments contain actual static values, not pointers to values that you can modify. 4
In this first example, the SCL code creates and populates a list box in a Microsoft
Excel worksheet and stores the contents of the list box in an SCL list:
list=makelist(); /* create the SCL list */
/* Add a Listbox in a worksheet */
call send(worksht, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Listboxes’,
call send(listbox, ’_DO_’, ’Add’, 20, 50,
40, 100);
call send(worksht, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Listboxes’,
1, listone);
/* Fill the Listbox with a range of */
/* values from the worksheet */
call send(listone, ’_SET_PROPERTY_’,
’ListFillRange’, ’A1:A3’);
/* Get the contents of the Listbox */
call send(listone, ’_GET_PROPERTY_’,
’List’, list);
Using several SCL arrays, the following SCL code creates and populates another
Microsoft Excel worksheet:
/* Initialization */
254 Using Value Properties 4 Chapter 10
HostClass = loadclass(’sashelp.fsp.hauto’);
/* Get the Workbook Object, add a new Sheet and get the Sheet object */
call send (ExcelObj, ’_GET_PROPERTY_’, ’Workbooks’, WkBkObj);
call send (WkBkObj, ’_DO_’, ’Add’);
call send (ExcelObj, ’_GET_PROPERTY_’, ’ActiveSheet’, WkShtObj);
/* Set the range to be A1:A4 and fill that range with names */
call send(WkShtObj, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Range’, ’A1’, ’B3’, RangeObj);
call send(RangeObj, ’_SET_PROPERTY_’, ’Value’, names);
/* Set the range to be A5:D6 and fill that range with ints values */
call send(WkShtObj, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Range’, ’A5’, ’D6’, RangeObj);
call send(RangeObj, ’_SET_PROPERTY_’, ’Value’, primes);
/* Set the range to be A1:A4 and fill that range with totals */
call send(WkShtObj, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Range’, ’A7’, ’D7’, RangeObj);
call send(RangeObj, ’_SET_PROPERTY_’, ’Value’, totals);
is equivalent to:
call notify (’sascombo’, ’_set_property_’,
’Text’, ’An excellent choice’);
Both the SAS ComboBox and SAS Edit controls (supplied with SAS) designate Text
as their value property.
Here is the equivalent SCL code that omits the optional parameters (substituting the
missing value character):
call send(chart, ’_DO_’, ’ChartWizard’, hcell,
., ., ., ., ., .,
"Automation at work!",
., ., .);
Note: Your SCL code must still respect the position of the optional parameters when
invoking methods. When you specify a missing value character as an argument, it must
be in place of a parameter that is optional to the OLE server’s method. 4
After you create an instance of the OLE Automation class, you must associate the
new instance with an SCL object identifier (which you need to use when calling
methods with CALL SEND) and an OLE server application. To obtain the identifier,
use the _NEW_ method on the newly created instance of the OLE Automation class.
256 Creating an External OLE Automation Instance 4 Chapter 10
This example stores the object identifier in oleauto and associates the object with
Microsoft Excel (which has the identifier Excel.Application in the Windows registry)
on the local machine.
call send(hostcl, ’_NEW_’, oleauto, 0,
To create an instance of the OLE Automation class for a remote machine, the remote
machine must be configured to permit the user to start remote instances using
Distributed COM Configuration Properties (DCOMCNFG.EXE). The DCOMCNFG.EXE
is located in the \WINNT\SYSTEM32 folder. For more information on Distributed
COM Configuration Properties, see your Windows documentation. The following
example creates an instance of Microsoft Excel on a remote machine. Once created, the
method and property calls to that instance work as if it were on a local machine.
HostClass = loadclass(’sashelp.fsp.hauto’);
ExcelObj = 0;
machineName = ’\\Aladdin’;
inslist = makelist();
attrlist = makelist ();
For more information about the _NEW_ method, see “_NEW_” on page 610.
After you create an instance of an OLE Automation object, you can automate that
object in much the same way you would automate an object that you have embedded or
linked in your frame. The following table notes some key differences between the types
of objects.
Are derived from the Widget class. Are derived from the Object class.
Have a visual component (the object you place in Have no visual component within the FRAME
the FRAME entry). entry.
Are created by placing the object in a region in Are created by using the LOADCLASS
the FRAME entry (using drag and drop). statement and the _NEW_ method in SCL.
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software 4 Example: Populating a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with SAS Data 257
Allow you to call methods with CALL NOTIFY Require you to call methods with CALL SEND,
by passing in the object name from the FRAME passing in the object identifier returned by the
entry. _NEW_, _GET_PROPERTY_, or _COMPUTE_
call set(dsid);
nvar=attrn(dsid, ’NVARS’);
nobs=attrn(dsid, ’NOBS’);
258 Example: Populating a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with SAS Data 4 Chapter 10
As you can see from this example, automating an application object requires some
knowledge of the object’s properties and methods. To help you decide which SCL
commands to use for an Excel automation object, you can use the Macro Recorder in
Excel to perform the task you want to automate, then look at the Visual Basic code that
is generated. It is then relatively simple to map the Visual Basic code to comparable
SCL statements and functions.
The following table shows some excerpts of Visual Basic code and their SCL
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software 4 Using OLE Custom Controls (OCXs) in Your SAS/AF Application 259
Table 10.3 Visual Basic Code Samples and Their SCL Equivalents
You can use the properties page to view or change settings for some of the exposed
Note that the control is not active (you cannot interact with its interface) while you
are in DISPLAY mode. The control becomes active in TESTAF mode.
If you want to retrieve data from a property, you must use a variable that is of the
same type as the data you want to read. For example, if you want to learn what text
the user specified in the edit portion of a combo box, include the following code:
length text $ 200;
call notify (’sascombo’, ’_get_property_’,
’Text’, text);
3 Use the _COMPUTE_ method in SCL when the OLE control method returns a
value. You specify a variable in the SCL code that will contain the return value
when the method ends. For example, the SAS ComboBox OLE control has a
method that returns an item at a specified position in the list:
length item $ 80;
call notify(’sascombo’, ’_COMPUTE_’,
’GetItem’, 2, item);
When this call returns, item contains the text of the item at position 2 (the third
item in the list).
Note: Many OLE controls include a LostFocus event, which they generate when the
control loses window focus. Because of the way that SAS/AF software communicates
with the control, mapping the LostFocus event sometimes has the effect of placing focus
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software 4 Responding to OLE Control Events 263
back on the control that just lost it. Although you can still respond to the LostFocus
event in your FRAME entry, this action might cause unusual focus behavior. 4
Assuming you mapped this code to a new method called ADD_ITEM, you would use
this syntax to add a new item to the control:
/* Adds ’Item 1’ at the first position */
/* in the control */
length success 8;
call notify(’sascombo’, ’ADD_ITEM’,
’Item 1’, 1, success);
Using OLE in SAS/AF Software 4 Responding to OLE Control Events 265
Assuming you mapped this code to the FIND_ITEM method, you would then use it as
in this example:
length position 8;
call notify(’sascombo’,’FIND_ITEM’,
’Lost Item’, position);
You would then access the Text property of a control the same way you access the
text of other SAS/AF widget objects:
length text $ 200;
call notify(’sasedit’, ’_GET_TEXT_’, text);
Controlling SAS from Another
Application Using OLE
This example sets the identifier OleSAS to the new SAS session. You can then use this
identifier to access the methods and properties that SAS makes available.
If you want to control an existing SAS automation object by using OLE automation,
you can use your automation controlling language. In Visual Basic, you can use the
Dim OleSAS as Object
Set OleSAS = GetObject(,"SAS.Automation")
Note that this code does not create an instance of SAS if one does not already exist.
Also, the existing SAS session must have been created as an OLE automation object
(for example, using CreateObject in Visual Basic). You cannot use OLE automation to
control a SAS session you invoked by using another method (for example, by using the
Start menu).
where result-string is the value to be assigned the ResultString property, and rc-number
is the value to be assigned to the RC property.
For example, you can use the Submit method to submit DATA step code that returns
an error code as part of its processing. You can then check the value of that error using
the RC or ResultString property. Here is a Visual Basic example of this:
Private Delcare Sub Sleep Lib ‘‘kernel32’’ (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Methods and Properties for Use with a SAS OLE Automation Object
Once instantiated, the SAS OLE automation object supports these methods as well
as several properties:
3 “Command Method” on page 270
3 “QueryWindow Method” on page 270
3 “Quit Method” on page 271
3 “Submit Method” on page 271
3 “Top Method” on page 272
3 “Properties for Controlling a SAS Automation Object” on page 272
Command Method
Invokes a command as if it was entered from the SAS command line.
By default, the active window receives the command. You can change which window
receives the command by changing the CommandWindow property.
This Visual Basic code invokes a SAS session and opens the BUILD window:
Set OleSAS = CreateObject("SAS.Application")
QueryWindow Method
Queries whether a specified window exists within the SAS session.
Controlling SAS from Another Application Using OLE 4 Submit Method 271
QueryWindow returns either True or False based on whether the specified window is
open in the automated SAS session. If the window exists but is not visible,
QueryWindow still returns True.
The window name that you specify must match the exact spelling of the window
name in SAS. The window-name argument is not case sensitive.
This Visual Basic code gets an existing SAS session and checks whether the BUILD
window is open. If the window is not open, this code invokes BUILD:
Dim OleSAS as Object
Set OleSAS = GetObject(,"SAS.Application")
If (Not OleSAS.QueryWindow("build")) Then
Quit Method
Ends the SAS session.
If the automation controller that issues the Quit method is the only controller that is
using that particular SAS session, then the SAS session ends. If at least one other
automation process is still using the SAS session, then the session remains running.
Submit Method
Submits DATA step or procedure code for processing.
272 Top Method 4 Chapter 11
The string of text that you specify as SAS-program-code can contain multiple SAS
statements separated by semicolons. The contents of the string are submitted to SAS
for processing.
The following example references a data library and invokes a SAS/AF application:
Dim OleSAS as Object
Set OleSAS = CreateObject("SAS.Application")
OleSAS.Visible = True
OleSAS.Submit("libname afapp ’f:\sas\afapp’;")
OleSAS.Command("af c=afapp.bigapp.main.frame")
Top Method
Brings the SAS session to the foreground.
The Top method works only if the Visible property is set to True.
The following example invokes a SAS session, makes it a visible window, and then
brings it to the foreground.
Dim OleSAS as Object
Set OleSAS = CreateObject("SAS.Application")
OleSAS.Visible = True
sets the vertical coordinate, in pixels, for the top left corner of the SAS application
window. This property is read/write.
Using Dynamic Data Exchange
is the executable filename of the server application. For example, the
application-name for Microsoft Word is winword, and for Microsoft Excel it is
is the topic of conversation (between SAS and the DDE server application). This is
typically the full path filename of the document or spreadsheet with which you
want to share data.
is the range of conversation specified between the client and server applications.
In spreadsheet applications, this is usually a range of cells. For document-based
applications (for example, Microsoft Word), the item is something that defines a
location in the document, such as a bookmark.
Valid values for all of these arguments vary depending on the server application. A
software application supporting DDE as a server should list acceptable values for the
triplet information in documentation supplied with the application.
Note: The server application must be started before trying to communicate with it
using DDE. Also, the DDE triplet format might differ among different applications and
among different versions of the same application. 4
For example, in order to place text into a Microsoft Word document TESTDDE.DOC
located at C:\TEMP with a bookmark named NUMBER, you could use this code:
filename test dde ’winword|"c:\temp\testdde.doc"
!NUMBER’ notab;
DDE Examples
This section provides several examples of using DDE with SAS under Windows.
These examples use Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word as DDE servers, but any
application that supports DDE as a server can communicate with SAS.
Before you run these examples, you must first invoke Microsoft Excel and Microsoft
Word, and open the spreadsheet or document used in the example.
Note: DDE examples are included in the host-specific sample programs that you
access from the Help menu. 4
Double quotation marks are required around the path if the path contains a space.
The single quotation marks are for the X command.
put x y z;
data _null_;
file testit;
put ’This is a test.’;
Note: If you are writing to Microsoft Word97, use Visual Basic commands such as
FileOpen.Name, FileSave, FileClose, and Insert. If the PUT statement contains a
macro that Word97 does not understand, you will see this message:
Ambiguous name detected: TmpDDE
data workdir.worddata;
length wordnum $5;
infile testit;
input wordnum $;
proc print;
data _null_;
filename data
dde ’excel|sheet1!r1c1:r20c3’;
data one;
file data;
do i=1 to 20;
put x y z;
data _null_;
file cmds;
put ’[SELECT("R1C1:R20C3")]’;
put ’[SORT(1,"R1C1",1)]’;
put ’[SAVE()]’;
put ’[QUIT()]’;
filename test
dde ’excel|sheet1!r1c1:r1c2’;
data string;
file test;
a=’test one’;
b=’test two’;
put a $15. b $15.;
filename test
dde ’excel|sheet1!r2c1:r2c2’ notab;
data string;
file test;
a=’test one’;
b=’test two’;
282 Using the DDE HOTLINK 4 Chapter 12
filename daily
dde ’excel|sheet1!r1c1’ hotlink;
filename status
dde ’excel|sheet1!r5c1’ hotlink;
data daily;
infile status length=flag;
input @;
if flag ne 0 then stop;
infile daily length=b;
input @;
if b ne 0 then
input total $;
put total=;
It is possible to establish multiple DDE sessions. The previous example uses two
separate DDE links. When the HOTLINK option is used and there are multiple cells
referenced in the item specification, if any one of the cells changes, then all cells are
Unless the HOTLINK option is specified, DDE is performed as a single one–time
data transfer. The values currently stored in the spreadsheet cells at the time that the
DDE is processed are values that are transferred.
Using DDE 4 Using Macro Variables to Issue DDE Commands 283
data _null_;
file xlmacro;
put ’"sheet1","NewSheet")’;
put ’=halt(true)’;
/* Dump the contents of the buffer, allowing us to both write and */
/* execute the macro in the same DATA Step */
put ’!dde_flush’;
file cmds;
/* Run Macro1 */
put ’[run("macro1!r1c1")]’;
put ’[error(false)]’;
/* delete the Macro Sheet */
put ’[workbook.delete("macro1")]’;
%let excelOne=C:\test.xls;
data _null_;
file cmds;
put %unquote(%str(%’[open("&excelOne")]%’));
Here’s the code that can read these data correctly into a SAS data set:
filename mydata
dde ’excel|sheet1!r10c1:r20c3’;
data in;
infile mydata dlm=’09’x notab
dsd missover;
informat name $10. town $char20.
team $char20.;
input name town team;
proc print data=in;
In this example, the NOTAB option tells SAS not to convert tabs that are sent from
the Excel application into blanks. Therefore, the tab character can be used as the
delimiter between data values. The DLM= option specifies the delimiter character, and
’09’x is the hexadecimal representation of the tab character. The DSD option specifies
that two consecutive delimiters represent a missing value. The default delimiter is a
comma. For more information about the DSD option, see SAS Language Reference:
Dictionary. The MISSOVER option prevents a SAS program from going to a new input
line if it does not find values in the current line for all the INPUT statement variables.
With the MISSOVER option, when an INPUT statement reaches the end of the current
record, values that are expected but not found are set to missing.
The INFORMAT statement forces the DATA step to use modified list input, which is
crucial to this example. If you do not use modified list input, you receive incorrect
results. The necessity of using modified list input is not DDE specific. You would need
it even if you were using data in a CARDS statement, whether your data were blank- or
Using Unnamed and Named
Overview of Pipes
A pipe is a channel of communication between two processes. A process with a
handle to one end can communicate with another process that has a handle to the other
end. This means that you can use a specialized Windows application to provide
information to your SAS session or vice versa.
Pipes can be one-way or two-way. With a one-way pipe, one application can write
data only to the pipe while the other application reads from it. With a two-way pipe,
both applications can read and write data. There are two types of pipes:
unnamed pipe
handles one way communication. Also called an anonymous pipe (or simply pipe),
it is typically used to communicate between a parent process and a child process.
Within SAS, SAS is the parent process that invokes (and reads data from) a child
named pipe
handles one-way or two-way communication between two unrelated processes.
That is, one process is not started by the other. In fact, it is possible to have two
applications communicating over a pipe on a network. You can use named pipes
within SAS to communicate with other applications or even with another SAS
286 Using Unnamed Pipes 4 Chapter 13
When SAS captures STDERR from another application, the error messages are routed
by default to the SAS log. If you want to write to STDIN in another application, you
can use a PUT statement in a SAS DATA step. Because SAS can write to STDIN and
capture from STDOUT in the same application, unnamed pipes can be used to send data
to an external program, as well as to capture the output and error messages of the same
program. You can use redirection sequences to redirect STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR.
When you start SAS from the Windows desktop, STDIN and STDOUT are not
available to your programs.
For more information, see “Using Redirection Sequences” on page 287 or your
Windows documentation.
specifies the external Windows application program. This argument must fully
specify the pathname to the program, or the path to the directory containing the
program must be contained in the Windows PATH environment variable. This
argument can also contain program options. For example, you can specify the
following argument to indicate you want to invoke the STOCKMKT program on all
’stockmkt.exe -all’
can be any of the options valid in the FILENAME statement, such as the LRECL=
or RECFM= options. For a complete list of options available for the FILENAME
statement under Windows, see “FILENAME Statement” on page 453.
In this example, if any errors occur in performing this command, STDERR (2) is
redirected to the same file as STDOUT (1). This example demonstrates SAS ability to
capitalize on operating environment capabilities. This feature of redirecting file handles
is a function of the Windows operating system rather than of SAS.
The applications can be SAS sessions or other Windows applications. For example,
you can use the PRINTTO procedure to direct the results from SAS procedures to
another Windows application, using a named pipe. Therefore, you have the choice of
having multiple SAS sessions that communicate with each other or one SAS session
communicating with another Windows application.
Whether you are communicating between multiple SAS sessions or between a SAS
session and another Windows application that supports named pipes, the pipes are
defined in a client/server relationship. One process is defined as the server, while one or
more other processes are defined as clients. In this configuration, you can have multiple
clients send data to the server or the server send data to the various clients. Named
pipes enable you to coordinate processing between the server and clients using various
You can use the following arguments with this syntax of the FILENAME statement:
is any valid fileref as described in “Referencing External Files” on page 148.
is the device-type keyword that tells SAS you want to use a named pipe.
is the name of the pipe.
This argument has two mutually exclusive syntaxes:
indicates you are establishing a pipe on a single PC or defining a server pipe
across a network. The pipe-name argument specifies the name of the pipe.
indicates you are establishing a client pipe over a network named-pipe server.
Remember to include the double backslash (\\) in this situation. The
pipe-name argument specifies the name of the client pipe. The server-name
argument specifies the name of the named-pipe server.
can be any of the following. The default value is listed first:
indicates the mode of the pipe. SERVER is the default.
indicates whether the client or server is to wait for data to be read if no data
are currently available. BLOCK indicates to wait and is the default.
NOBLOCK indicates not to wait. Control is returned immediately to the
program if no data are available in the pipe. Writing to the pipe always
implies BLOCK.
indicates the type of pipe. BYTE is the default. The difference between a
BYTE pipe and a MESSAGE pipe is that a MESSAGE pipe includes an
encoded record length, whereas a BYTE pipe does not.
indicates the amount of time the client or server is to wait to establish the
pipe. The minimum value for seconds is 10. This option allows time for
synchronization of the client and server. The default waiting period is 10
There are two values for the seconds argument that indicate special cases:
-2 indicates that the client is to wait the amount of time defined by the server’s
RETRY= option. If this option is used, the SERVER must always be active or
the pipe connection fails.
-1 indicates that the client or the server is to wait indefinitely for the pipe
is valid only when defining the server and indicates that if an end-of-file
(EOF) is received from a client, the server is to try to connect to the next
290 Using the CALL RECONNECT Routine 4 Chapter 13
If the server accesses the pipe as... then the client must access it as...
I (input) O (output)
O (output) S (sequential)
In the following example, a named pipe called WOMEN is established between two
SAS sessions. The server SAS session selectively sends data to the client SAS session.
You can start the server or the client first; one waits 30 seconds for the other to connect.
In the first SAS session, create a named pipe as a server:
/* Creates a pipe called WOMEN, acting */
/* as a server. The server waits 30 */
/* seconds for a client to connect. */
filename women namepipe ’\\.\pipe\women’
server retry=30;
/* This code writes three records into */
/* the named pipe called WOMEN. */
data class;
input name $ sex $ age;
file women;
if upcase(sex)=’F’ then
put name age;
In the second SAS session, you can use SAS statements to exchange data between
the two SAS sessions. For example, you can submit the following program from the
client session:
/* Creates a pipe called WOMEN, acting */
/* as a client. The client waits 30 */
/* seconds for a server to connect. */
filename in namepipe ’\\.\pipe\women’ client
data female;
infile in;
input name $ age;
proc print;
The following program is another example of a single client and server. This example
illustrates using the PRINTTO procedure to direct results from the SUMMARY
procedure to another Windows application, using a named pipe called RESULTS:
filename results namepipe ’\\.\pipe\results’
server retry=60;
proc printto print=results new;
proc summary data=monthly;
In this configuration, the data connection is initially between the server and the first
client. When this connection is terminated, the server connects to the second client, and
so on. The connection can return to the first client after the last client’s connection is
broken if your program is set up to do so.
You must use the EOFCONNECT option to cause the connection to move properly
from one client to the next. Here is an example of using the EOFCONNECT option
with one server SAS session and two clients. The clients can be on the same PC or on a
PC connected across a network.
In the first SAS session, submit the following statements:
/* Creates a pipe called SALES, acting */
/* as a server. The server waits 30 */
/* seconds for a client to connect. */
/* After the client has disconnected, */
/* this server SAS session tries to */
/* connect to the next available client */
filename daily namepipe ’\\.\pipe\sales’
server eofconnect retry=30;
/* This program reads in the daily */
/* sales figures sent from each client.*/
data totsales;
infile daily;
input dept $ item $ total;
Using Pipes 4 Named Pipe Examples 293
Each of the following DATA steps below can be carried out on several PCs connected
across a network:
/* Defines a named pipe called LINE. */
/* The RETRY= option is set such that */
/* the clients wait forever until a */
/* server is available */
/* (that is, RETRY=-1). */
filename data namepipe ’\\.\pipe\line’
client retry=-1;
/* This is information from the */
/* first machine/client. */
data machine1;
file data;
input width weight;
put machine width weight;
5.3 18.2
3.2 14.3
4.8 16.9
6.4 20.8
4.3 15.4
Using Pipes 4 Named Pipe Examples 295
6.1 19.5
5.6 18.9
/* This is information from the */
/* second machine/client. */
filename data namepipe ’\\.\pipe\line’
client retry=-1;
data machine2;
file data;
input width weight;
put machine width weight;
4.3 17.2
5.2 18.4
6.8 19.9
3.4 14.5
5.3 18.6
4.1 17.1
6.6 19.5
/* as the argument of */
call reconnect(’data’);
In the second SAS session, which is the first data entry operator, submit the
following statements:
filename data namepipe ’\\.\pipe\orders’
client retry=-1;
data entry1;
if _n_=1 then
window entry_1
#3 @5 ’ITEM NUMBER - ’ item $3.
#5 @5 ’QUANTITY - ’ quantity $3.;
do while (upcase(_cmd_) ne ’STOP’);
display entry_1;
file data;
put ’ENTRY_1’ +1 item quantity;
In the third SAS session, which is the second data entry operator, submit the
following statements:
filename data namepipe ’\\.\pipe\orders’
client retry=-1;
data entry2;
if _n_=1 then
window entry_2
#3 @5 ’ITEM NUMBER - ’ item $3.
#5 @5 ’QUANTITY - ’ quantity $3.;
do while (upcase(_cmd_) ne ’STOP’);
display entry_2;
file data;
put ’ENTRY_2’ +1 item quantity;
Accessing External DLLs from
Only experienced programmers should access external DLLs. By accessing a function in
an external DLL, you transfer processing control to the external function. If done
improperly, or if the external function is not reliable, you might lose data or have to
reset your computer (or both). 4
Using the MODULE functions without defining an attribute table can cause SAS to crash or
force you to reset your computer. You need to use an attribute table for all external
functions that you want to invoke. 4
The attribute table should contain a description for each DLL routine you intend to
call (using a ROUTINE statement) plus descriptions of each argument associated with
the routine (using ARG statements).
ROUTINE Statement
The following is the syntax of the ROUTINE statement:
ROUTINE name MINARG=minarg MAXARG=maxarg
The following are descriptions of the ROUTINE statement attributes:
starts the ROUTINE statement. You need a ROUTINE statement for every DLL
function you intend to call using the MODULE function. The value for name must
match the routine name or ordinal you specified as part of the ’module’ argument
in the MODULE function, where module is the name of the DLL (if not specified
by the MODULE attribute, described later) and the routine name or ordinal. For
example, to be able to specify KERNEL32,GetPath in the MODULE function call,
the ROUTINE name should be GetPath.
The name argument is case sensitive, and is required for the ROUTINE
specifies the minimum number of arguments to expect for the DLL routine. In
most cases, this value will be the same as MAXARG; but some routines do allow a
varying number of arguments. This is a required attribute.
specifies the maximum number of arguments to expect for the DLL routine. This
is a required attribute.
indicates the calling sequence method used by the DLL routine. Specify BYVALUE
for call-by-value and BYADDR for call-by-address. The default value is BYADDR.
FORTRAN and COBOL are call-by-address languages; C is usually
call-by-value, although a specific routine might be implemented as call-by-address.
The MODULE routine does not require that all arguments use the same calling
method; you can identify any exceptions by using the BYVALUE and BYADDR
options in the ARG statement, described later in this section.
indicates the order of arguments on the stack as expected by the DLL routine.
R2L places the arguments on the stack according to C language conventions. The
last argument (right-most in the call syntax) is pushed first, the next-to-last
argument is pushed next, and so on, so that the first argument is the first item on
the stack when the external routine takes over. R2L is the default value.
L2R places the arguments on the stack in reverse order, pushing the first
argument first, the second argument next, and so on, so that the last argument is
the first item on the stack when the external routine takes over. Pascal uses this
calling convention, as do some C routines.
specifies which routine, the caller routine or the called routine, is responsible for
popping the stack (updating the stack pointer) upon return from the routine. The
300 Syntax of the Attribute Table 4 Chapter 14
default value is CALLER (the code that calls the routine). Some routines that use
Microsofts __stdcall attribute with 32-bit compilers, require the called routine to
pop the stack.
specifies whether to transpose matrices with both more than one row and more
than one column before calling the DLL routine. This attribute applies only to
routines called from within PROC IML with MODULEI, MODULEIC, and
TRANSPOSE=YES is necessary when calling a routine written in a language
that does not use row-major order to store matrices. (For example, FORTRAN
uses column-major order.)
For example, consider this matrix with three columns and two rows:
1 2 3
rows 1 | 10 11 12
2 | 13 14 15
PROC IML stores this matrix in memory sequentially as 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
However, FORTRAN routines will expect this matrix as 10, 13, 11, 14, 12, 15.
The default value is NO.
names the executable module (the DLL) in which the routine resides. The
MODULE function searches the directories named by the PATH environment
variable. If you specify the MODULE attribute here in the ROUTINE statement,
then you do not need to include the module name in the module argument to the
MODULE function (unless the DLL routine name you are calling is not unique in
the attribute table). The MODULE function is described in “MODULE Function”
on page 410.
You can have multiple ROUTINE statements that use the same MODULE
name. You can also have duplicate ROUTINE names that reside in different DLLs.
specifies the type of value that the DLL routine returns. This value will be
converted as appropriate, depending on whether you use MODULEC (which
returns a character) or MODULEN (which returns a number). The possible return
value types are
short integer
unsigned short integer
long integer
unsigned long integer
double-precision floating point number
a pointer to a double-precision floating point number (instead of using a
floating point register). Consult the documentation for your DLL routine to
determine how it handles double-precision floating point values.
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Syntax of the Attribute Table 301
pointer to a character string up to n bytes long. The string is expected to be
null-terminated and will be blank-padded or truncated as appropriate. If you
do not specify n, the MODULE function uses the maximum length of the
receiving SAS character variable.
If you do not specify the RETURNS attribute, you should invoke the routine
with only the MODULE and MODULEI call routines. You will get unpredictable
values if you omit the RETURNS attribute and invoke the routine using the
The ROUTINE statement must be followed by as many ARG statements as you
specified in the MAXARG= option. The ARG statements must appear in the order that
the arguments will be specified within the MODULE routines.
ARG Statement
The syntax for each ARG statement is
Here are the descriptions of the ARG statement attributes:
ARG argnum
defines the argument number. This attribute is required. Define the arguments in
ascending order, starting with the first routine argument (ARG 1).
defines the argument as numeric or character. This attribute is required.
If you specify NUM here but pass the routine a character argument, the
argument is converted using the standard numeric informat. If you specify CHAR
here but pass the routine a numeric argument, the argument is converted using
the BEST12 informat.
indicates the argument is either input to the routine, an output argument, or both.
If you specify INPUT, the argument is converted and passed to the DLL routine. If
you specify OUTPUT, the argument is not converted, but is updated with an
outgoing value from the DLL routine. If you specify UPDATE, the argument is
converted and passed to the DLL routine and updated with an outgoing value
from the routine.
You can specify OUTPUT and UPDATE only with variable arguments (that is,
no constants or expressions).
indicates whether the argument is required. If you specify NOTREQD, then
MODULE can omit the argument. If other arguments follow the omitted argument,
indicate the omitted argument by including an extra comma as a placeholder. For
example, to omit the second argument to routine XYZ, you would specify:
call module(’XYZ’,1,,3);
Be careful when using NOTREQD; the DLL routine must not attempt to access the
argument if it is not supplied in the call to MODULE. If the routine does attempt to
access it, your system is likely to crash. 4
The REQUIRED attribute indicates that the argument is required and cannot
be omitted. REQUIRED is the default value.
302 The Importance of the Attribute Table 4 Chapter 14
indicates the argument is passed by reference or by value.
BYADDR is the default value unless CALLSEQ=BYVALUE was specified in the
ROUTINE statement, in that case BYVALUE is the default. Specify BYADDR
when using a call-by-value routine that also has arguments to be passed by
indicates that the argument begins a block of values that is grouped into a
structure whose pointer is passed as a single argument. Note that all subsequent
arguments are treated as part of that structure until the MODULE function
encounters another FDSTART argument.
names the format that presents the argument to the DLL routine. Any SAS
Institute-supplied formats, PROC FORMAT-style formats, or SAS/TOOLKIT
formats are valid. Note that this format must have a corresponding valid informat
if you specified the UPDATE or OUTPUT attribute for the argument.
The FORMAT= attribute is not required, but is recommended, since format
specification is the primary purpose of the ARG statements in the attribute table.
Using an incorrect format can produce invalid results or cause a system crash. 4
Regardless of the value given by the LENGTH statement for the second argument to
MODULE, MODULE passes a pointer to a 10-byte area to the xyz routine. If xyz
writes 20 bytes at that location, the 10 bytes of memory following the string provided by
MODULE are overwritten, causing unpredictable results:
data _null_;
length x $20;
call module(’xyz’,1,x);
The call might work fine, depending on which 10 bytes were overwritten. However, this
action might also cause you to lose data or cause your system to crash.
Also, note that the PEEKLONG and PEEKCLONG functions rely on the validity of
the pointers you supply. If the pointers are invalid, it is possible that SAS could crash.
For example, this code would cause a crash:
data _null_;
length c $10;
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Using PEEKLONG Functions to Access Character String Arguments 303
Ensure that your pointers are valid when using PEEKLONG and PEEKCLONG.
If the pointer value in STGPTR is 0035F780, STGPTR would actually be set to the
decimal value 3536768, which is the decimal equivalent of 0035F780. So the PUT
statement above would produce:
STGPTR=3536768 STGPTR=0035F780
However, you want the data at address 0035F780, not the value of the pointer itself. To
access that data, you need to use the PEEKCLONG function.
The PEEKCLONG function is given two arguments, a pointer via a numeric variable
(such as STGPTR above) and a length in bytes (characters). PEEKCLONG returns a
character string of the specified length containing the characters at the pointer location.
In the example, suppose that GetPath sets the second argument’s pointer value to
the address of the null-terminated character string C:\XYZ. You can access the
character data with:
call module(’SERVICES,GetPath’,1,stgptr);
length path $64;
path = peekclong(stgptr,64);
i = index(path,’00’x);
if i then substr(path,i)=’ ’;
/* path now contains the string */
304 Accessing External DLLs Efficiently 4 Chapter 14
The PEEKCLONG function copies 64 bytes starting at the location referred to by the
pointer in STGPTR. Because you need only the data up to the null terminator (but not
including it), you search for the null terminator with the INDEX function, then blank
out all characters including and after that point.
You can also use the $CSTR format in this scenario to simplify your code slightly:
call module(’SERVICES,GetPath’,1,stgptr);
length path $64;
path = put(peekclong(stgptr,64),$cstr64.);
The $CSTR format accepts as input a character string of a specified width. It looks for
a null terminator and pads the output string with blanks from that point.
For more information, see the PEEKLONG function in SAS Language Reference:
Dictionary and “$CSTRw. Format” on page 309.
In this example, MODULEN parses the attribute table during DATA step compilation.
In the first loop iteration (i=1), FIRST.DLL is loaded and the XYZ routine is accessed
when MODULEN calls for it. Next, SECOND.DLL is loaded and the ABC routine is
accessed. For subsequent loop iterations (starting when i=2), FIRST.DLL and
SECOND.DLL remain loaded, so the MODULEN function simply accesses the XYZ and
ABC routines. SAS unloads both DLLs at the end of the DATA step.
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Grouping SAS Variables as Structure Arguments 305
Note that the attribute table can contain any number of descriptions for routines
that are not accessed for a given step. This process does not cause any additional
overhead (apart from a few bytes of internal memory to hold the attribute descriptions).
In the above example, BBB and DDD are in the attribute table but are not accessed by
the DATA step.
To call these routines using MODULE, you would use the following attribute table
routine GetForegroundWindow
routine GetClientRect
306 Using Constants and Expressions as Arguments to MODULE 4 Chapter 14
The use of the FDSTART option in the ARG statement for argument 2 indicates that
argument 2 and all subsequent arguments are to be gathered together into a single
parameter block.
The output in the log from the PUT statement would look like:
In the above example, the first call to MODULE is correct because the variable x is
updated with what the abc routine returns for the second argument. The second call to
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Specifying Formats and Informats to Use with MODULE Arguments 307
C Language Formats
float FLOAT4.
Note: For information about passing character data other than as pointers to
character strings, see “$BYVALw. Format” on page 310. 4
integer*2 IB2.
integer*4 IB4.
real*4 FLOAT4.
308 Specifying Formats and Informats to Use with MODULE Arguments 4 Chapter 14
character*w $CHARw.
The MODULE routines can support FORTRAN character arguments only if they are
not expected to be passed by descriptor.
The PL/I descriptions are added here for completeness; this action does not
guarantee that you will be able to invoke PL/I routines.
COBOL Format Format/Informat Description
The following COBOL specifications might not properly match with the
Institute-supplied formats because zoned and packed decimal are not truly defined for
systems based on Intel architecture.
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Specifying Formats and Informats to Use with MODULE Arguments 309
COBOL Format Format/Informat Description
The following COBOL specifications do not have true native equivalents and are
usable in conjunction with the corresponding S370Fxxx informat and format, which
allows for IBM mainframe-style representations to be read and written in the PC
$CSTRw. Format
If you pass a character argument as a null-terminated string, use the $CSTRw.
format. This format looks for the last nonblank character of your character argument
and passes a copy of the string with a null terminator after the last nonblank character.
For example, given the attribute table entry:
* attribute table entry;
routine abc minarg=1 maxarg=1;
arg 1 input char format=$cstr10.;
The $CSTR format adds a null terminator to the character string my string before
passing it to the abc routine. This action is equivalent to the following attribute entry:
* attribute table entry;
routine abc minarg=1 maxarg=1;
arg 1 input char format=$char10.;
The first example is easier to understand and easier to use when using variable or
expression arguments.
The $CSTR informat converts a null-terminated string into a blank-padded string of
the specified length. If the DLL routine is supposed to update a character argument,
use the $CSTR informat in the argument attribute.
$BYVALw. Format
When you use a MODULE function to pass a single character by value, the argument
is automatically promoted to an integer. If you want to use a character expression in
the MODULE call, you must use the special format/informat called $BYVALw. The
$BYVALw. format/informat expects a single character and will produce a numeric
value, the size of which depends on w. $BYVAL2. produces a short, $BYVAL4. produces
a long, and $BYVAL8. produces a double. Consider this example using the C language:
long xyz(a,b)
long a; double b;
static char c = ’Y’;
if (a == ’X’)
else if (b == c)
else return(3);
In this example, the xyz routine expects two arguments, a long and a double. If the
long is an X, the actual value of the long is 88 in decimal. This value is because an
ASCII X is stored as hexadecimal 58, and this value is promoted to a long, represented
as 0x00000058 (or 88 decimal). If the value of a is X, or 88, a 1 is returned. If the
second argument, a double, is Y (which is interpreted as 89), then 2 is returned.
Now suppose that you want to pass characters as the arguments to xyz. In C, you
would invoke them as follows:
x = xyz(’X’,(double)’Z’);
y = xyz(’Q’,(double)’Y’);
This action occurs because the X and Q values are automatically promoted to ints (which
are the same as longs for the sake of this example), and the integer values
corresponding to Z and Y are cast to doubles.
To call xyz using the MODULEN function, your attribute table must reflect the fact
that you want to pass characters:
routine xyz minarg=2 maxarg=2 returns=long;
arg 1 input char byvalue format=$byval4.;
arg 2 input char byvalue format=$byval8.;
Note that it is important that the BYVALUE option appear in the ARG statement as
well. Otherwise, MODULEN assumes that you want to pass a pointer to the routine,
instead of a value.
Here is the DATA step that invokes MODULEN and passes it characters:
data _null_;
x = modulen(’xyz’,’X’,’Z’);
put x= ’ (should be 1)’;
y = modulen(’xyz’,’Q’,’Y’);
put y= ’ (should be 2)’;
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Understanding MODULE Log Messages 311
The ’*i’ control string causes the lines shown in Output 14.1 to be printed in the log.
CHR PARM 2 885E0AD0 6368616E6769 (changi)
NUM PARM 3 885E0AE0 0000000000001840
NUM PARM 4 885E07F0
---ROUTINE changi LOADED AT ADDRESS 886119B8 (PARMLIST AT 886033A0)--- PARM 1 06000000 <CALL-BY-VALUE>
PARM 2 88604720
PARM 2 88604720
NUM PARM 4 885E07F0
MODULEIN. The value at the address is hexadecimal 2A69, and the ASCII
representation of that value (’*i’) is in parentheses after the hexadecimal value.
The second parameter is likewise printed. Only these first two arguments have
their ASCII equivalents printed; the equivalents are printed because other
arguments might contain unreadable binary data.
The remaining parameters appear with only hexadecimal representations of
their values (NUM PARM 3 and NUM PARM 4 in the example).
The third parameter to MODULEIN is numeric, and it is at address 885E0AE0.
The hexadecimal representation of the floating point number 6 is shown. The
fourth parameter is at address 885E07F0, which points to an area containing all
the values for the 4x5 matrix. The *i option prints the entire argument; be careful
if you use this option with large matrices because the log might become quite large.
2 The second section of the log lists the arguments to be passed to the requested
routine and, in this case, changed. This section is important for determining if the
arguments are being passed to the routine correctly. The first line of this section
contains the name of the routine and its address in memory. It also contains the
address of the location of the parameter block that MODULEIN created.
The log contains the status of each argument as it is passed. For example, the
first parameter in the example is call-by-value (as indicated in the log). The
second parameter is the address of the matrix. The log shows the address, along
with the data to which it points.
Note that all the values in the first parameter and in the matrix are long
integers because the attribute table states that the format is IB4.
3 In the third section, the log contains the argument values upon return from
changi. The call-by-value argument is unchanged, but the other argument (the
matrix) contains different values.
4 The last section of the log output contains the values of the arguments as they are
returned to the MODULEIN calling routine.
Note that the STACKPOP=CALLED option is used; all Win32 service routines
require this attribute. The first argument is passed by value because it is an input
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Passing Arguments by Value 313
argument only. The second argument is an update argument because the contents of
the buffer are to be updated. The $CSTR200. format allows for a 200-byte character
string that is null-terminated.
Here is the SAS code to invoke the function. In this example, the DLL name
(KERNEL32) is explicitly given in the call (because the MODULE attribute was not
used in the attribute file):
filename sascbtbl "sascbtbl.dat";
data _null_;
length path $200;
n = modulen( ’*i’,
"KERNEL32,GetTempPathA", 199, path );
put n= path=;
The example uses 199 as the buffer length because PATH can hold up to 200
characters with one character reserved for the null terminator. The $CSTR200.
informat ensures that the null-terminator and all subsequent characters are replaced
by trailing blanks when control returns to the DATA step.
Because both arguments are passed by value, the example includes the
CALLSEQ=BYVALUE attribute in the ROUTINE statement, so it is not necessary to
specify the BYVALUE option in each ARG statement.
Here is the sample SAS code used to call the Beep function:
filename sascbtbl ’sascbtbl.dat’;
data _null_;
rc = modulen("*e","Beep",1380,1000);
To use lstrcat, you need to use the SAS PEEKCLONG function to access the data
referenced by the returned pointer. Here is the sample SAS program that accesses
filename sascbtbl ’sascbtbl.dat’;
data _null_;
length string1 string2 conctstr $200;
length charptr $20;
string1 = ’This is’;
string2 = ’ a test!’;
concatstr = peekclong(charptr,200);
put concatstr=;
Upon return from MODULEN, the pointer value is stored in RC. The example uses the
PEEKCLONG function to return the 200 bytes at that location, using the $CSTR200.
format to produce a blank-padded string that replaces the null termination.
For more information about the PEEKLONG functions, see the PEEKCLONG
function and the PEEKLONG function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
Using Structures
“Grouping SAS Variables as Structure Arguments” on page 305 describes how to use
the FDSTART attribute to pass several arguments as one structure argument to a DLL
routine. Refer to that section for an example of the GetClientRect attribute table and C
language equivalent. This example shows how to invoke the GetClientRect function
after defining the attribute table.
The most straightforward method works, but generates a warning message about the
variables not being initialized:
filename sascbtbl ’sascbtbl.dat’;
data _null_;
Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Invoking a DLL Routine from PROC IML 315
call module(’GetClientRect’,hwnd,
put _all_;
To remove the warning, you can use the RETAIN statement to initialize the variables
to 0. Also, you can use shorthand to specify the variable list in the MODULEN
data _null_;
retain left top right bottom 0;
call module(’GetClientRect’,hwnd,
of left--bottom);
put _all_;
Note that the OF keyword indicates that what follows is a list of variables, in this
case delimited by the double-dash. The output in the log varies depending on the active
window and looks something like the following:
HWND=3536768 LEFT=2 TOP=2 RIGHT=400
Special Considerations for SAS/
AF Programmers
Table 15.1 SAS System Options for the Main SAS Window
Option Description
AWSCONTROL Remove system controls such as the title bar, system menu,
and minimize and maximize buttons from the main SAS
AWSDEF Specify the location and dimensions of the main SAS window
when SAS initializes.
AWSMENU Specify whether to display the main SAS window menu bar.
AWSTITLE Specify the text that appears in the title bar of the main SAS
SPLASHLOC Specify the location of the bitmap that contains the splash
screen you want to display when SAS starts.
Table 15.2 SAS Windowing Environment Commands for the Main SAS Window
Option Description
AWSMAXIMIZE Maximizes the main SAS window.
Option Description
COMMAND Controls the appearance of the command bar or dialog box.
DLGCONVERT Invokes the Convert dialog box for a selected OLE object.
DLGOPEN Invokes the Open dialog box for the Program Editor.
FILEOPEN Invokes the Open dialog box for the Enhanced Editor.
TOOLEDIT Invokes the Customize dialog box for toolbars or tool boxes.
WATTACH Toggles whether the contents of the active window are attached
to e-mail that you send through SAS.
WDOCKVIEW Enables dockable windows.
WEMAILFMT Specifies the format (.RTF or .TEXT) of any text window you
attach to an e-mail message.
320 Accessing External DLLs from SAS 4 Chapter 15
Option Description
WHIDECURSOR Suppress display of the cursor.
WMRU Specifies how many filenames to retain in the list under the
File menu.
WNEWTITLE Clears the contents of the active window and removes its title.
WPOPUP Causes the pop-up menu for the active window to appear.
WSTATUSLN Toggles the status bar on or off, and controls the area
WWINDOWBAR Displays the window bar at the bottom of the main SAS
ZOOM Maximizes the active SAS application window.
For complete information about accessing DLLs from within SAS, see Chapter 14,
“Accessing External DLLs from SAS,” on page 297.
For more information about the INITCMD system option, see SAS Language
Reference: Dictionary.
Associating Your Own Logo and Icons with Your SAS/AF Application
You can substitute your own logo screen and icons in place of those icons provided by
322 Incorporating Electronic Mail into Your SAS/AF Application 4 Chapter 15
Note: These procedures involve creating resources for and building your own
dynamic link libraries (DLLs). For more information on creating DLLs, see the
Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit. 4
To display your own logo when SAS starts:
1 Create the logo you want to display and save it either as a Windows bitmap (which
has a BMP file extension), or compile it as resource and build it into a DLL.
2 When you invoke SAS, specify the SPLASHLOC option with the full pathname of
the file that contains your bitmap. If the bitmap is in a DLL, be sure to specify the
resource number as well. The default resource number is 1. For more information,
see “SPLASHLOC System Option” on page 571.
Your logo will display when you start SAS.
To use your own icons with your SAS/AF application:
1 Use the USERICON system option when you start SAS to specify the resource file
that contains the icons you want to include. You must use the Windows software
development tool to compile the resource file. For more information about the
USERICON option, see “USERICON System Option” on page 582.
2 Use SAS/AF software to create a FRAME entry.
3 Select the buttonStyle attribute of the push button to display an icon. You can
select the Large Icon from the iconStyle attributes of the push button to enlarge
the icon.
4 Click the ellipses for the value of the icon attribute for the push button to display
an icon. The Select Icon window will appear. Icon categories are displayed at the
top of the window. Click on the down arrow and then select the User Icons
category. The user-defined icons from your resource file will be displayed. Select
an icon for your push button.
Chapter 19. . . . . . . . .SAS Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 389
Data Set Options under Windows
specifies that SAS activate the scatter-read / gather-write feature for a SAS data set.
The scatter-read / gather-write feature remains active until your SAS session ends.
specifies that SAS not activate the scatter-read/gather-write feature for the SAS data
You can specify the SGIO data set option for any SAS I/O file that is referenced within
your SAS code. If you want most of your SAS I/O to be processed with SGIO, then
specify the SGIO system option and disable SGIO (SGIO=no) for those data sets for
which you do not want SGIO to be active.
326 SGIO Data Set Option 4 Chapter 16
The SGIO data set option specifies that SAS process the data set by using SGIO. The
SGIO system option specifies that all data sets are processed by using SGIO.
Example 1: SGIO Option You can specify the SGIO data set option for any SAS I/O file
that is referenced in a SAS job. This example is a simple case for the DATA step:
data mike(sgio=yes);
input x y z;
1 2 3
SAS Commands under Windows
For more information about issuing commands, see “Issuing SAS Commands” on
page 41.
Specifies how often the Log and Output windows scroll to display output.
Windows specifics: default values
AUTOSCROLL <number-of-lines | PAGE | MAX>
Under Windows, the default value for the AUTOSCROLL command in the OUTPUT
window is 0 (meaning that no output is written to that window while statements are
executing, which provides the best performance). The default value for the LOG
window is half the number of lines of the LOG window when SAS is started.
Scrolling can increase the length of time that SAS takes to run your program. The
less scrolling that the LOG and OUTPUT windows have to do, the faster that your
program will run.
You can also set scrolling options in the Preferences dialog box Advanced page.
330 AWSMAXIMIZE Command 4 Chapter 17
See Also
Maximizes the main SAS window.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the main SAS window between the maximized and the restored state.
maximizes the main SAS window. This option has the same effect as clicking on the
maximize button.
restores the main SAS window to its previous state.
The AWSMAXIMIZE command allows you to enlarge the main SAS window to use the
complete Windows desktop.
Minimizes the main SAS window.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the main SAS window between the minimized and the restored state.
minimizes the main SAS window. This option has the same effect as clicking on the
minimize button.
Commands under Windows 4 CAPS Command 331
restores the main SAS window to its previous state.
Restores the main SAS window to its previous state.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the main SAS window between the maximized and the restored state.
restores the main SAS window to its previous state. This option has the same effect
as selecting Restore from the main SAS window’s title bar menu.
restores the main SAS window to its default state.
You can use either the AWSRESTORE command or the AWSMAXIMIZE command to
toggle the main SAS window between maximized and its previous state.
CAPS Command
specifies whether to write uppercase characters.
Windows specifics: all
The CAPS command changes the case for text not yet entered or for text modified in a
Under Windows, characters are translated to uppercase when you move the cursor
off the line or when you press ENTER.
332 COLOR Command 4 Chapter 17
See Also
COLOR Command
specifies the color and highlighting of selected portions of a window.
Windows specifics: affected window components
COLOR field-type <color | NEXT < highlight>>
specifies the area of the window or the type of text whose color is to be changed.
specifies a color for the window or for selected portions of the window.
changes the color to the next available color. The value of NEXT is based on the most
recent color entered. The order of the colors depends on your monitor.
specifies the highlighting attribute.
Under Windows, you cannot use the COLOR command to change the colors of the
following display components: border, menu bar, pop-up menu background, and title
bar. Use the Windows Control Panel to change the colors of these display components.
In addition, the HIGHLIGHT and BLINK highlight attributes are not supported for
any Windows window component.
See Also
Specifies the options for the command bar.
Windows specifics: valid options
COMMAND <<WINDOW <“title”> | BAR
no arguments
toggles the command line on and off for the active window.
WINDOW <"title">
specifies to display the command bar as a separate window that can be moved
anywhere on the desktop. The "title" argument is optional and must be enclosed in
double quotes. When you specify title, the command window appears with title as the
specifies to display the command bar in a stationary location, underneath the menu
specifies how you want SAS to sort the commands in the command bar drop-down
list. You can sort commands in the order that you most commonly use them (MCU)
or that you most recently used them (MRU).
You must specify the WINDOW or BAR argument in the command before
specifying the SORT argument.
specifies to place the window focus in the command bar.
specifies the maximum number of commands to “remember” in the command bar
drop- down list. Valid values are 0 through 50.
You must specify the WINDOW or BAR argument in the command before
specifying the MAX argument.
specifies whether the command bar attempts to match the command that is being
typed with commands that were previously typed.
You must specify the WINDOW or BAR argument in the command before
specifying the SORT argument.
specifies to close the command bar.
You can set some of these options by using the Customize Tools dialog box. However,
you can specify a title for the Command window only by using this command.
If you issue COMMAND FOCUS when the command bar is closed
334 CUT Command 4 Chapter 17
3 The command bar is opened in the state that it was in before it was closed, either
docked to the main SAS window or undocked as a separate window.
3 The window focus is placed in the command bar.
See Also
CUT Command
Cuts selected text from a window.
Windows specifics: supported options
cuts the most recently marked text and unmarks all other marks when more than
one area of text is marked. To cut one area of text when more than one mark exists,
you must use either the LAST or the ALL argument.
cuts all current marks when more than one area of text is marked.
The CUT command removes marked text from the current window and stores it in the
Windows clipboard.
Under Windows, the APPEND and BUFFER= options are not supported for the CUT
See Also
Opens the About SAS System dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 DLGCOLUMNSIZE Command 335
To access the About SAS System dialog box from the menus, select the Help menu and
then select About SAS System.
Opens the Change Folder dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
From the Change Folder dialog box, you can select a new working folder.
See Also
Opens the Columns Settings dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
When a SAS window contains a List view with details, you can specify the size of a
column in pixels using the Columns Settings dialog box. An example of a window that
can be a List view is the SAS Explorer window.
336 DLGCOLUMNSORT Command 4 Chapter 17
See Also
Opens the Sort Columns dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
When a SAS window contains a List view, you can sort the columns using the Sort
Columns dialog box. An example of a window that can be a List view is the SAS
Explorer window.
See Also
Opens the Convert dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
You can use this command from the SAS/AF BUILD window with an OLE object
selected. The Convert dialog box lets you convert the selected OLE object from one type
to another, with the available types depending on what the OLE server application
supports for that object.
See Also
Opens the Exit dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Exit dialog box prompts you to confirm that you want to exit SAS. If you select OK in
the dialog box, the SAS session ends. If Confirm exit is not selected in the Preferences
dialog box General tabbed page, SAS closes when you enter the DLGENDR command.
See Also
Opens the Find dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Find dialog box allows you to search for text strings.
See Also
Opens the Fonts dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
338 DLGLIB Command 4 Chapter 17
The Fonts Selection dialog box allows you to dynamically change the SAS windowing
environment font.
DLGLIB Command
Opens the Libraries dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Libraries dialog box lets you define or modify SAS libraries. The DLGLIB
command is supported for compatibility with previous releases.
You can use the SAS Explorer window to browse or assign SAS libraries.
See Also
3 SAS Help and Documentation for more information about using the SAS Explorer
window to manage SAS libraries
Opens the Links dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The DLGLINKS command opens the Links dialog box, allowing you to update a linked
Commands under Windows 4 DLGOPEN Command 339
See Also
Opens the Open dialog box for the default editor.
Windows specifics: all
no arguments
opens the Open dialog box with the default settings
LONGFILTER=“filters” | FILTER=’filters’
LONGFILTER=“filters” specifies one or more file filters to use as search criteria for
displaying files in the Open dialog box. The first filter in the argument list is the
default filter and is used as the search criteria. All of the filters in the argument list
are added to the list of filters in the Files of type: combo box. To search for
additional file types, you would select another filter from the Files of type: combo
You must enclose the filter list in double quotation marks. Note that you can
specify long filenames that include spaces and single quotes. Separate each filter
that you specify with a vertical bar (|). For example, if you specify
dlgopen longfilter="*.text|*.Bob’s work|*.*XX"
the dialog box displays all files in the current folder that have .text as their file
extension, and the dialog box adds *.text, *.Bob’s work and *.XX to the Files of
type: combo box.
Note: When you are using the DLGOPEN command in the DM statement, do not
use single quotation marks as part of a longfilter. The DM statement requires single
quotation marks around the command it submits. A single quotation mark in the
longfilter indicates to the DM statement the end of the command. 4
FILTER=’filters’ specifies one or more file filters to use as search criteria for
displaying files in the Open dialog box. The first filter in the argument list is the
default filter and is used as the search criteria. All of the filters in the argument list
are added to the list of filters in the Files of type: combo box. To search for
additional file types, you would select another filter from the Files of type: combo
box. You must enclose the filter list quotation marks. Separate multiple lists with a
space. For example, if you specify
dlgopen filter=’*.bak *.txt’
the dialog box displays all files in the current folder that have a .BAK file extension,
and adds both *.BAK and *.TXT to the Files of Type: combo box.
Note: The difference between LONGFILTER=“filters” and FILTER=’filters’ is the
use of spaces and quotation marks. Use LONGFILTER=“filters” if filters contain
340 DLGOPEN Command 4 Chapter 17
spaces and single quotation marks. If you use FILTER=’filters’, filters cannot contain
spaces and single quotation marks. 4
replaces the filter list with the specified filters instead of concatenating the list with
the default filters. This option is valid only when you specify the LONGFILTER= or
FILTER= argument as well. For example, the command
dlgopen longfilter="*.txt" replace
will load the Files of type: box with the *.TXT specification (instead of the
default file types).
specifies whether the Submit check box is checked when the dialog box opens. By
default, the Submit check box (which indicates that the contents of the opened file
should be immediately submitted as a SAS program) is not checked. To automatically
submit a file when it is opened, select Submit contents of file opened from the
Preferences dialog box General page.
invokes the Import dialog box, allowing you to import graphics files into your SAS
session. For more information on importing graphics, see “Importing a Graphics File
from within a SAS/GRAPH Window” on page 191.
verifies whether the active window contains a File menu with an Open item. If it
does, the Open dialog box invokes the Open item command instead of invoking the
default INCLUDE command.
The VERIFY argument is not valid when specified with ALTCMD or IMPORT.
specifies a command to be applied to the file that is selected from the Open dialog
box. For example, the command
dlgopen altcmd=’x’ longfilter="*.bat"
allows you to select a DOS batch file, which is then run in a DOS shell. The
INCLUDE command is the default command.
The Open dialog box enables you to open files in the default editor. The default editor is
determined from the Use Enhanced Editor option on the Preferences dialog box Edit
tabbed page. If this option is selected, the Enhanced Editor is the default editor.
Otherwise, the Program Editor is the default editor.
To access the Open dialog box from the menus, select the File menu and then select
See Also
Opens the Page Setup dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Page Setup dialog box allows you to define page attributes such as paper size,
source, orientation, and margins.
See Also
Opens the Preferences dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Preferences dialog box allows you to configure your SAS session to accommodate
the way that you like to work.
See Also
DLGPRT Command
Opens the Print dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
342 DLGPRTPREVIEW Command 4 Chapter 17
no argument
prints the active window with the default print settings.
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints the active window as a bitmap.
uses the Print dialog box to issue a command other than PRINT.
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints the main SAS window as a bitmap.
allows only bitmap printing from the Print dialog box.
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints the contents of the Windows clipboard as
a bitmap.
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints the contents of the Windows clipboard as
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints using the default settings.
prevents the user from specifying a source (application window) from which to print.
suppresses the Print dialog box and prints the entire screen as a bitmap.
checks whether the active application window supports text printing (whether the
File menu contains a Print item). If it does not, the Print dialog box allows only
bitmap printing.
The Print dialog box allows you to print the contents of the active window.
See Also
Invokes the Print Preview window.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 DLGPRTSETUP Command 343
checks whether the active application window supports printing (that is, whether the
File menu contains a Print item). If it does not, the Print Preview window will not
be displayed. You can still print these windows as bitmaps. Preview the output by
issuing the DLGPRT VERIFY command and then clicking Preview.
Not all SAS application windows support the Print Preview feature.
See Also
Opens the Print Setup dialog box or programmatically sets printer settings.
Windows specifics: all
sets the default page orientation for the current printer. The orient parameter is to
support backward compatibility of SAS. The preferred method to specify the
orientation is with the ORIENTATION system option.
suppresses the display of the Print Setup dialog box. This option is intended to be
used only when you use other options to explicitly set printer settings.
The Print Setup dialog box allows you to name the printer to which you want to print,
specify that you want to use SAS forms to print, and to access dialog boxes that control
how SAS prints information, such as paper orientation, margins, and fonts.
See Also
Opens the Replace dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Replace dialog box allows you to find a text string and replace it with another text
See Also
DLGRUN Command
Opens the Run dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The Run dialog box allows you to start another application from within SAS. For
example, if you typed excel.exe in the Command line: field of the Run dialog box,
Microsoft Excel would open.
Opens the Save As dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 DLGSAVE Command 345
no arguments
opens the Save As dialog box with the default settings.
LONGFILTER=“filters” | FILTER=’filters’
LONGFILTER=“filters” specifies one or more file filters to use as search criteria for
displaying files in the Save as dialog box. The first filter in the argument list is the
default filter and is used as the search criteria. All of the filters in the argument list
are added to the list of filters in the Files of type: combo box. To search for
additional file types, you would select another filter from the Files of type: combo
You must enclose the filter in double quotation marks. Note that you can specify
long filename extensions that include spaces and single quotes, and each filter that
you specify must be separated by a vertical bar (|). For example, if you specify
dlgsave longfilter="*.text|*.Bob’s work|*.**XX"
the dialog box displays all files in the current folder that have .TEXT as their file
extension, and the dialog box adds *.text, *.Bob’s work, and *.**XX to the Files of
type: combo box.
Note: When you are using the DLGSAVE command in the DM statement, do not
use single quotation marks as part of a longfilter. The DM statement requires single
quotation marks around the command it submits. A single quotation mark in the
longfilter indicates to the DM statement the end of the command. 4
FILTER=’filters’ specifies one or more file filters to use as search criteria for
displaying files in the Open dialog box. The first filter in the argument list is the
default filter and is used as the search criteria. All of the filters in the argument list
are added to the list of filters in the Files of type: combo box. To search for
additional file types, you would select another filter from the Files of type: combo
box. You must enclose the filter list in quotation marks. Separate multiple lists with
a space. For example, if you specify
dlgsave filter=’*.bak *.txt’
the dialog box displays all files in the current folder that have a .BAK file extension,
and the dialog box adds both *.BAK and *.TXT to the Files of type: combo box.
Note: The difference between LONGFILTER=“filters” and FILTER=’filters’ is that
with LONGFILTER=“filters” you can use spaces and quotes in the filters, where in
FILTER=’filters’ you cannot use spaces and quotes. 4
replaces the filter list with the specified filters instead of concatenating the list with
the default filters. This option is valid only when you specify the LONGFILTER= or
FILTER= arguments as well. For example, the command
dlgsave longfilter="*.txt" replace
will load the Files of type: combo box with only the *.TXT specification (instead
of the default file types).
invokes the Export dialog box, allowing you to export graphics files from your SAS
session. For more information about the Export dialog box, see “Exporting Graphics
for Use with Other Applications” on page 192.
346 DLGSMAIL Command 4 Chapter 17
does not prompt the user to replace or append an existing file.
verifies whether the active window contains a File menu with a Save item. If it does,
the Save As dialog box invokes the Save item instead of the default FILE command.
The VERIFY argument is not valid when specified with ALTCMD or EXPORT.
specifies the command to be applied to the file that is selected from the Save As
dialog box. For example, the command
dlgsave altcmd=’prtfile’
sets the file selected from the Save As dialog box as the current print file. The FILE
command is the default command.
The Save As dialog box lets you save the contents of the active window to a file. To
access the Save As dialog box from the menus, select the File menu and then select
Save As.
See Also
Opens the Send Mail dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
The DLGSMAIL command opens the e-mail dialog box based on the value of the
EMAILDLG system option. If the value of the EMAILDLG option is sas, the
DLGSMAIL opens the Send Mail dialog box. If the value of the EMAILDLG option is
native, the DLGSMAIL opens the MAPI-compliant e-mail dialog box.
See Also
FILE Command
Writes the contents of the current window to an external file.
Windows specifics: valid options
FILE file-specification <ENCODING=’encoding-value’>< portable-options>
specifies a valid Windows external file specification, such as a fileref, a file shortcut, a
Windows filename that is enclosed in quotation marks, an environment variable, or
an unquoted filename that resides in the current directory.
specifies the encoding to use when writing to the output file. The value for
ENCODING= indicates that the output file has a different encoding from the current
session encoding.
When you write data to the output file, SAS transcodes the data from the session
encoding to the specified encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
specifies one or more portable options, which are documented under the FILE
command in SAS Help and Documentation.
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8192. The maximum is 1 megabyte.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
controls the record format. Under Windows, the following values are valid:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
348 FILEOPEN Command 4 Chapter 17
The FILE command writes the entire contents of the active window to an external file
without removing text from the window.
If you do not specify a file-specification, then SAS uses the filename from the previous
FILE or INCLUDE command. In this case, SAS first asks you if you want to overwrite
the file. If you have not issued any FILE or INCLUDE commands, you receive an error
message indicating no default file exists.
In the Enhanced Editor, if the filename is eight characters or less, the file extension
of .SAS is appended to file-specification. No extension is appended for a file-specification
longer than eight characters.
See Also
Opens the Open dialog box for the Enhanced Editor or opens a file in the Enhanced Editor.
Windows specifics all
FILEOPEN <“file specification”>
“file specification”
specifies a valid Windows path, filename, and file extension. If the file resides in the
current working folder, the path is not required.
The Open dialog box opens if you do not include a file-specification on the FILEOPEN
command. If the FILEOPEN command does include a file-specification, the Open dialog
box is bypassed and the file opens in the Enhanced Editor. You must include single or
double quotation marks around the specified file.
Commands under Windows 4 GSUBMIT Command 349
Note: To open a file in the Program Editor, use the DLGOPEN command. 4
See Also
FILL Command
Specifies the fill character.
Windows specifics: default character
FILL fill-character
specifies the character to be used to fill out a line.
The fill characters are placed beginning at the current cursor position. Under Windows,
the default fill character is an underscore (_).
See Also
Submits SAS code stored in the Windows clipboard.
Windows specifics: valid value for paste-buffer-name
GSUBMIT BUF=paste-buffer-name | “SAS-statement-1;...SAS-statement-n;”
Under Windows, if the paste-buffer-name argument is specified, it must be DEFAULT.
The Windows clipboard is the default paste buffer.
SAS statements in the Windows clipboard will not be submitted using the GSUBMIT
command if a procedure that you submitted using the Enhanced Editor is still running.
350 HOME Command 4 Chapter 17
You can copy the SAS statements to a new Enhanced Editor window and then submit
See Also
HOME Command
Moves the cursor position from the current position to the home position.
Windows specifics: keyboard equivalent
Under Windows, the HOME command is equivalent to the HOME key on your
keyboard, which moves your cursor between the last cursor position and the home
position in the window. If the Command line displays in the window, the home position
is the Command line.
You can also define a function key to execute the CURSOR command, which positions
the cursor at the home position in the window but has no toggle effect.
See Also
ICON Command
Minimizes the active window.
Windows specifics: all
ICON <ALL>, < ON>, < OFF>
no argument
specifies that the active window be minimized.
specifies that all windows except the main SAS window be minimized.
Commands under Windows 4 INCLUDE Command 351
specifies that the active window be minimized.
specifies that the active window be restored to its previous state.
If the window bar is active, the ICON command minimizes windows to the window bar.
Otherwise, windows are minimized to the application workspace.
The ICON command (no options) works as a toggle.
Note: Do not confuse this command with the ICON system option, which minimizes
the main SAS window. 4
See Also
Copies the entire content of an external file into the current window.
INCLUDE file-specification <ENCODING=’encoding-value’><portable-options>
specifies a valid Windows external file specification, such as a fileref, a file shortcut, a
Windows filename that is enclosed in quotation marks, an environment variable, or
an unquoted filename that resides in the current directory.
specifies the encoding to use when reading from the external file. The value for
ENCODING= indicates that the external file has a different encoding from the
current session encoding.
When you read data from an external file, SAS transcodes the data from the
specified encoding to the session encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
specifies one or more portable options, which are documented under the INCLUDE
command in SAS Help and Documentation.
352 INCLUDE Command 4 Chapter 17
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8K. The maximum is 1M.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange. This option enables you to
use nontab character delimiters between variables. For more information on this
option, see “Using the NOTAB Option with DDE” on page 281.
controls the record format. Under Windows, the following values are valid:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
S370VB indicates the variable block S370 record format (VB).
S370VBS indicates the variable block with spanned records S370 record
format (VBS).
V|D indicates variable format. This value is the default.
The INCLUDE command copies the entire contents of an external file into the active
If you do not specify a file-specification, then SAS uses the filename from the previous
FILE or INCLUDE command. If you have not issued any FILE or INCLUDE
commands, you receive an error message indicating no default file exists.
In the Enhanced Editor, if the filename is eight characters or less, the file extension
of .SAS is appended to file-specification. No extension is appended for a file-specification
longer than eight characters.
See Also
3 For an example of using some of these options, see “Advanced External I/O
Techniques” on page 162.
PMENU Command
Toggles the command line in the SAS application windows on and off.
no argument
toggles the command lines on and off.
turns the command lines off.
turns the command lines on.
Under the Windows operating environment, the menus are always enabled. Use can
use either the PMENU command or the COMMAND command to specify whether you
want the command line to display in SAS windows.
See Also
SAVE Command
Writes the entire contents of the Enhanced Editor, Program Editor, Log, Output, Notepad, and Keys
windows to a catalog entry.
SAVE < catalog-entry><ATTR> <TABS> <APPEND | REPLACE>
354 STORE Command 4 Chapter 17
(no argument)
writes the contents of the window to the catalog entry that was most recently
specified in a COPY or SAVE command during the current SAS session.
specifies the four-level name.
stores attributes with the entry.
compresses spaces as tabs during storage instead of storing the file with the default
appends the contents of the window to the contents of the catalog entry. When it is
specified, this catalog entry becomes the default until another catalog entry is
replaces the contents of the catalog entry with the contents of the window. Once
specified, this replacement becomes the default until another catalog entry is
STORE Command
Copies selected text or graphics to the Windows clipboard.
Windows specifics: valid options; not supported by the Enhanced Editor
copies only the most recently marked text and unmarks all other marks when more
than one area of text is marked. To store one area of text when more than one mark
exists, you must use either the LAST or ALL argument.
stores all current marks when more than one area of text has been marked.
The STORE command copies marked text or graphics in the active window and stores
the copy in the Windows clipboard.
The APPEND and BUFFER= options are not supported under Windows for the
STORE command.
See Also
SUBTOP Command
Submits the first n lines of a SAS program for processing.
Windows specifics: valid in the Enhanced Editor and the Program Editor
no argument
specifies to submit only the top line of the program for processing.
specifies to submit the first n lines of the program for processing.
When the Clear text on submit check box is selected in the Enhanced Editor
Options dialog box, all of the submitted lines are deleted from the window when you
issue the SUBTOP command.
See Also
Closes the application toolbar or toolbox.
Windows specifics: all
Use the TOOLCLOSE command to close the toolbar or toolbox.
356 TOOLEDIT Command 4 Chapter 17
Opens the Customize Tools dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
TOOLEDIT <library.catalog.entry>
no argument
edits the currently loaded set of tools.
specifies the TOOLBOX entry you want to edit.
The TOOLEDIT command invokes the Customize Tools dialog box with the TOOLBOX
entry specified by library.catalog.entry. If a TOOLBOX entry is not specified, the
currently loaded set of tools is used.
See Also
Toggles the size of the toolbar or toolbox buttons.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the size of the toolbar or toolbox buttons between large and normal.
sets the size of the toolbar or toolbox buttons too large.
sets the size of the toolbar or toolbox buttons to normal.
The TOOLLARGE command toggles the size of the toolbar buttons between normal and
large. You might find the large buttons easier to use with high-resolution displays.
Commands under Windows 4 TOOLLOAD Command 357
See Also
Loads a specific toolbox.
Windows specifics: all
TOOLLOAD <WINDOW> <BOX | BAR> <libref.catalog.member>
no arguments
loads the toolbar for the active window. The tools are displayed as a toolbar or
toolbox, depending on the setting in the Customize tools dialog box.
associates the toolbox entry you specify with the active window, so that the particular
set of tools that you load apply only to that window. This association lasts until you
close the window. If you reopen the window later, the window will revert to its
default toolbar.
If the WINDOW option is not specified on the TOOLLOAD command, the toolbar
or toolbox that is loaded applies to all windows that do not have a specific toolset
definition stored for them in the Sasuser.Profile catalog. Such specific toolsets must
be named to match the window. For example, the Explorer window toolset is named
Sasuser.Profile.Explorer. If the WINDOW option is not specified, the toolset
definition will persist throughout the current SAS session regardless of how many
times a particular window is closed and reopened.
controls whether the icons are displayed as a toolbox in a separate window or as a
toolbar integrated with the main SAS window.
specifies the catalog entry to load. TOOLBOX is the default catalog entry type.
After the TOOLLOAD command is processed, the specified toolbox is the active toolbox.
See Also
Toggles the tool switching feature on and off.
Windows specifics: all
automatically loads the toolbar (if one is defined) for the active window.
uses the default toolbar (Sasuser.Profile.Toolbox) for all windows unless you explicitly
load another one.
The TOOLSWITCH command allows you to switch between a toolbar defined for the
active window and the SAS default toolbar.
See Also
Toggles the Tooltips feature.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the Tooltips feature on and off.
turns the Tooltips feature on.
turns the Tooltips feature off.
Tooltips are the helpful cues that appear over toolbar or toolbox buttons, (and over some
other controls in the main SAS window) as you position the mouse pointer over them.
Commands under Windows 4 WATTACH Command 359
The TOOLTIPS command specifies whether the Tooltips text is displayed when you
move the cursor over an icon in the toolbox or some other control. If you do not specify
ON or OFF, the TOOLTIPS command toggles the text on and off, depending on the
current setting.
Note: Do not confuse Tooltips with ScreenTips. ScreenTips display helpful cues for
the status bar, the window bar, and tabs in the main SAS window. 4
See Also
Toggles whether the contents of the active window are attached to an electronic mail message that
you initiate using SAS.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the attach mode on and off
specifies to attach the active window
specifies to not attach the active window
If you specify ON, the contents of the active window are sent as an attached file. For
text windows, the format is either text or RTF (as determined by the WEMAILFMT
command or the Preferences dialog box settings). Graphic windows are sent as
Windows bitmap (BMP) files.
You can also toggle this setting in the Preferences dialog box General page.
See Also
Displays the Tasking Manager window, which allows you to select which SAS process to terminate.
Windows specifics: all
The WATTENTION command allows you to select a SAS process to terminate. This
action is the equivalent of pressing CTRL + Break.
Controls how often SAS automatically saves work in the SAS editor windows.
Windows specifics: all
no arguments
turns the autosave feature on and resets the autosave timer (so that work will
automatically be saved after the defined time interval).
specifies to turn the autosave feature on or off.
saves work every certain number of minutes. The default interval is 10 minutes.
Specify the interval as an integer.
Use the WAUTOSAVE command if you want SAS to automatically save your work more
often or less often than the default interval of every 10 minutes. SAS saves the
Program Editor contents to ’pgm.asv’ in the current working folder or in the folder
specified by the AUTOSAVELOC system option. Contents of the Enhanced Editor
windows are saved to the operating environment temporary folder with the filename of
’Autosave of filename.$AS’. You can also set the autosave feature in the Preferences
dialog box Edit page.
Commands under Windows 4 WCOPY Command 361
See Also
Opens the web browser specified in the preferences dialog box.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
invokes the preferred web browser as defined in the Preferences dialog box Web page.
specifies a URL ( which contains the server and path
information needed to find a document on the Internet or on a local intranet.
By default, the WBROWSE command invokes the default web browser, which displays
SAS Institute’s home page ( If you specify a URL then that location is
displayed instead. Note that you must enclose the URL in double quotations. The
default page the web browser opens can be changed in the Preferences dialog box Web
See Also
WCOPY Command
Copies the marked contents of the active window to the Windows clipboard.
Windows specifics: all
WCOPY is intended to be used with the toolbar commands. When you enter the
WCOPY command and the active window is a text window, the active window’s menu is
362 WCUT Command 4 Chapter 17
searched for a COPY item. If there is a COPY item, the marked contents is copied to
the Windows clipboard. If there is no COPY item, WCOPY will execute the STORE
See Also
WCUT Command
Moves the marked contents of the active window to the Windows clipboard.
Windows specifics: all
WCUT is intended to be used with the toolbar commands and is valid only when the
active window is an editor window, such as the PROGRAM EDITOR window. When you
enter the WCUT command, the active window’s menu is searched for a CUT item. If
there is a CUT item, the marked contents of the active window are moved to the
Windows clipboard. If there is no CUT item, WCUT will execute the CUT command.
See Also
Toggles the Docking View on and off.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the Docking View on and off.
turns the Docking View on.
Commands under Windows 4 WDOCKVIEWRESIZE Command 363
turns the Docking View off
The Docking View allows for easy navigation within the main SAS window. When the
Docking View is enabled, windows that can be docked (integrated with the main SAS
window) such as the SAS Explorer and Results windows, display on the left side of the
main SAS window. When you click on an item in a docked window that opens another
window, such as the output from a procedure listed in the Results window, the window
opens on the right side of the main SAS window. You navigate between docked windows
using tabs.
See Also
Minimizes the Docking View window.
Windows specifics: all
WDOCKVIEWMINIMIZE minimizes the Docking View window.
See Also
Start Resize mode for moving the Docking View split bar.
Windows specifics: all
364 WDOCKVIEWRESTORE Command 4 Chapter 17
When you type WDOCKVIEWRESIZE in the command bar, SAS starts a resize mode.
In Resize mode, you can move the Docking View split bar either by using the mouse or
by using the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard. When you press the Ctrl key
followed by either the left or right arrow keys, the amount of space that the split bar
moves is increased. To end Resize mode, press Enter.
You can also start the Docking View Resize mode by typing Alt + W + S or by
selecting Window I Size Docking View
See Also
Restores the Docking View window from the task bar.
Windows specifics: all
WDOCVIEWRESTORE restores the Docking View window to the left side of the main
SAS window.
See Also
WEDIT Command
Opens an Enhanced Editor window and also enables or disables the Enhanced Editor.
Windows specifics: all
WEDIT <“filename”> <USE|NOUSE>
Commands under Windows 4 WEMAILFMT Command 365
no argument
opens an Enhanced Editor window.
specifies the name of a file to open in the Enhanced Editor. The filename should be in
double quotation marks. If specified, filename must be the first argument.
specifies to enable the Enhanced Editor and to open an Enhanced Editor window.
specifies to disable the Enhanced Editor. An Enhanced Editor window is not opened.
When you use the WEDIT command to enable the Enhanced Editor, the Use Enhanced
Editor check box is selected in the Edit page of the Preferences dialog box. Similarly,
when you use the WEDIT command to disable the Enhanced Editor, the Use Enhanced
Editor check box is deselected.
See Also
Specifies the format to use when attaching the contents of a text window to an electronic mail
Windows specifics: all
attaches the contents of the current SAS text window as a plain text file.
attaches the contents of the current SAS text window as a rich text format (RTF) file.
If the current SAS window contains graphics, the contents of the windows are
automatically attached as a Windows bitmap file.
When you use the WEMAILFMT command, the Mail current window as
attachment check box is updated in the General tabbed page of the Preferences dialog
366 WEXITSAVE Command 4 Chapter 17
See Also
Toggles saving your settings when you exit SAS.
Window specifics: all
no argument
toggles the saving of your settings when you exit SAS.
saves your settings when you exit SAS.
does not save your settings when you exit SAS.
You can also toggle this setting in the Preferences dialog box General page.
See Also
WFILE Command
Saves the contents of the active window.
Windows specifics: all
The WFILE command saves the contents of the active window to a file.
Commands under Windows 4 WHSBAR Command 367
See Also
Suppresses the display of the cursor in SAS windows that do not allow text input.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles between hiding and displaying the cursor.
hides the cursor.
displays the cursor.
The WHIDECURSOR command inhibits the display of the default text cursor in
windows that do not allow text input, such asSAS/EIS and SAS/AF software. You can
also toggle the WHIDECURSOR setting in the Preferences dialog box Advanced page.
See Also
WHSBAR Command
Toggles the horizontal scroll bars on and off.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the horizontal scroll bars on and off.
368 WINSERT Command 4 Chapter 17
displays the horizontal scroll bars.
hides the horizontal scroll bars.
You can also toggle this setting in the Preferences dialog box View page.
See Also
Toggles insert mode on and off.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the insert mode on and off.
enables the insert mode.
enables the overstrike mode.
You can also toggle this setting by pressing the INSERT key on your keyboard or by
modifying the Overtype mode option in the Preferences dialog box Edit tabbed page.
See Also
Toggles the pop-up menus in the SAS application windows on and off.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 WMRU Command 369
no argument
toggles the pop-up menus on and off.
turns the pop-up menus on.
turns the pop-up menus off.
By default, the pop-up menus are on. You can access the pop-up menu for a window by
clicking the right mouse button inside the window client area.
When used with the -NOAWSMENU system option, this command makes all menu
selections unavailable to the user. This technique can be useful when developing
SAS/AF applications in which you want to restrict the actions of the end user.
See Also
WMRU Command
Retains the names of the most recently used files in the File menu.
Windows specifics: all
WMRU <<ON> <NUM=number-of-filenames><CASCADE>>| <OFF>
no arguments
toggles the file list on and off.
ON NUM=number-of-filenames
turns the file list on and maintains number-of-filenames filenames in the list. The
number-of-filenames argument can be an integer from 1 to 30. If you omit
number-of-filenames, the last number specified for the most recently used files is used.
specifies that the most recently used files list can be accessed from the File menu
Recent Files submenu.
turns the file list off.
370 WNAVKEYUNMARK Command 4 Chapter 17
When you open or save a file using the Open or Save As dialog boxes, SAS adds the
filename to the recently used file list in the File menu or the Recent Files submenu.
You can open a recently used file in a SAS editor window by making the editor the
active window and selecting its name from the File menu or the Recent Files
submenu. By default, SAS retains four filenames in the list.
You can also configure these settings in the Preferences dialog box General page.
See Also
Toggles the setting for enabling unmarking of text using navigational keys.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the Enable unmarking with navigation keys setting on and off.
turn the Enable unmarking with navigation keys setting on.
turns the Enable unmarking with navigation keys setting off.
You can access the Enable unmarking with navigation keys setting by selecting
Tools I Options I Preferences I Edit.
When the Enable unmarking with navigation keys setting is selected, you can
unmark text by using the up, down, left, and right navigation keys.
See Also
Clears the contents of the active window and removes its title.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 WPASTE Command 371
When you save the contents of a SAS window to a file, SAS assigns the filename as the
title of the window. You can use the WNEWTITLE command to clear the active window
and remove that title (reverting to Untitled).
If used in the LOG or OUTPUT window, this command clears the contents of the
window and changes the name to Untitled. If this command is used in the Program
Editor window, SAS prompts you to save the contents of the window before clearing it
and removing the title. If this command is used in the Enhanced Editor window, SAS
opens a new, untitled, Enhanced Editor window.
Toggles between all Enhanced Editor windows that are currently open.
Windows specifics: all
You can use the WNEXTEDIT command to move between Enhanced Editor windows.
See Also
WPASTE Command
Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the active window.
Windows specifics: all
372 WPGM Command 4 Chapter 17
WPASTE is intended to be used with the toolbar commands. When you enter the
WPASTE command, the active window’s menu is searched for a PASTE item. If there is
a PASTE item and the clipboard contains text, WPASTE will execute as if you selected
PASTE from the menu. If there is no PASTE item, WPASTE will execute the PASTE
See Also
WPGM Command
Changes the active window to the editor window that was most recently edited.
Windows specifics: all
The behavior of the WPGM command depends on the setting of the Use Enhanced
Editor check box. The check box is available from the Edit tab in the Preferences
dialog box. If the Use Enhanced Editor check box is selected and you issue the
WPGM command, the active window becomes the Enhanced Editor window that was
most recently edited. If the Use Enhanced Editor check box is not selected, the active
window becomes the Program Editor.
Issuing the WPGM command repeatedly displays the open Enhanced Editor windows
in the order of the most recently edited window to the least recently edited.
See Also
WPOPUP Command
Causes the pop-up menus for a window to appear.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 WSCREENTIPS Command 373
You can access the pop-up menu for a window by clicking the right mouse button inside
the window client area. By default under Windows, this command is associated with
the right mouse button.
See Also
Saves the contents of the current text window to an RTF file.
Windows specifics: all
is a required argument and can include a file path. If you specify a filename without a
path, the file is saved in the current SAS working folder. The WRTFSAVE command
does not automatically append the .RTF file extension. If you want the resulting
filename to end in .RTF, be sure to include it as part of the filename that you specify.
specifies that if a file with the same filename already exists, that file will be
overwritten without prompting you with a confirmation dialog box.
The WRTFSAVE command saves the contents of the active window in .RTF format. The
contents of the active window must be text. This command performs the same action as
the Save As dialog box when you select .rtf from the Save file as type list.
However, WRTFSAVE saves the file without displaying an intermediate dialog box.
Note: The WRTFSAVE command does not work with the enhanced editor. 4
Toggles the ScreenTips on and off.
Windows specifics: all
374 WSTATUSLN Command 4 Chapter 17
no argument
toggles the ScreenTips on and off.
displays helpful cues for the status bar, window bar and tabs within the main SAS
turns off the ScreenTips.
ScreenTips are the helpful cues that appear over the status bar, window bar and tabs in
the main SAS window as you position the mouse pointer over them.
The WSCREENTIPS command specifies whether the ScreenTips text is displayed
when you move the cursor over the status bar, window bar, or tabs in the main SAS
Note: Do not confuse ScreenTips with ToolTips. ToolTips display helpful cues for
tools. You can also toggle the ScreenTips setting in the Preferences dialog box View
page. 4
See Also
Toggles the status bar on and off, and specifies the area proportions.
Windows specifics: all
WSTATUSLN <ON | OFF> <ALL | MSG< =percent-msg> |
CDIR<=percent-cdir>< CURPOS>>
no arguments
toggles the status bar on and off.
The first argument is optional, but if you specify it, you must include it before the
second group of options:
displays the status bar in its most recent active state. If the status bar includes a
message area, the message lines in the SAS application windows are disabled. ON is
the default setting.
Commands under Windows 4 WUNDO Command 375
turns off the status bar. This action enables the message lines in the SAS application
The second group of arguments is also optional. Note that specifying these options
without specifying the ON option first does not automatically turn the status bar on if it
is currently off.
includes both the message area and the current folder areas on the status bar. If you
do not specify the MSG and CDIR options with percentage values, the status bar
proportions revert to the most recent settings. ALL is the default setting.
includes the message area as part of the status bar. If you specify this option without
the CDIR option, the message area occupies the entire status bar. If you specify a
percentage with this option and with the CDIR option, the message area occupies the
proportion of the line that you specify.
includes the current folder as part of the status bar. If you specify this option
without the MSG option, the current folder area occupies the entire status bar. If you
specify a percentage with this option and with the MSG option, the current folder
area occupies the proportion of the line that you specify.
includes the Enhanced Editor cursor position (line and column) in the status bar
when the Enhanced Editor is the active window.
The WSTATUSLN command specifies whether the status bar of the active window is on
or off and specifies the proportions of the status bar that the message area and the
current folder area occupy. You can also toggle the status bar in the Preferences dialog
box View page.
To display a status bar that is evenly divided between the message display and the
current folder display, issue the following command:
wstatusln on msg=50 cdir=50
See Also
WUNDO Command
Undoes the last CUT, COPY, or PASTE toolbar action.
Windows specifics: all
376 WVSBAR Command 4 Chapter 17
When you enter the WUNDO command, the active window’s menu is searched for an
undo item. If there is an undo item, WUNDO will execute as if you selected UNDO from
the menu. If there is no undo item, WUNDO will execute the UNDO command. Some
windows might not have an undo command.
WVSBAR Command
Toggles the vertical scroll bars on and off.
Windows specifics: all
no argument
toggles the vertical scroll bars on and off.
displays the vertical scroll bars.
hides the vertical scroll bars.
You can also toggle this setting in the Preferences dialog box View page.
See Also
Toggles the window bar on and off.
Windows specifics: all
Commands under Windows 4 X Command 377
no argument
toggles the window bar on or off.
displays the window bar in the main SAS window.
does not display the window bar in the main SAS window.
If the window bar is on, it displays at the bottom of the main SAS window just above
the status bar. SAS windows minimize to the window bar. You can bring a window to
the front by clicking on the window’s button in the window bar. To open a file in an
open application, such as one of the editors, you drag the file to the application’s button
in the window bar (which brings the application to the front) and then drag the file to
the application’s window. When the window bar is off, SAS windows minimize to small
title bars.
You can also turn the window bar on and off using the Preferences dialog box View
See Also
X Command
Enters operating environment mode or allows you to submit a Windows command without ending
your SAS session.
Windows specifics: valid values for command syntax
X <’command ’>;
no argument
open a DOS command window.
specifies the command that you want to execute.
This form of the X command issues one command. The command is passed to the
operating environment and executed. If errors occur, the appropriate error messages
are displayed.
378 ZOOM Command 4 Chapter 17
See Also
ZOOM Command
Maximizes the active window.
Windows specifics: all
maximizes the active window.
returns the active window to the default size.
When you maximize one application window, the SAS windowing environment enters a
maximized mode. As you switch between active windows, each window you select will
be maximized. When you restore one of the application windows to its original size, all
windows are restored.
See Also
SAS Formats under Windows
HEXw. Format
Converts real binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal values.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–16
Default width: 8
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: native floating–point representation
See: HEXw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Formats under Windows 4 IBw.d Format 381
specifies the width of the output field. When you specify a w value of 1 through 15,
the real binary number is truncated to a fixed-point integer before being converted to
hexadecimal notation. When you specify 16 for the w value, the floating-point value
of the number is used; in other words, the number is not truncated.
See Also
$HEXw. Format
Converts character values to hexadecimal values.
Category character
Width range: 1–32767
Default width: 4
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: ASCII character–encoding system
See: $HEXw. in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the width of the output field.
The $HEXw. format is like the HEXw. format in that it converts a character value to
hexadecimal notation, with each byte requiring two columns. Under Windows, the
$HEXw. format produces hexadecimal representations of ASCII codes for characters.
See Also
IBw.d Format
Writes values in integer binary (fixed-point) format.
Category numeric
382 IBw.d Format 4 Chapter 18
specifies the width of the output field in bytes (not digits).
specifies a scaling factor. When you specify a d value, the IBw.d format multiplies
the number by 10 , and then applies the integer binary format to that value.
The IBw.d format converts a double-precision number and writes it as an integer
binary (fixed-point) value. Integers are stored in integer-binary (fixed-point) form.
For more information about microcomputer fixed-point values, see the Intel developer
Web site.
Example 1: Processing a Positive Number If you format 1.0 as the double-precision
number, it is stored as an integer:
01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(Remember, Windows stores binary data in byte-reversed order.) The value written
depends on the w value you specify.
If you specify the IB4. format, you receive the following value:
01 00 00 00
If you specify the IB2. format, you receive the following value:
01 00
Example 2: Processing a Negative Number If you try to format −1 with the IB4.
format, you receive the following value:
If you specify the IB2. format, you receive the following value:
Example 3: Processing a Number That Is Too Large to Format When a numeric value
is too large to format, the result is largest integer value that can be stored in four bytes,
which is 2,147,483,647.
Formats under Windows 4 PDw.d Format 383
See Also
PDw.d Format
Writes values in packed decimal data.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–16
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 1–31
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: How the values are interpreted as negative or positive
See: PDw.d in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the width of the output field in bytes (not digits).
specifies a scaling factor. When you specify a d value, the PDw.d format multiplies
the number by 10 , and then applies the packed decimal format to that value.
The PDw.d format writes double-precision numbers in packed decimal format. In
packed decimal data, each byte contains two digits. The w value represents the number
of bytes, not the number of digits. The value’s sign is in the uppermost bit of the first
byte (although the entire first byte is used for the sign).
384 PIBw.d Format 4 Chapter 18
Example 1: Processing a Positive Number If you format 1143.0 using the PD2.
format, you receive the following value:
00 43
Example 2: Processing a Negative Number If you format −1143.0 using the PD2.
format, you receive the following value:
80 43
If you specify the PD4. format, you receive the following value:
80 00 11 43
Example 3: Processing a Number That Is Too Large To Format When a numeric value
is too large to format, as in this example
data a;
x = 1e308;
y = put(x, PD16.2);
put y = hex16.;
the result is
See Also
PIBw.d Format
Writes values in positive integer-binary (fixed-point) format.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–8
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 0–10
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: native byte-swapped integers
See: PIBw.d in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Formats under Windows 4 RBw.d Format 385
specifies the width of the output field in bytes (not digits).
specifies a scaling factor. When you specify a d value, the PIBw.d format multiplies
the number by 10 , and then applies the positive integer binary format to that value.
The PIBw.d format converts a fixed-point value to an integer binary value. If the
fixed-point value is negative, the PIBw.d format writes the integer representation for −1.
For more information about microcomputer fixed-point values, see the Intel developer
Web site.
Example 1: Processing a Number That Is Too Large To Format When a numeric value
is too large to format, the result is the largest integer value that can be stored in four
bytes, which is 2,147,483,647.
In the following code
data a;
x = 9999999999999999999;
y = put(x, PIB8.);
put y = hex16.;
See Also
RBw.d Format
Writes values real-binary (floating-point) format.
Category numeric
Width range: 2–8
Default width: 4
Decimal range: 0–10
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: native floating–point representation
See: RBw.d in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
386 ZDw.d Format 4 Chapter 18
specifies the width of the output field.
specifies a scaling factor. When you specify a d value, the RBw.d format multiplies
the number by 10 , and then applies the real binary format to that value.
The RBw.d format writes numeric data in real binary (floating-point) notation. Numeric
data for scientific calculations are commonly represented in floating-point notation.
(SAS stores all numeric values in floating-point notation.) A floating-point value
consists of two parts: a mantissa that gives the value and an exponent that gives the
value’s magnitude.
Real binary is the most efficient format for representing numeric values because SAS
already represents numbers this way and no conversion is needed.
For more information about Windows floating-point notation, see the Intel developer
Web site.
Example 1: Processing a Number That Is Too Large To Format When a numeric value
is too large to format, as in this example
data a;
x = 1e308;
y = put(x, RB8.2);
put y = hex16.;
the result is
See Also
ZDw.d Format
Writes zoned decimal data.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–32
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 1–10
Alignment: left
Formats under Windows 4 ZDw.d Format 387
specifies the number of bytes (not the number of digits).
specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric value.
The ZDw.d format writes zoned decimal data. This method is also known as an
overprint trailing numeric format. In the Windows operating environment, the last byte
of the field contains the sign information of the number. The following table gives the
conversion for the last byte.
0 { −0 }
1 A −1 J
2 B −2 K
3 C −3 L
4 D −4 M
5 E −5 N
6 F −6 O
7 G −7 P
8 H −8 Q
9 I −9 R
Example 1: Processing a Number That Is Too Large To Format When a numeric value
is too large to format, as in this example
data a;
x = 1e308;
y = put(x, ZD32.2);
put y = hex16.;
See Also
SAS Functions and CALL
Routines under Windows
BYTE Function
Returns one character in the ASCII collating sequence.
Category: Character
Windows specifics: Uses the ASCII code sequence
See: BYTE Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies an integer that represents a specific ASCII character. The value of n can
range from 0 to 255.
If the BYTE function returns a value to a variable that has not yet been assigned a
length, by default the variable is assigned a length of 1.
Because Windows is an ASCII system, the BYTE function returns the nth character
in the ASCII collating sequence. The value of n can range from 0 to 255.
Any programs using the BYTE function with characters above ASCII 127 (the
hexadecimal notation is ’7F’x) can return a different value when used on a PC from
another country as characters above ASCII 127 are national characters and they vary
from country to country.
CALL SOUND(frequency,duration);
specifies the sound frequency in terms of cycles per second. The frequency must be at
least 20 and no greater than 20,000.
specifies the sound duration in milliseconds. The default is -1.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 CALL SYSTEM Routine 391
Example 1: Producing a Tone The following statement produces a tone of frequency
523 cycles per second (middle C) lasting 2 seconds:
data _null_;
call sound(523,2000);
CALL SYSTEM(command);
can be any of the following:
3 an operating system command enclosed in quotes or the name of a Windows
application that is enclosed in quotes.
3 an expression whose value is an operating system command or the name of a
Windows application.
3 the name of a character variable whose value is an operating system command
or the name of a Windows application.
If you are running SAS interactively, the command executes in a command prompt
window. By default, you must type exit to return to your SAS session.
Note: The CALL SYSTEM function is not available if SAS is started with
The CALL SYSTEM routine is similar to the X command. However, the CALL
SYSTEM routine is callable and can therefore be executed conditionally.
The values of the XSYNC and XWAIT system options affect how the CALL SYSTEM
routine works.
392 CALL SYSTEM Routine 4 Chapter 19
This example uses the value of the variable FLAG to conditionally create directories.
After the DATA step executes, three directories have been created: C:\MYDIR,
C:\JUNK2, and C:\XYZ. The directory C:\MYDIR2 is not created because the value of
FLAG for that observation is not Y.
The X command is a global SAS statement. Therefore, it is important to realize that
you cannot conditionally execute the X command. For example, if you submit the
following code, the X statement is executed:
data _null_;
if upcase(answer)=’y’ then
x ’md c:\extra’;
In this case, the directory C:\EXTRA is created regardless of whether the value of
ANSWER is equal to ’n’ or ’y’.
Example 2: Obtaining a Directory Listing You can use the CALL SYSTEM routine to
obtain a directory listing:
data _null_;
call system(’dir /w’);
In this example, the /W option for the DIR command instructs Windows to print the
directory in the wide format instead of a vertical list format.
See Also
COLLATE Function
Returns an ASCII collating sequence character string.
Category: Character
Windows specifics: Uses the ASCII code sequence
See: COLLATE Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
COLLATE (start-position<,end-position>)|(start-position<,,length >)
specifies the numeric position in the collating sequence of the first character to be
specifies the numeric position in the collating sequence of the last character to be
specifies the number of characters in the returned collating sequence.
The COLLATE function returns a string of ASCII characters that range in value from 0
to 255. The string that is returned by the COLLATE function begins with the ASCII
character that is specified by the start-position argument. If the end-position argument
is specified, the string returned by the COLLATE function contains all the ASCII
characters between the start-position and end-position arguments. If the length
argument is specified instead of the end-position argument, then the COLLATE
function returns a string that contains a value for length. The returned string ends, or
truncates, with the character having the value 255 if you request a string length that
contains characters exceeding this value.
The default length of the return string value is 200 characters. To return a length of
201 to 256 ASCII characters, use a format such as $256 for the return string variable or
explicitly define the variable’s length, such as length y $260.
Any programs using the COLLATE function with characters above ASCII 127 (the
hexadecimal notation is ’7F’x) can return a different value when used on a PC from
another country. Characters above ASCII 127 are national characters and they vary
from country to country.
Example 1: Returning an ASCII String Using the Return Variable Default String
Length In this example, the return code variable y uses the default return string
length of 200. Therefore, the COLLATE function returns 200 characters of the collating
data _null_;
y = collate(1,256);
394 DINFO Function 4 Chapter 19
put y;
Example 2: Returning an ASCII String Larger Than the Default Return Variable String
Length By formatting the return code variable to a length greater than 256, the
COLLATE function returns 256 characters of the collating sequence.
data _null_;
format y $260.;
y = collate(1,256);
put y;
Example 3: Returning an ASCII String of a Specific Length In this example, the return
code variable y uses a return string length of 56, and the COLLATE function returns
the first 56 characters of the collating sequence.
data _null_;
y = collate(,,56);
put y;
DINFO Function
Returns information about a directory.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: directory pathname is the only information available
See: DINFO Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
DINFO(directory-id, info-item)
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the directory was opened, generally
by the DOPEN function.
specifies the information item to be retrieved. DINFO returns a blank if the value of
info-item is invalid.
Directories that are opened with the DOPEN function are identified by a directory–id.
Use DOPTNAME to determine the names of the available system–dependent directory
information items. Use DOPTNUM to determine the number of directory information
items available.
Under Windows, the only info-item that is available is Directory, which is the
pathname of directory-id. If directory-id points to a list of concatenated directories, then
Directory is the list of concatenated directory names.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 DOPEN Function 395
446 data a;
447 rc=filename("tmpdir", "c:");
448 put "rc = 0 if the directory exists: " rc=;
449 did=dopen("tmpdir");
450 put did=;
451 numopts=doptnum(did);
452 put numopts=;
453 do i = 1 to numopts;
454 optname = doptname(did,i);
455 put i= optname=;
456 optval=dinfo(did,optname);
457 put optval=;
458 end;
459 run;
rc = 0 if the directory exists: rc=0
i=1 optname=Directory
NOTE: The data set WORK.A has 1 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.08 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
See Also
DOPEN Function
Opens a directory and returns a directory identifier value.
Category: External Files
396 DOPTNAME Function 4 Chapter 19
specifies the fileref that is assigned to the directory.
DOPEN opens a directory and returns a directory identifier value (a number greater
than 0) that is used to identify the open directory in other SAS external file access
functions. If the directory could not be opened, DOPEN returns 0. The directory to be
opened must be identified by a fileref.
Returns the name of a directory information item.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: directory is the only item available
See: DOPTNAME Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
DOPTNAME(directory-id, nval )
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the directory was opened, generally
by the DOPEN function.
specifies the sequence number of the option.
Under Windows, the only directory information item that is available is Directory,
which is the pathname of directory-id. The nval, or sequence number, of Directory is 1.
If directory-id points to a list of concatenated directories, then Directory is the list of
concatenated directory names.
For an example of using DOPTNAME, see “Example of Obtaining Directory
Information” on page 395.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 FDELETE Function 397
DOPTNUM Function
Returns the number of information items that are available for a directory.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: directory is the only item available
See: DOPTNUM Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the directory was opened, generally
by the DOPEN function.
Under Windows, only one information item is available for a directory. The name of the
item is Directory; its value is the pathname or list of pathnames for directory-id, and its
sequence number is 1. Since only one information item is available for a directory, this
function will return a value of 1.
For an example of the DOPTNUM function, see “Example of Obtaining Directory
Information” on page 395.
FDELETE Function
Deletes an external file or an empty directory.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: fileref can be assigned by using an environment variable
See: FDELETE Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the fileref that is assigned to the external file or directory. The fileref cannot
be associated with a list of concatenated filenames or directories. If the fileref is
associated with a directory, the directory must be empty. You must have permission
398 FEXIST Function 4 Chapter 19
to delete the file. Under Windows, fileref can be an environment variable. The fileref
or the environment variable that you specify must be enclosed in quotation marks.
FDELETE returns 0 if the operation was successful, and a non-zero number if it was
not successful.
FEXIST Function
Verifies the existence of an external file by its fileref.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: fileref can be assigned with an environment variable
See: FEXIST Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the fileref that is assigned to an external file. Under Windows, fileref can
also be an environment variable. The fileref or the environment variable that you
specify must be enclosed in quotation marks.
FEXIST returns 1 if the external file that is associated with fileref exists, and 0 if the
file does not exist.
For an example of using the FINFO function, see “Example of Obtaining File
Information” on page 401.
Verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: filename can be assigned with an environment variable
See: FILEEXIST Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 FILENAME Function 399
specifies a fully qualified physical filename of the external file. In a DATA step,
filename can be a character expression, a string in quotation marks, or a DATA step
variable. In a macro, filename can be any expression.
Under Windows, filename can also be an environment variable. The filename or
environment variable that you specify must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Note: The FILEEXIST function can also verify a directories existence. 4
FILEEXIST returns 1 if the external file exists and 0 if the external file does not exist.
Assigns or deassigns a fileref for an external file, directory, or output device.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: device types and host options
See: FILENAME Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FILENAME (“fileref”, “filename” <,device-type<,host-options<,dir-ref>>>)
in a DATA step, specifies the fileref to assign to the external file. In a macro (for
example, in the %SYSFUNC function), fileref is the name of a macro variable
(without an ampersand) whose value contains the fileref to assign to the external file.
(See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details.)
Under Windows, fileref can also be a Windows environment variable. The fileref or
the environment variable that you specify must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies the external file. Specifying a blank filename clears the fileref that was
previously assigned.
Under Windows, the filename differs according to the device type. Table 5.2 on
page 157 shows the information that is appropriate to each device. The filename that
you specify must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies type of device or the access method that is used if the fileref points to an
input or output device or location that is not a physical file. It can be any one of the
devices that are listed in FILENAME statement device-type argument on page 454.
DISK is the default device type.
are options that are specific to Windows. You can use any of the options that are
available in the FILENAME statement. See the FILENAME statement
host-option-list on page 455.
400 FILEREF Function 4 Chapter 19
specifies the fileref that is assigned to the directory in which the external file resides.
FILENAME returns a value of 0 if the operation was successful, and a non-zero number
if the operation was not successful.
For an example of using the FILENAME function, see “Example of Obtaining File
Information” on page 401.
FILEREF Function
Verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: the fileref argument can specify a Windows environment variable
See: FILEREF Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the fileref to be validated. Under Windows, fileref can also be a Windows
environment variable. The fileref or the environment variable that you specify must
be enclosed in quotation marks.
A negative return code indicates that the fileref exists but the physical file associated
with the fileref does not exist. A positive value indicates that the fileref is not assigned.
A value of zero indicates that the fileref and external file both exist.
For an example of using the FILEREF function, see “Example of Obtaining File
Information” on page 401.
FINFO Function
Returns the value of an information item for an external file.
Category: External Files
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 FINFO Function 401
available info-items
Windows specifics:
See: FINFO Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FINFO(file-id, info-item)
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the file was opened, generally by the
FOPEN function.
specifies the name of the file information item to be retrieved. This item is a
character value. Info-item is either a variable that contains a file information name
or the file information name that has been enclosed in quotation marks.
info-item for disk files can be one of these file information items:
3 Create Time: ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss
Note: The Create Time date/time information item will be localized to the
site’s locale. The date/time format might appear slightly different in the locale. 4
3 Last Modified: ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss
3 Filename
3 File size (bytes)
info-item for pipe files can be one of these file information items:
3 Unnamed pipe access device
The FINFO function returns the value of a system-dependent information item for an
external file that was previously opened and assigned a file-id by the FOPEN function.
FINFO returns a blank if the value given for info-item is invalid.
rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
put "Fileref curdirfl exist? rc should be 0 (no); " rc=;
/* assign fileref */
rc=filename("curdirfl", "c:\tmp333");
402 FINFO Function 4 Chapter 19
/* Does the file that the fileref points to exist? Should be no. */
291 data a;
293 /* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist? No = 0 */
295 rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
296 put;
t297 put "Fileref curdirfl exist? rc should be 0 (no); " rc=;
299 /* assign fileref */
301 rc=filename("curdirfl", "c:\tmp333");
303 /* RC=0 indicates success in assigning fileref */
305 put "Fileref assigned - rc should be 0; " rc=;
306 rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
308 /* Does file which "curdirfl" points to exist? No = 0 */
309 /* Assigning a fileref doesn’t create the file. */
311 put "File still doesn’t exist - rc should be 0; " rc=;
312 rc=fileref ("curdirfl");
314 /* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist? */
315 /* Negative means fileref exists, but file does not */
316 /* Positive means fileref does not exist */
317 /* Zero means both fileref and file exist */
319 put "Fileref now exists - rc should be negative; " rc=;
320 put;
322 /* Does the file that the fileref points to exist? Should be no. */
324 if ( fileexist ("./tmp333") ) then
325 /* if it does, open it for input */
326 do;
327 put "Open file for input";
328 fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "i") ;
329 end;
330 else /* most likely scenario */
331 do;
332 put "Open file for output";
333 fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "o");
334 end;
404 FOPTNAME Function 4 Chapter 19
336 /* fid should be non-zero. 0 indicates failure. */
337 put "File id is: " fid=;
338 numopts = foptnum(fid);
339 put "Number of information items should be 6; " numopts=;
340 do i = 1 to numopts;
341 optname = foptname (fid,i);
342 put i= optname=;
343 optval = finfo (fid, optname);
344 put optval= ;
345 end;
346 rc=fclose (fid);
347 rc=fdelete ("curdirfl");
348 put "Closing the file, rc should be 0; "
349 rc=; run;
See Also
Returns the name of an information item for an external file.
Category: External Files
Windows specifics: available information items
See: FOPTNAME Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FOPTNAME(file-id, nval)
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 FOPTNAME Function 405
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the file was opened, generally by the
FOPEN function.
specifies the number of the file information item to be retrieved. The following table
shows the values that nval can have for single and concatenated files under Windows
operating environments.
FOPTNAME returns a blank if an error occurred.
406 FOPTNUM Function 4 Chapter 19
6 data fileatt;
7 filename mypipe pipe ’dir’;
8 fid=fopen("mypipe","s");
9 /* fid should be non-zero. 0 indicates failure */
10 put "File id is: " fid=;
11 numopts=foptnum(fid);
12 put "Number of information items should be 4; " numopts=;
13 do i=1 to numopts;
14 optname=foptname(fid,i);
15 put i= optname=;
16 optval=finfo(fid,optname);
17 put optval=;
18 end;
20 rc=fclose(fid);
21 run;
File id is: fid=1
Number of information items should be 4; numopts=4
i=1 optname=Unnamed Pipe Access Device
i=2 optname=PROCESS
i=3 optname=RECFM
i=4 optname=LRECL
NOTE: The data set WORK.FILEATT has 1 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 9.64 seconds
cpu time 1.16 seconds
FOPTNUM Function
Returns the number of information items that are available for a file.
specifies the identifier that was assigned when the file was opened, generally, by the
FOPEN function.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 LIBNAME Function 407
Six information items are available for files:
3 Filename
3 File Size (bytes)
3 Last Modified
3 Create Time
These information items are available for pipes:
3 Unnamed pipe access device
FOPTNUM returns the following values:
For files: 6
For pipes: 4
For an example of the FOPTNUM functions, see “Example of Obtaining File
Information” on page 401.
LIBNAME Function
Assigns or clears a libref for a SAS library.
Category: SAS File I/O
Windows specifics: behavior of the ’ ’libref (a space between single quotation marks)
See: LIBNAME Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the libref that is assigned to a SAS library. Under Windows, the value of
libref can be an environment variable.
specifies the physical name of the SAS library that is associated with the libref.
specifies the engine that is used to access SAS files opened in the data library.
names one or more options honored by the specified engine, delimited with blanks.
408 MCIPISLP Function 4 Chapter 19
If the LIBNAME function returns a 0, then the function was successful. However, you
could receive a non-zero value, even if the function was successful. A non-zero value is
returned if an error, warning, or note is produced. To determine whether the function
was successful, look through the SAS Log and use the following guidelines:
3 If a warning or note was generated, then the function was successful.
3 If an error was generated, then the function was not successful.
Under Windows, if you do not specify a SAS-data-library or if you specify a
SAS-data-library as ’ ’(a space between single quotation marks) or ’’(no space between
single quotation marks), SAS deassigns the libref.
Causes SAS to wait for a piece of multimedia equipment to become active.
Category: Special
Windows specifics: all
specifies the number of seconds you want SAS to wait. This number must be an
The MCIPISLP function is especially useful when you have used the MCIPISTR
function to open a piece of equipment, but you know it is going to take a few seconds for
the equipment to be ready.
The number-of-seconds argument must be an integer and represents how many
seconds you want to wait. The return value is the number of seconds slept.
The MCIPISLP function can be used in the DATA step and in SCL code.
This example uses both the MCIPISTR and MCIPISLP functions to play a CD and a
video. The PUT statements display the return values of these functions. This display
allows you to see in the SAS log whether there was a problem with any of your
data _null_;
/* Open a CD player. */
msg=mcipistr("open cdaudio alias mytunes");
put msg=;
/* Wait one second for the CD player */
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 MCIPISTR Function 409
/* to become active. */
/* Begin playing your favorite tunes */
/* from the beginning of the CD. */
msg=mcipistr("play mytunes");
put msg=;
/* Now open a video file. */
msg=mcipistr("open c:\movies\amovie.avs
alias myshow");
put msg=;
/* Begin the show and wait for it to */
/* complete. */
msg=mcipistr("play myshow wait");
put msg=;
/* When the show is complete, */
/* close the instance. */
msg=mcipistr("close myshow");
put msg=;
/* Stop and close the instance of the CD */
/* player. */
msg=mcipistr("stop mytunes");
put msg=;
msg=mcipistr("close mytunes");
put msg=;
See Also
Submits an MCI string command to a piece of multimedia equipment.
Category: Special
Windows specifics: all
is any valid SAS string; a character variable, a character literal enclosed in quotes,
or other character expression.
The MCIPISTR function submits an MCI (Media Control Interface) string command.
You can use MCI to control many types of multimedia equipment, such as CD
players, mixers, videodisc players, and so on. Windows provides MCI support. For more
410 MODULE Function 4 Chapter 19
information about valid MCI string commands, refer to the Windows multimedia SDK
documentation in the MSDN Library and your MCI-compliant device documentation.
The return value is a string that contains return information from the MCI string
command. Examples of return information include "invalid instance" and "1".
Note: Not all MCI commands supply return codes that are usable from SAS. 4
The MCIPISTR function can be used in the DATA step and in SCL code.
To use a CD player, you could submit the following statements in your DATA step:
msg=mcipistr("open cdaudio alias cd");
msg=mcipistr("play cd");
msg=mcipistr("stop cd");
msg=mcipistr("close cd");
See Also
MODULE Function
Calls a specific routine or module that resides in an external dynamic link library (DLL).
Category: External Routines
Windows specifics: all
CALL MODULE(<cntl>,module,arg-1,arg-2. . . ,arg-n);
num=MODULEN(< cntl>,module,arg-1,arg-2…,arg-n);
Note: The following functions permit vector and matrix arguments; you can use
them within the IML procedure. 4
CALL MODULEI <cntl>,modulearg-1,arg-2. . . ,arg-n);
num=MODULEIN(< cntl>,module,arg-1,arg-2. . .,arg-n)
char=MODULEIC(<cntl>,module,arg-1,arg-2. . .,arg-n);
is an optional control string whose first character must be an asterisk (*), followed by
any combination of the following characters:
I prints the hexadecimal representations of all arguments to the
MODULE function and to the requested DLL routine before and
after the DLL routine is called. You can use this option to help
diagnose problems that are caused by incorrect arguments or
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 MODULE Function 411
The MODULE functions execute a routine module that resides in an external (outside
SAS) dynamic link library with the specified arguments arg-1 through arg-n.
The MODULE call routine does not return a value, while the MODULEN and
MODULEC functions return a number num or a character char, respectively. Which
routine you use depends on the expected return value of the DLL function that you
want to execute.
412 PEEKLONG Function 4 Chapter 19
See Also
Stores the contents of a memory address in a numeric variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
Category Special
Windows specifics: all
See: PEEKLONG Function and PEEKCLONG Function in SAS Language Reference:
specifies a character expression that is the memory address.
specifies the length of the character data.
The PEEKLONG functions can directly access memory addresses. Improper use of the
PEEKLONG functions can cause SAS, and your operating system, to fail. Use the
PEEKLONG functions only to access information that is returned by one of the
MODULE functions. 4
The PEEKLONG function returns a value of length length that contains the data that
start at memory address address.
The variations of the PEEKLONG functions are
PEEKCLONG accesses character strings.
PEEKLONG accesses numeric values.
Usually, when you need to use one of the PEEKLONG functions, you will use
PEEKCLONG to access a character string.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 SLEEP Function 413
RANK Function
Returns the position of a character in the ASCII collating sequence.
Category: Character
Windows specifics: Uses the ASCII sequence
See: RANK Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
is a character expression that contains a character in the ASCII collating sequence.
If the length of x is greater than 1, you receive the rank of the first character in the
Because Windows uses the ASCII character set, the RANK function returns an integer
that represents the position of a character in the ASCII collating sequence.
Note: Any program that uses the RANK function with characters above ASCII 127
(the hexadecimal notation is ’7F’x) is not portable because these characters are
national characters and they vary from country to country. 4
SLEEP Function
Suspends execution of a SAS DATA step for a specified period of time.
Category: Special
Windows specifics: all
See: SLEEP Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the number of seconds that you want to suspend execution of a DATA step.
The n argument is a numeric constant that must be greater than or equal to 0.
Negative or missing values for n are invalid.
414 TRANSLATE Function 4 Chapter 19
specifies the unit of seconds, as a power of 10, which is applied to n. For example, 1
corresponds to a second, and .001 to a millisecond. The default value is 1.
The SLEEP function suspends execution of a DATA step for a specified number of
seconds. When the SLEEP function uses the default unit value, a pop-up window
appears that indicates how long SAS is going to sleep.
The return value of the n argument is the number of seconds slept. The maximum
sleep period for the SLEEP function is 46 days.
When you submit a program that calls the SLEEP function, the SLEEP window
appears telling you when SAS is going to wake up. You can inhibit the SLEEP window
by starting SAS with the NOSLEEPWINDOW system option. Your SAS session
remains inactive until the sleep period is over. To cancel the call to the SLEEP
function, use the CTRL+BREAK attention sequence.
You should use a null DATA step to call the SLEEP function; follow this DATA step
with the rest of the SAS program. Using the SLEEP function in this manner enables
you to use the CTRL+BREAK attention sequence to interrupt the SLEEP function and
to continue with the execution of the rest of your SAS program.
The following example tells SAS to delay the execution of the program for 12 hours
and 15 minutes:
data _null_;
/* argument to sleep must be expressed in seconds */
slept= sleep((60*60*12)+(60*15));
data monthly;
/*... more data lines */
See Also
Replaces specific characters in a character expression.
Category: Character
Windows specifics: Required syntax; pairs of to and from arguments are optional
See: TRANSLATE Function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
TRANSLATE(source,to-1,from-1 <,…to-n,from-n>)
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 WAKEUP Function 415
specifies the SAS expression that contains the original character value.
specifies the characters that you want TRANSLATE to use as substitutes.
specifies the characters that you want TRANSLATE to replace.
Under Windows, you do not have to provide pairs of to and from arguments. However, if
you do not use pairs, you must supply a comma as a place holder.
WAKEUP Function
Specifies the time a SAS DATA step continues execution.
Category: Special
Windows specifics: all
specifies the time when the WAKEUP function allow execution to continue.
Use the WAKEUP function to specify the time a DATA step continues to execute. The
return value is the number of seconds slept.
The until-when argument can be a SAS datetime value, a SAS time value, or a
numeric constant, as explained in the following list:
3 If until-when is a datetime value, the WAKEUP function sleeps until the specified
date and time. If the specified date and time have already passed, the WAKEUP
function does not sleep, and the return value is 0.
3 If until-when is a time value, the WAKEUP function sleeps until the specified
time. If the specified time has already passed in that 24-hour period, the
WAKEUP function sleeps until the specified time occurs again.
3 If the value of until-when is a numeric constant, the WAKEUP function sleeps for
that many seconds before or after the next occurring midnight. If the value of
until-when is a positive numeric constant, the WAKEUP function sleeps for
until-when seconds past midnight. If the value of until-when is a negative numeric
constant, the WAKEUP function sleeps until until-when seconds before midnight.
Negative values for the until-when argument are allowed, but missing values are not.
The maximum sleep period for the WAKEUP function is approximately 46 days.
416 WAKEUP Function 4 Chapter 19
When you submit a program that calls the WAKEUP function, the SLEEP window
appears telling you when SAS is going to wake up. You can inhibit the SLEEP window
by starting SAS with the NOSLEEPWINDOW system option. Your SAS session
remains inactive until the waiting period is over. If you want to cancel the call to the
WAKEUP function, use the CTRL + BREAK attention sequence.
You should use a null DATA step to call the WAKEUP function; follow this DATA
step with the rest of the SAS program. Using the WAKEUP function in this manner
enables you to use the CTRL+BREAK attention sequence to interrupt the waiting
period and continue with the execution of the rest of your SAS program.
Example 1: Delaying Program Execution until a Specified Date or Time The code in this
example tells SAS to delay execution of the program until 1:00 p.m. on January 1, 2004:
data _null_;
data compare;
/* ...more data lines */
The following example tells SAS to delay execution of the program until 10:00 p.m.:
data _null_;
data compare;
/* ...more data lines */
Because the instream data indicate that the value of X is 1000, the WAKEUP
function sleeps for 1,000 seconds past midnight.
Functions and CALL Routines under Windows 4 WAKEUP Function 417
See Also
SAS Informats under Windows
programs that can be run in any SAS environment, regardless of how numeric
data are stored.
If a SAS program that reads and writes binary data runs on only one type of
machine, you can use the native mode informats and formats. However, if you want to
write SAS programs that can be run on multiple machines using different byte-storage
systems, use the IBM 370 formats and informats. The purpose of the IBM 370
informats and formats is to enable you to write SAS programs that can be run in any
SAS environment, no matter what standard you use for storing numeric data.
For example, suppose you have a program that writes data with the PIBw.d format.
You execute the program on a microcomputer so that the data are stored in
byte-reversed mode. Then on the microcomputer you run another SAS program that
uses the PIBw.d informat to read the data. The data are read correctly because both
the programs are run on the microcomputer using byte-reversed mode. However, you
cannot upload the data to a Hewlett Packard 9000-series machine and read the data
correctly because they are stored in a form native to the microcomputer but foreign to
the Hewlett Packard 9000. To avoid this problem, use the S370FPIBw.d format to write
the data; even on the microcomputer, this causes the data to be stored in IBM 370
mode. Then read the data using the S370FPIBw.d informat. Regardless of what type of
machine you use when reading the data, they are read correctly.
* However, it is recommended that you use PROC CPORT and PROC CIMPORT to convert older Windows catalogs that
contain user-written informats and formats to SAS 9.2 if you no longer need to use them in previous releases.
Informats under Windows 4 HEXw. Informat 421
HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to fixed-point or floating-point binary values.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–16
Default width: 8
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: native floating-point representation
See: HEXw. Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies whether the input represents an integer (fixed-point) or a real
(floating-point) binary number. When you specify a w value of 1 through 15, the
input hexadecimal value represents an integer binary number. When you specify 16
for the w value, the input hexadecimal value represents a floating-point value.
The HEXw. informat expects input that is not byte-reversed, not in Windows form.
(The IB, PIB, and RB informats for binary numbers expect the bytes to be reversed.)
You can use the HEXw. informat to read hexadecimal literals from SAS programs that
were created in another environment.
422 $HEXw. Informat 4 Chapter 20
See Also
$HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal data to character data.
Category character
Width range: 1–32767
Default width: 2
Alignment: left
Windows specifics: ASCII character-encoding system
See: $HEXw. Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies width of the input value.
The $HEXw. informat is like the HEXw. informat in that it reads values in which each
hexadecimal character occupies 1 byte. Use the $HEXw. informat to encode
hexadecimal information into a character variable when your input data are limited to
printable characters. The conversion is based on the ASCII character set.
See Also
IBw.d Informat
Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–8
Default width: 4
Decimal range: 0–10
Windows specifics: native floating-point representation
See: IBw.d Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Informats under Windows 4 PDw.d Informat 423
specifies the width of the input field.
specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the input value. SAS uses the d value
even if the input data contain decimal points.
For integer binary data, the high-order bit is the value’s sign: 0 for positive values, 1
for negative. Negative values are represented in twos-complement notation. If the
informat includes a d value, the data value is divided by 10 .
Using the IBw.d informat requires you to understand twos complements and
byte-swapped data format.
For more information about microcomputer fixed-point values, see Intels developer
Web site.
When you read this value using the IB2. informat, the informat looks for the sign
bit, sees that it is on, and reads the value as −32,767. However, if you read this value
with the PIB2. informat, no sign bit is used, and the result is 32,769.
Suppose that your data contain the following 6-byte (byte-swapped) value:
64 00 00 00 00 00
If you read this value using the IB6. informat, it is read as the fixed-point value
100.0. Now suppose that your data contain the following (byte-swapped) value:
01 80
See Also
PDw.d Informat
Reads packed decimal data.
424 PIBw.d Informat 4 Chapter 20
Category numeric
Width range: 1–16
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 0–31
Windows specifics: How values are interpreted as negative or positive
See: PDw.d Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the width of the input field.
specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the input value. If the data contain
decimal points, then SAS ignores the d value.
In packed decimal data, each byte contains two digits. The value’s sign is in the first bit
of the first byte (although the entire first byte is used for the sign). Although it is
usually impossible to key in packed decimal data directly from a terminal, many
programs write packed decimal data. The decimal range is 1 through 31.
Suppose your data contain the following packed decimal number:
80 00 11 43
If you use the PD4. informat, this value is read as the double-precision value
−1143.0. Similarly, the following value is read as 1500.0:
00 00 15 00
See Also
PIBw.d Informat
Reads positive integer-binary (fixed-point) values.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–8
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 0–10
Informats under Windows 4 RBw.d Informat 425
specifies the width of the input field.
specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the input value. SAS uses the d value
even if the input data contain decimal points.
Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary (see the informat “IBw.d
Informat” on page 422), except that all values are treated as positive. Thus, the
high-order bit is part of the value rather than the value’s sign.
When you read this value using the IB2. informat, the informat looks for the sign
bit, sees that it is on, and reads the value as −32,767. However, if you read this value
with the PIB2. informat, no sign bit is used, and the result is 32,769.
Suppose your data contain the following one-byte value:
If you read this value using the PIB1. informat, it is read as the double-precision
value 255.0. Using this informat requires you to understand twos complements and
byte-swapped data format.
See Also
RBw.d Informat
Reads real-binary (floating-point) data.
426 ZDw.d Informat 4 Chapter 20
Category numeric
Width range: 2–8
Default width: 4
Decimal range: 0–10
Windows specifics: native floating-point representation
See: RBw.d Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
specifies the width of the input field.
specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the input value. SAS uses the d value
even if the input data contain decimal points.
The RBw.d informat reads numeric data that are stored in microcomputer real binary
(floating-point) notation. Numeric data for scientific calculations are often stored in
floating-point notation. (SAS stores all numeric values in floating-point notation.) A
floating-point value consists of two parts: a mantissa that gives the value and an
exponent that gives the value’s magnitude. It is usually impossible to key in
floating-point binary data directly from a terminal, but many programs write
floating-point binary data.
See Also
ZDw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data.
Category numeric
Width range: 1–32
Default width: 1
Decimal range: 1–10
Windows specifics: Last byte includes the sign
See: ZDw.d Informat in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
Informats under Windows 4 ZDw.d Informat 427
specifies the width of the input field.
specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the input value. If the data contain
decimal points, then SAS ignores the d value.
This method is also known as an overprint trailing numeric format. Under Windows,
the last byte of the field contains the sign information of the number. The following
table gives the conversion for the last byte:
Digit Character Digit Character
0 { −0 }
1 A −1 J
2 B −2 K
3 C −3 L
4 D −4 M
5 E −5 N
6 F −6 O
7 G −7 P
8 H −8 Q
9 I −9 R
See Also
SAS Procedures under Windows
CATALOG Procedure
Manages entries in SAS catalogs.
Windows specifics: FILE= option in the CONTENTS statement
See: CATALOG Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC CATALOG CATALOG=<libref.>catalog <ENTRYTYPE=etype> <KILL>;
CONTENTS <OUT=SAS-data-set> <FILE=fileref;>
Note: This is a simplified version of the CATALOG procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the CATALOG procedure in Base SAS
Procedures Guide. 4
430 CIMPORT Procedure 4 Chapter 21
names a file specification that is specific to the Windows operating environment.
The CATALOG procedure manages entries in SAS catalogs.
The FILE= option in the CONTENTS statement of the CATALOG procedure accepts
a file specification that is specific to the Windows operating environment. If an
unquoted file specification is given in the FILE= option, but no FILENAME statement,
SET system option, or Windows environment variable is used to define the file
specification, the file is named file-specification.LST and is stored in the working
directory. For example, if MYFILE is not a fileref defined by the FILENAME statement,
the SET system option, or a Windows environment variable, and you submit the
following statements, the file MYFILE.LST, containing the list of contents for
Sasuser.Profile, is created in your working directory:
proc catalog catalog=sasuser.profile;
contents file=myfile;
CIMPORT Procedure
Restores a transport file created by the CPORT procedure.
Windows specifics: Name and location of transport file
See: CIMPORT Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC CIMPORT destination=libref| < libref.>member-name <option(s)>;
Note: This is a simplified version of the CIMPORT procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the CIMPORT procedure in Base SAS
Procedures Guide. 4
identifies the file(s) in the transport file as a single SAS data set, single SAS catalog,
or multiple members of a SAS library.
libref | <libref.>member-name
specifies the name of the SAS data set, catalog, or library to be created from the
transport file.
The CIMPORT procedure imports a transport file that was created (exported) by the
CPORT procedure.
Coupled with the CPORT procedure, the CIMPORT procedure enables you to move
catalogs and data sets from one operating environment to another.
Note: PROC CIMPORT processes a file generated by PROC CPORT, not a transport
file generated by the XPORT engine. 4
Procedures under Windows 4 CONTENTS Procedure 431
Note: You can use the MIGRATE procedure, beginning with SAS 9.1, to migrate a
SAS library from a previous release. 4
When you use the CIMPORT procedure under Windows, remember the following:
3 The value of the INFILE= option can be a fileref defined in a FILENAME
statement, a quoted Windows pathname, or an environment variable.
3 If you omit the INFILE= option and have not defined the reserved fileref SASCAT,
SAS tries to read from a file named SASCAT.DAT in your working directory. If no
file by that name exists, the following error message is issued and the procedure
terminates, assuming that C:\SAS has been defined as the working directory:
ERROR: Physical file does not exist, C:\SAS\SASCAT.DAT
3 If you have not transferred the file created by PROC CPORT in binary format,
PROC CIMPORT cannot read the file, and you receive the following message:
ERROR: Given transport file is bad.
See Also
CONTENTS Procedure
Prints descriptions of the contents of one or more SAS library files.
Windows specifics: Engine/Host Dependent Information output
See: CONTENTS Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC CONTENTS <option(s)>;
For an explanation of the available options, see the CONTENTS procedure in Base
SAS Procedures Guide.
The CONTENTS procedure shows the contents of a SAS set and prints the directory of
the SAS library.
While most of the printed output generated by the CONTENTS procedure is the
same across all operating environments, the Engine/Host Dependent Information
output depends on both the operating environment and the engine. The following
example output shows the Engine/Host Dependent Information that is generated for the
V9 engine from these statements:
432 CONTENTS Procedure 4 Chapter 21
PHIL 1 85 MATH 234107589
ROBERTO 1 90 ENGLISH 190873452
CAROL 2 70 MATH 257902348
THOMAS 2 71 ENGLISH 234567823
JUANITA 3 98 FRENCH 876345290
CEDRIC 3 75 HISTORY 231987222
MARIA 4 89 PE 87654321
Output 21.1 Engine/Host Dependent Information from PROC CONTENTS Using the V9 Engine
4 CLASS Char 8
3 GRADE Num 8
5 ID Num 8
1 NAME Char 8
2 Y Num 8
The engine name (V9) is listed in the header information. The Engine/Host
Dependent Information describes attributes of the data set, such as the data set page
size and the maximum number of observations per page. For more information about
how to interpret the data set size information, see “Calculating Data Set Size” on page
Procedures under Windows 4 CONVERT Procedure 433
See Also
3 the section on starting with SAS data sets in Step-by-Step Programming with Base
SAS Software
CONVERT Procedure
Converts BMDP, OSIRIS system files and SPSS export files to SAS data sets.
PROC CONVERT product-specification <option(s)>
is required and can be one of the following:
If you have more than one save file in the BMDP file referenced by the fileref
argument, you can use two options in parentheses after fileref. The CODE= option
lets you specify the code of the save file you want, and the CONTENT= option lets
you give the content of the save file. For example, if a file with CODE=JUDGES
has a content of DATA, you can use the following statement:
filename save ’c:\mydir\bmdpl.dat’;
proc convert bmdp=save(code=judges
specifies a fileref for the OSIRIS file to be converted into a SAS data set. If you
use this product specification, you must also use the DICT= option, which specifies
the OSIRIS dictionary to use.
specifies a fileref for the SPSS export file to be converted into a SAS data set. The
SPSS export file must be created by using the SPSS EXPORT command from any
operating environment.
specifies a fileref of the dictionary file for the OSIRIS file. The DICT= option is
valid only when used with the OSIRIS product specification.
434 CONVERT Procedure 4 Chapter 21
gives the number of the observation where the conversion is to begin. This option
enables you to skip over observations at the beginning of the OSIRIS or SPSS/PC
system file.
specifies the number of the last observation to convert. This option enables you to
exclude observations at the end of the file.
OUT= SAS-data-set
names the SAS data set created to hold the converted data. If the OUT= option is
omitted, SAS still creates a Work data set and automatically names it DATAn, just
as if you omitted a data set name in a DATA statement. If it is the first such data
set in a job or session, SAS names it DATA1, the second is DATA2, and so on. If
the OUT= option is omitted or if you do not specify a two-level name (including a
libref) in the OUT= option, the converted data set is stored in your Work data
library and by default it is not permanent.
The CONVERT procedure converts a BMDP or OSIRIS system file or an SPSS export
file to a SAS data set. It produces one output data set, but no printed output. The new
data set contains the same information as the input system file; exceptions are noted in
“Output Data Sets” on page 434. The BMDP, OSIRIS and SPSS engines provide more
extensive capabilities.
Because the BMDP, OSIRIS and SPSS products are maintained by other companies
or organizations, changes can be made that make the system files incompatible with the
current version of PROC CONVERT. SAS upgrades PROC CONVERT only to support
changes that are made to these products when a new version of SAS is available.
Missing Values If a numeric variable in the input data set has either no value or a
system missing value, PROC CONVERT assigns it a missing value.
Output Data Sets This section describes the attributes of the output SAS data set for
each product-specification value.
Ensure that the translated names are unique. Variable names can sometimes be
translated by SAS. To ensure the procedure works correctly, be sure your variables
are named in such a way that translation results in unique names. 4
BMDP output Variable names from the BMDP save file are used in the SAS data set,
but nontrailing blanks and all special characters are converted to underscores in the
SAS variable names. The subscript in BMDP variable names, such as x(1), becomes
part of the SAS variable name, with the parentheses omitted: X1. Alphabetic BMDP
variables become SAS character variables of corresponding length. Category records
from BMDP are not accepted.
OSIRIS Output For single-response variables, the V1-V9999 name becomes the SAS
variable name. For multiple-response variables, the suffix Rn is added to the variable
name, where n is the response. For example, V25R1 is the first response of the
multiple-response variable V25. If the variable after V1000 has 100 or more responses,
responses above 99 are eliminated. Numeric variables that OSIRIS stores in character,
fixed-point binary, or floating-point binary mode become SAS numeric variables.
Alphabetic variables become SAS character variables; any alphabetic variable of length
greater than 200 is truncated to 200. The OSIRIS variable description becomes a SAS
variable label, and OSIRIS print formats become SAS formats.
Procedures under Windows 4 CPORT Procedure 435
SPSS Output SPSS variable names and variable labels become variable names and
labels without change. SPSS alphabetic variables become SAS character variables.
SPSS blank values are converted to SAS missing values. SPSS print formats become
SAS formats, and the SPSS default precision of no decimal places becomes part of the
variables’ formats. SPSS value labels are not copied. DOCUMENT data are copied so
that PROC CONTENTS can display them.
The CONVERT procedure is closely related to the BMDP, OSIRIS and SPSS interface
library engines. (In fact, the CONVERT procedure uses these engines.) For example,
the following two sections of code provide identical results:
3 filename myfile ’myspss.por’;
proc convert spss=myfile out=temp;
However, the BMDP, OSIRIS and SPSS engines have more extensive capabilities
See Also
CPORT Procedure
Writes SAS data sets and catalogs into a special format in a transport file.
Windows specifics: Name and location of transport file
See: CPORT Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC CPORT source-type=libref| <libref.>member-name<option(s) >;
Note: This version is a simplified version of the CPORT procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the CPORT procedure in Base SAS Procedures
Guide. 4
specifies the name and location of the file to be transported.
The CPORT procedure writes SAS data sets, SAS catalogs, or SAS libraries to
sequential file formats (transport files). Use PROC CPORT with the CIMPORT
procedure to move files from one environment to another.
436 DATASETS Procedure 4 Chapter 21
The value of the FILE= option can be a fileref defined in a FILENAME statement, a
quoted Windows pathname, or an environment variable.
If you do not use the FILE= option and have not defined the reserved fileref SASCAT,
a file named SASCAT.DAT is created in your working directory.
Note: You can use the MIGRATE procedure, beginning with SAS 9.1, to migrate a
SAS library from a previous release. 4
See Also
DATASETS Procedure
Lists, copies, renames, and deletes SAS files and also manages indexes for and appends SAS
data sets in a SAS library.
Windows specifics: Directory information; CONTENTS statement output
See: DATASETS Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC DATASETS <options(s)>;
This version is a simplified version of the DATASETS procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax, see the DATASETS procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
The DATASETS procedure is a utility procedure that manages your SAS files.
The SAS library information that is displayed in the SAS log by the DATASETS
procedure depends on the operating environment and the engine. The following
example SAS log shows the information (for the V9 engine) that the DATASETS
procedure generates under Windows.
Procedures under Windows 4 OPTIONS Procedure 437
Libref WORK
Engine V9
Physical Name C:\DOCUME~1\sasusr\LOCALS~1\Temp\SAS Temporary Files\_TD2663
File Name C:\DOCUME~1\sasusr\LOCALS~1\Temp\SAS Temporary Files\_TD2663
Member File
# Name Type Size Last Modified
The output shows you the libref, engine, and physical name that are associated with
the library, as well as the names and other properties of the SAS files that are
contained in the library.
The CONTENTS statement in the DATASETS procedure generates the same Engine/
Host Dependent Information as the CONTENTS procedure.
See Also
OPTIONS Procedure
Lists the current values of all SAS system options.
Windows specifics: Host options
See: OPTIONS Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC OPTIONS < options(s)>;
This version is a simplified version of the OPTIONS procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the OPTIONS procedure in Base SAS
Procedures Guide.
The OPTIONS procedure lists the current settings of the SAS system options.
The options displayed by the OPTIONS procedure that are not operating
environment specific (session and configuration) are the same for every operating
438 OPTIONS Procedure 4 Chapter 21
environment, although the default values can differ slightly. However, the
environment-specific options displayed by this procedure are different for each
operating environment. The following display shows some sample operating
environment options for the Windows environment, as generated by this code:
proc options host;
Host Options:
Enable Extended Accessibility
ALTLOG= Specifies the destination for a copy of the SAS log
ALTPRINT= Specifies the destination for a copy of the SAS procedure output file
Authentication providers associated with domain suffixes
AUTHSERVER= Specify the authentication server or domain.
AUTOEXEC= Specifies the autoexec file to be used
Used to customize the appearance for the SAS AWS. Valid parameters are:
AWSDEF=( 0 0 79 79)
Specify the initial size and position of the SAS AWS. This should be
specified as follows: 0 0 100 100
AWSMENU Show the main window’s (AWS) menu.
AWSMENUMERGE Add host specific menu items to the main window’s (AWS) menu.
NOTE: PROCEDURE OPTIONS used:( Total process time)
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
The option values listed are examples. The output of PROC OPTIONS depends on
many things. Some option values depend on what method you use to run SAS. For
example, the default line size under the SAS windowing environment is 75 lines on a
VGA display, while it is 132 lines in batch mode. Also, the way you have set up your
process affects the default values of system options. For example, the default value of
the SASAUTOS= option depends on where you store your autocall macros.
Using PROC OPTIONS, you can check the values of all system options. If you want
more information about a particular operating environment option, refer to “SAS
System Options under Windows” on page 475 or Using SAS Software in Your Operating
Environment in the SAS Help and Documentation.
See Also
PMENU Procedure
Defines menu facilities for windows created with SAS software.
Windows specifics: ACCELERATE= option accepted for several key combinations
See: PMENU Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC PMENU <CATALOG=< libref.>catalog> <DESC ’entry-description’>;
ITEM command <option(s)>;
ITEM ’menu-item’ <option(s)>;
This version is a simplified version of the PMENU procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax, see the PMENU procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
defines a key sequence that can be used instead of selecting an item. When you press
the key sequence, it has the same effect as selecting the item from the menu bar or
Under Windows, the ACCELERATE= option in the ITEM statement is accepted
only for the following key combinations:
3 Ctrl + A (Select All)
3 Ctrl + C (Copy)
3 Ctrl + F (Find)
3 Ctrl + N (New)
3 Ctrl + O (Include)
3 Ctrl + P (Print)
3 Ctrl + S (File)
3 Ctrl +V (Paste)
3 Ctrl +X (Cut).
3 Ctrl + Z (Undo)
3 Del (Clear)
The PMENU procedure defines menus that can be used in DATA step windows, macro
windows, SAS/AF and SAS/FSP windows, or in any SAS application that enables you to
specify customized menus.
If you want your program to be portable between Windows and OS/2, you can use the
following alternate key combinations:
3 Ctrl+Insert
3 Shift+Insert
3 Alt+Backspace
3 Shift+Delete.
If you use these alternate key combinations in your SAS program, the Edit menu
shows the standard key combination; however, you can use either the standard or
alternate key combination to activate the menu item.
440 PRINTTO Procedure 4 Chapter 21
PRINTTO Procedure
Defines destinations for SAS procedure output and the SAS log.
Windows specifics: Valid values for file-specification; UNIT= option
See: PRINTTO Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC PRINTTO <option(s)>;
Note: This version is a simplified version of the PRINTTO procedure syntax. For
the complete syntax and its explanation, see the PRINTTO procedure in Base SAS
Procedures Guide. 4
can be
3 a fileref defined in a FILENAME statement or function. To send SAS output
or log directly to the printer, use a FILENAME statement or function with
the PRINTER device-type keyword.
3 a quoted Windows pathname
3 an alphanumeric text string. The destination filename is
file-specification.LOG or file-specification.LST and it is stored in the current
3 a SAS or Windows environment variable
sends your SAS procedure output to the file FTnnF001.LST, where nn represents
the UNIT= value, which can range from 1 to 99. The file is located in the SAS
working directory.
The PRINTTO procedure defines destinations for SAS procedure output and for the
SAS log.
Example 1: Redirecting SAS Log Output The following statements redirect any SAS
log entries that are generated after the RUN statement to an output file with a fileref of
TEST, which is associated with the LPT1: device:
filename test printer ’lpt1:’;
proc printto log=test;
When these statements are issued, a dialog box is opened that informs you PROC
PRINTTO is running. All SAS log entries are redirected to the TEST output file as
Procedures under Windows 4 SORT Procedure 441
specified; however, they are not printed on the LPT1: device until the output file is
closed, either by redirecting the SAS log entries back to the default destination or to
another file.
The following statements send any SAS log entries that are generated after the RUN
statement to the external file associated with the fileref MYFILE:
filename myfile ’c:\mydir\mylog.log’;
proc printto log=myfile;
Example 2: Redirecting SAS Procedure Output The following statements send any
SAS procedure output to a file named MYPRINT.LST in your working directory
(assuming that MYPRINT is not a previously defined fileref or environment variable):
proc printto print=myprint;
The following statements send any SAS procedure output to the printer port, which
is usually defined by the system as LPT1:
proc printto print=’lpt1:’;
SORT Procedure
Sorts observations in a SAS data set by one or more variables, then stores the resulting sorted
observations in a new SAS data set or replaces the original data set.
Windows specifics: Sort utilities available; SORTSIZE= and TAGSORT statement options
See: SORT Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide
PROC SORT <option(s)> <collating-sequence-option>;
Note: This version is a simplified version of the SORT procedure syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the SORT procedure in Base SAS Procedures
Guide 4
specifies the maximum amount of memory available to the SORT procedure. For
further explanation of the SORTSIZE= option, see the following Details section.
stores only the BY variables and the observation number in temporary files. When
you specify TAGSORT, the sort is a single-threaded sort. Do not specify TAGSORT if
442 SORT Procedure 4 Chapter 21
you want SAS to use multiple threads to sort. For details about TAGSORT option,
see the following Details section.
The SORT procedure sorts observations in a SAS data set by one or more character or
numeric variables, either replacing the original data set or creating a new, sorted data
set. By default under Windows, the SORT procedure uses the ASCII collating sequence.
The SORT procedure uses the sort utility specified by the SORTPGM system option.
Sorting can be done by SAS, your database, or the Windows SyncSort utility. You can
use all the options available to the SAS sort utility, such as the SORTSEQ and
NODUPKEY options. For a complete list of all options available, see the list of sort
options in the See Also section.
Under Windows, you can use the SORTSIZE= option in the PROC SORT statement to
limit the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure. This option might
reduce the amount of swapping SAS must do to sort the data set. If PROC SORT needs
more memory than you specify, it creates a temporary utility file to store the data in.
The SORT procedure’s algorithm can swap data more efficiently than Windows can.
The syntax of the SORTSIZE= option is as follows:
where memory-specification can be one of the following:
n specifies the amount of memory in bytes.
nK specifies the amount of memory in 1-kilobyte multiples.
nM specifies the amount of memory in 1-megabyte multiples.
The default SAS configuration file sets this option to 64MB using the SORTSIZE=
system option.
You can override the default value of the SORTSIZE= system option by specifying a
different SORTSIZE= value in the PROC SORT statement, or by submitting an
OPTIONS statement that sets the SORTSIZE= system option to a new value.
The SORTSIZE= option is also discussed in “Improving Performance of the SORT
Procedure” on page 208.
The TAGSORT option in the PROC SORT statement is useful in sorts when there
might not be enough disk space to sort a large SAS data set. When you specify
TAGSORT, the sort is a single-threaded sort. Do not specify TAGSORT if you want the
SAS to use multiple threads to sort.
When you specify the TAGSORT option, only sort keys (that is, the variables
specified in the BY statement) and the observation number for each observation are
stored in the temporary files. The sort keys, together with the observation number, are
referred to as tags. At the completion of the sorting process, the tags are used to
retrieve the records from the input data set in sorted order. Thus, in cases where the
total number of bytes of the sort keys is small compared with the length of the record,
temporary disk use is reduced considerably. You should have enough disk space to hold
another copy of the data (the output data set) or two copies of the tags, whichever is
greater. Note that while using the TAGSORT option can reduce temporary disk use, the
processing time can be much higher. However, on PCs with limited available disk
Procedures under Windows 4 SORT Procedure 443
space, the TAGSORT option can allow sorts to be performed in situations where they
would otherwise not be possible.
Alternatively, you can select the View menu, select the Libraries item, then
double-click on the Sashelp library, and then double-click on the HOST catalog. In
batch mode, you can use the following statements to generate a list of the contents of
the HOST catalog:
proc catalog;
The contents of the collating sequence are displayed in the SAS log.
Setting SyncSort as the Sort Algorithm To always sort using the SyncSort sort
routine, the value of the SORTPGM system option must be HOST. To set this option,
submit the following OPTIONS statement:
options sortpgm=host;
444 SORT Procedure 4 Chapter 21
Note: The SORTPGM option can also be set from the SAS System Options window,
in the SAS configuration file, or during SAS invocation. This example shows how to
specify the SORTPGM system option at invocation or in the SAS configuration file:
-sortpgm host
Sorting Based on Size or Observations The sort routine that SAS uses can be based
on either the number of observations in a data set or on the size of the data set. When
the SORTPGM option is set to BEST, SAS uses the first available and pertinent sorting
algorithm based on this order of precedence:
3 database sort utility
3 host sort utility
3 SAS sort utility
If sorting is not to be done by the database, SAS looks at the values for the
SORTCUT and SORTCUTP options to determine which sort to use.
The SORTCUT option specifies the number of observations above which SyncSort is
used instead of the SAS sort. The SORTCUTP option specifies the number of bytes in
the data set above which SyncSort is used.
If SORTCUT and SORTCUTP are set to zero, SAS uses the SAS sort routine. If you
specify both options and either condition is met, SAS uses SyncSort.
When the following OPTIONS statement is in effect, the SyncSort routine is used
when the number of observations is 501 or greater:
options sortpgm=best sortcut=500;
Here, the SyncSort routine is used when the size of the data set is greater than 40M:
options sortpgm=best sortcutp=40M;
For more information about these sort options, see “SORTPGM System Option” on
page 569, “SORTCUT System Option” on page 565 and “SORTCUTP System Option” on
page 566.
Changing the Location of SyncSort Temporary Files By default, SyncSort uses the
location that is specified in the -WORK option for temporary files. To change the
location of SyncSort temporary files, specify a new location by using the SORTDEV
option. Here is an example:
options sortdev="c:\temp\sortsync";
For more information about the SORTDEV options, see “SORTDEV System Option”
on page 567.
Procedures under Windows 4 SORT Procedure 445
Passing Options to SyncSort Use the SORTANOM option to specify the options that
you want to use for SyncSort:
For more information about the SORTANOM option, see “SORTANOM System
Option” on page 564.
Passing Parameters to SyncSort Use the SORTPARM option to pass Syncsort options
to SyncSort. Enclose the options in quotations marks as in this OPTIONS statement:
options sortparm="SyncSort-options";
For information about the SORTPARM option, see “SORTPARM System Option” on
page 568. See the SyncSort documentation for a description of the SyncSort options.
For more information, see the TRANTAB procedure in SAS National Language
Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
3 use the SAS sort. You can specify the SAS sort by using the SORTPGM system
option. For more information, see “SORTPGM System Option” on page 569.
3 specify the collation order options of your host sort utility. See the documentation
for your host sort utility for more information.
446 SORT Procedure 4 Chapter 21
3 create a view with a dummy BY variable. For an example, see “Example: Creating
a View with a Dummy BY Variable” on page 446.
Note: After using one of these methods, you might need to perform subsequent BY
processing using either the NOTSORTED option or the NOBYSORTED system option.
For more information about the NOTSORTED option, see the BY statement in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary. For more information about the NOBYSORTED
system option, see the BYSORTED system option in SAS Language Reference:
Dictionary. 4
data one;
input name $ age;
anne 35
janet 5
bridget 23
See Also
SAS Statements under Windows
ABORT Statement
Stops executing the current DATA step, SAS job, or SAS session.
Valid in: a DATA step
Windows specifics: Action of the ABEND and RETURN options; maximum value of
See: ABORT Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
450 ATTRIB Statement 4 Chapter 22
causes abnormal termination of the current SAS job or session for the current
process. Further action is based on how your operating environment and site treat
jobs that end abnormally.
causes the immediate normal termination of the current SAS job or session. A
condition code is returned indicating an error if a job ends abnormally.
allows you to specify a condition code that SAS returns to its calling program. The
value of n must be an integer. Return codes 0 - 6 and those values greater than 997
are used by SAS.
The ABORT statement causes SAS to stop processing the current DATA step.
The ABEND and RETURN options both terminate the SAS process, job, or session.
See Also
ATTRIB Statement
Associates a format, informat, label, and length with one or more variables.
Valid in:a DATA step
Windows specifics: length specification
See: ATTRIB Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
ATTRIB variable-list-1 attribute-list-1…<variable-list-n attribute-list-n>;
Note: Here is a simplified explanation of the ATTRIB statement syntax. For the
complete syntax and its explanation, see the ATTRIB statement in SAS Language
Reference: Dictionary. 4
specifies the length of the variables in variable-list. Under Windows, the length
you can specify for a numeric variable ranges from 3 to 8 bytes.
Using the ATTRIB statement in the DATA step permanently associates attributes with
variables by changing the descriptor information of the SAS data set that contains the
Statements under Windows 4 FILE Statement 451
FILE Statement
Specifies the current output file for PUT statements.
Valid in: a DATA step
Windows specifics: Valid values for file specification; valid values for encoding-value; valid
options for host-option-list
See: FILE Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FILE file-specification<ENCODING=’encoding-value’>< option-list> < host-option-list>;
can be any of the file specification forms discussed in “Referencing External Files” on
page 148.
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use them as filenames. 4
specifies the encoding to use when writing to the output file. The value for
ENCODING= indicates that the output file has a different encoding from the current
session encoding.
When you write data to the output file, SAS transcodes the data from the session
encoding to the specified encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
names external I/O statement options that are specific to the Windows operating
environment. They can be any of the following:
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8K. The maximum is 1M.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates whether the
client is to wait if no data is currently available. BLOCK is the default value.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates the type of pipe.
BYTE is the default value.
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This option enables
you to issue a remote command for applications that do not use the SYSTEM topic
name. For more information, see “Referencing the DDE External File” on page 276
and “Controlling Another Application Using DDE” on page 278.
is used only in the context of named pipes and is valid only when defining the
server. This option indicates that if an end-of-file (EOF) character is received from
a client, the server should try to connect to the next client.
452 FILE Statement 4 Chapter 22
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). For a complete
description and an example of using this option, see “Using the DDE HOTLINK”
on page 282.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
Alternatively, you can specify a logical record length value by using the
LRECL= system option.
specifies that output should be appended to an existing file.
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This option enables
you to use non-tab character delimiters between variables. For more information
about this option, see “Using the NOTAB Option with DDE” on page 281.
controls the record format. The following values are valid under Windows:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
S370VB indicates the variable block S370 record format (VB).
S370VBS indicates the variable block with spanned records S370 record
format (VBS).
V|D indicates variable format. This format is the default.
The S370 values are valid with z/OS types of files only. That is, files that are
binary, have variable-length records, and are in EBCDIC format. If you want to
use a fixed-format z/OS, first copy it to a variable-length, binary z/OS file.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option specifies how long a named
pipe client should wait for a busy pipe. The minimum (and default) value for
seconds is 10.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option specifies the mode of a
named pipe. The default value is SERVER.
specifies the end-of-line character for the file. Use this option to share files
between the UNIX and Windows operating environments. Valid values are:
Carriage return line feed. Use TERMSTR=CRLF to write Windows formatted
files. CRLF is the default.
Statements under Windows 4 FILENAME Statement 453
Line feed. Use TERMSTR=LF to write UNIX formatted files.
New line. Use TERMSTR=NL to write UNIX formatted files.
The FILE statement routes the output from the PUT statement to either the same
external file to which procedure output is written or to a different external file.
If the FILE statement includes the ENCODING argument and the reserved filerefs
LOG or PRINT as the file-specification, SAS issues an error message. The ENCODING
value in the FILE statement overrides the value of the ENCODING system option.
See Also
3 “Named Pipe Examples” on page 290 for examples of using some of these options
3 “DDE Examples” on page 278 for examples of using some of these options
FILENAME Statement
Associates a SAS fileref with an external file or a logical file device.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Valid values for access-method; valid values for device-type; valid
filenames for external-file; valid values for encoding; valid options in host-option-list
See: FILENAME Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FILENAME fileref <device-type> ’external-file’
<ENCODING=’encoding-value’>< host-option-list>;
FILENAME fileref device-type <’external-file’>
FILENAME fileref <device-type> (’directory-1’<,…directory-n’>)
Note: This version is a simplified version of the FILENAME statement syntax. For
the complete syntax and its explanation, see the FILENAME statement in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary. 4
is any valid fileref, as discussed in “Using a Fileref” on page 149.
For examples of using filerefs in member-name syntax (also called aggregate
syntax), see “Assigning a Fileref to a Directory” on page 151. For a discussion of the
rules SAS uses when accessing files through filerefs, see “Understanding How
Concatenated Directories Are Accessed” on page 155.
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use them as filerefs. 4
454 FILENAME Statement 4 Chapter 22
enables you to read and write data from devices rather than files. The following
values are valid:
reads a SAS catalog as an external flat file.
reads data from and writes data to a communications port.
reads data from and writes data to another application using Dynamic Data
Exchange. For more information, see “DDE Syntax within SAS” on page 276.
reads data from and writes data to a disk file. Under Windows, DISK is the
default for device-type.
displays information about the available hard drives (local and networked).
specifies a null output device. This value is especially useful in testing situations.
lets you send electronic mail programmatically from SAS. For more information,
see “Sending E-Mail Using SAS” on page 42.
lets you access information on other machines using TCP/IP. You must have TCP/
IP software and a WINSOCK.DLL installed on your local machine. You must also
be able to connect to a machine that can function as an FTP server. For more
information about using the FTP access method, see the FILENAME statement in
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
writes data to a named pipe. For more information, see “Using Named Pipes” on
page 288.
writes data to a Lotus Notes database. For more information, see “Populating a
Lotus Notes Database Using the DATA Step and SCL Code” on page 216.
writes data to an unnamed pipe. For more information, see “Using Unnamed
Pipes” on page 286.
indicates that you are accessing a plotter. Windows printing is not used. This
device-type keyword is used solely in conjunction with SAS/GRAPH software.
indicates that you are accessing a printer file or device. By default, output is
routed through Windows printing when you use this device-type keyword. For
more information about altering your default printer, see the system option
“SYSPRINT System Option” on page 576.
lets you read and write information over a TCP/IP socket. You must have TCP/IP
software and a WINSOCK.DLL installed on your local machine. The SOCKET
access method uses the nonblocking method of issuing socket requests. For more
Statements under Windows 4 FILENAME Statement 455
information about using the SOCKET access method, see the FILENAME
statement and FILENAME function in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
creates a temporary file that exists only as long as the filename is assigned. The
temporary file can be accessed only through the logical name and is available only
while the logical name exists. A physical pathname is never shown to the user. If
a physical pathname is specified, an error is returned. Files that are manipulated
by the TEMP device can have the same attributes and behave identically to DISK
only useful with output, causes output to be sent to the SAS Message Log window.
For an example of specifying a device type in the FILENAME statement, see
“Advanced External I/O Techniques” on page 162.
Note: The TAPE device-type keyword (documented in SAS Language Reference:
Dictionary) is not applicable to the Windows operating environment. If you use the
TAPE device-type keyword in your SAS program under Windows, you will receive an
error message. Also, while the DISK device-type keyword is accepted under
Windows, it is ignored because disk files are the default under Windows. 4
can be any valid Windows file specification that is enclosed in quotes. (for more
information, see “Referencing External Files” on page 148).
specifies the encoding to use when reading from or writing to the external file. The
value for ENCODING= indicates that the external file has a different encoding from
the current session encoding.
When you read data from an external file, SAS transcodes the data from the
specified encoding to the session encoding. When you write data to an external file,
SAS transcodes the data from the session encoding to the specified encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
names external I/O statement options that are specific to Windows. They can be any
of the following:
is for use only with the PRINTER device type. Filename specifies a file destination
to write to when you direct output to the fileref. Although the output is written to
disk and not to the printer, the output is still formatted by using the printer driver
that is associated with the printer that you specified with the external-file
argument. For example,
filename groupHP printer
"HP LaserJet 4si, 1st floor"
"C:\My SAS Files\Printer output\out.prn";
uses the printer driver that is associated with the named printer (an HP LaserJet
4si) to create the output in out.prn. No output is actually sent to the printer
when you use this fileref.
sets the baud rate. The value for baud-rate depends on your communications
hardware. It must be an integer. This host option is valid only if you specify the
COMMPORT device-type keyword.
456 FILENAME Statement 4 Chapter 22
sets the transmission bits. Values are 5 through 8. This host option is valid only
when you specify the COMMPORT device-type keyword.
Note: For the 8250 serial port, invalid combinations are 5 data bits with 2 stop
bits and 6, 7, or 8 data bits with 1.5 stop bits. 4
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8K. The maximum is 1M.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates whether the
client is to wait if no data is currently available. BLOCK is the default value.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates the type of pipe.
BYTE is the default value.
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This option enables
you to issue a remote command for applications that do not use the SYSTEM topic
name. For more information, see “Referencing the DDE External File” on page 276
and “Controlling Another Application Using DDE” on page 278.
controls how a communications port timeout is handled. A timeout occurs when no
data is available at the communications port for a period of time, usually
60 seconds. The COMTIMEOUT= option can have the following values:
EOF returns an end-of-file (EOF) character when a timeout occurs.
This behavior is the default. The EOF character causes the
current DATA step to terminate.
WAIT instructs the communications port to wait forever for data.
This value overrides the timeout. In this case, no record is
returned to the DATA step until data are available. This action
can cause your program to go into an infinite loop, so use this
value with caution.
ZERO returns a record length of 0 bytes when a timeout occurs.
However, the DATA step does not terminate; it simply tries to
read data again.
This host-option is valid only if you specify the COMMPORT device-type
specifies the state of the DOS window when an application is opened using pipes.
Valid states are:
MAX opens the DOS window maximized
MIN opens the DOS window minimized
NORMAL opens the DOS window using the default for the machine.
This host-option is valid only if you specify the PIPE keyword.
is used to discard null bytes when they are received. The valid values are
ON specifies to discard null bytes when they are received.
Statements under Windows 4 FILENAME Statement 457
OFF specifies not to discard null bytes when they are received. OFF
is the default value.
This host option is valid only if you specify the COMMPORT device-type
keyword. For example:
filename portin commport ’com1:’ dropnull=off;
is used only in the context of named pipes and is valid only when you are defining
the server. This option indicates that if an end-of-file (EOF) character is received
from a client, the server should try to connect to the next client.
controls the transmission control flow. Values are: XONXOFF, DTRDSR, or
RTSCTS. This host option is valid only if you specify the COMMPORT device-type
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). For a complete
description and an example of how to use this option, see “Using the DDE
HOTLINK” on page 282.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
Alternatively, you can specify a logical record length value by using the
LRECL= system option.
specifies that output should be appended to an existing file.
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This option enables
you to use nontab character delimiters between variables. For more information
about this option, see “Using the NOTAB Option with DDE” on page 281.
sets the parity check bit. Values are NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, or SPACE. This
host option is valid only if you specify the COMMPORT device-type keyword.
controls the record format. The following values are valid under Windows:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. N is not valid for the PIPE or the NAMEPIPE
device types. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
S370VB indicates the variable block S370 record format (VB).
S370VBS indicates the variable block with spanned records S370 record
format (VBS).
458 FILENAME Statement 4 Chapter 22
The FILENAME statement temporarily associates a valid SAS name with an external
file or an output device. An external file is a file created and maintained in the
Windows operating environment from which you need to read data.
Example 1: Referencing External Files You can reference external files from a
concatenated list of files or directories. The wildcard character * can be used in the
FILENAME statement:
filename read (’c:\myfiles\*.*’,’c:\myotherfiles\abc.dat’);
data new;
infile read;
Statements under Windows 4 %INCLUDE Statement 459
See Also
FOOTNOTE Statement
Prints up to ten lines of text at the bottom of the procedure output.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Maximum length of footnote
See: FOOTNOTE Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
FOOTNOTE <n> <’text’ | “text”>;
specifies the relative line to be occupied by the footnote.
specifies the text of the footnote in single or double quotation marks.
The FOOTNOTE statement takes effect when the step or RUN group with which it is
associated executes. Once you specify a footnote for a line, SAS repeats the same
footnote on all pages until you cancel or redefine the footnote for that line.
The maximum footnote length under Windows is 256 characters. If the specified
footnote is greater than the LINESIZE system option, the footnote is truncated to the
line size.
%INCLUDE Statement
Includes and executes SAS statements and data lines.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: source, if a file specification is used; valid options for encoding-value
and host-options
See: %INCLUDE Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
%INCLUDE source </< ENCODING=’encoding-value’><host-options>>;
460 %INCLUDE Statement 4 Chapter 22
Note: This version is a simplified version of the %INCLUDE statement syntax. For
the complete syntax and its explanation, see the %INCLUDE statement in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary. 4
describes the location of the information you want to access. The two possible sources
are a file specification or internal lines. Under Windows, an asterisk (*) cannot be
used to specify keyboard entry. The file specification can be any of the file
specification forms discussed in “Referencing External Files” on page 148.
Note: When using member-name syntax and the member name contains a
leading digit, enclose the member name in quotation marks. If the member name
contains a macro variable reference, use double quotation marks. 4
specifies the encoding to use when reading from the specified source. The value for
ENCODING= indicates that the specified source has a different encoding from the
current session encoding.
When you read data from the specified source, SAS transcodes the data from the
specified encoding to the session encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
consists of statement options that are valid under Windows. Remember to precede
the options list with a forward slash (/). The following options are available under
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8K. The maximum is 1M.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates whether the
client is to wait if no data is currently available.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates the type of pipe;
BYTE is the default value.
is used only in the context of named pipes and is valid only when defining the
server. This option indicates that the server should try to connect to the next
client if an end-of-file (EOF) character is received from a client.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange. This option enables you to
use non-tab character delimiters between variables. For more information about
this option, see “Using the NOTAB Option with DDE” on page 281
Statements under Windows 4 INFILE Statement 461
controls the record format. The following values are valid under Windows:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
S370VB indicates the variable block S370 record format (VB).
S370VBS indicates the variable block with spanned records S370 record
format (VBS).
V|D indicates variable format. This format is the default.
The S370 values are valid with files laid out as z/OS files only—that is, files that
are binary, have variable-length records, and are in EBCDIC format. If you want
to use a fixed-format z/OS file, first copy it to a variable-length, binary z/OS file.
When you execute a program that contains the %INCLUDE statement, SAS executes
your code, including any statements or data lines that you bring into the program with
INFILE Statement
Specifies an external file to read with an INPUT statement.
Valid in: a DATA step
Windows specifics: Valid values for encoding-value, file-specification, and host-options
See: INFILE Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
INFILE file-specification <ENCODING=’encoding-value’>< options> <host-options>;
identifies the source of input data records, usually an external file. The
file-specification argument can be any of the file specification forms that are
discussed in “Referencing External Files” on page 148. The reserved fileref CARDS
enables the INFILE statement to reference instream data.
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use them as filerefs. 4
specifies the encoding to use when reading from the external file. The value for
ENCODING= indicates that the external file has a different encoding from the
current session encoding.
462 INFILE Statement 4 Chapter 22
When you read data from an external file, SAS transcodes the data from the
specified encoding to the session encoding.
For valid encoding values, see “Encoding Values in SAS Language Elements” in
SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
names external I/O statement options that are specific to the Windows operating
environment. They can be any of the following:
BLKSIZE= block-size
specifies the number of bytes that are physically read or written in an I/O
operation. The default is 8K. The maximum is 1M.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates whether the
client is to wait if no data is currently available. The default value is BLOCK.
is used only in the context of named pipes. This option indicates the type of pipe.
The default value is BYTE.
is used only in the context of named pipes and is valid only when defining the
server. This option indicates that if an end-of-file (EOF) character is received from
a client, the server should try to connect to the next client.
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). For a complete
description and an example of using this option, see “Using the DDE HOTLINK”
on page 282.
is used in the context of I/O operations on variable record format files. When this
option is specified, any occurrence of ^Z is interpreted as character data and not as
an end-of-file marker.
specifies the record length (in bytes). Under Windows, the default is 256. The
value of record-length can range from 1 to 1,073,741,823 (1 gigabyte).
is used only in the context of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). This option enables
you to use nontab character delimiters between variables. For more information
about this option, see “Using the NOTAB Option with DDE” on page 281.
controls the record format. The following are valid values under Windows:
F indicates fixed format.
N indicates binary format and causes the file to be treated as a
byte stream. If LRECL is not specified, by default SAS reads
256 bytes at a time from the file.
P indicates print format.
S370V indicates the variable S370 record format (V).
S370VB indicates the variable block S370 record format (VB).
S370VBS indicates the variable block with spanned records S370 record
format (VBS).
Statements under Windows 4 LENGTH Statement 463
If the INFILE statement includes the ENCODING argument and CARDS, CARDS4,
DATALINES, or DATALINES4 as the file-specification, then SAS issues an error
message. The ENCODING value in the INFILE statement overrides the value of the
ENCODING system option.
Example 1: Referencing External Files You can reference external files from a
concatenated list of files or directories. The wildcard character * can be used in the
INFILE statement:
data new;
infile (’c:\myfiles\*.*’,’c:\myotherfiles\abc.dat’);
See Also
3 “Named Pipe Examples” on page 290 for examples of using some of these options
3 “DDE Examples” on page 278 for examples of using some of these options.
LENGTH Statement
Specifies the number of bytes SAS uses to store numeric variables.
464 LIBNAME Statement 4 Chapter 22
LENGTH <variable-1>< …variable-n> <$> <length> <DEFAULT=n>;
Under Windows, can range from 3 to 8 bytes for numeric variables.
changes the default number of bytes used for storing the values of newly created
numeric variables from 8 to the value of n. Under Windows, the value of n can range
from 3 to 8 bytes.
The LENGTH statement specifies the number of bytes SAS is to use for storing values
of variables in each data set being created.
Any length less than 8 bytes can result in a loss of precision for the value of the variable.
See Also
LIBNAME Statement
Associates a libref with a SAS library and lists file attributes for a SAS library.
Valid in:anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Valid values for engine; specifications for SAS-data-library
See: LIBNAME Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
LIBNAME libref <engine>’(’SAS-data-library-1’ <,…’SAS-data-library-n’> )’
Note: This version is a simplified version of the LIBNAME statement syntax. For
the complete syntax and its explanation, see the LIBNAME statement in SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary. 4
Statements under Windows 4 LIBNAME Statement 465
is any valid libref, as documented in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
is one of the following library engines supported under Windows:
V9 accesses SAS System 9, SAS 9.1, and SAS 9.2 data sets. You can
use the nickname BASE for this engine.
V8 accesses Version 8, Release 8.1, and Release 8.2 data sets.
V7 accesses Version 7 data sets.
V6 accesses Release 6.08 through Release 6.12 data sets.
V604 accesses Release 6.03 and Release 6.04 data sets.
Note: The V604 engine enables you to read from Release 6.03
and Release 6.04 SAS data sets directly from your 32-bit Windows
SAS 9.2 session. Release 6.03 and Release 6.04 SAS data sets are
not compatible with the x64 64–bit environment and the Itanium
64–bit environment. 4
XML generates an XML document from a SAS data set.
XPORT accesses transport format files.
BMDP accesses BMDP data files in a 32–bit operating environment.
OSIRIS accesses OSIRIS data files.
SPSS accesses SPSS export files.
For more information about these engines, see “Multi Engine Architecture” on
page 124 and the discussion of engines in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
is the physical name of a SAS library under Windows. It must be a valid Windows
pathname or an environment variable that is set to a valid Windows pathname. You
can concatenate several Windows directories to serve as a single SAS library. When
you specify multiple libraries, use parentheses around the first and last library
pathnames. For more information about concatenated SAS libraries, see
“Understanding How Multi-Folder SAS Libraries Are Accessed” on page 133.
specifies to use extended server memory for this library. For more information about
using extended memory, see “Memory-Based Libraries” on page 201.
specifies the number of seconds SAS will wait for a locked file to become available to
another process. If the locked file is released before the number of seconds specified
by n, then SAS locks the file for the current process and continues. If the file is still
locked when the number of seconds has been reached, then SAS writes a "Locked
File" error to the log and the DATA step fails.
Interaction: Specifying the FILELOCKWAIT= option can have an adverse effect on
one or more SAS/SHARE server and client sessions that are waiting for the
release of a SAS file that is locked by another process. One or more wait
conditions could lead to failed processes for a SAS/SHARE server and clients.
To prevent the possibility of a failed SAS/SHARE process, you can set
FILELOCKWAIT=0, which cancels the amount of time that a SAS/SHARE server
and clients would wait for the release of a locked file. Canceling the wait time
would prevent a failed process. For more information, see the
“FILELOCKWAITMAX= System Option” on page 511, and see the section about
466 LIBNAME Statement 4 Chapter 22
The LIBNAME statement associates a libref with a permanent SAS library. It can also
be used to list the file attributes of a SAS library. (The LIBNAME statement is also
used to clear a libref. For more information, see “Clearing Librefs” on page 132.)
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT1 - LPT9, and COM1 - COM9 are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use them as librefs. 4
Associating Librefs Use one of the following forms of the LIBNAME statement to
associate a libref or an engine with a SAS library:
LIBNAME libref <engine> ’SAS-data-library’
LIBNAME libref <engine> (’SAS-data-library-1’ <,…’SAS-data-library-n’)>;
Use quotation marks when SAS-data-library is a physical path. Quotation marks are
not needed when you concatenate librefs.
You can use the same arguments with these forms of the LIBNAME statement as
shown in the LIBNAME statement syntax.
Listing Data Library Attributes With the LIST option, you can use the LIBNAME
statement to list attributes of SAS libraries. Output 22.1 shows the results of the
following LIBNAME statement:
libname sashelp list;
. . .
-Level 27-
Engine= V9
Physical Name= C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\webhound\sashelp
File Name= C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\webhound\sashelp
2 run;
Statements under Windows 4 SYSTASK Statement 467
See Also
SYSTASK Statement
Executes, lists, or terminates asynchronous tasks.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: all
SYSTASK COMMAND “operating system command”
SYSTASK KILL taskname < taskname...>;
executes the operating system command
lists either a specific active task or all of the active tasks in the system.
forces the termination of the specified task(s).
operating system command
specifies the name of a Windows command (including any command-specific options).
Enclose the command in either single or double quotation marks. If the command
options require quotes, repeat the quotes. For example:
systask command "find ""my text"" c:\mydir\"
Note: The operating system command that you specify cannot require input from
the keyboard. 4
determines whether SYSTASK COMMAND suspends execution of the current SAS
session until the task has completed. NOWAIT is the default. For tasks that are
started with the NOWAIT argument, you can use the WAITFOR statement when
necessary to suspend execution of the SAS session until the task has finished.
468 SYSTASK Statement 4 Chapter 22
specifies a name that identifies the task. Task names must be unique among all
active tasks. A task is active if it is running, or if it has completed and has not been
waited for using the WAITFOR statement. Duplicate task names generate an error in
the SAS log. If you do not specify a task name, SYSTASK will automatically generate
a name. If the task name contains a blank character, enclose the task name in quotes.
specifies a macro variable in which you want SYSTASK to store the task name that
it automatically generated for the task. If you specify both the TASKNAME option
and the MNAME option, SYSTASK copies the name you specified with TASKNAME
into the variable that you specified with MNAME.
specifies a macro variable in which you want SYSTASK to store the status of the
task. Status variable names must be unique among all active tasks.
specifies that the operating system command should be executed with the operating
system shell command. If you specify a shell-command, SYSTASK uses the shell
command that you specify to invoke the shell; otherwise, SYSTASK uses the default
shell. Enclose the shell command in quotes.
specifies all active tasks in the system.
specifies to display the status of the task, which can be Start Failed, Running, or
specifies to display the status variable associated with the task. The status variable
is the variable that you assigned with the STATUS option in the SYSTASK
COMMAND statement.
SYSTASK allows you to execute operating system-specific commands from within your
SAS session or application. Unlike the X statement, SYSTASK runs these commands as
asynchronous tasks, which means that these tasks execute independently of all other
tasks that are currently running. Asynchronous tasks run in the background, so you
can perform additional tasks while the asynchronous task is still running.
For example, to copy a SAS program, you might use this statement:
systask command "copy"
taskname="copyfile" status=copystat;
The return code from the copy command is saved in the macro variable COPYSTAT.
Note: Windows command output is not written to the SAS log. 4
Program steps that follow the SYSTASK statements in SAS applications usually
depend on the successful execution of the SYSTASK statements. Therefore, syntax
errors in some SYSTASK statements will cause your SAS application to end.
There are two types of tasks that can be run with SYSTASK:
All tasks started with SYSTASK COMMAND are of type Task. For these tasks, if
you do not specify STATVAR or STATE, then SYSTASK LIST displays the task
name, type, and state, and the name of the status macro variable. To terminate
tasks of type Task, use SYSTASK KILL.
Statements under Windows 4 TITLE Statement 469
Tasks started from SAS/CONNECT with the SIGNON statement or command, and
RSUBMIT statement are of type SAS/CONNECT Process. To display SAS/
CONNECT processes, use the LISTTASK statement to display the task name, type,
and state. To terminate a SAS/CONNECT process, use the KILLTASK statement.
For information on SAS/CONNECT processes, see SAS/CONNECT User’s Guide.
Note: The preferred method for displaying any task (not just SAS/CONNECT
processes) is to use the LISTTASK statement instead of SYSTASK LIST.
The preferred method for ending a task is using the KILLTASK statement in
place of SYSTASK KILL. 4
The SYSRC macro variable contains the return code for the SYSTASK statement.
The status variable that you specify with the STATUS option contains the return code
of the process started with SYSTASK COMMAND. To ensure that a task executes
successfully, you should monitor both the status of the SYSTASK statement and the
status of the process that is started by the SYSTASK statement.
If a SYSTASK statement cannot execute successfully, the SYSRC macro variable will
contain a non-zero value. For example, there might be insufficient resources to
complete a task, or the SYSTASK statement can contain syntax errors. With the
SYSTASK KILL statement, if one or more of the processes cannot be terminated,
SYSRC is set to a non-zero value.
When a task is started, its status variable is set to NULL. You can use the status
variables for each task to determine which tasks failed to complete. Any task whose
status variable is NULL did not complete execution. See WAITFOR for more
information about the status variables.
Unlike the X statement, you cannot use the SYSTASK statement to start a new
interactive session.
See Also
TITLE Statement
Specifies title lines for SAS output.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Maximum length of the title
See: TITLE Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
TITLE <n> <’text’ | “text”>;
specifies the relative line that contains the title line.
’text’ | “text”
specifies text that is enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
470 WAITFOR Statement 4 Chapter 22
The TITLE statement specifies title lines to be printed on procedure output files and
other SAS output. A TITLE statement takes effect when the DATA or PROC step or
RUN group with which it is associated executes. Once you specify a title for a line, it is
used for all subsequent output until you cancel the title or define another title for that
Under Windows, the maximum title length is 256 characters. If the specified title is
greater than the LINESIZE system option, the title is truncated to the line size.
WAITFOR Statement
Suspends execution of the current SAS session until the specified tasks finish executing.
Valid in:anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: all
WAITFOR< _ANY_ | _ALL_> taskname <taskname...>< TIMEOUT=seconds>;
specifies the name of the task(s) that you want to wait for. See “SYSTASK
Statement” on page 467 for information about task names. The task name(s) that
you specify must match exactly the task names assigned through the SYSTASK
COMMAND statement. You cannot use wildcards to specify task names.
_ANY_ | _ALL_
suspends execution of the current SAS session until either one or all of the specified
tasks finishes executing. The default setting is _ANY_, which means that as soon as
one of the specified task(s) completes executing, the WAITFOR statement will finish
specifies the maximum number of seconds that WAITFOR should suspend the
current SAS session. If you do not specify the TIMEOUT option, WAITFOR will
suspend execution of the SAS session indefinitely.
The WAITFOR statement suspends execution of the current SAS session until the
specified task(s) finish executing or until the TIMEOUT interval (if specified) has
elapsed. If the specified task was started with the XWAIT option, then the WAITFOR
statement ignores that task.
For example, the following statements start three different SAS jobs and suspend the
execution of the current SAS session until those three jobs have finished executing:
systask command "sas" taskname=sas1;
systask command "sas" taskname=sas2;
Statements under Windows 4 X Statement 471
The SYSRC macro variable contains the return code for the WAITFOR statement. If
a WAITFOR statement cannot execute successfully, the SYSRC macro variable will
contain a non-zero value. For example, the WAITFOR statement can contain syntax
errors. If the number of seconds specified with the TIMEOUT option elapses, then the
WAITFOR statement finishes executing, and SYSRC is set to a non-zero value if
3 you specify a single task that does not finish executing
3 you specify more than one task and the _ANY_ option (which is the default
setting), but none of the tasks finishes executing
3 you specify more than one task and the _ALL_ option, and any one of the tasks
does not finish executing.
Any task whose status variable is still NULL after the WAITFOR statement has
executed did not complete execution.
See Also
X Statement
Runs an operating system command or a Windows application from within a SAS session.
Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Valid values for command
See: X Statement in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
X <’command’>;
no argument
places you in a Command prompt session, with an operating system prompt. Here
you can execute Windows commands in the context of SAS working directory. There
are some things that you cannot do from the Command prompt in this situation, such
as define environment variables for use by your SAS session. (Environment variables
must be defined before you invoke SAS). Type EXIT at the Command prompt and
press ENTER to return to your SAS session.
specifies a Windows command or a Windows application. This argument can be
anything you can specify at a DOS prompt (including the SAS command). Therefore,
you can use the X statement to execute Windows applications. The command can be
enclosed in quotes, but this syntax is not required.
The command is passed to Windows and executed in the context of the working
directory. If errors occur, the appropriate error messages are displayed.
472 X Statement 4 Chapter 22
By default, you must type EXIT to return to your SAS session after the command
has completed execution. Also by default, if you execute a Windows application such
as Notepad, you must close the application before you can return to your SAS
session. Specify NOXWAIT in an OPTIONS statement if you do not want to have to
type EXIT. With NOXWAIT in effect, as soon as the command finishes execution,
control is returned to your SAS session. Note, however, that if you execute a
Windows application with the X statement, specifying NOXWAIT does not let you
return to your SAS session until you close the application.
Another system option, XSYNC, controls whether you have to wait for the
command to finish executing before you can return to your SAS session. If you
specify NOXSYNC, you can start a Windows application with the X statement and
return to your SAS session without closing the application. For additional details
about these two system options, see “XWAIT System Option” on page 589 and
“XSYNC System Option” on page 588.
The X statement issues a host command from within a SAS session when you run SAS
in windowing mode. SAS executes the X statement immediately.
Under Windows, you can issue the X statement without the command argument.
There are other ways of running operating environment commands besides the X
statement (and the X command) under Windows.
See Also
SAS System Options under
Restricted Options
Restricted options are system options whose values are determined by the site
administrator. You cannot override restricted options. The following system options in
the Windows environment are restricted. For more information about restricted
options, see “Restricted Options” in the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
You can specify the SHORT option in the PROC OPTIONS statement to produce a
list of option settings with no explanation of the options. For more information, see the
OPTIONS procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
In an interactive SAS session, the SAS System Options window displays the settings
of many SAS system options, including the invocation and configuration options. You
cannot edit these options from the Options window. To open the SAS System Options
window, enter Tools I Options I System, or type options in the command area and
submit the command.
Some system options can be specified only when a SAS session or process is initialized
(starts up), while other options can be changed as needed during your SAS session.
It is important to remember the differences in syntax between specifying a system
option in the SAS command when you start SAS or in the SAS configuration file, and
specifying a system option in the OPTIONS statement. The syntax for these situations
is different, and if you use the wrong syntax, SAS generates an error message. For
information on the OPTIONS statement, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
For options that take a value, do not use an equal sign; follow the option name with
a space and then the value. For example, the following SAS command invokes SAS
with a line length of 132:
c:\sas\sas.exe -linesize 132
Physical names (that is, directory names or filenames) should be enclosed in double
quotation marks when you use them in the SAS command or in the SAS configuration
file. The quotation marks are especially necessary when the file or pathname that you
are specifying contains a space or single quotation mark character, which are valid
characters in Windows filenames. For example, the following SAS command invokes
SAS and indicates that autocall macros are stored in the C:\SAS\CORE\SASMACRO
c:\sas\sas.exe -sasautos "c:\sas\core\sasmacro"
Double quotation marks are also needed when an option value contains ’=’, as shown
in this example:
c:\sas\sas.exe -set fruit "navel=orange"
To specify more than one option in the SAS command, simply separate each option
with a space. For example, the following SAS command combines the three options
shown previously in this section:
c:\sas\sas.exe -linesize 132 -nocenter
-sasautos "c:\sas\core\sasmacro"
The SAS configuration file must contain only option settings; it cannot contain SAS
statements. The file can contain SAS comments. For example, a configuration file
named MySASConfig.CFG can contain these option specifications (among others):
-pagesize 60
All SAS system options can appear in a SAS configuration file. For more information
on SAS configuration files, see “SAS Configuration Files” on page 12.
478 Syntax for Concatenating Libraries in SAS System Options 4 Chapter 23
Physical names (that is, directory names or filenames) must be enclosed in quotation
marks when used in the OPTIONS statement. For example, the following OPTIONS
statement indicates that autocall macros are stored in the C:\SAS\CORE\SASMACRO
options sasautos="c:\sas\core\sasmacro";
Any file specification that is not enclosed in quotation marks in the OPTIONS
statement is assumed to be a logical name, that is, a fileref or an environment variable
name. If no logical name is found, SAS issues an error message.
Not all system options can be specified in the OPTIONS statement. To find out
whether a system option can be specified in the OPTIONS statement, look up the option
name in Table 23.1 on page 480, which summarizes all SAS system option information,
including where you can specify the options or use PROC OPTIONS
option=optname define;
statement takes precedence over the SAS autoexec file; the SAS autoexec file takes
precedence over the SAS command; and the SAS command takes precedence over the
SAS configuration file and environment variable settings.
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
484 Summary of System Options for Windows 4 Chapter 23
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
INVALIDDATA arg a period (.) X X X X LR
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
NUMKEYS arg varies X X Comp
System Options under Windows 4 Summary of System Options for Windows 487
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
PAGENO arg 1 X X X X LR,
PFKEY arg WIN X X Comp
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
REGISTER arg none X X Comp
S arg 0 X X X X LR
S2 arg 0 X X X X LR
S2V arg 0 X X X X LR
SEQ arg 8 X X X X LR
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SKIP arg 0 X X X X LR
SORTNAME none X X X Comp
490 Summary of System Options for Windows 4 Chapter 23
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
SVGX none X X X X LR
SVGY none X X X X LR
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
492 ACCESSIBILITY System Option 4 Chapter 23
SAS Config- System
Options invo- uration Options OPTIONS
Specification Default Value cation file window statement See
specifies that the standard Customize Tools dialog box and Properties dialog boxes
are enabled.
specifies that the accessibility features are enabled in the Customize Tools dialog box
and for some Properties dialog boxes.
When the ACCESSIBILITY option is set to EXTENDED, the Customize Tools Custom
tabbed page and some SAS Properties dialog boxes are modified for accessibility.
The Customize tab contains two additional buttons, File Menu and Edit Menu.
These menu buttons enable accessibility to the commands that are available using the
toolbar buttons.
The tabs in these dialog boxes are buttons in order to enable some of the SAS
Properties dialog boxes for accessibility. Using the Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page
Down keys, you can access all parts of these Properties dialog boxes.
When this system option is set to EXTENDED, you can toggle between the overstrike
cursor and the insert cursor. The insert cursor is the default since some accessibility
utilities expect the insert cursor.
System Options under Windows 4 ALTPRINT System Option 493
-ALTLOG destination
ALTLOG destination
specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log. The destination argument can be a
valid Windows pathname or filename (including device names) or an environment
variable associated with a pathname. If you specify only a pathname, the copy is
placed in a file in the specified directory, with a name of filename.LOG, where
filename is the name of your SAS job. If you are running SAS interactively and
specify only a pathname, the log is written to a file named SAS.LOG within that path.
specifies that the SAS log is not copied.
The ALTLOG system option specifies a destination to which a copy of the SAS log is
written. Use the ALTLOG system option to capture log output for printing.
To send the SAS log to a printer other than the default printer, use a valid Windows
printer name for the destination value.
When SAS is started with the OBJECTSERVER and NOTERMINAL system options
and no log is specified, SAS discards all log and alternate log messages.
Note: ALTLOG replaces the following system options from earlier versions of SAS:
See Also
3 “Routing Procedure Output and the SAS Log to a File” on page 184
3 in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
-ALTPRINT file-specification
ALTPRINT file-specification
specifies the destination for a copy of the SAS procedure output file. The
file-specification argument can be a valid Windows pathname or filename (including
device names) or an environment variable associated with a pathname. If you specify
only a pathname, the copy is placed in a file in the specified directory, with a name of
filename.LST, where filename is the name of your SAS job. If you are running SAS
interactively and specify only a pathname, the filename is SAS.
does not create a copy of the SAS procedure output file.
The ALTPRINT system option specifies the destination for the copies of output files
from SAS procedures. Use the ALTPRINT system option to capture procedure output
for printing.
To send the procedure output to a printer other than the default printer, use a valid
Windows printer name for the destination value.
Note: ALTPRINT replaces the following system options form earlier versions of
See Also
3 “Routing Procedure Output and the SAS Log to a File” on page 184
3 “Printing” on page 168
-APPEND system-option argument
System Options under Windows 4 AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN System Option 495
specifies a new pathname or an environment setting that you want to append to the
current value of system-option. The following example shows that a library is being
appended to the FMTSEARCH option:
-set APFMTLIB ‘‘SASEnvironment/SASFormats’’
-append fmtsearch APFMTLIB
By default, if you specify the FMTSEARCH, HELPLOC, MAPS, MSG, SASAUTOS,
SET, SASSCRIPT, or SASHELP system option more than one time, the last value that
is specified is the value that SAS uses. If you want to add pathnames to the pathnames
that were already specified by one of these options, you must use the APPEND system
option to add the new pathname. For example, if you entered the following SAS
command, the only location that SAS will look for help files is c:\app2\help, and the
output of PROC OPTIONS will show only C:\app2\help:
sas -helploc ‘‘c:\app1\help’’ -helploc ‘‘c:\app2\help’’
If you want SAS to look in both locations for help files, you must use the APPEND
sas -helploc ‘‘c:\app1\help’’ -append helploc ‘‘c:\app2\help’’
For the value of the HELPLOC option, PROC OPTIONS will now show
(‘‘c:\app1\help’’ ‘‘c:\app2\help’’)
See Also
3 See the Append system option in the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary to
append a value to a system option after SAS starts.
AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN <provider: domain>
AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN <(provider-1: domain-1<, ...provider: domain-n>)>
496 AUTHSERVER System Option 4 Chapter 23
-AUTHSERVER <“ ”| ’domain-name’ | ’.’>
AUTHSERVER <“ ”| ’domain-name’ | ’.’>
specifies to search the local server first, and then search trusted servers for a valid
user login.
specifies a specific domain-name to search for a valid user login. Single
quotation-marks are required.
specifies to search only the local server for a valid user login. Single quotation-marks
are required.
The AUTHSERVER system option specifies which servers to search to validate user
You use the AUTHSERVER system option to specify a single authentication domain.
You use the AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN system option to specify multiple
authentication providers and the associated domains.
See Also
-AUTOEXEC file-specification
AUTOEXEC file-specification
specifies the SAS autoexec file to be used instead of the default AUTOEXEC.SAS file.
The file-specification argument can be a valid Windows filename or an environment
variable associated with a pathname. For more information on the SAS autoexec file,
see “SAS Autoexec File” on page 18.
indicates that no SAS autoexec file is processed, even if one exists.
The AUTOEXEC system option specifies the autoexec file. The autoexec file contains
SAS statements that are executed automatically when you invoke SAS or when you
start another SAS process. The autoexec file can contain any valid SAS statements. For
example, you can include LIBNAME statements for SAS libraries you access routinely
in SAS sessions.
If no AUTOEXEC.SAS file is found, the default value for this option is
See Also
specifies to display the title bar, the system menu, and the minimize and maximize
buttons on the main SAS window.
specifies whether to display the title bar on the main SAS window. If NOTITLE is
specified, the system menu and the minimize and maximize buttons are
automatically omitted as well.
specifies whether to display the system menu on the title bar of the main SAS
window. If NOSYSTEMMENU is specified, the minimize and maximize buttons are
also omitted.
specifies whether to display the minimize and maximize buttons on the title bar of
the main SAS window.
The AWSCONTROL system option controls only the main SAS window, not the
windows that are contained inside the main SAS window. The SASCONTROL system
option controls those SAS process windows.
This system option is intended for use by SAS/AF programmers to customize the
interface of their applications.
See Also
-AWSDEF row-percent-position column-percent-position height-percent width-percent
System Options under Windows 4 AWSMENU System Option 499
The AWSDEF system option specifies the location and dimensions of the main SAS
window when SAS initializes. For an example of how to use the AWSDEF system
option, see “Changing the Size and Placement of the Main SAS Window” on page 65.
specifies to display the menu bar in the main SAS window.
specifies to omit the menu bar in the main SAS window.
The AWSMENU system option is intended for use by SAS/AF programmers to
customize the interface of their applications.
500 AWSMENUMERGE System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies to embed the menu items that are specific to Windows.
specifies to not embed the menu items that are specific to Windows.
The AWSMENUMERGE system option determines whether the menu items that are
specific to the Windows operating environment are included in the main SAS window
This system option is used by SAS/AF programmers to customize the interface of
their applications. If SAS is started in batch mode, SAS sets this system option to
See Also
-AWSTITLE “title-text”
specifies the text that appears in the title bar of the main SAS window. The text
must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
The AWSTITLE system option allows you to replace the default text in the title bar of
the main SAS window with the title that you specify.
This system option is intended for use by SAS/AF programmers to customize the
interface of their applications.
-BUFNO n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
BUFNO= n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the number of buffers in multiples of 1 (bytes); 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576
(megabytes); or 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes). You can specify decimal values for the
number of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8
buffers, a value of .782k specifies 801 buffers, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728
For values greater than 1G, use the nM option or specify MAX.
specifies the number of buffers as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx
specifies 45 buffers.
sets the number of buffers to 0, and requires SAS to use the default value of 1.
502 BUFSIZE System Option 4 Chapter 23
sets the number of buffers to 2,147,483,647.
The number of buffers is not a permanent attribute of the data set; it is valid only for
the current SAS session or job.
BUFNO= applies to SAS data sets that are opened for input, output, or update.
Using BUFNO= can improve execution time by limiting the number of input/output
operations that are required for a particular SAS data set. The improvement in
execution time, however, comes at the expense of increased memory consumption.
Under Windows, the maximum number of buffers that you can allocate is determined
by the amount of memory available. To request that SAS allocate the number of buffers
based on the number of pages for the data set, use the SASFILE statement.
See Also
-BUFSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MAX
BUFSIZE=n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the buffer page size in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576
(megabytes), and 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes), respectively. You can specify decimal
values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of
8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies
3,145,728 bytes.
System Options under Windows 4 CATCACHE System Option 503
specifies the buffer page size as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets
the buffer page size to 45 bytes.
sets the buffer page size to 2,147,483,647 bytes.
The BUFSIZE system option enables you to specify the permanent buffer page size for
output SAS data sets. Under Windows, the value can range from 512 bytes to
2,147,483,647 bytes. Using the default value of 0 optimizes the buffer page size by
enabling the engine to pick a value depending on the size of the observation.
Experienced users might want to vary the value of the BUFSIZE system option if you
are trying to maximize memory usage or the number of observations per page.
See Also
n | nK
specifies the number of open-file descriptors to keep in cache memory in multiples of
1 (n) or 1,024 (nK). You can specify decimal values for the number of kilobytes. For
example, a value of 8 specifies 8 open-file descriptors, a value of .782k specifies 801
open-file descriptors, and a value of 3k specifies 3,072 open-file descriptors.
If n > 0, SAS places up to that number of open-file descriptors in cache memory
instead of closing the catalogs.
sets the number of open-file descriptors that are kept in cache memory to 0.
sets the number of open-file descriptors that are kept in cache memory to 32,767.
504 CLEANUP System Option 4 Chapter 23
By using the CATCACHE system option to specify the number of SAS catalogs to keep
open, you can avoid the repeated opening and closing of the same catalogs.
If SAS is running on a z/OS server and the MINSTG system option is in effect, SAS
sets the value of CATCACHE to 0.
See Also
specifies that during the entire session, SAS attempts to perform automatic,
continuous clean-up of resources that are not essential for execution. Nonessential
resources include those resources that are not visible to the user (for example, cache
memory) and are visible to the user (for example, the KEYS windows).
CLEANUP does not prompt you for any out-of-resource condition except for out-of-
disk-space conditions. If you do not want to be prompted for out-of-disk-space
conditions, use the CLEANUP option in conjunction with the NOTERMINAL option.
specifies that SAS allow the user to choose how to handle an out-of-resource
condition. When NOCLEANUP is in effect and SAS cannot execute because of a lack
of resources, SAS automatically attempts to clean up resources that are not visible to
the user (for example, cache memory). However, resources that are visible to the user
(for example, the KEYS windows) are not automatically cleaned up. Instead, SAS
prompts you before attempting to regain resources.
The CLEANUP system option indicates whether you are prompted with a menu of
items to clean up when SAS encounters an out-of-resource condition.
System Options under Windows 4 COMDEF System Option 505
If you specify NOCLEANUP and are prompted for input, you can select Continuous
on every menu except the out-of-disk-space menu. If you choose Continuous, the
CLEANUP option is turned on and you are not prompted again in out-of-resource
conditions, unless SAS runs out of disk space.
You must specify a vertical position first. You do not have to specify a horizontal
position, but if you omit it, CENTER is used.
Note: The SAS Command window is positioned with respect to your entire display,
not to the main SAS window. Also, the COMDEF system option applies only when the
command bar is not docked to the main SAS window. 4
See Also
-CONFIG file-specification
specifies the filename of the SAS configuration file that you want to use, or a
Windows environment variable that resolves to a valid filename. The file-specification
must be a valid Windows filename. If file-specification contains spaces, it must be
enclosed in quotation marks.
The CONFIG system option specifies the complete filename of your configuration file.
This file contains SAS options that are executed automatically whenever SAS is
invoked. SAS supplies a default configuration file, but you can create your own
configuration file and store it in a location you choose.
See Also
-DEVICE device-driver-name
specifies the name of a device driver for graphics output.
To see the list of device drivers that are available under Windows, you can use the
GDEVICE procedure. If you are using the SAS windowing environment, submit the
following statements:
proc gdevice catalog=sashelp.devices;
If you want to write the device list to the SAS log, submit the following statements:
proc gdevice catalog=sashelp.devices nofs;
list _all_;
Your site might have defined additional device catalogs referenced by the GDEVICE0
libref. See your on–site SAS support personnel for more information.
See Also
-ECHO “message” | -NOECHO
ECHO “message”
specifies the text of the message to be echoed to the SAS log. The text must be
enclosed in single or double quotation marks if the message is more than one word.
Otherwise, quotation marks are not needed.
508 EMAILDLG System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies that no messages are to be echoed to the SAS log.
Messages that result from errors in the autoexec file are printed in the SAS log
regardless of how the ECHO system option is set.
For example, you can specify the following:
-echo "SAS System under Windows
is initializing."
See Also
specifies to use the e-mail dialog box provided by your e-mail system vendor. You can
use the native dialog box with SAS only if the e-mail system supports the MAPI
specifies to use the e-mail dialog box provided by SAS.
The EMAILDLG system option specifies whether to use the native e-mail interactive
dialog box provided by your e-mail application or the e-mail interface provided by SAS.
SAS uses the native dialog box by default.
System Options under Windows 4 ENGINE System Option 509
See Also
specifies to use the Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) electronic mail
interface. This value is the default.
specifies to use the Vendor Independent Mail (VIM) electronic mail interface.
specifies to use the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol e-mail interface.
SAS supports three types of protocols: MAPI (such as Microsoft Exchange), Vendor
Independent Mail (VIM—such as Lotus Notes) and SMTP. The default value is MAPI. If
you specify SMTP, you must also specify and configure the EMAILHOST and
EMAILPORT system options. SMTP is available only when you are sending e-mail
programmatically. SMTP is not available using either your e-mail program native
dialog box or the SAS e-mail dialog box.
See Also
Default V9
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Files: SAS Files
Window specifics: valid values
-ENGINE engine-name
can be one of the following under Windows:
specifies the default SAS engine for SAS System 9 files.
specifies the engine for BMDP data files.
specifies the engine for OSIRIS data files.
specifies the engine for SPSS data files.
specifies the SAS engine all Version 8 files.
specifies the SAS engine for all Version 7 files.
specifies the default engine for Releases 6.08 - 6.12. The V6 engine is supported
only in 32–bit operating environments.
specifies the default engine for Release 6.04 and Release 6.03.
specifies the default engine for XML files.
specifies the transport engine.
The default engine is used when a SAS library points to an empty directory or a new
file. For information about SAS/SHARE and SAS/ACCESS engines, see their respective
See Also
specifies to enable the Enhanced Editor during SAS invocation.
specifies not to enable the Enhanced Editor during SAS invocation.
By default, the Enhanced Editor is enabled when you start SAS. If you do not want the
Enhanced Editor enabled when you start SAS, use the NOENHANCEDEDITOR system
See Also
512 FILTERLIST System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that SAS will wait for a locked file to
become available.
Interaction: Specifying the FILELOCKWAITMAX= system option can have an
adverse effect on one or more SAS/SHARE server and client sessions that are
waiting for the release of a SAS file that is locked by another process. One or more
wait conditions could lead to failed processes for a SAS/SHARE server and clients.
To prevent the possibility of a failed SAS/SHARE process, you can specify
FILELOCKWAITMAX=0, which cancels the amount of time that a SAS/SHARE
server and clients would wait for the release of a locked file. Canceling the wait
time would prevent a failed process.
Range: 0 - 600
Default: 600
The FILELOCKWAITMAX= system option enables you to limit or turn off the amount
of time SAS will wait for a locked file. SAS uses the FILELOCKWAIT= LIBNAME
option to wait for the file to become available. Using the FILELOCKWAITMAX=
system option, an administrator can limit or turn off this behavior. Normally, SAS
returns an error if the file it attempts to access is locked. If you set
FILELOCKWAITMAX= to 0, SAS fails immediately after encountering a locked file.
This option is used primarily by a system administrator.
See Also
-FILTERLIST “filter1 | filter2|... | filter-n”
filter1...filter n
specifies one or more strings of text separated by a “|” and enclosed in double
quotation marks, such as “*.Bob’s work | SAS*.*” Note that you can specify long
filename extensions that include spaces and single quotation marks.
System Options under Windows 4 FONT System Option 513
All filters in the FILTERLIST are added to the application specified filter list displayed
in the Files of type box in the Open dialog box and in the Save as type box in the
Save As dialog box. The first filter in the FILTERLIST becomes the default filter. The
FILTERLIST must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
See Also
-FONT “font-name” <BOLD | NORMAL><REGULAR |
specifies the name of the font for text in the SAS windowing environment. This name
must be a valid font name (for example, “SAS Monospace” or “Courier”). The
font-name argument must be enclosed in double quotation marks. This argument is
specifies the weight of the font. The default is NORMAL.
specifies the style of the font. The default is REGULAR.
specifies the font size to use for printing. This value must be an integer from 1 to
7200, inclusive. If you omit this argument, SAS uses the last selected size unless
there is no previous size, in that case 8 is used.
specifies the character set to use. The default is “Western.” Some possible valid
values are Western, Central European, Cyrillic, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Baltic, and
Thai. If the font does not support the specified character set, the default character
514 FONTALIAS System Option 4 Chapter 23
set is used. If the default character set is not supported by the font, the font’s default
character set is used.
Valid font names are shown in the Fonts folder. To open the Font folder, type font in the
Run dialog box. For example, you can use the following option with the SAS command:
-font "sas monospace bold" 12
SAS displays output best with a monospace (fixed-pitch) font. If you use a
proportional (variable pitch) font, text can display incorrectly. If you specify a point-size
that is not valid for a font, SAS uses the closest point size for the font you specify.
See Also
-FONTALIAS “SAS-font” “host-specific-font”
specifies the SAS font you want to replace. The name of the font must be enclosed in
double quotation marks.
specifies the Windows font that you want to assign. The name of the font must be
enclosed in double quotation marks.
Use the FONTALIAS system option for each font that you want to override.
The default font aliases for Windows are as follows:
Helvetica Arial
Script Script
AvantGarde Arial
Dingbats Symbol
The system option -fontalias "Times" "Courier New" tells SAS to use Courier
New wherever the Times SAS font is requested.
-FONTSLOC directory-specification
specifies the directory that contains the SAS fonts that are loaded during the SAS
session. If directory-specification contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation
The directory must be a valid Windows pathname.
-FORMCHAR “formatting-characters”
specifies any string or list of strings of characters up to 64 bytes long. If fewer than
64 bytes are specified, the string is padded with blanks on the right. The character
string must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
Formatting characters are used to construct tabular output outlines and dividers for
various procedures, such as the CALENDAR, FREQ, and TABULATE procedures. If
you omit formatting characters as an option in the procedure, the default specifications
given in the FORMCHAR= system option are used. Note that you can also specify a
hexadecimal character constant as a formatting character. When you use a hexadecimal
constant with this option, SAS interprets the value of the hexadecimal constant as
appropriate for the Windows environment.
The configuration file shipped with SAS contains two FORMCHAR system option
specifications, with one of them commented out. The default FORMCHAR uses the
characters in the SAS Monospace and Sasfont fonts. If you use a code page other than
the standard code pages, comment out the FORMCHAR system option that shipped
with SAS and use the other FORMCHAR system option.
Note: Note: To ensure that row and column separators and boxed tabular reports
will be printed legibly when using the standard forms characters, you must use these
3 the SAS Monospace or the SAS Monospace Bold font
3 a printer that supports TrueType fonts
specifies that SAS write to the SAS log a complete list of computer resources that
were used for each step and for the entire SAS session.
specifies that SAS not write a complete list of computer resources to the SAS log.
NOFULLSTIMER is the default.
The FULLSTIMER system option specifies whether all the performance statistics of
your computer system that are available to SAS are written to the SAS log.
This system option gives you time-elapsed statistics if you have not turned off the
STIMER option. If you turn off the STIMER option, the FULLSTIMER option does not
generate time statistics.
If you need statistics on tasks such as the SAS windowing environment (statistics for
the windowing environment are available only when SAS terminates), you should use
the “ALTLOG System Option” on page 493 to specify the destination for a copy of the
SAS log. If you specify the FULLSTIMER system option before you end your SAS
session, you can view statistics for the SAS windowing environment at the destination
that you specified.
The following is an example of the statistics that the SAS log displays when the
FULLSTIMER option is on:
NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set MYSAS.DEPART1.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.96 seconds
user cpu time 0.01 seconds
system cpu time 0.15 seconds
Memory 83k
OS Memory 4648k
Statistic Description
Real-Time the amount of time spent to process the SAS job. Real-time is
also referred to as elapsed time.
User CPU Time the CPU time spent to execute SAS code.
System CPU Time the CPU time spent to perform operating system tasks (system
overhead tasks) that support the execution of SAS code
518 HELPHOST System Option 4 Chapter 23
Statistic Description
Memory the amount of memory required to run a step.
OS Memory the maximum amount of memory that a step requested from the
Note: Starting in SAS 9, some procedures use multiple threads. On computers with
multiple CPUs, the operating system can run more than one thread simultaneously.
Consequently, CPU time might exceed real-time in your FULLSTIMER output. 4
For example, a SAS procedure could use two threads that run on two separate CPUs
simultaneously. The value of CPU time would be calculated as the following:
CPU1 time + CPU2 time = total CPU time
1 second + 1 second = 2 seconds
Since CPU1 can run a thread at the same time that CPU2 runs a separate thread for
the same SAS process, you can theoretically consume 2 CPU seconds in 1 second of
The FULLSTIMER system option specifies whether all of the available performance
statistics are written to the SAS log. The STIMER system option specifies whether
time-elapsed statistics for DATA steps or PROC steps are written to the SAS log.
See Also
The value of HELPHOST is based on the address of the computer running the remote
desktop client. If you are logged into a host, then you will receive an error message.
-HELPINDEX <(> “index-pathname-1” < “ index-pathname-2” “index-pathname-n”)>
specifies the partial pathname for the index that is to be used by SAS Help and
Documentation. index-pathname must be a valid Windows pathname. Pathname
must be enclosed in quotation marks. When you specify more than one pathname,
separate the pathnames with a space and enclose the list of pathnames in
The index-pathname can be any or all of the following:
specifies the partial pathname of the index file that is to be used by the SAS Help
and Documentation Java applet under a UNIX environment. applet-index-filename
must have a file extension of .txt, and it must reside in a path that is specified by
the HELPLOC system option. The default is /help/common.hlp/index.txt.
See the default index file for the format that is required for an index file.
specifies the partial pathname of an accessible index file that is to be used by SAS
Help and Documentation under UNIX, OpenVMS, or z/OS environments. An
accessible index file is an HTML file that can be used by Web browsers.
accessible-index-filename must have a file extension of .htm and it must reside in a
path that is specified by the HELPLOC system option. The default pathname is /
See the default index file for the format that is required for an index file.
specifies the pathname of the Microsoft HTML Help index that is to be used by
SAS Help and Documentation under Windows environments. The default
pathname is common.hhk. For information about creating an index for Microsoft
HTML Help, see your Microsoft HTML Help documentation.
Use the HELPINDEX option if you have a customized index that you want to use
instead of the index that SAS supplies. If you use one configuration file to start SAS
under more than one operating environment, you can specify all of the partial
pathnames in the HELPINDEX option. The order of the pathnames is not important,
although only one pathname of each type can be specified.
When the HELPINDEX option specifies a pathname for UNIX, OpenVMS, or z/OS
operating environments, SAS determines the complete path by replacing /help/ in the
partial pathname with the pathname that is specified in the HELPLOC option. If the
HELPLOC option contains more than one pathname, each path is searched for the
specified index.
520 HELPLOC System Option 4 Chapter 23
See Also
-HELPLOC <(> "pathname-1" <"pathname-2" "pathname-n")>
specifies one or more directory pathnames in which SAS Help and Documentation
files are located. Pathname must be a valid Windows pathname that contains the
installed Microsoft HTML Help files. Pathnames must be enclosed in quotation
marks. When more than one pathname is specified, use parentheses around the list
of pathnames.
Specifying a value for the HELPLOC system option causes SAS to insert that value at
the start of a concatenated list of values. This action enables you to access the help for
your site without losing access to SAS Help and Documentation.
The default folders !MYSASFILES\classdoc and !sasroot\core\help are used for SAS/
AF application Help and SAS Help and Documentation, respectively.
-HELPREGISTER “menu string” help file location <“help string”> <topic><CHM | HLP
“menu string”
is the text string that appears in the Help menu.
help file location
specifies the folder and the filename in which the help file is located. The help file
location can be omitted if the file resides in a folder that is specified by the
HELPLOC system option. The help file location can be truncated with !sasroot. If
help file location includes blank spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
“help string”
is the text that appears in the status bar when a user places the mouse over the
menu string.
is the topic within the help file that displays when you select menu string from SAS
help menu. For HTML files, the topic is the anchor (preceded by #) within the
document. For CHM files, the topic is the page within the CHM file. For HLP files,
topic is the keyword in the file for which WinHelp searches. If topic includes blank
spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies an HtmlHelp CHM file on the local system or network.
specifies a WinHelp file on the local system or network.
specifies an HTML file on the local file system or network, or a valid URL.
Use the HELPREGISTER system option to add up to 20 help files that you would like
available from the main SAS window Help menu. All strings containing spaces must be
enclosed in double quotation marks. Optional arguments can be omitted by replacing
them with a single period (.) or empty double quotation marks (“”) . If no further
argument is necessary, no place-holder is required.
To add multiple Help files to the Help menu, use multiple HELPREGISTER system
options either in the configuration file or at the command prompt when you start SAS.
522 HELPTOC System Option 4 Chapter 23
Example 1: HTML Pages and URLs
sas -helpregister ‘‘SAS Institute Inc’’
’’SAS’s homepage on the web‘‘ . html
See Also
-HELPTOC <(> “TOC-pathname-1” <“TOC-pathname-2” “TOC-pathname-3”)>
specifies a partial pathname for the table of contents that is to be used by SAS Help
and Documentation. The TOC-pathname must be a valid Windows pathname.
Pathnames must be enclosed in quotation marks. When more than one pathname is
specified, use parentheses around the list of pathnames.
System Options under Windows 4 HELPTOC System Option 523
Use the HELPTOC option if you have a customized table of contents that you want to
use instead of the table of contents that SAS supplies. If you use one configuration file
to start SAS under more than one operating environment, you can specify all of the
partial pathnames in the HELPTOC option. The order of the pathnames is not
important, although only one pathname of each type can be specified.
When the HELPTOC option specifies the pathname for UNIX, OpenVMS, and z/OS
operating environments, SAS determines the complete path by replacing /help/ in the
partial pathname with the pathname that is specified in the HELPLOC option. If the
HELPLOC option contains more than one pathname, each path is searched for the table
of contents.
For example, when HELPTOC is /help/common.hlp/mytoc.htm and the value of
HELPLOC is /u/myhome/myhelp, the complete path to the table of contents is /u/
See Also
specifies to use Windows printing. HOSTPRINT is the default.
specifies to use SAS forms for printing.
Use the NOHOSTPRINT option to use forms for printing in a batch SAS session. When
you specify NOHOSTPRINT, the Use Forms check box is selected in the Print Setup
dialog box, and SAS uses the line size, page size, and font values that are specified in
your SAS form.
See Also
System Options under Windows 4 INSERT System Option 525
specifies to minimize the main SAS window immediately.
restores the main SAS window immediately.
If you put the ICON system option in the SAS command or the SAS configuration file,
SAS is minimized upon initialization. If you submit the ICON system option in an
OPTIONS statement, SAS is immediately minimized. This action is equivalent to
clicking on the minimize button.
This system option is especially useful for obtaining a minimized SAS session as soon
as you start Windows. For example, the ICON system option could be specified in the
SAS command as follows:
c:\sas\sas.exe -icon
INITSTMT ’statement’
specifies any SAS statement or statements. The value of statement must end a DATA
or PROC step if you use the Enhanced Editor.
Valid in:configuration file, SAS invocation
Windows specifics: all
-INSERT system-option argument
specifies a new pathname or an environment setting that you want to insert at the
front of the current value of system-option. The following example shows that a
library is being inserted before the FMTSEARCH option:
-set APFMTLIB ‘‘SASEnvironment/SASFormats’’
-insert fmtsearch APFMTLI
By default, if you specify the FMTSEARCH, HELPLOC, MAPS, MSG, SAMPLOC, SET,
SASSCRIPT, SASAUTOS, or SASHELP system option more than one time, the last
specification is the one that SAS uses. If you want to insert additional pathnames in
front of the search paths that have already been specified by one of these options, you
must use the INSERT system option to add the new pathname. For example, if you
entered the following SAS command, the only location that SAS will look for help files
is c:\app2\help, and the output of PROC OPTIONS will only show c:\app2\help:
sas -helploc ‘‘c:\app2\help’’
If you want SAS to look in both the current path for help files and in c:\app2\help and
if you want SAS to search c:\app2\help first, then you must use the INSERT option:
sas -insert helploc ‘‘c:\app2\help’’
If your current path for help files is !sasroot\nls\en\help, then for the value of the
HELPLOC option, PROC OPTIONS will now show
(‘‘c:\app2\help’’ ‘‘!sasroot\nls\en\help’’)
See Also
3 See the Insert system option in the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary to insert
a value to a system option after SAS starts.
-JREOPTIONS (-JRE-option-1 <-JRE-option-n>)
JREOPTIONS (-JRE-option-1 <-JRE-option-n>)
specifies one or more Java Runtime Environment options. JRE options must begin
with a hyphen ( - ). Use a space to separate multiple JRE options. Valid values for
JRE-option depend on your installation’s Java Runtime Environment. For
information about JRE options, see your installation’s Java documentation.
The set of JRE options must be enclosed in parentheses. If you specify multiple
JREOPTIONS system options, SAS appends JRE options to JRE options that are
currently defined. Incorrect JRE options are ignored. To define the classpath, use the
Djava.class.path option.
3 -jreoptions (-verbose)
3 -jreoptions (-Djava.class.path= "c:\my
528 LOADMEMSIZE System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies the line size in characters. Valid values range between 64 and 256.
sets the line size to 64 characters.
sets the line size to 256 characters.
The default values are based on the printer resolution and printer font so that
generated reports print correctly.
Modifying print options by using the Windows printing dialog boxes can change the values
of SAS printing system options, which might cause unpredictable output. If you set
printing options using SAS system options such as LINESIZE and PAGESIZE, and
then use the Windows printing dialog boxes to set printing options. The SAS system
options are set to the values that are specified in the Windows print dialog boxes. 4
See Also
-LOADMEMSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the memory size in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576 (megabytes),
and 1,073,741,842 (gigabytes), respectively. You can specify decimal values for the
number of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8
bytes, a value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes.
System Options under Windows 4 LOG System Option 529
specifies the amount of memory as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets
the amount of memory to 45 bytes.
specifies 0 bytes, which indicates that there is no limit on the total amount of
memory that can be used.
specifies that the maximum amount of memory for executable programs is limited
only by the amount of memory available.
When LOADMEMSIZE is set to 0, the memory that is used for executable programs
that are loaded by SAS is limited only by the amount of system memory available. If
LOADMEMSIZE is set to 1, executable programs are purged from memory when they
are no longer in use.
For values of two or greater, SAS first checks the amount of memory that is available
for SAS executable programs. If the total amount of memory that is available is greater
than the value of LOADMEMSIZE, SAS purges the SAS loaded executable programs
that are not in use until the memory that is used is less than the value of the
LOADMEMSIZE option, or until there are no other SAS loaded executable programs
that can be purged. If all executable programs have been purged and more memory is
needed, additional system memory is used as long as it is available.
-LOG “destination” | -NOLOG
LOG “destination”
specifies the destination for the SAS log. The destination argument can be a valid
Windows pathname or filename (including device names such as LPT1) or an
environment variable that is associated with a pathname. If you specify only a
pathname, the log file is created in the specified directory with the default name of
filename.LOG, where filename is the name of your SAS job.
routes each log message to a message box, where one message is displayed per
message box.
530 MAPS System Option 4 Chapter 23
The LOG system option specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log when running
in batch mode.
This system option is valid only in batch mode.
When you are running SAS interactively, the log is sent to the LOG window in batch
mode. The log is sent to a file named filename.LOG that is located in the current SAS
directory, where filename is the name of your SAS job. You can use the LOG system
option to specify an alternate destination.
To disable the display of the SAS log, use the NOTERMINAL system option.
When SAS is started with the OBJECTSERVER and NOTERMINAL system options
and no log is specified, SAS discards all log messages.
When SAS is started with the OBJECTSERVER and NOTERMINAL system options
active, and no log is specified, SAS discards all log and alternate log messages.
Using directives in the value of the LOG system option enables you to control when
logs are open and closed and how they are named, based on real-time events, such as
time, month, day of week. For a list of directives see the LOGPARM= system option in
the SAS Language Reference; Dictionary.
If you start SAS in batch mode or in server mode and if the LOGCONFIGLOC=
option is specified, logging is done by the SAS logging facility. The traditional SAS log
option LOGPARM= is ignored. The traditional SAS log option LOG= is applied only
when the %S{App.Log} conversion character is specified in the logging configuration file.
For more information, see SAS Logging Facility in SAS Logging: Configuration and
Programming Reference.
See Also
-MAPS location-of-maps
System Options under Windows 4 MAXMEMQUERY System Option 531
specifies a libref, a valid Windows pathname, or an environment variable associated
with a pathname. Remember that a pathname is only to the directory or subdirectory
level. If the pathname contains spaces, enclose the pathname in quotation marks.
-MAXMEMQUERY n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
MAXMEMQUERY= n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the limit in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576 (megabytes), and
1,073,741,842 (gigabytes), respectively. You can specify decimal values for the number
of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a
value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the amount of memory as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets
the amount of memory to 45 bytes.
sets the amount of memory to the minimum setting, which is 0 bytes. This value
indicates that there is no limit on the total amount of memory that can be used by
each procedure.
sets the amount of memory to the maximum setting, which is 2,147,483,647 bytes.
Some SAS procedures use the MAXMEMQUERY option to specify the largest block of
virtual memory that SAS can request at one time. By contrast, the MEMSIZE option
places a limit on the total amount of virtual memory that SAS dynamically allocates at
any time. This virtual memory is supported by a combination of real memory and
paging space. The operating environment begins paging when the amount of virtual
memory that is required exceeds the real memory that is available. To prevent paging
and the associated performance problems, the MAXMEMQUERY and MEMSIZE
system options should be set to a subset of real memory.
532 MEMBLKSZ System Option 4 Chapter 23
Default: 16 MB
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: System administration: Memory
Windows specifics: all
-MEMBLKSZ n | nK | nM |nG | nT | hexX
n | nK | nM | nG | nT
specifies the memory block size in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576
(megabytes); 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes); and 1,099,511,627,776 (terabytes),
respectively. You can specify decimal values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes,
gigabytes, or terabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k
specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the memory block size as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets
the memory block size to 45 bytes.
Beginning with Windows 2000, multiple processes can be run simultaneously in
memory. The value of the MEMBLKSZ system option is the amount of memory that is
initially allocated. Additional memory can be allocated in the same memory allocation
size that is specified in the MEMBLKSZ option, up to the amount of memory that is
specified in the MEMMAXSZ option. For example, if MEMBLKSZ is 2M, additional
memory can be allocated in 2M blocks.
When memory-based libraries are using extended memory, this value is also used to
determine the amount of the process address space that is used to access the extended
Note: Specifying a value that is too large could adversely affect performance.
3 Specifying a value that is too large could adversely affect overall system
performance. Try different values for the MEMBLKSZ option to determine the
value that gives the best system performance.
3 If you are using extended memory in 32-bit environments, then specifying a value
that is too large could adversely affect SAS performance. A smaller value might be
optimal. A good starting point is 64K; however, try different values for the
MEMBLKSZ option to determine the value that gives the best SAS performance.
System Options under Windows 4 MEMCACHE System Option 533
See Also
-MEMCACHE 0 | 1 | 4
MEMCACHE= 0 | 1 | 4
specifies memory cache is off.
specifies not to add any new files to the cache. Reads and writes to files already in
the cache continue as if MEMCACHE is on.
specifies memory cache is on. Memory is used as a SAS file cache.
When the MEMCACHE system option is 4 or 1, SAS file cache places data in memory
as it is processed. This data is then available for future references by SAS. Files in the
cache are kept until SAS is shut down, caching is terminated, or more space is required
for new files. Memory is reclaimed on a least recently used basis. Cached data is
written to permanent storage. You can control which SAS libraries use the cache by
using the MEMCACHE system option in the OPTIONS statement. Memory usage can
be monitored using the performance tools.
See Also
specifies to use memory for the Work libraries.
specifies not to use memory.
When the MEMLIB system option is specified, the Work library is processed in memory.
Files are kept in memory until SAS is terminated or the files are deleted. You can
monitor memory usage by using the performance tools.
See Also
-MEMMAXSZ n | nK | nM |nG | nT | hexX
System Options under Windows 4 MEMSIZE System Option 535
n | nK | nM | nG | nT
specifies the amount of memory to allocate in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes);
1,048,576 (megabytes); 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes); and 1,099,511,627,776 (terabytes),
respectively. You can specify decimal values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes,
gigabytes, or terabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k
specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the amount of memory to allocate as a hexadecimal value. You must specify
the value beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value
2dx sets the amount of memory to 45 bytes.
The MEMMAXSZ system option specifies the total amount of memory that SAS can use
for memory-based libraries. You can monitor the memory by using the performance
Specifying a value that is too large can adversely affect overall system performance. Try
different values for the MEMMAXSZ option to determine the value that gives the
best system performance. 4
See Also
-MEMSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | nT |hexX | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG | nT
specifies the limit in bytes, kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes (1,048,576 bytes),
gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes), or terabytes (1,099,511,627,776 bytes). For example,
536 MSG System Option 4 Chapter 23
The MEMSIZE system option specifies the total amount of memory available to each
SAS session. A value that is too low will result in out-of-memory conditions.
A numeric value of 0 (or 0x) is equivalent to the option value MAX.
If an unreasonably small numeric value is specified (for example 6K) the setting of
the MEMSIZE option will be silently increased to a minimum reasonable value that
will allow SAS to start and have basic functionality.
If a numeric value greater than 4,294,967,295 is specified on a 32-bit version of SAS,
the setting of the value will be silently reduced to 4,294,967,295.
Numeric values greater than 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 bytes will be rejected as
invalid, and will prevent SAS from starting.
SAS does not automatically reserve or allocate the amount of memory that you
specify in the MEMSIZE system option. SAS will use only as much memory as it needs
to complete a process. For example, a DATA step might require only 20M of memory, so
even though MEMSIZE is set to 500M, SAS will use only 20M of memory.
While your SAS jobs are running, you can monitor the effect of larger memory
settings by using system monitoring tools.
Note: Setting MEMSIZE to MAX is reasonable only if consumers of large amounts
of memory are not likely to become active after SAS has started. As an example, if
multiple instances of SAS are running concurrently, and all of these instances are
started with a MEMSIZE value of MAX, one or more of these instances can encounter
out of memory conditions, or, the operating system can run out of available paging
space. 4
-MSG library-specification
System Options under Windows 4 MSGCASE System Option 537
can be a Windows logical name (including search strings) or pathname. Do not
include a filename. If the pathname contains spaces, you must enclose the pathname
in quotation marks.
The MSG system option specifies the name of the library for SAS error messages.
specifies that messages are displayed in uppercase characters.
specifies that messages can include uppercase and lowercase characters.
NOMSGCASE is the default.
Specifies whether notes, warnings, and error messages that are generated by SAS are
displayed in uppercase characters. The setting of the MSGCASE option does not affect
user-generated messages and source lines.
See Also
-MSYMTABMAX n | nK | nM | nG |nT | hexX | MIN | MAX
MSYMTABMAX=n | nK | nM | nG | nT |hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG | nT
specifies the amount of memory that is available in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes);
1,048,576 (megabytes); 1,072,741,824 (gigabytes); and 1,099,511,627,776 (terabytes),
respectively. You can specify decimal values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes,
gigabytes, or terabytes. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k
specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the amount of memory that is available as a hexadecimal value. You must
specify the value beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the
value 2dx sets the amount of memory to 45 bytes.
sets the amount of memory that is available to the minimum setting, which is 0.
This value causes all macro variables to be written to disk.
sets the amount of memory that is available to the maximum setting.
After the MSYMTABMAX value is reached, SAS writes any additional macro variables
to disk.
System Options under Windows 4 MVARSIZE System Option 539
-MVARSIZE n | nK | hexX | MIN | MAX
MVARSIZE=n | nK | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK
specifies the maximum macro variable size in multiples of 1 or 1,024 (kilobytes),
respectively. You can specify decimal values for the number of kilobytes. For
example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a
value of 3k specifies 3,072 bytes.
specifies the maximum macro variable size as a hexadecimal value. You must specify
the value beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value
2dx sets the maximum macro variable size to 45 bytes.
sets the macro variable size to the minimum setting, which is 0 bytes. This value
causes all macro variables to be written to disk.
sets the macro variable size to the maximum setting, which is 65,534 bytes.
The MVARSIZE system option specifies the maximum size for macro variables that are
stored in memory. If the size of the macro variable is larger than the maximum value
that is specified, variables are written out to disk.
The value of the MVARSIZE system option can affect system performance. Before
you specify the value for production jobs, run tests to determine the optimum value.
540 NEWS System Option 4 Chapter 23
-NEWS file-specification
specifies an external file. The value for file-specification can be a valid Windows
pathname or shortcut name. If the pathname contains spaces, you must enclose the
pathname in quotation marks.
The NEWS file can contain information for users, including news items about SAS. The
contents of the NEWS file are displayed in the SAS log immediately after the SAS
-NUMKEYS number-of-keys
specifies the number of active keyboard function keys.
System Options under Windows 4 NUMMOUSEKEYS System Option 541
When SAS initializes, it queries your machine to determine the number of keyboard
function keys. You can override this setting by specifying a different value with the
NUMKEYS system option.
If you specify the following system option, SAS displays 10 function keys in the
KEYS window:
-numkeys 10
-NUMMOUSEKEYS number-of-buttons
specifies the number of mouse buttons, ranging from 0 to 3. If number-of-buttons is 0
or 1, the KEYS windows lists no mouse buttons (because the left, and in this case the
only, mouse button is reserved by SAS). If number-of-buttons is 2, the KEYS window
lists the right mouse button (RMB), as well as Ctrl + right mouse button and Shift +
right mouse button. If number-of-buttons is 3, the KEYS window lists both the right
mouse button and the middle mouse button.
Unless you specify the NUMMOUSEKEYS system option, SAS assumes that three
mouse buttons are available. If you have a one- or two-button mouse and want the
KEYS window to reflect this configuration, specify the NUMMOUSEKEYS system
option in your SAS configuration file.
542 OBS System Option 4 Chapter 23
-OBS n | nK | nM | nG | nT |hexX | MIN | MAX
OBS=n | nK | nM | nG | nT |hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG | nT
specifies a number to indicate when to stop processing, with n being an integer.
Using one of the letter notations results in multiplying the integer by a specific
value. That is, specifying K (kilo) multiplies the integer by 1,024, M (mega)
multiplies by 1,048,576, G (giga) multiplies by 1,073,741,824, T (tera) multiplies by
1,099,511,627,776. You can specify a decimal value for n when it is used to specify a
K, M, G, or T value. For example, a value of 20 specifies 20 observations or records, a
value of .782k specifies 801 observations or records, and a value of 3m specifies
3,145,728 observations or records.
specifies a number to indicate when to stop processing as a hexadecimal value. You
must specify the value beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For
example, the hexadecimal value F8 must be specified as 0F8X in order to specify the
decimal equivalent of 248. The value 2dx specifies the decimal equivalent of 45.
sets the number to indicate when to stop processing to 0.
sets the number to indicate when to stop processing to 2,147,483,647. On 64–bit
systems, MAX is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. MAX is the default.
-PAGENO n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
PAGENO=n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the page number in multiples of 1(n); 1,024 (nK); 1,048,576 (nM); and
1,073,741,824 (nG), respectively. You can specify a decimal value for n when it is
used to specify a K, M, G, or T value. For example, a value of 8 sets the page number
to 8, a value of .782k sets the page number to 801, and a value of 3k sets the page
number to 3,072.
specifies the page number as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets the
page number to 45.
sets the page number to the minimum number, which is 1.
sets the page number to the maximum number, which is 2,147,483,647.
The PAGENO system option specifies a beginning page number for the next page of
output that SAS produces.
544 PAPERTYPE System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies the number of lines that compose a page.
sets the number of lines that compose a page to the minimum setting, which is 15.
sets the number of lines that compose a page to the maximum setting, which is
Under Windows, the default values are based on the printer resolution and printer font
so that generated reports print correctly.
Modifying print options by using the Windows printing dialog boxes might change the
values of SAS printing system options, which might cause unpredictable output. If you set
printing options using SAS system options such as LINESIZE and PAGESIZE, and
then use the Windows printing dialog boxes to set printing options, the SAS system
options are set to the values that are specified in the Windows print dialog boxes. 4
See Also
specifies to use plain paper.
System Options under Windows 4 PATH System Option 545
specifies to use the standard paper for the printer.
specifies to use glossy paper.
specifies to use transparent paper.
specifies a paper type that is defined by the printer.
See your printer documentation for the paper types that your printer can use.
-PATH <(>“directory-specification-1” <“directory-specification-n”)>
specifies the path to search. The value directory-specification must be a valid
Windows pathname or an environment variable associated with a pathname. If the
pathname contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If you specify
more than one directory-specification, enclose the list of directory-specification in
The PATH option identifies the search paths for SAS executable files. You can specify
multiple PATH options to define the search order. The paths are searched in the order
in which SAS encounters them; therefore, specify at the front of the list the paths for
the products that you run most frequently.
546 PFKEY System Option 4 Chapter 23
maps F1 through F12 to the mainframe primary settings for PF1 through PF12 and
Shift + F1 through Shift + F12 to PF13 through PF24. The right mouse button
(RMB) is mapped to MB2. If you have only 10 function keys, F11, F12, Shift + F11,
and Shift + F12 are not available and are not shown in the KEYS window.
Here are the primary mainframe key definitions:
Mainframe Mainframe
PC Key Definition Key Definition
F1 mark Shift + F1 help
maps F1 through F12 to the alternate mainframe key settings. That is, F1 through
F12 maps to PF13 through PF24. The result is that F1 through F12 are equivalent
to Shift + F1 through Sift + F F12. The right mouse button (RMB) is mapped to
MB2. If you have only 10 function keys, F11 and F12 are unavailable and are not
shown in the KEYS window. F13 through F24 are mapped to F1 through F12 if your
keyboard has only 12 function keys instead of 24.
Here are the alternate mainframe key definitions:
Mainframe Mainframe
PC Key Definition Key Definition
F1 help F7 backward
F2 zoom F8 forward
maps F1 through F12 to the IBM SAA values for CUAPF1 through CUAPF12 and
Shift + F1 through Shift + F12 to CUAPF13 through CUAPF24. The right mouse
button (RMB) is mapped to MB2. If you have only 10 function keys, F11, F12, Shift +
F11, and Shift + F12 are unavailable and are not shown in the KEYS window.
Note: SAA stands for System Application Architecture, which is a framework for
application development and is used across IBM systems. CUA (Common User
Access) is a part of SAA that defines the user interface and components that should
be identical across applications. 4
Here are the IBM SAA key definitions:
Mainframe Mainframe
PC Key Definition Key Definition
Mainframe Mainframe
PC Key Definition Key Definition
specifies to use the default key definitions for SAS under Windows. WIN is the
Use the PFKEY system option when you do not want the default key definitions for
SAS under Windows but instead want to use other key mappings (for example, the
mappings used by SAS under z/OS).
Note that the function key values shown in the previous key map tables are for the
Base SAS windows only. Other windowing SAS products, such as SAS/AF software,
have other key definitions.
If you do not specify the PFKEY system option, or if you specify an invalid value,
SAS loads the default Windows key definitions. For a list of key definitions, open the
KEYS window by typing keys in the command bar.
Specifies the domain name of the primary authentication provider.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Alias: PRIMPD=
Category: Environment control: Initialization and operation
-PRINT destination | -NOPRINT
PRINT destination
specifies the destination for the SAS procedure output file. The destination argument
can be a valid Windows pathname or filename (including device names) or an
environment variable associated with a pathname. If you specify a pathname and it
contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If you specify only a
pathname, the procedure output file is created in the specified directory, with the
default name of filename.LST, where filename is the name of your SAS job.
suppresses the creation of the SAS procedure output file.
The PRINT system option specifies the destination to which SAS output is written when
executing SAS programs in modes other than the interactive windowing environment.
The PRINT system option is valid only in batch mode.
When SAS is running interactively, the procedure output file is sent to the OUTPUT
window; when SAS is running in batch mode, output is sent to a file named
filename.LST, where filename is the name of your SAS job. You can use the PRINT
option to specify an alternate destination.
specifies that SAS recognizes printers that are attached to the system
specifies that SAS does not recognize printers that are attached to the system
The PRNGETLIST option specifies that SAS recognizes all printers that are attached to
the system. NOPRNGETLIST specifies that SAS does not recognize the printers that
550 PRTABORTDLGS System Option 4 Chapter 23
are attached to the system. NOPRNGETLIST can be used by SAS technical support as
an alternative to advising users to delete all the printers on their system.
NOPRNGETLIST can also be used when SAS is started by the object spawner in order
to avoid the performance penalty of discovering printers and their capabilities
Default: BOTH
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options
Category: Environment control: Display
Windows specifics: all
specifies to display the Print Abort dialog box when you are printing either to a file
or to the printer.
specifies not to display the Print Abort dialog box when you are printing either to a
file or to the printer.
specifies to display the Print Abort dialog box only when you are printing to a file.
specifies to display the Print Abort dialog box only when you are printing to the
The Print Abort dialog box appears only while SAS is spooling a print job to its
destination. Use the NEITHER value to suppress the Print Abort dialog box.
See Also
specifies to use the same destination printer from SAS session to SAS session.
specifies to use the default printer.
Typically, when you start SAS, SAS sets the value of the SYSPRINT system option
(which specifies the destination printer) to be the Windows default printer. When you
start SAS by using the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system option, SAS sets the value of
the SYSPRINT system option to be the destination printer of the last SAS session that
was started by using PRTPERSISTDEFAULT.
To use the same destination printer from SAS session to SAS session, you must use
the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system option each time that you start SAS. If you start
SAS by using both the SYSPRINT system option and PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system
option, the destination printer is the value that is specified by the SYSPRINT system
See Also
specifies to include the Use Forms check box in the Print Setup dialog box.
specifies to exclude the Use Forms check box from the Print Setup dialog box.
Use the NOPRTSETFORMS system option to suppress the Use Forms check box in the
Print Setup dialog box.
See Also
-REALMEMSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
System Options under Windows 4 REGISTER System Option 553
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the amount of memory to reserve in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes);
1,048,576 (megabytes); and 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes), respectively. The value of n
can be a decimal value. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k
specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728 bytes. Under 32-bit
operating environments, the largest value that you can specify is 4294967295 (4G–1).
specifies the amount of memory as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets
the amount of memory to 45 bytes.
specifies a value of 0 which indicates that the memory usage is determined by SAS
when SAS starts.
specifies to set the memory size to the largest permissible value.
Some SAS procedures use the REALMEMSIZE option to specify how much virtual
memory the procedure can allocate and use without inducing excessive page swapping.
By contrast, the MEMSIZE option places a limit on the total amount of virtual memory
that SAS dynamically allocates at any time. This virtual memory is supported by a
combination of real memory and paging space. The operating environment begins
paging when the amount of virtual memory that is required exceeds the real memory
that is available. To prevent paging and the associated performance problems, the
REALMEMSIZE and MEMSIZE options should be set to a subset of real memory.
The REALMEMSIZE option is similar to the SORTSIZE option. The REALMEMSIZE
option affects multiple procedures. The SORTSIZE option only affects the SORT
-REGISTER ’menu-name’ ’command’ <’working-directory’>
554 RESOURCESLOC System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies the name you want to appear in the menu. The menu-name must be
enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies the command you want to execute. The command argument can either be a
.EXE, .COM, or .BAT file, or it can be an operating environment command such as
the DIR command. The command must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies the working directory to use for the application. This argument is optional.
Read your application’s documentation to see whether the application requires a
working directory specification. The working-directory must be enclosed in quotation
You can add up to eight commands to the Tools menu in the main SAS window. If your
menu name or command does not include blanks or special characters, you can omit the
quotation marks. For more information about adding commands to the list, see “Adding
Applications to the Tools Menu” on page 66.
-RESOURCESLOC <(>’directory-specification-1’ < ’directory-specification-n’)>| “.”
specifies a directory location of the files that contain SAS resources. If
directory-specification contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. If you
specify more than one directory-specification, enclose the list in parenthesis.
specifies that the current working folder is to be the default directory for the location
of the files that contain SAS resources.
SAS resources are dynamic link libraries that contain icons, strings, and fonts that are
used by SAS. The types of files that reside in the RESOURCESLOC directory are font
files (.fon, .ttf) and dynamic link libraries (.dll).
System Options under Windows 4 RSASUSER System Option 555
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Files
Windows specifics: Network considerations
See: RSASUSER System Option in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary
limits access to the Sasuser data library to read-only access in environments where
all users share the Sasuser library.
enables a user to open a file in the Sasuser library for update access, thus preventing
users from sharing members of the Sasuser data library. Update access to the
Sasuser library requires exclusive rights to the data library member. NORSASUSER
is the default value.
Specifying RSASUSER enables a group of users to share Sasuser data library members
by enabling all users to have read-only access to members. For example, if RSASUSER
is in effect, each user can open the Sasuser.Profile catalog for read-only access, enabling
other users to concurrently read from the Profile catalog. However, no user can write
information out to the Profile catalog; you receive an error message if you try to do so.
Specifying RSASUSER in a SAS session affects only that session’s access to files. To
enable a group of users to share members in the Sasuser data library, the system
administrator should set RSASUSER in the network version of the SAS configuration
file, which is shared by all users who share the Sasuser data library.
If you specify RSASUSER but no Profile catalog exists in the Sasuser data library,
the Profile catalog is created in the Work data library.
Whether the RSASUSER system option is useful depends on how SAS is being used.
While the RSASUSER system option is extremely useful when users must share
information (such as the Profile catalog) stored in the Sasuser data library, it is not
useful if these same users are using SAS/ASSIST software. SAS/ASSIST software
requires update access to the Sasuser data library.
556 RTRACE System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies to list all the file resources used in a given SAS session.
specifies not to list the file resources.
Use the RTRACE and the RTRACELOC system options to create a file that lists the
resources SAS uses.
See Also
-RTRACELOC filename | pathname\filename
System Options under Windows 4 SASAUTOS System Option 557
filename | pathname\filename
specifies a valid Windows filename or a pathname and a filename in which to store
the file resource information. If the filename or the pathname contains spaces,
enclose the name in quotation marks. If pathname is not specified, the file resource
information is stored in the current directory.
You can use the RTRACELOC and the RTRACE system options to determine which
resources SAS uses.
See Also
-SASAUTOS <(>"library-specification-1"…<"library-specification-n")>
SASAUTOS=<(>"library-specification-1"…< "library-specification-n")>
“library-specification-1”… “library-specification-n”
specifies one or more valid Windows pathnames or environment variables that are
associated with pathnames. Remember that a pathname is only to the directory or
subdirectory level. Windows pathnames must be enclosed in quotation marks if you
are using the OPTIONS statement or if the pathname contains spaces. If you specify
only one library specification, the parentheses are optional. The value for
library-specification must resolve to a valid Windows pathname.
The SASAUTOS system option specifies the SAS autocall macro library or libraries.
558 SASCONTROL System Option 4 Chapter 23
See Also
specifies to display the system/control menu in the windows that are contained in the
main SAS window.
specifies to omit the system/control menu and the minimize, maximize, and close
buttons from the title bar in the windows that are contained in the main SAS window.
specifies to display the minimize and maximize buttons in the windows that are
contained in the main SAS window.
specifies to omit the minimize and maximize buttons from the windows that are
contained in the main SAS window.
The SASCONTROL system option affects the windows contained inside the main SAS
window, but not the main SAS window itself (which is controlled by the AWSCONTROL
system option).
The SASCONTROL system option is intended for use by SAS/AF programmers to
customize the interface of their applications.
System Options under Windows 4 SASINITIALFOLDER System Option 559
See Also
-SASHELP ("library-specification-1"…< "library-specification-n")>
“library-specification-1”… “library-specification-n”
specifies one or more valid Windows pathnames or environment variables that are
associated with pathnames. Remember that a pathname applies only to the directory
or subdirectory level. The value for library-specification must resolve to a valid
Windows pathname. If the pathname contains spaces, it must be enclosed in
quotation marks.
The SASHELP system option is set during the installation process and normally is not
changed after installation.
Note that products and their corresponding files can be split across multiple drives
and directories. The library-specification argument can be a Windows pathname or an
environment variable associated with a pathname.
specifies the path to the current working folder and the default folders for the Open
and Save As dialog boxes. If newfolder contains spaces, it must be enclosed in
quotation marks.
SAS determines the locations for AUTOEXEC or INITSTMT files before the
SASINITIALFOLDER system option is processed. To ensure that SAS can determine
the location of these files, place them in a folder other than the folder that is specified
by the SASINITIALFOLDER system option.
If you do not specify the SASINITIALFOLDER system option, SAS determines the
current folder by default. SAS uses the Sasuser folder as the default folder for the Open
and Save As dialog boxes.
The current working folder is set according to information in “Determining the
Current Folder When SAS Starts” on page 9.
-SASUSER (“library-specification-1”…<“library-specification-n”>)
“library-specification-1”… “library-specification-n”
specifies one or more valid Windows pathnames or environment variables that are
associated with pathnames for a SAS library. Remember that a pathname applies
only to the directory or subdirectory level. If you list only one library specification,
the parentheses are optional. The value for library-specification must resolve to a
valid Windows pathname.
The SASUSER system option specifies the SAS library that contains a user’s Profile
catalog. The default value for SASUSER is defined in the SAS configuration file, which
System Options under Windows 4 SET System Option 561
you can change when you install SAS. If you do not use the SASUSER system option
when you invoke SAS (either in the configuration file or as part of the SAS command),
the Sasuser library is set to be equal to the Work library, which is temporary.
See Also
specifies to enable mouse and keyboard focus on the scroll bars.
specifies to disable mouse and keyboard focus on the scroll bars.
Under certain conditions, the cursor can flash if you select a scroll bar using the mouse
or the keyboard. You can turn off the flashing cursor using the NOSCROLLBARFLASH
system option. You can also use the Preferences dialog box Advanced page to disable
the flashing cursor by selecting Disable scroll bar focus.
See Also
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options
Category: Environment control: Files
Windows specifics: Values intended to represent files or paths must be valid under
-SET SAS-variable “value” | (“value-1”…< “value-n”>)
SET=SAS-variable “value” | (“ value-1”…< “value-n”>)
specifies the environment variable to define.
specifies the value or set of values to assign to the environment variable. If value is a
pathname that contains spaces, enclose value in quotation marks.
This action is analogous to defining a Windows environment variable with the Windows
SET command. One way to use the SET system option is to set up environment
variables that represent commonly used external files. For example, the following code
defines an environment variable for the sample source library:
-set sampsrc (!sasroot\base\sample
When you refer to SAMPSRC as a library name during your SAS session, SAS
automatically assigns the library with the directories listed. Note that !sasroot is also a
SAS environment variable that represents the root directory of your SAS installation,
and is typically assigned in the SAS configuration file.
Environment variables only can be used as a libref if you use the SET system option
at SAS invocation and not in an OPTIONS statement.
If you specify SET on the command line when you start SAS, the variable will be set
only for that SAS session. To set an environment variable for repeated use, either add
the SET system option to your configuration file or create a Windows environment
Note: The words AUX, CON, NUL, LPT1 - LPT9, COM1 - COM9, and PRN are
reserved words under Windows. Do not use CON or NUL as environment variable
names. 4
See Also
specifies to activate the scatter–read / gather–write feature. The scatter–read /
gather–write feature remains active until your SAS session ends.
specifies not to activate the scatter-read/gather-write feature.
The SGIO system option greatly improves I/O performance for SAS I/O files (data sets,
catalogs, indexes, utility files, and other I/O files) when the PC has a large amount of
RAM. Scatter-read / gather-write bypasses intermediate buffer transfers between
memory and disk.
When SGIO is active, SAS uses the number of buffers that are specified by the
BUFNO system option to transfer data between disk and RAM. I/O performance
usually improves as the value for the BUFNO increases. Try different values of the
BUFNO system option to tune each SAS job or DATA step.
The scatter-read / gather-write feature is active only for SAS I/O files that
3 contain a 4K-multiple pagesize (for example, 4096 or 8192) on 32–bit systems
3 contain a 8K-multiple pagesize (for example, 8192 or 16384) on 64-bit systems
3 were not created by using Version 6 of SAS
3 are accessed sequentially.
If an I/O file does not meet these criteria, SGIO is inactive for that file even though
the SGIO option is specified.
See Also
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control, Display
Windows specifics: all
specifies to display the SLEEP window.
specifies not to display the SLEEP window.
The SLEEP window appears when the SLEEP function or the WAKEUP function
suspends the execution of a DATA step. The SLEEP window displays the time that
remains before the DATA step begins running.
See Also
-SORTANOM option(s)
System Options under Windows 4 SORTCUT System Option 565
can be one or more of the following:
tells SyncSort to run in multi-call mode instead of single-call mode.
prints statistics about the sorting process in the SAS log.
prints all of the commands that are passed to the SyncSort utility in the SAS log.
See Also
-SORTCUT n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
SORTCUT=n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the number of observations in multiples of 1 (n); 1,024 (nK); 1,048,576 (nM);
and 1,073,741,824 (nG), respectively. You can specify decimal values for n when it is
used to specify a K, M, or G value. For example, a value of 8 specifies 8 observations,
a value of .782k specifies 801 observations, and a value of 3m specifies 3,145,728
specifies the number of observations as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the
value beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx
specifies 45 observations.
specifies 0 observations.
specifies 2,147,483,647 observations.
566 SORTCUTP System Option 4 Chapter 23
When you specify SORTPGM=BEST and SAS determines that the database sort utility
is not to be used, SAS uses the value of the SORTCUT and SORTCUTP options to
determine whether to use SyncSort or the SAS sort. If the data set to be sorted is
larger than the number of bytes (or kilobytes or megabytes) that you specify with
SORTCUTP, SyncSort is used instead of the SAS sort program. The value that you
specify must be less than or equal to 2,147,483,647 bytes. If both SORTCUT and
SORTCUTP are either not defined or are set to 0, the SAS sort is used. If you specify
both options and either condition is true, SAS uses SyncSort.
See Also
-SORTCUTP n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
SORTCUTP=n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the number of bytes in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576
(megabytes); and 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes), respectively. You can specify decimal
values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of
8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies
3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the number of bytes as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx
specifies 45 bytes.
specifies 0 bytes.
specifies 2,147,483,647 bytes.
System Options under Windows 4 SORTDEV System Option 567
When you specify SORTPGM=BEST and SAS determines that the database sort utility
is not to be used, SAS uses the value of the SORTCUTP and SORTCUT options to
determine whether to use SyncSort or the SAS sort. If the data set to be sorted is
larger than the number of bytes (or kilobytes or megabytes) that you specify with
SORTCUTP, SyncSort is used instead of the SAS sort program. The value that you
specify must be less than or equal to 2,147,483,647 bytes. If both SORTCUTP and
SORTCUT are either not defined or are set to 0, the SAS sort is used. If you specify
both options and either condition is true, SAS uses SyncSort.
The following equation computes the number of bytes to be sorted:
number of bytes= ((length-of-obs) + (length-of-all-keys)) * number-of-obs
See Also
-SORTDEV “pathname”
SORTDEV =“pathname”
specifies a valid Windows pathname.
The SORTDEV option specifies an alternative pathname for temporary files created by
the SyncSort utility. The pathname must be enclosed in quotation marks.
See Also
-SORTNAME host-sort-utility-name
The SORTNAME= option specifies the name of the default host sort utility. You can
specify syncsort.
See Also
“SORTPGM System Option” on page 569
-SORTPARM “SyncSort-parameters”
specifies any parameters that you want to pass to the SyncSort utility. Enclose
SyncSort- parameters in quotation marks.
System Options under Windows 4 SORTSIZE System Option 569
See the SyncSort for Windows documentation for a description of SyncSort- parameters.
tells SAS to sort by using the SAS sort routine.
tells SAS to determine the best sort routine to sort the data: a database sort, the
SAS sort, or SyncSort. When SAS determines that the sort is not to be done by the
database, SAS looks at the values for both SORTCUT and SORTCUTP. If they both
are set to zero, the SAS sort is used. If both options are set and either condition is
met, SAS uses the SyncSort routine.
tells SAS to sort by using SyncSort for Windows.
See Also
-SORTSIZE n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
SORTSIZE= n | nK | nM | nG | hexX | MIN | MAX
n | nK | nM | nG
specifies the amount of memory in multiples of 1; 1,024 (kilobytes); 1,048,576
(megabytes); and 1,073,741,824 (gigabytes) respectively. You can specify decimal
values for the number of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes. For example, a value of
8 specifies 8 bytes, a value of .782k specifies 801 bytes, and a value of 3m specifies
3,145,728 bytes.
specifies the amount of memory as a hexadecimal value. You must specify the value
beginning with a number (0–9), followed by an X. For example, the value 2dx sets the
amount of memory to 45 bytes.
specifies the minimum amount of memory available.
specifies the maximum amount of memory available.
By default, this option is set to the maximum amount of memory available. The
SORTSIZE system option can reduce the amount of swapping SAS must do to sort the
data set. If PROC SORT needs more memory than you specify, it creates a temporary
utility file in your Saswork directory in which to store the data. The SORT procedure’s
algorithm can swap unneeded data more efficiently than Windows can.
The SORTSIZE option is similar to the REALMEMSIZE option. SORTSIZE only affects
the SORT procedure. REALMEMSIZE affects multiple procedures.
See Also
Default: SPLASH
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Display
Windows specifics: all
specifies to display the logo screen when SAS initiates.
specifies to not display the logo screen when SAS initiates.
The SPLASH system option displays the SAS logo screen when SAS initiates.
You can specify a custom splash screen to display with the SPLASHLOC system
See Also
-SPLASHLOC DLL-name <res-number> | BMP-filename
specifies the dynamic link library (DLL) where your customized logo and copyright
screen reside.
572 STIMEFMT System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies the resource number connected with the dynamic link library (DLL) name.
specifies the path and name of a stand-alone Windows bitmap (BMP) file to use as a
splash screen.
You can create a bitmap resource (a customized logo and copyright screen) and build it
into a dynamic link library (DLL). The DLL that you use must be 32-bit if you are
running a 32–bit version of SAS or it must be 64–bit if you are running a 64–bit version
of SAS (that is, created using the libraries from the Microsoft Platform SDK). If you
specify a DLL-name without a resource number (res-number), the default resource
number is 1.
Alternatively, you can specify the path and name of a stand-alone Windows bitmap
(BMP) file to use as a splash screen. The path must be a valid Windows pathname. If
the pathname contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
specifies that SAS software display the STIMER output as seconds.
specifies that SAS software display the STIMER output as minutes:seconds
specifies that SAS software display the STIMER output as hours:minutes:seconds.
The STIMEFMT system option specifies the format to use to display STIMER output as
either seconds, minutes:seconds, or hours:minutes:seconds.
System Options under Windows 4 STIMER System Option 573
See Also
writes real-time and CPU time to the SAS log.
does not write real-time and CPU time to the SAS log.
The STIMER system option prints to the SAS log the amount of time it took for SAS to
complete a DATA step or procedure task.
The following is an example of STIMER output:
real time 0.96 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
Statistic Description
Real-Time the amount of time spent to process the SAS job. Real-time is
also referred to as elapsed time.
CPU Time the total time spent to execute your SAS code and spent to
perform system overhead tasks on behalf of the SAS process.
This value is the combination of the user CPU and system CPU
statistics from FULLSTIMER.
Note: Starting in SAS 9, some procedures use multiple threads. On computers with
multiple CPUs, the operating system can run more than one thread simultaneously.
Consequently, CPU time might exceed real-time in your STIMER output. 4
574 SYSGUIFONT System Option 4 Chapter 23
For example, a SAS procedure could use two threads that run on two separate CPUs
simultaneously. The value of CPU time would be calculated as the following:
CPU1 time + CPU2 time = total CPU time
1 second + 1 second = 2 seconds
Since CPU1 can run a thread at the same time that CPU2 runs a separate thread for
the same SAS process, you can theoretically consume 2 CPU seconds in 1 second of
The STIMER system option specifies whether a subset of all the performance statistics
of your operating environment that are available to SAS are written to the SAS log.
The FULLSTIMER system option specifies whether all of the available performance
statistics are written to the SAS log.
See Also
-SYSGUIFONT "font-name" < font-size>
specifies the name of the font for text in screen and dialog box text elements. This
name must be a valid font name (for example, “Times New Roman” or “Courier”) that
matches the name of the font as it is installed on your system. The font-name must
be enclosed in double quotation marks, and is a required argument.
specifies the font size to use for the window text. If you omit font-size, SAS uses the
The SYSGUIFONT system option controls the font size of the text for screen text and
dialog box text elements. Use the FONT system option to change the fonts for the
System Options under Windows 4 SYSIN System Option 575
window contents. You might need to maximize the SAS window in order to allow space
for large fonts to be readable.
See Also
-SYSIN file-specification | -NOSYSIN
SYSIN file-specification
specifies to start SAS and submit the file in batch mode. The value of
file-specification must be a valid Windows filename.
specifies to start SAS in batch mode, but do not submit any files. This option is useful
for testing your SAS autoexec file; after your autoexec file is processed, SAS exits.
The SYSIN system option specifies a file containing a SAS program. This option
indicates to SAS that you are executing in noninteractive mode and can be specified
only in the SAS invocation.
576 SYSPARM System Option 4 Chapter 23
Default: none
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options
Category: Environment control: Files
Windows specifics: Valid values and syntax for characters
See: SYSPARM System Option in SAS Macro Language: Reference
-SYSPARM <“>characters<”>
writes the character string in all uppercase.
preserves the case of the character string.
The SYSPARM system option specifies a character string that can be passed to SAS
The character string specified can be accessed in a SAS DATA step by the
SYSPARM() function or anywhere in a SAS program by using the automatic macro
variable referenced by &SYSPARM.
-SYSPRINT “printer-name”< “destination”>
specifies the name of the printer as it is installed under Windows (for example,
“Charlie’s HP LaserJet”). You can find the list of installed printers on your system by
selecting the Printers item in the Windows Control Panel. The printer-name must be
enclosed in double quotation marks.
specifies a filename to write the print file to disk. If specified, then all printer output
generated by SAS is routed to this file, overwriting any existing file with the same
name. Even though the output is not sent directly to a printer, it is still formatted
using the printer driver associated with printer-name. The destination must be
enclosed in double quotation marks.
The SYSPRINT system option specifies the destination of a printer where you want to
print your SAS output.
If you select a different printer by using the Print Setup dialog box, the value of the
SYSPRINT system option (shown by PROC OPTIONS) reflects that selection.
If you do not specify the SYSPRINT system option or the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT
system option, the printer-name and destination arguments use the default system
printer value.
If PRTPERSISTDEFAULT is specified when SAS starts, the value of SYSPRINT
persists from SAS session to SAS session. If both SYSPRINT and
PRTPERSISTDEFAULT are specified when SAS starts, the value of SYSPRINT is the
printer specified by SYSPRINT.
Modifying print options by using the Windows printing dialog boxes can change the values
of SAS printing system options. If you set printing options using SAS system options
such as SYSPRINT, and then use the Windows printing dialog boxes to set printing
options, the SAS system options are set to the values specified in the Windows print
dialog boxes. 4
See Also
ITALIC>< character-set> <point-size> <NAMED “printer-name” | UPRINT=
“printer-name” | DEFAULT | ALL>)
ITALIC>< character-set> <point-size> <NAMED “printer-name” | UPRINT=
“printer-name” | DEFAULT | ALL>
specifies the name of the font to use for printing. This name must be a valid font
name (for example, “SAS Monospace” or “Courier”) that matches the name of the font
as it is installed on your system. The font-name must be enclosed in double quotation
marks, and is a required argument.
specifies the weight of the font. The default is NORMAL.
specifies the style of the font. The default is REGULAR.
specifies the character set to use for printing. The default is “Windows”. Valid values
are Western, Central European, Cyrillic, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Baltic, and Thai. If
the font does not support the specified character set, the default character set is
used. If the default character set is not supported by the font, the font’s default
character set is used.
specifies the point size to use for printing. This value must be an integer from 1 to
7200, inclusive. If you omit this argument, SAS uses 10 points.
NAMED “printer-name”
updates the font information for the named printer in the Sasuser.Profile2 catalog.
The printer name must exactly match the name shown in the Print Setup dialog box
(except that the printer name is not case sensitive). The printer-name must be
enclosed in double quotation marks. This keyword is optional.
specifies a Universal Printer to which these settings apply. UPRINT is valid only for
printers that are listed in the SAS registry. The printer-name must exactly match
System Options under Windows 4 SYSPRINTFONT System Option 579
the name shown in the Print Setup dialog box, except that the printer name is not
case sensitive. If the Universal Prints is more than one word, printer-name must be
enclosed in single or double quotation marks. The quotation marks are stored with
the printer-name.
specifies the default font information for the printer used by the -SYSPRINT system
option in the Sasuser.Profile2 catalog.
updates the font information for all installed printers in the Sasuser.Profile2 catalog.
This keyword is optional.
The SYSPRINTFONT system option sets the font to use when SAS is printing to the
current default printer (which might be specified in the SYSPRINT system option) or to
the printer identified with the optional keywords NAMED or ALL. This information is
stored in the Sasuser.Profile2 catalog.
Enclose the SYSPRINTFONT option arguments in parenthesis when you specify the
option in a configuration file, on the command line, or in the SAS System Options
window. Parenthesis are not required if you specify the SYSPRINTFONT system option
in the OPTIONS statement.
If you use SYSPRINTFONT with either the DEFAULT or no keyword and later use
the SYSPRINT system option or the Print Setup dialog box to change the current
default printer, then the font used with the current default printer will be
1 The font specified in Sasuser.Profile2 for the given printer, if any.
2 The font specified with SYSPRINTFONT, if the specified font exists on the printer.
3 If there is no font defined for the printer in Sasuser.Profile2, and SYSPRINTFONT
doesn’t specify a valid font for the printer, and the current display font is scalable,
then SAS will use the display font to print.
4 If the current display font is not scalable, SAS will use 10-point SAS Monospace.
5 If the SAS Monospace font is not available, SAS will use the printer’s default font
to print.
Note: To ensure that row and column separators and boxed tabular reports will be
printed legibly when using the standard forms characters, you must use these
resources: 4
3 the SAS Monospace or the SAS Monospace Bold font
3 a printer that supports TrueType fonts
Example 1: Specifying a Font to the Default Printer This example specifies to use the
12-point SAS Monospace font on the default printer:
-sysprintfont ("SAS Monospace" 12)
Example 3: Specifying a Font to a Universal Printer on the SAS command line This
example specifies the Albany AMT font for the PDF Universal Printer:
sysprintfont=(’courier’ 11 uprint=’PDF’)
See Also
The TOOLDEF system option specifies where the Toolbox is located within your display
when it is viewable.
You must specify a vertical position first. You do not have to specify a horizontal
position, but if you omit it, RIGHT is used.
Note: The Toolbox is positioned with respect to your entire display, not to the main
SAS window. This option has no effect if you are using the toolbar instead of the
Toolbox. 4
See Also
specifies that the print commands in the File menu invoke the Universal Printing
dialog boxes.
specifies that the print commands in the File menu will invoke the Windows dialog
To enable the Universal Printing menus and dialog boxes, you must specify both the
UNIVERSALPRINT system option and the UPRINTMENUSWITCH system option
when you start SAS. Specifying the UPRINTMENUSWITCH option without specifying
the UNIVERSALPRINT option will not invoke the Universal Printing menus and dialog
See Also
-USER “library-specification”
specifies the default libref, an environment variable, or Windows pathname in which
to store data sets that are created during a SAS session. Remember that a pathname
is only to the directory or subdirectory level. The value of library-specification must
resolve to a valid Windows pathname.
When you specify the USER system option, any data set that you create with a
one-level name will be permanently stored in the specified library. If you want to create
a temporary data set, use a two-level name for the data set, with the first part being
Work (for example, work.tempdata).
-USERICON icon-resource-filename number-of-icons
specifies the fully qualified Windows pathname of the resource file associated with
your user-defined icons. If the pathname contains spaces, it must be enclosed in
quotation marks.
specifies the maximum number of icons stored in the resource file that you specified.
The USERICON system option specifies the fully qualified Windows pathname of the
resource file associated with your icons, along with the maximum number of icons
stored in the resource file that you specified.
The icon resource file must be compiled using the Win32 Software Development Kit
(SDK). For more information, refer to the SDK documentation. User-defined icons can
be incorporated into applications developed with SAS/AF or SAS/EIS software.
System Options under Windows 4 VERBOSE System Option 583
The following USERICON system option specifies 10 icons that are stored in
-usericon c:\mystuff\myicons.dll 10
specifies to write the settings of the system options to the log.
specifies not to write the settings of the system options to the log. NOVERBOSE is
the default.
The VERBOSE system option writes the settings of SAS system options that were set
at SAS invocation either on the command line or as part of the configuration file. If you
invoke SAS at a terminal, the settings are displayed at the terminal. If you invoke SAS
as a part of a batch job, the settings are written to the batch log. You cannot change the
settings of the SAS system options with the VERBOSE system option.
The VERBOSE system option is a good error diagnostic tool. If you receive an error
message when you invoke SAS, you can use this option to see whether you have an
error in your system option specifications.
See Also
specifies to enable Web enhancements.
specifies to disable Web enhancements.
If you have installed Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (IE) or later and specify the
WEBUI system option, certain windows, such as the SAS Explorer window, work like
an IE Web page where pointing to an object with the mouse selects the object and a
single mouse-click invokes the object’s default action.
To select a range of objects, press and hold down the SHIFT key, and point to the
first and last objects in the group.
To select multiple items, press and hold down the CTRL key, and point to individual
items in the group.
System Options under Windows 4 WORK System Option 585
specifies to include the Window menu in the main menu if the
NOAWSMENUMERGE system option is specified.
specifies to suppress the Window menu in the main menu if the
NOAWSMENUMERGE system option is specified.
The WINDOWSMENU system option is valid only if the NOAWSMENUMERGE system
option is specified.
See Also
-WORK “library-specification”
specifies an environment variable or a Windows pathname. Remember that a
pathname is only to the directory or subdirectory level. The value of
library-specification must resolve to a valid Windows pathname. The
library-specification must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
The default SAS configuration file creates the Work data library in a folder named “SAS
Temporary Files” located in your system’s designated temporary area (as specified by
the TEMP environment variable).
SAS creates a subdirectory called TDnnnnn for each SAS process under the directory
you specify in the WORK option, where nnnnn is a unique number.
586 XCMD System Option 4 Chapter 23
See Also
specifies to allow the X command to be valid in the current SAS session.
specifies not to allow the X command to be valid in the current SAS session.
The XCMD allows the X command to be active in the current SAS session.
If you specify NOXCMD, the following are disabled:
3 PIPE and NAMEPIPE device types in the FILENAME statement
3 CALL SYSTEM routine
System Options under Windows 4 XMIN System Option 587
3 X command
3 Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
3 %SYSEXEC macro
3 SYSTASK statement
3 FILENAME function.
See Also
specifies to start the application specified in the X command in a minimized state.
specifies to start the application specified in the X command in the default active
The XMIN system option allows you to open an application specified in the X command
in a minimized state or in the default active state.
588 XSYNC System Option 4 Chapter 23
specifies that the operating system command execute synchronously with your SAS
session. That is, control is not returned to SAS until the command has completed.
You cannot return to your SAS session until the process spawned by the X command
or statement is closed. XSYNC is the default.
specifies that the operating system command execute asynchronously with your SAS
session. That is, control is returned immediately to SAS and the command continues
executing without interfering with your SAS session. With NOXSYNC in effect, you
can execute an X command or X statement and return to your SAS session without
closing the process spawned by the X command or X statement.
The value of the XSYNC system option affects the execution of the following:
3 X statement
3 X command
3 CALL SYSTEM routine
3 %SYSEXEC statement.
See Also
Default: XWAIT
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement
Category: Environment control: Display
Windows specifics: all
specifies that you must type EXIT to return to your SAS session. XWAIT is the
specifies that the command processor automatically returns to the SAS session after
the specified command is executed. You do not have to type EXIT.
The XWAIT system option does not affect Windows applications, such as Excel. It only
applies to applications that execute in a Command Prompt window.
The XWAIT system option affects the Command Prompt window started by any of
the following:
3 X statement
3 X command
3 CALL SYSTEM routine
3 %SYSEXEC statement.
See Also
Length and Precision of
Numeric Variables
The default length of numeric variables in SAS data sets is 8 bytes. (You can control
the length of SAS numeric variables with the LENGTH statement in the DATA step.)
In SAS under Windows, the Windows data type of numeric values that have a length of
8 is LONG REAL. The precision of floating-point values is accurate to approximately 15
digits. Depending upon the number, the precision can be 16 digits of accuracy. For more
information about the representation of the LONG REAL Windows data type, see Intels
developer Web site. Table 24.1 on page 591 specifies the significant digits and largest
integer values that can be stored in SAS numeric variables.
Table 24.1 Significant Digits and Largest Integer by Length for SAS Variables
under Windows
3 8,192 213 3
4 2,097,152 2 6
5 536,870,912 229 8
6 137,438,953,472 2 11
592 Character Variables 4 Chapter 24
7 35,184,372,088,832 245 13
8 9,007,199,254,740,992 2 15
For example, if you know that a numeric variable always has values between 0 and
100, you can use a length of 3 to store the number and thus save space in your data set.
Here is an example:
data mydata;
length num 3;
more data lines
Note: Dummy variables (those variables whose only purpose is to hold 0 or 1) can be
stored in a variable whose length is 3 bytes. 4
Use the 3-byte limit for only those variables whose values are small, preferably integers.
If the value of a variable becomes large or has many significant digits, you can lose
precision when saving the results of arithmetic calculations if the length of a variable
is less than 8 bytes. 4
The maximum number of variables is limited by the first encountered limitation:
3 the observation length
3 the total storage possible for names, labels, and metadata
3 the amount of available memory on the machine where the data set is stored.
You can define a data set with an observation length of up to 2GB on a 32-bit
platform and approximately 2*46 bytes on a 64-bit platform. The observation length
cannot exceed the value of the BUFSIZE option.
Assuming a single-byte character set, and that you use the maximum 352 bytes
possible for name, label, and other data, for each variable, you can have a maximum of
approximately 1,350,000 variables. If the names, labels, and format names are shorter,
you can have more than 66,666,666. There is a maximum of 1GB to store all the
variable names and other metadata (data set label, compression name, and other data).
Assuming that the above limits are not exceeded the maximum possible number of
variables is 412,977,617 on 32-bit hosts and 2GB on 64-bit hosts.
Character Variables
In SAS under Windows, character values are sorted using the ASCII collating
sequence. As an alternative to the numeric dummy variables discussed previously, you
can choose a character variable with a length of 1 byte to serve the same purpose.
The maximum number of variables is limited by the first encountered limitation:
3 the observation length
3 the total storage possible for names, labels, and metadata
3 the amount of available memory on the machine where the data set is stored.
You can define a data set with an observation length of up to 2GB on a 32-bit
platform and approximately 2*46 bytes on a 64-bit platform. The observation length
cannot exceed the value of the BUFSIZE option.
Length and Precision of Variables 4 Character Variables 593
Assuming a single-byte character set, and that you use the maximum 352 bytes
possible for name, label, and other data, for each variable, you can have a maximum of
about 4,050,000 variables. If the names, labels, and format names are shorter, you can
have more than 200,000,000. There is a maximum of 1GB to store all the variable
names and other metadata (data set label, compression name, and other data).
Assuming that the above limits are not exceeded the maximum possible number of
variables is 412,977,617 on 32-bit hosts and 2GB on 64-bit hosts.
SAS Macro Facility under
always contains the value FORE under Windows.
returns a number that uniquely identifies the SAS task under Windows.
returns the maximum long integer value that is allowed under Windows, which is
holds the Windows status of Windows commands that are issued during your SAS
session. The variable holds a character string that is the text form of the decimal
value of the Windows command status.
For example, consider the following statements:
options noxwait;
x ’dirf’; /* Invalid Windows command */
%put This Windows status is &sysrc;
x ’dir’; /* Valid Windows command */
%put The corrected Windows status is &sysrc;
The OPTIONS statement turns the XWAIT option off so that the Windows
command prompt window closes automatically. You do not have to type exit to
return to your SAS session. The value of “This Windows status is” will be 1, and
the value for “The corrected Windows status is” will be 1. If you run this example
with the XWAIT option, you would need to type exit before SAS would run the
code. After you type exit, a value of 9009 is returned for the statement “This
Windows status is”, and 0 is the value for “The corrected Windows status is”. If
you use the NOXSYNC system option, the value of SYSRC is automatically 0.
returns the operating environment abbreviation WIN.
returns the name of the specific Windows environment that you are using. The
possible return values are
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Microsoft Windows 2008 Datacenter Server
Microsoft Windows 2008 Enterprise Server
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7
Macro Facility under Windows 4 Macro Statements 597
Microsoft Windows Vista x64 or Windows 7 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 64-bit Edition for Itanium-based
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter 64-bit Edition for Itanium-based
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 64–bit edition for Itanium-based
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 64–bit edition for Itanium-based
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 64–bit edition for Itanium-based
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter 64–bit edition for x64 based
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 64–bit edition for x64 based
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard 64–bit edition for x64 based
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 64–bit edition for x64–based
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 64–bit edition for x64–based
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 edition
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard 64–bit edition for x64–based
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Macro Statements
The following macro statement has behavior specific to Windows:
executes operating environment commands immediately and places the return code
in the SYSRC automatic macro variable. The %SYSEXEC statement is similar to
598 Macro Functions 4 Chapter 25
This statement launches a command prompt session that displays the following
The current time is: 16:32:45.16
Enter new time:
Note: The %SYSEXEC statement uses the XSYNC and XWAIT system option
values just like the X statement and X command do. For more information about
these system options, see “XSYNC System Option” on page 588 and “XWAIT
System Option” on page 589. 4
Macro Functions
The behavior of the %SYSGET macro function is specific to Windows:
returns the character string that is the value of the Windows environment
variable that is passed as the argument. Both Windows and SAS environment
variables can be translated by using the %SYSGET function. A warning message
is printed if the environment variable does not exist. The %SYSGET function has
the following syntax:
Here is an example of using the %SYSGET function:
%let var1=%sysget(comspec);
%put The COMSPEC environment variable
is &var1;
Autocall Libraries
This section discusses the system dependencies of using autocall libraries. For
general information, see SAS Macro Language: Reference.
Macro Facility under Windows 4 SASAUTOS System Option 599
An autocall library contains files that define SAS macros. SAS supplies some autocall
macros. To use the autocall facility, you must have the SAS system option
MAUTOSOURCE set. When SAS is installed, the SASAUTOS system option is used in
the SAS configuration file to tell SAS where to find the default macros that are supplied
by SAS Institute. You can also define your own autocall macros and store them in a
Windows directory.
If you store autocall macros in a Windows directory, the file extension must be .SAS.
Each macro file in the directory must contain a macro definition that has a macro name
that is the same as the filename. For example, a file named PRTDATA.SAS that is
stored in a directory must define a macro named PRTDATA.
Autocall libraries are searched in the order that you specify them. If you use the
preceding SASAUTOS option setting and call a macro named PRTDATA, the directory
C:\MYMACROS is searched first for the macro; then each of the !SASROOT libraries is
SCL Methods for Automating
OLE Objects
Table A1.1 SCL Methods Valid for OLE and OLE Automation
Method SAS OLE class Automation class
_NEW_ No Yes
604 _COMPUTE_ 4 Appendix 1
Method SAS OLE class Automation class
Note: The _NEW_ method can be used with any class, but the OLE Automation
class overrides this method because of special requirements. 4
The remainder of this section contains the reference information for these methods.
Invokes a method on an OLE automation object and returns a value.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_COMPUTE_’,in-OLE-method< ,in-parm…,in-
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_COMPUTE_’,in-OLE-method<,in-parm…,in-parm>,out-
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
The _COMPUTE_ method invokes a method (with parameters) that is exposed by an
OLE automation server. The number of parameters (in-parm arguments) needed varies
among different objects and methods. Only methods that have a return value should be
used with the _COMPUTE_ method. For methods with no return values, use the _DO_
The following example stores the contents of the item in position 2 of an OLE control
in the variable item2obj:
length item2obj $ 200;
call notify(’oleobj’, ’_COMPUTE_’,
’GetItem’, 2, item2obj);
SCL Methods for Automating OLE Objects 4 _DO_ 605
The following example uses the cells method of a spreadsheet object to compute the
location of the cell at row 2, column 5, and then sets the value of that cell to 100:
call send(oleobj, ’_COMPUTE_’, ’Cells’,
2, 5, cellobj1);
call send(cellobj1, ’_SET_PROPERTY_’,
’Value’, 100);
Disables the OLE object’s default action.
This method prevents the default verb for an OLE object from executing when the
object is double-clicked. By default, the default action is enabled.
Invokes a method on an OLE automation object with no return value.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_DO_’,in-OLE-method<,in-parm…,in-parm>);
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_DO_’,in-OLE-method< , in-parm…,in-parm>);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
in-OLE-method C specifies the OLE method name.
in-parm C or N provides a parameter to the OLE method.
The _DO_ method invokes a method (with parameters) that is exposed by an OLE
automation server. The number of parameters (in-parm arguments) needed varies
606 _ENABLE_DEFAULT_ACTION_ 4 Appendix 1
among different OLE objects and methods. Only methods that have no return value
should be used with the _DO_ method. For methods with return values, use the
_COMPUTE_ method.
The following example sends the AboutBox method to an OLE control, which displays
the About Box for the control:
call notify(’oleobj’, ’_DO_’, ’AboutBox’);
Enables the OLE object’s default action.
This method enables the default verb for an OLE object to execute when the object is
double-clicked. By default, the default action is enabled.
Executes an OLE verb for the object.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_EXECUTE_’,in-verb< ,in-verb…in-verb>);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
in-verb C specifies the OLE verb to execute.
A list of verbs supported by this object are listed in the Associated Verbs window for the
OLE object (after the object has been created). You can specify more than one OLE verb
at a time.
SCL Methods for Automating OLE Objects 4 _GET_PROPERTY_ 607
If you attempt to execute a verb that is not valid for the object, the SCL program
halts and returns a message that the verb does not exist.
Returns the name of the last OLE control event received.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_GET_EVENT_’,out-event);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
This method returns the name of the event that the specified OLE control most recently
Returns the value of a property of an automation object.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_GET_PROPERTY_’,in-OLE-property,out-property-
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_GET_PROPERTY_’,in-OLE-property,out-property-value);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
in-OLE-property C specifies the name of the OLE property.
The _GET_PROPERTY_ method is used to get the value of a property of an automation
Returns a reference identifier for use with any automation object method that requires an
automation object as one of its parameters.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_GET_REFERENCE_ID_’,out-refid);
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_GET_REFERENCE_ID_’,out-refid);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
out-refid C contains the returned reference identifier.
The _GET_REFERENCE_ID_ method is used to get the automation object identifier.
The value returned is used in subsequent _DO_ or _COMPUTE_ calls where the object
method requires an automation object as one of its parameters. This value should be
used for the object parameter.
The following example returns the reference identifier for the automation object.
This identifier is then sent as a parameter value to an automation method requiring an
object identifier.
call notify(’oleobj1’, ’_GET_REFERENCE_ID_’,
call notify(’oleobj2’, ’_DO_’, ’NewAppl’,
refid, p1, p2);
Returns the object’s type.
SCL Methods for Automating OLE Objects 4 _IN_ERROR_ 609
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_GET_TYPE_’,out-type);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
out-type C contains the returned object type.
The _GET_TYPE_ method is used to get the type of the object. Valid types include
Embedded, Linked, Bitmap, Device Independent Bitmap, and Picture.
Returns an object’s ERROR status.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_IN_ERROR_’,error-status< ,error-msg>);
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_IN_ERROR_’,error-status<,error-msg>);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
error-status N returns a value indicating whether an
automation error has been encountered for the
Errors encountered from automation calls can be detected using _IN_ERROR_. The
_IN_ERROR_ method returns the status of the last automation call and should be
called before any subsequent automation calls.
610 _NEW_ 4 Appendix 1
The following example detects that an error was encountered during the previous
length errmsg $ 200;
call send(objid,’_GET_PROPERTY_’,
’ActiveObject’, actobj);
call send(objid,’_IN_ERROR_’,inerror, errmsg);
if inerror then
link handle_err;
Creates a new instance of an OLE automation server.
CALL SEND(OLE-instance,’_NEW_’,new-OLE-id,init-arg,OLE-auto-app);
Before you can use SCL code to refer to an OLE Automation server, you must first
create an instance of the OLE Automation class.
For more information about the _INIT_ method, see the description of the Object
class in the online documentation for SAS/AF software.
The following example creates a new instance of an OLE Automation server and
assigns the SCL identifier exclauto to the new object. Note that in this example,
Excel.Application.8 is the identifier for Microsoft Excel in the system registry:
call send (hostcl, ’_NEW_’, exclauto, 0,
Assigns a value to a property of an automation object.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_SET_PROPERTY_’,in-OLE-property,in-value);
SCL Methods for Automating OLE Objects 4 _UPDATE_ 611
CALL SEND(OLE-object-id,’_SET_PROPERTY_’,in-OLE-property,in-value);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
The _SET_PROPERTY_ method assigns a value to a property of an automation object.
Updates the object based on its current contents or on the contents of a different HSERVICE entry.
CALL NOTIFY(OLE-object-name,’_UPDATE_’< ,in-hservice>);
Character (C)
or Numeric
Argument (N) Description
in-hservice C specifies the name of the HSERVICE entry to
use to update the object.
The _UPDATE_ method recreates an object and updates its contents based on its
current attributes. The in-hservice parameter is used only with OLE objects and is the
name of an HSERVICE catalog entry. When you specify the in-hservice parameter, the
object specified by OLE-object is changed to the object stored in the HSERVICE entry
referenced by the in-hservice parameter.
If you use the _UPDATE_ method without specifying in-hservice, the object’s contents
are updated with the current OLE object source. This process is useful for manually
updating a linked object.
612 _UPDATE_ 4 Appendix 1
In the following example, the object stored in OBJ1 is replaced by the
Sasuser.Examples.Sound1.Hservice object:
length refid $ 30;
call notify(’obj1’,’_update_’,
Error Messages for SAS under
Accessing Files
This section describes errors you might receive while trying to use SAS to access files
(either external files or SAS files). Whenever you have trouble accessing files, always
check the validity of your FILENAME and LIBNAME statements and functions to make
sure they point to the right files. Also, be sure you are using the correct fileref or libref.
Core catalog cannot be initialized. Please verify the system’s date/
The date or time stamp of SAS CORE catalog is in the future. Make sure the date
and time on your machine are set correctly. This message is issued in conjunction
with internal error 602 (see “Resolving Internal Errors” on page 617).
Error: Date/time is in the future.
The date or time stamp of the file you are trying to access is in the future. Make
sure the date and time on your machine are set correctly.
Error: File is in use, filename.
The file you are trying to access is in use by another Windows process, such as
another Windows application.
Error: File not found loading filename-1. File contributing to error:
A DLL-dependent file cannot be found when the requested file is loaded. For SAS,
the !SASROOT\CORE\SASEXE file (usually specified with the PATHDLL system
option in the SAS configuration file) might be unavailable. The requested file
might not be available due to a network error or other drive failure. Ensure that
PATHDLL specifies the location of !SASROOT\CORE\SASDLL.
ERROR: Member or library filename unavailable for use.
The file filename is being used by another Windows application.
ERROR: Module module-name not found in search paths.
This error is caused by one of the following:
3 incorrect PATH system option in the SAS configuration file
3 the product you called is not installed
3 a dependent image is not installed.
ERROR: Unable to clear or reassign the library library-name because
it is still in use.
Error Messages for SAS under Windows 4 Using SAS Features 615
Using OLE
This section describes errors you can receive while using the Windows object linking
and embedding (OLE) capability in your SAS applications.
OLE Error: nnnnnnnn <error message text>
An OLE error not documented in this section has occurred. If you receive this
error message and cannot determine its cause from the given error message text,
contact your SAS Installation Representative, who can determine the cause of the
error. The SAS Installation Representative might have to call the SAS Institute
Technical Support Division.
OLE: Unable to Paste Special. The clipboard contains no supported
The Windows clipboard does not contain any formats that SAS/AF software can
use in the FRAME entry.
... Do you want to invoke the Links dialog box?
The data source of the link could not be found. You have the option of invoking the
Links dialog box to redirect the link to another data source.
OLE: Operation not allowed on static object.
Static objects do not support this operation. A static object is basically a picture of
an object; it does not contain nor is it linked to any data.
Static objects cannot be converted.
You cannot convert static objects to another type.
OLE: Verb is invalid for the object.
The OLE verb that was passed to the object was invalid or could not be sent.
Check your SCL code for a misspelled verb.
OLE: Server application could not be launched.
The server application for the object could not be invoked. You can be missing
some executables, or perhaps your network connection is down.
OLE: Member or one of the named parameters is not known.
You specified a member (that is, a property or method) that is not valid for the
OLE object you are automating. For information about the members that are
supported, see the documentation for the OLE server application.
OLE: Access to multi-dimensional arrays not supported.
SAS does not support multi-dimensional arrays. If you want to access
multi-dimensional data from a server application, you must first use the server
application to present the data in a one-dimensional format.
OLE: Object cannot be automated.
This object does not support automation.
OLE: One of the parameters is of the wrong type.
OLE: One of the parameters is not a valid type.
OLE: One of the parameters is out of the present range.
Error Messages for SAS under Windows 4 Resolving Internal Errors 617
A parameter passed to an OLE automation server’s method is not the correct type
and cannot be interpreted.
OLE: Application is busy.
The OLE server application is busy with a task and cannot honor the current
OLE: Control is not licensed for use.
You do not have appropriate licensing to use a control of this type. For more
information, see the control’s documentation.
OLE: Unable to connect to network device:UNC-drive-name
The linked object exists on a network drive that is currently not connected. The
UNC name for the drive follows the message.
There is no object selected for conversion.
The Convert dialog box was invoked but there are no selected objects to convert.
There are no linked objects in this window.
The Links dialog box was invoked but the frame does not contain any linked OLE
Using Networks
This section describes errors you can receive while using SAS on a network.
Any of the following errors can occur on a network if you do not have proper access
3 ERROR: Deletion of old member filename failed.
3 ERROR: File deletion failed for filename.
3 ERROR: Rename of temporary member for filename failed.
3 ERROR: User does not have appropriate authorization level for file
Network software enables the network supervisor to control access to network files.
Access rights can be set up so that you can read a file, but are unable to update that
file. The last message in this list can also appear if you try to access a directory as if it
were a file.
number to determine the cause of the error. Alternatively, you can report the error
number to your SAS Installation Representative.
Graphics Considerations
TrueType fonts can be used with the WIN, WINPRTx, WMF, EMF, and GIF device
drivers, among others. Before you can use a TrueType font to print (other than the
default), you must identify its name. To identify TrueType fonts, select Start I Settings
I Control Panel and double-click on the Fonts icon. Truetype fonts will have a double
’T’ icon or will have TrueType beside the font.
In SAS/GRAPH programs, you can use the font name to specify a TrueType font with
the FONT= or F= option. For example, you can specify the following:
title2 font="arial"
’This is TrueType font arial’;
Default Key Settings for
Interactive SAS Sessions
F2 reshow Alt + F2
F3 end Alt + F3
F9 keys Ctrl + G
F11 command focus Ctrl + H help
Ctrl + F1 Ctrl + Y
Shift + MMB
Ctrl + MMB
1 RMB is the right mouse button.
2 MMB is the middle mouse button. (Not all mouse devices have a middle mouse
Page Up page up
Default Key Settings 4 Keyboard Shortcuts within the SAS Main Window 625
Mark Text
Shift + -> (right arrow) mark while going to the right
Shift + MB1 extend the current marked text selection to the click
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Ctrl + Delete delete from the insertion point position to the end of
the current word
Ctrl + Backspace delete from the insertion point position to the start of
the current word
-> (right arrow) move the split bar a small amount to the right
<- (left arrow) move the split bar a small amount to the right
Ctrl + -> (right arrow) move the split bar a larger amount to the right
Ctrl + <- (left arrow) move the split bar a larger amount to the left
Home move the split bar all the way to the left
End move the split bar all the way to the right
Return accept the current size of the docking view and exit
docking view resizing
Alt + Enter open the Properties dialog box for a selected object
This command is valid only in a Tree view or a List
Code Folding Collapse all folding blocks Alt + Ctrl + Number pad -
Collapse current line Alt + Number pad -
Undo Ctrl + Z
Alt + Backspace
Help Get Help for a SAS procedure place the insertion point within
a procedure name and press F1
Context Help F1
Move cursor up Up
Move cursor up a page Page Up
Zoom Alt + Z
Help Alt + H
Print Alt + R
SAS Disk Cleanup Handler
The SAS Disk Cleanup Handler searches for and cleans any temporary files that SAS
generates, as well as any SAS Work and SAS utility directories. SAS Disk Cleanup
Handler is a COM hook into the Microsoft Disk Cleanup Handler (cleanmgr.exe).
SAS Work directories have the format, #TD pid or _TD pid, where #TD is the SAS
V6.X prefix and _TD is the SAS V7+ prefix. The pid part of the directory entry is
interpreted as the process ID. If the process ID is no longer in use, the SAS Disk
Cleanup Handler deletes the entry and the contents of the directory.
SAS Disk Cleanup Handler also removes SAS utility directories that have the
following format:
NNNN is a unique random number
PPPPPPPP is the hexadecimal representation of the process ID
nodename is the host name of the machine that created the directory.
SAS Disk Cleanup Handler deletes the utility directories and contents only under
the following conditions:
3 SAS Disk Cleanup Handler is run on the machine that represents the nodename
and the process ID
3 PPPPPPPP is no longer in use.
Additionally, you can use the SAS Disk Cleanup Handler to clean SAS automatically
generated log files. These log filenames have the format module name.PID.DATE.log.
The PID represents the process ID of the process that creates the log file. If the process
is no longer running, the log file will be deleted.
632 Requirements 4 Appendix 5
The SAS Disk Cleanup Handler requires Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 or greater for
32-bit Windows, Windows Itanium, and Windows x64 editions.
Note: You can also start the SAS Disk Cleanup Handler from Windows
Explorer. Access My computer and right–click a local physical hard disk. Select
Properties and double click Disk Cleanup. 4
Note: Disk Cleanup Manager will start. This process might take a few
minutes. 4
2 Select SAS Temporary Files.
Note: If SAS Temporary Files is not listed, the SAS Disk Cleanup Handler is
not installed.4
3 Click View Files to list the currently detected SAS temporary files and
directories. If a process is still active, then the file or directory will not be listed.
Any files or directories to be saved should be cleared.
4 Click OK to save changes. Click Cancel to discard.
5 Click OK in the Disk Cleanup window to start the cleanup.
6 Check the EventViewer for any errors.
Note: Windows Server 2008 does not automatically install Microsoft Disk Cleanup
Manager (cleanmgr.exe). In order to have Microsoft Disk Cleanup Manager installed as
a default application, you must install Desktop Experience. To install Desktop
Experience do the following steps:
1 Open Server Manager.
2 Select Add Features from the Actions menu.
3 Select Desktop Experience.
Note: You can also create a shortcut in your Windows folder to cleanmgr /
sagerun:n (where n is the number in step 2). Type a name for the shortcut (for
example, cleanuptask). 4
5 If you want to verify the settings, repeat steps 1 through 3.
4 Automating Cleanup with Microsoft Task Scheduler 633
The following steps apply to Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003:
1 Select Start I All Programs I Accessories I System Tools I Schedule Task.
2 Add the scheduled task.
3 Select Next.
4 Select Disk Cleanup or the shortcut that you created in step 2. If you are using
the shortcut, select Next.
5 Select Next and configure.
Note: You must provide your user ID and password to run this task. 4
6 If not using the shortcut, then select the Open advanced properties for this
task when you click Finish.
7 Select Finish when the step is complete.
8 If you are not using the shortcut, then the Properties dialog box should be
displayed. Select the Task tab.
9 In the Run text box append /sagerun:#, where # is the number from step 2.
10 Check Event Viewer for any errors under Application.
Recommended Reading
Recommended Reading
active window
a window that is open and displayed, and to which keyboard input is directed. Only
one window can be active at a time.
See American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASCII collating sequence
the rules that are used by a specific ASCII encoding for sorting textual data. Sort
order is determined by the location of each code point in the code page of an ASCII
encoding. In the Windows Latin1 code page, the sort order of precedence is
punctuation characters, numbers, uppercase characters, and lowercase characters.
Because the uppercase A (code point 41) precedes the lowercase g (code point 67), A
is sorted before g. See also American Standard Code for Information Interchange and
EBCDIC collating sequence.
autocall macro
a macro whose uncompiled source code and text are stored in an autocall macro
library. Unlike a stored compiled macro, an autocall macro is compiled before
execution the first time it is called.
a file containing SAS statements that are executed automatically when SAS is
invoked. The autoexec file can be used to specify some SAS system options, as well
as to assign librefs and filerefs to folders or directories that are used frequently.
638 Glossary
computer. Most character sets also include the unaccented upper- and lowercase
letters A-Z. See also national character.
character string
one or more alphanumeric characters or other keyboard characters or both. See also
character constant.
character value
a value that can contain alphabetic characters, the numeric characters 0 through 9,
and other special characters.
in object-oriented programming, a template for an object. A class includes data that
describes the object’s characteristics (such as attributes or instance variables), as
well as the operations (methods) that the object can perform. See also subclassing
and object.
(1) a computer or application that requests services, data, or other resources from a
server. (2) in the context of named pipes and in DDE and OLE, an application that
sends data to or receives data from an application that is acting as a server. See also
a temporary storage place for data that is being passed from one application to
another. For example, in Windows operating environments, you can use the clipboard
to pass information between Excel and your SAS session.
See Component Object Model.
COM/DCOM client
a program that uses the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) or Distributed
Component Object Model (DCOM) to make requests to a server. COM/DCOM clients
can be written in Visual Basic, C++, Perl, or other programming languages in the
Windows environment. See also Component Object Model and Distributed
Component Object Model.
command prompt
the symbol after which you enter operating system commands.
a self-contained, reusable programming object that provides some type of service to
other components in an object-oriented programming environment.
Component Object Model
an object-oriented programming model that defines how software components
interact within a single process or between processes. For example, COM includes
standard rules of communication that enable a user-interface object to be dragged
and dropped from one application window to another. Short form: COM.
a system file that contains DOS configuration commands that specify the properties
of the operating system, including device drivers, file-handling elements, and
memory-management options.
configuration file
(1) in SAS software, an external file that contains SAS system options. These system
options take effect each time you invoke SAS. (2) under DOS, the CONFIG.SYS file
that specifies the properties of the operating system. See also CONFIG.SYS
640 Glossary
Control Panel
under Windows, an application that enables you to specify characteristics of your
Windows session, such as mouse tracking speed and the color of the title bar.
conventional memory
in servers that are running 32-bit operating systems, the first 4 gigabytes of main
memory. In servers that are running 64-bit operating systems, all of the main
memory is conventional memory.
See central processing unit.
CPU time
the amount of time it takes for the central processing unit of a computer system to
perform the calculations or other operations that you request.
current folder
the folder to which commands and actions apply when you execute an application.
See Distributed Component Object Model.
See Dynamic Data Exchange.
device driver
a program that controls the interaction between a computer and an external device
such as a printer or a disk drive.
another term for folder. See also folder.
Distributed Component Object Model
an extension to the Component Object Model (COM) that enables components to
request services from components that are on other computers in a network. Short
form: DCOM. See also component and Component Object Model.
See dynamic link library.
docking view
a view of the main SAS window in which one or more windows, such as the Explorer
and Results windows, are integrated with the left side of the main SAS window.
a disk operating system for personal computers. In SAS documentation, the acronym
DOS refers specifically to MS-DOS, the Microsoft disk operating system, which was
developed by Microsoft for IBM.
in a graphical user interface, to move an object such as an icon or a window around
on a display screen. To drag the object, you usually use a mouse button to select the
object, and move the mouse while keeping the mouse button pressed down.
Dynamic Data Exchange
a standard mechanism in the PC environment for sharing data among applications.
Short form: DDE.
dynamic link library
a collection of executable program modules that are loaded at run time as needed.
Short form: DLL.
Glossary 641
See Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
a set of characters (letters, logograms, digits, punctuation, symbols, control
characters, and so on) that have been mapped to numeric values (called code points)
that can be used by computers. The code points are assigned to the characters in the
character set by applying an encoding method. Some examples of encodings are
wlatin1, wcyrillic, and shift-jis.
encoding method
a set of rules that are used to map characters (letters, logograms, digits, punctuation,
symbols, control characters, and so on) to numeric values. Some examples of
encoding methods are ASCII, EBCDIC, EUC, and PCMS.
Enhanced Editor
an ASCII text editor that provides features such as color coding and code sections to
help SAS users write and debug SAS programs. The Enhanced Editor also provides
familiar features of the SAS Program Editor.
environment variable
under Windows, a variable that equates one character string to another by using the
SAS system option SET, the Windows SET command, or the Windows System
Properties dialog box. SAS environment variables cannot be accessed by other
Windows applications. By contrast, Windows environment variables can be accessed
by all Windows applications.
error message
a message in the SAS log or Message window that indicates that SAS was not able to
continue processing the program.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
a group of 8-bit character encodings that each include up to 256 characters. EBCDIC
is used on IBM mainframes and on most IBM mid- range computers, and it includes
both graphic (printable) codes and control (nonprintable) codes. Short form: EBCDIC.
See also American Standard Code for Information Interchange and encoding.
extended memory
See extended server memory.
extended server memory
on a server that is running a 32-bit operating system, the part of main memory that
exceeds the 4 gigabytes of conventional memory. See also conventional memory.
external file
a file that is created and maintained by a host operating system or by another
vendor’s software application. SAS can read data from and route output to external
files. External files can contain raw data, SAS programming statements, procedure
output, or output that was created by the PUT statement. A SAS data set is not an
external file. See also fileref.
fatal error
an error that causes a program to end abnormally or that prevents the program from
a window area in which users can view, enter, or modify a value.
file extension
the classification of a file in a directory that identifies what type of information is
stored in the file. For example, .sas7bcat is the file extension for UNIX, and .pdf is
the file extension for Adobe Acrobat.
642 Glossary
the identifier that is used for a file. The filename includes the file extension, as in
<charvar-value>PROFILE.SC2</charvar-value>. See also fully qualified filename
and pathname.
a name that is temporarily assigned to an external file or to an aggregate storage
location such as a directory or a folder. The fileref identifies the file or the storage
location to SAS. Under Windows, you can assign a fileref with a FILENAME
statement, the SAS system option SET, the Windows SET command, or from the SAS
Explorer window.
a named subdivision that is used for organizing files on a disk, diskette, CD-ROM, or
DVD-ROM. A folder also contains information about each file that it contains, such
as size and date of last change.
a complete set of all the characters of the same design and style. The characters in a
font can be figures or symbols as well as alphanumeric characters.
fully qualified filename
a file specification that includes both the pathname and the filename, as in
<charvar-value>C:\SAS\SASUSER\PROFILE.SC2</charvar-value>. See also
filename and pathname.
graphical user interface
any system that uses graphical objects such as windows, menus, icons, buttons, and
check boxes to represent the functions of a software application and to enable the
user to interact with the application. By contrast, a command-line interface requires
users to interact with the software application by entering text. Many graphical user
interfaces use visual metaphors for real-world objects such as file cabinets, folders,
rulers, and scissors. Short form: GUI.
See graphical user interface.
host option
in a SAS statement, an option that is specific to a particular operating environment.
See HyperText Markup Language.
HyperText Markup Language
a coding system in which the codes indicate the layout and style of the text in a text
file. Other HTML codes enable you to embed electronic objects such as images,
sounds, video streams, and applets (small software applications) into HTML
documents. All Web browsers can process HTML documents. Short form: HTML.
I/O time
an abbreviation for input/output time. I/O time is the time the computer spends on
moving data from storage areas, such as disk or tape, into memory for work (input
time) and moving the result out of memory to storage or to a display device, such as
a terminal or a printer (output time).
in a graphical user interface, a pictorial representation of a window, an action (such
as sending e-mail or printing a document), or an option (such as double-spacing) that
is available to the user. The user clicks on (or otherwise selects) the icon in order to
expand the icon into a window, to perform the action, or to specify the option.
Glossary 643
a name that is temporarily associated with a SAS library. The complete name of a
SAS file consists of two words, separated by a period. The libref, which is the first
word, indicates the library. The second word is the name of the specific SAS file. For
example, in VLIB.NEWBDAY, the libref VLIB tells SAS which library contains the
file NEWBDAY. You assign a libref with a LIBNAME statement or with an operating
system command.
in a graphical user interface, to cause a resizable window to instantly be displayed at
its largest size, usually by clicking on (or otherwise selecting) an icon or on the
maximize button of an active window.
a SAS file in a SAS library.
member name
a name that is assigned to a SAS file in a SAS library. Under Windows, the member
name is the same as the filename for files that are stored in a SAS library.
the size of the work area that the central processing unit (CPU) must devote to the
operations in a program.
memory-based library
a SAS library that is stored either in conventional memory or in extended server
memory (rather than on a data storage device) for the duration of a SAS session or
job. See also conventional memory and extended server memory.
menu bar
the primary list of items at the top of a window, which represent the actions or
classes of actions that can be executed. Selecting an item executes an action, opens a
menu, or opens a dialog box that requests additional information. See also pop-up
menu and menu.
message area
the area of the status bar (at the bottom of the main SAS window) that displays
messages from SAS.
in a graphical user interface, to click on the minimize button of an active window,
causing the window to be replaced by an icon elsewhere on the desktop. The window
can be restored to its former size, location, and active status by clicking on (or
otherwise selecting) the icon.
named pipe
a named object that provides client-to-server, server-to-client, or duplex
communication between unrelated processes. You can use named pipes to establish
communication between Windows applications, including multiple SAS sessions. See
also pipe.
national character
any character that is specific to a language as it is written in a particular nation or
group of nations.
an interconnected group of computers.
NT file system
an advanced system for organizing directories and files. NTFS supports long
filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, and extremely large
storage media. Short form: NTFS.
644 Glossary
See NT file system.
in object-oriented methodology, a specific representation of a class. An object inherits
the characteristics (attributes or instance variables) of its class as well as the
operations (methods) that class can execute. For example, a push button object is an
instance of the Push Button class. The terms object and instance are often used
See Open Database Connectivity.
ODBC driver
a loadable library module that provides a standardized interface for accessing,
manipulating, and updating data that is created and maintained by a particular
vendor’s data management software. For example, the SAS ODBC driver enables you
to access, manipulate, and update SAS data sources from any application that
conforms to the ODBC standard. See also Open Database Connectivity.
See Output Delivery System.
See Object Linking and Embedding.
in Windows operating environments, a specification of a drive, directories, and
subdirectories, such as <charvar- value>C:\SAS\SASUSER</charvar-value>.
See Printer Command Language.
See process ID.
an object that provides direct access to STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR between
processes. Pipe is synonymous with unnamed pipe. See also named pipe.
pop-up menu
a menu that appears when it is requested. These menus are context-specific,
depending on which window is active and on the cursor location. See also, menu.
Glossary 645
the ability of a program to execute in an operating environment other than the one
for which it was written.
See portability.
Printer Command Language
a command language that was developed by Hewlett-Packard for controlling
Hewlett-Packard printers. Each PCL command consists of an escape key followed by
a series of code numbers. Different versions of PCL have been developed for use with
different models or types of Hewlett-Packard printers. Short form: PCL.
a functional unit of a program or task.
process ID
a unique number that is assigned to each process by the operating system. Short
form: PID.
the list of menu items or choices that appears when you choose an item from a menu
bar or from another menu.
raw data
data that has not been read into a SAS data set.
a logical unit of information that consists of fields of related data. A collection of
records are stored in a file. A record is analogous to a SAS observation.
See application workspace.
SAS windowing environment
a graphical user interface for SAS software, through which you can perform many
different tasks, including preparing and submitting programs, viewing and printing
results, and debugging and resubmitting programs. See also graphical user interface.
a term that represents the name of the directory or folder in which SAS is installed
at your site or on your computer.
Sasuser.Profile catalog
a SAS catalog in which SAS stores information about attributes of your SAS
windowing environment. For example, this catalog contains function-key definitions,
fonts for graphics applications, window attributes, and other information that is used
by interactive SAS procedures. See also SAS catalog.
Secure Socket Layer
a protocol that was developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents across
the Internet. SSL uses a private key to encrypt data that is transmitted between a
Web browser and a server.
sequential access
a method of file access in which the records are read or written one after the other
from the beginning of the file to the end.
serial port
an I/O port (usually using an RS-232 interface) through which data are transmitted
one bit at a time. Most plotters and some laser printers are connected to the host
computer via a serial port.
646 Glossary
a computer system that provides data or services to multiple users on a network.
The term ’server’ sometimes refers to the computer system’s hardware and software,
but it often refers only to the software that provides the data or services. In a
network, users might log on to a file server (to store and retrieve data files), a print
server (to use centrally located printers), or a database server (to query or update
databases). In a client/server implementation, a server is a program that waits for
and fulfills requests from client programs for data or services. The client programs
might be running on the same computer or on other computers. See also client.
signature line
in the Enhanced Editor, a line of SAS code in which a step keyword (DATA, PROC, or
MACRO) appears.
See symmetric multiprocessing.
standard input
the primary source of data going into a command. Standard input comes from the
keyboard unless it is being redirected from a file or piped from another command.
standard output
the primary destination of data coming from a command. Standard output goes to
the display unless it is being redirected to a file or piped to another command.
step boundary
a point in a SAS program when SAS recognizes that a DATA step or PROC step is
in object-oriented methodology, the process of deriving a new class from an existing
class. A new class inherits the characteristics (attributes or instance variables) and
operations (methods) of its parent. It can also contain custom attributes (or instance
variables) and methods.
to move data or program code from a computer system’s main memory to a storage
device such as a hard disk, or vice versa.
See swap.
symmetric multiprocessing
a hardware and software architecture that can improve the speed of I/O and
processing. An SMP machine has multiple CPUs and a thread-enabled operating
system. An SMP machine is usually configured with multiple controllers and with
multiple disk drives per controller. Short form: SMP.
system menu
under Windows, a menu that is typically activated by clicking on (or otherwise
selecting) an icon in the top left corner of an application window. You can use the
system menu to move, resize, minimize, or maximize the window or to close the
application. In SAS, you use the SAS system option AWSCONTROL to control
whether this menu is available in the main SAS window or not.
system option
See SAS system option.
the bar at the bottom of the Windows desktop that displays active applications. The
taskbar enables you to easily switch between applications and to restore, move, size,
minimize, maximize, and close applications.
Glossary 647
an abbreviation for a pair of networking protocols. Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) is a standard protocol for transferring information on local area networks such
as Ethernets. TCP ensures that process-to-process information is delivered in the
appropriate order. Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol for managing connections
between operating environments. IP routes information through the network to a
particular operating environment and fragments and reassembles information in
a single path of execution of a process in a single CPU, or a basic unit of program
execution in a thread-enabled operating system. In an SMP environment, which uses
multiple CPUs, multiple threads can be spawned and processed simultaneously.
Regardless of whether there is one CPU or many, each thread is an independent flow
of control that is scheduled by the operating system. See also symmetric
multiprocessing, thread-enabled operating system, and threading.
thread-enabled operating system
an operating system that can coordinate symmetric access by multiple CPUs to a
shared main memory space. This coordinated access enables threads from the same
process to share data very efficiently.
a high-performance method of data I/O or data processing in which the I/O or
processing is divided into multiple threads that are executed in parallel. In the
boss-worker model of threading, the same code for the I/O or calculation process is
executed simultaneously in separate threads on multiple CPUs. In the pipeline
model, a process is divided into steps, which are then executed simultaneously in
separate threads on multiple CPUs.
title bar
under Windows, an element of a window that displays the title of the window. The
title bar is at the top of the window and is highlighted if the window is active.
in Windows, a part of the SAS windowing environment that contains icons that you
can associate with SAS commands or macros. Selecting an icon executes its
associated command or string of commands. The toolbar is located in the menu bar
area of the main SAS window. See also toolbox.
a part of the SAS windowing environment in which you can place icons that you can
associate with SAS commands or macros. Selecting an icon executes its associated
command or string of commands. Unlike the toolbar, the toolbox is not attached to
the main SAS window.
Universal Printing
a feature of SAS software that enables you to send SAS output to PDF, Postscript,
GIF, PNG, SVG, and PCL files, as well as directly to printers. The Universal
Printing system also provides many options that enable you to customize your
output, and it is available in all of the operating environments that SAS supports.
unnamed pipe
See pipe.
window bar
the bar at the bottom of the SAS main window that includes a button for each SAS
window that is open in your current SAS session. When you select one of the
buttons, the window that is associated with that button becomes the active window
648 Glossary
and appears on top of the other windows. You can also right-click on a button to
access a menu that enables you to move, size, minimize, maximize, or close the
associated window, or to access a different menu that is specific to that window.
working directory
another term for current folder. See also current folder.
alternate characters 58
abbreviations 96 ASCII collating sequence
ABEND option position of characters in 413
ABORT statement 450 returning a string 393
abort printing 550
returning one character in 390
ABORT statement 450
attachment format 365
About SAS System dialog box 75, 335
ATTRIB statement 450
ACCESS member type 124
authentication domain server
accessibility features 77, 492
searching for secure server logins 496
Customize Tools dialog box 80
authentication providers
docking view 81
fonts 81 associating domain suffix with 496
icons 81 AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN system option 496
menu access 82 AUTHSERVER system option 496
Property dialog boxes 80 autocall libraries 598
resizing list view detail columns 82 SASAUTOS system option 599
sorting list views by column 82 specifying 557
user interface 79 AutoComplete 41
windows and dialog boxes 78 autoexec file 18
ACCESSIBILITY system option 79, 492 alternate file 497
Advanced preferences 63 default 18
aggregate syntax 151 locating a renamed file 19
_ALL_ option suppressing 19
SYSTASK statement 468 text editor for creating 18
ALTLOG system option 493 uses for 19
ALTPRINT system option 494 AUTOEXEC system option 497
_ANY_ option automatic indention 95
WAITFOR statement 470 automatic macro variables 595
APPEND system option 495 Autosave 61, 117, 360
appending data autosave files 89
to external files 163 AutoScroll 55
Application Log AUTOSCROLL command 329
messages to, with LOGEVENT.EXE 227
AWSCONTROL system option 498
messages to, with user-written functions 225
AWSDEF system option 499
Windows 7 224
AWSMAXIMIZE command 330
Windows Server 2003 224
AWSMENU system option 499
Windows Vista 224
AWSMENUMERGE system option 500
Windows XP 225
AWSMINIMIZE command 330
application performance
Windows 7 200 AWSRESTORE command 331
Windows Server 2003 201 AWSTITLE system option 501
Windows Vista 200
Windows XP 201 B
adding to Tools menu 66, 553 batch jobs
minimized 587 canceling 8
toolbars for 71 Status window 8
ARG statement submitting 8
DLLs 301 windowing procedures in 8
650 Index
hard drives 199
configuration 199 I/O disk space 199
mapping 163 I/O enhancements for multiple processors 201
hardware 197 IBw.d format 382
disk space for I/O 199 IBw.d informat 423
graphics adapter 199 ICON command 350
memory 198 ICON system option 525
656 Index
Status window 8 T
STATVAR option
SYSTASK statement 468 tab characters
STIMEFMT system option 572 DDE 281
STIMER system option 573 table member type 122
STORE command 354 table of contents files 522
stored program files 124 tabs
Enhanced Editor 95
subclassing 264
Program Editor 112
Submit method 272
TAGSORT option
submitting code
performance and 208
See code, submitting
PROC SORT statement 442
submitting programs 355
Tasking Manager window 360
Enhanced Editor 97
TASKNAME= option
SUBTOP command 97, 355
SYSTASK statement 468
symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) 201
terminating processes 30, 360
SyncSort 443 termination error messages 619
activation 565, 566 TERMSTR= option
location of temporary files 444 FILE statement 452, 463
options specification 564 text
parameters specification 568 unmarking 370
passing options to 445 text editor
passing parameters to 445 submitting code from 23
pathname for temporary files 567 text editor windows 111
setting as sort algorithm 443 Autosave frequency 61
sorting based on size or observations 444 deleting text 114
SYSCC automatic macro variable 595 overtype mode as default 61
SYSDEVIC automatic macro variable 595 preferences 61
SYSENV automatic macro variable 596 time display 572
%SYSEXEC statement 597 TIMEOUT= option
%SYSGET function 598 WAITFOR statement 470
SYSGUIFONT system option 574 title bar 501
SYSIN system option 575 Title property 273
SYSJOBID automatic macro variable 596 TITLE statement 469
SYSMAXLONG automatic macro variable 596 toolbars 36, 37
SYSPARM system option 576 adding tools to 70
SYSPRINT system option 577 button size 356
SYSPRINTFONT system option 578 closing 355
SYSRC automatic macro variable 596 custom controls 321
SYSSCP automatic macro variable 596 customizing 68
SYSSCPL automatic macro variable 596 examples of creating tools 72
SYSTASK statement 467 issuing commands 41
system administrators removing tools 71
firewalls and remote browsing 76 removing tools from 71
restoring defaults 72
SYSTEM call routine 391
saving 71
system options 475
setting General preferences 68
appending pathnames to 495
appending to SAS command 6
button size 356
changing settings 476
closing 355
concatenating libraries in 478
display location 580
controling main SAS window with 317
loading 357
customizing windowing environment 65 tool switching 358
displaying settings 476 TOOLCLOSE command 355
for remote browsing 77 TOOLDEF system option 580
in configuration file 477 TOOLEDIT command 356
in invocation file 477 TOOLLARGE command 356
in OPTIONS statement 478 TOOLLOAD command 357
inserting pathnames 526 Tools menu
logging 583 adding applications to 66, 553
restricted 476 TOOLSWITCH command 358
sending e-mail 43 ToolTips
set in multiple places 478 toggling on/off 358
specifying in configuration file 13 TOOLTIPS command 358
summary of 479 Top method 272
writing to terminal 583 TRANSLATE function 414
system performance statistics 573 TrueType fonts 621
664 Index
U Web browsers
invoking 361
undo 376 routing procedure output to 181
Universal Printing 168 selecting 62
enabling commands for 581 start page 62
UNIVERSALPRINT system option 168 Web enhancements 584
UNIX enabling 68
sharing files with Windows 452, 463 Web preferences 62
unmarking text 61, 370 Web sites
unnamed pipes 286 Help from 75
definition 285 WEBUI system option 584
example 287 WEDIT command 365
redirection sequences 287 WEMAILFMT command 365
syntax 286 WEXITSAVE command 366
_UPDATE_ method 611 WFILE command 366
uppercase WGROW command 329
converting to 331 WHIDECURSOR command 367
for warnings and messages 537 WHSBAR command 367
UPRINTMENUSWITCH system option 168, 581 Width property 273
user-defined icons 67, 582 wildcards 150
user-defined keywords 104 window bar 36, 39, 61
User libref 136 toggling 376
USER system option 582 Window menu 585
USERICON system option 582 windowing environment 35, 36
Using this Window 74 color 64
commands for controling main SAS window 318
customizing with commands 63
V customizing with system options 65
value properties 254 windowing procedures
variables in batch jobs 8
grouping as structure arguments 305 windows
length and precision 591 accessibility features 78
VERBOSE system option 583 attaching contents to e-mail 359
changing active window to last edited window 372
Version 6 catalogs
checking existence of 271
converting in 9.2 140
clearing 54, 371
Version 6 files 137
color of 57, 332
Versions 7 and 8 catalogs 139
copying lines from external files 351
Versions 7 and 8 files 137
copying to clipboard 354, 361
view engines 125
cutting text from 334
view member type 122
cutting to clipboard 362
View preferences 61
fonts for 513, 574
virtual memory 553
mailing current window as attachment 60
Visible property 273
maximizing 378
Visual Basic code
minimizing 350
SCL equivalents 258
pasting from clipboard 372
position of 63
W printing 170
printing from within 168
WAIT option saving contents to file 347, 366
SYSTASK statement 467 saving to external files 53
WAITFOR statement 470 saving to RTF file 373
WAKEUP function 415 sending contents by e-mail 45
warnings special character attributes 57
uppercasing 537 text highlighting 57
WATTACH command 359 toolbars for 71
WATTENTION command 360 Windows 4
WAUTOSAVE command 360 enterprise environments 4
WBROWSE command 361 error messages 618
WCOPY command 361 memory-based libraries 535
WCUT command 362 memory block size 532
WDOCKVIEW command 362 sharing files with UNIX 452, 463
WDOCKVIEWMINIMIZE command 363 supported editions 4
WDOCKVIEWRESIZE command 364 system tools 223
WDOCKVIEWRESTORE command 364 Windows 2003 Servers
WDRAG command 329 memory-based libraries 202
Index 665
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