Public Administration Assignments Final 11122018
Public Administration Assignments Final 11122018
Public Administration Assignments Final 11122018
We are happy to inform you that we have scheduled the M.A. Political Science / Public
Administration Week-End Classes and Personal Contract Programme at Andhra University
Campus, Visakhapatnam and at the following centres as per the schedule given below for the
academic year 2018-19 in which lectures will be delivered by well experienced teachers. Your
participation in the programmes can supplement effectively your study requirements. You are
advised to go through the schedule and attend classes as per your choice. You are also advised to
report with your Identity Card at the Centre at 9.00 a.m. Time-table and other instructions about
the classes will be given at the time of Registration.
Tution Fee Payment (2018-19 batch - Final Year Students) : Rs. 2,500/-
(For details, please see overleaf)
Examinations :
Announcement of Examination Schedule : April / May, 2019
Examinations (Tentatively) : June / July, 2019
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
M.A I M.Com./
M.A/M.Sc. Maths
Payment towards II Year Tuition Fee Rs.2,500/-
Last Date without any penal fee 20-12-2018
With a penal fee of RS.50/- upto 19-02-2019
With a penal fee of RS.200/- on or after 19-02-2019
The Students are advised to write clearly the purpose of the remittance and CODE
NUMBER on the reverse of D.D and in the letter enclosed. Challans, Money Orders,
Postal Orders and S.B.I Challans, etc. will not be accepted.
Defaulters of Tuition fee to this School will not be supplied with the relevant reading
material and their examination applications will not be processed for the ensuing examinations.
Candidates who have already paid the said tuition fee are advised to furnish the payment
particulars through a letter. Lessons will be dispatched as and when the tuition fee is received.
Academic calendar for the academic year 2018-2019 will be dispatched direct to the candidates in
due course.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely
P. Hari Prakash
Note: 1) Irrespective of the appearances at the University examinations etu; the consequent result, the candidate
is deemed to have entered into the Final year of study.
2) Oetails of Acadmic programmes will be intimated shortly.
Assignment Question Paper
M.A (Final) Public Administration
Answer all Questions All Questions carry equal marks
Answer ALL Questions. 20 Marks
1. (a) Bring out an essay on objectives of political and administrative research .
(b) Describe the relevance of values and limitations in political science research.
2. (a) Examine the importance of ‘Case Study’ method in Behavioural Science research.
(b) Explain the difference between Experimental and non-experimental research.
1. (a) Explain the nature and working of local government in medieval India.
(b) Describe the powers and functions of Zilla parishad.
2. (a) Write an essay on legislative control over local bodies.
(b) What are the revenue sources to local Governments?
1. (a) Examine the salient features of rural local governments in Asian Countries.
(b) Explain the need and significance of local governments from a historical
2. (a) Write a note on the performance of local governments in Singapore.
(b) Discuss about the powers and functions of local governments in China.
3. (a) Describe the working of different local government systems introduced in England.
(b) Analyse the powers and functions of parish councils in England.
4. (a) Discuss about the relations between States and Local Governments in America.
(b) Explain about the sources of finance for local governments in America.
5. (a) Analyse the challenges and problems of local governments in Asian continent.
(b) Discuss about the Similarities in Asian and the Western Local Governments.
1. (a) Define planning. What are the issues involved in public office planning? Give
suggestions to solve them.
(b) Explain the factors that promote healthy environment in public offices.
2. (a) Define Office Administration and discuss its scope and significance.
(b) Explain the significance of office management.
3. (a) Analyse the principles of public office records management and their importance.
(b) “Correspondence is the nerve system of office administration”. Comment.
4. (a) What is meant by ‘Work study’? Examine the methods of work study.
(b) Define ‘Management by objectives’ Explain how this process promotes efficiency
in Public office.
5. (a) What is meant by office automation? Explain the advantages of office automation.
(b) Analyse how the modern public office administration suited to present social system.