The Indian Partnership Act 1932 Notes
The Indian Partnership Act 1932 Notes
The Indian Partnership Act 1932 Notes F IO
CE 1997
The Act gives guidance about relationship of patners as well as with outsiders.
Concept of partnerships and its essentials.
‘Principal - agent relationship’ among the partners.
Points of difference between partnership and other various forms of organization.
It is very popular from of business organisation.
Be familiar with the legal provisions regulating relation of partners’ interest as well as relations with
the third parties.
The scope of implied authority of a partner to bind the partnership by his acts.
Various situations in which the constitution of a firm may change and its effect on the rights and duties
of the partners.
How the share in a partnership is transferred and what shall be the rights and obligations of such
Mode of getting a firm registered with the authorities.
The effect of registration of a firm upon the rights of partners’ inter-se and the rights of the third
Effect of nonregistration on rights of partners and the third parties.
Various circumstances when a firm is dissolved.
The consequences and the effects of the dissolution upon rights and liabilities of various parties.
Q-1 Define partnership,partner,firm and firm name as well as indicate essentials of partnership?
‘Partnership’ is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on
by all or any of them acting for all. Persons who have entered into partnership with one another are called
individually ‘partners’ and collectively ‘a firm’, and the name under which their business is carried on is
called the ‘firm name’.
1. ASSOCIATION OF TWO OR MORE PERSONS: Partnership is an association of 2 or more persons. Again,
only persons recognized by law can enter into an agreement of partnership. Therefore, a firm, since
it is not a person recognized in the eyes of law cannot be a partner. Again, a minor cannot be a partner
in a firm, but with the consent of all the partners, may be admi ed to the benefi ts of partnership.
The partnership Act is silent about the maximum number of partners but section 464 of the Companies
Act, 2013 has now put a limit of 50 partners in any associa on/partnership firm.
2. AGREEMENT: It may be observed that partnership must be the result of an agreement between two or
more persons. There must be an agreement entered into by all the persons concerned. This element
relates to voluntary contractual nature of partnership. Thus, the nature of the partnership is voluntary
and contractual.
An agreement from which relationship of Partnership arises may be express. It may also be implied
from the act done by partners and from a consistent course of conduct being followed, showing mutual
understanding between them. It may be oral or in writing.
3. BUSINESS: In this context, we will consider two propositions. First, there must exist a business. For the
purpose, the term ‘business’ includes every trade, occupation and profession. The existence of business
is essential. Secondly, the motive of the business is the “acquisition of gains” which leads to the
formation of partnership.
4. AGREEMENT TO SHARE PROFITS: The sharing of profi ts is an essen al feature of partnership. But an
agreement to share losses is not an essential element. It is open to one or more partners to agree to
share all the losses.
5. BUSINESS CARRIED ON BY ALL OR ANY OF THEM ACTING FOR ALL : The business must be carried on by all
the partners or by anyone or more of the partners acting for all. This is the cardinal principle of the
partnership Law. In other words, there should be a binding contract of mutual agency between the
An act of one partner in the course of the business of the firm is in fact an act of all partners. Each
partner carrying on the business is the principal as well as the agent for all the other partners.
Q-2 What are the true tests of partnership ?
1. Agreement: Partnership is created by agreement and by status (Section 5). The relation of partnership
arises from contract and not from status;
2. Sharing of Profit: The sharing of profits or of gross returns arising from property by persons holding a
joint or common interest in that property does not of itself make such persons partners.
As discussed earlier, sharing of profit is an essential element to constitute a partnership. But, it is only
a prima facie evidence and not conclusive evidence, in that regard.
But the task becomes difficult when either there is no specific agreement or the agreement is such as
does not specifically speak of partnership. In such a case for testing the existence or otherwise of
partnership relation, Section 6 has to be referred. According to Section 6, regard must be had to the real
relation between the parties as shown by all relevant facts taken together.
3. Agency: Existence of Mutual Agency which is the cardinal principle of partnership law, is very much
helpful in reaching a conclusion in this regard. Each partner carrying on the business is the principal as
well as an agent of other partners. So, the act of one partner done on behalf of firm, binds all the
Q-3 Indicate points of differences between partnership and joint stock company?
Basis Partnership Joint Stock Company
Legal status A firm is not legal entity i.e., it has no A company is a separate legal entity
legal personality distinct from the distinct from its members
personalities of its constituent members.
Agency In a firm, every partner is an agent of the In a company, a member is not an agent
other partners, as well as of the firm. of the other members or of the company,
his actions do not bind either.
Distribution of The profits of the firm must be distributed There is no such compulsion to distribute
profits among the partners according to the its profits among its members.
terms of the partnership deed.
Extent of liability In a partnership, the liability of the In a company limited by shares, the
partners is unlimited. liability of a shareholder is limited to the
amount, if any, unpaid on his shares, but
in the case of a guarantee company, the
liability is limited to the amount for which
he has agreed to be liable.
Property The firm’s property is that which is In a company, its property is separate
the “joint estate” of all the partners as from that of its members.
distinguished from the ‘separate’ estate
of any of them and it does not belong to
a body distinct in law from its members.
Transfer of shares A share in a partnership cannot be In a company a shareholder may transfer
transferred without the consent of all the his shares, subject to the provisions
partners. contained in its Articles. In the case of
public limited companies whose shares
are quoted on the stock exchange, the
transfer is usually unrestricted.
Management In the absence of an express agreement to Members of a company are not entitled
the contrary, all the partners are entitled to take part in the management unless
to participate in the management. they are appointed as directors, in which
case they may participate.
Registration Registration is not compulsory in the A company cannot come into existence
case of partnership. unless it is registered under the
Companies Act, 2013.
Winding up A partnership firm can be dissolved at A company, being a legal person is either
any time if all the partners agree. wind up by the National Company Law
Tribunal or its name is struck of by the
Registrar of Companies.
Number of According to section 464 of the A private company may have as many as
membership Companies Act, 2013, the number of 200 members but not less than two and
partners in any association shall not a public company may have any number
exceed 100. of members but not less than seven. A
However, the Rule given under the private Company can also be formed
Companies (Miscellaneous) Rules, 2014 by one person known as one person
restrict the present limit to 50. Company.
Duration of Unless there is a contract to the contrary, A company enjoys a perpetual
existence death, retirement or insolvency of a succession.
partner results in the dissolution of the
Q-4 Indicate difference between partnership and club?
Basis of Difference Partnership Club
Definition It is an association of persons formed for A club is an association of persons
earning profits from a business carried formed with the object not of earning
on by all or any one of them acting for profit, but of promoting some beneficial
all. purposes such as improvement of
health or providing recreation for the
members, etc.
Relationship Persons forming a partnership are called Persons forming a club are called
partners and a partner is an agent for members. A member of a club is not the
other partners. agent of other members.
Interest in the Partner has interest in the property of A member of a club has no interest in
property the firm. the property of the club.
Dissolution A change in the partners of the firm A change in the membership of a club
affect its existence. does not affect its existence.
Q-5 Indicate difference between partnership and Huf ?
Basis of difference Partnership Joint Hindu family
Mode of creation Partnership is created necessarily by an The right in the joint family is created by
agreement. status means its creation by birth in the
Death of a Death of a partner ordinarily leads to The death of a member in the Hindu
member the dissolution of partnership. undivided family does not give rise to
dissolution of the family business.
Management All the partners are equally entitled to The right of management of joint family
take part in the partnership business. business generally vests in the Karta,
the governing male member or female
member of the family.
Authority to bind Every partner can, by his act, bind the The Karta or the manager, has the
firm. authority to contract for the family
business and the other members in the
Liability In a partnership, the liability of a partner In a Hindu undivided family, only the
is unlimited. liability of the Karta is unlimited, and the
other coparcener are liable only to the
extent of their share in the profi ts of the
family business.
Calling for A partner can bring a suit against the On the separation of the joint family,
accounts firm for accounts, provided he also a member is not entitled to ask for
on closure seeks the dissolution of the firm. account of the family business.
Governing Law A partnership is governed by the Indian A Joint Hindu Family business is
Partnership Act, 1932. governed by the Hindu Law.
Minor’s capacity In a partnership, a minor cannot become In Hindu undivided family business,
a partner, though he can be admitted to a minor becomes a member of the
the benefi ts of partnership, only with ancestral business by the incidence
the consent of all the partners. of birth. He does not have to wait for
attaining majority.
Continuity A firm subject to a contract between A Joint Hindu family has the continuity
the partners gets dissolved by death till it is divided. The status of Joint Hindu
or insolvency of a partner. family is not thereby affected by the
death of a member.
Number of In case of Partnership number of Members of HUF who carry on a
Members members should not exceed 50. business may be unlimited in number.
Share in the In a partnership each partner has a In a HUF, no coparceners has a definite
business defined share by virtue of an share. His interest is a fluctua ng one. It
agreement between the partners. is capable of being enlarged by deaths
in the family diminished by births in the
Q-6 Indicate points of difference between partnership and co-ownership ?
Basis of difference Partnership Co-ownership
Formation Partnership always arises out of a Co-ownership may arise either from
contract, express or implied. agreement or by the operation of law,
such as by inheritance.
Implied agency A partner is the agent of the other A co-owner is not the agent of other co-
partners. owners.
Nature of interest There is community of interest which Co-ownership does not necessarily
means that profits and losses must involve sharing of profits and losses.
have to be shared.
Transfer A share in the partnership is transferred A co - owner may transfer his interest
of interest only by the consent of other partners. or rights in the property without the
consent of other co-owners.
Q-7 Indicate points of difference between partnership and association ?
Basis of difference Partnership Association
Meaning Partnership means and involves setting Association evolve out of social cause
up relation of agency between two or where there is no necessarily motive to
more persons who have entered into a earn and share profits. The intention is
business for gains, with the intention to not to enter in a business for gains.
share the profits of such a business.
Examples Partnership to run a business and earn Members of charitable society or
profit thereon. religious association or an improvement
scheme or building corporation or a
mutual insurance society or a trade
protection association.
Q-8 Write a note on different kind of partnership ?
1. Partnership at will according to Section 7 of the Act, partnership at will is a partnership when:
1. no fixed period has been agreed upon for the duration of the partnership; and
2. there is no provision made as to the determination of the partnership.
Where a partnership entered into for a fixed term is continued after the expiry of such term, it is to be
treated as having become a partnership at will.
A partnership at will may be dissolved by any partner by giving notice in writing to all the other
partners of his intention to dissolve the same.
2. Partnership for a xed period: Where a provision is made by a contract for the duration of the partnership,
the partnership is called ‘partnership for a xed period’. It is a partnership created for a particular
period of time. Such a partnership comes to an end on the expiry of the fixed period.
3. Particular partnership: A partnership may be organized for the prosecution of a single adventure as
well as for the conduct of a continuous business. Where a person becomes a partner with another
person in any particular adventure or undertaking the partnership is called ‘particular partnership’.
A partnership, constituted for a single adventure or undertaking is, subject to any agreement, dissolved
by the completion of the adventure or undertaking.
4. General partnership: Where a partnership is constituted with respect to the business in general, it is
called a general partnership. A general partnership is different from a particular partnership. In the
case of a particular partnership the liability of the partners extends only to that particular adventure or
undertaking, but it is not so in the case of general partnership.
(f) Partner by holding out : Partnership by holding out is also known as partnership by estoppel. Where a
man holds himself out as a partner, or allows others to do it, he is then stopped from denying the
character he has assumed and upon the faith of which creditors may be presumed to have acted.
A person may himself, by his words or conduct have induced others to believe that he is a partner or he
may have allowed others to represent him as a partner. The result in both the cases is identical.
It is only the person to whom the representation has been made and who has acted thereon that has
right to enforce liability arising out of ‘holding out’.
You must also note that for the purpose of fixing liability on a person who has, by representa on, led
another to act, it is not necessary to show that he was actuated by a fraudulent intention.
The rule given in Section 28 is also applicable to a former partner who has retired from the firm without
giving proper public notice of his retirement. In such cases a person who, even subsequent to the
re rement, give credit to the firm on the belief that he was a partner, will be en tled to hold him
Q-11 Write a note on relation of partners to one another ?
(a) GENERAL DUTIES OF PARTNERS : Partners are bound to carry on the business of the firm to the greatest
common advantage, to be just and faithful to each other, and to render true accounts and full information
of all things affecting the firm to any partner or his legal representative.
(b) DUTY TO INDEMNIFY FOR LOSS CAUSED BY FRAUD : Every partner shall indemnify the firm for any loss
caused to it by his fraud in the conduct of the business of the firm.
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the mutual rights and duties of the partners of a firm may be
determined by contract between the partners, and such contract may be express or may be
implied by a course of dealing.
Such contract may be varied by consent of all the partners, and such consent may be express or
may be implied by a course of dealing.
(2) Agreements in restraint of trade- Notwithstanding anything contained in section 27 of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872, such contracts may provide that a partner shall not carry on any business other
than that of the firm while he is a partner.
(d) The conduct to Business
(i) Right to take part in the conduct of the Business : Every partner has the right to take part in the
business of the firm. This is because partnership business is a business of the partners and their
management powers are generally coextensive.
Example: Now suppose this management power of the particular partner is interfered with and
he has been wrongfully precluded from participating therein. Can the Court interfere in these
circumstances? The answer is in the affirmative. The Court can, and will, by injunction, restrain
other partners from doing so. It may be noted in this connection that a partner who has been
wrongfully deprived of the right of participation in the management has also other remedies,
e.g., a suit for dissolution, a suit for accounts without seeking dissolution, etc.
The above mentioned provisions of law will be applicable only if there is no contract to the
contrary between the partners. It is quite common to find a term in partnership agreements,
which gives only limited power of management to a partner or a term that the management of the
partnership will remain with one or more of the partners to the exclusion of others. In such a case,
the Court will normally be unwilling to interpose with the management with such partner or
partners, unless it is clearly made out that something was done illegally or in breach of the trust
reposed in such partners.
(ii) Right to be consulted : Where any difference arises between the partners with regard to the
business of the firm, it shall be determined by the views of the majority of them, and every
partner shall have the right to express his opinion before the matter is decided. But no change in
the nature of the business of the firm can be made without the consent of all the partners. This
means that in routine matters, the opinion of the majority of the partners will prevail. Of course,
the majority must act in good faith and every partner must be consulted as far as practicable.
It may be mentioned that the aforesaid majority rule will not apply where there is a change in the
nature of the firm itself. In such a case, the unanimous consent of the partners is needed.
(iii) Right of access to books : Every partner whether active or sleeping is entitled to have access to
any of the books of the firm and to inspect and take out of copy thereof. The right must, however,
be exercised bona fide.
(e) Mutual rights and liabilities
(i) Right to remuneration : No partner is entitled to receive any remuneration in addition to his share
in the profits of the firm for taking part in the business of the firm. But this rule can always be
varied by an express agreement, or by a course of dealings, in which event the partner will be
entitled to remuneration. Thus, a partner can claim remuneration even in the absence of a contract,
when such remuneration is payable under the continued usage of the firm. In other words, where
it is customary to pay remuneration to a partner for conducting the business of the firm he can
claim it even in the absence of a contract for the payment of the same.
(ii) Right to share Profits : Partners are entitled to share equally in the profits earned and so contribute
equally to the losses sustained by the firm. The amount of a partner’s share must be ascertained
by enquiring whether there is any agreement in that behalf between the partners. If there is no
agreement then you should make a presumption of equality and the burden of proving that the
shares are unequal, will lie on the party alleging the same.
There is no connection between the proportion in which the partners shall share the profits and
the proportion in which they have contributed towards the capital of the firm.
(iii) Interest on Capital : The following elements must be there before a partner can be entitled to
interest on moneys brought by him in the partnership business: (i) an express agreement to that
effect, or practice of the particular partnership or (ii) any trade custom to that effect; or (iii) a
statutory provision which entitles him to such interest.
(iv) Interest on advances : Suppose a partner makes an advance to the firm in addition to the amount
of capital to be contributed by him, in such a case, the partner is entitled to claim interest thereon
@ 6% per annum. While interest on capital account ceases to run on dissolution, the interest on
advances keep running even after dissolution and up to the date of payment.
(v) Right to be indemnified : Every partner has the right to be indemnified by the firm in respect of
payments made and liabilities incurred by him in the ordinary and proper conduct of the business of
the firm as well as in the performance of an act in an emergency for protecting the firm from any loss,
if the payments, liability and act are such as a prudent man would make, incur or perform in his own
case, under similar circumstances.
(vi) Right to indemnify the firm : A partner must indemnify the firm for any loss caused to it by wilful
neglect in the conduct of the business of the firm.
(a) to receive the share of the assets of the rm to which the transferring partner was entitled, and
(b) for the purpose of ascertaining the share,
he is entitled to an account as from the date of the dissolution.
By virtue of Section 31, which we will discuss hereinafter, no person can be introduced as a partner in a firm
without the consent of all the partners. A partner cannot by transferring his own interest, make anybody else
a partner in his place, unless the other partners agree to accept that person as a partner. At the same time, a
partner is not debarred from transferring his interest. A partner’s interest in the partnership can be regarded
as an existing interest and tangible property which can be assigned.
Q-19 Explain status of minor if admitted to partnership ?
Ans. You have observed that a minor cannot be bound by a contract because a minor’s contract is void and
not merely voidable. Therefore, a minor cannot become a partner in a rm because partnership is
founded on a contract. Though a minor cannot be a partner in a rm, he can nonetheless be admitted to
the benefits of partnership under Section 30 of the Act. In other words, he can be validly given a share
in the partnership profits. When this has been done and it can be done with the consent of all the
partners then the rights and liabilities of such a partner will be governed under Section 30 as follows:
(1) Rights:
(i) A minor partner has a right to his agreed share of the profits and of the rm.
(ii) He can have access to, inspect and copy the accounts of the rm.
(iii) He can sue the partners for accounts or for payment of his share but only when severing his
connection with the rm, and not otherwise.
(iv) On attaining majority he may within 6 months elect to become a partner or not to become a
partner. If he elects to become a partner, then he is entitled to the share to which he was entitled
as a minor. If he does not, then his share is not liable for any acts of the rm after the date of the
public notice served to that effect.
(2) Liabilities:
(i) Before attaining majority:
(a) The liability of the minor is conned only to the extent of his share in the profits and the
property of the firm.
(b) Minor has no personal liability for the debts of the rm incurred during his minority.
(c) Minor cannot be declared insolvent, but if the rm is declared insolvent his share in the
rm vests in the Official Receiver/Assignee.
(ii) After attaining majority:
Within 6 months of his attaining majority or on his obtaining knowledge that he had been admitted
to the benefits of partnership, whichever date is later, the minor partner has to decide whether
he shall remain a partner or leave the firm.
Where he has elected not to become partner he may give public notice that he has elected not to
become partner and such notice shall determine his position as regards the rm. If he fails to give
such notice he shall become a partner in the rm on the expiry of the said six months.
(a) When he becomes partner: If the minor becomes a partner on his own willingness or by his
failure to give the public notice within specified time, his rights and liabilities as given in
Section 30(7) are as follows:
(i) He becomes personally liable to third parties for all acts of the rm done since he was
admitted to the benefits of partnership.
(ii) His share in the property and the profits of the rm remains the same to which he was
entitled as a minor.
(b) When he elects not to become a partner:
(i) His rights and liabilities continue to be those of a minor up to the date of giving public
(ii) His share shall not be liable for any acts of the rm done after the date of the notice.
(iii) He shall be entitled to sue the partners for his share of the property and profits. It may
be noted that such minor shall give notice to the Registrar that he has or has not become
a partner.
Q-20 Right a note on reconstitution of partnership.
(i) INTRODUCTION OF A PARTNER : As we have studied earlier, subject to a contract between partners and
to the provisions regarding minors in a firm, no new partners can be introduced into a rm without the
consent of all the existing partners.
Rights and liabilities of new partner: The liabilities of the new partner ordinarily commence from the
date when he is admitted as a partner, unless he agrees to be liable for obligations incurred by the rm
prior to the date. The new firm, including the new partner who joins it, may agree to assume liability
for the existing debts of the old rm, and creditors may agree to accept the new rm as their debtor and
discharge the old partners. The creditor’s consent is necessary in every case to make the transaction
operative. Novation is the technical term in a contract for substituted liability, of course, not conned
only to case of partnership.
But a mere agreement amongst partners cannot operate as Novation. Thus, an agreement between the
partners and the incoming partner that he shall be liable for existing debts will not ipso facto give
creditors of the rm any right against him.
(a) with the consent of all the other partners;
(b) in accordance with an express agreement by the partners; or
(c) where the partnership is at will, by giving notice in writing to all the other partners of his intention
to retire.
(2) A retiring partner may be discharged from any liability to any third party for acts of the rm done before
his retirement by an agreement made by him with such third party and the partners of the reconstituted
rm, and such agreement may be implied by a course of dealing between the third party and the
reconstituted rm after he had knowledge of the retirement.
(3) Not with standing the retirement of a partner from a rm, he and the partners continue to be liable as
partners to third parties for any act done by any of them which would have been an act of the rm if done
before the retirement, until public notice is given of the retirement:
Provided that a retired partner is not liable to any third party who deals with the rm without knowing
that he was a partner.
(4) Notices under sub-section (3) may be given by the retired partner or by any partner of the reconstituted
2. The right of partners to sue for the dissolution of the firm or for the settlement of the accounts of a
dissolved firm, or for realization of the property of a dissolved firm.
3. The power of an Official Assignees, Receiver of Court to release the property of the insolvent partner
and to bring an action.
4. The right to sue or claim a set-off if the value of suit does not exceed ‘ 100 in value.
Q-23 Indicate points of difference between didolution of partnership and dissolution of firm ?
S. No. Basis of Difference Dissolution of Firm Dissolution of Partnership
1. Continuation of business It involves discontinuation of It does not aff ect con nua on
business in partnership. of business. It involves only
reconstitution of the firm.
2. Winding up It involves winding up of the firm It involves only reconstitution
and requires realization of assets and requires only revaluation of
and settlement of liabilities. assets and liabilities of the firm.
3. Order of court A firm may be dissolved by the Dissolution of partnership is not
order of the court. ordered by the court.
4. Scope It necessarily involves dissolution It may or may not involve
of partnership. dissolution of firm.
5. Final closure of books It involves final closure of books It does not involve final closure of
of the firm. the books.
Q-24 Write a note on model of dissolutiion of firm ?
Ans. The dissolution of partnership firm may be in any of the following ways:
It consists of following four types:
(i) Dissolution by agreement
A firm may be dissolved with the consent of all the partners or in accordance with a contract between
the partners.
(ii) Compulsory dissolution
A firm is compulsorily dissolved by the happening of any event which makes it unlawful for the business
of the firm to be carried on or for the partners to carry it on in partnership:
Provided that, when more than one separate adventure or undertaking is carried on by the firm, the
illegality of one or more shall not of itself cause the dissolution of the firm in respect of its lawful
adventures and undertakings.
(iii) Dissolution on the happening of certain contingencies : Subject to contract between the partners, a
firm can be dissolved on the happening of any of the following contingencies.
(3) to an indemnity from the partners guilty of fraud or misrepresentation against all the debts of the
(i) Sale of Goodwill after dissolution : (1) In settling the accounts of a firm after dissolution, the goodwill
shall, subject to contract between the partners, be included in the assets, and it may be sold either
separately or along with other property of the firm.
Rights of buyer and seller of goodwill: (2) Where the goodwill of a firm is sold after dissolution, a
partner may carry on a business competing with that of the buyer and he may advertise such business,
but subject to agreement between him and the buyer, he may not,-
(a) use the firm name,
(b) represent himself as carrying on the business of the firm, or
(c) solicit the custom of persons who were dealing with the firm before its dissolution.
Agreement in restraint of trade: (3) Any partner may, upon the sale of the goodwill of a firm, make an
agreement with the buyer that such partner will not carry on any business similar to that of the firm
within a specified period or within specified local limits, and, notwithstanding anything contained in
section 27 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 such agreement shall be valid if the restrictions imposed are
Q-26 What are the modes of giving Public notice.
Ans. A public notice under this Act is given-
(a) Where it relates to the retirement or expulsion of a partner from a registered firm, or to the dissolution
of a registered firm, or to the election to become or not to become a partner in a registered firm by a
person attainting majority who was admitted as a minor to the benefits of partnership, by notice to the
Registrar of Firms under section 63, and by publication in the Official Gazette and in at least one
vernacular newspaper circulation in the district where the firm to which it relates has its place or
principal place of business, and
(b) in any other case, by publication in the Official Gazette and in at least one vernacular newspaper
circulating in the district where the firm to which it relates has its place or principal place of business.
1. The term ‘Partnership’ has been defined under ____ of the Partnership Act, 1932:
(a) Section 3 (b) Section 4 (c) Section 5 (d) Section 6
2. A partnership for which no period or dura on is xed under the Indian Partnership Act is known as:
(a) Unlimited partnership (b) Co-ownership
(c) Particular partnership (d) Partnership at will
3. The most important elements in partnership is:
(a) Business (b) Sharing of profits
(c) Agreement (d) Business to be carried on by all or any of them
acting for all.
4. A firm is the name of:
(a) The partners (b) The minors in the firm
(c) The business under which the firm carries on business
(d) The collective name under which it carries on business
5. A partnership formed for the purpose of carrying on particular venture or undertaking is known as:
(a) Limited partnership (b) Special partnership
(c) Joint venture (d) Particular partnership
6. In the absence of agreement to the contrary all partners are:
(a) Not entitled to share profits (b) Entitled to share in capital ratio
(c) Entitled to share in proportion to their ages (d) Entitled to share profits equally
7. A partnership at will is one:
(a) Which does not have any deed (b) Which does not have any partner
(c) Which does not provide for how long the business will continue
(d) Which cannot be dissolved.
8. What among the following is not an essential element of partnership:
(a) There must be an agreement entered into by all the persons concerned
(b) The agreement must be to share the profits of a business
(c) The business must start within six months from the date of agreement
(d) The business must be carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.
19. The authority of a partner to bind the rm for his acts as contained in section 19 of the Partnership Act is
known as:
(a) Express authority (b) Legal authority
(c) Implied authority (d) Managerial authority
(a) Compulsory (b) Optional
(c) Occasional (d) None of the above
20. An unregistered firm cannot claim:
(a) Set on (b) Set off
(c) Set on and set off (d) None of the above
21. On dissolution the partners remain liable to till:
(a) Accounts are settled (b) Partners dues are paid off
(c) Public notice is given (d) The registrar strikes off the name
22. As per the accepted view, the registration of the firm is considered complete when
(a) Complete application for registration is led with the Registrar.
(b) Registrar files the statement and makes entries in the Register of Firms.
(c) Registrar gives notice of registration to all partners.
(d) Court records the statement and certifies the entries in Register of Firms.
23. A partnership firm is compulsorily dissolved where
(a) All partners have become insolvent
(b) Firm’s business has become unlawful
(c) The fixed term has expired
(d) In cases (a) and (b) only
24. On which of the following grounds, a partner may apply to the court for dissolution of the firm?
(a) Insanity of a partner (b) Misconduct of a partner
(c) Perpetual losses in business (d) All of the above
25. Which of the following do not constitute a ground for dissolution by Court?
(a) Misconduct by partner (b) Transfer of interest by partner
(c) Just and equitable grounds (d) Insolvency of a partner
26. Upon dissolution of firm, losses, including deficiencies of capital, shall be paid first-
(a) Out of Profits
(b) Out of capital
(c) By the partners in their profit sharing ratio
(d) By the partners equally
27. In settling the accounts of a firm after dissolution, the goodwill of the firm-
(a) Must be included in the assets
(b) May be sold separately
(c) May be sold along with the assets of the firm
(d) All of the above
1. Explain the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 relating to the creation of Partnership by
holding out.
2. What is the true test of partnership?
3. Enumerate the differences between Partnership and Joint Stock Company.
4. What do you mean by “implied authority” of the partners in a firm?
5. State the modes by which a partner may transfer his interest in the rm in favour of another person
under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. What are the rights of such a transferee?
6. Whether a minor may be admitted in the business of a partnership rm? Explain the rights of a minor in
the partnership firm.
7. What is the procedure of registration of a partnership rm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932? What
are the consequences of non-registration?
8. When does dissolution of a partnership firm take place under the provisions of the Indian Partnership
Act, 1932? Explain.
1. A and B were two partners in a firm of sugar dealers. Unknown to B, A supplies at a particular time his
own stock of sugar to the firm at market price and makes profit. Can he personally keep this profit?
Hint: No. profit from competitive business
2. A and B, co-owners of a house, let it to a paying guest. They divide the net rents between them. Are
they partners?
Hint: No. consider difference of partnership and co ownership
3. X,Y and Z carry on business on partnership basis. A to whom they sent goods for sale on commission
basis, secretly allows Z a share in the commission, which he receives in consideration of Z’s using his
influence to send goods to him. X and Y come to know of the secret deal of Z. X and Y ask Z to account
for the commission and share it with them, but Z refuses. Decide.
Hint: Yes. consider private profits by partners
4. D, J and A are only partners in a firm. They decide to dissolve the partnership with effect from 1st April,
1988. The partners do not give a public notice of the dissolution, but continue the business. During the
course of business, D, J and A endorse certain Bills of Exchange of the partnership to a third party M,
who was not aware of the dissolution. M, the third party, had supplied certain stationery to the firm.
The Bills of Exchange are dishonoured. The third party M wants to claim the money.
Whether the firm will be liable to pay for the bills of exchange?
Hint: Yes. consider effects of not giving public notice
5. A, B and C are partners in a firm called ABC. A, with the intention of deceiving D, a supplier of office
stationery, buys certain stationery on behalf of the ABC firm. The stationery is of use in the ordinary
course of the firm’s business. A does not give the stationery to the firm, instead brings it to his own use.
The supplier D, who is unaware of the private use of stationery by A, claims the price from the firm. The
firm refuses to pay for the price, on the ground that the stationery was never received by it. Decide:
(i) Whether the firm’s contention is tenable?
Hint: No. consider transaction of partners with implied authorities
6. Ram and Kishan were partners in a business as suppliers of leather goods and they were regular
contractors to the Government. Kishan, without the knowledge of Ram, supplied to the Government
certain leather goods in which the firm was also dealing and made substantial profits.
Can Ram claim the profit earned by Kishan? Explain.
Hint: Yes. profit from competitive business
7. A and B are partners in a firm dealing in cloth. A placed an order in the firm’s name and on the firm’s
letter pad for five bags of wheat to be supplied at his residence. Is the firm liable to pay the price of
Hint: Yes. consider transaction of partners with implied authorities.
8. A and B were partners in a firm dealing in purchase and sale of cloth. B started cloth manufacturing
business individually. Can A ask B to share the profits of cloth manufacturing business with him?
Hint: No. profit from competitive business
9. A, B and C are partners of an unregistered firm. D owes this firm ‘ 1,000 on a contract. The firm files a suit
against D. The suit is dismissed for non-registration of the firm. The firm is registered later on. Can the
firm now successfully bring the suit against D?
Hint: Yes. consider effects of non registration.
10. A, B and C were partners in a share broker’s firm. X, a customer of the firm, delivered certain securities
to the firm for sale. A and B sold away the securities without the knowledge of C and misappropriated
the money. Who will be held liable to X for the payment of the price of securities?
Hint: firm. consider transaction of partners with implied authorities
11. A and B purchased a taxi to ply in partnership. They plied the taxi for a year when A, without the
consent of B, disposed of the taxi. B brought an action to recover his share in the sale proceeds. A
resisted B’s claim on the ground that the firm was not registered. Will B succeed in his claim?
Hint: Yes as it is a matter of co owernership
12. Kumar, Kishore and Krishna are partners in a business. Kumar is entitled, according to the terms of the
Partnership deed, to 3/8 th of the partnership property and profits. Kumar retires from the firm. Kishore
and Krishna continue the business under the name of the firm, without paying out the share of Kumar
in the assets of the firm or settling account with Kumar. Is Kumar entitled to any profits of the firm
made after the date of his retirement?
Decide stating the provisions of the Indian Partnership Act in this regard.
Hint: Yes. Subsequent profits or 6% interest at the choice of kumar.
13. ‘A’ is a publisher; he agrees to publish at his own expense a book written by ‘B’ and to pay ‘B’ half of the
net profits. Does this create a relationship of partnership between A and B? Give reasons.
Hint: No. Mutual agency is needed.
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B N C E 1997