Installation of MFP-8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
Note: All reviewers in the list are considered required unless explicitly stated as optional.
Installation of MFP-8.0
Table of Contents
2. Installation of IIM 6
6. Installation of MFP-8.0 10
8. Configuration of Analytics 14
Installation of MFP-8.0
Below are the binaries generally used for installation of Mobile First Platform Version 8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
Switch to mfps user from root.
su - mfps
Now transfer all binaries into mfps user and unzip into the directories accordingly for our
Installation of MFP-8.0
Installation of MFP-8.0
2.Installation of IIM
Go to IIM unzipped directory location and give the following command
Go to path/home/mfps/binaries/IIM/
Run./userinstc -acceptLicence
Installation of MFP-8.0
3.Installation of WAS Liberty
Now we should install Liberty, so go to IIM installed directory and check available packages.
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
Run./imcl listavailablepackages -repositories <Path to WAS binary directory >
Above is the available package, install the package by giving the following command.
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
Run./imcl install <package name> -repositories <Path to WAS binary directory> -
Installation of MFP-8.0
4.Fix-Pack Installation of WAS Liberty
Now Apply latest fix pack to WAS. Make sure latest fix pack is available.
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
Run./imcl listavailablepackages -repositories <Path to fix pack binary directory >
Installation of MFP-8.0
5.Installation of IBM JAVA
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
To Check available package
Run ./imcl listavailablepackages -repositories <Path where java binary was unzipped>
Installation of MFP-8.0
6.Installation of MFP-8.0
Before installing MFP, create an instance named mfps using following command
Go to path/home/mfps/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/bin/
Run./server create mfps
Check the available MFP version
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
Run ./imcl listavailablepackages -repositories /home/mfps/software/MFP/MobileFirst_
Download and edit install-liberty-db2.xml file, must give following inputs in the file.
1.MFP Repository Location
2.MFP Installation Location
3.Liberty installed Directory and the instance name.
4.Database details like Hostname, Port Number, Driver Path, Instance Name, Password.
5.MFP version
6.Check whether Appcenter is required or not and edit according to that.
We can download xml file with and without appcenter using the following link .
If appcenter is required for the client then edit install-liberty-db2.xml file.
1.MFP Repository Location.
2.MFP Installation Location.
3.Token License – (Make it either true or false based on client requirement).
Installation of MFP-8.0
4.WAS Liberty Installed Location.
5.WAS Liberty Server Instance.
6.Database Details like Hostname, Port Number, Driver Path.
7.Appcenter Details like username, password, dbname.
8.Version of MFP
Installation of MFP-8.0
If appcenter is not required then edit install-no-appcenter.xml file.
1.MFP Repository Location.
2.MFP Installation Location
3.Version of MFP
4. Token License – (Make it either true or false based on client requirement).
Installation of MFP-8.0
7.Fix-Pack Installation of MFP-8.0
Now apply Fix pack
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
Run./imcl listavailablepackages -repositories /home/mfps/software/FixMFP/MobileFirst_
Installation of MFP-8.0
Now check Which are all we installed so far in IIM, using the following command
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/Installationmanager/eclipse/tools/
Run./imcl listinstalledpackages
Installation of MFP-8.0
8.Configuration of Analytics
Create Instance named analytics using following command,
Go to/home/mfps/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/bin/
Run./server create analytics
Now edit port numbers of analytics (Change according to client requirement) in server.xml.
Go to /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/Analytics/configuration-samples/
Edit configure-liberty-analytics.xml file,
1.MFP Installed Directory
2.Liberty Installed Directory
3.Name of server Instance which we created
Installation of MFP-8.0
9.Configuring Runtime for MFP
Before run time creation, make sure required database was installed and note DB details.
Go to path /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/MobileFirstServer/configuration-
Edit configure-liberty-db2.xml
1.Database details like Hostname, Port Number, Driver Path, Instance Name, Password
2.Enable Farm and give unique id (If needs)
3.Analytics Port number
4.Enale Push service
Save the file and run ant commands in following path.
Go to path /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/shortcuts/
1./ant -f /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/shortcuts/ configure-liberty-
2./ant -f /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/shortcuts/ configure-liberty-
db2.xml databases
3./ant -f /home/mfps/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/shortcuts/ configure-liberty-
db2.xml install
Note: -While running these commands you can observe the type of work these commands do.
Now start both mfps and analytics using following commands
Go to path/home/mfps/IBM/WebSphere/Liberty/bin/
Run./server start mfps --clean
Run./server start analytics --clean
Installation of MFP-8.0
10.Checking Console
Check the console using the hostname, port number and context root.
Context Root for
analytics: -http://hostname:portnumber/analytics/console
mfpconsole: -http://hostname:portnumber/mfpconsole
If appcenter is installed then,
appcenter: -http://hostname:portnumber/appcenterconsole