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A mathematical method for calculating the compensatin

anterior stop pin setting of a semiadjustable arcon articulator
W. James Wright, Jr., D.D.S.*
University of Tennessee, Memphis, College or’ Dentistry, Memphis, Tenn.

The geometry of a semiadjustable arcon articulator and development of mathemac-

ical formulae to calculate the setting of the anterior stop pin that compensates for
the thickness of the interocclusal centric relation record are discussed. Measure-
ments of the facebow mounted maxillary cast and interocclusal centric relation
record are used in these formulae. Testing on 30 diagnostic mountings indicated
that the formulae can reliably predict the amount of anterior stop pin opening
necessary to allow near parallelism of the maxillary and mandibular bows of the
articulator when the interocclusal centric relation record is removed and the
mounted casts are brought into occlusion. The vertical component of dental
malocclusion is identified as a source of variability in the setting of the anterior
stop pin and therefore in the geometry of the articulator; it is defined as a need for
further study. (J PROSTHET DENT 1989;61:362-67.)

A rticulators have long been used by the dental pro- ror would be found nearer the axis or :r: & moiai region3
fession to simulate maxillomandibular posture in static po- compared with the incisor region.
sition and functional and parafunctional movements.1-3 Re-
cent, more accurate description of mandibular movements PROBLEM
have shown the importance of semiadjustable arcon princi- For mounting the mandibular cast with an in;er:)cclusai
ple articulators to fixed and removable prosthodontic CR record, articulator manufacturers recommend compen~
rehabilitation.4-6 sation for the opening effect of the interocc!usal CR record
Studies by Weinberg,7 Hart et al.,s and Gordon et al.” il- by estimating or by trial and error. E&nation can produce
lustrated occlusal errors that result from errors in hinge axis inconsistent results and trial and error methods can be
location. TsaolO addressed early mandibular movement as it time-consuming and frustrating. Both met,hods hare the
relates to the occlusal plane, dentoskeletal malocclusion, and potential for inaccuracy.
how bhe geometry of mandibular movement is affected. In This study developed and t,ested mathematical formuiae
recent studies, Hobo,“, I2 Curtis,13 and WachtelL4 investi- to calculate the effect of the vertical openicp of the interoc-
gated the horizontal component of condylar movement and ciusal CR record on the geometry of the articulatt;r. Once
described the limiting factors of semiadjustable articulators calculated, the opening effect would be compensated for by
in their ability to simulate condylar movement. Gordon et adjusting the anterior stop pin +a allow for the ef7ect of a
al.9 stated that centric relation (CR) should be recorded at specific record.
the planned vertical dimension of occlusion to minimize er-
rors resulting from incorrect hinge axis location. Zucker-
man15 recognized the importance of minimal vertical sepa- The Hanau model 166-l (Teledyne Hanau, Buifa10, N-Y.>
ration of the maxillary and mandibular teeth in interocclusal semiadjustable arcon articuiat,or was used in this stud:,:.
CR records, noting that errors increased as records increased This articulator exhibits the following constant measure-
in thickness. He also stated that occlusal error decreases as ments:
the distance between true hinge axis (THA) and the occlusal 1. The distance from the condylar axis to i.he posterior
element increases. This finding implied that the greatest er- aspect of the anterior stop pin along the siipermr sur-
face of the maxillary bow is 110 mm.
2. The condylar axis is parallel (in the horizuntal plane)
and 21.5 mm inferior to the superior surface of t,he
*Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodont.ics, Division of maxillary bow at the mounting place.
Fixed Prosthodontics. 3. The condylar axis is in the same horizontal plane as th.e



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fig. 1. Graph of differences in tangent and chord length in millimeters of various angles
with constant radius of 110 mm.

measuring point of the maxillary bow is to the anterior the record at the anterior stop pin. After the stop pin was set
stop pin. to the amount of compensated opening, the mandibular cast
4. The anterior stop pin is marked in millimeters, not in would be mounted with the interocclusal CR record. Upon
degrees. One degree of rotation with a radius of 110 mm removal of the record, the measuring point of the maxillary
produces an arc 1.918 mm in length. The millimeter bow would return to the zero mark of the anterior stop pin
marks on the anterior stop pin are tangents to the arc at the first contact of the casts.
created by the opening or closing of the maxillary bow
The measurements were obtained as follows (Fig. 2).
of the articulator.
1. V measurement. With a Boley gauge (Buffalo Dental
5. The machined reference marks on the stop pin extend
Manufacturing Co., Buffalo, N.Y.) as a T square, the
5 mm superiorly and inferiorly from the zero mark.
perpendicular distance from the superior surface of the
Thus, they do not measure an angle of opening or clos-
maxillary bow of the articulator to the mesiolingual
ing of the maxillary bow that exceeds 2’36’18.9”
cusp tip of the maxillary right second molar in the
(2.60525 degrees) from the zero mark.
frontal plane was measured.
6. Calculations of differences between tangents and chords
of angles less than 12 degrees, with a constant radius of 2. Y ccdculation. V -21.5 mm located the cusp tip in the
frontal plane relative to the vertical placement of the
110 mm, revealed that angles up to 7 degrees resulted
condylar axis in the horizontal plane.
in difference of tangents and chords that were 0.1 mm
or less. Therefore, it was assumed that for any 0.5 mm 3. P measurement. The distance was measured from the
posterior depth of the curve of the channel for the an-
visually estimated measurement of the anterior stop
terior stop pin in the maxillary bow, along the midsag-
pin within the ? 2.605 degrees, the tangent and chord
ittal plane on the superior surface of the maxillary bow
of the angle of opening could be considered equal (Fig.
to the intersection of the frontal plane of the mesiolin-
gual cusp tip of the maxillary right second molar.
These constants allowed the formation of a geometric
4. B calculation. The calculation 110 mm - P located the
problem that incorporated measured variables made from
cusp tip to the condylar axis on the midsagittal plane
the arbitrary hinge axis facebow mounted maxillary cast and and equalled variable B.
the interocclusal CR record. It was proposed that a point in 5. X calculation. The radius X (to the condylar axis) of
the horizontal plane created by the intersection of the sag- the point projected by the mesiolingual cusp tip in the
ittal and frontal planes of the mesiolingual cusp tip of the midsagittal plane could then be calculated by the
maxillary second molar be projected onto the midsagittal Pythagorean theorem: a2 = b2 + c2, or in this instance.
plane of the articulator. From this projected intersection, a x = &lo-P)2 + (V-21.5)2
radius (X) would be calculated to the condylar axis. Using 6. W measurements. The thickness of material remaining
the radius X and the measured thickness of the interocclusal in the interocclusal CR record in the indentation cre-
CR record, the angle of opening (0) caused by the thickness ated by the maxillary second molar mesiolingual cusp
of the record would be calculated. Cnce known, the angle of tip and its opposing tooth was measured. The mea-
opening would be converted to the amount of opening (mm) surement must be at the depth of the impression made
that would be necessary to compensate for the thickness of by the maxillary mesiolingual cusp tip and parallel to


Fig. 2. Schematic of articulator with geometric figure superimposed. V = measurement
from superior surface of maxillary bow to mesiolingual cusp tip of posterior tooth used;
P = measurement from posterior depth of curve of stop pin channel to vertical plane of
mesiolingual cusp tip of posterior tooth used; Y = V - 21.5 mm; R = 110 mm - P;
X = calculated solution to triangle with I3 and Y as other sides; W = measured thickness
of wax interocclusal centric relation record in indentation of posterior tooth used; X = X’
(used with u’ to calculate angle of opening caused by interocclusal record). Angle of open-
ing as converted into compensating stop pin setting in millimeters by describing angle of
opening as tangent with radius of 110 mm.

the arc of opening, regardless of what portion of the the anterior stop pin was se: at the calcuiated compensating
opposing tooth made the impression in the interoc- opening before the mandibular cast was moonted. After the
clusal record. The W measurement represents the mandibular cast was mounted, laterai mterocclusal records
chord of the angle of opening at radius X. were made and the instrument was programmed for lateral
7. 0 calculation. The angle of opening was calculated by movement. At this point, the anterior stop pin was reset a!
the formula: first contact of the casts in CR and the position was recorded.
The condylar locks were then released, the stop pin was ei-
SinO=[(z)(2)] evated, and the articulator was <allowed to move to rneximcm!
lntercuspation (MI) from CR position. The stop pin was
The angle of opening was then projected to the anterior
again reset to contact the flat antermr stop table and
stop pin and converted to millimeters by the formula:
the position was read and recorded. The vertica! difference
(Tan O)(llO mm) of the CR and Ml anterior stop pin rncasorements was cai-
A computer program (Basic 80, Microsoft, Rellevue, culated and recorded.
Wash.) was written to perform the calculations and a rela-
tional data base (Personal Pearl, Pearlsoft, Salem, Ore.) was RESULTS
designed to store data and allow variable sorts of data to Thirty diagnostic mountings were used as sampies in the
produce specific reports. study. All 30 readings of the pin position at first contact I-I!
Data were obtained from measurements of arbitrary hinge the casts (CR) were within the measurabie = 5 mm marked
axis (AHA) mounted maxillary casts and interocclusal CR on the stop pin. In no instance did the vertical c!osnre from
records made by junior and senior dental students at the CR to MI leave t.he scale ( 1: 5 mm) marked on the stop pin.
University of Tennessee, Memphis, College of Dentistry. Twenty-six of the mountings were tested statistically; four
The mountings were selected for use in the study before any of the samples had altered casts befo?e data cou!d be
impressions were made and the patients were examined to be recorded (Table I). Twenty-three of the samples (88.+% )
certain they met with the study’s design. Measurements and had first contact (CR) within I 1.3 mm of zero on the stop
the resulting calculations were recorded in the data base and pin. Twenty-one of the samples (80.77% ) had first contact.


5 5

Number of
in sampled

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 +0.5+1.0+1.5+2.0+4.0

Fig. 3. Distribution of CR position first contact stop pin settings.

Table I. Measure] ments and calculations obtained

Vertical Horizontal Wax thickness Calculated Calculated stop CR pin MI pin CR-MR pin
measure measure measurement opening angle pin setting measurement measurement difference

x 57.21 65.15 2.32 2.32982 4.47740 0.94 1.06 0.98

SD 3.82 7.42 0.62 0.624996 1.20256 0.83 1.10 0.93
SX 0.75 1.46 0.12 0.12257 0.23584 0.16 0.22 0.18
R +49.8 to +47.9 to +0.9 to 0.946357 to 1.81712 to -1.5 to -3.0 to 0.00 to
+64.1 +76.2 f3.5 3.29713 6.34054 +4.0 f1.5 +3.50

N = 26; calculated t-value = 5.875 comparing expected outcome of stop pin = 0 at first contact to measured values of stop pin at first contact; p = 0.001.

(CR) within i 1 mm of zero on the &top pin (Fig. 3). Twen- to increase the numeric accuracy. Every effort was made to
ty-three of the samples (88.46%) had MI stop pin settings standardize the technique by using the same reference points
within k1.5 mm of zero on the stop pin. Eighteen of the and instruments for each set of measurements. The error
samples (69.23 % ) had MI stop pin settings within + 1 mm produced by AHA facebow transfer mounting of the maxil-
of zero on the stop pin (Fig. 4). The range of slide from CR lary cast was assumed to be equal among the samples.
to MI, measured as vertical change on the stop pin for each The original design of the experiment called for measure-
sample, was 0 mm to 3.5 mm. Twenty-two of the samples ment of the maxillary second molar mesiolingual cusp tip to
(84.62 % ) had vertical change of 1.5 mm or less on the stop establish the vertical and horizontal measurements used in
pin. Fifteen of the samples (57.69 % ) had vertical change of calculation. In practice, it was found that because of missing
0.5 mm or less on the stop pin (Fig. 5). A paired t-test of de- teeth, the first and third molars were measured as well. As
pendence samples was run comparing the expected outcome a result, the data related to measurements of vertical, hor-
(pin = 0 at first contact in CR) with measurements read izontal, and wax thickness could not be compared statisti-
from the stop pin at first contact (CR) of the casts. The cal- cally, because each set of values was unique. The calculated
culated i-value (t = 5.875) was significant to p = 0.001. compensating setting for the anterior stop pin was greater
Therefore the formulae were able to compensate for the than the +5 mm marked on the stop pin in 11 of the samples.
opening effect of the interocclusal CR record in spite of the In these samples, the stop pin was measured with a Boley
individual differences in malocclusion and vertical change gauge and temporarily marked to the nearest 0.5 mm before
from CR to MI. the mandibular cast was mounted.
The calculated angle of opening and the compensating
setting value of the anterior stop piti are related because each
The initial difficulty incurred in this study was related to was produced by the same set of formulae. The compensat-
the accuracy of measurements. The Hanau model 166-1 ar- ing setting value of the stop pin is a conversion from degrees
ticulator anterior stop pin is marked in millimeters, neces- (angle of opening) to millimeters.
sitating visual rounding to the nearest 0.5 mm in an attempt Failure to measure the interocclusal CR record thickness


Number of ’
occurences 4
in sampled
mountings 3

Pig. 4. Distribution of MI position stop pin settings.

Number of
in sampled

Amount of vertical slide from CR to

Fig. 5. Distribution of measured vertical change in stop pin settings from CR posit.ion to
MI position.

at the teeth that would be in initial contact in CR position geometric accuracy and adjustabiliiy in rhe vertica! li.
could account for the error of the actual pin reading at first mension.2” This consideration is impor+,ai;t in recording the
contact (CR) of the mounted casts not equalling zero on the patient’s vertical dimension of occlusion in Mi position and
stop pin. This error was not considered significant because in comparing it to the vertical dimension of the first contact
80.77 Chic
of the actual CR values were within 1 mm of the zero of the teeth (casts) in CR position.21 For the articulator io be
mark on the pin. Classifications of skeletal malocclusions or most useful to the clinician, the finished diaguostic mount-
dental malocclusions were not included in this study. ing should close vertically from CR position to centric ~CC!II-
One of the compromises in accuracy in using semiadjust- sion (MI) position within t,he scale n,arked on the anterior
able arcon articulators diagnostically is the approximation of stop pin. If the maxillary bow of the articulator begins or
the thickness of the interocclusal CR record and its effect on moves off the scale, the clinician has no accurat.e r~ferecce
the anterior stop pin setting.‘69 li The pin is calibrated so to the amount of this movement.
that at the zero mark, the maxillary and mandibular bows of Of interest is the amount of vertical change at the stop pir,
the articulator are parallel.‘s- 1s With the maxillary and between CR (first contact) and MI of the moun?.ed casts. The
mandibular bows parallel, the articulator gains its maximum differences in CR and MI pin settings ranged from i! mm to


3.5 mm (Fig. 5). In an attempt to predict a population mean Thanks to Dr. George Latta for his efforts in helping to prepare
from the samples in the study, the sample mean of CR and this article.
MI difference was tested at a confidence level of 99.7 % with
the formula: sample mean = ? (3) (standard error of the
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6. Drago CJ, Rugh JD. Measurement of vertical jaw relationship. In: Lun-
From the data it was found that an average compensating deen HC, Gibbs CH. Advances in occlusion. Bristol: John Wright-PSG
anterior stop pin setting of 4.5 mm with the Hanau model Inc, 1982;174-81.
166-1 semiadjustable arcon articulator would produce diag- 7. Weinberg LA. An evaluation of the facebow mounting. J PROSTHET DENT
nostic mountings within & 1.5 mm of the zero mark on the 8. Hart TD, Malone WF, Sandrick J, Bowman D, Balthazar YM. A proposed
stop pin in approximately 85% of patients. format for mandibular displacement analysis in fixed prosthodontics.
The greater the vertical difference between CR and MI, J PROSTHET DENT 1983:50:54-61.
9. Gordon SR, Staffer WM, Conner SA. Location of the terminal hinge axis
the greater is the chance of the pin moving off the scale and and its effect on the second molar cusp position. J PROSTHET DENT
therefore being useless for recording this difference during 1984;52:99-105.
occlusal analysis or trial equilibration of mounted casts. Be- 10. Tsao DH. Variation of hinge interocclusal clearance and modifying
mechanisms. J PROSTHET DENT 1986;56:606-16.
cause the range of variability between the stop pin position 11. Hobo S. Formula for adjusting the horizontal condylar path of the semi-
for CR and MI in this small sample is great (0 mm to 3.5 mm) adjustable articulator with interocclusal records. Part I: correlation
and because little is known of the incidence of vertical dif- between the immediate side shift, the progressive side shift, and the Ben-
nett angle. J PROSTHET DENT 1986;55:422-6.
ferences in CR and MI positions, the effect of introducing 12. Hobo S. Formula for adjusting the horizontal condylar path of the semi-
error into the geometry of articulated casts and the possible adjustable articulator with interocclusal records. Part II: practical eval-
effect on the adaptive capacity of temporomandibular joints uations. J PROSTHET DENT 1986;55:582-8.
13. Curtis DA, Wachtel HC. Limitations of semiadjustable articulators. Part
and masticatory system suggests a need for further quanti- II: straight line articulators with provisions for immediate side shift. J
tative study of the incidence and amount of vertical discrep- PROSTHET DENT 1987;58:569-73.
ancy in dental malocclusion. 14. Wachtel HC, Curtis DA. Limitations of semiadjustable articulators. Part
I: straight line articulators without setting for immediate side shift. J
PROSTHET DENT 1987;58:438-42.
ONCLUSION 15. Zuckerman CR. The geometry of the arbitrary hinge axis as it relates to
This study ascertained that a compensating anterior stop the occlusion. J PROSTHET DENT 1982;48:‘725-33.
16. Shillingburg WT, Hobo S, Whitsett LD. Fundamentals of fixed prosth-
pin setting for the Hanau model 166-1 articulator could be odontics. 2nd ed. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 1981;277,286,
calculated by using measurements of the AHA facebow 293.
mounted maxillary cast and the interocclusal CR record. 17. Dawson PE. Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of occlusal problems.
St Louis: CV Mosby, 1974;140-1.
Data obtained from diagnostic mountings by junior and se- 18. Technique manual: the Hanau radial shift articulator model 166-1 as ap-
nior dental students (n = 30) indicated that this compen- plied to occlusal reconstruction. Buffalo: Teledyne Hanau, 1981;9-10.
sating setting was within the range of + 5 mm marked on the 19. DePietro AJ. The articulator as a dental instrument, not a dental philos-
ophy. Dent Clin North Am 1979;23:213-29.
stop pin, sufficiently accurate for clinical use. With approx- 20. Mansueto MA, Huff TL, Trebilcock CE Jr. Evaluation of in&al guide
imately 81% of the mountings (n = 26) within 1 mm of zero calibration. J PROSTHET DENT 1985;53:490-5.
on the anterior stop pin at first contact and with approxi- 21. Kaiser DA, Schelb E. Geometric study of in&al guide pin opening. J
PROSTHET DENT 1985;53:495.
mately 85% of the samples (n = 26) having vertical change
of 1.5 mm or less, one could expect the formulae to accurately Reprint requests to:
predict the compensating stop pin to a useful range for most DR. W. JAMES WRIGHT, JR.
patients, regardless of their individual differences in vertical 875 UNION AVE.
dimension between CR (first contact) and MI positions. MEMPHIS, TN 38163


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