Name: ID#:
A. 1 January 1879
B. 7 May 1870
C. 20 September 1876
D. 21 December 1882
A. Aberdeen
B. London
C. New York
D. Glasgow
A. Hamidullah
B. Dr. Aziz
C. Mahmoud Ali
D. Hamidullah’s wife
2.Aziz is at the mosque where he meets Mrs. Moore because………………………………….
4.At the beginning of the novel, is Adela Quested dissatisfied with her visit to India
6.Who runs their horse into the flowers at the Bridge Party?
A. Miss Derek
B. Dr. Aziz Ahmed
C. Dr. Panna Lal
D. The Bhattacharya’s
7.What is the main reason Aziz decides not to attend the Bridge Party?
8.What disconcerts Ronny about his mother’s story about meeting a young man in the
9.Which of the following does not upset Mrs. Moore on the day of Fielding’s tea party?
10. Which of the following does not cause Adela to change her mind and become engaged to
A. He is bluntly honest
B. He sits on the floor
C. He hugs Aziz
D. He denounces Islam
12. How does Aziz show Fielding that he considers Fielding like a brother to him?
13. What event, prior to the visit to the caves, prompts Adela’s and Mrs. Moore’s feelings of
emotional emptiness?
A. The echo
B. The religious singing
C. A baby’s hand
D. The crowd
15. What makes Fielding suspicious during the trip to the caves?
17. What does Fielding do that angers the members of the Englishmen’s club?
21.In which European country does Fielding stop and admire the architecture on the way
back to England?
A. France
B. Spain
C. Italy
D. Greece