English Literature MCQS by Sajjad Haider
English Literature MCQS by Sajjad Haider
English Literature MCQS by Sajjad Haider
a. Elegy
b. Epic
c. Balled
d. Sonnet
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 1
9. Who used the phrase ‘Unified Sensibility?’
a. Dr. Johnson
b. Dryden
c. T.S. Eliot
d. Mathew Arnold
a. Essay
b. Poem
c. Novel
d. Drama
a. Dryden
b. Chaucer
c. John Gower
d. John Donne
14. It was the fashion of Renaissance for the scholars to write in the form of
a. Epic
b. Allegory
c. Mock-Epic
d. Balled
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 2
15. To attribute divinity to natural objects is called
a. Supernaturalism
b. Pantheism
c. Spectisim
d. Animism
16. “Heard melodies are sweet, those unheard are sweeter” is taken from
a. Ode on Grecian Urn
b. Ode on Melancholy
c. Ode to Nightingale
d. Ode to West Wind
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 3
21. Oxford movement was the reaction of
a. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
b. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
c. Big Bang Theory
d. Quantum Theory
25. The poets who wrote about the World War First and its horrors are called
a. Trench Poets
b. Georgian Poets
c. Lake Poets
d. Cavalier Poets
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 4
d. 1929
28. Under whose influence Yeats started working for Irish nationalism.
a. Lady Gregory
b. Maud Gonne
c. Eliot
d. John O’ Leary
32. “Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen” and “Easter 1916” are written by
a. Shelly
b. Yeats
c. Keats
d. Philip Larkin
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 5
34. P.B. Shelly was greatly attracted by the ideas of
a. William Golding
b. William Godwin
c. Dryden
d. Ibsen
36. What was the month when pilgrims did march towards the Canterbury?
a. March
b. April
c. May
d. June
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 6
d. None
44. How many speakers are in the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5
b. Maud Gonne
c. Anne Bulien
d. Marry
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 7
47. Duessa is a character in which famous poem
a. The Rape of the Lock
b. Faerie Queen
c. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
d. The Canterbury Tales
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 8
Sajjad Haider, Head Teacher GES Eid Gah Gojra Cell # 0313-8962618, 0321-5261899 Page 9