TATO Question Bank

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School: Professional Studies

Programme: BATH
Course Name: Travel Agency and Tour Operations Course code: 07ABATH17211
Semester: 4th Semester
Name of Question Bank designer: Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh

S. Sub
1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept
No. unit
1. Expand TATO. K Origin of TATO 1.1
2. Define Travel Agency. L Travel agency 1.1
3. Define Tour Operation. L Travel agency 1.1
4. What is an Itinerary? A Travel planning 1.4
5. Define FIT. L Types of Itinerary 1.4
6. What is SIT? L Types of Itinerary 1.4
7. What is GIT? L Types of Itinerary 1.4
8. Who started organised tour? When? A Travel history 1.2
9. Name any four travel agencies of India. K Travel agencies 1.2
10. Name any four cruise liners. K Cruise tourism 1.3
Name any four international tour
11. K Tour Operation 1.3
12. In which year Cox & Kings started? K Origin of TATO 1.1
13. When did American Express started? K Origin of TATO 1.1
14. Thomas Cook started in which year? K Origin of TATO 1.1
15. What is traveller cheque? L Origin of TATO 1.1
16. Who started the traveller cheque? K Origin of TATO 1.1
17. What do you mean by circular note? L Origin of TATO 1.1
18. Which company started circular note? K Origin of TATO 1.1
19. What is hotel coupon? L Origin of TATO 1.1
20. Who started the hotel coupon? K Origin of TATO 1.1
Write the name of First Indian Travel
21. K Origin of TATO 1.1

S. No. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
1. What is Travel Mart? K 2.1
Name any four countries which host Travel Travel
2. K 2.1
Mart. service
3. Define Travel Trade. Management. A 2.1
What are the famous Travel Marts held in MICE
4. Ap 2.1
India? tourism
5. Name any two travel acts of India. K Travel 2.2
6. Who is a Tour Manager? L 2.3
7. Expand IATA and ICAO. A 2.3
8. When was IATA established? K 2.3
9. Name the Scandinavian countries. Ap Geography 2.4
10. What are the punch lines of Karnataka tourism? L 2.2
11. What are the punch lines of India tourism? K 2.2
12. When was ICAO established? K 2.3
Which country is called as “Land of Midnight
13. K Geography 2.4
14. What do you mean by travel documents? A 2.1
15. Define the tour operator. L 2.1
Write about the major functions of tour TATO
16. Ap 2.1
operator. Business
17. Define the travel agent. L 2.1
18. Write about the major functions of travel agent. Ap 2.1
19. What do you mean by travel agency? L 2.1
20. What is mark-up price? K 2.1
21. What is commission? K 2.1
22. What do you mean by two-way selling method? L 2.1

S. No. 1 Mark Questions KLAA Concept Sub
p unit
Role of
1. What is Travel Trade Association? K 3.1
Role of
2. What do you mean by Airline Ticketing? K 3.1
Role of
3. Define Fare Calculation. K 3.1
4. When and where did the first train in India run? K 3.2
5. Define Inbound Tour. L 3.3
6. Define Outbound Tour. L Outbound 3.3
7. What is Passport? K 3.4
8. Expand VISA. A 3.4
9. Expand MICE. A 3.4
10. What is Cargo Management? L 3.3
Which are the famous MICE destinations of Travel
11. Ap 3.2
India? segmentation
12. What is custom? K 3.2
13. What is immigration? K 3.2
14. Define Escorted tour. L 3.4
15. Define Implant Agency. L 3.4
16. Define Full-Service agency. L 3.4
17. What is commercial agency. L 3.4
18. What do you mean by Retail Travel Agency? K 3.4
What do you mean by Wholesale Travel Travel
19. K 3.4
Agency? segmentation
20. Define Online Travel Agency. K 3.4


S. No. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

1. What is Target Market? K 4.1
2. What is Market Research? Ap 4.2
3. Name any four tour suppliers. Ap 4.2
4. Define package tour costing. A Package tours 4.3
5. Define cost-oriented tour pricing. A 4.4
What do you mean by market-oriented tour package
6. K 4.3
pricing? costing
7. Define Skimming with an example. Ap 4.3
8. What is Penetration pricing? K 4.2
9. Define Marketing. L 4.1
10. Define Demand. L 4.2
11. What is Tourism Marketing? K 4.1
12. Why tourism is called as Service Industry? A 4.4
13. What is Group Departure package? K 4.2
14. What do you mean by customize package? L 4.2
15. Who is tour manager? A 4.2
16. Write the role of tour manager. Ap 4.2
17. Who is tour guide? L 4.2
18. Write the role of tour guide. Ap 4.2
19. List out the components of an Itinerary. Ap 4.2
List out the destinations name in Buddhist Itinerary
20. K 4.1
circuit itinerary. Preparation
List out the destinations name in Char Dham Itinerary
21. K 4.1
Itinerary. Preparation
22. Explain the concept of dynamic packaging. A 4.1
Present five important places of interest from Itinerary
23. K 4.1
each region of India. Preparation


S. No. 1 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept
1. What is a Package Tour? K 5.1
2. Define Strategy. L 5.2
3. What do you mean by Pricing Strategy? A 5.2
4. Expand SOTC. Ap 5.4
5. Expand SITA. AP 5.4
6. Expand TCI. Ap 5.4
7. What is tailor made package? A Tour Package 5.3
8. Name any four religious tourist circuits of K Tourism 5.2
9. What are the famous road networks of India? Ap Transportation 5.3
Name nay four famous wholesale travel Travel
10. K 5.3
agencies of India. organisations
11. What are independent packages? L Tour Package 5.4
12. What do you mean by all-inclusive package? L Tour Package 5.3
13. What is Marketing Strategy? L 5.1
14. List out the major costs in an itinerary. L 5.2
Explain the basic dimensions of pricing the Package
15. Ap 5.1
tour package. costing
16. What is market viability? L 5.1
17. What do you mean by skimming pricing? K 5.1
18. What do you mean by penetration pricing? K 5.1
19. List out the most famous destination of India. K 5.2
20. What is variable cost? L 5.1
21. Define fixed cost. A 5.1
22. What is difference between price and cost? A 5.1


S. Sub
2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept
No. unit
What is the difference between a Travel travel
1. Ap 1.1
Agency and Tour Operation? organisations
2. What are the types of Tour Operators? K 1.1
3. What are the functions of travel agency? L Tour operations 1.2
Types of travel
4. A 1.2
What are the functions of tour operators? agencies
What do you mean by ‘computerisation in
5. A IT and tourism 1.3
Write a short note on small scale travel Travel agency
6. K 1.4
agencies. types
Name any four functions of Forex Travel agency
7. L 1.4
department. departments
Why is public relations department important Travel agency
8. K 1.2
to a travel agency? departments
What are the major operations departments
9. L Departmentation 1.3
of a travel agency?
10. What is online travel agency? A Online travel 1.3


S. 2 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

No. unit
1. Why is Religious tourism the major travel
hub in India? A Indian tourism 2.1
2. What is the difference between the inbound Types of travel
and outbound travel agencies? K agencies 2.3
3. What do you mean by commodification of an Tourism
attraction? K impacts 2.2
4. Give two examples for the role of social Tourism and
medias in promoting travel agency business. L media 2.3
5. What are the advantages of traditional travel Travel agency
agencies? Ap business 2.4
6. What are the disadvantages of traditional Travel agency
travel agencies? Ap business 2.3
7. List the important roles and responsibilities Role of Travel 2.1
of a large travel agent. K agency/agent
8. Who is a tour operator? And explain the Role of Travel 2.1
service provided by the tour operators in the agency/agent
package tours. L
9. Distinguish the characteristics of retail and Role of Travel 2.1
wholesale travel agency. A agency/agent
10. Explain different types of tour operators and Role of Travel 2.1
their special features with examples. L agency/agent
11. Which are the activities of specialized tour Role of Travel 2.1
operators? A agency/agent
12. List the functions of modern Travel Agency Role of Travel 2.1
and Tour Operator. Ap agency/agent


S. No. 2 Mark Questions KLAA Concept Sub

p unit
1. Currency
What do you mean by currency adjustments? Ap exchange 3.1
2. What are the popular products of Indian Railway
railway? K history 3.1
3. When was Air India established? Why was
Air India nationalised? L Air travel 3.3
4. How are cruise liners important to the
development of tourism industry? A Cruise tourism 3.2
5. Explain travel insurance. How it Work? L Travel 3.3
6. What are the disadvantages of Cruise tourism? Ap Cruise tourism 3.2
7. What are the steps involved in establishing Travel Agency
travel agency business? Ap Business 3.2
8. Travel 3.1
What is visa? Explain different types of visa. A Documentation
9. Explain the various custom rules for an Travel 3.1
inbound tourist to India. L Formalities
10. Explain about the various health regulations Travel 3.1
for foreign visitors visiting India. L Formalities
11. Explain the types of baggage rules and list the 3.1
items not permitted as accompanying Travel
baggage. K Formalities


S. No. 2 Mark Questions KLAA Concept Sub

p unit
1. What are the components of an itinerary? K Travel itinerary 4.1
2. Explain any four dos’ and don’t in an Tourism
itinerary preparation. Ap research 4.3
3. Explain the importance of market research. A Travel research 4.3
4. What is the importance of itinerary planning? K Travel itinerary 4.3
5. Tourism
Define Customer Demand with an example. L demand 4.2
6. What is the role of internet in itinerary Online travel
preparation? A service 4.2
7. Explain the valuable tips for preparing a good Travel itinerary 4.1
itinerary. Ap
8. Explain various types of tour itinerary with Travel itinerary 4.1
suitable illustrations. A
9. How customized tours can greatly benefit the Travel itinerary 4.4
clients? L
10. Explain the steps involved in developing your Travel itinerary 4.4
package tour. Ap


S. No. 2 Mark Questions KLAA Concept Sub

p unit
1. Travel
Who established Cox and Kings? When? A organisations 5.1
2. What are the services offered by IRCTC? A Indian railway 5.3
3. What do you mean by incentive tours? K MICE 5.4
4. What is custom package? Explain with an Travel
example. Ap packaging 5.3
5. Explain two advantages of package tour. L Tour Package 5.4
6. Define airline package tours. L Tour Package 5.2
7. Which are the conventional sources of Package 5.1
revenue for travel agents and tour operators? K Costing
8. What is the costing the package tour? Explain Package 5.1
different types of cost. K Costing
9. Explain various activities of Fixed vs. Package 5.1
Variable costs in the package tour costing. A Costing
10. Explain the factors influencing the pricing Package 5.1
strategy in tour operation business. Ap Costing
11. Explain the basic dimensions of pricing the Package 5.1
tour package. Ap Costing


S. 5 Mark Questions KLAA Concept Sub

No. p unit
1. Which are the service providers to the tour
operators? How the integration with the
principal service providers is made for Inclusive of
deigning the package tours. A tourism 1.1
2. Travel and
Discuss the contribution of Thomas Cook to tourism
the world of travel agency. A analysis 1.2
3. How did the Origin of Travel Agency Functions of
Business start in the world? L travel agencies 1.3
4. Functions of
Present the evolution of the modern travel
agency business by Cox & Kings.
L suppliers 1.3
5. Categorisation
What are the new business practices of of travel
modern travel agency business in India? K agencies 1.4
6. Growth and
Write a short note on historical development development of
of travel agencies. A tourism 1.1
7. Discuss the contribution of Thomas Cook to Origin of
L 1.1
the world of travel agency today. TATO
8. Write a brief note on growth of travel Travel agencies
agencies in India. A in India 1.1
9. ‘Online service as a boon and bane to travel Indian tourism
businesses. Explain. Ap analysis 1.3
10. How did the travel agency business in India
start? present the role of some of the Tourism
founding travel agents in India. Ap Industry 1.4


S. No. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

1. What are the various departments of travel K Travel agency 2.1
agencies? departments
2. Write a short note on travel agency business Travel
strategies. A business 2.2
3. Travel
Why do many travel agencies fail? A analysis 2.4
4. What are the duties and responsibilities of a Travel
travel manager? A managers 2.1
5. Write a short note on the duties and Travel
responsibilities of travel staff members. A personnel 2.1
6. Write a short note on organisational structure organisational
of medium scale tour operators. Ap structure 2.3
7. Types of
What is the difference between the inbound travel
and outbound travel agencies? K agencies 2.3
8. Travel trade
What are the recent trends in travel trade? A trends 2.4
tourism in
‘India is the emerging MICE hub’. Explain. K India 2.4
10. Write a brief note on short-term and long-term Travel
goals of travel agencies. L agencies 2.4
11. What are the methods to improve the inbound Travel
tourism? Ap business 2.3


S. No. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

1. Write a note on growth and development of
travel trade organisations. K Travel trade 3.1
2. Write about the aviation industry in India. K Travel trade 3.1
3. Write about the Cruise industry in India. K Travel trade 3.1
4. Write about the car rental industry in India. K Travel trade 3.1
5. Write the brief note on growth and
development of Railways. A Railways 3.2
6. How bus/road transportation helps in the Road
development of tourism industry? L transportation 3.2
7. What are the various outbound travel Travel
regulations? Explain. A regulations 3.3
8. Travel
What are the different kinds of VISA? K documents 3.3
9. Write a short note on passport while describing Travel
different types and their features. L documents 3.3
10. What are the functions of customs department? L Customs 3.4
11. What is the role of Ministry of External Affairs Indian
to promote Indian Tourism? Ap Tourism 3.4

S. No. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

1. Prepare 2 nights/3 days itinerary to Bangalore
and Mysore. Calculate the incurring cost. Ap Travel itinerary 4.4
2. What is the role of a relevant itinerary in
tourism industry? A Travel itinerary 4.2
3. What are the steps in itinerary planning? Ap Travel itinerary 4.2
4. What are the different types of cost-oriented Costing
price? K package tour 4.2
5. What are the components of market–oriented Costing
pricing? K package tour 4.2
6. Designing
Write a short note on itinerary design. L itinerary 4.3
7. New product
How can a new product be developed? Ap development 4.4
8. What are the components of package tour? K Package tour 4.2
9. ‘In service industry customer is the king’. Customer
Explain. A satisfaction 4.4
10. Itinerary and
What are the different types of Itinerary? product
Explain. L development 4.1
11. What is the role of Travel Guide in promoting
the tourism? Ap Package tour 4.1


S. No. 5 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub

1. What are the steps involved in preparation of
package tour? Ap Tour packaging 5.1
2. What are breakeven points in package tour
and how a Package Pricing Worksheet is tourism
developed? A marketing 5.2
3. What are the different types of tour packages? A package tours 5.2
4. What is tour cost sheet? Present the types of Travel
information is given in the cost sheet. K organisations 5.4
5. Travel agency
What is the costing the package tour? Explain and tour
different types of cost. A operations 5.2
6. What are the various factors considered for Tour package
the preparation of a package tour? Ap analysis 5.3
7. What are the precautionary measures taken International
for international trips? Ap tourism 5.3
8. Write a note on ‘tour packages of reputed tour
operators. K Packaging 5.4
9. ‘India is the destination for all seasons and Ap India tourism 5.3
reasons’ explain.
10. Describe the role of online tour costing. How
much effective it is? Ap Tour Costing 5.1

S. 15 Mark Questions KLAAp Concept Sub
No unit
1. Business to Business (B2B) Ap Tourism 2.1
Customers, people and business organizations
have taken advantages of communication
technology with the help of internet and intranet.
People leisurely and easily communicate with
sellers and search about the products (goods,
services) on the internet. Further, the process of
buying travel and hospitality products start with
the evaluation of the several alternative sources
that are available on the internet. It is now
helping customers to make a comparison
between prices of the products.
They finally reach at the stage of taking buying
decisions. Even though, customers have found
the direct communication with sellers very
cumbersome for which a typical supply chain
have emerged with multiple business to business
transactions in travel, hospitality and tourism
business. As travel agents or tour operating
companies purchase components varied services
from the principal service providers to assemble
them into an appealing or attractive tour
packages. As such raw materials are procured for
use in its manufacturing processes and the
finished products are then sold to individuals via
business to consumer transactions.
Business to business is the process by which
businesses employ a multi-layered strategy
consisting of web communications, email, media
campaigns and relationship management for the
purpose of converting targeted business
prospects into customers. B2B refers to business
that takes place between companies, rather than
between a company and individual consumers.
This business format allows deeper integration
between the manufacturers and distributors or
wholesalers involved in tourism production and
distribution processes.
While the B2C makes the tourism product more
easily available to direct customers. As the
desires of the customers vary from individual to
individual, and there have been several changes
over time. This kind of business requires high
flexibility along with fast customer responses.
The travel companies as distributors or
wholesalers can act in a faster and more efficient
way. It becomes faster mainly when there is a
high level of integration allowing close
interaction with other companies (suppliers or
customers) involved in production and supply
chain process. It results in the benefits for the
whole chain of suppliers converging to the
The business to business concept in package tour
operation of Thomas Cook explains that there
exists a perennial business linkage between
Thomas Cook as an agent, operation and
consolidator with the principal service providers
like hotels, airlines, coach and car rental
companies, catering services, theme parks, etc.
At the same time, Makemytrip.com has become
a leader in online travel agency business with
much importance on B2B format of running and
maximizing the revenue.
Big companies like airlines, hotel chains and
small companies (even a one-person travel
agent) can work together with more efficiency.
Irrespective of the locations geographically,
integration can be possible through web
technology. Several managerial processes are
involved for processes compatibility,
information channels and trust for ensuring a
high degree of standardization. It has become
possible to operate as a single virtual enterprise.
The tourism marketplaces are filled with a large
number of tourism service suppliers targeting it
reach a multiplicity of tourist markets. They
usually target the tourists directly and develop
positive messages about their products through
promotion channels. They finally work with
intermediary distribution channels to sell a range
of services tailored to the customers’ needs.
Analysis, Strategy and marketing mix are the key
tools in producing, promoting and distributing
tourism products at several geographical
locations to diverse customers. Inevitably, there
are many travel organizations involved in
commercialization of business strategies.
The concept of Business to Consumer (B2C)
explains that tourism service suppliers can use a
range of direct marketing channels such as
database and internet marketing to attract
customers directly by removing other complex
channels. The advantage is having a greater
control over the message sent and the type of
tourist attracted. The disadvantages include a
greater financial risk and it has high start-up
costs. It is however found that the trend of
business turnover of online travel companies
including the online segments of traditional
travel companies is not so encouraging as it is
seen from the outside.
In the B2B, the main focus is laid on the
suppliers to transact through intermediaries for
selling individual services or packaging them or
doing the marketing and booking. Tourism
suppliers benefit from outsourcing the cost and
risk of marketing. The advantages are
diversification of markets that can reduce risk,
increase a potentially secure level of business
and ensure the fixed commissions. All these can
make the travel companies to consolidate the
financial planning and management. However,
the challenges are less control over marketing
messages, markets and income streams.
Most often, tourism suppliers combine the (B2C)
and via distributors (B2B). In the latter case,
intermediaries are used to provide a baseline
level of business to ensure minimum occupancy
rates or load factors. It provides a contribution
towards fixed costs of capital repayment and
salaries. At same time, in the B2B or B2C
format, direct marketing is also preferred to stay
connected with the repeat visitors by relying on
particular market segments and for specific
promotions. Finally, travel companies can only
be successful in the online business with the
sound knowledge of management of funds and
the interest of intermediaries in the supply chain.
The crucial question is that online travel
companies have streamlines the supply chain
network and supplier of tourism companies have
almost resorted to the online transactions i.e.
B2B and B2C. Online format shall take longer
time to resolve the issues and challenges related
to supply chain and retailing of travel products.

Based on the above case study, answer the

a) What is online supply chain? And how it
is networked in case of tour operating
and travel agency business?
b) What are the advantages that online
travel companies accrue from this
mushrooming of online transaction of
c) Has B2B business become an acceptable
business format in tour operation and
travel agency business?
d) What Makemytrip.com has not been
making more profitability despite heavy
investment and robust supply chain?
e) In comparison of other online tour
operator, what is the condition of
Makemytrip.com in the Indian market?
2. Zero Commission and Diversification of Ap Responsibility 3.1
Revenue generation of Travel
Traditionally, travel agents used to depend
largely on the ticket sales for the bulk of share of
total revenue. With airlines selling tickets
directly to travellers through multiple e-ticketing
platforms, travel agents do not have any choice
and they are out from their dominant business
haven. This direct sales method is a global trend
resulting from the need for airlines to maximize
revenues or minimize loss while keeping costs
down. As such majority of airlines are facing the
challenge of breakeven and other issues leading
to the closure of the companies. For example,
Kingfisher airlines shut down the services
abruptly in 2011 due to the heavy losses.
International and domestic airlines used to offer
8 and 5 per cent commission on a ticket sold to
travel agents respectively. However, it was
gradually reduced to one percent and it is now
zero percent due to overheads cost. It is observed
that several airline sites even offer reduced costs
and extra incentives for customers ordering
tickets online.
Zero percent commission and ticket booking
through website is one of the 47
recommendations of Prof. Dholakia Committee
Report on the cost cutting in Air India. The
Ministry of Civil Aviation has accepted all these
recommendations. The Zero Commission policy
on ticket sales adopted by almost all airlines has
forced the travel agencies to switch over to the
new streams of revenue along with new services.
To reduce their reliance on airline commission
payments, travel agencies are resorting to the
following strategic options to sustain and survive
in the business.
➢ Streamlining operations and controlling staff
costs whilst ensuring the customer feels as little
impact as possible
➢ Expanding or moving into the leisure business
where commissions on non-air products remain
high (cruise & hotel)
➢ Specializing in geographic areas or becoming
niche players for specific leisure products (e.g.
destination weddings, student travel, group travel
& cruises only)
➢ Establishing a service fee driven business
Diversification is a form of growth strategy.
Growth strategies involve a significant increase
in performance objectives (usually sales or
market share) beyond past levels of performance.
Diversification strategies are used to expand
firms’ operations by adding markets, products,
services or stages of production to the existing
business. Many organizations pursue one or
more types of growth strategies.
➢ Coffee shops
➢ SMS marketing
➢ Foreign exchange:
➢ Courier service
➢ Film Ticket booking.
Travel agencies are now adopting the E-business
revenue models, Digital Content Revenue
Model, Advertising-Supported Revenue Model
and Fee-for-Transaction Revenue Model.

Based on the above case study, answer the

a) What triggered the airlines to stop paying
usual commissions when travel agents
still play dominant role in the airline
b) What are the diversified sources of
revenue for travel agents now?
c) What are the business strategies of travel
agents to overcome this zero-commission
d) Should Government intervene in this
e) How can travel agents survive in this
3. Thomas Cook Ap Tour 4.1
Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. is an Indian travel
agency, headquartered in Mumbai, India. It
offers a range of travel services including
Foreign Exchange, International and Domestic
Holidays, Visa, Passport, Travel Insurance and
MICE. Founded in 1881 by Thomas Cook, the
founder of the defunct British brand Thomas
Cook & Son, who established its first office in
India and eventually extended to over 233
locations, in 94 cities across India, Sri Lanka and
Mauritius. Thomas Cook India is a subsidiary of
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, through its
wholly owned subsidiary, Fairbridge Capital
(Mauritius) Limited, and its controlled affiliates
which holds 67.61%.

Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. pioneered many

ventures including the invention of the world's
package tour in 1841, the first pre-paid hotel
coupon in 1868, creation of the first holiday
brochure in 1858, and conceptualization of the
first Travellers Cheques in 1874.

In 1881, Thomas Cook started its India

operations in Bombay (later renamed Mumbai),
and in October 1978, saw it christened Thomas
Cook (India) Ltd. The company made its first
public issue in February 1983, and commenced
operations in Mauritius in 2000. In the same
year, they acquired the Sri Lanka business from
Thomas Cook Overseas Ltd, UK.

In 2006, Thomas Cook India Limited acquired

LKP Forex Limited and Travel Corporation
(India) Pvt Ltd. (TCI).

In May 2012, Fairbridge Capital (Mauritius)

Limited acquired Thomas Cook India, and
became a part of Fairfax Group, Canada.

In 2013, Thomas Cook India Limited acquired

Quess Corp (formerly known as Ikya Group -
HR, IT Services, Facilities Management, Food
Services, Skill Development), and Sterling
Holiday Resorts.
In 2015, Thomas Cook Lanka Pvt Ltd. (a
subsidiary of Thomas Cook India Limited)
acquired Luxe Asia Pvt Ltd., Sri Lanka, a
regional Destination Management Company
handling inbound tourists from globally
generating markets to its destinations. In the
same year, TCIL announced the acquisition of
Kuoni Travel (India) Private Limited, a travel
operator in India, and Kuoni Travel (China)
Limited, a travel operator in Hong Kong.

In September 2017, Thomas cook acquired Tata

Capital's forex and travel business. In the
aftermath of the collapse of Thomas Cook in the
UK, the Indian namesake was considering
rebranding itself to avoid the negative perception
caused by the collapse of the UK travel

In 2019, The collapse of Thomas Cook India's

former parent Thomas Cook Group causes
major confusion to Indian customers, who were
assumed that Thomas Cook India had also
entered liquidation proceedings (by the United
Kingdom Government)

Thomas Cook Group plc was a British global

travel group. It was formed on 19 June 2007 by
the merger of Thomas Cook AG (itself the
successor to Thomas Cook & Son) and
MyTravel Group.[9] The group operated in two
separate segments: a tour operator and an airline.
It also operated travel agencies in Europe. On 23
September 2019 Thomas Cook Group and all
UK entities went into compulsory liquidation.

Thomas Cook was listed on both the London

Stock Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock
Exchange. The Thomas Cook Group ceased
trading on 23 September 2019. Approximately
21,000 worldwide employees were left without
jobs (including 9,000 UK staff) and 600,000
customers (150,000 from the UK) were left
abroad, triggering the UK's largest peacetime

After the collapse, segments of the company

were purchased by others, including the travel
stores in the UK, Thomas Cook Scandinavia, the
Thomas Cook name and logo, the hotel brands
and the tour operators.

On 26 December 2019, it was announced that

Thomas Cook Balearics had closed down after
becoming insolvent.

Based on the above case study, answer the

a) Write about brief history of Thomas cook
b) Summarize the whole case study in your
c) What was the reason for compulsory
d) What is the learning for new tour
operator from this case study?
e) Can Thomas cook group recover from
this crisis? If yes, how?

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