Soil Mechanics II
Soil Mechanics II
Soil Mechanics II
7. a) What should be the depth of exploration for a Four storyed 1. a) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of direct shear and
residential building for a column grid of 5 m × 5 m. Assumed triaxial tests. Draw typical failure envelope of a compacted
data not supplied. clay. Indicate whether there will be any change in slope of
the failure envelope after it is saturated using back pressure
b) Discuss standard penetration test. What are the various
in the triaxial cell. 5+2+3=10
corrections needed in S.P.T. What is the importance of the
b) Shear strength parameters of a particular soil sample are as
S.P.T. in geotechnical engineering.
given below :
8. a) Discuss how would you find out degree of compaction at
C − 35kPa, ϕ = 22o
field. On what factor degree of compaction depends on ?
What would be the magnitude of deviator stress if a triaxial
b) How would you decide the depth of exploration. 10+6=16 test is conducted on the same soil at a cell pressure of
200kPa ? Also indicate the orientation of the failure plane for
the soil sample. 5+3=8
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