Unit 3 Flood: Learning Outcome
Unit 3 Flood: Learning Outcome
Unit 3 Flood: Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome
Nature of Floods
Causes and Impacts
Forecasting, Warning and Monitoring
Preparedness and Response
Past FloodDisasters
Lessoris Learnt from Past Disasters
Key Concepts
References and Further Reading
Roods are one of the most dramatic interactions between man and environment emphasising both
the sheer force of nat~~ral
events and man's (as yet) inadequate efforts to harness them or even to
control them. Floods are always newsworthy whether it is a locality or a town isolated by swirling
waters or a major disaster attracting attention of the whole world as in Bangladesh in 1974 or the
Mississippi in USA in 1993,orMumbai in 2005.
Although man has been responding to floods since times immemorial and learning in the process;
much more is still to be understood by hydrologists, engineers, farmers, town planners, policy-
makers, and above all by the general public for whom floods are often an unexpected, inexplicable
and always a t r a u d c experience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the phenomenon of
flood and learn more about it.
36 Understanding Natctral Disasters
In this Unit, we will discuss the nature, causes and impacts offloods. In addition, we will highlight
the geographical distributioli of flood prone areas in India. In the context of disaster management,
we will explain the structural and non-structural methods, preparedness, response,and experiences
of past flood disaster management. Lastly, we will bring out the lessons learnt on the basis of past
experiences in the subsequent sections.
e Floods occur when large volume of water from heavy rainfall, riverspill, snowrnelts, storm
surge or beach is not able to drain off quickly through normal processes of run-off and
absorption in the ground.
e Flood envisages in -flow and out-flow of water and imbalance between them.
e ~ n or tsu~naniresults in saline flood,
S t o ~ surge
Inadequate drainage creates/aggravates flood.
Waterlogging creates flooding.
l'ypes of Floods
Water and gro~lid,being the basic factors in floods, decide the types of floods. Consequent upon
variation in the nature of these two factors, floods may be classified as follows depending upon the
source of water and the ground location.
e Precipitation Floods
i) Rainfall Hoods
- Heavy rainfall floods
- Single event floods
- Multiple event floods
Flash Floods
- Single event (cloud burst)
- Multiple event (temporary blocking)
Seasonal floods
ii) Precipitation other than Rainfall Floods
- Snowmelt
- Icemelt
i) EstuarineHoods
ii) Coastal Floods
Uizderstarzding Nutura l Disasters
The geographical location of India renders her to be one of themost disaster prone countries in the
world. It has been assessed that 25 out of the 35 states and Union Territories are flood-prone.
These are (in alphabetical order): AndhraPradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhatisgarh,
Delhi, G ~ ~ j a r aHaryana,
t, Himachal Pradesh, J & K, M.P., Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Pondichen-y, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttaranchal,
U.P., and West Bellgal. The most affected states are, Assam, Bihar, Orissa, U.P. and West
Bengal. Although the heavy rains resulting from monsoon arid cyclones and the storm surge
associated with cyclones also led to floods, the occurrence of floods in India is mainly associated
with the river systems of the country. The-basin of the Himalayan rivers, covesing a part of Punjab,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, is subject
to inundation, erosion and inadequate drainage, steep gradients of the rivers and the change in the
course of rivers. Brahmaputra basin is also subject to the earthquakes and landslides which
obstruct the free flow of water. Floods are an annual featuse in theBrahamputra basin andcauJe
heavy damages by inundation and erosion. Ass& valley is considered is to be one of thew
flood affected areas of the county in which t1oods.occur mostly due to heavy rainsduring the ra~ny
season and silting of tributaries like Dihang and Lohit. The North-Western river basin, covering
the states of Jammu and Kashmir, parts of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan, has the river
system of Jhelum, Satluj, Beas, Ravi and Chenab. In Kash~nirvalley, the Jhelum is unable to carry
the river discharge. In Punjab and Haryana plain, the problem is mainly due to lack of adequate
The Central Indian and the peninsular river basins, covering the states of MadhyaPradesh, Orissa,
AttdhraPradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat, contain the Tapi, Narlnada and Chambal rivers. In
their basins, at tiines the rainfall in excess, causes floods in some of the rivers. However, such
floods do not occur every year and when they do occul; they are not of long duration. As against,
this, heavy floods occur in the Godavari,Krishna and Ca~~very rivess at long i~ltervalsand the flood
problem is said to be generally not serious. But when they do occur, they often exceed those in
other rivers and regions and cause heavy losses of crops by inundating the deltas. In Andhra
Pradesh, the Kolleru lake submerges vast areas along its fringes and cyclonic storms bring heavy
flooding in the coastal areas. The tsunami disaster of December 2004 has added a new dimension
to coastal flooding.
The causal factors of flood have been discussed by Ward in terms of primary and secondary
factors; the forrner result from external climatological forces, whereas the latter are the flood
intensifying factors which tend to be more drainage and basin specific. The climatological factors,
particularly excessive rainfall, act as the most important cause of floods. Excess over the anticipated
seasonal rain over wide spatial tracts us~lallygives rise to the annual monsoonal floods and heavy
rains from sudden storms give rise to flash floods over small areas. Prolonged rainfall in Iocalised
small drainage basins often results into heavy flooding. Flood intensifying factors sefer to those
variables that accelerate the drainage basin response to a particular rainfall input.
Human causes of flooding basically refer to the encroachment of the flood plains. Floods remain
a non-event as long as the floodplains are leftuntouched by human activities. But the increasing
pressure of population and the resultant shortage of land for human activities necessitate the
occupation of flood plains. This interference with the intrinsic domain of the river-system leads to
Thus, we find that floods are mainly caused due to heavy water inflow and inadequate capacity
within the banks of a river to contain high flows. River bank erosion and silting of river beds
aggravate the floods. Obstruction offlow, change in the river course, synchronisation of floods in
the lnain and tributary rivers, retardation of flow due to tidal and backwater effects and poor
natural drainage are the other aggravatingfactors.
Storm surge brought in by cyclones and tsunami are the cause of coastal floods. These floods are
not only highly destructive but are very corrosive because of the high salinity of sea water.
Worldwide statistics indicate that even if we consider only the three basic indicators of the adverse
impacts of a disaster viz,significant damage, persons affected and number of deaths, floods are by
far the most destructive of all natural disasters. The position in India is sirnilac This highly destructive
characteristic of floods arises from the facts that they cover large areas and are recurrent in nature.
The situation is compounded by human encroachment on what was river's space viz. flood plains.
The enormous investments made in the flood plains in the forms of physical constructio~~s and
resultant concentration of human activities in such areas have turned floods into a serious natural
hazard. In such circumstances, whenever the river is in spate, colossal loss of lives and properties
is experienced. &
Whenever the flood disaster strikes, it heralds strings of typical adverse effects in the day to day
life of the people. One such impact relates to the physical damages in the form of washing away of
structures. Moreover, the inundation of the landscape makes the building and other physical
structures untenable for long and ultimately leads to their collapse. The floating debris after the
collapse of the physical structures further causes damages to lives and properties. In ~nountainous
and hilly terrain, the sahlrated soils often result into landslides creating more hardships to the people.
Threat of epidemics and menace to public health are the other prominent adverse effects of the
flooding: The intermixing of the toxic andunhygienicsubstances in the life cycle of the people leads
to the outbreakof endemic diseases like malaria,diarrhea, laptospirosis and viral infections. Amongst
the bare minimum necessities of the people, the most affected utility is the water supply. The
carriage of poisonous substances by the flood water contaminates the wells and other sources of
drinking water. In urbanised areas, the collapse of the water supply system and contamination of
the ground water make the supply of clean drinking water to the people a daunting task. Finally,
the adverse impact of flooding is also found in terms of losses to harvests and the washing away of
food stocks. It also results in loss of animals, farm tools and the ancillary stocks of the peasants.
40 Understanding Natuml Disasters
Thus, floodsthreaten health and economic security of the affected co~nmunity.Aglicultural, industrial
and commercial activities are obstructed temporarily or for long duration depending on the severity
and duration of flood. Resulting unemployment leads to migration and socio-economic tensions.
Wealth creation activities whichlead to prosperity of the connmunity s~lfferserious setback as does
the developmental activity. Personal injuries are rare in case of floods except for bites from
reptiles and other insects. Some of these could resull in deaths either due to poisonous sting or
shock or both. Most of the deaths in floods are due to drowning. Needless to say, the economically
and socially disadvantaged sections of the community (the poor, sick, handicapped, old, children
and women) suffer the most. There are large number of casualties among pets, domestic animals
and wildlife due to drowning or killing by predators.
.Wecan sumtnarise the serious consequences of floods as follows:
e Floods are the most frequent and most widespread of a11 the natural disasters.
e They result in death, destruction, degradation, disease and displacement.
e Whether a flood is of sudden onset type or develops slowly, it takes long to subside and
leaves behind prolonged ill-effects.
o Economically and socially disadvantaged sections of the community suffer the most.
e Recurrent natuseof floods aggravates the disaster.
e The natural hazard of flood turns into along persisting socio-economic disaster.
Apart from these socio-economic impacts on the affected community, floods also act as agents of
significant geomorphological changes in stream channels, flood plains and coastal areas. In the
wake of floods, land forms are known to-changeas a resul t of the combinedprocesses of erosion,
transportation and sedimentation which involve removal of material from one part of drainage
basin and its deposition in another.
As already etnphasised, preparedness is the most crucial element of disaster management. Its
objective is to ensure that in times of disaster, the vulnerablecommunity is prepared and there are
other appropriatesystems to assist those affectedby the disaster and enable them to help themselves.
The aim of disaster preparedness is to rninimise the adverse effects of a hazard through effective
precautionary actions and ensure timely, appropriate and efficient organisation and delivery of
emergency response following the impact of a disaster.
It has also been explainedearlier that floods damage human settlements, necessitate evacuation to
safer area$,damage crops, disruptfarming, wash away infrastructu~~, interrupt industrial production,
create unemployment and lead to malnutrition and disease. Therefore, disaster preparedness in
the context of floods ought to deal with all these aspects so as to prepare the community and
government to face these problems effectively in the event of occurrence of floods. The primary .
responsibility of ensuring disaster preparedness, including that for floods, rests with the State and ,
District Administration. They prepare comprehensiveplans for disaster preparedness on the basis
of risk analysis and vulnerability assessment.
Once the disaster prepared plans are in place, the administration and the community at large are in
position to respond to the onset of a disaster. These actions commence with the receipt of a
42 Understanding Natural Disasters
forecast or warning of the impending disaster and include the implementation of the disaster
preparedness plans and procedures thus overlapping with disaster preparedness. The disaster
response continues through the life cycle of the disaster (flood in this case) and upto the completion
of the rescue, relief and rehabilitation programmes.
The response consists of anumber of activities and each activity is formally or informally governed
by a set of policies and procedures and each activity is typically under,the auspices of a nodal
agency. The major disaster response'activities include warning, evacuation/rnigration,search and
rescue, relief, camp management, health, hygiene, post-disaster assessment, survivor response
and coping, security, emergency operations, reconstruction, rehabilitation and resettlement.
As in case of other disasters so in case of floods as well, the people in the community are the first
responders. It is the effectiveness of their response which proves most important in saving precious
I ives and moveable property. They need to exhibit swift reaction with discipline and cooperation
according to their preparedness plan. It is in this context that mock drills are essential and effective
component of the preparedness level of any community vulnerable to floods or any other natural
Various approaches are available to deal with floods and to mitigate their adverse impacts. As
each situation is different, different approaches or their combination is adopted. Basically, these
approaches fall under the following three categories:
0 Modify the floods i.e., do not allow water to accumulate. In other words, keep flood water
away from people.
0 Modify the susceptibility of the people to flood damages i.e., keep the people away from
flood water.
0 Modify the loss burden inflicted by floods on the people.
Modificationof floods would involve measuressuch as weather modification(if possible), catchment
and 1and use modification, physical control works such as reservoirsand embankments. Modification
of the susceptibility of the people would involve flood forecasting, warning, flood proofing, and
flood plain management. Modifying the loss burden is possible through evacuation, pumping out
water, avoidance of epidemics, flood insurance and compensation.
Thus, modification of the hazard is possible through structural and non-structural measures.
Stmctural measures such as construction of storage reservoirs, specially with provision of flood
reserve, are highly costly and also involve problems of clashing priorities. Embankments are also
not unmixed blessings. That is why, greater emphasis is on non-stmctural measures, which offer
great scope for mitigation and seem to be more acceptable. Among these, adoption of flood plain
zoning and regirlation mechanism is an effectivemeasure. It aims at dissemination of infonnation
on the locations, extent of area and the likely intensity and frequency of flooding at different
probabilities, to regulate indiscriminateand unplanned development of floodplains to reduce loss.
The tlood plain management covers land use regulation,statutes, zoning ordinance, and government
puschase of property and relocation. Report (1980) of the National Flood Commission
recornrnended that the flood plain management measures should be undertaken wherever the
necessary legislation existed and suitable legislation enacted in other States. The Central Water
Cornmission circulated the guidelines on flood plain zoning, which highlighted that necessity of
demarcation of areas liable to floods on large scale maps; demarcation of areas likely to be inundated
for different flood frequencies; and delineation of the type of use to which the different zones as
Flood 43
demarcated in flood plains could be put to. The National Water Policy adopted in 1987 also
recommended and emphasised on non-st~ucturalmeasures like flood plain zoning for minimisation
of losses and to reduce the recurring expenditure on flood relief.
A major mitigation measure that has been widely debated in recent years and has been under
consideration at very high levels of the Central Government relates to the proposal for linkings of
rivers. Apart from flood control, this scheme is said to be beneficial for droughtproofing, adequate
irrigation and generation of hydroelectric power. However it would involve enormous financial
investment apart from engineering skills of a very high order on a large scale. Apart from inter-
state claims and disputes, the scheme could be questioned on ecological, environmental and
humanitarian grounds as all the ongoing river projects (Sardar Sarovar, Tehri) have faced protests
from activist groups. There will also be an international aspect because many rivers of north and
northeast India are inter-country rivers. But there is no doubt that the scheme of linking rivers has
a high potential for flood ~nitigation.A few initiatives seem to be taking shape at inter-state levels
on smaller scales. The agreement between U.P. and M.P. to link the Ken and Betwa rivers is a
welcoine effotr in this direction.
This unit has discussed in detail the nature of floods including the types of floods, the basic factors
involved in floods and flooding. The geographical distrib~~tion of flood prone areas in India has
been described. The causes and impacts of flood have been explained in detail. The forecasting,
warning and monitoring system existing in India has been described. The preparedness, response
and mitigation systems are explained in their conceptr~alframework and relating to the Indian
scene. Giving the bi~ckgrousdof the concept of severity of flood, two cases of flood disastersof
the recent past have been described briefly. Lastly, the unit discusses the lessons learnt.
Flood 45
Catchment The area from which a river or a lake receives water flow.
Estuarine Flood Flood in the estuary of a river due to backflow from sea.
Flood Plain The area of land encroached by the floodwater.
Non-Structural Measures The non-engineering measures of flood management Iike
flood-pl ai n management, Flood proofing, flood disaster
preparedness,flood forecasting, warning and monitoring,
flood insurance etc.
Precipitation Rainfall or Snowfall.
Preparedness All measures taken to protect people and their property from
disasters and ~ s utant
l damages.
Response Sum total of the activitiesundertaken by the people and the
institutions in the fdce of adisaster.
Str~lcturaIMeasures Engineering measures sucll as reservoirs and embankments.