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portrayed as a moral force that rewards those that listen to his will and condemn those who don’t;floods earth to kill ppl coz dey r disobedient;divides
ppl into diff language grp so tht dey can't communicate with each other;patriarchy;men had more rites than women;women responsible for nursing n
child care;ME-Diaspora-jews sent to various diff lands ruled by oder ppl;Babylonian destroyed templein Jerusalem(586);later wen allowed to return
some of them stayed where dey were;reconstructed religion-replaced sacrificail service with meditation n heredity preisthood with teachers n
rabbis;tanakh-referred as old testament in christianity;torah-god creating world n his interaction wid abraham; CHRISTIANITY-Tried to take all that
jud. had ;monotheist;jesus-son of god;unlike oder religions got spread after death of Jesus;Christian calendar-christmas,ester(day of
ressurection);earlychurch-1st tried to spread msg in jewish comm only but later moved outside tht;was rejected in rome but later accepted;ME-
church divides east n west;Byzantine refused 2 accept roman bishop as pope; both hv same faith . scripture but differ in church org n east
highest clergy cant marry unlike in rome.
MESOPOTAMIA-river valley;unlike egypt 2 rivers-tigris n euphrates;city states(no unified kingdom-diff egypt);geo. vulnerable to city states;invaded
mainly by akkadians n babylonians;anthropomorphic polytheism;two wheeled war chariot;akkadians standardised measuremnt on length n
weight;cuneiform writings;agricultural state;darius renewed irrigation system;satrapies-small admin units under darius(each has its own
law);Persians conquered meso(1300 BCE);Cyrus II-generous;respected opponent's dignity;CambysesII-big failure;tries overextending his
empire;DariusI-most powerful;built imperial system of roads;Zoroastrionism spread under Darius;Gilgamesh n Hammurabi;ME- Hammurabi.
GREECE- surrounded by mountains rivers n seas;indepen. city-states united by greek lang;city-states moving towards democracy;assembly elected
by common ppl passed laws n judged criminal n civil cases;agricultural state;demes-political identity based on geo not on heredity etc;iron age agri
developing;trading state-ships found in indian ocean n british isles;ME-war wid Persia;advnt greece-close 2 home;gud knwldg of geo;dftd persia bcoz
more disciplined;persia again atckd greece by sea but lost;continued fiting byland but lost;city states had own local gods;women lesser rites;cud not
attend assembply meetings,initiate legal cases,own prop;women born to 2 athenian parents were citizens;Plato,antigone;plato recognised prejudice
against wome;said women shud b treated = men;
ROME-republic empire;power in a body of citizens elected by dem; P.S. consisted of senate which elected megistrates for admin;at each level 2
officers elected 2 keep check on each oder;rome possesed navy; ME-punic wars-rome fought wid carthage;was a series of 3 wars;1st-rome
victorious;2nd-haanibal tries to retaliate but failed;3rd50 yrs later rome atkd carth. n razed it 2 grnd;gave rise 2 new wisdom;use military to supress
any1;initially free men of rome were citizens later extended to rest of men from italy who remained loyal;patron-client realtionship;father had full
rites over child;women subordiante to men;roman armies captured slaves as they needed labor for farming n mining;eco rested mainly on agri.;vast
arable land;used iron tools specially iron ploughs;did a lot of construction, buitl buildings,roads etc;trading state-imported textiles,spices etc;payment
thru precious metals;higher taxes-corrupt govt;emperors were god;opposed christianity n judaism;christianity brought downfall of the empire;law
exists in form of 'law of 12 tables';
EGYPT- river valley;nile;called gift of nile;surrounded by desert;agricultural state;diverse country;hieroglyphs-characters based on use of pictograms
n ideograms;kings cld pharaohs;no independent city-states-but self -sufficient comm persisted under national monarchies with indpndnt eco;but
always united as a kingdom;sum villages strtd providing admin,business n transportation services-expanded n formed cities;slightly animism
religion;a whole pantheon of gods were worshipped;Horus-patron god; the old kingdom disintigrated;2 seperated centres of power-thebes n
herakleopolis;ultimately thebes won n reunited the kingdom;however mdl kingdom disintegrated due to invasions by hyksos;later a new kingdom
wud again come into existence;ME-akhenaten;introduced new monotheistic religion;worshipped sun god;declared himself as mediator b/w ppl n
god;shifted capital to city cld akhataten;
CHINA-At first consisted of no. of villages;always ruled by dynasties;state formation began under xia dynasty;followed by shang;excelled in
bronze;horse drawn chariots used;followed by zhou;expanded significantly led to decentralised admin cozing instability;qin ruled over china after
zhou;built canals n river transport systems;favored legalism;qin favored by han;legalism still influenced admin but confucianism influenced
court;admin- ppl were chosen on basis of der ability to work;empire divided into commanderies;each commandry has 3 officials(system of check n
balance-similar rome);qin standardised written form of chinese;under han empire expanded;tributary system;chinese strength-crossbow;block
printing invented here;iron industry expanded;nationalised pvt industries for profit;traded horse n silk;allowed barbarians to settle inside the gr8 wall
n intermarry(similar to rome);buddhism got spread;agricultural state;less arable land;grew rice;low taxation-moral govt;ME-change in dynasty;
ISLAM- emerged in arabian peninsula; muhammad is the prophet of islamic ppl;he is considered to b sum1 to whom god revealed his msgs;tried
spreading islam in medina;after establishing authority in medina tried spreading islam in mecca;fought wars wid mecca n ultimately mecca
surrendered to medina;ME -Hijra-was rejected by ppl of mecca coz his teachings were too demanding also jews n christians rejected him;so had to
move to medina as medina had many jews;der he found many inhabitants who converted to islam;after death of prophet caliphs were elected to
preserve umma n its political org; civil war-division of shia n sunni;shia-supporter of ali;sunni-preferred caliph 2 b 1 of der own;islam got spread thru
india,southeast asia n sub-saharan africa;shri'a-der law system;has 4 law systems any 1 can can b followed;trade-arabs adopted hindi numeral n
decimal system;muslims learnt papermaking from chinese;arabs also brought wheat n rice from india;taj mahal; similar to judaism n christianity-
monotheistic,rich shud help poor;quran-direct word of god,as long as new testament;5 pillars