Pseudo Curly Top of Tomato - 59a73fa81723dd08400c4e3f
Pseudo Curly Top of Tomato - 59a73fa81723dd08400c4e3f
Pseudo Curly Top of Tomato - 59a73fa81723dd08400c4e3f
Figure 1. Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) inoculated with Figure 2. Solanum nigrum (nightshade) is a common weed
pseudo-curly top virus, showing cupping (arrow) and chlorosis host that can be a reservoir for both the pseudo-curly top virus
of leaves. and the treehopper vector. Note both downward and upward
leaf curling (arrows) and leaf chlorosis on this greenhouse
inoculated plant.
Figure 3. Nymph of Micrutalis malleifera (treehopper), Figure 4. Adult of M. malleifera, adults are abundant during
nymphs tend to be gregarious and often form colonies near the
the warmer months on weed hosts but populations remain low
apex of host plants (5).
from October through April (5).
1Professor, Ft. Lauderdale Research & Education Center, IFAS, Univ. of Florida, 3205 College Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314.
2Plant Pathologist, FDACS, Division of Plant Industry, P. O. Box 1269, Gainesville, FL 32602.
SYMPTOMS AND HOST RANGE: Symptoms include chlorosis of the leaf edge, vein clearing, leaf curling and
cupping as well as apical shoot proliferation (Fig. 1). Infected plants are often stunted and rarely set fruits. Symptoms
on nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.), a common weed include vein clearing and chlorosis followed by downward and
upward leaf curlings (Fig. 2). The host range of PCTV is rather limited. It includes tomato, nightshade, jimsonweed
(Datura stramonium L.), tobacco (Nicotiana glutinosa L.), chickweed (Stellaria medea L.), eggplant (Solanum
melongena L.), lettuce (Lactuca saliva L.) and ragweed (Ambrosia s p . ) (3,4,5).
DISEASE DEVELOPMENT: The virus is transmitted by a treehopper, Micrutalis malleifera Fowler (Homoptera:
Membracidae) in a semipersistent manner (6,8). Both nymphs (Fig. 3), which retain virus transmissibility after molts,
and adults (Fig. 4) vector PCTV. Nightshade is considered an effective reservoir host plant because of its virus
susceptibility, preference by treehoppers, and widespread occurrence near tomato fields (8). PCTV is not transmitted
mechanically or through seed, so introduction into the field is usually by the trechopper vector. Disease incidence is
greatest in late summer and early fall plantings of tomato when the vectors are most likely to move from the weed
reservoir hosts (6).
CAUSAL AGENT AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES: This virus is provisionally placed in the geminivirus
group. Virus particles contain DNA, are isometric and occur in pairs when observed by the transmission electron
microscope in partially purified virus preparations (3). PCTV is also serologically related to the beet curly top
geminivirus as determined by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), (3). Nuclear inclusions and ring-
shaped fibrillar bodies present in infected tissue also support a geminivirus etiology (1). For diagnosis, the type of
inclusions only indicates that a geminivirus is present and cannot distinguish PCTV specifically. PCTV can be
confirmed by double antibody sandwich ELISA and/or transmission by its specific treehopper vector (3).
SURVEY AND DETECTION: Look for plants that have a bushy appearance with vein clearing and general leaf
yellowing. Severe leaf cupping is often present and stems may be brittle. Look for treehopper nymphs in colonies near
the apex of host plants. Adults can be found feeding on the stems and petioles.
CONTROL: Traditional methods of virus disease control such as vector control, prompt removal of infected plants,
eliminating weed hosts near plantings, altering planting dates and breeding for resistance are recommended.
1. Christie, R. G., Ko, N. J., Falk, B. W., Hiebert, E., Lastra, R., Bird, J., and Kim, K. S. 1986. Light microscopy of
geminivirus-induced nuclear inclusion bodies. Phytopathology 76:124-126.
2. Giddings, N. J., Bennett, C. W., and Harrison, A. L. 1951. A tomato disease resembling curly top. Phytopathology
3. McDaniel, L. L., and Tsai, J. H. 1990. Partial characterization and serological analysis of pseudo-curly top virus.
Plant Dis. 74:17-21.
4. Simons, J. N. 1962a. The pseudo-curly top disease in south Florida. J. Econ. Entomol. 55:358-363.
5. Simons, J. N. 1962b. Life-history and behavioral studies on Micrutalis malleifera, a vector of pseudo-curly top virus.
J. Econ. Entomol. 55:363-365.
6. Simons, J. N., and Coe, D. M. 1958. Transmission of pseudo-curly top virus in Florida by a treehopper. Virology
7. Stoner, W. N., and Hogan, W. D. 1950. Viruses affecting vegetable crops in the Everglades area. P. 202 in: Fla.
Agric. Exp. Stn. Annu. Rep.
8. Tsai, J. H. 1989. Biology and ecology of treehopper transmission of a geminivirus. VI Int'I. Conf. Comp. and Appl.
Virol. Oct. 15-21, Banff, Alberta. Symposium Abstract W7-3.
9. Zitter, T. A., and Tsai, J. H. 1981. Viruses infecting tomato in southern Florida. Plant Dis. 65:787-791.