Haggadah CV Verison
Haggadah CV Verison
Haggadah CV Verison
Coronavirus Edition
We read responsively: Leader: We have come together this evening to remember the story of
liberation of the ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt - a great
struggle for freedom and dignity. We are here because the
Long ago at this season, our people set out on a journey.
struggle for freedom and dignity never ends. We are here to
On such a night as this, Israel went from degradation to joy. remember all people - Jews and non-Jews - who are still
struggling for their freedom
We give thanks for the liberation of days gone by.
Leader: The Passover seder is one of the most important celebrations of
And we pray for all who are still bound.
the Jewish calendar. It provides a setting of love and unity in
Eternal God, may all who hunger come to rejoice in a new Passover. which all people can re-dedicate themselves to the ideal of
Let all the human family sit at Your table, drink the wine of deliverance,
eat the bread of freedom:
שׁר ָבַּחר ָבּנוּ ִמָכּל ָעם ֶ ֲא,ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יי ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם Begin here if Pesach begins on a Friday evening. Note, we do not drink until after the
שׁנוּ ְבִּמְצוָֹתיו ַוִתֶּתּן ָלנוּ יי ָ ְורוְֹמָמנוּ ִמָכּל ָלשׁוֹן ְוִקְדּ Shehechiyanu blessing on page 8.
Praised are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who separates holy .ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יי ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם בּוֵֹרא ְפִּרי ַהָגֶפן
from not holy, light from darkness, Israel from the nations, and Shabbat from
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p'ri hagafen.
six days of creation. We praise you, Adonai, who separates the holiness of
Shabbat from the holiness of the festivals.
Praised are you, Adonai, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has
created the fruit of the vine.
Kiddush Kiddush
Praised are You Adonai our God Lord of the universe who created the lights
of fire. Praised are you, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who separates
holy from not holy, light from darkness, Israel from the nations, and Shabbat
from six days of creation. We praise you, Adonai, who separates the holiness
of Shabbat from the holiness of the festivals.
Karpas Urchatz
Leader: Why do we dip our food in salt water on this night? Leader: According to an ancient practice recorded in the Talmud, the
hands are to be washed before they are to be used to dip food
Participant: It became customary in Jerusalem during the first and into liquid. We wash our hands now in preparation for that
second centuries to begin a meal with an appetizer. We ceremony.
begin our Seder with an appetizer of Karpas, which we dip
in salty water to remind ourselves of the tears we cried when Wash hands without reciting the blessing.
we were slaves in Egypt.
Leader: Let us now dip our greens into the salt water and say the
blessing together.
Dip the green vegetable into salt water, and recite the following blessing:
Blessed are You, Lord, our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of
the earth.
Yachatz Yachatz
Raise the tray with the matzot and say: Leader: We are free, but we remember those who were slaves. We are
whole, but we bring to mind those who are broken. The middle
ָכּל.ָהא ַלְחָמא ַענְיָא ִדי ֲאָכלוּ אְַבָהָתנָא ְבּאְַרָעא ְדִמְצָריִם matzah is broken. It is the larger part (the afikoman) which is
hidden because the future will be greater than the past, and
ִדְכִפין יֵיֵתי ְויֵיכ ֹל, ,שָׁתּא ָהָכאַ ָה.ָכּל ִדְצִריְך יֵיֵתי ְויְִפַסח tomorrow’s Passover will be greater than yesterday’s exodus. It is
שׁנָהָ ְל,שָׁתּא ַעְבֵדי
ַ ָה.שָׂרֵאלְ ִשׁנָה ַהָבּאָה ְבּאְַרָעא ְדי ָ ְל in silence, without blessing, that we break and hide the matzah
and long for its recovery and our redemption.
.ַהָבּאָה ְבּנֵי חוִֹרין
Take the middle matzah and break it into two, one piece larger than the other.
Ha lachma anya dee achalu avhatana b'ara d'meetzrayeem. Kol deechfeen yeitei The larger piece is set aside to serve as Afikoman. This is traditionally hidden by the
v'yeichol, kol deetzreech yeitei v'yeefsach. Hashata hacha, l'shanah haba-ah b'ara d'yisra- leader of the Seder for the children to “steal” or “find” and must be redeemed before the
el. Hashata avdei, l'shanah haba-ah b'nei choreen. Seder can be concluded.
Participant: This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the The smaller piece is put back, between the two matzot. This smaller piece, along with the
land of Egypt. All who are hungry – let them come and eat. top matzah is what will be used for the “Motzi-Matzah” and “Korech”
All who are needy – let them come and celebrate the
Passover with us. Now we are slaves – next year may we be
Participant: The Simple One asks, “What is this?” You shall tell him of the
deliverance from the house of bondage.
The One Who Does Not Know How To Question, for her you
must open the way.
Maggid Maggid
Participant: Pharaoh was so grateful that when Joseph’s brothers came in Participant: It is unusual for a people to tell its history by tracing its origins
search of food, he invited them to settle in the area with their to slavery and degradation, but the Talmud says that when we
families. Jacob’s household multiplied greatly and Israelites tell the story of Pesach, we should begin with despair and end
became numerous. with joy. The Haggadah does this in two ways. First we begin
by telling how our people were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and
Participant: As time passed, another Pharaoh became ruler of Egypt. He did were brought to freedom. Secondly, we relate that our
not remember what Joseph had done and he feared that the ancestors were idol worshipers and now we worship only God.
Israelites were becoming too numerous and too powerful. He
feared that if there were a war, they might side with the enemy. Participant: Abraham, the first Jew, came from a family of idol worshipers.
He enslaved the Israelites and made them work in the fields, He rebelled against this practice and became a believer in the
gathering straw and making bricks. They used the bricks to build One God. He uprooted his family and moved to Canaan.
cities and great pyramids. There, he married Sarah and they had a son, Isaac.
Participant: Pharaoh also decreed that all male children born to the Israelites Participant: God promised Abraham and Sarah that we their descendants
were to be drowned. However, one Hebrew baby was hidden in would become a great people and that they would be as
the reeds of the river and saved by Pharaoh’s daughter. She numerous as the stars in the sky. But, he also warned them
named the baby Moses, which means, “drawn from the water.’ that their descendants would be strangers in a strange land for
400 year.
Participant: Moses grew into adulthood in Pharaoh’s palace until the day
when he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave and, unable Participant: This prophecy came true. Joseph, the son of Jacob, and great-
to control his anger, killed the Egyptian. Moses fled to Midian grandson of Abraham, came to live in Egypt after being sold by
and became a shepherd. his jealous brothers to a caravan of merchants. Because of his
ability to interpret dreams, he rose to power as an advisor to
Participant: One day, while tending sheep, God spoke to Moses from a Pharaoh. Joseph told him that there would be seven years of
burning bush and told him to return to Egypt to bring the plenty and seven years of famine. Joseph told Pharaoh to build
message of freedom to the Israelites and to warn Pharaoh of the storehouses and fill them with grain to keep for the lean years.
plagues that would befall the Egyptians if he did not let the When the famine years struck, the people of Egypt still had
slaves go free. enough food to eat.
Participant: It’s disturbing that one can still be a stranger in a land after
residing there for over 200 years, as was the case for the Go Down Moses
Israelites in Egypt. Yet, that is an ongoing theme in Jewish
history; beginning with the exile from Eden, the wandering
When Israel was in Egypt land,
in the desert, the exile to Babylon, the Diaspora, the exile
Let my people go!
from Spain, and the exile from Germany.
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Participant: The freedom we celebrate tonight is not only freedom from Let my people go!
slavery. It is also the freedom to live in peace, with dignity,
and hope for a bright future. This constant vision has Go down, Moses
inspired the Jewish people since the ancient times recorded Way down in Egypt Land.
in the Bible. Tell ol’ Pharaoh.
Let my people go!
Participant: For many centuries most Jews lived in Europe, where they
were often persecuted. They were driven from place to place The lord told Moses what to do,
and they lives were often filled with terror and despair.
Let my people go!
To lead the children of Israel through,
Participant: There came a time when many Jews heard of a place called
America, where they could live without fear. This was the
Let my people go!
promise that America held out to them and to many other
suffering peoples. Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt Land.
Participant: By the thousands, and then by the millions, year after year, Tell ol’ Pharaoh.
they came, enduring the dangers of that long voyage before Let my people go!
reaching the shores of America. Even then, for a time, they
suffered poverty and discrimination, but because of their
perseverance, courage, and skills, we are here tonight
celebrating the festival of freedom in a free land.
The Ten Plagues The Ten Plagues
Participant: A full cup of wine symbolizes complete happiness. The
triumph of Passover is diminished by the sacrifice of many
human lives when the plagues were visited upon the people
of Egypt. The plagues that befell the Egyptians caused the
Participant: Just as we could not take joy in the suffering of others in greatest suffering to those who had no choice but to follow.
biblical times, we continue to despair the suffering around It is fitting that we mourn their loss of life and express our
us. The plagues we experience now may not be as tangible as sorrow over their suffering, for we, as Jews cannot take joy in
those in the Passover story. We are affected by their the suffering of others. Let us diminish the wine in our cups
magnitude and acknowleding their existence helps us strive as we recall the ten plagues that befell the Egyptian people.
to understand, support, and repair the world. Let us
diminish the wine in our cups once again as we recite and Ten Ancient Plagues
reflect on these modern ten plagues.
Blood Dom ָדּם
Ten Modern Plagues Frogs Tzfardeyah ְצֵפְרֵדּע
Hunger Lice Kinim ִכּנִים
Tyranny Beasts Arov ָערוֹב
Cattle Dever ֶדֶּבר
Disease Boils Sh'chin שִׁחין
Ignorance Hail Barad ָבּרד
Pollution Locusts Arbeh אְַרֶבּה
Indifference to Human Suffering
Darkness Choshech שְׁך
ֶ ח
Slaying of the First Born Makat Bechorot ַמַכּת ְבּכוֹרוֹת
Dayenu Dayenu
Leader: Rabbi Gamliel said that in telling the story of the Exodus, we
Leader: The second cup of wine is dedicated not only to the struggles of
must explain the meaning of the symbols of Passover. Without
the Jewish people, but to all people seeking a secure life free of
this explanation, our celebration is not complete:
fear and persecution.
Together: They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their
spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not take up sword
against nation, they shall never again know war. But they shall
זְ֫רוֹע- Shankbone. sit everyone under their vines and fig trees and none shall make
them afraid.
Leader holds up the Shankbone
Participant: The paschal lamb was once eaten on erev Pesach in the days
.ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יי ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם בּוֵֹרא ְפִּרי ַהָגֶפן
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p'ri hagafen.
when the Temple stood in Jerusalem and sacrifices were
Praised are you, Adonai, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has created
offered on the altar. Of what does it remind us and what
the fruit of the vine.
does it teach us?
Drink the second cup of wine.
Participant: It reminds us of the tenth plague in Egypt, when all the first-
born of the Egyptians were struck down. It reminds us of the
salvation of the Israelites whose homes were spared. For
Pesach means not only paschal lamb, it means “God skipped
over.” The Lord skipped over the homes of the Israelites
whose doorposts had been dabbed with the blood of the
sacrificial lamb.
Symbols of Passover Symbols of Passover
Participant: We eat maror to remind us how bitter the Egyptians made Participant: We ate matzah to remind us how our ancestors had to leave
the lives of our ancestors by forcing them to be slaves. Egypt in such haste that the dough for their bread did not
Sacrifice and readiness must be accompanied by a dedicated have time to rise.
leadership that keeps the spark of hope alive if tyranny is to
be overthrown and freedom is to be won. The bitterness of Participant: What does this teach us, and what is its significance as we
one’s lot at a given moment must never be allowed to celebrate the holiday of freedom? It teaches us that liberty is
develop into defeatism. achieved not by sacrifice alone, for sacrifice must be
accompanied by alertness and readiness. To aspire to
freedom, we must be prepared to seize opportunities as they
Rachtzah Symbols of Passover
Leader: We have explained the three traditional symbols of Pesach, but
there are still more symbols to be explained…
Leader: Reclining - why do we recline on this night?
ָרְחָצה Participant: This tradition goes back to ancient times in Rome. It was
The designated person washes their hands as the blessing is said by all. the custom for rich people to eat while reclining while slaves
and servants fed them. The Jews of the time thought that this
was a sign of freedom and prosperity, so they would recline
שׁ נוּ
ָ שׁר ִקְדֶ ֲא,ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יי ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם when eating at the seder, the festival of freedom.
.ְבִּמְצוָֹתיו ְוִצָוּנוַּעל נְִטיַלת יַָדיִם
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, ֲחֽרוֶֹסת- Charoset - a sweet mixture
v'tzivanu al n'tilat yadayim. Leader: Why do we eat charoset?
Praised are you, Adonai, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who has Participant: Apples, nuts, cinnamon, and wine are combined to create
taught us the way of holiness through commandments, commanding us this sweet mixture. It is the color and consistency of clay or
to wash our hands. mortar. It serves to remind us of the bricks and mortar the
Israelites used when they built the pyramids for Pharaoh.
ֶ ( ִבְּרשׁוּת ָמָרָנן ְוַרָבָּנן ְוַרבּוַֹתי ְנָבֵרך )ֱאֹלֵהינוּ.שׁם יְיָ ְמב ָֹרְך ֵמַעָתּה ְוַעד עוָֹלם
ֵ יְִהי
Participant: For all this we thank and bless God. As it is written: “When you
ֶ ִֹמ. have eaten and are satisfied, then you shall bless the Lord your God
Participants: for the good land which he has given you.” Blessed be God, for the
שּׁלוֹ וְּבטוּבוֹ ָחיִּינו
ֶ שׁאַָכְלנוּ ִמ
ֶ (ָבּרוְּך )ֱאֹלֵהינוּ land and the food.
שּׁלוֹ וְּבטוּבוֹ ָחיִּינו
ֶ שׁאַָכְלנוּ ִמ
ֶ (ָבּרוְּך )ֱאֹלֵהינוּ שׁלוֹם ָעֵליֽנוּ ְוַעל ָכּל ָ שׂהֶ הוּא יֲַע,שׁלוֹם ִבְּמרוָֹמיו
ָ שׂה
ֶ ֹע
All: . אֵָמן: ְוִאְמרוּ,שָׂרֵאל
ְ ִי
ְ ָֹבּרוְּך הוּא וָּברוּך
ַהזָּן ֶאת ָהעוָֹלם ֻכּלּוֹ ְבּטוּבוֹ ְבֵּחן ְבֶּחֶסד וְּבַרֲחִמים הוּא, ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם,ָָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יְי All: Oseh shalom bimromov hu ya’a’seh shalom. Aleynu
וְּבטוּבוֹ ַהָגּדוֹל ָתִּמיד ֹלא ָחַסר ָלנוּ ְואַל יְֶחַסר ָלנוּ. ִכּי ְלעוָֹלם ַחְסדּוֹ,שׂר
ָ נוֵֹתן ֶלֶחם ְלָכל ָבּ v’alhol Yisroel v’imru: Amen
שׁמוֹ ַהָגּדוֹל ִכּי הוּא ֵאל זָן וְּמַפְרֵנס ַלכּ ֹל וֵּמִטיב ַלכּ ֹל וֵּמִכין ָמזוֹן
ְ ַבֲּעבוּר.ָמזוֹן ְלעוָֹלם ָוֶעד
Continue with the third cup of wine on page 39.
ַהזָּן ֶאת ַהכּ ֹל,ָ ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יְי.שׁר ָבָּרא
ֶ ְלָכל ְבִּריּוָֹתיו ֲא
Miriam & Elijah Third Cup of Wine
Participant: Three thousand years ago, a farmer arose in the Middle East
The Blessing after the Meal concludes by drinking the Third Cup of wine, while
who challenged the ruling elite. In his passionate advocacy
reclining to the left.
for common people, Elijah created a legend which would
inspire generations to come. Elijah declared that he would
return once each generation, in the guise of someone poor .ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יי ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם בּוֵֹרא ְפִּרי ַהָגֶפן
or oppressed, coming to people's doors to see how he would Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei p'ri hagafen.
be treated. He is said to visit every seder, and sip there from
his cup of wine and remind us that all people are equal. Praised are you, Adonai, Lord of the universe, who has created the fruit of the
Participant: A Midrash teaches us that a miraculous well accompanied
the Hebrew thoughout their journey in the desert,
providing them with water. This well was given by Adonai
to Miriam, the prophetess, to honor her bravery and
devotion to the Jewish people.
Participant: Both Miriam and her well were spiritual oases in the desert,
sources of sustenance and healing. Her words of comfort
gave the Hebrews the faith and confidence to overcome the
hardships of the Exodus.
Miriam & Elijah Miriam & Elijah
ְ ֵאִלָיּ ֽהוּ ַהִתּ,ֵאִלָיּ ֽהוּ ַהנִָּביא
Participant: Tonight we welcome two prophets: Elijah and Miriam, sister of
.ֵאִלָיּ ֽהוּ ַהִגְּלָעִדי, ֵאִלָיּ ֽהוּ,ֵאִלָיּ ֽהוּ Moses. Elijah is a symbol of messianic redemption at the end of
time; Miriam is a symbolof redemption in our present lives.
ִבְּמֵהָרה ְביֵָמֽנוּ יָבוֹא ֵאֵל ֽינוּ Miriam’s cup is filled with water, evoking her well which followed
the Israelites in the wilderness. After the crossing of the Red Sea,
,ִעם ָמִֽשׁיַח ֶבּן ָדִּוד Miriam sang to the Israelites a song. Only the beginning of the
song is in the Torah, the song left incomplete so that future
ִעם ָמִֽשׁיַח ֶבּן ָדִּוד generations will finish it.
Eliyahi hanavi, Leader: Holding Miriam’s goblet: As we open to door to welcome Elijah, I invite
all generations of women, and all who support them, to fill
Eliyahi haTishbi, Miriam’s cup with water from their own glasses. We fill the cup
with water, as from the ancient well, so that we may continue to
Eliyahu, Eliyahu, draw from the strength and wisdom of our heritage.
Eliyahi haGiladi
The door is opened for Elijah and Miriam and we rise and say:
Bimhera v’yameinu, yavo eleinu im Mashiach ben David
You abound in blessings,
God, creator of the universe,
Who sustains us with living water.
May we, like the children of Israel leaving Egypt,
Be guarded and nurtured & kept alive in the wilderness
And may You give us eyes to see that the journey itself holds
the promise of redemption.
Hallel Hallel
שׁנוּ ְבִּמְצוָֺתיו
ֽ ָ שׁר ִקְדֶּ ָבּרוְּך ַאָתּה יְיָ ֱאֹלֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם ֲא
:ְוִצ ָֽוּנוּ ַעל ְסִפיַרת ֽע ֶֹמר
Baruch atah, Adonai, eloheinu melach ha’olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al
s’firat ha’omer.
Blessed are you, Adonai, Breath of Life, who sanctifies us with the commandment to count the
Our Seder is now completed.
May our service be acceptable to you, Adonai our God,
And may we be granted the blessing
Of celebrating Pesach for many years to come.
Adir Hu………………………………….51
Pure and Holy One, dwelling on high,
The Ballad of the Four Sons……………53
Raise up your people with love
Chad Gadya……………………………..55 And lead us to Zion in joyful song.
Echad Mi Yodea………………………...57
He Freed Us…………………………….59
Hey Frogs……………………………….61 Together:
“If yourself you don’t consider, Now this father had no daughters,
As a son of Is-ra-el, But his sons they numbered four,
Then for you, this has no meaning, One was wise and one was wicked,
You could be a slave as well.” One was simple and a bore.
Then the simple son said simply, And the fourth was sweet and winsome,
“What is this?” and quietly, He was young and he was small,
The good father told his offspring, While his brothers asked the questions,
“We were freed from slavery.” He could scarcely speak at all.
But the youngest son was silent, Said the wise one to his father,
For he could not speak at all, “Would you please explain the laws,
His bright eyes were bright with wonder Of the customs of the Seder,
As his father told him all Will you please explain the cause?”
Now, dear people, heed the lesson And the father proudly answered,
And remember evermore, “As our fathers ate in speed,
What the father told his children, Ate the Pascal lamb ‘ere midnight,
Told his sons who numbered four! And from slavery were freed.”
ְואָָתא שׁוּנְָרא ְוַא ְָכָלה ְלַגְדיָאְ ,דּזִַבּין ַאָבּא ִבְּתֵרי זוּזֵיַ ,חד ַגְּדיָאַ,חד ַגְּדיָא. One little goat, one little goat.
שְׁך ְלשׁוּנְָראְ ,דַּא ְָכָלה ְלַגְדיָאְ ,דּזִַבּין ַאָבּא ִבְּתֵרי זוּזֵיַ ,חד ַגְּדיָאַ,חד ַגְּדיָא.
ְואָָתא ַכְלָבּא ְונָ ַ Along came a cat and ate the goat...
שְׁך ְלשׁוּנְָראְ ,דַּא ְָכָלה ְלַגְדיָאְ ,דּזִַבּין ַאָבּא ִבְּתֵרי זוּזֵיַ ,חד
ְואָָתא חוְּטָרא וִהָכּה ְלַכְלָבּאְ ,דּנָ ַ Along came a dog and ate the cat...
ַגְּדיָאַ,חד ַגְּדיָא.
Along came a stick and beat the dog...
שְׁך ְלשׁוְּנָראְ ,דַּא ְָכָלה ְלַגְדיָאְ ,דּזִַבּין ַאָבּא
שַׂרף ְלחוְּטָראְ ,דִּהָכּה ְלַכְלָבּאְ ,דָּנ ַ ְואָָתא נוָּרא ְו ָ
ִבְּתֵרי זוּזֵיַ ,חד ַגְּדיָאַ ,חד ַגְּדיָא. Along came a fire and burnt the stick...
שָּׁתהשַׁחט ְלתוָֹראְ ,דּ ָ שַׁחט ְלשׁוֵֹחטְ ,דּ ָ שַׁחט ְלַמְלַאְך ַהָמֶּותְ ,דּ ָ ְואָָתא ַהָקּדוֹשׁ ָבּרוְּך הוּא ְו ָ
שְׁך ְלשׁוְּנָראְ ,דַּא ְָכָלה ְלַגְדיָא,
שַׂרף ְלחוְּטָראְ ,דִּהָכּה ְלַכְלָבּאְ ,דָּנ ַ ְלַמיָאְ ,דָּכָבה ְלנוָּראְ ,דּ ָ
ְדּזִַבּין ַאָבּא ִבְּתֵרי זוּזֵיַ ,חד ַגְּדיָאַ,חד ַגְּדיָא.
שָׁעה יְַרֵחי ֵלָדה, שָׂרה ִדְבַּריָאִ ,תּ ְ שָׂרה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעֲ :ע ָ שָׂרה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ֲע ָ ֲע ָ Echad Mi Yodea
שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ שׁ ָשָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ שׁמוֹנָה יְֵמי ִמיָלהִ , ְ
שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ , Echad mi yodea? Echad mi yodea.
Echad Eloheinu shebashamayim uva'aretz.
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֶ
שָׂרה שׂר כּוְֹכַביָּאֲ ,ע ָ שׂר ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַע :אַַחד ָע ָ שׂר ִמי יוֵֹדַע? אַַחד ָע ָ אַַחד ָע ָ Shnei luchot habit
Shoshah avot
שּׁה שׁ ָ שָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ שׁמוֹנָה יְֵמי ִמיָלהִ , שָׁעה יְַרֵחי ֵלָדהְ , ִדְבַּריָאִ ,תּ ְ Arba imahot
שׁנֵי שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ , שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ Chamishah Chumshei Torah
Shishah sidrei Mishnah
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ
Shiv'ah y'mei Shabata
שְׁבַטיָא ,אַַחד שׂר ִ שׁנֵים ָע ָ שׂר ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעְ : שׁנֵים ָע ָ שׂר ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ְ שׁנֵים ָע ָ ְ Shmonah y'mei mila
שׁמוֹנָה יְֵמי ִמיָלה, שָׁעה יְַרֵחי ֵלָדהְ , שָׂרה ִדְבַּריָאִ ,תּ ְ שׂר כּוְֹכַביָּאֲ ,ע ָ ָע ָ Tishah yarchei leidah
Asarah debraya
שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ שׁ ָ
שָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ ִ Achad asar kochvaya
שַּׁמים שַׁבּ ָ שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ ִאָמהוֹתְ , Shnem asar shivtaya
Shloshah asar midaya
שׂר ִמַדּיָא, שׁה ָע ָ שׁל ָ שׂר ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעְ : שׁה ָע ָ שׁל ָ שׂר ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ְ שׁה ָע ָ שׁל ָ ְ
שָׁעה יְַרֵחי שָׂרה ִדְבַּריָאִ ,תּ ְ שׂר כּוְֹכַביָּאֲ ,ע ָ שְׁבַטיָא ,אַַחד ָע ָ שׂר ִ שׁנֵים ָע ָ ְ )ECHAD MI YODEA (WHO KNOWS ONE
שׁה שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ שׁ ָ שָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ שׁמוֹנָה יְֵמי ִמיָלהִ , ֵלָדהְ , Who knows ONE? I know ONE.
שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ , חוְּמ ֵ One is our God Who is in heave and earth
2: Tablets of the law
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ 3: Fathers
4: Mothers
5: Books of the Torah
6: Books of the Mishnah
7: Days of the week
8. Days to circumcision
9: Months of pregnancy
10: Commandments
11: Stars of Joseph's dream
12: Tribes of Israel
13: Attributes of God
He Freed Us ֶאָחד ִמי יוֵֹדע
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֶאָחד ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ֶאָחד ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעֶ .אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ
שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ שׁנַיִם ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעְ . שׁנַיִם ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ְ ְ
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֶ
)(Sung to the tune of “She Loves You” by the Beatles
שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּרית, שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ שׁה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעְ : שׁל ָ שׁה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ְ שׁל ָ ְ
He freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֶאָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ
He freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ אְַרַבּע ִמי יוֵֹדַע? אְַרַבּע ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַע :אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ ,
He freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ
You think you’re not so free שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹת, שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעֲ :חִמ ָ שׁה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ֲחִמ ָ ֲחִמ ָ
Well, it was so yesterday-yi-yay שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָשׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ ְ
It’s just like you were there שׁישׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ שׁ ָשּׁה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעִ : שׁ ָ שּׁה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ִ שׁ ָ ִ
And he told us what to say-yi-yay שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ ,
You know he freed us, שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָ ֶ
and you know that can’t be bad שּׁה שׁ ָ שָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ שְׁבָעה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעִ : שְׁבָעה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ִ ִ
Oh yes, he freed us, שׁנֵישׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָ שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ , שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ
and you know we should be glad שַּׁמים וָּבאֶָרץ שַׁבּ ָֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ
God said you must act so
שׁמוֹנ שׁמוֹנָה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעְ : שׁמוֹנָה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ְ ָ◌ ְ
As if you were there too
שׁי תוָֹרה, שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ
שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְ שׁ ָ
שָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ַ יְֵמי ִמיָלהִ ,
And then God says you’ll know
שַׁבּ ָשׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ָאְַרַבּע ִאָמהוֹתְ ,
How we maintain the glue
You know he freed us,
שׁמוֹנָה יְֵמי ִמיָלה,שָׁעה יְַרֵחי ֵלָדהְ , שָׁעה ֲאנִי יוֵֹדַעִ :תּ ְ שָׁעה ִמי יוֵֹדַע? ִתּ ְִתּ ְ
and you know that can’t be bad
שׁי תוָֹרה ,אְַרַבּע שׁה חוְּמ ֵ שׁנָהֲ ,חִמ ָ שּׁה ִסְדֵרי ִמ ְשׁ ָשָׁבָּתאִ , שְׁבָעה יְֵמי ִַ
)(cont. שַּׁמים שַׁבּ ָ
שׁנֵי ֻלחוֹת ַהְבִּריתֶ ,אָחד ֱאֹלֵהינוּ ֶ שׁה אָבוֹתְ , שׁל ִָאָמהוֹתְ ,
Hey, Frogs
Oh yes, he freed us,
and you know we should be glad
Oh, he freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
(sung to the tune of “Hey Jude”)
He freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey frogs, please go away With a God like that
You’re a bad plague that gets no better You know we should be glad
Miztrayim is suffering from this plague You know he freed the Jews
If I relent, will it get better? He brought us from that land
As if you were there too
Hey frogs, I’m now afraid Grab on to his hand
You were put here to make us suffer You know he freed us,
Your jumping is getting under my skin and you know that can’t be bad
Now I need Moshe to make it better Oh yes, he freed us,
and you know we should be glad
And all the time I feel the pain Oo, he freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey frogs refrain He freed us, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don’t infest my world and all our households And with a god like that
For well you know, I’d be a fool to play it cool You know we should . . . be glad
By keeping the Jews a little longer Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Na na na na na na na na na Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahhhhh.
(cont.) by Gary Teblum
Sources Hey frogs, don’t jump around
The following books and internet sites were consulted and quoted in the Yet when you leave, I’ll get bad weather
compiling of this Haggadah: Miztrayim is suffering from this plague
The Art of Jewish Living - The Passover Seder Ron Wolfson If I relent, will it get better?
The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs 1988
. The Concise Family Seder Alfred J. Kolatch
Jonathan David Publishers 1987 So get on out and get me in
Passover Haggadah Nathan Goldberg Hey frogs, you win
Ktav Publishing 1984 Printing
The Family Seder Alfred J. Kolatch I’m telling Moshe to take his people
Jonathan David Publishers 1986 Printing And don't you know that it’s just you
A Family Haggadah Shoshana Silberman
Kar-Ben Copies 1997 Hey frogs, it’s true
A Passover Haggadah Elie & Marion Wiesel You’re jumping around about my shoulder
A Touchstone Book 1993
The Passover Haggadah Morris Silverman Na na na na na na na na na yeah
The Prayerbook Press 1975