Investigation of Torsion Springs by Considering The Friction and The End Effect

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Investigation of Torsion Springs

M. H. Wu
Research Assistant
by Considering the Friction and
the End Effect
W. Hsu
Professor In this study, the nonlinearity in moment and angular displacement of torsion springs is
studied analytically and experimentally. It is shown that the inclined angles at both ends
Department of Mectianical Engineering have direct effects on the nonlinearity of a constant-pitch torsion spring. Also, an
National Cliiao Tung University algorithm for determining the friction between the spring coils in close-wound torsion
Hsin Ctij, Taiwan 300, ROC springs is proposed. From the comparison to experimental data, it is found that the spring
rates are different at forward and backward strokes. The dynamic equations for the
close-wound torsion spring is also derived by considering the friction between the spring
coils, and two different natural frequencies are found in simulation.

Introduction Moment-Deflection Relation witli Inclined Ends

Helical torsion springs are very common components in me- The deflection for a torsion spring from elementary theory is
chanical systems. In the early years, most of the studies of torsion
springs focused on stresses, deflections, curvature changes, dia- ML
metrical contractions and coupling effects.
Gohner's [1,2] discussed the ideal case of torsion springs for the where <i> denotes the total angular displacement of the torsion
stresses and the displacements with zero pitch. Berry [3] measured spring, M represents the applied torque, E denotes the elastic
the angular deflections of many torsion springs and discovered that module of the spring material, L represents the total helical length,
the deflections were considerably larger than those predicted from and / is the moment of inertia of the spring wire.
the linear formation. Ancker and Goodier [4, 5] derived equations Berry [3] measured the angular deflections of many torsion
to obtain deformations and stresses by considering both pitch and springs and discovered that the deflections were considerably
curvature. They also proposed the diametrical contraction of the larger than those predicted from Eq. (1) which has been developed
torsion spring. However, those deflection formulation are still without taking into account the curvature of the wire. Berry found
linear. that the angular deflection should be increased slightly. Then,
Manos [6] designed a torsion spring with variable spring rate. Goodier and Ancker [5] proposed the relationship between the
Carlson [7] observed that the compression spring with ends moment and the angular displacement of the torsion spring as
squared and ground often tiped several degrees to one side when
compressed. For this reason, the compression springs will buckle (2)
much quicker under compression. Recently, Rouch and Bruner [8]
analysed helical springs under loading which caused large defor- for Poisson ratio v = 0.3,
mations to have nonlinear moment-deflection relation by using the
helical finite element method. Wu et al. [9] discussed the nonlin-
earity of compression helical springs caused by the coil close and i/(= 1 - 0 . 0 1 8 ( 2 ^ 1 -I- 1.3 tan^ p-^• (3)
the friction due to the damper.
The torsion spring often exhibits a nonlinear moment-deflection where d is the wire diameter, and p is pitch angle. Also, R is the
relationship even under small deformations. Also, for close-wound mean coil radius in loading and is given by:
torsion springs, i.e. the spring coils are in contact with each other, 64MRI
the friction between spring coils directly affects the performance R^Ro +
of torsion springs. Therefore, a nonlinear hysteresis loop in the rrd^E
moment-deflection curve of a torsion spring becomes very typical.
However, the algorithm of determining the friction and nonlin- -1 + 0.307111 x ^ l + tan^p + . (4)
earity of moment-deflection curve in torsion springs were not
discussed in previous literature. In this study, we propose a theo- where R^ denotes the mean coil radius without loading.
retical formulation to obtain the moment-deflection curve in the When there is an inclined angle Br, in iheY ~ Z plane at both ends
helical torsion springs by considering the friction force due to of a torsion spring, the applied torsion moment M^ along Z-axis can
spring coils contact and inclined angles at both ends with experi- be divided into a bending moment Mi and a torsion moment M2 as
mental verification. Two types of hehcal torsion springs are dis- shown in Fig. 1. The bending moment M, which is perpendicular to
cussed, a helical close-wound torsion spring with friction, and a the central axis of the spring coil can be expressed as
torsion spring with constant pitch and inclined ends. M, = Mf. sin do (5)
Since the bending moment M, is in the Y' — Z' plane, the
angular deflection 6, caused by the moment Mi will be in the X'
— Z' plane, as shown in Fig. 2. The moment M| can be separated
Contributed by the Reliability, Stress Analysis & Failure Prevention Committee for
into a torsion component M, cos (p tangent to the spring wire axis
publication in the Journal of Mechanical Design, Manuscript received Aug. 1997; and a bending component M, sin 9 perpendicular to the spring
revised Sept. 1999. Associate Technical Editor; E, Sancalitar. wire axis. It is assumed that the helix angle is small so that the

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where / represents the moment of inertia of the wire cross section,
7,, represents the polar moment of inertia for spring wire cross
section, n is the number of active coils, and G denotes the shear
module of the spring material.
Because of the angular deflection 0, and the inclined angle 9o
are in the different planes, the resultant bending moment Mg (Fig.
3) becomes

Mfl = M« ^sin^ 6| + sin^ QQ (9)

and the resultant torsion component My is

Mr= {Ml-MlY"-
= M/e(cos2 e, - sin^ 6 0 ) ' " (10)

Then from Eq. (2), the torsion moment MT produces an angular

displacement <^ as

<^ ^ (11)
Fig. 1 The inclfned angle 0o at the ends of the torsion spring
From Eq. (10) and (11), it can be seen that the relation between
4> and M„ is nonlinear.

moment vector lies in a plane perpendicular to the center axis of

the spring coil. For a small element of length Rd(p, the bending Friction Force
component produces an angular deflection Since the angular displacement (f> can not be very large for the
close-wound torsion spring, the effect caused by the inclined angle
MiR sin ipd<p
(6) 60 is negligible in that case. However, spring coils are in contact
with each other for a close-wound torsion spring, therefore, fric-
tion force must be considered.
and the torsion component produces a rotation
In order to formulate the friction force in a close-wound torsion
M | R cos cpdcp spring, we must derive the normal force between the spring coils.
(7) The vertical displacement Si of a point on the spring helix under
a torsion moment M-r proposed by Ancker and Goodier [5] is
The central axis of the spring coil deflects in a plane perpen-
dicular to the resultant moment vector M,. Other deflection tends XlSMjR^n trnipv
S, = (12)
to cancel out. Taking the components of the deflection contribu-
tions in that plane and integrating over the entire spring, we obtain
where v denotes the Poisson ratio, p is the pitch angle, and spring
coils are not necessarily in contact.
sin ID cos ip\
= M,R When spring coils are in contact, the torsion spring will wind up
EI + GJ,
~^]d<p and the number of active coils increases. Because the spring coils
are still in contact with one another for a close-wound torsion
sin 4 « i r «17-(-j sin 4n7r\ spring, a vertical displacement Sj will be formed due to the
= M/t sin doR + ~r ) (8) wind-up phenomenon as
EI G7,

d = diameter of the spring wire Mf = total frictional torque 60 = inclined angle at spring ends
E — elastic module of the spring mate- M, = applied torque along Z axis 61 = deflection angle due to moment
rial M , = friction torque due to the testing M,
the total frictional force system 4> = angular displacement of the tor-
G = shear module of the spring mate- MT = resiiltant torsion moment sion spring
rial M, = bending moment resulted from M R 4>o = initial angular displacement
I = moment of inertia for spring wire M2 = torsion moment resulted from M„ i// = correction factor for angular dis-
cross section N = total normal force on spring wires placement due to pitch angle
J = polar moment of inertia of the disk N, = initial normal force on spring ip = angular position of the spring wire
7, = polar moment of inertia for spring wires due to preload S| = vertical displacement resulted from
wire cross section number of the active coils Mr
K = tensional spring rate increasing number of the active 82 = vertical displacement resulted from
k, = torsional spring rate coils wind-up
L = total helical length P pitch angle ju, = dynamic friction coefficient
M = the applied torque R mean coil radius in loading V = poisson ratio
MB = resultant bending moment initial mean coil radius a)„i = the frequency in the load increas-
Mc — constant frictional torque in the ing stroke of the torsion spring
system ftj„2 = the frequency in the load decreas-
ing stroke of the torsion spring

Journal of Mechanical Design DECEMBER 1999, Vol. 121 / 629

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^ ^ ^

Fig. 2 The angular deflection 0i caused by the moment Mi

(/) X d The total friction force Ff between spring coils then becomes
82 = ripX d = (13)
2Tr Ff= ^lN{n + np-l) (15)
where rip denotes the increasing of the number of the active coils where ju, is the friction coefficients between spring coils.
when loaded, d is the diameter of the spring wire, and cj) is the So the total friction torque can be expressed as
angular deflection of the spring in radian.
The free-body diagram of the coil segment of a close-wound Mf= RX Ffcosp + M, (16)
torsion spring is shown in Fig. 4, where N, is the initial normal
force acting on the spring wires due to the preloading, and K is the where M, is a constant friction torque due to the testing system.
tensional spring rate of the close-wound torsion spring, p is the Then from Eq. (11) and (16), the moment-deflection relation
pitch angle, and Fi denotes the force supplied by the input torsion including the coulomb friction becomes
moment Mr. Then the total normal force acting on the spring wire ^EI
becomes M = Ms + Mf =
' l//L^/(cos Q\- smQl)
N = Fisinp + Ni + K{8i + Sj) cos p
-t-M, sgn(4)) +/? X F/Cosp sgn((/)) (17)
Mr Gd'*
where M denotes the total input moment required to have angular
R '^ 64R'{n + rip) deflection 4>. The last term of friction moment exists only for the
llSMrR'^n tmpv close-wound torsion spring, where the coils are in contact with
+ ripX d] cosp (14) each other.
Static Experimental Verification
A schematic diagram of the test facility is shown in Fig. 5. The
WpsinSi test setup consists of the input shaft with the torsion spring, the
fixed shaft, the power screw, and the rack and pinion.
In the experimental setup, the torsion spring is placed between
the input shaft and fixed shaft, and the input shaft is driven by the

Fig. 4 The free body diagram of the middle region of the closed-wound
Fig. 3 Moment analysis diagram for M„ MB, and Mr torsion spring

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Table 2 Parameters for the close-wound torsion spring where k, represents the torsion stiffness of the torsion spring, J is
the moment of inertia of the disk, and M^ + c<l> represent the
Symbol Description Value friction torque. Also the initial position 4> = 4>o and initial velocity
n Number of the active coils 5.6 (^0 — 0 are specified. Where M^ is constant, and neglect the
E Elastic modules of spring material 180 Qpa radial contraction the increase of the number of the active coil
V Poisson ratio 0.3 are neglected, and
i?o Initial mean coil radius 9.7 mm
d Spring wire diameter 1.6 mm EI sin p Gd* 128/^^n tmpv d
p Pitcii angle 4 deg IJiR (n-1)
IX Friction coefficient between the spring wires 0.28 RLip 64R^n d*L\^ "''2^

= constant

for the constant-pitch torsion spring, c = 0.

test station which records the applied moment under the given
Then the general solution becomes
angular displacement. Fig. 8 summarizes the results of Eq. (17)
and experimental data for the close-wound torsion spring. It is
<i) S: 0: ^ = A+ cos a)„i? + B+ sin a)„i; - fl+ (20)
found that the friction force due to the spring wires dramatically
changes the spring torque. Also the gap between upper and lower
curves increases with the angular deflection, which can be found in (/) s 0: (j) = A- cos (i)„2t + B_ sin ct)„2f + o_ (21)
both simulation and experimental data. The upper curve in simu- where
lation is almost identical to the experimental data, however even
the trend is similar, the maximum difference between simulation k, + c % •

and calibrated data at lower curves is about 7 kg-mm. It is found

that the spring rates are different at forward and backward strokes.
and fit- =
Dynamic Equation for A Close-Wound Torsion Spring k, — c'
In a close-wound torsion spring, the direction of the friction It is found that the natural frequency may vary due to the
torque depends on the angular velocity of spring coils. Therefore, frictional torque. For example, if the initial condition ^o = 0.349,
for the model shown in Fig. 9, the equation of motion is equivalent Afc = 10 kg-mm, and J = 0.01 mm* are specified, the solution
to the following two linear equations: of first 2 cycles for the close-wound torsion spring in Table 2
(/) > 0: 7^) + it,<^ = -M, - ccj) (18)
4" — (<^o ~ <^-) c o s (i>„2t + a- (22)
<|) < 0 : 7 ^ -f- k,(f> = M, + c<i> (19)
</> = -{^0 - a-)<xi„2 s i n to„2/ (23)

140 for 0< ts —

120 simulation
4) = (—<^o + 2a_ -I- 0+) cos w„,f -a+ (24)
experiment (^n2

(/> = (—</)o + 2a_ -(- fl+)ftj„i sin w„if (25)

I ao '. Wn2

r 60 / ^ -
c 0.40


20 • . ^ - ^ ^ ^ . - ' • ' ' ' ' ^ • • • ' '


10 15 20 25 %
Deflection (degrees)
§ 000
Fig. 8 The moment-deflection curve of the ciose-wound torsion spring

Close-wound Torsion Spring

0.00 0.02
Time (sec)

Fig. 9 Vibration mode of the torsion spring Fig. 10 Vibration of the close-wound torsion spring

632 / Vol. 121, DECEMBER 1999 Transactions of the ASIVIE

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Table 2 Parameters for the close-wound torsion spring where k, represents the torsion stiffness of the torsion spring, J is
the moment of inertia of the disk, and M^ + c<l> represent the
Symbol Description Value friction torque. Also the initial position 4> = 4>o and initial velocity
n Number of the active coils 5.6 (^0 — 0 are specified. Where M^ is constant, and neglect the
E Elastic modules of spring material 180 Qpa radial contraction the increase of the number of the active coil
V Poisson ratio 0.3 are neglected, and
i?o Initial mean coil radius 9.7 mm
d Spring wire diameter 1.6 mm EI sin p Gd* 128/^^n tmpv d
p Pitcii angle 4 deg IJiR (n-1)
IX Friction coefficient between the spring wires 0.28 RLip 64R^n d*L\^ "''2^

= constant

for the constant-pitch torsion spring, c = 0.

test station which records the applied moment under the given
Then the general solution becomes
angular displacement. Fig. 8 summarizes the results of Eq. (17)
and experimental data for the close-wound torsion spring. It is
<i) S: 0: ^ = A+ cos a)„i? + B+ sin a)„i; - fl+ (20)
found that the friction force due to the spring wires dramatically
changes the spring torque. Also the gap between upper and lower
curves increases with the angular deflection, which can be found in (/) s 0: (j) = A- cos (i)„2t + B_ sin ct)„2f + o_ (21)
both simulation and experimental data. The upper curve in simu- where
lation is almost identical to the experimental data, however even
the trend is similar, the maximum difference between simulation k, + c % •

and calibrated data at lower curves is about 7 kg-mm. It is found

that the spring rates are different at forward and backward strokes.
and fit- =
Dynamic Equation for A Close-Wound Torsion Spring k, — c'
In a close-wound torsion spring, the direction of the friction It is found that the natural frequency may vary due to the
torque depends on the angular velocity of spring coils. Therefore, frictional torque. For example, if the initial condition ^o = 0.349,
for the model shown in Fig. 9, the equation of motion is equivalent Afc = 10 kg-mm, and J = 0.01 mm* are specified, the solution
to the following two linear equations: of first 2 cycles for the close-wound torsion spring in Table 2
(/) > 0: 7^) + it,<^ = -M, - ccj) (18)
4" — (<^o ~ <^-) c o s (i>„2t + a- (22)
<|) < 0 : 7 ^ -f- k,(f> = M, + c<i> (19)
</> = -{^0 - a-)<xi„2 s i n to„2/ (23)

140 for 0< ts —

120 simulation
4) = (—<^o + 2a_ -I- 0+) cos w„,f -a+ (24)
experiment (^n2

(/> = (—</)o + 2a_ -(- fl+)ftj„i sin w„if (25)

I ao '. Wn2

r 60 / ^ -
c 0.40


20 • . ^ - ^ ^ ^ . - ' • ' ' ' ' ^ • • • ' '


10 15 20 25 %
Deflection (degrees)
§ 000
Fig. 8 The moment-deflection curve of the ciose-wound torsion spring

Close-wound Torsion Spring

0.00 0.02
Time (sec)

Fig. 9 Vibration mode of the torsion spring Fig. 10 Vibration of the close-wound torsion spring

632 / Vol. 121, DECEMBER 1999 Transactions of the ASIVIE

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80.00 the friction torque is dependent on the deflection angle, the fre-
quency co„i = 350.2825 (rad/sec) in the load increasing stroke is
larger than the frequency a)„2 = 305.2907 (rad/sec) in the load
decreasing stroke.

In the past, the moment-deflection relation was mostly assumed
to be linear and the algorithm of determining the friction force for
close-wound torsion spring was not discussed. Here a moment-
0.00 deflection relationship is proposed and verified statically.
For the constant-pitch torsion spring without coil contact, it is
found that only if the angular deflection is small, the linear theory
is still acceptable. If the angular deflection is large, the effects of
the inclined ends must be considered. It is found that the current
theory can predict a larger stiffness by considering end effects,
which is verified by experimental results, where the linear theory
can not provide. For the close-wound torsion spring, the friction
between the spring coils is critical to the performance of the
torsion spring which has different spring rates between forward
-80.00 and backward stokes. Thus the natural frequency in the load
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 increasing stroke is different from the natural frequency in the load
Time (sec)
decreasing stroke.
Fig. 11 The angular velocity versus time
Authors would like to thank the Mechanical Industry Research
17 TT TT Laboratories of the Industry Technology Research Institute for
for — < r<— + — their equipment supply. Thanks are also to the National Science
w„2 w„2 a)„i
Council, Taiwan, ROC, NSC 86-2212-E-009-001.
</> = {"'Po + 3a- + 2a+) cos (o„2t\+a- (26) References
1. Gohner, O., 1931, "Spannung sverteilung in einem an den Endquerschnitten
belasteten Ringstabseklor," Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 2, pp. 406-411.
</) = ( —4>o + 3 a - + 2a + )ft)„2 sin (o„2t (27) 2. Gohner, O., 1938, "Zur Berechnung des gebogenen oder gedrillten Ringstabs
mil Kreisquerschnitt und der zylindrischen Schraubenfeder," Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol.
9, pp. 356-363.
77 77 277 77 3. Berry, W. R., 1953, "An Investigation of Small Helical Torsion Springs,"
for — + — < ? < — + — Proceedings (A), The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol, 167, pp. 375-393.
W„2 W„, ft)„2 (ti„i 4. Ancker, Jr., C. J., and Goodier, J. N., 1958, "Theory of Pitch and Curvature
Corrections for the Helical Spring-II (Torsion)," ASME Journal of Applied Mechan-
/277W„i ics, Dec. pp. 484-495,
(f> = {^0- 4a- - 3a + ) cos w „ , n - a+ (28) 5. Ancker, Jr., C. J., and Goodier, J. N,, 1958, "Pitch and Curvature Corrections
for the Helical Spring," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Dec. pp. 466-470.
6. Manos, T., 1956, "Variable Rate Torsion Spring," Ph.D. dissertation. Univer-
/277W„i sity of Michigan, USA.
4> = i'l>o ~ 4fl- — 3a + )ft)„i sin I w„in (29) 7. Carlson, H., 1979, "Squareness-Under-Load Testing and Buckling of Springs"
\ W„2 8. Bruner, D. A., and Rouch, K., 1993, "Nonlinear Analysis of Springs Using
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277 77 277 277 9. Wu, M. H., Ho, J. Y., and Hsu, W., 1997, "General Equations of a Helical
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DESIGN, Vol, 119, pp. 319-326.
for — +— < r< — + —

The simulated results are shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. Because

Journal of Mechanical Design DECEMBER 1999, Vol. 121 / 633

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