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Fig. 2-Ratio of Angle 4 of lnclination of the Force on Bit over Angle a of Hole lnclination
Example Case:
6'4-in. drill collars, 834-in. hole,
10 Ib per gal mud.
Weight in pounds
Genera I Case:
Weight in dimensionless units
I 0 Ib
General I
.- - .
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
which it cannot occur. Model experiments were made formations, unless - very low and uneconomical
fixing the limiting value of = m / r for differentdimen- weights are carried.
sionless weights. The results are shown in Fig. 2 2. In crooked-hole territories of hard-rock areas,
and 5 in which the portions of the curves drawn with such a s West Texas, Mid-Continent, and Rocky Moun-
dashed lines indicate helical buckling conditions. tains, cost of drilling may be lowered by:
T h e use of the curves of Fig. 2 has shown that a. Carrying much more weight and deliberately
helical buckling occurs only when the weight i s accepting a larger deviation;* this does not
suddenly increased in a nearly vertical hole drilled result in sharper doglegs. Such a method
in horizontal.or nearly horizontal formations. In- in- could not be used in steeply dipping forma
clined beds the collars always lie on the low side tions because unieasonable deviation would
of the hole. In horizontal beds the collars lie on the result.
low side of the hole for equilibrium conditions and b. Using larger drill collars with which more
when the weight i s being decreased. In fact, in al- weight may be carried without increasing
most any actual situation encountered in drilling, deviation. Examples: 8-in. collars in P i n .
the possibility of helical buckling of drill collars hole, 11-in. collars in 12%-in. hole.
may be ignored. c. Using both foregoing methods in conjunction.
SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 3. Extreme reduction in hole clearance, such a s
I t was assumed in this paper that,-in isotropic by the use of several stabilizers in the lower part
formations, drilling i s performed in the direction of of the collar string results in:
the force imparted to the bit. In other words, it was a. A decrease in severity of dog-legs.
implicitly assumed that bit ability to drill i s the b. A decrease in hole inclination in slightly
same in the axial and lateral directions. Actually, dipping formations for heavy weights only.
these two abilities are not necessarily equal and .,
c. No decrease in hole inclination in steeply
their ratio certainly depends upon the type of bit. dipping formations.
An extensive experimental program i s being conduct- 4. Sudden large changes of weight in crooked-hole
ed now by one of the authors in order to determine territories cause dog-legs and should be avoided.
the relative abilities of bits to drill laterally and- Any large change of weight should be graduated over
axially. After completion of this program, the math- a 15- to 30-ft interval.
ematical findings of this paper might require some APPEND5
modifications to make allowance for the type of bit. DIRECTION O F THE FORCE.ON BIT
T h e use of stabilizers investigated in this paper
Differential Equation Method
concerns the case of many stabilizers located in
The coordinate axes, abbreviations, general solu-
the lower portion of the string. The effect of the lo-
tion of the differential equation, and designations,
cation of one stabilizer only could be studied by
if not defined below, are the same a s in the appen-
the means used in this investigation. A previous
dix of ref. 1.
publication6 concerns the location of one stabilizer
Consider a straight, but inclined, hole, the low
in a vertical hole and not in an inclined hole. Simi-
side of which i s represented by the straight line DC
larly, the effect of a limber joint could be analyzed.
in Fig. 18. The angle of inclination with respect to
The downdip drift of bore holes was not mention-
the vertical i s a . The curve AB represents the elas-
ed in this paper. It i s well known that in very steep
tic line of the drilling string. A i s the point of tan-
and soft beds the bit may drift downdip or along a
gency and B i s the bit. L e t x2 and x 3 designate the
contour line. The authors believe that these pheno-
distances in dimensionless units from the neutral
mena might be studied by making allowance for fric-
point to the bit and the tangency point, respectively.
tional rotational effects and for differences in the
The differential equation of this string i s the same
ability of the bit to drill laterally and axially.
a s the differential equation of the string in a vertical
A similar mathematical study without the simpli-
hole investigated in ref. 1, on condition that the
fying assumption of small hole inclinations might
angle a i s small.
be conducted. The results would not only ~ r o v i d ea
I t results from the inspection of Fig. 18 that the
correction for the most inclined holes investigated
difference of deflections between points A and B i s
in this paper, but would also extend the findings to
the entire range of conditions encountered in direc-
equal to: -
I+ (x,-x,) a dimensionless units.
tional drilling. m
*Large savings were made by carrying more than 30,000 Ib and
1. Drilling a perfectly vertical hole with an elas- lettlng holes g o off a s much a s 1 7 deg. In wildcats, the updip
.tic drilling string i s impossible, even in horizontal drift may Increase the chances of a discovery. ,
Neutral Point Depth The expression of the inclination + of the force
r on bit is:' . c
.. R X
V ~ A P'
- F3 Gi 'H3 ' .. -1 EI - =FX- -- sln - - -- V a X +- X sin
Solving (5) for a m/r, numerical values of am/r dXZ . .n XI X I ?7
I x*= m x,
tion of the dimensionless weight on bit x 2 and the
distance xl from the bit to the tangency point in
I dimensionless units. Then, substituting (15) into
(13), +/= may be computed.
T h e results obtained with the iteration rne'thod
and the differential equation method are identical.
, XI= m x,
I Small differences appear only in the region of heli-
cal buckling (dashed portion of curves in Fig. 2 and
5) which are of no interest. T h i s proves that there
i s no need for a second iteration.
Y Consider now equilibrium conditions in isotropic
I 1 formations. Making $/= = 1 in (13) and eliminating
x i between (13) and (15), a relationship between
=m/r and x was obtained and plotted in Fig. 6
L -- (curve h = o f . Because an algebraic elimination of
x i between (13) and (15) was not easy, the actual
Fig. 19-Iteration Method
operations were performed , a s follows: First, r/= rn
w a s eliminated between (13) and (15) and the result-
Expressing the fact that the bending moment i s ing equation solved for x 2 . Then, values of x 2 were
o \ = LI in (91,
nil at .I, i. e., making d 2 ~ ' / d . Y 2 = and computed for many arbitrarily chosen ,values of
making the following substitutions: Finally, corresponding values of =m/r were obtain-
F = V+ (10) . ed with (15).
V = pm x, (11) H O L E I N C L I N A T I O N IN. A N I S O T R O P I C
Xl =,m x1 (12)
and rearranging, we obtain: .
Consider Fig. 20, in which V and F represent the
vertical and horizontal components, respectively, of
(13) the reaction of the bottom of the hole on the bit and
= =m in which the straight line d i s the, direction perpen-
dicular to bedding planes and making an angle y with
Integrating (9) and determining the integration con- the vertical.
s t a n t with the condition dY/dX== for X=S, (point A ) , Projecting the reaction of the bottom of the hole
an expression i s obtained. Integrating this l a s t e'x- on the axis d and on an a x i s e perpendicular to d
pression and determining the integration constant ( s e e Fig. 20), we obtain:.
with the condition I' = 0 for S = 0 (point B) another Component perpendicular'to the bedding planks
expression i s obtained. Then, making in this l a s t F sin y + V c o s y
expression I' = r + =.Y1 and S = I\. ( ~ o i n At ) , ,a re- Component parallel to the bedding planes
lationship i s obtained which, after substitution of F c o s y - V sin y
( l o ) , ( l l ) , and (12) and after rearranging, becomes: We may write that the component of an instant-
aneous displacement in the direction perpendicular
to the bedding planes, i. e., along a x i s d, is:
n ( F sin y + V c o s y)
wherein: n i s a proportionality factor.
(14) Assume that the component of displacement in the
direction e i s smaller for anistropic formations than
tion of displacement, we may write that tan $ i s given and constant. Assume further a given s i z e of
equal tb the ratio of the horizontal by the vertical drill collars and hole. Consequently, . . m/r i s also
componenk. Then, assuming $ small and replacing known and constant. L e t us arbitrarily choose values
tan $ by $, substituting V+ for F and rearranging, of am/r. Corresponding values of +/a are obtained
we obtain:
+ (z)=
a (1-h cos2 y) + h s i n y c o s y
from Fig. 2 and those of $/= are calculated with
formula (20): By such numerical computations, it
was found that for equilibrium conditions, i. e., for
$/= = 1:
a h sin y cos y + (1-h sin2 y) $
and for equilibrium cdnditions ($ = a ): (0
a =
(t); (1-h ;os2 y ) + h sin y cosy
which means stable equilibrium.
The curves of Fig. 9, 10, and 11 show that the
a h sin y c o s y + (1-h sin'y)
equilibrium angle i s minimum for s o h e value of
shallower depths of the well are liable to cause present some case histories which I believe are of
more sucker-rod and tubing wear than those deep in interest.
the hole, because more of the weight of moving equip- Fig. 1 (Moore) represents the drilling progress of
ment bears on the side of the hole in the first in- the well in Fremont County, Wyoming, referred to
stance. These production engineers considered that by the authors a s the one used in my discussion of
pumping costs could be reduced materially if wells R. B. McCloy's paper presented in 1952 a t Wichita,
were drilled more carefully in order to eliminate Kansas. It i s reshown at this time for the purpose
sharp bends in their courses, and that extreme care of illustrating by example the author;' conclusion
used to keep drift angles low was unnecessary. From 2a, viz.: "In crooked-hole territories, cost of drill-
these opinions, it would seem that allowing wells ing may be lowered by carrying much more weight
to deviate beyond present straight-hole contract and deliberately accepting a larger deviation; this
limits would not tend to increase production costs. does not result in sharper dog-legs. Such a method
FVesley W. Moore (British-American Oil Producing could not be used in steeply dipping formations be-
Co., DallasNwritten): The authors have analyzed cause unreasonable deviation would result."
quantatively t h e factors affecting the angle of in- I t will be noted that, by deliberately accepting
clination and doglegging in rotary bore holes. These the larger deviation, it was possible to reduce rig
analyses can serve a s a guide for substantial re- time an estimated 62 days. Inasmuch a s this was a
ductions in rotary drilling costs. very large rig, it i s estimated that the savings on
I shall confine my comments to the conclusions. this well approximated $85,000. I do not fully agree
reached by the authors and, in support thereof, shall with the authors in their statement that "such a
method cannot be used in steeply dipping formations to desired depth in the allotted time using 6%-in.
because unreasonable deviation would result." drill collars. Therefore, 8-in. drill collars were used
Fig. 2 (Moore) represents the drilling progress of in a 9-in. hole below 3,5% ft. Reights carried are
a well in which very steeply dipping beds were en- noted along the drilling progress curve. Uog-legs
countered and which was drilled rapidly without can be noted a t 4,800 ft and at 7,200 ft, but no drill-
creating serious dog-legs, even though the angle of ing difficulty was experienced in the entire 8,100 ft
deviation climbed to a s high a s 18 deg. T h i s par- of hole.
ticular well was a wildcat drilled on a lease across The cost of drilling this dry hole was comparable
an overthrust fault from the main part of the field, t o the drilling of other wells in the field where dips
and the surface location was s o situated a s to p e r of the formation do not exceed 1 2 deg. It i s difficult
mit a drift even larger than was experienced without to estimate what the cost would have been had we
either crossing the fault or going beyond the lease refused to accept s o large a deviation from vertical.
boundary. T h e drilling of this well, because of l e a s e In support of the authors' conclusion 2b, viz.,
commitment, was an operation against time. There- 66
using larger drill collars with which more weight
fore, it had to be drilled rapidly a t whatever cost. may be carried without increasing deviation. Exam-
Difficulties experienced in maintaining straight ples: &in. collars in P i n . hole, 11-in. collars in
hole from the surface down to about 3,500 ft made 12'4-in. hole," I offer Fig. 3 (Moore) which shows
i t appear improbable that we cou!d successfully drill the drilling progress a t the Steamboat Butte Field,
I0 20 SO 40
- DAYS -
50 60 70 0 1
0 2 0 X ) 4 0 6 0
6 0 7 0
0 lo 0 10 I
Fig. 3 (Moore)
Wyoming, of ~ H . J wells drilled with the same rig, per foot for drilling in this field i s based on the aver-
using the same crews and pusher. Both wells were age rate of penetration per net drilling day, a sav-
located in areas of relatively flat dip. One, however, ings of $2.71 per foot resulted from the use of &in.
was west of the axis while the other was east of the drill collars; and for a 7,000-ft well, this savings
axis. The principal difference in the two wells was . amounted to very nearly $19,000.
the use of 8-in. drill collars in a 9-in. hole at the Similar comparison can be made between two other
well on the right; whereas 6'4-in. drill collars in a similar wells drilled with a smaller rig in this same
9-in. hole were used at the well on the left. field, one of which used 6'4-in. drill collars, and the
Weight on bit for the well on the right averaged other 8-in. drill collars. The average rate of pene-
something like 30,000 Ib with a maximum of 45,000 tration using 6'4-in. drill collars in a 9-in. hole was
Ib; whereas the weight on bit for the well on the left 80 ft per day, a s compared to 104 ft per day for the
averaged about 20,000 Ib with a maximum of 35,000 same rig, using 8-in. drill collars in a 9-in. hole.
Ib. It can be noted that the maximum deviation for IIere again, the maximum deviation was slightly
the well on the right was 3 deg a s compared to 2! greater for the well making the better time, viz.,
deg for the well on the left. 5'4 deg as compared to the 4 % deg for the well
Average rate of penetration per net drilling day making the slower speed, but neither hole has given
for the well on the right was 139 ft, a s compared to trouble.
102 ft for the well on the left. necause the price The savings in footage cost amounted to $2.63
per foot for the well using 8-in. drill collars, or over replacing cosines of small angles by one and tan-
$18,000 for a 7,000-ft well. g e n t s of small angles by the angles, the order of
magnitude of the overall error i s obtained by check-
P e t e r A. Szego (The Rice Institute, Houston)(writ- ing the errors arising through these replacements.
ten): The authors are to be congratulated on their For angles l e s s than 10 deg, the maximum error for
valuable contribution to the theory of bore holes. t h e s e replacements i s about 1'4 percent; for angles
T h e mathematical techniques used appear to be up to 15 deg, about percent; for angles up to 20
correct. An independent check of the numerical com- deg, about 6 percent. Thus the authors' estimates
putation would be an extensive task-testimony to seem reasonable.
the magnitude of the work carried out by the authors. T h e authors point out the desirability of extend-
However, it i s interesting to note that verification ing their work to large angles of inclination. Inas-
of a key numerical value i s available in a German much a s the elementary beam formulae are restricted
paper by A. Willers.* Willers considers only vertical to situations wherein the slope of the deflection
holes (a = 0). However, a s the authors point out, the curve remains small, the large-angle situation must
functions which must be computed in the inclined be studied with inclined coordinates such a s those
c a s e coincide with those required for the vertical shown in Fig. 1 (%ego). T h i s figure corresponds to
case. Willers finds that the weight on bit (in dimen- Fig. 19 of the paper. L i s the distance from the bit
s i o n l e s s units) required to produce first order buck- to the point of tangency; U and il' are the force com-
ling of a uniform drill stem of infinite length is'1.88. ponents acting on the bit; the distributed weight p
T h i s agrees exactly with the value found by A. h a s a component p cos a in the .T direction and a
Lubinski,+ which i s the foundation for the present component p sin.: in the I' direction. The bending
work. T h u s there i s good reason to trust the accu- equation becomes:
racy of the calculations.
T h e agreement i s all the more striking when it i s
realized that Nillers employs asymptotic s e r i e s for
large arguments, whereas Lubinski u s e s power s e -
r i e s throughout. Inasmuch a s the latter converge
slowly for large values of the argument, asymptotic
s e r i e s should be used in the event further investi-
gations require precise calculations in this range.
Actually it will be simpler to carry out further
work by approximate methods such as the authors'
iteration scheme. In the use of approximate methods
the choice of techniques i ~ - ~ a ra t matter
l ~ of per-
sonal preference. A good feature of the
authors' approach lies in the fact that only integrals
of the approximating function appear in the final ex-
pressions. T h i s means that, even though the approx-
imation i s poor in some regions, the average obtain-
e d by integration still gives good values. T h e ac-
curacy of the method i s shown by the agreement ob-
tained with values computed from the s e r i e s solu-
tion. Of course, one could carry out a further itera-
tion, but only a t the price of greatly complicating
the formulae.
T h e most frequently occuring assumption in this
paper i s that the angle of inclination of the bore
hole be small. The authors estimate that the con-
sequent errors are negligible for angles l e s s than
10 deg; small for 15 dag; and considerable above
20 deg. Because the errors arise primarily through
* Fr. A. W ~ l l e r s : T h e B u c k l ~ n g of H e a v y Rods (m German),
Zertschrift fib Angewandte hfathernatrk und Mechanik, 21, 4 3
f ~ e f I(,
. p. 242. 1 Fig. 1 (Szego)
This generalizes equation (8) of the paper and re- small-hole inclination which undoubtedly will be
duces to it when = = 0. Introducing the dimension- useful in future research.
l e s s quantities x=,I/rn, =Y/rn, 1= L/m, u = U/mp, The authors wish to thank Mr. Moore for his val-
w = V/rnp, the bending equation becomes: . uable discussion. His actual field examples confirm
the conclusions of the paper, based on theoretical
findings. He does not wholly agree, however, with
the conclusion that in steeply dipping formations,
carrying heavy weight would result in unreasonable
The boundary conditions in din~ensionlessunits are deviations. Mr. Moore has perhaps misunderstood
y = y ( x ) = 0 at x = 0 ; y = r/m, y '(x) = y"(z) = 0 our conclusion 2a, which for additional clarity
should have been worded a s follows (new text i s
A s a first attempt a t a solution, one might try the italicized:
iteration technique with an initial approximation 2. In crooked-hole territories, cost of drilling may
function: be lowered by:
y = m~ F
l +n L s i n q a. Using conventional drill collars, but carry-
ing much more weight t h m .generally done
and deliberately accepting a larger devia-
Equations (13), (14), and (15) of the paper are then tion; etc.
replaced by the respective formulae: In Mr. Moore's example of his Fig. 2, 8-in. OD,
tanp+tan= r i. e., oversize, drill collars are used below 3,500 ft
tan a m tan= and this chart i s a good example for our conclusion
2c rather than 2a.
T h e authors wish to thank Mr. Murdoch for his in-
teresting comments. The most important of these
may be summed up a s follows:
, tanp+tan= r 1. Production troubles are caused by dog-legs.
2. Inclination of the well (even with drift angles
tan a m tan=
a s great a s 75 deg) has very little effect on pro-
duction difficulties.
3. The paper might be used to evaluate the per-
formance of slimhole drilling.
The second comment i s very significant in view
of the fact that the authors recommend drilling holes
inclined up to 15 or 20 deg only.
The-authors are in agreement with the third com-
ment above. Cheap slim-hole drilling, recently ad-
vocated by Gerald Burgess, may become in the fu-
28 144 ture a common practice in drilling exploratory wells.
+ cosa(T-n n4 -11
- One of i t s limitations i s that the method i s very
likely not suitable in very dipping formations. T h i s
When a and p are small, these expressions reduce investigation could make possible a comparison of
t o those obtained by the authors. One need only the relative merits of slim-hole and conventional-
note that = + /3 = 4. hole drilling for any given s e t of conditions. For
Using the foregoing expressions one can compute this purpose, curves for greater dimensionless
corrections for the curves developed by the authors weights than those made s o far should be prepared.
and extend their range to larger angles. Checks
should be made to determine the range of values of J. P. Bernhard (Regie Autonome Des Petroles,
a for which the approximation i s sufficiently accu- Paris, France)(written):* This paper throws a very
rate. The c a s e a = 90 deg can be studied directly new and bright light on the whole problem of well-
with fairly simple functions. It i s to be hoped that bore drift. After thorough study and comparison with
the large-angle c a s e will be investigated further. experimental facts, I cannot find anything against
the statements pr$sented.
Mr. Lubinski and Mr. Woods (written): The au- I should like, however, to add the following com-
thors wish to thank Dr. Szego for his comments. ments to this very valuable work.
They particularly appreciate his outline of a proce-
dure for eliminating the simplifying assumption of * Prepared following presentation of paper.
sin ~ - s i n + c o s 8 cosy)
T h e orientation 1 of the displacement will be giv-
en by:
(1-h) s i n + sin8
Vx sin+ cos8-hcosy(sin~cos8cosy-cos+ siny)
Writing 1 = 8 (equilibrium condition) we obtain,
after rearranging: ,Fig. 1 (Bernhard)
So one can write immediately: of angle i s concerned. The equilibrium angle on the
tan ($-y) = (l-h) tan (4-y) contrary i s much more sensitive to changes of dip
in inclined holes. Keferring, for instance, to Fig. 13,
which i s valid for any 'angle. For small angles, it i s
one can note.that the equilibrium angle varies from
easy to show that this equation i s the same a s equa-
1 8 deg to 25 deg on curve 8 if the dip varies from
tion (17).
For equilibrium conditions, we write: 25 deg to 35 deg; whereas it varies only from 2.2
deg to 3 deg on curve 1. It i s my belief that this
tan (a-y) = (l-h) tan (4-y) could lead to some dog-legging, if very inclined
T h i s equation can be used in a very easy way: holes are drilled with a large clearance.
y being given, to each arbitrary value of a corre- We had recently an example of such changes in
sponds a value of 4, s o +/a n ~ a ybe calculated. our operations in Southern France. A well had been
Then, for a given weight on bit, corresponding val- sidetracked in an updip direction. The plans were
ues of =(m/z) are found on Fig. 2 of the authors pa- for a 20-deg inclination which has been obtained
per. Dividing = by those values, the values of r/m very easily, the average dip being 30 deg. However,
are obtained. the formation drilled i s well known for having local
~og-~egs variations in dip of about f 5 deg. These variations
I agree with the authors' conclusion that the dog- caused the inclination to vary rather quickly between
legs caused by unconformities are not sharper in in- 16 deg and 22 deg, without any change in weight on
clined than in nearly vertical holes. However, this bit. No trouble has been experienced during drilling,
holds true only insofar a s the instantaneous change however.