Breaking Yoga Poses
Breaking Yoga Poses
Breaking Yoga Poses
Then I tell the new student about the way I teach: I offer
hands-on assists in class. Offer being the key word,
because I know that some people love to be touched, and
some people don’t, for all kinds of reasons! So along with
the blocks and strap, I give each person a little glass
stone. If you place the stone on your mat, I know that you
welcome hands-on assists; if I don’t see the stone on your
mat, I will be happy to support your practice in other ways
but will be sure not to touch you.
Please Correct Me
The responses I get when people hear about the
permission stones is so telling about the state of yoga as
it is currently practiced in the US. Almost always I hear a
variation of, “Please, correct me! I know I make mistakes
all of the time. I can use all of the help I can get!”
The Intention
Behind the Pose
I want to let you in on one of yoga’s most well-kept
secrets: every pose can be worked—and worked
differently!—to achieve a wide variety of physical