Bonny Light TBP Nigeria Distillation: Assay
Bonny Light TBP Nigeria Distillation: Assay
Bonny Light TBP Nigeria Distillation: Assay
°C wt % vol % °C wt % vol %
Cut Yield Yield Dens 15°C S RSH RON RON MON MON Napht Aro RVP Benz
LIGHT °C wt % vol % kg/m3 wt % %wt clear 0,15g/l clear 0,15g/l %vol %Vol kPa %vol
15-80 6.07 7.89 653 0.0005 77.3 83.8 76.0 82.6 2.1 2.1
Cuts Yield Yield Dens 15°C S RSH Smoke Acid. Cetane Freeze Pt Naphtal. Aro. Saybolt Visc cst Flash
KEROSENE °C wt % vol % kg/m3 wt % mg/kg Point mg/g Calc °C %vol %vol Color 50 °C Point
150-230 15.23 15.86 815 0.010 21 34.0 -65.0 15.5
Cuts Yield Yield Dens 15°C S Conrad Anilin Pt Ni V Total N Bas N Pour Pt Visco cSt Visc cst KUOP Asp. C7
VACUUM °C wt % vol % kg/m3 wt % wt % C mg/kg mg/kg wt % wt% C 100 °C 150°C %wt
DISTILLATE 375-550 21.35 19.38 935 0.28 0.20 0.1700 0.0732 11.73
Cuts Yield Yield Dens 15°C S Conrad Asp C5 Ni V Total N Pene Pour Pt Visco cSt Visco cSt Asp. C7
RESIDUE °C wt % vol % kg/m3 wt % wt % %wt mg/kg mg/kg wt % °C 100 °C 150 °C wt %
> 550 7.57 6.32 1017 0.52 16.0 65.1 4.7 0.7200 63 1973 119 0.3
> 580
* estimated value Total DTS/AM Feb-11
This crude oil data sheet is for information purposes only. No guaranty is given as to its accuracy or as to any consequences arising from its use .