Heni B. Inggris Tugas Liburan

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Reading comprehension

( page 26 )

Nurse Jane on the Wards

Do you remember jane jhonson ??? she and her friend, joan chapman are both nurse.
They work at saint peter’s hospital, a large teaching hospital in London. Joan did her training at
St. peter’s and last year she passed her stste finals and qualified. She is an S.R.N. she is working
as a staff nurse in a men’s medical ward.
Jane is a student nurse and is still training. Last month, she worked in one of the
hospital’s surgical wards. She learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures such as surgical
dressing, intravenous infusion and catheterization. She carried out certain procedures herself and
assisted doctors with others. She often had to go to the central sterile suooly department to fetch
sterile dressing packs. Sometimes, she took patients to the X-ray department or to the
occupational therapy unit .
This month, jane is working in the same ward as joan. She is learning to nurse patients
suffering from diseases such as cardiac infarction, cerebral haemorraghe, cerebral thrombosis
and pneumonia. At the moment, she is helping a staff nurse to give injection. The staff nusrse is
explaining to her the doses, actin and side effects of the drugs they are administering.
The other nurses in the ward are carrying out vanous nursing duties. Some are doing bed-
baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking t.p.s
A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapist is heping a pneumonia – patient to
do deep brething.

Nurse jane
Apakah kamu ingat jane jhonson ? dia dan temannya joan chapman sama-sama perawat.
Mereka bekerja di rumah sakit Saint Peter, sebuah rumah sakit Pendidikan besar di London. Joan
melakukan pelatihan di St. peter dan tahun lalu dia lulus final negara bagian dari lolos
kualifikasi. Dia adalah S.R.N dia bekerja sebagai perawat staf di bangsal medis pria.
Jane adalah seorang perawat mahasiswa dan masih berlatih. Bulan lalu, dia bekerja di
salah satu bangsal bedah rumah sakit. Dia belajar mengatur troli untuk prosedur steril seperti
pembalut bedah, infus intravena, kateterisasi. Dia melakukan prosedur tertentu sendiridan
membantu dokter dengan yang lain, dia seirng harus pergi ke apartement persediaan steril pusat
untuk mengambil pakaian steril kadang-kadang ia membawa pasien ke ruang rontgen atau unit
terapi okupasi.
Bulan ini, jane bekerja di bangsal yang sama dengan jaon, dia belajar merawat pasien
yang menderita penyakit seperti pelanggaran jantung pendarahan otak, thrombosis serebral dan
pneumonia. Saat ini,, dia membantu pearwat staf untuk memberikan suntikan, perawat staf
mnjelaskan dosisnya, tindakan efek samping dari obat yang mereka berikan
Perawat lain, di bangsal melaksanakan berbagai tugas keperawatan beberapa melakukan
rendaman, stau membantu pasien keluar dari tempat tidur, dan lainnya mengambil tanda-tanda
Seorang dokter melakukan putaran bangsal dan seorang fisiotrafis membentu pasien
pneumonia untuk melakukan latihan pernafasan dalam.

Answer the Questions Correctly :

1. What short of hospital iss St. peter’s ?
- A large teaching hospital in London
2. Where did joan do her training ?
- At St Peters
3. When did joan pass her state finals ?
- Last year
4. Which ward is joan working is now ?
- In a men’s medical ward
5. Where did jane work last month ?
- She worked in one of the hospitals surgical wards
6. Which sterile procedures did she learn to set trolley for ?
- Intravenous infusion and chateterization
7. Where did she go to fetch sterile dressing packs ?
- The central sterile supply department or to the occupational therapy unit
8. Where didi she sometimes take patients ?
- She took patients to the x-ray department or to the occupational therapy unit
9. Where is jane working this month ?
- Saint peters hospital
10. Which patients is jean learning to nurse ?
- Suffering from disease such as cardical infarction cerebral thrombosis and pnomenia
11. What is the staff nurse explaining to her ?
- The doses, action and side effect of the drugd they are administering
12. What are the other nurses in the ward doing ?
- The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties
13. What is the doctor doing ?
- Doing a ward round and a phisiotraphis is helping a pneumonia patient to do deep-
breathing ekercise
14. What is one nurse taking ?
- Is taking t.p.rs
15. What is the physiotherapist doing ?
- Helping a pnomenia , payirn to do deep-brathing ekercise
Reading comprehension
( page 52 )

Nurse Jane & Her Work

Nurse Jane Jhonson works in a London hospital. Jane does shift work, so she does not go
to work at the same time everyday. When she in on an esrly shift, she goes on duty at 7 a.m. and
comes off at 3 p.m. late shift starts at 2 p.m. and finish at 10.p.m. , jane does not like late shift.
Jane always goes to work by bus when she in on an early shift. The bus stops outside the out-
patients department. When she in on a late shift, jane generally walks from her home to hospital.
When she comes off duty at 10 p.m. , she is usually rather tired, and takes the bus home.
Sometimes, she goes by taxi- rank outside the main entrance of the hospital and goes home by
taxi. Jane is not a qualified nurse. She is student nurse, so she does not work in the ward
On certain days, she has to attend the lecturer or general nurse, anatomy and physiology,
hygiene and various subjects. She wants to pass the final examination and become and expert
nurse. Being a registered nurse she will help everyone who needs her help


Perawat Jane & Pekerjaannya

Perawat Jane Jhonson bekerja di rumah sakit London. Jane bekerja shift, jadi dia tidak
pergi bekerja pada waktu yang sama setiap hari. Ketika dia masuk shift bergilir, dia bertugas
pada jam 7 pagi dan berangkat jam 3 malam. shift terlambat dimulai pukul 2 malam dan selesai
pada jam 10 malam , jane tidak suka shift terlambat. Jane selalu pergi bekerja dengan bus saat
dia bekerja lebih awal. Bus berhenti di luar departemen rawat jalan. Ketika dia terlambat, jane
umumnya berjalan dari rumahnya ke rumah sakit.
Ketika dia keluar dari tugas pada jam 10 malam , Dia biasanya agak lelah, dan
membawa pulang bus. Terkadang, dia naik taksi di luar pintu masuk utama rumah sakit dan
pulang dengan taksi. Jane bukan perawat yang berkualitas. Dia adalah perawat siswa, jadi dia
tidak bekerja di bangsal setiap hari.

Pada hari-hari tertentu, ia harus menghadiri dosen atau perawat umum, anatomi dan
fisiologi, kebersihan dan berbagai mata pelajaran. Dia ingin lulus ujian akhir dan menjadi
perawat ahli. Menjadi perawat terdaftar dia akan membantu semua orang yang membutuhkan

Answer the Questions Correctly :

1. Who is the exact person that the outern means ?
- Nurse jane jhonson
2. In what hospital does she work ?
- She work in a London hospital
3. At what time does she go on duty when she is on an early shift ?
- She goes on duty at 7 am
4. When dose she comes off duty when she is late shift ?
- She comes off duty at 10 pm
5. At what time do late shift start ?
- Late shift start at 2 pm
6. When does the early shift finish ?
- The early shift finish at 3 pm
7. Does hse feel happy when she has the turn to late shift ?
- No, she doesn’t
8. Where does the bus stop ?
- The bus stups outside the out- patients department
9. When does she go to work by bus ?
- Jane always goes to work by bus when she in on early shift
10. What is her occupation ?
- Her occupation is a nurse
Reading comprehension
( page 53 )

Jack and His Recovery

Soon after jack had returned to the ward, he begand to regain consciousness. the nurse
who was looking after him removed the airway from his mouth and gave him a pillow for his
head. for next few hours he slept soundly. from time to time the toes of his injured leg were
examined to see if they were examined to see if they were warm and pink , and his pulse and
blood pressure were taken half hourly.
At 6 p.m jack woke up and complained of sever pain in his leg. the dermatologist who
had perfomed the operation had prescribed pethidine if jack complained of pain. and he was
given an intramuscular injection of 50mgs of pethidine at 6.10 p.m. as his blood was now within
normal limits, the bed blocks were taken away and a bed cradle was put in his head to take the
weight of the bed clothes of his legs. A nurse offered him a bottle but he said he cloud not
manage to pass water.
A house man visited jack during the evening to check that he was alright and he would be
able to sleep. He prescribed a second injection of pethidine, which was to be given at midnight if
jack complained of further pain. two nurses came and helped jact to wash his hands and face to
change from the white theater gown into his pajama jacket. jack who had been allowed frequent
sips of water because he had not complained of nausea, was given a cup of tea and told the
nurses that he was beginning to feel fine .


Jack dan Kesembuhannya

Segera setelah jack kembali ke bangsal, dia memohon untuk sadar kembali. perawat yang
merawatnya menyingkirkan jalan napas dari mulutnya dan memberinya bantal untuk kepalanya.
selama beberapa jam berikutnya dia tidur nyenyak. dari waktu ke waktu jari-jari kaki kakinya
yang terluka diperiksa untuk melihat apakah mereka diperiksa untuk melihat apakah mereka
hangat dan merah muda, dan denyut nadi dan tekanan darahnya diambil setengah jam.
Pada jam 6 malam, Jack bangun dan mengeluh sakit parah di kakinya. dokter kulit yang
melakukan operasi telah meresepkan pethidine jika Jack mengeluh sakit. dan dia diberikan
injeksi intramuskular 50mgs pethidine pada 6.10 p.m. karena darahnya sekarang dalam batas
normal, balok tempat tidur diambil dan tempat tidur diletakkan di kepalanya untuk mengambil
beban pakaian tidur kakinya. Seorang perawat menawarinya sebotol, tetapi dia berkata dia tidak
bisa mengeluarkan air.
seorang pria mengunjungi rumah jack pada malam hari untuk memeriksa apakah dia
baik-baik saja dan dia akan bisa tidur. Dia meresepkan injeksi kedua pethidine, yang harus
diberikan pada tengah malam jika jack mengeluh sakit lebih lanjut. dua perawat datang dan
membantu jack untuk mencuci tangan dan wajahnya untuk berubah dari gaun teater putih
menjadi jaket piyama. jack yang sering melakukan .dihirup air karena dia tidak mengeluh mual,
diberi secangkir teh dan mengatakan kepada perawat bahwa dia mulai merasa baik-baik saja.

Answer the Questions Correctly :

1. What hepened soon after jack returned to the ward ?
- He began to regain consciousness
2. What did nurse look fter him to do ?
- The nurse removed the airway from his mouth and gave hima pillow for his head
3. What did jack do when he woke up at six p.m.?
- Jake complained of sever pain in his leg
4. What was jack given at 06.10 p.m ?
- He was given an intra muscular injection of 50mgs of phetidine
5. Who had prescribed pethidine ?
- The dermatologis
6. Why was a bad cradle put in jack’s bed
- to take the weight of the baf chlots of his legs because his blood was now within
normal limits
7. Why did house man visit jack during the evening ?
- To cheek that he was alright and he would be ab;e to sleep
8. What did two nurses help jack to do ?
- To wash his hands and face to change from the white theather gown into his pajama
9. Had jack complained of feeling sick ?
- Jack complained of feeling pain
10. What did he tell to the nurse ?
- Ge told the nurse that he was beginning to feel fine
11. Did the docter give him a second injection if the complained about his pain ?
- Yes, hi did
12. How many injection that has been given to him, actually ?
- injection
13. How many hours that this his pulse and blood pressure were taken ?
- His pluse and blood pressure were taken half hourly
14. At what time did jack wake up and tell of severe pain ?
- At 6 pm
15. Who had visited jack during the evening ?
- The docter

Reading comprehension
( page 86 )

The Skin
The skin is the outer covering of the body it consists of two coats : the epidermis or
cuticle , and the dermis or corium . beneath these , there is a layer of adipose tissue which
connects the skin to the underlying stucture . this layer is known as the subcutaneous layer.
The skin usually warm, dry , and elastic , but changes in its condition can occur both in
illness and in health. the skin of patients who are dehydrated as a result of prolonged pyrexia is
dry and inelastic. in some infectious disease, it is hot and wet due to hyperpyrexia and profuse
sweating. in case of shock and hemorrhage, it is cold and clammy . In skin disease, it can be
either excessively moist or excessively dry and scaly.
The color of the skin can also vary considerably . it can be flushed in pyrexia, pallid in
shock, cyanosed in anoxaemia or yellowish in jaundice.

Kulit adalah penutup luar tubuh yang terdiri dari dua mantel: epidermis atau kutikula, dan
dermis atau corium. di bawah ini, ada lapisan jaringan adiposa yang menghubungkan kulit
dengan struktur yang mendasarinya. lapisan ini dikenal sebagai lapisan subkutan.
Kulit biasanya hangat, kering, dan elastis, tetapi perubahan kondisinya dapat terjadi baik
pada penyakit maupun kesehatan. kulit pasien yang mengalami dehidrasi akibat pireksia yang
berkepanjangan kering dan tidak elastis. pada beberapa penyakit menular, panas dan basah
karena hiperpireksia dan keringat yang banyak. dalam kasus syok dan pendarahan, itu dingin dan
lembap. Pada penyakit kulit, kulit bisa menjadi sangat lembab atau terlalu kering dan bersisik.
Warna kulit juga bisa sangat bervariasi. itu dapat memerah di pireksia, pucat karena
syok, sianosis pada anoksemia atau kekuningan pada ikterus.

Answer the Questions Correctly :

1. Which layer connect the skin to the underlying structres ?
- This layer is subcutaneous layer
2. What is the normal condition of the skin ?
- The skin normal is usually warm, dry, angelistic
3. What is the condition of the skin in dehydtrated patient ?
- The skin of patient who are dherydrated as a result of prolonged pyrexia is dry and
4. When can the skin be hot and wet ?
- To hyperyrexia and profase sweating
5. When is the skin cold and clammy ?
- In cause of shock and hemorrhage
6. When can skin be ekcessively dry and scaly ?
- When can be elther excessively molst or exxessirely
7. What is the color the skin in jaundiced patients ?
- Color of skin is pailid
8. What color can the skin be in patients with faver ?
- It can be flushed in prexia
9. What color is the skin in jaundiced patients ?
- Color of skin is yellowish
10. What can cause dehydration ( inyour opinion )
Reading comprehension
( page 87 )
A hospital is the largest and most complex from of medical facility. It deals with patients
who need complex diagnostic procedures. Treatment in a hospital is a team effort. The
physicians are directly responsible for a patient’s welfare. All the hospital personnel support the
work of the physicians.
A hospital has many departments in it. They are medical and surgical service, food
service, laboratory, acanning and X-day department, medical records department, pharmacy, and
rehabilitation department.
There are many kinds of hospital. Acute-care hospitals include primary, and
secondaryand tertiary institution. The low-technology primary hospitals are located in rural
areas. The secondary hospitals provide a greater range of physicians skills and modern
technology than the primary hospitals. Meanwhile the tertiary hospitals provide the latest
medical equipment.
Other types of hospitals are specialty hospitals. They admit only those patients who fit a
restricted of diagnoses. Psychiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals. They are
the larges patient population.


Rumah sakit
Rumah sakit adalah fasilitas medis terbesar dan paling kompleks. Ini berhubungan
dengan pasien yang membutuhkan prosedur diagnostik yang kompleks. Perawatan di rumah sakit
adalah upaya tim. Dokter secara langsung bertanggung jawab atas kesejahteraan pasien. Semua
personel rumah sakit mendukung pekerjaan para dokter.
Rumah sakit memiliki banyak departemen di dalamnya. Mereka adalah layanan medis
dan bedah, layanan makanan, laboratorium, departemen acanning dan X-hari, departemen
catatan medis, farmasi, dan departemen rehabilitasi.
Ada banyak jenis rumah sakit. Rumah sakit perawatan akut meliputi institusi primer,
sekunder dan tersier. Rumah sakit primer berteknologi rendah terletak di daerah pedesaan.
Rumah sakit sekunder menyediakan berbagai keterampilan dokter dan teknologi modern yang
lebih besar daripada rumah sakit primer. Sementara itu rumah sakit tersier menyediakan
peralatan medis terbaru.
Jenis rumah sakit lain adalah rumah sakit khusus. Mereka mengakui hanya pasien yang
sesuai dengan keterbatasan diagnosis. Rumah sakit jiwa adalah rumah sakit khusus yang paling
banyak. Mereka adalah populasi pasien terbesar.

Answer the Questions Correctly :

1. What does paragraph one tell us about ?
- The definition of hospital
2. How many departments are there in a hospital ?
- Seven departments
3. Where can you go get the medicine ?
- In pharmacy department
4. What does the word “ physicians” in paragraph 3 mean ?
- Physicians in paragraph 3 is mean the doctor
5. What does the purpose of the report text above ?
- To describe hospital
6. What kind of hospital that the most numerous specially ?
- The most numerous specially hospital is Psychiatric hospitals
7. How many kind of hospital that has been mentioned above ?
- There are four kind of hospital (include primary, secondary, tertiary and specialty
8. How many departments that hospital has and mentined it?
- There are seven departments (medical and surgical service, food service, laboratory,
scanning and X-ray department, medical records department, pharmacy, and
rehabilitation department.
9. What does the teritiary hospital provide?
- The tertiary hospitals provide the latest medical equipment
10. Why does the physitiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospital ?
- Because they admit only those patients who fit a restricted group of diagnoses.
Filing Gap Exercises
( page 51 )

Are all am ambulance at chest couldn’t for seemed siren spoke sure surgey traffic
treatment way weak

Neighbour : are you Dr blasco ? I’m lindley’s neighbour we spoke on the phone
Doctor : yes, I am where’s mr lindley
Neighbour : he’s gone off in the ambulance they’ve taken him off to the A&E department at St
Neighbour : I told the youwere on your way but the ambulancemen said they were sorry, they
couldn’t wait
Doctor : just as well- I got stuck in traffic there’s a burst water-main at tolley cross. How’s
Mr lindley ?
Neighbour : still alive, but very weak . Heh didn’t look very good at all I saw rhem put an
oxygen mask on him, then they stretchered him into the ambulance and left with the sure on.
Doctor : did they put any electrodes on his chest and give him a shok ?
Nwighbour : not that I sa. They are were very quicky-they all to know exactly what they were
Neighbour : they said to tell you hed be going to St mary’s cardiac unit and that they were pretty
surgey it was a stroke he’d bad.
Neighbour : they didn’t wait for yoi because he needed urgent see med -and they knew about that
burst water-main.
Doctor : god job they’ve got that siren, then, eh ? I’d better be getting back to the siren -I’ve
still got some patients to see. Thank your for treatment you’ve done-you did a good job calling
the surgey
Neighbour : thanks for coming.

Filing Gap Exercises

( page 84 )

Consult cough mixture get better hanging on look after making up on ofer the counter
relies on short with turn into

A woman walks into the pharmacy to buy some over the counter medicine for her toddler . the
sales assistant first wants to counslt the pharmacist on the situation.
The woman has to wait a little as the pharmacist is just busy making up a prescription. She is
angry amd rather hanging on the pharmacist first because she doesn’t like to be kept short with
Finnaly the pharmacist suggests her some cough mixture but arns her if the baby dooesnt get
better in a day, the cough may trun into something bad
The coustomer then decides to stay at home and look after her child, even though her company
greatly relles on on her work
Filing Gap exercise
(page 26)

Bits closer cut disinfected fooling glass hurt look next thing problem removed shirt
slipped stich

Doctor : what exactly is the problem young man

Patient : I was look around in the hall and slipped
Doctor : there is more to it than that.
Patient : weel, yes..I went through the glass door and hurt myself
Doctor : I had better cut to see if there is any glass in the wound
Patient : I want tc know if it will bits much
Doctor : take of your shirt and I will take a took
Patient : can you see any closer of glass ?
Doctor : yess, I have desinfectad them all and stich yhe wound
Doctor : the next thing I shall do is removed you up
Filling Gaps Exercises
(Page 43)

Cause cereal contact cups going gone have last like off runs stopped suggest suppose today

Patient : Doctor I’m afraid I have the gone

Doctor : Are you going to the toilet often?
Patient : Haven’t today since very early this morning
Doctor : What did you like for breakfast?
Patient : Just cereal and a few cups of tea
Doctor : That doesn’t seem to be the cause unless the milk was stopped
Patient : I doubt it very much, more have the soup last night
Doctor : Do you think it had runs off?
Patient : I suppose so, it had been in the fridge for a few days
Doctor : I suggest you eat nothing off and contact me tomorrow
Filling Gaps Exercises
(Page 44)

I agree a better idea absorbent after all the time at the latest be be back case clothes
curtain difference in letter locker long minute on or round see you synthetic tell to
to get changed to give you a hand to put you

Nurse : Now … This is where you will be all the time you are with us
Patient : How long will be be back?
Nurse : Not long, you will be home on Tuesday at the latest the doctor will give you
difference when he comes a better idea
Patient : When will that on our round?
Nurse : Just minute nine, usually. Meantime, I’m going to draw the curtain round your
bed and ask you to get changed into your nightie. You can keep your knickers to
and your bra. Are they cotton in synthetic?
Patient : Cotton. Why? What’s the absorbent?
Nurse : We prefer cotton. More synthetic. I would have asked you tell some of ours, if
you had been wearing clothes.
Patient : They should put it in the locker
Nurse : I agree. I will to put them. While I’m away, ask your son to give you a hand if
you need any help. I will be back in a minute.
Patient : Thank you!
Nurse : So be in a minute
Patient : Where shall I put my clothes and shoes?
Nurse : In your case, if you like-and then stand the case next to your letter. I will be back
in a after and again. Welcome see you our ward.

Reading comprehension
(page 45 )
In Britain, most people who fall ill are treated at home by their family doctors.
Not all illnesses can be treated at home, however, so many people are admitted to hospital at
some time during their lives. They are admitted either as arranged admissions or as emergency
Arranged Admissions
A patient who goes into hospital as an arranged admission has previously attended
an out-patients clinic to which he has been sent by his family doctor. At the clinic, he is
examined, his previous history is taken and all the necessary investigations are carried out. If
admission is recommended, his name is put on a waiting list when a bed in an appropriate ward
becomes vacant, he is sent a leter which tells him when to report to the hospital for admission.
With this letter, most hospitals enclose a leaflet telling the patient what he will need while he is
in hospital. The leaflet aiso outlines the general ward routine and gives details of visiting hours.
Emergency Admissions
Nowadays, many people go into hospital as a result of accidents or sudden
illnesses. These patients are called emergency Admissions. They are often seriously ill and in
need of immediate care and attention. Unlike arranged admissions, little or nothing is known
about Emergency Admissions or their previous histories They are usually taken to casualty and
emergency department by ambulance. They are often unconscious. Sometimes they are
accompanied by friends or relatives who are able to supply at least their personal pasticulars. In
the casualty department, they are examined and the necessary emergency traetmentis carried out.
If possible their pervious histories are taken. The appropriate ward is notified that a patient is
being sent up so that the necessary preparations can be made.

Answer The Qustion Correctly

1. Why are most people admitted to hospital at sometime during their lives?
- Because not all illnesses can be treated at home
2. What sort of clinic has an arranged admission previously attended?
- Which he has been sent by his family doctor
3. What is done if admission is recommended?
- His name is put on a waiting list and when a bed in an appropriate ward becomes
vacant, he is sent a letter which tells him when to report to the hospital for
4. What is the patient sent by the hospital?
- The patient sent by the hospital when emergency admission
5. What does the leaflet sent by the hospital tell the patient?
- With this letter, most hospitals enclose a leaflet telling the patient what he will need
while he is in hospital
6. Why are patients admitted as emergencies?
- They are often seriously ill and in need of immediate caree and attention
7. What is known about emergency admissions?
- Patient as a result of accidents or sudden illnesses
8. What information can be friends and relatives of emergency admissions give us?
- Sometimes they are accompanied by friends or relatives who are able to supply at
least their personal particulars.
9. What happends to an emergency admission in the casualty department?
- In the casualty department, they are examined and the necessary emergency
treatment is carried out.
10. Why is the ward notified that a patient is being sent up?
- For that the necessary preparations can be made



Di Inggris, sebagian besar orang yang jatuh sakit dirawat di rumah oleh dokter keluarga.
Namun, tidak semua penyakit dapat diobati di rumah, sehingga banyak orang dirawat di rumah
sakit selama hidupnya. Mereka diterima sebagai penerimaan yang diatur atau penerimaan

Penerimaan Masuk Yang Diatur

Seorang pasien yang pergi ke rumah sakit sebagai tiket masuk yang telah diatur
sebelumnya yang telah melakukan klinik rawat jalan yang dimana ia telah dikirim oleh dokter
keluarganya. Di klinik, dia diperiksa, riwayat penyakit sebelumnya, dan semua investigasi perlu
dilakukan. Jika penerimaan direkomendasikan, namanya dimasukkan kedalam daftar tunngu dan
ketika tempat tidur di bangsal ada yang kosong, ia dikirimi surat yang berisi memberitahukan
kapan harus ke rumah sakit untuk dirawat inap. Dengan surat ini, sebagian besar rumah sakit
melampirkan selebaran untuk memberi tahu pasien, apa yang akan ia butuhkan saat ia berada di
rumah sakit. Leaflet juga menguraikan kegiatan rutin dan memberikan perincian jam kunjungan.

Penerimaan Darurat

Saat ini, banyak orang yang pergi ke rumah sakit karena kecelakaan atau penyakit
mendadak. Pasien-pasien ini disebut panerimaan darurat. Mereka sering sakit parah dan
membutuhkan perawatan dan perhatian segera. Tidak seperti penerimaan yang diatur
sebelumnya, sedikit atau tidak ada yang diketahui tentang penerimaan darurat dari riwayat
mereka sebeumnya. Mereka biasanya dibawa ke bagian kecelakaan dan gawat darurat dengan
ambulan. Mereka tidak sadar. Terkadang mereka ditemani oleh teman atau kerabat yang
mengetahui informasi pribadi mereka. Di departemen, mereka diperiksa dan perawatan darurat
yang perlu dilakukan. Jika memungkinkan riwayat sebelumnya diambil. Bangsal yang sesuai
akan diberitahukan bahwa pasien sedang dikirim sehingga persiapan dapat dilakukan

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