Stuff & Not Dying: Doing Fighting
Stuff & Not Dying: Doing Fighting
Stuff & Not Dying: Doing Fighting
When you attempt something difficult or At 0 Stamina, You die at end of round
dangerous, you roll with your Skill. If you have Below 0 Stamina, You are dead. Luck roll?
a relevant Advanced Skill, use Skill + 8 Hrs Rest: Regain 2d6 Stamina, 2d6 Luck
Advanced Skill instead. Provisions: Regain1d6 Stamina (3 per day)
ROLL UNDER when unopposed: MELEE: Roll Versus. Higher deals damage.
◆ 2d6 under/equal to your Skill ◆ 6, 6 deals double damage
◆ Climbing, lifting, casting spells, etc ◆ 1, 1 Fumble, suffer +1 DMG
◆ 6,6 is always a Fumble; a failure SHOOT: Roll Versus their evasion/Skill.
◆ Into melee: Random targets
ROLL VERSUS during contests:
◆ AIM: On next turn roll twice, take best
◆ 2d6 + your Skill VS their 2d6 + Skill
◆ Combat, racing, arguing, searching Unaware target, Roll Under, +2 dmg
◆ 1,1 is a Fumble; a failure Prone/Fallen, -2 to all rolls and DMG
When you successfully use an Advanced Skill, DMG modifiers affect die roll, not damage.
put a Mark next to it. When you have time to ◆ Shields: -1 DMG 1 Slot
reflect, you may Test up to 3 skills. ◆ Lightly: -1 DMG 2 Slots
If you roll 2d6 over your Skill total, gain +1. ◆ Modestly: -2 DMG 4 Slots
House Rule: Mark when you fail instead. ◆ Heavily: -3 DMG 6 Slots
To learn a new skill, find a mentor, Fire, Poison, Drowning: Suffer 1d6 stamina
roll 2d6 under your Skill. Starts at 1. the first time you fail Skill/Luck. 2d6 the
House Rule: Instead, 1d6 over/equal skill. second time, etc. In combat roll end of round.