Pull Out Test

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Influence of degree of saturation on soil nail pull-out resistance in compacted

completely decomposed granite fill

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · January 2008

DOI: 10.1139/T07-056


39 471

5 authors, including:

Li-Jun Su Jian-Hua Yin

Chinese Academy of Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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Influence of degree of saturation on soil nail

pull-out resistance in compacted completely
decomposed granite fill
Li-Jun Su, Terence C.F. Chan, Y.K. Shiu, Tony Cheung, and Jian-Hua Yin

Abstract: The nail–soil interface shear strength is a key parameter in the design and stability assessment of soil nailing
systems. A number of factors will influence the nail–soil interface shear strength. Among these factors, the degree of satu-
ration (Sr) of the soil is an important one especially for permanent soil nail structures. To study the influence of Sr on soil
nail pull-out shear resistance, a series of laboratory pull-out tests have been conducted on soil nails in compacted completely
decomposed granite (CDG) fill prepared to different Sr. The tests were conducted using two specially designed pull-out boxes
(with same specifications). In the near-saturated tests, a high Sr (about 98%) was achieved using two special features of the
apparatus: a waterproof front cap and back-water pressure pipes at the bottom of the pull-out box. Test results showed that
the nail–soil shearing plane migrated outwards into the soil when the Sr of the soil increased. Also, peak pull-out
strengths of soil nails were strongly influenced by the Sr of the soil. Among the tested Sr, the highest values of peak
pull-out shear strength were obtained at Sr values between 50% and 75%.
Key words: soil nailing, pull-out shear strength, degree of saturation, completely decomposed granite fill.
Résumé : La résistance au cisaillement de l’interface sol–clous est un paramètre fondamental dans la conception et l’éva-
luation de la stabilité des systèmes de sol clouté. Un certain nombre de facteurs va influencer la résistance au cisaillement
de l’interface sol–clous. Parmi ces facteurs, le degré de saturation (Sr) du sol en est un important particulièrement pour les
structures permanentes de sol clouté. Afin d’étudier l’influence de Sr sur la résistance au cisaillement à l’arrachement des
clous dans le sol, une série d’essais d’arrachement ont été conduits en laboratoire sur des clous dans un remblai de granite
compacté complètement décomposé (« CDG ») préparé à divers Sr. Les essais ont été conduits en utilisant deux boı̂tes
d’arrachement ayant les mêmes spécifications. Dans les essais quasiment saturés, un degré élevé de Sr (environ 98 %) a
été obtenu au moyen de caractéristiques spéciales de l’appareil : un capuchon frontal étanche à l’eau et des tuyaux qui refou-
laient la pression d’eau en partie inférieure de la boı̂te d’arrachement. Les résultats des essais ont montré que le plan
de cisaillement clou–sol a migré à l’extérieur dans le sol lorsque le Sr du sol augmentait. Aussi, les résistances d’arra-
chement de pic des clous étaient fortement influencées par le Sr du sol. Parmi les Sr testés, les valeurs de résistance
de pic à l’arrachement les plus élevées ont été obtenues à des valeurs de Sr entre 50 % et 75 %.
Mots-clés : clou dans le sol, résistance au cisaillement d’arrachement, degré de saturation, remblai de granite complètement
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction slopes and new slopes to bring them up to the required

safety standard.
Soil nails are slender inclusions installed in soil to stabi- In the design of a soil nailing system, both internal and
lize the soil mass, such as cut and fill slopes, deep excava- external failure modes need to be considered (Watkins and
tions, and tunnels. Soil nailing originated as an extension of Powell 1992). There are three types of basic internal failure
rock bolting and the New Austrian Tunnelling Method. modes: pull-out failure, tension or shearing failure, and head
Since its origin, it has been used increasingly in many places and facing failure. Each mode of failure should be checked
of the world because of its technical and economical advan- for an adequate margin of safety in the design. The pull-out
tages. In Hong Kong, where the terrains are mostly hilly, resistance of a soil nail (i.e., the shear strength between the
soil nailing has been widely used to reinforce both existing soil nail and the surrounding soil) is a key parameter in cur-
Received 25 January 2006. Accepted 28 March 2007. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cgj.nrc.ca on 18 January 2008.
L.-J. Su1 and J.-H. Yin.2 The Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
T.C.F. Chan and Y.K. Shiu. Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Civil Engineering and
Development Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
T. Cheung. Maunsell Geotechnical Services Limited, Shatin, Hong Kong.
1Presentaddress: School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, 13 Yanta Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi,
710055, China.
2Corresponding author (e-mail: cejhyin@polyu.edu.hk).

Can. Geotech. J. 44: 1314–1328 (2007) doi:10.1139/T07-056 # 2007 NRC Canada

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rent design methods, which include the French method a 2.0 m  1.6 m  1.4 m pull-out box on both steel bars and
(Schlosser 1982), the German method (Stocker et al. 1979), cement grouted nails. Pradhan noted from laboratory pull-
the Bridle method (Bridle 1989), the Davis method (Shen et out tests that with cement grouted nails in loose CDG fill,
al. 1981), and the Juran method (Juran et al. 1988). In the only the nail–soil interface adhesion was reduced by a high
design of a soil nailing system in Hong Kong, the pull-out degree of saturation, but the interface friction angle remained
resistance is usually assumed to be the same as the shear unchanged. At the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Chu
strength of the soil, and pull-out tests are carried out in the (2003) and Chu and Yin (2004, 2005, 2006) carried out a
field during the construction stage to verify the interface series of laboratory pull-out tests on soil nails to study the
shear strength used in design. The shear strength between a shear strength of the interface between cement grouted soil
soil nail and the surrounding soil is influenced by a number nails and CDG fill. In these studies, the influence of over-
of factors, such as the normal stress on the interface, degree burden pressure, degree of saturation of soil, and soil nail
of saturation of the soil, soil properties, and soil nail surface surface roughness on soil nail pull-out shear resistance
roughness. It is not a straightforward task to estimate the were studied. The soil nail pull-out resistance was observed
soil nail pull-out resistance for a particular type of soil and to decrease with an increase in degree of saturation of soil.
under a particular soil nail installation procedure. In addi- It should be noted that in the previous pull-out tests, the
tion, verification pull-out tests on soil nails can hardly be overburden pressures were applied to the soil after the soil
conducted under the worst conditions in the field (i.e., satu- nails had been installed. These tests were unable to simu-
rated conditions). As such, the measured pull-out resistance late most site conditions where overburden pressures al-
may not be a safe parameter for design use. It is also com- ready exist prior to installation of soil nails.
mon to find that the measured values are scattered because The reported investigations on the influence of degree of
of variance in test conditions as reported by Schlosser and saturation of soil on the pull-out resistance of a soil nail are
Guilloux (1981), Cartier and Gigan (1983), Heymann et al. limited. As reported in Pradhan (2003) and Chu and Yin
(1992), and Heymann (1993). (2005), it was difficult to achieve a high degree of saturation
Among the factors influencing the soil nail pull-out resist- due to leakage problems. Furthermore, the previous tests
ance, the degree of saturation of the soil is an important one, were only conducted in soil with moisture contents ranging
especially for permanent soil nailed structures. This is because between the optimum water content and the saturation mois-
the degree of saturation of the soil mass will change with the ture content. Tests were rarely performed in soil with mois-
variation of ground water and weather conditions, and the ture contents lower than the optimum water content. To
pull-out resistance may drop to a low level during intense systematically study the effect of degree of saturation of soil
rainfalls. However, there have been few studies on the effect on the soil nail pull-out resistance, a series of soil nail pull-
of degree of saturation of soil on soil nail pull-out resistance. out tests have been carried out in recompacted CDG fill pre-
In the past decade, many laboratory pull-out tests had pared to different degrees of saturation ranging from rela-
been carried out aiming at the fundamental interaction tively dry (lower than the optimum water content) to nearly
mechanism and shear strength between a soil nail and the saturated conditions. Two identical pull-out boxes were spe-
surrounding soil. In Clouterre, a French National Research cially designed and assembled at the Hong Kong Polytechnic
Project, (FHWA 1991), the influence of depth and degree University. The boxes are waterproof and allow application
of saturation on the pull-out shear resistance of soil rein- of back pressure to speed up the saturation process of the
forcement was investigated using pull-out tests. The maxi- testing soil. Soil samples taken after the test revealed that a
mum pull-out force was found to reduce by more than half high degree of saturation (about 98%) was achieved. Each
when the moisture content of the soil was increased from pull-out box was fully instrumented with earth pressure cells,
the optimum water content to the saturation moisture con- load cell, linear variable displacement transducers (LVDT),
tent. Pull-out tests were conducted by Milligan et al. (1997) tensiometers, and pore-water pressure transducers.
and Milligan and Tei (1998) on Leighton Buzzard sand us-
ing pull-out boxes with dimension of 0.6 m  0.6 m  0.6 m Test apparatus and procedure
and 254 mm  153 mm  150 mm, respectively. The appa-
rent friction coefficient was found to be dependent on the Apparatus for the pull-out tests
strength of the soil, stiffness and roughness of the nail, rate The designed pull-out box, 1000 mm in length, 600 mm in
of dilation of the soil, etc. Franzén Gunilla (1998) carried width, and 830 mm in height, is shown in Fig. 1. A sheet of
out a series of laboratory pull-out tests on jacked and driven rubber was fixed onto the bottom face of the top cover of the
nails to investigate the influence of relative density, overbur- box to form a rubber diaphragm for applying vertical pres-
den pressure, method of installation, and surface roughness sure to the soil surface. A wooden board was placed between
on the soil nail pull-out resistance. The pull-out resistance the top soil surface and the rubber diaphragm to achieve
was found to generally increase with the increase in over- even deformation of the soil across the pull-out box. The
burden pressure. Pull-out tests carried out by Hong et al. size of the soil sample was 1000 mm  600 mm  800 mm,
(2003) using a sandbox, showed that the apparent friction leaving the topmost 30 mm of the box empty for accommo-
coefficient was dependent on the overburden pressure and dating the rubber diaphragm and the wooden board.
nail surface roughness. In Hong Kong, a number of labora- Two identical pull-out boxes with the above features were
tory pull-out tests had been performed in the completely de- manufactured using 8 mm thick steel plates and strengthened
composed granite (CDG) soil. At the University of Hong with hollow square steel sections. The stiffness of the boxes
Kong, laboratory pull-out tests were carried out by Lee et was so high that deformations during the tests were negli-
al. (2001), Junaideen et al. (2004), and Pradhan (2003) using gible. Two valves were connected to two holes on the top
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Fig. 1. Pull-out box and instrumentation (after Yin and Su 2006). LVDT, linear variable displacement transducers; CDG, completely
decomposed granite; PPT, pore-water pressure transducer.

cover of the box. One of the valves was connected to the On each side plate, there were other access holes for applying
pressure line for applying vertical overburden pressure; the back pressure and air release from the soil.
other one was for releasing the air remaining in the rubber An electric drilling machine was used for forming the
diaphragm to ensure accurate measurements of the soil de- holes of the test soil nails. This machine was fixed firmly
formation during testing. An extension chamber of 250 mm both on the floor and against the box. A modified soil sam-
long by 180 mm in internal diameter was attached to the ple extruder was employed for grouting the drillhole. Grout
end of the box, covering the end of the soil nail as shown in was pumped in by a piston fixed on the extruder when the
Fig. 1. This chamber housed the extension of the nail. With grout container was driven up by the electric motor of the
the extension, no cavity would be left behind the nail tip, and extruder. Soil nails were pulled out using a load reaction
the test length under the soil–grout shear would remain con- frame and a hydraulic jack (Yin and Su 2006).
stant during the course of pulling out. For tests under sub-
merged conditions, a waterproof front cap was used to cover Instrumentation and measurement
the soil nail head, which was in turn connected to the jack The instrumentation and measurement of the pull-out tests
with an O-ringed tie rod through the waterproof front cap. are described as follows:
This waterproof cap allowed application of back pressure to
saturate the soil in the box. (1) A pressure dial gauge with a maximum capacity of
Ten holes, each of 8 mm diameter, were formed in the front 350 kPa fixed on the top cover of the box was used to
and side plates of the box. They provided access for wires of measure the applied vertical pressure. An automatic
pressure cells and tensiometers (or pore-water pressure trans- volume change apparatus, which is normally used for
ducers). The holes were sealed using watertight bolts (Fig. 2) measuring volume change in the triaxial tests, was used
when the tests were carried out under submerged conditions. to measure the volume change of the soil (Fig. 3).
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Fig. 2. Tensiometer (soil moisture probe) used in the test.

Fig. 3. Setup for saturating the soil (after Yin and Su 2006).

(2) Six strain-gauge-based earth pressure cells (TML Model (2100 F) with dial gauges were used, whereas for the
KDA-PA/KD-A) with a maximum capacity of 1 MPa submerged tests, tensiometers with electronic transducers
were embedded in the soil to measure and monitor earth were employed. The tensiometers were installed at about
pressures. Locations of the earth pressure cells are 25 mm from the two sides of the soil nail.
shown in Fig. 1. (4) A miniature pore-water pressure transducer (PPT) —
(3) Two miniature tensiometers (see Fig. 2) (soil moisture Druck PDCR-81 — with a maximum capacity of 1.5 MPa
probe 2100F with an operating range of pressures was employed to measure the pore-water pressures of
from –100 to 100 kPa) were used to measure soil suc- the soil in the submerged tests. The transducer was in-
tion. For the tests in partially saturated soil, tensiometers stalled at about 25 mm from the side of the soil nail.
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Fig. 4. Results of the compaction test. Total earth pressure versus time during drilling and grouting. dmax , maximum dry density; wopt,
optimal water content.

Table 1. Properties of the completely decomposed Test procedures

granite (CDG) fill and cement grout. General procedures for preparing soil samples, applying
vertical pressure, drilling, grouting, and pull-out are listed
Properties as follows:
Completely decomposed granite fill
Specific gravity, Gs 2.645 (1) The CDG soil for the test was obtained from a construc-
Maximum dry density, dmax(Mg/m3) 1.668 tion site. The in situ soil was broken up and remoulded
Optimum moisture content (%) 19 thoroughly. It was then compacted, in layers, in the pull-
Plastic limit, wp (%) 27.3 out box (using a rammer of about 12 kg) to a dry density
Liquid limit, wl (%) 35.5 of 95% of the maximum dry density (1.668 Mg/m3) of
Gravel (%) 9.33 the soil determined by Proctor test. For each series of
Sand (%) 62.51 tests with soil at a given degree of saturation, a calcu-
Silt (%) 24.97 lated amount of water was added to achieve the desired
Clay (%) 3.19 degree of saturation during soil compaction. Six earth
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu (%) 38.3 pressure cells were carefully embedded in the soil at
Coefficient of curvature, Cz (%) 1.6 three different levels, namely, 40 mm below the drill
Cement grout hole, 40 mm above the drillhole, and 200 mm below the
Density, d (Mg/m3) 1.886 soil surface.
Uniaxial compressive strength, c (MPa) 32.09 (2) Overburden pressure was applied to the testing soil by
Tangent Young’s modulus, E50 (GPa) 12.59 water pressure through the rubber diaphragm under the
Poisson’s ratio,  0.21 top cover. During the application of overburden pressure,
the change in volume (in-flow and out-flow) of the water
in the fluid chamber between the rubber diaphragm and
the top cover was measured. As the water was incom-
pressible and the stiffness of the box was large enough
(5) Four strain gauges were glued to the steel bar of the soil to prevent significant deformations, the change in vo-
nail to obtain the strains and in turn the tensile stress dis- lume of the water in the fluid chamber could be taken
tribution along the soil nail. as the volume change of the soil.
(6) Two LVDTs were installed at the nail head to measure (3) Approximately 24 h was needed for the soil to reach an
the pull-out displacement. equilibrium state under the applied overburden pressure.
(7) A load cell located between the hydraulic jack and the A 100 mm diameter hole was then drilled in the soil and
seating plate of the pull-out reaction frame was used to a 40 mm ribbed steel rebar with 4 strain gauges was
measure the pull-out force placed in the hole. The rebar was placed concentrically
in the hole with its head fixed to the front side of the
Figure 1 shows the layout of the devices used in the present pull-out box. Finally, the hole was grouted up with ce-
study. Data collection was undertaken by a CR10X datalog- ment grout having a water–cement ratio of 0.42.
ger which was connected to a computer. The transducers (4) After curing for about 5 d, the cement grout gained a
were all calibrated before use and recalibrated regularly in cube strength of about 30 MPa, and the soil nail was
the course of the testing programme. pulled out by a hydraulic jack.
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Table 2. Shear strength parameters of the completely decomposed granite (CDG) fill.

Shear strength
Degree of Cohesion Friction angle
Type of test saturation, Sr (%) c (apparent) or c’ ’ or ’0 (8) Sample condition
Unsaturated Consolidated drained (CD) 38 c = 36.6 kPa ’ ¼ 35:9 Recompacted
75 c = 26.8 kPa ’ ¼ 33:8 Recompacted
Saturated Consolidated drained (CD) 98 c’ = 3.70 kPa ’0 ¼ 34:9 Recompacted

Fig. 5. Total earth pressure response during drilling and grouting for a submerged test under overburden pressure (OP) of 200 kPa.

Apparatus and procedure for measuring soil the bolt for pull-out. The rod was slightly adjustable to keep
suction the soil nail in line with the applied test load. Several holes
were formed on the top plate of the waterproof cap for filling
Before installing a 2100F soil moisture probe in the soil water and providing access for the wires of the strain gauges.
to measure the soil suction for partially saturated soil, the An additional square plate, with four elongated holes at the
probe was saturated with de-aerated water, and the air re- base of the waterproof cap, allows slight vertical adjustment
maining in the vacuum dial gauge was sucked out under a of the waterproof cap when fixed to the pull-out box.
negative pressure created by a Global Detections System For tests under submerged conditions, the soil was satura-
pressure controller. Four 6 mm holes with the same diameter ted before pull-out of the soil nail. The CDG soil initially at a
as the porous ceramic tip of the probe were drilled through degree of saturation of about 80% to 84% was compacted to
the existing 8 mm diameter holes in both the side plates of 95% of the maximum dry density at the optimum water con-
the pull-out box, extending to a location about 25 mm away tent in the pull-out box. About 2 d after grouting, when the
from the soil nail surface. The plastic body tube of the probe cement grout had gained some strength, the steel plate that
was then fixed on the side of the box, and the porous ce- was used to cover the nail head during grouting was replaced
ramic tip was installed at the end of the hole (Fig. 2). The by the waterproof cap. The soil annulus around the tail of the
hole was finally filled up with soil and sealed by a water- grouted nail, within the extension chamber, was carefully re-
proof bolt (Fig. 2). After about 24 h, the soil moisture probe moved. The box was first sealed for de-aerating with two
and the surrounding soil reached equilibrium, and the soil plastic pipes connecting to the upper side plates of the box
suction was read from the vacuum dial gauge. with a vacuum pump. The vacuum pump was switched on
for about 1 h and then the valve on the pipe connected to the
Apparatus and procedure for saturating the vacuum pump was closed. Under the vacuum, water flowed
soil into the box from the bottom and rose upwards. This water
inflow process lasted for about 10 h. When there was no fur-
The waterproof front cap was a modified version of a con- ther change in the pore pressure, the valve connected to the
ventional triaxial cell, 170 mm in diameter and 400 mm in vacuum pump was switched on to repeat the de-aerating
length. It was cut out from a Perspex cylinder and was process. This procedure was repeated several times until
restrained by a steel plate and a steel ring using tie rods water was seen continuously flowing out without air bubbles.
(Fig. 3). An O-ringed steel rod through the top plate of the The whole process of de-aerating and soaking the sample
cap was used to connect the nail head with a coupler and with water lasted for more than 24 h. After the soil in the
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Fig. 6. (a) Effective earth pressure responses with time and (b) pore-water pressure responses with time during soil saturation for a sub-
merged test with overburden pressure (OP) of 200 kPa.

Fig. 7. Relationship between average pull-out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests at degree of saturation (Sr) of 98%. OP, over-
burden pressure.

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Fig. 8. Relationship between average pore pressures with pull-out displacement for tests at degree of saturation (Sr) of 98%. OP, overburden

Fig. 9. Relationship between average pull-out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests in soil at different values of degree of satura-
tion (Sr) with overburden pressure at 40 kPa.

box was filled up with water, a back pressure of about 55 kPa 35.5%, respectively. The maximum dry density of the re-
was applied in stages and maintained for about 2 d until no moulded CDG obtained from a standard Proctor test is
more water intake into the soil was observed and a high de- 1.668 Mg/m3 (a void ratio of 0.586) with an optimum mois-
gree of saturation of soil was attained. The setup for applying ture content of 19%. Figure 4 shows the results of the com-
back pressure is shown in Fig. 3. paction test. The specific gravity of the soil is 2.645. The
basic parameters of the soil are summarized in Table 1.
Conventional and double cell consolidated drained triaxial
Properties of the soil and cement grout tests were carried out on saturated and unsaturated recom-
Completely decomposed granite fill pacted soil samples, respectively. The shear strength param-
The CDG soil used in the tests was taken from a highway eters obtained from these tests are summarized in Table 2.
construction site at Tai Wai, Hong Kong. The CDG soil
consists of 9.33% gravel, 62.51% sand, 24.97% silt, and Cement grout
3.19% clay and is classified as yellowish brown, very silty The cement grout used in the tests was mixed at a water
sand. The plastic and liquid limits of the soil are 27.3% and cement ratio of 0.42. The density of cement grout was found
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Fig. 10. Relationship between average pull-out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests in soil at different values of degree of sa-
turation (Sr) with overburden pressure at 120 kPa.

Fig. 11. Relationship between average pull-out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests in soil at different values of degree of sa-
turation (Sr) with overburden pressure at 200 kPa.

to be 1.886 Mg/m3. The average 5 d uniaxial compressive measured average soil suction (matric suction) was 87 kPa
strength c of the cement grount samples was 32.09 MPa. for soil at a degree of saturation of 38%, whereas it was
The secant Young’s modulus E50 and the corresponding 68 and 6 kPa for soil at degrees of saturation of 50% and
Poisson’s ratio vn were 12.59 GPa and 0.21, respectively. 75%, respectively. In the submerged tests, the CDG fill in
The properties of the cement grout are summarized in Ta- the pull-out box was saturated to a high degree of saturation
ble 1. of approximately 98% by application of a back pressure.

Earth pressure and pore pressure during saturation of the

Laboratory pull-out test results and analysis
A number of pull-out tests were carried out with soil at Figure 5 shows the variation of total earth pressures dur-
different degrees of saturation under a range of overburden ing drilling and grouting in a submerged test under an ap-
pressures. The degrees of saturation of soil used in the tests plied overburden pressure of 200 kPa. From the figure it
included 38%, 50%, 75%, and 98%. The overburden pres- can be seen that before drilling the pressures in the soil, as
sures ranged from 40 to 300 kPa. In this paper, discussion measured by the pressure cells, generally agreed with the
will be concentrated on the influence of degree of saturation applied overburden pressure of 200 kPa (the slight differ-
of soil on the pull-out resistance of the test soil nails. The ence is due to the self-weight of soil above the earth pres-
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Fig. 12. Relationship between average pull-out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests in soil at different values of degree of sa-
turation (Sr) with overburden pressure at 300 kPa.

sure cell). The pressure cell readings substantially decreased soil was 98% and the applied overburden pressures were
once the drilling bit had passed them. Upon injection of 40, 120, 200, and 300 kPa. As shown in the pull-out shear
grout, the earth pressures were observed to increase slightly. stress-displacement curves, the average pull-out shear stress
After grouting, the earth pressures started to decrease and initially increased rapidly with pull-out displacement to
eventually became equal to those before grouting. about 90% of the peak shear strength, then it continued to
Figure 6a shows the effective earth pressure responses increase at a slower rate until it reached the peak shear
with time, and Fig. 6b shows the pore-water pressure re- strength. The displacements at the peak shear strength were
sponses with time during the de-aerating process, water in- less than 10 mm. After the peak shear strength, the pull-out
filtration, and application of back pressure for the same test. shear stress was observed to decrease gradually. A displace-
In Fig. 6a, the effective earth pressure is defined as the total ment of only 100 mm was achieved because of the difficul-
earth pressure measured by earth pressure cells minus the ties in keeping the alignment of the pull-out force in line
average pore-water pressure (from about –26 to 55 kPa) with the soil nail and preventing water from leaking through
measured by the pore-water pressure transducer and tensi- the waterproof cap. Time constraint was another reason; the
ometers. During the de-aerating process, the development of pull-out displacement rate had to be very slow (less than
negative pore-water pressure was noted in the box as shown 0.5 mm/min). The problem can be seen in the test with over-
in Fig. 6b. When water flowed into the box under the vac- burden pressure of 120 kPa where the pull-out rate was not
uum, the pore-water pressure increased slowly with time. slow enough (about 0.8 mm/min) and as a result the average
Further decrease of pore-water pressure was observed when post-peak pull-out stress dropped unreasonably fast as
the de-aerating process was repeated. Finally, the pore-water shown in Fig. 7.
pressure became about zero when the box was full of water. Figure 8 shows the relationship between pore-water pres-
The overburden pressure remained unchanged during the de- sure and pull-out displacement during pull-out under sub-
aerating process. Therefore, the effective earth pressure var- merged conditions. A small decrease in pore-water pressure
ied in opposition to the variation of the pore-water pressure, was observed in two of the tests.
as shown in Fig. 6a.
When a back pressure was being applied, the same amount Effect of degree of saturation of soil on pull-out
of vertical overburden pressure was also applied to ensure behaviour and resistance
that the effective earth pressure in the soil remained constant. Figures 9–12 show the relationship between average pull-
From Fig. 5, it can be observed that the pore-water pressure out shear stress and pull-out displacement for tests at differ-
increased in steps up to an average value of about 55 kPa, ent degrees of saturation (Sr) and under overburden pres-
and that the effective earth pressure increased slightly at the sures of 40, 120, 200, and 300 kPa, respectively. In Fig. 9,
end of this procedure. Measurement after completion of the the result for the test in soil at a 50% degree of saturation is
pull-out test revealed that the degree of saturation of soil in- not included because that test is believed to have failed due
creased from about 84% (before saturation) to 95%. to a grouting problem. From the curves shown in Figs. 9–12,
it is observed that the post-peak pull-out shear stresses gen-
Pull-out behaviour for saturated tests erally decrease faster with a higher degree of saturation of
Figure 7 shows the relationship between the average pull- the soil. This is probably related to the migration of shearing
out shear stress and pull-out displacement of the tests under plane from the nail–soil interface outwards into the soil
submerged conditions. The average degree of saturation of when the soil gets wetter. Figure 13 shows the nail surfaces
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Fig. 13. Nail surfaces after pull-out for soils at degree of saturation at (a) 38%, (b) 50%, (c) 75%, and (d) 98%.

after pull-out for tests in soil at different degrees of satura- in soil matric suction with the increase in the moisture con-
tion. It can be clearly seen that failure occurred mainly on tent of the soil. For failure inside the soil, the pull-out stress-
the nail–soil interface for tests in soil at a 38% degree of displacement behaviour was similar to the stress–strain be-
saturation. This indicates that the nail–soil interface shear haviour for dense soil in direct shear or triaxial tests for
strength was smaller than that of the soil surrounding the which strain softening was observed. For failure on the
nail, probably because of the strong soil suction within the nail–soil interface, small and slow reduction of pull-out
soil around the nail. As the degree of saturation of soil in- shear stress was observed after the peak pull-out shear re-
creased from 50% to 98%, a noticeable increase in thickness sistance.
of soil adhered to the nail surface could be observed. This From Figs. 9–12, it can be observed that for all the applied
suggests that there was a migration of shearing plane from overburden pressures, the peak pull-out shear strengths for
the nail–soil interface outwards into the soil as the moisture tests with soil at Sr = 50% and Sr = 75% were greater than
content of soil increased, probably as a result of the decrease those for saturated tests and tests with soil at Sr = 38%. For
# 2007 NRC Canada
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Fig. 14. Relationship between peak pull-out shear resistance and degrees of saturation with overburden pressure at (a) 40 kPa, (b) 120 kPa,
(c) 200 kPa, and (d) 300 kPa.

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Fig. 15. Changes of average total earth pressure at different stages of testing in tests with soil at a degree of saturation of (a) 38% (b) 75%,
and (c) 98%.

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soil at Sr = 75%, the moisture content is close to the opti- face was related to the degree of saturation of the soil.
mum moisture content. The peak pull-out shear strength in Therefore, the peak pull-out shear stress was related to the
tests at degree of saturation of 75% was about two times degree of saturation of the soil. But, for the shear stress at
that in the saturated tests. The pull-out displacement at peak the end of the test, the initial bond of the nail–soil interface
pull-out shear strength increased with a decrease in the de- was broken and the constrained dilatancy of the soil was
gree of saturation of the soil. The displacement in tests at Sr eliminated. As a result, the pull-out shear stress at the end of
= 75% was about two times as much as that in the saturated the test was not directly related to the degree of saturation.
tests. These results resembled the results presented in the The peak pull-out shear strength for tests at Sr = 75% was
Clouterre project (FHWA 1991), which showed that the about two times that for saturated tests. For some of the
maximum pull-out force was increased by two times when tests in soil Sr = 50%, the observed pull-out shear resistances
the moisture content was decreased from saturation to the were even higher (Fig. 14). This indicates that the effect of
optimum water content, and the displacement corresponding the degree of saturation on soil nail pull-out resistance is
to this maximum force was increased by three times. The significant and should be carefully addressed in the design
decrease of pull-out resistance with the degree of saturation of a soil nailing system.
from the optimum moisture content to the saturated condi-
tion was also observed by Chu and Yin (2005) and by Prad- Summary and conclusions
han (2003). Pradhan (2003) attributed this decrease to the
decrease of soil cohesion. A series of laboratory soil nail pull-out tests under differ-
ent degrees of saturation was carried out. The applied over-
Figure 14 shows the relationship between the peak pull-
burden pressures were 40, 120, 200, and 300 kPa and the
out shear resistance and degree of saturation with soil under
degrees of saturation were 38%, 50%, 75%, and 98%. The
different vertical pressures of 40, 120, 200, and 300 kPa. It
test apparatus, procedure, and instrumentation have been
can be seen that the peak pull-out shear strength initially in-
briefly introduced, and the test results have been presented
creased and then decreased with an increase in the degree of
and discussed. The new apparatus has the following special
saturation of the soil. It is believed that if the soil is suffi-
ciently dry (e.g., Sr = 38% as shown in the present study),
water is more readily absorbed by the soil due to a higher (1) The use of an extension chamber to keep the test length
matric suction value (about 85 kPa as measured in the and stress condition of the soil nail constant during the
present study). This may cause more contraction of the ce- pull-out; and
ment grout, thus reducing the bond strength between the
(2) the use of a waterproof cap to allow application of back
nail surface and the surrounding soil. Therefore, the peak
pressure for soil saturation in the pull-out box.
pull-out shear strength was lower than those in tests with
other degrees of saturation (50% and 75%). In the tests with
soil at Sr = 38%, a further decrease of total earth pressure The following are the major findings from the test results:
was observed immediately after grouting, and the earth pres- (1) The migration of shearing plane from the interface be-
sure did not recover when the cement grout had hardened, tween the nail surface and the surrounding soil to further
which appears to indicate the contraction of the cement into the soil was observed with the increase in degree of
grout. Figure 15a shows the variations of average earth pres- saturation of the soil.
sure at different stages of testing in tests with soil at Sr = (2) The displacements at peak pull-out shear strength for
38%. It can be observed that the average earth pressures be- saturated tests were smaller than those for partially sa-
fore pull-out was lower than that before grouting. The above turated tests. The differences in pull-out shear stress–
is one of the probable reasons behind the phenomenon. The displacement characteristics of the soil nails in the tests
actual reasons need to be determined by further tests. In this are strongly associated with the difference in degree of
respect, tests conducted using a pressure grouting method to saturation of the testing soils.
improve the contact between the nail surface and the sur- (3) The highest values of peak pull-out shear strength were
rounding soil may be useful. As for the submerged tests, obtained at degrees of saturation values between 50%
the decrease of apparent soil cohesion could be one of the and 75%. It should be emphasized that only a limited
reasons for the decrease of pull-out resistance (Pradhan number of tests were carried out and only four different
2003). The decrease of dilatancy of the soil could be another degrees of saturation were tested. It is therefore prema-
reason. In Fig. 14, it is observed that the increase in earth ture to draw any solid conclusion on the precise correla-
pressure at peak pull-out resistance for tests at full saturation tion between the degree of saturation of the soil and the
was much smaller than that for tests at other degrees of sat- pull-out resistance of soil nails. Further research in this
uration. area is needed.
As for the pull-out shear stresses at the end of the tests, it
can be observed from Figs. 9–12 that they were not directly Acknowledgements
related to the degree of saturation (except the submerged The improvement, setup, and use of the two new soil
tests). The peak pull-out shear stress was generated by the nail pull-out boxes for soil nail pull-out resistance studies
initial bond strength of the nail–soil interface and the con- have received valuable comments from Mr. W.K. Pun,
strained dilatancy of the soil. The bond strength and con- Dr. Raymond W.M. Cheung, Dr. S.L. Chiu, Miss Carrie
strained dilatancy of the soil were both related to the contact Leung, Mr. Charles K.L. Tang, and Mr. Danny Fu. All of
condition of the nail–soil interface. As mentioned in the pre- these comments are gratefully acknowledged. The authors
vious paragraph, the contact condition of the nail–soil inter- thank Mr. L.M. Chu and Ms. W.H. Zhou for assistance in
# 2007 NRC Canada
1328 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 44, 2007

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