Hipase: Simplify Your Solution
Hipase: Simplify Your Solution
Hipase: Simplify Your Solution
Integration on highest level
ANDRITZ HYDRO has extensive and long- inputs and outputs as well as 12 current tiple open communication features, securi-
term experience in the fields of excitation, and 8 voltage transformer inputs. For all ty features as well as a simple plant-specific
electrical protection, synchronization, applications with extensive signal require- configuration of the devices.
turbine controllers and automation of hy- ments (e.g. 6-system differential protection),
dropower plants, forming the basis for the a standard 19” full size housing is used. Security
development of the new HIPASE product Due to the complex interconnection of the
platform. Highly performing and perfectly All HIPASE devices usually comprise overall infrastructure of electrical energy
adapted, HIPASE integrates the specific re- four boards to be combined individually generation and distribution, the issue of
quirements of the different fields in a single according to the type of application. The “cyber security” has become increasingly
device. central processor module is the core com- important. This importance particularly
ponent, also supporting different standard becomes clear in the related policies of
The new and innovative HIPASE platform communication interfaces (e.g. IEC 61850, key power utilities (e.g. the White Paper of
has especially been developed for the use in IEC 60870-5-104 and Modbus). For pro- German BDEW and the North American
hydropower plants and covers the following cessing of analogue and digital signals NERC CIP Standard).
applications: appropriate analogue and digital interface
Excitation (HIPASE-E) boards are provided. A comprehensive and consistent security
Protection (HIPASE-P) architecture protects the HIPASE device
Synchronization (HIPASE-S) A key characteristic of the HIPASE platform against cyber attacks from outside, as well
Turbine controller (HIPASE-T) is its safety architecture. HIPASE ensures as from the internal network. The core el-
both, the protection of humans and prop- ements of this architecture are an internal
All devices are based on identical hard- erty (safety) and data integrity (security) by firewall as well as encrypted transmission
ware and use the same engineering tool. hardware and software measures. (communication between HIPASE Engi-
For specific requirements, additional ap- neering Tool and the HIPASE devices). The
plication boards are used resulting in Engineering HIPASE security features are supported
perfectly designed voltage regulators as Due to the predefined functions included in by the hardware – every HIPASE device is
well as protection and synchronization HIPASE, all devices can easily be fitted to equipped with a TPM chip (trusted platform
devices and turbine controllers. the requested demands and plant-specific module), which clearly identifies each de-
requirements. The functional scope of the vice and provides unique keys for authen-
Hardware new HIPASE platform consists additionally tication.
The HIPASE device consists of a half size of up-to-date functions like an innovative
19” housing incorporating up to 32 digital and fully graphical color touch display, mul-
HIPASE-E is an automatic voltage regula- latest requirements of power generation. Using the compact housing (half size 19”),
tor (AVR) with all limiters, additional regula- Limiters and additional regulators may be up to 36 digital inputs and outputs may
tors and a gate control for all synchronous enabled by the user in respect to the plant be processed. For advanced applications
single-and three-phase generators used in requirements. using a larger amount of input and output
a wide frequency range. signals, a full size 19” housing is used.
The HIPASE-E application board includes
The AVR has a modular structure and uses the field current regulator and the generation
the long-term experience of the GMR3 of firing pulses for the SCRs. For analogue
voltage regulator of ANDRITZ HYDRO. and digital signal processing, appropriate
The proven control and regulator functions analogue and digital interface boards are
were used further and are modified to the provided.
Smart Bridge
The HIPASE-E voltage regulator controls
the Smart Bridge thyristor bridge. The
Smart Bridge is characterized by easy
maintainability and high availability.
Technical data
Supply voltage: 24 VDC-250 VDC
Voltage metering: 100-125 VAC / 3 VA Kl.1, 3-phase or 1-phase
Current metering: 1 A or 5 A / 3 VA, Kl.3, 3-phase or 1-phase
Voltage control range: 0,9-1,1 UGN
Control accuracy: <= +- 0,2%
Power system stabilizer: PSS2A/B, PSS4B
Nominal generator frequency: 16,7 Hz-400 Hz
Generator operating range: 10 - 440 Hz
Digital inputs: 24 VDC-250 VDC
Digital outputs: 250 VDC, 8 A continuous
Test voltage: 2 kVeff according EN 50178/1997
Electromagnetic compatibility: IEC 60255
HIPASE-P is a perfect solution for powerful Technical data
generator and transformer protection de- Nominal frequencies: 50/60/16,7 Hz
signed for different frequencies (50 Hz, 60 Current transducers: Amount 12/24, In = 1 A and 5 A
Hz and 16.7 Hz). Voltage transducers: Amount 8/16, Un = 100-125 VAC
Digital wide range inputs: Amount 8-64, Un = 24-250 VDC
The structure of the protection functions is Digital outputs: Amount 8-72, trip- and indication contacts
modular and may be customized. Based Protection functions: Generator- and transformer protection (modular)
on the long-term experience with the DRS
protection device family of ANDRITZ
HYDRO the proven numeric algorithms are
used and modified to the new requirements Using the compact housing (half size 19”), The engineering of protective functions can
in the power generation. up to 32 digital inputs and 36 outputs may be done with the help of a simple selec-
be processed. For more comprehensive tion of all available HIPASE-P functions.
For HIPASE-P a special application board applications with a larger amount of digi- With this action all required steps for the
has been developed to generate or process tal input and output signals, a full size 19” engineering will be fully automatically gen-
analogue signals for specific protection housing is used. Generator protection re- erated. This includes even the creation of
functions. quires numerous functions which are need- process displays.
ed for advanced applications like pump tur-
Examples for these protection functions bines or even large thermal blocks. In addition, a parameter window for a sim-
are: ple parameter setting is available.
Rotor earth fault protection The HIPASE Engineering Tool supports the
Stator earth fault protection by protection engineer with proven tools such
signal injection method as software trip matrix, test inputs for the
Shaft current protection protection functions or simple interface
SFC protection testing.
Temperature measurement
Turbine controller
The turbine controller is as a main part of an
unit used to convert the existing hydraulic
energy to electrical energy on a most effici-
ent way. It ensures a stable speed of the
turbine in no-load-operation as well as is-
land-mode and guarantees the adherence
of setpoint in grid operation.
dition analog in-/outputs for the measure- Resolution speed measurement: 0,1%
ment of positions and CT/VT interfaces are International Standards: IEC 61362, IEC 60308
HIPASE-S is a new synchronization de-
vice for paralleling generators to grids in
electrical systems used in a wide frequency
range (50, 60, 16.7 Hz nominal).
Technical data
Supply voltage: 24 VDC-250 VDC
Nominal frequency: 50 / 60 / 16.7 Hz
Voltage metering accuracy: 0,2%
Phase angle measuring accuracy: 0,5°
Frequency measuring accuracy: 0,0025 Hz
Digital inputs: Un = 24-250 VDC (Wide-range inputs)
Current metering channel: for synchronization evaluation
Selective input: Amount: 10
CB closing time measurement: 10-1000 ms
Consistent engineering
The HIPASE Engineering Tool is the perfect Device configuration Process displays
tool for an easy and efficient engineering of The device configuration allows board The fully graphical process display allows
the overall HIPASE platform. It is used for all equipment as well as adjusting of various online visualization of process signals as
applications such as excitation, protection parameters (e.g.: threshold voltage). In well as the indication of internal process
and synchronization. addition, the device configuration window is data.
used for online indication of input and out-
The HIPASE Engineering Tool is character- put status. Data backup and restore
ized by a future-oriented user interface and, The HIPASE Engineering Tool is capable of
in combination with the workflow-oriented IEC 61131 Function diagram reading and processing all parameters of a
menu structure, offers a new quality of user- The fully graphical function block diagram HIPASE device. The parameters read may
friendliness. complies with IEC 61131. Additional appli- be processed and reloaded to the device
cation-specific function blocks are available at any time.
The HIPASE engineering tool fits perfectly in an extended function block library.
to user requirements and demands. All Multilanguage
engineering steps of a project are supported An integrated online test feature supports The HIPASE engineering tool is designed
by using the tool. In detail these are: the system test and commissioning. Other multilingual and the support of additional
Parameterization functions are the simulation of process data tool languages is already prepared. A
System test through “forcing” or the individual blocking context-sensitive multilingual help function
Commissioning of process data. supports all the engineering activities
System monitoring perfectly.
In addition to standard functions user-spe-
cific application templates are available for
protection, excitation, and synchronization
applications and allow fast and efficient en-
IEC 61131 Function block diagram including online test
Device configuration
Trip matrix
Image editor including online indication of process data
Graph display and disturbance records evaluation
Screenshots for test documentation
Event list
User and role management
Our global presence
All data, information, statements, photographs and graphic illustrations in this brochure are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or from part of any sales contracts of
ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may
be reproduced, modified or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH or its
affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose is a violation of the relevant copyright laws. ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH, Eibesbrunnergasse 20, 1120 Vienna, Austria.