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Technical guide | 2015

Protection against earth faults

with Residual Current Devices
Protection against earth fault
with Residual Current Devices


Protection against earth faults

Residual current protective devices

Solutions for protection against earth fault currents

Marks and approvals

Notes on installation and use

Choosing the proper differential protection

ABB, leading RCD technology

Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202 1


Brief history 1/2

Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202 1/1

Brief history

1 The manufacturer has the responsability to issue a

self-certification, which states that the product has been
assessed and satisfies all health, safety and environmental
requirements of the Directives (European declaration
of conformity).
RCD’s assure a protection against fault current to earth in residential, commercial and indus-
trial applications, reduce the risk of death or serious injury when accidentally a person who is
grounded touches the energized part of the circuit and prevent the risk of fire caused by faulty
wiring or other appliances.

They are installed in the consumer unit (fusebox) and having a modern one fitted with RCD’s
can provide the best safety to people and installations.

The aims of this ABB technical guide are raising general awareness of electrical safety and
encouraging the upgrade of old installations with safer consumer units.

1/2 2CSC420004B0202 | Protection against earth faults with RCDs

ABB has always played a leading role in the development of Residual Current Devices, intro-
ducing ever more innovative devices in the market to comply with its increasing requirements.
Today, RCDs are widely used all over the world. They ensure high safety in the use of electrical

It is not clear when and by whom the first RCD was developed, but it certainly appeared on the
market in the 1950s. It was initially used by some utility companies to fight “energy theft” who
used to drag some energy out of the line.
ABB built the first low sensitivity RCD in 1953 and a high sensitivity device in 1956. Residual
Current Devices were later adopted to protect people against electric shocks.

RCDs are now widely used in most of the world; in some cases this is mandatory, while in
others their use is optional.

Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202 1/3


1/4 2CSC420004B0202 | Protection against earth faults with RCDs

Protection against earth faults

Effects of current on the human body 2/2
Direct and indirect contact 2/4
Additional protection 2/7
Fire protection 2/8
Classification of electrical distribution systems 2/9

Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202 2/1

Protection against earth faults
Effects of current on the human body

Injuries to people are caused by the current flow through the human body.
These effects are:
– tetanic contraction: the muscles affected by the current flow involuntary contract, making
letting go of conductive parts difficult. Note: very high currents do not usually induce tetanic
contraction because when the body touches such currents, the muscular contraction is so
strong that the involuntary muscle movements generally throw the subject away from the
– respiratory arrest: if the current flows through the muscles controlling the respiratory sys-
tem, the involuntary contraction of these muscles alters the normal respiratory process and
the subject may die due to suffocation or suffer the consequences of traumas caused by
– ventricular fibrillation: the most dangerous effect is due to the superposition of the external
currents with the physiological ones which, by generating uncontrolled contractions, induce
alterations of the cardiac cycle. This anomaly may become an irreversible phenomenon
since it persists even when the stimulus has ceased;
– burns: due to the heating deriving, by Joule effect, from the current passing through the
human body.

The IEC 60479-1 Standard “Effects of current on human beings and livestock” is a guide about
the effects of current flowing through the human body to be used for the definition of electrical
safety requirements. This Standard shows, on a time-current diagram, four zones (Figure 1) to
which the physiological effects of alternating current (15 – 100 Hz) passing through the human
body have been related. Such zones are illustrated in Table 1.

a b c1 c2 c3





1 2 3 4





0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000

Figure 1: Time-current zones of the effects of alternating current on the human body

2/2 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

Zone Effects

1 Usually no reaction

2 Usually no harmful physiological effects

Usually no organic damage to be expected. Likelihood of cramp-like muscular contrac-

tions and difficulty in breathing; reversible disturbances of formation and conduction of
impulses in the heart, including atrial fibrillation and transient cardiac arrest without ven-
tricular fibrillation increasing with current magnitude and time
In addition to the effects of zone 3, the probability of ventricular fibrillation increases
up to about 5% (curve c2). 50% (curve c3) and above 50% beyond the curve c3.
Pathophysiological effects such as cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and severe burns
may occur, increasing with current magnitude and time

Table 1: Effects of alternating current on the human body

Electricity causes a “shock” in us because it is an outside force that interferes with the internal
electricity generated by our nervous system.
In scientific terms, electricity is considered a fundamental force, one that is extremely basic,
and has been existing since the beginning of time.

Unfortunately, since the human body consists primarily of water, is utterly conductive.
Any voltage that may be applied externally to our body can interfere and affect the ordinary
function of our system. The higher the voltage, the worse its effect.
An electric shock is the pathophysiological effect of an electric current through the human
Its passage essentially affects the muscular, circulatory and respiratory functions and some-
times it results in serious burns. The dangerousness for the victim is a function of the magni-
tude of the current, the part of the body through which the current passes, and the duration of
current flow.

Curve C1 shows that when a current is greater than 30 mA and passes through a human being
from one hand to the feet, the person is likely to be killed, unless the current is interrupted in a
relatively short time.

The point 500 ms/100 mA close to the curve C1 corresponds to a probability of heart fibrilla-
tion equal to 0.14%.
Protection of people against electric shock must be provided for LV installations in conformity
with appropriate national standards and statutory regulations, codes of practice, official guides
and circulars, etc. Relevant IEC standards include: IEC 60364 series, IEC 60479 series, IEC
60755, IEC 61008 series, IEC 61009 series and IEC 60947-2.

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Protection against earth faults
Direct and indirect contact

There are two possible types of electric shocks:

Direct contact: an electric shock results from the contact with a conductor which belongs
to a circuit and it would be expected to be live.
For instance, if someone removes the plate from a switch and touches the live conductors
inside, an RCD with 30 mA sensitivity (or less) may offer protection.

Indirect contact: an electric shock is received from contact with something that is connected
to the electrical installation which normally is not expected to be live, but has become so as a
result of a fault.

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Direct contact protection
It consists of making sure that people cannot touch live conductors. These methods include:

– insulation of live parts, this is the standard method.


– enclosures or barriers to prevent from touching

– placing parts out of reach or using obstacles to prevent people from reaching live parts.
This protection is reserved for locations in which only skilled or trained people have access to.

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Protection against earth faults
Direct and indirect contact

– the provision of residual current devices (RCDs) provides supplementary protection, but only
when contact is from a live part to an earthed part.

Indirect contact protection

The methods of protection against indirect contacts are classified as follows:
– protection by automatic disconnection of supply;
– protection without automatic disconnection of the circuit (double insulation, electrical sepa-
ration and local bonding);
– extra low voltage power supply.

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Protection against earth faults
Additional protection

An additional protection against the hazards of direct contact

is provided by the use of Residual Current Devices rated at 30
mA or less.
According to IEC 60364-4-41, additional protection by means of high sensitivity RCDs (IΔn ≤
30 mA) must be provided for circuits supplying sockets with a rated current ≤ 20 A in all loca-
tions and for circuits supplying mobile equipment with a rated current ≤ 32 A for use outdoors.
This additional protection is required in certain countries for circuits supplying sockets rated
up to 32 A and even higher if the location is wet and/or temporary(such as work sites, for

Why 30mA is the preferred value for IΔn?

High sensitivity RCDs (IΔn = 30mA) provide both protection against indirect contact hazards
and the additional protection against the dangers of direct contact.
They guarantee complete protection!

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Protection against earth faults
Fire protection

RCDs are very effective devices in providing protection against fire risk caused by insulation
faults because they can detect leakage currents (ex: 300 mA) that are too low for other protec-
tive devices, but strong enough to set a fire (i.e. overcurrent protection devices).
For TT and IT TN-S systems in which leakage current can appear, the usage of a 300 mA sen-
sitivity RCDs provides good protection against fire risk due to this type of fault.
Investigations have shown that the cost of the fire damages in industrial and tertiary buildings
can be very high.

This phenomenon shows that fire risk due to electricity is linked to overheating due to a poor
coordination between the maximum rated current of the cable (or insulated conductor) and the
overcurrent protection setting.
Overheating can also be generated by some modifications of the initial method of installation
(addition of cables on the same support).
This overheating can be the origin of electrical arcing in humid environments. That evolves
when the fault current-loop impedance is greater than 0.6 Ω and exist only when an insulation
fault occurs. Some tests have shown that a 300 mA fault current can cause a real risk of fire.
This problem raises in case of

Id << 300 mA

Humid dust

Beginning of fire

Some tests have shown that a very low leakage current (few mA) can evolve and, from 300
mA, it may set a fire in humid and dusty environments.

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Protection against earth faults
Classification of electrical distribution systems

The extent of the earth fault and the consequences deriving from touching live exposed-con-
ductors are specifically related to the neutral condition of the power system and to the different
types of earthing. As a consequence, to select the proper device for protecting against earth
faults, it is necessary to know the installation distribution system. The International Standard
IEC 60364-3 classifies electrical systems with the combination of two letters.

The first letter indicates the relationship of the power system to earth:
– T = direct connection to earth of one point, usually the neutral, in a.c. systems;
– I = all live parts isolated from earth or one point, usually the neutral, connected to earth
through an impedance.

The second letter indicates the relationship of the exposed conductors of the installation to
– T = direct electrical connection of exposed conductors to earth;
– N = direct electrical connection of the exposed conductors to the earthing point of the
power system.

Subsequent letters, if any, indicate the arrangement of neutral and protective conductors:
– S = neutral and protective functions provided by separate conductors
– C = neutral and protective functions combined in a single conductor (PEN conductor).

With reference to the definitions above, the main types of power systems are described below.

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Protection against earth faults
Classification of electrical distribution systems

TT system
In TT systems the neutral and the exposed conductors are connected to electrically independ-
ent earth electrodes (Figure 1); therefore, the earth fault current returns to the power supply
node through the soil (Figure 2).



Figure 1



Figure 2

In this type of electrical installation, the neutral is usually distributed and its function is making
the phase voltage (e.g. 230 V) available for the supply of the single-phase loads of residential

2/10 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

TN system
In TN systems, the neutral is directly earthed, whereas the exposed conductors are connect-
ed to the same earthing arrangement of the neutral. TN electrical systems can be divided into
three types depending on whether the neutral and protective conductors are separate or not:
1. TN-S: the neutral conductor N and the protective conductor PE are separated (Figure 3)


Figure 3

2. TN-C: the neutral and protective functions are combined into a single conductor, called PEN
(Figure 4)


Figure 4

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Protection against earth faults
Classification of electrical distribution systems

3.TN-C-S: the neutral and protective functions are partially combined into a single PEN con-
ductor and partially separated PE + N (Figure 5).

2 L1


Figure 5

In TN systems, the earth fault current returns to the power supply node through a direct metal
connection (PE or PEN conductor) without practically affecting the earth electrode (Figure 6).

Figure 6

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IT system
IT systems have no directly earthed active parts, but may have live parts connected to earth
through high impedances (Figure 7). All the exposed-conductive-parts, separately or in a
group, are connected to an independent earth electrode.


Figure 7

The earth fault current returns to the power supply node through the earthing arrangement of
the exposed conductors and the line conductors earth capacities.


C 3 C2 C 1

Figure 8 Rt

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Protection against earth faults
Classification of electrical distribution systems

Distribution system Main application Typical value of the fault currents Remarks

TT distribution systems are used

2 when assuring the distribution of
domestic installations and similar; the protective conductor (PE) is
TT small industries with LV power 10÷100 A impossible and when it is advisable
supply to leave to the user the respon-
sibility for the protection against
indirect contact

TN distribution systems are the

systems through which power sup-
industries and big installations with values similar to those of the sin- ply is distributed to users having
MV power supply gle-phase fault their own transformer substation;
in these cases, the protective con-
ductor can be easily ensured

μA÷2 A dependent on the size of This type of system is particularly

the installation; in case of double suitable for the cases in which
chemical and petrochemical indu-
earth fault, the fault current takes service continuity must be assured
IT stries, i.e. plants for which service
values typical of TT ot TN systems since the presence of a first fault
continuity is fundamental
depending on the connection of does not cause high currents and/
the exposed conductors to earth or currents dangerous for people

Use of RCDs in different electrical distribution systems

– TN system. RCDs are mainly used in this system for protection against direct contact, and
they also provide protection against indirect contact. The rated residual operating current
of RCDs intended for protection against direct contact must not exceed 30mA. RCDs are
recommended for very long circuits on TN systems.
– TT system. The TT system differs from the TN-C-S system in that there is no connection
between the protective earth conductor (PE) and the neutral, and instead protection relies
on local earth electrodes. Resultant impedances in the earth return path between the load
and the origin of the supply may prevent the operation of overcurrent protection devices in
the event of an earth fault. This can result in bonded metalwork reaching voltages danger-
ous to the touch and also give rise to fire hazards due to the sustained flow of earth fault
currents if the overcurrent protection device fails to operate.
The use of RCDs on TT systems for earth fault protection is therefore compulsory in all
cases. RCDs are used to provide protection against Direct Contact and Indirect Contact in
TT systems.
– IT system. Generally used where continuity of supply is required. The use of IT systems is
confined to special applications such as hospital operating theatres, mines, etc., where con-
tinuity of supply under a first earth fault condition is of paramount importance. IT systems
are characterised by the absence of a direct connection of the supply to earth or connection
to earth via a relatively high impedance which negates the use of RCDs on such systems.
In IT system the first fault to earth should not cause any disconnections, while on the appa-
rance of the second fault a quick disconnection becames a must.
RCDs are suitable for disconnections in case of second faults.

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Residual current protective devices

Reference standard for RCD use 3/2
Protection with RCDs 3/3
Standard of RCDs 3/7
Types of RCDs 3/8
Types of wave form detected by RCDs and classification 3/10
RCDs with or without switched neutral 3/13
Difference between voltage dependent and voltage independent 3/14
Marking on RCDs 3/16
Test button 3/17

Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202 3/1

Residual current protective devices
Reference standard for RCDs use

Founded in 1906, the IEC (International Electrotechnical

Commission) is the world’s leading organization for the
preparation and publication of International Standards for
all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These are
known collectively as “electrotechnology”.
All IEC International Standards are fully consensus-based and represent the needs of key
stakeholders of every nation participating in IEC work. Every member has one vote and a say
in what goes into an IEC International Standard. IEC standards are recognised by almost all
countries in the world.
The IEC standard is covered in Europe by CENELEC (European Committee for Electrical
Standardisation) which publishes the relevant EN standards. Every nation, referring to the
CENELEC, transposes and translates EN standards into national standards.

Standard IEC 60364 “Electrical Installations for Buildings”

is today the main reference for Low-voltage electrical
installations around the world.
The requirements in term of protection remain its fundamental
The standard has been adopted by many countries, as-is or with local adaptations. Habits
and regulations differ widely from country to country. Internally, the standards are different in
At present, Residual Current Devices are mandatory in almost all parts of the world.

International Electrotecnical
IEC standard

European Committee for Elec-

trotecnical Standardisation:
EN standard

Every nation, referring to the

CENELEC, transposes and
translates EN standards into
national standards.

3/2 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

Residual current protective devices
Protection with RCDs

TT system
According to IEC 60364-4 requirements, the protective devices must be coordinated with the
earthing arrangement.

L2 3

RB RA Ik is the current causing

automatic operation of the
disconnecting devices


Protection by automatic disconnection of the supply used in TT system is with RCDs of sensi-

50 V
I Δn ≤

– R A is the resistance of the earth electrode for the installation [Ω]
– I Δn is the rated residual operating current of the RCD
For temporary supplies (to work sites, …) and agricultural and horticultural premises, the value
of 50 V is replaced by 25 V.

The tripping times of RCDs are generally lower than those required in the majority of national
standards. The IEC 60364-4-41 specifies the maximum operating time of protective devices
used in TT system for protection against indirect contact as:
– For all final circuits with a rated current not exceeding 32 A, the maximum disconnecting
time will not exceed the values indicated here below:

Uo 1 [V] T [s]
50 < Uo ≤ 120 0.3
120 < Uo ≤ 230 0.2
230 < Uo ≤ 400 0.07
Uo > 400 0.04
Uo is the nominal phase to earth voltage

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Residual current protective devices
Protection with RCDs

TN system

(TN-C) PE N (TN-S)

Ik is the current causing the

automatic operation of the
disconnecting devices

To provide a protection for TN systems with automatic disconnection of the circuit, according
to IEC 60364-4 requirements, the following condition shall be fulfilled:

Zs x Ia ≤ Uo

– Zs is the impedance of the fault loop comprising the source, the live conductor up to the
point of the fault and the protective conductor between the point of the fault and the source
– U o is the nominal a.c. r.m.s. voltage to earth [V]
– I a is the current causing the automatic operation of the disconnecting protective device

IEC 60364-4-41 specifies the maximum operating time of protective devices used in TN sys-
tem for protection against indirect contact:
For all final circuits with a rated current not exceeding 32 A, the maximum disconnecting time
will not exceed the values indicated in the table below:

Uo 1 [V] T [s]
50 < Uo ≤ 120 0.8
120 < Uo ≤ 230 0.4
230 < Uo ≤ 400 0.2
Uo > 400 0.1
Uo is the nominal phase to earth voltage

3/4 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

IT system (second fault)


Ik is the current causing the

automatic operation of the
Ra Ra disconnecting devices


A second earth fault on an IT system (unless occuring on the same conductor as the first fault)
results in a phase-phase or phase-to-neutral fault, and whether occurring on the same circuit
as the first fault, or on a different circuit, overcurrent protective devices would normally operate
an automatic fault clearance.

Ik = Ur / Rt

– Rt is the total resistance, equal to the sum of the earth electrode (Ra) and the protective
conductor for the exposed conductive parts [Ω];
– Ur is the rated voltage between phases [V]

Disconnecting times for IT system depends on how the different installation and substation
earth electrodes are interconnected.
For final circuits supplying electrical equipment with a rated current not exceeding 32 A and
having their exposed conductors bonded with the substation earth electrode, the maximum
tripping time is given in the table below:

Uo 1 [V] T [s]
50 < Uo ≤ 120 0.8
120 < Uo ≤ 230 0.4
230 < Uo ≤ 400 0.2
Uo > 400 0.1
Uo is the nominal phase to earth voltage

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Residual current protective devices
Protection with RCDs

Standards for electrical installations with RCDs

Standards Application Required Recommended RCD
IEC IΔn [mA] A/AC type B type

protection against electric shock 30...500 Q Q

socket outlets up to 20 A, outdoor installations 10...30 Q
60364-4-482 fire protection against special risks or hazards 30 and 300 Q Q

60364-5-551 low-voltage power generating installations 10...30 Q

60364-7-701 rooms with bathtubs or showers, outlets in zone 3 10...30 Q

60364-7-702 swimming pools and other pools 10...30 Q

60364-7-703 rooms with cabins with sauna heating 10...30 Q

construction sites, socket outlet circuits up to ≤ 300 Q Q

60364-7-704 32 A and for hand-held equipment, plug-and-sok-
ket devices up to In >32 A ≤ 500 Q Q

≤ 300 Q
agricultural and general horticultural premises,
socket outlet circuits
10...30 Q

conductive areas with limited freedom of move-

60364-7-706 10...30 Q
electrical equipment on camping sites, each sok-
60364-7-708 10...30 Q
ket outlet individually
solar PV power supply systems (without a simple
60364-7-712 ≤ 300 Q
means of disconnection)

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Residual current protective devices
Standard of RCDs

The relevant standards covering RCD products are as follows:

– IEC 61008-1: Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protec-
tion for household and similar uses (RCCBs) - General rules

– IEC 61009-1: Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection
for household and similar uses (RCBOs) - General rules
– IEC 60947-2: Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear – Circuit Breakers
- Annex B, Circuit Breakers Incorporating Residual Current Devices
- Annex M, earth leakage relay

– IEC 62423 ed.2: Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and with-
out integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses

– IEC 62020: Electrical accessories - Residual current monitors for household and similar uses

– IEC/TR 60755 ed 2: General requirements for residual current operated protective devices

– IEC/TR 62350: Guidance for the correct use of residual current-operated protective devices
(RCDs) for household and similar use

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Residual current protective devices
Types of RCDs

The following devices are all RCDs, equipped with additional functions and features, offering
cost effective solutions in different applications.

Residual Current Circuit breaker (RCCB)

This device is essentially a mechanical switch with the residual current tripping characteristic
attached to it. So basically it breaks the circuit only when there is a leakage current flowing to
earth. The tripping time is such as to minimise the risks for human life.
As RCCBs are unable to detect or respond to overcurrents or short circuits, they must be con-
nected in series with an overcurrent device such as a fuse or MCB (Miniature Circuit breaker).
This gives the RCCB and the rest of the circuit the protection required to respond to overcur-
rents or short circuits.

RCCBs usually have a fault making and breaking capacity of 1 kA. This means that they can
manage a fault of 1 kA on their own if it is a fault to earth. For overloads and line to neutral
short circuits, the Wiring Rules require additional devices to provide protection. The device
used for short circuit protection may improve the short circuit rating of the RCCB when they
operate together. This allows an RCCB rated at, for example, 1000 A to be used in circuits
where the actual fault level is higher than 1000 A.
In summary, RCCBs provide earth leakage protection, however a major point to remember
when applying them is that they must always be installed in conjunction with an appropriately
rated Short Circuit Protective Device (SCPD).


Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload protection (RCBO)

This is a residual current device that has an MCB embedded in it. Therefore RCBO is the
equivalent of an RCCB + MCB. The main functions that an RCBO is able to provide are:
(a) Protection against earth fault currents;
(b) Protection against overload and short-circuit currents
The best way to use an RCBO is to use one on each circuit, this way if one circuit exhibits a
fault it will not affect the other circuits. As the price of these devices is dropping year by year,
the RCBO is an effective way of protecting lives and the installation.


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Earth leakage relay
This kind of residual current device has been designed to satisfy the requirements of industry.
They suit three-phase circuits and high current loads. The residual current threshold and trip-
ping delay is often adjustable, thus allowing selectivity among different circuit breakers.
Earth leakage relays work in combination with a circuit breaker that opens the circuit in the
case of a circuit breaker ground fault.
Phase and neutral conductors go through a toroidal transformer, creating a magnetic field
proportional to its current.
In normal situations the vector sum of the currents is zero. In case of fault, the toroidal trans-
former detects the imbalance and sends a signal to the relay and compares it with the preset
threshold value. The output contact of the relay is turned on when the fault detected value is
higher than the preset threshold and lasts more than the preset tripping time value.

Earth leakage relay can be classified according to IEC 62020 or in the first case the relay is
suitable for “monitoring” the circuit and providing information about the network’s insulation.
In the second case the relay is appropriate to protect people against the effect of electric
shock hazards.
According to new Annex M of IEC 60947-2, the Manufacturer of residual current relays hmust
check and guarantee protection performance for the entire chain, composed by toroidal trans-
former+ relay+ shunt trip + circuit breakers.
In addition, they can be used only with circuit breakers certified by the manufacturer, who is
responsible for the tripping time, considering the entire chain of components.
The devices according to this new standard are tested by the factory in “ready to use” configu-
ration and they can make easier the installers’ work easier.


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Residual current protective devices
Types of wave form detected by RCDs and classification

Residual current protective devices are distinguished from one another in respect of their suita-
bility for detecting different forms of residual current.
Below is a table giving RCD classification according to the waveform of the earth leakage
– Type AC,sensitive to alternating current only
– Type A, sensitive to alternating and/or pulsating current with DC components
– Type B to provide protection in case of alternating residual sinusoidal currents up to 1.000
Hz, pulsating direct residual currents and smooth direct residual currents
– Type F, with rated frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz are intended for installations when frequency
inverters are supplied between phase and neutral or phase and earthed middle conductor
and are able to provide protection in case of alternating residual sinusoidal at the rated fre-
quency, pulsating direct residual currents and composite residual currents that may occur.

Proper functionning of residual current

protective devices of type
Current Tripping
waveform current

■ ■ ■ ■ 0.5 to 1.0 IΔn

– ■ ■ ■ 0.35 to 1.4 IΔn

Current delay angle 90°:

– ■ ■ ■
0.25 to 1.4 IΔn

Current delay angle 135°:

– ■ ■ ■
0.11 to 1.4 IΔn

– ■ ■ ■ max. 1.4 IΔn + 6 mA

– – ■ ■ max. 1.4 IΔn + 10 mA

– – ■ ■ 0.5 to 1.4 IΔn

– – – ■ 0.5 to 2.0 IΔn

Current frequency 150 Hz

– – – ■
0.5 to 2.4 IΔn

Current frequency 400 Hz

– – – ■
0.5 to 6 IΔn

Current frequency 1000 Hz

– – – ■
0.5 to 14 IΔn

3/10 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

AC type RCDs are suitable for all systems where users have sinusoidal earth current. They are
not sensitive to impulsive leakage currents up to a peak of 250 A (8/20 wave form) such as
those which may occur due to overlapping voltage impulses on the mains (e.g.: switching of
fluorescent bulbs, X-ray equipment, data processing systems and SCR controls).

A type RCDs are not sensitive to impulsive currents up to a peak of 250 A (8/20 wave form).
They are particularly suitable for protecting systems in which the user equipment has electron-
ic devices for rectifying the current or phase cutting adjustment of a physical quantity (speed
temperature, light intensity etc.) supplied directly by the mains without the insertion of trans-
formers and class I insulated (class II is, by definition, free of faults to earth).These devices may
generate a pulsating fault current with DC components which the A type RCD can recognise.

In addition to detecting residual current waveforms of type A, residual current protective devic-
es of type B are used to detect smooth DC residual currents. type B RCDs are recommended
for use with drives and inverters for supplying motors for pumps, lifts, textile machines, ma-
chine tools etc., since they recognise a continuous fault current with a low level ripple.
Tripping values defined up to 100 kHz.

Type AC and A RCDs comply with IEC 61008/61009; type B for RCDs is not mentioned in
these reference standards: an international standard, IEC 62423, has been introduced in 2007,
specifying additional requirements for type B RCDs.
This new standard, IEC 62423, should only be referred to together with IEC 61008-1 (for
RCCBs) and IEC 61009-1 (for RCD-blocks and RCBOs), this means that B type RCDs must be
compliant with all the requirements of IEC 61008/9.

In addition there are other two type of RCDs according to the wave form of the earth leakage
– Type F
– Type B+

Type F RCDs are for loads with single-phase inverters and similar equipment (e.g. modern
washing machines), as an extension of type A.
or type F RCDs, additional tests have been added to those for type A, in order to simulate the
ground fault in presence of a single phase inverter.
Type F is characterised by a strong immunity to unwanted tripping.
Type F RCDs are not sensitive to impulsive currents up to a peak of 3,000A (8/20 wave form).
Type F RCDs give better protection with the spread of modern electronic appliances in domes-
tic installations, where type A RCDs could not properly cover them. It effectively fixes, in an
“official” way, the problem of unwanted tripping with a non-selective RCD.
In IEC 61008-1 and IEC 61009-1 (RCDs for housholder and similar applications) only type AC
and A RCDs are covered, types F and B are not mentioned. IEC 62423 ed. 2 covers both type
F and B RCDs and it can only be used together with IEC 61008-1 and IEC 61009-1.
At the moment, type B+ are only introduced in a DIN VDE 0664-100 specification applicable
in Germany. Like type B residual current protection devices, type B+ residual current protec-
tion devices are suitable for use in alternating current systems. Tripping conditions for type B+
residual current protection devices are defined at up to 20 kHz and lie within this frequency
range below a tripping value of 420 mA. Type B+ are mostly used to prevent fire protection risk
as they are recommended by the Association of German Insurance Companies.

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Residual current protective devices
Types of wave form detected by RCDs and classification

In summary, to choose the right type of Residual current device, two different aspects must be

1)The type of protection required:

Type of protection

3 Type of RCD protection against indirect additional protection protection against fire risk
contacts (if Idn < 30 mA) (if Idn < 300 mA)
(if Idn is coordinated with
ground system)
AC ■ ■ ■
A ■ ■ ■
F ■ ■ ■
B ■ ■ ■
A S (selective) ■ ■
B S (selective) ■ ■

2)The type of fault current wave form:

Types of wave form detected by RCDs

Type of RCD alternating alternating pulsating multifrequency multifrequency
current current up to current with DC current current
50/60Hz 1000 Hz components generated by generated by
the single-pha- the three-pha-
se inverter se inverter
AC ■
A ■ ■
F ■ ■ ■
B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
A S (selective) ■ ■
B S (selective) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

3/12 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

Residual current protective devices
RCDs with or without switched neutral

Advantage of RCDs with switched neutral

If a neutral to earth fault occurs in a circuit fed thorugh an RCBO with a solid neutral which is
backed up by an upstream selective RCD, the selectivity or discrimination will be lost and the
main RCD will also trip as it will still detect the fault which has not been resolved.
The main requirements of RCD protection are:
– Additional protection against direct contact with live parts
– Protection against direct connection with live parts
– Protection against fire in the case of a fault to earth

If a fault occurs between neutral and earth where a solid RCBO is protecting a circuit, the
RCBO will trip. However, as previously stated, the fault will still be in the circuit within the rest
of the istallation.
A the neutral will be common thorough the installation, it is possible that current could still flow
through the fault and lead to a fire hazard. This would mean that the RCBO would not offer full
protection against fire and therefore does not comply with one of its main protection require-
Testing of outgoing circuits is easier with RCBOs incorporating a switched neutral as an electri-
cian does not have to disconnect terminals before testing.

DS271: example of RCBO wi

without switched neutral DS201 and DSN201: examples of RCBO with switched
(solid neutral) neutral

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Residual current protective devices
Difference between voltage dependent and voltage independent

Voltage Independent RCD

Voltage independent RCDs use the energy of the earth fault current to trip the mechanism
directly. In this type of RCD, the output from the sensing coil operates a specially constructed
magnetic relay and so releases the RCD mechanism, independently of the mains voltage.
Voltage independent RCDs normally use a polarised (field weakening) relay construction.
This operates by cancellation of the permanent magnetic flux (which holds the relay ON) by the
excitation flux (produced by the fault current).This can only occur in one half-cycle of the a.c.
supply because the magnetic flux will be reinforced in the other half cycle. Operating times can
vary from 20 to 120 ms at rated tripping current.

Voltage Dependent RCD

Voltage dependent RCDs generally employ an electronic amplifier to provide an enhanced
signal from the sensing coil to operate a trip solenoid or relay. RCDs of this type are defined as
“voltage dependent” because they rely on a voltage source, derived from the mains supply, or
an auxiliary supply, the amplifier with power. The basic principle of operation is, however, the
same as voltage independent RCDs.

What are the advantages of voltage independent RCDs?

Loss of neutral
The loss of neutral may happen for several reasons and it can occur anywhere (unless we are
in a TN-C system!), both in multiphase and phase to neutral supply lines.
The causes of unwanted interruptions to the neutral conductor can be: defective breakers that
do not close the neutral pole properly, loose connections, works on electrical lines or nearby
electrical conductors etc.
In case of loss of the neutral, hazardous voltage is still present but voltage dependent RCDs
cannot trip in case of fault, with risk for human life.
It is commonly said that the probability of loss of the neutral is negligible. Cenelec has pre-
pared a new standard for a new kind of protective device: protection against power frequency
overvoltages (POP devices), that are mainly caused by the loss of neutral in the upstream
three-phase supply. This kind of protection has been asked vividly by public utilities and by a
raising awareness of the market itself.
Generally, it is said that loss of neutral conductor in a phase to neutral network is not a risk
because nothing works, and even unskilled users understand that something is wrong with it
and an electrician must be called. This is not true. Firstly because an unskilled user can believe
that, if the installation is without supply, it is in a very safe condition, while it is not. Secondly,
because in an installation you can have separate RCDs for several terminal circuits (as request-
ed in some new national rules) and every appliance works correctly except a single one (e.g.
washing machine), that is not protected and it is in a dangerous state. A voltage independent
RCD is able to detect a fault current also in the absence of neutral. For all these reasons, ABB
warns not to underrate risks concerning electrical installation and it is committed to provide
the best solutions in terms of safety, reliability and operational continuity.

Loss of a wire for multi-phase RCD

This case is worse than the previous one.
The probability of interruption of the “wrong” phase conductor and/or neutral conductor is
much higher than the loss of the neutral conductor only. Voltage dependent RCDs cannot trip,
while loads supplied by not interrupted conductors will work properly. The user cannot see any
evidence of the problem. This situation is extremely deceptive!

3/14 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

Undervoltage of supply lines
According to the present standard, voltage dependent RCDs are required to work with a mini-
mum voltage of 85% of the rated supply voltage.
Undervoltages can be caused by different reasons.
If the supply voltage falls to a value lower than the operating value of the voltage dependent
RCD and greater than a dangerous level (50 V), the RCD will not trip but the risk of dangerous
faults is present. Voltage independent RCDs work properly regardless of the actual supply

Transient overvoltages (or power frequency overvoltages, see above, POP device)
This kind of overvoltage can damage voltage dependent RCDs.
Voltage independent RCDs do not have problems with transient overvoltages.

Are voltage dependent RCDs less subject to unwanted tripping?

Unwanted tripping of RCDs is a problem which is increasing all over the world for a lot of dif-
ferent reasons.
According to ABB’s experience in countries where voltage dependent RCDs are common, this
kind of RCD also has this problem. In product standards for RCD, tests against unwanted trip-
ping are the same both for voltage dependent and voltage independent RCDs.
All the principal manufacturers have developed special voltage independent RCDs with ex-
tremely high immunity against unwanted tripping. In the ABB catalogue, these RCDs are called
“APR” type. According to our long experience, APR RCDs can eliminate 99.9% of unwanted
tripping! Unfortunately there is not a classification in IEC or EN standards for these RCDs (the
only exception is in Austrian national standard: they are called “Type G”).

Voltage dependent RCDs have a power dissipation even without any load (this is similar
to “standby” power dissipation)
Even if this power dissipation seems to be very low, it is not negligible, especially if you have
several voltage dependent RCDs in the installation. This is not in line with modern philosophy
of energy saving which avoids any unnecessary power consumption.
– With a few exceptions, in countries where voltage dependent RCDs are commonly used, the
earthing system of public distribution is TN. In TN systems, earth fault current is very high
as a short circuit current. So, if for any reason an RCD does not trip, the earth fault current
makes the overcurrent protection (MCB or fuse) trip. In TT and IT systems, the earth fault
current is low and only RCDs can break it.
– In IEC 61008/9 product standard for RCDs, voltage dependent RCDs are not included. In
fact IEC 61008/9 is composed by Part 1 (general requirements) and by two Parts 2: 2.1
(voltage independent RCDs), and 2.2 (voltage dependent RCDs). Part 2.2 does not exist as
an EN standard. As Part 1 cannot be used without Part 2.1 or Part 2.2, only voltage inde-
pendent RCDs are included in IEC 61008/9.

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Residual current protective devices
Marking on RCDs

Each RCCB must be marked with a lot of technical data. The typical features that must be
marked on devices, according to the Standards, are:
– Rated operational voltage (Ue): the rated operational voltage of a RCCB is the value of the
voltage, assigned by ABB, to which its performance is referred.
– Rated current (In): the value of current, assigned to the RCCB by ABB, which the RCCB can
carry in uninterrupted duty.
– Rated residual operating current (IΔn): the value of residual operating current assigned to
the RCCB, at which the RCCB shall operate under specified conditions.
– Rated frequency: the rated frequency of a RCCB is the power frequency for which the
RCCB is designed and to which the values of the other characteristics correspond.
– Rated making and breaking capacity (Im): The r.m.s. value of the a.c. component of pro-
spective current which a RCCB can make, carry and break under specified conditions.

An example of a RCCB: F202 AC 25/0,03

Manufacturer’s name

CPI: Contact Position Indicator

Test button

Rated current
Rated residual operating current [IΔn]
Rated voltage [Un]
Rated making and breaking capacity [Im]

Wiring diagram
ABB identity number

3/16 Protection against earth faults with RCDs | 2CSC420004B0202

Residual current protective devices
Test button

To check if you have RCD protection in you consumer unit, look to see if there is a device with
a pushbutton marked ‘T’ or ‘Test’. This ‘test’ button is part of an RCD.
If you have an RCD, you should check that it is functioning properly by pushing the test button
periodically. When tested, the RCD should switch off the power to the areas of the home it

The RCDs in your consumer unit may not cover everything in your home, such as the lighting
circuits, so it is a good idea to check - while the RCD is off - which sockets and lights are no
longer working, showing that they are protected by that RCD.
Switch the RCD back on to restore the supply.

If your RCD does not switch off the electricity supply to the protected circuits when the test
button is pressed, or if it does not reset, get advice from a registered electrician.
If you do not have RCD protection fitted in your consumer unit, it is strongly suggested to
protect yourself by contacting an installer to ask for it because if you damage a hidden cable
when fixing something to a wall, you won’t be protected against electric shock unless you
have an RCD in your consumer unit protecting that circuit.


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