Sequential Circuits: Digital Electronics
Sequential Circuits: Digital Electronics
Sequential Circuits: Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics
Table of Contents
3. SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS ................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Classification of sequential circuits ................................................................................ 2
3.1.1. Synchronous Sequential Circuit ............................................................................... 2
3.1.2. Asynchronous Sequential Circuit ............................................................................ 2
3.2. FLIP-FLOPS ................................................................................................................... 2
3.2.1. JK flip-flop:.............................................................................................................. 2
3.2.2. D flip-flop: ............................................................................................................... 4
3.2.3. T flip-flop: ................................................................................................................ 4
3.3. Clock types: .................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1. Level trigger ............................................................................................................. 5
3.3.2. Edge trigger .............................................................................................................. 5
3.4. COUNTERS: .................................................................................................................. 5
3.4.1. Counters types:......................................................................................................... 6
3.4.2. UP/DOWN Counter: ................................................................................................ 6
3.5. ASYNCHRONOUS COUNTER (RIPPLE COUNTER): .............................................. 7
3.5.1. MOD-2 Counter (Binary counter): .......................................................................... 7
3.5.2. MOD-8 Counter: ...................................................................................................... 7
SYNCHRONOUS (PARALLEL) COUNTERS: .............................................................. 8
3.6. Preset and Clear Inputs ................................................................................................... 8
Example: ............................................................................................................................ 8
A Sequential circuits consists of combinational logic which receives digital signals
from external inputs (A) and from outputs of memory elements and generate signals for
external outputs(Z) and for inputs to memory elements
A Sequential circuit is specified by a “time sequence of inputs, outputs and internal states”.
The memory elements used in ”clocked sequential circuits ” are called “flip-flops”
It is basic memory element.
These are binary cells and it can store in one Bit of information.
It has two outputs (Q and Q̅ ), which are complemented to each other.
It has two stable states which are known as “Bistable Multivibrator” or “Latch”.
A flip-flop circuit can be constructed from NAND gates or NOR gates.
Flip-flops can be divided into common types: the SR ("set-reset"), D ("data" or
"delay"), T ("toggle"), and JK.
3.2.1. JK flip-flop:
A JK flip-flop is a refinement of the SR flip-flop in that the indeterminate state of the
SR type is defined in the JK type.
̅ and Q respectively to obtain S
The data inputs are J and K which are ANDed with Q
and R inputs i.e.,
S=J𝑄̅ and R=KQ
̅ are compliment with each other.
Here Q and Q
This JK-flip-flop is called an universal flip-flop because the FFs like D-flip-flop, SR-flip-flop
and T-flip-flop can be derived from it.
Truth table for JK flip flop
Here X = Don’t care (0 or 1) and Q(t+1) is next state.
3.2.2. D flip-flop:
The D-flip-flop is a modification of the clocked JK-FF. It is a flip-flop with a delay
equal to exactly one cycle of CLK. It is also called “Transparent Latch”.
0 X Q 𝑄̅ Q Memory
1 0 X X 0 Reset
1 1 X X 1 Set
(a) (b)
3.3. Clock types:
3.3.1. Level trigger
High level trigger
Low level trigger
The counters are composed with flip-flops and combinational elements.
It is a sequential circuit forming by the cascading of flip-flops.
A counter circuit with n-flip-flops has maximum 2n possible states.
Also, if N=total number of states and n=number of flip-flops then,
N ≤ 2n n ≥ log 2 𝑁 n ≥ 3.32log10 𝑁
If N = 2 , then we get BINARY COUNTER.
If N = 2n, then we get NON- BINARY COUNTER.
MOD Number:
The “MOD-number” indicates the number of states in counting sequence.
For n-flip-flops, counter will have 2n different states and then this counter is said to be
“MOD-2n Counter”.
MOD number indicates the frequency division obtained from the last flip-flop.
It would be capable of counting up-to (2n - 1) before returning to zero state.
3.4.1. Counters types:
Based upon the applying CLK pulse, Counters are of two types:
Synchronous counter
All flip-flops are triggered with same CLK.
Operation is faster.
Any required sequence can be designed.
No decoding error occurs.
Its design is complex.
Ex: Ring counter,…
Asynchronous counter
Different flip-flops are run with different CLK.
Operation is slower.
Only fixed sequence can be designed (up and down).
Decoding error occurs due to “tpd”.
Its design is relatively easy.
Ex: Ripple counter,...
3.4.2. UP/DOWN Counter:
If a counter counts in such a way that the decimal equivalent of output increases with
successive CLK pulses is called as “UP Counter”.
If the decimal equivalent of the output decreases with successive CLK pulses then it is
called “DOWN Counter”.
An “UP/DOWN Counter” can count in any direction depending upon the control input.
3.4.3. Application of Counters:
To count the number of CLK pulses.
To count the number of items in industry.
As a “Frequency divider”.
In time measurement.
For distance measurement in Radar system.
In Analog to Digital converter (ADC).
In measurement of PRI (Pulse Repetition interference).
In MOD-N Counter, if applied input frequency is “f”, then output frequency is “f/N”.
If two counters are cascaded with MOD-M followed by MOD-N, then number of overall
states of combined counter is (M × N) and counter is called “MOD-MN” counter.
3.5.1. MOD-2 Counter (Binary counter):
It can be seen from the frequency waveforms below, that by “feeding back” the output
from Q to the input terminal D, the output pulses at Q have a frequency that are exactly one
half ( f ÷ 2 ) that of the input clock frequency. In other words the circuit produces Frequency
Division as it now divides the input frequency by a factor of two.
Initially all flip-flops are set to zero.
Maximum possible states = 8 (from 0 to 7)
Fixed sequence follows, so it is an “UP Counter”.
If input frequency is ‘f’ then here output frequency = f/8.
In ripple counter with n-flip-flops there are 2n possible states.
With n-flip-flops the maximum count that can be counted by this counter is 2n – 1.
It is also called ( 2n : 1 ) scalar counter.
Disadvantages of Ripple Counter:
Decoding error is present.
This error occurs due to propagation delay of flip-flops i.e. tpd(ff).
For proper operation of the ripple counter. It should be noted that,
TCLK ≥ ntpd(ff)
∴ fCLK ≤ 1/ ntpd(ff)
Maximum CLK frequency = 1/ ntpd(ff)
To overcome the decoding error in ripple counter, we may use “Strobe input”.
Identifying whether the counter is UP/Down Counter:
Triggering with CLK connection in Access as
(-ve) edge Q UP counter
(-ve) edge 𝑄̅ Down counter
(+ve) edge Q Down counter
(+ve) edge 𝑄̅ UP counter
MOD-5 Ripple Counter
In ripple counter in order to reduce number of states feedback is applied through clear
(clr) or preset (pr).clear signal is used to reset counter and preset signal is used to set counter.
Clock Q2 Q1 Q0 clr
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0
3 0 1 1 0
4 1 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 1
101 ̅ 𝟏 𝑸𝟎
𝑸𝟐 𝑸 after tpd of AND gate
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1………
𝑐𝑙𝑟 Q AND gate ̅̅̅̅
𝑐𝑙𝑟 Q NAND gate
𝑐𝑙𝑟 𝑄̅ OR gate ̅̅̅̅
𝑐𝑙𝑟 𝑄̅ NOR gate