Based On STATCOM Direct Current Full-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control
Based On STATCOM Direct Current Full-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control
Based On STATCOM Direct Current Full-Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control
Published in The Journal of Engineering; Received on 11th October 2017; Accepted on 3rd November 2017
Abstract: This study proposes a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), which cannot only detect and compensate for reactive current
according to the real-time change of grid reactive current, but also maintain the current phase and voltage phase of grid consistent. Aimed at the
shortages existing in the control of STATCOM at present, such as the parameters are difficult to adjust and the calculation is very complex, a
sliding mode controller for STATCOM reactive current inner-loop control system is designed. Finally, the control logic is evaluated in Matlab/
Simulink, and the simulation results are compared with the traditional proportional integral (PI) control design. It is shown that the proposed
method is able to achieve the response performance of the conventional PI method, and has stronger robustness against external disturbance.
J. Eng., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 13, pp. 2067–2071 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
doi: 10.1049/joe.2017.0693 Attribution -NonCommercial License (
The model of the switching function on the two-phase αβ coord-
inate system is shown below
⎧ dV 3
⎪ C dc = id sd + iq sq − iL
⎨ di
dt 2
L d
− vLiq + Rid = Ed − ud (5)
⎪ dt
⎩ L diq + vLi + Ri = E − u
d q q q
Fig. 1 STATCOM current decoupling control structure dt
ud = Vdc sd
uq = Vdc sq
vLiq − Lp1 + Ed
sd =
−vLid − Lp2 + Eq
sq =
Fig. 2 STATCOM main circuit Vdc
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons J. Eng., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 13, pp. 2067–2071
Attribution -NonCommercial License ( doi: 10.1049/joe.2017.0693
For the active and reactive current loop, we adopt the following The q-axis current controller is designed to make the iq track the iq*.
PI control strategy: The error of the q-axis current is designed as follows:
K eq = i∗q − iq (13)
ud = Ed − KiP + iI i∗d − id + vLiq
(11) ∗ ∗ Eq − uq − Riq − vLid
K ėq = i̇q − i̇q = i̇q − (14)
uq = Eq − KiP + iI i∗q − iq − vLid L
A full-order sliding mode manifold is designed in the following
The active current command value id* is proportional to the load form:
current and its value is the output of the voltage regulator:
sq = ėq + c1 |eq |a1 sgn(eq ) (15)
K ∗
i∗d = KuP + uI Vdc − Vdc (12) where c1 > 0, 1 > α1 > 0 are constants.
It means that the system will reach to sq = 0 in finite time and then eq
will converge to zero within finite time along sq = 0.
ed = i∗d − id (22)
∗ ∗ Ed − ud − Rid + vLiq
ėd = i̇d − i̇d = i̇d − (23)
Fig. 3 Block diagram of full-order TSM control L
J. Eng., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 13, pp. 2067–2071 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
doi: 10.1049/joe.2017.0693 Attribution -NonCommercial License (
A full-order sliding mode manifold is designed in the following
sd = ėd + c2 ed 2 sgn ed (24)
V = 0.5s2d (29)
V̇ = sd ṡd
Fig. 5 STATCOM absorption of active and reactive power
= sd vd − Tudn
= sd − kd2 + kT 2 + h2 sgn(sd ) − Tudn (30)
= − kd2 + kT2 + h2 sd − Tudn sd
= −kd2 sd − kT 2 sd + Tudn sd − h2 sd ≤ 0
It means that the system will reach to sd = 0 in finite time and then ed
will converge to zero within finite time along sd = 0.
4 Case study
STATCOM’s ability to track the inductive, capacitive, and reactive
power compensation and reactive load is verified by this simulation.
The simulation parameters of the STATCOM as follows: AC side
R = 0.01 Ω, AC side L = 4.3 mH, three-phase symmetrical input
power phase voltage U = 40 V, Vdc of the given value is 110 V,
AC-side voltage standard unitary value of 56.6 V. Fig. 6 Load side active current and reactive current waveform
Simulation results are shown in Fig. 4.
As is shown in Fig. 4, the system in the 0.1 s moment load sen-
of reactive load. Simulation results show that the proposed method is
sitive switch to the capacitive, at 0.2 s time and then by the capaci-
able to achieve the response performance of the conventional PI
tive switch to emotional. Before 0.1 s time, since the load is
method, and has stronger robustness against external disturbance.
inductive, the system needs to provide inductive reactive power,
since the work has been put into STATCOM, the compensation re-
active current required by the load, the system voltage, and system 6 Acknowledgment
current phase. Fig. 5 reflects the above situation occurred when
STATCOM absorbed active and reactive. The system provides cap- This work was supported by the National Natural Science
acitive and reactive power between 0.1 and 0.2 s, providing induct- Foundation of China (51577039), and HeiLongJiang Province
ive reactivity at other times. Natural Science (E201426).
As is shown in Fig. 6, the d-axis current and the q-axis current
vary with their reference values. In this way, such sliding mode 7 References
control algorithm to control the steady-state error is small.
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