Survey On Consumers Brand Preference Towards Selected Consumer Durables at Reliance Degital, Hubli
Survey On Consumers Brand Preference Towards Selected Consumer Durables at Reliance Degital, Hubli
Survey On Consumers Brand Preference Towards Selected Consumer Durables at Reliance Degital, Hubli
NAME: ______________________________ AGE: ________
GENDER: ______________ OCCUPATION: _____________________
INCOME: ______________ PHONE NUMBER: __________________
ADDRESS: ________________________
6. Which of the following, according to you, help build a good brand image?
a) Quality b) Communication strategy c) Competitive pricing
d) Good value added services e) Free trials and discounts
f) Others (Please Specify) ________________________
10. Does association of products with a particular group of company lead to preference for
such products?
a) Sometimes b) Always c) Never
11. Will you stick to the same product if their price is increased (and you are a loyal
customer to the product)?
a) Up to a certain limit in price increase
b) Yes, irrespective of the price increase
c) No, I may look for different products
15. Are you a loyal customer for the products you buy?
a) Yes always, I stick to the same products.
b) Never, I keep experimenting with new products.
c) Only for quality products.
d) I choose the least-priced product.