Abstract Partial Differentiation Rules Relating Partial Derivatives
Abstract Partial Differentiation Rules Relating Partial Derivatives
Abstract Partial Differentiation Rules Relating Partial Derivatives
while three of the many possible actual partial derivatives are (we use the chain rule)
� � � �
∂f ∂z
= fx + fz = y 2 z 4 + 8xy 2 z 3 ;
∂x y ∂x y
� � � �
∂f ∂z
= fy + fz = 2xyz 4 + 12xy 2 z 3 ;
∂y x ∂y x
� � � �
∂f ∂y
= fy + fz = 23 xyz 4 + 4xy 2 z 3 .
∂z x ∂z x
Rules connecting partial derivatives. These rules are widely used in the applications,
especially in thermodynamics. Here we will use them as an excuse for further practice with
the chain rule and differentials.
With an eye to thermodynamics, we assume a set of variables t, u, v, w, x, y, z, . . . con
nected by several equations in such a way that
• any two are independent;
• any three are connected by an equation.
Thus, one can choose any two of them to be the independent variables, and then each of
the other variables can be expressed in terms of these two.
We give each rule in two forms—the second form is the one ordinarily used, while the
first is easier to remember. (The first two rules are fairly simple in either form.)
� � � � � �
∂x ∂y ∂x 1
(8a,b) = 1 = reciprocal rule
∂y z ∂x z ∂y z (∂y/∂x)z
� � � � � � � �
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂x (∂x/∂t)z
(9a,b) = = , chain rule
∂y z ∂t z ∂t z ∂y z (∂y/∂t)z
� � � � � � � �
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x (∂x/∂z)y
(10a,b) = −1 = − , cyclic rule
∂y z ∂z x ∂x y ∂y z (∂y/∂z)x
Note how the successive factors in the cyclic rule are formed: the variables are used in the
successive orders x, y, z; y, z, x; z, x, y; one says they are permuted cyclically, and this
explains the name.
Proof of the rules. The first two rules are simple: since z is being held fixed throughout,
each variable becomes a function of just one other variable, and (9) is just the one-variable
chain rule. Then (8) is just the special case of (9) where x = t.
The cyclic rule is less obvious — on the right side it looks almost like the chain rule, but
different variables are being held constant in each of the differentiations, and this changes it
entirely. To prove it, we suppose f (x, y, z) = 0 is the equation satisfied by x, y, z; taking y
and z as the independent variables and differentiating f (x, y, z) = 0 with respect to y gives:
� � � �
∂x ∂x fy
(11) fx + fy = 0; therefore = − .
∂y z ∂y z fx
Permuting the variables in (11) and multiplying the resulting three equations gives (10a):
� � � � � �
∂x ∂y ∂z fy fz fx
= − ·− ·− = −1.
∂y z ∂z x ∂x y fx fy fz
� �
Example 6. Suppose w = w(x, r), with r = r(x, θ). Give an expression for in
∂r θ
terms of formal partial derivatives of w and r.
Solution. Evidently the independent variables are to be r and θ, since these are the
ones that occur in the lower part of the partial derivative, with x dependent on them. Since
θ is viewed as a constant, the chain rule gives
� � � �
∂w ∂x
= wx + wr ;
∂r θ ∂r θ
� �
∂x 1
= ,
∂r θ (∂r/∂x)θ
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