Seismic Protection of Plumbing System
Seismic Protection of Plumbing System
Seismic Protection of Plumbing System
of Plumbing
CEU 265
Continuing Education from the
American Society of Plumbing Engineers
November 2018
Note: In determining your answers to the CE questions, use only the material presented in the corresponding continuing education article. Using information from other
materials may result in a wrong answer.
Every structure is designed for vertical, or gravity, loads. In the case of pipes, gravity loads include the weight of the pipe and its contents,
and the direction of the loading is downward. Seismic loads are the lateral forces exerted on a structure during an earthquake, and earthquake
forces can be in any direction. The ordinary supports designed for gravity loads generally compensate for vertical loads during an earthquake.
Therefore, the primary emphasis in seismic design is on lateral, or horizontal, forces.
Study of seismic risk maps indicates that the potential for damaging earthquake motion is far more pervasive than commonly known. Com-
plete seismic design requirements, including the construction of nonstructural elements, are in effect in only a small fraction of the areas that
could be rated as having a high or moderate risk. Nonstructural components and elements such as piping, water heaters, pumps, tanks, boilers,
ductwork, and conduit are partitioned into two categories: attached to a building and not attached to a building. Seismic design requirements
for nonstructural elements, except for heavy cladding panels, are seldom enforced even in California, which is considered the innovator in state
building code requirements related to seismic movement. However, nonstructural damage resulting from small earthquakes shows that the major
advancements in building structural design by themselves may not have produced an acceptable level of overall seismic protection.
Now that the potential for collapse or other direct, life-endangering structural behavior is quite small, at least for modern structures de-
signed and built in accordance with current seismic codes, attention has shifted to nonstructural life-safety hazards, continued functionality, and
economic issues. The cost of an interruption in a building’s ability to function, which could cause a loss of rent, disruption of normal business
affairs, or curtailment of production, is coming more into focus.
The primary codes governing the seismic laws are found in the International Building Code (Chapter 16). However, this code refers to ASCE/
SEI 7: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. This book subdivides the issues as follows:
• Chapter 12: Building Structures
• Chapter 13: Nonstructural Components
• Chapter 15: Non-Building Structures
• Chapter 17: Seismically Isolated Structures
• Chapter 18: Structures with Damping Systems
Chapters 13 and 15 are most relevant to the plumbing engineer. Nonstructural components include mechanical, electrical, and architectural
elements. If the components are not attached to the building or on slab, then they can be considered non-building structures. The level of haz-
ard to the building is defined as maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motion. The acceleration from this motion times the effective
mass of the component is the effective seismic force acted on the mass.
The costs of seismic protection of plumbing components and equipment range from small, such as those to anchor small tanks, to a consid-
erable percentage of installation costs, such as those for complete pipe-bracing systems. Beyond protection of life, the purpose or cost/benefit
relationship of seismic protection must be clearly understood before the appropriate response to the risk can be made. The design professional
responsible for any given element or system in a building is in the best position to provide that response. Seldom, however, can rational seismic
protection be supplied solely by a single discipline. Building systems are interdependent in both design and function, and good seismic protec-
tion, like good overall building design, is best provided by employing a cooperative, interdisciplinary approach.
This chapter is intended to provide a basic understanding of the mechanisms of seismic damage and the particular vulnerabilities of plumb-
ing systems and equipment. The design professional should sufficiently understand the problem to select the appropriate seismic protection in
any situation based on a ranking of the susceptibility of damage and a knowledge of the scope of mitigation techniques. The seismic protection
techniques currently in use for buildings are described in general. Although specific seismic protection details for some situations are discussed,
it is suggested that structural design assistance be obtained from a professional of that discipline. Care should be taken in the design of seismic
control systems. Proper design may require assistance from an engineer experienced in these systems. In all cases, the current local building code
requirements for seismic movement should be consulted and used as the minimum standard. The detailed analysis and design techniques used
for nuclear power plants and other heavy industrial applications, while similar in nature to those discussed here, are considered inappropriate for
most buildings and are beyond the scope of this chapter. References are given throughout the text for additional study in specific areas of interest.
Reprinted from Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook, Volume 1. © 2017, American Society of Plumbing Engineers. All rights reserved.
Location of Pipe
The strength of structural members, particularly
compression members, is sensitive to length, so a
pipe that must run far from a structural support
may require more or longer braces. In boiler ser-
vice rooms, a horizontal grid of structural beams
sometimes is placed at an intermediate height to facilitate the bracing of pipes. The relative position of the equipment or pipes with respect to
the floor is critical.
Type of Structure
The types of structures are subdivided into the following framing categories that act as seismic force-resisting systems:
• Bearing wall systems
• Building frame systems
• Moment-resisting frame systems
• Dual systems with special moment frames capable of resisting at least 25 percent of prescribed seismic forces
• Dual systems with intermediate moment frames capable of resisting at least 25 percent of prescribed seismic forces
• Shear wall-frame interactive systems with ordinary reinforced-concrete moment frames and ordinary reinforced-concrete shear walls
• Cantilevered column systems detailed to conform to the requirements
• Steel systems not specifically detailed for seismic resistance, excluding cantilever column systems
Joint Type
The joint has proven to be the piping system element most likely to be damaged during earthquakes. Threaded and bell-and-spigot joints are
particularly susceptible. The joint type also determines, in conjunction with the pipe material, the length of the span between braces. Brazed
and soldered joints perform acceptably. Most no-hub joints, however, have virtually no stiffness; thus, effective bracing of such systems is nearly
impossible. Mechanical joints exhibit the most complex behavior, with spring-like flexibility (when pressurized) within a certain rotation and
then rigidity. In addition, the behavior of such systems under earthquake conditions, which cause the axial loadings necessary to transmit forces
to longitudinal braces, is unknown.
At a minimum, cast iron, glass pipe, and any other pipe joined with a shield-and-clamp assembly where the top of the pipe exceeds 12 inches
(304.8 mm) from the supporting structure shall be braced on each side of a change in direction of 90 degrees or more. Riser joints shall be
braced or stabilized between floors. For hubless pipe-riser joints unsupported between floors, additional bracing is required. All vertical pipe
risers shall be laterally supported with a riser clamp at each floor.
In most engineered buildings where seismic concerns are greatly emphasized, all pipe connections near the building frame system are flex-
ible piping.
Traditionally, unbraced pipe systems seldom cause vibration transmission problems because of their inherent flexibility. Many engineers are
concerned that completely braced, tight piping systems could cause unpredictable sound and vibration problems. Vibration isolation assists in
reducing the seismic loading; however, it does not decrease the design loading of the attachments.
Temperature Movement
Pipe anchors and guides used in high-temperature piping systems must be considered and integrated into a seismic bracing system. A misplaced
longitudinal brace can become an unwanted anchor and cause severe damage. Thermal forces at anchor points, unless released after the system
is operational, are additive to tributary seismic forces. Potential interference between seismic and thermal support systems is particularly high
near pipe bends where a transverse brace can become an anchor for the perpendicular pipe run.
The need to thermally insulate high-temperature and chilled water lines from hanging hardware makes longitudinal brace attachment difficult.
In some configurations of short runs with bends, transverse braces can be utilized near elbows to brace the system in both directions. Friction
connections, using wax-impregnated oak or calcium-silicate sleeves as insulators, have been used.
The process of seismic design for buildings has had a reasonably long time to mature. Beginning in the 1920s, after engineers observed heavy
building damage from earthquakes, they began to consider lateral forces on buildings in this country and Japan. Today’s procedures are based
on analytical results as well as considerable design experience and observed performance in earthquakes of varying characteristics. Accelerations
calculated for the seismic design forces are based on maximum considered earthquakes as the foundation for the most severe earthquakes con-
sidered by the codes. The lateral forces for buildings specified in most codes are much lower than could be calculated from structural dynamics
for a variety of reasons, including:
• Observed acceptable performance at low design levels
• Expected ductile action of building systems (ability to continue withstanding force and distortion after yielding)
• Redundancy of resisting elements in most systems
• High damping as distortions increase, which creates a self-limiting characteristic on response
• Less-than-perfect compliance of the foundation to the ground motion
• Economic restraints on building codes
The fact that the actual response of a building during an earthquake could be three or four times that represented by code forces must be
understood and considered in good seismic design. Traditionally, this was done by rule of thumb and good judgment to ensure that structural
yielding is not sudden or does not produce a collapsed mechanism. More recently, the response of many distinguished buildings to real earth-
quake input with site-specific data is being considered more specifically than using computer analysis.
Design of seismic protection for nonstructural elements, including plumbing components and equipment, has neither the tradition nor a
large number of in-place tests by actual earthquakes to enable much refinement of design force capability or design technique. Unfortunately,
few of the effects listed above that mitigate the low force level for structures apply to plumbing or piping. Equipment and piping systems are
generally simple and have low damping, and their lateral force-resisting systems are usually non-redundant. It is imperative, therefore, when
designing seismic protection for these elements to recognize whether the force levels being utilized are arbitrarily low for design or realistic
predictions of actual response. Even when predictions of actual response are used, earthquake forces are considered sufficiently unpredictable
when friction is not allowed as a means of anchorage. Often, less-than-full dead load is used to both simulate vertical accelerations and provide
a further safety factor against overturning or swinging action.
All current building codes require most structures and portions of structures to be designed for a horizontal force based on a certain percent-
age of their weight. Each code may vary in the method of determining this percentage, based on factors including the seismic zone, importance
of the structure, and type of construction.
It is difficult to consider specific code requirements out of context. The code documents themselves should be consulted for specific usage.
Most codes currently in use, or being developed, can be discussed generally by considering the following:
• International Building Code
• California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
• Seismic Design for Buildings, U.S. Department of Defense
• Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings, Applied Technology Council
The zone category affects the lateral force calculated by considering the size and frequency of potential earthquakes in the region. Zones vary
from no earthquakes (Zone 0) to a majority of California (Zone 4).
The effect of specific site soils on ground motion must be considered. Soil types are divided based on three characteristics: soil shear wave
velocity, standard penetration resistance, and soil undrained shear strength. The types of soils are:
A: Hard rock
B: Rock
C: Very dense soil and soft rock
D: Stiff soil profile
E: Soft soil profile or near liquefaction
F: Full liquefaction
Site Coefficient
The site coefficient considers the basic response of the element to ground motion and is affected by sub-parameters, which could include loca-
tion within the building and possible resonance with the structure. Given the exact latitude and longitude of the location, U.S. Geological Survey
data can provide all of the parameters based on exact location with respect to all fault lines occurring within the vicinity. All parameters are site
Element Weight
All codes require calculation of a lateral force that is a percentage of the element weight. The tributary weight that the lateral forces encounter
is the whole or partial weight of the equipment or element depending on its position within the building.
Amplification Factor
The amplification factor is defined by the natural period, damping ratio, and mass of the equipment and the structure. This amplifies certain
critical connections and allows a higher level of bonding of the equipment and the building.
Response Factor
Determined by driven frequency (equipment motors) and natural frequency, the response factor depends on the rigidity and flexibility of the
connection. This becomes critical in the case of non-building structures such as tanks, billboards, and other equipment that are totally self-
supporting. When the fundamental period of the structure, T, is less than 0.06 second, then the structure is considered rigid. The response factor
increases as the connection becomes more flexible.
Table 2 Assigned Load Table for Lateral and Longitudinal Sway Bracinga
Spacing Spacing of Assigned Load for Pipe Size to Be Braced, lb (kg)
of Lateral Longitudinal
Braces, ft Braces, ft 2 2½ 3 4 5 6 9
(m) (m)
10 (3.0) 20 (6.0) 380 (171.0) 395 (177.8) 410 (184.5) 435 (195.8) 470 (211.5) 655 (294.8) 915 (411.8)
20 (6.0) 40 (12.2) 760 (342.0) 785 (353.3) 815 (366.8) 870 (391.5) 940 (423.0) 1,305 (587.3) 1,830 (823.5)
25 (7.6) 50 (15.2) 950 (427.5) 980 (441.0) 1,020 (459.0) 1,090 (490.5) 1,175 (528.8) 1,630 (733.5) 2,290 (1030.5)
30 (9.1) 60 (18.3) 1,140 (513.0) 1,180 (531.0) 1,225 (551.3) 1,305 (587.3) 1,410 (634.5) 1,960 (882.0) 2,745 (1235.3)
40 (12.2) 80 (24.4) 1,515 (681.8) 1,570 (706.5) 1,630 (733.5) 1,740 (783.0) 1,880 846.0) 2,610 (1174.5) 3,660 (1647.0)
50 (15.2) 1,895 (852.8) 1,965 (884.3) 2,035 (915.8) 2,175 (978.8) 2,350 (1057.5) 3,260 (1467.0) 4,575 (2058.8)
Note: Table is based on half the weight of a water-filled pipe.
a Minimum required bracing. All connections for these pipes must be verified with full Professional Engineer’s structural engineering calculations.
Loads in Structures
It is always important to identify unusual equipment and piping loads during the first stages of project design to ensure that the structural
system being developed is adequate. Consideration of seismic effects makes this coordination even more important because seismic forces
produce unusual reactions. During an earthquake, horizontal forces must be taken into the structure, and vertical load effects are intensified due
to vertical accelerations and overturning movements. These reactions must be acceptable to the structure locally (at the point of connection)
and globally (by the system as a whole).
If the structural system is properly designed for the appropriate weights of equipment and piping, seismic reactions will seldom cause
problems to the overall system. However, local problems are not uncommon. Most floors are required by code to withstand a 2,000-pound
concentrated load, so this is a reasonable load to consider acceptable without special provisions. However, seismic reactions to structures can
easily exceed this figure. For example:
• A longitudinal brace carrying a tributary load of 80 feet of 8-inch steel pipe filled with water generates reactions of this magnitude.
• Transverse or longitudinal braces on trapezes often have larger reactions.
• A 4,000-pound tank on legs also could yield such a concentrated load.
In addition, possible limitations on attachment methods due to structure type could reduce the effective maximum allowable concentration.
Roof structures have no code-specified concentrated load requirement and often are the source of problems, particularly concerning piping
systems, because of the random nature of hanger and brace locations. Many roof-decking systems cannot accept concentrations greater than
50 pounds without spreaders or strengthening beams. Such limitations should be considered in both the selection of a structural system and
the equipment and piping layout.
If equipment anchorage or pipe bracing is specified to be contractor supplied, attachment load limitations or other structural criteria should
be given. Compliance with such criteria should be checked to ensure that the structure is not being damaged or overloaded.
It would be impractical to cover the details of structural design for seismic anchorage and bracing in this chapter. The engineer can get design
information and techniques from standard textbooks and design manuals or, preferably, obtain help from a professional experienced in seis-
mic and/or structural design. Simple, typical details are seldom appropriate, and all-encompassing seismic protection systems quickly become
complex. Certain common situations that have the potential to create problems can be identified, however. These are shown schematically in
Figure 2 and discussed below.
Condition 1 in Figure 2 occurs frequently in making attachments to concrete. Often an angle is used, as indicated. The seismic force, P, enters
the connector eccentric to the reaction, R, by the distance e; this is equivalent to a concentric force plus the moment Pe. For the connector to
perform as designed, this moment must be resisted by the connection of the angle either to the machine or to the concrete. To use the machine
to provide this moment, the machine base must be adequate, and the connection from the angle to the base must be greatly increased over that
required merely for P. Taking this moment into the concrete significantly increases the tension in the anchorage, R, which is known as prying
action. The appropriate solution must be decided on a case-by-case basis, but eccentricities in connections should not be ignored.
Structure M from structure
2. Sidesway or tipping
Legs Sidesway restrained by bracing or cross beams
3. Isolators with no
See also item 1.
h Sidesway restrained
See items 1 & 2
5. Location of connection
to structure (lateral
force) (bottom flange
Perpendicular beam
6. Location of connection
to structure (vertical
7. Type of connector
(friction only)
8. Brace configuration
Missing Stable
component Eccentricity triangle
9. “Typical” details
L2 x 2 L3 x 3
(50 x 50mm) (75 x 75mm) Limited
No limiting
10. Trapeze
One longitudinal braces
brace provided each end
at center or end
Seismic anchorage and bracing, like all construction, should be thoroughly reviewed in the field. Considering the lack of construction tradition,
the likelihood of field changes or interferences, and other potential problems (discussed above), seismic work should be more clearly controlled,
inspected, and tested than normal construction.
Another result of the relative newness of seismic protection of equipment and piping is the lack of performance data for the design and
detailing techniques now being used. Essentially no field data is available to ensure that present assumptions, although scientifically logical and
accurate, will actually provide the desired protection. Will firm anchorage of equipment damage the internal workings? Will the base cabinet or
framework (which is seldom checked) of equipment be severely damaged by the anchorage? The present requirements are largely the result of
observations of damage to structures in actual earthquakes over 75 years.
Acceleration 1. Change from one speed or velocity to another. 2. The rate at which the velocity of a body changes with time commonly
measured in “g” (an acceleration of 32 ft/sec/sec or 980 cm/sec/sec = gravity constant on earth).
Accelerogram The graphical output from an accelerograph or seismograph showing acceleration as a function of time.
Accelerograph Also known as a seismograph or an accelerometer, an instrument that records ground acceleration during an earthquake.
Amplitude Deviation from mean of the centerline of a wave.
Anchor A device, such as an expansion bolt, for connecting pipe-bracing members to the structure of a building.
Attachment See positive attachment.
Bracing Metal channels, cables, or hanger angles that prevent pipes from breaking away from the structure during an earthquake. See also
longitudinal bracing and transverse bracing. Together, these resist lateral loads from any direction.
Center of mass Also known as center of gravity, the unique point where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero.
Creep (along a fault) Slow movement along a fault due to ongoing tectonic deformation.
Crust/lithosphere The outermost major layer of the Earth, ranging from 10 to 80 kilometers in thickness. It is made up of crustal rocks,
sediment, and basalt. The general composition is silicon-aluminum-iron.
Damping The rate at which natural vibration decays as a result of the absorption of energy.
Deflection The displacement of a building element due to the application of external force.
Ductility Ability to withstand inelastic strain without fracturing.
Duration The period of time within which ground acceleration occurs.
Dynamic 1. The branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies. 2. The property of a building when it is
in motion.
Dynamic properties of piping The tendency of pipes to change in weight and size because of the movement and temperature of fluids
in them. This does not refer to movement due to seismic forces.
Eccentric Not having a common center; not concentric.
Epicenter The point of the Earth’s surface directly above the focus or hypocenter of an earthquake.
Equipment For the purposes of this chapter, the mechanical devices associated with pipes that have significant weight. Examples include
pumps, tanks, and electric motors.
Essential facilities Buildings that must remain safe and usable for emergency purposes after an earthquake to preserve the health and
safety of the general public. Examples include hospitals, emergency shelters, and fire stations.
Fault A fracture or crack in the Earth’s crust across which relative displacement has occurred.
Frequency 1. The number of wave peaks or cycles per second. 2. The inverse of period.
Fundamental or natural period 1. The elapsed time, in seconds, of a single cycle of oscillation. 2. The inverse of frequency.
Gas pipe For the purposes of this chapter, any pipe that carries fuel gas, fuel oil, medical gas, vacuum, or compressed air.
Hooke’s law In mechanics and physics, an approximation stating that the extension of a spring is in direct proportion with the load applied
to it. Mathematically, Hooke’s law states that F= kx, where x is the displacement of the spring’s end from its equilibrium position (meters), F
is the restoring force exerted by the spring on that end (N or kg•m/s2), and k is a constant called the rate or spring constant (N/m or kg/s2).
Hypocenter/focus The point below the epicenter at which an earthquake rupture starts.
Inelastic Non-recoverable deformation of an element.
Inertial forces The product of mass times acceleration (F = ma).
Input motion The seismic forces applied to a building or structure.
Intensity A subjective measure describing the severity of an earthquake in terms of its effects on persons, structures, and the Earth’s surface,
depicted as a Roman numeral based on the Modified Mercalli (MM) version ranging from MM-I (not felt) through MM-XII (nearly total damage).
Landslide Movement or land disturbance on a hillside where material slides down a slope.
Lateral force A force acting on a pipe in the horizontal plane. This force can be in any direction.
Longitudinal bracing Bracing that prevents a pipe from moving in the direction of its run.
Longitudinal force A lateral force that happens to be in the same direction as the pipe.
Magnitude A measure of the relative size of an earthquake describing the amount of energy released. See Richter scale.
Mass The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field.
Natural or fundamental frequency The frequency at which a particular object or system vibrates when pushed by a single force or impulse
and not influenced by other external forces or by damping.
Nonstructural components Components not intended primarily for the structural support of the building.
OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (California).
Oscillation Regular periodic variation in value about a mean.
Period 1. The elapsed time in seconds of a single cycle of oscillation. 2. The time interval required for one full cycle of a wave. 3. The
inverse of frequency.
• ASCE/SEI 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers
• ATC-3: Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulation for Buildings, Applied Technology Council
• “Nonstructural damage. The San Fernando, California, Earthquake of February 9, 1971,” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
• “Nonstructural Damage to Buildings. The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964: Engineering,” National Academy of Sciences
• California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24)
• Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems, Sheet Metal Industry Fund
• Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook, National Fire Protection Association
• NFPA 13: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, National Fire Protection Association
• Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association
• Seismic Design for Buildings, U.S. Department of Defense
• Design Guidelines. Earthquake Resistance of Buildings, Vol. 1, U.S. General Services Administration Public Buildings Service
• Earthquake-Resistant Design Requirements Handbook (H-08-8), U.S. Veterans Administration
• Installation Handbook for Seismic Support of Water Heaters and Similar Equipment, Chip O’Neil, Hubbard Enterprises/HOLDRITE
1. _______ is the displacement of a building element due to the 7. What is the importance factor of a police station?
application of external force. a. 1.0
a. creep b. 1.2
b. damping c. 1.4
c. deflection d. 1.5
d. oscillation
8. Which of the following has proven to be the piping system element
2. Which of the following parameters must be considered before the most likely to be damaged during earthquakes?
exact details and layout of a pipe bracing system can be completed? a. joint
a. weight of pipe and contents b. glass pipe
b. type of structure c. insulation
c. location of pipe d. copper pipe
d. all of the above
9. Where the weight of a nonstructural component is greater than or
3. Which of the following is an example of overturning movement? equal to _______ of the effective seismic weight, it shall be designed
a. swinging of hung equipment for a non-building structure.
b. excessive foundation rotation a. 15 percent
c. excessive sideways failure of legs b. 20 percent
d. none of the above c. 25 percent
d. 30 percent
4. What is by far the most difficult type of equipment to restrain?
a. fixed suspended equipment 10. _______ bracing prevents a pipe from moving from side to side.
b. fixed, floor-mounted equipment a. transverse
c. vibration-isolated suspended equipment b. longitudinal
d. vibration-isolated floor-mounted equipment c. diagonal
d. cross
5. The lateral force is calculated using which of the following?
a. site coefficient 11. The amplification factor is defined by which of the following?
b. importance factor a. natural period
c. amplification factor b. damping ratio
d. all of the above c. mass of equipment and structure
d. all of the above
6. Which of the following methods would yield the largest cost/benefit
ratio in the entire field of seismic protection of plumbing equipment? 12. Mechanical, electrical, and architectural elements of a building are
a. vibration isolation included in which chapter of ASCE/SEI 7?
b. universal base anchorage of equipment a. 12
c. utilizing three pipe-bracing methods b. 13
d. using expansion loops c. 15
d. 17