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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Environmental Management Bureau
National Solid Waste Management Commission

Solid Waste
Status Report
(2008 – 2014)

December 2015

The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources is mandated to prepare
environmental status reports. The latest report focuses on the brown
environment in which certain core issues such as the status and
management of air and water quality and the assessment and
management of solid wastes, toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes in the
country are discussed. Other major concerns include Environmental
Impact Assessment, multilateral environmental agreements,
environmental education, pollution adjudication, among others.

The EMB-DENR is preparing the National State of the Brown Environment

report (NSoBER) covering the last seven years: 2008-2014. During these
years, sectoral reports had been written – on air quality, water quality and
solid waste; and other environmental concerns and issues. However,
these had not been consolidated and integrated into a single, national
report. The Environmental Education and Information Division (EEID) of
the EMB-DENR, with the concerned sectoral offices of the EMB have
continued the process of collecting, archiving, sorting and organizing them
for retrieval and use in report preparation.

The preparation of the NSoBER is a vital function for EMB-DENR.

Nevertheless, the cross-cutting and multi-dimensional nature of the
environment necessitates a great deal of coordination with other
government agencies, academe, civil society and the private sector.

The NSoBER 2008-2014 covers areas of concern, as follows:

Areas of Concern:

1) Air Quality
2) Water Quality
3) Solid Wastes
4) Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes
5) Environmental Impact Assessment
6) Compliance to Multilateral Environmental Agreements
7) Environmental Education
8) Environmental Administration
- Pollution Adjudication

Parts of this report will soon be released as drafts to be commented on by

agencies, institutions and individuals concerned. For this purpose, the
draft National Solid Waste Management Status Repor is hereby presented.

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National Solid Waste Management Status Report (2008-2014)

Table of Contents

1. Solid waste conditions

1.1 Sources and composition of municipal solid waste (MSW)

1.1.1 Sources

1.1.2 Composition

1.2 Waste generation rates

1.3 Waste projection

2. Solid waste impacts on health and the environment

3. Ecological solid waste management: Status of

implementation of Republic Act No. 9003

3.1 Avoidance, reduction and reuse

3.2 Segregation at source

3.3 Segregated collection

3.4 Recovery and processing

3.4.1 Materials recovery facility

3.4.2 Composting

3.4.3 Recycling

3.5 Disposal

3.5.1 Open and controlled dumpsites

3.5.2 Sanitary landfills

- Clustered landfills

3.6 Local Solid Waste Management (SWM) Plans

3.6.1 Submitted SWM Plans

3.6.2 Approved SWM Plans

4. Legal and institutional framework

4.1 Legislations and policies

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4.1.1 The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003)

4.1.2 Other SWM-related laws and policies

4.1.3 NSWMC resolutions and corresponding administrative


4.2 Institutional arrangements

4.2.1 National and regional levels

4.2.2 Local government level

5. Other issues

5.1 Informal waste sector

5.2 Special waste management

5.2 Climate change: mitigation and adaptation

6. Regional best practices and lessons learned

7. Challenges and Recommendations

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1. Solid Waste Conditions

1.1 Sources and composition of municipal solid waste (MSW)

The amount, composition and sources of solid wastes generated can be

statistically determined through the conduct of waste analysis and
characterization studies (WACS).

1.1.1 Sources of municipal solid waste

Information on the sources of MSW was provided by a number of EMB

Regional Offices in addition to data from submitted SWM plans. The
available information from 2008 to 2013 was synthesized and summarized
in Figure 1.

MSW comes from residential, commercial, institutional and industrial

sources. Residential waste constitutes the bulk (56.7%) of MSW and
includes kitchen scraps, yard waste, paper and cardboards, glass bottles,
plastic containers and sando bags, foils, soiled tissues and diapers, and
special wastes such as containers of household cleaning agents, batteries
and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Commercial sources which include commercial establishments and public

or private markets contribute 27.1% of which, in some regions, about
two- thirds of commercial wastes come from the latter. Institutional
sources such as government offices, educational and medical institutions
account for about 12.1% while the remaining 4.1% are waste coming
from the industrial or manufacturing sector.

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Figure 1. Sources of municipal solid waste in the Philippines,
1.1.2 Composition of municipal solid waste

Based on available information from Regional State of the Brown

Environment reports and various WACS data, the typical composition of
MSW in the Philippines is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Composition of municipal solid waste in the

Philippines, 2008-2013
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Biodegradable wastes comprise about half (52.31%) of MSW although
primary data suggest that figures can range from 30% to as much as
78%. Typical bio-waste consists of kitchen or food waste and yard or
garden waste. From the available information, it could be estimated that
86.2% of compostable waste comes from food scraps while 13.8% are
leaves and twigs.

Recyclable wastes account for almost a third (27.78%) of MSW with an

estimated range of 4.1% to 53.3%. Plastic packaging materials comprise
around 38% of this waste fraction and followed by paper and cardboard
waste, which contributes about 31%. The remaining 31% is made up of
metals, glass, textile, leather and rubber.

Special wastes which consist of household healthcare waste, waste

electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), bulky waste and other
hazardous materials contribute a measly 1.93% with values ranging from
negligible up to 9.2%.

Finally, residuals have been found to make up 17.98% of generated MSW.

Most LGUs present this data as a combination of disposable wastes as well
as inert materials, which comprise about 12% of the residual waste.

1.2 Waste Generation Rates

Waste generation rates have been estimated based on consolidated data

generated from waste analysis and characterization studies (WACS)
presented in EMB regional reports and selected local 10-year Solid Waste
Management (SWM) plans. Using 2010 as base year, Table 1 summarizes
waste generation rates in the Philippines, Metro Manila, highly urbanized
cities (HUCs), municipalities and other cities.

Table 1. Synthesized waste generation rates in the Philippines for the

base year 2010

Sample size (as Range Weighted

Scope / Coverage % of Average
demographics) kg/capita/day

Metro Manila (NCR) 100% 0.55 – 0.79 0.69

Metro Manila and some

highly urbanized cities N/A 0.53 – 0.79 0.69
Other cities and provincial
N/A 0.29 – 0.64 0.50
capitals (excluding
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Sample size (as Range Weighted
Scope / Coverage % of Average
demographics) kg/capita/day
79% 0.10 – 0.79 0.40
All LGUs in the country,
76% 0.10 – 0.71 0.34
excluding Metro Manila
Municipalities (cities and
some capital towns N/A 0.10 – 0.64 0.31

In 2010, waste generation rates vary from as low as 0.10 kg/capita/day in

the municipalities outside of Metro Manila to 0.79 kg/capita/day in Metro
Manila and HUCs. The rates are dependent on household income, local
economic activity and waste avoidance policies and incentives. The
average per capita generation rate for the Philippines is 0.40 kg.

1.3 Waste Projection

Based on the per capita rate of 0.40 and annual projected population, the
amount of waste generated yearly in the entire Philippines and Metro
Manila in terms of tonnage can be seen in Figure 3.

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Figure 3. Projected waste generation 2008-2020
(metric tons per year)

The figure shows that the yearly amount of waste in the country is
expected to increase from 13.48 million tons in 2010 to 14.66 million tons
in 2014 to 16.63 million tons in 2020. On the other hand, Metro Manila’s
waste generation continues to increase as it contributes 22.2%, 24.5%
and 26.7% to the country’s solid waste in the years 2010, 2014 and 2020,

2. Solid Waste Impacts on Health and the Environment

Improper solid waste management practices can have a number of

environmental and health impacts. The adverse impacts and their causes
are shown in Figure 4. As discussed earlier, municipal solid wastes come
from residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial sources. Other
sources include illegal dumps, street sweepings and litter and rubbish
from roads, open spaces and water bodies. People who live near or within
dumpsites are vulnerable to various diseases. Leachate from solid waste
can contaminate groundwater tables and surface waters. Insects and
pests in open dumpsites are disease vectors. Methane gases from
dumpsites can affect the health of exposed populations and contribute to
global warming. Coastal and marine litter affects aesthetics, causes
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pollution, and harms marine organisms. Improperly managed solid
wastes also can result in increased flooding and destruction of
infrastructures due to clogged waterways.

Figure 4. Solid waste exposure pathway

The disease pathway associated with the poor handling of solid waste
becomes manifest usually through direct exposure of humans and the
pollution of surface water and groundwater due to leachate from open
dumps. The World Health Organization and the World Bank estimate that
approximately 88% of diarrhea cases worldwide can be attributed to poor
water quality, sanitation, and hygiene. (See Table 2). In the same
manner, poor water quality, sanitation, and hygiene cause 100% of
cholera cases, 100% of helminthiasis cases, 50% of hepatitis cases, and
50% of typhoid and paratyphoid fever cases.

Table 2. Fraction of Disease Cases Attributable to Water, Sanitation and


Disease Attributable Fraction Source

Diarrhea 88% WHO
Helminthiasis 100% WHO
Typhoid & Paratyphoid 50% WB
Cholera 100% Widely accepted
Hepatitis A 50% WB

Sources: WHO, Preventing Disease Through Healthy Environments, 2006; World

Bank, Philippine Environment Monitor 2006: Environmental Health.

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However, there is no established information on the proportion of disease
incidence in Table 2 that can be attributed solely to solid waste pollution.
A study made on the cost sharing framework for solid waste management
in 2010 has assumed that the proportion of the municipal population
within the vicinity of open dumpsites is the population with the highest
risk of contracting diseases. If the leachate from dumpsites affect the
groundwater and domestic water supply, then the population at risk might
be even greater.

Thus, the potential population at risk was estimated based on the

population of potentially affected barangays surrounding open dumpsites.
Using a sample of open dumpsites, it is estimated that an average of 27%
of the municipal population might be at risk from water borne diseases
due to open dumpsites. Hence, it can be assumed to be the same
proportion of diarrhea cases solely attributable to solid waste pollution.

Morbidity or illness due to acute diarrhea has economic cost that includes
costs of hospitalization, medical costs and foregone income due to
reduced workdays.

There are other environmental costs associated with improperly disposed

municipal solid wastes. These include pollution of surface and marine
waters that could deplete fish and other marine resources, damages to
infrastructures from worsened flooding incidence due to clogged
waterways, increased cost of dredging and coastal cleanups and loss of
aesthetic value.

3. Ecological Solid Waste Management: Status of Implementation

of RA 9003

3.1 Avoidance, Reduction and Reuse

SWM implementation follows a hierarchy of options as illustrated by an

inverted triangle in Figure 5. The most preferred option is waste
avoidance and reduction where the ultimate goal is to reduce the amount
of materials entering the waste stream. Apart from avoidance, achieving
this goal involves product reuse, increased product durability, reduced
material use in production and decreased consumption. Behavioral
change is deemed necessary in the exercise of this option as lifestyle
demands often favor convenience over conservation with minimal regard
for long-term environmental consequences.

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Figure 5. Overall policy of RA 9003 based on waste
management hierarchy

There are now various initiatives towards waste reduction such as ‘green
procurement’. eco-labeling, identification of non-environmentally
acceptable products and implementation of 3Rs.

Executive Order (EO) No. 301 was issued in 2004 establishing a “Green
Procurement Program” (GPP) for the executive branch of government.
The EO also provides for a systematic and comprehensive National Eco-
Labeling Program (NELP) necessary to support a “green procurement”
policy in both government and the general public. The GPP is an approach
to procurement in which environmental impacts are taken into account in
purchasing decisions. Environmentally responsible initiatives include
switch to electronic submission of purchase requests, reduction of
materials and energy usage, greening the supply chain and patronage of
eco-labeled products.

The NSWMC is mandated under RA 9003 to prepare and update a list of

non-environmentally acceptable products (NEAP) to be prohibited
according to a schedule and as long as NEAP alternatives cost no more
than 10% of the cost of disposable products. However, no product has
yet been determined as non-environmentally acceptable (NEA). Through
NSWMC Resolution 9, a Technical Working Committee (TWC) was created
to work on the phasing out of NEA products and packaging materials. The
TWC has established four product categories that will be subjected for
evaluation, namely: plastics, construction materials, baby products and

The NSWMC TWC through the Industrial Technology and Development

Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (ITDI-DOST)
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conducted a study to determine the non-environmental acceptability of
products or packaging material and life cycle assessment (LCA) of the
products to be listed as non-environmentally acceptable products (NEAP).
A third party was engaged to conduct the study to look into applying
appropriate assessment tools to come up with a scientific basis on
classifying certain material as non-environmentally acceptable which shall
cover plastic carrier bags and foam polystyrene. One of the findings
shows that Reusable Bags (Non-Woven PP) have the least impact among
the options evaluated.

A growing list of LGUs have passed ordinances banning or regulating the

sale and use of plastic bags and polystyrene foams due to their perceived
role in the clogging of waterways, increased flooding and water pollution.
Among these LGUs are the cities of Muntinlupa, Quezon and Pasig in
Metro Manila and the municipalities of Los Banos, Laguna, Burgos, Ilocos
Sur and San Marcos, Isabela. In response, the plastics industry have
undertaken voluntary measures such as in-store recovery programs with
selected supermarkets and the introduction of oxo-biodegradable plastic

Shopping mall giants Shoemart (SM) Group, Ayala Foundation and

Robinson’s Supermarket continually promote the reuse, reduction and
recycling (3R) of waste through their eco-shopping bag program and their
monthly waste markets and recyclers’ fairs nationwide. Other malls,
supermarkets, fast food chains and commercial shops also have their own
SWM programs. Unilever Philippines’ “Project Eliminate” enabled their
plant and offices to reduce trash by 50% while Nestlé Philippines’ “Waste
to Resource” project enabled the composting of coffee grounds. Coca-cola
Bottlers Philippines’ “Give a Can, Give a Hope” program works with
Tahanang Walang Hagdanan as a partner and beneficiary in recycling.

The Industrial Waste Exchange Program (IWEP) is managed by the

Philippine Business for the Environment (PBE), which acts a clearinghouse
and matching agent for waste generators and buyers. The EcoIndex in
Region IV-A organizes regular Resource Recovery Events (RRE) that allows
waste generators to bring in their recyclables/waste products to invited
recyclers and waste users. At the regional level, EMB’s main partner in
environmental education and recycling promotion are the Pollution Control
Association of the Philippines (PCAPI) and other local stakeholders.

3.2 Segregation at Source

In cases where segregation at source and segregated storage are not

practiced by households, communities and businesses, most solid wastes
end up as “mixed garbage”. This may be due to limited awareness,
appreciation and discipline on the part of the citizenry, lack of incentives
and enforcement ordinances on the part of the government, or inadequate
support facilities in place to receive pre-segregated materials.

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To address this problem, some LGUs provide segregated waste containers
and implement color codes to aid in the easy identification of segregated
bins. In 2013, the NSWMC had already approved Resolution No. 60 to
provide recommendatory measures for mandatory solid waste segregation
at source, segregated collection and recovery to guide waste generator on
onsite separation and support the LGUs in implementing ‘no-segregation,
no-collection’ campaigns.

Some LGUs have strictly enforced segregation at source coupled with

segregated collection, through a “no segregation, no collection” ordinance
and the operation of MRFs. The DENR’s Environment and Natural
Resources Management Project (ENRMP) aimed at identifying and
selecting LGUs with promising initiatives and regularly monitoring its
compliance and performance. Compliance of this select group of 128 LGUs
on the mandatory segregation at source ranges from 53% to 100% based
on validations conducted by NSWMC Secretariat

3.3 Segregated Collection

Collection is the act of removing solid waste from the source or from a
communal storage point. It is regarded as potentially the most expensive
of the functional elements of SWM.

RA 9003 requires segregated collection by the LGUs. Waste segregation

and collection are to be conducted at the barangay level specifically for
biodegradable and recyclable wastes while disposal and collection of non-
recyclable/residual and special wastes are the responsibility of the city or

Waste collection techniques include 1) door-to door – where waste

materials are collected in every house within a target area to recover
recyclables to be sold to junkshops and biodegradables either for use as
animal feeds or for composting and 2) block or communal – which utilizes
MRFs in barangays that are within or near the targeted collection area.

Solid waste collection in the country has environmental, social, economic

and political implications. For example, people have the tendency to link
uncollected garbage and dirty surroundings to the performance of local
officials. Collection is usually done by an LGU department such as the
General Services Office, Engineering Office, Environment and Sanitation
Office or the Department of Public Services. Many LGUs also outsource
waste collection to private contractors.

There is a growing number of cities and municipalities that are

implementing ‘no segregation, no collection’ policies leading to more
responsible attitudes and behavior towards the environment and greater
efficiency in the delivery of SWM services. However, many LGUs still
practice mixed waste collection – a backward step that produces the
opposite effect.

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As reported by 128 ENRMP pilot sites, compliance to segregated collection
ranges from 43% to 100%. Outside of ENRP, however, very few regions
and LGUs gather information on segregated waste collection rates.

It is estimated that waste collection coverage in the LGUs may vary from
30% to more than 99%. Urban centers register higher coverages and
frequencies compared to rural areas. Nevertheless, some LGUs devise
ways to still extend service to the rural and upland communities by
making special arrangements such as the adoption of satellite
accumulation areas or residuals containment areas.

Reasons identified for waste collection inefficiencies are:

 poor labor management and supervision
 more workers on the roles than needed
 inadequate cooperation from the citizenry with collection schedules
and methods
 inappropriate type and size of collection vehicles
 non-rational routes for collection service
 failure to optimize vehicle productivity by selecting the appropriate
crew size and shift duration
 inadequate communal container capacity at the communal
collection points
 long vehicle down times from poor equipment maintenance and
 long haulage times to disposal sites coupled with lack of transfer
 harsh driving conditions at disposal sites cause vehicle and tire

3.4 Recovery and processing

3.4.1 Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

RA 9003 mandates the establishment of a Materials Recovery Facility

(MRF) in every barangay or cluster of barangays in barangay-owned,
leased land or any suitable open space designated by the barangay. The
MRF shall be designed to receive, sort, process and store compostable and
recyclable material efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner.
Any resulting residual waste shall be transferred to a proper disposal

MRFs are also being established in schools, malls, and other commercial
establishments. There are also mobile and gravity-driven, centralized
MRFs. A number of LGUs also engage local junkshops to serve as their
MRFs. Through Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) and following the
guidelines on MRF establishment, junk dealers become part of the formal
SWM system of the LGU. Figures 6-8 show the different types and
designs of MRFs.

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Figure 6. Low-cost MRFs in the Philippines

Figure 7. Mobile MRFs

Figure 8. Centralized gravity-driven MRFs in Negros Island LGUs

The NSWMC has reported the number of MRFs for the years 2008 to 2014.
Table 3 shows the number of MRFs and the number of barangays served
by MRFs during those years. From the table, it can be observed that
there was a huge increase in the number of barangays served from 2,701
in 2008 to 10,327 in 2014.

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Table 3. Number of MRFs reported to NSWMC from 2008 to 2014

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Number of
MRFs in the 2,438 6,141 6,958 7,329 7,713 8,486 8,656

Number of
LGUs served 2,701 6,744 7,938 8,323 8,843 9,624 10,327
by MRFs

Source: NSWMC

Figure 9 also shows the number of MRFs per region from 2008 to 2014.
Data show that Region XI had the most number of MRFs (1,246) in 2014.
Region I had 1009 MRFs while NCR and Region VIII had 943 and 882
MRFs, respectively. Aside from ARMM with only 19 reported MRFs, lower
numbers of MRFs are posted in Regions IV-B, XII and CAR with only less
than 200 MRFs each.

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Figure 9. Number of MRFs per region 2008-2014

3.4.2 Composting

Under RA 9003, composting is regarded as a means to meet the

mandatory waste diversion requirements. It is the biological
decomposition of biodegradable solid waste under controlled
predominantly aerobic conditions to a state that is sufficiently stable for
nuisance-free storage and handling and is satisfactorily matured for safe
use in agriculture. It can either be a component of an MRF or established
as a standalone processing facility. The law also provides for an inventory
of markets for compost and guidelines for compost quality.

Typical small-scale composting in the Philippines is done in compost pits,

tire towers, coconut shell stack, bottomless bins, clay pots and plastic
sacks. Meanwhile, large-scale composting is done in windrows (by turning,

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passive aeration, active aeration and static piles), in-vessel (e.g., agitated
beds, composting silos and rotating drum bioreactors), and through
vermi- or worm composting.

The different types of composting techniques used by LGUs, national

government agencies, private farms and cooperatives in the Philippines
are shown in Figures 10-13. It is estimated that composting could
reduce the weight of organic waste by 50% or more and vermicomposting
by 70-80%, the latter capable of turning biodegradables into a high-
quality vermicompost product.

Figure 10. Tire composters at the city hall compounds of Tacloban (L) and San Carlos, Negros
Occidental (C), and in Dumaguete City, Oriental Negros

Figure 11. Rotating drum composters at Barangay Sun Valley, Parańaque City (L), in the
Heritage City of Vigan, Ilocos Sur (C) and in Santiago City, Isabela (R)

Figure 12. Vermicomposting facilities at EMB-RO 8 in Palo, Leyte (L), Buro-buro Springs Farm
in Talisay City, Negros Occidental (C) and at the Ormoc City Eco-Center, Leyte (R)

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Figure 13. Other techniques such as the coconut shell stack and can composting in Barangay
Olaycon, Monkayo, Compostela Valley (L), Bokashi composting at Buro-buro Springs Farm (C)
and Takakura composting in Bago City, Negros Occidental (R)

3.4.3 Recycling

The important role of recycling in achieving the mandatory waste

diversion requirements is recognized under RA 9003. This law offers
guidelines on the establishment and operation of buy-back centers and
MRFs and provides for an inventory of markets and eco-labelling of
recyclables. Recycling may either be a component of an MRF or
established as a stand-alone processing facility.

Recyclables, particularly those with high commercial value such as paper,

scrap metals and plastics are typically sold to junk dealers, consolidators
and recyclers. The accumulated recyclables from MRFs are delivered to
junkshops. In many cases, either the semi-formal or informal waste
collectors or even the generators themselves bring the sellable materials
to junkshops or at designated areas during recyclables collection events.

The recovered materials that are sold to local junkshops pass through a
business chain of middlemen and wholesaler for use by the industry
sector, mainly outside the Philippines. However, there are local
commercial recyclers that utilize such materials to produce recycled
products such as paper/cardboard and recycled aluminum – at a larger

Based on a 2008 study by NSWMC and JICA, primary waste collectors

could divert significant amount of recyclables from the waste stream as
shown in Table 4.

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Table 4. Collection of Recyclable Materials by Primary Collectors
(unit: kg/capita/day)

Recyclable Metro Metro Southern

Primary Collector
Material Manila Cebu Mindanao
Paper Street Collectors 3.18 3.59 2.45

Collection Workers 21.83 1.81 0.62

Disposal Site 22.01 8.21 12.86


Aluminum Street Collectors 0.76 0.35 0.40

Collection Workers 0.78 0.13 0.02

Disposal Site 2.50 0.05 1.79

Other Metals Street Collectors 1.39 5.04 14.76

Collection Workers 12.35 0.94 0.64

Disposal Site 16.75 6.34 13.75


Plastic Street Collectors 1.63 3.94 3.50

Collection Workers 9.79 0.50 0.63

Disposal Site 20.32 4.48 25.00


Glass Street Collectors 0.85 0.58 6.65

Collection Workers 6.58 0.26 0.94

Disposal Site 9.96 0.32 49.64


Source: JICA Study, 2008

Some LGUs have started recognizing the important contribution of

informal and semi-formal sectors in diverting wastes away from disposal
sites and have explored ways of partnering with them.

In most regions, LGUs find that there are available markets for recyclable
materials except for those with low economic value. For the latter, they
had to seek alternatives to recycling these materials into marketable and
innovative products such as bags, slippers, fashion accessories, decorative
items, furniture and fixtures, ropes, mats, tiles, upholsteries and various
crafts and accessories.

Figures 14-17 show the various ways recyclables are utilized.

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Figure 14. Waste Market Fair organized in Davao City and the Waste2Cash Market Programs
held in Naga City, Camarines Sur (L) and Legazpi City, Albay (R)

Figure 15. Trust International Paper Company in Bulacan and Dasmarinas Paper Mills in Cavite
recycle paper and cardboard (L) while Coca-Cola Bottlers, Philippines partners with Tahanang
Walang Hagdanan to convert post-consumer aluminum waste into wheelchairs.

Figure 16. Fashion accessories produced from the recycling of waste materials in Agusan del
Sur, Aurora, Leyte, Southern Leyte and Samar

Figure 17. Various recycled materials for personal and home use as produced in San Luis,
Pampanga (L) at Clark, Capas, Tarlac (C) and SPU, Dumaguete City (R)

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3.5 Disposal

Waste disposal refers to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling,

leaking or placing of any solid waste into or in any land while disposal
sites refer to areas where solid waste is finally discharged and deposited.
It is regarded as the least preferred method of managing solid waste
although it plays an important role in dealing with residual waste.

Almost all solid wastes ended up at dumpsites before the passage of RA

9003. Dumpsites are raw, open spaces designated as local disposal areas
that lack engineering measures and pollution control systems. These are
often located close to ravines, gullies, seashore, bodies of water and other
open spaces and usually become inaccessible during heavy rains.

The law mandates the closure and rehabilitation of all dumpsites and their
replacement with sanitary landfills (SLFs). SLFs are disposal facilities with
impermeable liners to prevent liquid discharges from polluting ground and
surface waters. It should also have a gas management system to reduce
risks of burning or explosion, a regular soil cover to minimize odor, and
other environmental protection features

3.5.1 Open and controlled dumpsites

RA 9003 prohibits the establishment and operation of open dumps or any

practice or disposal involving the use of open dumps. Open dumps,
however, were allowed to be converted into controlled dumps only until
2006 as a temporary and remedial measure. Nevertheless, controlled
dumps which were required to meet basic waste management guidelines
should have been phased out in 2006 in favor of sanitary landfills. The
legally mandated transition was not fully realized as many open and
controlled dumps are still currently in operation.

Figure 18 indicates that the number of open dumpsites in the country

has decreased by 283 only over the past seven years from 806 in 2008 to
523 in 2014. These dumps might have either been completely closed or
converted into controlled facilities.

Meanwhile, the number of controlled dumps has only slightly decreased

over time. It could be attributable to the LGUs’ inability to put up, or have
access to, sanitary landfills. In very few cases, some controlled dumps
might have reverted to being operated as open dumps while some have
indeed undergone closure.

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Figure 18. Number of dumpsites still existing from 2008 to 2014

Figure 19 shows the number and proportion of open and controlled

dumpsites in every region of the country in 2014. The data show that
Regions VII, I and V had the most number of dumpsites. NCR had no
reported dumpsite while Region IV-B and ARMM had fewer remaining
dumpsites with less than 10 dumpsites each.

Figure 19. Number of open and controlled dumpsites in 2014,

per region
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3.5.2 Sanitary landfills

A sanitary landfill (SLF) refers to a waste disposal site designed,

constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts engineering
control over significant potential environmental impacts arising from the
development and operation of the facility. Prior to 2004, the country had
only four sanitary landfills - located in Capas, Tarlac, Inayawan, Cebu
City, San Mateo, Rizal and Carmona, Cavite.

Sections 40 to 42 of RA 9003 provides for the criteria in site selection,

establishment and operation of SLFs. Specifically, Section 41 stipulates
the minimum requirements for the establishment of SLFs: a landfill liner
system, leachate collection and treatment, gas control recovery system,
groundwater monitoring wells, a daily cover during operations and final
cap over the completely filled landfill, and a closure and post-closure
maintenance procedure.

The traditional material used to render landfill cells impervious to water

seepage is high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic material. However,
with the pioneering efforts in Bais City, it was found that compacted
bentonite clay or clay-spiked host soil may be used as alternative liner
material as long as it passes the permeability requirements for a landfill

In 2005, the NSWMC issued a Resolution No. 06 on the guidelines for

establishing categorized SLFs, which was later adopted at DAO 2006-10
and supplemented by the ‘Technical guidebook on solid wastes disposal
design, operation and management’. The guidelines still mandate the use
of the relatively expensive HDPE for bigger SLFs but the minimum
requirements of clay liners for smaller landfills facilitated the compliance
of smaller municipalities.

Figure 20. Number of operating SLFs and SLFs under construction

from 2008 to 2014

Page | 25
Figure 20, the number of SLFs doubled within a four-year period from
2008 to 2012 but the number nearly doubled within a span of only two
years from 2012 to 2014. The increase was attributed to the completion of
a number of small SLFs in Regions I, IVA, XI and other regions, as shown
in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Number of operational sanitary landfills from 2008 to 2014,

per region

Table 5 also shows the location of operating SLFs in the country in 2014.
There were also 51 SLFs with ECCs that were undergoing construction by
the end of 2014. These may soon be added to the existing landfills in the
country. The regional distribution of landfills in 2014, both operational
and under construction, is shown in Figure 22.

Table 5. Operational Sanitary Landfills and their Location, 2014

No. Region PROVINCE LGU_Name Location

1 1 Ilocos Norte Bacarra Brgy. Durepes
2 1 Ilocos Norte Piddig Brgy Abucay
3 1 Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) Brgy Bangsar
4 1 Ilocos Norte Vintar Brgy Parparoroc (14
5 1 Ilocos Norte Nueva Era Brgy Poblacion
6 1 Ilocos Sur Candon City Brgy Balingaoan
7 1 Ilocos Sur Narvacan Brgy Dasay

Page | 26
No. Region PROVINCE LGU_Name Location
8 1 La Union Naguilian Brgy Cabaritan Norte
9 1 La Union Bangar Brgy Cadapli
10 1 La Union Balaoan Brgy Calumbayan
11 1 La Union Rosario Brgy Inabaan Norte
12 1 La Union San Fernando City Brgy Mameltac
13 1 La Union Agoo Brgy San Agustin
14 1 La Union Sudipen Brgy Seng-ngat
15 1 La Union Luna Brgy Suroc Norte
16 1 Pangasinan Bolinao Brgy Balingasay
17 1 Pangasinan Urdaneta City Brgy Catablan
18 1 Pangasinan Bayambang Brgy Telbang
19 2 Cagayan Lal-lo Brgy Cagoran
20 2 Cagayan Gonzaga Sitio Sta Maria, Brgy
21 2 Nueva Vizcaya Bayombong (Capital) Boundary of Brgy
Upper Magsaysay
and Upper Busilac
22 2 Nueva Vizcaya Solano Brgy Concepion
23 2 Nueva Vizcaya Aritao Brgy Kirang
24 2 Nueva Vizcaya Bagabag Sitio Tapaya, Brgy
25 3 Aurora Maria Aurora Brgy San Joanquin
26 3 Aurora Dipaculao Brgy Toytoyan
27 3 Bataan Mariveles Phil Eco Zone
BEZ,Brgy Malayo &
Brgy Maligaya &
28 3 Bataan Abucay Sitio Macao, Brgy
29 3 Bataan Limay Sitio Mamala, Brgy
St Francis I
30 3 Bulacan San Jose del Monte Alejandro Waste Mgt.
City Inc., Brgy Minuyan
31 3 Bulacan Norzagaray Sitio Coral, Brgy
32 3 Bulacan Norzagaray Wacuman Inc., Sitio
Tiakad, Brgy San
33 3 Nueva Ecija Santa Rosa Brgy Mapalad
34 3 Nueva Ecija Palayan City (Capital) EcoSci Corp., Brgy
35 3 Tarlac Capas Metro Clark Waste
Mgt. Corp., Sub-zone
Kalangitan, Clark
Special Economic
36 4a Batangas Bauan Bauan SWM, Inc.,
Brgy Malindig
37 4a Batangas Cuenca Brgy 8, Poblacion
38 4a Batangas Taysan Brgy Piña
39 4a Batangas Alitagtag Brgy San Juan
40 4a Batangas Batangas City Waste Garde - Brgy
(Capital) San Jose Sico
41 4a Cavite Imus City Coldwell
Page | 27
No. Region PROVINCE LGU_Name Location
Environmental Care
Corp., Brgy Pasong
Buaya I
42 4a Cavite Trece Martines City TMC Integrated SWM
(Capital) Corp., Brgy De
43 4a Laguna Calamba City Brgy Bubuyan (Suri
Waste Management)
44 4a Laguna San Pedro Brgy San Antonio
(Pilotage SLF - Site
45 4a Laguna San Pablo City Brgy Sto Nino
46 4a Laguna Kalayaan Sitio San Isidro, Brgy
47 4a Quezon Mauban Brgy Lual Barrio
48 4a Quezon Infanta Brgy Magsaysay
49 4a Quezon General Nakar Sitio Pinagtaywanan,
Brgy Anoling
50 4a Rizal Morong BEST(IPM), Brgy San
51 4a Rizal San Mateo ISWIMS - Brgy
Pintong Bukawe
(New Site)
52 4a Rizal Rodriguez Sitio Lukutan, Brgy
(Montalban) San Isidro (Rizal
53 4b Oriental Mindoro Calapan City (Capital) Sitio Dalig, Brgy
54 4b Palawan Bataraza Brgy Rio Tuba
55 4b Palawan Puerto Princesa City Brgy Sta Lourdes
56 4b Palawan El Nido (Baciut) Brgy Villa Libertad
57 4b Palawan Quezon Sitio Metropal, Brgy
58 5 Albay Legaspi City (Capital) Brgy Banquerohan
59 6 Aklan Malay Brgy Kabulihan
60 6 Negros Sipalay City Brgy Canabalan
61 6 Negros Bago City Brgy Ma-ao
62 6 Negros Sagay City Brgy Paraiso
63 6 Negros San Carlos City So. Mabuni, Brgy
Occidental Guadalupe
64 7 Cebu Cebu City (Capital) Brgy Inayawan
65 7 Cebu Dalaguete Brgy Tapon
66 7 Cebu Asturias Sitio Libaong, Brgy
San Isidro
67 7 Cebu Talisay City Sitio Tapul, Brgy
68 7 Negros Oriental Bais City Brgy Cambanjao
69 7 Negros Oriental Bayawan City Brgy Maninihon
70 8 Leyte Ormoc City Brgy Green Valley
71 8 Samar Calbayog City Brgy Dinagan
72 10 Bukidnon Damulog Sitio Narugaran, Brgy

Page | 28
No. Region PROVINCE LGU_Name Location
73 10 Camiguin Mambajao (Capital) Brgy Benhaan
74 11 Davao del Norte Tagum City (Capital) Purok Sta Cruz, Brgy
Nueva; Brgy San
75 11 Davao del Norte Talaingod Sitio Tibi-tibi, Brgy
Sto Nino
76 11 Davao del Sur Davao City Brgy New Carmen,
Tugbok Dist.
77 11 Davao Oriental Mati City (Capital) Sitio Tagbobolo, Brgy
78 12 South Cotabato Surallah Brgy Colongolo
79 12 South Cotabato Polomolok Brgy Kinilis
80 12 Sultan Kudarat Tacurong City Brgy Upper Katungal
81 13 Surigao del Surigao City (Capital) Brgy Cagniog
82 CAR Benguet La Trinidad (Capital) Brgy Alno
83 CAR Ifugao Lamut Sitio Nabangan, Brgy
84 NCR Metro Manila Navotas City Brgy Tanza (New
site) - PhilEco
85 NCR Metro Manila Quezon City IPM, Urban II, Brgy
86 ARMM Lanao del Sur Wao Brgy Katutungan
Source: NSWMC

Figure 22. Number of SLFs (Operational and Under Construction)

in 2014, per region

Clustered landfills

Clustering is an option in which small LGUs can pool their resources into
setting up a common solid waste disposal facility. It also enables them to
attain large economies of scale and reduce the cost per unit of solid waste

Page | 29
disposal. The main constraints, however, are finding a host LGU and the
social acceptability of the proposed facility.

Forms of clustering in the Philippines include private sector-led ventures

that offer their landfills where LGUs dispose their residual waste upon
payment of tipping fees. There also LGUs that host a facility that serve
neighboring municipalities for a fee.

Inter-municipal clustering has been successful in the province of South

Cotabato. The establishment of a common Category 2 SLF at Barangay
Colongulo, Surallah, South Cotabato (Figure 23) in 2011 was financially
supported by the provincial government with technical assistance from
DENR and USAID. The facility is now being shared among the
municipalities of Surallah, Norala, T’boli, Banga, Sto. Nino and Lake Sebu.
Earlier, in 2008, a Category 1 SLF was established in Barangay Kinilis,
Polomolok as a result of the partnership between the LGU and Dole
Philippines, Inc. The facility also serves neighboring municipalities.

Figure 23. Clustered sanitary landfill in Surallah, South Cotabato

3.6 Local Solid Waste Management Plans

RA 9003 requires the preparation of 10-year SWM plans by provinces,

cities and municipalities consistent with the national SWM Framework.
These plans shall include all the components identified in the law

The plans are subject to annual review and updating by the provincial, city
or municipal SWM boards. All plans must be approved by the NSWMC.
An annotated outline has been prepared by the NSWMC to guide the LGUs
on the specific components of the plans as well as to facilitate the review
and approval of the plans submitted to NSWMC.

3.6.1 Submitted SWM Plans

Table 6 shows the number of local SWM Plans submitted to the EMB
(Central and Regional Offices).
Page | 30
Table 6. Number of 10-year SWM Plans submitted to NSWMC
from 2008 to 2014


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Local SWM
Plans submitted 268 295 335 342 417 566 844
Source: NSWMC

Disaggregated data on the number of submitted plans per region from

2008 to 2014 are shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Number of SWM Plans Submitted

in 2008-2014, by Region

Page | 31
Figure 25 also shows the percentage of LGUs with submitted plans as of
2014. In 2014, 96% of LGUs in Region XI have already submitted their
10-year SWM Plans. This is followed by CAR (75%), Region 1 (74%),
Region 12 (72%) and NCR (71%). There are 6 regions that had less than
50% compliance.

Figure 25. Percentage of LGUs with Submitted

SWM Plans in 2014

3.6.2 Approved SWM Plans

All local government SWM Plans shall be subjected to the review and
approval of the NSWMC. As of June 2015, a total of 93 local SWM plans
have been officially approved by the NSWMC as shown in Table 7.

Page | 32
Table 7. List of approved local 10-year Solid Waste
Management Plans as of June 2015

Region LGU Province
3 Maria Aurora Aurora 41 series of 2010

CAR Tineg Abra 41 series of 2010

4A Sampaloc Quezon 41 series of 2010

2 Solano Nueva Vizcaya 41 series of 2010

1 Sta. Cruz Ilocos Sur 41 series of 2010

9 Zamboanga City Zamboanga City 41 series of 2010

6 Malay (Boracay Island) Aklan 41 series of 2010

12 Tacurong City Sultan Kudarat 49 series of 2010

8 Calbayog City Samar 49 series of 2010

9 Buug Zamboanga Sibugay 49 series of 2010

9 Guipos Zamboanga del Sur 49 series of 2010

9 Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay 49 series of 2010

9 Midsalip Zamboanga del Sur 49 series of 2010

4A Sta. Rosa Laguna 49 series of 2010

6 Jamindan capiz 49 series of 2010

7 Naga City Cebu 49 series of 2010

6 Sagay City Negros Occidental 49 series of 2010

6 Silay City Negros Occidental 49 series of 2010

NCR Quezon City Metro Manila 49 series of 2010

2 Gonzaga Cagayan 49 series of 2010

9 Margosatubig Zamboanga del Sur 55 series of 2013

9 Salug Zamboanga del Norte 55 series of 2013

9 Dipolog City Zamboanga del Norte 55 series of 2013

8 Maasin City Leyte 55 series of 2013

6 Jordan Guimaras 55 series of 2013

2 Kayapa Nueva Vizcaya 55 series of 2013

ARMM Wao Lanao del Sur 55 series of 2013

6 Talisay City Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

6 Cadiz Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

6 Calatrava Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

Page | 33
6 Cauayan Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

6 Hinigaran Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

6 San Enrique Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

6 Negros Occidental 55 series of 2013

11 Mati Davao del Norte 55 series of 2013

6 Numancia Aklan 55 series of 2013

10 Quezon Bukidnon 55 series of 2013

12 Alabel Sarangani 62 series of 2013

11 Maragusan Compsotela Valley 67 series of 2013

11 Monkayo Compsotela Valley 67 series of 2013

2 Baggao Cagayan 81 series of 2014

2 Allacapan Cagayan 81 series of 2014

2 Lal-lo Cagayan 81 series of 2014

2 Quirino Isabela 81 series of 2014

4A Teresa Rizal 93 series of 2014

4A Sariaya Quezon 93 series of 2014

4A Kalayaan Laguna 93 series of 2014

4A Los Baños Laguna 93 series of 2014

4A Sta. Cruz Laguna 93 series of 2014

4A Nagcarlan Laguna 93 series of 2014

11 Nabunturan Compostela Valley 99 series of 2014

11 Pantukan Compostela Valley 100 series of 2014

11 Compostela Compostela Valley 101 series of 2014

11 New Bataan Compostela Valley 102 series of 2014

11 Laak Compostela Valley 104 series of 2014

11 Mabini Compostela Valley 105 series of 2014

11 Maco Compostela Valley 106 series of 2014

11 Mawab Compostela Valley 107 series of 2014

11 Montevista Compostela Valley 108 series of 2014

11 Compostela Valley 109 series of 2014

1 Bacarra Ilocos Norte 110 series of 2014

4A Bacoor City Cavite 111 series of 2014

4A Calauan Laguna 115 series of 2015

Page | 34
3 Victoria Tarlac 116 series of 2015

6 Bacolod City Negros Occidental 118 series of 2015

6 Manapla Negros Occidental 119 series of 2015

6 La Carlota City Negros Occidental 120 series of 2015

6 Hinobaan Negros Occidental 121 series of 2015

6 Enrique B. Magalona Negros Occidental 122 series of 2015

6 Bago City Negros Occidental 123 series of 2015

2 Bambang Nueva Vizcaya 124 series of 2015

NCR Parañaque City NCR 125 series of 2015

NCR Valenzuela City NCR 127 series of 2015

2 Solana Cagayan 128 series of 2015

3 San Jose City Nueva Ecija 129 series of 2015

4A Malvar Batangas 130 series of 2015

4A Luisiana Laguna 131 series of 2015

4A Carmona Cavite 132 series of 2015

11 Caraga Davao Oriental 135 series of 2015

11 Sulop Davao del Sur 136 series of 2015

11 Matanao Davao del Sur 137 series of 2015

3 Pilar Bataan 138 series of 2015

3 Maria Aurora Aurora 139 series of 2015

NCR San Juan Metro Manila 140 series of 2015

3 La Paz Tarlac 141 series of 2015

CARAGA Trento Agusan del Sur 142 series of 2015

2 Roxas Isabela 144 series of 2015

1 Rosario La Union 145 series of 2015

11 Panabo Davao del Norte 146 series of 2015

3 Mabalacat Pampanga 147 series of 2015

Island Garden City of
11 Davao del Norte 148 series of 2015
3 Dinalupihan Bataan 149 series of 2015

4B Concepcion Romblon 150 series of 2015

Source: NSWMC

Page | 35
4. Legal and Institutional Framework

4.1 Legislations and Policies

Over the last 16 years (1999 to 2014), the Philippines has endeavored to
improve its management and operation of solid waste through several
national laws, rules, regulations, orders, and memoranda on environment,
including resolutions and ordinances issued by local government units.

4.1.1 The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003)

In 2001, Republic Act 9003 (RA 9003), otherwise known as the Ecological
Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, was enacted into law declaring the
policy of the government to “adopt a systematic, comprehensive, and
ecological solid waste management program” in the country.

The ecological solid waste management (ESWM) policy is based on the

management of waste in the following hierarchy:

 Source reduction (avoidance) and minimization of waste generated

at source
 Reuse, recycling and resource recovery of wastes at the barangay
 Efficient collection, proper transfer, and transport of wastes by
 Efficient management of residuals and of final disposal sites and/or
any other related technologies for the destruction/reuse of residuals

Provided in RA 9003 and its IRR are mandates and schedules of

implementation to be undertaken by provincial, city/municipal, and
barangay governments within their jurisdiction. The most important of
these include:

 Creation of a Solid Waste Management (SWM) Board

(city/municipal and provincial levels)
 Creation of a SWM Committee (barangay level)
 Submission of a 10-year SWM Plan (city/municipal levels)
 Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF) per barangay
or cluster of barangays and city/municipal centralized MRF
 Closure of open dumpsites and conversion into controlled dumpsites
by 2004 (city/municipal levels)
 Banning of controlled dumpsites by 2006 (city/municipal levels)

4.1.2 Other SWM-related laws and policies

There are also relevant laws enacted at the national level that affect the
implementation of RA 9003. These are summarized as follows:

 Republic Act No. 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and

Nuclear Waste Act of 1990). The act calls for the regulation of and
Page | 36
restriction on the importation, manufacture, processing, sale,
distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures
that pose risk and/or injury to health and to the natural

 Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991). The
act devolved certain powers to the local governments units,
including enforcement of laws and cleanliness and sanitation, solid
waste management, and other environmental matters.

 Republic Act No. 8749 (Clean Air Act of 1999). The act directs all
government agencies to adopt the integrated air quality framework
as a blueprint for compliance. Among its salient provisions are the
“polluters must pay” principle, and the prohibition of the use of the
incineration method, which is defined as the burning of municipal,
biomedical and hazardous waste or the process, which emits
poisonous and toxic fumes. The act further mandates LGUs to
promote, encourage, and implement segregation, recycling and
composting within their jurisdiction. It also required the phasing out
of incinerators by July 2003.

 Republic Act No. 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004). The act
provides for the protection, preservation, revival of quality of fresh,
brackish and marine waters of the country to pursue economic

 Republic Act No. 9512 (Environmental Awareness and Education Act

of 2008). The act promotes environmental awareness through
environmental education. It integrates environmental education in
the school curricula at all levels, public or private, barangay day
care and pre-school, and non-formal, vocational, and indigenous

 Republic Act 9513 (Renewable Energy Act of 2008). The act

promotes the development, utilization and commercialization of
renewable energy and for other purposes.

Section 30 of RA 9513 provides for the use of “waste to energy”

technology subject to requirements of RAs 9003 and 8749 (Clean
Air Act). Specifically, waste to energy technology refers to “systems
which convert biodegradable material such as but not limited to
animal manure or agricultural waste, into useful energy processes
such as: anaerobic digestion, fermentation, and gasification, among
others, subject to the provisions of the Clean Air Act of 1999 and
the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000”.

 Republic Act (RA) 9729 (Climate Change Act of 2009). The act
declares as a Philippine policy the adoption of the ultimate objective
of the UNFCC convention, which is the stabilization of greenhouse
gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
Page | 37
 Presidential Decree No. 856 (Code of Sanitation of the Philippines).
The decree prescribes sanitation requirements for hospitals,
markets, ports, airports, vessels, aircraft, food establishments,
buildings, and other establishments. Refuse collection and disposal
system in cities and municipalities are described in Chapter XVIII of
the law.

 Presidential Decree No. 1586 (Environmental Impact Assessment

Law). Approved on June 11, 1978, the law establishes and
institutionalizes an environmental impact system where projects to
be undertaken would be reconciled with the requirements of
environmental quality. This requires proponents of critical projects
and projects located in critical areas to secure an environmental
compliance certificate (ECC) from the President or his duly
authorized representative. The inclusion of the construction of
Sanitary Landfills (SLF) as a critical project was done later.

 Presidential Decree No. 1160. The law vests authority in Barangay

Captains (Barangay Chairmen) to enforce pollution and
environmental control laws. It also deputizes the Barangay
Councilman and Barangay Zone Chairman as peace officers.

 Executive Order (EO) No. 774. Issued on December 26, 2008 the
order calls for the reorganization of the Presidential Task Force on
Climate Change (PTFCC), headed by the President, with all cabinet
members as members of the Task Force. EO 774 created 13 Task
Groups that included solid waste management.

 The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of

2010. In relation to Climate Change program, the law supports the
3 R’s of SWM in promoting to consumers avoidance of using the
disposable and unnecessary products in order to avoid or reduce
the solid wastes generated by households, commercials,
institutional, industries and all levels of stakeholders.

Of significance also are several national policy frameworks that support

solid waste management in the country, namely:

 National Solid Waste Management Framework (NSWMF) (2004)

As provided for under RA 9003, the NSWMF outlines the preferred

approach to support the adoption of a systematic, comprehensive
and ecological solid waste management program. It focuses on the
waste management hierarchy that emphasizes waste avoidance and
minimization through reuse, recycling, composting and resource

 National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC):

Chapter 8: Mitigation pillar on waste management (2010-2022)

Page | 38
Pursuant to RA 9729 (Climate Change Act of 2009), the Climate
Change Commission passed NFSCC, which finds the waste sector as
the third largest GHG emitter. In response to this, NFSCC identifies
SWM as among the six (6) priority sectors with strategic priorities:
a. Enhanced implementation of RA 9003
b. Promotion of best practices in waste management, involving
all categories of waste
c. Strengthen the advocacy of proper waste management as a
tool towards better communicating and mobilizing the public
to address climate change

 The Philippine Development Plan (2011-2016) Chapter 9:

Sustainable and climate-resilient environment and natural
resources; Chapter 10: Accelerating infrastructure development.

The Plan’s infrastructure development program ensures equitable

access to infrastructure services. The government aims to
accelerate the provision of safe, efficient, reliable, cost–effective,
and sustainable infrastructure. Under its ‘infrastructure’ component,
the PDP aims to increase the percentage of the number of LGUs
served by SLFs to 7.76% by 2016.

Meanwhile, the PDP’s environmental protection program mitigates

the demands arising from development, population expansion, poor
environmental protection and climate change, through integrated
approaches. Targets by 2016 include an increase in waste diversion
rate by 50% through reuse, recycling and composting and other
resource recovery activities; closure and rehabilitation of all existing
dumpsites; and full operationalization of National/Regional Ecology

 The Philippine National Solid Waste Management Strategy (NSWMS)


In relation to the NSWMCF, a National Solid Waste Management

Strategy (NSWMS) was developed through a consultative process.
The NSWMS has the following components:

a) bridging policy gaps and harmonizing policies;

b) capacity development, social marketing and advocacy;
c) sustainable SWM financing mechanisms;
d) creating economic opportunities;
e) support for knowledge management on technology,
innovation and research;
f) organizational development and enhancing inter-agency
g) compliance monitoring, enforcement and recognition, and;

Page | 39
h) cross cutting issues on good governance, caring for
vulnerable groups and disaster and climate change risks
through SWM.

As the overarching law governing ecological SWM implementation in the

Philippines, RA 9003 mandates all LGUs to cease using dumpsites as final
repository for solid wastes. Along with the closure and rehabilitation of
existing dumps, LGUs would have to put up sanitary landfills as the
legitimate mode of disposal.

Various national environmental legislations also require wastewater or

leachate control measures to prevent surface and groundwater
contamination as well as proper gas management systems to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and occupational health and safety
risks. At the same time, RA 9003 requires the diversion of at least 25% of
waste away from disposal facilities, which can be done through the
establishment of composting and materials recovery facilities (MRF).

4.1.3 NSWMC resolutions and corresponding administrative orders

Since 2002, the NSWMC has passed supplementary guidelines in the form
of NSWMC Resolutions to enhance the understanding of RA 9003
provisions. Some of these have been further detailed as DENR
Administrative Orders (DAO). Table 8 shows some key resolutions and
guidelines that were issued from 2002 to 2013.

Table 8. List of selected NSWMC Resolutions and corresponding

Administrative Orders (AO)

NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
1 Delegation of Certain Functions are delegated to the DENR-
(2002) Functions of the NSWMC REDs in coordination with EMB ROs and
Chairman to the DENR MGB to expedite the survey of existing
Regional Executive open dumpsites through its PENRO and
Directors and Prescribing CENRO, supervise immediate phasing
Appropriate Clearances out of all existing open dumpsites,
for Solid Waste visitorial and enforcement powers, site
Management Facilities assessment of proposed controlled
disposal facilities and SLFs and to
provide technical assistance to LGUs

Page | 40
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
5 (2005) Adoption of the DAO 2006-09: “General Guidelines in the Closure and
50 Guidelines on the Closure Guidelines on Rehabilitation of Open Dumpsites and
(2010) and Rehabilitation of dumpsite closure Controlled Dump Facilities”.
56 Disposal Facilities, and rehabilitation An amendment to the guidelines
(2013) including the Adoption of includes the sections 4.2 and 5.2 of
the NSWMC Guidebook DAO 2006-09 wherein EMB ROs shall
on Dumpsite Closure per no longer issue Authority to Close
Reso. No. 50, as (ATC) since it is no longer consistent
amended under Reso. with Section 37 of RA 9003.
No. 56.

6 Adoption of the DAO 2006-10: The supplemental guideline offers

(2005) Guidelines on Guidelines on options for LGUs that generate net
50 Categorized Disposal categorized residual wastes of less than 75 tons
(2010) Facilities, including the sanitary landfills daily to use low-permeability clay liners
Adoption of the NSWMC as an alternative to more expensive
Guidebook on SLF synthetic ones, including all the
Establishment per Reso. conditional environmental protection
No. 50. requirements per SLF category.

8 Guidelines on the Review The NSWMC is empowered by RA 9003

(2006)3 and Approval of the 10- to review and approve submitted 10-
9 (2009) year SWM Plans of Local year SWM Plans. Instead of an NSWMC
50 Government Units, as Technical Working Committee (TWC),
(2010) amended by Reso Nos. endorsement shall be done by the
70 39 and 80, including the NSWMC Technical Working Group
(2013)8 Adoption of the NSWMC (TWG).
0 (2014) Guidebook on SWM Resolution No. 70 prescribes deadlines
Planning per Reso. No. on the submission of 10-year SWM
50. Plans.

9 (2006) Phasing Out of Non- As per Section 29 of RA 9003, the

19 environmentally NSWMC shall, after public notice and
(2009) acceptable products and hearing, prepare a list of non-
20 packaging materials environmentally acceptable products as
(2009) (NEAPP) defined in the Act that shall be
prohibited according to schedule.
15 Creating a NSWMC Composition and function of the TWG,
(2009) Technical Working Group including permanent representatives of
16 (NSWMC-TWG), as each NSWMC member agency. The
(2009)7 amended with governing TWG shall convene to discuss issues
8 (2014) rules under Reso No. 78 and proposed policies and work
programs for consideration and
approval by the Commission.

17 Adopting the Three (3)- DENR and DILG will issue parallel
(2009) Strike Policy, including guidelines relative to the
76 Reso No. 76 on implementation of the 3-strike policy
(2014) barangays for non-complying LGUs.

Page | 41
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
35 Adopting the Guidelines The NSWMC shall adopt the modified
(2009) on Deputation of Solid guidelines and procedure in the
Waste Management deputation of SWM including a training
Officers module which an individual person will
undergo to be considered as deputized
SWM Officers.

36 Adopting the Criteria for Rule V(I) of the IRR of the RA 9003
(2009) Accreditation of an states that the NEC shall facilitate
Individual and Member of training and education in integrated
an Organization as SWM ecological SWM through, among
Experts others: the development of an
accreditation and certification system
for the conduct and holding of SWM
training programs.

41 Approving the Ten Year A total of 40 Local SWM Plans have

(2010) Solid Waste Management been approved, to wit, Resolution No.
49 Plans of Local 41 (7 Plans), No. 49 (13 Plans), No. 55
(2010)5 Government Units (17 Plans), No. 62 (1 Plan), and No. 67
5 (2 Plans).
2 (2013)

47 Adopting the National The Framework Plan shall empower the

(2010) Framework Plan of the informal waste sector that is
48 Informal Sector in Solid recognized as partner of the public and
(2010) Waste Management, private institutions, organizations and
including the creation of corporations in the promotion and
a Multi-Sectoral implementation of the 3Rs of ecological
Committee (MSC) for the SWM in the Philippines with the end
IWS view of alleviating poverty.

51 Resolution Adopting the RA 9003 mandates the creation of

(2010) National Ecology Center National and Regional Ecology Centers
(NEC) and Regional (NEC/RECs) to assist LGUs in
Ecology Centers (RECs) implementing RA 9003. Specifically,
Operational Guidelines the RECs are requested to serve as a
platform for public participation from
all sectors and for all aspects related to
SWM as well as a center for
information, knowledge transfer, data
processing and networking services.

Page | 42
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
57 Resolution Creating a Philippine Methane Partnership (PMP) is
(2013) Philippine Methane a counterpart of Global Methane
Partnership Technical Initiative (GMI) for government
Working Group (PMP- agencies and stakeholders in relation
TWG) to production, recovery and uses of
methane from agricultural wastes and
The resolution creates a TWG
composed of qualified representative of
various agencies that shall prepare the
work programs and other preparatory

59 Adopting the National The NSWMS sets the development path

(2013) Solid Waste Management for the Philippine SWM sector in the
Strategy (2012-2016) upcoming years and contains detailed
activities for NSWMC and other
concerned organizations to materialize
RA 9003 provisions.

60 Guidelines for Mandatory The resolution provided specific

(2013) Solid Waste Segregation guidelines on proper solid waste
at Source, Segregated handling in public and private places
Collection and Recovery particularly on the implementation of
segregation at source, segregated
collection and setting up of a recycling

63 Resolution 63 on the The resolution provided for the creation

(2013) Institutionalization of the and institutionalization of plantilla
66 NSWMC and the Offices position for the NSWMC Secretariat and
(2013) Created Under it, i.e., NEC to effectively achieve the
71 the Secretariat and the mandated functions and efficient
(2013) National Ecology Center. performance of the said offices.
Resolution 66 Designates
the Chief of the EMB
Solid Waste Management
Division as OIC-
Executive Director of the
NSWMC Secretariat
64 Adoption of Modified The resolution provides guidelines on
(2013) Guidelines on Site SLF siting criteria and assessment
Identification Criteria and procedure that are consistent with
Suitability Assessment Sections 40 and 48 of RA 9003 and
for Sanitary Landfills DAO 98-50.

Page | 43
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
65 Resolution No. 65 Based on a Supreme Court hearing on
(2013)7 Provides for Conditional the Continuing Mandamus, this
3 (2013) Approval of the Ten Year resolution provided for conditional
Solid Waste Management approval to Local SWM Plans submitted
Plans of Local to the NSWMCS up to July 2013,
Government Units; as provided that additional information
amended by Resolution required should be submitted on or
No. 73. before February 28, 2014.

68 Adoption of the Section 44 of RA 9003 mandates LGUs

(2013) Guidelines on the “to [cluster] ... for purposes of jointly
Clustering of LGUs on addressing common solid waste
Common ESWM System management problems and/or
establishing common waste disposal
69 Resolution on the Resolution to replicate and implement
(2013) Nationwide nationwide the establishment of an
Implementation appropriate ESWM based on progress
Appropriate ESWM with objectives nearly achieved
System for Home Owners through the projects of the NSWMCS
Association (HOAs), with the HOAs, Public Markets and
Public Markets and Commercial Establishments and
Commercial Ecosavers Program for Public Schools.
Establishments and the
Ecosavers Program for
Public Schools

72 Resolution Endorsing the Declared that every month of January,

(2013) Declaration of every instead of July in remembrance of the
month of January as Payatas tragedy, as the Zero Waste
Zero Waste Management Management Month to coincide with
Month in the Philippines the enactment of the Ecological Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000 and to
synchronize celebration among national
government agencies, schools, society,
organization, business and other

75 Resolution for the

(2014) establishment
/development of the 10-
storey National Ecology
Center Pursuant to RA

76 Resolution Adopting the

(2014) Enforcement Policy for
the Barangays

77 Governing Rules and Rule IV Section 5 of the

(2014) Regulations of the Implementing Rules and Regulations
Page | 44
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
National Solid Waste provides that the Commission shall
Management Commission formulate its governing rules that will
(NSWMC) define its conduct of business in
carrying out the functions

78 Governing Rules and The NSWMC-TWG was created through

(2014) Regulations of the Resolution No. 15 series 2009. During
National Solid Waste the NSWMC meeting held on March 27,
Management 2014 it was agreed that the NSWMC-
Commission-Technical TWG shall define its conduct of
Working Group (NSWMC- business in carrying out functions.

79 Amending Resolution Amended are paragraph No. 3, be

(2014} No. 26 series of 2009, amended to read: “LGUs find it hard to
Changing the Term comply with the requirements of
Ecology Park or Eco-Park Section 37 of RA 9003 and of the DENR
to Ecological Solid Waste DAO 2003-30 or the IRR of PD 1586,
Management Park or Establishing the Philippine
Environmental Impact Statement
Eco-SWM Park and
System, NSWMC Resolution No. 2005-
Providing Clarifications
06, Adoption of Guidelines on
on its Use Categorized Disposal Facilities”

Paragraph 5 be amended to read: “ the

Eco-SWM Park is a site for
environmental advocacy with showcase
of best SWM practices (including crafts
from wastes) and activities that will
enhance the balance of the ecological
system and may be part of an
integrated SWM facility with a central
materials recovery facility (MRF) with
processing of biodegradable and
recyclable materials, storage of special
wastes, and temporary Residuals
Containment Area (RCA) for
segregated wastes to be used as
alternative fuels and raw materials
(AFR) for co-processing facilities, use
of technologies developed or verified
by the DOST, or other technologies
that may be developed”

Paragraph 6 be amended to read: “

That an Eco-SWM Park is not an option
for waste disposal, does not replace a
sanitary landfill and cannot be used to
extend the operation of open and
controlled dumps”

to include the following additional

clauses to read: “the Site Selection and
Operation of an Eco-SWM Park shall
conform to the Guidelines set by the

Page | 45
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)

That the title of Ecology Park or Eco-

Park be amended to read: Ecological
Solid Waste Management Park or Eco-
SWM Park to identify it among other
“Eco-Park” projects in the country
80 Amending Resolution No. The amended resolution is to include
(2014) 39, Guidelines on the the following provision” Providing that
Review and Approval of a representative from the LGU from
the 10-year Solid Waste which the plan emanated may be
Management Plans of invited to present the contents of their
Local Government Units plan following a prescribed template”
The LGU may be invited to defend their
plans to the TWG if in case there are
questions that needs further
82 Resolution Adopting the This was developed in line with the
(2014) NSWM Comprehensive NSWM Strategy which was adopted
Plan as basis for Budget through NSWMC resolution Number 59
Proposal series of 2013 and was presented to
the NSWM-TWG meeting on June 5,
2014. The objective of the NSWM
Comprehensive Plan is to increase the
country’s waste diversion rate from
34% in 2010 to 50% by 2016.

83 Resolution supporting the This was developed in line with the

programs of NSWMC letter from NEDA to DENR Secretary
(2014) submitted to NEDA dated May 13, 2014 soliciting for
INFRACOM for Public additional proposal for Public
Investment in CY 2015 Investment.
To contribute to achieve the objectives
of the PDP 2011-2016 particularly on
sustainable and Climate Resilient
Environment and Natural Resources
through increased waste diversion
rate, increase in collection coverage
and increase coverage of SWM facilities
84 Resolution in Adopting To promote environmental awareness
(2014) the Implementing especially in SWM through Public
Guidelines of the Elementary and Secondary Schools.
National Ecosavers

85 Resolution creating a The MASG on WACS was created to

(2014) Multi-Agency Sub-Group develop a standardized Waste Analysis
(MASG) to develop the and Characterization Study (WACS)
guidelines on the Waste guidelines to be utilized by the LGUs.
Members are: MMDA, DENR-EMB,
Page | 46
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
Analysis and DOST-ITID, DOH-EOHO and
Characterization Study representative from Non Government
(WACS) and Organization (NGO)
Computation of Waste

86 Resolution creating a The MASG for CCQMD was created to

(2014) Multi-Agency Sub-Group develop the guidelines on composting,
(MASG) to develop the compost quality and market
guidelines on development. Members are DA-BSWM
Composting, Compost as Chairman, DENR-EMB, DILG-BLGS,
Quality and Market DOST-ITDI, DOH-EOHO, DTI-BOI, GO
and Liga ng mga Barangay
Development (CCQMD)

89 Resolution providing Resolution authorizing the NSWMCS to

(2014) Final Notice to Local issue Final Notice to LGU.
Government Units for the
Submission of the Ten
Year Solid Waste
Management Plan

90 Resolution creating a The MASG on Waste to Energy was

(2014) Multi-Agency Sub-Group created to develop the guidelines on
(MASG) to develop the the establishment and operation of
guidelines on the best available WTE technologies for
establishment and the Country. Members are DILG-BLGS,
operation of best DENR-EMB, DOST-ITDI, DOE, DTI-BOI,
available Waste to
Climate Change Commission and
Energy (WTE)
Recycling Industry
Technologies for the

91 Resolution creating a The MASG was created to

(2014) Multi-Agency Sub-Group formulate/develop/review SWM
to develop/adopt Solid training modules prepared by the
Waste Management Commission Secretariat or it’s
Training Modules and Consultants as well as the training and
Formulate a accreditation system for SWM
practitioners. Members are TESDA as
Chairman, DENR, DILG,MMDA, DA,
rtification System for
DOST, DPWH, Recycling Industry and
SWM Practitioners and NGOs.

92 Resolution Creating a The subgroup was created to develop

(2014) Sub-Group to prepare and prepare Communications Plan and
the Communications Plan the Vision/Mission of the NSMWC.
and the Vision and Members are PIA as head and NSWMC
Mission for NSWMC Secretariat.

96 Resolution Authorizing Authoring the Presiding Officer and

(2014) the Presiding Officer of Vice Chair of the NSWMC to sign
the NSWMC September resolutions approved in 2013 in behalf

Page | 47
NSWMC Resolution Department
No. Brief Description
Title AO (DAO) or
Joint AO(JAO)
30, 2014 Meeting to sign of the Chairman.
and attest on behalf of
the Chairman the
Resolutions Approved in

103 Resolution Granting the The NSWMCS to issue letter granting

(2014) request for extension of the extension of conditional approval of
the Submission of Ten Plans to the LGUs only until March 31,
Year Solid Waste 2015, otherwise, LGUs are no longer
. covered by the said approval
Management Plans to
Local Government
granted with Conditional

112 Resolution Creating a To review incentives scheme for

(2014) Multi-Agency (MASG) on effective solid waste management, for
Recognition and Awards purposes of ensuring relevance and
efficiency in achieving the objectives of
the Act
113 Resolution Granting the The NSWMC during its October 28,
(2014) request for extension of 2014 meeting granted the NSWMCS to
the Submission of Ten issue the grant for extension until
Year Solid Waste January 31, 2015 for LGUs who were
Management Plans to given Final Notices and submitted
Local Government Units formal requests.
with Final Notice

Source: NSWMC

Not included in the list above are resolutions such as those that are
applicable to specific localities. The complete list of NSWMC Resolutions
(CY 2000 -2015) can be downloaded at or
available at the Office of National Solid Waste Management Commission
Secretariat located at 2nd Flr, HRDS Bldg., DENR Compound, Visayas
Ave., Quezon City.

4.2 Institutional Arrangements

Among the provisions of RA 9003 is the establishment of an institutional

support mechanism necessary to effectively implement the law. Solid
waste management functions are distributed among national, regional and
local government entities wherein the participation of relevant
stakeholders is highly encouraged.

4.2.1 National and regional levels

National level oversight and policy formulation is provided by Sections 4-6

of RA 9003 through the creation of the NSWMC. RA 9003 also creates a
National Ecology Center (NEC) under the Commission to provide capacity
building services on SWM. The NEC is to be supported by Regional Ecology

Page | 48
Centers (RECs) as mandated under Rule V, Section 1 of DAO 2001-34,
which is the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of RA 9003.

The National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC)

The NSWMC is chaired by the DENR Secretary and co-chaired by a

representative from the private sector. The DENR-EMB provides
secretariat support to the NSWMC, which is headed by an executive
director who is nominated by Commission members and appointed by the

Under Section 4 of RA 9003, the NSWMC was established with fourteen

(14) members from the government sector and three (3) members from
the private sector, who have different roles and mandates. The following
agencies and organizations are members of the NSWMC:

 Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),

 Department of Health (DOH),
 Department of Agriculture (DA),
 Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA),
 Department of Science and Technology (DOST),
 Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG),
 Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH),
 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
 Philippine Information Authority (PIA),
 League of Cities in the Philippines (LCP),
 League of Municipalities in the Philippines (LMP),
 League of Provinces in the Philippines (LPP),
 Liga ng mga Barangay (LnB),
 Non-Government Organization (NGO),
 Recycling Industry,
 Manufacturing and Packaging Industry.

The National Ecology Center (NEC) and the Regional Ecology

Centers (RECs)

Section 7 of RA 9003 requires the establishment of a NEC under the

Commission, which shall be headed by the Director of the EMB. The NEC
shall provide consulting, information, training, and networking services
necessary in implementing the Act.

Rule V, Section 1 of DAO 2001-34 also mandates the establishment of

RECs, which shall be headed by the EMB Regional Directors in their ex
officio capacities. The RECs shall maintain a multi-sectoral, multi-
disciplinary pool of experts, including those from the academe, business
and industry; inventors, practicing professionals, youth, women; and

Page | 49
other concerned sectors, who shall be screened according to qualifications
set by the Commission.

The IRR stipulates that the NEC and the RECs shall make accessible to the
general public all related information generated, collected, recorded, and
stored, as well as data for solid waste management plans, the National
Framework, the National Status Report, and all other relevant information
necessary for ecological SWM.

4.2.2 Local government level

RA 7160 stipulates that basic services and facilities shall be provided by

the LGUs. The services include the provision of solid waste disposal
system or environmental management system and services or facilities
related to general hygiene and sanitation.

Section 10 of RA 9003 reiterates these RA 7160 provisions that the LGUs

shall be primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of
the provisions of this Act within their respective jurisdictions. Segregation
and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at the barangay level
specifically for biodegradable and recyclable wastes, provided that the
collection of non-recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the
responsibility of the municipality or city.

Provincial Solid Waste Management Boards

Section 11 of RA 9003 requires the establishment of Provincial Solid

Waste Management Boards (SWMBs). Among its principal functions are:
to develop a Provincial SWM Plan from the submitted SWM Plans of the
city/municipal SWMBs and ensure that these complement each other;
oversee the implementation of the Provincial SWM plans and provide
necessary logistical and operational support to its component LGUs; and
allow for the clustering of LGUs for the solution of common solid waste
management problems.

City and Municipal Solid Waste Management Boards

Section 12 of RA 9003 requires the establishment of city or municipal

SWMBs, which shall prepare, submit and implement a plan for the safe
and sanitary management of solid wastes generated in areas under its
geographic and political coverage.
Table 9 shows the number of provincial, city and municipal SWMBs that
have been created and active in 2010 as well as the status of barangay
solid waste management committees (SWMCs) in the Philippines. Usually,
the most tangible indication if a SWMB or SWMC has been created is the
issued executive order, memorandum or any legal instrument that
identifies the members and specifies the roles of each representative. A
board or a committee is deemed active when it has produced a local SWM
Plan or at least meets regularly within the calendar year to plan,
deliberates and issues policies, and monitors the implementation of SWM

Page | 50
Plans. Figure 26 shows the percentage of compliance of LGUs

Table 9. Number of created and active LGU SWM boards and

committees in 2010 per region

Provincial City/Municipal Barangay

SWM Boards SWM Boards SWM Committees
P Created Active C/M Created Active B Created Active
1* 1 1 17 17 17 1706 1509 data
CAR 6 6 6 77 77 77 1176 1174 1174
I No
4 4 4 125 9 9 3265 No data data
II 5 4 3 93 64 49 2311 917 473
7 7 3 130 130 34 3102 No data data
IV-A 5 5 5 142 123 86 4011 3247 678
IV-B 5 5 5 73 73 35 1458 1457 575
V 6 6 6 114 57 57 3471 177 161
VI 6 6 1 133 123 97 4051 4039 30
VII 4 4 4 132 No data 5 3003 No data 15
VIII 6 3 3 143 95 52 4390 928 262
IX 3 3 3 72 60 50 1904 1300 850
X No No No
5 3 data 93 5 data 2022 48 data
XI 4 4 3 49 46 28 1162 1152 806
4 4 3 50 44 data 1195 886 data
XIII 5 5 5 73 73 18 1311 1310 420
5 No data data
118 No data data 2490 No data data
TOTAL 81 70 55
1634 902 520 42028 15461 4270
Source: NSWMC
* In the case of NCR, Metro Manila acts as PSWMB.

Page | 51
Figure 26. Percentage of LGUs with Created and Active SWM
Boards/Committees in 2010

5. Other Issues

5.1 Informal Waste Sector

Considered as the most vulnerable group in municipal solid waste

management, the informal waste sector (IWS) consists mainly of waste
pickers in dumpsites and communal waste collection points, informal
waste collectors, itinerant waste buyers, small junkshop dealers,
“jumpers” (those who jump into collection trucks to recover recyclables),
and paleros (garbage trucks crew). Communities who live within or near
the SWM facilities are likewise considered vulnerable.

There are thousands of informal waste workers, among them women,

children and elderly, who depend on informal waste collection due to
poverty and lack of livelihood and education. They are subject to
livelihood insecurity, unsafe working conditions and health hazards. Yet,
LGUs acknowledge that their work has contributed to savings in waste
collection and disposal.

In May 2009, the NSWMC, with support from UNEP and development
partners, prepared the National Framework Plan for the Informal Sector in
Solid Waste Management, which recognizes their important contribution
and hence formulated a holistic plan for their development. LGUs have yet
to develop and implement their plans for this sector.

Page | 52
5.2 Special Waste Management

Special waste, which consists of healthcare waste, waste electrical and

electronic equipment (WEEE) and other hazardous materials, accounts for
about 1.93% of municipal solid waste.

A large portion of WEEE is either disposed along with the waste stream or
recovered through a haphazard recovery process resulting to resource
loss and exposure of workers to health hazards.

The DENR-EMB’s Hazardous Waste Section has finalized its revised

procedural manual on hazardous waste management and proposes that
certain hazardous components of any waste stream be properly handled
according to RA 6969 policies. This will be discussed further in the section
on hazardous waste.

5.3 Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation

Poor waste management practices such as open burning, dumping in

creeks and water bodies, as well as non-segregation of waste result in
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Landfilling of biodegradables wastes
and continued operation of open and controlled dumpsites lead to the
release of GHGs. Thus, waste prevention, recycling and composting are
effective ways to mitigate climate change.

Similarly, waste management systems and infrastructures may also be

prone to disasters. Climate change causes extreme rainfall in some areas
and effects can be compounded by uncollected waste, exposing the
dangers of mismanaged garbage. This results in massive flooding that
cause damages to properties and human lives.

Thus, there is a continuous need to clean up, declog and dredge

waterways and climate-proofing infrastructure and waste management
facilities in particular.

6. Regional Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Region 4A

Creative waste recycling practices have been demonstrated by LGUs and

academic institutions across Region 4A:

 Basuranihan – coined from basura (waste) and bayanihan

(cooperative effort) – involves individuals or groups who register
with the ENRO of Sta. Rosa, Laguna to bring recyclable waste
materials during the monthly Basuranihan Day. The recyclables are
sold to a selected junkshop where points are earned at the same
time. The points are used to redeem items and qualify the
participants for the top three prizes at yearend.
Page | 53
 Tuition fees of several deserving students in Laguna Bel Air School
in Sta. Rosa have been subsidized from the selling of PET bottles
collected and dropped into large bins within the campus.

 Eco-Bank project in Calatagan, Batangas was initiated by the LGU

in 2010 for all public and private schools. It is being implemented
by the Calatagan Ecosavers School Association to raise funds
through the selling of recyclable materials. The funds are used to
support environmental activities and other school programs.

 The Institute of Silang, Cavite has been using recyclable materials

to set up a Scholarship “Thrash Fund”. The peso value of the
recyclables is recorded in the parents/students’ “thrash card” and
the accumulated peso value is deducted from the tuition fees of

Diaper composting in Malvar, Batangas began in 2013 to reduce the

volume of diapers at the landfill. There are three (3) compost pits where
soiled diapers are placed and composted using vermiworms. Vermicasts
are distributed free to neighboring towns.

Region 5

Magarao, Camarines Sur was declared lone winner in the 4th to 6th class
municipality category in the first Zero Basura Olympics (ZBO) in 2008.
ZBO is a nationwide contest to promote the most innovative and effective
approaches in managing solid wastes.

The Plastic for Rice program is jointly undertaken by Legazpi City, EMB
Region 5 and local junkshop operators to enable people to exchange
recyclable wastes for rice or money. Recyclables include paper, bottles,
scrap iron, aluminum and special waste such as broken appliances.

Region 6

The Negros Occidental Provincial Solid Waste Management Board

exemplified steadfast financial and technical support to the component
municipality SWM Boards. This includes regular quarterly meetings with
mayors or their representatives to address concerns and issues related to
the implementation of SWM programs and the scheduled monitoring of
compliance with RA 9003. Consequently, the province had the highest
number of LGUs that submitted SWM plans.

Region 7

An alternative waste management program with emphasis on

decentralized composting and resource recovery system at source has
been scaled-up throughout Cebu City. It features:

Page | 54
 Adoption and strict enforcement of a “no segregation no collection
policy” in 2011.
 Recruitment and deployment of Barangay Environmental Officers
(BEO) to act as information providers, enforce municipal policies,
monitor proper waste collection, assist in establishing MRFs and
manage the composting schemes.
 Provision of financial and technical assistance by the city to
establish MRFs and composting centers in barangays.
 Strengthened partnership between the city and other stakeholders
such as the Women’s Network, homeowners associations, local
NGOs, waste pickers, academic institutions, private entrepreneurs
and the media. Additionally, a series of awareness campaigns was
organized with these stakeholders covering all municipalities.
 Promotion of composting schemes at different scales or levels such
as households, neighborhoods, barangays, small-scale private
businesses and enterprises and institutions.
 Distribution of composting baskets to individual households for the
conversion of organic waste into compost used to grow vegetables
and herbal plants in their home gardens. The dissemination of
composting know-how and follow-up visits are done by the BEOs.
 Barangay composting schemes that are small in scale (less than
one ton per day). Compost is produced using fast-reproducing
types of worms such as redworms, African nightcrawler and
European crawler; and/or windrow method using native
microorganisms. The compost product is either sold or used for the
greening of the neighborhood.
 Enterprise-based waste management in which individual
entrepreneurs, NGOs and cooperatives in barangays have turned
composting and recycling into business ventures. Composting at
this level depended on pure organic waste streams such as waste
from vegetable, fruit and flower markets and organic waste from
business establishments rather than households.

Bayawan City has established the Bayawan City Waste Management

Center, a 21-hectare complex of facilities that include the sanitary landfill,
a central material recovery facility, composting facility and a treatment
facility for sludge from septic tanks. The LGU is also implementing a “no
segregation no collection” policy coupled with the adoption of the sticker
system leading to a significant decrease in the volume of daily waste

Region 9

Provincial SWM Boards have been established in all 3 provinces and 82

percent of cities and municipalities have their own SWM Boards. Ninety
nine percent (99%) of cities and municipalities have completed their 10-
year SWM plans with the assistance of EMB Region 9 and submitted them
to the NSWMC for approval.

Page | 55
Region 11

All municipalities in the region have created their SWM Boards. Likewise,
all municipalities have established their MRFs. Segregation of wastes has
been advocated by all LGUs, some of which had started implementing a
“no segregation, no collection” policy.

Lower income municipalities are converting their controlled dumpsites into

ecological parks instead of sanitary landfills as a cost-effective measure.

Region 12

The municipality of Surallah, South Cotabato has established the first

successful LGU-initiated clustered SLF in the country. The Category 2
SLF, which was completed in 2011, serves the 7 municipalities of Surallah,
Norala, T’boli, Banga, Sto. Nino and Lake Sebu. The facility is financially
supported by the South Cotabato provincial government with technical
assiatance from EMB, MGB and USAID. This successful undertaking has
been gaining recognition and multiple awards.

Surallah has a model Ecopark and set up MRFs with composting facilities
at the MENRO office, public market and all barangay centers.

The Category 1 SLF in Polomolok, South Cotabato, which was completed

in 2008, was a product of partnership between Polomolok LGU and Dole
Philippines. It also serves neighboring municipalities. Polomolok also has
a 4-hectare central MRF with 48 twin vermin-beds and recycling shops for
waste packaging materials operated by a barangay women’s organization.
MRFs are present in most of the schools, hospitals, industries and
barangay halls.

National Capital Region


In the last quarter of the year 2014, the City Government of Marikina
began the Food Waste Truck Program. Through the implementation of the
Program, kitchen wastes are being collected from restaurants and food
stalls, and are being converted into fertilizers to be used for the City’s
urban garden.

Further, since the year 2004, the City has also been implementing the
Eco-savers Program in the City’s elementary and secondary schools to
raise environmental awareness among children and youth through their
active involvement in the recyclable trading activity. The activity is one of
the strategies employed by the City to support its goal to implement
segregation at source.

Business establishment owners are also mandated to attend an annual

Waste Management Seminar as a prerequisite to the issuance of business

Page | 56
Quezon City

Given its land area and population, Quezon City is known as one of the
most challenged cities in terms of solid waste management. Although this
is the case, the Quezon City Government has advanced its strategies to
meet the standards set by RA 9003.

Quezon City implements a “No Segregation, No Collection” Policy, wherein

the collection of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes is done in
separate days every week. Recyclable trading activities such as Ecosavers
Program in schools and Waste Market in malls are also being conducted to
increase the City’s waste diversion rate from final disposal to the Payatas
Sanitary Landfill.

Given also that the City Government has contracted private haulers for
the collection of solid wastes, the said private haulers are also instructed
to incorporate Information, Education and Communication campaign on
proper solid waste management during their regular operations in
households where the policy is not being strictly followed. This way, the
residents are given the right information on how they can improve their
waste disposal within their respective homes.


Since the year 2003, the Makati City has been implementing its Solid
Waste Management Code which was enacted through Ordinance No.
2003-095. Various strategies on solid waste reduction were included in
the Code, wherein the main objective is to increase the waste diversion
rate of the City.

Like other cities in Metro Manila, the City also has its own version of a
Plastic Ban Ordinance, as well as prohibition on the use of styrofoam and
other non-biodegradable packaging materials. To ensure that the said
laws are being complied with, a Plastic Monitoring Task Force was also
created. Its main task is to monitor the implementation of the said laws in
all business establishments within Makati.

Recyclable trading activities namely the Baratilyo ng Basura sa Barangay

and Weekend Waste Market, are also being regularly held to provide
additional income for constituents while at the same time, to increase the
City’s solid waste diversion rate.

The City Government conducts regular seminars to update the knowledge

of its barangays with regards to the implementation of the Solid Waste
Management Code.


The City Government of Muntinlupa has been implementing the Eco-Waste

Management Ordinance since the year 1999, which mandates households,
business establishments and other stakeholders to practice waste
segregation at source.
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Muntinlupa also continues to implement the plastic ban, which is the first
of its kind in Metro Manila.

The City Government is also active in the annual celebration of the Live
Green Conference, a competition among the City’s youth which provides a
venue for the expression of environmental perceptions through art. The
event aims to increase the awareness of the youth not only on proper
solid waste management, but also on the other environmental concerns
which the City endeavors to address.

Taguig City

Taguig City implements Brigada Eskwela before the opening of classes in

public elementary and secondary schools. The activity does not only aim
to conduct massive clean-up operations, but to also emphasize the
importance of harmony and unity among students, parents, teachers, and
other school personnel in maintaining the cleanliness of school premises.

The City is also focused on decreasing dengue cases through the

implementation of 4 o’clock Habit, during which time clean-up and
drainage declogging operations are done. Communities are encouraged to
maintain cleanliness of their surroundings through proper disposal of
wastes and regular clean-up in their respective households.

7. Challenges and Recommendations

Many Regional State of the Brown Environment (RSoBE) Reports

presented a number of concerns that were raised by the LGUs and local
stakeholders. Table 10 shows the tabulated synthesis of the list of issues,
challenges and recommendations related to SWM implementation.

Table 10. Challenges and Recommendations on SWM


Policy-making, Planning and Financing Systems

Absence of city/municipal Review existing ordinances on SWM and adopt RA
ordinances adopting RA 9003 into a comprehensive or “omnibus” SWM
9003; Outdated ordinance, including segregation, segregated
ordinances; collection, material recovery, safe disposal,
Unimplemented financing components, etc.
ordinances. Integrate into the ordinance a provision for (a)
making the general public/implementers aware of
the ordinance and for (b) creating a
monitoring/enforcement system/office to ensure
strict implementation.
Absence of 10-Year SWM Formulate 10-Year SWM Plan involving all
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Plan (and those who do stakeholders during the process.

have activities that are Design the 10-Year Plan to be more dynamic and
not realistic or responsive to current/future needs; Keep it
sustainable) updated.
Policies which do not have Integrate SWM budget into annual funds for
budget appropriations, or approval of city/municipal councils and/or in
with budget but difficult barangay AIPs.
to tap by implementers, Pass ordinances and establish separate account
end up not being within the general funds of the
implemented. city/municipality/barangay dedicated for SWM
collection of fees, etc.
Limited budget for SWM Barangays may work with cities/municipalities and
or financially cities/municipalities may tap the resources of the
unsustainable SWM province.
setup; Lack of ordinance If initial capital investment cannot be met in a
in implementing and year’s budget, prepare financial feasibility and
enforcing reasonable apply for loans from development banks.
waste user’s fee systems
To enable cost-recovery of expenditures related to
to businesses general
regular SWM operations: (a) undertake SWM full-
public; Very low waste
cost accounting, (b) conduct social acceptability of
fees collected from
waste fees, (c) pass an ordinance enabling the
business and commercial
collection of reasonable SWM fees from businesses
establishments during
and households, (d) outline an administrative and
renewal of business
auditing system in collecting and tapping the
permits and none from
separate SWM fund for SWM activities (e) Another
option is to charge higher fees for un-segregated
as compared to segregated waste to encourage
segregation and material recovery.
Political, Administrative, Organizational and Institutional Dynamics
Inactive city/municipal Re-activate or re-organize local SWMBs with
SWM Board (although support from local chief executives; Some local
most city/municipal SWMBs just need a kick-off after every political
SWMBs were already transition.
formed). Most members SWMBs need coordinator/secretariat/TWG to
do not know their exact facilitate policy making and monitoring of
roles/functions, or have activities, ensure regular board meetings.
limited knowledge or
Conduct/organize comprehensive orientation
appreciation of RA 9003
seminar for SWMBs and regular trainings
and SWM strategies.
Inactive Barangay SWM City/municipality to assist barangays in formulating
Committees (BSWMC). their SWM plans, in capacity building of barangay
Most barangay captains officials and establishing city/municipality-
and BSWMC members are barangay support systems.
unaware of their Encourage the barangays to have their own SWM
roles/functions, or have focal person, preferable technical/appointive
limited knowledge or
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appreciation of RA 9003 officer.

and SWM.
Absence of city/municipal Local chief executives/mayors should issue a
SWM TWG (which is Special Order creating the SWM TWG assigning the
supposed to implement group to be the one responsible for implementing
policies produced by and enforcing the policies and plans crafted by the
Boards); TWG members SWMB. Certain members of SWM TWG may also
usually include be members of the SWMB for more direct
department heads who communication.
already have multiple
Absence of dedicated For cities, pass an ordinance creating the City
City/Municipal ENRO or ENRO office with plantilla positions, regular budget,
dedicated SWM etc.
Coordinator at local level; Municipalities may need to become more creative
In case of municipalities, about at least designating a MENRO in the
they may be restricted by meantime that Section 484 of the Local
personnel services Government Code (RA 7160) has not yet been
expenditure of only up to amended; Local government leagues may lobby for
45% of the total budget making the City/municipal ENRO office mandatory
such that creation of and not just an optional appointive office.
MENRO is usually
disallowed by DBM.
Political affiliations and Pilot and establish institutional, operational and
dynamics are major financial model for inter-municipal clustering for
factors influencing the SLFs, as safeguard for political differences and
possibility and sustainability amidst political transitions.
sustainability of clustering
Limited or unstructured Organize, institutionalize and strengthen the REC
external support to be spearheaded by EMB/DENR. REC members
assistance for LGUs may include DOST, PNP, DOH, DILG, DPWH, NGO,
Academe, etc.
Organize SWM Summits, LGU Sharing Forum,
Mentoring and Twinning Programs, Model LGUs,
Knowledge Management etc.
Segregation, Segregation, Collection, Recycling/Recovery,
Public/Private Participation
Limited awareness of Launch IEC drives and creative social marketing
communities and the programs, which are reinforced by a system in
general public on waste place and consistent public policies. Strategies
segregation and on could include barangay outreach programs, use of
recycling/recovery/compo billboards, barangay sessions/assembly, etc.
sting technologies Infuse values formation among households in the
importance and practice of segregating waste.
IEC/Social marketing campaigns should encompass

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all target groups, i.e., elected and appointive

officials at city/municipal/brgy. levels,
communities, stakeholders, business sector,
religious sector, education sector, workers in the
SWM sector, junkshops, NGOs, informal sector,
women, youth, etc.
Support NGOs/cooperatives in recycling-related
livelihood programs and encourage the public in
green purchasing.
Lack of or inconsistent Put up practical (simple and easy-to-practice),
public policies on sustainable (cost-effective or self-sustaining) and
promoting segregation; consistent (e.g., uniform color-coding for bins;
Un-segregated collection setting of collection/pickup times/schedule during
of already segregated the day/week; regular and reliable public
waste practices) segregation system.
Empower and involve barangay officials and
Establish incentive and penalty systems to
encourage the public to segregate
Put up segregated collection systems, e.g.,
compartmentalized trucks or scheduled collection
for recyclables, biodegradables and residuals;
Prohibit mixing of already segregated wastes.
Lack of or unconsolidated Empower and involve barangay officials and
data on markets for stakeholders.
recyclable materials Leverage or create waste markets
Establish directory of collectors, junkshops and
buyers of recyclable materials and service
providers, through the RECs
Absence of or limited Install segregated waste bins or allocate
equipment and banks/curbs at critical areas within the
infrastructure for (1) city/municipality.
supporting segregation by Put up MRFs preferably in each barangay or cluster
the public and (2) if there are presently no junkshops.
improving coverage of
If waste buyers, consolidators or junkshops are
available and active in the area, empower them,
train them on RA 9003 and help them upgrade into
MRFs to collaborate with LGUs.
Coverage of waste Empower and involve barangay officials and
collection is usually stakeholders especially in identifying alternative
limited to town centers or options for far-flung areas.
urban barangays. Encourage backyard composting or rapid
Residents of unserved agricultural waste composting as options.
areas end up dumping
their garbage and

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agricultural residues in
rivers or burning them.
Safe Disposal: Dumpsite Closure and Rehabilitation/ Sanitary Landfill
Absence of Closure Plan Provide technical assistance / trainings for LGUs to
and lack of prepare Closure and/or Rehabilitation Plan for
implementation of the adoption of Council and for submission to EMB
closure and rehabilitation Assistance to LGUs in actual implementation of the
of open dumpsites. Closure Plan, and monitoring of the progress of
Usually, closure of activities.
dumpsites is less
Encourage LGUs to present plans for dumpsite
prioritized as compared to
closure while applying for Environmental
establishing SLFs.
Compliance Certificate (ECC) for their SLFs.
Various problems Training for LGUs in identifying potentially suitable
encountered by LGUs in sites, screening the sites according to absolute,
identification, site exclusion and conditional criteria.
selection and acquisition For LGUs located entirely on an environmentally
of sanitary landfill sites: and geologically-sensitive areas, there is no choice
unavailability of site, but to arrange clustering with LGUs having suitable
unsuitability of site based sites.
on MGB
Assist LGUs in preparing for site development of
incomplete submission of
ECC-requirements by Encourage LGUs to undertake social acceptability
LGUs, public opposition programs whether mandatory for the issuance of
ECC or not.

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