Title of The Research Paper: Isabela State University - Echague, Isabela
Title of The Research Paper: Isabela State University - Echague, Isabela
Title of The Research Paper: Isabela State University - Echague, Isabela
The abstract should encapsulate the brief summary of the research article including the corresponding
keywords that allows other researchers to search your article. Also, it should capture the general
information about your paper in order for your readers to have a clear picture of what your article is all
about. It does not only provides the general scope of your research but also includes essential result of
your study and the conclusion that can was drawn from the result. The abstract should not exceed 250
words. (10 Italic)
Keywords (10 Bold) - This part of your paper should provide at least a maximum of six key words arranged in
alphabetical manner and should be separated by comma (10 Italic
Introduction (11 Bold) had been followed in order to come up with this
The introduction of your research paper
should explain what the research problem is all about If in case that there are several methods that
which includes discussion of what has been done you have utilized in your study, you can separate
from previous research in relation to your problem. each of the following components of your methods
Likewise, the purpose of why you have conducted by making subsections.
your research or the objectives of the study must be
highlighted in this section including the contribution Each subheading should be Bold and
of the article. Italicized (10).
learning-never-stops (8)
News Article
Calonzo, A. (2020, October 23). Philippine Covid
Conclusion and Recommendation (11 Bold) Cases Drop as Testing Falls Below Target. Bloomberg.
This section of the research paper should target (8)
contain the review of the major points of the research
paper based on your objective. Also, recommendation
based from the findings should be enumerated here
References (11 Bold)
Journal Article
Author, A. A., & Author, B.B. (Copyright
Year). Title of the Book with Edition).
Publisher. DOI or URL if available.
Serafica, J.P.J., Pawilen, G.T., Casilib, B.N., & Alata,
E.J.P. (2018). Science, Technology and Society (1st
ed.). Rex Book Store Publishing. (8)
Web Page
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (2020). Alternative Solutions to School
Closure in Arab Countries to Ensuring that Learning
Never Stops. https://en.unesco.org/news/alternative-