JPN 301

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Department of World Languages and Cultures

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

JPN301- Third Year Japanese I
Course Syllabus

☆World Languages and Cultures Department Rules:

- Students who have studied Japanese in high school or another institution should take the placement exam and take JPN114 or higher.
- Students who received a low grade in their previous Japanese course should retake the course. (First retake will replace the original grade.)
- Students cannot take any course lower than those for which they have received credit.
- Students are not allowed to enroll in two Japanese courses (ex. JPN214 and JPN301) during the same semester.
☆REQUIRED Course Materials: àOnly the 2nd Edition of Genki will be used in class.
1. Textbook: Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, Tokashiki (2011). GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I (2 Edition).
Tokyo: The Japan Times, Ltd. (ISBN: 4-7890-1440-3)
2. Workbook: Banno, Ikeda, Ohno, Shinagawa, Tokashiki (2011). GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I Workbook
(2 Edition). Tokyo: The Japan Times, Ltd. (ISBN: 4-7890-1441-0)
3. Kanji Practice Sheet and Worksheets (HW)àIt can be downloaded from WebCampus.
4. Japanese-English Dictionary (Recommended)à It must be the paper dictionary or the electronic dictionary.
☆Website Information:
1. UNLV World Languages and Cultures Website:
2. WebCampus to download class materials:
3. Publisher’s website, Genki-Online (Self-study room):

☆Course Description:
Japanese 301 is a third-year Japanese course, continuation of JPN214, designed for students who have acquired elementary and
intermediate levels of Japanese. This course expects students to communicate in Japanese with deeper socio-cultural knowledge.
This course covers Lesson 18 (last two Grammar points), 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 (partially) of the textbook, Genki II.
☆Student Learning Outcomes: (Source: ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines [Speaking~Writing]: Intermediate-High to Advance-Low)
Upon completion of this course, students will be:
1) Speaking: Able to handle successfully many uncomplicated communicative tasks in variety of social situations (e.g. business, visiting someone’s house,
reporting a problem, debating) and to converse with ease and confidence although hesitation and errors may be evident. (Some may be able to converse
with sufficient accuracy, clarity and without misrepresentation or confusion.)
2) Listening: Able to sustain understanding over longer stretches of connected discourse on a number of topics and to understand main ideas on more
complicated description and narration.
3) Reading: Able to read consistently with full understanding simple connected texts dealing with a variety of basic and social needs, such as formal letters,
short stories, and short articles and read/recognize about 312 Kanji characters in total.
4) Writing: Able to write more practical writings such as formal letters, short stories and short articles with good control of the morphology and the frequently
used syntactic structures. (72 more Kanji characters will be introduced in this course.)
5) Culture: Able to act appropriately using culturally appropriate language in most situations and present/discuss cultural topics in target language.
☆Grading Policies: ☆ Grading Scale:
1) Homework and Assignments 10% 100-93% = A 79-77% = C+
2) Quizzes 15% 92- 90% = A- 76-73% = C
3) Exams 30% 89- 87% = B+ 72-70% = C-
4) Essay/Presentation/Interview (5% each) 15 % 86- 83% = B 69-60% = D
5) Final Exam 30% 82- 80% = B- 59 or below = F
☆Course Policies and Method of Assessment
Cellular phone, Lap-top Computer or any other electronic device should be turned off
during class and be put away in your bag, not in your pocket! (See below for consequence.)
The cell phone app. dictionary and Internet dictionary are not allowed.
(The paper dictionary or the electronic dictionary can be used in class.)
1. Attendance and Participation: (Learning Outcomes Practiced: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Japanese classes offer an important opportunity for students to be exposed to authentic Japanese. You are expected to come to class
regularly, on time and participate in all class activities. First two absences will not affect your grade. (Your other grades such as
homework may be affected if they were not excused absences.) Each additional absence will result in the loss of 2% of your total
grade. Tardy that is longer than 30 minutes of class time will be considered as one absence.
Please note that doing the following activities 2 times will be counted as one absence. They are (1) being tardy (less than 30 min.),
(2) early departure, (3) leaving more than 5 minutes during class (notify your instructor before leaving the classroom) and (4) an activity that
disrupts students’ participation such as using a cell phone/computer (or other electronic devices), eating food, doing homework in class or
sleeping. After 8 absences, students may receive a warning to drop the course. Contact your instructor before your absence.
Notify your instructor if your absence is justifiable (ex. religious holiday, UNLV extracurricular activity, emergency situation) and has the
official documentation to support it.
2. Homework and Assignments: (Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3, 4, 5)
All homework is due within the first 15 minutes of class on the designated day unless your instructor tells you differently. Late Homework
will be accepted as long as it is submitted by the beginning of next class. However, there will be 50% reduction (-2pts) from your
assignment grade. All the homework must be completed entirely in order to receive credit. If the homework is missing one or more
section(s) or has too many errors it will be considered as “Incomplete” (0 pt.). Absolutely no credit will be given if your assignment is
done or is submitted by someone else. This also applies if your assignment was done during class or if it was copied from someone
else’s work.
Contact your instructor before due date if you have any questions or problems.
Points of each Homework assignment (4 pts. max.):
4 pts. à Everything was completed and submitted on time.
3 pts. à Everything was completed and submitted on time, but had a few errors./Re-do work was completed.
2 pts. à Late or incomplete work was completed and submitted./Re-do work was assigned.
0 pts. à Nothing was submitted. / It was not completed entirely or had too many errors. (“incomplete”)*
Listening Homework: Use the CD-ROM that is included in the Genki Workbook (2 Edition).
Kanji Homework: Use the Kanji Practice Sheet (on WebCampus) to take notes in class and to do the Kanji homework.
3. Classroom Quizzes: (Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Quizzes will be given frequently and students are allowed to drop the lowest quiz grade. If you miss a quiz, that will be counted as your
lowest score. Under no circumstances will there be any make-up quizzes. Some quizzes will be given to test your speaking skills.
4. Lesson and Final Exams: (Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3, 4, 5)
There will be three Lesson Exams. The Final Exam will be comprehensive. Make-ups are given with the submission of the official
documentation that validates the justifiable nature of your absence. Other make -ups will receive 20% reduction.
5. Essay, Presentation and Interview: (Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Details will be announced later.
You will be assigned to write an essay, to participate in a presentation and to have one-on-one interview with the instructor.
Make –up without valid excuse will receive 20% reduction.
☆Students Responsibilities:
1. Preview the lesson:
You MUST study Vocabulary and Kanji assigned for each lesson and read “Grammar” and “Expression Notes” sections in the textbook
before class for effective class participation. Use the Genki-Online website for self-study and the Student CD to practice listening.
2. Rebel mail: Please use your Rebel mail (UNLV E-mail Account) or forward it to an account of your choice. 日本語で書いてくださ
3. Getting Assistance:
If things become unclear and difficult, it is your responsibility to take the initiative and contact the instructor for assistance after class or during
the instructor’s office hours.
4. Add, Drop and/ or Withdraw:
The last day to add, drop or withdraw and receive 100% refund is September 2, 2016. The last day to drop or withdraw from classes or
change to audit is November 4, 2016. Drops and withdrawals will not be allowed after this date even with the instructor’s approval. The
instructor must assign a final grade if a student stops coming to class and fails to withdraw by the deadline. (Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.)
5. Letter of Recommendation: Contact the instructor AT LEAST one month before the deadline and provide the information such as:
(1) Description of the position/honor (possibly provide a URL/pamphlet); (2) Filled-out form, a pre-addressed, stamped envelope, and/or any
other necessary materials; (3) Your resume/CV and/or personal statement; and (4) Any other details that might be helpful.
☆Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct:
Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct includes, but is not limited to: Cheating, Getting External Assistance, and Plagiarism
- Cheating is not allowed in class. The actions during a quiz/test considered as cheating (but are not limited to) are: having a cell phone
out, looking at other student’s quiz/test or a cheating material, putting your hands in your bag and communicating with others.
- Assignments and essays must be completed entirely by each student without any external assistance (ex. help by a tutor/friend, online
translations). You should not have another person change your work or copy other people’s work.
- Any student found to have committed academic dishonesty/misconduct will receive a grade of “F/ 0 pt.” for the work.
Instructor will notify the student and if the act of dishonesty is proved, he/she will receive “F/ 0 pt.” for the work. The instructor is required
to report it, no matter how large or small, to the Japanese Program. If the second incident was witnessed, the Department and the
University will be notified. The student’s academic dishonesty/misconduct will be on the official record and he/she will be administratively
dropped from the course. The student may appeal a finding of academic dishonesty/misconduct to the Department Chair and go
through the University’s appeal process.
- Japanese Program will follow the Academic Dishonesty Policy and Procedure of UNLV. (Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog or
< >)

☆Other Information:
Language Resource Center (LRC): LRC is located in FDH240 (Phone: 895-1930/
Japanese Placement Exams can be taken in the LRC. Students are encouraged to visit the lab for their independent study. It has
Internet access, Japanese software, and the audio CDs for the Workbook Listening Comprehension and the Textbook
Dialogue/Vocabulary practice. Operating Hours: Mon.–Thurs. 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Technology Support Contact Information

For general technology support and WebCampus support:
Office of Information Technology (OIT), UNLV

Tutoring and Coaching—The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring, academic success coaching and other
academic assistance for all UNLV undergraduate students. For information regarding tutoring subjects, tutoring times, and other
ASC programs and services, visit or call 702-895-3177. The ASC building is located across from the
Student Services Complex (SSC). Academic success coaching is located on the second floor of the SSC (ASC Coaching Spot).
Drop-in tutoring is located on the second floor of the Lied Library and College of Engineering TEB second floor.
Disability Resource Center (DRC)-The UNLV Disability Resource Center (SSC-A 143,, 702-895-0866)
provides resources for students with disabilities. If you feel that you have a disability, please make an appointment with a Disabilities
Specialist at the DRC to discuss what options may be available to you. If you are registered with the UNLV Disability Resource
Center, bring your Academic Accommodation Plan from the DRC to the instructor during office hours so that you may work
together to develop strategies for implementing the accommodations to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course.
Any information you provide is private and will be treated as such. To maintain the confidentiality of your request, please do not
approach the instructor in front of others to discuss your accommodation needs.

Language Placement Exam

Department of World Languages and Cultures
FDH 552
(702) 895-3431
Language Resource Center (language and multimedia computer lab)
FDH 240

Library Services
Students may consult with a librarian on research needs. For this class, the Subject Librarian is
( UNLV Libraries provides resources to support students’ access to
information. Discovery, access, and use of information are vital skills for academic work and for successful post-college life.
Access library resources and ask questions at
International Programs
For deadlines for USAC Study Abroad Scholarships, go to:

Campus Advocacy Resource and Empowerment (CARE) line- If you are experiencing (or have experienced) interpersonal
violence, the CARE Line is a 24-hour campus crisis hotline available to victims/survivors of interpersonal violence, as well as their
family and friends. Trained volunteer advocates provide support, education, resources, and referrals to on and off campus services
for crimes of sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.
Rape Crisis Center: 888-366-1640

Student Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)- CAPS offers many resources along with trained clinicians to help you
work through problems commonly experienced by students of all ages and backgrounds. Located in the Student Recreation &
Wellness Center.
University Policies

Copyright—The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves with and to follow
copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws.
The university will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any responsibility for employee or student violations of fair
use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as
disciplinary action under University policies. Additional information can be found at:

Religious Holidays Policy—Any student missing class quizzes, examinations, or any other class or lab work because of observance
of religious holidays shall be given an opportunity during that semester to make up missed work. The make-up will apply to the
religious holiday absence only. It shall be the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor within the first 14 calendar days
of the course for fall and spring courses (excepting modular courses), or within the first 7 calendar days of the course for
summer and modular courses, of his or her intention to participate in religious holidays which do not fall on state holidays or
periods of class recess. For additional information, please visit:

Transparency in Learning and Teaching—The University encourages application of the transparency method of constructing
assignments for student success. Please see these two links for further information:

Incomplete Grades—The grade of I—Incomplete—can be granted when a student has satisfactorily completed three-fourths of
course work for that semester/session but for reason(s) beyond the student’s control, and acceptable to the instructor, cannot
complete the last part of the course, and the instructor believes that the student can finish the course without repeating it. The
incomplete work must be made up before the end of the following regular semester for undergraduate courses. Graduate students
receiving “I” grades in 500-, 600-, or 700-level courses have up to one calendar year to complete the work, at the discretion of the
instructor. If course requirements are not completed within the time indicated, a grade of F will be recorded and the GPA will be
adjusted accordingly. Students who are fulfilling an Incomplete do not register for the course but make individual arrangements
with the instructor who assigned the I grade.

Rebelmail—By policy, faculty and staff should e-mail students’ Rebelmail accounts only. Rebelmail is UNLV’s official e-mail
system for students. It is one of the primary ways students receive official university communication such as information about
deadlines, major campus events, and announcements. All UNLV students receive a Rebelmail account after they have been
admitted to the university. Students’ e-mail prefixes are listed on class rosters. The suffix is always Emailing
within WebCampus is acceptable.

Final Examinations—The University requires that final exams given at the end of a course occur at the time and on the day
specified in the final exam schedule. See the schedule at:

The Optional Status Reporting Program

Allows me to enter MDS/MDU (representing mid-term satisfactory and mid-term unsatisfactory) I may enter these
statuses only for those who, in the judgment of faculty, are in need of intervention. (This intervention will be in the
form of outreach to those students from their college academic advisors, Academic Success Center coaches,
scholarship coordinators, financial aid counselors, and other student support personnel).
Teaching Evaluations:
Please be aware that you are going to receive an E-mail about an evaluation of this course during the last three-four week of each
semester. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching at UNLV, course evaluations are required to be administered at the end
of each course. Teaching evaluations are a very important piece of assessment data and it is important that the reliability, validity,
and legitimacy of these instruments be maintained. Please respond to this e-mail promptly.
“Tentative” Course Schedule and Assignments: JPN 301

Use WebCampus to download.à

Notes: üWorksheets are posted on WebCampus. Contact the instructor before the due date if you have any problem downloading.
üYou MUST read the grammar section in the textbook and study vocabulary and Kanji before each lesson!
üStaple your homework together, write your name and HW # on the 1st page and submit all the work together as one packet.
üDon’t turn in your homework if any section/page was missing!

しゅう ひ しゅくだい
週 日 コース・スケジュール 宿 題 - Submit homework on the DUE DATE!
かんじ ぶんか
か ん じ
K: 漢字, C: 文化 漢字- readings, examples and practice & 1 sentence for each
1 Course Introduction, Review JPN 214 contents TB: Genki Book II WB: Genki II Workbook
L1 だい 18 か (L18): ジョンさんのアルバイト Genki Website:
Actions performed at the same time ~ながら *Use your Student CD to do the WB Listening Comprehension!
L2 Should have done ばよかった
K: 春秋冬花 (1) Review Worksheet (It will be given in class. Download it from the L18 & 19
だい 19 か (L19): 出むかえ folder on WebCampus if you missed the first day of class.)
Honorific Verbs (2) Student Information Sheet (Write it in Japanese except your signature.)
*You must bring the Syllabus & Schedule (on WebCampus) to class.
2 Honorific Verbs (cont.) 宿題 2
L3 K: 様不姉兄 (1) K: 春秋冬花
L4 小テスト(Quiz) 1, (2) L19 Vocabulary Worksheet
Giving Respectful Advice, Expressing Gratitude (3) WB p.55-58
~てくれてありがとう, K: 漢卒工多
3 小テスト 2, ~てよかった, 宿題 3
L5 ほうもん
訪問する(p.183) (1) K: 様不姉兄漢卒工多
K:研究質問 (2) WB p.59-62
か い わ
Expectations~はず, 会話(Dialogue)、
復 習 (Review) C: 手紙
4 テスト 1, (L18(2 grammar points) & 宿題 4
L7 *Recommended to do the WB pages before the Exam 1.
19 and L19 Kanji) (1) L20 Vocabulary Worksheet
L8 だい 20 か (L20): メアリーさんの買い物 (1) K: 研究質問
Extra-modest Expressions (2) WB p.63-66; WB p. 121-122
K: 皿声茶止
C: 日本のメディア(ex. 新聞・本・雑誌・テレビ) -Bring the Humble Form Rules Handout (on WebCampus).
5 Extra-modest Expressions (cont.) 宿題 5
L9 Humble Expressions, K: 枚両無払 (1) K: 皿声茶止
(2) WB p.67-68
L10 小テスト 3, Humble Expressions (cont.) (3) TB p. 318-319-II-A(1-2), B(Reading only) and C(1-4)
Respect Language (For A and C, write questions and answers.)
K: 心笑絶対
6 Respect Language (cont.) 宿題 6
L11 Without doing~ないで, K: 痛最続 (1) K: 枚両無払心笑絶対
C: 日本の会社 (ex. サラリーマンと OL) (2) WB p.69-70 (Don’t need to do the section I of p.70.)
L12 小テスト 4,
Quoted Question ~か、~という,
7 ~やすい、~にくい 宿題 7
L13 か い わ ふくしゅう
会話(Dialogue)、復 習 (Review) (1) K:痛最続
C: 落語(らくご) (2) Letter with Respect Language
(3) WB p. 71-72; WB p.123-124
L14 テスト 2, (Lesson 20 and L20 Kanji)
小テスト 5 (Speaking)
“Tentative” Course Schedule and Assignments: JPN 301
しゅう ひ しゅくだい
週 日 コース・スケジュール 宿 題 - Submit homework on the DUE DATE!
かんじ ぶんか か ん じ
K: 漢字, C: 文化 漢字- readings, examples and practice & 1 sentence for each
8 宿題 8
(1) Short Story (Fiction)
(Write a short story (fiction) in Japanese and post it on the WebCampus
L15 だい 21 か (L21): どろぼう with picture(s) or a comic strip of the story (Ex. TB p.329-III-A). You need
to include directions (to a place) in your story.
Passive Sentences, K: 信経台風
You have read several short stories in Genki I and Genki II (TB p.327-
328). Use those as examples.
9 Passive Sentences (cont.) 宿題 9
L16 ~か教えていただけませんか。(Directions) *Recommended to do the WB pages before the Exam 2.
K: 犬重初若 (1) 21 Vocabulary Worksheet
C: 日本のポップカルチャー (ex. まんが・アニメ、 フ (2) WB p. 73-76
ァッション) (3) TB p.327-328-II-BC (Write questions and answers for C.)
L17 小テスト 6,
Result with a purpose~てある
K: 送幸計遅 C: 日本の 宗 教
10 ~間に, Adjective する、 Essay Draft Due
L18 K: 配弟妹
か い わ
~てほしい, L21会話(Dialogue) 宿題 10
だい 22 か (L22): 日本の教育 (1) K: 信経台風犬重初若
Strong Command~なさい, K: 記銀回夕 (2) L22 Vocabulary Worksheet
にゅうし ろうにん だいがくせいかつ (3) WB p.77-80
C: 日本の大学 (ex.入試、浪人、大学生活) *Extra Credit for the Short Story (HW9) is due on Th. 11/3.
11 小テスト 7, Causative Sentences, 宿題 11
L20 Causative Permission (1) K: 送幸計遅配弟妹記銀回夕
K: 黒用守末 (2) WB p.81-84; WB p. 125-126
L21 Causative Permission (Cont.) Essay Final Due
Conditional ば K: 待残番駅
12 小テスト 8, 宿題 12
L22 Conditional ば(Cont.)、~のに (1) K: 黒用守末待残番駅説案内忘
(2) WB p.85-88
K: 説案内忘 C: 冠婚葬祭
(3) TB p.333-335-II-BC (Write the questions and answers for C.)
L23 ~のような/ように
か い わ ふくしゅう
会話(Dialogue) , 復 習 (Review)
13 テスト 3, (L 21 & 22 and
L21 & 22 Kanji)

14 だい 23 か (L23): 別れ 宿題 13
L25 Causative-Passive Sentences, *Recommended to do the WB pages before the exam 3.
K: 顔怒変悲感 (1) WB p. 89-94; WB p.127-128
C: 日本のマナーや習慣 (2) Interview Questions and Answers Worksheet
L26 Even if ~ても 宿題 14
K: 相横化調答 (1) K: 顔怒変悲感相横化調答
(2) WB p. 95-98 (You don’t need to do p.99. The answers for p.99 will be posted
on WebCampus.)
(3) TB p. 341-III-B: 自分の日記を書きましょう。(Write a diary of one
day in Japanese. It must be at least half a page.)
15 Interview
L27 Review previous chapters and be prepared for the interview and the final
L28 exam!
16 Final Exam
UNLV 日本語 学生アンケート(Student Information Sheet): JPN 301
1. 名前: (英語) (日本語) .
だいがくいんせい せんもん せんこう

2. 学年 (circle one): 一年生 二年生 三年生 四年生 大学院生 Audit 専門(専攻):


3. 連絡先:<E メール> <電話> .

しゅっしん だいいちげんご
出身: 市 City/州 State 国 Country 第一言語(native language(s)): .

4. 今まで取った日本語のクラス(Your past Japanese class(es)*): Please list all the classes at your best knowledge. (Use the back if necessary.)
a) クラスのレベル b) 教科書 c) 学校 d) 先生 e) いつ?
ex. 高校日本語 1, JPN113 Please write the state if it was Only if you took class(es) year and/or
outside of Las Vegas. in Las Vegas. semester


5. 日本語の体験(experience):
日本へ行ったことがありますか。 はい / いいえ 「はい」à (a) どこ、 (b) いつ、 (c) どのぐらい?
(a) (b) (c) ,
ほか たいけん

その他の体験(other experience):
ほか がいこくご
6. 他の(other)外国語を勉強したことがありますか。 はい / いいえ 「はい」à (a) 何語、 (b) どのぐらい?

(a) (b) .
り ゆ う

7. 日本語を勉強している理由(reasons)は何ですか。三つ、チェック (✓) してください。

そつぎょう が い こ く ご た ん い ひつよう

( ) 卒業(graduation)に、外国語の単位(credits)が必要だから。
じ ぶ ん あ あ

( ) このクラスが、自分のスケジュールに合って(match)、開いていたから。
り か い

( ) 日本語を理解して(understand)、話せるようになりたいから。
ともだち か ぞ く しんせき

( ) 日本人の友達、家族、または(or)、親戚(relatives)がいるから。
ぶ ん か きょうみ とく

( ) 日本の文化に興味がある(interested in)から。特に(particularly): .
( ) 日本で勉強したいから。 àいつ、どこで? ________________________________________________________.
り れ き し ょ

( ) 仕事に使えるから。履歴書(resume)に書けるから。 àどんな仕事をしたいですか。 .
( ) いつか日本に行きたいから。 à日本のどこに行きたいですか。 ________________________________________.
ほか り ゆ う

( ) 他の理由(other reasons):

し ゅ み し ゅ み おし

8. 趣味がありますか。趣味を教えてください。

しつもん しんぱいごと

9. このクラスで、したいこと、コメント、質問、心配事(concerns)など。

しゅくだい いっしょ だ
※シラバスとスケジュールを読んでから、下にサインして、宿 題 #1 と一緒に出してください。ありがとう!

I understand and will accept the course syllabus and the grading policies completely.

Signature (in English): Date: .

University Policies

Academic Misconduct— Academic integrity is a legitimate concern for every member of the campus community; all share in
upholding the fundamental values of honesty, trust, respect, fairness, responsibility and professionalism. By choosing to join the
UNLV community, students accept the expectations of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy and are encouraged when faced
with choices to always take the ethical path. Students enrolling in UNLV assume the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner
compatible with UNLV’s function as an educational institution.
An example of academic misconduct is plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another, from the Internet or any
source, without proper citation of the sources. See the Student Academic Misconduct Policy (approved December 9, 2005) located

Copyright—The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves with and to follow
copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of copyright and fair use laws.
The university will neither protect nor defend you nor assume any responsibility for employee or student violations of fair
use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as
disciplinary action under University policies. Additional information can be found at:

Disability Resource Center (DRC)— Disability Resource Center (DRC)—The UNLV Disability Resource Center (SSC-A
143,, 702-895-0866) provides resources for students with disabilities. If you feel that you have a disability, please
make an appointment with a Disabilities Specialist at the DRC to discuss what options may be available to you. If you are registered
with the UNLV Disability Resource Center, bring your Academic Accommodation Plan from the DRC to the instructor during
office hours so that you may work together to develop strategies for implementing the accommodations to meet both your needs
and the requirements of the course. Any information you provide is private and will be treated as such. To maintain the
confidentiality of your request, please do not approach the instructor in front of others to discuss your accommodation needs.

Religious Holidays Policy— Any student missing class quizzes, examinations, or any other class or lab work because of observance
of religious holidays shall be given an opportunity during that semester to make up missed work. The make-up will apply to the
religious holiday absence only. It shall be the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor within the first 14 calendar days
of the course for fall and spring courses (excepting modular courses), or within the first 7 calendar days of the course for
summer and modular courses, of his or her intention to participate in religious holidays which do not fall on state holidays or
periods of class recess. For additional information, please visit:

Transparency in Learning and Teaching—The University encourages application of the transparency method of constructing
assignments for student success. Please see these two links for further information:

Incomplete Grades—The grade of I—Incomplete—can be granted when a student has satisfactorily completed three-fourths of
course work for that semester/session but for reason(s) beyond the student’s control, and acceptable to the instructor, cannot
complete the last part of the course, and the instructor believes that the student can finish the course without repeating it. The
incomplete work must be made up before the end of the following regular semester for undergraduate courses. Graduate students
receiving “I” grades in 500-, 600-, or 700-level courses have up to one calendar year to complete the work, at the discretion of the
instructor. If course requirements are not completed within the time indicated, a grade of F will be recorded and the GPA will be
adjusted accordingly. Students who are fulfilling an Incomplete do not register for the course but make individual arrangements
with the instructor who assigned the I grade.

Tutoring and Coaching—The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring, academic success coaching and other
academic assistance for all UNLV undergraduate students. For information regarding tutoring subjects, tutoring times, and other
ASC programs and services, visit or call 702-895-3177. The ASC building is located across from the
Student Services Complex (SSC). Academic success coaching is located on the second floor of the SSC (ASC Coaching Spot).
Drop-in tutoring is located on the second floor of the Lied Library and College of Engineering TEB second floor.

UNLV Writing Center—One-on-one or small group assistance with writing is available free of charge to UNLV students at the
Writing Center, located in CDC-3-301. Although walk-in consultations are sometimes available, students with appointments will
receive priority assistance. Appointments may be made in person or by calling 702-895-3908. The student’s Rebel ID Card, a
copy of the assignment (if possible), and two copies of any writing to be reviewed are requested for the consultation. More
information can be found at:

Rebelmail—By policy, faculty and staff should e-mail students’ Rebelmail accounts only. Rebelmail is UNLV’s official e-mail
system for students. It is one of the primary ways students receive official university communication such as information about
deadlines, major campus events, and announcements. All UNLV students receive a Rebelmail account after they have been
admitted to the university. Students’ e-mail prefixes are listed on class rosters. The suffix is always Emailing
within WebCampus is acceptable.

Final Examinations—The University requires that final exams given at the end of a course occur at the time and on the day
specified in the final exam schedule. See the schedule at:

Library statement:
Students may consult with a librarian on research needs. For this class, the Subject Librarian is
( UNLV Libraries provides resources to support students’ access to
information. Discovery, access, and use of information are vital skills for academic work and for successful post-college life.
Access library resources and ask questions at

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