Set Induction
Set Induction
Set Induction
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning everyone
How are you all doing today? Are you all doing good? or are you sad?
okay thats all lovely to hear
So before we begin with today’s lesson, please sit nicely and give your full attention during
the learning process, so that you can follow the lesson from beginning until the end
Well, let’s start it with prayer first. Anyone might be willing to help me lead the prayer?
okay, before we start let me check your attendance first
2. Melakukan Apersepsi
Well, i do believe that everyone have their own hobby and so do I. Now, what is your
Ima: My hobby is……
Okay great
A hobby is something we do for pleasure in our spare time.
Doing a hobby usually implies you do it quite regularly and you don't get paid for it
6. Membuat kaitan
So after knowing more about the use of The proper use of pronouns, it can affect our
social relationships. When we use pronouns correctly, we show that we notice and
respect others. For example, if someone introduces themselves with certain pronouns,
using those pronouns is a form of respect and recognition of their identity.
Menyampaikan lingkup
Well, in today's lesson there are two assessments that must be paid attention to. The
first is attitude assessment: in the form of observations in the learning process and the
second is knowledge assessment: in the form of a written test in the form of description.
7. Memberi acuan
Later, I will divide you into 3 groups to do the assigntment
Alright, what have we learned today after describing your hobby through your friend?
We can conclude that a hobby is something we do for pleasure or for fun in our
spare time.
Now, all of you already know that some hobbies can help us to earn money right?
From now on you can start to think about your hobby, and try to focus on one of your
hobby and who knows that in the next 5 years or as soon as possible you can earn
money from it
So, what is your opinion about getting money from your hobby, as we know,jess no limit
as a gamer he earns money from his hobby, then what's your opinion about it? Is it
something we can try to do? Is it possible for us?
Well, I’m so happy today because all of my students in this class are so active, great
Please try to make a short descriptive text about your hobby as your homework