Review of Taguchi Method, Design of Experiment (Doe) & Analysis of Variance (Anova) For Quality Improvements Through Optimization in Foundry
Review of Taguchi Method, Design of Experiment (Doe) & Analysis of Variance (Anova) For Quality Improvements Through Optimization in Foundry
Review of Taguchi Method, Design of Experiment (Doe) & Analysis of Variance (Anova) For Quality Improvements Through Optimization in Foundry
Abstract: In the foundry defects like blow holes and sand drop in castings lead to rejection of castings and affect productivity. Taguchi
Method, founded by Dr. Taguchi, significantly improves quality and engineering productivity can be used in various casting process also
by taking into the attention of various Noise factors. Taguchi Method is a statistical approach to optimize the process parameters and
improve the quality of various parts that are manufactured in the foundry. Design of experiments (DOE) can be used in the foundry as a
systematic method to regulate the relationship between factors disturbing a various casting process
The purpose of this review paper is to give details analysis of Taguchi method, Design of Experiment method for optimization in the
foundry for the various casting process. This paper discusses efforts of various researchers attempted to optimize the various casting
process parameters by conducting the analysis of variance (ANOVA) experiments to minimize the defects in the casting process in the
foundry and for improving quality and productivity.This paper also explain various benefits and critical success factor achived.
Dr. Genichi Taguchi and Electrical Communication Laboratories (ECL) in Japan with help of Research &Development try for improving
the productivity and enhancing product quality. Taguchi approaches are statistical methods established and developed by Dr.Genichi
Taguchi to improve the quality of manufactured products and in past few years it can also apply to engineering product (Rosa et al.
2009) ,biotechnology (Rao et al. 2008, Rao et al. 2004), marketing and advertising (Selden 1997) and can apply to another area also. Good
Taguchi method assists the professional statisticians to receive the goals and for obtaining improvements, particularly by Taguchi‟s
development of designs of experiments for studying variation in a process. After World War II, the Japanese manufacturers were tense to
continue with very limited resources in their organization. The main challenge of any mass production is variability and inconstancy in
production and products. The success in reducing variations. It will always simplify the manufacturing processes; reduce scrap and defects
and lower costs of production. (Box and Bisgaard 1988). The main intention in the Taguchi method is to design robust systems that are more
reliable and consistent under uncontrollable conditions with an overall goal to improve quality of a product. (Taguchi 1978, Byrne1987 and
Phadke1989).The method aims to adjust the various design parameters of the process.
In this method, main importance and thrust was given to the process of creative brainstorming and thinking to reduce the expenditure and
cost of resources utilized for production. It was found that that poor quality of any product cannot be improved by the vario us inspection
methods, acceptance sampling method, screening, and salvaging. Various expense and volume of inspection cannot put quality back into the
product. So Taguchi thought that quality concepts should be based upon, and developed around, the thinking of prevention of poor quality
product rather than control it afterward by inspections on the main principle of prevention is better than cure to minimize defects and
improve quality.
Dr.Taguchi motivated to develop new methods to optimize the process of engineering experimentation called Design of experimentation
(DOE). Dr. Taguchi thought and developed the finest way to improvement in quality was to design and shape it into the product. He
established the methods which are now known as Taguchi Methods. His main involvement is not only in the mathematical formulation of the
design of experiments, but it includes in its connected thinking. His thoughts produced an exclusive and fundamental quality improvement
technique that changes from traditional methods He recognized manufacturing or production systems that were “robust” or insensitive to
daily and seasonal variations of surroundings, like machine or tool wear and other external factors for variation His techniques arise entirely
out of following ideas.
The concepts are:
1. Quality should be designed into the product stage earlier and not in inspection after manufacturing of the product so here think of quality
concept before manufacturing of a product.
2. Quality can better obtain by reducing the deviation from a target means desired specification and reducing rejections. The product should
design according to for good quality by protecting it from uncontrollable environmental and other disturbing factors.
3. The quality cost should be measured as a function of deviation from the standard and the losses should be measured in system-
Taguchi proposed a standard 8-step procedure for applying his method for optimizing any process in a process can be applied for sand
casting process in the foundry also.
Sep-3: In the third stage categorize the objective function to be optimized in the production process.
Step-4: Classify the control factors and their levels.
Step-5: Select the appropriate orthogonal array matrix for the various experiments.
Step-6: Conduct the various experiments.
Step-7: Investigate the data obtained; predict the optimum levels and performance.
Step-8: Complete the verification experiment and plan the future action.
The manufacturing processes mean casting in foundry set-up are multivariate in nature. Casting process in the foundry is also known as a
process of ambiguity. In completely controlled casting process also have defects in casting products which contests explanation about the
source of casting defects. The complexity and difficulty of the process are due to the involvement of the various areas of science and
engineering with casting. The cause of defects is not due to a single factor but it depends on the combination of several factors. So that DOE
(Taguchi Method) is used for analysis sand and other mold-related defects such as sand drops, sand fusion, extra material etc.
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January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Casting process, it involves a large number of parameters affecting the various casting quality features of the product. Green sand casting
provides adequate green strength to get dimensional stability and to provide an excellent surface finish in the product. There is a number of
various experimental investigations linking green sand casting parameters with casting quality have been carried out by researchers and the
foundry engineers over the past few years [park 1990]. It has been recognized and accepted that the design of green sand casting parameters
impacts casting quality. The casting process includes a large number of parameters that may affect the quality of castings. Some of these
parameters which affect the quality are controllable, while others are uncontrollable. (A. Kumaravadivela et al 2012).
For casting process in the foundry to perform research or innovation in the foundry environments, generally, there is no as such criteria
exist and experimentation at different values of input variables have been performed in hit and trail manner (McLeod, 2000). In observation
of a large number of factors which are accountable for casting defects in various steps of the process, the general statistical methods and
approach are not always given better results. (Dulluri and Raghavan, 2009). An alternate and well-designed pattern recognition methodology
are found to be suitable and correct for the metal casting-foundry related problems.
Taguchi method of design of experiments is used to optimize the process parameters in the casting process of the foundry. Results can be
analyzed using ANOVA technique to know the percentage of contribution of each casting process parameters. Various researchers try to
optimize the sand casting process parameters by conducting the analysis of variance (ANOVA) experiments on Taguchi's concept to
minimize the defects in the casting process. The Taguchi method with multiple performance characteristics can be used in the foundry for
obtaining a set of an optimal system in casting process and parameters based on the defined objectives.
The basic steps for achieving the above target are summarized below {Enright TP et al (1983) & Roy RK (1990)}
1. To select the important parameters that cause of variations in the quality characteristics of any product or process.
2. In the foundry casting defects have been selected as the most typical quality characteristics in the green sand or any other casting process,
because it is connected to many internal defects like sand blow holes, pinholes, scabs, metal penetration, mold shift, mold crack, sand drop,
cracks or another. The target of the green sand casting or any other process is to achieve “lower casting defects” while minimizing the effect
of uncontrollable parameters or factors.
3. Make casting process under the experimental conditions given by the chosen orthogonal array and parameter levels. Depending
upomBased on the experimental conditions, collect the data.
4. In an analysis of variance (ANOVA) table is created to decide the statistical significance and meaning of the parameters. Response graphs
are plotted to define the preferred level for each parameter.
5. After that optimum situation of the control parameters and prediction of the results of each of the parameters at their new optimum levels
is done.
6. Verification of the optimum settings is done with result anticipated like the decrease in the casting defects in the foundry.
In this paper total 16 different case study of casting The Foundry Company for critical examination DESIGN of experiment (doe) &
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for quality improvements through optimization in the foundry. All the case studies which are selected in this
paper are from established publications to show the real research The main aim of this study is to find out the benefits which Taguchi
methods with design of experiments and ANOVA in the foundry for quality improvement, For this Two different table are prepared for
critical analysis Table 1 shows Overview of Research papers with publications. Authors name case study. (Table-1) .Table -2 show various
parameter taken for optimization, tools/ methods used, a method used for deciding significate parameters, No of experiments and Level
Benefits/Result Achieved and Critical success factor achieved.
Table-1 General Overview of Case Industries (Foundries) with use of Taguchi method, Design of Experiment (DOE) &
ANOVA.(With their reference no in fourth column)
Sr no Title of Author Journal Name Publication Case Study and
Case Paper Type of Process
T-1 Optimization Rasik International Journal of The purpose of this paper is to optimize the sand
of Sand Upadhye & Engineering Research & casting process parameters of the castings
Casting Dr. Ishwar P Technology (IJERT) manufactured in the iron foundry by maximizing
Process Keswani Vol. 1 Issue 7, September – the signal to noise ratios and minimizing the noise
Parameter (Refrence-35) 2012.( factors using Taguchi method.
Method in
T-2 Taguchi John O. OJI, Leonardo Journal of Sciences An optimization procedure for sand casting process
Optimization Pamtoks H. Issue 23, July-December 2013 parameters based on the Taguchi method is
of Process SUNDAY, p. 1-12 described in this paper. While keeping other
Parameters Omolayo M. casting parameters constant, for aluminum alloy
on the PETINRIN, castings.
Hardness Adelana R.
and Impact ADETUNJI
Energy of (Refrence-11)
Alloy Sand
T-3 Optimization Kidu International Journal of This research is planned to optimize the sand
of Sand Geberecherko Engineering Trends and casting Process(Akaki Basic Metal
Casting s Technology (IJETT) – Volume- Industry )parameters of trash plate castings
JETIR1801035 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 186
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Process Weldeanenia 41 Number-8 – November 2016 manufactured from 46MnSi4 alloy steel in ferrous
Parameters Asmamaw metal
for Tegegne foundry applicable for roller stand of sugar
46MnSi4 Abebe industry.
Alloy Steel (Reference-
Trash 16)
for Roller
T-4 Determining A. Journal of the Chinese Institute This study determines optimization of sand casting
the optimum Kumaravadiv of Industrial Engineers.Vol. 29, process parameters using Taguchi‟s design of
green sand el U. No. 2, March 2012, 148–162 experiments method An attempt has been made to
casting Natarajan and obtain optimal level of the process parameters in
process C. order to generate the optimum quality
parameters Ilamparithia characteristics of the cast iron flywheel castings.
using (Reference-
Taguchi‟s 17)
T-5 Reduction Arun Basil IOSR Journal of Mechanical This paper aims at the reduction of casting defects
Of Casting Jacob, and Civil Engineering (IOSR- of a plate cylinder which is used in an offset
Defects Arunkumar JMCE) (ICETEM-2016) 278- printing machine to transfer ink from the inking
Using O.N 1684,p unit. Four variables are considered which directly
Taguchi (Refrence-3) affect the casting of the cylinder.
T-6 Application O¨mer Savas Materials and Design 28 (2007) In this paper a Taguchi design investigation has
of Taguchi‟s Ramazan 2224– been made into the relationship between the
methods to Kayikci microporosity and process variables in a sand cast
investigate (Reference- matdes A360 aluminum alloy.
some factors 23)
y formation
in A360
alloy casting
T-7 Elimination K. N. Anand Quality Engineering, 10(1), 9-16 An alloy steel foundry with a monthly capacity of
Of Porosity and A. K. (1997-98) 20 tones of casting was facing a chronic problem
In Steel Chaudhuri of porosity in one particular type of casting.
Casting: (Reference-
An 15)
l Approach
T- Optimization K S Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 216 Greek aluminum die casting company for die
8 of the Anastasiou Part B: J. B: J Engineering casting process to improve casting quality.
aluminum (Reference- Manufacture IMechE 2002
die casting 12-
based on the
T-9 Minimizatio Harvir Singh, International Journal of This case study is carried out to reduce casting
n of the Aman Kumar Engineering Science Invention defects at AV VALVE Pvt Ltd, Agra.
Casting (Refrence-10) Volume 5 Issue 12|December
Defects 2016 PP. 06-10
T-10 Numerical Zhizhong Journal of materials processing An optimization technique for design of gating
optimization Suna, Henry technology 1 9 9 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 256– system parameters of a cylindrical magnesium
of gating Hua, Xiang 264 casting based on the Taguchi method with multiple
system Chenb performance characteristics
parameters (Refrence-44) is proposed in this paper
a magnesium
alloy casting
JETIR1801035 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 187
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
T-11 Using sol- U. Nwaogu, International Journal of Cast This paper investigates the effect of using the sol-
gel T. Poulsen, B. Metals Research 2012 VOL 25 gel component as an additive to the foundry
component Gravesen and NO 3 coatings applied on chemically bonded sand cores.
as additive to N. Tiedje
foundry (Refrence-42)
coatings to
T-12 Optimization Ganesh G. International Journal of This paper, green sand casting process was
of Casting Patil, Dr. K. Engineering Development and optimized by using Taguchi method.
Process H. Inamdar Research(IJEDR )2014 |
Parameters (Refrence-9) Volume 2, Issue 2
T-13 Process Rajesh International Journal of This paper discusses application of Taguchi
Factor Rajkolhe, J. Research in Advent method in Green sand casting process.
Optimization G. Khan Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June
to Enhance (Refrence-27) 2014
Green Sand
Process by
.T-14 Determinatio K. N. Anand Total Quality Management, An exploratory study using statistical The
n of (Refrence-14) VOL. 9, NO. 7, 1998, 563 ± 572 experimental design was conducted considering 8
optimum variables to determine the optimum sand mix
sand mix for composition for manufacturing CO2 core.
CO2 core
T-15 Parametric Rathish Australian Journal of In this work, gray cast pump adapter casting
optimization Raghupathy Mechanical Engineering process in a foundry is optimized to produce
and & K.S. Australian Journal of quality at M/S Best Engineers Pumps Private
Solidificatio Amirthagades Mechanical Engineering Limited, Coimbatore and Indo Shell Cast Private
n analysis waran Limited.
of gray cast (Refrence-27)
using DOE
CAE – a
case study.
T-16 Investigation A. Johnson Overseas Foundry, China This Case Study Is Carried Out to find the
of ductile Santhosh and Foundry Vol.13 No. 5 optimized levels of various casting parameters in
iron casting A. R. September 2016 the ductile iron casting, various casting defects,
process Lakshmanan and the rejection rate were observed from a
parameters (Refrence-1) medium scale foundry.
JETIR1801035 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 188
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Table-2 showing SR.No, Various Analysis, and Description for each case study shown in Table-1
Sr No of Various Description for each paper/case study for column-2
paper Analysis for
case Critical
study Examination
Tools/Methods used Taguchi DOE method, Minitab, and ANOVA, CATIA V5 software
No of experiments and The experiment was initially designed using Taguchi L9 Orthogonal array
Level approach total level Three-(low medium and high)
Benefits/Result Optimum settings of the selected process parameters namely pouring time, runner
Achieved size and pouring temperature ware 82 seconds, 62cm2 and 1672 0Crespectively.
The contribution of factors was analyzed using ANOVA method and results
obtained are pouring time accounted equals 66.33% of the total effect, the runner
size 19.44% and pouring temperature was 6.27%.
Critical success factor Applied methods for determination of the casting defects and the optimum
achieved settings of factors were achieved successfully.
No of Factors/ Total 9 parameters (Moisture content, Permeability, Loss on ignition strength.
T-4 parameters(variables) Volatile content. Vent holes. Pouring time. Pouring temperature. Mold pressure
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding A cause-and-effect matrix is drawn to identify the casting process para The KPIVs
significate are listed on the left-hand side, While the key process output variables (KPOVs)
parameters are listed on the top right-hand side of the diagram meters with respect to key
process input variables (KPIVs).
Tools/Methods used ANOVA, DOE S/N Ratio Taguchi method
No of experiments and The total degree of freedom (DOF) for nine factors, each in three levels and two
Level second-order interaction, is Hence, a three-level OA, with at least 26 DOF, has to
be selected. The L27 OA having 26 DOF is selected for this study.
Benefits/Result In this study higher product yield can be obtained because, prior to the application
Achieved of the Taguchi method, the casting defects of the casting process were 7.703%,
and after the application of Taguchi's method, the casting defects of the casting
JETIR1801035 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 189
January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
process declines to 7.32% in this study. It shows the reduction in the average
percentage of rejection rate of sand casting process by 0.38% and process sigma
level of the company has increased to 3.68 from 3.47.
Critical success factor Improves the productivity of the castings Produced Taguchi‟s method has yielded
achieved optimized control factors, resulting in superior product quality and stability.
T-5 No of Factors/ 4 parameters Moisture content (%),Green Strength(g/cm2), Sand Particle
parameters(variables) size(AFS), Mould hardness (nu)
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding From detailed study, the four factors which can control almost all the defects were
significate found
Tools/Methods used Orthogonal array, Taguchi, ANOVA, MINITAB software
No of experiments and design matrix for the L9 array for four factors and three level
Benefits/Result The percentage rejection of the plate cylinders can be reduced to 3.40 % which is
Achieved a significant improvement in this case
Critical success factor Taguchi method is thus a cost-effective method which can be used in industry to
achieved reduce the wastage of cast parts with the existing industry resources
T-6 No of Factors/ Five factors Modification, Hydrogen level, Solidification Time, Filtering, Filling
parameters(variables) condition.
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding More practical significance of microporosity and from past experience for a
significate reliable design to produce high-quality aluminum cast parts above factor are taken
Tools/Methods used Design of experiments, Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
No of experiments and 8 experiments and two level
Benefits/Result Dissolved hydrogen level of the liquid alloy has important effect on the extent of
Achieved microporosity, but Results showed that the microporosity is overwhelmingly due
to the dissolved hydrogen (i.e. no traces of shrinkage porosity was observed) and
ranging between 0.04% and 1.72% within the castings
Critical success factor Taguchi method can be used to investigate the five well-known factors, which
achieved have been proposed to affect the microporosity formation, in a sand cast A360
aluminum alloy in a foundry.
T-7 No of Factors/ Total 15 Factors: - Fresh charge, Carbon in metal %, Chromium in metal
parameters(variables) Superheating time (min) furnace temperature ("C), Directions of molding,
Taken for case study Pseudofunctor nested in Machining allowance (mm), Chill, Core venting. Core
painting Choke area in gating system, Deoxidizer, Pouring rate/Grain size of
molding. Sand (AFS No.)
Method used for deciding Factors and their levels of the alloy steel casting porosity The experiment was
significate identified in a brainstorming session with the technical people concerned,
parameters including the chief executive of the plant.
Tools/Methods used Analysis of variance (ANOVA, Design of Experiment, Orthogonal array
No of experiments and Total 32 Experiments,2 level
Benefits/Result The porosity was reduced to less than lo%, as compared to 59-70% earlier. The
Achieved company has saved about Rs 0.10 million per annum.
Critical success factor An orthogonal array (OA) design developed by Taguchi was used to find a
achieved solution to this chronic problem. in steel casting porosity
T-8 No of Factors/ Total 5 parameters Holding furnace temperature (in degree C). Die temperature
parameters(variables) (Degree C), Piston velocity, ®rst stage (m/s), Piston velocity, second stage (m/s),
Taken for case study Hydraulic pressure (bar)
Method used for deciding An Ishikawa diagram (cause and effect diagram,) is constructed to identify the
significate casting process parameters that may affect the die casting porosity
Tools/Methods used L27 Orthogonal Array process parameters, S/N ratios, Taguchi method
No of experiments and Three-level Orthogonal array with 27 experimental runs was selected.
Benefits/Result Achieved The predicted mean estimation of casting porosity was calculated as 0.07119
percent with a confidence interval of between 0.06422 and 0.07817 percent
Critical success factor Considerable reduction in porosity formation can be obtained by Taguchi
achieved technique implementation in the die casting process
T-9 No of Factors/ Four parameters: - 1. Pouring Temperature (oC) 2. Sand Particle Size (AFS)
parameters(variables) 3.Mould Hardness Number 4. Permeability Number.
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding A model is also created for optimization of castings process through simulation
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significate and the major causes are predicted and its solutions are given by defect diagnostic
parameters approach.
Tools/Methods used MINITAB-17 statistical software, Taguchi Method
No of experiments and L9 Orthogonal Array
Benefits/Result These optimum solutions were applied on casting process and the calculated the
Achieved percentage rejection 4.416 of the products. Thus we could improve 1.25% in
casting defects.
Critical success factor For minimizing the casting defects using Taguchi's method through the change in
achieved various parameters like as pouring temperature, green strength, mold hardness and
T-10 No of Factors/ Three parameters Product yield (%) Shrinkage porosity (%)
parameters(variables) Filling velocity (cm/s)
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding Cylindrical housing model was used as the test sand casting to demonstrate the
significate parameters numerical optimization
Tools/Methods used Magmasoft, analysis of variance (ANOVA) signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio,
No of experiments and Experimental plan using L9 orthogonal array
Benefits/Result The product yield has decreased by 1.57%, the shrinkage porosity is decreased
Achieved by56.57% and the filling velocity is decreased by 58.05.
Critical success factor The Taguchi method with multiple performance characteristics
achieved has been demonstrated for obtaining a set of optimal gating system parameters
based on the defined objectives
T-11 No of Factors/ Three (3) parameters Sol-gel component S, Viscosity V. Dipping time D
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding Discussion and Brainstorming
Tools/Methods used Taguchi method, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), MAGMAsoft version 5
software, Design of Experiment (DOE)
No of experiments and L9 33 OA for three parameters at three levels (Total 9 Experiments)
Benefits/Result All the parameters (sol-gel component, viscosity and dipping time) contributed to
Achieved the reduction of the surface roughness of the castings.
Critical success factor Taguchi experimental design was adopted and applied in this investigation to
achieved elucidate the effects of three parameters at three levels on the target performance
Response (surface roughness).
T-12 No of Factors/ Mould hardness, Moisture Content (%), Permeability No, Green Compression
parameters(variables) Strength (gm/cm2 ) are the main parameters.
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding An Ishikawa diagram (cause and effect diagram) is created to identify the casting
significate process parameters that may influence green sand casting defects.
Tools/Methods used Taguchi method, DOE, analysis of variance (ANOVA
No of experiments and Taguchi based L18 orthogonal array (18 Experiments)Total -3 level
Benefits/Result Achieved Optimized process parameters of the green sand castings process which leads to
minimum casting rejection. The optimized parameter levels are mold hardness
number–90, moisture content–4.75%, green strength–1400 gm/cm2, and
permeability number–135.
Critical success factor The experiments give a clear picture of every factor‟s contribution to the variation
achieved in the green sand casting process, and the quality can be improved without
additional investment.
T-13 No of Factors/ Four(4) Parameters, Sand particle size(AFS), Mould hardness(NU), Green
parameters(variables) compressive Strength(gm/cm2), Permeability(NU)
Taken for case study
Method used for deciding Selection of the most significant parameters that affect quality characteristics is
significate done by analysis.
Tools/Methods used Taguchi Method, ANOVA, Design of Experiment(DOE),
No of experiments and Standard Orthogonal Array‟s L9 is used.
Benefits/Result With Taguchi optimization method the % acceptance of castings has increased
Achieved from 91.66% to 94.5, in this study.
Critical success factor Improvement in quality of green sand castings through process control, keeping
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Method used for deciding Process parameters that are found to be significant have the reasonable effect on
significate parameters the quality of pump adapter castings from observation and discussion.
Tools/Methods used DOE and CAE PROCAST simulation
No of experiments and Total 15 Experiments,
Benefits/Result Achieved The pump adapters produced during the confirmatory trials revealed no defects
and hence rejection rate in the pump adapter castings is highly reduced with DOE
and CAE tools.
Critical success factor The results of DOE, as well as CAE, have been recommended for implementation
achieved in industry that can produce shrinkage porosity-free castings.
No of Factors/ Total 7Parameters:- Pouring temperature (°C), Inoculation (wt. %), Carbon
T-16 parameters(variables) equivalent (%), Moisture content (%), Green compression strength (gm·cm2),
Taken for case study Permeability, Mould hardness are various parameters.
Method used for deciding The settings of the process parameters are determined by discussion using
significate Taguchi‟s experimental design method.
Tools/Methods used “MINITAB 17”. Software, Taguchi method, (ANOVA), S/N ratios
No of experiments and L-27 orthogonal array with 3-level settings so total 27 experiments
Benefits/Result The experiment results showed that with the optimized parameters, the rejection
Achieved rate was reduced from 16.98% to 6.07%.
Critical success factor An increase in inoculation results in a significant improvement in acceptance
achieved percentage of ductile iron castings.
Mold filling with the pouring of molten metal in a mold cavity and solidification processes of the various casting are simulated with the
various simulation software. The simulation results specified that gating system parameters considerably touch the quality of the casting. To
obtain the optimal process parameters of gating system, an orthogonal array, the signal to noise (S/N) ratio, and analysis of variance
(ANOVA) can be used to investigate the effect of various gating system designs on cavity filling and casting quality using a weighting
method. (Zhizhong Suna et al 2008).
Taguchi design with various experiments for different factors and levels and with help of various techniques like Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) can be performed on S/N (signal-to-noise) ratios to decide the statistical significance and contribution of each factor on the
surface roughness of the casting. Taguchi design can be used to investigate experimentally the effect of volume of casting, pouring
temperature of different materials and shell mold wall thickness on the surface roughness of the castings obtained by using ZCast direct
metal casting process. ( Munish Chhabra et al 2012).
Following conclusion can be drawn from above review study.
Taguchi method is originated on performing assessment or experiments to test the compassion of a set of response variables to a set
of control parameters (or independent variables) by in view of experiments in “orthogonal array” with an aim to get the optimum set
of the control parameters and it can be applied in casting process in the, foundry.
In the various research paper, casting defects are studied to find out the factors causing it. The reduction of defects was done by
optimizing the control variables or factors affecting the output. Taguchi method is the best accessible method to optimize the factors
and together with the help of analysis of variance the optimum control factors are also found out.
The casting process is very random and difficult to control before the application of Taguchi's technique due to large members of
parameters of the casting process, the product quality adversely affects due to variability problems. Taguchi's method has yielded
improved control factors, ensuring better product quality and constancy in casting process in the foundry for better quality.
Due to the application of Taguchi method higher product yield is obtained in casting process also because, prior to the application
of the Taguchi method, the casting defects of the casting process is found higher in the different case study. The reduction in
average percentage of rejection rate of sand casting process by application of Taguchi method and quality improvement is done.
In the various study, it can be seen that fractional factorial experiments using the orthogonal array layout accepted by Taguchi have
assisted in identifying as many critical material and process parameters in the casting process and their best levels for eliminating
the porosity and other defects in an alloy steel casting.
Taguchi method and the factor levels when optimized will result in the reduction of casting defects in the foundry and rise the yield
percentage of the accepted castings without any extra investments. A use of quality tools like Pareto chart is beneficial for finding
the major defects in the daily operations of the foundry. Quality of castings can be improved with reducing defect or rejection rate.
Design of Experiments (DOE) is a commanding statistical technique for determining the optimal factor setting of a process and
thereby obtaining improved process performance can be used in casting process in all the foundry also. It can be used for improving
quality and reducing a cost of production.
Taguchi method has been used for more than half century for the optimization of parameters of various production processes; but,
an examination of the various case study has discovered that there are, effective industrial applications of Taguchi-based
optimization approaches in determining the optimal settings of process variables for casting process in a foundry. Because of its
practicality and robust designing and optimizing the experiment.
Taguchi's experimental design to casting process in foundry process improves the productivity of the various castings products
produced and increase the stability of the casting process. Taguchi's experimental design yielded optimized control parameter
resulting in higher product quality and stability. The range of process parameters are also desired.
[1] A.Johnson Santhosh and A. R. Lakshmanan(2016) “Investigation of ductile iron casting process parameters using Taguchi approach
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[2] An Overview on Taguchi Method Shyam Kumar Karna Ph.D. Scholar, A.P. (Mech), ACME, Palwal Dr. Rajeshwar Sahai
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