Water in Air Calculator - Version 3

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Water In Air Calculator

The following performances are based on information received and are to be used for guidance only, When comparing the performance of different drying methods

Capacity (FAD) Capacity 159 cfm 75.0 Litres/ Sec 270.2 M3/Hour
Pressure (g) 102 psi (g) 7.0 bar (g)
Ambient Temperature 83 °F 28.3 °C
Load Factor 100 100% Air Usage 159 cfm 75.0 Litres/ Sec 270.2 M3/Hour
Weekly Hours 80
Weeks Per Annum 50 Annual operating hours 4000
Relative Humidity 64 64%

Water Con ten t in Co m pressed Air

Water Remaining in Compressed Air
Imperial Units
Gallons Gallons Comparison of Drying Methods
Drying Method Dewpoint
Week Annum 20,000.00 No Treatment

No Treatment 142°F 82.8 4138.1

After Cooler 101°F 27.3 1365.6
Deliquescent 90°F 20.0 999.2 16,000.00

Refrigerant 37°F 3.3 164.4

Desiccant -40°F 0.07 3.5
Metric Units
Litres Litres
Drying Method Dewpoint 10,000.00
Week Annum
No Treatment 61°C 376.2 18809.5
After Cooler
After Cooler 38°C 124.1 6207.3
Deliquescent 27°C 90.8 4542.0 6,000.00 Deliquescent

Refrigerant 3°C 14.9 747.4

Desiccant -40°C 0.3 16.0
2,000.00 Refrigerant
Dewpoint Dewpoint Ammount of Dewpoint Dewpoint
°C °F gr/m³ °C °F
-70 -94.00 0.0027919 -70 -94.00 Volume of water contained within incoming air
-69 -92.20 0.003 -69 -92.20 Air temperature before after cooler
-68 -90.40 0.004 -68 -90.40
-67 -88.60 0.004 -67 -88.60
-66 -86.80 0.005 -66 -86.80
-65 -85.00 0.006 -65 -85.00
-64 -83.20 0.006 -64 -83.20
-63 -81.40 0.007 -63 -81.40
-62 -79.60 0.008 -62 -79.60
-61 -77.80 0.010 -61 -77.80
-60 -76.00 0.011 -60 -76.00
-59 -74.20 0.013 -59 -74.20
-58 -72.40 0.014 -58 -72.40
-57 -70.60 0.016 -57 -70.60
-56 -68.80 0.018 -56 -68.80
-55 -67.00 0.021 -55 -67.00
-54 -65.20 0.024 -54 -65.20
-53 -63.40 0.027 -53 -63.40
-52 -61.60 0.003 -52 -61.60
-51 -59.80 0.034 -51 -59.80
-50 -58.00 0.038 -50 -58.00
-49 -56.20 0.043 -49 -56.20
-48 -54.40 0.048 -48 -54.40
-47 -52.60 0.054 -47 -52.60
-46 -50.80 0.061 -46 -50.80
-45 -49.00 0.068 -45 -49.00
-44 -47.20 0.077 -44 -47.20
-43 -45.40 0.086 -43 -45.40
-42 -43.60 0.096 -42 -43.60
-41 -41.80 0.107 -41 -41.80
-40 -40.00 0.119342 -40 -40.00
-39 -38.20 0.133 -39 -38.20
-38 -36.40 0.148 -38 -36.40
-37 -34.60 0.165 -37 -34.60
-36 -32.80 0.183 -36 -32.80
-35 -31.00 0.203 -35 -31.00
-34 -29.20 0.226 -34 -29.20
-33 -27.40 0.25005 -33 -27.40
-32 -25.60 0.277 -32 -25.60
-31 -23.80 0.306 -31 -23.80
-30 -22.00 0.339 -30 -22.00
-29 -20.20 0.374 -29 -20.20
-28 -18.40 0.413 -28 -18.40
-27 -16.60 0.455 -27 -16.60
-26 -14.80 0.502 -26 -14.80
-25 -13.00 0.553 -25 -13.00
-24 -11.20 0.608 -24 -11.20
-23 -9.40 0.668 -23 -9.40
-22 -7.60 0.734 -22 -7.60
-21 -5.80 0.806 -21 -5.80
-20 -4.00 0.88406 -20 -4.00
-19 -2.20 0.968 -19 -2.20
-18 -0.40 1.061 -18 -0.40
-17 1.40 1.161 -17 1.40
-16 3.20 1.270 -16 3.20
-15 5.00 1.388 -15 5.00
-14 6.80 1.515 -14 6.80
-13 8.60 1.654 -13 8.60
-12 10.40 1.804 -12 10.40
-11 12.20 1.965 -11 12.20
-10 14.00 2.140 -10 14.00
-9 15.80 2.329 -9 15.80
-8 17.60 2.533 -8 17.60
-7 19.40 2.753 -7 19.40
-6 21.20 2.991 -6 21.20
-5 23.00 3.247 -5 23.00
-4 24.80 3.522 -4 24.80
-3 26.60 3.818 -3 26.60
-2 28.40 4.137 -2 28.40
-1 30.20 4.480 -1 30.20
0 32.00 4.849 0 32.00
1 33.80 5.194 1 33.80
2 35.60 5.560 2 35.60
3 37.40 5.948 3 37.40
4 39.20 6.360 4 39.20
5 41.00 6.797 5 41.00
6 42.80 7.261 6 42.80
7 44.60 7.748 7 44.60
8 46.40 8.268 8 46.40
9 48.20 8.815 9 48.20
10 50.00 9.397 10 50.00
11 51.80 10.012 11 51.80
12 53.60 10.662 12 53.60
13 55.40 11.344 13 55.40
14 57.20 12.067 14 57.20
15 59.00 12.823 15 59.00
16 60.80 13.626 16 60.80
17 62.60 14.476 17 62.60
18 64.40 15.365 18 64.40
19 66.20 16.299 19 66.20
20 68.00 17.289 20 68.00
21 69.80 18.326 21 69.80
22 71.60 19.418 22 71.60
23 73.40 20.565 23 73.40
24 75.20 21.769 24 75.20
25 77.00 23.034 25 77.00
26 78.80 24.361 26 78.80
27 80.60 25.754 27 80.60
28 82.40 27.215 28 82.40
29 84.20 28.746 29 84.20
30 86.00 30.350 30 86.00
31 87.80 32.030 31 87.80
32 89.60 33.790 32 89.60
33 91.40 35.631 33 91.40
34 93.20 37.557 34 93.20
35 95.00 39.573 35 95.00
36 96.80 41.678 36 96.80
37 98.60 43.879 37 98.60
38 100.40 46.178 38 100.40
39 102.20 48.580 39 102.20
40 104.00 51.086 40 104.00
41 105.80 53.700 41 105.80
42 107.60 56.433 42 107.60
43 109.40 59.272 43 109.40
44 111.20 62.237 44 111.20
45 113.00 65.333 45 113.00
46 114.80 68.552 46 114.80
47 116.60 71.928 47 116.60
48 118.40 75.417 48 118.40
49 120.20 79.020 49 120.20
50 122.00 82.801 50 122.00
51 123.80 86.760 51 123.80
52 125.60 90.827 52 125.60
53 127.40 95.069 53 127.40
54 129.20 99.484 54 129.20
55 131.00 104.071 55 131.00
56 132.80 108.827 56 132.80
57 134.60 113.751 57 134.60
58 136.40 118.842 58 136.40
59 138.20 124.164 59 138.20
60 140.00 129.649 60 140.00
61 141.80 135.360 61 141.80
62 143.60 141.296 62 143.60
63 145.40 147.390 63 145.40
64 147.20 153.770 64 147.20
65 149.00 160.369 65 149.00
66 150.80 167.184 66 150.80
67 152.60 174.214 67 152.60
68 154.40 181.521 68 154.40
69 156.20 189.102 69 156.20
70 158.00 196.891 70 158.00
71 159.80 205.7232 71 159.80
72 161.60 214.40775 72 161.60
73 163.40 223.04208 73 163.40
74 165.20 231.6267 74 165.20
75 167.00 240.162 75 167.00
76 168.80 250.41127 76 168.80
77 170.60 260.60196 77 170.60
78 172.40 270.73465 78 172.40
79 174.20 280.80975 79 174.20
80 176.00 290.82782 80 176.00
81 177.80 302.7843 81 177.80
82 179.60 314.67346 82 179.60
83 181.40 326.49582 83 181.40
84 183.20 338.25198 84 183.20
85 185.00 349.9425 85 185.00
86 186.80 363.82477 86 186.80
87 188.60 377.62997 87 188.60
88 190.40 391.35873 88 190.40
89 192.20 405.01163 89 192.20
90 194.00 418.58932 90 194.00
91 195.80 434.59216 91 195.80
92 197.60 450.5073 92 197.60
93 199.40 466.3355 93 199.40
94 201.20 482.07748 94 201.20
95 203.00 497.73398 95 203.00
96 204.80 516.17065 96 204.80
97 206.60 534.5077 97 206.60
98 208.40 552.74585 98 208.40
99 210.20 570.8861 99 210.20
100 212.00 588.929 100 212.00
101 213.80 609.8529 101 213.80
102 215.60 630.66516 102 215.60
103 217.40 651.3668 103 217.40
104 219.20 671.9587 104 219.20
105 221.00 692.44165 105 221.00
106 222.80 716.3148 106 222.80
107 224.60 740.0623 107 224.60
108 226.40 763.68524 108 226.40
109 228.20 787.1846 109 228.20
110 230.00 810.5612 110 230.00
111 231.80 837.5171 111 231.80
112 233.60 864.3329 112 233.60
113 235.40 891.00995 113 235.40
114 237.20 917.54913 114 237.20
115 239.00 943.9516 115 239.00
116 240.80 974.31726 116 240.80
117 242.60 1004.5273 117 242.60
118 244.40 1034.5828 118 244.40
119 246.20 1064.4851 119 246.20
120 248.00 1094.2352 120 248.00
121 249.80 1129.726 121 249.80
122 251.60 1165.0372 122 251.60
123 253.40 1200.1702 123 253.40
124 255.20 1235.126 124 255.20
125 257.00 1269.9061 125 257.00
126 258.80 1304.512 126 258.80
127 260.60 1338.9448 127 260.60
128 262.40 1375.7065 128 262.40
129 264.20 1413.948 129 264.20
130 266.00 1451.9993 130 266.00
131 267.80 1493.5723 131 267.80
132 269.60 1534.9401 132 269.60
133 271.40 1576.1035 133 271.40
134 273.20 1619.2765 134 273.20
135 275.00 1664.9349 135 275.00
136 276.80 1710.37 136 276.80
137 278.60 1755.5837 137 278.60
138 280.40 1800.5774 138 280.40
139 282.20 1845.8402 139 282.20
140 284.00 1895.2594 140 284.00
ntained within incoming air 376.19
ore after cooler 245

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