Utilization of Plastic Bags in Pavement Blocks: Mohan D.M.S, Vignesh.J, Iyyappan.P, C.Suresh
Utilization of Plastic Bags in Pavement Blocks: Mohan D.M.S, Vignesh.J, Iyyappan.P, C.Suresh
Utilization of Plastic Bags in Pavement Blocks: Mohan D.M.S, Vignesh.J, Iyyappan.P, C.Suresh
Plastics are rapidly growing segment of the municipal solid waste. Disposal of waste materials including waste
plastic bags has become a serious problem. Amount of waste plastic bags being accumulated in 21st century
has created big challenges for their disposal. The waste plastics in house hold is large and increases with time.
In each country waste consumption is different, since it is unaffected by socioeconomic characteristics and
waste management programs, but the level of plastics in waste consumption is high. In order to overcome this
issue, we have to use it in effective way. This project is about recycling waste plastics into pavement blocks and
study their characteristics. Pavement blocks are perfect materials on the pathways and streets for simple laying
and finishing.Here the strength properties of pavement blocks comprising of waste plastics and the design
considerations for pavement block incorporating waste plastic bags is presented. It will be a boon to modern
society and environment. The main aim is to use the plastic nature in construction fields with limited additions.
It will be definitely a cost economical and can be applied in different forms.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
this paper the mix design followed based upon trial S.NO RATIO WORKABILITY STRESS
and error (P : F.A)
results upto which the design steps are adopted.
1 1/2:1 Poor 6
2 1/2:2 Fair 7
Types of plastic bags = PE, PP, PS,
Temperature of heating = 1400 F -1600 F 3 1:2 Good 10
Exposure condition = Moderate
Degree of supervision = Good 4 1:3 Excellent 12
Size of fine aggregate = 1.7mm
Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.65 Table 4.4.2 b) Mix possessing Quarry
Specific gravity of PS = 1.05 dust added in %
Specific gravity of PB = 0.6
Specific gravity of PP = 0.9-0.92 S.NO RATIO QUARRY STRESS
Specific gravity of LDPE = 0.91-0.93 ( P : F.A)
Specific gravity of HDPE = 0.96-0.97 DUST N/mm2
In %
when plastic is heated at 1400 to 16 00 F it is melted 1 1:3 10 12
into a liquidform and this liquid is calculated into a 2 1:3 20 13
ml. if 1/2 kg of plastic bags is heatedupto a 450ml
of liquid is obtained. similarly the mix proportion 3 1:3 30 15
of plasticratio is denoted by liquid(ml).
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
2. Trial 2 11 14 15
3. Trial 3 12 13 14
Size of the cube = 50mm×50mm×50mm method to determine the tensile strength of paver
block. The Paver block is very weak in tension due
Ratio of mix with quarry dust of 30%
to its brittle nature and is not expected to resist the
( P : F.A) =1:3
direct tension. The Paver block develops cracks
when subjected to tensile forces. Thus, it is
necessary to determine the tensile strength of
specimen to determine the load at which the Paver
3days 7days 14days
1. Trial 1 14 15 16
2. Trial 2 13 14 14
3. Trial 3 14 15 15
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1 Trial 1 10 15 15
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Size of the cube=50mm×50mm×50mm
Chloride attack is particularly important because its
Ratio of mix with quarry dust of 30% primarily causes corrosion of reinforcement. The
( P : F.A) =1:3 BIS earlier specified the max chloride content in
binder as 0.05%. But it has been revised that the
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1 A 750 720 4
From the above study, the analysis
concluded that the waste plastics can be used in the
pavement block production. This modified
pavement block is applicable in the construction of
rigid pavements. The block consists of quarry dust,
fine aggregate, plastics out of which the fine
aggregate and quarry dust percentage is 60 to 70
and from the above observation it is computed to
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
use 20% recycled plastics, which does not affect (5)C K Subramania Prasad, Benny Mathews
the properties of block. Abraham,“Plastic fibre reinforced soil block as a
(a) The compressive strength of modified sustainable building material” in the year 2012.
pavement block are as equal as conventional block. (6)Vishal kumar, Dr.A.K.Mishra, “Utilization of
(b) The cost of construction will be waste material in pavement blocks” in the year
reduced and also helps to avoid the general 2016.
disposal technique of waste plastics namely, land (7)S.Vanitha,V.Natarajan and M.Praba,“Utilization
filling and incineration which have certain burden of waste plastics as a partial replacement of coarse
on ecology. aggregate in concrete blocks” in the year 2015.
(c) By using the plastics in pavement (8)S F Wong,“Use of recycled plastic in a
block, reduces the weight up to 15%. pavement system” in the year 2010.
(d) We also find that plastic pavement (9)P.Turgut and E.S.Yahlizadeconduct a parametric
block is economical and has several advantages trial study for reducing paver blocks utilizing fine
and coarse waste glass.
when compared to the concrete pavement block.
(e) Lastly the strongly conclude the use of
recycled plastics in pavement block is the best
option for the disposal of plastic and ultimately
reduces plastic pollution in the environment.
(1)Miss Apurva J Chavan, “Use of plastic waste in
flexible pavements” in the year 2013.
(2)Bahia Rabehi, Brahim Safi, and
Rabahchaid,“Use of Recycled plastic bag waste in
construction field”in the year 2014.
(3)Dr.R.Kumutha and Dr.K.Vijai,“Use of waste
material in paver blocks” in the year 2015.
(4)Satish Parihar, PramodPatil, Hemraj R
Kumavat,“Recycled plastic used in concrete paver
block” in the year 2010.