DTA Sales Manual Version 2.0 PDF
DTA Sales Manual Version 2.0 PDF
DTA Sales Manual Version 2.0 PDF
DTA Sale
Version 2.0
Note: This document is intended for use by existing SEZ units for the purpose of submitting Bill
of Entry on behalf of DTA units when there is a DTA Sale or Deemed Export transaction. The
document describes the process of preparation & submission of Bill of Entry in case of a DTA
Sale through SEZ online system.
Here, all the processes/features mentioned for DTA Sale transactions are applicable for
Deemed Export transaction as well.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2 User Roles ............................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Preparation of DTA Sale document ...................................................................................................... 3
4 Additional Features ............................................................................................................................. 25
5 Workflow of DTA Sale/Deemed Export .............................................................................................. 27
6 Payment of Transaction ...................................................................................................................... 33
7 Printing of DTA Sale through SEZ Online System ................................................................................ 33
8 Amendment of DTA Sale/Deemed Export .......................................................................................... 37
9 Cancellation of DTA Sale/Deemed Export .......................................................................................... 37
10 Advance Duty Payment ................................................................................................................... 37
A Unit may sell goods and services to a Domestic Tariff Area (DTA)entity on payment of
applicable Custom& Excise duties. The buyer entity (DTA) shall file for DTA Sale/Deemed
Export transaction along with the required documents with the Customs officials of the
However, the SEZ unit may also file for the DTA Sale/Deemed Export transaction on
behalf of the DTA unit on the basis of authorization from the DTA unit itself. This
transaction involves selling the goods to a business unit in physical territory of India.
Generally this is a dutiable (duty payment) transaction but it may involve sales to an
EOU Unit (Deemed Exports) where duty may be foregone based on Rewarehousing
Completion. This also involves transactions under Rule 53 which are although sales in
the domestic territory but are treated as positive from the perspective of net foreign
exchange earnings.
The following are the steps required for preparation and submission of DTA
Sale/Deemed Export transactions to Customs office:
Preparation of DTA Sale/Deemed Export by the Entity Maker or Customs House
Agent (CHA) and its submission to the Entity Approver
Implementing a Maker-Checker concept, the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document
prepared by Entity Maker/CHA will be verified by Entity Approver, after which it is
submitted to Customs office by using a digital signature certificate.
After submission to Customs, obtain the print copies of the DTA Sale/Deemed Export
document from the SEZ Online application and submit the same to the Customs
office along with the necessary supporting documents (e.g. invoice, advance licenses
Depending upon the nature of the DTA Sale/Deemed Export transaction, the
assessing officer will assess the request either with duty or without duty
o If the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document is assessed with duty, then it is
sent to the Unit side for entering the Challan/License details. On entering the
required details, the document is then submitted to the Preventive Officer
for verification of consignment and Challan/License details.
o If the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document is assessed without duty, then it is
sent to the Preventive Officer for verification of consignment
For more information regarding sales to DTA Unit, kindly refer Rule 47 of Special
Economic Zones Rules 2006 made under Special Economic Zones Act 2005.
Following user are involved in the processing of DTA Sale/Deemed Export transaction:
From Entity
o Entity Maker/CHA (SEZ Unit / Developer / Co – Developer)
o Entity Approver (Authorized Signatory for the Entity)
From Customs
o Appraiser (Customs Assessor)
o Preventive Officer
o Specified Officer Development Commissioner
o Preventive Officer (Custom Ops User)
For detailed information and steps regarding user creation and role assignment, kindly
refer the manual for ‘User Management’.
The Entity Maker or CHA user prepares a DTA Sale/Deemed Export request and submits
it to the Entity Approver user, who verifies/checks the correctness of the request before
submitting it to Customs office.
To allow the Entity Maker/CHA user to file for DTA Sale/Deemed export transactions,
Unit Admin has to assign the functionality of “DTA Sale” to the user. On assignment of
the “DTA Sale” functionality, user will be provided with a link named “DTA Sales”. On
clicking on this link, DTA Sale form will be opened.
The basic information regarding the nature of the transaction is entered in this tab.
On entering the data in the DTA Sale details section and clicking on SAVE button, a
unique request ID (12 digit numeric) for that particular transaction is generated.
The format of the request ID is “26YYXXXXXXXX”.
“26” is the code representing a DTA Sale/Deemed export transaction
“YY” are the last two digits of the current year
“XXXXXXXX” is the unique number.
Also, on saving the DTA Sale details section, the remaining tabs are shown on the
screen along with an additional section “Other details” at the bottom of the DTA
Sale details tab.
The Shipment related details of the transaction are captured in this tab.
b. Transportation Details –
In “Transportation Details” section, we enter the information related to the
physical attributes of the consignment.
b. Invoice List –
In this section, we have to enter the details pertaining to the invoice (e.g. Invoice
value, Invoice currency, Invoice date, Buyer details etc.).
User is also allowed to enter details of multiple invoices. User can do so by
clicking the ADD button of the Invoice details grid, after which the ‘Add Invoice
Details’ section will re-open, allowing user to enter the details of the new
User enters the details of the items of the consignment in this tab.
User enters the duty details of the consignment in this tab. These duty details are
entered item-wise.
a. Goods Details –
In this section, details such as whether Abatement is applicable, Unit code,
Customs Tariff Heading (CTH), Central Excise Tariff Heading (CETH) etc. are
entered item-wise.
Tips: For entering the CTH/CETH, use the search picker. The Search Picker will display only the CTH/CETH
applicable in the system
b. Duty Details -
The duty components are divided into 5 broad categories as Customs Duty,
Additional Customs Duty, Central Excise Duty, Additional Central Excise Duty and
Other Duties.
While preparing the DTA Sale, the user enters all the details of the Invoice(s) e.g. invoice
value, invoice type (CIF/FOB/CI/CF) etc. The user also specifies the details of every
item(s) of the invoice e.g. the product value of the item, the CTH & CETH classification
code of the item etc. Further, the user also furnishes the duty details applicable on the
item in the ‘Item Duty Details’ tab.
After entering all the details, the user can click on the ‘Show Calculations’ link to view
the assessable value and duty calculation done by the SEZ online system. On this page,
the user can view all the calculation details item wise. If there is more than one item in a
DTA Sale, a list of all the items of the DTA Sale is displayed at the top most section of the
page. The user can select any item to view the assessable value of the item and various
duty amounts associated.
After reviewing the details, the user may close the ‘Show Calculations’ page and return
to the request page. The user can again make any changes in the contents of the DTA
Sale. This facility/link is specifically provided to the users to enable the users to review
the calculation aspects of their DTA Sale/Deemed Export documents before submitting
it to the Customs officials.
In the Show Calculations screen, there are two sections which display the duty
amountsof the request component-wise, viz., ‘System Generated’ and ‘User Entered’. In
the ‘User Entered’ section, all the amounts/rate entered by the user is shown. In the
‘System Generated’ section, the system will auto-calculate the duty amount based on
the CTH, CETH and the notification number and serial number from the system’s master
SEZ Online Manual Page 15
(which are updated and maintained as per the masters provided by CBEC). This value is
calculated when the request is submitted.
There could be discrepancies in these two sections as user might enter values which are
not present in the system’s masters or the duty amount/rate entered by the user
conflicts with the value present in the masters. The user can compare the duty amounts
for all components and identify where the discrepancy lies, if any.
For information regarding duty abatement, kindly referto Rule 49 of SEZ Rules 2006..
Tip: After preparing the DTA Sale document, visit the Show Calculations page to check the system
calculated Assessable Value and Duty Amount of each of the items.
C. Confirmation Screen:
After preparation of the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document& after reviewing the
calculations associated through the Show calculations link, as the user clicks on the
‘Submit’ button, a confirmation screen is displayed to the user. In the confirmation
page, the contents of the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document are displayed in the
notified format.
The user may either confirm or cancel the submission of the DTA Sale using the buttons
provided in this page. Further, please note that the user may also print a trial copy of
the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document by clicking on “Print Trial” through this page.
I think we may provide an exact format of the print with details of the variations
appearing in various copies.
Tip: Before submitting to Customs, check the Print Trial to see whether all the details are correctly
entered in the request
D. General Instructions:
i. After entering details of each tab, the save button has to be clicked to save the
information entered.
ii. The fields marked with a red asterisk mark “*” are mandatory. The DTA
Sale/Deemed Export document cannot be submitted without entering information
in the mandatory fields.
iii. On the basis of the information entered by the user, the system calculates the
assessable value and duty applicable. The assessable value and duty calculated by
the system can be viewed by clicking on the show calculations link.
iv. A unique request id will be generated by the system as the Entity Maker user or CHA
user clicks on the ‘Save’ button for the first time. The DTA Sale can be tracked in
future by using this request ID.
Single file upload functionality allows user to upload a text file, which contains details of
a single DTA Sale transaction, to create a DTA Sale request.
Batch file upload functionality allows user to enter the details of multiple requests into
single text file. This facilitates the user to upload only a single text file for creation of
multiple DTA Sale requests.
Tip: For quick request creation, users can use RES/Batch upload.
ii. After login, click on the link called as “DTA Sales ->File Upload’ (as indicated in the
screen shot below).
iii. With the help of the browse button, select the text file (.be file)
iv. Now, depending upon the type of text file selected, select either the option “Single”
for single file upload or select the option “Multiple” for batch file upload and click on
UPLOAD button
v. For single file upload, on successful upload, message is displayed to the user and a
DTA Sale generated in SEZ Online system and a unique request id is allotted to it.The
request may be viewed by clicking on the inbox. Modifications required (if any) may
be done by the user before submission.
vi. For batch file upload, after clicking on UPLOAD button, a token number will be
generated and shown to the user. This token can be used to track the status of the
uploaded file. The requests of the text file which are correct in terms of data entry
and Validations / Remarks will directly be submitted in the inbox of its Entity
Approver. This is time efficient for the user, as compared to opening each uploaded
request from the Inbox and submitting it to the Entity Approver one at a time (Batch
upload allows submission of maximum of 100 requests or text file size of 2MB). The
requests which have data entry errors or fails one or more Validations / Remarks are
created and kept in the Inbox of the Entity Maker/CHA user.
To check the status of the requests of the text file, there is a link labeled “Check Bulk
Upload Status”. On clicking the link, the user will be shown the status screen. Here
the user can either search for the request by selecting the date of uploading or by
entering the token number.
If the upload is still in progress, then the status will be shown as “IN PROGRESS”.
If all the requests of the text file are successfully uploaded, then the status will be
shown as “SUCCESSFUL”.
If one or more requests of the text file contain errors, then the status will be shown
To view the list of errors, click on the link “View” in the column “Error Summary”.
F. Item Upload
If a DTA Sale/Deemed Export transaction has large number of items, then it would be a
very tedious and time consuming activity to enter the details of each of the items
manually. Therefore, SEZ Online application provides a provision to the user where the
user can enter all the details regarding the items in an excel file, and then can create a
text file from excel. This text file can be uploaded across a particular invoice to which
G. Template Upload
Users have an option to upload .xls and .pdf files through the Upload template file link.
This is generally used to upload copy of Invoice, packing lists and certificates if any used.
User can upload a file maximum up to 10 times for a particular request and the
maximum size of file that can be uploaded should be upto 2 MB.
The External Remarks can be viewed by all the users i.e., Unit and Customs. But the internal
remarks entered by Unit users will not be visible to Customs users and vice-versa.
When a request is opened through quick processing screen, then user is not required to accept
that request as it would be automatically accepted.
Quick Processing screen is only available to Customs Users i.e.: Customs Assessor, Authorized
Officer, Customs Approver and Customs Ops User.
The user has to enter the request ID and click on SEARCH. On clicking SEARCH, the
system will show a tree structure where the user names of all the users, who have
processed the request, will be shown.
On expanding the tree for a particular user, all the files which were digitally signed by
that user will be shown.
This can used to view/verify the data at the time when the user submitted the request
with digital signature.
Fig: Screenshot of the ‘View Digitally Signed Files’ screen showing the user IDs
Customs Assessor has the following options(can you give the actual drop-down options)
Assess the request with/without duty(Approved with Duty/Approved with Duty
Raise a query on the request (Raise Query)
Raise a misuse-incident on the request (Misuse Incident)
Send the request for First Check(First Check Request)
i. Assess the request with/without duty
If Customs Assessor assesses the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document with duty,
then the request is sent to Unit side for entering Challan/License details. After
entering the Challan/License details by Unit, the request is then sent to Preventive
Officer for ‘Out-Of-Charge’ of the goods.
If Customs Assessor assesses the DTA Sale/Deemed Export document without duty,
then the request is sent to Preventive Officer for ‘Out-Of-Charge’ of the goods.
Submit Submit
s s
Approved with
Forward to Entity Maker Duty
Submit Submit
s s
Sendback payment
Forward Query Query
Query Response
First Check
First Check
Completed /
Discrepancy CUSTOMS
Approved and OOC
without Duty
For more information regarding process flow for DTA Sale transaction, kindly refer the
SEZ Act 48.
On signing the Digital Signature Certificate on the Confirmation Screen, Entity Approver
will be asked to make a payment of transaction charge.
User has to avail Account deposit scheme for the purpose of payment of transaction
charges. Payment has to be made to this account by Entity Approver user. Entity
Approver user can top-up any amount to this account. The payment to this account can
be made either through Cheque or Demand draft or through online payment gateway.
When Entity Approver selects a mode of payment and clicks on “Pay” and then on
“Confirm” option, request gets submitted to the Customs Assessor. The message
“Request submitted successfully” is displayed to the user.
For more information regarding payment process/steps, kindly refer the manual for
“SEZ Online - Payments”.
SEZ Online application provides the facility to user to take print-out of Original,
Duplicate, Triplicate, Quadruplicate and Quintuplicate copies. On clicking the PRINT
button in the User Interface, user is provided with a dialog which contains checkboxes
for the above mentioned print copies. Depending upon the checkboxes selected, the
print for those copies will be shown.
User is also provided a facility to take printout in consolidated format. In this format, all
the items with some matching data values will be logically grouped together in the main
copy of the print-out. The details of these individual items will be attached at the end of
A. User can take the print-out of a request either from the Inbox or from the Search
Request screen.
To take the print-out from the Inbox, the request has to be present in the Inbox of
the user. User has to open the request from his Inbox and then click on the PRINT
button shown at the bottom of the screen.
To take the print-out from Search Request screen, the user has to search the request
by entering either its request ID of selecting the type of transaction (i.e. “DTA Sale”).
On clicking the PRINT button, User is asked to select which copies which are
required. Only the copies that that ticked will be printed.
User is allowed to take the print-out of the request, once the request is submitted to
the Customs. However, in the case where the request is pending at Unit side for
query resolution, the PRINT button will not be shown to the user (Unit as well as
B. Printing Trial copy before submitting the DTA Sale/Deemed Export form to Customs