Passive Radio Sensor Systems: Habilitationsschrift
Passive Radio Sensor Systems: Habilitationsschrift
Passive Radio Sensor Systems: Habilitationsschrift
eingereicht an der
Technischen Universität Wien
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik
Alfred Pohl
Hochgasse 4
2130 Mistelbach
Die Habilitationsschrift besteht aus einer unveröffentlichten Einführung in die Funksensorik
und dem zum Druck in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency
Control erschienenen Übersichtsartikel, A. Pohl, "A Review of Wireless SAW Sensors", [ 1 ].
Weitere Teile der Arbeit sind ausgewählte Publikationen zum Thema. Die in [ 1 ] in den
Abschnitten 7 (Discussion) und 8 (Conclusion) erzielten Ergebnisse gelten auch für die
Gesamtheit der vorliegenden Arbeit.
Durch die hohe Verfügbarkeit elektronischer Regelschaltungen in der Industrie gewinnt die
Sensortechnik immer mehr an Bedeutung. Im Dezember 1998 wird in einer industrienahen
Veröffentlichung [ 2 ] festgestellt, daß die Wachstumsrate der Sensorik die höchste innerhalb
aller elektrotechnischen Fachbereiche ist. Von einfachen Industrieerzeugnissen bis hin zu
komplexen Systemen, von der Waschmaschine bis zum Kernkraftwerk, ist Sensorik und
Regelungstechnik entscheidend für sicheren, wirtschaftlichen und umweltverträglichen Betrieb.
Am Eingang des Überwachungs- bzw. Regelungssystems stehen die Sensoren, die als Wandler
eine mechanische, thermische, chemische, usw., Meßgröße (engl.: measurand) in einen
elektrischen Wert umformen. Dieser wird in der folgenden Signalverarbeitungs-schaltung
(meist digital) aufbereitet und zur Steuerung der Maschine bzw. des Prozesses herangezogen.
nicht bekannt.
Insgesamt ist das Ziel der Arbeit, einen Überblick über die bekannten und neuen passiven
Funksensorsysteme zu geben, wobei das Hauptgewicht auf die umfassende Quantifizierung der
durch den Funkkanal, die Abfragesysteme und die verschiedenen Auswerteverfahren
auftretenden Fehler gelegt wird. Einflüsse durch Signalinterferenz und bestimmte
Rauschquellen im Radiokanal, die bei der Anwendung auftreten, werden untersucht,
notwendige, einzuhaltende Randbedingungen werden angegeben.
Es zeigt sich bei der Auswertung, daß für schnell sich ändernde Meßgrößen breitbandige
Abfrageimpulse anzuwenden sind (in der Arbeit mit time domain sampling, TDS, bezeichnet).
Eine Genauigkeitssteigerung bzw. Reduktion des Meßfehlers läßt sich hier nur mit integrativen
Signalauswertemethoden erzielen. Eine höhere Genauigkeit erreichen von sich aus die
Frequenzbereichsverfahren (frequency domain sampling, FDS), bei denen die Sensorantwort
mit relativ langen schmalbandigen Signalen der Funkabfrage im Frequenzbereich abgetastet
Im einzelnen wurden Temperaturmessungen an Bremsscheiben von Eisenbahnfahrzeugen, an
Stahlkonvertern und an Maschinenteilen im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung, Messung des
Luftdruckes in KFZ Reifen, Messungen des Kraftschlusses zwischen Reifen und Fahrbahn,
verschiedene Messungen von Schwingungen und Beschleunigungen (z.B. Verzögerung eines
Dartpfeiles), Messung des Kolbenringverschleißes, Drehmomentmessungen an Antriebswellen,
u.v.a.m. durchgeführt. Einige Anwendungen und Auswerteverfahren sind Gegenstand von in
Patenten festgehaltenen eigenen Erfindungen. Für alle diese Anwendungen lassen sich ein auf
das Sensorsystem abgestimmtes Pegeldiagramm und die daraus mit den Methoden der
Nachrichtentechnik ermittelbaren Meßfehler angeben.
Schwerpunkte der Arbeit werden bei der Systemtechnik, der Schaltungstechnik zur
Signalverarbeitung und der Analyse von Fehlerquellen und ihres Einflusses gesetzt. Neben
einer überblicksmäßigen Einteilung der Systeme und Verfahren wird versucht, an Hand der
Ergebnisse konkreter Beispiele quantifizierbare Aussagen zu machen. Einige experimentell
demonstrierte Anwendungen sind in beigeschlossenen Publikationen dargestellt.
Als "sonstige Arbeiten" sind die Arbeiten an einem low-cost Chirp- Bandspreiz-
Übertragungsverfahren angeführt. Es wurden Untersuchungen zum Systemdesign wie auch
zum Funkkanal durchgeführt. Die Übertragungseigenschaften wurden mit Hilfe von
Simulationen wie auch experimentell überprüft. Um einen sicheren Betrieb im 2.45 GHz ISM
Band gewährleisten zu können, wurde vom Autor ein Verfahren zur schnellen adaptiven
Störunterdrückung erfunden und theoretisch wie auch im Experiment verifiziert [ 3 ], [ 4 ].
Entsprechende internationale Patente wurden von unserem Forschungspartner Siemens
Schweiz angemeldet [ 5 ], [ 6 ].
Weitere "sonstige Arbeiten" betreffen Untersuchungen und experimentelle Verifikation von
schnellen adaptiven Chirp Transformations- Spektralanalysatoren mit extrem breitbandigen
Signalkompressoren [ 7 ], [ 8 ].
The "Habilitationsschrift" consists of an unpublished introduction to radio sensors and of the
review paper, A. Pohl, "A Review of Wireless SAW Sensors", [ 1 ], published in IEEE
Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, in March 2000. Further
parts of this thesis are six selected publications dealing with this topic. The discussion (chapter
7) and the conclusion (chapter 8) of [ 1 ] are applicable for this thesis too.
Due to its high availability, sensor technology is of rapidly growing importance. In December
1998, an industry related publication mentions its growing rates to be the highest in electrical
engineering market [ 2 ]. More and more processes and procedures in everyday life as well as
in industries, a washer in the household as well as a nuclear power plant, are controlled
electronically, enabled by and depending on the sensor technology. Control circuits provide a
secure, economical and ecological operation. The sensors are the front end components of all
control systems. They operate as an interface, converting the mechanical, thermal, chemical,
etc. parameters to observe (i.e. the measurands), into electrically readable quantities. The
sensors are read out by sensor systems, delivering the information about the measurand for
process control to computers, displays and actuators. These readout systems can span from
Wheatstone resistor bridges to highly sophisticated data transmission and signal processing
The current work gives an overview of known and new passive radio sensor principles. It
concerns the passive radio transponder sensors, the principles of readout and the circuits
employed. For the radio sensors is distinguished between linear and non linear devices and
between units with and without energy storage capability. The outstanding advantage of these
sensor devices, especially of the surface acoustic wave (SAW) type is their passive operation.
Since no active components, no capacitors and no batteries are employed, the effect of aging
almost vanishes and they are capable of operation in hazardous environmental conditions.
Then, it is focused to the system engineering, to the signal processing employed and to the
sources of errors. The main emphasis is focused to the comprehensive quantification of the
occurring errors due to the radio transmission and the sensor signal processing methods.
Effects of noise and interference are investigated, boundary conditions for operation are given.
It is shown, that for the evaluation of rapidly changing measurands, wideband interrogation (a
time domain sampling, TDS) utilizing wideband signals is applicable only. The energy contents
of the signals is rather small and therefore the accuracy of measurement via larger distances
only can be ensured utilizing integrative signal processing. For quasistationary measurands,
also a narrow band frequency domain sampling (FDS) is applicable, inherently including more
signal energy to achieve a better performance without further measures.
To provide a reliable and accurate readout, an optimized radio interrogation and signal
processing technique is required. Therefore, the properties of the radio transmission channel,
disturbed by noise and interference have to be considered.
Since the passive radio sensors and ID tags are under research and development for a few
years only, a comprehensive description was not available up to now.
During our research concerning passive SAW radio sensors, many applications have been
verified experimentally. Temperature measurements at brake discs, at machine parts, at steel
converters, etc., have been performed as well as the measurement of car tire pressure and of
the friction between the tire and the road surface. Further investigations have been done
experimentally proving the wireless measurement of mechanical vibration and acceleration and
the wear of the wear rings in industrial compressors. These applications and methods partly are
the contents of Austrian, German and international patents.
As "other work", publications dealing with low cost chirp spread spectrum systems are
attached to the Habilitationsschrift. The work is based on channel measurements and system
engineering, e.g. for wireless local area network (WLAN) terminals. To reduce the effect of
co-channel interference, a fast adaptive interference cancellation method was invented by the
author and has been investigated theoretically and experimentally [ 3 ], [ 4 ]. Corresponding
international patents have been applied by our industrial partner Siemens Switzerland [ 5 ], [ 6
Additional "other work" concerns Chirp-Transform real-time spectrum analyzers. Here,
adaptive systems, employing wideband compressors have been investigated [ 7 ],[ 8 ].
I thank the head of our laboratory and my fatherly friend, Prof. Franz Seifert for an almost
infinite number of discussions and scientific advice. I also gratefully acknowledge the support
by stimulating discussions with Dr. L Reindl, Dr. C.C.W. Ruppel and W.E. Bulst, from
Siemens ZT KM 1, Munich, Germany. Further, I thank all colleagues, especially Dr. G.
Ostermayer, R. Steindl, Ch. Hausleitner and M. Brandl, and all diploma students,
accompanying the activities for several years.
Last but not least, I want to thank my family, my wife Veronika, my sons Alfred and Thomas
and my daughter Veronika, for bearing a lot of absence of husband and father.
1. Introduction - Fundamentals of Radio Sensors
A sensor delivers information about its physical, electrical, chemical, etc., state or its
environmental conditions. This also can be the one bit information about the presence of a
device or an identification number. In our terminology, we do not distinguish between
identification purposes and measurement of a certain measurand, initially. Identification is
treated as a measurement with a data decision instead of a readout of measurement result. In
other words, the readout information is classified in intervals of discrete valid data. For simple
identification (ID) systems this decision is deduced from the signal amplitude with a threshold
For a wide variety of sensor applications, a wired connection between the sensor and the
evaluation unit is impractical or cannot be established at all. Collector rings with brushes, e.g.
cause additional mechanical and electrical problems (i.e. signal-noise etc.) and make these
methods viable for test system use only. Therefore, wireless methods to gain the information
have to be employed.
Apart from optical systems, e.g. bar code labels for product ID in every department store,
smart radio sensors came into use. In a few years, they supplanted the bar code tags in
industrial environments and opened a lot of consumer applications. Today, entrance control
and billing systems (e.g. the Austrian Ski Data System) are established employing smart
electronic ID labels and a radio frequency (RF) radio link for communication between sensor
and tag.
Only for the zero-price application of the article numbering, bar code labels printed e.g. onto
the label of the milk bottle and read out optically at the cash desk are still unrivaled. (These
well known systems are not discussed here.)
Another well known low cost application is the theft alarm in department stores. Here, passive
one-bit wireless radio ID systems have been implemented successfully.
1.1 Radio sensors
A radio sensor system generally employs a radio interrogation unit and one or more distant
sensors. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of such systems.
radio request
electrical radio
evaluation unit sensor
sensor response
up link
Figure 1: Radio sensor system performing down/up link interrogation of a radio sensor
For active radio sensor systems, active circuits are employed in the remote unit. This sensor
type became very mature up to now. Within a space implantable even into a tiny mouse, the
sensor itself, a sensor circuit for identification and for measurements, an RF transmitter
integrated on a silicon chip and an on-board power supply are included. Only a small antenna is
added. Nowadays, these transmitters are sold cheaply. Their applications cover a wide range
from animal tagging on the meadow, burglary alert systems combined with infrared detectors
and vibration sensors, to identification and chronometric applications for Marathon runners and
to skier identification in the Alps. These sensors are capable to perform read and write cycles,
data can be changed or added. The attached battery has the advantage of a fixed, stable power
supply; however, its disadvantages are its limited total energy available, its temperature
dependency and its relatively short life span. A maintenance interval time of a few years is
predicted (e.g. for the tire pressure measurement system [ 9 ] available since autumn 1998 for
German upper class cars). Due to the on-board supply, the distance range of operation can be
large (with the effective isotropically radiated power - EIRP - allowed for these applications,
e.g. up to a few hundreds of meters).
The block diagram of an active radio sensor is drawn in Figure 2. The sensor transmits its
information via an RF link to the base station. The sleeping sensor is requested by the base
station with an RF interrogation signal or it awakes periodically and transmits its data
sensor antenna
active measurement
sensor device measurand
and modulation unit
power supply
for semi-active
sensors only C'
The receiver for active sensors usually is a very simple circuit. It only has to detect an RF
carrier with the digital data telegram. For low cost response evaluation, super-regenerative
receivers are sold for less than 10 $. The data rate is low (some kBit/s), the signal processing in
the measurement system is reduced to readout and storage of data. Sensitivity, resolution and
accuracy are parameters of the sensor unit and are strictly separated from the radio link.
Transmission errors can be coped with error correction codes employed for data modulation.
1.1.2 Semi-active radio sensors
Semi-active sensors are very similar to the active devices, they contain silicon circuits, too.
The power supply energy is gathered by inductively near field coupling or by far field coupling
from a strong RF radio signal transmitted by the radio request antenna. The RF signal is
rectified, stored in C' and used for DC supply of the semiconductor circuits (shown in Figure
2). Both types, active and semi-active, contain signal processing capability in the remote
frontend. For digital as well as for analog measurands, preprocessed digital data are
transmitted together with additional information (sensor status, etc.). The sensors usually can
be programmed to stay in a stand-by mode and respond in case of alert or request only. For
data modulation in the near field coupled remote sensor unit, a digital impedance modulation
of the sensor antenna is used widely, exciting sidebands of the RF carrier. As for active devices
the signal processing effort in the receiver is rather simple. Additional measures are required
for remote powering.
To cope with the problem of the required power supply as well as with the limited life time due
to batteries and possible damages due to hazardous environmental conditions, e.g.
temperatures above 150 °C, hard radiation, strong EMI, etc., and for very low cost one-bit ID
applications, passive radio sensors have been introduced. The passive devices employ a linear
or non linear distortion of a radio request signal (received by the sensor antenna), transmitted
as response signal (usually via the same antenna). The distortion is fix and contains the ID
information or it is caused by the measurand. Passive radio sensors not necessarily include
semiconductor components or capacitors. As shown in the next chapters, a cavity resonator
can be used as linear passive radio sensor too. Since linear or non linear effects of the sensor
device to the RF radio request signal have to be evaluated, the signal processing effort in the
radio request system is much higher than for the active sensors mentioned above. The request
signal is reflected, modulated by the measurand and afflicted with noise and interference. In
contrast to active and semi-active circuits, all errors occurring during radio request and
response transmission not only cause a (with coding) detectable data error, but yield additional
measurement errors inseparable from the uncertainty of the sensor.
1.2 Separation of radio request and sensor response
For radio sensors, the information is transmitted wirelessly in the physical layer of the radio
channel. Applying active sensors, the downlink path is occupied by the wake-up signals in a
reduced manner only. For semi-active or passive sensor units the uplink RF response,
modulated with the sensor information, has to be retransmitted and received by the
interrogation system, separated from the (usually much stronger) downlink radio request
signal. This task is very similar to the task of a bi-directional (duplex) communication system,
where a division between transmit and receive mode, down- and uplink, has to be established.
Same principles can be employed to separate subscribers of a radio communication network
(multiple access). To separate the signals in the physical layer, the signals have to be
orthogonal in space, time, frequency or code. In communication engineering, four basic
principles and further some hybrid methods for separation are applied:
• in space:
Space domain division (SDD) and space division multiple access (SDMA), applied to radio
links to different satellites, etc.; the different links are operated in different directions via
different antennas or beams, respectively.
• in time:
time domain division (TDD) in former radio communication (one user talks, the other
listen) and time domain multiple access (TDMA), applied in GSM (Global System for
Mobile radio) for user separation in time slots
• in frequency:
frequency domain division (FDD) usually applied to broadcasting, etc. , frequency division
multiple access (FDMA) to up- / downlink separation in GSM, UMTS (Universal [future]
Mobile Telecommunication System), etc.
• in spreading code:
code domain division (CDD) and code division multiple access (CDMA), for user
separation in UMTS (jointly with FDMA and TDMA), IS95 (US spread spectrum
standard), etc.
• hybrid schemes:
Since for operation of radio sensors, as for all other radio communication systems, only one
physical radio channel is available, similar principles of access to the medium are employed:
Space domain division (SDD), sketched in Figure 3, employs the separation of down- and
uplink in space, i.e. the linear or non linear sensor unit receives within one antenna beam and
transmits over another. Since large antennas with narrow beam width would be required and
since the radio sensor is moving in most applications, this method is impracticable for usual
radio sensors.
radio sensor
k k
transmitter receiver
For time domain division (TDD), the sensor responds delayed to the downlink signal via the
same physical channel segment in frequency and space. In the sensor a delay mechanism with
energy storage is required suitable for (semi-)active sensors as well as for totally passive
(usually linear) devices. This principle is widely used for resonant sensors, if the energy of
radio request is stored in a high Q resonator. It also is applied in the passive surface acoustic
wave (SAW) sensors, utilizing the relatively slow sound propagation of a SAW on a
piezoelectric substrate for delay lines. The (acoustic) storage time has to be longer than the
duration of the decay of the environmental electromagnetic request echoes of the radio
channel. In Figure 4, the radio signals for interrogation of a passive delay line sensor are
power transmitted
environmental reflections sensor response
Figure 4: Radio request of passive delay line sensors with time domain division (TDD)
between request and response signal.
Frequency domain division (FDD) usually requires additional response frequencies, i.e. a non-
linear signal processing within the sensor unit. This is done by modulation of the RF carrier or
by switching the reflectivity of an antenna by a diode, e.g. in (semi-) active sensors.
The non linearity causes sidebands and harmonics, detected in the receiver. For FDD no
transmit / receive switch but a sufficient separation of the spectra is necessary.
spectral density
radio request
sensor response
A passive implementation of the principle employs a non linear element. The non linear element
can be a fixed device, e.g. a diode, it also can be affected by external circuits or its non linearity
can depend on a magnetic bias field. So, passive sensors with FDD, discussed in chapter 2.2
become feasible.
As an exception, in chapter 4.1.2 a FDD system employing the FM-CW RADAR principle is
shown for radio interrogation of passive linear delay lines.
and Hybrid schemes like time/frequency domain division (FTDD) and, due to the near far
effect, code domain division (CDD) are not applied for today's radio sensor systems.
1.3 Radio transmission regulations
Radio sensors and the according radio request systems are radio transmission systems and
ruled by international and European standards and by the national governmental regulations.
For telemetry, frequency bands are allocated. Keeping standardized limits concerning the
effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP), the bandwidth and the spurious emissions, rules
for short range devices (SRD) and low power devices (LPD) with reduced licensing
requirements can be applied. In Europe, in the ETSI CEPT/ERC 70-03 regulations, EN300330
(9 kHz - 25 MHz), EN300220 (25 MHz - 1 GHz) and EN300440 (1 GHz - 25 GHz), the
limits of operation of radio sensors can be found.
The frequency bands, radio sensors can be operated within, are listed in Table 1 (from [ 10 ]).
International definitions of band coverage are defined by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU). Operation in industrial scientific and medical (ISM) bands is allowed, if the
bandwidth and the power limits are kept.
The choice of the frequency band for radio sensor operation depends on the sensor type, the
RF technology, the admissible antenna size, the distance range, etc. The low frequency bands
are characterized by a relatively low bandwidth and therefore by low data rates.
For a more detailed investigation, further, we will distinguish between ID and sensor
applications: The frequency allocations listed in Table 1 are allowed for both, identification and
sensor purposes. Identification means that in the uplink the sensor responds with its ID code.
For measurements, the sensor response contains information about the measurand instead of,
or additionally to ID.
1.4 Applications of radio sensors
While identification is a well proven technique employing active, semi-active and passive
devices, only measurement systems utilizing active transponders are implemented in high
quantities in today's systems. In recent years, semi-active short range telemetry systems came
into use. Passive measurement systems nowadays are in the stage of initial development of
industrial applications, essentially supported by the research activities in our lab.
In Table 2 an overview of radio sensors and their applications is given.
identification *) measurements
active door openers telemetry systems
entry control weather balloons
person and animal tracking tire pressure monitoring
passive anti theft systems (low-Q resonators) SAW radio sensors **)
automation ID
traffic applications (road pricing,...) high-Q resonators experimental
RF beacons non linear sensors experimental
The current work focuses on the last row in Table 2. It concerns the sensors and the readout
circuits, an overview of the signal processing, employed for passive radio sensors, is given.
A more detailed classification of the passive sensors is made in Table 3. The groups of linear
and non linear devices are divided into circuits employing energy storage and circuits without
Most of the scientific work of our group in the last years was focused on SAW sensors.
Therefore, the enumeration of the passive sensors is divided into the groups of the non-SAW
passive sensors, dealt with in chapter 2 and the surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors
discussed in chapter 3. Then, in chapter 4 the radio interrogation of passive sensors and the
systems employed are discussed.
An essential part of this thesis is the review paper [ 1 ], A. Pohl, "A Review of Wireless SAW
Sensors", published in IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency
Control, dealing with SAW radio sensors, the systems and the measurement uncertainty.
There, the relation between the parameters of the radio channel, the properties of the
interrogation system and the uncertainty are shown and discussed, the results and the prospects
are summarized.
In appendix A1, the radio channel and its deterministic and statistical parameters and their
implementation in the design of radio sensor systems are discussed by means of measurement
results. In appendix A2, further information for the estimation of measurement uncertainty is
2. Passive radio sensors without SAW technology
Passive sensors from Table 3 investigated in our laboratory but operating without SAW
technology, are described in this chapter. First the linear sensors are discussed, then the passive
sensors employing non linear devices are described.
Apart from the SAW devices, discussed in [ 1 ] and in chapter 3, resonant sensors belong to
this group. Resonant sensors can be classified by the quality factor Q.
The quality factor Q of a resonator is defined by the ratio of energy Wr stored in the resonator
and the total loss (dissipation) in a period Pv / ω0.
Q = ω0⋅WR / Pv . (1)
The energy time constant τ in the resonator we get from the well known equation
τ= = . (2)
Pv ω0
Utilizing high-Q resonators, the signal of the decaying resonator is detected for up to several
tens of microseconds after switching off the exciting RF signal.
The resonator's decaying signal at f0 = ω0/2π decreases with an exponential function. The
Fourier transform of this signal yields an exponential spectral density almost symmetrical to the
center frequency f0 (see also chapter 3.3.4 / Figure 31 and chapter 4.2.2).
High-Q devices are characterized by a Q factor of several thousand. That means, that the
losses per period are small, the device is able to store energy during the ring out time. A low Q
factor makes a passive resonant device applicable as a radio sensor with frequency selective
signal absorption.
2.1.1 High-Q dielectric resonators
Energy storage in resonators is the oldest principle applied to passive radio sensors. Almost
thirty years ago, cavity resonators have been introduced for train identification purposes [ 11
]. Representative for different types of high-Q resonators (without SAW technology),
dielectric resonators (DRs) are discussed here.
For passive radio sensor purposes, resonators, e.g. DRs, are coupled to an antenna and are
excited by an RF radio signal near f0.
After excitation of the resonator the RF signal is switched off and the interrogation system
receives the decaying response at f0. Here, we have to distinguish between storage of energy in
concentrated reservoirs (electromagnetic: capacitor and inductance in LC resonators,
mechanical: in a pendulum in different kinds of static or kinetic energy) and storage in waves
(as in acoustic bulk or surface waves). Switching off the excitation, in the devices with
concentrated storage the system starts oscillating (exchange of energy between the reservoirs)
at the resonance frequency f0 almost within one period. Applying the storage with waves, the
oscillation mode at resonance frequency has the largest time constant due to the lowest
attenuation (best reflectivity of reflectors, etc.). All other modes decay with a shorter time
constant. After a transition time, both passive resonator sensor types transmit a decaying signal
centered at the resonance frequency f0 of the device.
This frequency is a measure of a physical quantity (temperature, stress, etc.) affecting the
resonator. The system and the signal processing effort is the same as employed for the SAW
resonators (chapter 3.3.3).
Investigations for sensors, e.g. for high temperature measurements on the rotating anode of a
x-ray tube, have been performed applying DRs [ 12 ]. The DR was fixed to a printed circuit
board on a ceramic (Aluminum oxide) substrate with platinum strip lines and ground plane. A
strip line for resonator coupling and a patch antenna were arranged on this board.
In Figure 6 the resonance frequency of this passive sensor unit is drawn versus the
temperature. Our measurements have been performed in a high temperature oven capable to
operate up to 1300 degree centigrade.
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
temperature [°C]
Another type of resonant passive sensors are LC circuits, line resonators, etc. with a low Q
factor. This devices are characterized by time constants of some tens of nanoseconds. A time
division between exciting signal and retransmitted signal is feasible with extremely high speed
signal processing only. Radio interrogation usually is done by near field coupling of the
resonators to the readout unit. Due to the low Q factor, the resonance has a wide maximum in
frequency domain, a precise detection is difficulty and not applied. The radio interrogation
units (one port network analyzer and "grid dip meter" principle) are described in chapter 4.1.3.
The sensors are applied as one bit ID systems, e.g. for anti theft systems in department stores.
The presence of the sensor is detected by the absorption of energy within a certain bandwidth.
Low-Q resonators are built very cheaply punching an inductance and two capacitor electrodes
out of a thin aluminum film and insulating the electrodes by a plastic film. This sensor easily
can be included into paper labels, glued onto consumer goods. In Figure 7, a photograph of a
low Q resonator sensor for very-low-cost one-bit ID applications is shown. The sensor is
canceled after paying the good by a breakthrough of the capacitor in a high magnetic field at
10 mm
Figure 7: Low Q passive LC resonator sensor label for one bit ID purposes used in theft alarm
To achieve a FDD capability to separate the radio request and the sensor response in frequency
domain, a nonlinear sensor has to be applied. The nonlinear relation between voltage and
current can be provided by a semiconductor diode.
Two types of frequency conversion are discussed here:
2.2.1 Harmonic sensors
One type of nonlinear frequency conversion (e.g. in a rectifier diode) is the generation of
harmonics, spectral components at multiples of the radio request signal frequency.
A signal
s1(t)=a1⋅cos(ωt) (3)
passing a nonlinear device with a signal transition function
g(t)=g0+g1⋅s(t)+ g2⋅s(t)2+ ... , (4)
causes an output signal s2(t) containing a DC part and harmonics of the original signal.
For a nonlinear one port device, the signal reflection function is its impedance, converting the
request voltage nonlinearly to the current through the device. The device can be an active
circuit, it also can be a diode as shown in Figure 8, etc.
antenna diode
If this circuit is requested by an RF radio signal, it excites and retransmits harmonics of the
request signal. Detecting these response harmonics yields a simple theft alarm system for
department stores etc. Of course, this arrangement is a wideband circuit, a nearby radio station
will cause its harmonics too: for implementation a narrowband filtering is necessary. Sensors
only can be distinguished by space division. In department stores, as for the low-Q sensors,
antennas are attached near the doors, interrogating the theft alarm sensors and trigger the
alarm if a sensor is detected.
The sensors discussed above are not suited to be fixed to metallic surfaces, otherwise the
resonance, etc., would be shifted and the reliability of detection would be impaired.
Therefore, in today's theft prevention systems, more and more new nonlinear elements are
used, operating at very low frequencies of some tens of Hz. In Figure 9, a photograph of such
a sensor is shown. It only consists of a strip made of Permalloy and of magnetizable bias
elements, and therefore it provides a very-low-cost one-bit ID sensor.
Permalloy strip
10 mm bias elements
Figure 9: Magnetically biased nonlinear one-bit ID sensor for theft alarm systems
Due to its steep hysteresis flanks, the Permalloy strip provides a nonlinearity if it is magnetized
by a low frequency alternating magnetic field. Without a magnetic bias (the bias elements are
demagnetized), due to the hysteresis, the Permalloy strip generates nonlinear products at
harmonic frequencies of the exciting signal, or intermodulation products of a sum of radio
request signals. These spectral components easily can be detected if the sensor is coupled
closely to the interrogation coils.
At the cash desk, the bias elements are magnetized, the relatively weak alternating magnetic
field of the readout system won't be able to overcome this bias and to change the direction of
magnetization, no harmonics occur and no alarm is triggered, if the sensor is carried through
the readout coils at the exit of the department store.
The sensor is reprogrammable by demagnetization of the bias elements.
In usual systems, the readout is performed at 20 .. 50 Hz with an overlay AF signal at 3 .. 20
kHz. Due to the low operation frequency, metallic surfaces in parallel to the strip do not
disturb the operation.
2.2.2 Mixer sensors
Another nonlinear radio interrogation method employs mixing effects. In RF engineering, the
nonlinearity of a two port device causes intermodulation. At the output, due to the
nonlinearity, spectral components occur at frequencies fe=k⋅f1±l⋅f2± m⋅∆f, for |k|, |l|, |m|= 0, 1,
2... , depending on the nonlinearity.
Applying a quadratic characteristic (IM2), signals in baseband and at the sum or difference and
doubled frequencies occur. A third order nonlinearity causes intermodulation (IM3). Cross
modulation is a special case of the IM3: (f2± ∆f) - f2 + f1 = f1 ± ∆f. The modulation with the
frequency ∆f is partly transferred from the carrier signal at f2 to the previously not modulated
RF carrier at f1, causing signal components at f1 ± ∆f.
Some tens of years ago, the powerful RF signal of Radio Luxembourg modulated other
stations by the nonlinearity of the ionosphere. Radio signals being reflected at this layer were
modulated by the information of this station. The effect was named "Luxembourg effect".
In Figure 10, the principle of cross modulation is sketched in frequency domain.
f1 f2 f
f1 f2 f
radio request response
Now, the idea is to apply these principle to the non linear radio sensors to achieve sensor
capability. A radio request signal as drawn in Figure 10 is transmitted. Instantaneously the
passive sensor retransmits the cross modulation products, received by the interrogation system.
The frequencies for operation much more flexible than for the simple harmonic sensors. To
avoid overdrive, f1 and f2 can be separated as wide as necessary, they also could be allocated in
different ISM bands.
The sensor unit sketched operates in a wide bandwidth. The bandwidth of the f1 modulating
signals to detect in the response is very narrow, the effect of noise is small. To reduce errors
due to cross modulation because of powerful broadcast or nearby mobile communication
transmitters, appropriate bandpass filters would have to be implemented for actual application.
The interrogation unit has to transmit and receive simultaneously. The demodulation can be
done by a simple envelope detector. The according radio request system is described in chapter
4.1.4. Demodulation of the response signal around f1 yields an audio frequency (AF)
component at ∆f, if the sensor is present. This AF signal can be detected easily, multiple
operation of more than one radio request system may be achieved by different AF frequencies
a) f1 f2
b) 2f1-f2
Figure 11: Spectrum at receiver a) without, b) with passive nonlinear sensor present
The advantage of the method is, that no transmit / receive switches and no fast signal
processing are required. Disadvantageous is the required signal power for biasing the diodes.
In our experiments we used Schottky diodes: For a sufficient nonlinearity, the RF power
received at the remote unit had to be higher than -20 dBm, limiting the distance range for
application to approx. 1 meter. In Figure 11 the spectrum at the receiver input is shown for a)
no sensor present and b) a passive non linear sensor in the operation range of the radio request
system. It shows the result of our simple laboratory experiment.
The cross modulation effect can be observed clearly. At 2f1 - f2 the AM signal but no RF
carrier from the radio request signal is present. Sideband detection at this frequency avoids
interference from the phase noise of the strong, continuously transmitted radio request signal at
f1 and lowers the phase noise requirements to the local oscillator.
The sensor unit drawn in Figure 8 is useful for one-bit identification only. To perform sensor
tasks, the nonlinear behavior of the diode can be adjusted by an (active) biasing circuit,
controlled by the measurand (Figure 12) or modulated by a code for digital data transmission
as actually performed in the semi-active radio sensors (e.g. car immobilizers). Since the
principle avoids extensive RF circuits (the RF part of this sensor unit only consist of the
nonlinear device and the antenna) it is well suited for low cost applications.
Figure 12: Radio sensor with biasing network for identification and sensor purposes
("backscatter modulation")
For measurements, to avoid an influence of the radio propagation distance, a differential
measurement has to be performed. This requires at least two parameters to discriminate in the
receiver. The idea now is to employ more than one, at least two AF signals at fa and fb,
amplitude modulated to f2 for radio request (Figure 13). Then, the RF voltage at the diode
generates a current, containing the two sideband AF components, too. The carrier signal at f1
and the spectrum at k⋅f1 ± l⋅f2 is modulated by both, fa and fb.
f1 f2
For sensor capability, the AF signals at f1 and f2 have to be differently affected by the
measurand in the sensor unit. Then, a discrimination of amplitude or phase difference provides
the information in the receiver. To evaluate the phase relation, the AF frequencies fa and fb
have to be in a discrete ratio and mutually phase locked (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Phase locked AF signals for AM in a discrete frequency ratio of 2 (fb=2fa) with
equal amplitude.
A simple composite signal with phase locked spectral components is a nonlinearly distorted
periodic (e.g. rectangular shaped) signal.
Phase and amplitude distortions caused by the sensor can be evaluated in the receiver. By
narrowband filters, the harmonics can be separated. In the sensor circuit, the task of conversion
of the measurand into a phase shift ∆ϕ(fa) ≠ ∆ϕ(fb) easily is done by a frequency dependent
impedance, e.g. a L-C resonance circuit (Figure 15).
ϕ Z(fa) ≠ ϕ Z(fb)
Figure 15: Sensor unit with tunable phase shifts for fa, fb
The measurand e.g. affects the capacitance or the inductance of the circuit and therefore the
phase shift between the signals fa and fb (Figure 16).
Figure 16: Phase locked but phase shifted (∆ϕ) AF signal in the receiver (amplitudes not
affected here)
The method of passive sensing utilizing cross modulation has shown its feasibility in our
experiments. For actual industrial implementation, further work is in progress.
2.3 Non linear sensors with energy storage
Here, the semi-active sensor devices employing semiconductor circuits and a microcontroller
would be also included, utilizing remote powering by an RF signal instead of a battery and DC
energy storage in an capacitor. On the other hand, we focus to passive devices without a DC
supply, therefore these sensors are not discussed.
A noteworthy combination of RF energy storage and non linear signal processing was
introduced for a passive radio sensor for the second generation tire pressure control in German
upper class cars [ 14 ]:
Here, for request an RF carrier frequency (2.45 GHz) is amplitude modulated with two
baseband (AF) signals. The passive sensor unit contains a non linear element and two bulk
wave resonators (at two different resonance frequencies of approx. 10 MHz), one affected by
the measurand, the other for temperature compensation. The radio request signal is
demodulated by the nonlinear element, the AF signals excite the resonators. Then, the AM is
switched off, the RF carrier signal is still transmitted by the interrogator. By the nonlinearity in
the sensor unit, the signals from the (now decaying) resonators modulate the RF carrier. This
response signal is retransmitted to the interrogator and coherently demodulated there, the
measurand is evaluated. The simplified circuit diagram of the sensor unit is sketched in Figure
non linear device
Figure 17: Simplified circuit diagram of a passive non linear radio sensor with RF energy
3. Passive SAW sensors
Since in our laboratory a lot of work has been done concerning SAW sensor devices, these will
be discussed in this third chapter focusing on the currently applied passive types for radio
request. From a lot of applications implemented experimentally, only a few are discussed here.
Many of them have been published [ 1 ], [ 15 ], [ 16 ], [ 17 ], [ 18 ], [ 19 ], [ 20 ], [ 21 ], [
22 ], [ 23 ], [ 24 ], [ 25 ].
Surface acoustic wave devices have been invented more than 30 years ago [ 26 ]. On the
surface of a plain polished piezoelectric substrate, metallic structures, interdigital transducers,
(IDTs), are arranged [ 27 ], [ 28 ]. Due to the piezoelectric effect, an electric signal (AC
voltage) at the IDT excites an acoustic wave, propagating on the surface (SAW). Vice versa, a
SAW generates electric charge in an IDT driving an electric current into an external load.
By weighting of the finger overlap, a spatial weighting of the SAW intensity and therefore an
amplitude weighting of the output signal versus time can be achieved, transversal filter
structures are assembled: The gain factor of the taps is fixed by the IDT's finger pair overlap,
the tap delay by the finger pair position. The summation is done in the bus bars interconnecting
the electrodes. For first order filter design, the impulse response is depicted directly into the
geometry of the IDT.
In frequency domain an IDT is a bandpass element, the center frequency of acoustoelectric
interaction occurs for the acoustic wavelength equal to the geometric period of the electrodes.
The Q factor of an IDT (length of impulse response) and of a reflector (number of wavelengths
within the reflector) is proportional to the number of electrode pairs.
In Figure 18 a two port SAW device is sketched.
port 2
port 1
While in the first decade, SAW devices were used for military and for special commercial
applications only, they captured key positions in most modern communication sets in the last
two decades. Today SAW devices are applied to a wide range of filter applications and as
resonators for frequency and time reference. SAW devices are free of adjustment, former
sensitive (because of the tolerances and aging of the components) filter circuits, sometimes
requiring expensive adjustment in manufacturing, have been replaced by simple plug-in SAW
components with specified data but without need of any adjustment. Because SAW devices are
manufactured using one photolithography process only, the components remain low cost for
high quantities. Today, SAW components are implemented in almost every color TV set, in
personal mobile communication systems, in RF remote control systems, etc.
The market for SAW devices is still growing, manufacturers (e.g. Siemens Matsushita
Components) produce more than 300 million of SAW filters for mobile phones and color TV
sets per year. Mobile communication yields growing sales of SAW components. Upcoming
low power radio systems, e.g. for remote control, wireless data transmission, radio sensor
systems, etc., operating in the 433.92 MHz and the 2.45 GHz "industrial scientific and
medical" (ISM) band yield a further need for SAW devices. Finally, since the sensor market
grows with high rates today, the SAW sensors described in this work have a high potential for
a wide spread application in industries, traffic and automotive systems, etc.
Our investigations in this topic have been accompanied by an increasing interest of the Austrian
and the European industry, expressed by permanent inquiries and the start of industrial projects
in cooperation with our permanent scientific partner Siemens Corporate Technology in
Munich, Germany.
With a SAW propagation velocity of 3400 m/s, the acoustic wavelength for an acoustic 1 GHz
wave is 3.4 µm. Due to the optical resolution of the photolithographic manufacturing process
of approx. 50 - 100 nm, the upper frequency limit for industrial sold SAW devices is approx. 3
GHz today. In scientific laboratories, SAW components up to 16 GHz have been built [ 29 ].
The lower frequency limit is given by the geometrical size of the substrate. Commercial SAW
devices are deliverable from 30 MHz up.
At the beginning of SAW technology, Quartz (SiO2) or Lithiumniobate (LiNbO3) monocrystals
have been used as substrate material, usually.
Since Quartz has a very low acoustoelectric coupling K, the insertion loss of such SAW
devices is high. If the number of finger pairs is increased to reduce the insertion loss, the
bandwidth is decreased. The temperature coefficient of ST cut quartz substrates has a wide
minimum for room temperature and is neglected in many applications ("quartz stable
A very high coupling coefficient K is found for LiNbO3, its temperature coefficient TK (for
velocity) is approx. -72 ppm/K using a 128° rotated Y/X cut. For the Y/Z standard cut it is
approx. -92 ppm/K. Therefore, although the insertion loss is low, filter devices on LiNbO3
have poor specifications because of their thermal drift. For intermediate frequency (IF)
applications operated within the temperature range of a television set, a thermal frequency
deviation of approx. -50 kHz will occur [ 30 ].
Up to now, a lot of alternative materials have been found. A substrate, widely used for RF
filters and resonators, is Lithiumtantalate, LiTaO3. It yields low insertion loss due to a high
acoustoelectric coupling and a medium temperature coefficient (TK) of approx. -18 ppm/K for
the 112° X/Y cut, up to -30 ppm/K for the 36° rotated Y/X cut. The SAW propagation loss is
rather high.
In Table 4, the properties of the usually used SAW substrate materials are listed:
Material Crystal orientation v K2 STv (TK) Attenuation (dB/ µ s)
cut propagation (m/s) (%) (ppm/0C) 433MHz 2.45GHz
Quarz ST X 3158 0.1 0 0.75 18.6
37°rotY 90°rotX 5092 ≈0.1 0 - -
LiNbO3 Y Z 3488 4.1 -92 0.25 5.8
For filter applications, new investigations to combine Galliumarsenide (GaAs) amplifiers and
SAW filters in one chip are known. For sensors, high temperature SAW substrate materials
have been found.
As one of the most important advantages of SAW radio sensors, their wide temperature range
of operation is considered. In general, the lower limit of the temperature range of SAW devices
is the vaporization temperature of the gas (e.g. Nitrogen) inside the package.
For a temperature increase of 100 K, an additional SAW propagation loss of approx. 2 dB /
100 K / µs delay can be observed.
The upper temperature limit is given by the lowest of various upper limitations:
(a) Exceeding the melting temperature of the IDT's metallization causes a total defect of the
device. Usual SAW devices are metallized by aluminum with an approx. 400 °C melting
point. For high temperature applications, a platinum / tungsten metallization was
investigated successfully.
(b) If the piezoelectric Curie temperature is exceeded, the piezo-effect vanishes and therefore
the device cannot be operated any more. New high temperature materials [ 31 ] are
Berlinite (AlPO4), Lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7), Langasit (La3Ga5SiO14) and
Galliumorthophosphate (GaPO4), with Curie temperatures of more than 1000 °C.
(c) Lithiumniobate is used in a mixture with unbalanced energy conditions (it is not
stoechiometric). Therefore, a process of de-mixing takes place continuously. This effect is
very slow for low temperatures, a lifetime of many hundred years is predicted [ 32 ].
Investigations [ 33 ] show, that this de-mixing is uncritical below 300 degree centigrade in
general and for industrial polished surfaces up to 600 °C.
(d) An upper temperature limit is given by packaging, contacting and by the antenna design
(for SAW radio sensors). For commercial SAW components, the substrate is glued into the
package by an adhesive. To avoid mechanical stress to the substrate, the thermal extension
of package and adhesive has to be considered.
Especially at enhanced temperatures, usual adhesives tend to vaporize some parts of their
contents. This yields a layer deposited to the substrate's surface, causing a mass loading.
Thus, the SAW velocity is affected, changing the acoustical delay and the frequency of
acoustoelectric interaction of an IDT. Further the layer yields an increased insertion loss of
the device and it may become useless for the particular application.
SAW resonators are subject to aging due to the oxidation of the aluminum metallisation,
causing stress loading, raising the SAW velocity. This is not affecting SAW delay lines, since
the delay mainly depends on the propagation length across the free surface.
The most important parameters for RF front end applications are the insertion loss and the
compatibility of the filter to an RF transfer power of several Watts. Applying coupled resonant
structures, the insertion loss of a narrow band SAW device was reduced from more than 30 dB
ten years ago to less than 2 dB for modern RF and IF filters in mobile phones [ 34 ]. The
power capability is limited by the electrical field strength between the IDT electrodes and the
mechanical stress occurring due to the piezoelectricity. For SAW devices below 1 GHz, a
maximal power capability up to 30 dBm is attained today [ 35 ].
burst response of the IDTs.
L, vsaw
input output
The propagation of the SAW depends on the geometry of the substrate and the material
parameters. These material constants are subject to environmental conditions.
The electrical behavior of the devices can be designed to be insensitive against physical effects
of the environment. A lot of work has been done to make SAW devices to operate well in the
desert as well as flying in an airplane with high g-load in a height of 20000 meters at -60 °C.
Due to the low temperature coefficient of special crystal cuts, SAW devices are used as
"quartz stable" filters and resonators for frequency reference. A special packaging prevents the
SAW devices from mechanical and chemical stress.
Vice versa the components without compensating arrangements can be used for measurement,
evaluating the electric response of the SAW device, affected by temperature, mechanical stress,
strain, mass loading, etc.
The measurand usually affects both, the elastic constants of the crystal and its mechanical
dimensions. For an ST-Quartz substrate the thermal extension is compensated by the change of
velocity. This yields the almost vanishing temperature coefficient. For LiNbO3 the change in
velocity predominates the thermal extension. If more than one parameter is affected by the
measurand, cross sensitivities occur.
Since many years, SAW resonators or two port delay line sensors are implemented into the
feedback loop of oscillator circuits (Figure 20) and the change of output frequency is
discriminated for measurement.
S A W device
Figure 20: Oscillator circuit utilizing a two port SAW sensor device in the feedback loop
For a classification of the SAW sensors, we will divide into two categories of SAW devices,
delay lines and resonators:
SAW delay lines utilize the propagation delay T= L/vsaw between IDTs, the ratio of length and
velocity (Figure 19).
In Figure 21 a SAW resonator is sketched. The resonance frequency is determined by the
geometric reflector period d=λsaw/2. For sensor purposes, the reflectivity (in frequency domain)
of the acoustic reflectors with fixed geometric period d and therefore the resonance frequency
is shifted due to the change of velocity and wavelength λsaw.
in out
Usually, to avoid errors due to cross sensitivities for temperature, etc., a differential
measurement is performed. As shown in Figure 22 two oscillator circuits controlled by SAW
devices are employed. One of the, e.g. SAW resonators is affected by the measurand, the other
is insulated from this. Both are exposed to the same temperature, acceleration, etc. The output
signals are multiplied. Only the difference frequency, carrying the information of the measurand
but compensated for temperature, passes the low pass filter (LPF).
Figure 22: Compensated measurement circuit
With "wired" SAW sensors implemented into active circuits, a lot of sensor tasks have been
solved satisfactorily. Sensors for many mechanical, chemical and even biological measurands
have been published [ 36 ], [ 37 ], [ 38 ], [ 39 ], [ 40 ], [ 41 ].
The effect of the measurand to delay and resonance frequency is the same as for the passive
SAW radio sensors, discussed in [ 1 ].
For radio sensor applications, one port surface acoustic wave devices electrically connected to
an antenna, came into use. Initially, these passive circuits have been invented for the
identification of animals [ 42 ]. The first industrial application was a road pricing system for
the Norwegian highways around Oslo [ 41 ]. SAW devices are linear, time invariant and
passive. The division between radio request and the sensor response is performed in time
domain (TDD). As defined above, radio interrogation (or sensor readout) summarizes RF
request, RF response, its reception and evaluation of measurand (Figure 23).
Though in SAW interrogation systems in some implementations the sensor is in the near field
(see appendix 1) of the interrogation antenna, for the interrogation process it is considered in
the far field always, i.e. no direct interaction (without time delay, or equal time request and
response) is employed.
radio request
radio request
interrogation delayed sensor response sensor
Figure 23: Radio interrogation (= request + response + evaluation) of passive SAW sensors
Employing TDD, the radio request system transmits an RF signal and switches to receive mode
then. After a delay time, the convolution of the radio request signal and the reflective SAW
device's RF response (burst response, if a burst was transmitted), carrying the information
about the measurand, is transmitted back to the receiver and the evaluation unit.
In Table 5, the SAW devices, today employed for sensor applications, are marked by an "x".
The others ("-") are currently subject of research activities.
Table 5: SAW devices actually used for radio sensors (marked by "x")
3.3.1 Wideband SAW delay line sensors
A comprehensive survey of SAW delay line (DL) radio sensors is given in [ 1 ]. There, it is
distinguished between directly affected (one port) and indirectly affected (two port) devices.
Employing directly affected devices, the measurand changes the SAW velocity or the substrate
dimensions, determining the delay, by a direct affect to the substrate.
In Figure 24, a reflective SAW DL with the IDT and the reflectors R1 and R2 is sketched.
IDT0 R1 R2
Indirectly affected SAW sensors utilize a reflective IDT R2 (a second electrical port), loaded by
an external load impedance, changing its reflectivity [ 43 ]:
The SAW arriving at the reflector R2 generates electric charge on the electrodes, i.e. an electric
voltage between. An external electrical load connected to R2 discharges this voltage and affects
or avoids a re-generation of a SAW and therefore it affects the reflected radio response after a
delay 2. L2 / vsaw. If the voltage is short circuited, almost no reflection of the SAW will occur.
From [ 27 ] the reflection and transmission coefficients for IDTs are calculated utilizing the P
b1 = P11⋅a1 + P12⋅a2 + P13⋅u3
b2 = P21⋅a1 + P22⋅a2 + P23⋅u3 (5)
i3 = P31⋅a1 + P32⋅a2 + P33⋅u3
The terms ai are the incoming, bi the reflected acoustic waves. The electric current into and the
voltage at the IDT (e.g. R2) are given by i and u.
a1 a2
port 1 saw port 2
b1b1 a1b2
u port 3
Figure 25: Three port IDT for P-matrix description, acoustical ports 1 and 2, electrical port 3
2 P132
P11 (Z load ) = P +
11 (6)
P33 +
Z load
Here, P11sc is the acoustical reflection coefficient of port 1 with the electrical port 3 shorted
(u3=0). Since the reflection coefficient is a complex parameter, the according signal of the
sensor response is affected in magnitude and phase. In Figure 26, the acoustic reflection
coefficient is plotted in a polar diagram, a comparison of theory and our measurement is
Actually, the passive electrical load impedance Zload consists of a serial-circuit of a sensor
impedance (resistive, capacitive or inductive) with the inductance of the bonding and
connecting wires. The smaller this (unavoidable) inductance is, the further the short-circuit
point moves towards zero reflection (center of the polar plot). Vice versa, for increased
inductance (between the SAW device and the external sensor contacts) the shortcut-point
moves outwards. The open point is determined by the IDT capacitance of the SAW device and
by P13 and P33, respectively.
serial resonance: 46
P11 ( Zload ) = P11sc ≈0
parallel resonance: 4,1
Im{ P33 + }= 0
Zload nH
Figure 26: Polar diagram of the acoustic reflectivity P11[Zload] of a split finger IDT as a
function of its electrical load, comparison of theory and experimental results
Employing this principle for passive radio sensor circuits, the SAW device operates as a
delaying RF transponder only, the sensor element is a conventional from stock sensor device
where Zload depends on the measurand. It is not necessary to construct the SAW device
especially for the specific application, a standard type can be used. The SAW can be
encapsulated and protected from mechanical stress, etc., cross sensitivities are reduced
drastically due to the separation of sensor and delaying transponder task.
The resolution is determined by the external sensor device as well as by the nonlinear relation
between the load ZL and reflectivity P11[Zload] of the reflector RL. In actual use, the resolution
is better than 1 % in worst case.
Sensors for a lot of measurands have been experimentally investigated. With capacitive
sensors, pressure, distance, temperature, etc. have been measured wirelessly [ 17 ]. Applying
Giant Magneto Impedance (GMI) wires as external load, we built sensors for magnetic field [
18 ].
The external sensor device is electrically operated (excited) at high radio frequency. Many
(semiconductor) sensors cannot handle this. A new idea from the author [ 16 ] is to separate
the RF transponder and the sensor path utilizing a varactor diode loading the IDT as a
capacitance, controlled by a DC or AF voltage (Figure 27).
Figure 27: Indirectly affected SAW radio sensor for AF voltage measurements
So, measurands exciting an AF (from DC to more than 100 kHz) voltage can be measured.
The principle successfully has been utilized for the measurement of dynamic mechanical
parameters. There, the sensor, converting the mechanical strain into a voltage was a from stock
piezo element. Due to the high input impedance (loss resistance) of the varactor for its bias
signal, a time constant of a few seconds, and therefore a lower frequency limit of approx. 1 Hz
has been achieved even for piezo elements with very small internal capacitance (a few pF only,
which are discharged slowly over the loss resistance).
SAW devices are well known for matched filter applications e.g. for chirp impulse
compression. The linear chirp signal is characterized by its bandwidth B, its duration T and the
sign of the dispersion coefficient µ (up or down). A mismatch of the chirp signal and the
compressor yields a time shift of the compressed impulse, i.e. an error if Doppler shift occurs,
but is essentially in compressive receivers [ 7 ], [ 8 ].
As sketched in Figure 28, an on-chip chirp impulse compression is applied by dispersive delay
line sensors (DDL) [ 40 ].
L effective, ϑ2 > ϑ1
L effective, ϑ1
Figure 28: One port SAW DDL with impulse compression on the sensor chip
The radio request signal is a chirp matched (i.e. it is time inverse) to the sensor dispersion. The
sensor responds with a bandpass impulse compressed in time to a 3 dB width of 1/B.
On the other hand, the sensor can be utilized as a chirp expander, excited by the radio request
signal. Then, the compressor is implemented in the receiver.
Affecting the dispersive reflector in the sensor (e.g. thermally or mechanically) yields a change
of the total delay due to a shift of the effective reflection location for each frequency within B.
The shift of geometry causes a shift in frequency of acoustoelectric interaction, the chirped
SAW (propagating on the sensor in Figure 28) delivers a compressed output signal, e.g. earlier
for a temperature ϑ1 < ϑ2.
In Figure 29 the principle is shown in a time / frequency diagram for a "cold" and a "hot"
temperature sensor with a positive change of delay versus temperature.
It is important to consider the principle of stationary phase. Then, the frequency used in Figure
29 is the differential dϕ/dt of signal phase ϕ and time t.
frequency dispersive
SAW sensor “cold”
radio request ∆f
T SAW sensor “hot”
total impulse
delay : T "hot" = v saw /L eff, "hot"
T "cold" = v saw /L eff, "cold"
The shift in delay of the compressed impulse's envelope is amplified compared to a wideband
delay line
∆t = ∆f ⋅ . (7)
The amplification of sensitivity compared with a wideband delay line is
∆ t ddl ∆f ⋅ ε ⋅f center ⋅
η= = B = B = f center (8)
∆ t dl ε ⋅T ε ⋅T B
with ε, the scaling of the sensor's response in time due to the measurand [ 40 ], [ 44 ].
SAW resonators (SAWR) are applied as passive sensors with RF energy storage in the SAW.
After excitation by an RF signal, the resonator transmits a decaying signal at its resonance
frequency [ 45 ]. In Figure 30 a SAWR radio sensor is sketched, in Figure 31 the resonator
response signal in time and its FFT spectrum is shown.
The scaling factor for delay is calculated from 1 + ε = 1 + STy ⋅y with the relative sensitivity
1 dT
STy = ⋅ (9)
T dy
of the parameter T to the effect y, e.g. in ppm/K.
The effect of a measurand y to the frequency of a resonator is
STy ⋅y
∆f =
d v saw ⋅1 + STy ⋅y). ( 10 )
reflectors d → (1+ε)⋅d
f0 → f0 / (1+ε)
d e c a y in g r e s o n a t o r ’s
re s p o n s e FFT
Figure 31: Screen shot of the response signal of a one port SAWR at 433.71 MHz on a digital
storage oscilloscope with decaying RF signal (1 µs/Div.) and FFT (1 MHz/Div., center 433
The operation temperature range of the SAW radio sensors is the same as for the other SAW
devices described above. SAW radio sensors are totally passive, contain neither active
elements nor batteries or capacitors. Since no semiconductors are applied, the sensors
withstand a high rate of hard radiation and a powerful electromagnetic interference (EMI).
With suitable packaging, the sensors are applicable in dusty environments with high load and
withstand severe environmental conditions.
SAW radio sensors can be requested by radio signals in a frequency range between approx. 30
and 3000 MHz. The operation in the ISM bands is recommended or necessary, respectively.
Utilizing SAW radio sensors, a wide range of sensor applications, including automotive, have
been investigated.
4. Interrogation systems for passive radio sensors
As mentioned above, we disregard the interrogation systems for active and semi-active radio
sensors here. These units usually respond with a digital data telegram. The interrogation
system contains a rather simple AM or FM receiver, the data are processed in a
But, whatever kind of wireless passive radio sensor is employed, the sensor responds with an
RF signal derived from the radio request signal by a linear or a non linear effect due to the
measurand. As for RADAR systems, the oscillators in the receiver usually are phase-coupled to
the transmitter, coherent detection is easier than for interrogation of active sensors.
• Time domain sampling (TDS), wideband or full band sampling with TDD and
• Frequency domain sampling (FDS), narrowband or partial band sampling with TDD
• Continuous frequency domain sampling (CFDS) with FDD
The measurement system can be separated into an RF part (RFU) and an evaluation unit (EU).
In the RFU, the response signal is demodulated, sampled and usually digitized. For the wireless
readout of moving passive sensors a very special RFU circuit design has to allow for the dp
(see appendix 1, e.g. d=4) dependence of the response signal strength on the length d of the
radio channel. So, automatic control circuits (gain, frequency, etc. ) operate in the RFU
exclusively but the parameter settings can also be controlled by the EU.
The interface between RFU and EU is a matrix of data, representing the sensor response
amplitude and/or phase versus time or frequency, or the frequency versus time. The interfaced
data is complex valued, a real and an imaginary part is handed over. The EU processes this
data and calculates the estimated measurand for display, control, etc. Data reduction
processing, as discussed below, require an enhanced interaction between RFU and EU.
→ data readout,
← control display
tim e
I[ k ]
a rra y
I[ k ],Q [ k ] frequency
Q[ k ]
a m p litude
data reduction processing, a very low cost solution based on a 2..5 $ Risc processor (e.g. PIC
16C...) was built in our laboratory.
RFU-EU interface
serial→ parallel display
Im buffer memory
Figure 33: Block diagram of the EU: instead of real (Re) and imaginary part (Im) of the
analog baseband signal, magnitude (Mag) and phase (Ph) can be delivered digitally from the
Now, the RFU principles are discussed, providing the different methods of radio interrogation:
For time domain sampling (TDS), (with TDD), resolution in time is achieved by a transmitted
radio request signal, covering the total system bandwidth at once (full band). This signal could
be a simple burst or an amplitude weighted burst to shape the signal in frequency domain and
to keep the allowed bandwidth. Preferably the signal can be a spread spectrum signal, a chirp
or e.g. a Barker code sequence. The spreading gain exploitable is limited by the maximum
length of the radio request signal (to provide TDD between request and response) and the
bandwidth of the sensor. For SAW DL sensors, to achieve low insertion loss, the bandwidth is
approx. 10 MHz (for a 433 MHz device). Assuming a basic delay (until the first response
signal occurs after request) of 1 to 4 µs for usual ID and sensor devices, a spreading gain of
only approx. 6 dB is feasible (10 to 20 dB with special sensors).
radio request S(f)
signal s(t)
time frequency
duration sensor bandwidth
To gain full information from the sensor, the request signal's bandwidth (with "flat top" =
constant power density) has to be wider (if allowed) than the sensor bandwidth. Then, the
sensor impulse response is measured or, at least it can be calculated, if the condition "flat top"
is not fulfilled.
It has to be noted, that if the RF bandwidth of the sensor limits the total RF bandwidth
asymmetrically (e.g. due to the measurand), during coherent demodulation a residual frequency
occurs due to the different center frequency of the received response signal and the frequency
of the local reference oscillator. This yields distortion of the detected signals and complicates
the data evaluation.
The radio sensor responds to each radio request signal with one (e.g. single resonator) or a
number of (e.g. DL) response signals. A wideband detection and sampling of the response
signal is performed in the receiver (Figure 35).
signal at
the detector
For the interrogation of a SAW DL, the bandwidth has to be high enough to distinguish the
response signals from different reflector signals, i.e. to make these orthogonal in time (or
orthogonal in frequency, if chirps have been transmitted).
Employing an ID tag, i.e. a delay line with a characteristic code, the response signal is the
convolution of the request signal and the impulse response. Requested with a single burst, the
tag responds with the code. On the other hand, a code matched radio request signal (i.e. the
time inverse of the sensor impulse response) yields a compressed impulse as sensor response
and, interrogating with another code yields the crosscorrelation of the request code and the
time inverse response code. A lot of system solutions for a multiple access scenario are feasible
as shown below and in [ 46 ].
Requesting resonators, the signal bandwidth has to be capable to excite the oscillation of all
resonators to be interrogated.
TDS is a single scan measurement method, the whole sensor response can be recorded in one
radio interrogation cycle. Wideband RF signal generation and high speed signal processing are
necessary. Due to the wide bandwidth and the small spreading gain (due to the maximal
request signal length) available, the energy contents of one scan is small [ 1 ]. The SNR at the
detector, applied to estimation of the measurand, is enhanced by coherent integration (see
chapter 4.4) at the expense of measurement speed. Smart data collection (selective non
periodic sampling) yields a reduced effort in signal processing (chapter 4.3).
Usually, coherent demodulation of the received signal r(t) is performed for a number M of
sample points tm in time (Figure 36), i.e. the time discrete response (e.g. burst response) of the
sensor to the request signal s(t) is evaluated.
fast fast
switching sampling
passive I(tn )
s(t) r(t)
sensor Q(tn )
stable coherent
oscillator demodulation
In Figure 37 the block diagram of an actual TDS system, built in our laboratory and applied to
readout of passive sensors is drawn.
a n te n n a
bursts, chirps,
spread spectrum signals
(SAW resonator)
90° processing
r e c e iv e r s a m p lin g
fro n t e n d Q
matched filter,
RSSI Mag(tn)
log. amp
sensor with limiter Ph(tn)
s(t) r(t) Limiter dig. phase-
stable discriminator
Figure 38: TDS / TDD RFU with logarithmic amplifier receiver concept
Due to the fast response of the logarithmic receiver for RSSI, the system is capable to operate
without additional gain control with a typical input signal's dynamic range of up to 100 dB.
At sampling, attention has to be paid to the effect of the convolution of the sampling window
with the signal. Of course, the sampling theorem applies, the sampling has to be performed
with at least twice the bandwidth of the baseband signals.
Time and frequency domain can be transformed into each other by (discrete or fast) Fourier
transform (FFT) and the inverse (IFFT).
Frequency domain sampling (FDS) or partial band sampling means successive scanning of the
total bandwidth step by step in the frequency domain. As performed in a vector network
analyzer, the sensor response is measured for a number M of request center frequencies fm.
To achieve high resolution, M has to be high and the bandwidth of each step at fi must be low.
Therefore a relative long duration of the request signal and a long total measurement time are
required, on the other hand, the total energy for detection is enhanced. The principle of FDS is
discussed in [ 1 ] and sketched in Figure 39.
t Bres f
duration B
In Figure 40, the RFU of a FDS / TDD system is sketched. As for the TDS system (Figure 36),
the RF signals preferably are derived from one oscillator to allow coherent demodulation.
slow slow
switching sampling
passive I(tm )
s(t) r(t)
sensor Q(tm)
stabletuned coherent
oscillator demodulation
As for the TDS system a logarithmic amplifier with limiter output can be employed here.
Figure 41 a block diagram of a FDS system is sketched. As discussed above, the operation is
very similar to that of a vector network analyzer (VNWA) for S11 measurements with time
gating. Controlled by the EU the oscillator is tuned to the frequency fi . In time domain division
(TDD) between request and response detection, the frequency selective response is measured.
The time gating can be done by a transmit /receive (T/R) switch or by software. Then, the T/R
switched is replaced by a coupler, as applied in a VNWA. The output of the receiver delivers
real and imaginary part, or magnitude and phase, of the reflected response signal. To gain the
information for the present frequency fi , sampling and digitizing is performed.
transmitter antenna
variable switch
RF receiver
EU sampling
The output array of inphase I(1...M) and quadrature Q(1...M) signals contains the real and
imaginary part of the time gated reflection coefficient versus frequency fi , with i=1 to M. If the
logarithmic receiver is employed, the data array contains magnitude and phase versus
frequency. The time response can be calculated by IFFT.
FDS is a multi-scan measurement. To gain the information of a number of M points in time, M
frequencies have to be scanned. The total measurement lasts in minimum M times one
measurement cycle of TDS. Simultaneously, the RF energy for one interrogation and therefore
the distance range or the reliability of the measurement (due to the enhanced total SNR) are
high. Employing the method for an N-bit ID application requires at least M=N sampled
frequencies, enlarging the required interrogation time by a factor N compared to a TDS set.
A special derivative of a FDS / TDD system has been invented by the author:
In order to find a principle for a radio interrogation system for high-Q resonators without high
signal processing effort, the principle of the phase synchronization in PAL color TV has been
employed. Figure 42 gives the block diagram of this system. A wirelessly closed, gated phase
locked loop (GPLL) locks the local oscillator to the radio response signal of a decaying
resonator sensor. Thus, after acquisition, the local oscillator of the system tracks the frequency
of the resonator. A simple frequency counter is employed as display unit for the frequency and
the measurand.
Since the loop is not continuously closed but operated in TDD, different distances between the
interrogator and the sensor yield errors only when the distance is varied, i.e. the sensor is
moved in radial direction with velocity vr. Since a movement for one wavelength corresponds
to a phase shift of 2π, a radial movement correspondents to an error frequency fe in the PLL
of fe = vr / λ, or analog to a Doppler shift fe = f0⋅(vr/c), with f0 the PLL center frequency, and c
the velocity of light.
Without movement, only the absolute phase of the received signal is shifted, not affecting the
loop after acquisition.
The principle has been evaluated by an experimental setup, the results have been published in [
45 ].
burst transmitter
Figure 42: Block diagram of a GPLL self locking FDS system for wireless radio interrogation
of resonant devices [ 45 ]
Apart from the GPLL circuit, a logarithmic amplifier is employed to linearize the exponential
decay of the resonator signal. As display unit, a frequency counter, measuring the frequency of
the local oscillator, and a simple panel voltmeter, measuring the loop control voltage have been
used. A gated loop filter, employed to suppress drift effects and to facilitate the periodical
phase acquisition is described in [ 45 ].
Compared to other methods, the advantage of the system discussed above is, that no EU and
no microcontroller are necessary, of course at the expense of additional analog circuits. The
most important disadvantage is the SNR (approx. > 10 dB) required for reliable acquisition
and tracking.
In the introduction, FDD was mentioned to be applicable almost without exception for non
linear sensors. A FDS system with FDD for separation of radio request and sensor response for
linear sensor devices is employed in FM-CW Radar. The request signal is a linear or nonlinear
frequency modulated (FM) continuous wave (CW). The received time delayed response signals
are thus shifted in frequency (Figure 43), depending on the dispersion coefficient of the
modulation µ = B/T and the distance. As applied for Radar distance measurements, the request
signal is multiplied with the response received. From the frequency difference ∆f between the
transmitted signal and one individual response the respective propagation delay ∆T is
calculated with ∆T = ∆f /µ. In actual systems, the information of propagation delay of reflected
signals is gained from an FFT of the low pass filtered demodulation product. The applicability
to passive DL sensor systems is limited by the necessary large dynamic range of the receiver
and the insertion loss of the, e.g. SAW, delay lines. Since instantaneous transmission and
reception is required, the T/R switch is replaced by a T/R coupler or a circulator like in
microwave Radar systems.
Figure 43 shows the block diagram of a FM-CW interrogation system.
FM-CW Transmitter
FFT Mixer Receiver f f2 reflector 1
f1 reflector 2
Figure 43: Block diagram of FM-CW Radar system for FDS / FDD
Data reduction is achieved by a model based parameter estimation of the transfer function of
known sensors. A new method, utilizing frequency selective mutual cancellation of the
response signals originating from two adjacent reflectors of one sensor, was invented by the
author, and has been experimentally verified and was published in [ 47 ]. The used hardware is
similar to that shown in
Figure 41. Principle and performance are discussed in chapter 4.3.2.
If no energy storage is feasible in a sensor, radio request and measurement have to be
performed simultaneously as shown in the introduction and the following circuits:
4.1.3 Frequency domain sampling with frequency domain division for non linear passive
Nonlinear passive radio sensors generate harmonic signals or cross modulation products. They
are interrogated with an RF signal within a bandwidth Bt, centered at ft. At the same time the
response signal is detected at fr with bandwidth Br. Therefore, the interrogation is performed as
a (continuous) FDS of the sensor response with FDD between request and response.
Figure 44 shows a block diagram of such an interrogator. As discussed above, no T/R switch
and absolutely no fast signal processing is necessary. Choosing appropriate frequencies, the
requirements to the receiver band pass and its dynamic range, etc., are designed.
non linear
detector BPF
Figure 44: Block diagram of a radio interrogation system with single tone modulation for non
linear passive sensors (harmonic sensors fr=2ft)
Radio request of mixer sensors requires two RF signals in the transmitter (dual tone
modulation) and an AM demodulator in the receiver. The according block diagram is sketched
in Figure 45. Directional couplers, or frequency duplexers, are used to combine f1 and f2
request signals and to separate transmit and receive path.
∆f f2
∆f if f1 mixer
sensor is sensor
present AM
demodulator f1
Figure 45: Radio interrogation unit for passive nonlinear sensors utilizing cross modulation
Linear, passive low-Q resonant sensors as shown in Figure 7 are interrogated in frequency
domain by measuring the "dip" of energy due to a resonance circuit coupled to the sensor. The
principle was widely used in the so called "Grid dip Meters" a lot of years ago. The (LC-)
resonator of an oscillator circuit was near field coupled to the resonant device under test
(DUT), e.g. an antenna. Then, the oscillator was tuned manually and the anode- or collector-
current (IC) was monitored. If the oscillator's frequency was equal to the resonance of the
DUT, the resonant energy flow was observed by a current change.
Applying low-Q resonators (afflicted with losses) for one bit ID purposes, the presence of
sensors in the near field of "antennas" can be detected monitoring the supply current of the
oscillator (Figure 46). The system scans the frequency range (CFDS) and measures
instantaneously e.g. the supply current. From the characteristic of the current versus frequency,
the approximate resonance frequency of sensors can be found. To find sensors with a well
known resonance frequency (as for theft detection), the oscillator can be fix tuned to that
near field
Measurement of the reflection coefficient S11 utilizing a VNWA can be applied also.
Nevertheless, due to the low Q factor (or the wide bandwidth of the resonator), the resolution
of a conceivable measurement is rather poor. The sensor principle is applied for one-bit ID
detection only. Also it has to be kept in mind, that the principle is usable only with a sensor
closely coupled (in the near field) to the interrogation antenna.
The measurand is evaluated from parameters of the RF response signals, applying the known
sensitivity of e.g. delay for temperature. The parameters are time delay, frequency or phase
difference, they have to be measured, or estimated, in the interrogator.
In most systems, the analog response signal r(t) is demodulated, sampled and digitized by an
analog to digital converter (ADC). The (digital) data is included in the two column, M row
array, mentioned above. The row number indicates the discrete time for TDS methods or the
frequency (i.e. the center frequency of the measurement bandwidth) for FDS systems.
In Figure 47, the received response signal r(t) of a 3 bit DL and the time discrete inphase UI[n]
and quadrature UQ[n] components of the complex valued coherent demodulator output are
sketched versus time. A delay line sensor with response signals approx. at the sample positions
4, 8 and 16 has been interrogated with a TDS system. (The data also could originate from a
FDS interrogator with frequency responses at 4, 8 and 16. )
input signal A B C
r(t) [V]
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
sample number
1 ... M
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
sample number
-0,5 1 ... M
Figure 47: Received signal r(t) and time discrete real (I[n]) and imaginary (Q[n]) part of the
demodulator output
The measurement of time is performed for different purposes in different ways. We assume
two impulses in the baseband or bursts in RF bandpass range with a time delay of ∆τ.
From the TDS data array, the time usually is estimated from a phase measurement.
Phase measurement
The response signal r(t) is coherently demodulated by multiplication with the orthogonal base
signals cos(ωt) and sin(ωt) with an integration over a carrier period T:
I(t ) = ∫r( t) ⋅cos(ω t )dt ( 11 )
Q(t ) = ∫r ( t) ⋅sin (ω t )dt ( 12 )
For actual implementations, the stable reference oscillator and a 90° shifted version are used as
base signals. It is assumed, that the received signal consists of a number of band limited bursts
(Figure 47: A, B, C) without dispersion but with linear phase. The phase θr(t)(t) of the received
signal versus time and so the phase of each burst ϕ A(t), ϕ B(t), etc., referenced to the
orthogonal base can be calculated from
θr ( t ) (t ) = arctanQ( t )
I(t )
( 13 )
Further, it is assumed, that the phase of the response signal within the burst remains
approximately constant, i.e. ϕ i (t)=ϕ i , (i = A, B, C, ...), which actually can be observed.
The orthogonal components of the base band signal are sampled U(t = tn) → U[n] and
digitized. The calculations are performed with the digital data, e.g. θ[n]=arctan (Q[n]/I[n]),
afflicted with the additional digitization error (see appendix 2).
To compensate the measurement for the (changing) propagation distance and other electrical
delays, usually the phase difference between the response bursts is employed.
In Figure 48, the principle of time measurement by phase detection for DL sensor purposes is
The bursts A and B are detected with a phase of ϕ A and ϕ B. The phase interval is assumed to
be {0 ... 2π}. The phase shift ∆ϕ corresponds to a time delay ∆t
∆t = , ( 14 )
2π⋅f c
with carrier center frequency fc. For a 433 MHz RF carrier frequency, a period length is
approx. 2.3 ns. A phase resolution of only π/6 yields a resolution in time of 0.19 ns. This
resolution never can be attained by determination of burst maximum with |r(t)|, i.e. envelope,
burst A burst B
ϕ1 n.2π ϕ2
ϕ tot τtot
Figure 48: Phase detection for time measurement, stable carrier dashed
In Figure 48, an ambiguity can be observed for a phase shift > 2π. The factor n has to be
measured utilizing other methods, it also can be estimated from a third delay position in a
geometrically fixed ratio. With n, the total phase ϕ tot is calculated from
ϕ tot = (ϕ 2-ϕ 1)+2nπ. ( 15 )
Then, the total delay τtot is
ϕ tot
τtot = . ( 16 )
2 π⋅f c
The time measurement for DL sensors by phase detection was developed by our group to
technical maturity and is the commonly employed method in today's SAW radio sensor
systems. Applying coherent phase detection instead of envelope delay evaluation, the relative
resolution for a 3 µs sensor delay interval is enhanced from 10-3 to 10-6.
As an example in Figure 49 the measurement readout is shown for a LiNbO3 temperature
sensor with a 5 µs delay. In the first part (a) of the graph, keeping temperature constant,
envelope detection was executed only, the resolution of temperature was poor, approx. 10 K.
Then, the system was switched to coherent mode with phase evaluation (b), yielding a
temperature resolution of less than 0.1 K. In this mode a three step heating of the monitored
oven was measured. From the enlarged part of the graph around 103 °C the actual resolution
can be observed to be approx. 0.01 to 0.02 K. The steps of heating up and cooling down of the
thermo-chamber by the control circuit to keep the specified temperature error less than 0.5 K
can be seen.
temperature [°C]
120,00 103,6
100,00 103,4
b) 103,2
a) 103
550 600 650
Figure 49: Readout of a temperature measurement system utilizing LiNbO3 SAW delay line
sensors (∆τ = 5 µs), with a) envelope delay detection and b) phase evaluation
First moment
From the digital data array, the mean delay, the first moment of the response burst can be
calculated easily. This method of course is limited by the sampling rate too. We apply it for
coarse measurement of delay and for acquisition of phase. The resolution achieved mainly
depends on the SNR of the analog signal, in our applications we attained a resolution of
approx. a tenth of the sample period.
equ. ( 18 ), the inverse discrete Fourier transform [ 48 ].
M− 1 2πnk
− j
Sd [k ]= sd [n ]⋅e M
, for k = 0 .... M-1 ( 17 )
n= 0
2 πnk
1 M− 1
sd [n] = ⋅∑ Sd [k ]⋅e M ,
for n = 0 .... M-1 ( 18 )
M k=0
The result of the transform is periodical in time (sd[n]) or frequency (Sd[k]) domain, with a
period of M points. The period is divided into M divisions, the resolution is 1/M. The
resolution in time achieved by an inverse discrete Fourier transform (or an Inverse Fast Fourier
Transform IFFT) is 1/B with B the total bandwidth (e.g. sampled by the FDS). An
enhancement of the resolution is achieved e.g. with zero stuffing. So, for the band limited
signal a higher sample rate is simulated, the additional samples are set to zero, providing no
additional errors in the observed interval but less energy per sample in the domain transformed
to. DFT and the inverse DFT deliver periodical discrete signal information in time or frequency
domain. Information between the samples has to be interpolated if required.
Notch determination
A model based parameter estimation for, e.g., a two bit delay line applied for radio sensor
purposes is discussed in [ 47 ] and chapter 4.3.2.
Especially if high speed sampling and fast and consequently expensive data processing has to
be avoided, methods are employed, to evaluate the demodulated analog base band signal:
The simplest method for the measurement of time between a start and a stop signal is to count
the periods of a high frequency reference in the interval. The actual problems arise, looking for
these trigger signals. A noisy signal causes phase jitter when observed for threshold crossing,
changing maximum amplitudes of band limited signals yields additional errors. To find the time
of the peak voltage (if no ambiguity exists), a peak detector with a differentiation (high pass
filter) and a threshold detector is used. To avoid errors from noise during time intervals with
low signal strength, the system has to be controlled by an amplitude detector. The upper
boundary of resolution in time is given by the inverse RF reference frequency, e.g. it is 1 ns for
a 1 GHz clock. It is trivial that the relative error increases for a smaller total delay.
In general, we deal with short time signals, here. Definition of frequency may not be feasible.
Then, the instantaneous frequency, dϕ/dt can be applied only.
As for the time delay, the measurement of frequency preferably is performed from the digital
data array discussed above. For discussion we assume a high-Q resonator as radio sensor.
Here, a response signal with an exponential decreasing spectral density centered at the
resonance frequency can be observed for e.g. 10 µs, i.e. for at least 5000 periods.
For some applications as well as for the measurement of time and phase, analog frequency
measurement methods are employed:
4.2.3 Measurement of amplitude
Since amplitude is influenced strongly by the radio transmission, apart from the detection of
absorption due to low-Q resonators, in passive radio sensor applications, it is used rarely.
Today amplitude only is evaluated for readout of the indirectly affected SAW transponders
(see chapter 3.3.1).
In time domain, the signal is sampled with a rate fulfilling the sampling theorem (in minimum
twice the signal's bandwidth), or asynchronously in proper time slots (chapter 4.3.1). As shown
in the appendix 2, the ratio of signal and self provided ADC noise is enhanced for approx. 6 dB
/ Bit. As employed for digital storage oscilloscopes, with e.g. oversampling and a sin(x)/x
approximation, the envelope can be interpolated with good accuracy.
Employing FDS, the time amplitude in time domain is calculated from the result of an IFFT.
The deterministic error of amplitude measurement's resolution mainly is determined by
deviations from linearity of the amplifiers in RF, IF and baseband frequency range, different
gain factors in parallel base band channels, hold drift in sample / hold circuits and by errors in
the ADC unit.
Opposite to the resonant sensors, where measurement time and collected data directly
determine the performance of the measurement, for delay line interrogation the information can
be extracted from a reduced quantity. Here both, TDS and FDS, data reduction is feasible, by
neglecting time or frequency intervals containing no essential information.
4.3.1 Sampling on demand for TDS
The output of the coherent detector of a TDS system sketched in Figure 37 yields two base
band signals I(t) and Q(t) for digitizing and digital signal processing. With a 1 MHz baseband
bandwidth for a 433 MHz system (or >20 MHz for a 2.45 GHz set) and a total response
interval length of 10 µs, at least 40 (or 800) samples have to be recorded. The analog to digital
converters, the digital memory and the microcontroller have to be designed to fit this
requirement in signal processing speed. On the other hand, only the phase difference between
e.g. two response bursts are important. The required information can be gained from 4 samples
only, i.e. 10 % of full sampling (or 0.5 % for the 2.45 GHz system).
Sampling on demand employs asynchronous sampling of the baseband channels for the time
slots of interest only. The analog amplitudes of the response are pre-stored in e.g. 4 properly
triggered sample/hold circuits, CCD devices, etc. Then, the contents of these circuits is read
out and digitized sequentially by slow and therefore low cost devices. The signal processing
effort for data collection is reduced by a factor 10. In Figure 50, the principle is sketched and a
block diagram of the baseband unit of a TDS sampling on demand system is shown.
t1 t2 time
ttrigger=t1, t2
from coherent demodulator
Q[t1] A/D
Employing the principle for low speed identification applications, only one time slot has to be
sampled during one radio interrogation cycle, the M time slots are sequentially sampled within
M radio interrogation periods, the signal processing effort is further reduced. Employing this
methods we built low cost TDS radio request systems for SAW delay line sensors and ID tags.
The state of the art technology of systems utilized for radio interrogation of passive DL
sensors is described in [ 52 ].
4.3.2 Reduced FDS - "Notch sensor" application
A model based parameter estimation e.g. for a two bit delay line, applied to radio sensor
purposes has been invented by the author and was verified in our laboratory. It is discussed in [
47 ]: The theory of a two path radio channel, characterized by frequency selective fading of
the transmission function, is applied to radio sensors. A dual reflective wideband SAW delay
line has the same impulse response h(t) and therefore the same transmission function H(ω) in
frequency domain as the two path radio channel, the insertion loss of each reflector can be
interpreted as the loss of the corresponding path. In Figure 51 the magnitude of the measured
reflection coefficient S11(ω) of a dual reflective delay line is sketched.
426 428 430 432 434 436 438 440
frequency [MHz]
Figure 51: Measured reflection coefficient S11(ω) of a dual reflective delay line with constant
insertion loss, (equal to the transmission function H(ω) of a two path radio channel with equal
path attenuation)
f notch = ( 2 k − 1) ⋅2 MHz ϑ = 20 °C
( 19 )
with k = 1, 2, ... (∞ ).
Employing FDS for delay line sensors with a known structure with U unknown parameters,
only U samples are necessary in frequency domain. The parameters of the mentioned dual
reflective delay line are:
1.) the amplitude ratio of the two signals arriving at the receiver via the two reflectors,
2.) the delay between the first and the second signal arriving and
3.) the frequency and therefore the phase shift for a delay
With a fixed amplitude ratio of 1, two samples are sufficient. Data reduction by a factor 20 is
achieved, of course, at the expense of the robustness of the measurement.
Due to the FDS principle, only a few narrow band radio interrogation cycles are necessary.
Enhanced resolution by phase measurement is included inherently in the principle.
As parameter, representative for the measurand, the position or the shift of one notch
frequency can be evaluated. Assuming a wide band SAW delay line with two reflectors, a delay
difference ∆t and a temperature coefficient TK of the substrate, the temperature sensitivity Sϑ∆f
and the absolute sensitivity Snotch,ϑ of the shift of the k-th notch at frequency f due to
temperature is
− ∆f 2k − 1 1
Snotch , ϑ = f ⋅Sϑ∆f = = ⋅TK ⋅ . ( 20 )
∆ϑ 2 ⋅∆t 1 + TK ⋅∆ϑ
In comparison to the time measurement, operating at the same center frequency f, the
sensitivity is enhanced by a factor of
GS,n= f ⋅∆t . ( 21 )
The principle, the measurement parameters and an experimental verification of the method is
given in the included publication [ 47 ]. Accuracy and unambiguity are mentioned there. Since
the overlap of the two reflected impulses adjacent in time is evaluated here, in [ 47 ] the term
inter symbol interference (ISI) is used. Of course, ISI originally was coined for digital data
communications. In Figure 52 the actually measured position of one notch frequency is drawn
versus the temperature affecting the sensor.
∆t = 125 ns for ∆ϑ = 85K
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
temperature [°C]
Figure 52: Notch frequency for a wideband delay line with two reflectors spaced by 125 ns
versus temperature [ 47 ]
An essential advantage of passive wireless sensors is the lack of an on-board power supply. On
the other hand, the retransmitted response is generated from the radio request signal. The same
radio channel is passed two times, for request and response. Thus, for medium range
applications with distances of 5 to 20 meters, the remaining energy of the received response
signal decreases in minimum by the fourth power of distance and equally the ratio of signal
power to noise added during transmission (SNR) decreases.
A severe problem is the (incoherent) co-channel interference from other radio communication
systems, etc. Moreover, to obey national governmental regulations, the transmitted peak
power of the sensor system is limited. The signal to interference ratio (SIR) cannot be
enhanced arbitraryly. To achieve the required propability of correct signal detection and to
keep the error limits, we need a sufficient SNR and SIR for decision.
We implemented integrative processing for radio request of passive SAW sensors. We
discriminate between coherent and non-coherent integration:
Coherent integration is a linear operation, samples of signal amplitude sk(t) of different
interrogation cycles are summed up with correct phase. The SNR, the ratio between signal and
noise power, is increased by a factor N, the optimum for all integration methods. Coherent
integration is a well known method for signal energy enhancement in Radar and measurement
Coherent integration and the achievable gain are discussed in [ 1 ], chapter 3.4.
If no correlation between signal and interference signal exists, coherent integration is also
applicable for SIR enhancement. On the other hand, coherent feed through effects of the local
oscillator within the radio interogation system cannot be coped with.
After nonlinear signal processing, e.g. incoherent demodulation, other, less effective
integration methods can be implemented. Nonlinearity causes an irreversible correlation
between signal and noise terms. The gain of nonlinear integration methods is expected to be
smaller than that of coherent integration, a threshold effect occurs, similar to the AM threshold
for non coherent detection [ 53 ]. A type of nonlinear integration is post-detection integration,
where an average of a number of results is calculated after a nonlinear data decision. It only is
effective above the SNR threshold mentioned above.
The errors due to coherent integration of non stationary measurands are discussed in the
appendix A2.
The problem of multiple access, of the individual access of one interrogation system to a
number of different passive radio sensors is discussed in [ 1 ], chapter 3.5.
... ID-tag
Figure 53: SDMA to passive sensors utilizing the d4 law for the radio signal attenuation
Division in space (SDMA) is suitable, where the sensors and e.g. the work pieces to monitor,
the cars for road pricing, etc., only are allowed to move in certain ways and with sufficient
distance from the next one. Then, due to the beam width of the antennas and due to the d4
propagation attenuation (the sensor to be interrogated is much narrower to the interrogation
antenna than the others and is located in the center of the antenna beam), the amplitude of the
selected response is large enough to avoid interference from the others. For SDMA, gain
controlled and logarithmic amplifiers have to be limited in their dynamic range. An estimation
of errors due to other sensors yields the maximum allowed response signal, received from the
adjacent sensors. The maximum amplitude error occurs if the interfering signal si , e.g. a burst
signal from the response of another sensor at the same time with the same (constructive) or
inverse (destructive) phase. Then, after normalization to the signal vector s0, the amplitude
error is
Ea, max = ± si /s0. ( 22 )
An amplitude ratio of -20 dB yields a maximum error of 1% in amplitude.
The maximum phase error ∆ϕ due to a response signal from other sensors is
∆ϕ max = arcsin{si /s0}. ( 23 )
Therefore, for a phase error limit of 1 degree, the interfering signal si originating from the other
sensors, must be smaller than 0.0175⋅s0, i.e. -35 dB.
Employing SAW sensors, space division mainly is applied for identification purposes, where
the amplitude and phase error effects are less significant, e.g. for the Norway road pricing
system KOFRI [ 41 ]. The advantage of SDMA is, that with exception of a start and a stop bit
the whole code family can be exploited. With a 32 bit code and on / off keying, 230 sensors can
be distinguished.
For sensor purposes, usually TDMA is applied. The response signals of the sensors to the
request are separated interleaving them in time in corresponding time slots. In Figure 54 the
TDMA principle is drawn for four time slots, or sensors, respectively. The two-bit sensors 1
and 2 are available here. The measurand is evaluated from the delay of the response signals
within the time slots 1-1, 2-2, etc.
signal strength
s lo t : 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Figure 54: Principle of sensor TDMA, response signal power at the receiver versus time
With TDMA, interference between the sensor response signals is minimized. The system is
almost not affected by a near far effect. The time slots have to be wide enough, that the
response signals do not leave them due to the measurand's effect. The spacing required is
discussed in appendix 1.
Code division (CDMA) is difficult due to a severe near far effect occurring for passive radio
sensors. Some work has been done for SAW sensor CDMA in our laboratory, results have
been published [ 54 ], [ 55 ]. Best results have been found by a combination of CDMA with
TDMA (TCDMA). Therefore, the code selective addressed sensor responds in a characteristic
time slot, where the interference from the other sensors can be minimized by proper choice of
codes and timing [ 46 ].
4.6 Overview of usually employed methods for radio request of passive sensors
In Table 6, the actually used radio request methods for passive sensors are summarized.
Request signal Receiver Detection Comments
Wideband DL sensors
burst TDS AGC or limiting coherent TDS, for high speed sensor
100 ns up to 2 µs receiver I / Q sampling, applications with high
10 ... 40 dBm coherent integration resolution,
Etot = 1 nWs for e.g. 128 radio data reduction by non
to 20 µWs interrogation cycles periodic sampling
Dispersive DL sensors
experimental only burst τ<< 1/B matched filter incoherent detection
envelope sampling
Request signal Receiver Detection Comments
Table 6: Currently employed radio request methods for passive radio sensors
Different types of interrogation systems have been developed and investigated in our
laboratory. Our related work started in the early 1990's with the first ideas concerning passive
radio sensors and the prototype system shown in Figure 55.
Our response to the demand for all-inclusive low-cost interrogation sets was a small sized ID
and sensor system in 1999, shown in Figure 56, suitable for industrial manufacturing.
Figure 56: Small-sized (50x70x20 mm3) low-cost radio interrogation system for SAW DL
Appendix 1 - Radio channel
The function gT(t) is the baseband amplitude modulation, Am the signal amplitude, Φ (t) the
modulation in frequency and phase, respectively.
An important parameter in radio transmission is the signal attenuation between the transmitter
and the receiver. The signal power Pt is assumed to be radiated from an omnidirectional
isotropic antenna. The Pointing vector represents the power density Pt/(4d²π) flowing through
the sphere's surface in a distance d. For transmission to an omnidirectional isotropic receiver
antenna (with the so defined effective area λ²/(4π) ) in a distance d, the signal attenuation for
free space propagation is given by
4 ⋅π ⋅d
The formula given above is valid only in the far field region, where the real component of RF
power is dominant. The boundary between the near field region with extensive reactive power
flow and the far field region is given by the Rayleigh distance
r2=2D02/λ, (A1. 3)
r1≈λ/2π. (A1. 4)
For the radio sensor applications to machines, within closed process chambers, or under the
fender of a car, metallic parts in the near field region of the antenna are electromagnetically
coupled and enlarge the effective dimension D0 of the - usually small - interrogation antennas.
For these applications the distance to the sensor antenna usually is smaller than the actual
Rayleigh distance r2. The free space attenuation equ. (A1.2) does not apply, the actual signal
attenuation has to be evaluated by a measurement e.g. with a Network analyzer (NWA). For
an example in [ 1 ], figure 6, the path attenuation is shown for the radio link between the
interrogation antenna under the fender of a car and the sensor antenna within the tire. Here, as
for similar applications, the path loss mainly depends on the geometry of the system,
misadjustment of the antenna polarization becomes an important factor. The two graphs shown
in this figure represent two different request antenna positions.
For radio transmission with a distance larger than r2, obstacles within the Fresnel ellipsoid [
56 ] cause a wideband signal fading.
An important effect in radio transmission is multipath propagation [ 56 ], [ 57 ], [ 58 ], [ 59
]. The radio signal propagates from the transmitter to the receiver via different paths and these
are summed up in the receiver antenna. In actual mobile communication radio channels, a time
variant and frequency dependent signal fading can be observed caused by changing multipath
propagation and shadowing.
As mentioned above, for the short range scenario under the fender of a car, the geometry
provides two main propagation paths with different signal losses for the interrogation signals.
For the measurement result drawn with the dotted line (in [ 1 ], figure 6), the signal is handed
over from one to the other path with a maximum in attenuation and a significant phase
transition at a wheel rotation angle of approx. 120 degree. Here we cannot use the term
multipath propagation because only two major paths exist and the transmission is mainly due to
near field coupling.
A link budget, a sketch of the signal power levels at characteristic points of the transmission
channel can be drawn for radio transmission systems. The transmitted signal power, the
sensitivity of the receiver, the system's noise figure, the system's dynamic range, the signal
detection error, etc. can be put into the evaluation and one of these can be calculated from the
others. As a design rule for actual systems, the mathematical relation between these parameters
is given in [ 1 ] (equ. 32). In [ 1 ] ( figure 7) the link budget for an outdoor keyless entry
system is shown. Here, some estimations and simplifications have to be observed:
Considering the actual implementation without shadowing of the radio transmission and with
minor multipath propagation effects, only deterministic parameters are considered. The signal
attenuation during transmission is assumed to obey the p=2 law (equ. A1.2). For calculation
the gain of the antennas was assumed to be 0 dB to take into account a misadjustment of
polarization, e.g. due to non parallel linear antennas, etc.
To other environments, e.g. indoor applications, or for larger distances, the simple
deterministic model cannot be applied. For estimations at least a margin for both types of
fading (shadowing and multipath propagation) has to be added.
Multipath fading strongly is influenced by moving antennas and moving scatterers and
reflectors in the surroundings. A movement of approx. a tenth of the wavelength yields a
totally changed scenario. Therefore, multipath propagation is characterized by statistical
parameters [ 57 ]. In time domain we find:
The mean delay is the averaged delay of the signal energy from the transmitter to the receiver.
Since the minimum signal delay of the LOS path is not known in all cases, the statistically
averaged mean excess delay is used usually.
The mean excess delay τ is the first moment of the power delay profile. If k samples ak of the
received signal's amplitude a(t) versus the discrete samples τk of time are recorded, τ can be
written as
∑ a ⋅τ 2
k k ∑ P(τ )⋅τ
k k
τ= =
k k
∑ P(τ )
(A1. 5)
∑a k
k k
A further important parameter of a multipath radio channel is the rms delay spread στ. It is
the square root of the second moment of the power delay profile
στ = τ2 − ( τ) ,
(A1. 6)
_ ∑ a ⋅τ 2
k ∑ P(τ )⋅τ
τ 2
= k
= k
∑ P(τ )
. (A1. 7)
∑a k
k k
Usually zero delay is attributed to the first detectable signal arriving at the receiver. The
relations rely on the relative amplitudes of the multipath components within P(τ). Typical delay
spreads are some µs for outdoor and a few tens of ns for indoor channels.
Mean delay and delay spread are deduced from each individual measurement of the specific
power profile. For characterization of a radio channel in an environment, many measurements
have to be made and an average of the results has to be calculated or a probability distribution
function for a statistical description has to be found.
The maximum excess delay {-x dB} (eds -x dB) is the delay of the received power profile
during which the multipath energy falls to x dB below the maximum. For GSM, x is set to 9
dB, since this is the upper limit the system can accept as (self-) interference. For the radio
interrogation of passive sensors with time domain division of request and sensor response
signals (e.g. a SAW delay line), echoes interfering with the subsequently reflected waves yield
errors depending on the ratio of signal to the interfering echo (i.e. for x dB margin, the
( )
amplitude error due to signals outside this amplitude window is smaller than 100 10 x 20 %).,
As shown in [ 1 ] and in appendix A2, the resulting error or, for system design, the required
timing limits of the delay line sensors and consequently the number of SAW reflectors per
substrate length are calculated from this parameter.
Less important for relatively wideband passive radio sensor systems but essential for mobile
communication systems up to now, with optimized minimal-bandwidth modulation schemes, is
the coherence bandwidth Bc, a description of the multipath channel in the frequency domain.
It is a statistical measure of the range of frequencies over which the channel can be considered
as "flat". This means, all spectral components within this bandwidth pass the channel with
approximately equal gain and linear phase. Spectral components within Bc mutually are
correlated in amplitude and phase and thus in fading.
Fleury [ 60 ] gives an inequality for Bc:
Bc ≥ . (A1. 8)
The factor χ describes the correlation of the fading of the spectral power density within the
bandwidth. It has to be considered in the design of radio communication systems and
modulation schemes.
The time variant radio channel with moving transmitter, reflectors, scatterers and receiver is
characterized by Doppler spread and coherence time. The Doppler spread BD is a measure
for the spectral broadening due to the movement. The coherence time TC is a measure of the
interval length within the impulse response of the channel is approximately constant. If the
channel changes during the transmission of a message, e.g. if the reciprocal bandwidth (or data
bit length) is larger than the coherence time, a further degradation of transmission occurs.
Apart from some simple short range applications discussed above, radio sensor interrogation
channels are subject to multipath propagation too. To ensure a reliable operation, here also the
channel properties have to be measured and considered for the system design.
As an example, in Figure 57 the transmission function S21(f) is drawn for an industrial radio
channel for a SAW sensor application. The distance range approx. is 15 m. The measurements
have been performed utilizing a HP8753 NWA with a center frequency of 850 MHz and a
measurement bandwidth of 200 MHz. A FFT yields the channel impulse response plotted in
Figure 58.
rel. Amp[dB]
-15 f[MHz]
750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950
Figure 57: Transmission function S21(ω) of an industrial radio channel for SAW sensor
rel. Amp[dB]
-60,0 t[ns]
0 100 200 300 399 499
Figure 58: Impulse response of an indoor industrial radio channel at 850 MHz (B=200 MHz)
To find the statistical parameters for the channel description and for the sensor design, the
measurement is performed for a (large) number of locations within the area of interest.
For our sensor channel (Figure 57, Figure 58) we found a mean excess delay of 19.3 ns (with a
standard deviation of 3.8 ns), an rms delay spread of 17.8 ns (std. dev. 3.9 ns) and an {eds -20
dB} of 76.4 ns (std. dev. 16.9 ns).
The parameter x=20 dB for the excess delay spread was chosen to find the width of the time
slots for TDMA (the minimum delay between two reflected signals) mutually causing an
additional error of less than 1 %.
With the estimation given above, the coherence bandwidth Bc is larger than 4 MHz for χ = 0.9.
If the bandwidth covered by the radio signal is larger than this Bc, the multipath echoes cause
multiple impulses in the receiver. For narrow band radio request, e.g. resonator systems, this
multipath scenario yields amplitude fading, similar to the Rayleigh fading occurring in mobile
communication systems.
Installing a radio sensor system, the properties of the individual radio channel are affected by
the positioning of the antennas. To exploit this for an optimization of the system, an
information about the reflections in time and space is necessary. A very powerful method of
depicting the characteristic of a measured multipath channel's power profile is the scattering
function, yielding an information about division of the multiple paths in time and space [ 58 ].
As described above, for (short: <1 m and medium range: <30 m) channel measurements, a
network analyzer (NWA) is employed usually. The output information provided, is the
transmission function S21(f) versus frequency.
To gain information about scatterers, the receiver antenna is moved linearly for approx. λ/3
and the measurement is repeated. This is done e.g. 16 times (at antenna positions 1, 2, 3, ... in
Figure 59). In this way, the radio channel is sampled in frequency (by the NWA) and space
(due to the antenna shift). The set of results is the time variant, or, for the moving antenna, the
position variant transmission function S21(f,t). The space domain in minimum has to be sampled
twice per wavelength. A shift of λ/3 means a moderate oversampling.
analyzer 1
S21 2
output 4
test set
Figure 59: Channel Measurement with a vector network analyzer including space domain
Parson [ 59 ] shows the relationship between the set of measurement results and the scattering
function. This scattering function Ps is a function of time τ and space coordinate υ. It is
calculated squaring the magnitude of the Doppler variant impulse response S(τ,ν).
time variant
time / space impulse response frequency / time
h(τ,t )
Fυ -1 Ff-1
Ft Fτ
F− 1 F− 1
Doppler variant
transmission function
Figure 60: Relationship between the time, frequency and space variant functions of the radio
channel, [ 59 ]
The scattering function PS originally was defined for moving transmitters or receivers. For the
quasistationary radio interrogation channel, the scattering function can be used to evaluate the
direction of the echoes and to minimize their effect by appropriate positioning of the
interrogation antennas and choosing their polarization. For measurement the method of the
linearly shifted measurement points, discussed above, is employed. The graphical description of
the scattering function yields the information of signal power versus time and angle of receipt.
From this, the location of scatterers is evaluated (it has to be kept in mind, that the radio
channel was assumed to be stationary).
A discrete Fourier transform Fs of the function f(k⋅∆s), (with k=1,2,3 ... and e.g. ∆s=λ/3), is
performed in space with N (e.g. N=16) samples spaced by ∆s:
N 2π
FS {f ( k ⋅∆s)}= ∑ f ( k ⋅∆s)⋅e
j ⋅k ⋅∆s⋅cos α
. (A1. 9)
k =1
This calculation yields a significant result for α and τ, if the partial wave is received at τ from
the direction with the azimuth angle α. In Figure 61 the scattering function the industrial radio
channel mentioned above (Figure 57, Figure 58) is drawn:
function Ps
τ [ns]
cos α
Figure 61: Scattering function for the radio channel for one of our SAW radio sensor
applications in an industrial environment (steel plant)
In Figure 61 a powerful line of sight signal at 20 ns and at cos α = -1 can be observed. With a
delay of a few tens of nanoseconds, lateral reflections arrive, with an amplitude ratio to the
LOS signal of approx. -20 dB.
Obeying Carson's theorem, radio transmission via the same linear time invariant passive radio
channel at the same frequency is reciprocal [ 56 ]. Radio interrogation signals (request and
response) pass the same channel at the same frequency within a time interval of some
microseconds. Even for fast moving sensors the radio channel can assumed to be stationary
within this short time slot. Request (downlink)- and response (uplink)- channels are identical,
all propagation effects occur twice. Therefore, the path loss is squared, i.e. doubled in dB, and
the unidirectional transfer function of the channel versus frequency, as shown in Figure 57, has
to be squared to give the sensor radio channel. Thus the total sensor interrogation impulse
response is calculated from the auto convolution of the unidirectional channel impulse
response. To estimate the total delay and delay spread, as an example we assumed a
unidirectional channel impulse response consisting of two components with equal magnitude 1,
spaced in time by ∆T:
downlink uplink
1 1
∆T ∆T
interrogation link
∆T ∆T
Figure 62: Impulse response of the interrogation link composed of two equal unidirectional
radio links
From the sketch above, and with (A1.5) and (A1.6), the mean excess delay can be calculated
to be ∆T/2 for the down- and the uplink channel. The rms delay spread is ∆T/2 for each of
these paths. For the whole interrogation channel, the mean excess delay is calculated to be ∆T,
it is doubled. The total rms delay spread for down and uplink is ∆ T 3.
To find the timing parameter for a reliable sensor system we apply a worst case estimation: the
delay and the delay spread is assumed to be doubled for the bi-directional transmission, the
coherence bandwidth is halved.
From the averaged parameters of the radio channel, the basic design rules for the timing and
the bandwidth of the radio sensors and the radio interrogation system can be derived:
Investigating delay line devices, the doubled delay spread of the channel has to be the minimum
spacing of the response signals in time. Therefore, the number of reflectors on one (SAW)
sensor and the number of different sensors for multiple access is limited with a given maximum
substrate length: Allowing for the temperature coefficient TK, the maximal operation
temperature ∆ϑmax, the excess delay spread eds{-x dB}for interference of an adjacent response
decreased by x dB and the RF bandwidth BRF, the earliest time position of the n-th reflector
t(xn) to avoid interference from adjacent reflectors is
t( x n ) = (1 + TK ⋅∆ϑ max )⋅t( x n − 1 ) + 2 ⋅eds{x dB}+ , (A1. 10)
considering the temperature range, the doubled excess delay spread and the pulse width 2/BRF
have to be added to the position of the (n-1)-th reflector.
Mathematical conversion yields
1 − (1 + TK ⋅∆ϑ max ) n 2
t( x n ) = (1 + TK ⋅∆ϑ max ) ⋅t( x 0 ) − ⋅2 ⋅eds{x dB}+
. (A1. 11)
TK ⋅∆ϑ max B RF
In Figure 63, the position of the n-th reflector in time is plotted for RF bandwidths of 1.7 and
10 MHz and a temperature range of 50 K and 500 K. A Lithiumniobate SAW sensor substrate,
a basic delay t(x0) = 2 µs and an excess delay spread {eds -20 dB} of the radio channel of 200
ns is assumed. From Figure 63, the maximum substrate length, the number of sensors
interrogated simultaneously, the RF bandwidth required, or the temperature range allowed for
operation can be extracted. The estimation also applies to the number of on/off switched bits of
an identification sensor: A LiNbO3 ID tag with a total delay of 10 µs, for a temperature range
of 50 K and interrogated by a radio signal with BRF= 1.7 MHz can employ up to 6 bits. A 10
MHz bandwidth, e.g. in the 2.45 GHz ISM band allows 14 bits for ID or sensor applications
with a 10 µs SAW delay line (2x15 mm SAW propagation length, approx. 20 mm substrate
length). On the other hand, applying TDMA with two bit DLs and interleaved pairs of
reflectors (Figure 54), up to 7 SAW sensors can be requested simultaneously.
50 K, 1.7 MHz
txn [µs]
500 K, 10 MHz
50 K, 10 MHz
LiNbO3 substrate
t(x0) = 2 µs
0 excess delay spread = 200 ns
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 63: Allowed position of the n-th reflector on a LiNbO3 DL in time with max. 1%
interference for an RF bandwidth of 1.7 and 10 MHz and a temperature range of 50 and 500K.
The higher the bandwidth of the sensor system, the higher the insertion loss of the SAW sensor
will be. A higher bandwidth of the SAW device means fewer finger pairs in all IDTs and
therefore a poor total electroacoustic coupling. The insertion loss of today's 433 MHz (6 bit)
ID tag type SAW sensors with a 5 MHz bandwidth and a 10 µs impulse response on a LiNbO3
substrate is about 20 dB.
Appendix 2 - Measurement uncertainty
The uncertainty of the measurement is discussed in the main part [ 1 ], chapter 5, of this
thesis. Starting with a definition and a brief discussion of sensitivity, resolution and accuracy,
the errors occurring during the measurement with passive radio sensors are discussed in detail
here. In this appendix, the supplementary information to the estimations in [ 1 ] is given.
In Figure 64 the measurement system is sketched as a chain of sub systems with the measurand
as input and the readout as the output signal. The transfer function is the product of the
transfer functions of the sub systems. The total bandwidth is affected by all sub systems. In
Figure 64 the effect of SAW sensor (SAWS) properties to the chain is sketched. As also
discussed in [ 1 ], 5.2.2, the directly affected SAWS belong to the sensor group and only the
sensor environment, mechanical resonance, etc. are relevant for these. On the other hand, the
indirectly affected SAW transponders mainly belong to the radio transmission.
The radio transmission includes the antennas, the radio channel and the RF circuits in the
interrogation system. This block can easily be designed in compliance with the demands and
the governmental regulations, it is the most uncritical in the bandwidth discussion for passive
radio sensor systems.
The signal processing block contains the electronic units in the interrogation system, employed
for signal detection, coherent demodulation and for measurement of time, frequency and / or
An error, originating from this processing block is the error due to a finite measurement
interval: Usually, the measurand is evaluated from a time delay ∆T or by a frequency
measurement, lasting a time interval ∆T. Within this time, an averaged value of the measurand
is collected.
The effective scaling εeff of the response, the measurand is calculated from, is derived from the
dynamic scaling ε(t) [ 61 ]:
ε(t ) dt
∆T ∆∫
εeff = (A2. 1)
The timing of the radio interrogation for directly affected SAW delay line sensors is shown in
Figure 65.
> 2/BWRF
Ttotal given by the SAW substrat, < 10 µs for low cost
(determines resolution of measurement)
Figure 65: Timing of radio interrogation of directly affected SAW delay line sensors
As discussed in chapter 4.2, the measurand is evaluated from a delay measurement between
the response signals. The duration of the response signal determines the number of ID codes as
well as the resolution of measurement. To achieve high resolution, the integration time has to
be high, reducing the bandwidth [ 1 ].
The timing for radio interrogation of the indirectly affected SAW transponder devices is
sketched in Figure 66. The sensor information is encoded in the ratio of amplitude and phase
difference between the "reference bit" and the "measurement bit". For a stationary radio
transmission, the total integration time limiting the bandwidth, is the duration of the
"measurement bit" [ 1 ].
rad onse
it ntb
n u
efere eas
r m
Figure 66: Timing of radio interrogation of indirectly affected SAW transponder sensors
A2.2 Errors caused by poor adjustment of the baseband subunit of the interrogation
The estimations discussed in this chapter mainly apply to coherent receiver concepts with
inphase and quadrature signals, the signal's magnitude is calculated by r( t ) = I(t ) + Q(t ) ,
2 2
the phase from ϕ r ( t )(t ) = arctan{Q(t ) I(t )}. The inphase and the quadrature component are
sampled and digitized, I(t) → I[n], Q(t) → Q[n]. For estimation below we consider the time
discrete components at sample n = i and substitute for the calculations in the vector space: I[i]
→ I, Q[i] → Q.
Different signal strength of the local oscillators in the quadrature demodulator, different gain in
the I and Q channel (I'=I⋅a, Q'=Q⋅b) and e.g. a difference of reference voltage in the dual
analog to digital conversion unit yield a phase error ∆ϕ. The tan function is stretched (b>a) or
compressed (a>b).
b ⋅Q
With tan( ϕ + ∆ϕ ) = , due to Figure 67, the phase error ∆ϕ due to baseband gain
a ⋅I
difference can be calculated from
b ⋅Q Q
∆ϕ gain = arctan − arctan . (A2. 2)
a ⋅I I
Q ∆V
Q'=b⋅Q V'
ϕ´ I
Figure 67: Calculation of phase and amplitude error due to gain difference in base band
The phase error versus the absolute phase of the received signal vector with parameter b/a is
drawn in [ 1 ], fig. 8. A difference of 10 % between a and b (a ratio of b/a = 0.1) yields an
additional error up to 3 degree if the phase of the response signal is approx. 40 degree in the
receiver reference system of I and Q vectors.
The effects distorting the measured phase also yield an error in amplitude measurement:
With the received signal amplitude V=1 and a=1, from Figure 67 the ratio of detected
amplitude V´ and actual amplitude can be calculated from:
= ⋅sin 2 ϕ + cos ϕ . (A2. 3)
V a
b a
The detected relative amplitude (the relative amplitude error) versus the absolute phase with
parameter b/a is drawn in [ 1 ], fig. 9. The factor a is assumed to be 1, the maximum error b/a
occurs at ϕ=90°.
Quadrature detection in coherent receivers utilizes local oscillator signals shifted by 90 degree
by PLL, delay lines, etc. An error of orthogonality, a phase deviation ε between the actual base
system I0' and Q0' and the theoretical base vectors I0 and Q0 yields errors in phase and
amplitude measurement. The errors can be found from the geometrical relations in Figure 68.
A received signal vector V with the actual orthogonal components I and Q is depicted to I and
Q0 Q0'
I0 = I0'
Figure 68: Estimation of errors due to non orthogonal reference with phase deviation ε.
This deviation also may occur, if electromagnetic feed through of the reference oscillator is
present due to poor shielding, etc., and the phase of the resulting base signals is distorted.
According to Figure 68, with I = cos ϕ and |V| = 1, the phase error due to non orthogonal
base vectors
∆ϕ ε = ϕ´- ϕ = arctan (Q´/I) - arctan (Q/I)
can be calculated from
cos( π 2 − ϕ − ε)
∆ϕ ε = arctan − ϕ .
( )
(A2. 4)
cos ϕ
V' I 2 + Q' 2
= = cos 2 (ϕ )+ cos 2 (π 2 − ϕ − ε). (A2. 5)
V I + Q
2 2
Phase and amplitude error, caused by the deviation ε of the reference base system from
orthogonality are drawn in [ 1 ], fig. 10 and fig. 11.
An ε = 5 degree phase deviation yields a phase error of up to approx. 5 degree but an
amplitude error of up to 5 %, usually too much for a measurement system.
Further errors in magnitude and phase occur from poor performance, e.g. linearity, of the
sampling and digitizing circuits. The maximum errors can be found from the specifications in
the data sheets.
Most radio interrogation systems are built similar to coherent radar systems. The frequencies
used for phase detection in the receiver section are generated from the same sources as the
radio request signals previously have been traced from. Therefore, a phase error due to a
frequency offset between transmitter and receiver does not occur if a stable source and no
Doppler shift is present.
In the case of a sensor assembly mounted to a rotating shaft, or for a sensor fitted to a vehicle,
and a readout from a motionless station, Doppler shift will occur and disturb the response
signals. For a passive reflective system, the narrowband Doppler shift fd is
f d = 2 ⋅v r ⋅ . (A2. 6)
A narrowband signal with center frequency fc is shifted by fd, proportional to the ratio of the
doubled (since the shift applies to down- and uplink) relative velocity to the propagation
velocity of the wave. For a sensor requested with a 1 GHz burst signal, mounted on a fast
moving train with a speed of 100 m/s (approx. 360 km/h), the Doppler shift is approx. 667 Hz.
A SAW delay line sensor with a number of reflectors is a linear device, each of the impulses of
the response signal will start with the same initial phase. For a Doppler shift of 667 Hz, the
phase error for consecutive impulses will become 2π after a (long) time of 1.5 ms. The
duration of one impulse (e.g. burst) in the sensor response is determined by the duration of the
request signal and the length of the impulse response of the SAW reflector. In practical ID
tags, the impulses are shorter than 1 µs. Therefore, even a fast moving sensor will suffer a
phase error smaller than 1° which degrades the resolution of the system negligibly.
Up to now in publications, sensitivity, accuracy and resolution usually are given simultaneously
with a maximum distance range for radio request. No errors due to a signal to noise ratio
decreasing with distance and other noise contributions are considered.
Although it is trivial, the basics of noise will be discussed here too:
During radio transmission and signal processing, all components generate noise. Passive
resistive components generate thermal noise and most active devices shot noise, white
stochastic processes.
The power density of a white process is the autocorrelation function for zero time shift
ACF(0). For a Gaussian process, like thermal noise, this double side noise power density can
be calculated from the probability density function:
It is equal to the variance σ2 [ 62 ], [ 63 ]
σ2 = N0 / 2. (A2. 7)
The noise density N0 of a noisy resistor R expressed as the occurring mean-square voltage
density is 4⋅k⋅T⋅R, with the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38⋅10-23 Ws/K and the absolute
temperature T. The noise power N can be calculated from the product of power density and
the two-sided bandwidth B.
N = N0/2 ⋅B.
In semiconductors and active components, shot noise occurs. The noise power density is given
by the mean square noise current i 2n ,shot = 2eI , with the current I flowing through the device
and the electron charge e. Further, due to surface effects within the semiconductors, a flicker
noise term is added, its noise power density is decreasing with 1/f.
The SNR is the ratio of the signal to the noise power within the system's bandwidth. The self
generated noise of two port circuits is described by the noise figure, the degradation of the
SNR of a signal passing the circuit.
In radio reception, additional noise is added. Usually, this is assumed to be the thermal noise
N0 = k⋅T⋅B of a matched resistor at the temperature of the background, the antenna is facing
Finally, for radio transmission systems a man made noise term has to be considered as an
excess noise factor Fman-made to the thermal noise at the antenna, originated by sparks, radio
transmission etc. It depends on the frequency of operation. With a variance of approx. 6 dB it
can be estimated from [ 64 ]:
All noise power terms can be added, if they are statistically independent. Considering all noise
contributions, the SNR at the detector, where the signal's amplitude and its phase is detected,
can be calculated. Here, the noise vector, added to the received signal yields errors in phase
and amplitude.
In radio communication science, extensive investigations have been performed to calculate or
estimate the effects of errors due to noise. Many investigations have been reported in the
literature, the basics, the methods of calculation and further results can be found there, e.g. [
63 ]. Here, for the purposes of passive radio sensor interrogation it is tried to use these
methods and these results as much as possible and convert them to fit our demands. For the
sake of completeness the basics are mentioned also.
A2.4.1 AWGN amplitude error
We assume a burst signal (a response of a SAW radio sensor), received by the radio
interrogation unit. A white noise with Gaussian probability density of the noise amplitude is
added (AWGN). This single received response signal at center frequency fc can be written as
with amplitude Ar and envelope function gT(t) normalized to one. Here, n(t) is a bandpass noise
process with components inphase and in quadrature to the response signal r(t).
Applying coherent demodulation, the noise nI(t) is converted to the base band. The probability
density function (pdf) is still Gaussian, centered around the signal amplitude Ar.
If non coherent demodulation is performed, e.g. an envelope detector is employed, the pdf of
the noise becomes Rice'ean. (Then, if no signal r(t) is present, the Rice pdf becomes a Rayleigh
pdf). For a large SNR, the Rice pdf again can be estimated by a Gauss pdf.
For a Gauss pdf, the probability for error Pamplitude_error, when the noise exceeds an admissible
deviation w⋅Ar either up- or down side, is
w ⋅A r
Pamplitude _ error = 2 ⋅Q . (A2. 11)
where σ is the standard deviation of the noise and Q{..} is the well known function derived
from the error function erf and its complementary function erfc with
1 z 1 z
1 −
Q( z) = 1 − erf = ⋅erfc =
2 2 2 2 ∫
z 2π
⋅e 2 dy . (A2. 12)
It is the probability of a Gaussian process to exceed a single sided deviation z from its average
value. Since the power density of noise is N0/2 = σn², the SNR can be inserted, the error
probability can be written as
{ }
Pamplitude _ error = 2 ⋅Q w ⋅ SNR for w ≥ 0. (A2. 13)
In [ 1 ], figure 13, the probability that the amplitude error due to the AWGN exceeds w⋅Ar is
shown versus the SNR at the detector with the parameter w.
A2.4.2 AWGN phase error
For sensor interrogation, the relative phase shift between components (separated in time) of
the response signal is measured. AWGN is added during radio transmission. In signal vector
space, the noise overlays the response signal vectors. The amplitude and the original phase is
disturbed depending on the SNR. To characterize the effect of noise to the measurement error,
the phase deviation due to the noise has to be investigated. The phase error is a major problem
in digital radio transmission applying phase modulation (e.g. n- PSK, n = 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.).
Since it also applies to radio sensor interrogation, the error estimation published for radio
communication systems [ 63 ] can be adapted for our application.
Assuming an ID tag type sensor, the retransmitted response signal consists of RF bursts with a
shape gT(t) modulating the carrier at a center frequency fc. The m-th response impulse um(t)
(without noise) is written as
with the ambiguous total phase Φ = e jω T , due to the delay T >> 1/fc.
The energy of these impulses can be calculated from
Em = ∫u (t )dt .
m (A2. 15)
r( t) = u m ( t) + n( t) . (A2. 16)
As discussed above, during coherent detection, r(t) is correlated (multiplied and integrated)
with the two base signals of the orthogonal reference system.
The outputs of these two correlators yield two components of the noise corrupted signal
r = um + n , or (A2. 17)
r = (rI ,rQ )= ( )
E m cos(2πϕ )+ n I , E m sin (2πϕ )+ n Q . (A2. 18)
∫g (t )⋅n (t )dt ,
nI = T I and (A2. 19)
4E m −∞
∫g (t )⋅n (t )dt .
nQ = T Q (A2. 20)
4E m −∞
Since the quadrature noise components nI(t) and nQ(t) have a zero average value and are
uncorrelated, the expectation values E[nI], E[nQ] and the expectation value of the product
E[nInQ] are zero. The variances of noise at the correlator output are
[] []
E n 2I = E n 2Q =
. (A2. 21)
To evaluate the effect of the noise to the discriminated phase, we assume a single RF pulse
response vector u0 retransmitted from the sensor in phase with the cosine of the orthogonal
u0 = ( E m ,0 . ) (A2. 22)
and E[r1 ] = E m , E[r2 ] = 0 , σ2r1 = σ2r 2 = 0 = σ2r . (A2. 24)
After the transform V = r12 + r22 and Θ r = arctan (r2 r1 ) of rectangular to polar coordinates in
f V ,Θ r (v,θr )= ⋅e − [v + E m − 2 ]
v 2
E m ⋅v ⋅cos θ / 2 σ2r
. (A2. 26)
Since we want to find the phase error independently from amplitude, we have to integrate this
function for all amplitudes v:
1 Em
∞ ⋅sin 2 ( θr ) ∞ ⋅cos (θr )
−2 − ⋅ v − 4
f Θ r (θr )= ∫f V ,Θ r (v, θr )dv =
1 2
⋅e ⋅∫v ⋅e
N0 N0
dv . (A2. 27)
2π 0
The ratio Em/N0 characterizes the SNR of the received burst signal.
From this equation, the probability for the deviation ∆ϕ of the actual phase ϕ, to be ∆ϕ < Θ r
can be calculated by solving the integral of this function between the boundaries -Θ r and Θ r. In
other words, the probability that the phase error exceeds the admissible deviation Θ r due to the
AWGN and therefore the probability Pe of measurement error is
Pe = P{∆ϕ > Θ r)
Pe = 1 − ∫f Θr
( θ) dθ . (A2. 28)
− Θr
Pe ≈2 ⋅Q 2 m ⋅sin Θ . (A2. 30)
In [ 1 ] (figure 14), the probability of phase error (∆ϕ > Θ r) is drawn versus the SNR
(assumed to be equal Em/N0 for non spread spectrum signals and no integration over multiple
interrogation events is applied at all), with the parameter Θ r. From this graph it can be found,
that a maximum phase error of 3 degree in at least 99.9 % of measurements requires an SNR
of better than 33 dB at the detector.
Looking for the SNR needed for a phase error smaller than ε, the equation above has to be
parameter: probability to
exceed phase error
phase error [deg]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
SNR [dB]
Figure 69: Phase error ε versus SNR with the probability to be exceeded by AWGN as
Radio interrogation systems apply local oscillators (LOs) to generate the radio request signal,
to convert the received response signals into an IF and for coherent demodulation. In [ 1 ],
chapter 5.2.4, the phase noise error degrading the measurement, is investigated and in [ 1 ],
fig. 14, a phase noise limit is given for the local oscillators (LO) in interrogation systems. Since
it is usually used to specify phase noise characteristics of oscillators in frequency domain [ 65 ]
and it can be measured easily, the single sideband phase noise density is applied here.
Phase noise is a stochastic process, yielding phase and amplitude fluctuations of the output
signal of an oscillator due to a finite quality factor of the resonant device and due to
fluctuations in the oscillator amplifier. For worst case approximation, the contributions of the
oscillators in transmitter and receiver are assumed to be statistically independent, the total
effect can be calculated considering the sum of the noise power contributions, shifting the
graphs e.g. for 3 dB if the same types of oscillators are applied.
In Figure 70 the phase noise of an oscillator, stabilized by a SAW resonator and usually
employed in our interrogation units, is plotted. For comparison, the phase noise limit from [ 1
], fig. 12 is sketched dotted in the semi logarithmic plot.
SAW oscillator
Figure 70: Spectrum of a SAW resonator stabilized oscillator at 433.9 MHz and phase noise
limit for a total additional phase measurement error of less than 1 degree.
As seen in Figure 70 the phase noise of the actual SAW resonator stabilized oscillator is more
than 10 dB better than the estimated specification for a total phase error of 1°. Usage of this
oscillator type will provide no significant additional phase errors.
The amplitude errors due to phase noise of the local oscillators affect the system performance
in a similar but reduced manner. Since in the mixers and frequency converter circuits, the LO
signal is used to switch diodes etc., a fluctuation in amplitude does not cause considerable
A2.5 Errors due to RF interference
In radio transmission systems, radio interference may occur as a source of errors. Here,
coherent interference, usually caused by feed through of LOs etc., and incoherent co-channel
interference mainly caused by other ISM band users can be distinguished. An estimation of the
effects of coherent and incoherent interference is given in [ 1 ], chapter 5.2.5 and fig. 15.
Coherent integration yields an enhanced SNR for signal detection at the expense of
measurement duration. A non stationary measurand with a shift of γfor each sample
yields a phase error of γ
.N/2 and an amplitude error Ea,N ([ 1 ], chapter 3.4) of:
1 γ
N − 2 ⋅sin + N ⋅
E a ,N = 2 2
(A2. 31)
N ⋅sin
It is obvious that there is an upper limit for the integration time when a dynamic process is
monitored. The errors due to the changing measurand limit the number of integrated cycles.
Since the physical reasons are totally different, the effects discussed above and causing errors
during signal detection, are assumed to be statistically independent. To get the total error
power the individual power contributions, the variances, have to be summed up.
[ 2] Elektronikschau 12/1998.
[ 3 ] A. Pohl, M. Brandl, "A reliable SAW based low cost chirp spread spectrum system",
part I, "Improvements of a SAW based chirp spread spectrum system", part II, " Further
Comments on a SAW Based Chirp Spread Spectrum System ", part III, all submitted to
Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, 1999.
[ 4 ] A. Pohl, R. Steindl, L. Reindl, F. Seifert, "Gated chirps for signal processing and
communication engineering", Proceedings IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1998, Sendai, Japan,
pp. 359-362.
Proceedings IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1994, Cannes, France, pp. 175-179.
[ 17 ] R. Steindl, A. Pohl, F. Seifert, "Impedance Loaded SAW Sensors Offer a Wide Range
of Measurement Opportunities", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technology,
Vol. 47, No. 12, December 1999, pp. 2625-2629.
Technology (MTT-S) 1998, Baltimore, USA, pp. 503-506.
[ 27 ] D.P. Morgan, "Surface Acoustic Wave Devices for Signal Processing", Elsevier 1985.
[ 34 ] U. Rösler, W. Ruile, C.C.W. Ruppel, "RF SAW Filters for Mobile Communications",
Proceedings 137th ASA Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 1999.
[ 36 ] W. Buff, "SAW Sensors", Sensors and Actuators A42 (1992), pp. 117-121
[ 44 ] F. Seifert, A. Pohl, G. Ostermayer, G. Berger, "Wireless Sensors and Data Links Based
on SAW Devices", (invited), Proceedings IEEE MTT/AP and UFFC Chapter Workshop
1997, Germany, pp. 27-34.
[ 47 ] A. Pohl, "A Low Cost High Definition Wireless Sensor System Utilizing Intersymbol
Interference", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,
Special issue on sensors and actuators, Vol. 45, No. 5, September 1998, pp. 1355-1362.
zum Kolloquium "Integrierte Drehmomentmessung", TH Darmstadt 1992, pp. 57-63.
[ 52 ] Ch. Hausleitner, R. Steindl, A. Pohl, M. Brandl, F. Seifert, "State of the Art Radio
Interrogation System for Passive Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors", accepted for publication at
the Eurocom 2000, Munich, Germany.
[ 59 ] J.D. Parson, "The mobile radio propagation channel", Pentech Press, London (1992)
[ 60 ] B.H. Fleury, "An Uncertainty Relation for WSS Processes and Its Application to
WSSUS Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 44, No. 12, December 1996,
pp. 1632-1634.
[ 63 ] J.G. Proakis, M. Salehi, "Communication Systems Engineering", Prentice Hall
International, 1994.
[ 64 ] CCIR Rec., 1990, Vol. VI (Propagation in ionized media), Genf, ITU 1990, Rep. 258-
4 (Man-made radio noise).
[ 65 ] J.K. Holmes, "Coherent Spread Spectrum Systems", Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar,
Florida, 1990.
Figure 1: Radio sensor system performing down/up link interrogation of a radio sensor ................................12
Figure 2: Active (and semi-active) radio sensor unit ......................................................................................13
Figure 3: Space domain division ....................................................................................................................16
Figure 4: Radio request of passive delay line sensors with time domain division (TDD) between request and
response signal................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 5: FDD scheme...................................................................................................................................17
Figure 6: Wirelessly interrogated resonance frequency of DR versus temperature .........................................24
Figure 7: Low Q passive LC resonator sensor label for one bit ID purposes used in theft alarm systems ........25
Figure 8: Passive nonlinear radio sensor circuit ............................................................................................26
Figure 9: Magnetically biased nonlinear one-bit ID sensor for theft alarm systems........................................27
Figure 10: Cross modulation..........................................................................................................................28
Figure 11: Spectrum at receiver a) without, b) with passive nonlinear sensor present.....................................29
Figure 12: Radio sensor with biasing network for identification and sensor purposes ("backscatter
modulation") ...................................................................................................................................................30
Figure 13: Two tone cross modulation............................................................................................................31
Figure 14: Phase locked AF signals for AM in a discrete frequency ratio of 2 (fb=2fa) with equal amplitude..31
Figure 15: Sensor unit with tunable phase shifts for fa, fb ...............................................................................32
Figure 16: Phase locked but phase shifted (∆ϕ) AF signal in the receiver (amplitudes not affected here) .......32
Figure 17: Simplified circuit diagram of a passive non linear radio sensor with RF energy storage ...............33
Figure 18: SAW device...................................................................................................................................35
Figure 19: SAW delay line .............................................................................................................................39
Figure 20: Oscillator circuit utilizing a two port SAW sensor device in the feedback loop..............................40
Figure 21: SAW resonator..............................................................................................................................40
Figure 22: Compensated measurement circuit................................................................................................41
Figure 23: Radio interrogation (= request + response + evaluation) of passive SAW sensors ........................42
Figure 24: One port (reflective) SAW DL ........................................................................................................43
Figure 25: Three port IDT for P-matrix description, acoustical ports 1 and 2, electrical port 3 ......................44
Figure 26: Polar diagram of the acoustic reflectivity P11[Zload] of a split finger IDT as a function of its
electrical load, comparison of theory and experimental results .......................................................................45
Figure 27: Indirectly affected SAW radio sensor for AF voltage measurements..............................................46
Figure 28: One port SAW DDL with impulse compression on the sensor chip.................................................47
Figure 29: Principle of a one port SAW DDL .................................................................................................48
Figure 30: One port SAWR.............................................................................................................................49
Figure 31: Screen shot of the response signal of a one port SAWR at 433.71 MHz on a digital storage
oscilloscope with decaying RF signal (1 µs/Div.) and FFT (1 MHz/Div., center 433........................................49
Figure 32: Interface between RFU and EU ....................................................................................................52
Figure 33: Block diagram of the EU: instead of real (Re) and imaginary part (Im) of the analog baseband
signal, magnitude (Mag) and phase (Ph) can be delivered digitally from the RFU...........................................53
Figure 34: Full band sampling, TDS with burst signals ..................................................................................54
Figure 35: Signals in the receiver ..................................................................................................................54
Figure 36: TDS / TDD RFU with quadrature demodulator .............................................................................55
Figure 37: Block diagram of an actual TDS interrogation system ..................................................................56
Figure 38: TDS / TDD RFU with logarithmic amplifier receiver concept .......................................................56
Figure 39: FDS / TDD, partial band sampling ...............................................................................................57
Figure 40: FDS / TDD transmitter and receiver principle ..............................................................................58
Figure 41: Block diagram of a FDS / TDD interrogation system ....................................................................59
Figure 42: Block diagram of a GPLL self locking FDS system for wireless radio interrogation of resonant
devices [ 45 ] .................................................................................................................................................60
Figure 43: Block diagram of FM-CW Radar system for FDS / FDD ...............................................................61
Figure 44: Block diagram of a radio interrogation system with single tone modulation for non linear passive
sensors (harmonic sensors fr=2ft) ....................................................................................................................62
Figure 45: Radio interrogation unit for passive nonlinear sensors utilizing cross modulation ........................63
Figure 46: One-bit ID system with low-Q resonators ......................................................................................64
Figure 47: Received signal r(t) and time discrete real (I[n]) and imaginary (Q[n]) part of the demodulator
Figure 48: Phase detection for time measurement, stable carrier dashed .......................................................67
Figure 49: Readout of a temperature measurement system utilizing LiNbO3 SAW delay line sensors (∆τ = 5
µs), with a) envelope delay detection and b) phase evaluation.........................................................................68
Figure 50: TDS sampling on demand .............................................................................................................73
Figure 51: Measured reflection coefficient S11(ω) of a dual reflective delay line with constant insertion loss,
(equal to the transmission function H(ω) of a two path radio channel with equal path attenuation) .................74
Figure 52: Notch frequency for a wideband delay line with two reflectors spaced by 125 ns versus temperature
[ 47 ] .............................................................................................................................................................76
Figure 53: SDMA to passive sensors utilizing the d4 law for the radio signal attenuation...............................77
Figure 54: Principle of sensor TDMA, response signal power at the receiver versus time ..............................79
Figure 55: Modular multi-purpose radio interrogation rack...........................................................................81
Figure 56: Small-sized (50x70x20 mm3) low-cost radio interrogation system for SAW DL sensors..................82
Figure 57: Transmission function S21(ω) of an industrial radio channel for SAW sensor application ..............88
Figure 58: Impulse response of an indoor industrial radio channel at 850 MHz (B=200 MHz).......................88
Figure 59: Channel Measurement with a vector network analyzer including space domain sampling .............90
Figure 60: Relationship between the time, frequency and space variant functions of the radio channel, [ 59 ]90
Figure 61: Scattering function for the radio channel for one of our SAW radio sensor applications in an
industrial environment (steel plant) .................................................................................................................91
Figure 62: Impulse response of the interrogation link composed of two equal unidirectional radio links........92
Figure 63: Allowed position of the n-th reflector on a LiNbO3 DL in time with max. 1% interference for an RF
bandwidth of 1.7 and 10 MHz and a temperature range of 50 and 500K..........................................................94
Figure 64: Measurement system .....................................................................................................................95
Figure 65: Timing of radio interrogation of directly affected SAW delay line sensors ....................................96
Figure 66: Timing of radio interrogation of indirectly affected SAW transponder sensors ..............................97
Figure 67: Calculation of phase and amplitude error due to gain difference in base band channels...............98
Figure 68: Estimation of errors due to non orthogonal reference with phase deviation ε................................99
Figure 69: Phase error ε versus SNR with the probability to be exceeded by AWGN as parameter...............107
Figure 70: Spectrum of a SAW resonator stabilized oscillator at 433.9 MHz and phase noise limit for a total
additional phase measurement error of less than 1 degree. ...........................................................................108
Selected Publications on Radio Sensor Technology
2. A. Pohl, "State of the art in signal processing for the interrogation of passive wireless
sensors", invited to IEEE UFFC International Frequency Control Symposium 99,
Besancon, France, Proceedings pp. 1031-1036.
5. A. Pohl, "A Low Cost High Definition Wireless Sensor System Utilizing Intersymbol
Interference", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,
Special issue on sensors and actuators, Vol. 45, No. 5, September 1998, pp. 1355-1362.
7. A. Pohl, R. Steindl, L. Reindl, "The 'Intelligent Tire' Utilizing Passive SAW Sensors -
Measurement of Tire Friction", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Vol. 48, No. 6, December 1999, pp. 1041-1046.
"Further" attached publications
7. A. Pohl, M. Brandl, R. Steindl, L. Reindl, F. Seifert, "Gated Chirps for Signal Processing
and Communication Engineering", Proceedings IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1998,
Sendai, Japan, pp. 359-362.