Manual For Using Foxta

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TASPIE+ – Foxta v3 user's manual


F.1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5

F.2. THEORETICAL ASPECTS .......................................................................................... 6

F.2.1. Notations ........................................................................................................... 6
F.2.2. Principle of model .............................................................................................. 6
F.2.3. Formulation ........................................................................................................ 8
F.2.3.1 General assumptions .................................................................................. 8
F.2.3.2 Equations governing model equilibrium ....................................................... 8
F.2.4. Transfer functions ............................................................................................ 10
F.2.4.1 According to Frank and Zhao (1982) ......................................................... 10
F.2.4.2 According to Monnet (2000) ...................................................................... 10
F.2.4.3 Negative friction case ................................................................................ 11
F.2.5. Resolution ........................................................................................................ 11
F.2.5.1 General resolution method ........................................................................ 11
F.2.5.2 Single pile model (model 1a) ..................................................................... 12
F.2.5.3 Pile + associated soil model (model 1b) – calculation at imposed
stresses (backfill type) ............................................................................... 12
F.2.5.4 Pile + associated soil model (model 1b) – calculation at imposed
strains (slab type) ...................................................................................... 12
F.2.6. Validity domain ................................................................................................ 13
F.2.6.1 Validity of choice of maximum friction values ............................................ 13
F.2.6.2 Validity of choice of strain modulus Es values ............................................ 14
F.2.6.3 Check of consistency of stress state in platform ........................................ 14
F.2.7. Extension of model 1b under pile base ............................................................ 15
F.2.8. Bearing capacity calculations ........................................................................... 15
F.2.9. Estimation of stiffnesses at pile head ............................................................... 16
F.2.10. Estimation of additional loads in slab (model 1b) ............................................. 16
F.2.11. Bibliographical reference.................................................................................. 17

F.3. USER'S MANUAL ......................................................................................................18

F.3.1. Pile management ............................................................................................. 18
F.3.2. "Parameters" tab .............................................................................................. 19
F.3.2.1 "General parameters" box ......................................................................... 19
F.3.2.2 "Calculation mode" box ............................................................................. 19
F.3.2.3 "Framework" box ....................................................................................... 19

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F.3.3. "Layers" tab ..................................................................................................... 20

F.3.3.1 Calculation of a single pile (with or without imposed soil
settlement) ................................................................................................ 20
F.3.3.2 Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh .............................................. 21
F.3.4. "Pile" tab .......................................................................................................... 22
F.3.4.1 "Pile type" box ........................................................................................... 22
F.3.4.2 "Pile parameters" and "Pile definition in each layer" boxes ........................ 22
F.3.5. "Soil/pile" tab.................................................................................................... 24
F.3.5.1 "Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the base
resistance" box.......................................................................................... 24
F.3.5.2 Shaft friction mobilisation law .................................................................... 26
F.3.5.3 Mobilisation law of base resistance ........................................................... 29
F.3.6. "Imposed settlements" tab ............................................................................... 30
F.3.6.1 "Soil imposed settlement profile" box ........................................................ 30
F.3.6.2 Imposed soil settlement import wizard....................................................... 31
F.3.7. "Load" tab ........................................................................................................ 34
F.3.7.1 For a "Single pile" type calculation ............................................................ 34
F.3.7.2 "Pile + associated soil mesh" calculation case .......................................... 35
F.3.8. Standard calculation/Step-by-step calculation .................................................. 38
F.3.8.1 "Parameters" tab - Printing type ................................................................ 39
F.3.8.2 "Layers" tab - Limitations........................................................................... 39
F.3.8.3 "Soil/pile" tab - Limitations ......................................................................... 39
F.3.8.4 "Load" tab ................................................................................................. 39
F.3.9. Calculation and results ..................................................................................... 43
F.3.9.1 Calculation ................................................................................................ 43
F.3.9.2 Numerical results ...................................................................................... 44
F.3.9.3 Graphical results ....................................................................................... 49
F.3.9.4 "Additional loads" in slab wizard ................................................................ 53

F.4. TASPIE+ CALCULATION EXAMPLES ......................................................................55

F.4.1. Example 1: Single pile ..................................................................................... 55
F.4.1.1 Step 1: Single pile ..................................................................................... 55
F.4.1.2 Data input ................................................................................................. 55
F.4.1.3 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 63
F.4.1.4 Step 2: Single pile with imposed settlement of the soil .............................. 67
F.4.1.5 Modification of the input ............................................................................ 67
F.4.1.6 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 68
F.4.2. Example 2: Pile group and negative skin friction .............................................. 70
F.4.2.1 Data input ................................................................................................. 70
F.4.2.2 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 76
F.4.2.3 Comparison with a single pile .................................................................... 77
F.4.2.4 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 78
F.4.2.5 Negative skin friction influence .................................................................. 80
F.4.2.6 Input data .................................................................................................. 80
F.4.2.7 Results ...................................................................................................... 81
F.4.3. Example 3: Slab on soil reinforced by rigid inclusions ...................................... 83
F.4.3.1 Project presentation .................................................................................. 83
F.4.3.2 Data input ................................................................................................. 84
F.4.3.3 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 89
F.4.3.4 Adjustment of the limit skin friction value in the mattress ........................... 91
F.4.3.5 Adjustment of the limit skin friction value in silt layers 1 and 2 ................... 93
F.4.3.6 Calculations and results ............................................................................ 93

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F.4.3.7 Additional checks – Bearing capacity of the inclusions .............................. 95

F.4.3.8 Additional checks – Punching of the mattress ........................................... 96
F.4.3.9 Additional checks - Determination of the "additional forces” in the
slab ........................................................................................................... 99
F.4.4. Example 4: Embankment on soil reinforced by rigid inclusions ...................... 101
F.4.4.1 Data input ............................................................................................... 102
F.4.4.2 Calculations and results .......................................................................... 107
F.4.4.3 Additional checks .................................................................................... 109
F.4.4.4 Punching of the mattress......................................................................... 110

Figure F.1 : Model of pile alone and model of pile and associated soil cylinder ......................................7
Figure F.2 : Interaction between the two domains of model 1b (pile and associated soil cylinder) .........8
Figure F.3 : Friction and base resistance mobilisation laws (Frank and Zhao, 1982) ...........................10
Figure F.4 : Friction mobilisation laws (Monnet, 2000) ..........................................................................10
Figure F.5 : Extension of friction mobilisation laws for negative relative displacements........................11
Figure F.6 : Extension of model under pile base ....................................................................................15
Figure F.7 : Result of outside forces applied to slab ..............................................................................16
Figure F.8 : Pile management in Taspie+ module .................................................................................18
Figure F.9 : "Parameters" tab .................................................................................................................19
Figure F.10 : "Layer" tab for a calculation of a single pile with or without imposed soil settlement .......20
Figure F.11 : "Layer" tab for a calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh ...........................................21
Figure F.12 : Summary of parameters required in "Pile type" box .........................................................22
Figure F.13 : "Pile" tab for a circular section single pile, variable modulus along the pile
calculation .....................................................................................................................23
Figure F.14 : "Pile" tab for a "pile + associated mesh" calculation with an irregular section pile
and constant characteristics along the pile ...................................................................23
Figure F.15 : "Soil/pile" tab .....................................................................................................................25
Figure F.16 : "Soil/pile" tab: display of qp = f(yp) curve .........................................................................25
Figure F.17 : "Soil/pile" tab: display of 2 curves qs=f(y) and qp = f(yp) .................................................26
Figure F.18 : Frank and Zhao friction mobilisation law ..........................................................................26
Figure F.19 : "Definition of shaft friction mobilisation law" box – Frank & Zhao law ..............................26
Figure F.20 : Monnet friction mobilisation law ........................................................................................27
Figure F.21 : "Definition of a shaft friction mobilisation law" box – Monnet law .....................................27
Figure F.22 : "Shaft friction mobilisation law definition" box – Point by point input ................................28
Figure F.23 : "Definition of the mobilisation law of base resistance" box – Frank & Zhao or
Monnet laws ..................................................................................................................29
Figure F.24 : "Definition of mobilisation law of base resistance" box – Point by point input ..................30
Figure F.25 : Example of user-imposed soil settlement .........................................................................31
Figure F.26 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Taspie+ .......................................................32
Figure F.27 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Tasseldo ......................................................32
Figure F.28 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Tasneg ........................................................33
Figure F.29 : "Load" tab for a Single pile calculation .............................................................................34
Figure F.30 : Advanced parameters wizard for a "Single pile" calculation .............................................35
Figure F.31 : "Load" tab of a pile + associated soil mesh type calculation of Slab type ........................36
Figure F.32 : Help figure –Choice of Slab/Backfill calculation type ........................................................36
Figure F.33 : "Load" tab of a Pile + associated soil mesh calculation of Backfill type ...........................37
Figure F.34 : Help figure – Meaning of eQpile parameter .......................................................................37
Figure F.35 : Advanced parameters wizard for a "pile + associated soil mesh" calculation .................38
Figure F.36 : "Parameters" tab – "Step-by-step" calculation case .........................................................39

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Figure F.37 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (single pile) .............................40
Figure F.38 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (pile + associated mesh -
slab type) ......................................................................................................................41
Figure F.39 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (pile + associated mesh -
backfill type) ..................................................................................................................42
Figure F.40 : Results window .................................................................................................................44
Figure F.41 : Formatted numerical results (reminder of data) ................................................................44
Figure F.42 : Formatted numerical results – Bearing capacity ...............................................................45
Figure F.43 : Detailed formatted numerical results and equivalent stiffnesses for a single pile
calculation .....................................................................................................................46
Figure F.44 : Formatted numerical results – Pile + associated mesh, slab type (information
related to mesh) ............................................................................................................47
Figure F.45 : Formatted numerical results (solution) for a pile + mesh Slab type calculation ...............48
Figure F.46 : Formatted numerical results – Pile + associated mesh, backfill type (information
related to mesh) ............................................................................................................48
Figure F.47 : Numerical results – Results table .....................................................................................49
Figure F.48 : Graphical results – Loading curves (single pile calculation) .............................................50
Figure F.49 : Graphical results – Main results (single pile) ....................................................................50
Figure F.50 : Graphical results – Main results (pile + associated mesh) ...............................................51
Figure F.51 : Graphical results – Additional results ...............................................................................52
Figure F.52 : Slab moment wizard .........................................................................................................53

Table F.1 : General parameters summary .............................................................................................19
Table F.2 : Summary of parameters required for soil definition - "Single pile" type calculation .............20
Table F.3 : Summary of parameters required for soil definition - "Pile + associated mesh" type
calculation .....................................................................................................................21
Table F.4 : Summary of parameters required for pile definition .............................................................24
Table F.5 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition (Frank & Zhao law) ........................27
Table F.6 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition (Monnet law) ..................................28
Table F.7 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition – Point by point input .....................29
Table F.8 : Summary of parameters required for definition of mobilisation law of base
resistance (Frank & Zhao or Monnet laws) ...................................................................29
Table F.9 : Summary of parameters required for definition of mobilisation law of base
resistance (point by point input) ....................................................................................30
Table F.10 : Summary of parameters required for definition of imposed soil settlement .......................31
Table F.11 : Advanced parameters, single pile case .............................................................................35
Table F.12 : Mesh parameters ("pile + associated mesh" calculation case)..........................................35
Table F.13 : Summary of advanced parameters for a "pile + associated soil mesh" calculation...........37
Table F.14 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (single pile) .......40
Table F.15 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (pile +
associated mesh, slab type) .........................................................................................41
Table F.16 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (pile +
associated mesh, backfill type) .....................................................................................43

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F.1. Introduction
Taspie+ module is used to simulate the behaviour of all types of single deep foundations,
under axial loads, taking account or not of the surrounding soil volume, when this element
belongs to a group or a network. This deep foundation element is called pile to simplify

The calculation is based on the transfer function notion (laws establishing the relation
between, on the one hand, the shaft friction and the displacement of the pile and, on the
other hand, the base resistance and the displacement). The transfer function notion was
originally presented by Coyle and Reese (ASCE, 1966). It is generalised in Taspie+
considering both:
• The relative pile-soil displacement instead of the absolute displacement of the pile
both for the friction and for the base reaction which especially enlarges its field of
• Its extension to soil prisms of same section, placed above pile head or under its base.

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F.2. Theoretical aspects

F.2.1. Notations

Below, the following notations are used:

CR Relaxation coefficient used in a backfill type calculation

Ds Equivalent diameter of foundation from a perimeter point of view
Dp Equivalent diameter of pile from section point of view
EM Pressuremeter modulus of layer
Ep Young's modulus of pile
EQP Fraction of total load applied to head of model which is directly supported by pile head
Es Strain modulus representative of soil
H, Hi Height of a model layer (soil and pile characteristics constant)
P Pile perimeter
qs Pile-soil unit shaft friction (called qsl in Taspie+ users' interface)
qp Limit stress under pile base
Qp(z) Normal force in pile at depth z
Qs(z) Load vertical resultant transmitted to soil at depth z
S Section of computational domain (S = Sp(z) +Ss(z)) for all z values
Sp(z) Pile section at depth z
Ss(z) Additional soil section at depth S
yp(z) Pile settlement at depth (z)
ys(z) Average settlement of soil at depth z
w(z) Relative displacement: w(z) = yp(z) – ys(z)
Shear against pile
p Pile unit weight
s Soil unit weight
ΣH Total height of computational domain

F.2.2. Principle of model

Two calculation models can be adopted (Figure F.1):

Model limited to the deep foundation element (1a): the interaction with the
surrounding soil is assumed to be entirely described by the chosen transfer laws.
However, a settlement of the soil around the pile can be taken into account in the
form of an imposed settlement profile which remains independent of the calculation
result. The pile axis can have any orientation;
Model containing the deep foundation element and the associated soil elementary
mesh (1b). The interaction between these two domains is taken into account which
means that the pile behaviour is affected by the settlement of the surrounding soil and
that the soil settlement also depends on the distribution of the forces in the pile. The
pile axis is necessarily vertical.

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1a: Pile model alone 1b: Pile model and associated soil cylinder
Figure F.1 : Model of pile alone and model of pile and associated soil cylinder

Model 1a can be used to establish:

The loading curve of a single pile in a medium where the settlements are neglected;
The loading curve of a single pile when the soil settlement profile in the pile axis is
assumed known and independent of the load applied to the pile. This case be that:
o of a pile made from the bottom of an excavation which passes through layers
submitted to extension;
o a pile passing through layers submitted to a swelling phenomenon;
o a pile installed in a soil medium which settles under the action of external
factors (loads on surface or drawdown).

Model 1b is used to study the behaviour of a periodic pattern within a group of identical piles.
This applies notably:
to The study of an elementary mesh of the reinforcement of a soil by vertical rigid
o under a slab in association with an intermediary layer acting as load transfer
platform; the loading conditions at head can often be compared in first
approximation to an imposed displacement condition (the internal strains of
the slab being negligible compared with the absolute settlements, the
settlement on underside of slab being considered uniform over mesh width);
o under a backfill. This case is that of backfills on piles ("piled embankment").
The loading conditions at head are generally those of a uniform imposed
stress at mesh head.
to The study of the elementary pattern of a mixed foundation associating a slab and
piles directly connected to it.
o Taspie+ model applies in a privileged manner to piles placed in the central
part of the work if the centre-to-centre distance in the two directions remains
near to an average value;
o it can also apply to peripheral piles provided certain simplification assumptions
are made.

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F.2.3. Formulation

The formulation of the equations of the problem is explained in the most general case of
model 1b: pile and associated soil volume.

F.2.3.1 General assumptions

Only the axial loads in the pile are considered;
The geometry of the problem is assumed at radial symmetry: the pile and the
associated soil elementary volume are compared to cylinders of equivalent geometry;
The load is also assumed at radial symmetry;
The loads applied to the model are represented by the total load applied at head and
the weight of added layers (not present in initial state);
The model is assumed periodic which means that shear is null on the outer vertical
The studied mesh is defined by its dimensions in two orthogonal directions;
The geometry of the pile (and of any associated soil upper and lower volumes) is
defined by horizontal layers (diameter for a circular section or section and perimeter
for an irregular section).

F.2.3.2 Equations governing model equilibrium

The equilibrium equations express the conservation of the forces in all model horizontal
sections (origin of depths is fixed at top of model).
The notation is lightened for all the input data which is defined per layer (deletion of
identification index of each layer);
"Pile" indifferently designates the deep foundation element and the upper or lower soil
volumes possibly extending it.

Figure F.2 : Interaction between the two domains of model 1b (pile and associated soil cylinder)

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In pile:

dQp ( z) ( p p s p ) dz ( 1)

In soil:

dQs ( z) p s ss dz ( 2)

represents the shear developed at pile-soil interface by interaction of the two domains.
s designates the unit weight of the layers which did not exist in initial state and participate in
the loading of the model.

Equations (1) and (2) lead to the conversation of the forces in the complete model:

dQp ( z) dQs ( z) p sp s dz
s s ( 3)

The pile settlement and the average soil settlement meet the following additional equations:
Qp ( z )
dy p ( z) dz ( 4)
sp Ep
Qs ( z)
dys ( z) dz ( 5)
ss Es

Ep(z) is Young's modulus of the material constituting the pile.

Es(z) designates the apparent strain modulus of the soil for an applied loading level. Taking
the model periodicity assumption into account, this modulus can be compared to an
oedometric modulus in the case of compressible soils (null lateral strains at model edges).
Equation (5) showing the vertical resultant of the loads applied to the soil enables an
estimation of the average soil settlement at depth z.
The interaction between the two domains (pile and additional soil volume) is assumed as
entirely described in each layer by a transfer function expressing the dependency of shear
with the relative displacement between the two domains:

f ( y p ys ) ( 6)

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F.2.4. Transfer functions

The transfer functions relevant to shear can be defined in any way by the user in the form of
a set of value pairs (wi, i) or with reference to semi-empirical formulations based on
pressuremeter modulus EM and shaft friction qs which have been proposed by Frank and
Zhao (1982) or Monnet (2000).

F.2.4.1 According to Frank and Zhao (1982)

A transfer law for the friction and a law for the stress under the base are defined.

Figure F.3 : Friction and base resistance mobilisation laws (Frank and Zhao, 1982)

For bored piles in fine soils:

2EM 11EM
Kt and Kp ( 7)
For bored piles in granular soils:
0.8EM 4.8E M
Kt and Kp ( 8)
If there is no specific experimental data, the same rules are retained for driven piles in fine or
granular soils.

F.2.4.2 According to Monnet (2000)

Linear law

Figure F.4 : Friction mobilisation laws (Monnet, 2000)

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qs w ( 9)
wu qs Ds ( 10)
This formulation is obtained by comparing the shear modulus G of the soil to EM/3 .

F.2.4.3 Negative friction case

In Taspie+, the transfer function notion is applied to relative displacement w = (yp – ys) rather
than to absolute displacement.

When soil settlement ys is higher than pile settlement yp, friction is negative.

The negative friction mobilisation as a function of the relative settlement is the same as in the
positive domain, to within weighting coefficient , defined by the user, which is applied not
only to the friction but also to the displacement. As Figure F.5 shows, the limit points are
displaced according to a homothety of factor but the slope of the straight lines is

When weighting coefficient is taken as equal to 1, the mobilisation curves (w) are
symmetrical with respect to the origin.

Figure F.5 : Extension of friction mobilisation laws for negative relative displacements

F.2.5. Resolution

F.2.5.1 General resolution method

To solve the nonlinear system constituted by equations (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6), Taspie+
module is provided with two additional calculation kernels:
Main kernel: matrix resolution by finite elements;
Secondary kernel: step-by-step resolution by finite differences.
The main kernel (matrix resolution) applies to configurations where the transfer curve
corresponds to an increasing monotone function with a single plastification plateau (last
plateau). This covers most cases.
In cases where the transfer curve includes one or more decreasing plateaux (degradation,
fatigue…), the matrix formulation of the main kernel is no longer valid and the secondary
kernel (step-by-step resolution) is automatically used.

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F.2.5.2 Single pile model (model 1a)

The equation system (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) is completed by the following boundary
Value Qp(0) of load applied at pile head;
Mobilisation curve of stress under pile base;
Possible definition of an imposed settlement profile ys(z) around the pile.
The solution obtained guarantees the compatibility of the settlements with the mobilised
friction and the load taken at base.
The calculation gives the distribution of the normal force at all points, the settlement and the
shaft friction for the load applied. The results are completed by the loading (or extraction)
curve of pile at head (load-displacement) up to failure.

F.2.5.3 Pile + associated soil model (model 1b) – calculation at imposed stresses
(backfill type)
The equation system (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) is completed by the following conditions:
Value Q(0) of total load applied at top of model;
Fraction of total load supported directly by head of pile domain (factor EQP);
Mobilisation curve of stress under base of pile (domain);
Null settlement condition at base of soil domain.
The loading studied also includes the weights of the layers of the profile declared added with
respect to the original state. These layers (total thickness Hi) are at the origin of the volumic
forces which increase the total resultant of the forces applied to the quantity model ( Hi i).S, i
designating here only the added layers and S the section of the model (studied elementary
mesh surface).
The solution obtained guarantees compatibility at all points of the pile/soil settlement
differential with the mobilised friction and the load taken at base.
The calculation gives, for the studied loading condition, the distribution at all points of the
normal force and of the settlement developing in the two pile and soil domains and the shaft
friction distribution at the interface of the two domains.

F.2.5.4 Pile + associated soil model (model 1b) – calculation at imposed strains (slab
The equation system (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6) is completed by the following conditions:
Value Q(0) of the total load applied at top of model;
Pile settlement equality condition and soil settlement at model head: yp(0) = ys(0);
Mobilisation curve of stress under base of pile (domain);
Null settlement condition at base of soil domain.

The slab type calculation is different from that of backfill type by the fact that load transfer at
head of model between pile and soil, represented by factor EQP, is a result and not problem
data. This factor is automatically sought to meet the head settlement equality condition.
Thus, a slab type calculation corresponds to several "backfill" type calculations done
according to a dichotomic search process.
The loading studied also includes the weight of the profile layers which are declared added
by the user with respect to the original state. These layers (total thickness Hi) are at the
origin of the volumic forces which increase the total resultant of the forces applied to the
quantity model ( Hi i).S, i designating here only the added layers and S the section of the
model (studied elementary mesh surface).

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In a slab type calculation, the load transfer platform is generally to be processed as an added
layer unless a previous backfill was done.
The solution obtained guarantees, on the one hand, the equality of pile settlement and of soil
average settlement at model head and, on the other hand, the compatibility, at all points, of
the pile/soil settlement differential with the mobilised friction and the load taken at base.
The calculation gives, for the total loading condition studied, the distribution at all points of
the normal force and of the settlement developing in the two pile and soil domains and the
shaft friction distribution at the interface of the two domains.

F.2.6. Validity domain

F.2.6.1 Validity of choice of maximum friction values

The maximum friction values are defined by the user for each layer.
Generally, for piles or inclusions, these maximum values must be chosen with reference to
the maximum values deduced from pile axial loading tests conducted according to an
identical methodology in layers with comparable geotechnical properties. If there are no
direct experimental references, the values generally adopted are those of the French
application standard for Eurocode 7 relating to deep foundations (NF P 94 – 262).
In applications addressing reinforcement under a backfill or load transfer layer, the pile
element is assumed extended by a cylinder of section identical to the pile head to which the
backfill or load transfer layer properties are assigned (E modulus, unit weight ). It must be
checked that the max value qs adopted for this layer remains compatible with the state of the
stresses around the pile. It is therefore recommended to compare the qs values of the
maximum friction and of the mobilised friction on the elements of the fictive pile with the
average vertical stress values between inclusions.
It is suggested that the maximum value qs(z) = s(z) is adopted along the pile; this
assumption is indeed equivalent to the choice of recommended value Ktan = 1 to process
by the Combarieu negative friction theory the cases of backfills above piles or inclusions.
In applications processing soil reinforcement, the consistency of the maximum friction values
qs introduced with the stress state in the soil must be checked in the part submitted to
negative friction. This leads to checking that the following condition is met:
qs ≤ Ktan ’s ( 11)
Ktan negative friction coefficient applicable to the considered layer
’s : vertical stress in the soil calculated at same level

A graphic wizard facilitates this data consistency check.

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F.2.6.2 Validity of choice of strain modulus Es values

Modulus Es defined for each soil layer is a secant modulus which expresses the relation
between the average additional vertical stress in the soil and the settlement of this layer:
ys s
( 12)
z Es

Generally, the validity of modulus Es must be assessed with regard to strain level z of each
layer when a more sophisticated behaviour law is known. In the compressible layers and on
account of the conditions imposed on the outer faces of the studied volume, the stress/strain
relation can be described directly from an oedometric law:

' '
ys Cs p Cs v0
log '
log '
( 13)
z 1 e0 v0 1 e0 p

Over the height of the load transfer platform or the backfill above the pile, the strain
conditions can be compared to oedometric conditions: especially near to the head of the
inclusions where shear mobilisation causes a substantial rotation of the stresses. As these
layers are generally less compressible than the underlying soils, the distinction between
Young's modulus and oedometric modulus can however most often be ignored with regard to
the respective settlement values expected on the height of the platform and the height of the
compressible soil.

The concentration of stresses above the pile head can also lead to differentiate between the
value of the attributed module, over the height of a backfill layer, in the soil domain (low value
s) and in the pile domain (high value s) when the material concerned reveals a marked
dependency of the strain module with the stress level.

F.2.6.3 Check of consistency of stress state in platform

In compliance with ASIRI recommendations, the consistency of the stresses calculated on
inclusion head and the soil at same level must be checked with regard to the shear
characteristics assigned to the load transfer layer (or the backfill, if there is no specific load
transfer layer).
inc’ ≤ Nq soil’ + c’ Nc ( 14)
inc’ : stress on inclusion head
soil’ : mean stress on soil at head level
c’ : possible intergranular cohesion of the material constituting the platform

Nq and Nc, Prandtl bearing coefficients, must be evaluated for the friction angle value of the
blanket in critical state.
When this check does not give satisfactory results, the load transfer layer modulus in line
with the inclusion must be reduced (without modifying the one assigned to the same layer,
between the inclusions) until compatible constraints inc’ and soil’ are obtained.
This iterative procedure consists in defining a secant modulus of the platform, above the
inclusions, compatible with the plasticity criterion which is expressed by relation (14).

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F.2.7. Extension of model 1b under pile base

For a soil reinforcement (use of model 1b), it may be recommended to choose a geometry for
the pile domain such that its equivalent diameter is practically null (very low non-null value) in
the sections located at more than 1.5 Dp under the pile base (Dp equivalent diameter at pile
base). These arrangements, based on the ratio existing between the mobilisation curves of
base and of friction, according to Frank and Zhao, in effect ensure that the mobilised force at
pile base is integrally transmitted to the soil domain at more than 1.5 Dp under the pile base
and that under this depth the section of the soil domain becomes equal to that of the
calculation mesh.
It is necessary to assign to the pile domain section located less than 1.5 Dp under the real
base of the pile a negative friction qs* such that the maximum resultant on the cylinder of
height 1.5 Dp is equal to the maximum resultant under the inclusion base [( Dp2/4 )x qp]. This
condition is achieved with: qs* = qp/6.

Figure F.6 : Extension of model under pile base

F.2.8. Bearing capacity calculations

In all cases, the program calculates the following regulatory bearing capacity values
(according to standard NF P 94 262):
Maximum values of ultimate loads of friction and of base (without weighting);
Maximum value of critical creep load (without weighting);
The allowable loads at SLS (in quasi-permanent and characteristic combinations) and at
ULS (in fundamental and accidental combinations).
These calculations are done for the complete length of the pile (all soil layers are taken into
For a pile and associated soil medium type calculation, the program searches for the
elevation where the load in the pile is maximum (neutral plane), calculates the ultimate load
and the maximum creep load (according to the rules of standard NF P 94 -262) for the pile
section placed under this elevation and displays the overall safety available with respect to
the maximum load obtained.

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F.2.9. Estimation of stiffnesses at pile head

For a "single pile" type calculation, a calculation of equivalent stiffness at pile head is done
both for the service load applied at head and for a load equal to 70% of the maximum creep
load. The latter is used by default as input parameter for pile group calculation in Groupie+
module. The stiffness is expressed as the ratio of load at pile head and corresponding
For a pile and soil cylinder associated with soil type calculation, the equivalent surface
stiffnesses are estimated for load Q(0) defined by the user. The surface stiffness at the pile is
obtained by dividing the stress at head of the pile domain by the displacement at head of the
pile domain and the surface stiffness at the soil domain by dividing the average vertical
stress applied at head of the ground domain by the average settlement at this level.
The ASIRI recommendations explain how to exploit the surface stiffnesses thus obtained to
establish a simplified equivalent stiffness distribution around each inclusion and between the
inclusions capable of supplying a representative estimation of the moments in the slab. This
equivalent surface stiffness distribution can be used in a Tasplaq model of the slab to
establish the loads to which it is submitted under the applied loading.

F.2.10. Estimation of additional loads in slab (model 1b)

The results of the Taspie+ model can be used to evaluate the additional loads in the slab due
to the presence of inclusions. These are to be combined with those obtained from a slab
calculation on equivalent homogenised soil.
The calculation principle consists in comparing the behaviour of the slab in standard section
to the behaviour of an equivalent circular plate clamped at edge (by symmetry) and
submitted to the application of an overload q0 on its upper face and to the reactions of the
reinforced medium (σp, σs) on its lower face as shown on the figure below.



Figure F.7 : Result of outside forces applied to slab

The equivalent radius of the plate representative of the slab in an elementary mesh is directly
related to the mesh pitch in each direction "a":

R = a / π1/2

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The reactions of the reinforced medium on underside of slab are broken down into two parts:
Reaction at inclusions σp, assumed to develop on an impact radius "rp", usually
calculated considering a distribution of the stresses at 1h/5v in the platform body from
the inclusion head to the slab underside;
Reactions between inclusions σs taken as equal to the stress applied to the soil
obtained from Taspie+ model.

The load conservation equation allows value of σp to be obtained:

σp x rp² + σs x (R²- rp²) = q0 x R²

The equilibrium is then solved by applying the plate theory. For this, refer to the analytical
formulas given in the "Engineer's Techniques C0265 – 5 and 6". The calculation of these
loads is covered by a "slab moment'' wizard described in F.3.9.4.

F.2.11. Bibliographical reference

Eurocode 7
NF P94-262 (french norme)
Frank, 1982
Cuira/Simon (Alexandrie 2009)
Cuira/Simon (Paris 2013)
Dias/Simon (Paris 2013)
Simon JNGG (2012)
Simon (Edinburg)

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In this chapter, we give:
The Taspie+ module input parameters.
Certain zones can receive only data with a physical signification (for example, a soil
strain modulus Esoil must always be strictly positive).
The Taspie+ calculation parameter input window includes 6 tabs. The data to be
completed in each tab depends sometimes on certain choices made by the user: for
example, the data to be completed for a "single pile with or without imposed soil
settlement" calculation is not the same as for a "pile + associated soil mesh"
Note: It is possible, in the Taspie+ model, to process a single pile, or several piles
corresponding to different pile configurations for a given project (see chapter F.3.1
The results supplied by Taspie+ module. Here again, they depend in part on the data
entered by the user and, especially, the calculation type.

This chapter does not detail the user interface itself and its handling operations (buttons,
menus, etc.): these aspects are addressed in part C of the manual.

F.3.1. Pile management

Taspie+ module allows one or more piles to be processed within the framework of a given
Foxta project but the user can work on only one of these piles at a time: the "active" pile is
displayed above the tabs of the data input window.
When Taspie+ module is first opened for a given project, the module includes only
one pile (Pile 1/1). The user must therefore complete this first pile and can then, if
necessary, create additional piles (see below);
When an already completed Taspie+ module is opened, the pile displayed by default
is pile 1/n (n being the total number of piles already created in the module). It is then
possible to select another pile, add piles or delete piles.

Figure F.8 : Pile management in Taspie+ module

The operations which can be done on piles in Taspie+ module are as follows:

Add a pile: click button: Foxta adds a new pile to the project, independent of the
previous one, with the same input fields. Its number will be automatically
To duplicate current pile, click button: Foxta adds a pile identical to current pile to
the project. The data is duplicated in this new pile but remains modifiable;
To delete current pile, click button;
To display next pile or previous pile, click or button.

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As stated previously, work can be done only on one pile at a time: the procedure is therefore
to select the required pile, complete/modify its data, start the calculation then display the
results for this pile. The user can then select another existing pile or create another pile and
repeat these steps.
The chapters below describe the use of Taspie+ for a given pile.

F.3.2. "Parameters" tab

Figure F.9 : "Parameters" tab

F.3.2.1 "General parameters" box

Give calculation title.

F.3.2.2 "Calculation mode" box

Either "Single pile calculation, with or without imposed soil settlement, defined by
Or "Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh (rigid inclusions, group of piles, ...).

F.3.2.3 "Framework" box

Give the reference elevation (m).
A summary table of the general parameters is given below:
Designation Units Default value Display condition
Title - - Always Yes
Calculation mode - Single pile Always Yes
Reference elevation m 0,0 Always Yes
Table F.1 : General parameters summary

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F.3.3. "Layers" tab

This tab is used to define layers: the characteristics to be completed in the table vary with the
type of calculation chosen: see subchapters F.3.3.1 and F.3.3.2.
IMPORTANT: by Taspie+ convention, the bottom of the pile is assumed to be at the level of
the bottom of the last soil layer defined. Therefore, the soil cross section must be stopped at
bottom of pile (except in certain "pile + associated mesh" cases which require an extension
of the model under the toe of the piles, also check chapter F.2.7).
Foxta offers the possibility of recording the soil layers in the project soil database and/or in
the soil global database by clicking button.
This allows soil layers to be recorded with their parameters and avoids having to input them
again when creating a new pile in Piecoef+ module or another Foxta project.
Use of soil database is described in detail in part C of the manual.

F.3.3.1 Calculation of a single pile (with or without imposed soil settlement)

Figure F.10 : "Layer" tab for a calculation of a single pile with or without imposed soil settlement

A summary table of the layer definition parameters is given below:

Default Display Mandatory

Designation Units Local checks
value condition value
Name of layer - "Layer i" Always Yes -
Colour of layer - Always Yes -
1 m lower Values strictly
Z: layer base
m than layer Always Yes decreasing
base above with depth
n: number of
layer - 10 Always Yes >0
Table F.2 : Summary of parameters required for soil definition -
"Single pile" type calculation

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F.3.3.2 Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh

Figure F.11 : "Layer" tab for a calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh

The data defined for the single pile is also required here (see Table F.2).
The following additional data is also required for this type of calculation:

Default Display Mandatory

Designation Units Local checks
value condition value
Possible values:
Soil behaviour: - Elastic Always Yes elastic or
Esoil: layer strain
kPa - If elastic behaviour 0
Cs/(1+e0): Swelling
- 0 If oedometric behaviour ≥0
- 0 If oedometric behaviour ≥0
Consolidation ratio
No units if
tc: Overconsolidation
>0, in kPa if 0 If oedometric behaviour -
(or '): net unit
kN/m3 - Always Yes 0
weight of layer
State of layer (see Possible values:
- Existing Always Yes
chapter F.2.5) given or existing
Table F.3 : Summary of parameters required for soil definition -
"Pile + associated mesh" type calculation

The "net" unit weight of the layer is to be input as a function of the position of the ground
water table:
Input total unit weight in case where layer is located above ground water table;
Input buoyant unit weight in case where layer is located under at top of ground water

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The layer strain modulus must be chosen with reference to the stress path which can be
anticipated: in particular, in compressible layers, choice of an "oedometric" type behaviour
seems more suitable.
By convention, for an oedometric behaviour, the over-consolidation parameter tc is
interpreted as follows:
tc if input value is positive (tc > 0);
tc 'p ' v0 if input value is negative (tc < 0).

F.3.4. "Pile" tab

This tab allows the definition of the pile itself: geometry, implementation mode and strain
modulus. The choice of certain characteristics conditions the type of data required.

F.3.4.1 "Pile type" box

Details of possible selections are given below (see screen copies in chapter F.3.4.2).
Default Display Mandatory Local checks
Designation Units
value condition value
Possible values:
Implementation Without
- Always Yes with or without
mode of pile displacement
Possible values:
Type of pile Circular
- Always Yes circular or irregular
section section
Figure F.12 : Summary of parameters required in "Pile type" box

F.3.4.2 "Pile parameters" and "Pile definition in each layer" boxes

2 screen copy examples are given below illustrating various combinations of circular/irregular
section and constant modulus/diameter or not along the pile.
In a circular section case, the section is assumed "solid" and the diameter alone is sufficient
to define the exact geometry of the pile in each layer (that is to calculate the perimeter and
For an irregular section, give the pile perimeter which will be used for the calculation of the
force due to shaft friction and the pile section which will be used for the pile axial stiffness
calculation (ES) and for the base resistance.
Also, pile inclination in "Pile parameters" box can be modified only for a "Single pile" type
calculation. For a "Pile + associated mesh" type calculation, the inclination is automatically
fixed at 0° (vertical pile only).
For parameters given as constant along the pile by the user in "Pile parameters" box, define
their values in this box and the value is automatically transferred (not modifiable) into the
table below (as shown on Figure F.14).
However, for parameters not ticked as constants along the pile, the user must complete the
parameter value for each soil layer (Taspie+ automatically takes the list of layers defined in
previous tab, as shown on Figure F.13).

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Figure F.13 : "Pile" tab for a circular section single pile,

variable modulus along the pile calculation

Figure F.14 : "Pile" tab for a "pile + associated mesh" calculation with an irregular section pile
and constant characteristics along the pile

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The table below summarises the pile definition parameters as a function of selected section
type (circular or irregular) and calculation type:
Default Display Mandatory Local checks
Designation Units
value condition value
Modifiable only for
"single pile" type
Pile inclination ° 0 Always Yes calculations
-90 °< incl < 90°
Epile: Young's modulus
kPa - Always Yes >0
of pile
If circular
D: section diameter m - Yes >0
If irregular
P: section perimeter m - Yes >0
If irregular
S: section m² - Yes >0
Table F.4 : Summary of parameters required for pile definition

Tip: It is possible to first tick the "Constant modulus along the pile" box, enter the value most
often used, then untick said box and modify only the layers with different values.

F.3.5. "Soil/pile" tab

This tab is used to define the shaft friction mobilisation laws and the base resistance term. It
has three different boxes.

F.3.5.1 "Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the base resistance"
In the drop-down list, select one of the mobilisation laws proposed:
From pressuremeter values (Frank and Zhao law). Also see chapter F.2.4.1;
From pressuremeter values (Monnet law). Also see chapter F.2.4.2;
Point by point input.
This choice will apply both for the shaft friction and for the base resistance term and will
condition the data displayed in the 2 boxes below.
Subchapters F.3.5.2 and F.3.5.3 describe the data to be input according to the chosen
mobilisation laws.
Whatever the chosen behavioural law, the graphical part represents either the shaft friction
mobilisation law (cf. Figure F.15) or the mobilisation law of base resistance (cf. Figure F.16),
or the 2 (cf. Figure F.17).
The default display corresponds to the active frame (for example, when working in the
"Definition of the mobilisation law of the base resistance" frame, the mobilisation curve of
base pressure is displayed), but it is possible to force the display on the required curve or
curves thanks to the tick boxes located under the curves.
For the shaft friction mobilisation curves, the curve displayed corresponds to selected layer
(the legend under the curve confirms the concerned layer, see Figure F.15).
Also, the curves are displayed only when the corresponding data is completely input and

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Figure F.15 : "Soil/pile" tab

Figure F.16 : "Soil/pile" tab: display of qp = f(yp) curve

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Figure F.17 : "Soil/pile" tab: display of 2 curves qs=f(y) and qp = f(yp)

F.3.5.2 Shaft friction mobilisation law

Also see chapter F.2.4.

F. Frank and Zhao law

Figure F.18 : Frank and Zhao friction mobilisation law

For this law, the shaft friction mobilisation is defined in the "Definition of shaft friction
mobilisation law" box.
The first 2 columns of the table of this box are precompleted as a function of the definition of
the layers done previously. The number of lines is limited to the number of layers declared in
the "Layers" tab.

Figure F.19 : "Definition of shaft friction mobilisation law" box – Frank & Zhao law

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The table below summarises the friction parameters to be completed for the Frank & Zhao

Default Display Mandatory

Designation Units Local checks
value condition value
N° - - Always Yes
Z: bottom level of completed
m - Always Yes
the layer
EM: pressuremeter
kPa - Always Yes >0
qsl: unit shaft
kPa - Always Yes >0
Possible choices:
Soil type - Always Yes fine soil or granular
Table F.5 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition (Frank & Zhao law)

F. Monnet law

Linear law
Figure F.20 : Monnet friction mobilisation law

For this law also, the shaft friction mobilisation is defined in the "Definition of a shaft friction
mobilisation law" box.
As above, the first 2 columns of the table of this box are pre-completed as a function of the
definition of the layers done previously. The number of lines is limited to the number of layers
declared in "Layers" tab.

Figure F.21 : "Definition of a shaft friction mobilisation law" box – Monnet law

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A summary table of the friction parameters for the Monnet law is given below:
Default Display Mandatory
Designation Units Local checks
value condition value
N° - - Always Yes
Z: bottom level completed
m - Always Yes
of layer
EM :
pressuremeter kPa - Always Yes >0
qsl: unit shaft
kPa - Always Yes >0
α: Menard's
rheologic - - Always Yes 0<α≤1
Table F.6 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition (Monnet law)

F. Point by point input mobilisation laws

In this case, the parameters are input via the "Point by point definition of a shaft friction
mobilisation law" box.
Input a set of value pairs (y = pile/soil relative settlement; qsl = mobilised unit friction) for each
layer defined.

"Layers reminder" box:

Select a layer (from those previously defined) to define the qs = f(y) law for this layer.
Note: A qs = f(y) law must be defined for each layer.

"qs = f(y) law" box:

Input required set of value pairs (y; qsl).
Note: Click button to add a line to the table.

Figure F.22 : "Shaft friction mobilisation law definition" box – Point by point input

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A summary table of the friction parameters is given below:

Default Mandatory Local
Designation Units Display condition
value value checks
≥ 0 and
y: pile/soil relative strictly
m - Always Yes
settlement increasing
qs: mobilised unit friction kPa - Always Yes ≥0
Table F.7 : Summary of parameters required for friction definition – Point by point input

For each layer, the qs = f(y) law must include at least one point different from the origin.
Reminder: If the shaft friction mobilisation law for at least one of the layers includes a
decreasing or constant intermediary plateau, Taspie+ will automatically change to step-by-
step calculation mode (see chapter F.3.8).

F.3.5.3 Mobilisation law of base resistance

The mobilisation law of base resistance is defined in the "Definition of the mobilisation law of
the base resistance" box.

F. Frank and Zhao and Monnet laws

For these 2 laws, Taspie+ automatically generates a law with three plateaux of Frank and
Zhao type (Figure F.3) the construction of which is controlled by four parameters (see
chapter F.2.4.1):
Pressuremeter modulus considered for the last layer of the model;
Equivalent diameter of pile section in the last layer of the model;
Base resistance pressure qpl to be defined by the user;
Soil type to be considered for the base behaviour to be chosen by the user.

Figure F.23 : "Definition of the mobilisation law of base resistance" box – Frank & Zhao or Monnet laws

A summary table of the parameters required is given below:

Default Display Mandatory
Designation Units Local checks
value condition value
Base resistance
kPa - Always Yes 0
pressure qpl
Possible choices:
Law type - Always Yes granular soil or fine
Table F.8 : Summary of parameters required for definition of mobilisation law of
base resistance (Frank & Zhao or Monnet laws)

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Note: For a characterisation from pressuremeter (resp. penetrometer) values, the base
resistance pressure qpl is taken as equal to kp x ple (resp. kc x qce), where kp (resp. kc) is the
pressuremeter (resp. penetrometer) bearing factor and ple (resp. qce) is the net equivalent
boundary pressure (resp. base resistance) under the foundation base in the sense given in
standard NF P 94 262.

F. Point by point input mobilisation laws

If the base resistance mobilisation law is input point by point qp = f(y), the user inputs the
mobilisation curve values according to the same principle as for shaft friction (see chapter

Figure F.24 : "Definition of mobilisation law of base resistance" box – Point by point input

A summary table of the parameters required for the calculation is given below:
Default Mandatory
Designation Units Display condition Local checks
value value
≥ 0 and strictly
yp: relative pile/soil
m - Always Yes increasing
settlement at base
qp: base resistance
kPa - Always Yes ≥0
Table F.9 : Summary of parameters required for definition of mobilisation law of
base resistance (point by point input)

qp = f(y) law must include at least one point different from the origin.
Reminder: If the mobilisation law of base resistance includes an decreasing or constant
intermediary plateau, Taspie+ will automatically change to step-by-step calculation mode
(see chapter F.3.8).

F.3.6. "Imposed settlements" tab

This tab is accessible only for a "Single pile" type calculation.

Tick the box if you want to "Activate defined settlement".
If a imposed settlement is defined, the soil/pile shaft friction and the base resistance are not
functions of the pile settlement alone but of the relative pile/soil settlement.

F.3.6.1 "Soil imposed settlement profile" box

This box is only accessible if "Activate imposed settlement" tick box has been activated.
The soil imposed settlement values to be defined by default at elevations representative of
the head of the various layers and at the bottom of the model (that is n+1 where n designates
the total number of layers).
By convention, the settlement is taken as positive downwards.

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Figure F.25 : Example of user-imposed soil settlement

A table summarising the parameters to be completed is given below:

Default Mandatory Local
Designation Units Display condition
value value checks
N° - - Always Yes
Z: elevation of calculation completed
m - Always Yes
ys: imposed soil
settlement at this m - Always Yes -
Table F.10 : Summary of parameters required for definition of imposed soil settlement

F.3.6.2 Imposed soil settlement import wizard

Taspie+ module allows soil imposed settlement profiles to be imported from a Taspie+,
Tasseldo or Tasneg calculation by clicking button.

"Import directory" box:

By default, when the wizard is opened, Foxta tries to find a file to be imported in the directory
where current project is found. If this directory does not contain the file required, click Browse

"Import from Taspie+" tab:

In the left-hand box, select the file to be imported.
The following are displayed on the right:
Calculation date (as a reminder);
Pairs (z; ys): elevations/settlements to be imported.

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Figure F.26 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Taspie+

"Import from Tasseldo" tab:

Figure F.27 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Tasseldo

In the left-hand box, select the file to be imported.

The following are displayed on the right:
Calculation date (as a reminder);

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The Tasseldo calculation points available in selected file: select required calculation
point in drop-down list;
Settlement type: in drop-down list, select the settlement values to be imported: elastic
1D, elastic 3D or oedometric;
Pairs (Z; y): elevations/settlements to be imported.

"Import from Tasneg" tab:

In the left-hand box, select the file to be imported.
The following are displayed on the right:
Calculation date (as a reminder);
Pairs (Z; y): elevations/settlements to be imported.

Figure F.28 : Imposed soil settlement import wizard from Tasneg

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F.3.7. "Load" tab

F.3.7.1 For a "Single pile" type calculation

F. Definition of top load

Enter the load applied at pile head (kN). This load is taken as positive towards the
bottom (compression). A negative load can be defined. This corresponds to a
calculation of a pile submitted to tensile loads (at head).

Figure F.29 : "Load" tab for a Single pile calculation

F. Advanced parameters

button allows the following parameters to be controlled:
Tolerance: this parameter controls the relative accuracy of the iterative process
managing the nonlinearity of the mobilisation laws;
Steps number: this parameter controls the number of points comprising the load
Negative skin friction coefficient: this weighting factor, by default equal to 1.00, is
applied in zones where friction is negative (see chapter F.2.4.3).

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The default values proposed are to be conserved in most cases (and a button allows the
advanced parameters to be reinitialised at default values if necessary):

Figure F.30 : Advanced parameters wizard for a "Single pile" calculation

Designation of Default Display Mandatory

Units Local checks
parameters value condition value
Tolerance (or relative
m 1,0E-04 Always Yes -
accuracy of calculations)
Steps number - 100 Always Yes 1 x 1000
Shaft friction coeff.<0:
negative skin friction
- 1,0 Always Yes Coeff > 0
weighting coefficient (also
see chapter F.2.4.3)
Table F.11 : Advanced parameters, single pile case

F.3.7.2 "Pile + associated soil mesh" calculation case

F. "Mesh parameters" box

The data to be defined is as follows:
Designation of Default Mandatory Local
Units Display condition
parameters value value checks
Mesh element
m 1,0 Always Yes 0
dimension along X
Mesh element
m 1,0 Always Yes 0
dimension along Y
Mesh element load kPa 0,0 Always Yes 0
Table F.12 : Mesh parameters ("pile + associated mesh" calculation case)

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F. Calculation type: Slab

In an "Imposed strain (slab type)" type calculation, settlement is assumed as uniform at top
of mesh (case of a slab on rigid inclusions for example). Taspie+ in this case allows the
distribution of the stresses between pile and soil to be determined (also see chapters F.2.2
and F.2.5.4).

Figure F.31 : "Load" tab of a pile + associated soil mesh type calculation of Slab type

A help figure is available to explain calculation type choice by clicking associated button:

Figure F.32 : Help figure –Choice of Slab/Backfill calculation type

F. Calculation type: Backfill

In an "Imposed stress (backfill type)" type calculation, the user imposes the distribution of the
stresses at top of mesh (also see chapters F.2.2 and F.2.5.3).
For the backfill type calculation, additional data must be defined, that is the eQpile parameter:
eQpile: Fraction of total load on mesh applied at pile head. This fraction is a decimal
number between 0 and 1 included.
The value proposed by default is eQpile = pile section/mesh section. This corresponds
to a uniform loading condition at top of mesh.
The eQpile value can be modified to meet specific situations: in this case, choose
"Manual entry". For example:
o eQpile = 1: indicates that complete load applied will be transmitted to the pile;
o eQpile = 0: translates the fact that the pile is not loaded at head. The complete
load applied is taken by the soil.

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Figure F.33 : "Load" tab of a Pile + associated soil mesh calculation of Backfill type

A help figure is available to explain the meaning of the eQpile parameter by clicking the
associated button:

Figure F.34 : Help figure – Meaning of eQpile parameter

F. Advanced parameters

The advanced parameters are accessible by clicking button.

A table summarising the advanced parameters for a "pile + associated soil mesh" calculation
is given below:
Designation of Default Mandatory Local
Units Display condition
parameters value value checks
Tolerance (or
m 1E-04 Always Yes -
convergence criterion)
Steps number - 100 Always Yes 1 x 1000
Table F.13 : Summary of advanced parameters for a "pile + associated soil mesh" calculation

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Figure F.35 : Advanced parameters wizard for a

"pile + associated soil mesh" calculation

F.3.8. Standard calculation/Step-by-step calculation

As stated in chapter F.2.5.1, Taspie+ has 2 additional calculation engines.

The choice between the 2 calculation engines is done automatically by Taspie+ as a function
of the input data.
In most cases, the main calculation engine (matrix solving by finite elements) is the one
used. Here, we will refer to this situation by the term "standard case".
However, in the case where the transfer curve includes one or more decreasing plateaux, the
secondary calculation engine will be used. This case occurs in the case where the user:
chooses point-by-point input mobilisation laws;
and defines at least one of the mobilisation laws (shaft friction for one of the layers or
base resistance) as being not strictly increasing: e.g. a constant intermediary plateau
or a decreasing plateau as shown on figure below.
Here, we will refer to this situation by the term "step-by-step calculation". When Taspie+
identifies this situation, certain additional parameters are required (mainly in the advanced
parameters of the "Load" tab).
The specificities of the parameters for a "step-by-step" calculation are defined in the
following subchapters.

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F.3.8.1 "Parameters" tab - Printing type

For step-by-step calculations, the "General parameters" box includes additional data: printing

Figure F.36 : "Parameters" tab – "Step-by-step" calculation case

Possible choices for printing type are shown on the figure above. The choice proposed by
default is printing limited to the converged result.

F.3.8.2 "Layers" tab - Limitations

For a step-by-step calculation, the following limitations are to be taken into account:
Total number of layers must be 25 maximum;
Total number of subdivisions along the pile must be 500 maximum.
However, for the "standard" calculation case, there is no limit on the total number of layers or

F.3.8.3 "Soil/pile" tab - Limitations

For a step-by-step calculation, the base resistance pressure must be strictly higher than
zero. Put a numerically low value (0.1 kPa for example) in situations where the total base
resistance can be neglected.

F.3.8.4 "Load" tab

For step-by-step calculations, the advanced parameters window includes additional
parameters with respect to the standard case described previously:

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F. Single pile case – Tensile load case

For a step-by-step calculation, the program does not automatically cancel the total base
resistance for a pile submitted to tensile loads. In this case, the user must enter a numerically
very low base resistance pressure (0.1 kPa for example).

F. Single pile case – Advanced parameters

The additional advanced parameters displayed are those of the "Calculation range" box.
They are detailed below:

Figure F.37 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (single pile)

Designation of Default Mandatory Local

Units Display condition
parameters value value checks
YPmin: minimal value
of the tip
m 1.0E-08 Always Yes >0
displacement to take
care of
YPmax: maximal Last value of
value of the tip mobilisation
m Always Yes > YPmin
displacement to curve of base
observe resistance
Table F.14 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation (single pile)

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F. "Pile + associated mesh" of slab type calculation case – Advanced


Figure F.38 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation

(pile + associated mesh - slab type)

The additional parameters of the "Calculation range" box are the same as those described
above for the single pile (chapter F.
The additional parameters of the "Calculation parameters with prescribed displacements
(slab type)" box are as follows:

Designation of Default Display Mandatory

Units Local checks
parameters value condition value
YPmin: minimal value
of the tip displacement m 1.0E-08 Always Yes >0
to take care of
YPmax: maximal value
for soil
of the tip displacement m Always Yes > YPmin
without pile
to observe
under stress
Xmin: lower bound of
the slab settlement m 0 Always Yes -
range to be studied
Xmax: upper bound of
the slab settlement m = YPmax Always Yes > Xmin
range to be studied
NxStep: number of 0 < Nxstep ≤
- 100 Always Yes
calculation steps 105
Table F.15 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation
(pile + associated mesh, slab type)

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F. "Pile + associated mesh" calculation case of backfill type – Advanced


Figure F.39 : Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation

(pile + associated mesh - backfill type)

The additional parameters of the "Calculation range" box are the same as those described
above for the single pile (chapter F.
The additional parameters of the "Calculation parameters with imposed stress (backfill type)"
box are as follows:

Designation of Default Display Mandatory

Units Local checks
parameters value condition value
YPmin: minimal value
of the tip displacement m 1.0E-08 Always Yes >0
to take care of
YPmax: maximal value
for soil
of the tip displacement m Always Yes > YPmin
without pile
to observe
stress qmesh
NrStep: maximal
number of iterations to 0 < Nrstep ≤
- 400 Always Yes
calculate the settlement 1000
of soil cylinder
CoefR: relaxation
coefficient. Defines the
convergence of
- 0.9 Always Yes 0 < CoefR < 1
successive imposed
settlement profiles
around pile (*)

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Nymin: number of
steps adopted from
iteration 2 and following
- 1000 Always Yes 0 < Nymin ≤ 105
to scan the interval of
displacements at
Nchange: number of
iteration from which the
scan interval is
redefined as a function 0 < Nchange ≤
- 20 Always Yes
of choice of CoefYmin 1000
and the divisions
number becomes
0 < CoefYmin <
CoefYmin m 0.7 Always Yes

(*) Imposed settlement (n+1) = CoefR x imposed settlement (n) + (1-CoefR)*calculated

settlement (n)
Table F.16 : Parameters of Advanced parameters wizard – Step-by-step calculation
(pile + associated mesh, backfill type)

F.3.9. Calculation and results

F.3.9.1 Calculation
The calculation can be started from any tab provided the tabs are correctly completed, that is
when they are all marked by a green tick (for example: ).
The tabs are marked by a red cross (for example: ) until correctly completed
(missing or nonconforming data with expected values).
To start the calculation, click button.
To display the calculation results, click button.
The window below is then displayed and proposes various types of results accessible after a
Taspie+ calculation:
2 types of numerical results: formatted results and result tables;
3 types of graphical results: loading curve, main results and complementary results.
Note: The loading curve is accessible only for "Single pile" type calculations.
1 calculation wizard for evaluation of loads in slab (this is accessible only for a "pile +
associated soil mesh" type calculation).

IMPORTANT: The results are given along the pile in the local coordinate system of the pile
(on abscissa with respect to pile head) and not in elevations.

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Figure F.40 : Results window

F.3.9.2 Numerical results

F. Formatted numerical results – Case of a "Single pile" type calculation

Figure F.41 : Formatted numerical results (reminder of data)

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The formatted results contain:

A reminder of the data (Figure F.41): geometrical characteristics, characteristics of
soil layers, details of mobilisation laws.
The bearing capacity calculations (Figure F.42, also see chapter F.2.8), with the
following regulatory values (according to standard NF P 94 262):
Limit values of total shaft resistance and total base resistance (without
Limit value of critical creep load (without weighting);
Allowable loads at SLS (in quasi-permanent and characteristic combinations) and
at ULS (in fundamental and accidental combinations).
These calculations are done over the complete length of the pile (all soil layers are
taken into account).

Figure F.42 : Formatted numerical results – Bearing capacity

For each calculation elevation, the results table details (Figure F.43):
Pile settlement (m);
Soil settlement (m);
Force in pile (kN);
Additional force taken by soil (kN) (with respect to state of initial stresses);
Mobilised shaft friction (kPa);
pile (kPa): stress in pile (force/section);

soil (kPa): additional stress in soil with respect to initial vertical stress.
Taspie+ also displays the maximum value (max+) and minimum value (max-) for each
column at bottom of table.

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Figure F.43 : Detailed formatted numerical results and equivalent stiffnesses for a single pile calculation

The equivalent stiffnesses (Figure F.43, also see chapter F.2.9): for the service load
applied at head and for a load equal to 70% of the limit creep load, Taspie+ gives:
A reminder of the load taken into account (kN);
Pile head displacement calculated under this load (m);
Equivalent pile head stiffness (kN/m): this is the ratio between the pile head load
and the corresponding displacement.
The stiffness for the load equal to 70% of the limit creep load is used by default as
input parameter for a pile group calculation in Groupie+ module.

F. Formatted numerical results – "Pile + associated mesh" calculation case –

Slab type calculation
The formatted results include the same information as for the single pile (see chapter
F., except:
An additional section concerning the geometry of the elementary mesh and the load
applied to the mesh (Figure F.44), and a reminder of the calculation type (calculation
at imposed strains for a slab-type calculation), and the found EQpile value (part of
total load applied to the pile).
Indeed, for a slab-type calculation, the EQpile value is a result of the calculation (and
not data as for a backfill-type calculation).

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Figure F.44 : Formatted numerical results – Pile + associated mesh, slab type
(information related to mesh)
At end of file, the "Equivalent stiffnesses" section has been replaced by the section
shown on Figure F.45. We find:
The unreinforced soil settlement;
For the pile: the settlement at pile head (m), the load at pile head (in kN and in
proportion with respect to the total load, moreover, we find for the proportion the
value of EQpile), the corresponding stress at pile head and the corresponding
surface stiffness (kPa/m, see chapter F.2.9);
For the soil: the average settlement at surface (m), the load taken by the soil (in
kN and in proportion with respect to the total load), the average corresponding
stress on surface and the corresponding surface stiffness (kPa/m, see chapter
A summary of the loads in the pile (or the inclusion):
o maximum stress S_max (kPa) reached in the inclusion;
o elevation z(m) at which S_max is reached (critical point);
o maximum load Qmax (kN) reached in the inclusion;
o safety with respect to creep load Qc(z): value Qc(z) (kN) and safety factor
F = Qc(z) / Qmax;
o safety with respect to breaking load Ql(z): value Ql(z) (kN) and safety
factor F = Ql(z) / Qmax.
The values of Qc(z) and Ql(z) are calculated below the critical point.
The equivalent surface stiffnesses are estimated for load Q(0) defined by the user. The
surface stiffness at the pile is obtained by dividing the stress at pile head of the pile domain
by the displacement at pile head of the pile domain and the surface stiffness at the soil
domain by dividing the average vertical stress applied to the pile head of the soil domain by
the average settlement at this level.
The ASIRI recommendations explain how to use the surface stiffnesses thus obtained to
establish an equivalent simplified stiffness distribution, around each inclusion and between
the inclusions, capable of giving a representative estimation of the moments in the slab. This
equivalent surface stiffness distribution can be used in the Tasplaq model of the slab to
establish the loads to which it is submitted under the loading applied.

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Figure F.45 : Formatted numerical results (solution) for a pile + mesh Slab type calculation

F. Formatted numerical results – "Pile + associated mesh" calculation case –

Backfill type calculation
The formatted results displayed for a backfill type calculation are almost identical to those of
a slab type calculation (see chapter F., except for the section concerning the mesh
and the calculation type.
Indeed, for a backfill type calculation, we find the "calculation at imposed stresses" indication,
and the reminder of the EQpile value (imposed by the user) and the corresponding load
distribution: average stress applied to the soil (kPa) and load applied at pile head (kN).

Figure F.46 : Formatted numerical results – Pile + associated mesh, backfill type
(information related to mesh)

F. Numerical results – Results table

The content of the results table is identical for the 3 calculation types (single pile, pile +
associated mesh/slab type and pile + associated mesh/backfill type).
Note: Mouse over the column header to obtain the meaning and the units of each term in a
tool tip.
We find, in the first columns of the table, the same results as those detailed for the formatted
results of chapter F. (part of the detailed results table), but also find additional
information for each calculation elevation:
Qslim (kPa): unit shaft friction at soil/pile interface;
ΔQmesh (kN): total added in mesh (addition with respect to the initial stress state);
Qmesh (kN): total force in mesh (pile + soil);
σv0 (kPa): initial vertical stress;

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σmesh (kPa): average stress in mesh (= Qmesh/mesh section).

However, this display includes neither the data reminder part nor certain results (especially
equivalent stiffnesses and bearing).

Figure F.47 : Numerical results – Results table

F.3.9.3 Graphical results

F. Loading curve

The loading curve is accessible only for a single pile calculation.

It represents the settlement of pile at top (m) as a function of the load applied at pile head
It is constructed automatically by Taspie+: the first point corresponds to a null load applied at
pile head. The last point corresponds to the application of 95% of the breaking load.

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Figure F.48 : Graphical results – Loading curves (single pile calculation)

By default, only the curve is displayed. A Show/Mask button on top right of the window
shows or masks the table of points calculated by Taspie+ to construct the loading curve.

F. Main results

The curves shown are almost identical for the 3 calculation types (single pile, pile +
associated mesh slab type and pile + associated mesh backfill type).

Figure F.49 : Graphical results – Main results (single pile)

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Figure F.50 : Graphical results – Main results (pile + associated mesh)

The main curves present the graphical display of 4 types of results as a function of the local
abscissa of the pile x(m):
The settlements (m): pile settlement resulting from Taspie+ calculation and soil
settlement. Concerning the soil settlement, these are:
The imposed soil settlement as defined in the data for a "single pile" type
The average soil settlement resulting from Taspie+ calculation for a pile +
associated mesh type calculation.
The pile/soil frictions (kPa): mobilised friction resulting from Taspie+ calculation and
shaft friction as defined in the data;
The total forces (kN): force in the pile and force taken by the soil;
The stresses (kPa): stress in the pile (force/section) and average vertical stress in the
soil between the piles (this is not calculated for a single pile type calculation).
The minimum and maximum values of the quantities represented are given under each

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F. Additional results

Clicking button displays the additional results. These are also directly
accessible from the result type choice window:

Figure F.51 : Graphical results – Additional results

The main curves present the graphical display of 3 types of results as a function of the local
abscissa of the pile x(m):
The stresses in the soil (kPa):
v0: initial vertical stress in soil;

vcalc: final stress in soil resulting from Taspie+ calculation (corresponding to σsoil
column of results table);
vmax: average final stress in mesh (corresponding to σmesh column of results
The pile/soil frictions (kPa):
Mobilised friction: mobilised soil/pile friction resulting from Taspie+ calculation;
Limit friction: limit unit friction as defined by the user;
Average soil stress: final stress in the soil (corresponding to σsoil column of results
Soil average Ktan x v: previous curve multiplied by the Ktan value that the
user can modify on top right of window (default value equal to 1,0). Also see
chapter F.2.6.1 and example 4 of chapter F.4.4.
The forces in pile and soil (kN):
Force in pile (Qpile);
Added force on mesh (corresponding to ΔQmesh column of results table);
Total force in mesh (corresponding to Qmesh column of results table).

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F.3.9.4 "Additional loads" in slab wizard

The results of Taspie+ model can be used to evaluate the additional loads in the slab due to
the presence of inclusions. These additional loads can be calculated by means of the "slab
moment wizard" accessible from the results window (external wizard):

Figure F.52 : Slab moment wizard

Upper part of the wizard window: additional data

Input (once more) the following additional data:
Subgrade thickness (that is, here, the load transfer platform), by default taken as
equal to thickness of first layer of model;
Diffusion slope (stresses in body of platform), taken by default as equal to 0,2
Poisson's ratio of concrete (between 0 and 0,2).

Centre part of the wizard window: intermediary calculation parameters (see chapter F.2.10).
These parameters are automatically precalculated by the interface but can be modified by a
double click:
Rm: equivalent radius of elementary cell, directly related to the mesh pitch in each
R0: "impact" radius under slab at inclusions, calculated taking diffusion slope in
platform body into account;
qm: average stress applied to elementary cell (on slab surface), obtained from input

qsoil: average stress transmitted to soil (on slab under face);

qpile: average stress (additional) applied at inclusions at slab under face (distributed
on impact radius R0).

Lower part of wizard window: results

These values are calculated as a function of previously input values (and cannot be

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Mcentre: moment in centre of elementary mesh;

Medge: moment on edge of elementary mesh.

These two values (centre moment and edge moment) constitute an envelope [Mlower, Mupper]
corresponding to the "mb" term in the sense of the calculation rules explained in the ASIRI
guide. These additional moments are to be combined with a slab calculation on
homogenised soil.

Note: The moments are taken as positive when the lower fibre is under traction.

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F.4. Taspie+ calculation examples

F.4.1. Example 1: Single pile

This first example deals with a cast-in-place single pile of 0.6 m in diameter and subjectted,
in a first step, to a load of 1000 kN.
In a second step, we will proceed to a calculation where the pile is also subjected to the
settlement of the surrounding ground.

F.4.1.1 Step 1: Single pile

F.4.1.2 Data input

Create a new project by clicking on the radio-button;
Click on the button.

If Foxta is already open, click on “File“, then “New project “.

F. New project wizard

“File” frame
Click on the button to choose the work directory;
Name and save the file.

“Project” frame
Define a title for the project;
Define a project number;
Complete comments if necessary;
Leave the "Use the soil database" box unchecked (for this example we will not use
the soil database), and click on the button.

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F. New project wizard: Module selection

In the "Modules to use" window, select the Taspie+ module and click on the

Foxta allows the save of soil layers in the soil database of the project and/or in the global soil
database by clicking on the button.
This allows the user to save the soil layer parameters to reuse them without retyping again in
another module of the same project or in a new Foxta project.
The database will not be used in this example, but its use is described in detail in the section
C of the user’s manual.

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The input data window of Taspie+ is now displayed.

All data tabs should be now completed in the right zone of the screen.

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F. “Parameters” tab

Definition of the general parameters:

“General parameters” frame:

Calculation title: Name it ”single pile” for example.

“Calculation mode” frame:

Select the calculation type by clicking on the adequate button. In this example:
“Single pile calculation”.

“Framework” frame:
Reference elevation: 0.00 m (head of the pile).

To shift to the next tab, click either on the name of the tab “Layers”, or on the button.

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F. "Layers" tab

This tab allows the definition of the soil layer characteristics:
The elevation of the base of each soil layer Zbase (m);
The number of subdivisions n of each layer.
IMPORTANT: by Taspie+ convention, the bottom of the pile is assumed to be at the level of
the bottom of the last soil layer defined. Therefore, the soil cross section must be stopped at
bottom of pile (except in certain "pile + associated mesh" cases which require an extension
of the model under the toe of the piles, also check chapter F.2.7).

The input to use in this section is the following:

Layer Name Zbase (m) n

1 Sandy clay -4.00 10
2 Clayey sand -10.00 20
3 Dense sand -12.00 10

Note: in this case, the n values of discretisation correspond to a slicing of each soil layer into
calculation slices of 20 to 40 cm thick.

F. “Pile” tab

Via this tab, we will define the type of the pile and its parameters: in this example, the pile
characteristics (Young’s modulus Epile and diameter D) are constant along the whole length
of the pile.
“Pile type” frame:
Implementation mode of pile: chose "Without displacement" (bored pile);
Type of pile section: chose “Circular section”.
“Pile parameters” frame:
Pile inclination: 0° (vertical pile);

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Check the checkbox “Constant modulus along the pile (kPa)": Epile = 1.0E07 kPa
(concrete, long term case);
Check the checkbox “Constant diameter along the pile”: D = 0.60 m.

“Pile definition in each layer” frame:

The table in this tab is automatically filled in with the parameters entered in the previous tab
as the soil layers and their Zbase, Young’s modulus and diameter of the pile (constant along
the pile in this case). Thus, this table is displayed as a reminder of the previous input
(however, when the Young’s modulus and/or the diameter are not constant along the pile, it
is proposed a manual input for each layer):

Name Zbase (m) Epile (kPa) D (m)

Sandy clay -4.00 1.00E07 0.60
Clayey sand -10.00 1.00E07 0.60

Dense sand -12.00 1.00E07 0.60

F. “Soil/Pile” tab

This tab allows the definition of the skin friction and base resistance mobilisation laws.
The skin friction mobilisation law we will use in this example is Frank and Zhao law built up
from the pressuremeter data. The limit skin friction is 20 kPa in sandy clay, 50 kPa in clayey
sand, and 120 kPa in dense sand.
“Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the base resistance” frame:
Within the dropdown list, chose “From pressuremeter data (Frank & Zhao law)”. It is a
by default choice.

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“Definition of a shaft friction law” frame:

The table is automatically filled in by the soil layers previously defined. The data to complete
for each soil layer are the following:
Name EM (kPa) qsl (kPa) Soil type
Sandy clay 5.00E03 20.00 Fine soil
Clayey sand 8.00E03 50.00 Granular soil
Dense sand 2.00E04 120.00 Granular soil

“Definition of the mobilisation law of the base resistance” frame:

The mobilisation law of the base resistance to choose here is Frank and Zhao for granular
soil with a limit resistance pressure of 2500 kPa (kp x ple):
Base resistance pressure: 2500 kPa;
Law type: “Granular soil”.

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F. "Imposed settlement" tab

Let the checkbox “Activate imposed settlement” unchecked. In this part of the
example, we do not want to impose any settlement to the soil in-between the piles.

F. “Load” tab

This tab allows the definition of the loading conditions on top of the pile.

Top load: enter 1000 kN.

We will not modify the advanced parameters in this example (which means that the default
values are conserved).

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F.4.1.3 Calculations and results

F. Calculation
Click on the button.

To display the results formatted as tables and graphical views, click on the

F. Graphical results

Main results

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We note that:
The maximum settlement of the pile is 7.64 mm. This value corresponds to the pile
head settlement while the base of the pile settles 4.7 mm. The imposed settlement of
the soil is null (as we didn’t define any imposed settlement in the input);
The limit skin friction is entirely mobilised in the sandy clay (down to 4 m deep), and it
is partially mobilised within the clayey sand and dense sand.
The force in the pile is maximum at top and it is equal to 1000 kN (the load applied on
top pf the pile). This force is dissipated in depth thanks to the lateral skin friction. At
the base of the pile, the force in the pile is 212 kN (base load), whereas the force
buried by the soil is equal to 788 kN (= 1000-212, sum of the mobilised skin friction
along the pile)
the average stress in the soil is not calculated here (“single pile” calculation type). The
stress in the pile is equal to the force in the pile divided by its section: thus it
decreases by depth (3537 kPa at the top and 748 kPa at the base).

Clicking on the button leads to display the stress curves in the soil,
pile/soil skin friction, and pile and soil forces:

In the case of our example of a single pile, the advanced results do not provide any
additional information.

To display the loading curve, click on the button then “Loading curve”.

This curve, available only for “single pile”, is automatically built up by Taspie+ for a load
varying from 0 up to 95% of the ultimate resistance.

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F. Numerical results

At the end of this file, the settlement value obtained under 1000 kN, as well as the equivalent
stiffness of the pile top can be consulted.

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Table of results
This table allows the display of the values obtained at each elevation along the pile. The
export as MS Excel format allows the exploitation of the results.

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F.4.1.4 Step 2: Single pile with imposed settlement of the soil

We start again the same example as previous, but this time we will define an imposed
settlement of the surrounding soil.

F.4.1.5 Modification of the input

To modify the input, click on the button.
Then “save your project as” with another name.
Note: it was also possible to duplicate the pile within the same project (see example 2).

F. “Parameters” tab

Change the name of the calculation: “Single pile with imposed settlement of the soil”
for example.

F. "Imposed settlement" tab

Check the “Activate imposed settlement” checkbox.

"User-imposed soil settlement" frame

It is proposed, for this example, to define the following profile of soil settlement ys:
ys = 4 cm at elevation 0.0 m (at the surface);
ys = 1.5 cm at elevation -4.0 m (at the base of the first soil layer);
ys = 0 cm at elevation -10.0 m and below (at the base of the deeper soil layers).

Accordingly, the input data are the following:

N° Z (m) ys (m)
0 0.00 4.00E-02
1 -4.00 1.50E-02
2 -10.00 0.00E00
3 -12.00 0.00E00

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F.4.1.6 Calculations and results

Run again the calculation by clicking on the button.

We note that:
The maximum settlement of the pile is 1.6 cm. It is obtained at the pile top, while the
pile base settles 1.2 cm (the settlement values have been doubled comparing to the
step 1). The imposed settlement of the soil is not null: it is equal to the imposed
settlement value defined as an input;
Down to 4 m deep, the soil settles more than the pile, consequently a negative friction
(hanging effect) appears. From this depth downward, called “Neutral plane”, the pile
settles more than the soil and the friction becomes positive. The bearing capacity of
the pile shall be verified starting from the neutral plane.

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Maximum force in the pile is not obtained at the pile top but at the level of the neutral
plane and is equal to 1148 kN: this value corresponds to the load applied on top
(1000 kN) + the sum of the negative friction mobilised above the neutral plane (148).

To display the loading curve, click on the button then on “Loading curve”. Note
that for a pile top load equal to zero, the settlement of the pile is different from zero: this is
due to the hanging effect of the soil settlement.

The following table presents a comparison of the results of 2 different calculations (without
and with imposed settlement of the soil around the pile):

Settlement of Mobilised skin Force in the pile Stress in the pile

the pile (cm) friction (kPa) (kN) (kPa)

Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

Single pile
imposed 0.47 0.77 20 74 212 1000 748 3537
settlement of
the soil
Single pile with
1.18 1.60 -20 113 390 1148 1379 4059
settlement of
the soil

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F.4.2. Example 2: Pile group and negative skin friction

This example illustrates how to deal with a group of piles submitted to negative skin friction.
The project is illustrated on the below figure. The group of piles is composed of 80 cm
diameter and 14 m long piles; they are embedded in a two-layer soil. Piles are placed in a
regular mesh of 2 m x 2 m, each pile bears a vertical load of 1500 kN.


The following table shows the available geo-mechanical characteristics:

(**) (*)
Layer Ztop (m) γ (kN/m3) EM (MPa) Pl* (MPa) α qsl (kPa) E (MPa)
Sandy clay +0.00 20 5.0 0.6 0.67 30 15
Sands and
-12.00 20 20 2.0 0.33 120 120

(*) E is the equivalent elastic strain modulus.

(**) qsl is the limit unit skin friction (for a bored pile).

F.4.2.1 Data input

To create a new project, click on the radio-button;
Click on the button.

If Foxta is already open, click on “File”, then “New project “.

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F. New project wizard

“File” frame:
Click on the button to choose the work directory;
Name and save the file.

“Project” frame:
Define a title for the project;
Define a project number;
Complete comments if necessary;
Leave the "Use the soil database" box unchecked (for this example we will not use
the soil database), and click on the button.

F. New project wizard: Module selection

In the "Modules to use" window, select the Taspie+ module and click on the

The input data window of Taspie+ is now displayed.

All data tabs should be now completed in the right zone of the screen.

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F. “Parameters” tab

Chose the "Pile + associated soil mesh" calculation type. The reference elevation is set by
default to 0.00m.

“General parameters” frame:

Calculation title: "Pile group" for example.

“Calculation mode” frame:

Select "Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh ".

“Framework” frame:
Reference elevation: 0.00 m.

F. "Layers" tab

Create two soil layers and define the corresponding parameters using the information given
within the below table.
REMINDER: by convention, in Taspie+ the soil model bottom level is defined same as the
pile toe level.

Name N Behaviour Esoil (kPa) γ'(kN/m3) State
Sandy clay -12.00 40 Elastic 1.50E+04 20 Existing l.
Sands and
-14.00 10 Elastic 1.20E+05 20 Existing l.

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F. "Pile" tab

Piles are installed without displacement of the soil. The piles are circular and they have a
constant diameter of 80 cm and a Young’s modulus of 20 GPa.

"Pile type" frame:

Implementation mode of pile: “Without displacement”;
Type of pile section: “Circular section”.

"Pile Parameters" frame:

“Constant modulus along the pile”: checked, Epile = 2.0E07 kPa;
“Constant diameter along the pile”: checked, D = 0.80 m.

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"Pile definition in each layer" frame:

Nothing to do, data are automatically filled in.

F. "Soil/Pile" tab

In this example, we choose to characterise the soil/pile friction by using a “Monnet” type
mobilisation law. This is a “hyperbolic” law based on the pressuremeter modulus and the
rheological coefficient.
The mobilisation of the base resistance pressure is modelled according to Frank & Zhao type
law for granular soils with an ultimate stress equal to 1.2 x 2000 = 2400 kPa.

"Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the toe force" frame:
Select in the drop-down list: “From pressuremeter data (Monnet law)”.

"Definition of a shaft friction mobilisation law from pressuremeter data" frame:

For different soil layers, input the following:
Pressuremeter modulus EM (kPa);
Unit shaft friction qsl (kPa);
Rheological coefficient α.

Name EM (kPa) qsl (kPa) α

Sandy clay 5,0E+03 30 0,67
Sands and gravels 2.0E+04 120 0,33

"Definition of the mobilisation law of the base resistance" frame:

Base resistance pressure: “2400” kPa;
Law type: “Granular soil”.

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F. “Load” tab

This tab allows defining the mesh of the piles and the loading parameters on top of the
model. These parameters should be adjusted in a way that the whole load is transferred onto
the pile head. Consequently, it should be used an “imposed stress” calculation, combined
with eQpile = 1.

Two help pictures are available in this tab by clicking on the buttons. They illustrate
respectively the selection of the calculation type and the eQpile parameter definition:

The load applied on top of the model should be provided as an average stress: in this case it
is calculated as 1500 kN/ (2 x 2) = 375 kPa.

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“Mesh parameters” frame:

Mesh element dimension along X: 2.0 m;
Mesh element dimension along Y: 2.0 m;
Mesh element load: 375 kPa.
“Calculation type” frame:
Calculation type: imposed stress (backfill type).
“eQpile efficiency” frame:
eQpile efficiency: 1.00 (manual entry).

F.4.2.2 Calculations and results

Click on the button to run the calculations. Then click on the
button to display the results.

Click on “Main results” to display directly the graphical output.

Note that the “Loading curve” graphical option is only available for a “single pile” calculation

Based on the results, the following observations can be made:

The maximal settlement is equal to 1.44 cm, and it is mainly due to the pile toe
The soil/pile friction is positive on the whole height of the piles but is only occurred
from 6 m deep downwards. This can be explained by a significant driving force
undertaken by the soil in between the piles until 6 m deep, which corresponds to the
uniform settlement until 6 m deep (soil and pile settlements are equal down to that
The absence of negative skin friction implies that the stress is maximal at pile head.

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F.4.2.3 Comparison with a single pile

It is interesting to compare the previous results to those that would be obtained for a single
pile. For that purpose, return to the data mode by clicking on the button, and
then on .

F. “Parameters” tab

“Duplicate the current pile” by clicking on ;
Change the title to "Single pile",
Change the calculation mode to “Single pile calculation”.

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F. “Load” tab

Define the load value applied on pile head: 1500 kN.

The other parameters remain unchanged.

F.4.2.4 Calculations and results

Run the calculation again by clicking on and then on .

Display the “Main results”.

The results are similar to the behaviour of a single pile with a positive shaft friction occurring
from the head downward and a maximum settlement of 4 mm approximately.
The assumption of a single pile conducts to more optimistic results with a settlement value
4 times lower than the one obtained by considering a group effect.

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Note that this time, with regards to a “single pile”, Taspie+ built up a loading curve going up
to 95% of the ultimate resistance. This value can be displayed by using the “loading curve”
button within the results window.

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F.4.2.5 Negative skin friction influence

We will now reiterate the previous calculations and this time we will consider a load of 40 kPa
applied onto the ground level between the piles.

F.4.2.6 Input data

Start again the previous project by duplicating once again the current pile:
Change the title to “negative friction”;
Change the calculation mode to "Pile + associated soil mesh".

At this stage you may check that Foxta indeed copied the whole data defined in the first part
of the example into the new pile. After that, switch to “Load” tab. The (qmesh, eQpile)
parameters should now be adjusted to the new loading conditions:
The qmesh average stress applied on top of the mesh element can be calculated as
qmesh = (1500 + 40 x (4 – π x 0.4²)) / 4 = 410 kPa
The "eQpile" parameter is calculated as the ratio of the force to be transmitted to the
pile (1500 kN) and the total load applied on the mesh:
eQpile = 1500 / (410 x 4) = 0.914

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F.4.2.7 Results
After running the calculation, the following results are obtained:

The results hereafter show that the negative friction occurs down to 5m deep approximately.
At this depth, an equal settlement plane is obtained. The settlement of the pile is increased
by 0.5cm comparing the previous case.

The display of the formatted results points out that the maximal stress in the piles is obtained
at 4.8m deep exactly and its value is 3.2 MPa, which is acceptable. However, the factor of
safety on the critical creep load is less than 1 and this is not sufficient to ensure the bearing
capacity of the foundation for SLS case. This brings us to propose the lengthening of the

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In addition, advanced graphical results can be displayed to verify the compatibility between
the negative skin friction at the surface and the vertical effective stress by using an adequate
value for the k.tanδ parameter (see examples 3 and 4).

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F.4.3. Example 3: Slab on soil reinforced by rigid inclusions

This example deals with the case of a soil volume reinforced by rigid inclusions. We are
interested in a reinforcement by rigid inclusions beneath a heavily loaded slab.
The treatment of this exercice is mainly based on the Taspie+ module. A complementary
calculation using Tasplaq will be illustrated for the evaluation of the “additional” forces within
the slab due to the presence of the inclusions.

F.4.3.1 Project presentation

The figure below illustrates the current study case.

The above figure is to be completed by the following elements:

The groundlevel is assumed to be at elevation +0.00. Water table is at elevation -
The slab is laid on a granular load transfer mattress of 50 cm thick;
The inclusions are driven (with the displacement of the surrounding soil), and they are
embedded in the gravely sand (bearing layer);
The inclusions are placed according to a regular grid of 2.0 x 2.0 m;
The thickness of the slab is 25 cm. Applied load (80 kPa) corresponds to a SLS load
combination (characteristic) and it includes the dead load of the slab;
The following table summarise the available geomechanical parameters:

(**) (*)
Layer Ztop (m) γ (kN/m3) EM (MPa) Pl* (MPa) qsl (kPa) E (MPa)
+0.50 20 15 -- -- 50
Clayey silt +0.00 19 2,5 0.3 20 5
-6.00 20 20 2.0 80 80

(*) E is the vertical elastic strain modulus.

(**) qsl is the unit limit skin friction (soil/inclusion).

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F.4.3.2 Data input

Double-click on the Foxta icon to run the software, chose the type of connection and the
language. Then click on button.
At the beginning, Foxta proposes:
To create a new project;
To open an existing project;
To open recent project.
In the case of this example:
To create a new project, click on the radio-button;
Click on the button.

F. New project wizard

“File” frame

Click on the button to choose the work directory;

Name and save the file.
“Project” frame
Define a title for the project;
Define a project number;
Complete comments if necessary;
Leave the "Use the soil database" box unchecked (for this example we will not use
the soil database), and click on the button.

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F. New project wizard: Module selection

Select the Taspie+ and Tasplaq modules, then click on the button.

The input data window of Taspie+ is now displayed. All data tabs should be now completed
in the right zone of the screen.

F. “Parameters” tab

This tab allows the definition of the general parameters of the calculations.

“General parameters” frame

Calculation title: "Initial calculation" for example.

“Calculation type” frame

Select "Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh ".

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“Framework” frame
Reference elevation: +0.50 m. In this case, the reference elevation corresponds to the
underside of the slab.
To shift to the next tab, click either on the name of the tab “Layers”, or on the button.

F. "Layers" tab

This tab is for the definition of the soil layers. Silt layer has been divided into 3 sublayers of
2 m thick each, in order to assign some parameters refined by depth. It is also necessary to
define a limit at elevation -2 (water table elevation) with the aim of using different unit weight
values for the silt layer distinguished between above and under the water table.
IMPORTANT: by Taspie+ convention, the bottom of the pile is assumed to be at the level of
the bottom of the last soil layer defined. Therefore, the soil cross section must be stopped at
bottom of pile (except in certain "pile + associated mesh" cases which require an extension
of the model under the toe of the piles, also check chapter F.2.7).

Use the button under the table to create soil layers one by one.

The input parameters are summarised in the table below:

Name n Behaviour Esoil (kPa) γ' (kN/m3) State
Mattress 0.00 10 Elastic 5.00E+04 20 Added l.

Silt 1 -2.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 19 Existing l.

Silt 2 -4.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 9 Existing l.

Silt 3 -6.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 9 Existing l.

Sand -6.50 5 Elastic 8.00E+04 10 Existing l.

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F. “Pile” tab

This tab allows the definition of the “pile domain”. This domain includes the inclusion itself
and the soil volume directly above the pile (extended from the pile cap up to the top of the

“Pile type” frame:

Implementation mode of pile: “With displacement”;
Type of pile section: “Circular section”.

“Pile parameters” frame:

Pile inclination: 0° (unable to modify: the modification is possible in the case of a
single pile only);
“Constant modulus along the pile”: unchecked;
“Constant diameter along the pile”: checked, D = 0.4 m.

“Pile definition in each layer” frame:

The strain moduli of the “pile domain” for each layer have to be defined here. These moduli
correspond to:
The modulus of the mattress (50 MPa) in the first layer;
The modulus of the inclusion’s constitutive concrete down to the base of the model
(10 000 MPa).

Note: to save time, it is possible to check “Constant modulus along the pile” option at first,
define the modulus value as 10 000 MPa, then uncheck the option and finally modify the
modulus value for the first layer only (50 MPa).

F. “Soil/Pile” tab

This tab allows the definition of the skin friction and base resistance mobilisation laws.
The skin friction mobilisation law to be use in this example is Frank and Zhao law built up
from the pressuremeter data. The limit skin friction is 20 kPa in silt, and 80 kPa in gravely

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sand. As the inclusion is virtually extended inside the mattress, the unit skin friction to be
defined for this layer corresponds to a “soil/soil” interface. For this layer, we consider a Frank
and Zhao law with a limitation at qsl = ktanδ.σv’, where σv’ refers to the vertical effective stress
within the layer and ktanδ = 1. The value of σv’ is obviously a calculation result and not an
input data. For the first iteration, we consider σv’ = 80 kPa, which is the mean load applied on
top of the slab.
The mobilisation of the base resistance pressure is modelled according to Frank & Zhao type
law for granular soils with an ultimate stress equal to qpl = kp x pl* = 2.0 x 2000 = 4000 kPa.
Please note that these suggested laws are strictly valid for a bored pile. Their use for an
inclusion installed with the displacement of the surrounding soil within sand and/or gravel
constitutes a pessimistic approach.

"Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the toe force" frame:
Select in the drop-down list: “From pressuremeter data (Frank & Zhao law)”.
"Definition of a shaft friction mobilisation law from pressuremeter data" frame:
For different soil layers, input the following:
Pressuremeter modulus EM (kPa);
Unit shaft friction qsl (kPa);
Soil type.
Name EM qsl Soil type
Mattress 1.50E+04 80.0 Granular soil
Silt 1 2.50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Silt 2 2.50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Silt 3 2.50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Sand 2.00E+04 80.0 Granular soil

“Definition of the mobilisation law of the base resistance” frame:

Base resistance pressure: “4000” kPa;
Law type: “Granular soil”.

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F. “Load” tab

This tab allows defining the mesh of the inclusions and the loading conditions on top of the

“Mesh parameters” frame:

Mesh element dimension along X: 2.0 m;
Mesh element dimension along Y: 2.0 m;
Mesh element load: 80 kPa. This corresponds to the mean stress applied at top of the

“Calculation type” frame:

Calculation type: imposed strain (slab type). Indeed, we are looking for the distribution
of the stresses between the “pile” and “soil” domains for the case where the
settlement value is equal for both domains.
We will not modify the advanced parameters and keep using the default values.

F.4.3.3 Calculations and results

F. Calculation
When the input data are correctly entered, click on the button to run the
calculations. This button is accessible from all tabs.

F. Results
To display the results formatted as tables and graphical views, click on the

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"Graphical results" frame:

Click on the "Main results" button. This will allow you to access to the settlement curves, skin
friction values, forces and stresses for both of the “pile” and “soil” domains
The maximum settlement of the pile domain is 2.5 cm. 1.5 cm of the total settlement
occurred within the mattress.
The settlement curves demonstrate the development of two equal settlement planes:
The first one is obtained at the base of the slab which is an input hypothesis,
The second one, which is the “neutral plane”, is obtained at elevation -3.80 m (this
corresponds to -4.30 m in the local coordinates of the pile, used for the display of the
Above the neutral plane, the skin friction is negative and the soil settles more than the
inclusion (hanging effect). The elevation of the neutral plane matches also to the elevation
where the stress in the inclusion is maximum (2.45 MPa approximately).

Additional results are also available by clicking on the button.

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The graph in the centre presents the superposition of the vertical effective stress in the soil
(in between the inclusions), the mobilised skin friction as well as the limit skin friction. In
particular, we can note that the concentration of the stresses directly above the inclusion lead
to a vertical stress in the soil, at its surface, inferior to 80 kPa applied by the slab.
Again in the mattress, we can see that the actually mobilised vertical shear (blue curve)
exceeds, in absolute value, the vertical effective stress (green curve): this is mechanically
unacceptable (see chapter F.4.2.6).
Consequently, the skin friction mobilisation law in the mattress should be corrected by using
the vertical effective stress obtained at mid-depth of the mattress (35 kPa approximately) as
the limit skin friction value.

F.4.3.4 Adjustment of the limit skin friction value in the mattress

Go back to the input by clicking on the button, then on the

F. “Soil/Pile” tab

Modify the "qsl" value assigned to the first layer: 35 kPa.

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F. Calculation
Run the calculations again by clicking on , then on .

By displaying the additional results, we check that this time the mobilised friction within the
mattress is limited to the vertical effective stress in this layer.

Now, we want to examine the mobilised skin friction in the compressible soil layer (silts). This
friction is negative down to the elevation -3.80 m, and it is limited to 20 kPa (in absolute
value) accordingly to the input data. Strictly speaking, it should be verified that this negative
friction is compatible with the vertical stress level σv’ by checking that its absolute value is
lower than ktanδ.σv’, with ktanδ = 0.15 in this case (the ktanδ value should be selected, for
each case, in function of the pile type, installation method of the pile and the soil type).
Use the corresponding box to input the ktanδ = 0.15 value.

This will add a new curve which shows that the |qs| ≤ ktanδ.σv’ condition is not respected.
The limit negative friction should also be adjusted within the first four top meters of the silt
layer. Graphically, the limit to target is about 7.5 kPa in the first two meters and 10 kPa in the
two lower meters. Below that, the friction is positive and there is no adjustment to do.

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F.4.3.5 Adjustment of the limit skin friction value in silt layers 1 and 2
Go back to the input by clicking on the button, then on the

F. “Soil/Pile” tab

Modify the "qsl" values assigned to the silt layers 1 and 2 by using 7.5 and 10.0 kPa

F.4.3.6 Calculations and results

Run again the calculations by clicking on , than on .

By displaying the additional results, we check that the mobilised negative skin friction within
the silt layers are now compatible with the vertical effective stress level for ktanδ = 0.15.

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Furthermore, we find out that it is also necessary to readjust the limit friction in the
mattress by rectifying it to 26 kPa (value of the vertical effective stress obtained at the
mid-depth of the mattress).

This correction leads to the final result presented in the next figure.

Go back to the results window and click on the “Formatted results”. This will show in detail
the input and output data as well as a summary of some key values:

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In particular, Taspie+ provides, on an indicative basis, the settlement that would be obtained
without reinforcements (value obtained by an elastic and unidimensional approach): it is
about 11 cm. The use of a reinforcement by rigid inclusions allowed here a reduction of the
settlements by a ratio of 4 approximately, with a maximum settlement value of the reinforced
soil volume of 2.7 cm.
It is also interesting to reveal the stress “concentration” ratio right above the inclusion: “Slab”
effect lead to concentrate on top of the inclusions 72% of the total load.
The maximum stress in the inclusion is 2.3 MPa and it is reached at elevation -4.30 m.

F.4.3.7 Additional checks – Bearing capacity of the inclusions

Taspie+ assesses, at the end of each calculation, the safety factor F against the maximal
force in the inclusion and the critical creep load calculated below the neutral plane. Here we
have F = 1.42.

Actually, this check is necessary only if the inclusions are intended to ensure the stability of
the structure. In our case, the required safety should be at least 1.1 for “SLS characteristic”
combination and at least 1.4 for “SLS quasi-permanent” combination (see French standard

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NF P 94 262). However, in the case where the inclusions are used only for reducing the
settlements, this check is not necessary.

F.4.3.8 Additional checks – Punching of the mattress

F. Calculation of the limit stress at top of the inclusions

For the applied external load, this check consists in the assessment of a limit value of the
stress on top of the inclusion that is compatible with the characteristics of the mattress
material. This limit value can be calculated by using the Prandtl diagram:

This diagram allows the expression of the limit value of the stress on top of the inclusion as
qp+ q0 *
1 Nq 1
α: "substitution" ratio (ratio between the inclusion section and the section of the
Nq: factor depending on the internal friction angle of the mattress;
q0*: mean stress at the bottom of the mattress: q0* = q0 + fill.hfill.

Numerical application:
q0* = 90 kPa, α = 0.0314 and Nq = 48.9 for an internal friction angle supposed to be 38°.
We obtain: qp+ = 1760 kPa.

This value is to be compared to the stress actually applied on top of the inclusions resulting
from the Taspie+ calculation (for example, by displaying the formatted results file of the last
calculation that we run).

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The stress applied on top of the inclusions is 1980 kPa, and it is higher than the limit value as
calculated above by using the Prandtl diagram. This means that there is a punching effect of
the inclusions within the mattress creating plastic deformations.
It is possible to simulate this “plastification” of the mattress material right above the inclusion
by decreasing its strain modulus (in the “inclusion domain”) in order to reduce the stress on
top of the inclusion down to 1760 kPa.

F. Simulation of the plastification of the mattress material

Go back to the input window.

“Pile” tab:
Modify the modulus of the pile in the first layer (mattress): replace the existing value
(50 MPa) with 30 MPa.

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F. Calculations and results

Run the calculations again and check that the stress applied on top of the inclusion is
1740 kPa, hence compatible with the limit of Prandtl. We note here that this “plastification”
triggered an additional settlement of about 1 cm on top (3.6 cm of total settlement).

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F.4.3.9 Additional checks - Determination of the "additional forces” in the slab

The results of Taspie+ can be used to assess the additional forces triggered in the slab due
to the presence of the inclusions. These forces are to be combined with the ones calculated
for a slab laying on an equivalent homogenised soil volume.
These additional forces can be calculated by using the “Moment slab wizard” accessible from
the results window (external wizard):

Upper part of the wizard window: additional input

It should be input the following complementary data:
Subgrade thickness (i.e. load transfer mattress, in the present case): 0.50 m;
Diffusion slope (of the stresses within the mattress): 0.20 (we keep the default value
which corresponds to 1H/5V);
Poisson’s ratio of concrete: 0.20 (0.0 for reinforced concrete, 0.20 for the concrete
without steel reinforcement nor fibres).

Central part of the wizard window: intermediate parameters (see next figure)

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These parameters are automatically pre-calculated by the software, but it is possible to

modify them by a double-click:
Rm: equivalent radius of the unit cell, directly linked to the mesh step in both
direction "a”:
Rm = a / π1/2 = 1.13 m

R0: “Impact” radius under slab directly above inclusions, calculated by considering a
diffusion of the stress by 1H/5V within the mattress, from the top of the inclusion up to
underside of the slab. For inclusions 40 cm in diameter and a 50 cm thick mattress:
R0 = 20 + 50 x 1/5 = 30 cm

qm: average stress applied on the unit cell (at the slab upper side surface), taken form
the input data:
qm = 80 kPa

qsoil: average stress transmitted to the soil (at the underside of the slab):
qsol = 30.71kPa

qpile: average stress (complementary) applied directly above the inclusions at the
underside of the slab (distributed along the impact radius R0):
qpile = 728.02 kPa

The latter is calculated thanks to the following formula:

qpile = qm x (Rm/ R0)² + qsoil x [1-(Rm/ R0)²]

Lower part of the wizard window: results

These values are calculated in function of the previously entered values (they are not
Mcentre = -20.6 kN.m/ml: Moment at unit mesh centre;
Medge = +7,3 kN.m/ml: Moment at unit mesh edge.

These two values (centre and edge) constitute an envelope [Minf, Msup] with
Minf = -20.6 kN.m/ml obtained directly above the inclusions and Msup = +7,3 kN.m/ml obtained
at the edge. This corresponds to “mb” term as pair with the calculation rules presented in the
ASIRI recommendations. These additional moments are to be combined with the forces
calculated for a slab laying on a homogenised soil volume.

Note: Negative symbol of the moments obtained directly above the inclusion mean that the
upper fibre is in traction (“hard point” effect).

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F.4.4. Example 4: Embankment on soil reinforced by rigid inclusions

The figure below illustrates the current study case.

The study case is a road embankment of 6 m thick bearing a live load of 20 kPa at its
surface. In-place soil conditions required the reinforcement by rigid inclusions in order to
reduce the settlements and ensure the stability against the punching effect.

The characteristics of the in-place soils and the inclusions are the same as the previous
project (example 3: slab on soils reinforced by rigid inclusions). They are given in the table

(**) (*)
Layer Ztop (m) γ (kN/m3) EM (MPa) Pl* (MPa) qsl (kPa) E (MPa)

Embankment +6.00 20 15 -- -- 50

Clayey silt +0.00 19 2,5 0.3 20 5

Gravely sand -6.00 20 20 2.0 80 80

(*) E is the vertical elastic strain modulus.

(**) qsl is the unit limit skin friction (soil/inclusion).

Note: as the soil layers of this example are similar to those of the previous example, it would
be useful to use the soil database. This would allow the share of the soil layers and their
characteristics between two projects and prevent to input them again.

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It is still possible to use the soil database: if you wish, open example 3 before starting the
example 4, and export the soil layers of the example 3 to the general soil database. Then
activate the use of the database in the example 4 (in the module selection window), and
import the soil layers from the general database to the current project. See chapter C for
further explanations about the use of soil databases.

F.4.4.1 Data input

Double-click on the Foxta icon to run the software, chose the type of connection and the
language. Then click on button.

At the beginning, Foxta proposes:

To create a new project;
To open an existing project;
To open recent project.

In the case of this example:

To create a new project, click on the radio-button;
Click on the button.

F. New project wizard

“File” frame:
Click on the button to choose the work directory;
Name and save the file.

“Project” frame:
Define a title for the project;
Define a project number;
Complete comments if necessary;
Leave the "Use the soil database" box unchecked (for this example we will not use
the soil database), and click on the button.

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F. New project wizard: Module selection

In the "Modules to use" window, select Taspie+ and Tasplaq modules and click on the

The input data window of Taspie+ is now displayed. All data tabs should now be completed
in the right zone of the screen.

F. “Parameters” tab

This tab allows the definition of the general parameters:

"General parameters" frame:

Calculation title: "Embankment on reinforced soil".

“Calculation mode” frame:

Choose "Calculation of a pile + associated soil mesh".

“Framework” frame
Change the reference elevation: +6.0 m, corresponding to the top of the
To shift to the next tab, click either on the name of the tab “Layers”, or on the button.

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F. "Layers" tab

This tab is for the definition of the soil layers. Like in the exercise 3, the silt layer has been
divided into sublayers of 2 m thick each, in order to assign some parameters refined by
depth. The bottom of the model corresponds to the toe of the inclusions.

Use the button under the table to create soil layers one by one.

The input parameters are summarised in the table below:

Name n Behaviour Esoil (kPa) γ' (kN/m3) State
Embankment 0.00 60 Elastic 5.00E+04 20 Added l.

Silt 1 -2.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 19 Existing l.

Silt 2 -4.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 9 Existing l.

Silt 3 -6.00 20 Elastic 5.00E+03 9 Existing l.

Sand -6.50 5 Elastic 8.00E+04 10 Existing l.

F. “Pile” tab

This tab allows the definition of the “pile domain”. This domain includes the inclusion itself
and the soil volume directly above the pile (extended from the pile cap up to the top of the

“Pile type” frame

Implementation mode of pile: “With displacement”;
Type of pile section: “Circular section”.
“Pile parameters” frame
Pile inclination: 0°;
“Constant modulus along the pile”: unchecked;

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“Constant diameter along the pile”: checked, D = 0.40 m.

“Pile definition in each layer” frame
The strain moduli for each layer of the “pile domain” have to be defined here. These moduli
correspond to:
The modulus of the embankment (50 MPa) in the first layer;
The modulus of the inclusion’s constitutive concrete down to the base of the model
(10 000 MPa).

Trick: to save time, it is possible to check “Constant modulus along the pile” option at first,
define the modulus value as 10 000 MPa, then uncheck the option and finally modify the
modulus value for the first layer only (50 MPa).

The input data are the following:

Name Zbase (m) Epile (kPa) D (m)

Embankment 0.00 5.00E04 0.40

Silt 1 -2.00 1.00E07 0.40

Silt 2 -4.00 1.00E07 0.40

Silt 3 -6.00 1.00E07 0.40

Sand -6.50 1.00E07 0.40

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F. “Soil/Pile” tab

This tab allows the definition of the skin friction and base resistance mobilisation laws.

As for the exercise 3, the skin friction mobilisation law to be use is Frank and Zhao law built
up from the pressuremeter data. The limit skin friction is 20 kPa in silt sublayers (for the first
iteration). The skin friction mobilisation law in the embankment corresponds to a “soil/soil”
interface where the shear resistance is limited by the vertical effective stress in between the
inclusions (ktanδ = 1).
In a preliminary approach, we make the choice of taking into account a limit friction value in
the embankment of 70 kPa corresponding to the weight of the soils at mid-depth of the layer
(60 kPa) + the load applied on top of the model (10 kPa).
The mobilisation law of the base resistance is Frank and Zhao for granular soil with a limit
resistance pressure of qpl = kp x pl* = 2.0 x 2000 = 4000 kPa.
Note again that these suggested laws are strictly valid for a bored pile. Their use for an
inclusion installed with displacement of the surrounding soil within sand and/or gravel
constitutes a pessimistic approach.

"Mobilisation law for the shaft friction of the soil and the toe force" frame:
Select in the drop-down list: “From pressuremeter data (Frank & Zhao law)”.

“Definition of a shaft friction law” frame:

Name EM (kPa) qsl (kPa) Soil type
Embankment 1,50E+04 70.0 Granular soil
Silt 1 2,50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Silt 2 2,50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Silt 3 2,50E+03 20.0 Fine soil
Sand 2.00E+04 80.0 Granular soil

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“Definition of the mobilisation law of the base resistance” frame:

Base resistance pressure: “4000” kPa;
Law type: “Granular soil”.

F. “Load” tab

This tab allows defining the mesh of the inclusions and the loading conditions on top of the

“Mesh parameters” frame:

Mesh element dimension along X: 2.0 m;
Mesh element dimension along Y: 2.0 m;
Mesh element load: 10 kPa. This corresponds to the mean stress applied at top of the
model (road load).

“Calculation type” frame:

Calculation type: imposed stress (backfill type).

“eQpile efficiency” frame:

eQpile efficiency: 0.03 (default value).
The "eQpile" is the ratio of the force transmitted to the pile domain and the total load applied
on the mesh. The proposed default value is in proportion of the inclusion/mesh sections,
which is equivalent to a uniform distribution of the stress on top of the model.

F.4.4.2 Calculations and results

F. Calculation
When the input data are correctly entered, click on the button to run the

F. Results
To display the results, click on the button.

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"Graphical results"

Click on the "Main results" button. This will allow you to access to the settlement curves, skin
friction values, forces and stresses with depth.

The maximum settlement is about 7 cm of which 5.5 cm occurred in the embankment

(directly above the inclusion). We observe, here also, the development of two equal
settlement planes:
The first one is obtained in the embankment material and it relates to the formation of
an arch effect: above this neutral plane, the embankment material settles uniformly
and no vertical shear is created;
The second is obtained in depth, at elevation -4.5 m approximately (this corresponds
to -10.5 m in the local coordinates of the pile) and indicates the bottom of the
negative friction zone.

Shift to additional results by clicking on the button.

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These results show that the mobilised vertical shear within the embankment material is
compatible with the vertical stress level in the embankment. However, the display of the
curve 0.15 x σv’ indicates the need of an adjustment of the limit friction in the first four meters
of the silts where the friction is negative.
Restarting the calculation by limiting the friction in the silt layers 1 and 2 respectively to 13
and 15 kPa allows reaching a negative friction profile compatible with the vertical stress, at
all depths, without influencing the global behaviour of the reinforcement system.

F.4.4.3 Additional checks

F. Bearing capacity of the inclusions

Taspie+ assesses, at the end of each calculation, the safety factor F against the maximal
force in the inclusion and the critical creep load calculated below the neutral plane. Here we
have F = 1.19.

For this particular study case, the inclusions serve to reduce the settlements and to ensure
the stability of the structure. Therefore, the check of the bearing capacity of the inclusions is
necessary. The calculated safety factor (1,19 > 1,10) is assumed to be acceptable to justify
the stability of the structure against the bearing capacity for SLS characteristic load

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To check the bearing capacity for SLS quasi-permanent load combinations, a calculation
without road load can be carried out by targeting this time a minimum safety factor of 1.40.

F.4.4.4 Punching of the mattress

The approach of the embankment case is similar to the one of the mattress (example 3).
However, in addition to the examination of the diagram of Prandtl described previously, a
diffusion cone type rupture diagram (see figure below) shall be examinated also. Then the
rupture mechanism providing the lowest limit stress at top of the inclusion should be taken
into account.

The application of these two diagrams (not detailed here), lead to a limit stress at top of the
inclusion of 2540 kPa by considering an internal friction angle of the embankment material of
38° (in this case, it is the Prandtl diagram which provides the envelop value of 2540 kPa. The
“diffusion cone” diagram provides, in this case, a limit stress of 3690 kPa). This value is to be
compared to the one of the stress actually applied on top of the inclusion calculated by
Taspie+ model: 2020 kPa. Thus, there is no punching effect of the inclusions into the
embankment material.

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