An Empirical Study On Customer Satisfaction Related To Telecommunication Services (A Comparative Analysis of Airtel and Jio Services)

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© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

An Empirical Study on Customer Satisfaction Related to

Telecommunication Services (A Comparative Analysis of
Airtel and Jio Services)
MBA Student. Amity Business School, Amity University Chhattisgarh
Assistant professor, Amity University Chhattisgarh

Abstract- This study's primary goal is to analyse and long term, a thorough understanding of customer
comprehend consumer satisfaction with regard to satisfaction is a necessity.
Bharti Airtel, a well-known Indian provider of
telecommunications services. The study's objectives One of the top telecom service providers in India,
are to pinpoint the major variables that affect Bharti Airtel, has been active in this competitive and
customer satisfaction and investigate the link dynamic sector for a number of years. Bharti Airtel
between that component and loyalty. This study must evaluate and comprehend the aspects that lead to
intends to provide useful insights that can help customer satisfaction as consumer expectations
Bharti Airtel in enhancing their service quality, continue to change. The business can so identify
improving client experiences, and cultivating long- potential areas for development and put plans in place
term customer loyalty by performing a thorough that are in line with client preferences to acquire a
investigation of customer perceptions and competitive edge in the market.
experiences. A mixed-methods approach is used in
the research design, integrating quantitative surveys There are several justifications for doing this study on
and qualitative interviews. The quantitative surveys customer satisfaction with Bharti Airtel. First off,
are carried out to collect information from a sample analyzing customer satisfaction reveals the benefits
of Bharti Airtel customers that is representative, and drawbacks of the services provided by the
enabling a systematic examination of their business. With the help of this knowledge, Bharti
satisfaction levels across many dimensions like Airtel is better equipped to improve the quality of its
service quality, network performance, and other services, respond to client issues, and efficiently meet
factors. changing needs.

Indexed Terms- Customer Satisfaction, Bharti Second, this study intends to shed light on the primary
Airtel, Telecom Industry, Service Quality, Customer forces behind customer loyalty by examining the
Experience, Customer Perception, Service variables that affect consumer satisfaction. Customers
Reliability, Network Coverage who are happy with the services are more likely to
stick with the company and refer others, which helps
I. INTRODUCTION Bharti Airtel build its customer base and revenue.

Customers now have a wide range of options for their Additionally, there are ramifications for Bharti Airtel
communication needs thanks to the that go beyond the corporation itself.
telecommunications industry's recent expansion and
competitiveness. Customer satisfaction has become an Objectives of this study:
essential component for telecommunication service 1. To determine the critical variables affecting
providers to stand out in this highly competitive consumer satisfaction.
market and keep their clientele. For businesses to 2. To investigate the link between loyalty and
create effective strategies that improve service quality, consumer pleasure.
customer experiences, and customer loyalty over the


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

3. To assess client satisfaction with the level of customer happiness and enhance the overall customer
service. experience in light of the findings. These suggestions
4. To examine how network performance affects can include particular tactics to boost client loyalty
consumer satisfaction. and deal with identified improvement areas.

• SCOPE OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING IN Restrictions: The study is aware of some restrictions,

IMPROVING BRAND LOYALTY WITH including as the study's focus on the particular Bharti
REFERENCE TO ONLINE SHOPPING. Airtel situation and the findings' generalizability. It
The goal of this study on Bharti Airtel's customer acknowledges that the scope may not encompass the
happiness is to better understand and assess the entire industry or other regional differences because it
variables that affect both customer satisfaction and the is narrowly focused on one particular telecoms service
entire customer experience. Insights from customers provider.
are gathered and their thoughts, experiences, and
impressions of Bharti Airtel's services are analysed in • THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK:
this study. The scope include: The following theories and models can serve as the
foundation for the theoretical framework for the study
Customer Satisfaction: The survey attempts to on customer satisfaction with Bharti Airtel in the
investigate how satisfied Bharti Airtel customers are telecom industry:
with their service. It looks into a number of elements
that affect customer satisfaction, including service Expectation-Confirmation idea: According to this
quality, customer service, service features and options, idea, a customer's pleasure is affected by whether or
invoicing and pricing, the digital experience, and not their initial expectations for a good or service are
value-added services. confirmed or disproved. Customers will be satisfied if
Bharti Airtel meets or surpasses their expectations. In
Customer Experience: The study explores the total determining satisfaction levels, the theory emphasizes
Bharti Airtel customer experience, looking at elements the significance of pre-purchase expectations and
other than satisfaction alone. It aims to comprehend post-purchase confirmation.
how clients view the company's offerings, how they
deal with customer support agents, how they use the Service Quality Theory: This theory emphasizes the
services, and how they generally connect with Bharti connection between customer satisfaction and service
Airtel. quality. It makes the claim that improved customer
happiness is a result of better service quality.
Elements Affecting Satisfaction The primary Customers' views of service quality are influenced by
determinants of customer satisfaction at Bharti Airtel elements including dependability, responsiveness,
are examined in the study. It examines the relative assurance, empathy, and tangibles, as described in the
weights of many factors, including network quality, SERVQUAL model.
responsiveness of customer support, pricing, and
service options. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM): The TAM
examines the factors influencing the acceptance and
Qualitative Analysis: To obtain rich and thorough adoption of technology by customers. It considers
insights into customers' perspectives and experiences, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as key
the study makes use of qualitative analysis determinants of customer satisfaction. Bharti Airtel
approaches, such as focus group sessions and in-depth can leverage the TAM to understand how customers
interviews. To detect common themes and draw out perceive and adopt their technological innovations,
important facts, it involves coding, theme thereby influencing satisfaction levels.
development, and interpretation.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Recommendations: The goal of the study is to make Framework: To increase customer satisfaction, the
suggestions for Bharti Airtel that will improve CRM framework emphasises the significance of


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

comprehending and maintaining client interactions. It competitors to offer similar services at comparatively
entails gathering client data, examining needs and lower prices. This research study was exploratory in
preferences, and adjusting services as necessary. nature. Primary data were collected through a
Customer satisfaction levels may rise as a result of questionnaire from 500 mobile service users. Factor
implementing successful CRM procedures. analysis was employed to analyses the data through
SPSS 21.0 software, which was randomly collected
Loyalty-Attitude-Behaviour (LAB) Model: According from Bhopal, India. Ten factors were identified out of
to the LAB model, customer pleasure affects client 32 items of seven variables. The findings showed that
loyalty, which in turn affects behaviour and intentions diversity of plans and quality of network signals were
for repeat business. It draws attention to how two important foretellers of customer satisfaction in
consumer loyalty mediates the link between behaviour the mobile service industry
and satisfaction. In order to comprehend the
relationship between customer happiness, loyalty, and Hao T.K, Ngoc L.T.B (2020): This study was aimed at
following consumer behaviour, Bharti Airtel can investigating three factors (service quality, brand
investigate the LAB model. image and price perception) and assessed the degree of
the impact of each factor on customer satisfaction,
The study can provide a thorough grasp of the aspects especially the relationship between customer
impacting customer satisfaction by utilising satisfaction and customer loyalty in Vietnamese
various theoretical views and model mobile telecom sector where there have been the
existence of the fierce competition, mature market and
II. LITERATURE REVIEW internationally integrated economy, ultimately
struggling for market share and survival. The results
Goyal K, Kar A.K(2020): For this study 4 lakh tweets indicated that each factor (service quality, brand
were collected from Twitter by using popular hashtags image, price perception) has a positive impact on
and @ mention for telecommunication companies in customer satisfaction at the different level as well as a
India. The result indicates that there is a positive significantly positive relationship between customer
relationship between independent variables (network satisfaction and customer loyalty in mobile
quality, service interaction quality, and customer telecommunication industry in Vietnam. The results of
support) and dependent variables (customer this study are consistent with the findings and
satisfaction). Topic modelling and sentiment mining evidence in the extant literature. The study provides
were done on these 4 lakhs tweets. The statistical the important feedback from customers to mobile
analysis indicated that network quality, service telecom suppliers. Research findings are expected to
interaction quality and customer support play a be marketing insights for Vietnamese mobile telecom
customer in the telecommunication industry in the managers so that they can develop sound marketing
telecommunication industry. strategies in today’s competitive and costly market.

Yadav R.K, Dab hade N (2019): This research study Nourish N, Nagai N, Fah B.C.Y(2019): This study was
was an effort to ascertain some implicit factors that an acknowledgement to the request by previous
influenced customer satisfaction in the Indian mobile researchers on the need to examine the important
service industry. Various satisfaction measures like factors such as perceived value and service quality that
communication services, network issues, technology, can directly affect the customer satisfaction in
price, brand image, and customer care services were Malaysian mobile phone operators. The moderating
analyzed. With the introduction of Reliance Jio in effect of attractiveness of alternatives has been also
December 2015, the Indian telecom market got tested between variables. Therefore, the empirical
distracted and stimulated in Madhya Pradesh as Jio findings, which are based on quantitative research and
offered various free communication services, lower further multiple regression analysis, shows that both
data packs and free voice calls without roaming. This perceived value and service quality has positive
step of Reliance Jio created a cold war among the relationship towards customer
mobile service providers and put immense pressure on


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Kalpana and Chinandega (2020) in their study titled AnithaRajathiD.V.M, MS (2018): This study helped to
“Promotional Strategies of Cellular Services: A improve the SERVQUAL model as the foremost
Customer Perspective” analyzed that the increasing framework for investigating service quality and the
competition and changing taste and preferences of the relationships among customer satisfaction and service
customer’s all over the world are forcing companies to quality variables. The results exposed that all the
change their targeting strategies. The study revealed service quality items were decent forecasters of
the customer attitude and their satisfaction towards the customer satisfaction. For managers, this finding has
cellular services in Coimbatore city. It was found that significant implications with concern to brand
advertisement play a dominant role in influencing the building strategies.
customers but most of the customers are of opinion
that promotional strategies of cellular companies are Zahoor, 2015 interviewed 100 HNI, Janak Corporate
more sale oriented rather than customer oriented plan and Dongle customers of Srinagar, to classify
customer satisfaction of Aircel customers. In this
Kalavati (2019) in their study analyzed that majority study the customer’s expectation from the various
of the respondents have given favourable opinion segments and the problems faced by them were
towards the services but some problems exist that identified. In this study majority of customer had
deserve the attention of the service providers. They suggested to improve network coverage, improve
need to bridge the gap between the services promised internet speed and improve customer service. Finding
and services offered. The overall customers’ attitude of the study shows that Aircel is doing extremely well
towards cell phone services is that they are satisfied in the area of tariff plan and brand image, but the
with the existing services but still they want more company also have broad scope of improvement in the
services to be provided. field of network coverage and internet speed

Paulose J, Sharma momentous factor in the III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

satisfaction of V, Joseph S (2018): This study was to
check a model of various factors such as loyallay, The secondary data has been from varies research
satisfaction and switching barriers (customer artistical from several generals’ primary data has been
relationship management, alternative attractiveness collected from 130 respondent from the Raipur.
and switching cost) influencing consumer retention
strategies in Indian telecom service industry. A Data analysis and interpretation
structured and undisguised questionnaire and a
convenient sampling method was used to collect the Table 1 From which source did you come to know
data from respondents from three most populous cities about your current service provider?
(Indore, Bhopal, and Ujjain) of Central India. Around Percentage Frequency
450 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 318 Newspaper 20% 26
usable responses were received for final analysis. The Friends and 40% 52
instrument was checked for validity and reliability and family
the hypotheses were tested through Structure Equation Advertisement 20% 26
Modelling (SEM) for direct effect, and Multiple Hoarding 20% 26
Moderating Regression Analysis (MMRA) for Total 100% 130
moderating effect. The results suggested that loyalty,
satisfaction, switching barriers and customer
relationship management are positively related and
have a direct influence on consumer retention, but the
relationship with alternative attractiveness has been
found weak. Switching cost, as moderating variable,
was found to be very effective and showed significant
deviation in the relationship between independent and
dependent variables.


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Fig 1. Table 3 Are you fully aware about the scheme

provide by your service provider? Percentage Frequency

Yes 55% 71.5
no 45% 58.5

Fig 3

The above table shows the source of information for

buying the service provider. Among respondents, 20%
got information through newspaper, 20% from
advertisement and 40% through friends and family.
20% from hoardings.

Table 2 Why did you choose this service provider? Percentage frequency
Unlimited 20% 26 The above table shows that among respondents, 55%
calling service have used the scheme, while 45% have not. The
Unlimited 30% 39 scheme are given by company.
data service
Table 4 Which service scheme are you currently
all available 40% 52
Prepaid 60% 78
Unlimited 10% 13
SMS services Postpaid 40% 52
Total 100% 130 TOTAL 100% 130

Fig 2 Fig 4

The above table shows that among respondents, 60%

are prepaid users while 40% are post-paid users.
The above table shows that among respondents, 20%
avail the service for unlimited calls, 30% for unlimited Table 5 How long have you been using the current
data, 10% for unlimited SMS and 40% for all available service provider?
services. Percentage Frequency


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Less than 10% 13

More than 1 15% 19.5
Less than 6 25% 32,5
More than 6 50% 65

Fig 5

The above table shows that among respondents, 20%

avail the service for unlimited calls, 30% for unlimited
data, 10% for unlimited SMS and 40% for all available

Table 7 What is your average monthly expenditure

on your mobile bill (in RS)?
Price Percentage frequency

100-200 20% 26
200-300 30% 39
The above table shows that among respondents, 10% 300-400 30% 39
have been recent buyers, 50% have been using for More 20% 26
more than 6 months and 15% have been users more than 500
than a year. 50% have been using for more than 6 total 100% 130
months and 15% have been users more than a year.
Table 6 Why did you choose this service provider? Percentage frequency

Unlimited 20% 26
Unlimited 30% 39
data service
all available 40% 52
Unlimited 10% 13
SMS services
Total 100% 130

The above table shows that among respondents, 20%

recharge for Rs.100-200, 30% for Rs.200-300,30% for
Rs.300-400 and 20% above Rs.500.


© JUN 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2456-8880

Table 8 Are you fully aware about the scheme problems in a timely manner. To provide great service
provide by your service provider? and effectively handle customer inquiries and
complaints, Bharti Airtel should concentrate on Percentage Frequency
empowering and educating its customer service
Yes 55% 71.5
no 45% 58.5
Service Features and Options: Customers value a
range of service features and options that are tailored
to their individual requirements and usage habits.
Customer satisfaction is influenced by various price
options, value-added services, and customizable
programmers. Bharti Airtel should keep providing a
wide variety of service options and should periodically
evaluate client preferences in order to tailor their

Pricing and Billing Transparency: Customers value

precise, straightforward billing that is devoid of
hidden fees. They look for reasonable prices and good
value. For Bharti Airtel to offer cost-effective plans
The above table shows that among respondents, 55% while preserving profitability, transparent billing
have used the scheme, while 45% have not. The practices and regular pricing strategy reviews are
scheme are given by company. essential.

CONCLUSION Customer expectations for a seamless and user-

friendly digital experience include simple access to
This study on customer happiness at Bharti Airtel uses online services, self-service choices, and mobile
an integrated analysis of qualitative and quantitative applications. To meet and exceed customers'
data to offer important insights into the variables expectations for digital experiences, Bharti Airtel
affecting customer satisfaction and the entire customer should priorities user experience, invest in digital
experience. A complete picture of customer platforms, and improve their functioning.
satisfaction has been attained by merging the results
from focus group meetings and survey questionnaires. RECOMMENDATIONS
From the investigation, the following comprehensive
findings may be made: Improve Service Quality: Bharti Airtel should
priorities raising the standard of its services in all
Service quality and dependability: Customers place a areas, such as network coverage, call quality, internet
high value on quick data speeds and dependable speed, and billing accuracy. Their infrastructure
network coverage. They place a high priority on should be regularly inspected and maintained to
minimizing call dropouts and network outages. To provide dependable and consistent service delivery.
sustain and raise the caliber of its services and
eventually increase consumer happiness, Bharti Airtel Invest in thorough training programmers for customer
should keep investing in its network infrastructure and service professionals to improve their responsiveness
technological capabilities. and problem-solving abilities. They will be able to
successfully handle client inquiries and complaints as
Excellent customer service: prompt, cordial, and a result, giving customers a satisfying experience.
knowledgeable2. Excellence in customer service:
Customer satisfaction depends on prompt, polite, Personalized Offerings: Look into the idea of
knowledgeable customer care agents who can handle providing customized plans and service alternatives to


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