Conflict Lesson Plans
Conflict Lesson Plans
Conflict Lesson Plans
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.7: Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts,
research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.
Learning Goal: I will be able to hypothesize why conflicts occur and where they may occur in the
● Warm-up: What are some conflicts in the world that I am aware of?
○ Give students 5 minutes to grab a computer log on to schoology and complete
the warm-up (they must write both the learning goal and the answer to the
warm-up question)
● Mindfulness
○ Take Suggestions if anyone has any
○ At end of news students take a couple minutes to generate higher level questions
(evaluate, create, analyze, or apply). Collect questions and read 3 or 4, each
question followed by a discussion from students.
● Warm-up discussion
○ Ask students about the conflicts they know of.
○ Ask what is going on in that conflict
○ Ask what brought on the conflict
○ Ask how the conflict is impacting other countries
○ Ask how the conflict is impacting them
● What conflicts online activity:
○ After students finish have them go in groups of three and talk about which
conflicts they were aware of and which they did not know about
○ Ask same questions that were asked during the warm-up discussion
● Patterns of Conflict Maps
○ Hand out blank maps and give the instructions for the map
○ All instructions are on schoology as well as the cheat sheet
○ Walk around and help students with any questions
● Describing patterns on map group up
○ Give students time to find others and compare maps writing down patterns and
researching conclusion.
○ Have one group member share a summary of their conclusion with the class.
● Cool-down: Why do you think their is a pattern of conflict in the world today?
○ Give students about 5 minutes to do the closure
Lesson 2: Causes of Conflict
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.3: Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text;
determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
Learning Goal: I will be able to hypothesize why conflicts occur and where they might occur in
the future.
● Warm-up: Where do you think future conflicts are going to take place? Why?
● Mindfulness
○ Take Suggestions if anyone has any
○ At end of news students take a couple minutes to generate higher level questions
(evaluate, create, analyze, or apply). Collect questions and read 3 or 4, each
question followed by a discussion from students.
● Warm-up discussion
○ Have students share answers to the warm-up
○ Talk about land disputes, politics, religious and cultural differences and the
distribution and use of resources
● Causes of war poem:
○ Project on screen and read aloud
○ Have students annotate poem (either paraphrasing, taking notes, illustrating,
○ Have class discussion about the poem
● BBC clip about Darfur and Climate Change
● Darfur board game
○ Groups of 3 or 4
○ Explain directions as a class
○ Hand out all pieces of the board game and directions
● Discussion where future conflicts may arise
○ Think-pair-share
○ Pose the question to students (Where do you think future conflicts are going to
take place? Why?)
○ If students don’t talk ask follow up questions like what usually sparks conflict? Or
Where have conflicts taken place in the past? Why?
○ Once students start talking use post its and the big map to track the discussion.
● -Cool-down: How could you prevent conflict from happening in your personal life?
○ Give about 5 minutes to do the closure.
Talk more about what conflicts occurred with members during the game.
Explain why you let them choose how much someone would move (self-gain and others
influence as well as “stacking the deck against a certain group”
Change question about Darfur to be more personal (what happened when you started to
run low on water? Did your group gang up on one person why? Did you try and work the system
to get what you wanted?)
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.10: By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend
history/social studies texts in the grades 9-10 text complexity band independently and
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text.
● Warm-up: How might conflicts affect geography?
○ Give students 5 minutes to grab a computer log on to schoology and complete
the warm-up (they must write both the learning goal and the answer to the
warm-up question)
● Mindfulness
○ Take Suggestions if anyone has any
○ At end of news students take a couple minutes to generate higher level questions
(evaluate, create, analyze, or apply). Collect questions and read 3 or 4, each
question followed by a discussion from students.
● Warm-up discussion
○ Ask students to share some ways they think geography is impacted by conflict.
● RAF’s Rainmakers’ caused 1952 flood.
○ Hand out the reading. Discuss some note taking strategies like highlighting or
○ Give students a chance to read silently
○ As a class read the article.
○ Talk about how the RAF was using technology in warfare that also impacted
● How does conflict affect geography research and questions
○ Briefly introduce the assignment, which is found on schoology
○ Go over what each of the questions are asking
■ Climate and Weather
■ Population
■ Development
■ Health
■ Political Boundaries
■ Environment
○ Walk around the room and help with any questions
● How does conflict affect geography discussion
○ Give students time to answer the discussion questions (on schoology)
○ Choose 3 discussion leaders
○ Remind students of the expectations of discussions
■ Ask follow up questions
■ Full class discussion no side conversations
■ Multiple people should answer questions
■ Listen to responses
■ Respond to other students not just the discussion leader
■ Give others a chance to talk
■ If you do not like talking write your answer down on paper and have the
person next to you share your idea.
○ Grade as students discuss (Don’t forget extra credit for leaders)
● Cool-down: What examples that you found had the biggest impact on Geography? Why?
○ Give students 5 minutes to do the closure
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.3: Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text;
determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of
history/social science.
-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.10: By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend
history/social studies texts in the grades 9-10 text complexity band independently and
Learning Goal: I will be able to analyze current conflicts and identify their relevance.
● Warm-up: What current conflict would you like to know more about? Why?
○ Give students 5 minutes to grab a computer log on to schoology and complete
the warm-up (they must write both the learning goal and the answer to the
warm-up question)
● Mindfulness
○ Take Suggestions if anyone has any
○ At end of news students take a couple minutes to generate higher level questions
(evaluate, create, analyze, or apply). Collect questions and read 3 or 4, each
question followed by a discussion from students.
● Warm-up Discussion
○ Have a few students share their answers
● Current Conflict project
○ Students will choose a current conflict and research it.
○ They need to know:
■ A summary of the conflict
■ What the main cause of the conflict is
■ How the conflict is affecting geography (should be more than one)
■ How the conflict is affecting other parts of the world
■ Is there a solution to the conflict
■ Why the conflict is relevant to them
○ The can create:
■ Poster
■ Powerpoint
■ Newscast
■ Mock Interview
■ Lesson
■ Any other ideas they have.
● Ted Talk: What I saw in War
○ Example of a way to talk about conflict and who is affected by conflict
● Current Conflict presentations
○ Students will need to present their current conflict to the class
○ Rubric and assignment on schoology
● Closure: What is the main cause of your conflict?
○ Give students 5 minutes to do cool-down