Analog To Digital Conversion Techniques PDF
Analog To Digital Conversion Techniques PDF
Analog To Digital Conversion Techniques PDF
1 Vi
VOC = −
R1C1 ∫ Vi dt =−
0 .....(3.1)
where R1C1 is the integrator time constant and input voltage Vi is assumed constant over the
integration time period (0 to T1).
After T1 time period, the control logic, switches the integrator input to the reference voltage (Vref) and
counter is reset. Since the polarity of Vref is opposite to the input voltage, the capacitor of the integrator
circuit starts discharging. The counter starts counting again from zero as the capacitor begins to discharge
for the period T 2. This results in a ramp with opposite slope, and counter is stopped when the ramp
crosses the zero level. Now the output of integrator is given as
1 Vref
VOD = −
R1C1 ∫ Vref dt =−
0 .....(3.2)
The integrator output voltage ramp to a voltage and get back upto 0. Therefore, the charge voltage is
equal to discharge voltage. From equation (3.1) and equation (3.2), we can write
Vi Vref
T1 = T2
⇒ R1C1 R1C1
T2 = T1
The equation (3.3) shows that T2 is directly proportional to input analog voltage (Vi) whereas Vi and
T1 are constants.
The actual conversion of analog voltage (Vin) into a digital count occurs during T2. The counter
contents are digital output. Therefore, We can write
= T2
digital output Second .....(3.4)
From equation (3.3), substitute the value of T2
Counts Vi
= T1
digital output Second Vref .....(3.5)
The equation (3.5) shows the digital output obtained by the dual slope ADC.
Advantages :
(i) It is highly accurate
(ii) Its cost is low
(iii) It is immune to temperature caused variations in R1 and C1.
Limitation : (i) Its speed is low.
input +
(V i) SAR
Output of DAC
14 ref C7
11 V
14 ref C6
14 ref C5 D3 (LSB)
7 Encoder
14 ref C4 D2
14 ref C3 D1 (MSB)
3 V
14 ref C2
1 V
14 ref C1
Fig. 3.24 : 3–Bit Flash ADC
To start the conversion from analog to digital signal, the CS and WR signals are asserted low. When
WR goes low, the internal SAR is reset, and output lines go into high impedance state. When WR makes
transition from low high, the conversion beings.
When conversion is completed, the signal INTR goes low and data is placed on data bus. The INTR
signal can be used to inform the microprocessor that the conversion is completed and digital data is
available at data bus. When microprocessor reads the data by asserting RD , the INTR is reset.
A digital–to–analog converter accepts an n–bit input word (b 1, b 2, b3, b4 bn) in binary form and
produces an analog signal proportional to it. This analog form may be sent to real world which deals with
the analog form. Depending on the output, DAC can be broadly classified in three categories :
(i) Current Output DAC
(ii) Voltage Output DAC
(iii) Multiplying type DAC
The current output DAC provides current as the output signal, as its name suggests. The voltage
output DAC internally converts the current signal into voltage signal. It requires some additional time to
convert current signal into voltage signal hence slower than the current output DAC. The multiplying type
DAC output represents the product of the input signal and the reference source. The symbol for DAC is
shown in figure 3.27.
Binary Inputs
Fig. 3.27: DAC circuit symbol
If there are four digital inputs, the DAC is known as 4–bit DAC. Each digital input requires an
electrical signal representing either a logic ‘1’ or a logic ‘0’.
3.7.1 Parameters of DAC
There are various performance parameters of DAC. These are discussed as follows :
(i) Resolution
Resolution is defined as the ratio of change in output voltage (analog) resulting from a change of one
least significant bit (LSB) at the input (digital). For an n–bit DAC resolution is given as
Resolution = (2n − 1) Volts/LSB …..(3.6)
where Vof is full scale output voltage.
(ii) Accuracy
Accuracy shows the relation between actual value and theoretical value. Ideally, the accuracy of the
DAC should not be less than ± 1/2 LSB. Mathematically
Minimum Accuracy = 2 …..(3.7)
Minimum Accuracy = 2(2 − 1) Volts
(iii) Conversion Time
It is a time required to convert the digital input into equivalent analog output. It is also known as
setting time of DAC. Minimum conversion time is desired to speed up the digital–to–analog conversion.
It depends on the response time of the switches used in designing of DAC.
(iv) Stability
The performance of DAC changes according to age, temperature and power supply variations. So all
the relevant parameters must be specified over the full temperature and power supply ranges. The stability
factor shows the consistency in the analog output signal with the change in age, temperature and power
supply conditions.
Example 3.8: Find out the resolution of an 8–bit DAC, if the full scale output voltage is 5.1V.
Solution : From the definition of the resolution
Resolution = (2n − 1)
(28 − 1) V/LSB
= 20m V/LSB
Example 3.9: The digital input for a 4–bit DAC is (1011)2. The DAC has an output voltage
range of 0 – 2.55V. Calculate resolution, worst accuracy and output voltage.
Solution : For given DAC
Vof = 2.55V
Input Data(D) = (1011)2 = (11)10
Vof 2.55
Resolution = (2 n − 1) 24 − 1 = 0.17V/LSB
Vof 2.55
Worst Accuracy = 2(2 − 1) 2(2 − 1) = 85mV
n 4
= − D1 ref + D 2 ref + D3 ref + L + D n nref R f
2R 4R 8R 2 R
Vref D D D D
=− R f 1 + 2 + 3 +L+ n
R 2 4 8 2n
If Rf = R, then V0 is given as
V0 = −Vref 1 + 2 + 3 + L + n
2 4 8 2n .....(3.9)
This equation gives the analog output voltage which is proportional to the input digital signal.
Limitations :
(i) Wide range of resistor values are required (2R, 4R, 8R, … 2nR)
(ii) Resistor values have restrictions on both higher and lower ends. High value resistors can not be
fabricated in ICs whereas low value resistors have loading effect.
(iii) Finite resistance of the switches becomes significant for small current scaling resistors and there
may be error in output analog voltage.
3.8.2 R/2R Ladder Network DAC
The limitations of the binary weighted resistor DAC are overcome by the R/2R ladder network DAC.
The circuit for R/2R ladder network DAC is shown in figure 3.29. This includes the resistance of only
two values R and 2R. Each bit of the digital input connects the corresponding switch either to ground or
to the inverting terminal of op-amp which is at the virtual ground.
Fig. 3.29: R/2R Ladder network DAC
Note : Number of bits can be expanded for R/2R ladder network DAC by adding more sections of same R/2R
The currents flowing through the R/2R ladder networks are given as
I1 =
Vref / 2 Vref
I2 = =
2R 4R
Vref / 4 Vref
I3 = =
2R 8R
Vref /(2 n − 1) Vref
In = =
2R 2n R
The output voltage is
V0 = – RfIT
= – Rf (I1 + I2 + I3 + … + In)
= − R f D1 ref + D 2 ref + D3 ref + L + D n ref
2R 4R 8R 2n R
Vref D D D D
=− ⋅ R f 1 + 2 + 3 + L+ n
R 2 4 8 2n
GND 2 15 Vref
VEE 3 14 Vref
A2 6 11 A7
A3 7 10 A6
A4 8 9 A5
Fig. 3.33: Interfacing of DAC 1408 with the 8085 microprocessor