(BOOK) Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs

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Some of the key points discussed are declines and disappearances of Australian frogs, threats from chytrid fungi and other diseases, impacts of introduced fish, and population declines in alpine regions.

Chytrid fungi, habitat loss, introduced predators such as fish, climate change and increased UV radiation are discussed as potential causes of frog declines.

Measuring developmental instability and analyzing morphological variations are mentioned as potential techniques for monitoring frog populations.

Declines and Disappearances of



Edited by Alastair Campbell

Biodiversity Group
Environment Australia
GPO Box 787
Canberra ACT 2601
© Commonwealth of Australia 1999

Published by Environment Australia.

ISBN 0 642 54656 8

Published December 1999

This work is copyright. Information presented in this

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or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of
acknowledgment of the source and provided no commercial
usage or sale of the material occurs. Reproduction for
purposes other than those given requires written permission
from Environment Australia. Requests for permission should
be addressed to Assistant Secretary, Corporate Relations and
Information Branch, Environment Australia, GPO Box 787,
Canberra, ACT, 2601.

For copies of this publication, please contact Environment

Australia’s Community Information Unit on
freecall 1800 803 772.

The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those

of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth
does not accept responsibility for any advice or information
in relation to this material.

Front cover photo: Litoria rheocola, Creek Frog

Environment Australia Library

Photo by: Keith McDonald

Designed by: Di Walker Design, Canberra



The Gordian Knots of the International Declining Amphibian Populations

Task Force (DAPTF) Stan Orchard 9

A Review of Declining Frogs in Northern Queensland Keith McDonald and Ross Alford 14

Chytrid Fungi and Amphibian Declines: Overview, Implications and

Future Directions Lee Berger, Rick Speare and Alex Hyatt 23

Measuring and Analysing Developmental Instability as a Tool for

Monitoring Frog Populations Ross Alford, Kay Bradfield and Stephen Richards 34

An Assessment of Frog Declines in Wet Subtropical Australia

Harry Hines, Michael Mahony and Keith McDonald 44

The Status of Rainforest Stream Frogs in North-Eastern NSW:

Decline or Recovery? Ross Goldingay, David Newell and Mark Graham 64

Frogs in the Timber Production Forests of the Dorrigo Escarpment

in Northern NSW: An Inventory of Species Present and the
Conservation of Threatened Species Francis Lemckert and Rachael Morse 72

Review of the Declines and Disappearances within the

Bell Frog Species Group (Litoria aurea species group) in Australia Michael Mahony 81

A Preliminary Assessment of the Status of the Green and Golden Bell

Frog in North-Eastern NSW Ben Lewis and Ross Goldingay 94

Loss and Degradation of Red-Crowned Toadlet Habitat in the

Sydney Region Karen Thumm and Michael Mahony 99

Status of Temperate Riverine Frogs in South-Eastern Australian

Graeme Gillespie and Harry Hines 109

Potential Impacts of Introduced Fish and Fish Translocations on
Australian Amphibians Graeme Gillespie and Jean-Marc Hero 131

Population Declines and Range Contraction in Australian Alpine Frogs

William Osborne, David Hunter and Greg Hollis 145

Implementation of a Population Augmentation Project for Remnant

Populations of the Southern Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree)
David Hunter, Will Osborne, Gerry Marantelli and Ken Green 158

Husbandry; Science or Art? Are Captive Technologies Ready to

Contribute to Recovery Processes for Australian Frogs? Gerry Marantelli 168

Conservation Status of Frogs in Western Australian

Dale Roberts, Simon Conroy and Kim Williams 177

Toxicological Issues for Amphibians in Australia

Reinier Mann and Joseph Bidwell 185

Declines and Disappearances of Frogs: Risk Assessment and

Contingency Strategies Michael Mahony, John Clulow, Robert Browne, and Melissa Pomering 202

Community Involvement in threatened frog surveys, monitoring and

recovery in Australia Harold Ehmann 212

Applications of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) to Endangered

Anuran Amphibians John Clulow, Michael Mahony, Robert Browne, Melissa Pomering and Andrew Clark 219


Appendix 1: Checklist of Australian Frogs ‘The Action Plan For Australian Frogs’ 226
Appendix 2: Threatened Frogs: Endangered Species Protection Act 1992 229
Appendix 3: Threatened Frogs: Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
list of threatened Australian fauna 230
Appendix 4: Recommendations from ‘The Action Plan For Australian Frogs’ 231
Appendix 5: The Conservation status of Australian Frogs, ‘The Action Plan for Australian Frogs’ 233


Experts continue to reaffirm that a significant proportion of Australia formed a National Threatened Frogs Working
the world’s frog fauna is in decline. Group in August 1997 and held a national workshop on the
issue in November 1997. This collection of papers identifies
While frogs have been great survivors for many millions of many of the issues confronting our amphibian biologists,
years, habitat loss and degradation are imposing themselves managers and enthusiasts. I commend it to the reader.
at increasing levels. More alarmingly frogs in pristine
environments are being affected. Even in protected rainforest
habitats frogs have suffered a mysterious fate and despite
extensive searching, some frog species can no longer be
located in the wild.

The state of our frogs, who breathe and absorb water

through their skin, and their relevance as potential early
warning signals for water and air borne pollutants makes Stephen Hunter
these signs especially important. Head of Biodiversity Group
Enviroment Australia
The mystery of our disappearing frogs remains to be solved.
While a host of theories on the phenomenon have been
elucidated and keenly debated, investigations continue on the
many pressures and threats affecting frogs in Australia.
Perhaps some day soon we will be in a position to reverse
the negative trends we have witnessed in recent times.


With over 200 species, Australia has one of the most diverse The purpose of the Workshop was to:
frog assemblages in the world. For many Australian frog 1. provide an overview of the current status of knowledge about
species however the prognosis is grim. Dramatic population species which are declining;
declines in some Australian frog species have been reported
since the 1980s, some of the more serious crashes occurring 2. provide an overview of what’s known about the decline and
in pristine habitats. Frustratingly the causal factors for many how it is being tackled;
declines remain elusive. 3. identify gaps in knowledge;

In April 1997, Environment Australia published the Action 4. recommend priorities for national effort for research,
Plan for Australian Frogs.This plan identified 27 Australian management and community attention;
frog species at threat and a further 14 species that may be of 5. help set future priority actions for the Working Group; and
concern but which were poorly understood. Recovery 6. establish on-going communication links between all
outlines, identifying those research and management actions participants and the wider community.
required, were presented for the 27 species believed to be at
most threat. Following the Workshop the Working Group met and
emphasised: the need to maintain a broad perspective and to
In May 1997, the National Threatened Frog Working Group continue monitoring and research on a range of possible
recognised a need to bring together specialists in research, causal factors; the need to support research into new areas
management and policy making to discuss their understanding — particularly disease as a potentially major factor influencing
of the continuing declines to our frog fauna and to prioritise global declines; the need to support strategic research and to
future action for addressing the issue. As a result a two day develop protocols to address this issue; and the need to
‘National Threatened Frog Workshop’ was held at the support research on fluctuating asymmetry as a possible early
University of Canberra in November 1997 sponsored by warning tool for predicting declines.They also requested that
Environment Australia, the NSW National Parks and Wildlife the workshop proceedings be published; that a brochure on
Service, the University of Canberra and the Worldwide Fund declining frogs be prepared; that a web site to provide up to
for Nature.The Workshop brought together some 80 people date information about declining frog issues be established
from throughout Australia and overseas involved in frog and that a national but restricted internet discussion group
research, management and policy development and included on frogs should be established.
representatives from government agencies, educational
institutions and non-government organisations.

I am pleased to observe that the majority of these initiatives, I believe this symposium makes an extremely valuable
along with the implementation of the recommendations of contribution to our knowledge of our threatened frog fauna.
the Action Plan for Australian Frogs, are in hand and While the recovery of threatened frogs and the search for
continue to be supported by a wide range of sponsor our missing frog species continues to be highly problematic it
organisations. In particular, a number of important projects remains a work of the highest priority.
are supported through the Commonwealth Government’s
Natural Heritage Trust.

The agreement by Environment Australia to publish the Alastair Campbell

proceedings of that workshop has led to the development of Environment Australia
this set of 20 papers. It includes regional overviews of the
status of threatened frog species, summaries of current
research efforts, and much discussion on the technical tools
and priorities for action.The papers presented here represent
the dedicated work of some 34 authors, many of whom have
observed drastic population crashes first hand. I would like to
express my thanks for their efforts and patience.

I would also like to thank the following 33 referees for kindly

agreeing to review the papers presented here — Will
Osborne,Tim Halliday, Ray Nias, Marg Davies, Steve Richards,
Arthur White, Grahame Pyke, Dale Roberts, Graeme
Watson, Murray Littlejohn, Michael Mahony, Grant Wardell-
Johnson, Andrew Burbidge, Gordon Grigg, Bruce Waldman,
Mike Tyler, Roy Swain, Harry Hines, Aurel Moise, Bill
Buttermeir, Bruce Male, Geoff Larmour, Chris Banks, Hal
Cogger,Tony Robinson, Stan Orchard, Gerry Marantelli,
Harald Ehmann, Don Driscoll, Keith McDonald, Ann Jelinek,
Simon Conroy, and Michael Scroggie.

The Gordian Knots of the
International Declining Amphibian
Populations Task Force (DAPTF)
Stan A. Orchard*

ABSTRACT are many sound reasons for the logical sequence of

having scientific investigation precede conservation
I am not a member of the international Declining
action, but the DAPTF must not lose sight of the
Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF),
need for real success on the conservation side of its
but I am nevertheless a very keen observer of its
mission. Should conservation be neglected at the
activities and progress. My interest stems from my
expense of a relentless pursuit for more and more
participation in Canada’s own well-established and
data, the logic of the DAPTF’s very existence could
well-regarded task force.Thus, my views are
rightfully be brought into question.
personal, and I do not speak on behalf of the
The international research effort to unravel the mysteries of
Amphibian biologists owe a great debt to the declining amphibian populations has had considerable
international DAPTF because, against substantial “success” since its formation in 1992 — but how do we
measure its success? More scientists are involved in studying
cultural resistance, important and historic strides
the conservation biology of amphibians than ever before.The
have been made in many positive, mostly scientific, communications links between amphibian researchers have
directions — but what about the amphibians? Are never been better. Mountains of data are being gathered,
analysed and the results published. Public awareness of the
they receiving as many benefits as the amphibian issues is improving and public sympathy appears to be
biologists?- well not necessarily at this stage.There growing. In spite of all this, there are still very few examples

* Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network, 1745 Bank Street, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA, V8R 4V7.

of how this newly acquired knowledge and public sentiment The problem of how to popularise the amphibian
will be applied to successfully reverse declining population conservation cause and thence foment a general public
trends.Thus, while those of us involved in these research and concern for their plight is far from being solved. Undaunted,
monitoring efforts perceive success and growing momentum, Halliday and Heyer (1997) recently attempted to summarise
from an amphibian survival perspective the future is not what, in their view, are the most compelling reasons why
much brighter today than it was in 1992. One of the DAPTF’s people should care enough about amphibians to at least try
espoused tenets is to promote means by which declines can to explain, arrest and reverse these horrendous population
be halted and reversed, but we may be largely ignoring this declines. Ethical reasons topped their list. Amphibians, they
aspect of our work in our rush to make scientific discoveries. say, have a right to exist. People have a moral responsibility to
Ultimately, we should be striving to create a “frog-friendlier” help amphibian populations recover since environmental
world, and not simply adding more statistically defensible vandalism by people is probably, more often than not, at the
documents to the historical record of amphibian demise. root of the problem.Though not religious advocates, they
At the heart of the declining amphibian populations nevertheless go on to invoke biblical references wherein it is
conundrum is a complex of Gordian Knots that are ecological, said that “humans are a special creation of God and are given
psychological, sociological, political, logistical, and philosophical, dominion over the rest of living organisms on Earth”.They
and it may not be humanly possible to unravel them all. argue that this biblical passage should be interpreted by us to
mean that our interrelations with other organisms should be “a
It is now so well-established that the amphibian populations stewardship, not a slaughter.” However, this moral position is
crisis is real that I will not explore its history in any detail certainly not confined to Judeo-Christianity, it is a widely held
here.The phenomenon has been documented on several tenet of many of the world’s philosophies. Unfortunately, it is
continents, most disturbingly in what appear to be remote, almost universally ignored, at least by the most environmentally
pristine habitats, and the problem is being actively if not reckless and politically influential segments of each culture.
intensively investigated by over 1200 scientists organised into
90 working groups worldwide (Halliday and Heyer 1997). Incidentally, what Halliday and Heyer failed to point out is that
Though mobilised and motivated, the DAPTF will only if you accept that “humans are a special creation of God”
succeed if it can secure the tools to carry out and complete then logically so are all other species.Thus, to destroy a
its mission. Much hinges on its ability or inability to impress species is to profane a divine creation and to mock the
upon a largely apathetic public and their legislative wisdom of God for having created it in the first place.
representatives that declining amphibian populations research These species are after all, according to biblical text, some of
is important, necessary and environmentally, culturally and the remnants of “Paradise” which God created before He
economically beneficial. created people — more food for ecumenical thought.

Religion aside, Halliday and Heyer’s second reason to care

WHY CARE ABOUT AMPHIBIANS? about amphibians is because they are interesting organisms.
People are intrinsically self-indulgent, and thus most of us who They present the example of the poison dart frogs of South
gravitate towards studying amphibians do so because we find and Central America whose habits are complicated, unique,
it to be personally rewarding. In other words, people who like and whose extinction should therefore be perceived as a
and study amphibians are usually not conscripted but rather great loss to humanity. On the surface, this is a reasonable
seem to generate spontaneously.There is, in fact, a very rationale for preventing extinctions but, on the other hand,
substantial cross-cultural resistance to these eccentric people how many of the 4,500 or so species of living amphibians are
with their curious predilections. It is probably fair to say that, as “interesting” as poison dart frogs? How will this help us
historically, there has been little glory or professional save all those frogs and salamanders who are insufficiently
advantage to specialising in amphibian biology. Fortunately, “interesting” to the general public? Interesting species have
history also seems to prove that there will always be at least a the distinction of also being the most desired commodities in
small group of dedicated, but marginalised, biologists who care the commercial amphibian pet trade. Ultimately, there may be
about the technical details and conservation of amphibians, a real battle to convince some modern, urban youth that any
but for reasons that may never be fully comprehensible real frog can be as interesting as a digital or virtual frog.
except to others within their own subculture.
Getting down to business, the third point that Halliday and
I am sure that we all recognise that to the great mass of Heyer raise in defence of amphibians is the mercenary
humanity amphibian survival has little meaning. In ecological interest we should all have in preserving nature. For example,
terms, amphibian specialists properly view the current pharmaceutically important “amphibians may provide direct
situation as being catastrophic. Amphibians are low on the benefit to humans.” As in the previous argument, however,
food chain and, when abundant, are extremely important in problems arise when one extends this line of reasoning. It is
energy flow, particularly through wetland, damp forest and not easy to see how such discoveries will ever translate into
aquatic ecosystems.There are analogous situations, from the protection of wild populations. Once a useful drug is
past, where dramatic population declines in other vertebrate discovered you may well be able to either synthesise it or to
groups have been reversed through human intervention, but farm the species under laboratory conditions.Thus, in this
the greatest successes are inevitably tied to those species that scenario, it becomes important to preserve amphibians only
have broad and perennial public appeal, or are easily because they may have some pharmaceutical benefit, but if a
convertible to cash on either the open or black markets. given species is thoroughly investigated and found to have no
Amphibians are a hard sell, and may always be a hard sell. medicinal value — then what?
It is nevertheless the DAPTF’s mission to untangle these
psycho-socio-political knots — but how?

The last reason on Halliday and Heyer’s list is possibly their products.Virulent pathogens are being found that may or
most compelling, or at least marketable. It is the proposition may not have been introduced with non-native game fish, and
that due to their complicated semi-aquatic life-styles, assorted environmental stressors are well known to suppress
amphibians may be especially vulnerable to the accumulation the immune system and thereby induce infections. Perhaps
of environmental stresses.They say, “amphibians are important amphibians are losing a natural ability to ward off infections
indicators of general environmental health” and thus they from common microorganisms that they would normally not
“may provide an early warning about deteriorating be susceptible to.The ozone layer has been seriously
environments”. After all, their environments are our compromised, especially over Australia, and while early
environments — contaminated or not, we ingest the same experimental results on the harmful effects of UV-B on
water and breathe the same air. Amphibians could, therefore, amphibian embryos have not yet been replicated, UV-B still
be a natural early-warning system that alerts people to a remains an interesting candidate. A 20 year study in northern
growing lethal contamination while its concentration is still Ontario, Canada has connected acidification of lakes to
sub-lethal to humans. People may even be moved and increased UV-B exposure by showing that acidity can dissolve
comforted by the notion that noble frogs are sacrificing free-floating organics that would otherwise effectively screen
themselves to save human lives. Accordingly, it is worth UV-B radiation. Studies are underway into hormone mimics
stressing the physiological similarities between amphibians and and hormone blockers that can disrupt the endocrine system
other vertebrates, including people. seriously enough to cause sex-reversal. While it is generally
agreed that global warming is a fact, the effects that this will
One thing that Halliday and Heyer did not discuss explicitly ultimately have, or may already be having, on amphibians
were the concepts of “shame” and “guilt”.These are the time- remains mostly speculative. Another fertile area of scientific
honoured psychological forces that organised religions have inquiry is how to contend with burgeoning populations of
used to such great effect in controlling our baser motives. I released, predatory exotics — such as the American bullfrog
think that many people are developing a stronger personal (Rana catesbeiana) and the cane toad (Bufo marinus). Can
environmental ethic because they have been shamed into it. these be eradicated, and, if so, should they be? Finally, will
For example, they have been forced to know about and look wetlands and waterways ever be managed for amphibians with
at the senseless brutality of whaling and it is now political the zeal that they are today for predatory fish and waterfowl?
suicide, in most parts of the world, to advocate a commercial
whale hunt. It is my firm impression that, at least in Canada, Quite recently, malformations in amphibian populations
younger generations are beginning to grasp the magnitude of suddenly became a hot topic.This is particularly true in
the environmental damage that has been wrought within the North America where a minor media sensation occurred
past century.They find it to be shameful, even if they are not when grossly deformed leopard frogs were found in
able to fully grasp the data that documents each crisis or the unprecedented numbers by school children in the State of
subtleties of each scientific argument. Minnesota. Parasites and contaminants have been implicated
but the basis of many amphibian malformations still remain
All things considered, amphibians are harmless, defenceless, mysterious. It is critical to differentiate between traumatic
oddly beautiful, yet ecologically, culturally and economically events and true developmental abnormalities, but there are
significant. How can it be acceptable to ignore their plight? very few specialists qualified to make this assessment.
Thus groups such as the DAPTF might be more successful in
getting the public to support their initiatives if the case for This year (1997) the United States National Aeronautics and
amphibians were presented more as a struggle between Space Administration (NASA) became involved in DAP
civility and brutality. Civilised people should be as alarmed research when Ron Heyer (Smithsonian Institution) and
about the extinction of species, even uninteresting Cynthia Carey (University of Colorado, Boulder) were
amphibians, as they would be about a malicious assault on awarded a grant from the NASA Mission to Planet Earth
the unique treasures of a museum, art gallery or one’s own Program.The purpose of the project is to determine whether
community. We need metaphors and similes and even NASA has any climate change data, gathered by Earth-
paintings, poems and songs to help people, with no biological monitoring satellites, that could be useful in trying to account
training, to conceptualise the magnitude of the problem and for known, well-documented amphibian declines scattered
personalise the loss — the required political support should across the globe. A team of researchers from various parts of
follow. Hitherto, the DAPTF has failed to garner the vast the world collaborated on this project and a report was due
moral, financial, and political forces that it needs to adequately late in 1998.
confront this crisis. In the main, this subject is still treated as a
novelty in the popular media, and policy makers and major Increasingly, amphibian researchers are acknowledging the
funding agencies remain, for the most part, fitfully interested possibility that they themselves could be unwittingly
but so far unmoved. transporting lethal agents and pathogenic organisms (e.g.
viruses, viroids, bacteria, funguses) into amphibian habitats.
While marking and measuring the animals they study,
THE SEARCH FOR CAUSES traditionally, researchers and their research subjects are in the
Generally speaking, it is not too difficult to find reasons why most intimate contact. For this reason, some researchers now
amphibian populations are dwindling. For example, the go to great lengths to minimise the possibility of
commercial trade in live frogs and frog meat is huge. Acid contaminating critical study sites.This area of concern has not
rain has been implicated in the decline of some species.The received much public discussion and is not mentioned in
commonly used fertiliser, ammonium nitrate, can be toxic to recent manuals on amphibian monitoring methodologies.
amphibians, but it is only one of myriad batrachicidal However, in the summer of 1998 the DAPTF produced a
contaminants including herbicides, pesticides, and petroleum fieldwork code of practice that is an important first attempt

to fill this gap (DAPTF et al. 1998). Historically, standardised BUREAUCRACY AND RED TAPE
methods of field study have presumed that it is harmless to
In our universe, red tape and bureaucracy are seemingly as
amphibians for people to handle them directly — which may
inevitable as entropy. I was recently reminded of how
yet prove to be true. In the meantime however, especially
commonly people can lose their perspective on a problem
when studying vulnerable populations, it would be most
when they become totally immersed in the process of
prudent to err on the side of caution and adhere to the
formulating committee decisions.Take for example the case
code of practice as closely as possible.
of Dr Jaime Péfaur, Universidad de Los Andes,Venezuela,
whose conservation efforts are being thwarted by, of all
HALTING AND REVERSING things, the newly revised criteria for listing a species to the
AMPHIBIAN DECLINES World Conservation Union’s (IUCN), Red Data Book of
It is routinely argued that the results of research into the endangered species around the globe. Dr Péfaur knows that
causes of declining amphibian populations will be applied to species of frogs are disappearing rapidly in his country and he
the problem of halting and reversing declining population needs the resources to study this and try to arrest or reverse
trends — though earnestly stated, this is seldom the case. the trend. However, the government of Venezuela will not act
There are, sadly, very few instances where an intensive, to fund his research unless the species in question are
remedial conservation program has been the logical declared “red-listed” by the IUCN, and the IUCN will not list
consequence of research results from declining amphibian them until conclusive statistics on population densities are
populations studies. Hitherto, the standard approach by available. Alas, Dr Péfaur finds himself trapped in a perfect
scientists and wildlife managers in dealing with the declining paradox. He can not meet the IUCN’s demand for statistics
amphibian populations phenomenon is to: because his government will not give him the resources and
therefore the frogs will continue to disappear — unstudied
a. attempt to identify the species and locations where and unprotected.
populations are dwindling;
b. attempt to identify the underlying cause, or causes, of The most valuable lesson to learn from Dr Péfaur’s
population declines; experience is to never permit a doctrine or prevailing policy
to take on more importance than the problematical
c. establish extensive population monitoring programs; situations that it was designed to prevent. Unpredictable
d. revise endangered species lists; problems will arise and it is best to say, “this is the problem
e. produce problem analyses and management plans; — how do we fix it?”, rather than abandoning hope because,
“this problem is not covered by the policy”.
f. launch public education campaigns.

There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these actions, POLITICS AND SCIENCE
except that they are often used, for political reasons, as stall If the prevailing political environment is not to our liking, how
tactics and can consume a disproportionate amount of time can scientists go about changing it? In the past, we have
and money. When faced with a crisis, at some point, the best tended to address our appeals to the established government
information that is available must be applied and action must bureaucracies assigned to environmental matters. Usually,
be taken or the species may be lost. Consequently, it is these agencies are staffed by fellow biologists who we can
sensible to funnel the greatest proportion of available relate to and who tend to be reassuringly sympathetic.
resources to the most vital need.This may perforce involve Unfortunately, we are often disappointed when little action is
making fateful decisions and even leaving one’s office. taken, but we are content that everything that could have
It is supremely important for amphibian survival and for the been done was. In many cases, our expectations and our
future of the DAPTF to demonstrate that human assessments are naive, because government bureaucracies
intervention can not only explain declining population trends exist to preserve the current political condition.Thus, we must
but can successfully reverse them. Some risks may have to be get our issues on the political agenda if we want to effect real
run in order to achieve this, and alas someone must shoulder change in public policies.To do this we need to demonstrate
the responsibility because in the process honest mistakes may genuine support for our cause from a wide constituency.
be made. Examples of conservation recommendations that
are commonly ignored include habitat creation and HERPETOLOGICAL EDUCATION
reclamation, the eradication of exotics, captive breeding, A novel development to spring from the Third World
head-starting tadpoles, and re-introducing species back into Congress of Herpetology, held in August 1997 in Prague,
localities within the historical range.The greatest care must be Czech Republic, was the formation of an International
taken to act ethically and prudently. Nevertheless, as we now Committee on Environmental Education on Amphibians and
know, amphibian populations can crash so suddenly that Reptiles.The round-table discussion was attended by about 40
there is no time for debate. A reasonably comprehensive plan people representing: Hungary, the United States, Italy, Sweden,
(e.g.Tyler 1997) should be adopted and the logistical details Slovenia, Israel, Switzerland, Canada, the Netherlands, Croatia,
of carrying out its provisions should be agreed upon well in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Denmark, Poland and
advance of a worst case scenario so that time and effort are Australia. It got me thinking about this long-neglected aspect
not wasted when the need suddenly arises. of our work and how it relates to the success of the DAPTF.

One of the unique problems amphibians face in their struggle it “has legs”.Thus, the external support and media attention
to coexist with people is the fact that many people express a that the DAPTF has received over the past six years very
phobic reaction to the very sight of them. Oddly, since we likely has at least as much to do with its entertainment and
have no statistical benchmarks, herpetologists have only the curiosity value as with altruistic public sentiment.
vaguest of notions as to how innate, culturally pervasive, or
extreme this attitude is today. Are attitudes changing? — or So what happens some day, maybe soon, when the mysteries
can they be changed? As critical as this information is to all of the declining amphibian populations phenomenon are
aspects of the DAPTF’s work, we are woefully ignorant about resolved and we are back to where we were prior to the
how to convey our message to the general public for formation of the task force — out of the limelight and
maximum effect. Consequently, it would be extremely tussling with the mundane problems of amphibian
valuable to understand more fully the psychological and conservation. From a conservationist’s perspective, the issues
cultural dimensions of herpetological education.The positive will be no less grave and melancholy, but from the public’s
ramifications of this line of inquiry would be in: a) soliciting view the glinting aura of the inexplicable will have been
public sympathy and political support; b) developing more peeled away. The DAPTF will have to induce its own
effective methods in herpetological education in schools; c) metamorphosis, since it will have come to strongly personify
improving the effectiveness of conservation actions and not a cause but a catastrophe. It will have to cultivate genuine
associated public relations campaigns; d) providing a statistical goodwill and concern from the general public, and for this it
benchmark to which future surveys may be compared in will need to demonstrate successes in reversing declining
order to monitor shifts in the perceptions of the general population trends through the integration of science, remedial
public towards amphibians. Is it possible to popularise a conservation actions and public education and participation. If
universal eco-etiquette that includes amphibians and is lasting the DAPTF fails in these arenas, its DAP research discoveries
and cross-cultural? If education is the way to achieve this, we may come to little, and the task force and its great potential
had better act quickly and it had better work because, in an could tragically go the way of the golden toad.
already crowded world, the United Nations’ highest current
projection is that the human global population will grow from REFERENCES
5.9 billion in 1998 to 11 billion people by 2050 (National
DAPTF, (1998) The DAPTF Fieldwork Code of Practice.
Geographic Magazine, October 1998:5).
Copies of this leaflet are available by contacting John
Herpetological education can also inspire some people to try Wilkinson, Biology Department,The Open University,
forging careers for themselves as amphibian specialists.This Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA
has always been a dicey proposition — but never more so (DAPTF@open.ac.uk).
than today. In North America, for example, the traditional Halliday,T.R. and Heyer, W.R., (1997) Are amphibian
objective scientific and moral authority of museum curators populations disappearing?: a task force status report
and university professors in directing conservation biology 1996-1997.The Boreal Dip Net 2(1):2-6.
research is being appropriated by politically hamstrung and Joel, L.S., (1998) Population. National Geographic, October
policy-driven government administrators.The DAPTF’s 1998:5.
mission relies heavily upon authoritative scientific advocacy
Tyler, M.J., (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs. Wildlife
and a desire to integrate and infuse more of the details of
Australia, Canberra.
amphibian conservation biology into the broader culture.This
means that there is a growing need for full-time career
positions for real amphibian specialists with extensive
personal experience and it is in the DAPTF’s long-term
interest to state this plainly at every opportunity. It is a
strange and cruel irony that as environmental crises mount,
the support systems and respect for independent opinion,
objective scholarship and academic freedom, at least in some
parts of the world, seem to be quietly slipping away.

Amphibian researchers have been, to some degree, led out of
the wilderness by the declining amphibian populations crisis.
Their studies have never before received such wide attention,
and as a group they have never been so fully roused, united,
and justifiably alarmed. On the other hand, the spotlight that
has shone upon the declining amphibian population issue may
be difficult to sustain. At this moment, in public relations terms,
the DAPTF’s greatest asset is the element of mystery that still
surrounds its mission. People are always fascinated by the
mysterious and always inspired by the challenge of solving a
riddle. Factor into this the possibility of an ecological calamity
and you have a combination of irresistible forces. In media
terms, this story is still “sexy”- or at least, malformations aside,

A review of Declining Frogs
in Northern Queensland
Keith McDonald1 and Ross Alford2

ABSTRACT University. Recovery Plans have been compiled but

have not been signed off by Government. Future
Eleven frog species have declined or disappeared
efforts need to incorporate experimental ecology,
since 1985 and 1989 in the Central Queensland
management of water usage and wider community-
Coast and Wet Tropics Biogeographic Regions
based participation in monitoring and surveys.
respectively of northern Queensland. Declining
species are in upland areas and declines occurred
suddenly for highly susceptible species with close
There has been a plethora of scientific and popular articles
associations with streams. Despite considerable
on declines of frog populations in northern Queensland since
effort the causal factor(s) have not been determined the 1980’s (e.g. Winter and McDonald 1986; McDonald 1990;
although several hypotheses have been proposed. Tyler 1991; Richards et al. 1993; Ingram and McDonald 1993;
Dennis and Mahony 1994; McNellie and Hero 1994;Trenerry
The taxa of concern are phylogenetically diverse and
et al. 1994; Martin and McDonald 1995,1996, Laurance et al.
exhibit a variety of morphologies, reproduction, 1996; Laurance 1996a, b; Mahony 1996; Hero 1996; Alford
behaviour and microhabitat preferences. and Richards 1997; Alford et al. 1998; Berger et al. 1998).
Numerous meetings, discussions, workshops and debates also
Species outside rainforests are under anthropogenic have occurred since 1990, in an effort to determine causes of
these frog declines in apparently secure areas of National
pressures especially in sugar cane expansion areas
Park and State Forest, some of which are further protected
of the coastal lowlands. in a World Heritage Area. A wealth of unpublished reports
and recovery plans have been devoted to the search for a
Current activities are focused on population solution to this problem. A benefit of these studies has been
monitoring by community groups, the Department a vast increase in our biological knowledge of stream frogs in
north Queensland.
of Environment and Heritage and James Cook

1 Conservation Strategy Branch, Queensland Department of Environment, PO Box 834 Atherton 4883, Queensland.
2 Department of Zoology and Tropical Ecology and Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management,
James Cook University, Townsville 4811, Queensland.

TABLE 1: Frogs numbers in the Wet Tropics and Central FIGURE 1: Wet Tropics and Central Queensland Coast
Queensland Coast Biogeographic Regions including those shared. Biogeographic Regions showing rainforest areas.

Species Total species

WT 31 50
CMC 10 29
Shared other bioregions 19

TABLE 2: Endemic, rare and threatened and declining frogs

numbers in the Wet Tropics and Central Queensland Coast
Biogeographic Regions.


Endemic 23 (46%) 3 (10.3%)

Endangered 7 2
Rare 13 (2) 2(1)
Declined 8 (7 End, 1 Rare) 3 (2 End. 1 Com.)

Many hypotheses concerning possible causes of declines have

been advanced, but little information has been presented or
published yet that allows any of these hypotheses to be
tested. Identifying the cause or causes of the declines seems
to be little closer now than a decade ago. Identification of the
causal factor or factors is necessary before they can be
managed or mitigated. Much of the research and monitoring
carried out to date has been entirely hypothesis-free and
exploratory (e.g., Richards et al. 1993; Speare 1995), has
attempted to generate hypotheses but not to test them A total of 60 frog species (50% of Queensland frogs) are
(e.g., Laurance et al. 1996), or has attempted to test found in these biogeographic regions; 19 of these species also
hypotheses using data that are too sparse to provide rigorous occur in other regions. Fifty species have been recorded from
tests (e.g., Dennis and Mahony 1994; Laurance 1996 a,b). the WT and 29 from the CQC (Table 1).

We argue that what is most needed at present is research The biogeographic regions have endemic species reflecting
carefully targeted at testing and potentially rejecting hypotheses. the influence of rainforest habitats (Table 2). Nearly 50% (23)
The rigorous rejection of some hypotheses will allow further of the WT frogs are endemic.This is reflected in the
research and monitoring efforts to be concentrated on refining conservation status of WT species with high numbers of rare,
and testing those hypotheses that remain. geographically-localised species — a consequence of the
interactive influences of the rainforest habitat and topography,
This paper reviews population declines in northern climate and history. Many species are restricted to upland and
Queensland and proposes future directions for research and mountain-top habitats. Only two of the WT species listed as
monitoring. Much of the information presented is derived rare under the regulations to the Queensland Nature
from a current research program of the Queensland Conservation Act 1992 are shared with other areas. All
Department of Environment and Heritage, the Department endangered species which have had population declines are
of Zoology and Tropical Ecology at James Cook University endemic to the WT and CQC biogeographic areas.
and the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest
Ecology and Management, and independent research funded The declining species are representatives of the two most
by the Wet Tropics Management Authority. diverse families in Australia; Myobatrachidae and Hylidae. No
declines have been reported for the other native frog families
(the Microhylidae and Ranidae) within the areas.
COMPOSITION The eleven species which have experienced declines are from
five genera (Table 3). Some have declined in parts of their
This review covers rainforest areas in the Central
distribution, while others have not been seen for some time
Queensland Coast (CQC), Wet Tropics (WT), and Cape York
(Table 3). Several declining species have very localised
Peninsula (CYP) biogeographic regions of northern
distributions while others were widespread in suitable habitat
Queensland (Figure 1). Population declines of rainforest
throughout the rainforest blocks within the biogeographic
stream-dwelling frogs have occurred in two of these
regions (Table 3).
biogeographic regions (CQC, WT).These areas are
characterised by high rainfall, uplands of granite with steep
topography, and moist closed forests or tall open forests and
woodlands (Stanton and Morgan 1977).

TABLE 3: Declining species in the biogeographic regions, conservation status, distribution within rainforest blocks and decline period.
NCA Regs. cons. stat. — conservation status in Queensland Nature Conservation Act (Wildlife Regulations) 1994.; Action Plan Cons. Stat. —
conservation status in the Action Plan for Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997).

Genus Species Bio. Reg. Declines Action Plan NCA Regs. Distribution* Decline
Cons.Status Cons.Status period
Litoria lorica WT Y E E 1 1991
Litoria nannotis WT Y E E 3 1989–1993
Litoria nyakalensis WT Y E E 2 1990
Litoria rheocola WT Y E E 2 1989–1994
Litoria genimaculata WT+ Y R 3 1990 –1994
Nyctimystes dayi WT Y E E 3 1989–1994
Taudactylus acutirostris WT Y E E 2 1989–1994
Taudactylus rheophilus WT Y E E 1 1989–1991
Adelotus brevis CMC + Y C 2 1985–86
Rheobatrachus vitellinus CMC Y E E 1 Jan 1985–Mar 85
Taudactylus eungellensis CMC Y E E 2 1985–86

* % of latitudinal spread in biogeographic rainforest block

1. < 20% 2. 20–60% 3. 60–100%


DECLINING FROGS Eight species in the WT have experienced population
Declines occurred in the CQC during 1985-86 and in the declines (Table 3; Richards et al. 1993; Laurance et al. 1996;
WT between early 1989 and early 1994. Martin and McDonald 1996; McDonald unpubl.).Three
species (Litoria nannotis, L. rheocola and Nyctimystes dayi)
Central Queensland Coast have stable populations at lower altitudes (below
approximately 400 m).
In the CQC, two species, Rheobatrachus vitellinus and
Taudactylus eungellensis have declined precipitously (McDonald Known declines in the WT occurred between 1988 and late
1990). Another species, T. liemi, appears to be secure, although 1994 (Table 3; Richards et al. 1993; Laurance et al. 1996).
other Taudactylus species have suffered declines. Taudactylus acutirostris, L. lorica and L. nyakalensis have not
been observed in substantial numbers since late 1994
Declines of T. eungellensis commenced in 1985 and the
(Ingram and McDonald 1993, McDonald, unpubl.) with
species was last seen in monitored sites in 1986 (McDonald
the most recent reports being of a single individual of
1990). An individual was observed in 1992 (Couper 1992)
T. acutirostris in Slaty Creek in 1994 (Roberts pers. comm.), a
and small populations have been located since November
sub-adult at Big Tableland in January 1995 (McDonald
1993 in the area around Mt Dalrymple (McNellie and Hero
unpubl.), and a report of the call of a single frog near Millaa
1994; Retallick pers. comm.). Populations have not been
Millaa. Small populations in two creeks of T. rheophilus has
located in the southern and northern areas of the known
recently been relocated on the CarbineTableland and the
distribution ( McNellie and Hero 1994; McDonald 1990;
Bellenden Ker Range ( Marshall 1998).
Retallick pers. comm.).
In each case where population crashes affected monitored
The small populations located since 1993 are not as large or
populations, tadpoles survived and metamorphosed after the
as extensive as those found in the 1970’s and 1980’s and only
adult population had crashed, indicating that the causal factor
one population is nearing the numbers found at that time
did not affect this stage of the frog life cycle (Richards et al.
(Retallick pers. comm.).The three largest populations are
1993; Dennis and Mahony 1994; Laurance 1996 a,b; Laurance
found in one catchment. Other populations are smaller and
et al. 1996; Martin and McDonald 1996).Tadpoles removed
appear to be stable with most of the existing populations at
from declining populations successfully metamorphosed, but
lower altitudes. Studies conducted by Richard Retallick
all individuals died before attaining adult size (Dennis and
indicate that the sizes of monitored populations are slowly
Mahony 1994). It is possible that post-metamorphic mortality
increasing but it is not known if small populations in other
was more rapid in individuals having close contact with
catchments are increasing or if the ranges of populations
stream water, but this conclusion is not strongly supported by
are expanding.
statistical analysis (Dennis and Mahony 1994).
Rheobatrachus vitellinus has not been observed since
At a monitored site at Big Tableland (15° 42’S 145° 16’ E,
March 1985, despite periodic intensive and extensive
620 m) four species of frog declined suddenly in late 1993
searches (McDonald, unpubl.;Retallick, pers. comm.; McNellie
(Figure 2).The population of Litoria genimaculata at the site
and Hero 1994).
decreased at the same time, but did not disappear entirely.
Similar patterns have been reported for L. pearsoniana,
Adelotus brevis, and L. lesueurii elsewhere in Queensland; there
have been no total disappearances but populations have

FIGURE 2: Total frog population declines (Litoria nannotis, L. rheocola, Nyctimystes dayi and Taudactylus acutirostris) at Big Tableland,
northern Wet Tropics Biogeographic Region.

decreased in size (Ingram and McDonald 1993).The species NATURAL HISTORY/ECOLOGY

which did not totally disappear were those having the largest
Declining frogs in north Queensland breed in rainforest
number of pigmented eggs of all the declining species.
streams in upland areas (Table 4). However they differ widely
At O’Keefe Creek, Big Tableland (400 m) species declined in taxonomic affinity, morphology, microhabitat preferences,
simultaneously with those at the primary monitoring site. breeding strategies and behaviour.
These sites have been monitored every 4-6 weeks since
mid 1992. Since June 1995 L. rheocola and N. dayi (but not Habitat
T. acutirostris and L. nannotis) have occasionally reappeared The declining frog species have a range of microhabitat
near the 400 m site, but have not established resident preferences. In earlier reports (e.g., Richards et al. 1993) we
populations.This site is immediately above a steep referred to all species breeding in streams as stream-dwelling
escarpment that forms a disjunction between upland and frogs. It is now clear that frogs which breed in streams differ
lowland populations.The lowland populations still persist. in their fidelity to them.Those with the tightest association
No colonisation of areas above the O’Keefe Creek site may be the most likely to disappear or decline (Dennis and
(400 m) has occurred, which may indicate that the factor Mahony 1994;Table 4 ). Rheobatrachus vitellinus, Taudactylus
which caused the declines is still operating. acutirostris, T. eungellensis and T. rheophilus and members of
In December 1997 two N. dayi were heard calling below the the Litoria nannotis group spend a greater proportion of their
primary monitoring site (620 m) indicating some individuals time in or immediately adjacent to streams than do
may be moving upstream although tadpoles and eggs have not L. genimaculata and Adelotus brevis (Table 4).
been located. N. dayi activity along streams is very seasonal
(McDonald unpubl.) and appears to spend more time away Daily active period
from streams than do the other species (McDonald unpubl.). Most declining species are nocturnal but several species are
diurnal and there appears to be no link between activity
Cape York Peninsula periods and declines. Taudactylus eungellensis and T. acutirostris
No declines occurred among the Cape York rainforest stream are diurnal while T. rheophilus is diurnal but can be active
frogs during 1993-1998 (McDonald unpubl.). Litoria longirostris, during the evening. All of the other species are nocturnal
L. eucnemis and Rana daemeli populations monitored yearly in although during heavily overcast and rainy conditions some
upland areas of the McIlwraith Range between 1993 and the individuals become active and call during the day.
present have remained stable. L. eucnemis and R. daemeli have
considerable latitudinal and altitudinal ranges and both species Morphology
occur in New Guinea. L. longirostris is endemic to, and patchily The declining frog species exhibit a range of morphologies.The
distributed in, rainforest streams above 400 m in the species vary in size: the snout-vent length (SVL) of the smallest,
McIlwraith Range (McDonald and Davies unpubl.). T. acutirostris, ranges from 18.8–25.5 mm in males and 22.7-31.2
mm in females and the SVL of the largest, L. genimaculata,
ranges in size from 32-54.4 mm (males) and 42.6–86.6 mm
(females). All species display a degree of sexual dimorphism in

size, a characteristic which is most striking in L. genimaculata and ratio for males of 0.40:1 and for females of 0.53:1. No data
N. dayi (Table 5). Adelotus brevis shows a reverse dimorphism, are available on weights for A. brevis, L. lorica, L. nyakalensis,
with males larger than females (Moore 1961). and T. rheophilus.
Weights reflect general appearance of the frogs. T. acutirostris
is the lightest and the heaviest is R. vitellinus (Table 5).
R. vitellinus is the most robust species with a weight to SVL Most declining species, except for L. genimaculata, have
ratio (g:cm) for males of 3.47:1 and for females of 4.81:1. relatively small numbers of large eggs (Table 6). Eight species
T. acutirostris is the most gracile species with a weight: SVL have unpigmented eggs while those of T. acutirostris, A. brevis
and L. genimaculata are pigmented. Known egg deposition
strategies include: foam nests in pools (A. brevis); clumped
TABLE 4: Stream fidelity of declining and non-declining
rainforest frogs. egg masses in clear jelly in pools (L. genimaculata); on or
under rocks in streams for (T. acutirostris , L. rheocola, and
Species Stream-assoc. Decline category T. eungellensis); under rocks in streams (N. dayi); under
crevices on waterfalls (L. nannotis).The egg deposition site
Adelotus brevis 3b 2
of R. vitellinus is unknown but the stomach certainly carries
Litoria chloris 3b 1
L. eucnemis 2b 1
tadpoles (McDonald unpubl.). Egg deposition sites for
L. genimaculata 2b 2 T. rheophilus, L. nyakalensis and L. lorica are unknown.
L. lesueuri 2b 1
L. longirostris 1b 1 Tadpoles
L. lorica 1b 3
L. nannotis 1b 3 Tadpoles of the declining species are highly variable (Table 6).
L. nyakalensis 1b 3 Definition of tadpole forms follow Altig and Johnston 1989.
L. rheocola 1b 3
L. xanthomera 3b 1 The tadpoles of R. vitellinus do not have keratinised mouth
Mixophyes schevilli 3a 1 parts, are unpigmented and are carried in the stomach of the
M. fasciolatus 3b 1 female. Species of the L. nannotis group (except L. lorica which
Nyctimystes dayi 2b 3 is unknown) and N. dayi have lotic suctorial tadpoles with
Rana daemeli 3a 1
large suctorial mouths for holding on to rocks in the swift
Rheobatrachus vitellinus 1a 3
Taudactylus acutirostris 2a 3 flowing streams (Davies and Richards 1990; Richards 1992).
T. eungellensis 1b 3 Taudactylus acutirostris, T. eungellensis, Adelotus brevis and
T. liemi 1b 1 L. genimaculata have lotic-benthic form tadpoles with small
T. rheophilus 1b 3 oral discs.The tadpoles of T. rheophilus are unknown.

Summary: At least some tadpoles of each species except Rheobatrachus

degree of association with streams vitellinus and A. brevis overwinter in the stream. T. rheophilus
obligate tight to loose to and L. lorica are suspected to overwinter, while overwintering
moderate very loose has been documented in the other seven species (Richards
No changes 2 2 5 et al. 1993; Richards 1992; Retallick pers comm.).
Declines 0 1 1
Disappearances 7 2 0
Fisher's Exact test, 2-tailed P = 0.019 Within the rainforests and their margins of the CQC and WT
Degree of association with streams: there is no indication of declines of populations of Litoria
1 a. obligate, aquatic.The species is found only in the water lesueurii, a species which has declined in the rainforests of
b. obligate, non-aquatic.The species is reliably found within south-east Queensland (Ingram and McDonald 1993).The
the stream banks over the entire year widespread WT species, Litoria xanthomera and Mixophyes
2 a. tight.The species is found within the stream banks over schevilli, have not declined at any site, although their
most of the year, but regularly ventures away from the populations have not been intensively and systematically
monitored. None of the 14 species of litter-dwelling
b. moderate.The species is found with some reliability
microhylids appear to have declined. However, relatively little
within the stream banks over an extended season
is known of this group because standardised monitoring has
3 a. loose. Larvae occur predominantly in streams, but adults
visit them irregularly been conducted at only one site, Paluma near Townsville.
b. very loose. Larvae do not occur predominantly in Presence/absence monitoring for microhylids at monitoring
streams, adults may visit them irregularly sites for stream frogs also indicates no loss of species (Dennis
4 none. Neither larvae nor adults occur within stream and Mahony 1994; McDonald unpubl.).
banks with any frequency
In the CQC at Eungella, non-stream species such as L. chloris
Decline categories
and M. fasciolatus appear secure. T. liemi has experienced no
1 no declines
declines (McDonald pers. obs.; Retallick pers. comm.).
2 some declines, no disappearances
3 at least some disappearances

TABLE 5: Snout-vent length and weights of declining frogs in the Wet Tropics and Central Queensland Coast Biogeographic region.


Species Sex No. (mm) (mm) Mean SVL Std Dev Source
Litoria genimaculata Male 1021 54.4 32 42.93 3.04 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 102 86.6 53 68.75 6.06
L. lorica Male 7 33.1 29.6 Davies and McDonald 1979
Female 3 37.3 32.9
L. rheocola Male 756 36.4 27 31.52 1.56 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 68 41.2 28.4 36.27 2.54
L. nannotis Male 99 51.8 41.2 47.04 2.09 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 41 59.1 48.8 53.63 2.27
L. nyakalensis Male 6 32.3 29.7 31.6 2.975 Liem 1974
Nyctimystes dayi Male 265 41.9 32.7 37.22 1.65 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 4 58.8 54 57.2 2.2
Adelotus brevis Male 14 43.5 34.2 Moore 1961
Female 7 38 29.1
Rheobatrachus vitellinus Male 48 58.3 42.6 52.11 4.04 K. McDonald unpublished
Female 59 72.2 47 59.78 6.31
Taudactylus acutirostris Male 99 25.5 18.8 20.62 1.48 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 39 31.2 22.7 24.6 1.62
T. eungellensis Male 490 32 23.8 27.63 1.2 R. Retallick pers comm.
Female 640 37.11 25.5 32.33 1.72
T. rheophilus Male 12 27.4 24.3 26.1 Liem and Hosmer 1973
Female 9 30.5 24.1 28.5

Max WT Min WT
Species Sex No. (gms) (gms) Mean WT Std Dev Source
Litoria genimaculata Male 1021 9.6 2 4.66 1.06 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 102 38.4 7.5 22.64 6.45
L. rheocola Male 756 3.3 1.2 2 0.27 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 68 4.55 1.8 3.09 0.66
L. nannotis Male 99 12 6 8.4 1.05 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 41 17 8.2 11.89 2.17
Nyctimystes dayi Male 265 3.9 1.9 2.56 0.3 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 4 11 8.4 10.23 1.24
Rheobatrachus vitellinus Male 48 26.5 11 18.13 3.8 K. McDonald unpublished
Female 59 46.5 13 28.78 8.91
Taudactylus acutirostris Male 99 1.6 0.6 0.83 0.19 McDonald and Martin unpublished
Female 39 2.5 0.9 1.3 0.27
T. eungellensis Male 489 3.7 0.8 2.32 0.39 R. Retallick pers comm.
Female 640 5 1.9 3.48 0.57

POSSIBLE CAUSES OF DECLINES expected ranges with no periods of prolonged drought.

No declines were associated with periods of low rainfall
Although numerous possible causes have been proposed to
(Laurance 1996 a,b). Attempts to correlate environmental
explain declines of frog populations elsewhere, few of these
changes with declines depend strongly on information about
have relevance to north Queensland populations.
when the environment affected populations; recent evidence
Habitat has remained intact with no clearing or logging of (Alford et al. 1997) suggests that environmental effects preceded
forests in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area since 1988. some declines by 1–2 years, so many of these analyses may need
Species were present even though logging and mining of the to be repeated. However, data from other populations
rainforest had occurred in the past (McDonald 1992). (SVL/weight ratios; McDonald 1990) failed to indicate any decline
However, this does not rule out more subtle, unmeasured in health of monitored populations before declines occurred.
environmental changes affecting declining frogs.
There has been repeated speculation that UV-B light has
No obvious environmental changes were detected during stream caused declines. However this possibility appears to be
monitoring at the times when declines occurred (Richards et al. unlikely in north Queensland. All declining species in this area
1993; McDonald unpubl.).Water characteristics including pH, are found in rainforest with dense canopy cover. Several are
conductivity, water temperature, concentrations of metal ions and active only nocturnally, several lay eggs under rocks
biocides, and dissolved oxygen measured at a large number of (exceptions are L. genimaculata and A. brevis), tadpoles are still
sites have not significantly differed between locations which had present when adults disappear (most UV-B hypotheses
declines and those that did not . Rainfall has remained within concern effects on aquatic stages, not adults; Blaustein et al.
1996). Declines have been rapid, occurring over 2–3 month

TABLE 6: Egg and tadpole characteristics of declining frogs in the Wet Tropics and Central Queensland Coast Biogeographic Regions.Terms
for tadpole forms follow Altig and Johnston 1989.

Species Egg size Egg no. Pigmentation Tadpole Reference

Taudactylus acutirostris 2.2–2.7 25–40 Lotic benthic Liem & Hosmer 1973
Yes McDonald & Richards unpublished
T. rheophilus 1.8–2.4 35–50 Lotic benthic? Liem & Hosmer 1973
Litoria nannotis 2.7–3.4 No Lotic suctorial Liem 1974
1.98–2.93 136–216 Hero & Fickling 1996
L.lorica No Lotic suctorial? Davies & McDonald 1979
L. rheocola 1.4–1.8 No Lotic suctorial Liem 1974
2.4–2.6 46–63 Hero & Fickling 1996
L.nyakalensis No Lotic suctorial Richards 1992
L. genimaculata 2.1–2.56 843 Yes Lotic benthic Davies 1989
Nyctimystes dayi 2.3–2.6 107 No Lotic suctorial Davies & Richards 1990
Rheobatrachus. vitellinus 22 No In stomach McDonald & Tyler (1984)
T. eungellensis 2.2–2.6 30–50 No Lotic benthic McDonald pers. obs., Retallick pers
Liem & Hosmer 1973.
Adelotus brevis 1.7–1.8 270 Yes Lotic benthic/ Tyler 1994
lentic benthic
L. eucnemis 1000+ Yes Lotic benthic McDonald unpublished
L. longirostris 2.0–2.4 28–60 Yes Lotic benthic McDonald unpublished,
McDonald & Storch 1994

periods (Figure 2). All of these factors make it unlikely that some cases (Alford unpubl.). Many coastal lowland habitats such as
declines have resulted from direct effects of UV-B on Melaleuca swamps and forests are important for the maintenance
populations. Most importantly it is well established that there of frog populations. Species such as Notaden melanoscaphus which
have been no significant changes in stratospheric ozone in the has isolated populations in the coastal areas near Townsville are
tropical areas which can be linked with UV-B increases as disappearing at rates that are alarming because of loss of habitat
experienced in higher latitudes (Madronich and de Gruijl through real estate expansion.
1993; McPeters et al. 1996; Moise pers. comm.)

A recent hypothesis suggests that a virulent pathogen, possibly

a virus or Chytrid fungus, has decimated frog populations
(Laurance et al. 1996; Berger et al. 1998). Circumstantial
evidence from observations of rapid declines and location of Monitoring studies have been conducted in the Wet Tropics
sick and dying animals provides a strong link to a disease being and Eungella by James Cook University and the Queensland
the proximate cause of some declines (Dennis and Mahony Department of Environment and Heritage for medium to
1994; Laurance et al. 1996; Berger et al. 1998). However, there long term periods.
are alternative interpretations (Alford and Richards 1997) for
all lines of evidence suggesting that a disease might be the sole Wet Tropics
cause of declines (Laurance et al. 1996), and recent evidence
A transect at Birthday Creek, near Paluma has been
(Alford et al. 1997) suggests that the health of adults began to
monitored since 1987 and one at Big Tableland since 1992.
decline long before populations crashed. Decreases in body
Other sites have been visited less frequently at differing
condition were not observed in Rheobatrachus vitellinus prior
intervals throughout the WT over the last seven years that
to declines (McDonald 1990).The disease hypothesis clearly
requires further testing and possibly refinement. cover a wide range of latitudinal, altitudinal and historical
occurrences of frogs.


The research and documentation of declines have focused to date At Eungella monitoring by the Queensland Department of
on rainforest species, which do not appear to have suffered direct Environment and Heritage occurred at selected sites during
anthropogenic effects. Little systematic survey and monitoring 1980–89 (McDonald 1990); since 1993 these and additional
effort has been devoted to species in other habitats. Monitoring sites have been monitored by James Cook University.The
around Townsville and in the Wet Tropics open forests indicates no current monitoring is conducted by Richard Retallick with
declines other than those related to obvious anthropogenic causes assistance from national park rangers.
such as clearing of habitat.There is local loss of habitat around real
estate development or in the coastal lowlands through the sugar Public participation in the monitoring program has been in the
expansion program in the last five years.The construction of dams, form of assistance to researchers. Monitoring has also been
quarries and road-side ditches may have enhanced breeding conducted by the Cape York Herpetological Society at two
habitat for some species, although the effects of these structures locations in the WT for the last 18 months and it is expected
on population dynamics are uncertain and may be negative in that this program will expand to cover additional sites.

Because the results of Alford et al. (1997) suggest that those in areas on the coastal lowlands which
developmental stability analysis may be a useful tool for detecting are under pressure from sugar expansion programs.
the effects of environmental changes before they lead to There has been a preoccupation with the rainforest species
changes in population sizes, measurements of limb asymmetry but work is urgently required in the lowland open forests.
have recently been incorporated into monitoring programs.The Baseline data on the distribution, habitat preferences,
techniques used follow those outlined by Alford et al. (1998). breeding and population fluctuations of lowland species is
The lengths of the hindlimbs, from heel to the outer end of the urgently needed.This will require surveys and monitoring of
tibio-fibula, are measured three times on each side of the animal, frog populations.
using callipers and alternating between sides.The person
handling the callipers gives them to a second person, who reads 5. Intensive monitoring of sites designed to address quantitative
the length and records it.This gives three independent replicate population assessment. Intensive studies are needed to
measurements on each side of the animal, which can be address population changes and recruitment through mark
analysed to examine asymmetry, following the methods recapture and monitoring for population stability.This will
suggested by Palmer and Strobeck (1986). Preliminary results of enable sites less frequently visited to be placed in the
this monitoring indicate that asymmetry levels in populations of context of known population fluctuations determined
L. genimaculata are generally low.The technique is discussed in from intensive long-term studies.
detail elsewhere in this volume (Alford et al. 1999).
RECOVERY PLANS Thanks to P. Brooke, J. A. Covacevich, A. Campbell, A. Dennis,
Two recovery plans for the Wet Tropics and Eungella have A.B Freeman, M. Hero, D.House, M. Mahony, W.E. Martin,
been written (Martin and McDonald 1995, 1996) and A. Moise, S.J. Richards, R. Retallick and volunteers and
approved by the Northern Threatened Frogs Recovery Team. students who have assisted sometimes in the most arduous
The plans have not yet been adopted by the Federal or State of field conditions.
agencies responsible for the environment. Recovery Plans
Funding has been provided by our respective institutions,
need constant updating as more and better information
Environment Australia, the Australian Research Council, the
comes to hand.There is a need to respond quickly to
Wet Tropics Management Authority, and the CRC for Tropical
developments, especially with projects which exploit an event
Rainforest Ecology and Management.
such as a species die off which occurs quickly (Figure 2).
Organisational inertia can be a deterrent to implementing Steve Richards and Dr Marg Davies made constructive
actions in these circumstances.This can be addressed by a criticisms of earlier manuscript drafts.This assistance is most
yearly review and modification of action plans. A process gratefully acknowledged.
should be in place to permit the rapid implementation by
State and Federal environment agencies of such modifications.
FUTURE DIRECTIONS Alford, R. A., Bradfield, K.S. and Richards, S.J., (1997) Predicting
declines in rainforest frog populations. Abstract, CRC-
There are many challenges facing frog research and
TREM annual conference, Cairns, Queensland.
monitoring in the Wet Tropics and Eungella biogeographic
regions. Future directions include: Alford, R. A., Bradfield, K.S. and Richards, S.J., (1999) Measuring
and analysing developmental instability as a tool for
1. Experimental work — experimentation and manipulation monitoring frog populations. Pp34–43 in Declines and
to test the hypotheses which have been advanced Disappearances of Australian Frogs ed by A.Campbell.
regarding possible causes of declines. Environment Australia: Canberra.
2. Management of water usage — such as dams and water Alford, R. A., and Richards, S.J., (1997) Lack of evidence for
extraction, and examination of impact on remnant frog epidemic disease as an agent in the catastrophic decline of
populations. Experimental research and monitoring of impacts Australian rain forest frogs. Conservation Biology
of water management regimes is essential as many water 11:1026-1029.
extraction processes are proposed in the high rainfall areas of
Altig, R. and Johnston, G.F., (1989). Guilds of anuran larvae :
Eungella and the Wet tropics, e.g., the proposed Finch Hatton
relationships among developmental modes, morphologies,
Dam and water extraction in the Johnston River catchment.
and habitats. Herpetological Monographs 3 : 81-109.
3. Increased public participation — there is a need to have greater
Atkinson, R., (1996) Proc. Conf. on Health Consequences of
public participation, especially amongst herpetological clubs
Ozone Depletion. Cancer Forum Vol. 20 No. 3 Spec.
and conservation groups, because more information can be
obtained through this process than by a few active scientists.
Management staff in Government departments need to Berger, L., Speare, R., Dasak, P., Green, D.E., Cunningham, A. A.,
become aware of the declines and actively participate in Goggin, C. L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M. A., Hyatt, A. D.,
monitoring programs particularly on national parks.Water McDonald, K. R., Hines, H. B., Lips, K. R., Marantelli, G. and
resource managers should incorporate potential impacts of Parkes, H., (1998) Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian
proposed water extraction and impoundment in any planning. mortality associated with population declines in the
4 Community monitoring of common species — the public can rainforests of Australia and Central America. Proc. Natl.
assist in obtaining information on the distribution and current Acad. Sci. USA 95 : 9031-9036.
status of species currently thought to be common, especially

Blaustein, A.R., Hoffman, P.D., Hokit, D.G., Kiesecker, J.M., Walls, biogeographic region of northeast Queensland. (submitted
S.C. and Hays, J.B., (1996) UV repair and resistance to to Environment Australia, Canberra).
solar UV_B in amphibian eggs : A link to population Martin, W.E. and McDonald. K.R., (1996) Recovery plan for
declines? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 91 : 1791-1795. the stream-dwelling rainforest frogs of the Eungella area,
Couper, P.J., (1992) Hope for our missing frogs. Wildlife mid-east Queensland. (submitted to Environment
Australia. 29(4): 11-12. Australia, Canberra).
Covacevich, J.A. and McDonald, K.R., (1993) Distribution and McDonald, K.R., (1990) Rheobatrachus Liem and Taudactylus
conservation of frogs and reptiles of Queensland Straughan and Lee (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Eungella
rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum National Park, Queensland: distribution and decline.Trans.
34(1):189-199. R. Soc. S. Aust. 114(4): 187-194.
Davies, M. and McDonald, K.R., (1979) A new species of McDonald, K.R., (1992) Distribution patterns and
stream-dwelling hylid frog from northern Queensland. conservation status of north Queensland rainforest frogs.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Conservation Technical Report 1., Queensland
103(7): 169-176. Department of Environment and Heritage, Brisbane.
Davies, M. and Richards, S.J. (1990) Developmental Biology of McDonald, K.R., Covacevich, J.A., Ingram, G.J. and Couper, P.J.,
the Australian Hylid Frog Nyctimystes dayi (Gunther). (1991) The status of frogs and reptiles. Pp 338-345 In
Trans. Roy. Soc. Sth Aust. 114: 207-212. Ingram, G.J and Raven, R.J. (eds), ‘An atlas of Queensland’s
Dennis, A., (1982) A brief study of the Sharp-snouted Torrent frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals’. (Queensland Museum,
Frogs Taudactylus acutirostris. North Queensland Naturalist Board of Trustees: Brisbane). 391pp.
50: 7-8. McDonald, K. R., and Tyler, M. J., (1984) Evidence of gastric
Dennis, A. and M. Mahony, M., (1994) Experimental brooding in the Australian leptodactylid frog Rheobatrachus
translocation of the endangered sharp-snouted day frog vitellinus.Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 108: 226.
Taudactylus acutirostris and observations of the cause of McNellie, M. and Hero, J.M., (1994) Mission amphibian.The
declines among montane riparian frogs. Unpublished report search for the missing rainforest frogs of Eungella. Wildlife
prepared for Wet Tropics Management Authority, Cairns. Australia 31(4): 22-23.
Hero M-J., (1996) Where are Queensland’s missing frogs? McPeters, R.D., Hollandsworth, S.M., Flynn, L.E., Herman,J.R.,
Wildlife Australia 33(3): 8-13. and Seftor. C.J. (1996) Long-term trends derived from the
Ingram, G. and McDonald, K.R., (1993) An update on the 16 year combined Nimbus 7 / Meteor 3 TOMS version 7
decline of Queensland’s frogs. Pp 297-303 in Herpetology record. Geophys. Res. Let. 23: 3699-3702.
in Australia: a diverse discipline eds D. Lunney and D. Ayers. Moore, J.A. (1961) The Frogs of Eastern New South Wales.
Transactions of the Royal Zoology Society of New South Bull Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 121: 149-386.
Wales. Mosman. Palmer, A. R, and Strobeck, C., (1986) Fluctuating asymmetry:
Laurance, W. F., (1996) Why are Queensland’s frogs croaking? measurement, analysis, patterns. Annual. Review of Ecology
Australian Nature 25 (4) : 56-62. and Systematics. 17:391-421
Laurance, W.F., (1996) Catastrophic declines of Australian Richards, S.J., (1992) The tadpole of the Australian frog Litoria
rainforest frogs: is unusual weather responsible? Biol. nyakalensis (Anura, Hylidae), and a key to the torrent
Conser. 77 : 203-212. tadpoles of northern Queensland. Alytes 10(3): 99-103.
Laurance, W.F., McDonald, K.R. and Speare, R., (1996) Richards, S.J., McDonald, K.R., Alford, R.A., (1993) Declines in
Epidemic disease and the catastrophic decline of Australian populations of Australia’s endemic tropical rainforest frogs.
rainforest frogs. Conserv. Biol. 10(2) : 406-413. Pacific Conservation Biology 1:66-77.
Liem, D.S., (1974) A review of the Litoria nannotis species Speare, R., (1995) Preliminary study on diseases in Australian
group and a description of a new species of Litoria from Wet Tropics amphibians. Deaths of rainforest frogs at
north-east Queensland, Australia. Memoirs of the O’Keefe Creek, Big Tableland. Final Report to Department
Queensland Museum. 17(1): 151-168. of Environment and Heritage. Unpublished Report QDEH.
Liem, D.S. and Hosmer, W., (1973) Frogs of the genus Stanton, J.P. and Morgan, M.G., (1977) The rapid selection and
Taudactylus with description of two new species (Anura: appraisal of key endangered sites. The Queensland case
Leptodactylidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum study. Uni. of New England, School of Nat. Res. Report
16(3): 435-457. No. PR 4.
Madronich, S. and de Gruijl, F.R., (1993) Skin cancer and UV Trenerry, M. P., Laurance, W. F., and McDonald, K. R., (1994)
radiation. Nature 366 : 23. Further evidence for the precipitous decline of endemic
Mahony, M., (1996) The decline of the Green and Golden Bell rainforest frogs in tropical Australia. Pacific Conservation
Frog Litoria aurea viewed in the context of declines and Biology 1: 150-153.
disappearances of other Australian frogs. Aust. Zool. 30 (2) Tyler, M.J., (1991) Where have all the frogs gone? Aust. Nat.
: 237-247. Hist. 23 (8) : 618-625.
Marshall, C., (1998) The reappearance of Taudactylus Tyler, M.J., (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs.
(Anura:Myobatrachidae) in north Queensland streams. Environment Australia, Canberra.
Pacific Cons. Biol. 4: 39-41. Winter, J. and McDonald, K.R., (1986) Eungella, the land of
Martin, W.E. and McDonald. K.R., (1995) Recovery plan for cloud. Australian Natural History 22(1): 39-43.
the stream-dwelling rainforest frogs of the Wet Tropics

Chytrid fungi and amphibian
declines: Overview, implications
and future directions
Lee Berger1, 2, Rick Speare2 and Alex Hyatt1

ABSTRACT exposure. Tadpoles appear to be unaffected by the

fungus which infects their keratinised mouthparts.
A recently described chytrid fungus, genus
Batrachochytrium can probably also survive and grow
Batrachochytrium, killed free-living and captive
in the environment. Based on the epidemiology of
amphibians in Australia, Central America and the
the amphibian declines, chytridiomycosis appears to
USA. There is epidemiological, pathological, and
be an emerging disease causing mortality in many
experimental evidence that some amphibian
species of anurans and has caused the disappearance
populations suddenly declined due to mass
and presumed extinction of some species. These
mortalities caused by chytridiomycosis.
species may have been more vulnerable to
These were notably high altitude, stream dwelling extinction due to a combination of characteristics of
rainforest anurans in protected areas of Queensland their distribution and biology which suited
and Panama. Chytrid fungi caused a widespread Batrachochytrium, as well as rendering them less able
infection of the skin resulting in hyperkeratosis, to recover from population declines. Here we
sloughing and erosions of the epidermis, and present an overview of the published and
occasional ulcerations.There was minimal unpublished data on the amphibian chytrid fungus,
inflammation in the skin. Infection occurs through discuss the implications of these findings, and
waterborne zoospores that invade the superficial suggest future directions that should be taken to
layers of epidermis, and experimentally infected investigate and manage this problem.
frogs became terminally ill 10–47 days after

1 CSIRO, Australian Animal Health Laboratory Ryrie St, Geelong, Vic 3220
2 School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4218

INTRODUCTION In this paper we collate the data on the amphibian chytrid
and expand on previously presented hypotheses, with a focus
Amphibian declines in some regions have been attributed to
on Australian circumstances.
habitat disturbance including pollution, cattle damage, fish
introduction and habitat destruction such as logging and
wetland degradation (Hayes and Jennings 1986,Tyler 1997). BIOLOGY OF BATRACHOCHYTRIUM
However, habitat disturbance does not explain the rapid AND THE CHYTRIDIOMYCOTA
disappearance of high-altitude stream-dwelling rainforest The amphibian chytrid has been placed in a new genus,
amphibians from many protected areas in Australia (Richards Batrachochytrium (Phylum Chytridiomycota, Class
et al. 1993, Mahony 1996) and Central America (Lips 1998). Chytridiomycetes, Order Chytridiales) and an isolate from a
There was no correlation between frog population declines captive blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates azureus) that died
and changes in ground level solar UV-B radiation in at the National Zoological Park in Washington has been
Queensland (Moise, unpubl. data). Several factors in the described as B. dendrobatidis (Longcore et al. 1999). The
declines indicated that a waterborne infectious disease, of ultrastructural morphology, amphibian host and 18S rDNA
high virulence to adults of some species, had entered a sequence of Batrachochytrium show that it is distinctly
population previously unexposed to it. These factors were: different from other chytrid fungi (Berger et al. 1998,
1) sudden, severe declines occurred over a few months; Longcore et al. 1999).
2) declines were asynchronous and spread as a front; Chytridiomycete fungi are a large and diverse group and have
3) adults died while tadpoles survived and metamorphs been found in almost every type of environment, including
died when they subsequently emerged; rainforests, deserts and arctic tundra (Powell 1993). They are
frequently found in soil and water where they digest
4) no environmental changes were detected;
substrates such as chitin from insect cadavers, cellulose from
5) only stream dwelling frogs disappeared and, vegetable matter, keratin from hair and skin, or pollen. These
6) in two intensively monitored sites, mass mortalities were species function as important primary biodegraders and are
observed at the time of significant population declines possibly vital to the ecosystem. Others are parasites of
(Laurance et al. 1996, Lips 1999,Trenerry et al. 1994). insects, fungi, algae, plants and nematodes and a few of these
cause significant disease (Barr 1990, Powell 1993).
In these two montane rainforest locations — Big Tableland,
Australia (1993) and Fortuna, Panama (1997) — sick and Powell (1993) discusses the significance and inherent value of
dying anurans (including Taudactylus acutirostris, Litoria rheocola chytridiomycetes and reviews the ability of parasitic species to
and L. nannotis) were collected for pathological examination cause disease. The onset of chytridiomycete parasitism of
and found to be infected with chytrid fungi in the skin phytoplankton is often correlated with a rapid decline in host
(Berger et al. 1998). This fungus has been placed in a new population and so has a major impact on the ecology of the
genus, Batrachochytrium (Longcore et al. 1999). host. Synchytrium endobioticum causes black wart disease of
potatoes in Europe and Canada, and was introduced to the USA
Along with the epidemiological evidence above, we present in the early 1900’s but has since been eradicated. Coelomomyces
pathological and experimental data that demonstrate that has been considered for use in biological control of mosquitoes.
chytrids are pathogenic to amphibians. The pattern of the Apart from species found among the normal rumen flora of
population declines is consistent with being caused by ruminants, chytridiomycetes have not been found in vertebrates
Batrachochytrium as it is waterborne, is virulent to adults, does other than amphibians (Barr 1990, Berger et al 1998).
not kill tadpoles (Berger et al. 1999), prefers cooler
temperatures (Longcore et al. 1999), and is not dependent Sparrow (1960) describes the evanescent nature of chytrid
upon the highly susceptible species for its continued epidemics, with their sudden appearance, brief period of rapid
existence. Similar waves of mass mortalities, described as the multiplication and then decline and disappearance.This pattern is
post-metamorphic death syndrome, have been reported in related to their virulence, ability for rapid reproduction, and the
various amphibian populations in western North America loss of optimal environmental conditions. Factors affecting the
(Scott 1993). Although the cause(s) was not determined, epidemiology of chytrid blooms include seasonal temperature
chytridiomycosis has recently been discovered in populations changes, water pH, light, nutrition and dissolved oxygen (Sparrow
of endangered north American frogs, including leopard frogs 1968). These may be relevant considerations when attempting to
(Rana yavapiensis and R. chiricahuensis) in Arizona (Nichols et isolate Batrachochytrium from the environment and when
al. 1998, Morell, 1999) and chytrids were also seen as investigating the causes of outbreaks of chytridiomycosis. For
incidental findings in six percent of a group of wild cricket example, epidemics in populations of Litoria caerulea in southern
frogs (Acris crepitans) in Illinois (Pessier et al. 1999). Queensland and northern NSW occurred in the winters of
1996, 1997 and 1998, demonstrating seasonal regularity (Table 1).
Although Batrachochytrium has a broad amphibian host range and
is currently widespread, not all susceptible species have declined. Findings from studies of other aquatic zoosporic fungi may be
The selectivity of the declines may be due to a combination of pertinent here. The abundance of Saprolegniaceae in
environmental factors and host biology that provide the California was correlated with altitude (Sparrow 1968).
necessary conditions for expression of disease, as well as As aquatic phycomycetes are probably very sensitive to
rendering species less able to recover after population crashes. contaminants they are considered good biological indicators
Declining species from high altitude rainforests have restricted of pollution (Sparrow 1968).
ranges and smaller clutch sizes (Williams and Hero 1998).

Most chytrids (i.e. members of the order Chytridiales) occur
Figure 1: Map of Australia with stars indicating where
in aquatic habitats. They have motile flagellated zoospores Batrachochytrium has been found on amphibians.
which develop within a stationary sporangium. Sporangia of This distribution correlates with searching intensity.
some species form one or more discharge tubes through
which the zoospores are released. Zoospores often display
chemotaxis towards their particular substrate enabling them
to reach hosts or nutrients in the vicinity which are not
abundant, although water flow is probably the main method
of dissemination (Sparrow 1968). Zoospores of
Batrachochytrium are waterborne, can live for over 24 hours
(Berger, unpubl.) and are infective to frogs and tadpoles.
Zoospores of many fungi produce an adhesive as they encyst
on their host (Bartnicki-Garcia and Sing 1986). Encysted AUSTRALIA
zoospores of Batrachochytrium in culture take 4-5 days to
grow into mature sporangia containing numerous zoospores
(Longcore et al. 1999). Sporangia of Batrachochytrium grow in
the keratinised epidermis of amphibians, but as they can be
grown in culture and grew on boiled snake skin (keratin),
they may also be able to exist and proliferate as saprobes in
the environment (Longcore et al. 1999). Rhizoids supply the
developing sporangia with nutrients, and are formed whether
the sporangia are in the epidermis or in culture (Longcore et
al. 1999). Batrachochytrium is inoperculate and develops either
monocentrically or colonially (Longcore et al. 1999).
northern NSW, montane and foothill forests of Victoria, and
Some chytrids have a thick walled, resistant resting spore suburban/semi-rural populated areas of Brisbane, Adelaide
stage which can survive for decades in extreme conditions and Perth (Figure 1,Table 1). Captive axolotyls from
(Powell 1993) but such a stage has not been observed in Townsville (Speare, unpubl.) and Perth (Aplin and Kirkpatrick,
Batrachochytrium (Longcore et al. 1999), which may be a unpubl.) were also found with chytridiomycosis.
relatively fragile species.
Overseas, chytrids have been found in rainforest anurans in
Culture media for the amphibian chytrid contained tryptone, montane Panama in 1997 (Berger et al. 1998), in captive frogs
gelatin hydrolysate and lactose (Longcore et al. 1999). In in National Zoo, Washington DC and other American zoos
culture B. dendrobatidis developed most rapidly at 23C and since 1988 (Nichols et al. 1998, Pessier et al. 1999), and in
grew at 28C, but did not grow significantly at 29C (Longcore wild frogs in Arizona (Nichols et al. 1998) and Illinois (Pessier
et al. 1999). Cultures grew well at 15C and survived for et al. 1999). Recently, chytridiomycosis was diagnosed in
more than three months at 4C (Longcore, unpubl. data). anurana that died in high altitude regions of Equador, including
Chytridiomycetes do not generally survive freezing well, adults of Telmatobius niger collected in1989 from the Azuay
although some success with storage in liquid nitrogen has province, adults of Atelopus sp. (bomolochos complex)
been achieved (Hohl and Iselin 1986). Species without resting collected in 1991 from the Riobamba province and captive
spores are less able to be preserved in an inactive state metamorphs of Gastrotheca pseustes that died in 1999
(Hohl and Iselin 1986). (Merino-Viteri and Coloma, unpubl.). As investigations into
frog disease become more common, the known distribution
No significant ultrastructural morphological differences were
of the amphibian chytrid is likely to greatly expand, and by
observed between isolates from Australia, the USA and
examining archived specimens the dates of first occurrence
Central America (Longcore et al. 1999, Berger et al. 1998)
will be pushed back. Investigating the origin and historical
and DNA comparisons are needed to determine how many
range of the amphibian chytrid may determine whether it has
amphibian chytrid species exist. It is likely all isolates belong to
been introduced or is endemic.
a single species. The 18S rDNA sequence of chytrids from a
wild caught Australian L. caerulea and a captive American Apparently healthy frogs can exist as carriers; clinically normal
D. azureus had only five base pairs different out of about 1700 frogs (including L. genimaculata) collected from the wet
bp sequenced, and four of these differences were deletions tropics in Queensland have been found with low levels of
which may be due to error (James, Porter and Longcore, infection (Speare and Freeman, unpubl.). Although
unpubl.). Preliminary sequencing of a more variable region, the Batrachochytrium has not yet been found in non-amphibian
rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS), demonstrates that hosts, it is possible that other cold-blooded animals with
similar strains (<2% sequence divergence) can infect a range keratinised surfaces could harbour infections and play a role
of Australian frog species (Morgan, unpubl.). More studies are in the persistence and spread of the disease. As the chytrid is
needed to define significant variations. susceptible to desiccation (Berger, unpubl.), transportation of
the disease long distances is most likely to have occurred via
DISTRIBUTION the movement of amphibians, either deliberately (for example
in the pet trade), or accidentally (such as in fruit boxes). Both
In Australia, Batrachochytrium has been found in frogs since
these scenarios have been observed and epidemics in captive
1989 and has been observed in various regions — including
collections have occurred after the arrival of a few infected
rainforests of southern, central and northern Queensland and
frogs (Marantelli, pers. comm.). Cane toads are also potential

TABLE 1: Species, locations and dates of amphibians in Australia found infected with Batrachochytrium.

Litoria adelaidensis Perth,WA Aug 1998 # J
Litoria caerulea Casino, NSW July1996 * A 96/692
Brisbane, Qld July–Sep1996 * A 96/961
Brisbane, Qld June–July 1997 * A 97/845
Rockhampton, Qld Aug 1997 A 97/845
Mackay, Qld Sep 1997 A 97/845
Bellingen, NSW July 1998 * A 98/871
Lanitza, NSW Aug 1998 A 98/871
Litoria chloris Dorrigo Plateau, NSW Dec 1997–Feb 1998 A 97/1754
Litoria citropa Captive, Sydney May 1999 A 99/232
Litoria ewingi Woodville, SA Oct 1998 A 98/1331
Litoria genimaculata Kirrama State Forest, Qld Nov 1989 A 98/927
Windsor Tableland, Qld April 1993 J
Topaz, Qld July 1998 A 98/1231
Wright’s Creek, Qld Oct 1998 J 98/398
O’Keefe Creek, Qld Dec 1998 J 99/28
Litoria infrafraenata Captive, Adelaide, SA Oct 1998 A 99/232
Litoria lesueuri Mary River, Qld May-June 1996 * A 96/570
Eungella NP, Qld June 1996 A 96/1136
Goomburra, Qld April, 1997 A 97/574
Buckwong Ck,Vic Feb 1998 # A 98/320
Litoria moorei Perth,WA Sept 1998 # A 98/927
Ferndale, Perth,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Manjimup,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Mt Barker,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Mt Helena,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Sawyers Valley,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Witchcliffe,WA Nov 1998 # J 99/12
Litoria nannotis Big Tableland, Qld Oct 1993 * J 93/290
Litoria pearsoniana Mebbin State Forest, NSW Dec 1997 A 97/1747
Kroombit Tops, Qld May 1998 A 98/320
Litoria raniformis Captive, Adelaide, SA Sep 1998 A 98/1331
Litoria rheocola Big Tableland, Qld Oct 1993 * J 93/290
(tadpoles & adults) Westgid Ck, Qld May 1999 ® J
(tadpoles & adults) Frenchman Ck, Qld July 1999 ® J
Litoria spenceri Bogong Ck,Vic March 1996 A 96/370
Taponga River,Vic Feb–March 1998 * A 98/320
Nyctimystes dayi Tully, Qld Dec 1998 A 98/1810
Adelotus brevis Brisbane, Qld Nov 1995 A 99/927
Brisbane, Qld Aug 1998 A 99/927
Lamington NP, Qld Jan 1999 A 99/951
Crinia pseudinsignifera Sawyers Valley,WA Nov 1998 # J
Heleioporus australiacus Springwood, NSW May 1998 A 98/871
Heleioporus eyrei Captive, Perth,WA Nov 1998 # J
Limnodynastes dorsalis Woodlands, Perth,WA May 1998 # J
Limnodynastes dumerilii Goomburra, Qld, Dec 1996 * A 96/1429
Mt Compass, SA Oct 1998 A 98/1331
Captive Melbourne,Vic Nov 1998 A 98/1469
Valley View, SA Jan 1999 A 99/232
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Adelaide, SA May–June 1996 * A 96/495
Captive, Adelaide Aug 1998 A 98/871
Lechriodus fletcheri Cunningham’s Gap, Qld Jan 1999 A 99/951
Neobatrachus kunapalari Captive Melbourne,Vic June–Aug 1996 A 96/1431
Mixophyes sp. (tadpoles) Goomburra Dec 1996 A 96/1428
Mixophyes fasciolatus Captive Melbourne,Vic Dec 1996–Feb 1997 * A 96/1431
Mt Glorious, Qld Aug 1998 A 98/1159
Mixophyes fleayi Cunningham’s Gap, Qld Aug–Oct 1996 * A 96/ 962
Pseudophryne pengilleyi Captive, Melbourne,Vic Nov 1997 A 97/1510
Taudactylus acutirostris Carbine Tableland, Qld Nov 1990 A 98/927
Big Tableland, Qld Nov 1993–Jan 1994 * J 93/290
Captive Townsville, Qld Dec 1993 * J 93/290
Taudactylus eungellensis Eungella National Park, Qld Oct 1995 * A 96/657
Bufo marinus Captive Geelong,Vic June–Aug 1996 * A 96/673
Ambystoma mexicanum Captive Townsville, Qld Feb 1999 J

Accession numbers are provided: "A" refers to specimens deposited at AAHL, "J" refers to specimens deposited at JCU.
* denotes records from Berger et al. 1998.
# denotes records from Aplin et al. 1999
“ denotes records from Retallick 1999

carriers as they continue to expand their distribution in
FIGURE 2: Captive-bred metamorph of Mixophyes fasciolatus
Australia, as evidence suggests that free-ranging toads are (AAHL accession no. 96/1431) from the Amphibian Research
infected with chytrids1 (Parkes, pers. comm.). Centre with naturally acquired chytridiomycosis. This frog is in
the terminal stages of the disease - note depressed attitude, half
We hypothesise that Batrachochytrium was introduced to closed eyes and accumulations of sloughed skin over the body
(arrow head). Bar = 0.5 cm.
Australia in the 1970’s around Brisbane (where the first
precipitous declines occurred), although as yet there are no
hard data to support this assumption. Batrachochytrium has
since become established in many areas on the east coast,
around Adelaide and in south west Western Australia.

Typical clinical signs in Australian frogs with chytridiomycosis
were lethargy, inappetence, skin discolouration, presence of
excessive sloughed skin, and sitting unprotected during the
day with hind legs held loosely to the body (Berger, Speare
and Marantelli, unpubl.). Frogs became moribund in terminal
stages with loss of righting reflex, and death usually occurred
FIGURE 3: Unstained skin slough from a dead adult of Litoria
a few days after the onset of clinical signs. Most diseased caerulea from Thagoona, Qld (AAHL accession no. 97/845)
frogs were in reasonable body condition and 45 out of examined by light microscopy. Note refractile round and oval
69 were considered to have moderate or large fat bodies. chytrid fungi. Most are empty, but one contains developing
zoospores (arrow). Occasionally empty sporangia are seen
Gross pathology of internal organs was generally divided by thin septae. E = epidermal cell. Bar = 20 µm.
unremarkable. Some notable species variation in the clinical
signs was observed. The rainforest frogs from Big Tableland,
northern Queensland (Speare 1994) predominantly showed
neurological signs; most commonly, abnormal sitting posture
with hind legs adducted, lethargy, and slow response to tactile
stimuli. When handled, these frogs (Litoria rheocola, L. nannotis,
Taudactylus acutirostris) became rigid and trembled with
extension of the hindlimbs and flexion of the forelimbs. Less
common signs included minute skin ulcers and haemorrhage
in skin, muscle or eye. Many frogs appeared anaemic, with
pale muscles and internal organs. In contrast, individuals of
Litoria caerulea often became intensely red on the belly, legs
and feet. These frogs had marked congestion and reddening
of organs internally, and skin ulcers were occasionally seen
(Berger and Hines, unpubl.) Captive metamorphs of
Mixophyes fasciolatus became slow and sloughing skin FIGURE 4: Histological section of heavily infected skin from the
accumulated over the body (Figure 2). The presence of toe of a wild-caught adult of Litoria caerulea (AAHL accession
shedding skin on the body is a nonspecific sign which is seen no. 97/845). Batrachochytrium does not invade through the
epidermis but occurs just under and within the superficial
in other diseases where frogs become lethargic and fail to keratinised layer which becomes thickened. Solid, immature
wipe themselves, but with chytridiomycosis, excessive sporangia are present (arrow), as well as mature sporangia
shedding may occur in response to infection of the skin. containing numerous dark zoospores (Z). Many sporangia are
empty after the flagellated zoospores have swum out through
the discharge tube (below the D). Immature stages are present
In frogs with chytridiomycosis, light microscopy of unstained in the superficial layer of viable epidermal cells and older, empty
pieces of sloughing skin revealed masses of round to oval stages are commonly seen in the outer dead layers of keratin
refractile fungi (Figure 3), enabling rapid diagnosis. On histologic which are sloughed. Batrachochytrium does not form hyphae.
(Haematoxylin & eosin). E = epidermis, K= keratin. Bar = 50 µm.
examination, chytrid fungi were observed inhabiting the outer
keratinised layers of the epidermis (Figure 4) and were
associated with thickening or erosions and occasional ulcerations
of the skin (Berger et al. 1998, Pessier et al. 1999). Different frogs
varied greatly in their intensity of infection, but skin of the ventral
body, limbs and feet were most consistently infected. Bacteria
often colonised the layers of sloughing keratin. There was
negligible inflammatory response in the dermis. Scanning electron
microscopy of diseased skin revealed fungal discharge tubes
emerging through the surface of the skin and confirmed

1 Fourteen out of 63 wild-caught juvenile toads from Lennox heads,

NSW which were brought into AAHL in june 1996 died between 1
and 44 days after arrival and chytridiomycosis was diagnosed in
5 which were examined histologically (Parkes, unpubl. data).

hyperkeratosis and extensive sloughing of the epidermis (Figures
FIGURE 5: Scanning electron micrograph of skin from an
infected adult of Litoria lesueuri from Goomburra, Qld 5 and 6). The internal structure of Batrachochytrium was
(AAHL accession no. 97/5741), showing fungal discharge tubes revealed by transmission electron microscopy (Figure 7).
protruding through the surface of epidermal cells. Bar = 10µm.
The lack of inflammation in the skin could be due to a lack of
stimulation of the host immune system – perhaps due to the
superficial site of infection, insufficient epidermal damage, or the
chytrid may have low inherent antigenicity.

There were few specific internal lesions in sick frogs,

suggesting that the ultimate cause of death was metabolic or
toxic. Focal necroses, vacuolation, or cloudy swelling were
sometimes apparent in a range of internal organs (Speare
and Berger, unpubl.).

Histologic examination of organs involved in immunity

— i.e. spleen and bone marrow, revealed no evidence of
immunosuppression, apart from in one frog. Tests (including
viral and bacterial culture, electron microscopy and
haematology) for infectious organisms did not detect any other
significant pathogens. Of 147 wild and captive frogs with
FIGURE 6: Scanning electron micrograph of skin from the toe of
an infected adult of Litoria lesueuri (AAHL accession no. chytridiomycosis, concurrent disease was diagnosed in 16
97/5741) with extensive peeling and degeneration of the (11%). However, apart from one frog with immunosuppression,
keratinised skin surface. The surface of healthy skin from control these diseases were not considered to be the primary cause of
frogs appeared smooth. Bar = 100µm.
death. The concurrent diseases included septicaemia (four
frogs), microsporidial hepatitis (one frog) and hyphal mycotic
dermatitis (two frogs), all of which may have occurred
secondary to chytridiomycosis. The other diseases - biliary
hyperplasia and/or fibrosis (six frogs), foreign body myositis (one
frog) and mild, localised mucormycosis (one frog) — all
appeared chronic and inactive and may not have contributed to
the deaths. A variety of helminth and protozoan parasites were
identified as incidental findings (Berger and Speare unpubl.).

During our survey of amphibian diseases in Australia,

272 wild and captive sick frogs were examined between 1989
and 1999, but the only disease that was found consistently
was chytridiomycosis which occurred in 54% and accounted
for almost all cases of unusual mortality in the wild. A range of
diseases was diagnosed in individual sick frogs that did not
have chytridiomycosis, including viral, bacterial, protozoal,
fungal, tapeworm, neoplastic, traumatic and congenital diseases,
FIGURE 7: Transmission electron micrograph of a mature and inappropriate ingestion (Berger and Speare, unpubl.).
sporangium cultured from the skin of a sick Nyctimystes dayi
from Tully, Qld (AAHL accession no. 98/18103). It is filled with
developing zoospores, each with a single flagellum (arrow head). Batrachochytrium is not a ubiquitous parasite. In a histological
The discharge tube is closed with a gelatinous plug which survey of toeclips from 348 apparently healthy frogs from
deliquesces when the zoospores are ready to be released. Queensland and Victoria collected between 1989 and 1999
only 7 (2.0%) were infected (Speare, Berger and Kent, unpubl.).

In experimental infections in Australia using Mixophyes

fasciolatus a terminal illness was reached in 6/6 frogs 10–18
days after exposure to infected skin scrapings at 24C (Berger
et al. 1998). In the USA, 2/2 Dendrobates tinctorius died
23 and 31 days after being exposed to broth culture of
B. dendrobatidis (Longcore et al. 1999). Small doses of the
pathogen have now been shown to cause fatal
chytridiomycosis in metamorphs of Mixophyes fasciolatus —
3/3 frogs each exposed to an estimated 1000 zoospores
died or became terminally ill between 23 and 38 days post
exposure, 3/3 frogs exposed to approximately 100 zoospores
died between 35 and 47 days post exposure, however
3 frogs exposed to approximately 10 zoospores did not
succumb to chytridiomycosis and 2 have remained healthy
for over 3 months (the other frog died by misadventure)
(Marantelli and Berger unpubl.). The metamorphs were

housed individually and were infected by bath exposure to Once a new pathogen has emerged, the rapid global transport
zoospores (cultured from a captive Limnodynastes dumerilli) by air of people, goods and animals will assist in its
in 10ml water for 24 hours. dissemination both within and between continents.

In epidemics in captive collections of M. fasciolatus and Bufo If long-term degradation of the environment was the key
marinus, almost all tadpoles survived to metamorphose, but problem in declines of amphibian populations, we would
suffered high mortality rates 2-3 weeks after metamorphosis expect reproductive and nutritional status to be affected
(Berger et al. 1998). Tadpoles were found infected with before fatal immunosuppression occurs. However, moribund
Batrachochytrium, but were never found dead or dying as a frogs were found which were gravid (Mahony 1996), and we
consequence of infection (Berger et al. 1998). Tadpoles were have seen many with adequate fat reserves. Also, with severe
infected in the mouthparts (see Berger et al. 1999), the only immunosuppression a range of opportunistic infections is
keratinised area of tadpole skin. After metamorphosis, the skin likely to be involved, rather than a solitary chytrid fungus. The
over the body becomes keratinised allowing the fungal infection experiments in captivity demonstrate that the chytrid fungus
to spread. The resistance of tadpoles to chytrid fungi is consistent can cause 100% mortality in conditions where uninfected
with the epidemiology of the amphibian declines where tadpoles animals remained healthy. There is no evidence that
have been seen after adults have disappeared (McDonald and predisposing immunosuppression is necessary for epidemics
Alford 1999, Lips 1999). During the declines in Panama in 1997, of chytridiomycosis to occur.
many abnormal tadpoles were seen with partial or complete loss
of keratinised mouthparts, although tests for fungal infection in Although Batrachochytrium has a wide distribution and broad
these animals were not reported (Lips 1999). Tadpoles with host range, we suspect only some species had the necessary
abnormal mouthparts have not been observed in Australia. combination of characteristics to render them vulnerable to
decimation by disease. The declining species from high
Two theories have been proposed to explain how a fungus altitude rainforests in eastern Australia have significantly smaller
restricted to the superficial epidermis could kill frogs (Berger et al. clutch sizes, occupy restricted geographic ranges, have aquatic
1998, Pessier et al. 1999). The first hypothesis is that the chytrid larvae associated with streams, and many spend a large
releases proteolytic enzymes or other active compounds that are proportion of their time in or adjacent to streams (Williams
absorbed through the permeable skin of the frog. The second and Hero 1998, McDonald and Alford 1999). Populations of
hypothesis is that damage to skin function results in disturbance these species are therefore less able to recover from declines
of water or electrolyte balance resulting in death.We tend to due to any cause, and also inhabit environments that would
favour the first explanation. Anurans have evolved to manage support Batrachochytrium i.e. cooler, riparian habitats.
water stress by shifting water and electrolytes from the brain and
cerebrospinal fluid and can withstand levels of dehydration that Other aspects of host biology, genetic factors (see Leberg
would be fatal to other classes of vertebrates (Hillman 1988). and Vrijenhoek 1994), humidity and complex ecological
The epidermal damage caused by chytridiomycosis does not factors affecting the lifecycle of the chytrid, could be
appear severe enough to result in the major changes in water important in determining the selectivity of the declines.
and electrolyte balance required to cause death.
As Batrachochytrium can probably exist as a free-living
organism in the environment (Longcore et al. 1999), can be
DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS carried by healthy tadpoles and has a broad host range
The observations of high mortality rates resulting in the (Berger et al. 1998), this may explain an ability to persist and
disappearance of populations suggests there has been some cause disease even when the density of adults from particular
recent change in the balance between host and pathogen. species has been greatly reduced (Daszak et al. 1999).
Three explanations are suggested: Although most of the frog species that have disappeared
1. Batrachochytrium has been introduced recently to these areas, from Queensland rainforest since 1979 (e.g. Rheobatrachus
2. it has suddenly become more pathogenic to the host, or vitellinus, R. silus, Taudactylus diurnus, T. rheophilus, Litoria lorica
and L. nyakalensis (Tyler 1997)) were not found dying and
3. the frogs have a lowered resistance due to environmental tested for disease, the epidemiological evidence suggests that
changes allowing the endemic parasite to cause mass chytridiomycosis caused mass mortalities of these species, as
mortalities. was observed in declining frogs (including T. acutirostris) at the
The first explanation seems the most plausible, due to the Big Tableland site in north Queensland in 1993 (Berger et al.
epidemiological factors already discussed, and acute or chronic 1998). The possible role of chytridiomycosis in frog declines
environmental problems in these protected rainforest areas in southern Australia is less clear.
were not detected (Richards et al. 1993). The amphibian The episodes of population declines described above now
chytrid fungus may have originated by the escape of a pathogen appear to have passed in many areas. Numbers of some
from a local environment, transfer to new hosts, followed by species, decreased significantly when other species
rapid progression through these non-essential hosts. Two disappeared, but are now increasing.These species include T.
recent examples of emerging infectious diseases following this eungellensis (McDonald and Alford 1999), L. genimaculata on
pattern are Ebola virus in Africa and Vibrio cholerae 0139. The Big Tableland (McDonald unpubl.) and L. pearsoniana from
first has had several episodes of escape, from an as yet southeast Queensland (Hero et al. 1998). As residual
undetected reservoir host into the human population of Zaire populations are increasing after significant declines although
(Dobson and Carper 1996), while the second, an environmental chytrids are still present (Berger et al. 1998), this suggests
bacterium, arose from the Bay of Bengal in 1992 and has spread resistance is present in some members of the population. A
rapidly through the human population of Asia (Lee et al. 1996). balance between Batrachochytrium and the frogs may be

developing in areas where we suspect it has been present for distribution of chytridiomycosis by examination of frogs
at least five years, and although disease still occurs, it does not preserved in museum collections to determine whether
devastate the populations. Batrachochytrium may now behave chytrids were introduced to Australia or to these habitats and
as an endemic pathogen with outbreaks of disease occurring to determine from where and how chytrids have spread.
when conditions are optimal. The long term prognosis may Information on the current distribution may also help in
be good for species which have survived and are recovering, formulating management plans to prevent new outbreaks —
as long as remaining habitats are protected to allow damaged for example, in deciding where exposed or uninfected frogs
populations to reestablish. However, since we currently know should be released after captive breeding. This survey relies
little about the interaction between the amphibian chytrid on a collaborative approach (see Appendix 1). As many
and hosts, and many frog species are currently considered healthy tadpoles may carry chytrids for extended periods,
threatened or their status is insufficiently known (Tyler 1997), sampling of tadpoles may provide a more sensitive means
we should not be complacent. Also, if uninfected areas still of assessing a location. Examination of sick frogs is the
exist in Australia then locally endemic species in those areas most sensitive way to detect chytrids, but these are
may be at high risk. not always available.

Infectious disease is important in the population biology of wild Mycological studies on the chytrid are needed to learn more
animals, as it is in humans and domestic animals (May 1988). A about its lifecycle, requirements and survival in the wild.
review of infectious disease and animal populations concluded Knowledge about the ecology and hosts of the fungus is
that disease is an important factor affecting survival, essential to understanding the spread, and therefore to the
reproduction, dispersal, community structure and genetic management of the disease. Information about the particular
diversity, and should therefore be considered by ecologists conditions that encourage growth may help in understanding
examining host population-dynamics (Scott 1988). Disease the factors which precipitate disease epidemics.
becomes a threatening force when environmental degradation
puts pressure on populations, and international trade and Further transmission experiments are required to confirm the
smuggling continually threaten to introduce new pathogens to pathogenicity in a range of species, and also to determine
which the native fauna has no resistance (Scott 1988, Daszak et what environmental conditions e.g. temperature, are required
al. 1999). Exotic diseases can have effects similar to those of feral for expression of the disease in frogs. Treatments for adults
predators, with susceptible native species facing extinction while and tadpoles are also being tested which will aid captive
the ecosystem readjusts, and are another example of how breeding of endangered species. By producing large numbers
increased global homogeneity leads to reduced biodiversity. of frogs in captivity, it may be possible to help species to
Although the initial >99% mortality rate of myxomatosis was survive and evolve immunity.
not sufficient to exterminate rabbits from Australia (Fenner and
Studies of the pathogenesis of chytridiomycosis are important
Ratcliffe 1965), it is plausible that a similar mortality rate could
to understanding this disease, and immunologists in the USA
wipe out frog species with limited distributions and relatively
will investigate the innate and acquired immune response of
infrequent breeding. The introduction of avian malaria is
frogs to Batrachochytrium.
suspected to have caused the extinction of birds in Hawaii
(Warner 1968). A protozoan parasite of cats (Toxoplasma gondii) Further work will be done using DNA analysis to compare
was probably introduced to Australia during the European chytrids from various species from localities across Australia,
invasion, and marsupials are among the most susceptible animals Central America and the USA. The number of species of
(Reddacliff et al. 1993). Phytophthora cinnamomi is an example of Batrachochytrium can be determined by using this information
a pathogenic, introduced zoosporic fungus which threatens many combined with morphological taxonomy. Molecular biology as
native Australian plant species, and quarantine measures are a tool for molecular epidemiology can also be used to
recommended to prevent the invasion of the pathogen into provide clues about the origins and spread of the fungus.
new areas. Some plant species are highly susceptible, whereas
others only become diseased after periods of stress such as a Data are being collected to evaluate diagnostic tests.
drought (Dawson and Weste 1985;Wills 1993). Infrastructure Histology and examination of skin scrapings are highly specific
exists to prevent and manage exotic disease outbreaks in tests, but may not be very sensitive when used to detect
domestic animals, but little concern is shown for wildlife where chytrids on healthy specimens. Production of antibodies has
many diseases are yet to be discovered and understood, and commenced to enable more sensitive testing, and perhaps for
monitoring the disease status of populations currently appears to use in detecting chytrids in the environment.
be the responsibility of no one.
Regulations regarding quarantine, testing, treatment and
movement of amphibians need to be introduced to prevent
FUTURE DIRECTIONS further spread of Batrachochytrium within Australia and
Work on amphibian chytridiomycosis must continue — to internationally. Although our understanding of the role of
confirm or reject the hypothesis that it is the primary cause of chytridiomycosis in amphibian declines is far from complete, we
the declines, to determine how the epidemic began, to find ways believe it is crucial to take immediate preventative measures
to manage the problem in areas where the fungus is established, rather than risk waiting for more scientific data to be accrued.
and to prevent it occurring in new regions. Knowledge gained
from these investigations will be useful in preventing similar ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
population crashes occurring in frogs again, and in developing
Amphibian disease investigations would not have been possible
management strategies for other wildlife species.
without the tremendous support of herpetologists throughout
We will continue to map the temporal and geographic Australia. A huge collaborative effort was involved in collecting

sick frogs from the field and urgently forwarding them to the Hayes, M. P. and Jennings, M. R., (1986) Decline of ranid frogs
lab.We are indebted to many people who have been involved, species in Western North America: Are bullfrogs (Rana
including those who provided sick or healthy specimens, catesbiana) responsible? J Herpetol, 20: 490-509.
allowed us access to their collections or gave advice, especially Hero, J-M., Hines, H., Meyer, E., Morrison, C., Streatfeild, C. and
Gerry Marantelli, Harry Hines, Keith McDonald, Mike Tyler, Ken Roberts, L., (1998) New records of “declining” frogs in
Aplin, Alastair Freeman, Craig Williams, Rebecca Short, Graeme Queensland, Australia (-February 1998). Froglog 29.
Gillespie, Nick Sheppard, David Page, David Byrnes, Steve
Hillman, S. S., (1988) Dehydrational effects on brain and
Williams, Craig Taylor, D.A. Stewart, Michael Mahony, Lance
cerebrospinal fluid electrolytes in two amphibians. Physiol
Tarvey, Michael Smith, Richard Retallick, Marc Hero, John Clarke,
Zool, 61: 254-259.
Michael Healey, Brent Dadds, Lothar Voigt, Adrian Wayne,
Jeremy Morante, Danny Wotherspoon and members of the Hohl, H. R. and Iselin, K., (1986) Liquid nitrogen preservation
public.We are very grateful to Lee Skerratt, Deborah Middleton of zoosporic fungi. Pp 143-145 in Zoosporic Fungi in
and Murray Littlejohn for comments on the manuscript. Thanks Teaching and Research. ed by M. S. Fuller and A. Jaworski.
to Frank Fillipi for photography, Julia Hammond for bacteriology, Dept of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens GA.
and Megan Braun, Gail Russell,Terry Wise and Andrew Kent for Laurance, W. F., McDonald, K. R. and Speare, R., (1996)
the many tissue sections prepared. Peter Hooper and Mark Epidemic disease and the catastrophic decline of Australian
Williamson are thanked for their support and pathology rainforest frogs. Conserv Biol, 77: 203-212.
expertise.We also thank people who allowed us to cite their Leberg, P. L. and Vrijenhoek, R. C., (1994) Variation among
unpublished data. Lee Berger has been supported by a grant desert topminnows in their susceptibility to attack by
from Environment Australia. exotic parasites. Conserv Biol, 8: 419-424.
Lee, S. H., Lai, S. T., Lai, J.Y. and Leung, N. K., (1996) Resurgence
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Goggin, C. L., Slocombe, R. Ragan, M. A. Hyatt, A. D., McDonald, captive technologies ready to contribute to recovery
K. R. Hines, H. B., Lips, K. R., Marantelli, G. and Parkes, H., (1998) processes for Australian frogs? Pp 168-176 in Declines and
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Museum, Brisbane, February 1999 (submitted). Disappearances of Australian Frogs ed by A.Campbell.
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Med Vet Mycology, 29: 215-223. toxoplasmosis in macropods. Aust Vet J.70: 4-6.

Retallick, R., (1999) Translocations and experimental ecology APPENDIX 1
of declining frogs. Update for the North Queensland Frog
Recovery Team, August 1999. Unpublished report. What herpetologists can do to assist
Richards, S. J., McDonald, K R. and Alford, R. A., (1993)
Declines in populations of Australia’s endemic tropical
rainforest frogs. Pacific Conserv Biol, 1: 66-77. We wish to examine any diseased frogs or cane toads that
are found in order to determine the cause of death and to
Scott, M. E., (1988) The impact of infection and disease on
screen for the presence of chytrids. Frog tissues deteriorate
animal populations: Implications for conservation biology.
very rapidly after death, so if a sick frog is found that is likely
Conserv Biol, 2: 40-56.
to survive another 24 hours, it should be sent by courier to
Scott, N. J., (1993) Post metamorphic death syndrome. the Australian Animal Health Laboratory or James Cook
Froglog, 7: 1-2. University after contacting us. Frogs or tadpoles found dead
Sparrow, F. K., (1960) Aquatic Phycomycetes. 2nd re. ed. should be fixed or frozen immediately to preserve the
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. tissues. They should be fixed in 10% buffered neutral
Sparrow, F. K., (1968) Ecology of Freshwater Fungi. pp 41-93 formalin, but 70% ethanol can also be used. It is important to
in The Fungi. ed by G. C. Gainsworth and A. S. Sussman, slit open the belly, and to ensure the frog is well covered in
Academic Press, New York. fixative so that tissues are preserved rapidly. Details of what
Speare, R., (1994) Preliminary study on diseases in Australian to do with sick or dead frogs have been posted on the
Wet Tropics amphibians. Deaths of rainforest frogs at O’ World Wide Web at http://www.jcu.edu.au/dept/school/phtm/
Keefe Creek, Big Tableland. Final report to Queensland PHTM/frogs/pmfrog.htm.
Department of Environment and Heritage. Unpublished Please send collection data with any frog submitted, and we
report, Queensland Department of Environment and will keep you informed about the results of the post mortem.
Heritage. Pathology is required for diagnosis, as the clinical signs of
Taylor, S. K., Williams, E. S.,Thorne, E. T., Mills, K. W., Withers, chytridiomycosis are not highly specific.
D. I. and Pier, A. C., (1999) Causes of mortality of the
Wyoming toad. J Wildl Dis, 35: 49-57. We have prepared a frog mortality questionnaire
Trenerry, M. P., Laurance, W. F. and McDonald, K. R., (1994)
which details the type of data that are important to observe
Further evidence for the precipitous decline of endemic
and record if you encounter a mass mortality event.
rainforest frogs in tropical Australia. Pacific Conserv Biol,
1: 150-153. For our examination of archived frogs for chytrids, we need
Tyler, M. J., (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs. Wildlife skin samples from amphibians from a wide range of localities
Australia, Canberra. and dates. We want skin from the pelvic areas and toes from
Viggers, K. L., Lindenmayer, D. B. and Spratt, D. M., (1993) any formalin-fixed or ethanol-fixed frog that has collection
The importance of disease in reintroduction programmes. data. We especially require frogs from inland Australia,
Wildl Res, 20: 687-98. Northern Territory and northern WA, as none have been
examined from these regions. A protocol is available at
Warner, R. E., (1968) The role of introduced diseases in the
extinction of the endemic Hawaiian avifauna. The Condor,
70: 101-120. People doing skeletochronology on histological sections of
Williams S. E. and Hero J-M., (1998) Rainforest frogs of the toes could simultaneously check the skin for chytrids (see
Australian Wet Tropics: guild classification and the Figure 4). In healthy frogs, the level of infection may be very
ecological similarity of declining species. Proc Roy Soc Lond, low, with only occasional sporangia present along the skin
B 265: 597-602. surface. For detailed diagnostic histological features, see
Wills, R. T., (1993) The ecological impact of Phytophthora Berger et al. (1999).
cinnamomi in the Stirling Range National Park, Western
We are attempting to maintain a comprehensive list
Australia. Aust J Ecol, 18: 145-159.
of confirmed cases of chytridiomycosis
and hope that data will be submitted for inclusion. This list
will enable management decisions to be made based on
current knowledge.

If any epidemics of chytridiomycosis occur in captive To prevent the spread of chytrids or other diseases when
collections, various antifungal drugs could be administered, performing field work, disinfection of equipment should be
and the results communicated. performed. We need more information on the resistance of
this fungus to heat, desiccation and disinfectants; so at present
Benzalkonium chloride is a disinfectant that has been used at are recommending measures for disinfection that have been
2 mg/l to successfully treat a similar superficial mycotic proven against highly resistant organisms. (see protocol —
dermatitis in dwarf African clawed frogs (Hymenochirus http://www.jcu.edu.au/school/phtm/PHTM/frogs/prevent.htm).
curtipes) reported to be caused by Basidiobolus ranarum
(Groff et al. 1991). The regime used experimentally was Disease status should always be considered when
30 minutes of bath treatment, on three alternate days. translocating animals (Marantelli 1999,Viggers et al. 1993) and
This was repeated in 8 days (i.e. 6 treatments in total). Oral attempts should be made to reduce the chance of
itraconazole has also been used to treat B. ranarum infections introducing disease to a naïve population. We recommend
(Taylor et al. 1999). One micro bead from 100mg the screening of healthy frogs by histologic examination of
itraconazole capsules was administered daily for 9 days to toe clips, or by sacrificing a few in the group for more
Wyoming toads (Bufo baxteri) at the first signs of disease. extensive skin examination (Berger et al. 1999). Testing for
Benzalkonium chloride (1mg/L), amphotericin and fluconazole chytrids on sick frogs is more sensitive, so any deaths in a
are effective against Batrachochytrium in vitro (Berger, unpubl.). valuable group of animals should be submitted to a pathology
laboratory for testing. To screen a group of healthy tadpoles,
In captivity, routine quarantine procedures (Marantelli 1999) some need to be sacrificed so that their mouths can be
have been adequate in restricting outbreaks to certain tanks, examined histologically (see Berger et al. 1999). We have little
and no airborne transmission has been observed (Marantelli, information on the sensitivity of these tests, so it is impossible
unpubl.). Each group of frogs should be kept completely to recommend a statistically significant number of animals.
separate to ensure no water borne transmission of disease Also, until we have more data on the distribution of chytrids
can occur. By changing and discarding gloves between every in amphibian populations around Australia, it will be difficult
tank, avoiding splashing water between tanks, and disinfection to make decisions about the release of infected animals.
of tanks and implements before reuse using 2% hypochlorite,
many frogs have been housed in close proximity without New regulations are being proposed to control the
transmission of disease. movement and trade of adult amphibians and tadpoles, but
before these are introduced, quarantine measures should
become routine.

Measuring and analysing
developmental instability as a tool
for monitoring frog populations
Ross Alford, Kay Bradfield and Stephen Richards*

Levels of developmental instability (DI), usually Developmental stability can be defined as the ability of a
measured by examining the degree of asymmetry of genotype to repeatedly produce precisely the same
phenotype when exposed to the same environment during
bilateral structures, increase as stress increases or
development (Zakharov 1992;Tracy et al. 1995; Moller 1996).
health decreases in many species. Several studies Developmental stability is produced by the action of complex
have shown that DI levels increase before or during feedback mechanisms which ensure that random
population declines. Increases in population DI levels environmentally-induced deviations from the genetically
may therefore indicate that populations are at risk determined phenotype are corrected as development
progresses (Zakharov 1992; Graham et al. 1993a; Graham
of decline. This suggests that DI measurements
et al. 1994; Clarke 1995). These deviations are termed
should be incorporated in population monitoring “developmental noise” (Palmer and Strobeck 1986; Graham
programs. Because these techniques are relatively et al. 1993a). It is thought that developmental stability is highest
new, they have not been commonly used, and may when well-integrated genomes are expressed in benign
be inaccessible to many field workers.We discuss environments (Leary and Allendorf 1989; Graham 1992).
Poorly integrated genomes or poor-quality environments can
how to measure DI in frogs, using blind
interfere with the ability of organisms to correct for the effects
measurement techniques that reduce the possibility of developmental noise, leading to greater variability in the
of observer bias and maximise measurement phenotypes produced. This increased variation is termed
precision.We also provide examples of data analysis, developmental instability (DI) (Palmer 1996).
interpretation and presentation. The approach we Because the levels of developmental instability in populations
outline will allow field biologists to incorporate of animals should reflect their genetic makeup and the quality
DI measurement into their research programs. of the environment they experience during growth and

* School of Tropical Biology and Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management, James Cook University, Townsville,
Queensland 4811 Australia.

development, it has often been proposed (Pankakoski 1985; populations of two frog species (Litoria nannotis and
Leary and Allendorf 1989; Parsons 1990a, b; Freeman et al. L. genimaculata) experienced large and prolonged increases in
1996; Clarke 1994) that measurements of the degree of DI DI commencing nearly two years before population declines
existing in populations should provide a sensitive indicator of became apparent through standard monitoring techniques.
their general health. Studies on a variety of taxa have shown Similar results were found for fruit flies by Tsubaki (1998).
that declining populations (Tsubaki 1998) or populations in Alford et al. suggested that monitoring of DI levels should be
stressful environments (Valentine et al. 1973; Moller 1996; incorporated into routine population monitoring for many
Sarre 1996; Siimäki and Lammi 1998) exhibit increased levels species, because increases in DI may act as an early warning
of DI. Measuring DI requires the investigator to determine signal of stresses that may later lead to population declines,
how far the phenotypes of a series of individuals deviate giving time to investigate and ameliorate the causes of stress
from those they would have had if their development had before they adversely affect the population biology of species.
proceeded under ideal conditions. For most phenotypic
attributes of most animals, the ideal state that would be The aim of this paper is to provide guidelines for measuring
produced by any particular genotype is unknown, making and analysing DI using techniques which should be practical
developmental instability difficult or impossible to measure. to incorporate into regular monitoring programs for many
One class of features, however, have well-defined ideal states: species of frogs. Our technique for measuring DI is designed
Bilateral features of species that are normally bilaterally to meet the following criteria:
symmetrical should be perfectly symmetrical. Because of this, • It must produce highly precise measurements. Differences of
developmental stability analysis usually involves the 1% or less in the sizes of structures can be important in DI
examination of departures of traits from symmetry analysis and, since the legs of frogs are small structures,
(Graham et al. 1993b). precision on the order of 0.1 mm is critical for useful results.

Most features of normally bilaterally symmetrical animals • It must be as immune as possible to measurer bias.
exhibit some degree of asymmetry, which can be of three • It must be possible to carry out the selected
types (Palmer and Strobeck 1986): directional asymmetry measurements on irreplaceable museum specimens and
occurs when the mean of the left-right differences in sizes of on living animals, so the measuring technique must not be
bilateral structures is not equal to zero. Directional invasive or destructive.
asymmetry is an element of the genetic and developmental
program of certain structures in many species. A common MEASURING METHODS
example is the heart of mammals, in which the left side is
normally larger than the right (Graham et al. 1993a). Structures measured and effects of body
Characters that are directionally asymmetrical are not suitable size on measurements
for developmental instability analysis because their ideal state
cannot be certainly known. Antisymmetry occurs when a We recommend measuring the lengths of the most easily
structure is less than perfectly symmetrical in the majority of accessible long bones on the forelimbs and hindlimbs, plus
individuals, but in any one individual, either side is equally adjoining tissue: for the forelimbs, this is the radio-ulna, and
likely to be the larger one. This leads to a bimodal for the hindlimbs, the tibio-fibula.
distribution of left-right differences in structure size, with a
The forelimb measurements are made from the ‘elbow’ to
mean of zero. Antisymmetry is a part of the normal
the palm of the flexed ‘hand’. The hindlimb measurements
developmental program of some structures in some species.
are easier to make on live animals, as they are from the knee
An example is the chelae of some species of lobsters (Palmer
to the ankle, and can be made on most frogs very
and Strobeck 1986), in which it is normal for the claw on one
conveniently while they are in a normal resting posture.
side to be larger than the other, but which side has the larger
It is also possible to measure the length of the upper tarsal
claw is determined by random stimuli. Antisymmetry may also
bones on the hindlimb, from the ankle to the base of the
occur when normal developmental processes, such as
toes. The precise starting and ending locations of these
feedback systems controlling the allocation of resources
measurements are not as important as is consistency in the
between body parts during development, fail to function
choice of starting and ending locations.
properly (Graham et al. 1994; Emlen et al. 1994). The causes
of this failure may be either genetic or environmental. One possible problem in measuring and interpreting amounts
Environmentally-induced antisymmetry can be used to of asymmetry is that the measured values of left-right
measure developmental instability, because the ideal differences will be correlated with the sizes of the parts
phenotype, perfect bilateral symmetry, is known. The final measured. Comparing or combining asymmetry
form of asymmetry is fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in which the measurements taken in absolute units such as millimeters
population mode and mean is perfect symmetry of bilateral from animals over a wide range of body sizes can present
structures, with left-right differences normally (or at least difficulties. It may be possible in some cases to correct for
unimodally and symmetrically, Palmer and Strobeck 1986) size effects using standard morphometric techniques (see
distributed with a mean of zero. It is generally acknowledged below and Palmer and Strobeck, 1986). A simpler approach
that levels of FA provide a good index of levels of DI within is to take all measurements on animals of similar sizes.
populations (Palmer and Strobeck 1986; 1992).
Fortunately, this is easily accomplished for most frog species,
Measurements of DI may provide a more sensitive indication as the most commonly encountered individuals are adult
of the general health of animal populations than can be males, which tend to occur in a limited range of body sizes.
obtained through routine monitoring of population sizes. If animals measured vary by more than +/- 10% or so in
Data collected by Alford et al. (1997) demonstrated that body size, potential size effects should be checked using

scatterplots and correlation analyses comparing unsigned calipers and then hands them to the recorder, who lifts the
asymmetry with an overall linear size measurement such as tape, reads the measurement, and records it, then resets the
snout-vent length (SVL). If a correlation is found, it may be calipers to zero. This eliminates the possibility of bias, since
possible to correct for it by performing subsequent analyses on the measurer cannot set the calipers to previous
residuals of regressions of asymmetry against body size, or by measurements as he or she does not know their values. By
converting individual measurements to percentages of mean measuring the limbs in sequence around the animal, each
size for left and right structures (Palmer and Strobeck 1986). replicate measurement of each limb is taken as far as possible
in the sequence from other replicate measurements of the
The basic measurement protocol same limb. This technique provides a basis for calculating
levels of measurement error that should be as close as is
When measurements are carried out on whole animals
practical to the technique outlined above.
rather than bones, there are likely to be measurement errors,
particularly when the animals are alive. Results might also be Another technique that works well in the laboratory but
influenced by the measurers’ expectations. To minimise these which we have not tried in the field is the use of digital
effects, we devised the protocol that follows. electronic calipers with data outputs. This has the advantage
that a single person can do measurements without a helper.
First, the SVL (snout-vent length) and the fore- and hind-
A piece of opaque tape or other object is secured over the
limbs on the left side of the body are measured to the
readout on the calipers so that the measurer cannot see the
nearest 0.05mm, using calipers. These measurements are
values obtained. The data are fed directly into the recording
recorded along with an identifying number for each individual
computer by activating the data output of the calipers after
(if measuring animals that are not marked and will not be
setting them for each measurement, in a sequence similar to
marked, house them in individually numbered containers such
that outlined above. The calipers are reset to zero after each
as click seal bags for the duration of measurements). This
measurement is sent to the computer. Again, this technique
step is repeated for each series of individuals being measured.
provides good estimates of the level of measurement error
Second, taking care to choose animals in random sequence, and eliminates the possibility of bias on the part of the
and without data on left sides visible, the limbs on the right person performing the measurements.
side of each animal’s body are measured and those data
recorded. Ideally, the random sequence should be generated Variation among observers
using random numbers. If this is not possible, care should be Data obtained by different observers may differ slightly.
taken to ensure that the sequence is thoroughly mixed Measurements of asymmetry are relatively robust to small
between repeat measurements, for example by physically differences in technique or in judgement regarding the
shuffling animals or their containers. locations of landmarks for measurement. This is because the
final item of interest is not the absolute sizes of structures,
The two steps above are carried out a total of three times
but the magnitude of differences between sides. Asymmetry
for each animal. Each new set of measurements is taken
measurements are sensitive to lack of care in measurement
without reference to previously taken sets. Ideally, the three
technique. All observers must therefore strive for precision in
sets of measurements should be recorded on separate data
their measurements. The use of replicate measurements of
sheets, so that seeing the values of previous measurements
each structure, as we recommend, will also increase precision
cannot possibly influence the measurer.
of the final mean value. Observers should be carefully trained
This protocol is single-blind and, if carried out carefully by a and supervised, and the possibility of observer effects should
conscientious operator, should ensure that precision is be taken into account when evaluating data sets collected by
maximised by the repeated measurements, while measurer more than one observer.
bias is virtually eliminated.
Modifications to the basic protocol
We use data analysis techniques similar to those outlined by
When measuring living animals in the field, it is important to Palmer and Strobeck (1986), with some modifications. This
minimise the amount of handling and the time that animals section presents the techniques used and sample outputs,
spend in bags, and to release animals at the point of initial using an artificial example data set we constructed. The data
capture after as short a time delay as possible. in that artificial data set are very similar, in levels of
asymmetry and patterns of asymmetry, to data collected on
One technique that preserves the “blind” nature of replicate
real populations of rainforest frogs (Alford et al. 1997).
measurements but allows animals to be measured and
released immediately after capture, is to work in two-person
Within-sample tests of significance and
teams, which is also desirable for safety reasons any time field
examination of variance components
work is being performed in remote and potentially hazardous
locations. One person acts as the measurer, and the other We suggest initially analysing data using the ANOVA plus
reads the calipers and records the data. A piece of opaque extraction of variance components technique detailed by
tape is used to cover the area of the calipers from which Palmer and Strobeck (1986, pages 402-408). This allows
readings are taken. The measurer works around the animal separate examination of variance due to directional
three times, measuring the left fore- and hindlimbs and then asymmetry, FA + antisymmetry, and measurement error.
the right fore- and hindlimbs each time. For each The ANOVAS can be used to test for whether there are
measurement, the measurer handles the animal and sets the significant levels of directional asymmetry, and for whether

the combination of FA + antisymmetry measured is These ANOVAs must extract effects due to side of the body,
significantly above the level produced by measurement error. individual, the interaction of side with individual, replicate, the
Using the techniques suggested by Palmer and Strobeck, the interaction of side with replicate, the interaction of individual
mean squares for FA+antisymmetry and for error can be with replicate, and the three-way interaction of side,
used to estimate a population index of FA. individual, and replicate. The ANOVAs are performed to
construct the tables of sums of squares and mean squares
To perform these analyses, the data must be laid out as needed to construct tests of hypotheses and estimates of
illustrated in Table 1. Separate fully-specified analyses of FA+antisymmetry, not for testing hypotheses.
variance are performed for each character measured
(forelimb length and hindlimb length) in each sample. Appendix 1 presents the commands needed to analyse the
data using the SAS (SAS Institute Inc., 1989) command
TABLE 1: Format of data for analysis using modification of the
language. Appendix 2 presents the equivalent syntax
ANOVA approach of Palmer and Strobeck (1986). Sample refers commands for SPSS version 6.1. These files are also available
to the date or place of sampling; in this shortened example, all from the authors , as is a full set of sample data for testing
three animals are from the same sample. Individual number can
be either sample-specific as in this table or can be any unique
the command files or testing other statistical packages, and
individual identifier, as from a toe-clipping or PIT tagging full outputs from both SAS and SPSS.
program. Replicate indicates which of the three replicate
measurements of each limb is presented, side =1 for left, 2 for The results of an analysis of forelimb length in sample 1 of our
right (any coding could be used).
example data set appear in Table 2. Most of the sums of
squares and mean squares are not useful, although finding
Sample Individual Replicate SVL Side Forelimb Hindlimb large effects of individual, for instance, might suggest that
number length length variation among individuals in body size is such that one of the
1 1 1 47.7 1 11.7 15.8 techniques suggested by Palmer and Strobeck (1986) should
1 1 1 47.7 2 11.5 16.1 be used to correct for body size effects, and the analysis
1 1 2 47.7 1 11.7 15.8 should be redone on the corrected data. The important
1 1 2 47.7 2 11.4 16.2 variance components extracted are the effects of side and the
1 1 3 47.7 1 11.8 15.8 interaction of side with individual, which are related to the
1 1 3 47.7 2 11.5 16.1 magnitudes of directional asymmetry and FA+antisymmetry,
1 2 1 44.9 1 11.4 14.4 respectively, and the interaction of side, individual, and
1 2 1 44.9 2 11.4 14.3 replicate, which serves as an error term for tests of the
1 2 2 44.9 1 11.4 14.4
hypothesis that the FA+antisymmetry effect is not produced
1 2 2 44.9 2 11.4 14.3
1 2 3 44.9 1 11.3 14.3
by measurement error. The mean squares for these
1 2 3 44.9 2 11.3 14.3 components can be used to construct tests of significance as
1 3 1 48.1 1 12 16.6 presented in Table 3. The SAS program in Appendix 1 does
1 3 1 48.1 2 12.1 16.1 this automatically, while the SPSS code (Appendix 2) leaves it
1 3 2 48.1 1 12 16.6 to the analyst to construct the tables by hand.
1 3 2 48.1 2 12 16.3
1 3 3 48.1 1 12 16.6 Table 3 presents results of the tests of the hypotheses that
1 3 3 48.1 2 12.1 16.1 directional asymmetry and FA+antisymmetry of forelimb
length in sample 1 of our example data set are significantly
greater than zero. There is no evidence for directional
TABLE 2: Analysis of variance table for data on forelimb asymmetry (P = 0.3903), while there is a substantial degree
asymmetry of 30 individuals in sample 1 of the example data
set. Abbreviations: IND_NUM = individual number, REP = of FA+antisymmetry (P < 0.0001). If the test for directional
replicate measurement number. asymmetry was significant it would suggest that DI analysis
may be difficult to carry out on this population. This is
because, when directional asymmetry is present, the degree
Factor DF Sum of squares Mean square
of asymmetry cannot be used in any simple way as an index
SIDE 1 0.0642 0.0642 of DI, as the ideal condition (the ideal degree of asymmetry)
IND_NUM 29 60.9591 2.1020 cannot be known. Because the error term for the test of
SIDE*IND_NUM 29 2.4491 0.0845
FA+antisymmetry is the interaction of the effects of side,
REP 2 0.0034 0.0017
individual, and replicate (= measurement error), the significant
SIDE*REP 2 0.0081 0.0041
IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1632 0.0028 test for FA+antisymmetry indicates that measurement error
SIDE*IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1186 0.0020 is small relative to the levels of FA+antisymmetry expressed
in our example data set. If this test was not significant, it

TABLE 3: Tests of the hypotheses of no directional asymmetry (consistent effect of side on limb length) and no FA+antisymmetry
(significant interaction between the effects of individual and body side on limb length) for forelimb data from sample 1 of the example data
set. Hypothesis tests were constructed using the mean squares from the ANOVA presented in Table 2. Abbreviations as in that table.

Source DF Mean Square Error term DF Mean Square F Pr > F

SIDE (Directional asymmetry) 1 0.0642 SIDE*IND_NUM 29 0.0845 0.76 0.3903
SIDE*IND_NUM (FA + antisymmetry) 29 0.0845 SIDE*IND_NUM*REP 58 0.0020 41.32 0.0001

would suggest that the species being examined has levels of
TABLE 4: Complete analysis of variance table for forelimb
FA+antisymmetry so low as to be indistinguishable from measurements of individuals in both samples in the example
measurement error in the sample of individuals being data set. Analysis was carried out to estimate the mean squares
examined. This result would not, however, necessarily indicate for the interaction of sample with side and individual, which is
related to how much FA+antisymmetry change between samples,
that DI analysis should not be incorporated in monitoring for and the interaction of sample, side, individual, and replicate
this species; it might simply indicate that, at the present time measurement, which serves as an error term for in the F-statistic
in the population of animals measured, very little DI is being examining whether the change in FA+antisymmetry between
samples is significant. Abbreviations as in Table 2.
expressed. This might simply indicate that the population is
healthy and experiencing little environmental stress.
Factor DF Sum of Mean
After performing significance tests, an index of squares square
FA+antisymmetry can be estimated using the following
SAMPLE 1 9.4738 9.4738
equation (Palmer and Strobeck 1986; page 406):
SIDE 1 0.1440 0.1440
FA+antisymmetry = [(mean square for side X individual SAMPLE*SIDE 1 0.5444 0.5444
IND_NUM 29 75.1879 2.5927
number interaction) — (mean square for side X
SAMPLE*IND_NUM 29 42.9712 1.4818
individual number X replicate interaction)] / number of
SIDE*IND_NUM 29 4.0977 0.1413
replicate measurements. SAMPLE*SIDE*IND_NUM 29 3.9672 0.1368
REP 2 0.0029 0.0014
For the analysis presented in Table 2, this would be:
SAMPLE*REP 2 0.0009 0.0004
FA+antisymmetry = (0.0845 — 0.0020) / 3 = 0.0275. SIDE*REP 2 0.0080 0.0040
SAMPLE*SIDE*REP 2 0.0016 0.0008
This indicates that the mean squared asymmetry of the IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1488 0.0026
forelimbs of animals in sample 1, with differences caused by SAMPLE*IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1441 0.0025
SIDE*IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1103 0.0019
measurement error extracted, is 0.0275 mm. Taking the
SAMPLE*SIDE*IND_NUM*REP 58 0.1168 0.0020
square root of this, the mean unsigned asymmetry, corrected
for measurement error, is estimated as 0.166 mm.

Among-sample tests for significant would conclude that there is strong evidence that the level of
differences in levels of FA+antisymmetry FA+antisymmetry of the forelimbs differs between samples
1 and 2 of our example data set.
One of the main reasons for incorporating DI analysis into
the monitoring of frog populations is to allow detection of
changes in levels of expressed DI over time within
Graphs and statistics using means of
populations, or comparisons of levels of expressed DI among replicate measurements
populations. Such tests can be constructed using the same Once the ANOVA techniques outlined above and discussed
data employed for the within-sample tests and estimates in greater detail by Palmer and Strobeck (1986) have been
discussed above. Code for testing for differences among used to determine whether significant levels of
samples (or calculating the MS necessary to construct tests FA+antisymmetry exist and to estimate mean levels
for differences among samples) is incorporated in the SAS corrected for the effects of measurement error, it can be
and SPSS programs presented in Appendices 1 and 2. very useful to examine the levels of asymmetry shown by the
individuals in each sample.
A complete table of the analysis of variance carried out to
determine whether levels of FA+antisymmetry of forelimbs The first step in doing this is to take the mean of the three
differ between samples in our example data set is presented replicate measurements of the length of each limb. These
in Table 4. Although it can be interesting to look at the means can then be used to calculate signed (right length —
magnitudes of the variance components in this table, they do left length) and unsigned (absolute value taken of signed)
not mean a great deal, particularly if the data are unbalanced, asymmetry for the front and hind limbs of each individual.
that is, if different numbers of individuals were measured in The unsigned asymmetry values for the front and hind limbs
the different samples. The F-statistic to test for differences can be added together to get an estimate of the total limb
between samples is calculated as: asymmetry for each individual. Means and derived
measurements for the 60 individuals in both samples of our
Fx,y = (mean square for the interaction of sample, side,
example data set appear in Table 5.
and individual)/(mean square for the interaction of
sample, side, individual, and replicate measurement). Signed asymmetry values can be used to directly examine the
distribution of asymmetry in each sample by producing plots
The x and y are the numerator and denominator degrees of
of the magnitude and direction of expressed asymmetry
freedom, respectively. For our example data set, this leads to:
similar to Figure 1. This figure indicates that the asymmetry
F29,58 = 0.1368/0.0020 = 68.4. expressed in forelimb measurements in sample 1 of our
example data set is true FA, rather than antisymmetry, as the
The probability of an F as great or greater than this can be distribution is unimodal (within the limits of resolution
looked up in an F-table or can be calculated using a variety of possible with a relatively small data set), and is symmetrical
available programs (including the FDIST(F,x,y) function of about a mean of zero. If the ANOVA test for significant levels
Microsoft Excel). In this case, it is less than 0.0001, so we of FA+antisymmetry had not been significant, examining a

TABLE 5: Means of the three replicate measurements for each limb of each individual in each sample of the example data set, plus derived
differences used to examine and plot levels of asymmetry.

Sample Individual Forelimb length Hindlimb length Signed difference (R-L) Unsigned difference
Left Right Left Right Forelimb Hindlimb Forelimb Hindlimb Total

1 1 11.733 11.467 15.800 16.133 -0.267 0.333 0.267 0.333 0.600

1 2 11.367 11.367 14.367 14.300 0.000 -0.067 0.000 0.067 0.067
1 3 12.000 12.067 16.600 16.167 0.067 -0.433 0.067 0.433 0.500
1 4 12.067 12.100 16.167 15.900 0.033 -0.267 0.033 0.267 0.300
1 5 11.533 11.600 15.367 15.700 0.067 0.333 0.067 0.333 0.400
1 6 11.567 11.200 15.367 15.033 -0.367 -0.333 0.367 0.333 0.700
1 7 10.333 10.333 13.667 13.833 0.000 0.167 0.000 0.167 0.167
1 8 11.533 11.467 15.400 15.633 -0.067 0.233 0.067 0.233 0.300
1 9 11.000 10.833 14.600 14.667 -0.167 0.067 0.167 0.067 0.233
1 10 11.967 11.533 15.333 15.467 -0.433 0.133 0.433 0.133 0.567
1 11 11.433 11.300 14.700 15.033 -0.133 0.333 0.133 0.333 0.467
1 12 10.600 10.233 13.533 14.233 -0.367 0.700 0.367 0.700 1.067
1 13 10.233 10.067 13.567 13.800 -0.167 0.233 0.167 0.233 0.400
1 14 11.167 11.300 14.767 15.067 0.133 0.300 0.133 0.300 0.433
1 15 10.100 10.467 13.500 13.433 0.367 -0.067 0.367 0.067 0.433
1 16 9.833 9.700 12.900 12.533 -0.133 -0.367 0.133 0.367 0.500
1 17 10.867 11.167 14.367 14.767 0.300 0.400 0.300 0.400 0.700
1 18 11.567 11.367 15.500 15.100 -0.200 -0.400 0.200 0.400 0.600
1 19 10.867 11.367 14.600 14.767 0.500 0.167 0.500 0.167 0.667
1 20 11.500 11.600 15.133 15.567 0.100 0.433 0.100 0.433 0.533
1 21 10.600 10.700 14.100 15.133 0.100 1.033 0.100 1.033 1.133
1 22 12.200 11.633 15.867 15.300 -0.567 -0.567 0.567 0.567 1.133
1 23 10.767 10.800 14.600 14.100 0.033 -0.500 0.033 0.500 0.533
1 24 10.767 10.667 14.600 14.733 -0.100 0.133 0.100 0.133 0.233
1 25 10.167 10.333 13.833 13.933 0.167 0.100 0.167 0.100 0.267
1 26 11.067 10.833 14.400 14.733 -0.233 0.333 0.233 0.333 0.567
1 27 11.533 11.733 15.200 15.533 0.200 0.333 0.200 0.333 0.533
1 28 11.300 11.300 15.200 15.333 0.000 0.133 0.000 0.133 0.133
1 29 10.967 10.833 14.200 14.667 -0.133 0.467 0.133 0.467 0.600
1 30 11.200 11.333 14.667 15.067 0.133 0.400 0.133 0.400 0.533
2 1 11.067 11.067 13.867 14.967 0.000 1.100 0.000 1.100 1.100
2 2 11.000 10.700 15.400 13.867 -0.300 -1.533 0.300 1.533 1.833
2 3 12.200 12.233 16.600 16.867 0.033 0.267 0.033 0.267 0.300
2 4 12.433 12.467 15.667 16.133 0.033 0.467 0.033 0.467 0.500
2 5 11.300 11.200 14.667 14.300 -0.100 -0.367 0.100 0.367 0.467
2 6 11.600 11.500 13.833 14.867 -0.100 1.033 0.100 1.033 1.133
2 7 11.233 10.967 15.833 15.100 -0.267 -0.733 0.267 0.733 1.000
2 8 11.500 12.133 14.867 15.133 0.633 0.267 0.633 0.267 0.900
2 9 11.967 11.633 15.500 15.333 -0.333 -0.167 0.333 0.167 0.500
2 10 10.667 10.700 13.400 14.467 0.033 1.067 0.033 1.067 1.100
2 11 12.000 11.700 15.300 15.467 -0.300 0.167 0.300 0.167 0.467
2 12 12.200 12.000 16.900 16.167 -0.200 -0.733 0.200 0.733 0.933
2 13 12.133 12.333 16.600 16.700 0.200 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.300
2 14 10.733 10.833 14.000 14.367 0.100 0.367 0.100 0.367 0.467
2 15 10.867 10.833 15.033 15.733 -0.033 0.700 0.033 0.700 0.733
2 16 10.300 10.633 13.100 14.700 0.333 1.600 0.333 1.600 1.933
2 17 11.567 12.000 15.467 16.033 0.433 0.567 0.433 0.567 1.000
2 18 11.133 10.667 14.600 13.900 -0.467 -0.700 0.467 0.700 1.167
2 19 11.633 11.733 16.100 16.100 0.100 0.000 0.100 0.000 0.100
2 20 11.300 11.400 14.900 15.000 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200
2 21 10.700 10.800 14.167 13.900 0.100 -0.267 0.100 0.267 0.367
2 22 10.700 11.733 14.400 14.400 1.033 0.000 1.033 0.000 1.033
2 23 11.367 11.933 16.433 16.333 0.567 -0.100 0.567 0.100 0.667
2 24 11.033 11.467 15.000 13.967 0.433 -1.033 0.433 1.033 1.467
2 25 10.167 10.567 14.167 14.233 0.400 0.067 0.400 0.067 0.467
2 26 11.500 11.100 14.500 15.067 -0.400 0.567 0.400 0.567 0.967
2 27 11.300 11.667 15.933 16.000 0.367 0.067 0.367 0.067 0.433
2 28 11.900 12.000 16.500 17.033 0.100 0.533 0.100 0.533 0.633
2 29 11.700 12.500 16.200 16.100 0.800 -0.100 0.800 0.100 0.900
2 30 12.033 12.267 16.167 16.633 0.233 0.467 0.233 0.467 0.700

plot like Figure 1 would allow determining the magnitude of significant differences between the samples: Sample 2 animals
measurement error. A strongly bimodal distribution of signed are substantially less symmetrical than are sample 1 animals. If
asymmetry values would indicate that the forelimbs of sample 2 had been taken later in time, from the same
animals in sample 1 showed antisymmetry. population as sample 1, this would suggest that environmental
stress levels experienced by the population were increasing,
Unsigned asymmetry values can be added to give total and would give cause for increased monitoring and efforts to
asymmetries for each individual, or can be examined determine the sources of the increased stress.
separately for front and hind limbs. Signed asymmetry values
should never be totalled, as positive and negative The mean values for individuals can be used to calculate a
asymmetries within animals could cancel out, leading to totals variety of indices of asymmetry in addition to the signed and
for highly asymmetrical animals that were similar to totals for unsigned asymmetry of each structure and the total unsigned
highly symmetrical individuals. Figure 2 presents a plot of the asymmetry. Palmer and Strobeck (1986) discuss these indices
means and standard deviations of unsigned asymmetry for and their application in detail. For ease of interpretation,
the front and hind limbs of animals in samples 1 and 2 of our however, the simple signed or unsigned asymmetry is
example data set, showing why the ANOVA detected excellent, and in most practical applications is probably nearly
as powerful as any of the other indices they discuss.

FIGURE 1: Frequency distribution of signed asymmetry of INCORPORATING DI MEASUREMENTS IN

forelimbs of animals in sample 1 of the example data set. FIELD MONITORING PROGRAMS
We hope that the techniques presented above, plus the
computer programs in Appendices 1 and 2, are sufficient to
allow amphibian biologists to begin incorporating DI analysis
into their regular population monitoring programs. It appears
likely that DI analysis can provide a more complete, and
probably more sensitive, indication of the “health” of
populations than simple monitoring of numbers. This should
Number in class

be particularly true for animals such as frogs, whose numbers

4 at the breeding sites where censuses are usually carried out
can fluctuate greatly over short periods, complicating the
determination of population sizes and status (Pechmann
et al. 1991).
Using our measurement techniques it should be possible,
with some practice, for field workers to take three
measurements of each of the limbs of 10-20 animals in one
0 hour. After data on several samples of animals have
-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
accumulated, performing an ANOVA followed by
Minimum difference in class
examination of variance components may reveal that levels of
measurement error are very low, on the order of 0.1 mm or
less at most. In that case, it is probably reasonable to take
FIGURE 2: Mean unsigned asymmetry of the fore- and hindlimbs
of animals in both samples of the example data set, illustrating the
only a single measurement of each limb on each animal,
increase in asymmetry levels between the first and second samples. which would greatly speed up data collection in the field.
Measurements should always be taken “blind”, however,
0.65 following one of the protocols we have suggested or some
modification of one of them.

One problem that is likely to be encountered in using DI

Mean unsigned asymmetry +/-1 S.E.

analysis in regular monitoring programs is that of repeatedly

measuring the same animals. To be certain of avoiding this,
animals need to be marked, PIT tagged, or photographed for
identification. If individuals cannot be identified, measurements
can still be taken, but will need to be interpreted cautiously, as
it is not likely that levels of asymmetry change greatly once
animals attain adult body sizes and growth slows or ceases.
0.25 If the same individuals are measured repeatedly, data
collected on older, less asymmetrical animals might obscure
increases in asymmetry apparent only in younger animals
during periods of increasing environmental stress. This problem
could be reduced by examining the distributions of signed
0.05 (Figure 1) or unsigned asymmetry for each sample taken.
Forelimb Hindlimb Forelimb Hindlimb A tendency towards spreading the tails of the distribution
Sample 1 Sample 2 might provide cause for concern even if mean levels have not
Measurement Type and Sample changed greatly.

CONCLUSION M. A. Lewis, 136-58. Philadelphia, American society for
testing and materials.
The incorporation of measurements of limb symmetry into
regular amphibian monitoring programs, and their analysis Graham, J. H., Freeman D. C., and Emlen J. M. (1994)
using developmental stability analysis techniques, holds Antisymmetry, Directional Asymmetry, and Dynamic
considerable promise for improving the ability of managers Morphogenesis. In Developmental Instability: Its Origins
and biologists to detect declines in the health of populations and Evolutionary Implications. 123-39. Dordrecht, Kluwer
before changes in population size become apparent. Academic Publishers.
Techniques for the collection and analysis of data on DI, while Leary, R. F. and Allendorf, F. W. (1989) Fluctuating Asymmetry
available in the literature, have not been presented in a form As an Indicator of Stress: Implications for Conservation
that makes them readily accessible to many potential users. Biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 214-17.
By presenting our techniques in detail we hope to make it Moller, A. P. (1996) Parasitism and Developmental Instability of
possible for more field biologists and managers to use this Hosts: a Review. Oikos, 77: 189-96.
technique, which should increase their ability to detect Palmer, A. R. (1996) Waltzing With Asymmetry. BioScience, 46:
deterioration in the health of populations before drastic 518-32.
declines in animal numbers occur.
Palmer, A. R. and Strobeck, C. (1986) Fluctuating Asymmetry:
Measurement, Analysis, Patterns. Annual Review of Ecology
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and Systematics, 17: 391-421.
Our research was supported by grants from the Australian Palmer, A. R. and Strobeck, C. (1992) Fluctuating Asymmetry
Research Council and the Cooperative Research Centre for As a Measure of Developmental Stability: Implications of
Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management. Sascha Non-Normal Distributions and Power of Statistical Tests.
Frydman provided many long, valuable discussions of the Acta Zoologica Fennica, 191: 57-72.
concepts and techniques of DI analysis and interpretation. Pankakoski, E. (1985) Epigenetic Asymmetry As an Ecological
Gary Fellers and Britta Grillitsch provided useful comments Indicator in Muskrats. Journal of Mammalogy, 66: 52-57.
on much earlier drafts of this manuscript.
Parsons, P.A. (1990a). Fluctuating Asymmetry and Stress
Intensity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5: 97-98.
Parsons, P. A. (1990b) The Metabolic Cost of Multiple
Alford, R. A., Bradfield, K. S., and Richards S. J. (1997). Increasing Environmental Stresses: Implications for Climatic Change
Fluctuating Asymmetry Precedes Frog Population Declines. and Conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 5:
Abstract of talk presented in the Declining Amphibian 315-17.
Symposium,Third World Congress of Herpetology, Prague. Pechmann, J.H.K., Scott D.E., Semlitsch R.D., Caldwell J.P.,Vitt L.,
Clarke, G. M. (1994) Developmental Stability Analysis: an and Gibbons J.W. (1991). Declining Amphibian Populations:
Early-Warning System for Biological Monitoring of Water The Problem Of Separating Human Impacts From Natural
Quality. Australian Biologist, 7: 94-104. Fluctuations. Science 253: 925-940.
Clarke, G. M. (1995) Relationships Between Developmental Sarre, S. (1996) Habitat fragmentation promotes fluctuating
Stability and Fitness: Application for Conservation Biology. asymmetry but not morphological divergence in two
Conservation Biology, 9: 18-24. geckos. Researches in Population. Ecology. 38, 57-64.
Emlen, J. M., Freeman D. C., and Graham J. H.. (1994) Siimäki, P, and Lammi, A. (1998) Fluctuating asymmetry in
Nonlinear Growth Dynamics and the Origin of Fluctuating central and marginal populations of Lychnis viscaria in
Asymmetry. In Developmental Instability: Its Origins and relation to genetic and environmental factors. Evolution
Evolutionary Implications. 79-98. Dordrecht, Kluwer 52:1285-1292.
Academic Publishers. Tracy, M., Freeman D. C., Emlen J. M., Graham J. H., and.
Freeman, D. C., Emlen J. M., Graham J. H.,. Mara R. L,Tracy M., Hough R. A. (1995) Developmental Instability As a
and Alados C. L.. (1996) Developmental Instability as a Biomonitor of Environmental Stress. In Biomonitors and
Bioindicator of Ecosystem Health. In Proceedings: Biomarkers As Indicators of Environmental Change. Editor
Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing F. A. Butterworth, L. D. Corkum, and J. Guzman-Rincon,
Environment. Compilers J. R. Barrow, E. D. McArthur, R. E. 313-37. New York, Plenum Press.
Sosebee, and R. J. Tausch, 170-177. Ogden, UT, U.S. Tsubaki,Y. (1998) Fluctuating asymmetry of the Oriental Fruit
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Fly (Dacus dorsalis) during the process of its extinction
Research Station. from the Okinawa Islands. Conservation Biology 12:926-
Graham, J. H. (1992) Genomic Coadaptation and 929.
Developmental Stability in Hybrid Zones. Acta Zoologica Valentine, D. W., Soulé, M. E. and Samollow P., (1973)
Fennica, 191: 121-31. Asymmetry analysis in fishes: a possible statistical indicator
Graham, J. H., Emlen, J. M., and Freeman, D. C. (1993a) of environmental stress. Fisheries Bulletin 71: 357-370
Developmental Stability and Its Applications in Zakharov,V. M. (1992) Population Phenogenetics: Analysis of
Ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicology, 2: 175-84. Developmental Stability in Natural Populations. Acta
Graham, J. H., Freeman D. C., and Emlen J. M. (1993b) Zoologica Fennica, 191: 7-30.
Developmental Stability: A Sensitive Indicator of
Populations Under Stress. In Environmental Toxicology and
Risk Assessment. Editors W. G. Landis, J. S. Hughes, and

APPENDIX 1 if ((_source_ eq ‘SIDE’) and (_type_ eq ‘SS1’)) then
SAS code for full analysis of DI measurements taken on two
when(_name_ = ‘FL’) do; flms0 = ss/df; fldf0=df; end;
samples of animals and stored as in Table 1. For additional
when(_name_ = ‘HL’) do; hlms0 = ss/df; hldf0=df; end;
samples, some of the code would be duplicated. Readers
familiar with the SAS command language should be able to
if ((_source_ eq ‘SIDE*INDID’) and (_type_ eq ‘SS1’)) then
do this easily. Note that the data within each sample must be
balanced: each animal must have three measurements taken
when(_name_ = ‘FL’) do; flms1 = ss/df; fldf1=df; end;
of each limb. If the data are not balanced, the hypothesis tests
when(_name_ = ‘HL’) do; hlms1 = ss/df; hldf1=df; end;
and calculations of variance components done within each
sample will be incorrect, since the Type I sums of squares will
if ((_source_ eq ‘SIDE*INDID*REP’) and (_type_ eq ‘SS1’))
be order-dependent. The final section, which tests for
differences in levels of FA+antisymmetry between samples,
should produce correct results even if there are not the
when(_name_ = ‘FL’) do; flms2 = ss/df; fldf2=df; end;
same numbers of animals in each sample.
when(_name_ = ‘HL’) do;
data all; hlms2 = ss/df;
/*change to path to your data file*/ hldf2 = df;
infile ‘d:\sas\asym\example\data.prn’ end=eof; flfdir = flms0/flms1;
input; /*skips first line with variable names*/ flffa = flms1/flms2;
do while(not eof); flfdirp = 1-probf(flfdir,fldf0,fldf1);
input date ddmmyy8. sample indid rep svl side fl hl; flffap = 1-probf(flffa,fldf1,fldf2);
output; hlfdir = hlms0/hlms1;
end; hlffa = hlms1/hlms2;
stop; hlfdirp = 1-probf(hlfdir,hldf0,hldf1);
hlffap = 1-probf(hlffa,hldf1,hldf2);
/*if you have data for more than one sample, this sorts them flasym = (flms1 — flms2) /3;
so that SAS can do all the calsulations in one step*/ hlasym = (hlms1 — hlms2) /3;
proc sort data=all; output;
by sample; end;
/*the following GLM does the main work, calculating oldsamp = sample;
the SS and MS needed to estimate FA + antisymmetry retain flms0 hlms0 fldf0 hldf0 fldf1 hldf1
according to Palmer and Strobeck, and also testing fldf2 hldf2 flms1 flms2 hlms1 hlms2
for whether directional asymmetry and FA+antisymmetry oldsamp;
are significantly greater than 0*/ run;
proc glm data=all outstat=stats;
by sample; proc print data=temp; var sample flasym hlasym;
class side indid rep; title ‘Palmer and Strobeck (1986) estimates of
model fl hl=side|indid|rep; FA+antisymmetry for each character’;
test h=side e=side*indid; run;
test h=side*indid e=side*indid*rep; run;
proc print data=temp;
/*following is optional—it calculates and prints var sample flfdir fldf0 fldf1 flfdirp flffa fldf1 fldf2 flffap;
tables showing the FA+antisymmetry estimates title ‘tests for significance of directional asymmetry and
for forelimb length and hindlimb length FA+antisym for FL’;
and the tables of the tests of hypothesis run;
for directional and FA+antisymmetry for each sample*/
proc print data=temp;
data temp; var sample hlfdir hldf0 hldf1 hlfdirp hlffa hldf1 hldf2 hlffap;
set stats; title ‘tests for significance of directional asymmetry and
if (oldsamp ne sample) then do; FA+antisym for HL’;
flms0 = .; run;
hlms0 = .;
fldf0 = .; /*the following GLM is not according to Palmer and
hldf0 = .; Strobeck but is legitimate—it tests for whether the
fldf1 = .; FA+antisymmetry component of variance differs between
hldf1 = .; samples*/
fldf2 = .;
proc glm data=all;
hldf2 = .;
class sample side indid rep;
flms1 = .;
model fl hl=sample|side|indid|rep;
flms2 = .;
test h=sample*side*indid e=sample*side*indid*rep;
hlms1 = .;
title ‘analyses for difference in FA + Antisym component
hlms2 = .;
between samples’;

/DESIGN side ind_num ind_num*side ind_num*rep*side .
SPSS code for full analysis of DI measurements taken on two
samples of animals and stored as in Table 1. This code
assumes that the data have already been read in or loaded.
For additional samples, some of the code would be
duplicated. Readers familiar with the SPSS command language
fll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3) sample(1 2)
should be able to do this easily. Note that the data within
each sample must be balanced: each animal must have three
measurements taken of each limb. If the data are not
balanced, the hypothesis tests and calculations of variance
components done within each sample will be incorrect, since
/DESIGN side ind_num sample side*ind_num
the Type I sums of squares will be order-dependent. The final
side*ind_num*rep sample*ind_num
section, which tests for differences in levels of
side*sample*ind_num side*sample*ind_num*rep .
FA+antisymmetry between samples, should produce correct
results even if there are not the same numbers of animals in
hll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3) sample(1 2)
each sample. Unlike the SAS code in Appendix 1, which
carries out hypothesis tests and calculates estimates of
corrected FA+antisymmetry values, all hypothesis tests and
estimates would have to be constructed by hand using the
MS reported by SPSS. See Table 3 and the text for examples.
/DESIGN side ind_num sample side*ind_num
This may simply reflect the authors’ relative ignorance of the
side*ind_num*rep sample*ind_num
SPSS syntax language.
side*sample*ind_num side*sample*ind_num*rep .
COMPUTE filter_$=(sample = 1).
VARIABLE LABEL filter_$ ‘sample = 1 (FILTER)’.
VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 ‘Not Selected’ 1 ‘Selected’.
FORMAT filter_$ (f1.0).
FILTER BY filter_$.
fll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3)
/DESIGN side ind_num ind_num*side ind_num*rep*side .
hll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3)
/DESIGN side ind_num ind_num*side ind_num*rep*side .
COMPUTE filter_$=(sample = 2).
VARIABLE LABEL filter_$ ‘sample = 2 (FILTER)’.
VALUE LABELS filter_$ 0 ‘Not Selected’ 1 ‘Selected’.
FORMAT filter_$ (f1.0).
FILTER BY filter_$.
fll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3)
/DESIGN side ind_num ind_num*side ind_num*rep*side .
hll BY side(1 2) ind_num(1 30) rep(1 3)

An assessment of frog declines
in wet subtropical Australia
Harry Hines1, Michael Mahony2 and Keith McDonald3

ABSTRACT Although a lack of long term systematic baseline

information on presence/absence or relative
The decline of frog populations is a worldwide
abundance has hampered our assessment, the
phenomenon and a major conservation issue in
species of concern fall into three groups, based on
Australia. In south-eastern Australia the
threats. Six species of stream breeding frogs have
understanding of the frogs affected, their ecology,
suffered declines from unknown causes. Two of
patterns of decline and the causal agents is
these, endemic to the wet subtropics, have not been
generally poor. The wet subtropical region
seen since the early 1980s. Eight species of mesic
encompasses the coast and ranges from about
forest frogs, that are not dependant upon streams
Newcastle north to Rockhampton. Twenty-three
for breeding, show no evidence of declines. They are
species of conservation concern from this region
of conservation concern because of their rarity. The
are examined. The extent of declines and known or
third group, frogs of the lowlands, are increasingly at
likely threatening processes for each species, is
risk due to loss or degradation of habitat.
investigated by comparing the distribution of
records pre-1990 and 1990 onwards, and Knowledge of the population dynamics and biology
considering other relevant information. The state of the frogs in this review is generally poor. This
of knowledge on the ecology of these species is needs to be greatly improved to ensure conservation
assessed and the threats to them summarised, as a of these species, and in particular, for determining
basis for identifying what additional information is the cause(s) of decline in stream breeding frogs.
required for successful species recovery. There is an urgent need to establish recovery
processes for the habitat of wallum or ‘acid’ frogs.

1 Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Conservation Resource Unit, PO Box 42 Kenmore Qld 4069.
2 Department of Applied Science and Technology, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308.
3 Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Wet Tropics District Office, PO Box 834 Atherton Qld 4883.

INTRODUCTION TABLE 1: Rare or threatened frogs of the wet subtropical
region of Australia
Over the past decade there has been an increasing awareness of
massive declines in frog populations in many parts of the world
(e.g. Tyler and Davies 1985b, Blaustein and Wake 1990; Richards Species Qld1 NSW2 Comm3 Action ANZECC5
et al. 1993; Drost and Fellars 1996; Lips 1998). Despite the Plan4
disappearance of several species and declines in populations of Assa darlingtoni R V
many others in south-eastern Australia since the 1970’s (Tyler Crinia tinnula V V I
and Davies 1985b; Osborne 1989; Czechura and Ingram 1990; Lechriodus fletcheri R
Watson et al. 1991, Ingram and McDonald 1993), understanding #Mixophyes balbus V V
of the problem is poor (Tyler 1997). For most species affected Mixophyes fleayi E V E
there has been little or no synthesis of information across their Mixophyes iteratus E V E
entire range, nor in a framework that allows easy comparison Kyarranus kundagungan R V
among species in a region. Reviews of the status of frogs in Kyarranus loveridgei R V
south-eastern Australia have either focused on small Kyarranus sphagnicolus V I
geographical areas (e.g.Watagan Mountains — Mahony 1993), Rheobatrachus silus E E E E
single species (e.g. Litoria spenceri — Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Taudactylus diurnus E E E E
Pseudophryne corroboree — Osborne 1989) or groups of closely Taudactylus pleione V V
+Litoria aurea E E
related species (e.g. L. aurea complex — Pyke and Osborne #Litoria booroolongensis E I
1996). Others have been constrained by political or other
Litoria brevipalmata R V I
biologically artificial boundaries (e.g. Ingram and McDonald 1993;
Litoria cooloolensis R
Ehmann 1997a;White and Pyke 1996). In this and other papers
Litoria freycineti V I
in these proceedings we examine the available data on the
Litoria olongburensis V V V
distribution and declines of species throughout their range, based Litoria pearsoniana E I
on broad ecological boundaries of the rainforests of mid- and Litoria revelata R
north-eastern Queensland (Qld) (McDonald and Alford 1999), #Litoria subglandulosa V V I
the wet subtropical region of eastern Australia (this review),
streams in the temperate zone of south-eastern Australia Source:
(Gillespie and Hines 1999) and the subalpine region (Osborne 1 Queensland Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994
et al. 1999) to overcome these problems. Only a 2 New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
3 Commonwealth Endangered Species Protection Act 1992
few species of concern, such as Adelotus brevis and L. lesueuri,
4 Tyler 1997
span two or more of these biological regions.
5 The ANZECC list of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna (1995)
We define the wet subtropical region of Australia as those Status abbreviation (refer to relevant source for definitions):
parts of the summer rainfall, subtropical climate zone E = endangered
(Bureau of Meteorology 1989, Figure 5), that receive in V = vulnerable
excess of 800 mm median annual rainfall (Bureau of R = rare
Meteorology 1989, Figure 2), but excluding the upland I = insufficiently known
temperate areas of the NSW northern tablelands. The status of species listed in this table are reviewed here except
This region encompasses the escarpment, foothills and coastal for those marked:
lowlands south from Rockhampton Qld to about Newcastle + reviewed by Mahony (this volume)
NSW. The region includes large areas of subtropical # reviewed by Gillespie and Hines (this volume)
rainforests, Melaleuca swamps and wallum, three environments
especially important for frogs in eastern Australia. The region
experiences wet, warm to hot summers, with drier, mild
winters (Bureau of Meteorology 1989). and monitoring i.e. A. brevis and L. lesueuri (Hines and Mahony
unpubl. data); and/or c) anecdotal evidence of past declines
Over 50 species of frogs are known from the wet subtropical i.e. A. brevis and L. lesueuri (Ingram and McDonald 1993),
region, and about half of these are endemic. We have chosen and Mixophyes fasciolatus (Corben in McDonald 1991).
to assess 23 species of conservation concern. These include Four additional rare or threatened species known from wet
17 species that are listed as Rare,Vulnerable or Endangered subtropical Australia (Table 1) are not assessed here because
under state or federal legislation (Table 1), three undescribed the majority of their distribution is elsewhere. They are
species which meet criteria for listing under one of these discussed in other papers in these proceedings (Gillespie and
categories and three stream breeding species potentially in Hines 1999; Mahony 1999; Osborne et al. 1999).
decline. Some of these species are listed because of their
rarity and or restricted distributions, while others are Our aim is to provide an overview of the status of frogs of
threatened by loss of habitat. However, a large proportion conservation concern in the wet subtropical region of
are stream breeding species that have suffered population Australia. We examine available knowledge on the
declines or have disappeared, without a clear understanding distribution, ecology and threats to these species, as a basis
of the causal agent(s). Inclusion of three additional stream for identifying additional information needed for their
breeding species in this review was based on: a) conservation. For each species we assess:
demonstrable decline in other regions i.e. A. brevis (Gillespie
and Hines 1999); and/or b) an apparent decline in
distribution or abundance based on data from recent surveys

1. recorded distribution, subtropical Australia is poor. Despite increasing awareness of
2. current distribution with discussion of declines, declines during the 1980’s there was little survey or
monitoring of frog populations. However, since 1989, large
3. threats,
scale biodiversity inventories have been undertaken in the
4. knowledge of biology, and wet subtropical region such as regional forest assessments in
5. conservation status. south-eastern Qld and north-eastern NSW. During this
period there were also targeted frog survey and monitoring
METHODS programs (e.g. Ingram and McDonald 1993, Ehmann 1997a,
Distributional data for each of the 23 species of concern Mahony 1996, Hines unpubl. data, McDonald unpubl. data)
were collated from existing computer databases and and a number of site or species specific studies (e.g. Mahony
augmented with records from unpublished reports, published and Knowles unpubl. data on Mixophyes and Kyarranus).
literature and naturalists. Although not complete, this process Major sources of information on the current distribution
enabled a large data set to be rapidly assembled. Digital data (up to December 1997) of frogs are presented in Table 2.
were received from the Australian Museum (AM), Many sites where rare or threatened frogs were recorded
Queensland Museum(QM) and South Australian Museum prior to 1990 were revisited during this time.
(SAM), the National Museum of Victoria (NMV),The
Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC), Atlas of There are a number of potential limitations in the use of
NSW Wildlife (NSW Atlas), Atlas of Victorian Wildlife (Vic species records such as these including, biases in survey
Atlas) and South East Queensland Regional Forest effort, undetected errors in georeferences or species
Assessment (SEQRFA) databases.Vetting of data sets for identification and poor taxonomic resolution of some species
obvious species mis-identification and coarse georeference groups. When necessary these issues are discussed in the
errors was aided by examining maps of the records for each species accounts, where we also draw on additional
species. Many records lacked georeferences so where an information (e.g. relative abundance measures) to aid in
unambiguous locality description was provided a assessments of declines.
georeference was obtained from maps or gazetteer.
A brief account is provided for each species, summarising or
To help assess regional population declines, maps for each
assessing available information on historical and current
species were produced showing the distribution of records
distribution (1990-1997), threats, biology and conservation
pre-1990 and 1990 onwards. Nineteen-ninety was selected
status. Species have been grouped according to similarities in
for two reasons. Apart from the documented disappearances
their ecology.
of Taudactylus diurnus and Rheobatrachus silus in the late
1970’s to early 1980’s (see species accounts below),
knowledge of the temporal patterns of frog declines in

TABLE 2: Major sources of information on current distribution of frogs of the wet subtropical region of Australia

Source Type of data Target species or areas

Museums specimens all species, throughout

Queensland Parks and Wildlife survey, monitoring threatened frogs, especially stream-breeding species
Service (QPWS) and research (Hines unpubl. data) and Fraser Island (McDonald unpubl. data,
QPWS unpubl. data)
Queensland Department of monitoring historical locations of R. silus and T. diurnus (Borsboom unpubl. data)
Natural Resources (QDNR)
QPWS/QDNR survey surveys in southeast Queensland for regional conservation planning
QDNR/QPWS monitoring and research T. pleione
Brisbane Frog Society monitoring T. diurnus at Mount Glorious
NSW National Parks and survey biodiversity surveys, east coast NSW, particularly NE, for regional
Wildlife Service conservation planning
State Forests of NSW survey environmental impact assessments, east coast of NSW, particularly NE
University of Newcastle survey, monitoring most species, especially L. pearsoniana sensu lato, A. darlingtoni,
and research Kyarranus spp, and Mixophyes spp throughout study area, and the
Watagan Mountains area
University of Queensland monitoring and research L. pearsoniana at Mount Glorious
Australian National University survey and research stream breeding species, particularly L. pearsoniana and M. fasciolatus
(Parris unpubl. data)
Southern Cross University survey, monitoring various species, mostly in far NE NSW
and research
Various biologists survey, research and all species, throughout
incidental records

SPECIES ACCOUNTS Cooloola sedgefrog Litoria cooloolensis
Distribution: Restricted to Qld, from Lake Woongeel, Fraser
Coastal lowland species
Island (24° 53´S 153° 14´E — QPWS unpubl. data), through
(“wallum” or “acid” frogs)
the sandmasses of Cooloola, with a disjunct population on
Wallum or acid frogs (Ingram and Corben 1975a, Kikkawa et North Stradbroke Island (27° 32´S 153° 29´E — AM and
al. 1979) inhabit low nutrient soils (mostly deep sands) of near QM specimens). The species has not been recorded on
coastal lowlands and sand islands.Vegetation types typical of Moreton Island despite targeted surveys (McDonald and
these environments include heathland, Melaleuca swamp, Stewart QPWS unpubl. data). Figure 2.
sedgeland and Banksia woodland. Recent survey and
monitoring results (Table 2) indicate that populations are Current distribution: As above, except for localised
relatively stable in protected habitat. However these species extermination of populations due to loss or fragmentation
are at risk from continuing loss of habitat through clearing for of habitat.
agriculture, pine plantations, housing and infrastructure such as
Biology and threats: Information on breeding biology and
canal development, drainage projects and transport corridors.
habitat usage of L. cooloolensis is provided by Liem (1974) and
They occur in an area with the highest growth rate of human
James (1996). Some physiological aspects of L. cooloolensis
population in Australia. In the period 1974-1989, 33% of the
larval development in acidic, ion-deficient breeding waters
1974 bushland cover of coastal south-eastern Qld mainland
have been investigated by Meyer (1997). Threats from high
was cleared, including 50% of Melaleuca forest and 34% of
human visitation to the fresh water lake habitats important
heathland (Catterall and Kingston 1993). Other threats include
for L. cooloolensis include trampling of reed beds and pollution
habitat degradation through changes to hydrological regimes,
of water (e.g. increased nutrients, sunscreen residues)
increased nutrients or sediments (e.g. storm water, sewage),
(James 1996).
weed invasion, inappropriate fire management, competition
from invading frog species and predation from introduced fish James (1996) examined the genetic structure of this species
(Gillespie and Hero 1999). Regular monitoring of these species and found that populations on North Stradbroke Island
has occurred on Fraser Island, where biyearly surveys of sites diverged significantly. On Stradbroke Island it is restricted to
have been undertaken since 1992 (QNPWS unpubl. data). reed beds in and around freshwater lakes and swamps. Water
extraction for domestic purposes and sandmining has, and
Wallum froglet Crinia tinnula will continue to, significantly impact on this population
Distribution: Lake Woongeel, Fraser Island SEQ (24° 53´S 153° through loss of habitat or degradation resulting from changes
14´E — QPWS unpubl. data), south to Kurnell MENSW (34° to hydrological processes and water quality.
02´S 151° 13´E). Figure 1. The species is widespread on Fraser
There is no information on population size, structure, or
Island (QPWS and McDonald unpubl. data, QM specimens)
dynamics, non-breeding habitat requirements or factors
contrary to Ehmann’s (1997c) statement that it was apparently
limiting distribution.
absent from the island. There are records of C. tinnula on the
mainland north of Woodgate, to Littabella National Park near Conservation status: The species is currently considered
Bundaberg SEQ (24° 41´S 152° 05´E — QPWS unpubl. data Rare in Qld. Some populations (Stradbroke Island) of L.
— indicated by a question mark in Figure 1). The identity of cooloolensis are under threat, so its legal status should be
these populations requires confirmation. reviewed both in Qld and nationally (currently not listed).
Litoria cooloolensis is not the subject of a recovery process.
Current distribution and threats: As above, except for
localised extermination of populations due to loss or
Wallum rocketfrog Litoria freycineti
fragmentation of habitat. The recent range extensions of this
species (i.e. new records north and south of its previously Distribution: Northern end of Fraser Island SEQ (25° 6´S
known range) are almost certainly due to increased survey 153° 11´E — QPWS unpubl. data), south to Jervis Bay
effort using improved field identification characters and aids MENSW (35° 08´S 150° 43´E — ANWC, NMV, QM
(field guides and audio recordings), rather than recent specimens). Figure 3. Several inland records (from far
migration or deliberate or accidental introductions, as NENSW and MENSW have not been included in Figure 3
suggested by Ehmann (1997c). as they require confirmation).

Biology: Not well documented. Some information on Current distribution and threats: As above except for
breeding biology and habitat usage is presented by Straughan localised extermination of populations due to loss or
and Main (1966), Ingram and Corben (1975a) and Ehmann fragmentation of habitat.
(1997c). Meyer (1997) investigated some physiological
Biology: Poorly known. There is general information on
aspects of tadpole development in the acidic ion-poor waters
habitat use (Ingram and Corben 1975a) and breeding biology
typical of this species’ habitat. There is no information on
(Straughan 1966). Meyer (1997) investigated some
population size, structure, dynamics or genetics, non-breeding
physiological aspects of tadpole development in acidic ion-
habitat requirements or factors limiting distribution.
deficient waters typical of this species’ habitat. There is no
Conservation status: The data presented here indicate that information on population size, structure, dynamics or
the current legislative status of C. tinnula in Qld and NSW, as genetics, non-breeding habitat requirements or factors
Vulnerable, is appropriate. Accordingly its status nationally limiting distribution.
(currently not listed) should be reviewed. Crinia tinnula is not
the subject of a recovery process.

Conservation status: The data presented here indicate that suitable conditions of the sites where McDonald (1974) first
the current legislative status of L. freycineti in Qld as recorded this species in Queensland (the two most south-
Vulnerable, is appropriate. Given the rate of habitat loss westerly records; Figure 5). Over the past five years additional
throughout its range, its status in NSW and nationally should populations have been located as a result of increased survey
be reviewed (currently not listed). Litoria freycineti is not the effort and better understanding of the factors affecting
subject of a recovery process. detectability of this species. The impacts of habitat disturbance
on L. brevipalmata are not known. The lack of records from
Wallum sedgefrog Litoria olongburensis cleared environments and the decline at Ourimbah Creek
suggests that L. brevipalmata is vulnerable to major habitat
Distribution: Lake Woongeel, Fraser Island (24° 53´S 153°
perturbations. Given the rate of habitat loss in the lowlands (e.g.
14´E — QPWS unpubl. data), south to near Woolgoolga (30°
Catteral and Kingston 1993), some localised populations must
08´S 153° 11´E — Liem and Ingram 1977; AM, QM
have been exterminated before their existence was recorded.
specimens) including Bribie, Moreton and North Stradbroke
Other disturbances to its habitat include inappropriate fire
Islands, SEQ (Figure 4). The records from Woolgoolga
regimes, timber harvesting, grazing by domestic stock, weed
(above),Yuraygir National Park and Yamba (NSW NPWS
invasion and changes to hydrological regimes and water quality.
1995, NSW Atlas, Hines unpubl. data) show that the
It is not possible to assess the effects of these disturbances as
distribution of this species extends much further south than
knowledge on the biology of L. brevipalmata is poor.
stated by Ehmann (1997e).
Biology: Limited information. Anstis (1994) described larval
Current distribution and threats: As above except for
development and Czechura (1978), McDonald (1974),
localised extermination of populations due to loss or
McEvoy et al. (1979), Nattrass and Ingram (1993) and Aridis
fragmentation of habitat.
(1997) provide qualitative information on habitat at some
Biology: Limited information on breeding biology and habitat sites. Ledlin (1997) provides information on larval morphology
usage of L. olongburensis is provided by Liem and Ingram and ecology, and the habitat characteristics of the species in
(1977), James (1996) and Ehmann (1997e). Meyer (1997) mid-eastern NSW. Genetic studies (allozymes and DNA) of
investigated some of the physiological aspects of larval eleven populations in north-eastern NSW and one in south-
development in acidic ion-deficient waters typical of this eastern Qld (north from Watagan State Forest to Border
species’ habitat. Considerable genetic structuring occurs Ranges National Park) revealed no cryptic species (Donnellan
within L. olongburensis reflecting its disjunct distribution and Foster 1997). Additional samples are required from Qld
(James 1996). There is no information on population size, to fully assess genetic diversity. There is no information on
structure or dynamics, non-breeding habitat requirements population size, structure, or dynamics, non-breeding habitat
or factors limiting distribution. requirements or factors limiting distribution.

Conservation status: The data presented here indicate that Conservation status: The legislative status of L. brevipalmata
the current legislative status of L. olongburensis in Qld and in Qld is Rare and in NSW it is Vulnerable. Litoria
NSW, as Vulnerable, is appropriate. Accordingly its status brevipalmata is not the subject of a recovery process.
nationally should be reviewed (currently not listed). Litoria
olongburensis is not the subject of a recovery process. Mesic forest species
Within subtropical Australia, mesic forest frogs are those that
Sclerophyll forest species are predominantly dependent upon rainforest and wet
Green-thighed frog Litoria brevipalmata sclerophyll forest communities. This vegetation is typically in
the foothills and ranges of the Great Divide. In contrast to
Distribution: Patchily recorded from low to mid altitudes the habitat of the preceding frogs, the mesic forests have
from Cordalba State Forest SEQ (25° 10´S, 152° 10´E — generally been cleared at a slower rate in recent times. In the
Hines unpubl. data) south to Darkes Forest, MENSW (34° past however, some large areas of rainforests on flat
14´S, 150° 55´E — AM specimens) (Figure 5). It is a difficult topography have been lost. Significant extensive disturbances
species to survey as it breeds for only a short period, usually to remaining habitat include timber harvesting, hydrological
after heavy spring and summer rains. changes, cattle grazing, altered fire regimes, feral animals and
weed invasion. The effects of these disturbances are largely
Current distribution and threats: The species has declined in
unknown but from the knowledge of the frogs’ ecology they
the Ourimbah Creek area since the time it was first detected in
are likely to be highly significant in many situations.
1972 (Mahony 1996). This site is visited by many herpetologists
from Sydney and the Central Coast and the large populations Within the frog fauna of the mesic forests there are three
reported in the early 1970’s have not been observed in recent groups that differ in breeding biology; non-stream breeding,
years. It is most likely that this decline is due to clearing for facultative stream breeding and obligate stream breeding.
agricultural development (Mahony 1996). However, several other Species falling into each of these groups have undoubtedly
species (e.g. Mixophyes balbus, M. iteratus, and L. aurea) previously declined due to localised loss or degradation of habitat. A
known from this and nearby areas have declined dramatically number of stream breeding species have suffered additional
without any apparent reason (Mahony 1993). Therefore it is not declines from unknown causes, that are apparently not
possible to discount other, unknown threat(s) as the cause of related to habitat disturbances. Unlike temperate riverine
decline of L. brevipalmata in the Ourimbah Creek area. frogs (Gillespie and Hines 1999), there is no evidence of
introduced fish causing declines of frogs in subtropical
Elsewhere there are no reports of declines or disappearances
streams. Most streams either lack fish or support a small
of this species.We are not aware of any recent surveys under

FIGURE 1: Distribution of wallum froglet Crinia tinnula. Closed FIGURE 2: Distribution of Cooloola sedgefrog Litoria cooloolensis
circles with ‘?’ are records 1990 onwards with questionable
taxonomic identity.

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

FIGURE 3: Distribution of wallum rocketfrog Litoria freycineti FIGURE 4: Distribution of wallum sedgefrog Litoria olongburensis

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

number of native species. However the impact of introduced Mountain frogs Kyarranus species
fish is potentially very serious and we recommend strict
Three Kyarranus species have been formally described;
controls on the introduction or movement of any fish species
K. kundagungan, K. loveridgei and K. sphagnicolus, all from
in south-eastern Australia (see Gillespie and Hero 1999 for
south-eastern Qld and north-eastern NSW. Recent studies of
detailed discussion). A fourth group, includes a single species,
allozyme variation (Knowles 1994; Mahony and Knowles
Taudactylus pleione, because its breeding biology remains
1994) revealed that there are six allopatric species. All are
rare with restricted distributions; at least two species are
known from less than 10 sites each. Members of the genus
Mesic forest species — non-stream breeding
Kyarranus are sometimes placed in the genus Philoria with
Pouched frog Assa darlingtoni P. frosti. For the purposes of this study we have combined all
records of Kyarranus because:
Distribution: Disjunct distribution from the Conondale and
Blackall Ranges SEQ (26° 34´S 152° 52´E — NMV specimen a. taxonomic revision is pending;
from near Kondalilla) south to the Dorrigo Plateau NENSW b. there has been considerable confusion over the identity of
(30° 22´S 152° 44´E — AM specimen, NSW Atlas, NSW individuals or populations in the past and
NPWS 1994a), with populations on the D’Aguilar, Main,
c. each species occupies similar ecological niches (i.e. very
Gibraltar and Border Ranges (Figure 6).
similar habitat requirements and breeding biology).
Current distribution: As above. The lack of recent records
Distribution: Six allopatric species occurring in the
from Mount Nothophagus on the Qld/NSW border probably
headwaters and seepage zones in mid to high elevation mesic
reflects a lack of survey effort. Under suitable conditions large
forest from Mount Mistake SEQ (27° 53´S 152° 21´E —
numbers can be heard calling in the Conondale and Eastern
Ingram and Corben 1975b) south to the Comboyne Plateau
Border Ranges (Hines unpubl. data, Ehmann 1997b). The
in NENSW (31° 40´S 152° 18´E — AM specimens, NSW
small, recently discovered population on D’Aguilar Range,
Atlas), Figure 7. For a detailed description of the distribution
west of Brisbane, is regularly detected during monitoring of
of each species refer to the “current distribution” section of
stream frogs undertaken by the University of Qld
species profiles 7 — 12 in Ehmann (1997a). Wotherspoon’s
(Cunningham pers. comm.).
(1981) record from Barrington Tops National Park (151° 32’E
Threats: In the past considerable clearing of this species’ 32° 10’S) is rejected because of probable mis-identification
habitat occurred (e.g. Dorrigo and Maleny plateaux) and (Knowles and Mahony 1997d) and lack of corroborating
much of its remaining habitat has been logged. However, the records from the area despite intensive survey work (e.g.
majority of this habitat is now reserved or excluded from Knowles and Mahony 1997d; NSW NPWS 1994a).
timber harvesting. There is some evidence that timber
Current distribution: As above. There are no documented
harvesting may have negative impacts on this species
declines for the genus. Under suitable weather and seasonal
(Lemckert 1999).
conditions members of the genus have been readily located at
Biology: The biology of A. darlingtoni is reasonably well sites where previously recorded (Hines unpubl. data; Knowles
documented, in particular its unusual breeding (Straughan and and Mahony unpubl. data). Targeted surveys for this genus
Main 1966;Tyler 1972; Ingram et al. 1975; Ehmann and Swan have located many new populations (e.g. Smith et al. 1989a,b;
1985; Mahony 1992). In north-eastern NSW its distribution NSW NPWS 1994a; Knowles and Mahony 1997a,b,c,d,e,f).
was statistically modelled using a pool of 24 environmental
Threats: In some areas considerable clearing of these species’
predictors (NSW NPWS 1994a). The model highlighted the
habitat occurred (e.g. Acacia, Dorrigo and Comboyne
species’ preference for landscapes dominated by mesic
plateaux) and much of the remaining habitat has been logged.
forests, in areas with mild temperatures and moderate to
However, the majority of this habitat is now reserved or
high rainfall. This, in conjunction with information on local
excluded from timber harvesting. These species are likely to
distribution and habitat association provided by Czechura
be susceptible to upstream disturbances that affect
(1991), Ingram et al. (1975), and Ehmann (1997b), dispels the
hydrological regimes or water quality but there has been no
misconception that A. darlingtoni is closely associated with
research to assess this. Direct damage to breeding habitat by
Antarctic Beech (Nothophagus moorei) forest at high altitude
domestic stock has been observed at a number of sites (e.g.
(Straughan and Main 1966; Cogger 1996).
Knowles and Mahony 1997e; Hines pers. obs.).
There is no information on population size, structure or
Biology: The factors affecting distribution have been
dynamics. A limited genetic study of the three major disjunct
investigated at local (Knowles 1994, Webb 1989) and regional
populations in NSW (Eastern Border Ranges, Gibraltar Range
scales (NSW NPWS 1994a). The eggs and larval development
and Dorrigo Plateau) found no evidence of species level
are well documented (Anstis 1981; deBavay 1993; Ingram and
differences among populations (Donnellan and Mahony,
Corben 1975b). Diet in one population has been studied
unpubl. data).
(Webb 1989). Little is known about non-breeding habitat
Conservation status: Listed as Rare in Qld and Vulnerable in requirements, population size, structure or dynamics.
NSW but not considered threatened nationally. We have not
Conservation status: Kyarranus are listed as Rare in Qld and
identified any additional information to suggest that its status
Vulnerable in NSW. The status of each species will need to be
in either state or nationally requires review. Assa darlingtoni is
reviewed after the taxonomy of the group is revised and the
not the subject of a recovery process.
distribution and threats to each are known. Recovery plans
have not been prepared for any of the species of Kyarranus.

FIGURE 5: Distribution of green-thighed frog Litoria brevipalmata FIGURE 6: Distribution of pouched frog Assa darlingtoni

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

FIGURE 7: Distribution of mountain frogs Kyarranus spp FIGURE 8: Distribution of black-soled frog Lechriodus fletcheri

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

Black-soled frog Lechriodus fletcheri Plateau (SEQ), and on the Tooloom Range and Acacia Plateau
(NENSW) (Hines unpubl. data). It has been detected at most
Distribution: South from Mistake Mountains SEQ (27° 58´S
other sites in the remainder of its range in recent years
152° 23´E — SEQRFA, Hines unpubl. data) to near Gosford
(Mahony unpubl. data).
MENSW (33° 25´S 151° 20´E — Covacevich and McDonald
1993). Figure 8. Moore (1961) referred to a specimen from Threats: Relative to the other mesic frogs considered in this
Ravenshoe on the Atherton Tableland in north-eastern Qld. review, L. revelata is more frequently detected in heavily
However McDonald and Miller (1982) argued that the disturbed sites (e.g. farm dams). Some of these sites continue to
locality recorded for this specimen (AM 19947) was be disturbed through clearing, timber harvesting and associated
probably erroneous. activities, and cattle grazing. There have been no studies on the
impact (negative or positive) of these disturbances on L. revelata
Current distribution: Corben (in McDonald 1991) felt that
and the long-term viability of these populations is not known.
L. fletcheri had declined in abundance but lacked any
quantitative data to support the suggestion. Recent regional Biology: Poorly known. The description of the species
surveys (e.g. Mahony 1996, NSW NPWS 1994a) and site- (Ingram et al. 1982) provides basic information on
specific monitoring (e.g. Hines unpubl. data) have recorded distribution and habitat. Larvae from the Clarke Range
this species frequently throughout its known range. population have been described by Hero et al. (1996). There
is no information on population size, structure, genetics or
Threats: Lechriodus fletcheri is commonly encountered in
dynamics. Resolution of taxonomic confusion in the southern
wet sclerophyll forest as well as rainforest. In the past
population with other members of the L. ewingii complex is
considerable clearing of this species’ habitat occurred
needed to accurately determine the distribution and ecology
(e.g. Comboyne, Dorrigo and Beechmont plateaux) and
of L. revelata in that area.
much of its remaining habitat has been logged. Although
rainforest is now largely excluded from timber harvesting, Conservation status: Currently considered Rare in Qld, due
logging of wet sclerophyll forest continues. The impact of to its restricted and disjunct distribution. A review of its
this on L. fletcheri is unknown. status in both states and nationally may be necessary once a
better understanding of the taxonomy of the L. ewingii
Biology: The eggs and larval development of L. fletcheri are
complex is gained.
well documented (Moore 1961, Watson and Martin 1973,
Martin 1967). The factors affecting this species’ distribution in
Mesic forest species — facultative stream breeders
north-eastern NSW (the vast majority of its range) were
examined by modelling presence-absence data with a pool of Tusked frog Adelotus brevis
24 environmental predictors (NSW NPWS 1994a). The
model showed that L. fletcheri had a marked preference for Distribution: Disjunct population in the Clarke Range MEQ
mesic forests in areas of high rainfall and deeper soils, on mid (21° 02´S 148° 36´E — 21° 19´S 148° 14´E — QM and AM
slopes or plateaux. These environments provide a greater specimens) then Shoalwater Bay MEQ (22° 40´S 150° 41´E
abundance of ephemeral water bodies, an important — ANWC specimens) south along the coast and ranges to
breeding requirement for this species (Moore 1961, Hines near Moss Vale MENSW (34° 37´S 150° 30´E — SAM
unpubl. data). The role of larvae in the food web of water specimen), inland to Blackdown Tableland (23° 43´S 149°
filled tree holes was investigated by Kitching and Callaghan 04´E — QM specimens) and Carnarvon Gorge (24° 55´S
(1982). There is no information on population size, structure, 148° 05´E — QM specimen), Figure 10.
dynamics, or genetic variation. Current distribution: In south-eastern Qld there has been little
Conservation status: Lechriodus fletcheri is considered Rare in recent survey work west of the Great Divide so the status of
Qld because of its narrowly restricted distribution in that inland populations is not known.Within the subtropical zone A.
state. There is no evidence of declines or of major threats brevis has not been recorded along the Great Dividing Range
across its range so we believe there is no need to review its from the NSW border to the Bunya Mountains despite recent
legal status. There is also no need for it to be included in a surveys and intensive monitoring in these areas (Hines unpubl.
recovery process. data). This area is climatically similar to the adjoining NSW
northern tablelands where A. brevis appears to have suffered a
Whirring Treefrog Litoria revelata serious decline (Gillespie and Hines 1999). Elsewhere in far
south-eastern Qld the species is readily detectable in suitable
Distribution: Three allopatric populations; Atherton Tableland, seasonal and weather conditions (Ingram and McDonald 1993,
NEQ , Clarke Range MEQ, (Covacevich and McDonald Hines unpubl. data). In far north-eastern NSW, Mahony (1996)
1993), and in the south from Mount Tamborine SEQ (27° frequently located A. brevis in stream and pond situations but only
55’S 153° 10’E — QM specimens) to Ballina NENSW (28° below 400m. In that area there are few historical records above
52’S 153° 34’E — QM specimens; Ingram et al. 1982). Figure 400m making it difficult to assess whether declines have occurred.
9. Records of L. revelata further south (e.g. Covacevich and Adelotus brevis has apparently declined from elevated sites in the
McDonald 1993) are possibly records of other members of Clarke Range mid-eastern Qld (Ingram and McDonald 1993;
the L. ewingii complex (Mahony and Knowles 1994) and have McDonald and Alford 1999) and from the NSW northern
not been included in this review. tablelands (Gillespie and Hines 1999). Localised declines have also
been reported from the Blackall and Conondale Ranges south-
Current distribution (southern population only): No
eastern Qld (1978 to 1984 — Ingram and McDonald 1993) but
reports of declines. Under suitable conditions it has been
no declines were apparent in the Watagan Mountains in mid-
found recently in abundance at several ponds on O’Reilly’s
eastern NSW (Mahony 1993).

FIGURE 9: Distribution of whirring treefrog Litoria revelata in FIGURE 10: Distribution of tusked frog Adelotus brevis
subtropical Australia

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

FIGURE 11: Distribution of great barred-frog Mixophyes fasciolatus FIGURE 12: Distribution of Fleay’s barred-frog Mixophyes fleayi

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

Threats: Ill and dead A. brevis have recently been found from often uses unconnected pools near streams and also
urban Brisbane, the Lamington Plateau and D’Aguilar Range billabongs and dams well away from streams. Although
(Hines unpubl. data) and near Lismore (Tarvey NSW NPWS M. fasciolatus is commonly found in disturbed environments it
pers. comm.). Preliminary post-mortem examinations of does not tolerate habitat clearing. In the Dorrigo area
specimens from Brisbane suggest that a chytrid fungus (NENSW), Lemckert (1999) found that M. fasciolatus was
(Berger et al. 1998) is the cause of death (Berger unpubl. less abundant in more recently logged areas. The effect of
data). A major threat to A. brevis is loss and degradation of other disturbances (e.g. fire, grazing) has not been examined.
habitat, especially in the lowlands (see discussion on coastal Berger et al. (1998) identified a chytrid fungal infection as the
lowland frogs), through agriculture and urban development. cause of death in a captive population and more recently in
Although A. brevis persists in heavily disturbed sites the an animal from the wild (Mount Glorious SEQ — Berger
viability of these populations is unknown. Introduced fish, unpubl. data).
including Gambusia holbrooki, are also widespread in some
lowland areas. Their impact on A. brevis is not known. Biology: Poorly known. There are qualitative descriptions of
Within forest catchments timber harvesting, cattle grazing and broad habitat use (e.g. Cogger 1996; Barker et al. 1995;
altered fire regimes may also affect this species. For example, Straughan 1966) and its eggs and larvae are inadequately
Lemckert (1999) found that in the Dorrigo area (NENSW) described. Current studies by University of Newcastle and
A. brevis was apparently dependent upon patches of QPWS are providing more detailed information on habitat
undisturbed forest. requirements breeding biology and genetic population
structuring. Captive husbandry techniques have been
Biology: Poorly known. Katsikaros and Shine (1997) examined developed for this species at a number of institutions
sexual dimorphism with respect to diet, habitat use and mating (Amphibian Research Centre, Melbourne Zoo, Lone Pine
systems. Moore (1961), Watson and Martin (1973) and Daly Koala Sanctuary). There is no information on population size,
(1995) described the nests, eggs and larvae. There is no structure, dynamics or genetics, non-breeding habitat
information on population size, structure, genetics or dynamics. requirements or factors limiting distribution.

Conservation status: This is the first time that possible Conservation status: Mixophyes fasciolatus in not listed as a
declines of A. brevis over large areas have been identified. It threatened species in either state or nationally. It has not
had previously been considered a secure species that was shown any significant reduction in range. Due to ecological
widespread and common (e.g. Tyler 1997; Covacevich and similarities with stream dependant frogs that have declined or
McDonald 1993; Ingram and McDonald 1993). It has therefore disappeared we recommend that this species be included in
not been considered for listing as a threatened species. The monitoring programs, particularly to assess changes in relative
information presented here and in the review by Gillespie and abundance. Mixophyes fasciolatus is and should continue to be
Hines (1999) should be used as a basis for reassessment of its used as a model for research into threatening processes and
status, particularly in NSW. Targeted surveys and inclusion of conservation management for the two species of Mixophyes
this species in monitoring and research programs for other currently considered endangered.
declining species are recommended.
Mesic forest species — obligate stream breeders
Great barred-frog Mixophyes fasciolatus
Fleay’s barred-frog Mixophyes fleayi
Distribution: Clarke Range MEQ (20° 50’S 148° 28’E — 21°
17’S 148° 30’E — AM, QM and SAM specimens); Kroombit Distribution: Narrowly and disjunctly distributed in wet
Tops SEQ (24° 22´S 151° 01´E — e.g. QM specimens) to forests from the Conondale Range SEQ (26° 43´S 152° 35´E
Gosford MENSW (33° 26’S 151° 20’E — AM, MV and SAM — Hines unpubl. data), south to Yabbra Scrub in NENSW
specimens). Records from the Blue Mountains and further (28° 37´S 152° 29´E — Mahony unpubl. data), Figure 12.
south (e.g. Cogger 1996) require confirmation. Figure 11.
Current distribution: Corben (in McDonald 1991) reported that
Current distribution: Frequently recorded, often in large M. fleayi declined in the Conondale Range in the late 1970’s.
breeding congresses throughout its known range (e.g. Ingram and McDonald (1993) reported that it had not been
Mahony 1996; Ingram and McDonald 1993; NSW NPWS seen in the Conondale Range since the summer of 1990-91.
1994a). Corben (in McDonald 1991) reported that Since Ingram and McDonald’s review, targeted surveys for M.
M. fasciolatus declined markedly in the Conondale Range in fleayi have been undertaken. A population was found in the
the mid 1970’s, but no other researchers at the time upper reaches of three neighbouring streams in the Conondale
reported declines in this area. Regular surveys and monitoring Range (Hines unpubl. data) despite surveys of historical sites
in this and other areas of south-eastern Qld (Hines unpubl. lower down in the streams which failed to locate the species. In
data) support Ingram and McDonald’s (1993) statement that Qld other populations are currently known from Lamington
there is no decline in this species. In the Conondale Range it plateau and the northern section of Main Range (Hines unpubl.
is one of the few species that persisted at sites such as data), Mount Barney area (Hero unpubl. data) and Currumbin
Booloumba Creek where four species of stream dependant (Dadds unpubl. data) and Tallebudgera Creeks (QM specimen,
frogs disappeared. Hines unpubl. data) below Springbrook Plateau. There have
been no records of M. fleayi from the extensively developed Mt
Threats: The apparent resilience of M. fasciolatus to Tamborine area since 1976, despite targeted surveys (Hines
disturbance and factors causing the declines in other stream unpubl. data, Hero unpubl. data). In NSW it is known from
breeding species may be linked to its broader habitat Lever’s Plateau (Border Ranges — Cunningham pers. comm.),
utilisation and differences in breeding biology. Mixophyes Yabbra and Tooloom Scrubs (Mahony unpubl. data, Dadds
fasciolatus is not dependant upon streams for breeding, but unpubl. data), Mt Warning (Southern Cross University unpubl.

data),Terania Creek in Nightcap Range and Sheepstation Creek 1994b, AM specimen). North of this there is currently a large
in the Border Ranges (Mahony 1996, Mahony et al. 1997a). population in the Dorrigo — Coffs Harbour area, North
In the past two summer seasons there have been no sightings Washpool State Forest and Bungawalbin State Forest
of M. fleayi at Terania Creek despite intensive searches, although (Mahony unpubl. data, Southern Cross University unpubl.
prior to this only very low numbers had been observed data). In far north-eastern NSW, M. iteratus is known from
(Mahony unpubl. data). only three sites, despite intensive surveys.

Mixophyes fleayi has disappeared from some sites. Whether it In south-eastern Qld M. iteratus is currently known from
has declined at others is difficult to assess due to a lack of scattered locations in the Mary River catchment downstream
historical records of relative abundance. The very low to about Kenilworth, Upper Stanley River, Caboolture River
numbers recorded from many well surveyed sites suggest and Coomera River (Hines unpubl. data, Marshall unpubl.
that declines in abundance may have occurred. data). During the early 1980’s M. iteratus declined and
disappeared from at least two streams in the Conondale
Threats: The reasons for declines or disappearance of Range where it was well known (Corben in McDonald 1991,
M. fleayi are not known. Large areas of this species’ habitat McDonald unpubl. data, Ingram unpubl. data). Recent surveys
have and continue to be degraded by feral animals (e.g. feral and monitoring (see R. silus) in this area failed to locate it
pigs in the Conondale Range), domestic stock (Main Range) despite a population being discovered in a nearby catchment
and invasion of weeds. Upstream clearing, timber harvesting (Parris unpubl. data). The Bunya Mountains (Straughan 1966)
and urban development (e.g. Mt Tamborine) are all likely to and Cunningham’s Gap (Straughan 1966, AM specimen,
have affected flow regimes and water quality. A chytrid fungal Corben pers. comm.) previously supported M. iteratus but
infection has been identified as the cause of illness and these and nearby sites have recently been the subject of
death of M. fleayi on Main Range and Lamington plateau targeted survey or intensive monitoring (Hines unpubl. data),
(Berger et al. 1998). without locating the species. Assessing the extent of the
decline is difficult because of the lack of baseline data on its
Biology: Poorly known. This species was first described in
distribution and abundance.
1987 by Corben and Ingram, who provided very basic
information of the species’ ecology. Current studies by Threats: Many sites where M. iteratus occurs are the lower
Knowles (University of Newcastle) and QPWS are providing reaches of streams which have had major disturbances such
detailed information on habitat requirements, breeding as clearing, timber harvesting and urban development in their
biology, population structure and dynamics. Samples are being headwaters. In the Dorrigo area (NENSW), Lemckert (1999)
collected to enable examination of genetic structure. found that M. iteratus was less abundant in recently logged
areas and at sites where there was little undisturbed forest.
Conservation status: Mixophyes fleayi is currently listed as
The impacts of feral animals, domestic stock, weed invasion
Endangered in both Qld and NSW and in the Action Plan
and disturbance to riparian vegetation, all potential threats to
for Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997), but it is not listed nationally.
current populations, are unknown.
Based on its rarity, restricted distribution, possible declines
and current threats its status nationally should be reviewed. Biology: Poorly known with only basic information on its
A draft recovery plan has now been prepared and ecology (Straughan 1968, Mahony et al. 1997b). Current
implemented (Hines 1997). A captive husbandry project has studies by Knowles and Mahony (University of Newcastle)
been initiated at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. are providing more detailed information on habitat
requirements, breeding biology, population structure and
Giant barred-frog Mixophyes iteratus dynamics. A study of genetic variation within the species has
Distribution: Belli Creek near Eumundi SEQ (26° 31´S 152° been completed (Donnellan and Mahony, unpubl. data) and
49´E — Barden pers. comm.) south to Warrimoo MENSW no species level differences were found among the six NSW
(33° 43´S 150° 36´E — AM specimen), Figure 13. Cogger populations compared.
(1996) states that M. iteratus was distributed south “to about
Conservation status: Mixophyes iteratus is currently listed as
Narooma” (36° 13´S 150° 08´E), but there are no specimens
Endangered in both Qld and NSW and in the Action Plan for
nor other records this far south to substantiate the claim.
Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997), but is not listed nationally.
Current distribution: Mixophyes iteratus has suffered major Based on declines in distribution and the current threats to
declines in the southern portion of its range. There are no M. iteratus, its status nationally should be reviewed. A draft
recent records from the Blue Mountains (Mahony et al. recovery plan has now been prepared and implemented
1997b), although there were only a few historical records in (Hines 1997).
that area. In the Watagan Mountains M. iteratus is currently
known from a small recently rediscovered population Southern gastric Rheobatrachus silus
(Mahony unpubl. data). Although not common there in the brooding frog
past it was frequently recorded (Mahony 1993). Between the Distribution: Restricted to elevations of 400 — 800m in the
Hunter River and Macleay catchment there is currently only Blackall and Conondale Ranges SEQ between Coonoon
one known population, at Mount Seaview (Hobcroft pers. Gibber Creek (26° 33’S 152° 42’E — QM specimens) and
comm.), but survey effort in this area has been relatively low. Kilcoy Creek (26° 47’S 152° 38’E — Covacevich and
There were only two confirmed historical records in this area McDonald 1993, QM specimens), Figure 14.
(AM specimens from the Upper Allyn River and Middle
Brother State Forest). A population was recently located in
the southern Nambucca River catchment (NSW NPWS

Current distribution: Not sighted in the wild since 1981 Current distribution: Not sighted in the wild since 1979
despite continued efforts to relocate the species. Since despite continued efforts to relocate the species. Since
Ingram and McDonald’s review (1993) the following surveys Ingram and McDonald’s review (1993) the following surveys
and monitoring for this species have been undertaken: and monitoring for the species have been undertaken:

a. Regular monitoring at Ingram’s (1983) study site — Beauty a. T. diurnus was present at most sites R. silus occurred, so
Spot 100 on Booloumba Creek, Bundaroo, Peters and East surveys and monitoring for that species (see above) were
Kilcoy Creeks in the Conondale Range (Borsboom unpubl. likely to detect T. diurnus.
data, QPWS unpubl. data) and at Picnic Creek (the type b. Regular (near fortnightly) diurnal monitoring at the type
locality near Kondalilla) on the Blackall Range (QPWS locality (Greene’s Falls) and nearby streams at Mount
unpubl. data); Glorious by Brisbane Frog Society for a year (1995-1996
b. 1995 intensive “frog search” of Conondale Range — Holdway pers. comm.).
(Cunningham pers. comm.); c. A study on L. pearsoniana at nearby Love Creek
c. 1997 “frog search” of the headwaters of Kilcoy, North (Cunningham pers. comm.) since September 1995 failed
Booloumba and Bundoomba Creeks, Conondale Range to detect T. diurnus despite some diurnal censuses and
(Hines unpubl. data); regular tadpole surveys.

d. since 1996 systematic surveys of many streams in the Threats: Like R. silus, the reason(s) for the disappearance for
Conondale and Blackall Ranges. Some sections of streams T. diurnus remains unknown (Martin et al. 1997). This species’
were visited on many occasions over a range of weather habitat is currently threatened by feral pigs, invasion of weeds
conditions. Poorly surveyed streams in the Upper Stanley (especially mist flower) and altered flow and water quality
River were targeted (Hines unpubl. data, Dadds unpubl. due to upstream disturbances.
data); and
Biology: Czechura and Ingram (1990) reviewed knowledge of
e. opportunistic surveys by various frog biologists.
the biology of T. diurnus. There is a reasonable understanding
The species declined rapidly in late 1979, with only a single of the factors affecting distribution of the species, its patterns
specimen located after that, in 1981 (Richards et al. 1993). of behaviour, breeding biology, diet, and thermal relations and
water balance. There is no information on population size,
Threats: The reason(s) for the disappearance of this species structure, genetics or dynamics.
remains unknown (Tyler and Davies 1985b). Populations of
R. silus were present in logged catchments between 1972 and
1979. Although R. silus persisted in the streams during these
activities, the effects of timber harvesting on this aquatic
species were never investigated. Its habitat is currently FIGURE 13: Distribution of giant barred-frog Mixophyes iteratus
threatened by feral pigs, invasion of weeds (especially
mistflower Ageratina riparia), and altered flow and water
quality due to upstream disturbances.

Biology: Relative to other frog species in subtropical Australia,

R. silus was well studied before its disappearance. There was
detailed examination of its highly unusual reproductive
strategy (gastric brooding; e.g. Corben et al. 1974;Tyler 1985).
Ingram (1983) studied the ecology of R. silus at Booloumba
Creek and gathered some information on population size,
structure and dynamics before its disappearance. There is no
information on the genetic structuring of populations or on
the factors limiting distribution.

Conservation status: It is listed as Endangered in Qld,

nationally and in the Action Plan for Australian Frogs (Tyler
1997). Rheobatrachus silus is a critically endangered species
(IUCN 1996) that is possibly extinct. A draft recovery plan ● 1990 onwards record
has been prepared (Martin et al. 1997) but recovery is ❍ pre-1990 record
dependant upon locating an extant population. Monitoring of ■ capital cities
historical locations and surveys of potential habitat will
continue as part of ongoing frog conservation actions in
south-eastern Qld.

Southern dayfrog Taudactylus diurnus

Distribution: Occurred in disjunct populations in the Blackall,
Conondale and D’Aguilar Ranges SEQ from Coonoon
Gibber Creek in the north to Mount Glorious in the south
(26° 33’S 152° 42’E — 27° 23´S 152° 47´E — QM
specimens) Figure 15.

Conservation status: It is listed as Endangered in Qld, streams. During recent surveys of mesic forests in north-
nationally and in the Action Plan for Australian Frogs (Tyler eastern NSW, L. lesueuri was infrequently recorded above
1997). Taudactylus diurnus is a critically endangered species 400m (5% of 36 sites surveyed — Mahony unpubl. data).
(IUCN 1996) that is possibly extinct. A draft recovery plan This observation may be additional evidence for decline of
has been prepared (Martin et al. 1997) but recovery is this species from montane rainforest streams, but our
dependant upon locating an extant population. Monitoring of assessment is limited by a lack of historical data on
historical locations and surveys of potential habitat will distribution and abundance in this area. There have been no
continue as part of ongoing frog conservation actions in reports of declines from lower altitudes or from open forests.
south-eastern Qld. In the temperate zone L. lesueuri is still frequently
encountered at high altitude (Gillespie and Hines 1999).
Stony creek frog Litoria lesueuri
Threats and biology: Gillespie and Hines (1999) summarise
Distribution: Endeavour Falls, Cooktown NEQ (15° 25’S known or likely threats to L. lesueuri as well as knowledge of
145° 05’E — Covacevich and McDonald 1993) to Lederderg its biology and taxonomy.
Gorge Vic (37° 37’S 144° 25’E — Gillespie and Hines 1999).
Figure 16. Conservation status: Litoria lesueuri is not listed as a
threatened species in any of the states in which it occurs.
Current distribution: Within the wet subtropical region of Given its past decline from some rainforest streams and its
Australia, L. lesueuri remains one of the most widespread, ecological similarity with other declining frogs, it is
abundant and frequently recorded stream breeding frogs. recommended that L. lesueuri be included in monitoring
There are however reports of declines. Ingram and programs, to assess changes in relative abundance.
McDonald (1993) reported declines from rainforest streams
in the Blackall and Conondale Ranges of south-eastern Qld Cascade treefrog Litoria pearsoniana
between the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, but the species The identity of various populations referred to this species
remained common in wet sclerophyll forests. This period are currently under review. Recent allozyme and DNA
coincides with the disappearance of T. diurnus and R. silus, and studies (Mahony et al. unpubl. data; McGuigan et al. 1998)
declines of other species from the same area. Following their indicate that the population at Kroombit Tops (24° 24´S 151°
survey in 1993 Ingram and McDonald considered that 01´E — Czechura 1986, QM specimens) may be an
populations of L. lesueuri were recovering along these

FIGURE 14: Distribution of southern dayfrog Taudactylus diurnus FIGURE 15: Distribution of southern gastric brooding frog
(after Martin, McDonald and Hines 1997). Shaded areas are: Rheobatrachus silus (after Martin, McDonald and Hines 1997).
light grey -state forest or timber reserve, dark grey - national Shaded areas are: light grey -state forest or timber reserve, dark
parks and conservation parks. Some towns and larger streams grey - national parks and conservation parks. Some towns and
are also shown. larger streams are also shown.

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ towns ■ towns

undescribed taxon. These studies will also more clearly was abundant over several kilometres of three streams in the
delineate the southern range limit of L. pearsoniana. Conondale Range; at Bundaroo Creek 61 individuals were
counted on a 100m transect (Hines unpubl. data). However,
Distribution: Kandanga State Forest SEQ (26° 26´S 152° at other sites where seemingly suitable habitat exists,
24´E — SEQRFA) south to Gibraltar Range NENSW (29° L. pearsoniana is currently at low densities. For example only
31´S 152° 25´E — Mahony et al. unpubl. data), Figure 17. one individual was recorded during regular monitoring of a
1 200 m transect along a rainforest stream at Cunningham’s
Current distribution: Czechura (1991) and McDonald and
Gap south-eastern Qld (33 censuses totalling 24 km —
Davies (1990) recorded declines of L. pearsoniana in the late
Hines unpubl. data).
1970’s to early 1980’s from the Conondale and Blackall
Ranges south-eastern Qld. Corben (in McDonald 1991) Threats: The reasons for population declines are unknown.
suggested that this species had not suffered a conspicuous In the Blackall and Conondale Ranges they coincide with the
decline in the Conondale Range, but that it had disappeared period in which T. diurnus and R. silus disappeared. Large areas
from some streams in Brisbane Forest Park. Ingram and of this species’ habitat have and continue to be degraded by
McDonald (1993) found L. pearsoniana breeding in small introduced animals, e.g. feral pigs and domestic stock, invasion
numbers in the Conondale, Border and Main Ranges. During of weeds and timber harvesting (see Parris and Norton 1997
their survey only two were heard during ideal weather for discussion). Upstream clearing and urban development
conditions at East Kilcoy Creek (McDonald unpubl. data) have reduced habitat and are likely to have affected
where it had previously occurred in hundreds during the downstream flow regimes and water quality in some localities
study of McDonald and Davies (1990). Ingram and McDonald (for example Kondallila Falls). Infections of a chytrid fungus
(1993) did not find it at Kondallila Falls in the Blackall Range, (Berger et al. 1998) have been found on dead individuals
although it was common there in the 1970’s (McDonald from Main Range south-eastern Qld and from the closely
unpubl. data). There are no reports of declines in NSW. related taxon at Kroombit Tops (Berger unpubl. data). Other
ill and dead L. pearsoniana have been found in the Conondale
More recent studies have found the species to be reasonably Range but have not yet been examined (Hines unpubl. data).
widespread (Mahony 1996; NSW NPWS 1994a) or “appear
to have recovered at some sites” (McGuigan et al. 1998). Biology: Relatively well documented. McDonald and Davies
Surveys and monitoring carried out over the past two (1990) described adult behaviour and breeding biology.
seasons by QPWS in south-eastern Qld largely support these Environmental and habitat preferences are provided by
findings. It is one of the most frequently recorded species McDonald and Davies (1990), Covacevich and McDonald
along streams in mesic forests. In May 1996 L. pearsoniana (1993), NSW NPWS (1994a) and Parris and Norton (1997).

FIGURE 16: Distribution of stony creek frog Litoria lesueuri in FIGURE 17: Distribution of cascade treefrog Litoria pearsoniana
subtropical Australia

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

Genetic structuring within L. pearsoniana has been reported by T. pleione are included in the unpublished documents of
McGuigan et al. (1998) who found significant divergence Cunningham and James (1994) and Borsboom et al. (1998).
among populations from different wet forest isolates. There is The breeding biology is unknown and there is no information
no published information on population dynamics or structure. on population size, structure or genetic variation.

Conservation status: Litoria pearsoniana is currently listed as Conservation status: Taudactylus pleione is currently
Endangered in Qld but is not considered threatened in NSW considered Vulnerable in Qld and in the Action Plan for
or nationally. Reassessment of its status, based on a more Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997) but is not listed nationally. Its
thorough analysis of recent survey and monitoring data, is rarity, extremely restricted distribution, coupled with possible
warranted. Resolution of taxonomic problems within the population declines and the identification of a number of
group is needed, particularly for the population at Kroombit likely threats suggests that the status of this species should be
Tops. A draft recovery plan for L. pearsoniana has been reviewed for listing as Endangered. A range of interim
prepared and implemented (Hines 1997). management measures, i.e. monitoring, handling protocols,
stock exclusion and fire management are being implemented
Mesic forest species — breeding biology unknown pending the finalisation of the recovery plan for the species
(Borsboom et al. 1998).
Kroombit tinkerfrog Taudactylus pleione
Distribution: Very restricted distribution. Confined to eight DISCUSSION
small patches of rainforest above 600m at Kroombit Tops,
Taudactylus diurnus and R. silus, species endemic to the wet
south-west of Gladstone SEQ (24° 22´S 151° 01´E)
subtropical region of Australia remain missing and the factors
(Clarke et al. in press).
causing their disappearance are unknown. Four other obligate
Current distribution: Surveys in February 1997 greatly or facultative stream breeding frogs, A. brevis, M. fleayi,
expanded the known distribution of T. pleione from three to M.iteratus and L.pearsoniana, have suffered significant local or
eight sites with all additional sites in Kroombit Tops National regional declines. For L. pearsoniana, there is evidence of
Park (Clarke et al. in press). The only monitored population, population recovery. In the case of A. brevis we (this review;
in the head of Kroombit Creek, appears to have declined. Gillespie and Hines 1999) present data for the first time that
The species was regularly encountered prior to 1997 but indicates a major decline in populations from the northern
T. pleione was not heard or seen at this site during the tablelands of NSW north along the Great Divide into south-
eastern Qld. The magnitude and extent of declines in these
1997/98 season despite systematic monitoring (Clarke unpubl.
four stream breeding species is difficult to quantify due to a
data). During 1997/98 little other survey and monitoring work
lack of long term systematic baseline information. Determining
was undertaken in the area but T. pleione was heard calling at
the cause of these declines is made more difficult as many
three of the recently discovered populations.
potentially threatening processes have operated over the
Threats: Clarke et al. (in press) and Borsboom et al. 1998 list six range of these species. In many cases the impacts of these
main potential threats to T. pleione; timber harvesting, domestic threats are unknown, let alone likely synergistic effects. More
and feral animals, visitor pressure, wild fire and the unknown detailed discussion of threats to stream-breeding frogs is
agent(s) responsible for declines in other Qld frogs. Timber provided by Gillespie and Hines (1999).
harvesting has ceased in the catchments above all known
There is no evidence of regional declines in two facultative
populations. A fence to exclude domestic stock has been
stream breeding species, M. fasciolatus and L. lesueuri although
constructed but stock continue to impact habitat at the head of
both have declined from high altitude rainforest streams in
Kroombit Creek. Feral pigs, which have the potential to prey
some areas. Given the serious declines in other stream
upon T. pleione or destroy habitat, have recently been found
breeding frogs in eastern Australia (see also Gillespie and
nearby. A recent wildfire burned into many rainforest patches
Hines 1999, McDonald and Alford 1999) it is important that
used by this species and may at least be partially responsible for
monitoring and research projects incorporate these species
decline of the species at the monitoring site. Modified fire
due to their potential vulnerability.
management procedures have now been put in place.
Eight species of mesic forest frogs, that are not dependent on
Four species of Taudactylus from similar habitat elsewhere in streams for breeding, show no signs of decline. They are of
Qld declined dramatically or disappeared due to unknown conservation concern because of their rarity and or
causes (e.g. Ingram and McDonald 1993). In May 1998, dead restricted distribution.
L. pearsoniana (sensu lato see above) were found in Kroombit
Tops (Hines and Clarke unpubl. data). Chytrid fungus, found Five lowland species are increasingly at risk due to loss or
by Berger et al. (1998) associated with frog deaths and degradation of habitat. There is an urgent need to establish
declines elsewhere in Australia and Central America, was recovery processes for the habitat for wallum or acid frogs
isolated from these animals (Berger unpubl. data). This, in — many threatened vegetation communities, plants and
conjunction with the probable decline of T. pleione at the other animals are dependent upon these environments.
monitoring site has heightened concern for this species.
Generally our knowledge about the distribution, population
Biology: Knowledge of the biology of T. pleione is extremely size ,structure, natural fluctuations, and biology of the frogs
poor. There are only two publications concerning this species reviewed is poor. This needs to be greatly improved to assist
(Czechura 1986 a,b) which provide qualitative information of in our understanding of the potential causes of declines and
habitat, calling and activity patterns, at the type locality. other threats and ultimately to ensure recovery of populations.
Additional information on these aspects of the biology of

This review has concentrated on frog species currently ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
considered rare or threatened, and additional stream
Species locality data were provided by the Australian,
breeding species for which there was evidence of declines. Queensland and South Australian Museums, Australian
This approach is somewhat subjective and potentially National Wildlife Collection,The National Museum of Victoria,
overlooks species which may have declined. We recommend Atlas of New South Wales Wildlife and the South-east
that a thorough analysis of the patterns of change in Queensland Regional Forest Assessment Fauna Database.
distribution of all frog species in south-eastern Australia be These data made up the vast majority of records used in the
undertaken urgently. Such a review needs to address a production of species distribution maps. We thank the
number of limitations in the available data sets. The best relevant staff and curators of these collections and databases
historical information on species’ distributions lies in our for their generous assistance. A. Borsboom, M. Cunningham, B.
museum collections. For each specimen the identity, locality Dadds, R. Goldingay, M. Hero, R. Knowles, C. Marshall, E.
and georeference need to be checked. This process has to Meyer, C. Morrison and K. Thumm provided additional
species records and opinions on species’ status. Staff of the
be coordinated by both State and Federal conservation
Parks and Wildlife Service at Moggill also assisted especially B.
agencies. It will result in a much more robust data set for
Dadds with data manipulation, R. Brown and H. Preece with
comparison with ongoing data collection. In order to
geographical information system support and J. Angus who
complete this process taxonomic resolution of species typed sections of the manuscript. We thank N. Campbell, W.
complexes is needed. In this review we identified Litoria Drake, S. Richards and A. White for their valuable comments.
cooloolensis, L. lesueuri, L. pearsoniana and L. revelata and
Kyarranus spp., as requiring further taxonomic studies. Financial support was provided by Queensland Parks and
For many species more robust identification characters need Wildlife Service, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service,
to be determined. Environment Australia, the University of Newcastle and the
Natural Heritage Trust.
Whilst refinement of historic data sets is required this and
other reviews in these proceedings have repeatedly identified REFERENCES
major gaps in our understanding of species’ distribution,
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Centre for Conservation Biology,The University of Sphagnum Frog Philoria sphagnicolus. Herpetofauna 2: 36.

The status of Rainforest Stream
Frogs in north-eastern New
South Wales: decline or recovery?
Ross Goldingay, David Newell and Mark Graham*

ABSTRACT commonly encountered on forest tracks at night.

Mixophyes fasciolatus was detected at 29 sites with
Rainforest stream-dwelling frogs have declined
an average abundance of 2.9 individuals per
dramatically throughout eastern Australia.We
transect. The distribution and abundance of these
collected baseline information on the distribution
species were not significantly influenced by
and relative abundance of these frogs in north-
elevation. Single surveys of sites in early 1999
eastern New South Wales.We established
confirmed the distribution data. Mixophyes iteratus
100 m transects along rainforest streams at
and Mixophyes fleayi were each found at nine sites
54 sites and traversed these transects at night,
from 1997 to 1999. The former was confined to low
counting all stream-dwelling frogs seen and heard
calling. Repeat surveys were conducted at sites in elevation sites while the latter occurred almost

1997-98 to accommodate the influence of prevailing exclusively at high elevation. The rarity of these

weather conditions on frog activity. species is of great concern despite moderately high
numbers at 2-4 sites. Further monitoring is required
Litoria pearsoniana was widespread in our study in order to resolve whether these frog populations
area, occurring at 38 sites at an abundance of 7.1 are still in decline or have stabilised, and to identify
individuals per transect. In contrast, L. lesueuri key locations where intensive management
occurred at lower densities (4.2 individuals per programs should be initiated.
transect, across 29 sites) but stream surveys may
underestimate its abundance because it was

* School of Resource Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW.

INTRODUCTION Many species of frog were recorded during this study
including Adelotus brevis, Assa darlingtoni, Lechriodus fletcheri,
There has been much recent attention devoted to assessing the
status of amphibian populations in many parts of the world (e.g. Litoria spp., Mixophyes spp. and Philoria spp. However, we only
Richards et al. 1993; Drost and Fellers 1996). This has stemmed report on the stream-breeding species Litoria pearsoniana,
from the recognition that many species have experienced Litoria lesueueri and three species of Mixophyes. We present
sudden and unexplained declines, and some species have the maximum counts for each species at each survey site for
disappeared totally (Carey 1993; Pounds and Crump 1994; Lips the 1997–98 period. An additional count was made at each
1998). In Australia, as many as 9 frog species have disappeared creek site if a breeding aggregation was heard away from the
in the last 15 years (Ingram and McDonald 1993; Laurance et al. fixed transect site. Searching was also conducted beyond the
1996; Mahony 1996). The seriousness of this situation is fixed transect at sites where there were historic records of
reflected by the fact that no frog extinctions are known from M. fleayi in order to more fully assess its presence.
the last 100 years in Australia.
A set of handling and disinfection procedures was followed.
Many frog species are still in decline and there is a need to
Boots were disinfected between catchments by means of a
assess the status of frog communities throughout Australia.
The importance of monitoring programs has been dilute bleach mixture. Handling of frogs was kept to a
demonstrated by studies in north Queensland (Richards et al. minimum and plastic bags (used only once) were everted
1993;Trenerry et al. 1994). Similar studies of rainforest stream over hands if frogs were handled.
frogs are urgently needed at other locations because this
group seems especially vulnerable to population declines. RESULTS
The aim of the present study was to locate suitable sites and
Status of Tree Frogs
establish a monitoring program for rainforest stream-dwelling
frogs in north-eastern New South Wales (NSW). This area Litoria pearsoniana was detected at 39 sites in 1997–98 (Table 1)
included three species, Litoria pearsoniana, Mixophyes fleayi and with an average abundance of 6.9 individuals per transect. Large
Mixophyes iteratus, which have been reported to have suffered numbers (16–40) of individuals were recorded at several sites.
serious declines (Ingram and McDonald 1993; Mahony 1996) Litoria pearsoniana was detected at 35 sites in 1999 (Table 1)
and which are recognised as threatened or endangered with an average abundance of 4.4 individuals per transect. Litoria
species (Lunney et al. 1996; Parris and Norton 1997).
lesueuri was detected at30 sites in 1997–98 (Table 1) with an
average abundance of 4.3 individuals per transect. It was
METHODS detected at 23 sites in 1999 with an average abundance of 2.7
Study Area individuals per transect. The lower abundance in 1999 of both
species was likely a result of only a single survey being
The study area included forested areas in the Border Ranges conducted at each site which would have included periods of
National Park (NP), Mt Warning NP, Limpinwood Nature
lower activity. Litoria lesueuri was more widespread and abundant
Reserve, Nightcap NP, Mebbin State Forest (SF), Nullum SF,
than indicated by these data. It was regularly observed crossing
Mooball SF,Whian Whian SF, Richmond Range NP and
Toonumbar NP (Figure 1).Within all areas except Mebbin SF, roads in the Border Ranges NP, Mebbin SF and Whian Whian SF
where some streams may be ephemeral, transects were when these areas were traversed at night, and the occurrence of
established along permanent streams with a rainforest verge. large numbers of juveniles indicated that recent breeding had
Between one and 12 transects measuring approximately 100 m been successful. Each of these species were found at sites that
in length were established in each area (Table 1), depending on ranged in elevation from 70 m to 780 m.
stream availability and access. All but eight of the stream sites
were located within 500 m of an access road. Status of the Barred Frogs

Survey Methodology Mixophyes fasciolatus was detected at 31 sites in 1997–98

(Table 1) with an average abundance of 2.9 individuals per
Site selection began in late 1996 when a small number of sites transect. It was detected at 24 sites in 1999 (Table 1) with an
were selected and surveyed in Whian Whian SF and Border
average abundance of 3.5 individuals per transect. Sites where
Ranges NP. Most sites were selected in 1997 and surveys were
this species was found ranged in elevation from 70 m to 780 m.
conducted between January 1997 and April 1998. Because this
study aimed to provide baseline data for long-term monitoring, Mixophyes iteratus was found at only seven sites in 1997–98,
2–3 surveys were conducted at night at each site under various
all in Mebbin SF at low elevation (Table 1). It had an average
weather conditions to ensure that we obtained appropriate data
abundance of 4.2 individuals per transect. Juvenile frogs were
for a range of species. This included at least one night when rain
occurred. Two sites in Nightcap NP and seven sites in Whian detected at three sites, indicating that recent breeding had
Whian SF were surveyed at least 14 times each between late been successful. At one site no adults were detected. In 1999,
November 1997 and mid-March 1998. The majority of these M. iteratus was again found at seven sites in Mebbin SF but
sites, in addition to a few extra sites, were surveyed on a single this included two sites where it was not detected the
night in January-February 1999. A total of 54 transects were previous year. It was also found at two other locations which
included in the study overall (Appendix 1); 47 were surveyed in were not included in the 1997-98 survey (Table 1). It had an
1997–98 while 49 were surveyed in 1999. Each transect was average abundance of 3.4 individuals per transect.
searched using a 30 watt spotlight for a minimum of 20 person-
minutes (number of observers x time).

FIGURE 1: Location of broad survey areas in north-eastern New South Wales.


1. Whian Whian State Forest 8. Border Ranges National Park
2. Nightcap National Park 9. Mooball State Forest
3. Nullum State Forest 10. Toonumbar National Park
4. Mount Jerusalem National Park 11. Richmond Range National Park
5. Mount Warning National Park 12. Bungdoozle Flora Reserve
6. Wollumbin State Forest (Richmond Range State Forest)
7. Mebbin State Forest

TABLE 1: Relative abundance of frogs at survey sites. A. 1997-98, B. 1999. Values are the maximum adult count of each species along
100 m transects (or maximum count of the nearest aggregation). - = none detected; j=presence indicated by 6 juveniles. NP = National Park,
SF = State Forest.

Site (Elevation – m) L. pearsoniana L. lesueuri M. fasciolatus M. iteratus M. fleayi

Mooball SF A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.
M1 (50) – – – 0 (2) 1 3 – – – –
M2 (80) 1 2 – – 5 4 – – – –
M3 (90) 1 1 – 5 – 2 – – – –
Mt Warning NP
MW1 (430) 4 0 (2) – – – – – – 1 2
MW2 (220) 7 5 3 – 1 – – – – –
Nullum SF
N1 (270) 2 (6) 0 (4) – – 2 – – – – –
N2 (130) 2 – 0 (1) 0 (1) 0 (1) – – – – –
N3 (210) 8 0 (6) – – – 0 (2) – – – –
N4 (230) 2 (6) 2 – – – – – – – –
Mebbin SF
Mb1 (135) – 5 4 – – 2 5 – – –
Mb2 (145) – 1 1 – – 0 (1) – – – –
Mb3 (200) – 3 1 1 1 2 (3) – – –
Mb4 (170) 2 3 1 – – – – 0 (1) – –
Mb5 (155) 1 8 3 – 1 – 1 1 – –
Mb6 (170) – 5 4 – 1 – 2 1 –
Mb7 (165) 2 (14) 9 6 11 1 – – 2 – –
Mb8 (165) – 7 (1) 2 0 (2) – 0 (1) j 4 (7) – –
Mb9(155) 7 3 3 – 1 – 4 – – –
Mb10 (150) 40 6 0 (1) – – 2 (2) 0 (1) 1 (2) – –
Mb11 (130) – 14 (8) – 3 – – 9 8 – –
Whian Whian SF
W1 (180) 22 1 (4) 4 1 8 – – – – –
W2 (380) 10 2 2 – 2 1 – – – –
W3 (540) 2 2 – – – – – –
W4 (360) 4 – 5 1 2 – – – – –
W5 (330) 3 6 4 1 4 – – – – –
W6 (370) 5 – 3 – 5 – – – – –
W7 (320) 2 – 7 – 2 – – – – –
W8 (160) 5 2 2 – 4 – – – – –
W9 (70) 4 – 4 2 4 – – – –
W10 (250) 4 16 3 3 3 – – 4 – –
Nightcap NP
Nc1 (200) 7 1 3 2 3 3 – – 3
Nc2 (180) 12 6 13 1 3 – – – – –
Nc3 (550) 3 2 – 0 (3) 3 4 (3) – – – –
Nc4 (600) 2 – 2 0 (3) 2 0 (2) – – – –
Nc5 (780) 2 nd 2 nd 3 nd – nd – nd
Nc6 (520) 5 – – – 2 3 – – – –
Nc7 (460) – 2 – – 3 8 – – – 15
Nc8 (470) nd 6 nd – nd 8 nd – nd 2
Border Ranges NP
B1 (570) 11 6 3 0 (5) – – – – 2 –
B2 (750) 5 1 (2) – – – – – – 1 0 (5)
B3 (150) 4 nd – nd 3 nd – nd – nd
B4 (730) 12 nd – nd – nd – nd – nd
B5 (240) 7 – 5 2 7 3 – – – –
B6 (675) nd – nd – nd – nd – nd 16
B7 (880) – – – – – – – – – –
Limpinwood NR
L1 (560) 9 nd 4 nd 2 nd – nd – nd
L2 (500) 10 1 – – 2 2 – – – –
L3 (380) 8 – 6 0 (2) 5 2 – – – –
Richmond Range NP
RR1 (460) 18 2 (4) – 2 – 0 (7) – – – –
RR2 (560) nd 7 nd 0 (1) nd 2 nd – nd –
RR3 (300) – – – 3 – 8 – 6 – –
Tooloom NP
T1 (710) nd – nd – nd – nd – nd 8
T2 (690) nd – nd – nd 3 nd – nd 10 (10)
Toonumbar NP
T1 (210) 16 3 (4) 22 2 – 5 – – – –

Mixophyes fleayi was found at nine sites overall; three sites in and penetrated the rainforest areas of north-eastern NSW
1997-98 and eight sites in 1999, ranging from 200 m to 765 m by the early 1980’s and that it has been present here for well
elevation (Table 1). This species was more abundant in 1999 over 10 years. Indeed, Mahony (1993) reported the
with >5 individuals detected at four sites. These observations disappearance of several stream-dwelling frogs in the mid-
represent new records for this species at Mt Warning NP, at 1980’s from the central coast of NSW. This may suggest that
Tuntable Falls in Nightcap NP and at Kangaroo Ck in Tooloom the most virulent phase, when species decline rapidly, has
NP. These results confirm that this species is rare in the study passed and that there may be hope to recover those species
area and that populations are widely separated. that have declined but are still present. However, it would be
unwise to be too optimistic because species that are reduced
Influence of Elevation to very low levels of abundance may be demographically
unstable. Surveys such as those employed here should be
Elevation has been implicated as an influence on the decline continued to provide an on-going appraisal of the relative
of stream-dwelling frogs in north Qld (Richards et al. 1993). stability of affected species.
We investigated whether elevation influenced the distribution
and abundance of our five target species by dividing up the In the present study, most sites were characterised by small
sites into high (>300m) and low (<300 m) elevation sites. numbers of individuals. There were only three sites where
We rely on the data collected in 1997–98 because multiple more than 20 individuals of any species were found. The
visits were conducted to a site in order to reduce weather- absence of any studies reporting densities of these species
induced variability in the detection of these frogs. prevent a resolution of how indicative these abundances are.
These abundances may reflect a post-decline environment or
Litoria pearsoniana was detected at 18 high and 21 low continued decline, assuming that a pathogen has been present.
elevation sites but this distribution was independent of Sick or dead frogs have been reported from a small number
elevation (G=1.80, P >0.1). Its abundance was not significantly of locations throughout our study area such as Mebbin SF
different (t=0.44, P =0.65) at high (6.4 ± 1.1 individuals) (Berger pers. comm.). Studies in Qld have suggested that
versus low (7.4 ± 2.0) elevation sites. Litoria lesueuri was species’ declines were more apparent at high elevation, but we
detected at 10 high and 20 low elevation sites but this were unable to find an influence of elevation on distribution and
distribution was independent of elevation (G=2.28, P >0.1). abundance for three species (L. pearsoniana, L. lesueuri,
Its abundance was not significantly different (t=0.52, P =0.61) M. fasciolatus). Moreover, the two species of greatest
at high (3.8 ± 0.6 individuals) versus low (4.7 ± 1.2) conservation concern (M. iteratus, M. fleayi) were found almost
elevation sites. exclusively at either low or high elevation.We are now entering
a period when active management of many populations is
Mixophyes fasciolatus was detected at 13 high and 18 low
needed and monitoring will be required to evaluate the success
elevation sites but this distribution was independent of
or otherwise of any management activities.
elevation (G=0.01, P >0.9). Its abundance was not significantly
different (t=0.05, P =0.96) at high (2.9 ± 0.3 individuals) versus
Survey Methodology
low (2.9 ± 0.5) elevation sites. Mixophyes iteratus only occurred
at sites ≤300 m elevation. In contrast, all but one of the nine This study aimed to employ a survey method equivalent to
sites where M. fleayi was found were >400 m elevation. that used by Richards et al. (1993). It was not possible to
survey streams frequently, but rather it was intended to
DISCUSSION obtain an index of frog abundance at each site. It became
apparent that the activity levels of different species were not
Frog Declines synchronised at a given site, largely due to different triggers
for breeding. For example, the calling of male L. pearsoniana
Frogs and other amphibians have undergone sudden and appears to peak during rainfall events while that of M. iteratus
pronounced declines in protected rainforest areas in many and M. fleayi appears to precede rainfall (pers. obs.). To
parts of the world (Heyer et al. 1988; McDonald 1990; accomodate these differences, we surveyed all sites during
Ingram and McDonald 1993; Richards et al. 1993; Pounds and wet and dry periods in 1997-98. In early 1999, we were only
Crump 1994; Lips 1998). In Australia, there has been able to survey a site once so these data should be
speculation about the cause of the rainforest frog declines interpreted more cautiously.
and its pattern of spread (see Laurance et al. 1996, 1997;
Alford and Richards 1997; Hero and Gillespie 1997). The One short coming of our survey methodology was that
focus of this debate has been whether a water-borne transects were located arbitrarily at a site. This may have led
pathogen is the most probable cause of the decline, and the to the exclusion of important microhabitat components of a
environmental conditions over which such a pathogen may particular species. Often suitable microhabitats (e.g. fringing
be virulent. There appears to be some consensus that the vegetation) occurred just outside the transect. The practical
frog declines have spread from the Conondale Ranges in way to account for this was to include an additional count of
about 1979, based on the disappearance of the locally the nearest breeding aggregation detected outside the transect
endemic Taudactylus diurnus and Rheobatrachus silus (Ingram if one was heard calling. This technique provided many useful
and McDonald 1993; Laurance et al. 1996; Mahony 1996). data that produced a more accurate assessment of relative
abundance and of the distribution across all survey sites.
Most attention has been devoted to the northward
progression of disappearing species from this area in south-
east to north-east Queensland (Qld). This would suggest
that if the agent of decline (e.g. a pathogen) can move as
freely as it appears to have, that it must have moved south

Tree Frogs a further site (Byrrill Ck) where it was apparently detected by
Manning (pers. comm.).We detected M. fleayi at the Border
The most widespread and abundant species encountered
Ranges sites in both years of the study but only in 1999 at
during this survey were L. pearsoniana and L. lesueuri. Ingram
Terania Creek, Nightcap NP. We were unable to locate it at
and McDonald (1993) suggested that L. pearsoniana was a
Byrrill Ck, Mebbin SF, despite >15 visits to this site.We detected
species of some conservation concern. They found that it
M. fleayi at two new locations (Mt Warning NP and Tooloom
had disappeared from the Blackall Range and was present in
NP). Each of these represent significant range extensions
low numbers at other sites where it had previously been
because these sites are well isolated from other locations.
common. Laurance et al. (1996) suggested that it had
declined by 90%. It is now listed as an endangered species in The abundance of M. fleayi was extremely low in 1997–98
Qld (Parris and Norton 1997). Litoria lesueuri has also with only 1–2 males detected at each site. However, larger
declined in many areas of south-east Qld but appears to be numbers were detected in early 1999, which may have been
recovering (Ingram and McDonald 1993). These observations due to the above-average rainfall experienced in that period
suggest that these two species will be important for and also in late 1998. Mahony et al. (1997a) reported six
evaluating the recovery of rainforest frog populations and individuals from Terania Creek in 1994 but none in 1996. We
may provide insights that can be applied to other species. detected none there between late 1996 and March 1998,
despite 17 visits under various weather conditions. However,
We found that L. pearsoniana was widespread in the study
three individuals were detected in 1999. Mahony et al.
area and relatively abundant at a number of sites. This
(1997a) reported no individuals at Brindle Ck in 1994-1996
situation offers good potential for assessing its population
but we detected one individual in 1997-98 and five in 1999.
stability and using it as an indicator of any changes in
Moderate numbers (8–16) of M. fleayi were detected at four
management. Litoria lesueuri was also widespread in the study
sites in early 1999. This suggests that these may be more
area but generally occurred at low abundance along the
important sites and will require continued monitoring.
transects. This may not be an accurate reflection of the
abundance of this species because it was commonly
Management Implications
encountered when driving through the forest at night, under
both wet and dry conditions. Therefore, the survey method There are several implications arising from this study:
may not be suitable for assessing changes in the population 1. that surveys of these sites must be continued on an
size of this species. Our surveys in 1997-98 suggest that the annual basis to provide an on-going assessment of the
distribution and abundance of each of these species were not stability of the populations of three key species (M. fleayi,
influenced by elevation. M. iteratus, and L. pearsoniana),

Barred Frogs 2. that some assessment be made as to whether the factor

that led to the decline of these species is still present and
Mixophyes fasciolatus was the most common of the barred virulent, and
frogs, being found at 42 of 53 sites over the period of this
3. that key locations be identified for detailed management
study. Its distribution and abundance in 1997–98 was not
influenced by elevation. This species is able to breed in
ponds as well as streams (Mahony 1993) from which it may We assume that the rainforest stream-dwelling frogs of
have derived some benefit which allows it to persist at many north-east NSW have been subject to some agent of decline
sites. Mahony (1993) suggested that M. fasciolatus was not as for at least 10 years (see above). This suggests that these
abundant on the central coast of NSW as it used to be. frogs have survived the most serious period of decline, unlike
Whether its abundance has declined in north-east NSW is many species in Qld. Surveys must be continued to
unknown but we have now established base-line data which
determine whether these species are undergoing a more
can be used for comparison by future studies.
gradual decline or whether they may be recovering. In the case
Ingram and McDonald (1993) reported that M. iteratus may of M. fleayi, it has only ever been known from a small number
have disappeared from highland sites and that its status was of sites in NSW which makes it difficult to assess whether it
uncertain. Mahony et al. (1997b) reported that this species has declined here. The discovery of new sites is the result of
had disappeared from much of its southern range. We only more intensive survey, rather than an expansion in its range.
detected this species at low elevation sites, at three broad The presence of M. fleayi at low and high density offers the
locations. Mahony et al. (1997b) recorded 5 adults at Byrrill opportunity to investigate factors that may limit its abundance.
Ck, in Mebbin SF. We recorded 9 adults there in 1998 and Detailed population studies at several sites should be initiated
8 adults in 1999. We found that M. iteratus was widespread in for M. fleayi and M. iteratus which are both listed as threatened
Mebbin SF. This species could be readily detected during most in NSW. This would provide some calibration to the
visits to this area, and the presence of juveniles at several sites population indices generated by occasional monitoring surveys.
suggests that this population may currently be stable.
Monitoring of populations is a first step to assessing the
Mixophyes fleayi has a restricted distribution in north-east NSW status of populations and identifying focal species for
and south-east Qld (Corben and Ingram 1987). Ingram and management. The second step is to determine whether an
McDonald (1993) noted that M. fleayi was a species of agent of decline is still present in the environment of these
conservation concern. Mahony et al. (1997a) noted the very species. Thus, although the factor(s) causing declines in this
restricted distribution and extreme rarity of M. fleayi in north- frog assemblage is not resolved, it is still possible to ask
eastern NSW. The current study included each of the sites whether the factor may still be operating. This could be
where this species was detected by Mahony et al. (1997a) and assessed by conducting experiments using tadpoles of

affected species (e.g. L. pearsoniana). Tadpoles could be Lips, K.R., (1998) Decline of a tropical amphibian fauna.
housed at a variety of sites to assess development and Cons Biol, 12: 106-17.
survival. If sites are identified where survival is high, then Lunney, D., Curtin, A., Cogger, H. G. and Dickman, C. R.,
translocations could be considered to boost populations at (1996) An ecological approach to identifying the
those sites or assistance could be provided to reduce endangered fauna of New South Wales. Pac Cons Biol, 2:
mortality of tadpoles born in situ. Any attempt at 212-31.
translocation should be mindful of mixing gene pools and
Mahony, M.J., (1993) The status of frogs in the Watagan
should limit translocation to relatively short distances
Mountains area, the central coast of New South Wales.
(e.g. 5–10 km).
Pp. 257-64 in Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline.
For species such as M. fleayi and M. iteratus, key sites should ed by D. Lunney and D. Ayers. Surrey Beatty & Sons,
be identified where active management of their populations Chipping Norton.
could be pursued. This may initially include trying to enhance Mahony, M.J., (1996) The decline of the Green and Golden
tadpole survival in situ and ex situ, but may also involve the Bell Frog Litoria aurea viewed in the context of declines
identification of sites for translocation studies. In the case of and disappearances of other Australian frogs. Aust Zool,
M. fleayi, it is likely that captive breeding will be needed to 30: 237-47.
prevent the loss of remaining individuals in NSW. This study Mahony, M., Knowles, R. and Pattinson, L., (1997a) 6. Gold-
has shown that there are currently several sites available in eyed barred frog. Pp. 78-83 in Threatened frogs of New
north-east NSW for further studies directed at resolving South Wales: habitats, status and conservation. ed by
management issues for each of these species. H. Ehmann. Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW,
Sydney South.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mahony, M., Knowles, R. and Pattinson, L., (1997b) 5.
We thank Lance Tarvey (NPWS) for sharing our enthusiasm Silverblue-eyed barred frog. Pp. 72-77 in Threatened frogs
for this study. The NPWS Declining Frog Working Group of New South Wales: habitats, status and conservation.
provided financial support that facilitated the field surveys in ed by H. Ehmann. Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW,
early 1999. We thank Drs Steve Richards and Arthur White Sydney South.
for many constructive comments on a draft of this paper. McDonald, K.R., (1990). Rheobatrachus Liem and Taudactylus
Straughan and Lee (Anura: Leptodactylidae) in Eugella
REFERENCES National Park, Queensland: distribution and decline.
Trans Roy Soc South Aust, 114: 187-94.
Alford, R.A. and Richards, S.J., (1997) Lack of evidence for
Parris, K.M. and Norton,T.W., (1997) The significance of State
epidemic disease as an agent in the catastrophic decline of
Forests for conservation of Litoria pearsoniana (Copland)
Australian rain forest frogs. Cons Biol, 11: 1026-29.
and associated amphibians. Pp. 521-26 in Conservation
Barker, J., Grigg, G.C. and Tyler, M.J., (1995) A Field Guide to Outside Nature Reserves. ed by P. Hale and D. Lamb.
Australian Frogs. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. Centre for Conservation Biology,The University of
Carey, C., (1993) Hypothesis concerning the causes of the Queensland, Brisbane.
disappearance of boreal toads from the mountains of Pounds, J.A. and Crump, M.L., (1994) Amphibian declines and
Colorado. Cons Biol, 7: 355-62. climate disturbance: the case of the golden toad and the
Corben, C.J. and Ingram, G.J., (1987) A new barred frog harlequin frog. Cons Biol, 8: 72-85.
(Myobatrachidae: Mixophyes). Mem Qld Mus, 25: 233-37. Richards, S.J., McDonald, K.R. and Alford, R.A., (1993) Declines
Drost, C.A. and Fellers, G.M., (1996) Collapse of a regional in populations of Australia’s endemic tropical rainforest
frog fauna in the Yosemite Area of the California Sierra frogs. Pac Cons Biol, 1: 66-77.
Nevada, USA. Cons Biol, 10: 414-25. Trenerry, M.P., Laurance, W.F. and McDonald, K.R., (1994)
Hero, J-M. and Gillespie, G.R., (1997) Epidemic disease and Further evidence for the precipitous decline of endemic
amphibian declines in Australia. Cons Biol, 11: 1023-25. rainforest frogs in tropical Australia. Pac Cons Biol,
Heyer, W.R., Rand, A.S., Goncalvez da Cruz, C.A. and Peixoto, 1: 150-53.
O.L., (1988) Decimations, extinctions, and colonizations of
frog populations in southeast Brazil and their evolutionary
implications. Biotropica, 20: 230-35.
Ingram, G.J. and McDonald, K.R., (1993) An update on the
decline of Queensland’s frogs. Pp. 297-303 in Herpetology
in Australia: a diverse discipline. ed by D. Lunney and
D. Ayers. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton.
Laurance, W.F., McDonald, K.R. and Speare, R., (1996)
Epidemic disease and the catastrophic decline of Australian
rain forest frogs. Cons Biol, 10: 406-13.
Laurance, W.F., McDonald, K.R. and Speare, R., (1997) In
defence of the epidemic disease hypothesis. Cons Biol,
11: 1030-34.

Survey site details, including names and Australian Map Grid (AMG) references. Site names are from the creek name or nearest
road name. Sites are grouped within broad locations. S = south, N = north, E = east, FR = Flora Reserve.

Site Number Site Name AMG Site Number Site Name AMG

Mooball SF Whian Whian (cont.)

M1 Palmvale Spur 54630 686100 W9 Quandong 53750 683300
M2 Barooka 1 54600 685930 W10 Rocky Ck 2 53460 683530
M3 Barooka 2 54600 685900 Nightcap NP
Mt Warning NP Nc1 Protestors 53040 683930
MW1 Breakfast Creek 52780 685850 Nc2 Terania 53040 683970
MW2 Rest Area 52930 685880 Nc3 Bat Cave 53160 683950
Nullum SF Nc4 McNamaras 53190 684030
N1 S Chowan 1 53850 685030 Nc5 Geebung 53230 684160
N2 S Chowan 2 53720 685020 Nc6 Mulgum 52730 684180
N3 Sand Ridge 53480 684870 Nc7 Tuntable 1 52890 684120
N4 Scrub 53510 684810 Nc8 Tuntable 2 52910 684110
Mebbin SF Border Ranges NP
Mb1 Swifts N 51620 685480 B1 Sheepstation FR 50340 685790
Mb2 Swifts S 51620 685460 B2 Brindle Ck 50670 686080
Mb3 Tank S 51630 685380 B3 Lynches 50250 685540
Mb4 Kolonga 51740 685400 B4 Gradys Ck 50730 686270
Mb5 O’Connors 51750 685380 B5 Sawpit Ck 48260 686170
Mb6 Bullocks Head 51700 685300 B6 Long Ck 48570 686770
Mb7 Plantation N1 51740 685200 B7 Collins Ck 51370 685420
Mb8 Plantation N2 51740 685190 Limpinwood NR
Mb9 Plantation SE 51810 685170 L1 Hopping Dicks 51850 687400
Mb10 Lemon Tree 51860 685140 L2 Hidden Ck 51930 686720
Mb11 Byrill Ck 51870 685320 L3 Upper Oxley 51530 686800
Whian Whian SF Richmond Range NP
W1 Big Scrub FR 53250 683170 RR1 Cambridge Plateau 47410 681230
W2 Duffs 53600 683130 RR2 Bungdoozle 47080 683530
W3 Tungun 53350 683950 RR3 Peacock Ck 47220 682950
W4 Rocky Ck 1 53530 683770 Tooloom NP
W5 Boomerang Ck 53600 683380 T1 Kangaroo Ck 1 44410 684980
W6 Boggy Ck 53760 683520 T2 Kangaroo Ck 1 44090 684950
W7 Minyon 53780 683510 Toonumbar NP
W8 Boomerang FR 53220 683620 Tr1 Iron Pot Ck 47530 684495

Frogs in the timber production
forests of the Dorrigo escarpment
in northern New South Wales:
An inventory of species present
and the conservation of
threatened species
Francis Lemckert1 and Rachael Morse2

ABSTRACT at more than 30 sites, but the majority of frogs

were recorded on less than 10 occasions. The five
Surveys for frogs were performed at water bodies in
the Dorrigo area of northern New South Wales. threatened species appeared no less numerous than

The searches consisted of both aural and visual the majority of species considered to be more
components and covered 182 breeding choruses. common. Protection of frogs within timber
Additional records were obtained from opportunistic production forests has previously relied upon buffer
sightings. Twenty nine species of frogs were strips of undisturbed vegetation around riparian
located of which ten appeared to be restricted to
zones. Recently, additional protection has been
forested areas.
provided for recognised threatened species through

Five are listed on the NSW Threatened Species the use of larger site specific buffer strips, the

Conservation Act. Several species appeared to be provision of corridors connecting catchments and
widespread and common in that they were located the recognition of soakage areas for protection.

1. Research Officer, Native Forest Management Systems, Forest Research and Development Division, State Forests of New South Wales. PO Box 100,
Beecroft, NSW. 2119. Australia.
2. Technical Officer, Native Forest Management Systems, Forest Research and Development Division, State Forests of New South Wales. PO Box 100,
Beecroft, NSW. 2119. Australia.

The retention of all rainforest, old growth forest STUDY AREA
patches greater than 25 hectares and the A detailed description of the study area can be found in the
maintenance of a minimum of 50% undisturbed State Forests of NSW Management Area report (Forestry
Commission NSW 1980), but the general features are as
habitat in harvested compartments has provided follows. The DMA covers 213 338 hectares of an escarpment
further protection to probable foraging and shelter on the Great Dividing Range in northern NSW (see Figure 1).
The land rises from 600m elevation in the south-east to over
habitats. Specific research is required to determine
1000m in its north-western corner, with annual rainfall
how forestry activities affect frogs and so determine decreasing along the same gradient from 2000 mm to 700mm
if these protective measures will be as effective as (Forestry Commission NSW 1980). Temperatures are mild
with a mean minimum of 14.5°C and maximum of 26°C. The
planned through the long term.
majority of land is privately owned, but 95 886 hectares are
located within state forest and crown timber lands and a
INTRODUCTION further 46 885 hectares are held in National Parks and Nature
Reserves found wholly or partly within the DMA (State
Frogs are a poorly known component of the New South Forests NSW 1995). The forest types in the area vary from
Wales (NSW) vertebrate fauna with relatively few warm temperate rainforests through to dry open sclerophyll
comprehensive and systematic surveys having been performed forests. Logging of these forests commenced in the 1900s and
for this group. This poor state of our knowledge on both the increased in intensity until the 1930s and 1940s as a result of
status of species and even their basic ecology is of concern increasing mechanisation. Currently, logging is of a selective
given the recent noted serious declines in Australia (Mahony nature under a rotation cycle consisting of thinning operations
1993; Richards et al. 1993) and the rest of the world at 15 and 30 years and a cut of saw quality logs at 60 years.
(Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). In 1992, the initiation of the Low intensity fires are prevalent in the dryer forests, both as a
Threatened Species (Interim) Protection Act (TSIP Act) by the fire suppression mechanism and as a result of the activities of
NSW government provided for the general protection of frogs graziers, but the moister forests are rarely subject to fire.
and the targeted protection of threatened species which were
listed under “Schedule 12” of the Act. Importantly, the process SURVEY METHODS
of determining which species required listing as threatened Surveys for amphibians were performed over three separate
made clear the very limited knowledge available on the biology time periods:
and status of most frog species (Lunney et al. 1996). It also
a. 26th of September to the 19th of December 1993 —
provided a direction to determine the current status of
when weather conditions were mostly warm and dry with
threatened species, the processes threatening their survival and
occasional light showers;
the means to conserve each species into the future.
b. 11th to the 17th of February 1994 — when moderate to
In 1993, as part of a series of Management Area impact heavy rains fell before and during the survey period; and
assessments, the Forestry Commission of New South Wales c. 21st to the 23rd of June 1994 — a period of dry and cool
(now State Forests of New South Wales or SFNSW) conditions.
commenced a major amphibian survey within the Dorrigo
Management Area (DMA) of northern NSW. This work Survey techniques used followed those described in York et
covered the requirements of the TSIP and Environmental al. (1991) and included both surveys of water bodies and the
Protection and Assessment (EPA) Acts. The surveys in this traversing of roads to locate migrating frogs. The aim was to
study covered all land tenures within the DMA and were search as many water bodies as possible (with an emphasis
performed over an extended period of time in order to on forest areas) to provide as broad and intensive a coverage
as possible in the time available. Water bodies were located
cover varying seasons and weather conditions, thus
both from maps and by travelling along roads to find
maximising the opportunities to locate frogs. The information
breeding sites visually or by listening for choruses of frogs.
gained was used to assess the habitat requirements of
The selection of sites was not systematic in terms of
animals present within the DMA, and to assess the potential
stratifying the study or selecting equal effort for the different
effects of forestry operations on all species present, types of water bodies available, and so a measure of the
particularly those considered to be threatened (see State relative abundance of each species can only be made with
Forests NSW 1995). some caution. It was of greater importance to determine the
distribution of species within the DMA and locate sites at
This paper details the findings of these surveys. In particular, it
which threatened species were present so that protective
provides an assessment of the current status in the Dorrigo
prescriptions could be applied for their conservation. Notably,
area of species listed under the Threatened Species this approach almost certainly reduced the opportunities to
Conservation Act (which replaced the TSIP Act in 1995) and locate terrestrial breeding species as their breeding sites were
provides new information on their basic biology and habitat less obvious as to their location (a stream is obvious whereas
requirements. Finally, the current conservation measures a small soakage is not).
developed to protect frogs within areas of forest subject to
forestry operations are discussed.

Each site was surveyed at least once in each of the first two hand Pseudophryne coriacea (70 sites) and Crinia signifera
survey periods with a subset of sites being searched in the (66 sites) were never recorded on roads and all site records
winter survey. Site surveys started with a three to five represent calling individuals, often more than ten at a site,
minutes listening period to identify the species calling and making them the most abundant and widespread species
their approximate numbers. This was followed by a spotlight located during the surveys.
inspection of the water body and its surrounds to identify
non-calling individuals which encompassed the entire bank The range of broad habitats from which each species were
area of ponds (both temporary and permanent) or an recorded is also indicated in Table 1. Most species are notable
average of 50 metres of both sides of streams. Longer lengths for utilising more than one habitat type, with a few species
of streams were not generally traversed in order to increase appearing to favour either dry or moist forest types. Eight of
the number of sites which could be covered on each night
the species recorded on more than two occasions had 85%
(the aim was to cover as many sites as possible). Additionally,
or more of their records fall within areas substantially
call playbacks were performed to elicit responses from non-
covered by native forest (including plantations) and so are
calling males and so further increase the chances of locating
all of the species present at each breeding site. Road searches considered forest dependant. This includes four species of
were also performed after dusk during periods of rainfall to conservation significance (Mixophyes iteratus, M. balbus, Assa
identify frogs crossing roads. Searches eventually totalled a darlingtoni, Philoria sphagnicolus).
minimum of 35 hours at pools, 45 hours at streams and
41 hours on road transects during this study. Endangered Species
On each occasion frogs were located, the position was The surveys located a total of five species listed as
recorded to within the nearest 50 metres using speedometer threatened under the TSC Act with a greater concentration
readings. The start and end time of each search was of these frogs being found on the eastern side of the DMA
recorded along with the air temperature, humidity, cloud (Figure 3). Each of these frogs had previously been recorded
cover, rainfall and wind strength. in the area, but the number of records was increased for
each species except the sphagnum frog. Little information has
RESULTS been published on the habits of these species and so general
The Dorrigo Management Area proved to have a diverse accounts of the records obtained are provided as follows:
frog fauna with 29 species located during these surveys.
From the broad distributional maps of Cogger (1992) it was Hip-pocket Frog/Pouched Frog Assa darlingtoni
considered that 40 species may potentially occur within the The six populations located are at the southern end of this
DMA (see Table 1) and so 72.5% of those species potentially species’ range. All populations were within areas of wet
present were located. However eight species (marked in
sclerophyll forest or rainforest. Chorus sizes ranged from
Table 1) are found in habitats not represented in the DMA
more than 100 males to approximately 20 males with calling
or are apparently extinct in this part of their range. Thus,
being heard from September to November, although calling
29 of 32 of the species likely to be present (95%) were
located. Notably, no “unexpected” species were located has been heard at other times of the year subsequent to this
indicating that the predicted species list is relatively accurate. (Lemckert pers. obs.). Calling could be heard both during the
day and at night, even during dry conditions. Calling sites
Records of frogs consisted of 174 riparian and 8 terrestrial were under the leaf litter or, on rocky scree slopes, from
breeding choruses and 176 incidental records of frogs on within spaces underneath or between rocks. The small size
roads or in the forest (Figure 1). Thirty three records were (<30mm) and cryptic colouration of the hip-pocket frog
obtained in rainforest, 90 in wet sclerophyll forest types, 136
meant that only aural surveys were effective for this species.
in dry sclerophyll forest, 17 in eucalypt and native pine
plantations and 82 within areas of cleared land. The hip-pocket frog appears to be adversely affected by
logging of the forest in which they live. Of the six sites
A species acquisition graph through time (Figure 2)
demonstrates that half of the species located were recorded located during this study, only one was within forest that had
within two days of the commencement of surveys and that been logged within at least the previous 30 years and at this
the majority of species (20) were collected within six days. site logging had been performed within the previous six
Additional species encountered after this time were the months. Several further populations have been located
result of heavy rainfall which stimulated some species to call, subsequent to this study and all of these have also been in
a change of survey season (for Pseudophryne bibronii — a late unlogged forest. Unfortunately a bush fire appeared to
summer/autumn breeder) or specific searches for the destroy the population in the logged site so that its progress
otherwise difficult to locate species Philoria sphagnicolus. could not be monitored, but the indications are that hip-
The number of different sites from which a species was pocket frogs would have disappeared from the site. Back
recorded during the frog surveys was highly variable, ranging burns reduced another population by 90% indicating that fire
from 101 for Litoria lesueurii and 79 for Mixophyes fasciolatus may be a significant problem for this frog on any occasion it
to just one for Litoria caerulea, Litoria jervisiensis, Litoria tyleri intrudes into the wet forests it inhabits (see discussion on
and Pseudophryne bibronii. This is a misleading representation conservation protocols).
however, in that the majority of records for the two common
species were of single individuals on roads. On the other

FIGURE 1: Distribution of frog survey sites through Dorrigo area.

Prepared by Forest Research and Development Division, State Forests of NSW, February, 1999

TABLE 1: Species of frogs potentially occurring in the Dorrigo area and the number of records for each obtained during the surveys.

Number of record sites

Myobatrachidae Rainforest Wet Scler Dry Scler Cleared Total

Adelotus brevis * 2 2 7 1 12
Assa darlingtoni * 3 3 6
Crinia parinsignifera 3 1 4
Crinia signifera 2 12 35 17 66
Lechriodus fletcheri * 8 14 6 1 29
Limnodynastes dumerilii 1 12 3 16
Limnodynastes ornatus + –
Limnodynastes peronii 2 4 12 18 36
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis 6 3 9
Mixophyes balbus * 6 5 7 18
Mixophyes fasciolatus * 3 24 49 3 79
Mixophyes iteratus * 6 14 20
Philoria sphagnicolus 1 2 3
Pseudophryne bibronii 1 1
Pseudophryne coriacea * 2 20 46 2 70
Uperoleia fusca 3 12 8 23
Uperoleia laevigata + –
Uperoleia marmorata + –

Litoria aurea –
Litoria booroolongensis –
Litoria brevipalmata –
Litoria caerulea 1 1
Litoria chloris 10 12 4 11 37
Litoria dentata 3 4 6 14 27
Litoria fallax 3 9 10 22
Litoria freycineti + –
Litoria gracilenta + –
Litoria jervisiensis 1 1
Litoria latopalmata * 11 1 12
Litoria lesueurii * 4 41 45 11 101
Litoria nasuta + –
Litoria pearsoniana * 5 9 6 3 23
Litoria peronii 5 6 26 11 48
Litoria phyllochroa 3 4 3 6 16
Litoria piperata + –
Litoria revelata 1 4 1 6
Litoria rubella + –
Litoria subglandulosa 3 6 3 12
Litoria tyleri 1 1
Litoria verreauxii 2 6 21 41 59

* Forest species + Species not likely to be present

New England Tree Frog Litoria subglandulosa to call playbacks. However, their habit of calling from raised
positions on vegetation or from within logs made it difficult
The 12 records for the new england tree frog were all the
to locate visually.
result of detecting chorusing males and were scattered across
the DMA. This species was found in habitats ranging from
Southern Barred/ Mixophyes balbus
moist forest to generally cleared fields with strips of riparian
Stuttering Frog
vegetation (which held the largest recorded population). All
populations were associated with flowing streams, varying in This frog was recorded at 18 sites (Figure 3), 11 of which
width from between 30 cm to 3-4m, never still water sites. were located within moist vegetation, five were in dense
Males were located calling from elevated sites amongst riparian vegetation in dry forest and two were from streams
vegetation or logs located adjacent to or hanging over the with relatively open banks in dry forest. Calling males of this
stream. This frog was only heard calling during September species were only found associated with flowing water,
and October. This and later fieldwork indicates that the new although the flow was generally slow and the streams small
england tree frog essentially finishes its chorusing by mid- (0.5m in width). On three occasions males were found calling
November, which is very early for an Australian frog. This adjacent to trickles of water below stock dams where only
species was easily detected by aural surveys, as it called very small pools were apparent and it appeared likely that
regularly through the evening, and individuals responded well water flow was ephemeral, although the pools may be

FIGURE 2: Acquisition rate of frog species located during the Dorrigo frog surveys.

permanent. Calling populations consisted usually of only sclerophyll forest. It was evident during this study that
1–3 frogs, but minimums of 10 calling individuals were heard generalised survey techniques are inappropriate in locating
at two different sites. Calling was heard from September to this species as they are often not associated with readily
February. Males were generally found calling from under leaf identified riparian areas. For this species, very specific
litter or within holes some 2–5 metres from the waters edge microhabitats needed to be targeted which could only be
making this species difficult to locate visually. Several times reached by extensive foot travel in the DMA and so the
during rainfall events this frog was found on roads at least status of this species could not be readily determined from
100m away from the nearest water body, and clearly some this study.
individuals move widely through the forest when moist
conditions prevail. DISCUSSION
Giant Barred Frog Mixophyes iteratus The Dorrigo Management Area, with 29 species, proved to
be an area of relatively high frog diversity compared to other
This was the most geographically confined of the three areas surveyed for forestry EISs. Surveys in the areas around
Barred Frog species found in the DMA, with the Glen Innes (24 species — Smith et al. 1992) and
20 confirmed record sites occurring only at the eastern end Murwillumbah (23 species — Schodde 1996) recorded the
(see Figure 3). However, within this area it was found at every next greatest numbers of species with between 2 and 22
moderate sized (>2 metres wide), permanently flowing creek. species found in 13 other EISs (Lemckert 1996). This might
Individuals of all sizes were easy to locate visually due to their indicate the DMA has a higher diversity of species than other
large reflective eyes and habit of sitting above the leaf litter nearby areas, but general distribution maps (Cogger 1992;
(as compared to M. balbus). Males were only heard calling Robinson 1993) would not suggest this. The majority of
sporadically. All populations were found in wet sclerophyll species found in the DMA should have been present in these
forest or rainforest. other areas. Rather, the difference is more a reflection of the
Seven of these records came from timber plantations increased effort and flexibility directed at surveying frogs in
indicating that this species is able to utilise disturbed habitats this study. The survey periods in the other EIS studies were
to at least some degree. The DMA and the forests to the all constrained to a relatively narrow window of time (often
east appear to now be the stronghold of this species as just one month; Lemckert 1996). In the DMA, surveys were
populations are present throughout the drainage systems of performed over a nine month period allowing various
this area, but have disappeared or severely declined to the seasons to be covered and more opportunity to survey
north and south (Mahony 1993). The reasons for this decline under optimal conditions. The DMA was also surveyed far
remain unclear as are the reasons for the continued more intensively, with the effort between two and five times
abundance of this frog in the DMA. greater that applied to other MAs. This emphasises the fact
that any survey attempting to understand the status and
Sphagnum Frog Philoria sphagnicolus distribution of frogs within an area needs to take into
account the difficulty in detecting this group of vertebrates.
The sphagnum frog was recorded from only three sites, all of
which were located at the far eastern end of the DMA. All
three populations were located during diurnal searches and
resulted from the daytime calling activity of this species. The
sites inhabited were all soakages on steep slopes within wet

FIGURE 3: Location of record sites for threatened frog species.

Prepared by Forest Research and Development Division, State Forests of NSW, February, 1999

TABLE 2: Specific protective prescriptions for species listed under Schedules 1 and 2 of the Threatened Species Act.

Species Prescription

Litoria aurea 5 hectare exclusion zone around known records

Litoria brevipalmata 5 hectare exclusion zone around known records
Mixophyes balbus 30m wide buffer 200m upstream and downstream of known sites
Mixophyes fleayi 40m wide buffer 200m upstream and downstream of known sites
Mixophyes iteratus 30m wide buffer 200m upstream and downstream of known sites
Philoria kundagungan 50m radius exclusion zone around site
Philoria loveridgei 50m radius exclusion zone around site
Philoria sphagnicolus 50m radius exclusion zone around site
Assa darlingtoni * Minimum 50m radius exclusion zone around southern populations

* Prescription applied voluntarily by SFNSW

The distributions and number of record sites for species The failure to locate Litoria brevipalmata was not a surprise as
provided some unexpected results. Species such as Litoria this species is known to breed over only a few days of each
tyleri and L. caerulea and to a lesser extent Limnodynastes year coinciding with heavy rainfalls (Barker et al. 1995). Even
tasmaniensis and L. dumerilii were expected to be widespread regular checks of known breeding sites rarely result in this
and common, but were not. The surveys were conducted species being found outside of breeding events (Lemckert
during both wet and dry conditions which should have unpubl. data). The absence of Litoria aurea confirms the
covered all species preferred breeding conditions and the findings of Mahony (1996). Although this frog has been
reasons for the relative rarity of these species are unclear. recorded immediately to the east of the DMA, Mahony
One possibility is that these frogs were at some form of (1996) found that Litoria aurea has disappeared from all
cyclical low point in their abundance or detectability. Such upland areas within its historically known range.
variations in amphibian abundances have been documented
overseas (e.g. Meyer et al. 1998). Such a cycle has obvious Conservation of frogs in Timber
implications for environmental management and a cautious Production Areas
interpretation of survey results is required when determining Historically, the accepted method of protecting frogs in
the status of a species. Whatever is the case, this result does forestry areas was the retention of “filter strips” of
point out that surveys need to be intensive and cover several undisturbed vegetation along the banks of streams to
seasons in order to have confidence in locating even some conserve breeding habitats. Recently however, the SFNSW
apparently common species. Such time is rarely ever allowed and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)
for these sorts of studies. have developed a set of agreed Conservation Protocols
which provide multiple and broad ranging mechanisms to
The habitats utilised by the species of conservation
protect frogs within forests subject to logging operations
significance were generally the same as the general habitat
(SFNSW/NPWS 1997 and see Table 2). A core part of these
requirements listed in standard reference texts, however
protocols remains the retention of (most usually) a 20m wide
there are a few notable differences. Barker et al. (1995)
strip of undisturbed vegetation along the banks of streams
records that Mixophyes balbus is found in rainforest whilst
(=40m strip in total) to protect breeding habitat and
Cogger (1992) generalises this to moist forests. In this study
maintain water quality. This has however been extended to
this species was also found within riparian areas in dry include both dams and soakage areas which protects non-
sclerophyll forest. Only Robinson (1993) provides any stream breeding species. Additional protection has been
assessment of the breeding season noting that for all granted to threatened species through the increase of the
southern Mixophyes breeding appears to occur in late spring protective strips along streams from 20m to 30 or 40m for
and early summer. In this study calling was heard from early 200m upstream and downstream of sites (see Table 2). Water
spring to late summer for all three species of Mixophyes bodies utilised by Litoria aurea and L. brevipalmata are
present in the DMA. Assa darlingtoni was recorded in both protected by the retention of 5 hectares of undisturbed
rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest although both Cogger vegetation centred around the site whilst known sites for
(1992) and Robinson (1993) note it to be restricted to species of Philoria are provided with a 50m buffer zone
rainforest and antarctic beech forest. Most noticeably for (Table 2). Specific prescriptions for the protection of Assa
Assa, all three texts indicate that the range of this frog darlingtoni were not set under the Conservation Protocols,
extends approximately 50km into NSW, whereas Dorrigo is but SFNSW itself has applied a prescription whereby all areas
approximately 200km south of the border. Litoria of forest inhabited by this species and a 50m buffer zone are
subglandulosa is noted by both Barker et al. (1995) and reserved from forestry operations.
Robinson (1993) as breeding from October to November.
The calling season of this species did not appear to extend The need for dispersal routes has been considered in the
beyond mid-December, but it was heard calling strongly in Protocols by the provision of both the retained strips of
September at all of the sites in the DMA and should be stream-side vegetation and by the addition of cross
considered an early spring breeder. catchment corridors. The latter provides for a minimum of
either two 40m wide or one 80m wide corridor of
vegetation to be retained every two kilometres of stream

length. Therefore, frogs have an opportunity to both disperse Barker, J., Grigg, G. C. and Tyler, M. J., (1995) A Field Guide to
along streams and across ridges, although the effectiveness of Australian Frogs. Surry Beatty and Sons, Chipping
such corridors as dispersal routes remains to be confirmed. Norton, NSW.
Cogger, H. G., (1992) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia
The one aspect of the ecology of frogs that has been most
(Revised Edition). Reed. Sydney, NSW.
difficult to address has been their foraging needs. It is
generally perceived that logging results in the clear-felling of FCNSW., (1980) Forestry Operations in the Dorrigo
forest areas to leave a barren landscape. This may be true in Management Area. Forestry Commission of New South
other countries or even some areas of Australia, however in Wales. Sydney, NSW.
northern NSW logging has generally been of a selective Lemckert, F. L., (1996) Surveys for the Green and Golden Bell
nature. The result is that trees are removed in a patchier Frog (Litoria aurea) by State Forests of NSW. Aust. Zool.
manner, with the area logged being dependent on what 30: 208-213.
percentage of an area had commercial value and the amount Lunney, D., Curtin, A., Ayers, D., Cogger, H. G. and Dickman, C.
of riparian area that required protection. So even up to R., (1996) An ecological approach to identifying the
recently, an average of 30% of any compartment remained endangered fauna of New South Wales. Pac. Cons. Biol.
unlogged (Forestry Commission NSW 1980) and so 2: 212-231.
significant areas of undisturbed vegetation were available for
Mahony, M.J., (1993) The status of frogs in the Watagan
foraging if a frog required such habitat. The Conservation
Mountains area, Central Coast of New South Wales. Pp
Protocols have provided additional protection and restrictions
257-264 in Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline.
such that now no greater than 50% of the available logging
ed by D.Lunney and D.Ayers. Surrey Beatty and Sons with
area can be harvested, further increasing the area of
the Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Sydney.
undisturbed forest available for use.
Mahony, M.J., (1996) The decline of the Green and Golden
The newly increased protection available for frogs in general Bell Frog Litoria aurea viewed in the context of declines
and threatened species in particular has been provided to and disappearances of other Australian frogs. Aust Zool,
increase the likelihood that this group of vertebrates will 30: 237-247.
persist in logging areas into the foreseeable future. However, Meyer, A. H., Schmidt, B. R. and Grossenbacher, K., (1998)
the effectiveness of the Conservation Protocols remains Analysis of three amphibian populations with quarter
unproved. Monitoring of populations is to be undertaken century long time-series. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 265: 523-528.
over the long-term, but if there are significant impacts over
Pechmann, H. K. and Wilbur, H. M., (1994) Putting declining
the long term declines may be detected only after they are
amphibian populations in perspective: natural fluctuations
difficult to reverse. There is a need for immediate, explicit
and human impacts. Herpetologica 50: 65-84.
studies to examine the effectiveness of these prescriptions.
Such studies need to concentrate on each stage of the frog Richards, S. J., McDonald, K. R. and Alford, R. A., (1993)
life-cycle to determine how and when impacts occur from Declines in populations of Australia’s endemic tropical
forestry and so what changes can be made to management rainforest frogs. Pacific Conservation Biology 1, 66-77.
practices to reduce the impacts of future operations. This Robinson, M., (1993) A Field Guide to Frogs of Australia: from
program should most specifically target the species of Port Augusta to Fraser Island including Tasmania. Reed.
conservation significance which appear to be the species Sydney, NSW.
most vulnerable to disturbance and/or have the most specific Schodde, R., (1996) Murwillumbah management area fauna
habitat requirements. Effective prescriptions in combination survey. Report to State Forests of New South Wales.
with the development of a comprehensive and adequate CSIRO. Canberra, ACT.
reserve system are critical to ensure the continued survival of
SFNSW., (1995) Environmental Impact Statement for the
frog populations in the Dorrigo Management Area and in
Dorrigo management area. Unpublished report by State
other timber production forests.
Forests of NSW. Sydney, NSW.
SFNSW/NPWS (1997) Threatened species protocol: Survey
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS design and potential habitat. Joint unpublished report by
Firstly, our thanks go to Garry Daly, Mark Fitzgerald, Liz Kelso, State Forests of New South Wales and the New South
Allan Manning, Stefanie Pidcock and Jacqui Richards for their Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. Sydney, NSW.
help during the surveys. Thanks also go to the staff of the Smith, A.P., Moore, D.M. and Andrews, S.P., (1992) Proposed
Dorrigo Office of SFNSW, and particularly Paul Roberts, in forestry operations in the Glen Innes Management Area
providing help in various aspects of the surveys. Finally, we — Fauna Impact Statement. Report to State Forests of
would like to thank Jacqui Recsei, Karen Thumm, Dr. Michael New South Wales. Austeco Pty Ltd, Armidale, NSW.
Mahony and an anonymous reviewer for their critical reviews York, A., Binns, D. and Shields, J., (1991) Flora and Fauna
of this document. Assessment in NSW State Forests. Survey Guidelines.
Procedures for Sampling Flora and Fauna for
REFERENCES Environmental Impact Statements.Version 1.1. Report
Andrews, S. P., Gration, G. L., Quin, D. G. and Smith, A. P., (1994) for the Forestry Commission of NSW Sydney, NSW.
Description and assessment of forestry impacts on fauna of
the Urbenville Management Area. Report to State Forests
of New South Wales. Austeco Pty. Ltd. Armidale, NSW.

Review of the declines and
disappearances within the bell
frog species group (Litoria aurea
species group) in Australia
Michael Mahoney *

ABSTRACT Victoria nor have there been reports of widespread

declines in the other three species (L. cyclorhynchus,
Declines and disappearances of species and
and L. moorei, in southern Western Australia, and L.
populations of three species of bell-frogs have been
dahlii in the north of the continent).The cause of
reported, Litoria castanea has not been observed
declines remains unknown; however, the introduced
in the wild since the mid 1970’s, and L. aurea and
fish Gambusia holbrooki may be responsible for, or
L. raniformis have declined from parts of their
play a role, in the declines in some regions.The bell
former distribution. All populations of these three
frog group has a number of features that make it a
species formerly found on the Great Dividing Range
suitable model to investigate the wider issue of
in New South Wales have disappeared.
declines among Australian frogs; captive breeding
There has been a documented decline in and husbandry have been achieved, and large
geographic range and abundance of L. aurea along numbers of offspring are available for
the coastal plains of New South Wales. All extant experimental research.
populations of L. aurea are below 150 m (ADH) and
the majority of populations are found in coastal or
near coastal habitats. Along the north coast the
populations are apparently small and disjunct.
There have been no declines in northeastern

* Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308

INTRODUCTION with mottling of gold or bronze, all are relatively large, adult
males reach to about 90 mm and adult females 100 mm
The purpose of this paper is to review the decline and
snout vent lengths. All occur in mesic environments and they
disappearance of members of the bell frog species group
are usually associated with water, their general distributions
(Litoria aurea species group,Tyler and Davies 1978; Maxson
are presented in Figure 1.The species group has one
et al. 1982; King 1993). For each species there will be a brief
representative in northern Australia, two representatives in
review of the historical and present distribution, habitat
the south-west of Western Australia, and three in
requirements, biology, and the pattern of declines and
southeastern Australia. No species penetrates the arid zone.
disappearances where they have been documented, followed
by a general discussion on the possible causes of declines and As might be expected for members of a species group they
the research that has been conducted.The paper aims to also share similar habitat preferences and behaviour. Adults
bring together the current state of understanding of the are usually associated with water, and they are active by day
declines and disappearances within this group so that they basking in the sun. Individuals can usually be observed on
may be compared with those in other amphibians. I have emergent vegetation above water or on the edge of water
relied on published accounts and various technical reports bodies.When disturbed they drop into the water and remain
(fauna surveys, environmental impact statements, submerged for a short period. Breeding generally occurs in still
management plans, fauna impact statements and species water bodies ranging in size from ephemeral pools to large
impact statements). Consequently, the review does not lakes, coastal floodplains and billabongs (Oxbow lakes)
present the most recent findings from a number of research (Copland 1957; Main 1965; Humphries 1979;Tyler and Davies
projects that have been in progress for some years and 1978; Barker et al. 1995). None of the species breeds in fast
are ongoing. flowing streams, but they may use still pools in streams. A full
account of the variation in breeding sites of Litoria aurea is
SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY provided by Pyke and White (1996), and details of the breeding
habitat of the other species can be obtained from various
Bell frogs as they are commonly known, are a distinctive sources (see Barker et al. 1995 for a general description).
group within the Australo-Papuan hylid genus Litoria.The
species group comprise six species L. aurea, L. castanea, L. These frogs are largely terrestrial, although termed “tree-frogs”;
cyclorhynchus, L. dahlii, L. moorei, and L. raniformis (Tyler and they rarely climb trees, and have only small adhesive pads on
Davies 1978; Barker and Grigg 1977; Barker et al. 1995). their fingers and toes.While they are generally closely associated
All members of the group have rich green dorsal surfaces with water when observed by day, by night adults and juveniles

FIGURE 1: Distribution of members of the Litoria aurea species group.

may move widely in terrestrial situations when foraging range and apparent reduction in abundance, although the latter
particularly during rainy periods. Individuals have often been has been more difficult to verify.The species can no longer be
found considerable distances from the nearest water body found on the southern and central tablelands, or on the
(White 1995a), but evidence from a limited mark-recapture western slopes (see Figure 2). It has contracted from its former
study of L. aurea indicated that some animals remain at or return northern extent along the New South Wales coast and extant
to a breeding site when adult (Murphy 1996). However, the populations are apparently small and widely spaced (Clancy
importance of movement (immigration, emigration and distances 1996). No populations have been detected on the eastern
travelled when foraging) for different ages and sexes relative to hinterland of the Great Dividing Range in the past ten years
edaphic features remains a matter of some debate. Seasonal (Lemckert 1996). Formerly it ranged in altitude from sea level
activity varies among the species depending largely on the to about 700 m, but currently there are no populations known
regional climate. In coastal areas of New South Wales L. aurea is above 150 m (Ravensworth in the Hunter Valley)(Interagency
active at all times except in the midst of winter. At Homebush Advisory Group 1994; Wellington and Wells 1994; Resource
Bay in Sydney and at Kooragang Island in the Hunter Valley Planning 1994; Mahony 1997).
individuals overwinter in crevices in scree slopes and piles of
rubble (Greer 1994, Hamer unpubl.). In the north L. dahlii may Most extant populations occur close to the coast. Since 1990
be observed at all times of the year basking on vegetation only 38 localities have been recorded and 19 of these are in the
around wetlands, or in the dry months it hides in cracks in clay Sydney Basin biogeographic region. Many of the populations are
areas (Tyler and Davies 1986).The tableland species L. castanea small, estimates range from as few as 5 to 15 adults at some
had a much shorter period of activity from October to April, isolated sites (Cogger 1993; Fanning and White 1994;White
and adults required suitable sites for winter torpor (Humphries 1993, 1997;White and Pyke 1996).The largest known
1979; Courtice 1972; Courtice and Grigg 1975). Many of the populations are at Homebush Bay, the site of the year 2000
sites where the species was found experience frost during the Olympics development, and on the Kurnell Peninsula to the
winter months, but reports of brumation sites are few. High southeast of Botany Bay. At Homebush the species occurs and
altitude areas of the northern and southern tablelands have a breeds in semi-permanent pools in the uneven base of a large
frost period that exceeds a median duration of 150 days per disused brick quarry (about 15 hectares and 20 m deep with
year (Hobbs and Jackson 1977). Courtice and Grigg (1975) almost vertical sides (Greer 1994; Pyke 1995). Populations occur
report that individuals of the New England tableland population in the land surrounding the quarry and have been recorded
were found buried in soil beneath a tree stump, and under tin, breeding at several human-made permanent and ephemeral
and Humphries (1979) reports that on the southern tablelands water bodies (Pyke 1995; Pyke and White 1996). Because of the
groups were found under reeds at the edge of the breeding site. large developments proposed for the Homebush site, fauna
In the south west of Western Australia L. cyclorhynchus and L. surveys were conducted and fauna impact statements prepared,
moorei breed in spring and summer, and the species occur near including estimates of population sizes, habitat use and an
swamps and permanent water (Main 1965;Tyler et al. 1984). I assessment of potential threatening processes (Greer 1994;
have found L. moorei in late autumn in moist forest habitat Pyke 1995).With the aim of retaining an evolutionarily viable
sheltering under sheet metal. Litoria raniformis breeds in spring population in the area inside and outside of the quarry, frog
and summer and is active in the warmer months. Near Murray populations have subsequently been the subject of intensive
Bridge and Mannum on the Murray River in South Australia monitoring, demographic studies, and investigation of
animals have been found during winter in groups beneath thick microhabitat and habitat use by a postgraduate student Michelle
beds of reeds on the edge of wetlands that occur adjacent to Christie from the University of Sydney, Drs Graham Pyke and
the river (Mahony unpubl.). Arthur White from the Australian Museum Sydney and
personnel from the Australian Museum Business Services.
Litoria aurea Wetlands on the Kurnell Peninsula provide significant habitat
for the frog.The peninsula is primarily a series of pleistocene
The biology and conservation of the green and golden bell- coastal sand dunes with formerly extensive holocene
frog was the subject of a workshop held in Sydney at the freshwater wetlands (> 10 000 years of age)(Roy and
Australian Museum and Taronga Zoo in 1994 and Crawford, 1978, 1979). Natural habitats in this area have
contributions were published in a subsequent edition of the been greatly disturbed since first European settlement with at
Australian Zoologist Volume 30(2) May 1996 edited by Pyke various times, cattle grazing, removal of vegetation, sand
and Osborne.This publication has 17 papers that deal with mining and industrial and urban development. Large tracts of
various aspects of the biology of the frog including the peninsula are currently covered by transgressive sand
reproductive biology, habitat requirements, former and dunes destabilised by earlier activities (Pickard 1972; Skinner
present distribution and abundance, cause of decline and 1973; Roy and Crawford 1979). Adduction sand mining has
conservation management. resulted in mirror lakes, which are used by the frog for
breeding. Some natural wetlands occur in swales between
Distribution dunes on the northern end of the peninsula and in the
The historical distribution of the green and golden bell frog has remnants of the Holocene freshwater wetland on the mid
been reasonably well documented (Courtice and Grigg 1975). northern end of the peninsula (Mahony 1998).The continued
White and Pyke (1996) compared the historical and current persistence of this population is threatened by an array of
distribution prior to 1990 with the known distribution in 1996, developments that are currently in progress or proposed for
and details of the former distribution and disappearance of the the peninsula, and there are few chances that interconnected
southern tableland population were presented and reviewed natural habitat will be set aside (Gunninah 1997, 1998;
by Osborne et al. (1996).There has been a contraction in Mahony 1997, 1998).

The remaining populations in the Sydney basin are all lands. At the same time he noted that the frog was not
apparently small with estimates of less than 20 adults per site detected in adjacent agricultural lands where it would have
(White and Pyke 1996). Outside this area larger populations been expected.This is at odds with the report of Gillespie
are known to the south on the Illawarra coastline and to the (1996) who indicates that the species uses forest habitats in
north in the Hunter Valley, however measures of the sizes of East Gippsland. However, Pyke and White (pers. comm.)
these populations are based on counts taken at various times consider that the species is essentially a coastal and near-
and not based on values for which estimation errors are coastal riparian wetland species in this region and is only
available. Several large populations are known in coastal found in forest sites after moving from these breeding sites.
swamp habitat south of Kiama and Nowra respectively They also note that the species does not use forest habitats
(Daly 1995, 1996; Morgan and Buttemer 1996; Goldingay
in New Zealand. A question remains whether the absence of
1996; Murphy 1996, NSW NPWS 1996a; Mahony 1997).
the frog in forest habitats in New South Wales is a reflection
In the Hunter Valley the largest population occurs on
of its decline rather than its preference for other habitats.
Kooragang Island near the mouth of the river. Much of the
island is developed for industrial purposes but several large Habitat features at 74 sites, 18 where the species was extant
natural and human constructed wetlands occur (Markwell with the breeding site identified, and 56 sites where the
1984; NSW NPWS 1996b). Disjunct populations also occur species no longer occurs and the breeding site was not
on pastoral land 38, 98 and 124 kilometres up the valley.
identified, were tabulated by Pyke and White (1996).The
These populations are currently the most inland known in the
result was a description of the habitat at the extant sites
former distribution of the species. Populations on the north
compared to historic sites, and therefore does not necessarily
coast are widely spaced and the number in each population is
identify the requirements of the species prior to declines.
apparently small (Clancy 1996; Pyke and White 1996).
They found that for a site to support a breeding population it
In Victoria this species is restricted to east Gippsland (Brook should contain water bodies which are still, shallow,
1979a) where it occurs predominantly at low altitudes along ephemeral, unpolluted, unshaded, with aquatic plants and free
the coast and hinterland. Gillespie (1996) compared its of Gambusia and other predatory fish, with terrestrial habitats
current distribution with historical records, and found little that consist of grassy areas and vegetation no higher than
evidence of a decline in the distribution or abundance of the woodlands, and a range of diurnal shelter sites. Breeding
species in this region. He also observed that the landscape of occurred in a significantly higher proportion of sites with
East Gippsland was relatively intact and possibly provides a ephemeral ponds rather than sites with fluctuating or
greater continuity of habitat with a higher density of breeding permanent ponds, and where predatory fish were absent.
or refuge areas than in regions where the species had According to their analysis both the level of water fluctuation
declined further north in New South Wales. He reported and presence/absence of Gambusia have significant effects on
that it was usually associated with stationary, mostly
whether or not the frog breeds at a site.The coupling of
permanent water bodies in both forested and cleared
these two features may provide insight into the habitats that
habitats. He also noted that apart from isolated occurrence in
continue to support this species. Fish are purged from
farm dams, Gambusia was absent from the region east of the
ephemeral ponds during periods of extended dry and these
Snowy River in Victoria.
ponds are often isolated, whereas once established in
Populations occur on two offshore islands in New South permanent ponds or along drainage lines they remain and are
Wales, Bowen Island in Jervis Bay (Osborne and McElhinney able to recolonise.The possible predatory role of Gambusia
1996) and Broughton Island north of Port Stephens holbrooki in the decline and continued pressure placed on
(NSW NPWS Atlas 1998). It remains unknown whether populations of bell frogs will be discussed later. At this stage it
these populations are relictual or the result of assisted is worthy of note that use of ephemeral breeding sites was
translocation. Bowen Island is about 300 m and Broughton not a feature associated with members of the bell frogs
Island about 2 km respectively from the mainland.The species group in earlier habitat descriptions (Courtice and Grigg
has been successfully introduced to New Zealand (Robb 1975; Dankers 1977; Humphries 1979; Cogger 1992).
1980; Ford 1986,1989; Pickard and Towns 1988; Bell 1982),
and New Caledonia (Cree 1984) and Vanuatu (Tyler 1979). Pattern of Decline
Habitat Requirements The precise time at which populations began to decline and
disappear is difficult to assess. White and Pyke (1996) provide
The natural habitat requirements of the species have proved
evidence that declines have occurred since 1990, but the
difficult to define because it has been associated with almost
pattern before that date is unclear. On the southern
every type of water body except fast flowing streams (Pyke
tablelands populations disappeared some time after 1977
and White 1996). Many of the sites where the species was
formerly known have been disturbed, and the species still (Osborne et al. 1996). Assessment of the current distribution
occurs at many sites that have experienced long periods of reveals that all remaining populations are at low altitude, the
disturbance.This has led some to suggest that the frog is great majority are within a few kilometres of either the coast
opportunistic or occupies a successional role (Pyke and or an estuary, and those few populations that are inland, such
White 1996). Few historical records have come from within as those at Ravensworth and Bayswater in the Hunter Valley
forest in New South Wales (Pyke and White 1996). Lemckert are in close proximity to a large lake.The significance of these
(1996) detailed the results of numerous field surveys in distribution patterns relative to the broader phenomenon of
forested and adjacent habitats in New South Wales and declining amphibians remains unknown, but they provide
concluded that the species was rarely found within forested numerous avenues for further research into the causal agents.

Because of its occurrence in the large urban area of Sydney OF Litoria castanea
and the fact that one of the largest remaining populations in
the Sydney Basin occurs on the year 2000 Olympic
development site, this species has received considerable The northern tableland population (L. flavipunctata of
media attention.The plight of this species has therefore Courtice and Grigg 1975) was known from a relatively
drawn public attention and awareness to the conservation restricted distribution centred around the town of Guyra on
needs of frogs, and while it may not be as critically the New England Tableland (see Figures 1 and 2).This area is
endangered as other members of the species group, it acts as on the higher section of the tableland and most historic sites
a flagship species for all frogs.There are several ongoing and were above 1 000 m (ADH).There are 13 sites in this region
long-term studies on this species that focus on its ecology, all of which have been verified by examination of museum
causes of decline, and its potential for relocation and specimens or photographs (Mahony unpubl.).This population
reintroduction. Captive husbandry has been reported by was allopatric from the southern tableland population
several groups (Robinson 1993a) and two “A Class” zoos separated by a distance of about 500 km, it was not
(Taronga Zoo, Mosman Sydney NSW; Australian Reptile Park, sympatric with any other member of the group.
Somersby, NSW) have breeding programs dealing with
There are no verified records of this population after 1975
specific populations. Hence we can expect that conservation
(Ehmann and White, 1997), and the last specimen to be
management of this species should continue to be enhanced
placed in a museum was collected in 1973 (Australian
and based on detailed field ecology.
Museum register).The earliest record of this population on
the northern tablelands, is a specimen from “Hillgrove” about
THE SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN 25 km south-east of Armidale (see Figure 2) which until
TABLELANDS BELL-FROG Litoria castanea recently was misidentified as a specimen of L. aurea. Details of
Some uncertainty surrounds the taxonomic status of the the precise date of collection and the collector are unknown
various populations of what is referred to here as Litoria but this specimen was registered with the Australian Museum
castanea.Thomson et al. (1996) have provided a detailed prior to 1890.
account of the issues involved, and in this account I have
adopted their position and refer the northern and southern
tableland populations to one species.

FIGURE 2: Declines and disappearance among members of the Litoria aurea species group.These maps are based on verified records in
museum collections.The map for the southern tableland populations of L. aurea, L. castanea and L. raniformis is based in part on
information from Osborne et al. (1996), and the map of L. aurea on the work of Pyke and White (1996).There have been reports of declines
in L. raniformis in Victoria, however we not aware of any map that summarises the geographic pattern, for this reason its distribution is
presented as a cross hatched area, based on the Atlas of frogs of Victoria by Brooks (1979).

Habitat Requirements Bibron’s toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii) was encountered
across the tablelands in many habitats, while recent surveys
General features of the habitat and breeding biology were
have failed to detect it at any site in the region except on the
provided by Courtice and Grigg (1975).
eastern fringes.These species were far more common, as far
as can be ascertained by the number of records in the field
Pattern of Decline
register, and more widespread in distribution than the bell
In the early 1970’s individuals of this population were frog. Sometime after 1973, along with the bell frogs, these
apparently common in farm dams, near large tableland lakes species disappeared from across large areas of the northern
and in still pools of streams. Professor Grigg (Department tablelands, to the point that they can now be regarded as
of Zoology, University of Queensland) has a photo which regionally extinct. At the same time several other species
shows eight individuals sitting on reeds basking in the manner such as Crinia signifera, C. parinsignifera, Limnodynastes dumerilli,
typical of bell-frogs.The Australian Museum has a series of Lim. peroni, Lim. tasmaniensis, Litoria fallax, L. lesueuri, L. peroni
42 individuals collected in the vicinity of Little Llangothlin and L. verreauxi, that were also recorded in the register,
Lagoon on 13/8/1971.There are also a number of anecdotal remain widespread and common in the region wherever
reports, which indicate the species was once common. suitable habitat occurs.The available evidence indicates that
Apparently staff from the Zoology Department at the the decline of the bell-frog was rapid, and that similar declines
University of New England were able to collect reasonable affected two other species on the tablelands, however, these
numbers to use for teaching purposes, and the landholder of species remain in populations at low altitudes. Habitats used
a property (Millievale) south west of Guyra recounted that by these three species are markedly different; L. castanea
students conducted field studies on the property and one breeds in still water situations, L. boorolongensis is closely
feature was the bell-frogs around the farm house dam. associated with fast flowing rocky streams, and P. bibronii
breeds in terrestrial soaks and swampy situations.
Photographs in life show that members of this population
were large and vividly marked and it may be expected that Gambusia is widespread on the New England Tablelands
its disappearance would have been apparent. However, the however there is an absence of data on the time of
extent of the demise of this population did not become introduction and rate of dispersion in the region (Harris 1995).
apparent until the mid 1980’s when several herpetologists
noted that it had not been observed since the mid 1970’s Future Prospects
(Mahony 1996).There had been no systematic surveys of
In the spring and summer of 1996-1997 a public awareness
historic sites and other suitable habitat in the region in the
program was conducted by the NSW National Parks and
period between 1973 and the early 1990’s.The first detailed
Wildlife Service in the hope that some remnant population
systematic surveys were commenced in the summer of 1992
may be reported and to obtain historical information about
(Mahony and Knowles 1993), and surveys continued for
the species. A colour brochure with pictures of the frog,
another three breeding seasons, and the region covered was
typical habitat and maps of distribution was distributed, and a
expanded. Unfortunately no population of the frog was
travelling poster display was mounted at schools, libraries and
found.The New South Wales Frog and Tadpole Study Group
shire offices in the New England region. No population was
also conducted a survey for this population in the summer of
reported and no new information on the historic distribution
1993-1994 and 1994-1995 which focused on historical sites
was obtained.The prognosis for this species is not good
and potential habitat in the region, however no specimens
unless an unknown population is discovered.
were observed (Ehmann and White 1997).

To a great extent the knowledge that we have of this species SOUTHERN TABLELANDS POPULATION
is based on the collections made by students, staff and visiting OF L. castanea
researchers to the Department of Zoology at the University
of New England. In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s there was Distribution
a group of herpetologist working in the department with an Details of the decline and disappearance of the southern
active field program in which series of animals were collected tablelands population of L. castanea have been presented and
and placed into the department museum (Heatwole et al. reviewed by Osborne et al. (1996).The species apparently
1995).The collection and register is now held by the had a restricted distribution between Canberra and Bombala
Australian Museum Sydney. Not only do we know of the on the southern tablelands at altitudes between 700 and 800
existence of this population and some details of its m. It was broadly sympatric with L. aurea in the north of its
distribution because of their work, in addition the register range and with L. raniformis in the southwest of the region.
provides invaluable information when trying to understand its
pattern of decline and disappearance.Thus unlike many other Habitat Requirements
regions in New South Wales there is a reasonable base-line
upon which to base comparisons of distribution, abundance Details of its biology and ecology are available from a study
and former community composition. of the dynamics of a breeding frog community conducted by
Humphries (1979) at Oakdale (700 m alt.) near the
During the same period of active collection in which the bell NSW/ACT border between 1973 and 1977.The study
frogs were encountered, large series of the stream hylid provides some of the best evidence of the relative
Litoria boorolongensis were registered.This species has now abundance of the southern population and its habitat
also disappeared from the tablelands. Similarly, there are requirements. Litoria castanea was sympatric with L. aurea at
numerous occasions in the register’s field notes where the the study site.The most significant finding was that both
various species making up a frog community were recorded. L. aurea and L. castanea (dealt with by him under the name

L. raniformis, although he was aware that the taxon he was Pattern of Decline
studying differed from L. raniformis sensu stricto), were
In retrospect it is apparent that the disappearance of the
residents at the permanent pond where they bred. By
northern and southern tablelands population of L. castanea
comparison with other species in the community he regarded
occurred in a similar time frame, however, the pace at which
the bell frogs as the only residents, “during the breeding
the decline and disappearance occurred cannot be accurately
season they are semi-aquatic, with males spending a major assessed, because no monitoring was conducted.The available
fraction of their time in or near water. Few adults emigrated, evidence suggests that the decline was rapid, to the extent
and if they did the movement was not related to that biologists were not aware that it was occurring. Osborne
reproduction. Many juveniles left the pond after et al. (1996) concluded that the declines of members of this
metamorphosis, but a considerable number remained, and group on the southern tablelands was rapid and occurred
reached sexual maturity within the area bounded by the drift sometime between 1978 and 1981 and “did not involve a
fence”. Of the six ponds in the study area the one most prolonged stage when the frogs were in low numbers”.
intensely studied had been constructed as a stock water Surveys, discussions with experienced local herpetologists,
pond in a drainage line, it was roughly circular in shape with a and comparison of historical field records confirmed that all
diameter of about 20 m, and had extensive emergent and three species of bell frogs on the southern tablelands suffered
floating vegetation. an extensive decline, with no confirmed records since 1980.

Bell frogs occurred in much lower densities than the other At the time the species disappeared no immediate concern
“migratory” species, which used the pond for breeding, was raised when a population or species was not observed
presumably because of their larger size (Humphries 1979). during field work.Variable climatic conditions, including
The total number of adult L. aurea of both sexes at the study drought, coupled with the cryptic nature of some species
pond was 21, 26 and 27 over successive seasons. were assumed to explain the failure to observe some species.
Comparable figures for L. castanea cannot be stated precisely It was often assumed that a species was absent because field
because an experimental introduction of 38 males was made work did not coincide with the preferred climatic conditions
into this enclosed pond in November of 1975. Prior to this of the particular species. Often local anthropogenic impacts
the number in the first year was 6 adults, and the number of were also considered responsible for the absence of a
adult females did not rise above 3. Recapture rates within species and searches over wider areas were rarely initiated. In
Australia there have been few close ecological studies of
and between seasons were high for both species.
frogs that have considered temporal patterns of reproduction
At Oakdale the period of breeding was shorter than for with seasonal or climatic condition. Hence, when frogs first
populations of bell frogs on the coast, starting a month or disappeared no alarm was raised and no wider or systematic
two later, but adults were active until mid-April, when low surveys were conducted to determine the scale of declines.
temperatures inhibited activity. After this time communal
brumation occurred each year in the permanent pond, THE SOUTHERN BELL-FROG
“Frogs of both sexes and species were found together, torpid Litoria raniformis
beneath leaf litter at the base of large Carex appressa
tussocks. Mild, wet weather occasionally permitted Distribution
emergence, and some feeding.”(Humphries 1979). Fidelity of This species was distributed across a large area of south east
the resident adults at the pond was facultative; the soil near Australia including Tasmania (Figure 1). In New South Wales
two other ponds dried during autumn, and frogs of both and the Australian Capital Territory the range of the species
species “emigrated from these ponds to overwinter”. It is not was centred on the Murray and Murrumbidgee River valleys
indicated to where these animals emigrated, and migration and their tributaries. It occurred throughout the Southern
towards these ponds was observed during the breeding Tablelands.The species was also recorded on the central
season. Newly-metamorphosed juveniles foraged later in the tablelands as far north as Bathurst (Ehmann and White
year than adults, and used the sheltered belt of littoral 1997).The species was widespread across Victoria being only
vegetation. At the well vegetated study pond many juveniles absent from the western desert regions and the eastern
reached sexual maturity and were recruited into the breeding alpine regions (Littlejohn 1963,1982; Brook 1979a; Hero et al.
population, while many others dispersed, and a few 1991). In South Australia the species is known to occur along
individuals born elsewhere entered the pond. the lower Murray River Valley, the lower south-east to near
Keith, and a small, apparently introduced population, in the
Population age class structure indicated that males and Adelaide Hills (Tyler 1978). In Tasmania the species occurred
females reached maturity in their third year and lived for at broadly across the north and east of the island, and on the
least six breeding seasons. Furthermore, individuals, marked in Bass Strait Islands (Brook 1979b).
October 1973, remained at the one breeding pond over six
breeding seasons. Measures of fecundity were limited, two Habitat Requirements
clutches of L. castanea had 1 885 and 3 893 eggs.These Habitat requirements are broadly similar to L. aurea, although
values are considerably lower than reported for L. aurea at several authors mention that it was associated with
low altitudes and maturity has been reached in the first year “permanent” water bodies, hence there may be some
in this species under artificial conditions (White 1995a; question whether this species differs in habitat requirements
Hamer and Mahony unpubl. data). from L. aurea which appears to use ephemeral pools in some
cases (Tyler 1978; Hero et al. 1991; Cogger 1992; Robinson

1993b, Ehmann and White 1997). However, because of the the introduction of exotic fauna particularly predators
considerable ambiguity associated with the word ephemeral (Bradford 1989; Blaustein and Wake 1990; Bronmark and
it is difficult to compare habitats of bell frog species. It Edenham 1994; White and Pyke 1996). In this latter category,
occurred across a greater altitude than all other members of it has been suggested that the introduced fish Gambusia may
the species group, with populations ranging from sea level to have been responsible for the decline of members of the bell
1 300 m on the Southern Tablelands (Osborne et al. 1996). frog group in eastern Australia (Mahony 1993; Webb 1994;
White and Pyke 1996; Morgan 1995; Morgan and Buttermer
Pattern of Declines 1996; Webb and Joss 1997).
Declines have occurred in sections of the range of this Investigations of disappearances among bell frogs have focused
species. Consistent with the pattern already reported in primarily on the declines in L. aurea and L. castanea.Two major
other members of the species group, all tableland populations directions of research have been pursued, the role of increased
have disappeared. In a review of the species distribution and ultraviolet radiation, and the impact of Gambusia. In several
status, Ehmann and White (1997) noted that in New South cases the impact of Gambusia has also been linked with
Wales the species has disappeared from sites in the central investigation of habitat requirements of the species. Attention
and southern highlands.The disappearance of populations to these issues has been required because of the need to
from the Southern Tablelands of NSW/ACT has been actively manage populations in certain areas of Sydney.
reviewed by Osborne et al. (1996). It is currently known from
the Monaro district near the Victorian border and is
widespread throughout the Murray River valley but has THE ROLE OF GAMBUSIA
disappeared from a number of sites along the Murrumbidgee Results of several studies are consistent with the hypothesis
River. They noted that in Victoria the species “still has a that Gambusia contributes to the decline of frog populations.
widespread distribution ....although some declines have been The first study to indicate the impacts of this introduced fish
reported from central Victoria (Gillespie pers. comm.)”. on native frog communities was conducted by Dankers
(1977) who found that the number of metamorphosing frogs
To my knowledge there are no published accounts which
was much higher in the part of the study pond from which
document declines in populations of L. raniformis apart from
the fish was excluded, compared with the remainder in which
those in the upland areas on the southern tablelands of
Gambusia activity was not reduced. Litoria aurea was present
NSW (Ehmann and White 1997; Osborne et al. 1996).There
in the pond community studied and it has subsequently
are however numerous informal reports of declines of this
disappeared. More recently several studies have shown that
species in southern Victoria and in Tasmania which require
Gambusia will attack and eat tadpoles including those of the
validation by systematic survey and monitoring.
green and golden bell frog (Harris 1995; Morgan and
Buttermer 1996; Pyke and White 1996; Webb 1994; Webb
Litoria cyclorhynchus, L. moorei and L. dahlii and Joss 1997). However, the importance of Gambusia as a
To my knowledge there are no reports of declines of either predator relative to other factors in causing the decline of
of the Western Australian or northern species in this bell frogs remains unclear.The role of introduced predators in
species group. the decline of native species cannot be underestimated, along
with habitat destruction they are particularly responsible for
Reynolds (1995) examined the impact of Gambusia on the the extinction of island faunas (Clout 1996). Heyer (1973,
eggs and larvae of six species of frog, including L. moorei, on 1976) demonstrated that predation and larval habitat
the Swan Coastal Plain Western Australia. He found that preferences that evolved during speciation were significant in
L. moorei coexisted with Gambusia in nine lakes in this region permitting coexistence. If fish predators were absent during
and he suggested that the fish was responsible for reductions evolution, as may be the case with bell frogs, the frog would
in frog population sizes in some instances. not be expected to have defensive adaptations, or it may
have adaptations to cope with native fish but not with
Studies on the impact of Gambusia have taken two lines, first
Declines among Australian frogs are recognised as being part to show that eggs and tadpoles of bell frogs and other frog
of a global pattern of declines among amphibians. A major species are palatable to the fish and that it is an active
question is whether the cause of most declines is a single predator of tadpoles, and secondly, investigations of the
widespread factor, which could explain the global extent of the distribution of the fish, the habitats it occupies,
phenomenon, or a range of factors that are involved at and the relation between its distribution and that of frogs.
regional and local levels? On the global scale a range of Gambusia was found to be a voracious predator on the
factors have been suggested as possible causes, including tadpoles of green and golden bell frogs (Morgan and
increased ultraviolet radiation related to ozone layer Buttermer 1996; Pyke and White 1996) and a number of
depletion, pollutants dispersed in the atmosphere, climate other native frogs (Harris 1995; Morgan and Buttermer 1996;
change and the action of a virulent pathogen (Blaustein and Webb and Joss 1997). Studies have dealt with various factors
Wake 1990; Barinaga 1990; Pounds et al. 1997). On a including predator prey ratios, density of predators and the
regional scale there have been examples of declines due to effect of available cover or substrate. In all cases the fish
pollution (insecticides and herbicide use), reduced water rapidly killed tadpoles.
quality (Warner et al. 1993), habitat destruction and isolation
(Barinaga 1990), altered water flow regimes (Hero 1991), and

A criticism that can be leveled at the studies that have The relationship between the decline and disappearance of
examined the impact of Gambusia is that rarely have they bell frogs and the role that Gambusia has played leads to a
measured field densities of the fish and of tadpoles in the conundrum.There are sites where the frog has disappeared
absence of fish and constructed experiments that deal with but where the fish is absent, and there are sites where the
these natural densities. In general the laboratory densities of frog can be found and the fish are present. As an example of
fish are probably higher than encountered in the field and the first case, I have compared two subcatchments of the
therefore the results unrealistic. Hunter River near Ravensworth, one Bettys Creek (about
30 sq km) is free of any Gambusia, while the adjacent
Gambusia are present in all states of Australia except catchment Mine Creek (about 40 sq km) has a large
Tasmania (Arthington and Lloyd 1989), however, there is little population of the fish. Each catchment has much the same
documented information on their spread in various regions. aspect, experiences the same climate, includes a variety of
Harris (1995) examined a large number of waterbodies in waterbodies including permanent ponds, lotic stream habitats,
the New England region around the town of Armidale and and ephemeral sites, and both have a long history of clearing
the fish was found to be widespread in streams, dams and followed by pastoral use.The area is currently the site of
lakes, but it did not occur in all waterbodies. Pyke and White several large open cut coal mines. Bell frogs have been
(1996) reported the number of historic sites used by the known in the area for some time, the Museum of Victoria and
green and the golden bell frog that had populations of fish. the Australian Museum have specimens collected at
There is a great deal that remains to be understood about Ravensworth and nearby Lake Liddel in 1971.Two property
the impact of Gambusia on individual species and on frog owners who have lived in the Mine Creek catchment for
communities.These studies will have important implications over twenty years were able to describe the frog and
for the management of habitats to maintain natural frog recognised that it was once common in dams on their
community composition and the abundance of frogs.The properties. A small population is extant in one section of the
variation found among water bodies makes extrapolation of Bettys Creek catchment (Wellington and Wells 1994; Mahony
ecological conclusions difficult. Future studies need to focus 1995, 1997). No extant population of the frog has been
on the relationship between the distribution and number of found in the Mine Creek catchment in the past three years
ephemeral water bodies and distance from nearest despite intensive systematic searches, while a small population
permanent water bodies. For species that are particularly has been detected in only two ponds during each summer
susceptible to Gambusia, the occurrence of ephemeral season in the Bettys Creek catchment. Gambusia cannot be
waterbodies surrounding permanent water bodies may the limiting factor to the distribution and abundance of the
provide valuable refuge sites. Gambusia and frogs could frog in the Betty’s creek catchment, because the fish is absent
coexist during periods of high rainfall due to the presence of from all water bodies.This argument has numerous caveats
ephemeral waterbodies.These waterbodies provide a refuge because it may be that there are more than one limiting
from the fish. While various studies have revealed that the factor to the distribution and abundance of the frog.
eggs and tadpoles of bell-frogs are palatable to Gambusia Examples of the second case, where the fish and frog coexist,
under laboratory conditions, to date there have been no are less common. I am aware of at least two sites, which have
similar experiments under field conditions. It is unknown if in the latter characteristics, Coomaditchy Lagoon south of
ponds with submerged weeds and cover whether some egg Wollongong (van der Mortel and Goldingay 1998), and on
masses and tadpoles escape predation. Kooragang Island near the mouth of the Hunter River
Could the introduction and dispersal of Gambusia explain the (Hamer and Mahony in prep.). In both cases there are a
disappearance of the tableland populations of bell-frogs and variety of waterbodies available for reproduction and tadpole
the decline of the low altitude populations of the green and development.Van de Mortel and Goldingay (1998) reported
golden bell frog? that the lagoon contained high densities of the fish however
tadpole survival and adult recruitment at this site appeared
Several important pieces of information required to answer high. Unfortunately quantitative measures of fish and tadpole
this question are absent.The dates of introduction of densities at sites have not been reported. A study of the
Gambusia to many regions are not documented, and even if comparative recruitment success from different water bodies
they were, the impact may have been gradual and the on Kooragang Island has not been completed. It may be that
apparent rapid disappearance of the frogs the final phase of a in such situations the population of the frog is maintained by
long process. Differences in declines between high and low recruitment from ephemeral pools and that these represent
altitude populations may be due to differences in the length a situation where some sites are sinks and other sources in a
of the activity period of frogs which is determined by climatic metapopulation sense.
factors coupled to impacts such as predation. Finally, it should
be borne in mind that Gambusia have not been implicated in Finally, while the importance of Gambusia relative to other
the disappearance of any of the seven species of rainforest factors in causing the decline of the bell frogs remains unclear,
stream frogs in eastern Queensland (see review by there seems little doubt that at sites where the frog is being
McDonald and Alford 1999), and they are absent from managed the control of Gambusia is something for which
numerous former breeding sites on the southern and strategies can be developed and implemented. Both the decline
northern tablelands where various members of this group of the species in places where Gambusia was absent and the
have disappeared (see Osborne et al. 1996, Mahony 1993). apparent ability of the green and golden bell frog to survive and
breed in water bodies where Gambusia are present serve to
highlight the likely importance of other factors.

RADIATION It is clear that many issues surrounding the decline and
Experiments to test the hypothesis that increased ultraviolet- disappearances of bell frogs require in depth investigation.
B (280–320 nm) radiation was adversely affecting L. aurea I have postulated elsewhere (Mahony 1996) that in one
populations were conducted by van de Mortel and respect, unexplained rapid disappearances from upland
Buttermer (1996).They conducted the experiment twice, populations, the bell frogs are similar to other species that
firstly using three clutches of eggs (late December 1994) and have disappeared, while on the other hand they have marked
secondly using only one clutch (mid February 1995). In the differences in reproductive biology and habitat. Several
first experiment they found no significant effect on hatching aspects of the biology of the green and golden bell frog make
success at two elevations (sea level and 600 m) between it an ideal candidate to study the cause of disappearance in
sunlight filtered for UV-B, unfiltered sunlight and a filtered other Australian frogs. Study of this species, as an exception
control (p=0.749). In the second experiment hatching success to the general situation, may increase our understanding of
was significantly higher under the UV-B filter than under the broader pattern and as a result improve our abilities to
unfiltered sunlight (p=0.017).The first experiment was conserve all endangered frogs.This frog has several
conducted under cloudy conditions and the second under advantages as a research model. Successful captive husbandry
clear skies.These experiments were in several ways is possible, something that has not been achieved for any
preliminary. Impacts were investigated on hatching success other Australian species listed as critically endangered or
and did not follow effects on further growth and endangered. When coupled with high levels of fecundity, bell
development. Unfortunately, they were unable to measure frogs lay between 4 000 and 8 000 eggs, this enables large
field UV-B levels, and they observed that it would be numbers of eggs and tadpoles to be available for
desirable to construct the dose-response relationship of experimental studies. Hence, stock has been available to
L. aurea eggs to UV-B radiation to assess their results.There is conduct experiments on UV-B tolerance and on the impact
a vital need to further this line of investigation and build on of predators. Adults are large enough to be individually
the results already obtained. marked using passive transponders enabling population
demographic studies (Christie 1996), and a number of
DISEASE populations of green and golden bell frog in the Sydney basin
have been compared genetically and measures of genetic
The occurrence of sick and moribund individuals has not diversity obtained (Colgan 1996).Two populations are known
been associated with the declines and disappearances of from offshore islands and the species occurs on several
members of this group. Absence of sick individuals does not pacific islands where it was introduced.This enables studies
rule out the possibility of disease being a factor, it simply may on population demographic structure, dispersal and
be that because there was no active research on these metapopulation structure. Several programs are currently in
animals at the time disappearances occurred no sick progress to manage populations of the green and golden bell
individuals were encountered. While this was the case in the frog, including habitat restoration and enhancement,
period 1977 to 1985, it is less so in recent years during which reintroduction, and relocation.These provide invaluable
there has been considerable attention given to low altitude opportunities to obtain information on the biology of this
populations of the green and golden bell frog. Some sick and frog and should therefore provide insight into the declines
dead individuals of L. aurea have been collected and and disappearances among other Australian frogs.
deposited for pathology, but to date no pattern consistent
with other cases where a pathogen has been implicated has
emerged. We have proposed elsewhere (Mahony, 1995 ) that
the bell frog group provides a useful model in which to test Special thanks to Steve Donnellan and Arthur White for
hypotheses about the possible role of disease. critically reading the manuscript.

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Sept 1978. Published by Royal Zool. Soc. of S. Aust. White, A. (1993) Faunal Impact Statement. Proposed
Tyler, M. J. (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs. development of Telecom site at Roberts Road, Greenacre.
Wildlife Australia, Canberra. 77 pp. White, A.W. (1995a) The Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria
Tyler, M. J. and Davies, M. (1978) Species-groups within the aurea). Frog Facts 5:1-4.
Australopapuan Hylid Frog Genus Litoria Tschudi. Aust. White, A.W. (1995b) Disappearing frogs. Aust. Zool, 30:1-9.
Zool. Supplementary Series No. 63:1-47. White, A.W. (1997) M5 East Proposal. Strategy for
Tyler, M. J. and Davies, M. (1978) Frogs of the Northern compensatory habitat, monitoring and long-term
Territory. maintenance of the Marsh Street wetlands, Arnecliffe.
Tyler, M.J. and Davies, M. (1986) Frogs of the Northern Report to the Roads and Traffic Authority.
Territory. Conservation Commission of the Northern White, A.W. and Pyke, G.H. (1996) Distribution and
Territory. conservation status of the Green and Golden Bell Frog
Litoria aurea. Aust. Zool, 30: 177-189.

A Preliminary Assessment of the
Status of the Green and Golden
Bell Frog in north-eastern NSW
Ben Lewis and Ross Goldingay *

ABSTRACT A management plan is urgently needed for the bell

frogs in Yuraygir National Park in order to address
We conducted surveys for the green and golden bell
disturbances to breeding sites and to establish
frog (Litoria aurea) in north-eastern NSW, north of
methods that assist bell frogs to breed at these sites.
Coffs Harbour. Fifteen sites, including six where bell
frogs occurred historically, were surveyed. Sites INTRODUCTION
were visited during the day and at night between The green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) has declined so
1996 and 1998. Bell frogs were recorded at only two substantially in NSW during the last 20 years that it has been
listed in NSW as a threatened species since 1992 (Lunney et
of these sites, both within Yuraygir National Park
al. 1996) and was recently (late 1997) listed by the
where the total number of frogs detected was 10. Commonwealth as a vulnerable species (Commonwealth of
No evidence of breeding was found. Australia 1997). The historic range of the species in NSW
extended from the Victorian border to as far north as Byron
Bay. It was known from 92 sites where it occurred in large
We also conducted surveys for the introduced numbers (White and Pyke 1996). It has now disappeared
plague minnow (Gambusia holbrooki) and found it at from about 50 sites and at only five sites are there known to
be populations of more than 20 individuals (White and Pyke
nine of the 15 sites. This fish was absent from the
1996; van de Mortel and Goldingay 1998).
sites occupied by bell frogs. This study suggests
A fundamental component of developing a conservation
there may only be one population of bell frogs
strategy for a species is to be able to conserve it throughout
remaining in this part of northern NSW but we its geographic range (e.g. Murphy and Noon 1992). For
recommend further surveys to verify this. widespread species, this is assisted by dividing up the species’

* School of Resource Science and Management, Southern Cross University Lismore NSW 2480.

TABLE 1: Number of surveys conducted in the study area. Survey sites (with Australian Map Grid references) are arranged from north
to south. Values for surveys show the number of diurnal (D) and nocturnal (N) surveys. Bell frog present is the year of the most recent
record prior to this study. BF = bell frogs detected in this study. Fish density is plague minnows per 30 litres.

Survey Sites Frog Surveys Bell Frog Fish Surveys Fish

(D:N) Present (D:N) Density

1. Ocean Shores
E 55220, N 684500 4:3 3:2 2.3
2. Tyagarah Nature Reserve
E 55580, N 683290 6:4 1986 3:2 0.6 *
3. Byron Sewerage Works
E 55630, N 683290 2:1 – P
4. Lake Ainsworth
E 55760, N 681580 4:4 1985 3:2 0.2 *
5. Ballina Football Fields
E 55550, N 680590 4:3 1972 3:2 12.0
6. Ballina Bicentennial Park
E 55350, N 680850 5:2 3:2 2.8 *
7. Boundary Creek Road
E 54670, N 679275 1:1 1:1 -
8. Evans Head Sewage Works
E 54150, N 678140 3:2 2:1 1.1 *
9. Broadwater NP
E 53890, N 678210 3:3 1:1 1.8 *
10. Wendoree Lagoon
E 53340, N 676230 3:3 1:1 0.4 *
11. Primitive Area Lagoon
E 53350, N 676080 2:1 1:1 –
12. Diggers Camp
E 55280, N 670000 3:2 1993 1:1 –*
13. Station Creek
E 52380, N 668640 5:4 1995 2:2 –
14. Station Creek Road
E 52300, N 668630 4:3 BF 2:2 –*
15. Blue Lake
E 52320, N 668480 6:4 1994, BF 2:2 –*

P = present; – = absent. * = the presence of firetail gudgeons.

range into appropriate management units (Goldingay 1996). 1996; White and Pyke 1996). Another site (Ocean Shores)
Conserving species in this way will preserve any genetically which we surveyed was mistakenly reported by White and
distinct populations, reduces correlation of environmental Pyke (1996) as an historic location (White pers. comm.;
factors and provides security against catastrophes. Tarvey pers. comm.). Bell frogs have never been detected at
the dam site at Ocean Shores despite regular surveys during
One of the key areas for conserving the green and golden the 1980’s (van Beurden pers. comm.). The other eight sites
bell frog will be in the north-eastern portion of its range. contained suitable habitat (Pyke and White 1996) and
Peripheral areas of species’ ranges may contain populations occurred within the historic range. One of these sites was
that are genetically distinct from those in other portions of located approximately 1 km from Blue Lake where bell frogs
the range (e.g. Lesica and Allendorf 1995). White and Pyke had been found most recently (Clancy 1996).
(1996) provide evidence that just two distinct populations of
green and golden bell frogs now occur in north-eastern Sites were surveyed for frogs at night and during the day,
NSW, although several others were present historically. between March 1996 and March 1998. During each visit to a
site at night, a hand-held spotlight was used to survey all
The aim of this study was to further assess the status of the suitable habitat. A minimum of 30 minutes was spent
green and golden bell frog on the far north coast of NSW. searching each site. This survey method was used extensively
This will allow recovery planning for this species to begin to detect bell frogs at sites near Wollongong (van de Mortel
in this region. and Goldingay 1998; Goldingay and Lewis unpublished data).
All bell frogs seen and heard calling were counted; frogs were
METHODS sexed based on the presence of dark nuptial pads in males
>5 cm snout-vent length. A dip-net was used to search for
We surveyed 15 sites (Figure1) between Red Rock (40 km
bell frog tadpoles and involved continual random sweeping
north of Coffs Harbour) and Ocean Shores (15 km north of
whilst wading through the site. Different zones of the water
Byron Bay) based on those described in the published
column were surveyed to increase the surveys’ effectiveness.
literature and the presence of suitable habitat. Historic
records of bell frogs occurred at five of these sites (Clancy

FIGURE 1: Location of study area.

Survey sites are: 6. Ballina Bicentennial Park, 12. Diggers Camp

1. Ocean Shores 7. Boundary Creek Road, 13. Station Creek
2. Tyagarah Nature Reserve 8. Evans Head Sewerage Works, 14. Station Creek Road
3. Byron Sewerage Works, 9. Broadwater National Park 15. Blue Lake.
4. Lake Ainsworth, 10. Wendoree Lagoon
5. Ballina Football Fields, 11. Primitive Area Lagoon

The plague minnow (Gambusia holbrooki) (McDowell 1996) DISCUSSION
has been implicated in the demise of the green and golden
This study has provided further evidence of the grim situation
bell frog in NSW (Morgan and Buttemer 1996; Pyke and
for the green and golden bell frog in north-eastern NSW. We
White 1996). Surveys were conducted at all but one site to
were able to confirm its presence at just one of six sites in
document the presence and density of this fish (Table 1).
our study area where there was an older record of its
Fish were surveyed using a dip-net (diameter 35 cm) to
occurrence. We located one new site close to that historic
scoop through approximately 30 litres of water in the water
site. Our surveys were repeated several times (including day
column. This was repeated three times in adjacent water
and night) at most sites and spanned many months, so we
columns (open water, ecotone between inshore and open
believe that this is a true reflection of the bell frog’s status at
water areas, and the inshore zone). Fish surveys were
these sites. Many further sites must be surveyed across the
conducted during the day and at night and averaged. Data
study area before a conclusion can be reached that the
are reported only for the inshore microhabitat at each site
species’ distribution has contracted to Yuraygir NP.
because other microhabitats gave an inadequate
representation of fish density. We only detected a maximum of 10 bell frogs at Blue Lake in
Yuraygir NP. This is a slight increase on the number recorded by
RESULTS Clancy (1996). Similar surveys at sites near Wollongong have
detected up to 89 adult bell frogs (Goldingay and Lewis unpubl.
Despite multiple surveys across the 15 sites, we were able to
data). Only adult frogs were detected at Blue Lake and there
detect bell frogs at just two sites (Table 1). The sites with the
were no signs of breeding, suggesting that breeding activity may
older bell frog records were surveyed extensively without
be suppressed. Our surveys in Wollongong have often detected
success. We were able to confirm the historic presence of
juvenile and subadult frogs and occasionally tadpoles.
bell frogs at Lake Ainsworth, near Lennox Head. This
observation was made in about 1985 by Dr E. van Beurden We were unable to detect bell frogs in the vicinity of Diggers
who had continued his extensive surveys for cane toads in Camp. However, single bell frogs were found here in
the area (see van Beurden and Grigg 1980). November 1993 at two sites about 2 km apart (Hines pers.
comm.) and two bell frogs were found in October 1997
The two sites where bell frogs were detected are in Yuraygir
(Hines pers. comm.) in the swamp we searched. None were
National Park (NP) and about 1 km from each other. At Blue
present there in September 1998. These observations
Lake, two bell frogs were seen in September 1996 and five
suggest a very small number of bell frogs has held on at this
were seen at this site during warm conditions in August
site which is located 15 km north of Blue Lake.
1997. These initial surveys focussed on the southern end of
Blue Lake because of the ease of access and small area (ca. There was a high level of disturbance at most sites except
0.3 ha) compared to the whole lake (ca. 5 ha). In December those in Bundjalung NP (Wendoree and Primitive Area
1997, a canoe was used to survey the entire perimeter of Lagoons), although these lagoons are the legacy of sand-
Blue Lake at night. This included regular stops to mimic the mining in the past. The wetlands in southern Yuraygir NP
call of the frog and to illuminate the extensive beds of were subject to disturbance from wild horses which trampled
cumbungi. Nine male bell frogs were detected. Two bell frogs the edges of the wetlands and fed on the aquatic plants. Such
(at least one was a female) were detected during a similar disturbance has been present for many years (Clancy 1996).
census in March 1998. Thus, we have direct evidence of 10
individuals at this site. We detected bell frogs during all visits The presence of exotic predators such as plague minnows,
to Blue Lake. cane toads and foxes may have influenced the distribution of
the bell frog. There is an apparent negative association
At the Station Creek Road dam, no frogs were detected in between the plague minnow and the bell frog in our study
1996 but two males were detected by call in August 1997. area which is consistent with the findings of Pyke and White
This new location is approximately 1 km from Blue Lake. (1996). However, this fish was absent from two sites without
Diggers Camp was also surveyed during the 1997-98 season frogs. Bell frogs occur at one site near Wollongong where
but no frogs were detected despite surveys being undertaken plague minnows are abundant but coexistence may be
in both wet and dry periods. facilitated by submerged vegetation (van de Mortel and
Goldingay 1998). Thus, it is difficult to fully implicate this
We were unable to detect any evidence of breeding (i.e.
exotic fish in the decline of the bell frog in northern NSW
amplecting frogs, tadpoles, juveniles) by bell frogs at either of
but it may have contributed to the decline. For example, the
the two occupied sites. Searches for bell frog tadpoles were
Ballina Football Fields were constructed on a large freshwater
also conducted at the other sites but none were found.
wetland and the remaining ponds now have high densities of
The plague minnow was found at 9 of the 15 sites (Table 1). plague minnows. Management of sites with bell frogs should
The densities observed were generally low except for one always endeavour to exclude this fish.
historic site (Ballina Football Field) which had the greatest
density of this exotic fish of any site. The number of sites
with and without this fish and frogs can be assessed for an
association by the Fisher exact test (Zar 1984). This revealed
that bell frogs had a significant association (P=0.01) with sites
without gambusia. A native fish, the firetail gudgeon, was
present at 9 of the 15 sites, including those where bell frogs
were present.

It is not known whether the cane toad has had an adverse REFERENCES
effect on the bell frog but toads occur at high densities at
Clancy, G.P., (1996) The green and golden bell frog in the
Lake Ainsworth where a small number (ca. 2) of bell frogs
Station Creek area of Yuraygir National Park. Aust. Zool, 30:
was recorded over several years up until about 1985 (van
Beurden pers. comm.). Toads have been present in this area
since about 1968 (van Beurden and Grigg 1980). At present, Colgan, D., (1996) Electrophoretic variation in the Green and
toads do not occur south of Evans Head in the study area. Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea. Aust. Zool, 30: 170-76.
Commonwealth of Australia, (1997) Declaration under
The sites where bell frogs were detected in Yuraygir NP s18.(1) of the Endangered Species Protection Act 1992.
require urgent management. Feral horses which have affected
Goldingay, R.L., (1996) The Green and Golden Bell Frog
the aquatic vegetation and trampled the edges of the water
(Litoria aurea) — from riches to ruins: conservation of a
bodies must be removed from the National Park. The
formerly common species. Aust. Zool, 30: 248-56.
microhabitats present on pond edges are required by bell
frogs for shelter, foraging and breeding (van de Mortel and Lesica, P. and Allendorf, F.W., (1995). When are peripheral
Goldingay 1998). populations valuable for conservation. Cons. Biol,
9: 753-60.
There is no direct evidence of any breeding activity by bell Lunney, D., Curtin, A., Cogger, H. G., and Dickman, C. R.,
frogs in Yuraygir NP over the last 5 years (see also Clancy (1996) An ecological approach to identifying the
1996). Therefore, an attempt should be made to assist frogs endangered fauna of New South Wales. Pac. Cons. Biol, 2:
to breed. This could include either collecting of amplecting 212-31.
pairs in order to collect spawn masses (see van de Mortel
McDowell, R., (1996) Freshwater Fishes of South-eastern
and Buttemer 1996) or providing artificial breeding ponds.
Australia. Reed Books, Chatswood.
The latter has been used as a technique for sampling the
tadpoles of hylid frogs (e.g. Zimmerman and Simberloff 1996) Morgan, L.A. and Buttemer, W.A., (1996) Predation by the
and should be trialed as a way of collecting bell frog spawn. In non-native fish Gambusia holbrooki on small Litoria aurea
either case, tadpoles would be reared to a large size or to and L. dentata tadpoles. Aust. Zool, 30: 143-49.
metamorphling stage before release. Small breeding ponds Murphy, D.D. and Noon, B.R., (1992) Integrating scientific
may need to be constructed as a more permanent solution methods with habitat conservation planning: reserve
to aid breeding at this site. The discovery of two frogs in a design for northern spotted owls. Ecol. Appl, 2: 3-17.
dam approximately 1 km from Blue Lake suggests that bell Pyke, G.H. and White, A.W., (1996) Habitat requirements for
frogs will readily colonise artificial breeding sites in this region the Green and golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea (Anura:
as has been documented elsewhere (Pyke and White 1996). Hylidae). Aust. Zool, 30: 224-32.
Further surveys are required throughout the study area over van Beurden, E.K. and Grigg, G.C., (1980) An isolated and
the next two years to confirm the results of this study and to expanding population of the introduced toad Bufo marinus
provide continued monitoring of the size of the bell frog in New South Wales. Aust. Wildl. Res, 7: 305-10.
population in Yuraygir NP. The current absence of breeding van de Mortel,T.F. and Buttemer, W.A., (1996) Are Litoria
may reflect several years of poor summer rain. Whatever the aurea eggs more sensitive to Ultraviolet-B radiation than
case, the small size of this population shows that it will be very eggs of sympatric L. peroni or L. dentata? Aust. Zool,
vulnerable to local extinction and a broader strategy should 30: 150-7.
be considered to increase the number of occupied sites van de Mortel,T. and Goldingay, R., (1998) Population
(Goldingay 1996) in order to conserve this most northern assessment of the endangered green and golden bell frog
population. The population in Yuraygir NP now apparently Litoria aurea at Port Kembla, New South Wales. Aust. Zool,
represents all that remains of the northern population of the 31: 48-54.
green and golden bell frog. There is a major discontinuity in
White, A.W. and Pyke, G.H., (1996) Distribution and
range between this area and the nearest southern populations
conservation status of the Green and Golden Bell Frog
(see White and Pyke 1996). This population is therefore likely
(Litoria aurea) in New South Wales. Aust. Zool,
to be genetically distinct (e.g. Lesica and Allendorf 1995;
30: 177-89.
Colgan 1996) from other bell frog populations and must be
given a high priority for conservation. Zar, J.H., (1984) Biostatistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, London.
Zimmerman, B.L. and Simberloff, D., (1996) An historical
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS interpretation of habitat use by frogs in a central
Amazonian forest. J. Biogeog, 23: 27-46.
We thank Dr Eric van Beurden and Harry Hines for sharing
their unpublished bell frog observations with us. David
Rohweder provided his canoe and assistance during some of
the Blue Lake surveys. We thank two referees for
constructive comments on a draft of this paper.

Loss and Degradation of
Red-Crowned Toadlet habitat
in the Sydney Region
Karen Thumm and Michael Mahony *

ABSTRACT six extant sites from across the Basin were studied
and were generally within the top 40% of the slope
The entire distribution of the red-crowned toadlet
below the ridge-top. Breeding sites were in
(Pseudophryne australis), a frog listed as vulnerable
ephemeral situations.We postulate that the position
under the New South Wales Threatened Species
of the breeding sites is related to the geology and
Conservation Act 1995, is within the geological region
geomorphology associated with eroded Hawkesbury
referred to as the Sydney Basin. Mapping of site
Sandstone strata. Recognition of this relationship
records revealed a relationship with the Hawkesbury resulted in a considerable reduction of the area
Sandstone strata and the boundaries between this generally assumed to be suitable for this species.
strata and the Wianamatta Shale above and Sydney, the largest metropolitan city in Australia,
Narrabeen Group below. The Hawkesbury with a population of nearly 4 million people is
Sandstones are exposed in about 27% of the Basin. centred within this area. Growth of the urban area is
occurring largely on exposed Hawkesbury Sandstone
Very few populations were found to occur within the strata leading to the incremental destruction and
Narrabeen Group or Wianamatta Shale which are degradation of the habitat of the red-crowned
exposed in about 42% and 10% of the Basin toadlet.When combined with a life history strategy
respectively. Only three records were found on the adapted to an unpredictable ephemeral
Quaternary Sands and Volcanics and one in the Coal environment it is evident that this species is
Measures (less than 11% and 10% respectively). Fifty- particularly sensitive to urban pressures.

* Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Newcastle Callaghan NSW 2308.

INTRODUCTION preferences of the species at a regional scale is also
presented to assist in gauging the impact of future
The red-crowned toadlet, Pseudophryne australis, is a small
development on this species.
ground-dwelling frog (snout vent length 22–28 mm) with an
orange v-shaped marking on its head and bold black and
white ventral patterning (Cogger 1992). Reproduction and METHODS
larval development are restricted to non-perennial
watercourses that generally form below the ridge line.
The egg mass is usually terrestrial but within the bed of a To determine the historic and current distribution of the red-
non-perennial watercourse. Typically the eggs are placed in a crowned toadlet, location records of Pseudophryne australis
moist, but not flooded situation, under some form of debris were collated from museums, from the New South Wales
such as thick leaf litter or under rock. The clump of eggs has National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Atlas of NSW
often been referred to as a nest (Harrison 1922; Woodruff Wildlife and from literature. Following collation of all records,
1976; Barker and Grigg 1977). Following rain, water flowing multiple records were removed. The geological strata within
down the non-perennial watercourses passes through the the Sydney Basin were mapped and the areas covered by
egg mass and releases the embryos from the egg capsules, each were calculated (1:500,000 Geological Sheet, NSW
sweeping them into small ponds within this watercourse, Dept. of Mines 1969). The red-crowned toadlet records
where the tadpole stage and metamorphosis occur (Parker were superimposed onto this map in order to calculate the
1940; Barker and Grigg 1977). These ponds are ephemeral relative number of records found in each geological
and high embryonic and larval mortality due to desiccation formation. The extent of dense urban development was
leads to a low recruitment rate (Thumm unpubl. data). estimated using a street directory (Sydway 1996).

Woodruff (1976, 1978) considered that the habitat Habitat

requirements and reproductive biology of the red-crowned
toadlet differed markedly from the other south-eastern To determine the habitats occupied by the red-crowned
species of Pseudophryne (P. bibronii, P. dendyi, P. semimarmorata) toadlet at the landscape level the topographical features of
which he reported to be seasonal breeders. He noted that in 56 extant red-crowned toadlet breeding sites including slope,
these species the sites selected for breeding flooded and altitude (to the nearest 5 metres), distance below the ridge-
retained water for extended periods. He also reported that top measured as a vertical distance, and position in relation
this distinctive seasonal breeding pattern coincided with the to cliffs were recorded. The breeding area was defined by
regular autumnal rainfall. surveying upslope and downslope from the areas where calls
were first heard until no more calling males were located.
Apart from the general descriptions of breeding sites
provided by Harrison (1922) and Woodruff (1978) there is Rainfall
limited data on the habitat features of the breeding sites of
Daily rainfall statistics were obtained for the period between
P. australis. Most descriptions of the distribution of the
1992 and 1996 for the Turramurra weather station (Bureau
red-crowned toadlet simply note that it is restricted to the
of Meteorology). This was the closest station with a
Sydney Basin of New South Wales although some
complete rainfall data set to the site where reproductive
descriptions have considered underlying geological substrates
biology was studied (approx. 10 km distance).
(Woodruff 1976, Barker and Grigg 1977, Cogger 1992,
Thumm and Mahony 1997). The Basin includes Sydney, the
largest urban area in Australia with a population of almost
Breeding Biology
4 million (Department of Urban affairs and Planning 1995). In order to assess the broad features of the reproductive
It covers an area of about 26 478 km2 and the area of biology of the red-crowned toadlet a breeding site was studied
dense urban development within this Basin is about over a six year period. The site chosen consisted of an
4 000 km2 (Sydway 1996) or 15%. This figure does not ephemeral watercourse that contained several breeding sites
include large towns in coastal areas north and south of and ponds. Data was collected on the hydroperiod of breeding
Sydney. A considerable portion of the urban areas to the sites, oviposition frequency and recruitment. The site in
west of the central business district occurs on the Hornsby Heights (Australian Metric Grid (AMG) 56H 324000
Cumberland Plain which is primarily on Wianamatta shale 6274500), was in the core area of the distribution of this
substrates, but to the north, south and west of this plain species (Figure 1). It contained two depressions, which filled
urban development occurs mainly on Hawkesbury Sandstone after heavy rain to form ephemeral ponds. The lower pond
substrates. It is in these areas where urban development has had three 0.9 m sides and was 0.13 m deep and the upper
the potential to destroy the habitat of the toadlet and it is in pond was 0.3 m x 0.2 m x 0.05 m. There was also one semi-
these areas where current and future urban development is permanent pond of approximately 0.30 m in diameter and
concentrated. Continued destruction and degradation of this 0.12 m depth, which was located on a rock shelf. To assess
habitat is inevitable as Sydney grows to accommodate an whether the hydroperiod of this site was representative of
increasing population. red-crowned toadlet breeding sites, sixteen other ephemeral
watercourses known to have populations of red-crowned
This paper gives an overview of the characteristics of the toadlets were visited, and a total of 31 ponds measured.
red-crowned toadlet’s habitat, its distribution and its breeding
biology. We argue that the combination of these features The area used for the long-term study was visited 239 times
make this species particularly sensitive to changes related to between September 1992 and August 1995 in order to
urban development. An examination of the habitat collect data on oviposition frequency and recruitment.

FIGURE 1: Map of the distribution of Pseudophryne australis (red-crowned toadlet) in the Sydney Basin in relation to geological strata,
based on records from Australian natural history museums, the National Parks and Wildlife Service Atlas of NSW Wildlife, and literature
(6/12/95). This figure indicates that this species is most frequently found on Hawkesbury Sandstone. Records are indicated by a circle.

Monitoring was carried out at an average of 8.8 visits per Three specimens and one Atlas record (AM R9407 Jaffa
month in the first year, 5 visits per month in the second year, Texas Ashord Downs, AM R70161 Lightning Ridge, Smith
and 5.4 per month in the third year averaging out at 6.4 visits Lakes AM R78699 and the (NPWS) Border Ranges) were
per month over the three years. Individual females were found to be misidentifications.
identified by reference to their unique ventral pattern. The
reliability of this method was tested using specimens in the One specimen from Point Lookout in the New England
Australian Museum, by drawing the ventral markings of 20 region (AM R45704) had external features consistent with
adult frogs, recording their registration number separately, and identification as a specimen of P. australis. The specimen was
then asking Museum staff to use the drawing to identify faded but a distinct head mark typical of P. australis was
individuals. To test the assumption that pattern does not apparent. This specimen was transferred to the Australian
change with time, a series of 12 captive held individuals Museum from the University of New England Department of
were compared over a period of up to nearly three years. Zoology collection. Comparison of the registers revealed that
The frequency of visits to the main study site made it errors had occurred in transcription of the collectors’ identity
possible to record any new clutches within a few days of and date. Further, there were three specimens listed in the
being laid, to follow through the persistence of ephemeral University of New England register but only one specimen
ponds and to record successful metamorphosis. was in the Australian Museum. When the collectors (de Bavay
and Frazier) were contacted, they did not recall collecting the
To prevent disturbance affecting the reproductive recruitment specimen in that area. There were similar problems with a
at this study site, counts of egg mass size (numbers of specimen collected in “Armidale” (AM R45705). Firstly the
eggs/clutch) were made at another nearby site in Berowra data was incorrectly transposed to the AM register, and
Heights (AMG 56H 328400 6278650), approximately secondly, the collector (Frazier) did not recall this specimen.
4 km distant. A third specimen (AM R 45703) from the region “20 mls
W of Armidale” cannot be verified as an accurate record
Threats to Red-Crowned Toadlets from because none of the data in Pengilley’s (the collector listed in
Urbanisation the NE and AM register) logbook is similar to the Museum
register’s records. It is doubtful whether it will ever be
To assess the impact of urban development fifty-six sites
possible to discount these three records from the NE of
were visited over 4 years (Figure 2). Disturbance indicators
NSW completely, because it is not known who and where
resulting from urbanisation were routinely recorded: siltation,
the specimens were collected. However, considering the large
soil pH, weed presence and species composition, presence
number of inaccuracies relating to these specimens, it appears
of stormwater outlets, quantities of remaining bushrock as
as if these records should be given little weight.
a percentage of the surface area, and fire hazard reduction
activities. Three other specimens from outside the Sydney Basin could
not be found in museums (Bowning AM R337, Gapstead
RESULTS Railway Station MOV D6889 and Oberon AM R12269). One
specimen from Tom Groggin (AM R12982) has been sent to
Distribution the Philippines National Museum. It is assumed that this
specimen was a P. dendyi, because in some parts of their
A total of 431 records were obtained from museums (292),
distribution, this species has a similar pattern to P. australis
the NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife (130) and from the
except that the crown is yellow. Specimens from Kiandra
literature (9). Based on these records, there were 141
(R03350 — A/B, R03351) were sighted by Mark Hutchinson
localities for which P. australis was recorded (Figure 1).
and “are certainly not australis” (correspondence from
The limits of the distribution were defined as between
Hutchinson, curator of herpetology in the South Australian
Mt.Victoria in the west to Pokolbin in the north and near
Museum). There were two coding or transcription errors in the
Barren Grounds in the south (Figure 1).
NPWS Wildlife Atlas which were ascertained by the authors.
The majority of records fell within the Sydney Basin (417 of
There were historical records for red-crowned toadlets from
the 431 records). Details relating to the fourteen records that
areas of Sydney that are now most densely populated, e.g.
fell outside this region were closely scrutinised. Those held by
Chatswood. A few populations remained in natural bushland
museums were inspected, the accession register checked and
remnants within urban areas, e.g. Bradley’s Head, Manly Dam
in a few cases the collector of the specimen was contacted.
Reserve, Lindfield.

TABLE 1: Number of red-crowned toadlet locations within each of the geological formations of the Sydney Basin.

Geological Formation km2 % of total No. of localities % of total

Sydney Basin 26 478 100% 141 100%
Quaternary Sands and Volcanics 2 863 10.8% 2 1.4%
Wianamatta Shale 2 843 10.7% 2 1.4%
Hawkesbury Sandstone 7 045 26.6% 125 88.7%
Narrabeen Group 11 144 42.1% 11 7.8%
Coal Measures 2 583 9.8% 1 0.7%

Association with Geological Strata Breeding Biology
The relationship between distribution and geological strata is Low Recruitment Rate
presented in Figure 1. Eighty-nine percent of locations were
associated with the Hawkesbury Sandstone which is exposed At the long-term study site at Hornsby Heights, during the
in 26.6% of the total area of the Sydney Basin (Table 1). period from Sept 1992–August 1995, there was water in the
There were 7.8% of records within the areas dominated by ephemeral ponds on 18 occasions. Of 57 egg masses
the Narrabeen Group of sandstones which comprise 42.1% of recorded from the site, 11 tadpoles metamorphosed
the Basin (11 144km2). Only two records were located within successfully. A large proportion of the terrestrial egg masses
the Wianamatta Shale formation of the Cumberland Plain, and dried up before the tadpoles hatched and were swept into
both were based on relatively old (1889, 1923) museum ponds (Thumm unpubl. data). On two occasions the flow of
specimens. It can be assumed that the locality data supplied water through the water course from heavy rain was so
with these specimens only mentioned the closest settlement. strong that all tadpoles were swept out of the ponds to be
One of the two records assigned to Quaternary Sands is an stranded in the leaf litter and die.
older specimen (1894) and one lacks collection data. The one
Clutch sizes averaged 22 eggs/clutch (average taken from
record assigned to coal measures is on the scree slope below
55 clutches); hence the recruitment rate was less than
the escarpment on the western rim of the Basin. Four localities
1% averaged across all clutches at this site.
could not be assigned to a geological formation due to the
vagueness of the locality data (e.g. “Sydney”).
There were records from the rim of the Basin, from
Mt Victoria in the west, from near Barren Grounds in the south
and from Pokolbin in the north (Figure 1). There were more Red-crowned toadlets showed a strong association with
records in the north of the distribution area than in the south. Hawkesbury Sandstone substrates which covers about 27%
Only 12% of all records were found in the southern half of the (7 045 km2) of the Sydney Basin (Table 1). The general
distribution area (south of Botany Bay, 34°Lat S) although this perception (Barker and Grigg 1997) that red-crowned
area makes up approx. 40% of the entire area of the Basin. toadlets are found on “Sydney sandstone” (including the
Narrabeen Group) is misleading. Records on the Narrabeen
Habitat Characteristics Group (including sandstones) made up only 7.8% of all
records, although the Narrabeen Group comprises
Geomorphological Relationship approximately 42% of the area of the Sydney Basin. Only two
A diagrammatic representation of the relationship between red-crowned toadlets were found in the Wianamatta Shale
red-crowned toadlet breeding sites and the geomorphology area of the Cumberland Plain (10.7% of the Sydney Basin).
based on the examination of 56 extant sites is presented in
Hawkesbury Sandstone, the geological formation on which
Figure 2. Breeding sites were generally located just below the
Red-crowned toadlets were most frequently found, is closer
first escarpment (60% of sites studied) or in areas where
in to the Central Business District than the Narrabeen Group
there were large rock outcrops (80%) (Figure 3). All except
of sandstones (Figure 1). For this reason it is more susceptible
two were located within the first 100 m altitude from the
to development.
ridge-top (Figure 4). Sites were generally (87% of 56 sites)
within the top 40% of the slope (Figure 5), and only four sites The observed difference in the abundance of sites between
occurred on plateaus. Most breeding sites (67% of 56 sites) the north and the south of the Basin has not been previously
were associated with a non-perennial natural drainage lines. recognised. The lower density of records in the south of
No breeding sites were situated within swamps that Sydney may be attributable to a number of factors. This
occasionally form on the plateaus in the Sydney Basin area region contains a number of water catchment areas that are
(referred to as hanging swamps by Keith and Benson 1988 closed to access and accordingly there have been fewer
and Keith and Myerscough 1993), although red-crowned collections made. Another possibility is that the topography
toadlets were found in the small drainage lines that fed into of the Hawkesbury Sandstone in the south of Sydney is less
or out of hanging swamps (e.g. Mt.Victoria). Ephemeral ponds rugged and perhaps provides less suitable habitat for the frog.
had a mean size of 0.85 x 0.51 x 0.07 m. Lengths ranged This area also has a larger percentage of Wianamatta Shale
from 0.22–3.50 m, widths from 0.11 m–2.0 m and depths outcropping than north of 34°S Lat. To determine whether
from 0.05–0.25 m. the difference observed is real requires an unbiased sampling
strategy. A similar approach would also be needed to
Rainfall understand the link between geomorphology and habitats
The rainfall pattern for Turramurra for three years is between these areas. Until this matter is resolved
presented in Figure 6. Two broad features were apparent. consideration of the impact of habitat alteration in the south
Firstly, there was no distinctive seasonal pattern, and secondly, of Sydney should take into account the lower density of
total rainfall varies considerably between years with heavy localities in this part of the distribution area.
rainfall or drought occurring in any month of the year.
There are several sources of potential error in using historical
records, databases and literature for mapping distribution of
this species. Firstly, because these sources rely on records that
were accumulated over time and were not the result of
systematic surveys, the results are likely to be biased. Some

FIGURE 2: Map of the fifty-six extant red-crowned toadlet sites at which geomorphology was assessed (indicated as a triangle). Personal
knowledge of these locations enabled more precise maping than was possible for Fig. 1, which included all available records, including
historical records.This figure supports the conclusion that red-crowned toadlets are predominantly found on Hawkesbury Sandstone strata.

FIGURE 3: Schematic cross section of the Hawkesbury
generalised locality data were presented with many museum
Sandstone soil landscape illustrating that red-crowned toadlet specimens, making many records unsuitable for the purpose
breeding sites are found below the first escarpment on the talus of precise mapping. Thirdly the scale of the geological maps
slope. (Redrawn from Chapman, G.A. and Murphy, C.L. (1989)
Soil Landscapes of the Sydney 1:100 000 Sheet. Soil
leads to a level of inaccuracy when considering the intricate
Conservation Service of N.S.W., Sydney). interweave of the different geological boundaries, leading to
uncertainty as to the geological formation to which a record
could be assigned. In spite of these constraints, the results
add considerably to our knowledge of the distribution of
P. australis which is vital when considering the management
requirements of the species in the Sydney Basin.

There is a considerable amount of evidence that shows the red-
crowned toadlet is a habitat specialist, relying on a combination
of substrate and landform. All 56 extant breeding sites studied
were ephemeral, with no breeding taking place in perennial
creeks. Ephemeral ponds were small and were often found in
depressions in rock shelves, worn by water pouring down the
slope. Other ponds were below drops in the watercourse, with
accumulations of leaf litter banked around the edges. No fish
were found in these ponds, and there were very few larval
Odonates or other macroinvertebrates, which are known to
prey on tadpoles (Duellman and Trueb 1986; Richards and Bull
1990). Breeding areas were also on slopes, with the eggs being
laid above the ponds, in the path of intermittent water flows.
regions of the Basin have been subject to relatively close This pattern differed from the situation described by Woodruff
scrutiny and collection while others have been poorly (1976) for the three species of Pseudophryne in south eastern
studied. This was apparent in the number of records for the Australia where eggs are laid in a position where a rising
frog from the north shore region of Sydney (area bounded groundwater table will inundate the eggs. Furthermore, the
by 33°40’ — 33°50’ Lat, 150° 05’ — 150°15’ Long ) an area ponds in which the tadpoles develop were short-lived when
which has a long history of urban development. The compared with these inundated areas used by other species
distribution data show clearly that the species once occurred (Martin 1967;Woodruff 1976).We postulate that the
abundantly in this region. By contrast there were few records reproductive strategy of red-crowned toadlets is adapted to take
from the north west region of the Sydney Basin. This area advantage of ephemeral waterbodies that support few
consists of deeply dissected plateaus that have few roads and predators. Perennial situations are not exploited in spite of a low
access points. Another possible source of error was that only level of recruitment in ephemeral ponds.

FIGURE 4: Distance (in vertical metres) from the ridge-top of Red-Crowned Toadlet breeding sites, indicating a strong association of the
breeeding sites with the area just below the ridge.

FIGURE 5: The position on the slope between the ridge and the valley of 56 red-crowned toadlet sites showing that most sites are found in
the upper 40% of the slope.

Climate Threats to Red-Crowned Toadlets

For a frog that relies on ephemeral water bodies for from Urbanisation
breeding, rainfall patterns and quantities would be predicted The impacts of urban development include direct destruction
to be of importance. Rainfall in Sydney is unpredictable, not of habitat and the adverse effects of housing and
seasonal, and often falls as heavy spring/summer infrastructure which extend into areas beyond the urban
thunderstorms or East Coast (winter) Cyclones (Bureau of fringe. Housing in Sydney’s suburbs frequently follows ridges.
Meteorology 1991), with heavy falls or droughts occurring in Development is in the headwater of catchments and is
any month of the year. The Sydney Climatic Survey states accompanied by degradation of the bushland surrounding the
that “an examination of the records reveals that the totals houses e.g. pollution, an increase in the amount of water
from month to month and from year to year are quite reaching the soil, soil nutrients and weed propagules
variable and the rain tends to fall in concentrated bursts”. (Clements 1983).
There is “an average of 6 storms each year” (Bureau of
Meteorology 1991). It appears that the opportunistic About 15% of the original distribution area available to red-
reproductive strategy of the red-crowned toadlet in all crowned toadlets has been developed, and housing is
seasons of the year has been shaped by the unpredictable continuing to expand, especially in the “outer ring” which
rainfall in the Sydney Basin and the features of the habitats it includes many local government areas within predominantly
occupies. Due to the lack of seasonality it is difficult to Hawkesbury Sandstone areas. The Department of Urban
establish guidelines for habitat management. Affairs and Planning (DUAP) expects an increase in
population to Sydney of 804 000 to 4.5 million by the year
Breeding Biology 2021 (over a 30 year period), with 90% of new houses in the
outer ring, of which 34% will be “in-fill” in established areas
A combination of the ephemeral breeding habitat and the and 56% in “release areas” (DUAP Population Predictions
uncertain nature of rainfall in the region were observed to be 1995). A recent ESD Study (Ecological Surveys and Planning
responsible for the low levels of recruitment in this species. A 1998) pertaining to the proposed development of
combination of observations made at the long-term study site “Landcom” housing in the Hornsby Shire identified 18 areas
and the 56 sites examined for habitat features indicated that with a total of approximately 563 lots. All sites are on
disturbance to breeding sites or their hydrology is likely to Hawkesbury Sandstone , and “most...are ridge-tops and spurs
significantly affect recruitment and hinder the recovery or the upper slopes and benches” on the “fringes” of the
potential of populations of this frog by disturbing the finely Hornsby plateau. (Ecological Surveys and Planning 1998).
balanced breeding strategy which has evolved. Frequent Inevitably the need for increased housing will put pressure on
disturbance associated with urbanisation may jeopardise red-crowned toadlet habitat as the edges of the city expand.
reproductive success leading to the extirpation of populations.
Red-crowned toadlets typically breed within the first 100 m
below the ridge-top, in the talus slope below the first
escarpment which forms the edges of the ridges. Historically
these areas were not developed for housing because of the

FIGURE 6: Rainfall from the Turramurra Weather Station over a three year period plotted with the 123 year average rainfall from Sydney.
This figure shows that there was no distinctive seasonal pattern, and secondly, that total rainfall varies considerably between years with
heavy rainfall or drought occuring in any month of the year.

steep nature of the sites. However, new building technology is Housing developments also alter the quantities of water
leading to a development of the talus slope below the first flowing through the ephemeral water courses used for
steep escarpment. In established suburbs, land on the fringes breeding. When undisturbed these “upper laterals” (Harrison
of the ridges which have previously been excluded from 1922) only flow after heavy rainfall, after which they are
development due to the topography, are now being “in-filled”. observed to dry up, leaving a few ephemeral ponds. Housing
developments typically seal the catchment and concentrate the
Siltation is generally an “edge effect” of new housing flows into a few watercourses. Clements (1983) reported an
developments, leading to an alteration of the characteristics increase in water entering the bushland in suburban areas of
of the watercourse and to weed invasion (Buchanan 1989). 30–50%. It is suggested here that the change in flows created
Siltation entering a nesting area has been seen to displace by the redirection of stormwater may affect levels of
red-crowned toadlets from a preferred nest site (Thumm, recruitment. Even slight alterations to the hydrology of a
unpubl. data). One site visited on eight occasions over a breeding site due to sealing of the catchment or diversion of
period of two years, and where red-crowned toadlets were flows within a development, are likely to alter the balance of
frequently observed to be present and to lay eggs under a conditions within which a terrestrial nest site will be successful.
particular rock, was no longer used for breeding, after large
quantities of silt entered the site and surrounded the rock. It There is the potential for conflict between the requirement
has taken 4 years for this site to be used again, but there is to protect residents in Sydney from bushfire and the need to
still no breeding under that particular rock (Thumm and conserve fire-sensitive flora and fauna. Fire hazard reduction
Mahony unpubl. obs.). activities are generally carried out in the areas just below the
escarpment, in the preferred breeding habitat of the red-
It is generally accepted that many household chemicals, e.g.
crowned toadlet. Frequent disturbance and degradation of
insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, are deleterious to frogs
the habitat of this species, clearing and fire hazard burning is
(Tyler 1989). The increased nutrient load in the soils near
likely to reduce the size of populations, due to the low
suburbs (Clements 1983, Buchanan 1989) caused by
recovery potential of this species. A colony with 15 calling
chemicals such as fertilisers and detergents, results in weed
males monitored prior to a wild fire in 1994 was revisited
invasion down the water courses coming off the ridge-tops.
after the fire. Only one male was calling on a day on which
Stormwater from urban areas is typically directed into the
there was a lot of activity at a nearby control study site. No
non-perennial water courses used by red-crowned toadlets.
leaf litter remained at all in the breeding area at the site of
We have not observed this species breeding in polluted
the fire. It was evident that there would be no nest sites
conditions. Watercourses affected by stormwater adjacent to
available, nowhere to refuge and no foraging areas. No calling
pristine watercourses supporting red-crowned toadlet
was heard at a second site three years after a fire in 1994.
populations are not used by this species. It therefore appears
likely that the decline in water quality associated with Osborne (1991) stated that fire was a “potential threat” to
stormwater leads to the loss of this species. the corroboree frog, (P. corroboree), a congenor of the
red-crowned toadlet, and suggested that fire may make them
more “vulnerable to dehydration”. It has been observed that

red-crowned toadlets retreat to lower clay layers or into the Cogger, H. G., (1992) Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia.
crevices of cliffs in dry times, but that they are found just 5th Edition. Reed Books, Sydney.
below the leaf litter in wetter periods. It is not known which Cogger, H.G., Cameron, E.E., Sadlier R.A. and Eggler P., (1993)
weather conditions should be chosen for fire hazard reduction Action Plan for Australian Reptiles. Australian Nature
burns in order to create the type of fire which would have the Conservation Agency, Canberra. Endangered Species
least effect on population numbers. This species does not Program Project No. 124, 156.
have an “off-season” (hibernation or aestivation) making
Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, (1995). Population
forward planning difficult. Due to their low recovery rate, it is
Predictions. New South Wales Government.
considered that a minimum time span between prescriptions
of all fire management activities within an individual red- Duellman W. E. and Trueb L., (1986) Biology of Amphibians.
crowned toadlet site of about 10 years including burns, fire McGraw-Hill, New York.
trail maintenance, turbo-mowing and clearing is kept in order Ecological Surveys and Planning (1998) Landcom ESD Study
to avoid the cumulative impacts of each activity. 1. Ed. S. Douglas. Unpublished report for the Total
Environment Centre Inc. Sydney.
Another more subtle change associated with urban development
Harrison, L.,(1922) On the breeding habits of some
are the impacts on nearby adjacent natural habitats. Impacts of
Australian frogs. Australian Zoologist, 3: 17-34.
activities such as the removal of bush rock for gardens and the
invasion of exotic plants are difficult to assess. Because red- Keith D.A. and Benson D.H., (1988) The natural vegetation of
crowned toadlets lay eggs beneath rocks and seek refuge the Katoomba 1:100 000 map sheet Cunninghamia
beneath them, reduction in the quantities of bushrock causes 2 (1): 107-144.
degradation of their habitat. Typically bushrock is removed from Keith D. A. and Myerscough P.T., (1993) Australian Journal of
ridge roads and tracks (Schlesinger and Shine 1994), as truck Ecology 18: 325-340.
access is required to remove the rock. Areas adjacent to ridges Mahony, S., (1997) Efficacy of the “Threatening Processes’
are therefore primarily affected. Bushrock removal has been listed Provisions in the Threatened Species Conservation Act
as a Key Threatening Process under the NSW Threatened Species 1995 (NSW): Bushrock removal and the endangered
Conservation Act 1995, and red-crowned toadlets are listed as one broad-headed snake. Environmental and Planning Law
of the species impacted by this process. Journal, 14 (1): 3-15.
Martin, A. A., (1967) Australian Anuran Life Histories:
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Some Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects. Pp. 175-191
Thank you to the following museums and organisations for in Australian Inland Waters and the their Fauna. A.H.
locality data: Australian Museum, South Australian Museum, Weatherley ANU Press. Canberra.
Museum of Victoria, Museums and Art Galleries of the NSW Dept. of Mines, (1969) Sydney Basin 1:500 000
Northern Territory, Queensland Museum, Western Australian Geological Sheet.
Museum, CSIRO and NPWS. Thanks also to all naturalists Osborne, W. S., (1991) The biology and management of the
who generously provided us with locality data. Thank you to corroboree frog (Pseudophryne corroboree). In NSW NSW
Ross Sadlier from the AM for checking the reliability of using National Parks and Wildlife Service Species Management
ventral patterns for identification of individual red-crowned Report Number 8 NSW National Parks and Wildlife
toadlets, to Jacquie Recsei and Marion Anstis for reviewing Service, Sydney.
the manuscript, to John de Bavay for his help in researching Parker, H.W., (1940) The Australasian frogs of the family
the New England specimens, and to Thomas Thumm for help Leptodactylidae. Novit. Zool. 42: 1-106.
with mapping. The study of the geological preferences of
red-crowned toadlets was supported by a Peter Rankin Richards, S. J. and Bull C.M., (1990) Size limited predation on
Trust Scholarship. tadpoles in three Australian frogs. Copeia 4: 1041-1046.
Schlesinger C.A. and Shine R., (1994) Choosing a rock:
The manuscript was improved by the suggestions of two Perspectives of a bush-rock collector and a saxicolous
anonymous referees. lizard. Biological Conservation 67: 49-56.
Shine, R. and Fitzgerald, M., (1989) Conservation and
REFERENCES reproduction of an endangered species: the broad-headed
Barker J. and Grigg G., (1977) A Field Guide to Australian snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae). Australian
Frogs. Rigby, Adelaide. Zoologist, 25(3): 65-67.
Buchanan, R. A., (1989) Bush Regeneration. Recovering Sydway (1996) Greater Sydney Street Directory 3rd Edition.
Australian Landscapes. TAFE Student Learning Thumm, K and Mahony M., (1997) The red-crowned toadlet,
Publications NSW. Pseudophryne australis: Pp. 143-156 in Threatened Frogs of
Bureau of Meteorology, (1991) Sydney Climatic Survey, NSW Habitats, Status and Conservation Ed. Harald Ehmann,
Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. published by the Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW Inc.
Chapman, G.A. and Murphy, C.L., (1989) Soil Landscapes of Tyler, M. J., (1989) Australian Frogs.Viking O’Neil. Australia.
the Sydney 1:100 000 Sheet. Soil Conservation Service Woodruff, D. S., (1976) Courtship, reproductive rates, and
of NSW, Sydney. mating system in three Australian Pseudophryne (Amphibia,
Clements, A., (1983) Suburban development and resultant Anura, Leptodactylidae) Journal of Herpetology. 10 (3):13-318.
changes in the vegetation of the bushland of the northern Woodruff, D. S., (1978) Hybridization between two species of
Sydney region. Australian Journal of Ecology 8: 307-319. Pseudophryne (Anura, Leptodactylidae) in the Sydney
Basin Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. of NSW, 102 (3):131-147.

Status of Temperate Riverine
Frogs in South-eastern Australia
Graeme Gillespie1 and Harry Hines2

ABSTRACT factors limiting distribution and abundance, or

identifying causative agents of declines.A range of
Knowledge of the distribution and population
potentially threatening processes exists throughout
declines of temperate riverine frogs in south-
the region, some of which are involved in some
eastern Australia is reviewed. Patterns, nature and
population declines. Systematic surveys are required
potential causes of declines are examined, and level
to fully ascertain the current status and distribution
of current knowledge of demography and biology of
of riverine species in the region.A strategic
species for addressing declines is assessed.There are
monitoring program is required to document on-
nine obligate lotic species and three facultative
going trends in populations of both declining and
riverine species currently recognised in temperate
non-declining species. Research is required on the
south-eastern Australia.
ecological requirements of most species, and to
The systematics of some taxa are unresolved and examine impacts of specific threatening processes.
this number is expected to increase. One species has
disappeared, three species have suffered major
declines, and a further five species are believed to
have suffered minor population declines. For many
species, current knowledge of distribution and
abundance is inadequate for properly assessing
magnitude and nature of declines. Information on
ecology of most species is inadequate for assessing

1. Arthur Rylah Institute, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, PO Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Australia.
Zoology Department, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3052, Victoria, Australia.
2. Conservation Resource Unit, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 42, Kenmore, Queensland 4069.

Declines have been reported in the populations of numerous The region under consideration encompasses the mesic
frog species in Australia (Osborne 1989, 1990; Czechura and south-eastern region of the continent, as defined by Littlejohn
Ingram 1990; McDonald 1990;Tyler 1991; Watson et al. 1991; (1981), south of 29° S (Figure 1).This includes much of the
coast and ranges of South Australia and Victoria, and the
Ingram and McDonald 1993; Mahony 1993; Richards et al.
coast and ranges of New South Wales as far north as the
1993;Trenerry et al. 1994; Hollis 1995; Gillespie and Hollis
Northern Tablelands.This region generally falls within the
1996; White and Pyke 1996;Tyler 1997). A large proportion warm temperate climate type identified by Walter and Lieth
of species reported to have declined in Australia consists of (1967 cited in Bridgewater 1987), which has a noticeable
riverine species from the eastern sea-board region. Of the 41 winter, with year-round rainfall. Most of this region receives a
species listed as Endangered,Vulnerable or Insufficiently median annual precipitation in excess of 500 mm, and the
Known in Australia by Tyler (1997), 20 are lotic species.This annual average evaporation is less than 2400 mm (Bureau of
number represents roughly 60% of the lotic frog species in Meteorology 1975, 1989).The region has a predominantly
Australia. For many of these species the causes of decline are winter maximum rainfall regime in the south, and uniform
rainfall in the east (Bureau of Meteorology 1975, 1989).The
poorly known.
north has tropical influences and receives a summer
In the temperate regions of south-eastern Australia there are maximum rainfall regime.
at least nine lotic species and several facultative stream- Species considered in this review are either restricted to, or
breeders (Barker et al. 1995). Six of these are listed as have significant proportions of their distributions within this
threatened by State or Federal agencies, either because of region.There is not a discrete latitudinal or altitudinal
population declines and/or rarity (Table 1).This paper reviews boundary between temperate and sub-tropical regions, and
the current status of lotic and facultative stream-breeding some species occur in both. One exception is the inclusion of
species in temperate south-eastern Australia. Many biologists the Stream-bank Froglet Crinia riparia from the Flinders
and organisations have contributed to the current level of Ranges, South Australia, which falls within the xeric Eyrean
knowledge of species in this region. Whilst we acknowledge zoogeographical subregion (after Littlejohn et al. 1993).This
species has been included to provide a complete review of
this contribution, it is not an aim of this review to present a
lotic species in south-eastern Australia.
detailed synthesis of all knowledge of the distribution and
biology of these species. Rather, this paper provides an
overview of the current status, nature and extent of declines,
and potential threatening processes, and identifies areas where
further data are required to assist conservation agencies with
the establishment of priorities for research and management.

TABLE 1: List of lotic and facultative stream-breeding frogs that occur in temperate south-eastern Australia, with their current status
identified by State and National Authorities (NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995;Tyler 1997; NRE 1999; Commonwealth
Endangered Species Protection Act 1992).

Species Current Status listed by State and National Authorities

Obligate stream breeders

Booroolong Frog Litoria booroolongensis Endangered (NSW), Insufficiently known (Tyler 1997)
Lesueur’s Frog L. lesueuri not listed
Blue Mountains Tree Frog L. citropa not listed
Leaf-green Tree Frogs L. phyllochroa complex not listed
Peppered Tree Frog L. piperata Vulnerable (NSW),Vulnerable (Tyler 1997)
Spotted Tree Frog L. spenceri Endangered (Commonwealth); Endangered (Tyler 1997);
Critically Endangered (Vic); Endangered (NSW)
New England Tree Frog L. subglandulosa Vulnerable (NSW), Insufficiently Known (Tyler 1997)

Stuttering Frog Mixophyes balbus Vulnerable (Tyler 1997); Endangered (Vic);Vulnerable NSW)
Stream-bank Froglet Crinia riparia not listed

Facultative stream breeders

Tusked Frog Adelotus brevis not listed
Giant Burrowing Frog Heleioporus australiacus Insufficiently known (Tyler 1997);Vulnerable (Vic);
Vulnerable (NSW)
Banjo Frog Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii not listed

FIGURE 1: The temperate region of south-eastern Australia, showing main geographic features

DATA COMPILATION AND ASSESSMENT during this time. Information for the period from 1990
OF POPULATION DECLINES onwards therefore provides a useful comparison of current
distributions and status with historical information.
Distributional data for each species were compiled from
records held in the Australian Museum (AM), Museum Victoria Published and unpublished literature was reviewed for
(MV), National Wildlife Collection (NC), South Australian assessments or reports of population declines, to assess
Museum (SM), New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife current knowledge of distribution and population status and
Service Wildlife Atlas (NSW Atlas), and the Department of level of knowledge of biology of each species; and to identify
Natural Resources and Environment Atlas of Victorian Wildlife potential threatening processes.This review was augmented
(Vic Atlas).These data were augmented with additional records where possible by discussions with other recognised authorities
from the literature, unpublished reports and personal on particular species or those with local experience or
observations/communications from herpetological authorities expertise in particular regions.
where available. Data were vetted for obvious mistakes or
doubtful records. From this information distribution maps were
compiled for each species, showing records pre-1990 and 1990
onwards. Although somewhat arbitrary, many declines were
first reported during the 1980’s.The 1990’s roughly Lotic species are defined as those which invariably breed in
incorporates the recent period of general heightened concern permanent-flowing streams or associated stream-channel
about declining frogs and increased attention to conservation habitats. Numerous frog species breed in riparian habitats to
status.There has been a relatively high level of surveying activity varying degrees in south-eastern Australia. In this review,
for frogs throughout the region during this time.This has facultative stream-breeders are defined as those species
included general fauna surveys conducted by NSW National which often breed in permanent-flowing stream habitats, but
Parks and Wildlife Service Biodiversity Study, pre-logging and which also commonly reproduce in lentic habitats away from
Regional Forest Assessment surveys in Victoria and NSW, and streams. Nine lotic species occur within this region (Table 1).
targeted frog surveys (e.g., CNR 1993; Gillespie and Hollis Most of these are hylids and two are myobatrachids.The
1996; Mahony 1996 unpubl.; Ehmann 1997; Holloway and hylids comprise two species groups, which are distinctive on
Osborne 1996 unpubl.; Hunter and Gillespie 1999). Many sites morphological and phylogenetic bases (see Tyler and Davies
where species were historically known to occur were revisited 1978; Hutchinson and Maxson 1987; McDonald and Davies

1990).The systematics of some species complexes within these species mostly oviposit in lentic stream-side pools
these groups are still being resolved (Donnellan, Mahony, (Gillespie pers. obs.) or slow-moving sections (Odendaal
Knowles, Foster unpubl. data). et al. 1982).There are no reported declines in these species,
and they are not considered in this review.
The Litoria citropa group (Tyler and Davies 1978) includes the
Blue Mountains Tree Frog (L. citropa), the Cascade Tree Frog
(L. pearsoniana), the Leaf-green Tree Frog (L. phyllochroa
complex), the Peppered Tree Frog (L. piperata) and the New The nature and magnitude of population declines vary greatly
England Tree Frog (L. subglandulosa).The Spotted Tree Frog (L. between temperate riverine species, as does the knowledge
spenceri) arguably also resides in this group, based upon larval base for making informed assessments of current population
and adult morphology and call structure (Watson et al. 1991; status or causes of decline. Available information on
Hero and Gillespie 1993).The L. citropa group is restricted to demography and nature of population declines is described
temperate south-eastern Australia, with the exception of L. for each species below:
pearsoniana. Litoria pearsoniana also occurs in the temperate
zone but is predominantly distributed within subtropical Booroolong Frog (Litoria booroolongensis)
regions (McDonald and Davies 1990) and is discussed by
Restricted to New South Wales, predominantly along the
Hines et al. 1999. Species in the L. citropa group are
western-flowing streams of the Great Divide from 200 to
predominantly restricted to streams draining the eastern fall of
above 1000 m above sea level (asl), from catchments draining
the Great Dividing Range, with the exception of L. spenceri
the Northern Tablelands to the Tumut River in the southern
(Watson et al. 1991).
Highlands (Heatwole et al. 1995; Anstis et al. 1998; Hunter
The L. lesueuri group in south-eastern Australia comprises and Gillespie 1999; NSW atlas records).This species was
Lesueur’s Frog (L. lesueuri) and the Booroolong Frog formerly abundant along streams draining the Northern
(L. booroolongensis) (see Barker et al. 1995; Anstis et al. 1998). Tablelands (Heatwole et al. 1995) (Figure 2). Further south,
Litoria booroolongensis is predominantly restricted to streams there are relatively few historical records (AM records; NSW
draining the western slopes of the Great Divide in New Atlas).There are problems with accurate identification of
South Wales, while L. lesueuri is widespread along both sides L. booroolongensis which have confounded assessments of
of the Great Divide, from Victoria up the east coast to north- current status, especially in the south of its range where the
east Queensland (AM, NSW and Vic Atlas records). Its status species is superficially similar to L. lesueuri (Gillespie 1999).
is also discussed by Hines et al. (1999) and McDonald and Some records, mostly from south-eastern New South Wales,
Alford (1999). are not supported by specimens (e.g., NSW Atlas), and
require confirmation.
Only two obligate lotic myobatrachid species occur in
temperate south-eastern Australia: the Stuttering Frog Litoria booroolongensis has not been recorded from the
(Mixophyes balbus) and Crinia riparia (Barker et al. 1995). Northern Tablelands during the past 15 years despite extensive
Mixophyes balbus is restricted to the eastern fall of the fauna surveys in recent years by the North-east Forest
Great Dividing Range. Crinia riparia is restricted to streams Biodiversity Study (NSW NPWS 1994), Regional Forests
draining the Flinders Ranges in South Australia (Odendaal Assessment Program and others (Harris, University of New
and Bull 1983). England, pers. comm. in Anstis et al. 1998; Hines pers. obs.;
Mahony, University of Newcastle pers. comm.).There are
Three facultative stream breeders (all myobatrachids) occur several recent records of the species on the eastern slopes of
in this region (Table 1). Adelotus brevis is a monotypic genus, the Great Divide, north of Newcastle and south of Wollongong
occurring predominantly along the eastern fall of the Great (NSW Atlas), but specimens have not been lodged with any
Divide, with a limited distribution in some western drainages museums. Intensive fauna surveys in north-eastern NSW over
(AM, QM, and NSW Atlas records). It also occurs in the past eight years (e.g., NSW NPWS 1994) have failed to
subtropical areas, and its status in those areas is discussed by locate this species, suggesting that its current status is extremely
Hines et al. (1999) and McDonald and Alford (1999).The rare.The species may have also declined at former sites in the
Giant Burrowing Frog (Heleioporus australiacus) is restricted Blue Mountains (Recsei pers. comm.).
to the eastern fall of the Great Divide, and is the only east-
coast member of this genus (Lee 1967; Gillespie 1990). Five The species is recently known from near Tamworth (Mahony
subspecies of the Banjo Frog (Limnodynastes dumerilii) are pers. obs.); this is the only known extant population in
recognised (Watson and Littlejohn 1985), only one of which, northern New South Wales. Further south the species persists
L. dumerilii dumerilii, appears to commonly reproduce in in the Turon River and Winburndale Creek, Winburndale
streams (Martin 1972; Gillespie, pers. obs.).This subspecies is Nature Reserve (Macartney, Ranger at Winburndale Dam, pers.
widespread, predominantly on the tablelands and western comm.). Recent extensive stream surveys targeting lotic species
slopes of the Great Divide, from South Australia to south- in the Southern Highlands have not located the species in the
east Queensland (Martin 1972). Tumut River and Yarrangobilly Creek, where it historically
occurred (NC records), and only located it in the
Several other frog species occasionally breed along streams in Goobarragandra River, which may be close to the geographic
south-eastern Australia, such as the Broad-palmed Frog limit of the species (Hunter and Gillespie 1999).
(Litoria latopalmata), Peron’s Tree Frog (L. peronii), species of
the L. ewingii group (Holloway 1997; Gillespie pers. obs.) and Overall, there have been very few records of the species in
the Common Froglet (Crinia signifera) (Odendaal et al. 1982; the past 5 years, contrasting markedly with the 1980’s when
Holloway 1997). However, these species rarely breed in the species was perceived to be abundant (Heatwole et al.
flowing streams. Where they do breed along water courses, 1995).This situation may reflect, in part, a lack of survey

effort in many regions; however, this is not the case in north- Mountains Scheme structures affecting stream flow. Such
eastern NSW, nor in the Northern Tablelands (NSW NPWS disturbances to natural flow regimes may displace L. lesueuri
1994).The species may have declined over its entire range. from streams.
Knowledge of the ecology of this species is limited. Broad Both dead and moribund specimens of L. lesueuri which
habitat associations and reproductive biology are described had a chytrid fungal infection have recently been found along
by Anstis et al. (1998).The species persists in a range of some streams in south-east Queensland and north-east
habitat types and geographic regions. For instance, in the
Victoria (Berger et al. 1998; Gillespie and Berger unpubl.
Goobarragandra River, the species occurs in relatively
data).The impact of this disease upon populations of this
undisturbed reaches within Kosciuzsko National Park, as well
species is unknown.
as highly modified reaches in farmland downstream (Gillespie
and Hunter unpubl. data). Several aspects of the biology of L. lesueuri have been
Several potentially threatening processes have operated, examined. Information has been gathered on microhabitat use
or are operating, in various parts of the range of of larvae, adult activity patterns, life history, and larval predator-
L. booroolongensis. Introduced fish occur in many streams in prey relationships (Martin et al. 1966; Richards and Alford
which the species has been recorded (Hunter and Gillespie 1992; Gillespie 1997a unpubl.; Holloway 1997). Litoria lesueuri
1999; Anstis, Berowra Heights, NSW, pers. comm.). Although possesses several ecological attributes that distinguish it from
tadpoles of L. booroolongensis appear to be less palatable to most other temperate lotic species. It is frequently observed
trout compared with some other temperate lotic species away from streams, sometimes on dry ridges several kilometres
(Gillespie unpubl. data), introduced fish may still exert from water courses (Mahony 1996 unpubl.; Gillespie pers.
significant predatory pressure upon populations of this obs.). Despite a predominantly lotic reproductive strategy, L.
species (Gillespie and Hero 1999). Land clearance, forest lesueuri also often breeds in isolated streamside lentic pools
grazing and timber harvesting have occurred adjacent to many (Anstis et al. 1998), and occasionally breeds in lentic habitats
streams, or in the headwaters of catchments in which the
away from streams, such as quarries and dams (Mahony 1996
species has been recorded (Gillespie and Hines pers. obs.).
unpubl.; Anstis et al. 1998). In contrast to most other lotic
Flow modification has occurred in many streams and weed
species within the region, L. lesueuri persists along some
invasion, particularly by willows, has grossly modified riparian
habitats (Anstis et al. 1998; Hunter and Gillespie 1999). streams through cleared pastoral areas and urban fringes (AM,
NSW and Vic atlas records).This may suggest greater tolerance
Lesueur’s Frog (Litoria lesueuri) for habitat alteration or disturbance.Tadpoles of Litoria lesueuri
are relatively unpalatable to introduced trout, which may
Litoria lesueuri is widespread from Lerderderg Gorge in
afford them more protection against predation from
central Victoria, along the east coast as far as Cooktown,
introduced fish compared with other sympatric lotic species
north-eastern Queensland and along the western fall of the
(Gillespie in review).
Great Divide to south-east Queensland (Figure 3).The
species is common, and occurs in a broad range of stream
and forest habitats, from the coast to 1200 m asl (AM, NSW Blue Mountains Tree Frog (Litoria citropa)
and VIC Atlas records). It is widely thought that this species Litoria citropa has a widespread distribution along streams east
comprises a number of taxa, with two in temperate Australia of the Great Divide, from the Mitchell River in eastern Victoria
(Barker et al. 1995; Mahony 1996 unpubl.; Donnellan and (VIC Atlas records), north to the Hunter River in NSW (Anstis
Mahony unpubl. data). Litoria lesueuri (sensu stricto) occurs in and Littlejohn 1996) (Figure 4). It occurs up to 1000 m asl in
the south, from Victoria and along the east coast and ranges
the north of its range at Blackheath, NSW (Anstis and Littlejohn
to Sydney, and along the western slopes of the Great Divide
1996), but is more widespread at lower altitudes (AM, NSW
to the Australian Capital Territory (Donnellan and Mahony
and VIC Atlas records). In southern NSW and Victoria it is
unpubl. data). Hybrids of L. lesueuri and the taxon to the
north may occur in the upper reaches of the Murrumbidgee restricted to below 500 m asl (NSW and Vic Atlas; AM
River and tributaries around Canberra (Donnellan and records). Littlejohn et al. (1972) report the south-western limit
Mahony unpubl. data).These taxa are treated in this review of this species at Aberfeldy,Victoria, based on an Australian
as one species. Museum specimen with this locality. However, recent surveys
found L. citropa to be abundant along the Mitchell River and
Litoria lesueuri remains abundant at numerous localities, and streams further east in Gippsland, but absent in all streams west
there is little evidence of any decline (Gillespie and Hollis of the Mitchell River, including the Valencia, Avon, Macallister,
1996; Mahony 1996 unpubl.). Notably, this species persists at
Aberfeldy and Thompson Rivers (Gillespie and Hollis 1996;
many sites, in some cases in abundance, where other species
Gillespie unpubl. data).The Mitchell River catchment is also the
have declined (Mahony 1993; Richards et al. 1993; Gillespie
south-western biogeographical limit of a number of other warm
and Hollis 1996). Litoria lesueuri is absent, or occurs in very
low numbers, in some montane streams in north-eastern temperate elements, including several riparian and rainforest
Victoria and southern NSW, which may indicate declines in plant species (Cameron, pers. comm. Flora Section, Department
these regions prior to surveys, but this is unknown (Gillespie of Natural Resources and Environment,Victoria).The origin of
and Hollis 1996; Hunter and Gillespie in 1999). the Aberfeldy specimen is therefore doubtful; it is more
probable that the Mitchell River catchment is the south-western
In the southern highlands, Hunter and Gillespie (1999) found limit of the range of this species.
that L. lesueuri and other lotic frog species were absent from
many streams below impoundments or other Snowy

Litoria citropa occurs along slow-flowing pool sections of Members of the complex are common and widespread in
permanent or semi-permanent streams through dry low to mid-elevation forests. Litoria phyllochroa (sensu stricto)
sclerophyll forest, temperate rainforest and coastal woodland occurs up to 1100 m asl in Barrington Tops. Litoria
habitats (Tyler and Anstis 1975; Littlejohn 1981; Holloway barringtonensis (sensu stricto) also occurs in the Barrington
1997). It is restricted to streams with intact riparian and Tops area but the geographic distribution of this taxon in
adjacent forest vegetation (Gillespie pers. obs.; Anstis pers relation to that of L. phyllochroa (sensu stricto) is currently
comm.). Consequently, this species has been displaced from being resolved (Mahony pers. com.). Litoria nudidigitus occurs
areas cleared for pasture or urbanisation in parts of its up to 1100 m asl in the upper Murray catchment (Gillespie
historic range. Elsewhere, there is no evidence that this and Hollis 1996).
species has declined. However, few surveys have been
As with L. citropa, these species have been displaced from
conducted through most of the range of this species, and
areas cleared for pasture or urbanisation in parts of their
only limited monitoring of populations has occurred. Mahony
historic range. Elsewhere there is little evidence of any
(1993) visited several sites in the Watagan Mountains at the
widespread decline of these species (Mahony 1993; Figure 5).
northern limit of L. citropa between 1977 and 1992 and
Fauna surveys in eastern Victoria during the past 10 years
reported that, although at low abundance, there was no
have found L. nudidigitus to be common and widespread
evidence of a decline in numbers of L. citropa.
along many streams in lowland and coastal areas (VIC Atlas
The species is well represented within existing reserve records). However, surveys have not been comprehensive
systems of southern NSW and eastern Victoria (VIC and throughout the range of the species, and monitoring of
NSW Atlas records). Many catchments in which this species populations has only occurred at a few sites. Mahony (1993)
occurs are subject to intensive timber harvesting.This species found no evidence of declines of L. phyllochroa (sensu stricto)
persists along some streams in catchments in which logging at several lowland sites monitored in the Watagan Mountains
has occurred (Gillespie pers. obs.); however, the health or in NSW between 1977 and 1993. Some upland populations
stability of these populations is unknown. Forest grazing and of L. barringtonensis (sensu stricto) may have declined in the
land clearance up-stream also occur in some catchments. north of its range (Mahony pers. comm.). Otherwise,
Again, the impact of these disturbances is unknown. L. phyllochroa (sensu lato) has been frequently recorded in
recent surveys in north-eastern NSW (NSW NPWS 1994).
Several aspects of the biology of L. citropa have been
examined. Information has been gathered on microhabitat Above 500 m asl L. nudidigitus is relatively uncommon, with a
very patchy occurrence (Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Hunter
use of larvae, adult activity patterns, life history, and larval
and Gillespie in press), and this may be due to population
predator-prey relationships (Tyler and Anstis 1975; Anstis and
declines prior to surveys in these areas.The tadpoles of
Littlejohn 1996; Gillespie 1997a unpubl.; Holloway 1997;
L. nudidigitus are palatable to introduced trout, which are
Gillespie unpubl. data).
common and widespread in upland streams of this region
(Gillespie 1997a, unpubl.).Trout are probably a major factor in
Leaf-green Tree Frog complex (Litoria
determining the low density of this species in upland steams.
phyllochroa (sensu stricto), L. nudidigitus and
L. barringtonensis (sensu stricto)) Several populations of L. nudidigitus have been regularly
monitored in north-eastern Victoria and the Southern
The L. phyllochroa complex appears to comprise three species
Highlands of NSW since 1994 (Gillespie unpubl. data). Most
(Mahony, Knowles and Donnellan, unpubl. data). Litoria
of these populations have remained relatively stable during this
phyllochroa (sensu stricto) occurs from the Sydney region to
time. However, in 1996 one population suddenly declined at
the Coffs Harbour region. Litoria barringtonensis (sensu
its upper limit of distribution (1100 m asl) in a trout-free
stricto) (Copland 1957) occurs north from the Hunter River
section of Bogong Creek, Kosciuszko National Park (Gillespie
to near Gibraltar Range.The name L. nudidigitus was applied
1997a unpubl.; Gillespie 1998 unpubl.). Monthly surveys during
to the southern taxon of Littlejohn (1967), after the
the summers of 1996/97 and 1997/98 located very few frogs
subspecies L. phyllochroa nudidigitus identified by Copland
or tadpoles in this section of the stream. No frogs or tadpoles
(1962). Litoria nudidigitus occurs from the Sydney region along
were located in the summer of 1998/99. Further down-
the eastern slopes of NSW to the Thompson River in
stream, below 800 m asl, the population has remained
eastern Victoria. It also has a limited distribution on the north relatively stable.The cause of this localised decline is unknown.
and western sides of the Great Divide in tributaries of the
Mitta Mitta River in north-eastern Victoria (Gillespie and The biology of L. nudidigitus has been extensively studied.
Hollis 1996;VIC Wildlife Atlas), and the Upper Murray and Information has been gathered on microhabitat use by adults
Goodradigby Rivers in southern NSW, and the Cotter River and larvae, movement and activity patterns, population age-
in the ACT (Gillespie and Osborne 1994; Hunter and structure and life history, larval competition and predator-
Gillespie in press). prey relationships (Hero and Gillespie 1993; Gillespie 1997a,
unpubl.; Holloway 1997; Gillespie in review).The biology of
The specific taxonomic identities of specimens and records of L. phyllochroa (sensu stricto) and L. barringtonensis (sensu
this complex held in Museums and wildlife atlas databases stricto) has not been examined specifically, but is likely to be
have not yet been resolved, precluding the presentation of very similar to that of L. nudidigitus.
accurate maps of the distributions of records of each taxa
within the complex separately. All distribution records of the
complex are presented in Figure 5.

FIGURE 2: Distribution of the Booroolong Frog Litoria FIGURE 3: Distribution of Lesueur’s Frog Litoria lesueuri.
booroolongensis. Open circles indicate records collected pre- Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; closed circles
1990; closed circles are those recorded 1990 onwards. are those recorded 1990 onwards.

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

FIGURE 4: Distribution of the Blue Mountains Tree Frog Litoria FIGURE 5: Distribution of the Leaf-green Tree Frogs of the Litoria
citropa. Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; phyllochroa complex. Open circles indicate records collected pre-
closed circles are those recorded 1990 onwards. 1990; closed circles are those recorded 1990 onwards. Taxonomic
boundaries between species within this complex have not yet been
resolved. Australian Museum records are not included.

● 1990 onwards record ● 1990 onwards record

❍ pre-1990 record ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities ■ capital cities

Peppered Tree Frog (Litoria piperata) similar to L. pearsoniana (Tyler and Davies 1985; McDonald
and Davies 1990). It is possible that L. piperata represents
Litoria piperata was formerly known from five streams
morphologically distinct outlying populations of L. pearsoniana.
draining the east of the Northern Tablelands, from 800 —
Further genetic and morphometric studies are required to
1120 m asl, from Gibraltar Range to Armidale, northern
resolve the systematics of these populations before the
NSW (Tyler and Davies 1985) (Figure 6). Despite searches of
conservation status of L. piperata can be properly assessed.
the historic localities and other streams with similar habitat
Further targeted surveys are also required of other streams in
within the region (Mahony et al. 1997a; Hines unpubl. data.),
the region to try and locate any other remaining populations.
the species was last sighted in 1973.

Little is known about the biology of L. piperata.The Spotted Tree Frog (Litoria spenceri)
morphological similarity of L. piperata to L. pearsoniana and Litoria spenceri is restricted predominantly to the western fall
L. phyllochroa suggests that ecological similarities are also likely. of the Great Divide, from Lake Eildon to Mount Kosciuszko,
Causes of the apparent disappearance of L. piperata are from 280–1100 m asl (Gillespie and Hollis 1996) (Figure 7).
unknown; however, most of the historic sites and other Extensive systematic surveys have been conducted for this
streams in the region have undergone substantial alteration species throughout eastern Victoria and southern NSW
and suffered significant habitat disturbance through land (Watson et al. 1991; Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Hunter and
clearance, grazing and timber harvesting (Hines pers. obs.). Gillespie 1999; Gillespie 1998 unpubl.). Litoria spenceri has
Introduced predatory fish species (Eastern Gambusia only ever been found in 19 streams, and has always been
Gambusia holbrooki and salmonids) also occur in these considered to be rare (Watson et al. 1991).The species is
streams and may have displaced frog populations by now believed to be extinct in four of these streams, and has
predation upon larvae. declined substantially in distribution and abundance along
most others (Gillespie and Hollis 1996).These declines
Populations of frogs which closely resemble L. piperata, were
occurred in the 1970’s and early 1980’s (Watson et al. 1991);
located on the Northern Tablelands north of the known
but based upon the known demography of the species, it
historic range of the species, in 1992 (NSW NPWS 1994)
probably suffered population declines over a wider area
(Figure 6).The advertisement calls of males in these
earlier in this century, and possibly late in the last century
populations were similar to that of L. pearsoniana (Mahony
(Gillespie and Hollis 1996).The remaining streams comprise
pers. comm. in Tyler 1997).The advertisement call of
12 discrete isolated populations (Gillespie and Hollis 1996;
L. piperata is not known but the species is morphologically
Hunter and Gillespie 1999). Based upon density estimates
from mark-recapture studies, surveys, population monitoring,
and habitat modelling, the largest of these populations is
FIGURE 6: Distribution of the Peppered Tree Frog Litoria estimated to contain approximately 1000-1500 adults in the
piperata. Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; upper Goulburn River (Gillespie unpubl. data).The sizes of all
closed circles with ‘?’ are records 1990 onwards with questionable other populations are estimated to be less than 1000 adults.
taxonomic identity.
The species is restricted to riffle and cascade stream sections
with exposed rock banks, resulting in a highly patchy
distribution along most streams (Gillespie and Hollis 1996).
Individuals are highly sedentary, not venturing away from the
stream (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.). Most adults appear to move
less than 80 m over several years (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).
The patchy distribution of demes makes them highly prone
to reduction because of local environmental and
demographic stochastic extinction processes and unnatural
disturbances.The long-term viability of remaining populations
is therefore not secure.

The ecology and population dynamics of L. spenceri have

been investigated in some detail (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).
Habitat associations of all life stages, movement and activity
patterns, growth and population structure have been
examined.The role of potentially threatening processes, such
● 1990 onwards record as introduced fish and stream disturbances, have also been
❍ pre-1990 record
examined. A national Recovery Plan has been prepared for
■ capital cities
the species (Robertson and Gillespie in review).

Human disturbances to streams, such as gold dredging, forest

roads and recreational pressures, are correlated with the
general pattern of decline of L. spenceri (Gillespie and Hollis
1996).Trout species occur throughout the distribution of
L. spenceri, and are able to exert significant predation pressure
on larvae (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).Trout are believed to be
a major cause of population declines of L. spenceri (Gillespie
1997a unpubl.; Robertson and Gillespie in review).

FIGURE 7: Distribution of the Spotted Tree Frog Litoria spenceri. Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; closed circles are those
recorded 1990 onwards.

A program monitoring eight populations commenced in metamorphs emerged from this clutch. In 1997/98 only two
1994, and was recently expanded to include all populations of these juveniles were located; no other frogs were found
(Robertson and Gillespie in review). Censuses have been (Gillespie 1998 unpubl.). In 1998/99 one of these juveniles
conducted annually along 1 km transects on each stream. and one adult male, located in the summer of 1996/97, were
Most adult populations have remained relatively stable during found (Gillespie unpubl. data).
the five years of monitoring (Gillespie unpubl. data). However,
the population of L. spenceri at Bogong Creek, Kosciuszko During the season prior to the population decline (1995/96),
National Park, suffered a precipitous decline in 1996 several dead and one moribund frog were located.The
(Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).This population is highly unusual. It moribund frog was found to be infected with a chytrid
is mostly confined to a short (1.6 km) stream reach above a fungus, recently identified by Berger et al. (1998).This fungus
waterfall and below a pondage and aqueduct for the Snowy has been associated with other declining frog populations
Mountains Scheme, which excludes trout (Gillespie 1997a (Berger et al. 1998), but its role in these declines is not
unpubl.). It is the highest elevation population, and was the known. An alternative cause of the decline may have been
only high-density population known prior to this decline the record flood in Bogong Creek in October 1996 (Snowy
(Gillespie and Hollis 1996). During the three years prior to Mountains Authority records). However this event
the decline, the population was intensively studied and occurred prior to any breeding in that season, so no eggs or
estimated to comprise 700–1000 adults and several thousand tadpoles were present in the stream.The species is adapted
immature frogs (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.). In the summer of to living in mountain streams with high energy spring snow
1996/97 only six adults, three juveniles, and one clutch of melt (Hughes and James 1989) and the adult population is
tadpoles were located (Gillespie 1998 unpubl.). Over 130 expected to be able to cope with these events. Numbers of

L. nudidigitus also declined from this section of stream, but the Several potentially threatening processes operate in
population further down stream remained stable (Gillespie catchments containing populations of L. subglandulosa.
1998 unpubl.).This suggests that the causative agent of The species persists along streams in catchments in which
decline was restricted to the upper reaches. timber harvesting has occurred (Anstis 1997); however the
health and stability of these populations are unknown. Forest
A chytrid fungus was detected in several dead and moribund grazing and aerial spraying has occurred at some sites in the
adults of L. spenceri from three other populations in Victoria vicinity of the type locality (Anstis 1997).Trout have been
during the summer of 1997/98 (Gillespie and Berger unpubl. introduced into many streams, and may be preying on
data). Subsequent monitoring has not detected any declines tadpoles (see Gillespie and Hero 1999).
of these populations (Gillespie unpubl. data).The role of the
chytrid fungus in the population dynamics of this and other
Stuttering Frog (Mixophyes balbus)
frogs remains to be resolved.
Mixophyes balbus is restricted to the eastern slopes of the
New England Tree Frog Great Divide, from the Cann River catchment in far East
(Litoria subglandulosa) Gippsland,Victoria; to tributaries of the Timbarra River near
Drake, NSW (Mahony unpubl. data, AM records; NSW atlas;
Litoria subglandulosa is restricted to the eastern fall of the VIC atlas records) (Figure 9).The species occurs over an
Great Divide from Fal Brook in the Barrington Tops National altitude range of 20 to over 1400 m asl; from low to high
Park, NSW, to near Stanthorpe, just north of the Queensland altitudes from south to north (Straughan 1968; AM records;
border, at altitudes from 500 to 1400 m asl (Tyler and Anstis NSW atlas;VIC atlas records). It is typically found in
1975; Heatwole et al. 1995; Anstis and Littlejohn 1996; NSW
association with permanent streams through temperate and
Atlas; AM and QM records) (Figure 8). Recent taxonomic
sub-tropical rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest (Mahony et
studies suggest that there may be two sibling species within L.
al. 1997b), and also in moist gullies in dry forest (Gillespie
subglandulosa, separated north and south near the latitude
pers. obs.; Hines unpubl. data).
30o 30’ S (Mahony, Knowles, Foster and Donnellan unpubl.
data) but in this review it is treated as a single species. Mixophyes balbus was formerly more frequently encountered
in the northern parts of its range (AM records; NSW atlas;
Knowledge of the historical distribution of L. subglandulosa
VIC atlas records) than south of Sydney (Figure 9). It may
is limited. Prior to 1975, this species was known from only three
have been uncommon in the south, or this may reflect limited
localities (Tyler and Anstis 1975), and few other localities were
historic searches in that region. Webb (1991) reported the
reported until the 1990’s (Anstis and Littlejohn 1996). Most
species as ‘common’ in streams at Bondi State Forest, in
records of this species are from surveys since 1990 (Figure 8)
particular, below 800 m asl.The species has only been found
(see Anstis 1997).These surveys have not been comprehensive
in Victoria on three occasions (Tennyson Creek, Cann River
and more populations may exist. Consequently, there is a limited
and Jones Creek) (VIC Atlas records), and has always been
historical base for assessment of population declines.The species
considered rare in that State.
may have disappeared or suffered a drastic decline in three
streams in the vicinity of the type locality, near Point Lookout Tyler (1997) reports that the species has declined during the
(Anstis and Littlejohn 1996; Anstis 1997).These authors also past ten years in many areas where it was historically known.
report that other lotic species historically common in these In the northern part of its range Mahony (1993) reported
streams, L. booroolongensis, L. pearsoniana, and M. balbus, have also that M. balbus was common in the Watagan Mountains area
declined (Anstis and Littlejohn 1996; Anstis 1997). Anstis (1997) in the early 1980’s, but had declined by the 1990’s.The species
also reports that the type locality has undergone significant has declined at several sites in the vicinity of the type locality
alteration since the 1970’s, when L. subglandulosa was common near Point Lookout, NSW, where it was formerly common in
there. Much of the fringing riparian vegetation has gone, the 1960’s and 1970’s (Anstis and Littlejohn 1996; Anstis
presumably from cattle grazing (Anstis and Littlejohn 1996; Anstis 1997). Elsewhere the species has only been found in low
1997). Introduced trout species have been released into these numbers (Mahony 1996 unpubl.; Mahony et al. 1997b).
streams (Anstis 1997). Litoria subglandulosa persists at other
localities documented in the 1970’s and 1980’s (Anstis and Surveys in south-eastern NSW since 1990 by State Forests
Littlejohn 1996; Anstis 1997). However, surveys and monitoring NSW and NSW NPWS have located individuals of M. balbus
are currently inadequate to assess population trends. at only a few sites (Lemckert et al. 1997; Daly 1998;
Lemckert unpubl. data). Intensive fauna surveys in East
Litoria subglandulosa occurs along slow-flowing pool sections Gippsland conducted in the past 15 years have not located
of permanent streams, through dry and wet sclerophyll forest, this species (see CNR 1993). Extensive searches at historical
rainforest, montane forest and heathland (Anstis and Littlejohn sites and streams in close vicinity over the past seven years
1996; Anstis 1997).The species has also been recorded along have not located the species (Holloway and Osborne 1996
streams through semi-cleared grazing land (Anstis 1997). unpubl.; Gillespie, Osborne and Holloway and unpubl. data).
Knowledge of the biology of L. subglandulosa is limited.The
reproductive biology and some aspects of life history have Mixophyes balbus may now be extinct in Victoria and some
been documented (Tyler and Anstis 1975; Anstis and other parts of its range in NSW. However, the species is
Littlejohn 1996). Apart from broad habitat associations, the highly cryptic and small populations may remain undetected.
ecological requirements of adults and larvae are unknown.The Elsewhere the species is now mostly extremely rare.The
species has a distinctive larval morphology, unique amongst collective observations of M. balbus (Mahony et al. unpubl.
Australian hylids (Tyler and Anstis 1975), which may reflect data) suggest that the species tends to have a patchy
specialised diet and microhabitat requirements. distribution along water courses. While actual estimates of
population size are not available, where populations have

been recorded recently, the species appears to be in very Giant Burrowing Frog (Heleioporus
low numbers (Mahony and Knowles pers. comm.). Further australiacus)
surveys are required in the region to properly ascertain the
status of the species. The species is confined to eastern slopes of the Great
Dividing Range and coastal regions from the southern end of
Knowledge of the biology of M. balbus is limited. It has more the Olney State Forest north of Sydney, NSW (AM records),
ecological similarities with its sub-tropical and tropical to Walhalla, in the Central Highlands of eastern Victoria
congeners, rather than other temperate zone lotic frog (Littlejohn and Martin 1967;VIC Atlas) (Figure 10).The
species. Its reproductive biology is very similar to M. fleayi, a species has been found near sea level on the coast, and
congeneric species in north-eastern NSW and south-eastern almost 100 km inland, along the escarpment of the Great
Queensland (Knowles et al. 1998 unpubl.). Eggs are deposited Dividing Range, up to 1000 m asl. (Gillespie 1990, AM
in very shallow, gently running water either in a shallow Records; Webb, pers. comm. in Daly 1996; Recsei 1997). Most
excavation in the stream bed or pasted directly onto bed rock records are concentrated at the northern end of the range,
(Knowles et al. 1998 unpubl.).Tadpoles are free-swimming, in the Sydney region on the Hawkesbury sandstone
developing in pools and runs (Knowles et al. 1998 unpubl.). formation. Most other records are from the southern part of
the range, in eastern Victoria and the south-east corner of
The specific ecological requirements of adults and larvae are NSW (Gillespie 1990). However, these constitute only 40
poorly known.The species has been found away from sparsely-distributed documented records (Gillespie 1990;VIC
riparian habitats in the north of its range (State Forests NSW Atlas; NSW Atlas).There is a notable disjunction in the
1995), and adults may routinely disperse into surrounding distribution of records between Jervis Bay and the Eden
forests outside of the breeding season. No information is District (Figure 10). One individual has been reported from
available on population structure and dynamics. In north- Narooma State Forests, NSW (Wellington and Wells 1994,
eastern NSW, statistical modelling was used to investigate the unpubl.).The paucity of records in this region may be due to
relationship of M. balbus with 24 environmental predictors the rarity of the species, although it may also reflect the
(NSW NPWS 1994).The species showed a preference for limited survey effort for frogs in south-eastern NSW.
the interiors of large forest tracts in areas with relatively cool
mean annual temperatures. Available information indicates that H. australiacus is rare
(Webb 1987; Gillespie 1990; Recsei 1997; NSW Atlas).
Several potentially threatening processes have operated at However, it is widely regarded as a highly cryptic species,
sites where M. balbus has been found, or up-stream in usually only detected at night after heavy rains (Gillespie
catchments. Logging and associated forest management 1990; Daly 1996).This characteristic has hampered the
practices have been carried out in some catchments where detection of the species during fauna surveys and
M. balbus historically occurred, or currently occurs (Mahony assessments of relative abundance. It also makes any rigorous
et al. 1997b).The health or stability of extant populations in assessment of changes in local abundance or population
these disturbed catchments is unknown. Forest grazing and trends impossible.
land clearance for pasture up-stream have also occurred in
some catchments (Mahony et al. 1997b). Mahony et al. Historically, H. australiacus appears to have been locally
(1997b) report that the species is not known from any common in the Sydney region (Barker and Grigg 1977).
localities with disturbed riparian vegetation or significant Choruses of the species have been reported as “common”
human impacts up-stream. However, populations of this after summer rain storms, particularly in and around Royal
species have also disappeared in catchments with seemingly National Park, NSW, and other fringes of suburban Sydney in
minimal human disturbance (Mahony et al. 1997b).This may the 1960’s and 1970’s (Lee pers. comm. in Gillespie 1990;
indicate that the species is highly sensitive to perturbations in Grigg, Dept. Zoology, University of Queensland, pers. comm.).
its environment. There are relatively numerous records of the species from
the Sydney region in recent years (Figure 10), but this may
Tadpoles have been found in sympatry with native fish reflect an increase in reports in response to heightened
(Knowles, Mahony and Hines unpubl. data), and probably have interest in frog-population declines. With few exceptions,
survival strategies to avoid predation from them (see these recent records have been of single or few individuals.
Gillespie and Hero 1999). However, the impact of introduced Concerns have been raised that H. australiacus has declined
fish, such as Eastern Gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki), carp throughout many parts of the Sydney — Hawkesbury
(Cyprinus spp.) and salmonids, is unknown. Introduced fish sandstone region (Recsei 1997; Mahony pers. comm.). Local
(salmonids) have been recorded at sites where M. balbus has declines have mostly been in areas which have suffered
declined (Anstis 1997). Mahony et al. (1997b) did not habitat fragmentation, along with direct and indirect impacts
observe introduced fish at any sites where they found from urbanisation, which is placing increasing pressure upon
M. balbus. Other introduced fish, such as G. holbrooki and many remaining populations in the region (Recsei 1997).
Cyprinus spp., may also occur in some streams within the
range of this species (see Gillespie and Hero 1999). However, Elsewhere, particularly in the southern part of the range of
M. balbus has also disappeared from many streams which do the species, only one or a few adults have been located at
not contain introduced fish species (Knowles and Mahony any one time (Gillespie 1990; Daly 1996; NSW Atlas). In
unpubl. data; Hines and Gillespie pers. obs.). Victoria, the most individuals ever located were four over
several kilometres on a wet road (Gillespie pers. obs.). Webb
A National Recovery Plan is in preparation for this species. (1987) has also reported numbers of H. australiacus crossing
a road in south-eastern NSW. Intensive fauna surveys in
eastern Victoria over the past 15 years (see CNR 1993),

along with a general increase in opportunistic searching
FIGURE 8: Distribution of the New England Tree Frog Litoria
during this time, have generated most of the records in the subglandulosa. Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990;
state. However, the species has been detected infrequently. closed circles are those recorded 1990 onwards.
Other regional fauna surveys in eastern Victoria prior to this
period failed to detect H. australiacus at all (LCC 1985;
Norris et al. 1983). A recent frog survey in East Gippsland,
targeting areas where H. australiacus had been found
historically, only detected one individual (Osborne and
Holloway, unpubl data). Many sites in Victoria at which the
species has been recorded have been revisited, in some cases
on numerous occasions, without relocating the species
(Gillespie pers obs.; Holloway and Osborne 1996 unpubl.).

Information on the species in south-eastern NSW is similar

to that for Victoria. Survey effort has been much more
● 1990 onwards record
limited in this region.The species was detected during surveys
❍ pre-1990 record
conducted by Lunney and Barker (1986) near Bega, and by
■ capital cities
Webb (1991) in Bondi State Forest. In recent years, survey
effort has been increased by the NSW State Forest Service.
The low detection rate of this species suggests that it is very
rare; however, it may also reflect inadequate survey effort or
un-targeted survey techniques.

The paucity of records and absence of any systematic

population monitoring imposes limits upon assessment of
population trends. However, in the context of the level of
survey effort in eastern Victoria, the frequency of detection of
H. australiacus suggests that the species was rare in the south
before Europeans began collecting information on frog fauna.
The increase in reports of the species over the past 10 years
most likely reflects the increased survey effort and general
awareness within the region rather than population trends. If
population declines have occurred in the south in more
recent times, they are unlikely to be detected.
FIGURE 9: Distribution of the Stuttering Frog Mixophyes balbus.
Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; closed circles
A range of threatening processes operate across the range of are those recorded 1990 onwards.
H. australiacus.These include timber harvesting, cattle grazing,
fuel reduction burning, introduced terrestrial and aquatic
predators, and various disturbances resulting from urbanisation
(Gillespie 1990; Gillespie 1997b unpubl.; Recsei 1997).The
potential impacts of these processes have not been examined.

Information is lacking on the demography of the species and on

the size of populations.The ecological requirements of
H. australiacus are poorly known. Basic information has been
collated on broad habitat associations and breeding biology ● 1990 onwards record
(Gillespie 1990; Daly 1996; Recsei 1997; Gillespie 1997b unpubl.). ❍ pre-1990 record
■ capital cities

Tusked Frog (Adelotus brevis)

Adelotus brevis was previously widespread along the coast and
ranges, predominantly on the eastern slopes of the Great
Divide, from near Nowra, south of Sydney (AM records), to
Eungella National Park in mid-eastern Queensland
(Covacevich and McDonald 1993).The species occurs in a
wide range of habitats, including rainforest, wet sclerophyll
forest, dry forest communities, open swamps, cleared pasture
and urban areas (Gillespie and Hines pers. obs.). Adelotus
brevis breeds in temporary and permanent ponds, and
flowing streams (Gillespie and Hines pers. obs.).The
distribution of A. brevis is within the temperate and adjoining
subtropical zone (Figure 11).

Within the temperate zone A. brevis appears to have declined
FIGURE 10: Distribution of the Giant Burrowing Frog
Heleioporus australiacus. Open circles indicate records collected from the Northern Tablelands of NSW.There are no recent
pre-1990; closed circles are those recorded 1990 onwards. records of A. brevis in this region (Figure 11).The eastern
section of the Northern Tablelands has been relatively well
surveyed in recent years by the North-east Forests
Biodiversity Study (NSW NPWS 1994), the Regional Forests
Assessment Program and others (Hines pers. obs.; Mahony,
● 1990 onwards record
pers. comm.).Targeted surveys for this species throughout its
❍ pre-1990 record
known range in the temperate zone are required to more
■ capital cities
thoroughly assess its status. Apparent declines of A. brevis
have also been documented for high-elevation sites at
Eungella in mid-eastern Queensland (McDonald and Alford
1999; Ingram and McDonald 1993), and from streams along
the Great Dividing Range in south-eastern Queensland
(Hines et al. 1999).

Several threatening process operate in the Northern

Tablelands, which may have contributed to the decline of this
species. Much of the region has been cleared or grossly
modified for pastoralism. Introduced fish (cyprinids, salmonids
and G. holbrooki) are also widespread, but their impact on this
species is not known (but see Gillespie and Hero 1999).The
species persists in heavily disturbed areas at lower elevations
(e.g., in urban areas of Brisbane), but the viability of these
populations is unknown.

Within the temperate zone the biology of A. brevis is poorly

known. Elsewhere basic information has been collated on
broad habitat associations and breeding biology (Daly 1995;
Katsikaros and Shine 1997). Specific ecological requirements
of A. brevis, and factors limiting distribution and abundance
are unknown. Population structure and dynamics are also
not known.
FIGURE 11: Distribution of the Tusked Frog Adelotus brevis.
Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; closed circles Eastern Banjo Frog (Limnodynastes
are those recorded 1990 onwards. dumerilii dumerilii)
Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii is common and widespread
across south-eastern South Australia, from the northern
plains of Victoria, along the western slopes of the Great
Divide, on the Northern Tablelands of NSW, and along the
Great Divide in the far south of Queensland (Martin 1972;
SM, AM, NSW and VIC records).This is a cosmopolitan sub-
species, occurring in virtually all types of habitats within its
range, including grassland, woodland, dry and wet sclerophyll
forests, montane and sub-alpine communities (Martin 1972;
Barker et al. 1995; Gillespie and Hines pers. obs.).
Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii also occurs in highly modified
or disturbed habitats, such as cleared farmland and urban
● 1990 onwards record environments (NSW and VIC Atlas records).The sub-species
❍ pre-1990 record breeds in both ephemeral and permanent ponds, both
■ capital cities natural and artificial, along with permanent and ephemeral
streams (Martin 1972).

A map of distribution of records has not been provided for

this sub-species in this review, due to the difficulty of reliably
differentiating subspecies within the complex in wildlife atlas
records and museum specimens. It has been frequently
recorded throughout its range in recent years, and there have
been no reports of population declines. However, no detailed
assessments have been made of its current status in many
areas. An extensive survey of the northern plains of Victoria
in 1993-1994 found this species to be one of the most
abundant frogs in the region (Brown unpubl. data;VIC Atlas).

Odendaal and Bull (1982). It is therefore possible to assign
FIGURE 12: Distribution of the Stream-bank Froglet Crinia
riparia. Open circles indicate records collected pre-1990; closed most records to a species based on their geographic location
circles are those recorded 1990 onwards. (Figure 12). Further surveys are required to confirm these
records, but they suggest that C. riparia remains widespread
throughout its formerly-known range.

There is no information on specific threats to C. riparia,

although a number of potential threats operate across its
● 1990 onwards record range. Given its specialised lotic larval stage it is likely to be
❍ pre-1990 record susceptible to the types of threats causing declines in other
■ capital cities riverine frog species.

The ecology of C. riparia has been examined in some detail.

Aspects of habitat use, life history, larval ecology and
ecological interactions with other species, and factors limiting
distribution have been investigated (Odendaal and Bull 1980,
1982, 1983; Odendaal et al. 1982, 1984, 1986). However,
knowledge of non-breeding habitat requirements and
population structure and dynamics is lacking.


In summary, one species of temperate riverine frog has
disappeared, and three have clearly suffered substantial
population declines across their ranges (Table 2). A further five
species have suffered declines of some populations. Current
knowledge of distribution and abundance is inadequate for
proper assessments of the status of seven of the species
reported to have declined, and declines may have been more
extensive. In addition, the taxonomic status of at least four
species groups/complexes is yet to be fully resolved.

The sub-species was found to be widespread in north-east Knowledge of Species Distributions

NSW (NSW NPWS unpubl. data), and remains common on
Over 90 % of records for temperate riverine species have
the Northern Tablelands (Hines pers. obs.). A limited
been collected since 1960 (all museum and wildlife atlas
herpetofauna survey of the western slopes of the Great
records combined). Prior to 1960 the distributions of most
Divide in southern NSW in 1994-1995 found the sub-species
species were very poorly known.The assessment of historical
to be relatively common (Lemckert 1998). Populations are
distribution is therefore based primarily on records collected
currently known from the Main Range in south-eastern
between 1960 and 1990. For most species the general
Queensland (Hines unpubl. data).
distribution and broad habitat associations have been identified.
Generally the data are inadequate for modelling specific habitat
Stream-bank Froglet (Crinia riparia)
associations or patterns of decline. Some species have been
This species is restricted to streams draining the Flinders surveyed extensively across their ranges; but for most, detailed
Ranges in South Australia, from 400 to over 1000 m asl surveys have been conducted in only parts of their ranges.
(Figure 12).The species typically occurs along swift-flowing With the exception of L. spenceri, detailed information on the
rocky streams in this region (Odendaal and Bull 1982, 1983; number and sizes of remaining populations of each declining
Odendaal et al. 1982). It is the only species of Crinia with a species are not known. Species such as L. citropa, L. phyllochroa,
specialised lotic reproductive mode (Odendaal et al. 1982; L. subglandulosa and H. australiacus lack adequate base-line
Odendaal and Bull 1983). survey data across their ranges to determine whether or not
general population declines have occurred. Most surveys have
The distribution of C. riparia was surveyed extensively from
been non-systematic or at too low an intensity to provide
1977 to 1979 by Odendaal and Bull (1982).The species was
more than presence-only data. Surveys of presence or absence
found to be common along numerous streams within the
of a species, or its relative abundance have been undertaken
region.There have been no formal surveys conducted for this
for only a few species and usually at only a few sites.This
species in recent years. However, during water-sampling
information deficit limits assessments of magnitude of declines,
surveys conducted in the Flinders Ranges over the past four
or analyses of patterns of population declines.
years, the South Australian Environmental Protection
Authority documented frog species (SA EPA unpubl. data). Comprehensive surveys ascertaining distribution and relative
These records do not distinguish between C. riparia and abundance have only been completed for one species,
C. signifera. However, these species are largely allopatric with a L. spenceri (Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Hunter and Gillespie in
narrow zone of sympatry, which was surveyed in detail by press; Gillespie 1998 unpubl.).This has enabled analyses of

TABLE 2: Summary of population declines of temperate riverine frog species. See text for further explanations.

Species Disappeared Major decline Major regional Some local Some Local No evidence
across most of decline; otherwise population population of declines
species’ range persistent declines; declines,
throughout status otherwise
remainder of otherwise persistent and
range indeterminate widespread
Litoria piperata *

L. booroolongensis *
L. spenceri *
Mixophyes balbus *
Adelotus brevis *
L. subglandulosa *
Heleioporus australiacus *
L. lesueuri *
L. phyllochroa complex *
L. citropa *
Limnodynastes dumerilii *
Crinia riparia *

patterns of distribution, which has shed light on causes of population change have been identified, and the on-going status
decline. In addition, this has provided information on of each population is known.This has also enabled quick
population size and distribution, which has then been used to detection of new population declines (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).
target management actions for protection of the species
(Robertson and Gillespie in review). Monitoring programs have also recently commenced in NSW
and south-eastern Queensland on some other declining
Population Monitoring species (e.g., Mixophyes species), but these programs need to
be expanded to incorporate multiple sites across the
Population monitoring is essential to examining patterns of distribution of each species so that regional patterns and
change in populations, and when ascertaining whether variation in population trends can be observed. Other declining
changes are natural fluctuations or unusual declines and “non-declining” riverine species also need to be
(Pechmann et al. 1991; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994).The systematically monitored. In view of the number of species
value of monitoring programs has been demonstrated in within the guild which have already suffered declines, it cannot
several studies (Osborne 1989; Richards et al. 1993; Gillespie be assumed that those species currently considered secure will
1997a unpubl.; Lips 1998; Osborne et al. 1999). Monitoring not suffer declines in the future. Further to this, comparisons of
may provide information not only on magnitude and time of the population dynamics and demography of declining and
declines, but also on environmental factors influencing non-declining species may be informative of causes of decline.
population changes. Repeated sampling also provides
information on the biology of species, such as movement and Adequacy of Knowledge of Ecology of
seasonal activity patterns.This information is also necessary Temperate Riverine Species
for survey design, interpretation of survey results and other
field observations. For most temperate lotic species, no The basic biology of most riverine species in south-eastern
systematic population monitoring has occurred, or has only Australia, such as life history, general reproductive phenology
recently commenced, despite awareness of declines of a and broad habitat associations of larvae and adults, is known.
number of species for many years (see Tyler 1997). Only a However, information on the detailed ecology and
few populations of some species have been visited repeatedly demography of most species is inadequate for interpreting or
and over broad time scales (10–20 years) (Mahony 1993; determining causes of declines (Table 3). For some species,
Anstis and Littlejohn 1996).These studies provide broad such as L. booroolongensis, L. subglandulosa and H. australiacus,
comparisons of historic and current status at sites, but this information is relatively limited, or even non-existent in
sampling has generally been too infrequent to enable detailed the case of L. piperata. Factors which limit distribution and
assessment of the causal factors. abundance are unknown for most species.

A population-monitoring program for L. spenceri commenced in Habitat associations and larval ecology of C. riparia have been
1990. Intensive monitoring with mark-recapture studies have examined in some detail (see Odendaal and Bull 1980, 1982,
been conducted on two populations since 1992. Annual low 1983; Odendaal et al. 1982, 1984, 1986). Studies of habitat
intensity broad-scale monitoring has been conducted across use and larval ecology of M. balbus are under way (Mahony
most populations since 1994. In 1998 monitoring was expanded and Knowles unpubl. data). Only one declining species,
to include all extant populations. Populations of L. lesueuri and L. L. spenceri, has been extensively studied. Some information
phyllochroa are also monitored at some of these sites.This on life history, habitat use and larval ecology of
program has provided detailed information on the behaviour L. booroolongensis, L. lesueuri, L. citropa, and L. phyllochroa has
and dynamics of individual populations, and on general patterns also been collected through this work. Knowledge of
of population behaviour. Extraneous factors influencing L. spenceri should provide a useful model for aspects of the

ecology and population dynamics other species within the Most of the species that have not suffered major declines and
L. citropa group, and a basis for developing some hypotheses remain common are either facultative stream breeders, or are
to address population declines. known to venture considerable distances from riparian
habitats.These species tend to have larger geographic ranges
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DECLINING and all occur at low altitudes down to sea level. With the
AND NON-DECLINING SPECIES exception of declines of tableland populations of A. brevis,
there is little evidence of decline of those species which
Reported declines in temperate riverine species are not appear to tolerate gross habitat modification.
associated with any particular phylogenetic assemblage.
Species from two families and different species groups have POTENTIAL CAUSES OF DECLINES
declined. Similarly, no clear geographic pattern is evident in
declines. Populations of various species have declined on both The distributions of most species within south-eastern
sides of the Great Dividing Range, from the Central Australia have undoubtedly been drastically affected by
Highlands of Victoria to the Queensland Border. extensive clearing of the lowlands and tablelands since
European settlement. For many species which are mostly
Most population declines have been at altitudes above 500 m restricted to forested environments, these changes
asl.The only species to have disappeared, L. piperata, is undoubtedly removed considerable areas of suitable habitat.
restricted to this altitude range. Some species have also However, declines have occurred in catchments with minimal
declined at low altitude sites, e.g., M. balbus (Mahony 1993; gross disturbance or alteration.The causes of these declines
Holloway and Osborne 1996 unpubl.).The decline of are more subtle and difficult to resolve. A range of potential
L. spenceri was found not to be associated with altitude threatening processes has been identified (Table 4).
(Gillespie and Hollis 1996).
Introduced Fish
Declines are not restricted to one broad ecological guild of
species, although obligate lotic species appear to be affected Several species of introduced fish occur in streams within the
more than facultative lotic species.The following conclusions region (see Gillespie and Hero 1999). Species of trout are
can be made about the four species which have clearly able to exert significant predation pressure upon larvae of
suffered major declines (Table 2). L. spenceri, L. citropa and L. nudidigitus, and have been strongly
1. They are all obligate stream-breeders, although implicated in the decline of L. spenceri (Gillespie 1997a
L. booroolongensis is known to reproduce in isolated unpubl.; Gillespie in review).Trout are also present in several
streamside pools as well as in the flowing stream upland streams where L. booroolongensis, L. piperata,
(Gillespie pers. obs.). L. subglandulosa and M. balbus, have declined or disappeared.
In view of the vulnerability to trout predation of other
2. They are species which are mostly restricted to riparian
members of the L. citropa group, these fish are likely to have
habitats, rather than dispersing widely into surrounding
had a significant impact on L. piperata and L. subglandulosa,
terrestrial habitats.
and may also have affected populations of other species.
3. The species are mostly restricted to forested or naturally
vegetated areas, and have been displaced from cleared or
grossly disturbed areas. A notable exception to this is L.
booroolongensis, which persists along streams through cleared
land. However, the viability of these populations is unknown.

TABLE 3: Summary of current knowledge base for assessing population declines of temperate riverine frog species.

Species Systematic assessment Systematic monitoring Knowledge of ecology

of distribution and abundance of populations and assessment of potential
threatening processes

Completed Limited None All Some None Advanced Limited None

Litoria piperata P * *
L. booroolongensis A * *
L. spenceri A A *
L. subglandulosa A * *
L. lesueuri A A *
L. phyllochroa complex A P *
L. citropa A P *
Mixophyes balbus P A *
Heleioporus australiacus P * *
Limnodynastes dumerilii P * *
Crinia riparia * *
Adelotus brevis P * *

A data available on population size or relative abundance

P presence/absence data only
• existent

TABLE 4: Summary of threatening processes likely (L) or potentially (P) contributing to population declines of temperate riverine frogs.

Species Habitat Forestry Stock Introduced Introduced Pesticides Increased Disease*

Destruction Practices Grazing Fish Mammals pollutants UV*

L. piperata L L L L P P
L. booroolongensis L P P L L P P
L. spenceri L L P L P P
M. balbus L L P P P P P P
L. subglandulosa L P L L L P P
H. australiacus L L P P P P P
L. lesueuri L P P
L. phyllochroa complex L P P
L. citropa L P P P
Limnodynastes dumerilii P P P P
Crinia riparia P P P
Adelotus brevis L P P P P P

* Due to the ‘non-localised’ nature of ultra-violet radiation or disease, no species can be considered secure from these potential threats at this stage.

Introduced Mammals by limiting sheltering sites and food availability. Experiments

conducted with tadpoles of L. spenceri found that deposited
Foxes and cats are common and widespread throughout
fine sediment can retard development rates of tadpoles, thus
south-eastern Australia and are potentially a major
reducing their chances of survival (Gillespie 1997a unpubl.).
threatening process to terrestrial frog species such as
H. australiacus and M. balbus. Frog bones have been detected
Agriculture and Grazing
in fox scats (Triggs, Dead Finish,Victoria, pers. com.).
Specimens of adult Limnodynastes dumerilii have been found Land clearance for agriculture has adversely impacted upon
in the stomachs of foxes (Marks, Department of Natural the headwaters of some catchments in which declines have
Resources and Environment,Victoria, pers. com.).The impact occurred, especially on the tablelands. Apart from direct
of foxes and cats on frog populations is unknown and effects of habitat removal, other down-stream impacts are
warrants investigation. likely, such as pesticide and fertiliser run-off, increased nutrient
loads from grazing stock, and increased sediment loads from
Forestry Activities erosion. Forest grazing is also likely to have significant effects
upon some populations through destruction or modification
Timber harvesting and associated forest management
of riparian vegetation, increased nutrient levels, trampling of
practices have occurred with varying intensities in many
stream edges, and increased erosion damaging oviposition
catchments throughout the ranges of both declining and non-
sites and larval habitats (Parris and Norton 1997; Knowles et
declining species in south-eastern Australia.Timber harvesting,
al. 1998 unpubl.).
associated road construction, and burning practices can
significantly affect stream water temperature, sediment loads,
Hydrological Changes
turbidity, nutrient levels and flow regimes (Boughton 1970;
Langford and O’Shaughnessy 1980; Flinn et al. 1983; Clinnick Flow regimes of some catchments have been modified for
1985; Cornish and Binns 1987; Campbell and Doeg 1989). irrigation or hydro-electric power generation. In the southern
Growth and development of tadpoles are directly affected by highlands, Hunter and Gillespie (1999) found that L. lesueuri
these factors (reviewed by Duellman and Trueb 1994). In and other lotic frog species were encountered less frequently
contrast to species which are able to opportunistically breed in streams below impoundments or aqueducts affecting
in standing temporary water bodies, in which fluctuations in stream flow. Increased stream flows during the warmer
temperature, nutrient and oxygen levels may be extreme, the months are likely to have severe adverse impacts upon
larvae of species that rely on streams are likely to be less temperate riverine frog populations. Significant rises in water
tolerant of such changes because the normal stream level and velocity during this period are likely to flush eggs
environment is more stable. and larvae downstream. Reduced temperatures of sub-
surface releases of water from dams during the summer
Recent investigations by O’Shaughnessy (1995 unpubl.) found months (SMEC 1997) are likely to inhibit larval growth and
that forest roads were the main sources of sediment input development.These reduced temperatures may also favour
into streams in eastern Victoria. Increased sediment loads may introduced trout (which may result in increased predation
reduce the availability or quality of oviposition sites through pressure). Sub-surface waters may also be anoxic and have
filling of interstitial spaces in the stream bed and blanketing different pH and higher concentrations of activated heavy
substrates, resulting in increased mortality of eggs from metals (Doeg 1987; Ligon et al. 1995; Erskine 1996). Such
predation, desiccation or flooding.This may be particularly alterations to water chemistry may be detrimental to
important for species, such as L. booroolongensis and tadpoles. Reduced peak flows resulting from dams may allow
L. spenceri, which oviposit in rock crevices (Gillespie pers. build up of sediments and colonisation of the stream channel
obs.), or M. balbus which oviposit in the stream bed (Knowles by vegetation. Increased entrained sediments will reduce
et al. 1998 unpubl.). Larval survival may similarly be reduced availability of oviposition sites and refugia for larvae by

blanketing the stream bed and in-filling of crevices between FUTURE DIRECTIONS
rocks. Encroachment of vegetation will reduce basking sites
A more strategic approach is required for assessing the
for adult frogs, and shading lower stream temperatures, which
nature and causes of population declines within this guild
may reduce larval growth.
throughout the region, rather than examining single species
separately.The current approach to recovery planning is likely
Climate Change
to result in duplication of research, adoption of inconsistent
Climatic change and increased levels of ultra-violet radiation methods, and lack of coordination between separate
have been suggested as causative agents in the declines of programs which otherwise have similar objectives.
frog populations (Blaustein et al. 1995; Broomhall 1997). It is
possible that upland populations of some species may be Systematic surveys are required to ascertain the magnitude
more susceptible to UV than lowland populations, which may and nature of observed declines of most species. Surveys
explain some of the upland population declines in south- need appropriate sampling intensity, methods, scale and
eastern Australian temperate riverine species.The effects of stratification. In conjunction with these surveys, information
increased UV might be expected to be most pronounced in should be gathered on abundance of introduced fish, levels of
upland southern populations of species which bask, such as habitat disturbance, both to streams and catchments, and
L. spenceri and L. lesueuri (Gillespie and Hollis 1996). However, other potentially threatening processes.This data should be
the current distributions and abundances of these species do quantifiable and suitable for appropriate multivariate analyses
not support this. of distribution and abundance. Patterns of current distribution
should also be examined at a landscape scale.
Disease In conjunction with these surveys, appropriate monitoring sites
Trenerry et al. (1994) and Laurance et al. (1996) suggested should be established to assess population dynamics and to
that a pathogen may be responsible for some frog declines in detect future changes in abundance. Strategic monitoring
Australia. Criticism of this hypothesis was largely based on should include ‘non-declining’ species, as there is no guarantee
their inability to isolate and identify the pathogen (Hero and that these species are secure in the medium term. Monitoring
Gillespie 1997; Alford and Richards 1997). Ongoing studies of sites should be stratified throughout the region to incorporate
ill and dead frogs, including some collected during dramatic environmental variation across the ranges of all species.
declines in north Queensland and Central America, now
provide strong evidence that a chytrid fungus is the proximal Studies are required to examine comparative ecology and
cause of death (Berger et al. 1998, Berger et al. 1999). habitat requirements of species and to ascertain factors
Several species of temperate riverine frog have been found which limit distribution and influence abundance. Information
infected with the chytrid fungus (Berger et al. 1998, Berger et is required on aquatic and terrestrial habitat use, population
al. 1999). Some populations of frogs infected with this fungus structure and demography, and factors which influence
have declined while others have not. It is not known if the recruitment and mortality. Both declining and non-declining
chytrid fungus is responsible for these declines, or is an species should be examined as differences between these
indication of other environmental stress.The fungus may be a taxa may be informative on causes of decline.
normally innocuous opportunistic natural pathogen, which is Processes potentially responsible for observed declines
able to kill frogs under certain environmental conditions. require specific examination, such as the impact of introduced
Alternatively, this fungus may be a novel pathogen in aquatic and terrestrial predators, impacts of various stream
populations of Australian frogs. disturbances, disease and climate change.
Clearly there is a range of potentially threatening processes
operating with varying impact throughout streams and across ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
catchments of temperate south-eastern Australia.The
We thank the Arthur Rylah Institute, Department of Natural
interactions of these changes and disturbances within streams
Resources and Environment,Victoria, the Queensland Parks
and catchments are likely to be complex. Assessment of these
and Wildlife Service, NSW National Parks and Wildlife
impacts upon frog populations is likely to be further
Service, and Environment Australia for financial support.
complicated by interactions with other stochastic
Museum records and other distribution data were gladly
environmental processes.The persistence of populations in
supplied by the Australian Museum, the Queensland Museum,
streams affected by timber harvesting or some other
the Museum of Victoria, the South Australian Museum, the
disturbance process does not mean that they have not been
Australian National Wildlife Collection, the South Australian
significantly adversely impacted upon. Many of these processes
Environmental Protection Agency, the NSW Wildlife Atlas,
may serve only to reduce the ability of populations to cope
and the Victorian Wildlife Atlas. R. Brown and H. Preece,
with other catastrophes or environmental loads.The medium-
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, provided geographical
term and long-term influences of past and current
information system support.This manuscript was greatly
management practices on the viability of riverine frog
improved by discussions with M. Mahony, M. Anstis, F.
populations in south-eastern Australia cannot be dismissed. An
Lemckert, D. Ayers and J. Recsei. R. Loyn provided comments
applied research program is required, targeting a range of
on the manuscript.The manuscript was greatly improved by
threatening processes, so that their importance can be judged.
referee reports from M. Littlejohn and W. Osborne, and
comments from N. Clemann.

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Declines in population of Australia’s endemic tropical
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rainforest frogs. Pac. Cons. Biol., 1: 66-77.
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on tadpoles of Ranidella signifera and R. riparia (Anura:
Leptodactylidae). Aust. J. Zool., 28: 79-82.

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SFNSW (1995). Queanbeyan and Badja Management Area southeastern Australian amphibians. In G. Grigg, R. Shine
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SMEC (1997) Snowy Mountains Data Compilation. Prepared Sydney, pp. 91-7.
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Water Conservation, Sydney. (1991) Conservation Status, Ecology and Management of
Straughan, I.R. (1968). A taxonomic review of the genus the Spotted Tree Frog (Litoria spenceri). Arthur Rylah
Mixophyes, (Anura, Leptodactylidae), 1968. Proc. Linn. Soc. Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report
NSW. 93:52-59 Series No. 116. Department of Conservation and
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150-53. Nodder 1795)(Anura: Myobatrachidae). Herpetofauna,
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Tyler, M. J. and Anstis, M. (1975) Taxonomy and biology of
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(Anura: Hylidae) from New South Wales, Australia. Copeia,

Potential Impacts of Introduced
Fish and Fish Translocations on
Australian Amphibians
Graeme Gillespie1 and Jean-Marc Hero2

ABSTRACT subject to thorough research. Many Australian

amphibian assemblages, including several threatened
This review examines the potential impact of
species, are potentially threatened by a variety of
introduced fish on amphibians, with particular
introduced fish species. Future research priorities and
emphasis on Australian freshwater systems. Firstly,
the ecological relationships between fish predators guidelines for examining the impact of introduced fish

and their amphibian prey are examined, and how on Australian amphibians are outlined. Key management

they can be altered when non-native fish are objectives for conservation agencies are identified.

introduced into aquatic systems.The current

knowledge and research on the impacts of INTRODUCTION
introduced fish on amphibians both overseas and The reported declines of many amphibian populations both
in Australia and around the world are now recognised as a
within Australia is then reviewed. Evidence in the
very real phenomenon.These declines pose a serious threat
literature strongly suggests that introduction of to global amphibian diversity, and may result from recent
exotic fish or translocation of native species could global environmental change associated with human activities.
have enormous impacts on the amphibian The cause(s) of many species declines, particularly in
apparently pristine tropical forests of Central America and
assemblages of Australian freshwater systems. Australia, remain obscure (but see Lips 1998). However, in
many cases one or other anthropogenic impacts, commonly
Introduced fish have been implicated in the decline of identified as key threatening processes in the decline or
several anuran species, though few cases have been extinction of other vertebrates (Meffe and Carroll 1994;

1. Arthur Rylah Institute, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, PO Box 137, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Australia.
2. School of Applied Science, Griffith University Gold Coast, PMB 50 Gold Coast MC, Queensland 4127 Australia.

Leakey and Lewin 1995), are associated with observed Fish may directly impact amphibian species by predation on
declines.These include habitat destruction (Laan and larvae (Macan 1966; Heyer et al. 1975; Sih et al. 1988) or
Verboom 1990; Johnson 1992; Wardell-Johnson and Roberts eggs (Grubb 1972). Consequently fish predators are capable
1991; Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Dubuis 1997; Waldick 1997), of eliminating larval amphibian species from some habitats
pollution (Bishop 1992; Bidwell and Gorrie 1995; Bertram (Tyler 1963, Macan 1974, Petranka 1983). In a comprehensive
and Berrill 1997), over-exploitation (Jennings and Hayes study by Petranka (1983) the larvae of the salamander
1985) and introduction of exotic predators (Orchard 1992; Ambystoma texanum were found to be restricted to the
Bradford et al. 1993; Lannoo et al. 1994). In Australia, fish-free, upper portions of breeding streams and this was
anthropogenic impacts on amphibian populations are only attributed to predation on larvae by endemic species of fish.
now beginning to be appreciated.The relative significance of Kats et al. (1988) identified fish predation as a primary factor
various potentially threatening processes to the maintenance influencing marked differences between larval amphibian
of many amphibian communities is poorly understood.This is assemblages in ephemeral and permanent aquatic habitats.
a reflection in part of the inherent difficulties associated with Similarly, Fickling (1995) found that Litoria nannotis and
studying amphibian population dynamics, the high diversity of L. rheocola were restricted to streams without predatory fish
amphibian assemblages present in Australia, and the small in the Tully gorge, northern Australia.
number of ecologists and amount of resources available for
studying them. Decisions of research and management TADPOLE SURVIVAL STRATEGIES
priorities and allocation of resources must therefore be based
upon careful assessments of current knowledge about the Amphibian larvae can physically evade fish predators through
importance of all potentially threatening processes, from both spatial or temporal avoidance (Petranka 1983, Bradford 1989,
within Australia and overseas. Holomuzki 1995, Hecnar and M’Closkey 1997, Hero et al.
1998). Many species of amphibian breed only in temporary
After over-exploitation and habitat destruction, introduced water bodies in which fish are absent. Recent studies have
predators have been identified as the main cause of mammal shown that females of some species of amphibian choose
and bird species extinctions in modern times, particularly in oviposition sites in waterbodies without fish (Resetarits and
Australasia (Meffe and Carroll 1994; Leakey and Lewin 1995). Wilbur 1989; Kats and Sih 1992; Bronmark and Edenhamn
It is likely that introduced predators may also play a significant 1994; Hopey and Petranka 1994; Holomuzki 1995).
role in the decline of some amphibian species.The following Alternatively, amphibians can avoid fish predators by
review examines the potential impact of introduced fish on reproducing in a waterbody at times when fish predators are
amphibians, with particular emphasis on Australian freshwater absent (e.g. streamside ponds that are isolated from the
systems. Firstly, we examine the ecological relationships stream at some times of the year).
between fish predators and their amphibian prey, and how
these may be altered when non-native fish are introduced. We The larvae of many amphibian species occur in habitats
then review current knowledge and research on the impacts of containing predatory fish, such as permanent lakes and
introduced fish on amphibians both overseas and within streams. Survival or anti-predator strategies allow these
Australia. Finally, we outline future research priorities and species to coexist with fish predators.These strategies include
guidelines for examining the impact of introduced fish on cryptic colouration (Wasserug 1971), behavioural responses
Australian amphibians, and identify key management objectives. such as use of refugia (Sih et al. 1988), schooling (Waldman
1982; Kruse and Stone 1984), protean flight (Taylor 1983),
and chemical defences (Liem 1961; Wasserug 1971; Brodie et
al. 1978; Kruse and Stone 1984; Kats et al. 1988; Werner and
AMPHIBIAN COMMUNITIES McPeek 1994). In contrast to species which typically occur in
Predation is considered to be a major factor regulating the fish-free habitats, larvae of species which coexist with fish
distribution of amphibian larvae (e.g. Calef 1973, Heyer et al. predators may possess one or a combination of these
1975, Duellman 1978, Scott and Limerick 1983, Smith 1983, survival traits (Kats et al. 1988). Many amphibian larvae which
Woodward 1983, Wilbur 1984, Hayes and Jennings 1986, Kats coexist with predacious fish are unpalatable or noxious (Liem
et al. 1988). Heyer et al. (1975) suggested that predation by 1961;Voris and Bacon 1966; Wasserug 1971; Brodie et al.
aquatic predators, primarily fish, was the most important 1978; Walters 1975; Kruse and Stone 1984; Kats et al. 1988;
biotic factor influencing the temporal and spatial composition Hero 1991; Werner and McPeek 1994). Amphibian larvae
of tadpole communities.The combined direct and indirect which do not respond behaviourally to predatory fish are
effects of fish predators on the local distribution of individual typically toxic or unpalatable to fish (Voris and Bacon 1966;
species of tadpole consequently influence local and regional Kruse and Fransis 1977; Kruse and Stone 1984; Kats et al.
amphibian assemblage structure. Recent studies have 1988). Antipredator strategies used by tadpole species against
demonstrated the importance of fish predators in invertebrate predators, such as immobility (Azevedo-Ramos
determining tadpole species-composition (species present) et al. 1992; Chovanec 1992; Werner and McPeek 1994) are
and tadpole species richness (number of species) in not usually effective against fish predators that use visual cues
temperate (Hecnar and M’Closkey 1997) and tropical (Hero 1991; Werner and McPeek 1994).Therefore the
systems (Fickling 1995; Hero et al. 1988). In this section, we distribution of each larval amphibian species is related to the
examine the ecological relationships between fish predators survival strategies it possesses and is strongly influenced by
and their amphibian prey and how these may be altered the distribution of predatory fish.
when non-native fish are introduced.

Predator-prey relationships are maintained by a constant The consequences of introducing fish into breeding habitats
evolution of both the predator to capture and the prey to for amphibians have been well documented overseas. A
avoid capture, commonly described as the “evolutionary arms number of studies in Europe, North and South America have
race” (Dawkins and Krebs 1979). Survival strategies tend to implicated or demonstrated that introductions of predatory
be predator specific and are unlikely to be effective against all fish are responsible for the decline or extinction of some
predators. For example, female amphibians may not be able amphibian species.
to recognise the chemical cues produced by introduced fish
Brönmark and Edenhamn (1994) suggest that, in Europe, the
species and may inadvertently oviposit in a water body with
widespread introduction of various fish species into farm
exotic fish predators, resulting in levels of predation that
dams and ponds has contributed to the decline of Hyla
preclude survival of the species. Palatability of a species of
arborea.They found that H. arborea in Sweden was
tadpole can differ among different species of fish predator
predominantly restricted to ponds in which fish had not been
(Hero 1991; Holomuzki 1995). Hence, a species of tadpole
introduced. No reproduction was recorded during a three
may be unpalatable to the native fish predators with which it
year period in ponds containing either pike (Esox lucius),
coexists, but may not be unpalatable to a novel fish predator.
perch (Perca fluviatilis), roach (Rutilus rutilus), Crucian carp
Prey species may not identify introduced fish as predators
(Carassius carassius), rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) or
and hence fail to use the appropriate survival strategies
tench (Tinca tinca). Pike (Esox lucius), perch, and Crucian carp
(temporal or spatial isolation), or the species of tadpole may
have been shown in laboratory studies to readily feed on
not have the necessary antipredator defences that allow
H. arborea tadpoles and metamorphs (Brönmark unpublished,
them to coexist with introduced fish species.The introduction
in Brönmark and Edenhamn 1994).
of an exotic predator is therefore likely to disrupt the arms
race in favour of the predator. Macan (1966) reported a dramatic decrease in numbers of
bufonid and ranid tadpole species following the introduction
Fish predators can also influence tadpole assemblages
of brown trout (Salmo trutta) into a British tarn. Braña et al.
indirectly by consuming invertebrate tadpole-predators, such
(1996) found that amphibian species’ numbers and amphibian
as dragonfly naiads and predacious diving beetles (Wilbur and
abundance were significantly lower in lakes of northern Spain
Fauth 1990; Werner and McPeek 1994; Hero et al. 1998). containing introduced fish: brown trout, rainbow trout
Along an environmental gradient Werner and McPeek (1994) (Oncorhynchus mykiss), tench, roach and European minnow
found that only Rana catesbiana tadpoles were found in (Phoxinus phoxinus).They concluded that the presence of
waterbodies with fish predators while R. clamitans was found these introduced species was responsible for the almost
primarily in fishless ponds with high densities of invertebrate complete disablement of large permanent waterbodies for
predators. Furthermore, the presence of fish predators can amphibian reproduction and subsequent decline of amphibian
reduce densities of some species of tadpole, and this may species in the region.
release other species from competition, thus enhancing their
survival (Morin 1986; Werner and McPeek 1994).This In North America the introduction of salmonids into
predator mediated release from competition may result in a previously fishless habitats has impacted upon numerous
shift in species composition from species that are amphibian species. Burger (1950) reported the wide scale
competitively dominant to species that are competitively elimination of tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) larvae
inferior but have the survival strategies that allow them to from ponds in Colorado following stocking with trout. Fish
coexist with fish. introductions, primarily trout, have been suggested as an
important factor contributing to the decline of ranid frog
The general pattern observed in natural systems is that species (Hayes and Jennings 1986; Liss and Larson 1991;
species of tadpole that are vulnerable to predation by Hecnar and M’Closky 1996). Several species of introduced
invertebrate predators survive in waterbodies with fish salmonids have profoundly affected the distribution of the
(where the density of invertebrate predators is low due to Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (Rana mucosa) within the past
predation by fish), and species of tadpole that are vulnerable century by eliminating the species from nearly all waters
to predation by fish survive in waterbodies where predacious where fish have been introduced (Grinnell and Storer 1924;
fish are absent (Hecnar and M’Closkey 1997; Hero et al. Bradford 1989; Bradford et al. 1993). Hayes and Jennings
1988).The introduction of predacious fish species will (1986) noted that the abundance of endemic Rana species in
potentially result in the elimination of some tadpole species California was inversely correlated with densities of
and a shift in the species composition to those species which introduced fish species, primarily trout.Tyler et al. (1998)
have the survival-strategies that allow them to coexist with demonstrated that larval salamanders (Ambystoma
the introduced predator. macrodactylum) were found in much higher densities in alpine
lakes without fish than in lakes that contained introduced
Theory therefore predicts that the introduction of exotic fish trout populations.
to aquatic systems may lead to the elimination of some
species of tadpole, resulting in changes in the species In Canada Liss and Larson (1991) reported the decline of
composition of natural tadpole assemblages.These changes amphibian species in naturally fishless lakes after stocking with
may be extremely detrimental to the long term survival of trout. Hecnar and M’Closkey (1996) concluded that the
some species, undermine amphibian communities and disrupt presence of introduced predatory fish was responsible for the
natural aquatic systems. decline of amphibian species in south-western Ontario.They

found that amphibian species richness was significantly lower amphibians in southern Chile (Formas 1995). Introduced
in ponds containing introduced predatory fish. However, those salmonids are also thought to be responsible for the
amphibian species with either large larval body size or large extinction of several Atelopus species in Costa Rica
clutch size were less adversely affected than others, and (Pough et al. 1998).
occurred more frequently with predatory fish.
In most of the above cases, fish introductions have occurred
The introduction or translocation of other species has also for recreational purposes. Hence, the frequent reports
been implicated in the decline of some amphibian species in involving trout species, which have been widely introduced in
North America. Introduced mosquitofish (Gambusia spp.) lakes and streams throughout both hemispheres due to their
have been identified as the most likely cause of localised popularity with anglers. It should be emphasized that
declines of Californian newts (Taricha torosa) in southern translocation of native fish species into aquatic systems that
California (Gamradt and Kats 1996). Petranka (1983) have not previously contained the species could have similar
documented decimation of small-mouthed salamander impacts on amphibian fauna.
(Ambystoma texanum) larvae in local pools in streams
following colonisation by Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), INTRODUCED FISH IN AUSTRALIA
and Sexton and Phillips (1986) noted a dramatic reduction in
species richness after the introduction of this species. The list of fish introduced into Australia is extensive (Table 1).
Semlitsch (1983) reported almost complete mortality of At least 24 exotic species have established self-sustaining
Rana esculenta tadpoles following the addition of Pike to populations in Australian freshwater systems to date. In
experimental ponds. addition, several native species have been translocated into
aquatic systems in which they did not naturally occur.These
Declines of some amphibians in South America have also include Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii), golden perch
been attributed to introduced fish.The introduction of (Macquaria ambigua), Macquarie perch (M. australasica), bass
various fish species: salmonids, European carp (Cyprinus (M. novemaculeata), barramundi (Lates calcarifer), catfish
carpio), Odonthestes bonariensis and catfish (Ictalurus spp.), is (Tandanus tandanus) and rainbow fish (Melanotaenia spp.)
thought to be a principal factor leading to the decline of (Raadik, Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI),Victoria, pers. comm.).

TABLE 1: List of exotic fish which have established populations in Australian waters.

Species Origin Occurrence in Australia

Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Nth. America NSW;Vic;Tas; s.w.WA; s.e. SA
Chinook Salmon O. tshawytscha Nth. America, N.E. Asia s.w.Vic
Brook Trout Salmo fontinalis Nth. America s.e. NSW;Tas
Atlantic Salmon S. salar Europe, Nth America s.e. NSW;Vic;Tas
Brown Trout S. trutta Europe,West Asia NSW;Vic;Tas; s.w.WA; s.e. SA
Goldfish Carassius auratus East Asia s.e. Qld; NSW;Vic; SA; s.w.WA
European Carp Cyprinus carpio Europe s.e. Qld; NSW;Vic; SA; s.w.WA
Rosy Barb Puntius conchonius * Asia s.e.Qld
Roach Rutilus rutilus Europe Vic
Tench Tinca tinca Europe, Central Asia sth. NSW;Vic;Tas
Redfin Perch Perca fluviatilis Europe, Nth. Asia NSW;Vic; east SA;WA;Tas
gambusia (Mosquito Fish) Gambusia holbrooki Nth. America Qld; NSW;Vic; SA;WA;Tas
One-spot Livebearer Phalloceros caudimaculatus Sth. America s.w.WA
Sailfin Molly Poecilia latipinna Cent. America s.e. Qld
Guppy P. reticulata Cent. America, Caribbean s.e. Qld
Swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Cent. America s.e. Qld
Platy X. maculatus Cent. America s.e. Qld
American Flag Fish Jordanella floridae Nth. America n.e. Qld
Oriental Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus East Asia s.e. Qld; s.e. NSW;Vic
Blue Acara Aequidens pulcher Cent. America e. Qld
Convict Cichlid Heros nigrofasciata Cent. America Vic
Mozambique Mouthbrooder Oreochromis mossambicus East Africa e. Qld, s.w.WA
Black Mangrove Cichlid Tilapia mariae West Africa Vic
Zilles Cichlid T. zillii * Africa s.w.WA

* Species which established populations that either died out or were successfully removed. (Sources: Allen 1982; Cadwallader and Backhouse 1982;
McKay 1984; Allen 1989; Faragher and Harris 1993; Arthington and Blühdorn 1995; Ryan 1995; McDowall 1996).

Introductions have occurred primarily either for recreational Gambusia are widespread throughout south-eastern Australia,
fishing purposes, or through releases of species from the including the Murray-Darling system, and extend up the east
aquarium trade.The one exception is the eastern gambusia coast as far as Townsville. It also occurs in south-western WA
or mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki), which was misguidedly and some water courses near Alice Springs (Allen 1982,
introduced to control mosquitoes (Myers 1965). 1989; McDowall 1996).The species is exceptionally hardy and
is able to tolerate an extremely broad range of
Salmonids have been widely introduced into streams and environmental conditions (McKay 1984). It is a highly invasive
lakes for recreational fishing.The brown trout and rainbow species inhabiting marshes, lakes and dams, slow-flowing
trout are the most successful and widespread species.These streams and associated billabongs and aqueducts. It is most
occur in mainland streams along the Dividing Range from abundant in modified habitats and areas near human
Victoria up to northern NSW, in the Adelaide Hills and in settlement (Allen 1989; McDowall 1996).
south-western Western Australia (Allen 1982, 1989;
The remaining species have all originated from the aquarium
McDowall 1996). In south eastern Australia, brown trout are
trade (McKay 1984; Allen 1989; Ryan 1995; McDowall 1996).
abundant in all upland streams and are only excluded from a
Only three of these have so far established extensive
few small tributaries where waterfalls have blocked their up-
distributions in the wild.The oriental weatherloach (Misgurnus
stream passage (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1982; Faragher anguillicaudatus) occurs in streams along the east coast of NSW
and Harris 1993; McDowall 1996). Rainbow trout have a and several south-flowing catchments in Victoria, such as the
more patchy distribution but are in high abundance in many Yarra and Latrobe Rivers. It also occurs inland in south-eastern
small upland water courses (McDowall 1996;Victorian Fish Australia, in the Murrumbidgee, Ovens and Murray Rivers
Database, ARI,Victoria). Both species also occur in many lakes (McDowell 1996;Victorian Fish database, ARI,Victoria).The
and reservoirs in these regions. Stocking of lakes and streams Mozambique mouthbrooder (Oreochromis mossambicus) has
occurs extensively in NSW, and several lakes are stocked in established populations in the lowland reaches of several coastal
Victoria by Fisheries authorities.These species are also rivers in Queensland between Brisbane and Cairns, and has
stocked in farm dams. Brook trout have established in been reported in several rivers in south-western Western
Tasmania in lakes of the Tyndall Ranges (McDowall 1996), the Australia (McKay 1984; Allen 1989; McDowall 1996).The guppy
Clarence Lagoon on the Central Plateau (Swain, University of (Poecilia reticulata) is widespread from Brisbane to north-east
Tasmania, pers. comm.), and are currently restricted to one Queensland (Ryan 1995).The one-spot livebearer (Phalloceros
stream on the mainland in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW caudimaculatus) has been recorded in ponds and drains around
(Harris, NSW Fisheries, pers. comm.). Chinook salmon are Perth (Allen 1989).The sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna), swordtail
currently restricted to several lakes in south-western Victoria, (Xiphophorus helleri) and platy (X. maculatus), are restricted to a
maintained by stocking (McDowall 1996). Atlantic salmon are few streams around Brisbane (McDowall 1996).The rosy barb
stocked in lakes and reservoirs in south-eastern NSW, central (Puntius conchronius) also established itself in one stream in the
Victoria and Tasmania (McDowall 1996).The species has Brisbane area but has apparently died out (Brumley 1991;
McDowall 1996).The American flag fish (Jordanella floridae) has
escaped from hatcheries into the Rubicon and Latrobe Rivers
been recorded near Cairns (Allen 1989).The convict and black
in Victoria (McDowall 1996).
mangrove cichlid (Tilapia mariae) are restricted to the
Goldfish and European carp were originally introduced as Hasellwood Pondage in Morwell Victoria, which contains warm
ornamental fish and have spread throughout the Murray- water outflow from the power station. Zilles cichlid (T. zillii) was
Darling system and other inland and coastal waterways in recorded in tributaries of the Swan River estuary in Western
south-eastern Australia (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1982; Australia. in 1975, but is believed to have been successfully
Faragher and Harris 1993; McDowall 1996).They also occur eradicated (Allen 1989).The blue acara (Aequidens pulcher) has
been recorded in one stream in Brisbane (Ryan 1995).
in south-western Western Australia (Allen 1982, 1989) and
Tasmania (Swain pers. comm.).Tench and roach were Many of Australia’s inland waters, particularly in south-eastern
introduced in the late 1800’s into lakes and rivers in Victoria regions, contain one or more introduced fish species. In some
for fishing and have both spread. Movements of roach have cases these species have completely displaced native fish and
also been recorded up rivers feeding lakes, such as the substantially modified aquatic ecosystems. In addition to those
Howqua and Big Rivers in the catchment of Lake Eildon, species already established, there is continual interest from
Victoria (Victorian Fish Database, ARI,Victoria). Introductions the recreational and commercial fishing industry to establish
of roach still occur illegally for caurse fishing.Tench have also hatcheries or introduce more species. Several hundred
been stocked for fishing in lakes and reservoirs in southern species of exotic ornamental fish have been imported into
NSW and Tasmania. Australia for the aquarium trade (McKay 1984).The potential
for more of these species to become established in natural
Redfin have been widely introduced throughout the Murray- waters is high, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions
Darling River system, lakes and farm dams in south-eastern (McKay 1984; McDowall 1996).
mainland Australia,Tasmania and south-western Western
Australia as a popular angling species (Allen 1982, 1989; With the possible exception of the Oriental Weatherloach, all
Rowland 1989; McDowall 1996).This species has also of the introduced species have the potential to prey upon
penetrated up major tributaries of some lakes, in some cases amphibian eggs and larvae, and many species may also prey
upon adults. As indicated in the literature reviewed earlier,
considerable distances, such as Eildon and Glenmaggie in
this has already been demonstrated for most of the more
Victoria (Victorian Fish database, ARI,Victoria).
widely introduced species, such as the salmonids, cyprinids,
redfin perch and gambusia, on other continents.

REVIEW OF IMPACTS OF INTRODUCED sources for trout, and refuge microhabitats for tadpoles, trout
FISH ON AMPHIBIANS IN AUSTRALIA were able to impose a significant predation pressure on L.
spenceri and L. phyllochroa. Brown and rainbow trout are now
Few studies have been conducted to investigate the considered to be the primary cause of decline of L. spenceri
relationships between introduced fish and amphibians in (Robertson et al. 1998, unpublished; Robertson and Gillespie,
Australia.To date, the impacts of only three introduced 1998, unpubl.).These findings suggest that upland populations
species, brown and rainbow trout, and gambusia, have been of the other species within the L. citropa complex, i.e. L.
investigated. Collectively these studies have assessed impacts subglandulosa and L. pearsoniana, may also be highly vulnerable
on only 16 species of frog to any degree (Table 2). Some to predation from trout. Although L. lesueuri complex species
information is presented on redfin perch and carp; however, were less palatable, L. booroolongensis has also declined
appropriate research is required to further examine the (Gillespie and Hines 1999; NSW NPWS Scientific Committee
impacts of these species. Determination Advice No. 97/27). Other factors such as
habitat degradation may be involved but it remains unclear
Impact of Fish Predation on Adult Frogs what impact trout may have on these species. For example, an
It is common knowledge among the fishing fraternity that egg mass of L. lesueuri was found in the stomach of a brown
frogs make good bait for trout and redfin perch (Baxter, trout (Rardik, ARI,Victoria, pers. comm.).This fish was able to
Victorian Fisheries, pers. comm.; Harris, NSW Fisheries, pers. take out most of the annual reproductive investment of a
comm.; Lake, Department of Biological Sciences, Monash single female frog (several hundred eggs) in one sitting. It is
University, pers. comm.).This suggests that trout and redfin expected that predation pressure by trout on these species
perch may readily attack frogs in the wild. Collection of frogs will be high when alternative food resources are limited.
for bait may place excessive pressure on some frog
populations (Watson et al. 1991).The use of frogs for bait is Impact of Predation by Gambusia
now banned in some States. However, it is likely that fish are Gambusia has so far received the most scrutiny regarding its
able to exert their greatest impact on frog populations by potential impact upon Australian frog populations.The broad
preying upon larval stages. distribution and wide range of habitats occupied by gambusia
means that it may potentially impact upon many lentic and
Impact of Predation by Trout Species lotic frog populations across a large area of Australia.
Species most at risk from predation by trout are those which
Only one study has examined predation by gambusia upon
breed exclusively in streams in south-eastern Australia.There
anuran eggs; Reynolds (1995) found that eggs of Crinia
are eight such species, several of which have declined in
insignifera and C. glauerti were unpalatable. Preliminary trials
recent years and are considered endangered or vulnerable
also suggested that eggs of Litoria adelaidensis, L. moorei and
(Gillespie and Hines 1999).The spotted tree frog (Litoria
Crinia georgiana may also be unpalatable (Reynolds 1995).
spenceri) has always been considered rare (Ahern 1982);
However, several studies have shown experimentally that
however, declines were observed in most of the few known
gambusia are capable of preying on small larvae of a number
populations in the 1970s and 80s (Watson et al. 1991), and
of Australian anuran species: Limnodynastes tasmaniensis,
the species is now listed as endangered (Tyler 1997). Watson
Litoria lesueuri and L. dentata (Harris 1995); Crinia insignifera
et al. suggested that introduced trout may be contributing to
and C. glauerti (Reynolds 1995); Litoria aurea and L. dentata
this decline.Trout are present in all the streams in which the
(Morgan and Buttemer 1996); Limnodynastes peronii and
species is known to have occurred (Victorian Fish database,
Crinia signifera (Webb and Joss 1997).
ARI,Victoria). Surveys of the distribution and relative
abundance of L. spenceri and other upland riverine species A number of studies have identified negative associations
have found that L. spenceri only occurred in abundance in one between the presence of gambusia and frog species. Dankers
reach of stream which was above a waterfall which trout (1977) found that tadpole numbers of several species were
could not negotiate (Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Hunter and drastically reduced in ponds containing gambusia after early
Gillespie 1999). Only a few high density upland populations December, coinciding with a seasonal increase in fish biomass.
of the leaf-green tree frog (L. phyllochroa) have been located, McGilp (1994) found a negative correlation between the
most of which have also been above waterfalls in trout-free occurrence of Brown Tree Frog (Litoria ewingii) and that of
streams (Gillespie pers. obs.). In contrast, lesueur’s frog gambusia in waterbodies along the Yarra River in Melbourne.
(L. lesueuri) remains widespread and is abundant along many
streams where trout are present (Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Blyth (1994) compared survival and recruitment of three
Hunter and Gillespie 1999; Gillespie pers. obs.). species of Western Australian anuran larvae, Crinia glauerti, C.
insignifera and Heleioporus eyrei, in the presence or absence of
Gillespie (1997, unpubl.) examined the relative palatabilities of gambusia in experimental field enclosures.Tadpole survival of
five riverine frog larvae, L. booroolongensis, all three species was significantly lower in the presence of
L. citropa, L. lesueuri, L. phyllochroa and L. spenceri, to two gambusia at the end of the experimental period. However,
sympatric native fish, mountain galaxias (Galaxias olidus) and the design of the enclosures allowed access for oviposition by
two-spined blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosis), and introduced local frog populations, as evidenced by increases in numbers
brown trout. All fish readily consumed tadpoles of of experimental animals in some enclosures. Other potential
Limnodynastes peronii which occur in lentic habitats without fish; predators of premetamorphic stages also had access, such as
however, only trout ate a significant proportion of tadpoles of invertebrates and birds. Furthermore, each species/fish
any riverine tadpole species. Further in-stream experiments treatment was not replicated.These factors limit
demonstrated that despite the availability of alternative food interpretation of the results of this study.

TABLE 2: List of introduced fish and native frog species-interactions that have been examined in Australia.

Fish species Frog species Source

Brown Trout Booroolong Frog Litoria booroolongensis Gillespie (1997), unpublished

(Salmo trutta) Blue Mountains Tree Frog L. citropa Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Lesueur’s Frog L. lesueuri Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Leaf-green Tree Frog L. phyllochroa Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Spotted Tree Frog L. spenceri Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peroni Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Rainbow Trout Leaf-green Tree Frog L. phyllochroa Gillespie (1997), unpublished
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) Spotted Tree Frog L. spenceri Gillespie (1997), unpublished
Eastern gambusia or Slender Tree Frog Litoria adelaidensis Reynolds (1995)
Mosquito Fish Green and Golden Bell Frog L. aurea Morgan and Buttemer (1996);
(Gambusia holbrooki) Pyke and White (1996)
Kerferstein’s Tree Frog L. dentata Harris (1995); Morgan and
Buttemer (1996)
Moor’s Frog L. moorei Reynolds (1995)
Lesueur’s Frog L. lesueuri Harris (1995)
Tschudi’s Froglet Crinia georgiana Reynolds (1995)
Glauert’s Froglet C. glauerti Blyth (1994); Reynolds (1995)
Sign-bearing Frog C. insignifera Blyth (1994); Reynolds (1995)
Common Froglet C. signifera Webb and Joss (1997)
Moaning Frog Heleioporous eyrei Blyth (1994); Reynolds (1995)
Striped Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peroni Webb and Joss (1997)
Spotted Marsh Frog L. tasmaniensis Harris (1995)
Goldfish Spotted Marsh Frog L. tasmaniensis M. Healey (unpublished data)
(Carassius auratus)

Webb and Joss (1997) examined amphibian species richness presence of gambusia. However, gambusia showed a strong
and abundance in relation to gambusia density and cover of preference for invertebrate prey (Daphnia sp. or mosquito
emergent aquatic vegetation in ten ponds near Sydney.They larvae). Both groups were consistently consumed completely
found a significant negative relationship between fish density before tadpoles in all trials. In a field enclosure experiment, in
and frog abundance but no relationship for species richness. which tadpoles were also exposed to invertebrate predators,
The descriptions provided for each waterbody indicate a high Reynolds (1995) found no significant difference in survival in
degree of variability in habitat among pond sites. Unfortunately the presence or absence of gambusia.These results, in
additional factors such as pool size and native vegetation cover, conjunction with his field survey data, suggest that the impact
which may strongly affect frog abundance, were not considered of gambusia upon populations of these frog species is
in their analyses.Tadpole density is easier to sample influenced by several factors, and under natural conditions
systematically than adult frog density in pond habitats (Heyer et may be limited.
al. 1994). Given that tadpoles are one of the life stages on
which gambusia potentially preys upon, a measure of their Gambusia cannot consume large prey as these small fish are
relative abundance, rather than that of adult frogs, will provide gape-limited predators. Webb and Joss (1997) conducted
a more reliable indicator of the impact of gambusia. predation experiments examining the impact upon survival of
different size classes of C. signifera and Limnodynastes peroni
Reynolds (1995) examined the occurrence of six anuran
tadpoles by hungry and pre-fed gambusia.They found
species with gambusia in water bodies near Perth, Western
significant differences between predation rates due to tadpole
Australia. In contrast to the above studies, he found no
size class and hunger status of fish.Tadpole species which are
relationship between the presence/absence of fish and
able to rapidly attain moderate to large size may therefore
individual anuran species, with one exception, Crinia insignifera,
which was found infrequently with gambusia. However, he minimize the impact of predation (Caldwell et al. 1980;
observed that most of the sites used by C. insignifera were Crump 1984).
ephemeral and unsuitable for gambusia. Species richness was
Several studies have reported damage to the fins of larger
generally lower at sites occupied by gambusia, but many of
tadpoles from gambusia attack (Dankers 1977; Blyth 1994;
these sites were also degraded, contributing to their
Harris 1995).This could result in reduced survival of larger
unsuitability as frog breeding habitats.
tadpoles due to reduced mobility and feeding, inability to
In addition Reynolds (1995) experimentally examined escape other predators, or reduced metamorphic fitness.
predation by gambusia on several tadpole species in Western However, some tadpole species have been found to survive
Australia.Trials with tadpoles indicated that gambusia were tail loss (Harris 1995). Wilbur and Semlitsch (1990) reported
able to attack and kill tadpoles of L. adelaidensis, C. georgiana tail regeneration by tadpoles of Rana catesbeiana even after
and H. eyrei. Controlled palatability experiments showed that considerable loss, and suggest that this may be a general
survival of L. moorei tadpoles was significantly reduced in the mechanism to reduce the impact of predation.

Concerns for the role of gambusia in the decline of (Reynolds 1995). Further research is required to ascertain the
amphibian species, particularly members of the L. aurea role of gambusia in the decline of amphibian species assemblages
complex, have been expressed by several authors (Mahony with respect to other threatening processes. For instance, as
1993; Daly 1995; Morgan and Buttemer 1996; White and gambusia occur in areas which are mostly disturbed or modified
Pyke 1996; White and Ehmann 1997). However, evidence in other ways, the relative impacts of these habitat changes upon
linking gambusia to declines of frog populations in the L. aurea amphibian populations need to be differentiated from those
complex is limited, due in part to conflicting findings and wrought by the fish.
methodological limitations of some studies.
Impacts of Predation by Redfin Perch and
For example, Morgan and Buttemer (1996) conducted Carp Species
controlled predation experiments examining the impact upon
survival of tadpoles of L. aurea and L. dentata by gambusia. Research overseas suggests that redfin perch and carp species
The influence of macrophytes on the predatory impact of may be major predators of some tadpole species. No
gambusia was also examined.They found that in the absence published studies have addressed the impact of carp species
of macrophytes gambusia were able to significantly reduce or redfin perch upon frogs in Australia. Leslie (1995) has
tadpole survival of both species within 24 hours. In the attributed the decline of frogs in some wetlands in the
presence of macrophytes, the effect was substantially reduced Murray-Darling Basin in part to predation on
and no significant impact of gambusia could be detected on premetamorphic stages by carp species. Healey et al. (1997)
L. aurea after three days. However, survival of L. dentata was observed no evidence of frogs breeding in four billabongs on
still significantly reduced after two days.These findings indicate the Murrumbidgee floodplain and suggested that this may
that presence of gambusia may significantly influence the have been explained by the presence of carp species.
survival of tadpoles, but that this is likely to be strongly However, no observations were made at sites where carp
were absent and the absence of tadpoles could be explained
influenced by habitat structure and tadpole behaviour. Litoria
by a number of alternative abiotic and biotic hypotheses.
aurea larvae have also been found in sympatry with native
Laboratory predation experiments have shown that tadpoles
predatory fish (pers. obs.). In the absence of comparative
of Limnodynastes tasmaniensis are palatable to goldfish and
data on the impact of these natural predators upon larval
redfin perch (Healey, Charles Sturt University, Wogga Wogga,
survival, it is difficult to assess the relative ecological
pers. comm.), indicating the potential for these species to
significance of gambusia predation.
consume tadpoles. However, it is unknown whether they prey
Pyke and White (1996) surveyed waterbodies in the Sydney on tadpoles in the wild when alternative food is available.
region for L. aurea, and examined associations between Carp are able to significantly modify the physical habitat of
evidence of breeding, occurrence of introduced fish, and aquatic systems, by uprooting aquatic vegetation and
habitat.They found that breeding was most strongly associated increasing turbidity (Roberts et al. 1995).These changes may
with ephemeral rather than permanent or ‘fluctuating’ ponds, have indirect impacts on tadpoles through loss of food
followed by the absence of introduced fish, primarily gambusia, resources, cover for protection from other predators, and
and speculated that this fish was a major cause of decline of L. loss of oviposition sites.
aurea (Pyke and White 1996). However, examination of their
data reveals that pond permanency and occurrence of Broader Implications of Introduced Fish
gambusia are highly correlated and so the results could also for Australian Amphibian Species
be explained in terms of unmeasured features of pond The evidence presented here strongly suggests that
permanency, or abundance of other predators. introduction of exotic fish or translocation of native species
could have an enormous impact on the amphibian
White and Ehmann (1997) suggest that gambusia is also
assemblages of Australian freshwater systems. However, in
implicated in the decline of L. flavipunctata, a closely related
many cases the impacts have not been investigated. For
species to L. aurea. However, Osborne et al. (1996) point out
example, the impact of carp species on Australian amphibian
that many of the sites from which this species has
assemblages has not been examined, despite their
disappeared do not contain gambusia. Furthermore, both widespread distribution and frequently-raised concerns about
L. aurea and L. raniformis, an ecologically similar species which their adverse effects upon freshwater systems.
hybridises with L. aurea (Watson and Littlejohn, 1985), have
been recorded in abundance at some sites containing Introduced fish within mainland Australia are currently
gambusia (van de Mortel and Goldingay 1998; Gillespie pers. generally restricted to the eastern sea board, Murray-Darling
obs.; Pyke, Australian Museum, pers. comm.). system and south-west Western Australia.This distribution
also overlaps with regions of high amphibian species richness
The role of gambusia in the decline of L. aurea is unclear. Other (see Barker et al. 1996). Consequently a large proportion of
factors require careful consideration, such as pond duration, Australian anurans are potentially affected by one or more
habitat quality, presence of other aquatic predators and introduced fish species.
availability of refugia. Evidence of gambusia having a major impact
on the abundance of other Australian amphibians is also unclear. Species most likely to be affected are those which breed in
However, many of the studies to date have demonstrated that permanent aquatic habitats, such as streams and wetlands.
gambusia are capable of killing a variety of tadpole species and However, many which breed in more ephemeral habitats,
eggs. Considering the wide distribution of gambusia, it probably such as billabongs and temporary pools along flood plains of
does have significant impacts on some native amphibian species, rivers, may also be affected as these habitats are seasonally
particularly in the eastern states where seasonal peak fish colonised by introduced fish when water courses swell.
abundance coincides with the larval stages of many species Changes to the rural landscape within these regions have

resulted in removal of many natural ephemeral aquatic can be drained to effect 100% removal. However, this option
habitats and the expansion of more permanent habitats by is usually not available. Most introduced fish in Australia occur
way of stock dams.These are the only breeding habitats in in streams or larger waterbodies which cannot easily be
some areas for species which would otherwise breed in drained.There have been numerous attempts in the United
ephemeral water bodies. Farm dams are often stocked with States of America to eradicate unwanted fish populations
introduced and native angling species which are likely to from streams and lakes, using a variety of techniques, such as
impact these amphibian assemblages.These habitats may have electrofishing, netting and poisoning.The only demonstrated
become ecological sinks for some species. successful approach for complete removal of fish from these
systems is with a toxicant.This approach has become a
A large proportion of Australia’s threatened amphibian standard management technique throughout the USA
species breed in habitats currently occupied by, or within the (Eschmeyer 1975), mainly as a fishery technique to improve
range of, introduced or translocated fish. Lotic species populations of recreational over non-recreational species
assemblages are particularly vulnerable.The range of (Ryan 1977). More recently this has expanded to aquatic
introduced trout species includes part or all of the conservation to protect threatened fauna from introduced fish
distributions of ten south-eastern Australian lotic species, five species. However, examples of treatments designed to
of which have declined (Tyler 1997; NSW NPWS Scientific accomplish a complete kill, as required for long-term
Committee Determination Advice No. 97/27; Gillespie and exclusion, are few and, of these, only few have been successful
Hines 1999). Some populations of these species are probably (Rinne et al. 1981; Gresswell 1991; Stefferud et al. 1992).
exposed to redfin perch and gambusia as well.
There has been only one successful eradication of salmonids
The three species currently recognised within the L. aurea from any Australian waters.This was conducted in several small
complex have all declined. Gambusia occur throughout much mountain streams in eastern Victoria as part of the
of the range of these species. Redfin perch and carp species implementation of the barred galaxias Recovery Plan (Raadik
occur throughout most of the range of L. flavipunctata, 1993). Artificial trout barriers were established across the
L. raniformis and in part of the range of L. aurea. Gambusia streams and all fish above the barriers and below remaining
have already been implicated in the decline of this species native fish populations were killed with rotenone, allowing the
group; redfin perch and carp species may also be contributing. native species to recolonise the rehabilitated zones (Raadic, ARI,
unpublished data). Expanding this approach to larger water-
Other regions of Australia which contain significant amphibian
courses is problematic. It is more difficult to effect a complete
assemblages, but are currently free of introduced fish, such as
eradication due to an exponential increase in stream length and
the Wet Tropics, may be at risk in the future if further
complexity with increased catchment size, barrier construction
introductions of other exotic fish species occur.
becomes increasingly more difficult and expensive on larger
streams, and the risk of re-introduction also increases. Saddlier
Potential for Introducing Exotic Pathogens
and Gillespie (1997) assessed the feasibility of excluding trout
Recent studies have suggested that an introduced pathogen from streams to protect populations of L. spenceri. Of the 13
may be responsible for amphibian declines in Australia and streams examined, exclusion was considered feasible only on
Central America (Blaustein et al. 1994; Laurance et al. 1996; reaches of three streams because of the above constraints. If
Lips 1998; Berger et al. 1998).The potential for the successful this would afford protection to approximately 7 % of
introduction of disease into Australian freshwater systems via the current range of the species.
the importation of fish for the aquarium trade has been
clearly identified (Mckay 1984; Laurance et al. 1996). Laurance The environmental and socio-economic costs of eradicating fish
et al. (1996) has suggested that a pathogen introduced in this must also be measured against the longer-term benefits to
way might be responsible for frog declines in north-east conservation. Several problems arise with eradication programs.
Queensland, but at this time there is no evidence to support 1. Native fish species and some invertebrate groups are also
this (Hero and Gillespie 1997; Alford and Richards 1997). affected by rotenone, which disables gill function.
However, disease risk imposed by the continual importation
2. Most large waterbodies such as lakes and streams are also
of live freshwater fish into the country cannot be ignored.
used to supply water for human consumption and
recreational purposes, including fishing; hence poisoning
MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS may risk human health. Furthermore opposition by the
The importation of exotic fish for the aquarium trade should recreational fishing community is likely to influence the
only be acceptable following rigid quarantine protocols that political decision-making process.
eliminate the possibility of introducing pathogens either with 3. For waterbodies which are used for angling, there is a high
the fish or the water they are transported in.The aquarium risk of reintroduction of popular angling species by
trade should be advised of the potential impact of introduced members of the public.These factors further restrict the
pathogens and fish species and a shift towards the use of range of circumstances in which eradication of introduced
native fish species for the pet-trade encouraged. Similarly, fish is feasible.
gambusia should not be introduced into new systems for
mosquito control; alternatively native fish species local to the In the future it may be possible to develop biological agents
area may be more suitable. to control introduced fish populations. However, this would
be extremely costly and take many years to develop. Clearly,
Once fish have been introduced into an aquatic system and in many instances removal of introduced fish for maintenance
established self-sustaining populations, they are extremely of amphibian populations is not feasible at this time.
difficult to remove. Small, confined water bodies, such as dams, Management should focus therefore on identifying and acting

on those habitats where the feasibility of removal of Information is required for most fish species which have
introduced fish is high, and restricting the spread of existing established self-sustaining populations and a range of exotic
exotic species and further introductions of more species. and native species which are readily introduced in frog
habitats. Information is urgently required on the impacts of
There is a strong fishing culture in Australia which has a large redfin perch and carp species, which are widespread and
focus on introduced species. Many introduced species, such as potentially affect numerous frog species, particularly in the
salmonids and redfin perch, continue to be considered desirable Murray Darling system and New England Tablelands region of
alien species by State agencies. However, servicing this culture NSW where several frog species have disappeared. More
continues to erode the biotic integrity of Australian freshwater information is required to ascertain the impact of gambusia in
systems.There needs to be a shift in emphasis by State fisheries Eastern Australia, particularly on the L. aurea complex.The
managers from introduced fish to native species.The ongoing impact of trout upon all upland temperate lotic anuran species
commercial stocking programs for some introduced species in in south-eastern Australia also requires further investigation.
some States, such as salmonids, pose a major threat to several
significant amphibian assemblages. Discontinuation of stocking Broad-scale surveys are required to determine relationships
programs, especially in regions where the fish populations are of occurrence of frog species in relation to the distribution of
not self-sustaining, will greatly benefit the conservation of some introduced and native fish, and a range of other biotic and
amphibian species.The needs of recreational fishing must be abiotic variables.The ability of fish species to impact frog
balanced with the benefits derived from maintaining natural fish communities should be tested experimentally.The relative
assemblages. Control of exotic fish stocks may enhance effectiveness of tadpole survival strategies amongst species in
remaining native fish stocks which are also suited to recreational the community to native sympatric predators and introduced
fishing pursuits, while maintaining natural assemblages of native species should be compared. Predation experiments should
invertebrates and amphibians. It is important to emphasise that include adequate replication and use of known palatable and
native species should not be released into systems in which unpalatable (where available) tadpole species as controls. Fish
they did not occur naturally. density, fish size and tadpole sizes that replicate field
observations should also be factored into experimental
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS designs.The ability of fish to prey upon eggs should also be
examined if possible as this may be a more vulnerable life
In summary, fish are a major influence on amphibian assemblage stage for some species.
structure. Hence, they play a major role in determining the
distribution and abundance of amphibian species.The Ascertain the relative importance of the role of
introduction of exotic fish to aquatic systems has the potential introduced fish in frog population declines with relation to
to eliminate amphibian species. Additionally there is potential to other biotic or abiotic factors.
introduce disease or pathogens into freshwater systems.These
changes may be extremely detrimental to the long-term Relative impact of introduced fish must be examined in
survival of some species, undermine amphibian communities conjunction with other factors potentially limiting survival,
and disrupt natural aquatic systems. In view of the large number such as habitat degradation. Other biotic or abiotic factors
of introduced fish species and extensive distribution of some of may either exacerbate or ameliorate the impacts of introduce
these within Australia, many amphibian communities are fish on frog populations. Surveys to determine relationships
currently vulnerable to impacts from exotic fish. between occurrence of fish and frogs should incorporate
collection and analysis of confounding biotic and abiotic
Limited research has been carried out in Australia on the habitat variables (e.g. hydroperiod, water quality, aquatic
impact of introduced fish upon amphibian assemblages. vegetation, adjacent adult habitat, native predator abundance,
However, there is strong evidence from both overseas and etc.).These should be designed where possible with adequate
within Australia that those fish species which have been power in sample size (i.e. adequate number of waterbodies)
introduced pose a serious threat to a range of anuran to assess the relative contributions of introduced fish and
species, a number of which have already declined. In other factors which significantly influence occurrence of frog
particular, trout have been shown to be responsible for the species.
decline of at least one threatened species (L. spenceri), and
gambusia has been suggested in the decline of others.The For some species which are rare or have limited distributions,
impact and management of introduced fish therefore surveys of this kind are likely to have inadequate power.The
warrants serious consideration in the development and relative impact of introduced fish can be examined in field
implementation of recovery plans for declining frog species. experiments conducted in stream or pond enclosures which
closely mimic conditions experienced in natural breeding
Further information is required to assess the impact of bodies, incorporating natural levels of cover, sympatric
introduced fish upon amphibian assemblages throughout the predators and hydroperiod. One or more variables can be
range of habitats and regions in which they have spread. This manipulated, in conjunction with predator levels to assess
is essential to gain a proper understanding of the role of their relative contributions to larval mortality.
introduced fish in frog declines, and identify management
objectives. Priority should be given to the following areas of The threats imposed by introduced fish to Australian
investigation: amphibian assemblages require immediate and on-going
attention by conservation and fisheries managers.The
Determine which introduced or translocated fish species possibility of eradication of introduced species should be
are impacting upon frog communities, and which frog assessed on a case by case basis; however, this is currently
species and communities are most at risk. expected to have limited feasibility in many instances.There is

a strong need for development of improved effective Bertram, S. and Berrill, M. (1997) Fluctuations in a northern
eradication techniques. However, the immediate priority for population of gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor. In D. M. Green
managers should be prevention of further translocations and (ed.) Amphibians in Decline Canadian Studies of a Global
introductions of fish species. For those species under serious Problem. Chapture 6, Herpetological Conservation No. 1,
threat from introduced fish, all extant populations currently Canadian Association of Herpetologists, Montréal,
free of introduced predators should be identified and pp. 57-63.
appropriate steps taken to ensure that fish are not introduced. Bidwell, J. R. and Gorrie, J. R. (1995) Acute Toxicity of a
Herbicide to Selected Frog Species: Final Report. Western
Current policies and management of introduced fisheries and
Australian Department of Environmental Protection, Perth.
the aquarium-trade require review and need to take into
consideration the potential impact upon amphibian Bishop, C. A. (1992) The effects of pesticides on amphibians
assemblages. Enhancement of native fisheries, rather than and implications for determining causes of declines in
those based upon exotic species should be encouraged. amphibian populations. In C. A. Bishop and K. E. Pettit
Stocking programs for introduced fish should be discontinued (eds.) Declines in Canadian Amphibian Populations:
in aquatic systems known to support vulnerable amphibian Designing an National Monitoring Strategy. Occasional
species.Tighter control of the importation and maintenance Paper No. 76, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa,
of ornamental species is required, particularly of those pp. 67-70.
species with potential to establish self-sustaining wild Blaustein, A. R., Hokit. D. G., O’Hara, R. K. and Holt, R. A.
populations and impact upon native biota.The public also (1994) Pathogenic fungus contributes to amphibian losses
need to be educated about adverse effects of releasing or in the Pacific Northwest. Biological conservation, 67:
translocating fish on amphibians and other biota. 251-254.
Blyth, B. (1994) Predation by Gambusia holbrooki on Anuran
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Larvae at the RGC Wetlands Centre, Capel Western
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Capel, W.A.
Resources and Environment,Victoria, and Griffith University for
financial support. H. Hines, B. Magnusson, R. Loyn,T. Raadik, R. Bradford, D. F. (1989) Allopatric distribution of native frogs
Swain and W. Osborne provided comments on the manuscript. and introduced fishes in the high Sierra Nevada lakes of
California: implication of the negative effect of fish
introductions. Copeia, 1989: 775-8.
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of Australian rainforest frogs. Conservation Biology, Parks, California. Conservation Biology, 7: 882-8.
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Braña, F., Frechilla, L. and Orizaola, G. (1996) Effect of
Ahern, L. D. (1982) Threatened Wildlife in Victoria and Issues introduced fish on amphibian assemblages in mountain
Related to its Conservation. Ministry for Conservation, lakes of northern Spain. Herpetological Journal, 6: 145-148
Fisheries and Wildlife Service Paper 27.
Brodie Jr, E. D., Formanowicz, D. R. and Brodie III, E. D. (1978).
Allen, G. R. (1982) A Field Guide to Inland Fishes of Western The development of noxiousness of Bufo americanus
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Population declines and
range contraction in
Australian alpine frogs
William Osborne1, David Hunter1 and Greg Hollis2

ABSTRACT Most sites where L. v. alpina were still present were at

the lower altitudinal limit of the species and almost all
Over a period of six years (1993-1998) we undertook
an extensive, broad-scale field assessment of the were associated with artificial water bodies such as

status of frogs in the Australian Alps.The surveys dams and gravel excavation pits.The most extensive
were targeted towards threatened species, and remaining populations were found on the Dargo High
excluded species considered to be common. Plains in Victoria. If the observed trends in abundance
continue, it is likely that the most restricted species, P.
Specifically, extensive surveys were conducted for the corroboree and P. frosti, will become extinct in the near
following species: Litoria verreauxii alpina (Alpine Tree future. In addition, the subspecies L. v. alpina is in
Frog), Pseudophryne corroboree (Southern Corroboree immediate danger of extinction in New South Wales,
Frog), P. pengilleyi (Northern Corroboree Frog) and and is highly threatened in Victoria. Programs to
Philoria frosti (Baw Baw Frog). Our surveys indicated reduce current threats and, if possible, to identify the
that these endemic, high-altitude species have all causes of decline are required urgently for these frogs.
suffered extensive population declines, at least in part Proactive experimental management is likely to be
of their range. Litoria v. alpina, P. corroboree and P. frosti important in re-establishing populations of these frogs.
were found to have experienced the most dramatic
declines, having disappeared from a large proportion
of the sites at which they formerly were recorded.

1. Applied Ecology Research Group and CRC for Freshwater Ecology, University of Canberra.
2. Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Warragul, Victoria.

FIGURE 1: Location of main areas with subalpine and alpine
Recent dramatic declines and extinctions of amphibians in environments in mainland south-eastern Australia. We undertook
recent surveys for frogs (1995-1998) in the following locations:
many countries have raised international concern about the Bimberi Range, Snowy Mountains, Davies Plain, Buffalo Plateau,
likely causes of the declines (see reviews by Stebbins and Bogong High Plains, Dargo High Plains, and Baw Baw Plateau.
The mountainous region to the east of Mt Buller has not been
Cohen 1995; Phillips 1994).The reported disappearances and subject to recent surveys. Some symbols overlap several sites.
declines of twelve species of frogs from the tropical montane
rainforests of Queensland (McDonald 1990; Richards et al.
1993;Trenerry et al. 1994; Mahony 1996) and seven species
from the Southern Highlands of south-eastern Australia
(Gillespie et al. 1995; Osborne et al. 1996a) supports the
view that at least a proportion of the declines cannot be
attributed to localised anthropomorphic effects. In fact, the
apparently undisturbed nature of many locations where
declines have been reported has been suggested as cause for
concern about possible global influences on frog populations
(Blaustein and Wake 1990; Blaustein et al. 1994a;Trenerry et
al. 1994).

Some processes in ecological systems can be detected only

from the results of long-term studies (Spellerberg 1991; Cody
and Smallwood 1996). Such studies are particularly important
for developing an understanding of population dynamics
(Semlitsch et al. 1996) and for modelling the demographic
and environmental processes influencing populations of
endangered species (Gilpin and Soule 1986; Congdon and
Dunham 1994; Caughley and Dunn 1996).The concern
about declining amphibian populations has raised debate
about whether or not population declines are simply part of
long-term population cycles. Whilst declines and extinctions
have undoubtedly occurred in relatively undisturbed regions,
the very remoteness and inaccessibility of these areas,
combined often with a lack of a suitable unbiased survey
design (Heyer et al. 1994) means that the results of surveys
and monitoring are often, at face value, unreliable. In fact it
has been suggested that the declining species may not have
become extinct, but may survive in remote unsurveyed
refugia (e.g. Crump et al. 1992; Hollis 1995; Gillespie and
Hollis 1996), and that longer-term monitoring may be
required to detect population cycles, particularly in frogs
(Pechmann et al. 1991; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994).
Unfortunately there have been few published long-term
studies of frogs (Blaustein et al. 1994a).

In a recent review of the status of amphibians in the

Australian Alps, Gillespie et al. (1995) concluded that nine
of the 27 taxa that occur in this region are of particular
conservation concern. However, the assessment of
conservation status for most high-altitude species was
based largely on anecdotal field observations and a decrease METHODS
in wildlife atlas records for some species in recent years. In
this paper, we report on our extensive field surveys that Description of the study area
assessed the relative abundance and distribution of four
The study was undertaken in the Australian Alps; the
threatened subalpine and alpine species: Litoria verreauxii
mountainous region stretching from immediately west of
alpina (Alpine Tree Frog), Pseudophryne corroboree Canberra in the ACT to Mt Baw Baw in Victoria (Figure 1).
(Southern Corroboree Frog), P. pengilleyi (Northern Within this region our surveys were restricted to areas above
Corroboree Frog) and Philoria frosti (Baw Baw Frog). 1000 m altitude, with most surveys being conducted in the
We also report on the results of long-term monitoring subalpine zone (between about 1400-1800 m) and alpine
of P. corroboree, P. pengilleyi and P. frosti. zone (treeless areas above about 1800 m). Much of this
region is subject to a winter covering of snow (Green and
Osborne 1994; Green 1998). Precipitation is generally high,

particularly at higher altitudes, and frequently falls as snow were conducted by Hunter and Osborne. We surveyed most
during the cooler months (Costin 1954; Land Conservation known historic sites (locations obtained from museum and
Council 1977; Brown and Millner 1989).The physical and literature records, and from field notes of reliable observers)
biological features of the Alps have been described in detail as well as hundreds of new sites. At each site, details of the
elsewhere (Costin 1954, 1957; Land Conservation Council location and the number of pools, seepages or creek-lines
1977; Costin et al. 1979; McDougal 1982; Barlow 1986; surveyed were recorded. At sites where frogs were found the
Good 1989, 1992; Green and Osborne 1994; Green 1998) number of frogs and the number of pools containing frogs or
and will not be repeated here. tadpoles were recorded together with descriptive details of
the habitat.
Determining former distribution
Potential breeding sites were visited during the day
Lists of specimens held in the Australian Museum, Museum of (Pseudophryne spp., Philoria) and early evening (all species). No
Victoria and the Australian National Wildlife Collection, surveys were conducted during cold or very wet weather.
Canberra, were obtained and the records noted if locality Pseudophryne corroboree and P. pengilleyi were surveyed
details appeared to be reliable.The date of collection of each specifically by their calling response to a loud human shout
specimen was also recorded, if available, and the altitude of (Osborne and Hunter unpublished observations; see also
the collection site determined from topographic maps. Osborne 1989, 1991).This technique was also used with P.
Information obtained from the Victorian Wildlife Atlas frosti to confirm the calls of individuals calling sporadically.
(Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Surveys for P. frosti involved listening for their advertisement
Victoria) was also examined (this included many of the calls (Hollis 1995). Litoria v. alpina was surveyed at night by
detailed records of L. v. alpina and P. frosti obtained from the listening for its characteristic call (Smith 1998). Calls of
field notes of Littlejohn, Watson, Coventry and Malone). individuals at every location where calling was heard were
tape-recorded and compared to calls of known
The distribution of P. corroboree and P. pengilleyi was mapped
L. v. alpina (Smith pers. comm.). At some sites the males calling
previously by Osborne (1989 and unpubl. data), who
could be counted individually, but where abundance was high,
recorded the distribution of both species in surveys
an estimate was made of the number calling. During later
conducted in 1986 and 1987. Detailed surveys of the
analysis of the data the following groupings of numbers calling
distribution of P. frosti on the Baw Baw Plateau were also
were used: 1-5, 6-10, 11-25, 26-50, 51-100, greater than 100.
made in 1983 and 1984 by Malone (1985). Malone prepared
detailed maps indicating the extent of the populations Tadpoles (L. v. alpina) were sampled with a dip-net or by
surveyed. Although there has been no previous effort to direct visual count. Each pool in a potential breeding site was
assess the distribution of L. v. alpina, Osborne previously made searched visually and by dip-netting in daylight, or was
extensive field notes recording the distribution of L. v. alpina in checked at night using a small spotlight. If no tadpoles were
the Snowy Mountains region from 1978 to 1987. In addition, observed, ten sweeps were made with a dip-net. Each sweep
there are many museum records defining the occurrence of was made along the bottom of the pool, and through any
many historic locations for this sub-species on the Bogong aquatic vegetation, to collect hidden tadpoles. Identification
High Plains in Victoria and in the Kosciusko region. was made in the field or, where identification was uncertain,
several individuals were collected and raised to
Surveys of current distribution and relative metamorphosis.
Surveys for L. v. alpina and both species of Pseudophryne
Following the recommendation of Gillespie et al. (1995), our were conducted throughout the Snowy Mountains, Fiery
surveys concentrated on four species of frogs believed to be Range and Brindabella Range in New South Wales. In the
of concern for conservation at higher altitudes in this region: ACT and adjacent areas of NSW several locations were
Pseudophryne corroboree, P. pengilleyi, Philoria frosti and Litoria surveyed along the Bimberi Range and Brindabella Range
verreauxii alpina.These species have reasonably well-defined (specifically Ginini Flats, Snowy Flats, Blackfellows Gap, Rolling
breeding seasons (Pengilley 1971; Green and Osborne 1994; Ground Gap, Leura Gap, Mt Bimberi, and Brumby Flats). In
Hero et al. 1991; Hollis 1995) that allowed us to undertake Victoria, surveys were conducted at Davies Plain, Mount
field work at times appropriate for detecting each species. Buffalo and on the Bogong High Plains.
Two approaches to survey were adopted: (1) auditory
censuses (call counts) (Osborne 1989; Zimmerman 1994), Long-term monitoring
undertaken during the known calling season of each species;
and (2) tadpole sampling (Shaffer et al. 1994), searches of Three species were subject to long-term monitoring:
potential breeding pools undertaken by a combination of P. corroboree and P. pengilleyi have been monitored at varying
visual search, spotlighting and dip-netting. Detailed intervals since 1986 by Osborne and Hunter (1986-1995);
descriptions of survey techniques are given elsewhere: Philoria frosti has been monitored annually for the last five
Osborne (1989, 1991) (P. corroboree and P. pengilleyi), years (1993-1997) by Hollis, and a decade earlier for two
Hollis (1995) (P. frosti) and Hunter et al. (1998) (L. v. alpina). years (1983-1984) by Malone (1985).There was no
monitoring of L. v. alpina. In most cases monitoring sites were
We conducted an extensive, broad-scale survey throughout established subjectively at strategic locations throughout the
the known distribution of each species.The surveys were known range of each species. Because of the rugged and
conducted over five summers between September 1994 and remote nature of much of the study area, it was necessary to
March 1998. Surveys at Mt Baw Baw were conducted by locate many monitoring sites within walking distance of
Hollis and Hunter and surveys elsewhere in Victoria and NSW nearby roads and walking trails.

still present at most of these sites (Figure 3) (he was unable
FIGURE 2: Former and current distribution of Pseudophryne to find the frogs in the vicinity of Hume Sawmill at the
corroboree. Open circles, sites where P. corroboree were recorded
by Osborne (1989) during the period 1986-1987; closed circles, northern extremity of its range). Osborne (1989) also found
sites where the species was recorded by Osborne (1989) and still the species to be widely distributed and common throughout
occurs; closed square, additional breeding sites at which the the Fiery Range and Bogong Mountains (Figure 3).
species was detected during recent surveys (1995-1998). Some
symbols overlap several sites.
Philoria frosti
Philoria frosti was discovered on the Baw Baw Plateau
100 years ago (1898) and, despite numerous searches in the
intervening years, the species has never been found
elsewhere (Malone 1985). In 1983 and 1984, Malone (1985)
undertook a comprehensive assessment of the distribution of
the species. He found the frogs to be widely-distributed and
abundant in the western (Mt Baw Baw), central (Mt St
Phillack) and north-western (Mt Whitelaw) parts of the
plateau (Figure 4).There were fewer records from the
eastern region (Mt St Gwinear), and the species was
conspicuously absent from the south-eastern region
(Figure 4). Malone estimated the population on the plateau
to be over ten thousand individuals.

Litoria v. alpina
There are numerous historical records that allowed us to
assess the previous distribution of L. v. alpina. We obtained
over 100 records of L. v. alpina from the Museum of Victoria;
these included specifically the Bogong High Plains (6
locations), Dargo High Plains (34), Davies Plain (4), Lake
Mountain (3), Baw Baw Plateau (14) (prior to the mid 1980’s,
calling males and tadpoles of this subspecies were regularly
encountered while surveying for P. frosti (Watson, Coventry,
Fifteen sites were monitored for P. corroboree, eight sites for
Robertson and Malone pers. comm.), Mt Buller region (3),
P. pengilleyi and 24 for P. frosti. For convenience, sites are
Mt Cobberas (1), Mt Hotham (3) and Mt Wellington (1).The
grouped into the following sub-populations: P. corroboree —
Australian Museum provided records from the Kosciusko
northern Snowy Mountains (7 breeding sites), and southern
region (Charlottes Pass, Lake Albina, Etheridge Range, Rams
Snowy Mountains (8 sites); P. pengilleyi — Fiery Range
Head Range, Perisher and Smiggin Holes). We also obtained
(2 sites), Brindabella Range (3 sites) and Bimberi Range
field note records of the subspecies from 41 locations in the
(3 sites); P. frosti — plateau (21 sites), escarpment edge (4 sites).

RESULTS FIGURE 3: Former and current distribution of Pseudophryne

pengilleyi. Open circles, sites where P. pengilleyi were recorded by
Former distribution Osborne (1989) during the period 1986-1987; closed circles, sites
where the species was recorded by Osborne (1989) and still
occurs. Some symbols overlap several sites.
Pseudophryne corroboree
Prior to the detailed survey undertaken by Osborne (1989)
there were museum records of P. corroboree from only seven
locations, all in the Snowy Mountains (Guthega, Smiggin
Holes, Happy Jacks Plain, Round Mountain, Alpine Hut, Pretty
Plain and Tooma Swamp — based on museum records).
Osborne (1989) subsequently recorded the species at most
of these sites (he was unable to find the species near
Guthega and Alpine Hut) and in a survey that included
257 potential breeding sites recorded the species at
63 locations (Figure 2).

Pseudophryne pengilleyi
Examination of museum records indicated that P. pengilleyi
(recorded at that time as the northern form of P. corroboree;
see Pengilley 1966; Osborne et al. 1996) was most frequently
collected in the Brindabella and Bimberi Ranges near
Canberra. We examined specimens from Snowy Flats, Ginini
Flats, Bulls Head, Lees Spring, Coree Flats, California Flats and
Hume Sawmill. Osborne (1989) found that the species was

Snowy Mountains (Osborne, field notes) (Figure 5).There are Current distribution and abundance
also field records of L. v. alpina from four high altitude
locations in the ACT (Rolling Ground Gap, Leura Gap and Pseudophryne corroboree
Ginini Flats, and Snowy Flats) (Osborne, field notes). Based on A total of 170 potentially suitable breeding sites were
these records it is obvious that L. v. alpina was widespread surveyed for P. corroboree. During the four summers of survey
and abundant throughout much of the high country of work P. corroboree was detected at 63 different sites.These
south-eastern Australia. sites were widely-spread across the known historic range of
the species. Only a single individual was found in the
southern-most extent of the former range, south of the
Snowy River (Figure 2) — subsequent monitoring (Table 1)
indicates that the species is now probably extinct in this
region. Few extant populations were found along the entire
FIGURE 4: Former and current distribution of Philoria frosti eastern edge of the former distribution (Figure 2) and only a
breeding aggregations on the Baw Baw Plateau. Closed circles, single specimen was found at low-altitude sites near Tooma
breeding sites where P. frosti still occurs, open circles, sites Dam in the northern Snowy Mountains.The central portion
previously found by Malone (985) to have P. frosti present, but
which no longer support the frogs (for details see Hollis 1995, of the former range, in the region just north of Mt Jagungal
1998). Some symbols overlap several sites. (encompassing the northern slopes of Mt Jagungal,Toolong
Range, Round Mountain and the plains at upper Hell Hole
Creek), were thoroughly surveyed each year. In this whole
central region of the former distribution of the species the
frogs were found at only 21 sites with the number of frogs at
each site being critically low (only four sites had greater than
one calling males per site; only one site had greater than ten
calling males) (Figure 2).This represents an extensive collapse
of the population in this region that previously was believed to
be the core of the species distribution (Osborne 1988, 1989).

During the three years of repeated survey a total of 298

male frogs were recorded (based on the largest count
obtained for each site within any one season). About 50 % of
these frogs were recorded from only four sites (Figure 6).
The remaining frogs were spread across the other sites in
very low numbers, with generally between one and five
calling males per site (Figure 6).

Pseudophryne pengilleyi
Between 1994 and 1998, we undertook restricted surveys
(mainly along vehicle trails) throughout the known range of
P. pengilleyi in the Fiery Range and Bogong Mountains.
More extensive surveys were conducted in the Brindabella
Range and Bimberi Range (Osborne and Hunter unpubl.
data).The species was still relatively abundant and widespread
in the Fiery Range (Figure 3), however, we did not find it in
the Yarrangobilly — Peppercorn Hill area where it was
previously recorded by Pengilley (1966) and Osborne (1989).
The frogs were found at breeding sites (often remote from
each other) throughout suitable parts of the Brindabella and
Bimberi Range, both in the ACT and contiguous areas of
NSW.The numbers present at breeding sites in this region
were considerably lower than was recorded by Osborne
(1989 and unpubl. data) (Figure 6).

Philoria frosti
During a series of extensive annual surveys carried out since
1993, we observed that there had been a considerable
reduction in the abundance of P. frosti (Figure 4;Table 2; see
Hollis 1995, 1997 for details). Malone (1985) recorded calling
males in 73% (64 of 88) of frost hollows surveyed in 1983
and 1984, compared to 46% (22 of 48) recorded by Hollis
(1995) in 1993. In a subset of 35 frost hollows surveyed in
both 1983 and 1993, Malone (1985) recorded 3,694 males
compared with 83 by Hollis (1995). Similarly, in a subset of

19 frost hollows surveyed in both 1984 and 1993, 885 males
FIGURE 6: Changes in the relative abundance of Pseudophryne.
were recorded in 1984 compared with 19 in 1993. We (Hollis corroboree and P. pengilleyi over a 12 year period (19986/1987,
1995) only recorded 2.2% and 2.1% of the number of calling open columns, and 1996/1998, closed columns). (a) P. corroboree;
males recorded by Malone in 1983 and 1984 respectively. (b) P. pengilleyi, Brindabella – Bimberi Range population;
(c) P. pengilleyi, Fiery Range population.
During the subsequent four years (1994-1997) surveys were
continued (Figure 4).These surveys indicated that the species is
currently restricted to the western half of the Baw Baw plateau,
with a contraction of the distribution from eastern and central
areas. No calling males were recorded from the eastern and
south-eastern regions of the plateau. In 1996 and 1997 the
survey was extended to include gullies in adjacent montane
forest on the southern (1966) and northern (1996/97)
escarpment of the Baw Baw plateau, mostly at elevations
between 1000-1300 m. In 1996, 79 calling males were recorded
in 12 of the 27 gullies surveyed on the southern escarpment,
and were recorded as low as 1080 m elevation. In 1997, 225
calling males were recorded in 18 of the 32 gullies surveyed on
the southern escarpment, and were recorded as low as 990 m.
No calling males were recorded in 34 gullies surveyed on the
northern escarpment of the Baw Baw Plateau (Hollis unpubl.
data). One calling male was recorded on the plateau in
montane forest in a catchment running north (Figure 4).

Litoria v. alpina
Searches for L. v. alpina were made at 49 locations in Victoria,
92 locations in NSW (each location generally included a
number of water-bodies that provided potential breeding
sites), and nine in the ACT (Osborne and Hunter unpubl.
data). All locations surveyed were within the Alpine National
Park (Victoria), Kosciusko National Park (NSW), Bimberi
Nature Reserve (NSW) and Namadgi National Park (ACT).

FIGURE 5: Former and current distribution of alpine tree frogs

(Litoria verreuxii alpina) in the Snowy Mountains. Closed circles,
sites where L. v. alpina were recorded during recent surveys (post
1995); open circles, sites where L. v. alpina were recorded by
Osborne (unpublished field notes) between 1978 and 1987.
Extensive searches for the frogs were made at each of these sites
and throughout the entire central Snowy Mountains area
between Kiandra and Mt Kosciusko. For further details see
Hunter et al. (1997). Some symbols overlap several sites.


Frogs identified as the sub-species Litoria v. alpina were Pseudophryne pengilleyi
recorded at only seven locations in NSW.The subspecies was
Long-term monitoring of P. pengilleyi was only undertaken in the
only detected at three high altitude locations, all in Kosciusko
Brindabella Range. Only one population, Ginini Flats — a
National Park — the highest sites were at Charlotte Pass
subalpine site (1600 m) in the ACT was subject to annual
Village, 1780 m, and near Jacky’s Lookout, 1760 m. All other
monitoring. Less-regular monitoring was undertaken at Coree
sites with the sub-species were between 1200m and 1500m
Flats (980 m) in NSW. Numbers present at Ginini Flats declined
altitude. Despite surveying a number of historic locations on
substantially during the first few years of monitoring and have
the Kosciusko Main Range (Figure 5) no frogs were located in
remained low ever since (Table 1). By contrast, the Coree Flats
the alpine zone.
population has supported a larger number of calling males (at
Of the seven locations where extant populations of least during the years surveys were carried out,Table 1).
L. v. alpina were located in Kosciusko National Park, four were However, monitoring at Coree Flats commenced after the major
associated with artificial water bodies (see Hunter et al. 1998 drop in numbers had occurred at other sites (Table 1). Earlier
for details).These ranged from small dams to reservoirs. A collecting and observations by Pengilley (1966 and pers. comm.)
similar absence of tadpoles of L. v. alpina from small pools at this site indicated that the adult frog population was very large
was also noted during extensive surveys in the Snowy (perhaps well over 500 individuals).The low numbers detected
Mountains that we conducted for P. corroboree during January in 1998 are likely to be a direct response to the extreme
and February 1997. drought conditions prevailing during the breeding season.

No L. v. alpina were found during our surveys at Baw Baw Philoria frosti
Plateau, Davies Plain, and Bogong High Plains (Hunter and
Twenty-four sites surveyed on the Baw Baw Plateau originally
Osborne unpubl. data; Figure 7) in Victoria. We did, however,
by Malone (1985) were re-surveyed annually for the
locate several small populations to the south-east of Mt
numbers of calling males present (Table 2). At all sites there
Hotham near Dinner Plain (altitudinal range 1300 to 1600
has been a very large reduction in the numbers recorded.
m), and found a more extensive population on the Dargo
The mean number of calling males recorded at 24 sites
High Plains (1400 to 1600 m) (Figure 7). Full details of this
survey are not yet available (Hunter and Osborne in prep.).

In the Bimberi Range in the ACT searches were conducted at FIGURE 7: Location of sites surveyed for Litoria verreuxii alpina
on the Bogong High Plains in 1996 and 1997. Closed circles, sites
Ginini Flats and Snowy Flats during spring 1996 and no frogs where L. v alpina were found; open circles, potential breeding
were recorded (a single L. verreauxii was heard calling at habitat surveyed but no frogs of this subspecies found; open
Snowy Flats in November 1995, however the specimen could squares, sites of historic occurrence determined from
examination of museum specimens, but not surveyed during this
not be found to determine sub-specific status). During study. Some symbols overlap several sites.
summer, pools were searched for tadpoles at these sites, and
at the following additional sites in the Bimberi Range: Summit
of Mt Bimberi (ACT), Cheyenne Flats (ACT), Leura Gap
(NSW), Brumby Flats (NSW), Rolling Ground Gap (NSW),
Blackfellows Gap (NSW). No tadpoles of L. verreauxii were
observed at any of these sites. Further north, in the
Brindabella Range, the widespread Whistling Tree Frog
(L. v. verreauxii) was heard calling near Coree Flats, and
tadpoles were subsequently found at this site.

Long-term monitoring
Pseudophryne corroboree
Monitoring of 15 sites in the Snowy Mountains since 1986
indicates that there has been a substantial decline in the
abundance of P. corroboree, with declines occurring in all
regions. Numbers of frogs appear to have initially dropped
rapidly up to 1987, with most populations then either going
extinct, or remaining at very low numbers (Table 1). In the
southern Snowy Mountains (south of the Snowy River; Figure
2), where all known P. corroboree sites have been monitored
annually since 1996, the number of sites at which the species
was detected declined from eight to one by 1991, and in
1997 and 1998 no frogs were recorded at any site (Table 1).
In the northern Snowy Mountains, numbers at some sites
have declined from very large choruses of over 100
individuals to less than five individuals (Table 1). Numbers of
frogs recorded at breeding sites at higher altitudes in the
northern Snowy Mountains remained reasonably high until
1993, some six years later than declines occurred in the
southern Snowy Mountains (Figure 1).

TABLE 1: Relative abundance of calling male Pseudophryne corroboree and P. pengilleyi subject to occasional monitoring during the period
1986-1996. A larger selection of sites have been surveyed annually during the last few years but the results are not shown here (Osborne,
Hunter, Green and Rauhala unpubl. data).

Site name 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Pseudophryne corroboree
Maragle Range 15 20–50 – – – – – – – 10–15 14 10 19
Round Mountain 1 0 0 12 – 8 0 1 5 8 0 0 0 0
Round Mtn 2 7 – – – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ogilives Ck 1 15 14 35 – 13 3 2 10–20 0 0 0 0 1
Ogilives Ck 2 50–100 5 – – 1 2 7 – 1 0 1 0 0
Dargals >100 – – – – – – – – 30 44 32 95
Jagumba Fire Trail 5–10 – – – – – – – – 3 7 9 13
Toolong Range 1 50–100 5 12 – – – 6 – – 1 2 5 5
Toolong Range 2 100–500 10–20 – – – – 20–50 20–50 6–10 8 7 0 0
Mt Jagungal 1 50–100 – – – – – 0 – – 0 0 0 0
Mt Jagungal 2 – – – – – – – 20–50 20–50 20–50 0 0 0
Mt Jagungal 3 20–50 – – – – – – – – 2 0 0 0
Happy Jacks Plain 1 0 0 – – – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Guthega 5 0 3 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Blue Cow 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Link Road 7 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Link Road 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipers Ck 1 11 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipers Ck 2 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipers Ck 3 – – 7 0 0 2 4 12 3 3 1 0 0
Pipers Ck 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pipers Ck 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Smiggin Holes 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pseudophryne pengilleyi
Ginini Flats (1600m) 500+ 100–500 140 65 – 25 10 54 28 32 24 15
Coree Flats (980m) – – – 50–100 – – 100–500100–500 – – 50–100 50–100 5–10

declined from 124 individuals in 1983 to between 1.5 and 3.3 Only P. corroboree and P. pengilleyi are closely related
individuals over the five years 1993 to 1997 (Table 2). In (Osborne and Norman 1991; Osborne et al. 1996b).
1983-1984 the maximum population size recorded at a
monitoring site was 667 individuals, by contrast between A feature of all declining taxa in the high-country is that they
1993 and 1997 the largest population recorded was 41 breed in lentic situations such as in shallow pools or seepages.
individuals. In 1997 frogs were recorded at only six of the 25 This is in contrast to other declining frog species in Australia,
monitoring sites (Table 2). Monitoring of newly-discovered most of which are riverine species (e.g. see Gillespie and
sites in montane forest has only been recently commenced Hines 1999).The range of pool types varies considerably: P.
and is not reported here in detail. frosti breeds in very small seepage-fed depressions hidden
amongst boulders and dense vegetation (Hollis 1995);
P. corroboree uses shallow pools in sphagnum bogs (Osborne
DISCUSSION 1990); P. pengilleyi breeds in bog pools at higher altitudes and
On a broad scale, our surveys provide compelling evidence in shallow seepage pools in gullies at lower altitudes (Osborne
that at least three taxa of high-altitude frogs (Litoria verreauxii 1990); L. v. alpina breeds in deeper pools, which include fens,
alpina, Pseudophryne corroboree, and Philoria frosti) have stream cut-offs, lakes and reservoirs (Hunter et al. 1998).
suffered serious population declines. A fourth species, Similarly, the range of life-history strategies employed varies
Pseudophryne pengilleyi, has declined at higher altitudes across these species.Three of the species produce relatively
(above 1400 m) but remains common at montane altitudes small clutches of eggs (P. corroboree, P. pengilleyi, P. frosti), a
in the Fiery Range.These results confirm previous concern demographic feature that may be important in their response
about the conservation status of these endemic taxa to changing environmental conditions. All have a tadpole stage;
(e.g. Gillespie et al. 1995;Tyler 1997). the tadpole of P. frosti is non-feeding, depending instead on a
large supply of yolk, tadpoles of both species of Pseudophryne
As with frog declines in other parts of Australia, there does develop within the egg capsule and do not hatch until the
not appear to be any phylogenetic relationship between the terrestrial oviposition site floods in winter or the following
species that have declined and those that have not declined spring, L. v. alpina lays its eggs in pools and the free-swimming
(e.g. Richards et al. 1993; Mahony 1996).The frogs in decline larvae hatch within a few days of laying and the tadpoles
in the highlands of south-eastern Australia do not comprise a complete development in the pools.Thus, no single aspect of
natural taxonomic group; they include one hylid (L. v. alpina) the field biology of these frogs stands out as a feature in
and three myobatrachids (P. corroboree, P. pengilleyi, P. frosti). common that may help to explain the declines.

TABLE 2: Relative abundance of calling male Philoria frosti recorded within different breeding units during surveys conducted in 1983 and
1984 (Malone 1985) and in 1993-1997 on the Baw Baw Plateau (Hollis 1995; Hollis unpubl. data). See Hollis (1997) for further details.
Note that there are more sites in montane forest that are not listed here that have only been monitored for the last two years.

Breeding unit 1983 1984 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Plateau (P)
Montane (M)

1. Access Road 1 43 21 2 3 1 2 0 M
2. Access Road 2 30 26 0 0 0 0 0 M
3. Access Road 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M
4. Chairlift 6 8 0 0 4 0 0 M
5. Village Flat 183 149 3 0 0 0 0 P
6. Neulyne Plain 24 – 2 2 1 0 0 P
7. La Trobe Plain 206 – 3 2 0 4 3 P
8. Macallister Plain 82 – 5 2 0 1 0 P
9. Pudding Basin 101 – 2 1 1 0 0 P
10. Moondarra Flat 225 – 0 0 0 0 0 P
11. Baragwanath Flat 167 245 11 4 4 0 1 P
12. Currawong Flat 536 – 8 4 5 2 0 P
13. Currawong Flat 174 231 2 3 0 0 0 P
14. Creek Corner 52 49 0 0 2 4 0 P
15. Creek Corner A 9 12 – – 5 0 1 P
16. Tanjil Plain 120 – 9 3 3 4 1 P
17. East Tanjil 71 – 1 0 0 2 0 P
18. McMillians Flat 64 – 0 0 0 0 0 P
19. The Morass 667 – 30 26 10 23 41 P
20. Freeman’s Flat 41 104 0 0 0 0 0 P
21. Wombat Flat – 18 1 – – – 23 P
22. Tyers River 1 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 P
23. Tyers River 2 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 P
24. Mustering Flat 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 P
25. Gwinear Flat 93 2 0 0 0 0 0 P
Total count for the
13 sites monitored annually 867 847 18 10 11 6 1

Do the declines represent natural montane valleys) that would prevent re-establishment of
populations fluctuations or real declines? populations by means of normal dispersal.These observations
strongly suggest that the observed declines in these alpine
There is debate as to whether the population declines frogs are not typical of what would be expected from normal
observed in amphibians in recent years represent temporary population fluctuations such as would result from decreased
population fluctuations in response to variation in seasonal recruitment or local extinctions (e.g. Semlitsch et al. 1996).
conditions, particularly precipitation, or are real catastrophic Moreover, the declines are similar to frog declines elsewhere
declines (Blaustein 1994; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). that have been inferred from comparisons of historic and
Determining whether an observed decline conforms to one current distributions (Gillespie and Hollis 1996; Osborne et
or the other of these situations ideally requires long-term al. 1996a; Fisher and Shaffer 1996).
population monitoring and an understanding of the species
demography (Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). In the last few The concurrence of population declines in areas as widely
years we have undertaken detailed ecological studies of each separated as the Baw Baw Plateau and Snowy Mountains
of the declining species that allow us to now consider this indicates that the causes are not likely to be localised. We
question. Population declines in alpine and subalpine frogs in hypothesise that the factors causing the declines are due to
south-eastern Australia have continued over a long enough factors operating on a broad rather than a local scale.
period (greater than a decade) that we can speculate that Possible causes are discussed below.
they are no longer related to normal cycles in weather
patterns linked to the Southern Oscillation.The populations Is there a global influence that affects
have shown no sign of recovery despite there being a lengthy high-altitude populations?
period of more favourable weather conditions (1988-1996)
(Osborne and Davis 1997). Existing hypotheses that have been suggested as contributing
to high-altitude population declines include unusual weather
On a broader scale, it is obvious that the declines have also patterns (Corn and Fogleman 1984; Pounds and Crump
been extensive in a biogeographical sense.Three species 1994), acid precipitation (Dunson et al. 1992), increased UV-B
(L.v. alpina, P. corroboree and P. frosti) have undergone partial radiation resulting from ozone depletion (Blaustein et al.
contractions of their geographic ranges. In some situations 1994b), deposition of pesticides (Colborn and Clement
the frogs have completely disappeared from some areas 1992) and virulent disease (Laurance 1996; Berger et al.
separated by major biogeographic barriers (e.g. deep

1999).There is no evidence to date that acid precipitation is phases, while indirect effects include prevention of breeding
a problem in most parts of the Australian Alps, however, activity and the lowering of the immune system making the frog
there is no information available on the levels of possible more susceptible to pathogens (Pounds and Crump 1994).
contaminants in precipitation and dust in this region.
Despite the regions high precipitation, marked annual
The catastrophic disappearance of organisms frequently fluctuations are a feature of the long-term rainfall pattern in
indicates the action of a particularly virulent pathogen. the southern Australian Alps, and moderately severe droughts
Laurance et al. (1996) proposed that a water-borne disease have occurred in this area previously. Records of weather
may have caused declines and extinctions in populations of measured since late last century in the Snowy Mountains
stream-breeding montane frogs in the wet tropics of indicate that annual precipitation has fluctuated between
Australia.They further postulated that the pathogen was a periods marked with both drier and wetter conditions
virus that occurred at a range of elevations but became (Osborne and Davis 1997).These oscillations generally relate
highly virulent only in cool upland habitats. More recently, a to variability in the Southern Oscillation Index (McBride and
fungal pathogen has gained some favour as a possible cause Nicholls 1983) and overall there has been no long-term
of ongoing declines in some tropical and temperate trend of declining precipitation.The last extended dry period
Australian frogs (see Berger et al. 1999). Uncertainty in (1979-1987) coincides with the period when the frogs
identifying the likely causal agent emphasises the need for declined. Osborne and Davis (1997) noted that features of
further research on populations of frogs in Australia. the 1979-1987 dry period that distinguished it from earlier
extended dry periods identified at Kiandra included that it
At least some declines have been attributed to changes in
was two years longer and the mean annual precipitation
long-term weather patterns (Osborne 1989; Pounds and
during this period was slightly lower (less than 10 %). Annual
Crump 1994; Stewart 1995; Osborne et al. 1996a), however
maximum temperatures were above average for six of the
other studies have ruled-out the possibility of changes in
nine years in this period (based only on the 34-year record at
climate being a possible cause of catastrophic declines
Cabramurra in NSW).These trends are also evident in data
(Laurance 1996). High-elevation regions, particularly at high
obtained for the Victorian highlands and Erica near the Baw
latitudes, have experienced increasing solar UV-B radiation
Baw Plateau (Smith et al. in prep.). Despite these
(Broomhall 1998) caused by depletion of the ozone layer.
observations, we consider that it is unlikely that such slight
Because potentially harmful intensities of UV-B can penetrate
changes in the long-term weather patterns could result in
several metres in clear freshwater (Schindler et al. 1996), well
frog declines on the scale observed; especially because the
below the depths used for egg laying and tadpole
frogs were observed to be in much higher population levels
development, there is growing concern that declines in alpine
after earlier droughts.The possible interaction of lower
species may relate to increased UV-B radiation (Blaustein et
precipitation with increased atmospheric temperatures is
al. 1994b), particularly given the increases in ultraviolet
considered below.
radiation experienced in alpine areas (Bluthaler and Ambach
1990). A recent study conducted in the Snowy Mountains Global warming has been considered a threat to high altitude
(Broomhall et al. in press) showed that developing embryos species (e.g., Busby 1988; Bennett et al. 1991; Brereton et al.
of L. v. alpina are significantly more sensitive to ambient UV-B 1995), however in south-eastern Australia there has been
radiation than a non-declining species, Crinia signifera. only a very slight increase in annual maximum temperatures
In artificial pools at high altitudes L. v. alpina experienced since 1951 (less than 0.1°C). Osborne and Davis (1997)
very high mortality rates unless shielded from UV-B. found no appreciable trend in the annual temperature at
Cabramurra in the Snowy Mountains (the longest
In the discussion below we consider in more detail the
temperature record available). By contrast, Davis (1998)
possibility of prolonged dry weather preventing breeding or
notes that there has been a very slight increase in mean
dehydrating frogs over a period long enough to have caused
winter maximum and minimum temperatures (May–Oct)
a complete disappearance from most of the region.
since the 1970’s, however this increase represents about
Consideration of the hypothesis that alpine frogs have
0.5°C (calculated from data in Davis 1998). Particularly warm
suffered adversely from increased levels of ultraviolet
years occurred both prior to, and during, the period of the
radiation is discussed elsewhere in this volume (Broomhall
present declines.
et al. in press).
The species in the group that would be expected to be most
Is there a link between long-term weather sensitive to a deterioration in long-term weather patterns
patterns and frog declines? would be those with a prolonged larval development period
Given the reliance of amphibians on moist environments for that might be affected by early pond-drying, or lowered
both physiological maintenance and reproduction (Duellman water tables. In both P. corroboree and P. pengilleyi, the pre-
and Trueb 1986) and the increasing concerns about global metamorphic stage usually lasts for ten to twelve months.
climate change, it is not surprising that climate has been Philoria frosti may also be sensitive to reduced moisture
implicated as a possible factor driving amphibian population availability because of its habit of breeding in very small
declines in a number of species through out the world (see depressions in seepages. Possible response to changing
above references). Several long term studies have correlated weather patterns is considered further below.
population fluctuations in amphibians with climatic variables,
If alpine frogs were responding to drier and warmer
particularly annual variation in rainfall patterns (Stewart 1995;
conditions it is likely that they would have disappeared
Pechmann et al. 1991).The direct effect of climate on
earlier from the lower-altitude, drier margins of their range.
amphibians may include desiccation of both the larval and adult
This feature is in fact partially evident for two species,

P. corroboree and P. frosti, but the reverse is true for the various components of this study. Maxine Davis assisted
P. pengilleyi and L. v. alpina. Osborne and Davis (1997) noted with analysis of long-term weather records and Michael Smith
that the decline in P. corroboree appears to have been confirmed all call records obtained for L. v. alpina. We thank
progressive in its effect, occurring first in areas with lowest Craig Smith, Ken Green, Graeme Enders, Marjo Rauhala, Brett
predicted rainfall (such as on the far eastern edge of the MacNamara, Graeme Gillespie and Gerry Marantelli for their
distribution) and most recently in the wetter parts of the assistance and logistical support. John Coventry, Graeme
species range (Mt Jagungal,Toolong Range and Round Gillespie, Murray Littlejohn, Brian Malone, Peter Robertson,
Mountain). Interestingly, the largest remaining population Graeme Watson and John Wombey have provided much
(in the Dargals Range) occurs in an area predicted to be encouragement and advice over the years. We also thank
the wettest site. All low-altitude populations (below about members of the Baw Baw Frog Recovery Team and the
1400 m) have disappeared, but so too have most of the Corroboree Frog Recovery Team.
highest altitude populations (above 1700 m) (such as at the
many former sites near Mt Jagungal) (Osborne and Davis REFERENCES
1997; Hunter and Osborne unpubl. data).The situation with
P. frosti is somewhat different. Although the species has Barlow, B.A. (ed), (1986) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia.
declined and disappeared from the drier eastern end of its Ages and Origins. CSIRO, Melbourne.
former distribution (Hollis 1995; Figure 4), on the western Bennett, S., Brereton, R., Mansergh, I., Berwick, S., Sandford,
side of the plateau, it has also declined at higher altitudes with K. and Wellington, C., (1991) The potential effect of the
the largest remaining breeding aggregations occurring in enhanced greenhouse climate change on selected
dense montane forest at the lower limit of the species Victorian fauna. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
distribution. Both P. pengilleyi and L. v. alpina have also shown Research,Victoria.
greatest decline at the highest altitudes, sites that are also Berger, L., Spear, R. and Hyatt, A.D. (1999) Chytrid fungi and
exposed to significantly higher precipitation. It is not at all amphibian declines: overview, implications and future
clear whether there is a relationship between the extent of directions. Pp 23-33 in Declines and Disappearances of
population declines in alpine frogs and long-term trends in Australian Frogs ed by A.Campbell. Environment Australia:
precipitation.The potential influence of climatic change Canberra.
requires further analysis, and underscores the need for Blaustein, A.R., (1994). Chicken Little or Nero’s fiddle?
continued monitoring of these highly threatened species. A perspective on declining amphibian populations.
Herpetologica, 50: 85-97.
CONCLUSION Blaustein, A. R., and Wake, D. B., (1990) Declining amphibian
Our surveys indicate that in the highlands of south-eastern populations: a global phenomenon? Trends in Ecology and
Australia four species of frogs have experienced pronounced Evolution, 5:203-204.
population declines.These frogs are Litoria verreauxii alpina Blaustein, A.R., Wake, D.B. and Sousa, W.P., (1994a) Amphibian
(Alpine Tree Frog), Pseudophryne corroboree (Southern declines: judging stability, persistence, and susceptibility of
Corroboree Frog), P. pengilleyi (Northern Corroboree Frog) populations to local and global extinctions. Conservation
and Philoria frosti (Baw Baw Frog). Pseudophryne pengilleyi is Biology, 8: 60-71.
still widespread and abundant at lower altitudes, but there are Blaustein, A.R., Hoffman. P.D., Hokit, D.G., Kiesecker, J.M. Walls,
few remaining substantial populations of the other three S.C. and Hays, J.B., (1994b) UV repair and resistance to
species, which are faced with the likelihood of extinction in solar UV-B in amphibian eggs: a link to population declines?
the short term if the current trends continue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,
91: 1791-1795.
There appears to be an altitudinal influence on the extent of
the declines, with the most serious declines all occurring at Bluthaler, M. and Ambach, W., (1990) Indication of increasing
higher altitudes, particularly in the subalpine and alpine zones. solar ultraviolet-B radiation flux in alpine regions. Science,
This apparent relationship between altitude and the extent of 248: 206-208.
the population decline has been observed in other frog Bradford, D. F., (1991) Mass mortality and extinction in a
species in Australia (Richards et al. 1993; Osborne et al. 1996; high-elevation population of Rana muscosa. Journal of
Mahony 1996) and in other countries (Corn and Fogleman Herpetology, 25(2): 174-177.
1984; Bradford 1991; Carey 1993; Fellars and Drost 1993). Broomhall, S., (1998) The implications of ozone depletion for
Tyler (1997) recognised the significance of this altitudinal the Australian Alps: a review. Pp 224-247 In K. Green (ed.)
relationship, and recommended that further research be Snow. A natural history; an uncertain future. Australian Alps
undertaken into the factors causing it. We support this view Liaison Committee, Canberra.
and recommend increased multi-disciplinary research effort Brown, J.A.H. and Millner, F.C., (1989) Aspects of the
and urgent experimental management aimed at stemming meteorology and hydrology of the Australian Alps.
the decline in these endemic alpine amphibians. Pp 297-332 in Good, R. (ed.) The Scientific Significance of
the Australian Alps.The Australian Alps National Parks
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Liaison Committee, Canberra.
We are particularly grateful to Environment Australia, the Brereton, R., Bennett, S. and Mansergh, J., (1995) Enhanced
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, the Victorian greenhouse climate change and its potential effect on
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the selected fauna of south-eastern Australia: a trend analysis.
Australian Alps National Parks Liaison Committee and the Biological Conservation, 72: 339-354.
University of Canberra for providing the funding to support

Broomhall, S., (1998) The implications of ozone depletion for Gillespie, G.R. and Hines, H.B. (1999) Status of temperate
the Australian Alps: a review. Pp 224-247 In K. Green (ed.) riverine frogs in south-eastern Australia. Pp. 109-130 in
Snow a Natural History; an uncertain future. Australian Alps Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs ed by
Liaison Committee, Canberra. A.Campbell. Environment Australia: Canberra.
Busby, J.R., (1988) Potential impacts of climate change on Gilpin, M.E. and Soule, M.E., (1986) Minimum viable
Australia’s flora and fauna. Pp 387-398 In G.I. Pearman populations: Processes of species extinction. Pp 19-34 In
(ed.) Greenhouse: Planning for Climate Change. CSIRO, M.E. Soule (ed.) Conservation Biology: The science of scarcity
Melbourne. and diversity. Sinauer Assoc., Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Carey, C., (1993) Hypothesis concerning the causes of the Good, R. (ed.), (1989) The Scientific Significance of the
disappearance of Boreal toads from the mountains of Australian Alps. Australian Alps National Parks Liaison
Colorado. Conservation Biology, 7(2): 355-362. Committee, Canberra.
Caughley, G. and Dunn, A., (1996) Conservation Biology in Good, R.B., (1992) Kosciusko Heritage. The conservation
Theory and Practice. Blackwell, Cambridge, Massachusetts. significance of Kosciusko National Park. National Parks and
Cody, M.L and Smallwood, J.A. (eds), (1996) Long-term Studies Wildlife Service of New South Wales, Hurstville, Sydney.
of Vertebrate Communities. Academic Press, San Diego. Green, K. (ed), (1998) Snow. A natural history; an uncertain
Colborn,T. and Clement, C. (eds), (1992) Chemically-induced future. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra.
alterations in sexual and functional development: The Green, K. and Osborne, W.S., (1994) Wildlife of the Australian
wildlife/human connection. Princeton Scientific Publishing Snow-country: A comprehensive guide to alpine fauna. Reed
Co., Princeton, N.J. Books, Chatswood, N.S.W.
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Implementation of a population
augmentation project for
remnant populations of the
Southern Corroboree Frog
(Pseudophyrne corroboree)
David Hunter1,William Osborne1, Gerry Marantelli 2 and Ken Green3

ABSTRACT survivorship to metamorphosis of captive-reared

and field embryos and tadpoles. Differences in the
Over the past 18 years the Southern Corroboree
Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree) has undergone a fitness of captive-reared versus field tadpoles are

dramatic decline.While the results of extensive being measured by comparing tadpole size,
surveys and monitoring suggest that P. corroboree developmental rate and date at metamorphosis.
may become extinct in the near future, the factors The results of the first year’s attempt at reducing
causing the decline of this species remain unknown. mortality below field levels is presented, along with
A population augmentation project aimed at a discussion on the limitations and relevance of this
developing techniques to reduce the rate at which project to the recovery process.
small remnant populations of P. corroboree are
becoming extinct was commenced in 1997. INTRODUCTION
It involves increasing the size of several small
The Southern Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree) is
breeding populations by means of experimental a strikingly marked species restricted to high montane and
field and captive management intending to reduce sub-alpine bog habitats in the Snowy Mountains at altitudes
egg and tadpole mortality. between 1300-1760 metres (Osborne 1989, Osborne et al.
1996). Like most of its congeners, P. corroboree lays its eggs in
a terrestrial nest, which later floods, allowing the eggs to
Initially, an assessment of our ability to reduce
hatch and the tadpoles to move into an aquatic environment
mortality during these early life-history stages is (Barker et al. 1995). In the early to mid 1980’s, P. corroboree
being undertaken by comparing the level of underwent a dramatic decline in abundance, which resulted in

1 Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.

2 Amphibian Research Centre, P.O. Box 424, Brunswick Victoria 3056, Australia.
3 New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, Snowy Mountains Region, P.O. Box 2228, Jindabyne NSW 2627, Australia.

local population declines and extinctions throughout the substantial success at re-establishing populations at extinct
range of the species (Osborne 1989, 1991). As documented sites, and enhancing small populations, was only achieved after
by a long-term monitoring program, P. corroboree has failed to knowledge of the breeding site requirements and the factors
show any signs of recovery since the initial population crash, which caused the decline in this species were identified and
with many of the monitored populations continuing to mitigated (Denton et al. 1997). Further criticisms have also
decline to extinction (Osborne 1998; Osborne et al. 1999). targeted poor experimental design and lack of adequate
In 1996 an endangered species recovery team was follow-up monitoring to assess the success of repatriation
established to implement the first phase of the recovery projects (Hein 1997).
process as outlined in a draft Recovery Plan for this species
(Osborne 1996), and in 1997 P. corroboree was assessed as Given the difficulty in determining the causal factors of recent
being critically endangered using the 1994 IUCN criteria frog declines (refer to papers in this symposium), it is unlikely
(Tyler 1997). that the reasons behind the decline in P. corroboree populations
will be identified prior to further local extinctions (see
A primary aim of endangered species recovery programs is Osborne et al. 1999 for a better discussion of hypotheses
to identify the processes threatening the particular species so relating to declines in alpine frogs).There is a very real
that threat abatement can then be addressed in the possibility of the species becoming extinct in the near future.
development and implementation of recovery actions This situation was the impetus behind the Recovery Team for
(Dickman 1996). As such, the uncertainty behind the factors P. corroboree supporting a population augmentation project.
causing the decline in P. corroboree has proven problematic for Furthermore, information obtained on the demography of
the recovery process. Extensive surveys conducted over the P. corroboree should aid both management and further efforts
past few years have failed to locate P. corroboree at 85% of to determine the causal factors of decline in this species. In
known historic localities (Osborne et al. 1999). Furthermore, this paper we present the methods employed in the project,
77% of extant populations consist of fewer than five calling discuss its limitations and the relevance of the project to the
males while only three populations consist of more than 15 recovery process for P. corroboree, and present the results of
calling males (Hunter and Osborne unpubl. data).These the first year of this study.
results are particularly concerning given that the long term
monitoring program has demonstrated a high propensity for METHODS
populations consisting of fewer than five calling males to
become extinct within a few years (Osborne 1998). Apart Choice of sites
from the likelihood that the factors which initiated the
At the outset of the study in March 1997 we were faced
decline in P. corroboree populations are still operating, the
with considerable logistical constraints that limited the
detrimental effects associated with small population size
number of populations available as experimental populations.
may also be an important process working against the
Only three populations were deemed suitable for population
recovery of this species.
augmentation during the first year of this project.These
In an attempt to aid the recovery of small populations of included one population in the Dargal Range which had
P. corroboree, a population augmentation project (direct 32 calling males (this site will be referred to as Site A), one
manipulation of recruitment through to the terrestrial frog population from the Jugumba Range which had 13 calling
stage to increase the adult population size) was commenced males (Site B) and one population near Round Mountain
in 1997.There are two aims to this: which had two calling males (Site C).The exact location of
these sites will not be disclosed in this paper.The number of
1. to assess whether it is possible to increase recruitment calling males refers to the number of males detected during
through to the metamorphic stage via a combination of the 1997 breeding season. While Site A would not be
captive-rearing and active field management to prevent considered a small population in comparison with other
tadpole mortality in the field; and extant populations of P. corroboree, it was included so as to
2. to determine whether an increase in the level of increase the sample size of clutches for assessing whether we
recruitment through to metamorphosis will result in an are capable of artificially reducing embryonic and tadpole
increase in the breeding adult population size in small mortality. After this process, which is expected to take two to
remnant populations of P. corroboree. three years, Site A will probably be removed from the
experiment. As such, it was not deemed necessary to
While population repatriation programs involving captive manipulate every clutch at this site and so a limit of ten
breeding or rearing have been undertaken for a number of clutches was allocated for egg collection. Control populations
bird and mammal species (for a review see Griffith et al. were chosen by randomly selecting sites from a list of other
1989), there have been considerably fewer projects involving known extant remnant populations.
amphibians (for a review see Dodd and Seigel 1991). Such
projects are often received favourably by the public. However, Field procedures
their limited success has led a number of authors to question
the value of repatriation projects as a conservation tool In January 1997 at each breeding location the calling sites of
(Dodd and Seigal 1991; Snyder et al. 1996).This limited males were marked with flagging tape.These calling sites
success has been largely attributed to a failure to remove the were then inspected in early March (after breeding had
processes that caused the initial decline and a lack of finished) in order to collect half of each clutch for captive
knowledge of the biological requirements of the species. rearing at the Amphibian Research Centre (ARC) in
This was particularly well demonstrated with the Natterjack Melbourne. All eggs found were removed and placed in a
Toad (Bufo calimita) recovery program in England where clean polypropylene container (Genfac Plastics) moistened

with water, and the numbers of fertile eggs, dead eggs and no more than 50 in each 180 litre tank. A drip irrigation
empty capsules were counted. Half of the viable eggs were system provided for water exchange at a rate of
replaced in the oviposition site and the nest carefully approximately 20% per day.
returned to its original condition.
Post-winter tadpole monitoring
In order to monitor the survival of tadpoles from the half
clutches left in the field, plastic enclosures (1.0m x 0.5m x After snow had melted in mid-spring the captive-reared
0.4 m) were constructed to link each oviposition site with an tadpoles were returned to the field where they were
enclosed portion of the adjacent experimental pool.The released into field enclosures (as described above) within
bottom and top were open to allow access to the pond their natal pools.To allow for a direct comparison of
substrate, and to allow light and precipitation to enter the survivorship within clutches, all tadpoles released into
enclosed part of the pool.The base of each enclosure was enclosures represented individuals from the same clutch. As a
embedded deeply in the silt and moss in the pool, and precaution against the possibility of high mortality occurring
extended into the moss bank beyond the position of the during the release process, the captive-reared tadpoles were
hidden eggs.Two walls of the enclosure had large, rubberised released in two batches. Each batch represented half the
fibreglass mesh-covered openings to allow for water tadpoles collected from each experimental clutch.The two
movement between the enclosure and the rest of the pool. batches were released one month apart so that the first batch
All materials used were inert and resistant to ultra-violet could be monitored for signs of failing to adjust to the field
radiation.To investigate the effect of the field enclosure on environment. Field tadpoles, early release tadpoles and late
the water temperature, Hobo data loggers (Onset Computer release tadpoles were housed in separate enclosures. For
Corporation) and Tinytag data loggers (Gemini Data Loggers, assessing survivorship differences between the captive-reared
Chichester, England) were placed inside and outside and field-reared tadpoles after snow melt, a census of tadpole
enclosures in a number of experimental pools. numbers in each enclosure was conducted once a fortnight
until metamorphosis in mid summer.Tadpole counts were
Prior to snow fall in June 1997 the enclosures were checked conducted at night by torch light.The number of tadpoles in
regularly to determine whether the eggs left in the field had an enclosure was assessed by dip-net removal until five
hatched. A sub-sample of experimental nest sites was also minutes had elapsed without further tadpoles being found.
checked for signs of excessive embryonic mortality. During each census, Gosner stage (Gosner 1960) and snout-
vent length were recorded for five randomly chosen tadpoles
Captive husbandry from each enclosure, or fewer if fewer tadpoles were present.
The eggs removed from the field were placed in small plastic Chi-squared contingency tests were used to test for
containers packed with sphagnum moss and immediately significant differences between mortality levels both between
transported by car to the ARC (an approximately six hour the treatments within sites, and between sites within
drive). Upon arriving at the ARC, the eggs were removed treatments. A two-way ANOVA was used to compare
from containers, further divided and placed into either empty differences in the size of tadpoles at Gosner stage 41 for
clean containers or containers containing natural nest both between-treatments and between-sites.To meet the
material.These containers were each floated inside a slightly assumption of homogeneity of variance, the measurements
larger container containing sterilised water which in turn was were log transformed and three outliers were removed.Two
placed in a water-bath.The eggs were maintained in a analyses were undertaken.The first was to test for size
moistened terrestrial state, with the contact of each container differences between treatments and involved removing Site B
within the water bath providing thermal profiles similar to from the analysis as this site lacked the field treatment due to
that which might be expected in natural nesting sites. 100% winter mortality.The second was conducted to test for
The entire system was enclosed within a controlled differences in tadpole size between sites and involved
temperature room (a modified shipping container) with removing the field treatments of Site A and C from the
ambient temperature set to approximate recorded field analysis, again due to the lack of a field treatment at Site B.
temperatures based on data collected from Site A using
two Hobo data loggers in winter 1996.The 1996 recordings Disease prevention protocol
did not start until the beginning of June so that temperatures
in the container up until June 1997 were based on spot A strict set of protocols was maintained for the purpose of
temperature records from the field and updates from the minimising the potential spread of pathogens both from the
field data loggers when they could be accessed. captive environment to the field, and between experimental
sites. All equipment used at the experimental sites was either
On hatching the tadpoles were moved to glass aquaria sterilised prior to use or was a new item that had never been
(1 000 X 300 X 750mm) containers within the constant used in the field or with captive frogs. Prior to undertaking
temperature room.Tadpoles from each pool were housed fieldwork in the area of the experimental sites footwear was
together and each clutch was separated by screens made sterilised in bleach. Further precautions were taken at Site A
from anodised aluminium and rubberised fibreglass mesh. where, prior to entering the sites, footwear were changed for
To mimic the field environment, individual tadpole enclosures gumboots which were housed adjacent to the site.
contained only material obtained from the natal pool of the
respective tadpoles. All water used was filtered by reverse
osmosis then buffered with aquarium salt to approximate
mineral content of natural alpine bogs.Tadpoles were housed
at below recorded field densities (Osborne pers. obs.) with

To prevent contamination of ex-situ work, this project was RESULTS
maintained in isolation from the rest of the frog collection at
the ARC. It had an independent water supply, a set of Comparison of survivorship between field
dedicated equipment and was housed at a separate site. Only and captive treatments
new, sterilised or field sourced materials were taken inside
Collection of embryos from the field took place on 15 and
the room, and a routine of showering, changing into clean
16 March, 1997, approximately six weeks from the end of the
clothes and dedicated boots was practised before entry.
breeding season. Of the 25 male nests investigated at the
As a further precaution before release, 10 tadpoles (one three sites, 16 contained eggs (11 from Site A, 4 from Site B
from each of the 10 natal pools represented in the study) and 1 from Site C). From these 16 nests, 374 eggs were
were killed, preserved in 10% neutral buffered formalin and collected for captive rearing while 324 eggs were left in the
sent to the CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory for male nests for the field comparison.
examination.This material was sectioned, stained and examined
for signs of disease. Only seven of the tadpoles could be fully The greatest level of field mortality at all three sites occurred
examined.These and the available sections of the other three during the over-winter stage, with Site B experiencing total
showed no evidence of disease (Berger pers. comm.). mortality (Figure 1). On the other hand, the greatest level of
mortality for the captive-reared tadpoles occurred during the
Maintenance of pool water levels post-winter tadpole stage (Figure 1). After adjusting for the
number of individuals removed from the captive stock for
The first year of this project coincided with the drought pathogen screening and further captive husbandry research,
during the spring/summer of 1997/98.To avoid the drying of the total number of animals which survived from collection
pools and subsequent loss of tadpoles, a number of techniques to metamorphosis was significantly higher for the captive-
were used to maintain water in pools at the experimental sites. reared tadpoles than those left in the field at Site B (X2 =
At Site A, both a solar and petrol water pump were used to 43.8, P < 0.01, d.f. = 1) and Site C (X2 = 15.86, P < 0.01, d.f.
pump water from a nearby stream into a large polyethylene = 1) whereas there was no significant difference between the
tank. From this tank the water was then fed into the various
captive-reared and field survivorship for Site A (X2 = 0.25,
pools that contained experimental enclosures by gravity.The
P > 0.1, d.f. = 1). As this analysis used the total number of
breeding pools at Site B are slow flowing seepage lines which
tadpoles which survived within a site, the lack of a significant
allowed adequate water levels to be maintained by damming
difference between the captive-reared and field tadpoles for
the out-flow end of the pool. At Site C, gravity-fed water from
Site A was largely due to one large clutch attaining a high
a nearby stream maintained an adequate water level in the
level of survivorship in the field.The mean clutch survivorship
single breeding pool with enclosures.
at Site A was higher for the captive-reared tadpoles (33.3%)
than the field tadpoles (15.2%). Of the eggs removed from
Site A, 38% survived through to metamorphosis compared
with 31% survivorship to metamorphosis in the field animals.
At Site B there was no survivorship through to metamorphosis
for the field-reared animals whereas 53% of the captive-reared
animals survived through to metamorphosis. At Site C 70%

FIGURE 1: Mortality levels between captive reared and field embryos and tadpoles at the three experimental sites. Shaded bars represent
embryonic mortality at the time of egg collection, open bars represent the level of mortality between egg collection and spring snow melt
and closed bars represent the level of post-winter tadpole mortality.

FIGURE 2: Post-winter mortality curves for the field, early and late release tadpoles at the three experimental sites. Diamonds represent
field tadpoles, squares represent early release tadpoles while triangles represent late release tadpoles.

of the captive reared tadpoles reached metamorphosis three sites was usually about two weeks apart between the
compared to 13% survivorship to metamorphosis in the field, early and late-release tadpoles (Figure 2).The exception
field-reared animals. to this was the similar date at metamorphosis for the early
and late-release tadpoles at Site C.
The field tadpoles displayed a higher level of survivorship
than the captive-reared tadpoles during the post-winter stage The water temperatures recorded inside and outside
(Figure 1).The greatest level of mortality for the captive- enclosures from four pools are given in Table 1.There were
reared tadpoles was during the first two weeks after their only minor differences between the temperature inside and
release (Figure 2). Furthermore, there was a greater level of outside the enclosures with the greatest differences being
survivorship for the early-release tadpoles than the late- observed between enclosures.
release tadpoles (Figure 2).
There was a significant difference in tadpole size (measured
The post-winter developmental rate of tadpoles showed a at Gosner stage 41) between the three experimental sites
similar pattern across the three experimental sites (Figure 3), (Figure 4) with tadpoles at Site C being the largest and Site B
with the late-release tadpoles appearing to develop at a faster being the smallest (Table 2).There were no significant
rate than the early-release tadpoles, which in turn developed difference observed between the field, early release or late
faster than the field tadpoles. Date of metamorphosis at all release tadpoles (Table 2).

FIGURE 3: Developmental rates for the field, early and late release tadpoles at the three experimental sites. Diamonds represent field
tadpoles, squares represent early release tadpoles while triangles represent late release tadpoles.

DISCUSSION levels of mortality between over-wintering eggs compared to

over-wintering tadpoles are currently being undertaken.
Comparison between field-reared and
captive reared tadpoles The low level of recruitment through to the post-winter
tadpole stage observed in this study may have been a feature
The monitoring results from the first year of this project have of other P. corroboree populations as a survey conducted in
confirmed our ability to increase recruitment significantly spring at seven other remnant populations failed to locate
through to the terrestrial frog stage via captive rearing.The tadpoles at five of these (Hunter and Osborne unpubl. data).
difference in survivorship between the captive-reared and Research conducted during the mid 1960’s on both
field animals was largely due to the higher level of field P. corroboree and the Northern Corroboree Frog P. pengilleyi
mortality experienced at all three sites during the winter (then considered to be P. corroboree) documented high annual
(Figure 1). Whether winter mortality in the field occurred in variability in early life history mortality as a result of varying
the egg or tadpole stage is unknown. Given that the low climatic conditions between seasons (Pengilley 1992). Given
autumn precipitation resulted in very few nest sites being that the winter field mortality observed during this study may
flooded prior to snowfall, and considering that remains of have been a product of the poor climatic conditions
dead eggs were found in a number of nest sites the following experienced during the 1997 winter (ie. low autumn rainfall
spring, much of this mortality may have occurred prior to the and late snow cover), there is a need to establish our ability
eggs hatching. Further experiments investigating different to reduce mortality artificially during climatically good years.

While over winter mortality was greater in the field than in The relationship between date and size at metamorphosis in
captivity, the opposite occurred during the post-winter stage amphibians is considered to be of importance to both
where a greater level of mortality was exhibited by the juvenile survivorship and adult fitness (Semlitsch et al. 1988).
captive-reared tadpoles (Figure 1). A number of factors may As such, any differences between captive-reared and field-
have contributed to this result, including possible negative reared tadpoles for these features may result in differences in
effects of the captive rearing process.The greater mortality the fitness of individuals between the two treatments. While
exhibited by the late-release tadpoles than the early-release there was no significant difference between the size of
tadpoles (Figure 2) indicates that a greater level of captive-reared and field tadpoles within sites there was a
survivorship may be attained by releasing tadpoles earlier. significant difference in the size of tadpoles between the
Considerable variation in mortality levels was also observed three sites (Figure 3).Tadpoles often exhibit a high level of
between sites in both the field and captive-reared treatments phenotypic plasticity for a number of traits, including size
(Figure 1). While this variation between sites may have been (Duellman and Trueb 1994) and as such it would be
due to both the low sample size of clutches being monitored expected that size differences may be observed between
and local environmental and genetic effects, it also indicates sites as a results of local environmental effects.
the potential for high levels of early life-history mortality
within these small remnant populations. Because lower temperatures may strongly correlate with
slower developmental rates in tadpoles (Duellman and Trueb
1994), temperature may have contributed to the differences
in the developmental rates observed between the field, early
release and late release tadpoles (Figure 3).This possibility is
supported by the observation of an increase in both tadpole
TABLE 1: Comparison between temperatures recorded inside developmental rate (Figure 3) and temperature (Table 1) as
and outside of enclosures. All figures are average temperatures
with minimum and maximum in parenthesis. the season progressed further into summer. Even though the
captive-reared tadpoles developed at a faster rate, the field
tadpoles still metamorphosed at least two weeks earlier
Oct/Nov Dec (Figure 3).This difference was due to the captive-reared
Round Mt. Enclosure 8.4 (4.7/22.5) 9.2 (5.0/32.9) tadpoles being slightly less developed than the field tadpoles
Round Mt. Free 8.7 (-0.4/23.9) 9.1 (5.2/34.3) at the time of release. It is difficult to speculate how this
Snakey A Enclosure 13.6 (3.9/30.5) 15.5 (3.9/34.2) difference in date at metamorphosis may affect the fitness of
Snakey A Free 13.8 (2.9/33.8) 14.7 (-2.7/35.3) the captive-reared animals. In any case, date at
Snakey 9 Enclosure 13.1 (0.9/44.1) 15.1 (5.8/46.2) metamorphosis for the captive-reared tadpoles occurred
Snakey 9 Free 13.3 (5.5/33.8) 15.8 (9.9/34.8) within the period tadpoles were observed metamorphosing
Snakey B Enclosure 11.4 (5.0/20.5) 13.9 (7.5/22.4) at other non-experimental sites (Hunter pers obs.).
Snakey B Free 13.5 (-1.7/32.7) 14.5 (2.6/35.2)

FIGURE 4: Comparison of snout-vent-length at Gosner stage 41 between the field, early and late-release tadpoles at the three experimental
sites. Diamonds represent field tadpoles, squares represent early release tadpoles while triangles represent late release tadpoles. Error bars
represent 95% confidence intervals.

TABLE 2: Results of the two-way ANOVA undertaken to investigate differences in the size of tadpoles at Gosner stage 41 both between sites
and between treatments. Analysis (a) was undertaken to investigate size differences between treatments and involved removing Site B from
the analysis, while analysis (b) was undertaken to investigate size differences between sites and involved removing the field treatments from
the analysis.

Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value P>F

Analysis (a)
Among cells 5 0.0114 0.0023 4.17 0.0026
Treatment 2 0.0012 0.0006 1.09 0.3430
Site 1 0.0079 0.0079 14.41 0.0003
Treatment*Site 2 0.0005 0.0003 0.60 0.6052
Within 59 0.0322 0.0005
Total 64 0.0437
Analysis (b)
Among cells 5 0.0296 0.0060 14.62 0.0001
Treatment 1 0.0013 0.0013 3.23 0.0771
Site 2 0.0260 0.0132 32.68 0.0001
Treatment*Site 2 0.0002 0.0001 0.27 0.7637
Within 63 0.02552 0.0004
Total 68 0.05512

Assumptions and limitations of this project Furthermore, both this study, and other research conducted
prior to the decline of P. corroboree (Pengilley 1992), have
The rationale behind the approach taken in our research has
indicated the potential for high levels of within-season
been based on generalisations about amphibian population
embryonic mortality, with some populations experiencing
dynamics. Assuming that the process of captive-rearing does
total embryonic mortality.These findings suggest that early
not have a negative impact on the fitness of released
life-history mortality may significantly contribute to population
individuals, the results will be strongly influenced by the
regulation and, as such, support our attempt to reduce
extent to which mortality at the egg and tadpole stage
mortality during this stage as a means of increasing the size of
contributes to the current regulation of population size.
adult populations.
However, even if egg and tadpole mortality is a key factor in
determining population size, an increase in recruitment through In comparing survival between the captive-reared and field
to the terrestrial frog stage in the experimental populations is tadpoles within the same sites we have compromised our
greatly restricted by the low number of breeding adults within capacity to relate future changes in the size of experimental
these sites and the relatively small clutch size for this species. populations to the efforts of captive rearing.This is because
As such, both the control and experimental populations may we will not be able to differentiate between individuals that
remain equally susceptible to stochastic levels of juvenile and were captive-reared and individuals that were left in the field.
sub-adult mortality, despite reduced egg and tadpole mortality Ideally, marking cohorts would be undertaken so that upon
in experimental populations. reaching maturity they could be identified as either captive-
reared or field individuals, however, this would be very difficult
Our reluctance to extend the use of captive rearing to bridge
because P. corroboree tadpoles become extremely cryptic
mortality levels during the juvenile and sub-adult stages is a
upon approaching metamorphosis. A more appropriate
response to a lack of knowledge of the husbandry
approach may have been to compare captive versus field
requirements of the post-metamorphic stages. Moreover,
survivorship between sites rather than within sites.This,
returning individuals to the field as early stage tadpoles
however, would have required the use of a greater number of
reduces the possibility of other complications resulting from
sites than is currently available. Also the comparison of
the captive environment, such as artificial selection or the
tadpole survivorship between treatments would not control
need to imprint on the natal pool (Bloxam and Tonge 1995,
for the variation in survivorship between sites (Figure 1).
Dodd and Seigel 1991).
At this stage, this limitation is considered an inherent part of
While information on age-specific schedules of mortality for the initial phase of this project as priority has been given to
P. corroboree is lacking, demographic information obtained refining the methodology and obtaining information to aid
since the commencement of this project does lend some other aspects of the recovery process.
support to the appropriateness of the current approach.
Preliminary data on the age structure of extant populations
of P. corroboree has indicated the presence of both young and
old frogs at breeding sites (Hunter unpubl. data).This suggests
that at least some level of recruitment into the breeding
population has been occurring in recent years, along with
reproductively mature adults surviving for several years.

Relevance of this project to the As a result of locating several additional populations of P.
recovery process corroboree in suitable areas during the 1998 breeding season, an
additional four experimental populations and four control
The need to identify and mitigate the processes causing the populations were incorporated into the project during the
decline in a species before attempting repatriation projects second year.This will greatly enhance our ability to relate
has been strongly emphasised in the literature (Dodd and changes in the size of experimental populations to the process
Seigel 1991; Griffith et al. 1989). While this approach is of reducing early life-history mortality. Our ability to obtain
sensible, it may not always be an appropriate prerequisite as it meaningful results may also be influenced by the duration of this
does not recognise the potential contribution of repatriation project.This is due to the possibility that P. corroboree may live
experiments to other research and recovery actions for up to six years as a breeding adult (Hunter unpubl. data),
(Armstrong et al. 1994, Soderquist 1994). With respect to the and, as such, successive years of population augmentation may
recovery process for P. corroboree, hypotheses relating to the have an accumulative effect on the breeding population size.
decline of this species have been formulated in the absence of The process of increasing survivorship through to
any information on which life history stage(s) has suffered an metamorphosis needs to continue for a further three years. In
increase in mortality.This greatly limits our ability to allocate addition, the development of a long term monitoring program
priorities of research into the causal factors of decline. Even for P. corroboree by the New South Wales National Parks and
so, those hypotheses which have been proposed are either Wildlife Service should provide the commitment and continuity
virtually impossible to test using controlled scientific necessary for assessing the outcomes of this project.
experiments (ie. those examining habitat or climate change)
or require relatively high numbers of individuals for
experimentation which are currently not available (ie. those ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
examining disease or increased levels of UV-B radiation). This project has been funded by the Endangered Species
Program of Environment Australia, the New South Wales
Given the constraints currently imposed on the recovery National Parks and Wildlife Service, the University of
process for P. corroboree, the potential contribution from the Canberra and the Amphibian Research Centre. A special
population augmentation project will be much broader than thanks to members of the Victorian Frog Group, particularly
just attempting to increase the size of small remnant Rebecca Hirst, for undertaking further fundraising to assist
populations.The development of husbandry techniques and this project. For assistance with either fieldwork and or the
reduction of mortality will allow more scope for conducting captive husbandry we thank Joanne Doherty, Graeme Enders,
experiments and establishing a captive breeding colony Narelle Freestone, Jason Kirby, Fiona Morrow, Dave Reznick,
without having to exert undue levels of harvesting pressure Griff Rose, Craig Smith, Mike Smith and Quinton Smith.
on extant populations. Data obtained on the current levels of Thanks also to David Judge for statistical advice. We are
embryonic and tadpole mortality will also assist in indebted to Dave Lawrence and his staff at the NSW
determining whether early life history mortality is significantly National Parks and Wildlife Service office in Khancoban for
contributing to the continued decline in P. corroboree.This their tireless efforts in maintaining water in breeding pools.
information is particularly important for guiding research and Helpful comments on this manuscript were provided by
management actions, because the current factors regulating Mani Berghout, Keith McDonald and Alastair Campbell.
the population size of P. corroboree are not necessarily those This project is the result of continued support and guidance
that caused the initial decline in this species. by the Southern Corroboree Frog Recovery Team.


To account for annual variation in field mortality rates, and Armstrong, D. P., Soderquist,T., and Southgate, R. (1994).
hence our ability to decrease embryonic and tadpole Designing experimental reintroductions as experiments.
mortality artificially below field levels, further comparisons of Pp. 27-29 in Reintroduction Biology of Australian and New
field versus captive survivorship will be undertaken during the Zealand Fauna, ed by M. Serrena. Surrey Beatty & Son,
second field season. In addition to this comparison, Chipping Norton.
techniques aimed at reducing early life-history mortality
without having to remove eggs from their natal pools will be Barker, J., Grigg, G.C. and Tyler, M.J. (1995) A Field Guide to
investigated.The successful development of such a technique Australian Frogs. Surrey Beattie & Sons.
will hopefully reduce the need to remove eggs into captivity Bloxam, Q. M. C. and Tonge, S. J. (1995). Amphibians: suitable
and allow greater allocation of resources in this area to candidates for breeding-release programs. Biodiversity and
developing a breeding program for P. corroboree.The Conservation, 4: 636-644.
production of high numbers of tadpoles, through captive Denton, J. S., Hitchings, S. P., Beebee,T. J. C. and Gent, A.
breeding, for release into experimental populations may (1997). A recovery program for the Natterjack Toad (Bufo
reduce the possibility that stochastic processes will override calamita) in Britain. Conservation Biology, 11: 1329-1338.
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corroboree may also provide greater potential for conducting planning for threatened species. Pp. 63-73. in Back from
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report to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. reintroduction of the carnivorous marsupial Phascogale
tapoatafa. Pp. 159-164 in Reintroduction biology of
Osborne, W. S. (1998). Recovery Plan for the Southern
Australian and New Zealand fauna, ed by M. Serrena.
Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree) 1998-2001.
Surrey Beatty & Son, Chipping Norton.
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney.
Tyler, M. J. (1997). Action Plan for Australian Frogs. Wildlife
Osborne, W. S., Hunter, D.A. and Hollis, G.J. (1999) Population
Australia, Endangered Species Program: Canberra.
declines and range contraction in Australian alpine frogs.
Pp 145-157 in Declines and Disappearances of Australian
Frogs ed by A.Campbell. Environment Australia: Canberra.

Husbandry: science or art? —
Are captive technologies ready
to contribute to recovery
processes for Australian frogs?
Gerry Marantelli *

ABSTRACT have already outstripped our supply of information.

It is suggested that efforts be made to rigorously
The history of uses for frog husbandry in Australia
investigate husbandry of as many species as possible,
is extremely varied. Frogs are held in captivity for a
and priority groups are outlined. Finally it is
wide range of reasons. Such holding leads to both
determined that care must be taken to ensure risks
a need for, and the development of, husbandry
are mitigated and needs are real before embarking
technologies.This history, and its combined captive
on captive conservation programs.
achievements are reviewed.The risks and benefits
of captive technologies as tools in conservation are
summarised and priorities and protocols for the use
The need to utilise all available resources in the effort to stem
of husbandry in conservation are proposed. amphibian declines has seen a significant amount of attention
focused on husbandry and the use of captivity as a tool in the
The potential for captive husbandry to contribute to conservation process.The usefulness of husbandry, or more
the conservation of Australia’s frogs is discussed, specifically captive breeding, as a conservation tool has been the
subject of much debate, with some authors suggesting that many
along with the roles of stakeholders, and suggestions complex issues are simply overlooked (see Gippoliti and
for maximising their cooperative contributions with Carpaneto 1997; Snyder et al. 1996; Snyder et al. 1997). A
illustrations drawn from case studies. It is concluded number of projects employing captive breeding or rearing to re-
establish or bolster wild populations of frogs have been
that we should accelerate our pace in this area of attempted with varying levels of success (Banks 1996; Denton et
research as the needs for husbandry technologies al. 1997; Hunter et al. 1999;Tonge and Bloxam 1989). By their

* Amphibian Research Centre, PO Box 424, Brunswick, Victoria 3056.

nature, conservation projects incorporating captive care achieve II. Conducting investigations to assist in ecological
among the highest profiles of all conservation efforts.They place research or recovery plans.
conservation actions within population centres and provide the III. Incidental exposure to observations not readily
public and media with easy access to otherwise ‘invisible’ species. accessible to field biologists.
Such access and exposure brings with it the opportunity to IV. Producing technologies to reduce effects related to
educate and influence; as well as to secure funds and resources confinement that may otherwise confound research.
not readily available to other less popularised or more remotely 4. Generating funding for conservation and research by:
located conservation efforts (Kleiman and Mallinson 1998; I. Sales of frogs, tadpoles and expertise to end users
Snyder et al. 1996). If not carefully handled, this exposure may of frogs.
also lead to an unrealistically optimistic estimation of the true II. Attracting sponsorship and public support for high
value of husbandry in such conservation projects (Snyder et al. profile conservation programs.
1996). Potential stakeholders in captive conservation represent a III. Indirectly generating funds for all frog research by
multitude of different interests and disciplines.The effective increasing community awareness and exposure.
networking and correct utilisation of all such parties remains the
5. Captive breeding or raising of declining frog species to
most effective way to ensure beneficial outcomes from the use
produce stock for:
of husbandry in the conservation of Australia’s frogs.
I. Decline hypothesis testing.
II. Translocation experiments.
III. Re-release to the wild.
The Action Plan for Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997) estimates a RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH HUSBANDRY
total of A.$5 million dollars should be committed over five RELATED CONSERVATION ACTIONS
years to aid the recovery of Australia’s threatened frogs.
Any manipulation of natural systems is associated with risk.
20% – $1 million, has been earmarked for husbandry-related
Simply collecting specimens could put pressure on wild
actions.There are also additional connections between
populations in some cases. Introduction of additional animals
husbandry and other research-based actions listed, including
and manipulation of mortality schedules, which are often the
toxicology and disease research.
aim of captive programs, pose yet more risks (for a review
The need for husbandry technology in conservation extends see Snyder et al. 1996). As populations decline, the possible
well beyond its role in breeding of threatened species for damage done by each of the above processes escalates.
release. In addition to increasing numbers of wild frogs by Unfortunately, it is also when populations decline that the
release, captive supply can also minimise harvesting for other above interventions are given higher priority. Careful
uses. Good husbandry can reduce abnormal behaviours attention must be given to all potential risks when any
associated with confinement.This can lead to less variables in conservation measure involves manipulation of field situations.
other research, a better understanding of, and ultimately an To follow the medical profession’s caveat, ‘above all do no
increased capacity to conserve, frogs. Captive frogs are usually harm’, would be a wise philosophy (Myers 1993).
the most accessible to the public and the media, providing
opportunities to educate as well as promote conservation COLLECTION AND GENETIC
programs and generate financial assistance.The ease of REPRESENTATION
monitoring captive frogs has also often led to observations
Captive conservation requires founder stock. Procurement of
not readily accessed in the field.
stock should not exceed a population’s capacity to be harvested
Husbandry can be broken down into three functional (Stevens and Goodson 1993).To reduce genetic impact, it is
components: Holding (temporary care of animals), Rearing or desirable to proceed with collection of individuals as soon as it is
single generational maintenance (for conservation purposes this recognised that collection is required and well before the
is usually across a mortality barrier, with the intention of achieving population is at risk. Animals collected should be considered as
greater than field survival e.g. recruitment enhancement projects) no longer available to the wild population; too many instances of
and Breeding (production of animals from captive-held stock). failed reintroductions exist ( Wolf et al. 1996) to place reliance
Captive breeding, rearing and holding can contribute to on individuals being used to develop husbandry protocols ever
conservation and conservation research by the following means: contributing to wild populations.Wherever possible, collection
should concentrate on animals of low ecological value to the
1. Reducing pressures on wild populations by provision of population and higher value in captivity. In most cases this would
captive-bred frogs for end uses: constitute the earliest life history stages available, as larval and
I. Pets. juvenile mortality are usually high in nature and significantly
II. Medical, biological and conservation research. reduced in captivity. Collection of early life history stages also
III. Education and display. necessitates forward planning, as adult captive animals will take
IV. Food, or other animal products. longer to achieve.Where protocols for long-term holding or
2. Providing for and contributing to conservation education by: establishment of breeding colonies are being developed, a
staggered approach is recommended. A small number of adult
I. Increasing public exposure to frogs, thereby drawing frogs can be used to develop techniques for achieving
attention to conservation issues relating to frogs. reproductive success, while larger numbers of juveniles are raised
3. Contributing to our knowledge of frogs by: to form a colony. By the time a colony is achieved, techniques for
I. Performing specific investigations into the raising as well as breeding should have been developed and any
husbandry of frogs. difficulties overcome.

Adequate representation of a population or species should effects of captivity could create lasting implications for the
be considered in cases where a colony is formed to secure a populations into which captive raised animals are released. All
species against extinction and in cases where captive stock release programs should be backed by sound monitoring and,
will be used to reestablish or bolster wild populations. What wherever possible, by comparative analysis of fitness
constitutes adequate representation must be determined for (measured by success in development and reproductive
each situation and in extreme cases such representation may output) of released versus wild individuals.
not even be feasible.The loss of genetic representation in
captive populations (Briscoe et al. 1992), along with REMOVAL OF CAUSAL AGENTS
extinctions or gene loss attributed to low founder numbers
or inbreeding (Frankham 1995; Robinchaux et al. 1997), The IUCN guidelines recommend that release should not
are well documented. proceed until the causal agents of decline are mitigated
(IUCN 1998). While such guidelines may be sound for most
other vertebrate groups, they assume that causal agents can
be identified.Two considerations may give cause to
A number of issues and some suggested solutions have been reconsider these guidelines with respect to frogs: most frogs
raised with respect to the release of animals which have are considerably cheaper, both financially and ecologically, to
spent time in captivity. Genetic considerations rate highly produce than are the majority of other terrestrial
(Backus et al. 1995; Ryman et al. 1995), while the potential to vertebrates, and; limited, planned experimental reintroduction
release disease must be carefully assessed before release aimed at hypothesis testing may in many cases be a cost
(Viggers et al. 1993).The relative fitness of released animals effective and viable technique for identifying causal agents.
should also be assessed to ensure efforts are not being
wasted (Crayford and Percival 1992; Hunter et al. 1999).This Once the necessary precautions have been taken and plans
is best done by monitoring animals post-release. developed that maximise the chance of success, while
providing opportunities to identifying any failings, programs
The above precautions have not always been taken and aimed at using husbandry to produce frogs for wild release
sometimes the consequence of such omissions have led to can be considered. At this point it is valuable to look at the
very expensive failures and an inability to identify the reasons, history of frog husbandry in Australia and what our current
or establish techniques to improve later attempts. Recently a knowledge has to offer.
number of releases of captive-bred Green and Golden Bell
Frogs, Litoria aurea failed completely. Although numerous AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
explanations including: human disturbance, under-developed
habitat, introduction of predatory fish, and predation by As with most areas of natural history discovery, the early
waterbirds and feral carnivores are offered (Hobcroft 1998); period of frog biology was dominated by taxonomists. During
the absence of adequate post-release monitoring has left this time taxonomists had cause to temporarily house live frogs
these explanations without adequate support or in research collections, providing some of our earliest insights
quantification (Meikle pers. comm.). Given the financial and into frog husbandry.The need to describe life histories saw
ecological costs of captive projects, the greatest mistake we considerably more attention focused on techniques for
can make is not failing to be successful, but failing to design a achieving frog spawn and raising tadpoles. Soon other uses of
project that gives us the greatest possibility of identifying the captive frogs; for research, as pets and as display animals began
reasons for our failure. to add to our knowledge. Each had their limitations:
taxonomists rarely raised frogs past metamorphosis and the
The recent discovery of the amphibian chytridiomycete supply of frogs for research, pets and display was typically
fungus that may be the proximal cause of numerous frog replenished from wild sources. Although exhibit-based
declines (Berger et al. 1998), highlights the need to consider collections sometimes kept individual specimens for very long
the risk of disease being introduced with any introduction of times, there was seldom the need to breed replacement stock.
frogs. Not only known disease but all diseases should be Amateur collectors often saw breeding as a yardstick by which
controlled. Screening, where available, may be able to to measure their achievements and were among the first to
eliminate some possible pathogens from release. Adequate breed Australian frog species (pers. obs.). Unfortunately, many
quarantine, however, not only provides preventative control such firsts were achieved outside Australia, where the difficulty
but protects against unknown or undetectable pathogens. in obtaining more specimens must have contributed to the
efforts expended on achieving breeding success. More popular
Fitness has always proven difficult to quantify. Failing to literature on husbandry of common Australian frogs has been
include such assessments in any release, however, could lead published in North America than in Australia (e.g. de Vosjoli et
to erroneous predictions about, or measures of, the success al. 1996). In Australia it was rare for there to be any need to
of release programs. It has been demonstrated that crowding culture frogs for long periods of time, to raise young frogs to
can cause developmental delays, smaller adult size and lower sexual maturity, or to house the larger numbers of individuals
fecundity and fertility. Rarely are captive animals raised at field necessary to give robust results. Frog husbandry was, and in
densities and so the question begs, are we really producing many cases still is, an art rather than a science -a means to an
stock suitable for release? Smooth Froglets, Geocrinia laevis, end, be it for taxonomy, research, pet keeping or display.
raised in crowded captive conditions took much longer to
mature, reached sexual maturity at a significantly smaller size Declines in numerous species of Australian frogs coupled with
and produced smaller clutches (Marantelli unpubl. data) than the apparent success of captive conservation programs for
the greatest extremes measured for this species in nature other vertebrate animals (for a review see Wolf et al. 1996)
(Scroggie, pers. comm.).These and other as yet unknown has seen a focus placed on captive programs for a number of

Australia’s frogs. Unfortunately the development of husbandry The commercial need to constantly improve techniques,
for amphibians has not been subject to the same level of coupled with the high volumes of individuals produced, has
interest or need as it has for other vertebrate groups. Large led to significant advances not otherwise able to be achieved
commercial interests in mammals, birds, fish and to a lesser by holding small numbers of specimens.
extent reptiles have driven the development of husbandry
technologies; frogs have been largely overlooked. Dietary CAPTIVE ACHIEVEMENTS FOR
information, medications, reproductive technologies and other
husbandry techniques developed for commercially important
vertebrates and humans, are routinely applied with success to During 1996 and 1997 a survey of 14 institutions and
captive care of non-commercial vertebrate species. 12 private collectors known to have kept significant numbers
Significantly less commercial value has been placed on frogs. of frogs was conducted by The Amphibian Research Centre.
The resulting comparative reduction in our warehouse of The survey asked respondents to indicate success or lack
knowledge no doubt contributed to the poor success rate of thereof for a number of possible achievements in husbandry,
some early attempts at captive care of declining amphibians. for each species of Australian frog which they had held in
While Australian zoos had on the whole been successful with captivity. Items included: the introduction of various life
captive conservation of other vertebrate groups, they history stages into captivity, maintenance of various life
experienced considerably more difficulty with frogs. With few history stages for defined periods of time or across defined
exceptions frogs had only quite recently been kept in developmental events, achievement of captive spawning
Australia’s zoos and were little more than a minor inclusion in under various sets of circumstances and the number of
predominantly reptile driven herpetofauna displays.This lack of generations achieved in captivity. Most respondents were
experience coupled with the absence of information from visited and interviewed. In some cases survey sheets were
commercial research placed us in a very precarious position distributed. In other cases data derived from communications,
when attempts were first made to employ captivity in efforts publications or personal observations were used.
to salvage declining frog populations. Over 100 of the now
presumed extinct Taudactylus acutirostris died in captive Although not exhaustive, this survey gives a good impression
collections during attempts to secure that species in captivity of the relative success Australia’s herpetologists and
(pers. obs.); while over 50 tadpoles and metamorphs of the zookeepers have had in keeping Australian frogs. At least
critically endangered Litoria spenceri were taken into captivity 150 species of Australia’s 205+ species of frogs have been
at Melbourne Zoo, only one remained alive when the project held in captivity although at least 25 of these were never held
to develop husbandry protocols for that species was moved for more than two months.The number of species and
elsewhere (Gillespie pers. comm.). Despite the fact that these genera for which significant benchmarks have been achieved
projects did include some successes and did increase our is included in Table 1.The number of species which are listed
knowledge, and that other projects have been successful, they in the Australian Frog Action Plan that have reached each
are stark evidence that we were not prepared to deal with benchmark in captivity are also included (Table 1.)
last ditch efforts when it came to amphibians. Australia’s track
Much of the information collected by our survey was
record numbers at least four species Rheobatrachus silus,
anecdotal. Few respondents were able to quote figures for
R. vitellinus,Taudactylus diurnus and T. acutirostris that, while not all
exact periods of time that specimens were kept, number of
held specifically for conservation, possibly the last individuals of
specimens kept or raised, or even in some cases the number
their species died in the hands of their human keepers.
of times breeding had been recorded. It should also be noted
It has only been recently that any attention has been focused that much data was contributed by biologists with no specific
on more disciplined attempts to establish protocols for interest in long-term husbandry, or who only kept species
Australian frog husbandry. Links between exhibit based long enough to achieve spawn for life history descriptions.
collections and universities have recently become more That species bred were seldom raised beyond F1 is more
common, promoting increased scientific rigour in this area of due to lack of need than to failure.Those studying life
husbandry research.The establishment of the Amphibian histories simply did not need to attempt to proceed any
Research Centre (ARC) in 1994 (the first facility in Australia further. Despite these limitations, the results indicate that very
driven purely by frog husbandry) has enabled the commercial few species of Australian frogs have been studied extensively
uses of frogs to fund the development of husbandry in captivity.The typical spawning event (excluding those
protocols for a number of common native frog species. species spawned prior to one month in captivity) was

TABLE 1: Captive achievements for Australian frogs.

Achievement Number of species Number of genera Number of listed species.

(Frog Action Plan)

Adults kept > 2 months 125 20 13

Adults kept > 12 months 90 16 5
Spawned in captivity 41* 15 3
F1 progeny raised to at least metamorphosis 32 10 4
F2 or beyond achieved 14 5 1

* 11 of these 41 species have only been spawned after less than one month in captivity.

achieved after keeping a colony of frogs for several years. PUBLIC
This must raise the question of what we are doing wrong
The public can be both consumers of frogs and providers of
which can cause a group of adult frogs to largely fail in their
financial and political support for recovery actions.There is
primary biological function — reproduction!
demand for pet frogs and tadpoles, so much so that the child
with a tadpole in a bucket is almost an Australian icon.The
THE PLAYERS Australian public grew up with frogs, their sounds and the
In all fields of endeavour there are usually a number of experience of raising a tadpole.Their desire to ensure this
individuals and organisations who contribute to any successful right for their children can be counted amongst the most
operation.The nature and popularity of conservation ensures powerful of all the recovery tools at our disposal. Husbandry
that a multitude of players are involved in most actions and and captive breeding can ensure the public continued access
the level of success of such actions usually depends on the to and contact with frogs and tadpoles.The Australian people
precise use and coordination of these contributors (Cannon are not only potential direct financial supporters of recovery
1996; Kleiman and Mallinson 1998). Husbandry and its highly actions, but the voice of frogs to others, including corporate
popularised subordinate — captive breeding, attracts perhaps sponsors and government.
the widest diversity of participants and therefore involves
considerable challenges in terms of effective coordination of COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS
contributions.The primary focus is considered here to be
Community organisations galvanise the sentiments of the
husbandry, irrespective of its objective being commercial,
public and allow those involved in recovery processes direct
research or conservation.The players and their connections
access to a sympathetic audience. Frog groups around the
are illustrated and discussed below and in Figure 1.
country not only have the networks necessary to raise
funding and political pressure, but act to ensure that those
ENVIRONMENT AUSTRALIA who take an interest remain interested.The provision of
Environment Australia (EA) administers Australian frog information, in the form of talks and newsletter articles from
recovery plans, the National Threatened Frog Working Group conservation scientists, is an integral part of ensuring that
and provides funding for conservation actions. these groups remain effective in their popularising of frog
conservation issues. Such groups may also provide assistance
with some actions and are in a unique position to provide
remuneration to sponsors in the form of direct contact with
Recovery teams administer conservation decisions and an interested consumer base. It should also be noted that in
actions for specific species.They are valuable sources for some cases members of such groups have contributed and
communication of information pertinent to each species’ continue to contribute significant amounts of information to
conservation. our knowledge of husbandry.


If frog husbandry in Australia is to secure credibility as a science, Frogs held in captivity provide the media with easy access to
it will be necessary for links to be firmly established between interesting stories.The media responds to the public, who in
scientists and those who are investigating husbandry. In some turn rejuvenate their interest with each new story.The media
cases these links already exist and have seen rigorous is in the unique position of being the main method available
experimental investigations into husbandry (e.g. Hunter et al. to conservation biologists for rewarding the public and
1999). Universities and research collections are also end users sponsors for their efforts, while generating more interest
of frogs for non-conservation research and could be provided from both.
with stock, use of facilities and husbandry expertise from those
investigating husbandry. As a newly developing area of research, EXHIBIT BASED COLLECTIONS
husbandry offers a multitude of possibilities for student projects
and since facilities to conduct such research are expensive, their House, display and in some instances breed amphibians.They
efficient use depends on maximising their output. are in some cases active participants in husbandry research.
Husbandry research ideally should be able to provide exhibit-
based collections with expertise and “ecologically dead” stock
for display.The placement of small numbers of specimens in
Captive programs place threatened species in population collections specialising in public education offers us a further
centres and provide access to the public and the media.This avenue for recognising contributors and promoting our
access, coupled with the public’s perception of the importance conservation objectives to the public.
of such programs and their desire to see action being taken,
places such programs in a unique position with respect to DEVELOPMENT OF HUSBANDRY
generating funds not otherwise available to less visible or less
popularised forms of conservation. Sponsorship of such projects
can provide resources beyond the scope of normal recovery The need to ensure a scientific approach to the development
plan budgets, while providing valuable marketing opportunities of husbandry techniques will require the production of a set
for the sponsor.The effective sale of recovery actions to of guidelines. Only a rigid experimental approach is likely to
corporate sponsors almost invariably requires visibility of the yield the results that are needed in the available time. Lack of
species concerned and, as a consequence, husbandry. communication and co-ordination will continue to lead to

FIGURE 1: Relationships between stakeholders in the use of frog husbandry for conservation.

Recovery Environment Universities/res

plans/teams Australia earch facilities

Provided with access Provided with high Provided with use of

to husbandry as a profile and effective stock, facilities and
recovery and recovery actions. expertise.
experimental tool. Provide assistance Provide projects
Provide funds and in maintaining links with student labor
direction for work. and funding and collaborative
through grant seeking.
recovery plans.

Exhibit based
Provided with
Provided with
expertise and
regular information
Husbandry ecologically dead
on projects of
stock for display.
interest to members. Experimental, recovery Provide public
Provide increased and/or commercial access to frogs,
awareness and frog husbandry information about
acknowledgment of
frog conservation
sponsors through
projects and
publications &
newsletters etc.
to sponsors.

Provided with access Media
to pet/schoolroom
Provided with easy
stock as well as Provided with high
access to good
education of issues. profile wide ranging
Provide increased recognition of
Provide public
profile and contributions.
access and
incentive for Provide financial
recognition of
sponsors as well as support for
direct financial projects.
input into projects.

repetition and wasted resources. In husbandry, two processes S.P.F. quarantine procedures are well documented in
should be seen as vital to the development of protocols for husbandry literature, and should be practiced. Functional
species reintroduction: provision of appropriate ecological quarantine for frog facilities has been achieved by wearing
parameters and quarantine. Administratively, the processes of and disposing of latex gloves, avoiding contact of other
communication and cooperation are critical. clothing or implements with enclosure contents, use of
separate implements and water supply, splash guards and
PROVISION OF ECOLOGICAL disinfection of enclosures and implements before reuse with
PARAMETERS 1% sodium hypochlorite (followed by rinsing).

Failure to provide an environment comparable to that Snyder et al. (1996) propose single species facilities separate
naturally experienced by each species can lead to a multitude from multispecies collections. Individuals used in captive
of problems. While many species can be maintained, bred and conservation measures which may ultimately include release,
raised in quite sterile environments, the absence of natural should be sourced directly from the wild. Materials sourced
conditions can lead to selection for captivity (Snyder et al. from their natal environment should be used to provide for
1996) and production of animals which are ecologically (Lyles their ecological requirements.These precautions should ensure
and May 1987; Page et al. 1989) or immunologically (Viggers that exposure to pathogens exotic to the species range will
et al. 1993) naive. Efforts to develop protocols should begin not occur, at the same time as facilitating the possibly
with attempts to provide for all environmental parameters necessary exposure to natural pathogens. As an additional
before minimisation of care requirements is attempted. precaution, samples should be taken for full pathological
investigation prior to release of any stock (Viggers et al. 1993).
Some considerations that should be included in the Pathology should not be seen as a suitable precaution in its
establishment of captive facilities for each species are: stocking own right and extreme caution should be exercised if releases
densities; spatial and temporal contact between individuals; of animals, which have not been adequately quarantined, are
environmental variants including microenvironmental variants being considered. No release of animals held without
and their daily, annual or other cycles (e.g. temperature, adequate quarantine should occur into extant populations or
photoperiod, humidity, precipitation, water levels and flow sites that may facilitate exposure of extant populations.
rates, barometric pressure and food availability); and
availability of specific microenvironments used by each species
(e.g. sites used for basking, calling, oviposition, sheltering,
hunting, feeding and thermoregulation). It is recommended that a network be established
representing the stakeholder groups (Figure 1) to co-ordinate
Common omissions in captive efforts with frogs include failure husbandry research and its application to conservation of
to provide non-breeding environments (most captive frogs are Australia’s frogs.The establishment of such a network remains
housed permanently in environments which replicate the the most likely method of ensuring the required measure of
habitat in which they reproduce), housing females with males success to secure husbandry as a contributor to
(exposure of females to reproductively-primed males does conservation, and to prevent failures due to lack of co-
not usually occur in nature until the female is ripe), holding ordination or design resulting in the demise of this potentially
too few males to elicit chorusing, and housing animals at useful conservation tool.
densities which modify normal reproductive behaviour.
Although disease has been flagged as a general risk in wildlife Our survey indicated that husbandry knowledge for a
conservation (May 1986, Simonetti 1995, Cunningham 1996), number of ecological and phylogenetic groups of Australian
the recent publication of evidence supporting the possibility frogs is still lacking. Despite some 70% of Australia’s frogs
of disease as a causal agent in Australian frog declines (Berger being kept at one time in captivity less than 20% have been
et al. 1998 and Berger et al. 1999) places special emphasis on bred.Those successfully bred represent primarily lowland
disease control in captive conservation efforts for frogs. Only species with lentic tadpoles and few if any unusual life history
one method exists to adequately control the effect of both characteristics. Species for which significantly less husbandry
known and unknown disease — quarantine. Disease and success have been recorded belong to groups which include
parasites play an important role in natural systems.The stream-dwelling species, high altitude species, arid-adapted
inclusion or exclusion of certain disease organisms in captive species and species exhibiting specialised life history
programs can only be achieved by combining quarantine, characteristics (e.g. direct development or parental care).
pathology and exposure to natural materials. Most of Australia’s threatened frog species belong to one or
more of these ecological groups. Limited experience or
Effective quarantine involves isolation of captive animals from
success has been reported for declining taxa or close allies.
exposure to materials, other individuals or species which have
either not come from the same location, or have not As the costs of using captive technologies can be high and
themselves been subjected to the same level of isolation their value has not yet been adequately assessed, it is
(Snyder et al. 1996). Practically this involves the minimisation recommended that efforts to develop protocols for
of contact and includes use of sterilised water, separate threatened taxa be viewed as a priority, but efforts to secure
implements and separate housing at enclosure, room or even sustainable populations of threatened species in captive
facility level. Animals should not be exposed to any biological collections should not be seen as a routine step in species
material not sourced from their point of origin. recovery. Efforts to develop husbandry protocols should focus

on ecological and phylogenetic analogues of threatened species means not readily accessible to other conservation actions.
and be tested and modified to suit threatened species only Such non-transferable funding has been the backbone of this
once demonstrated to be successful on such analogue species. project and allowed for other financial resources to be
directed elsewhere within the P. corroboree recovery plan.
Captive breeding for reintroduction should not necessarily be Similar programs are in progress and should be achievable by
seen as the ultimate goal of husbandry research. As most projects involving threatened frogs in captivity
knowledge improves it should be applied to the conservation
measures already discussed, very few of which actually include
captive production of frogs for release into natural habitat.
Techniques such as recruitment enhancement should be seen With rising interests in husbandry and a number of conservation
as useful tools which focus on husbandry skills already actions involving husbandry already underway, there is clearly a
developed for Australian amphibians and which also mitigate need to utilise husbandry as a tool in conservation processes.
many of the risks associated with longer term captive The need to move quickly to cater to the numerous actions
programs.The role of husbandry in education and generation listed in recovery plans which require husbandry is real, as is the
of both public interest and funds remains a significant reason need to recognise the limitations of husbandry as a developing
for holding threatened species in captivity. science.While legitimate questions must still be raised about
genetics, fitness and disease risks associated with the release of
A CASE IN POINT, Pseudophryne corroboree animals exposed to captivity, the need for solutions in what
AT THE AMPHIBIAN RESEARCH CENTRE seem to be otherwise unwinnable situations must be respected.
Where possible it would be prudent to direct the focus to
A recruitment enhancement program for the Southern those aspects of husbandry that have demonstrated repeated
Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne corroboree has been success, to ensure we do not overextend ourselves — the
operating since early 1997 (Hunter et al. 1999).The captive consequences of which are dire. Programs aimed at tadpole
component of this project has been carried out at the ARC. rearing and manipulating mortality schedules across single
The project has been housed in a dedicated facility on a site generations could be considered as other techniques are being
separated from other ARC frog colonies. Husbandry perfected. Efforts to develop techniques for longer term
protocols, provision of ecological requirements, isolation and management should be commenced immediately with analogue
quarantine procedures, as well as routine pathological species, focusing on those phylogenetic and ecological groupings
screening of specimens prior to each release, have been for which we have the least knowledge.
followed as prescribed in this paper. Post-introduction
monitoring to assess relative fitness of captive-reared animals Maximum use must be made of all the potential contributors
is described and preliminary results reported in Hunter et al. to husbandry research. Skilful coordination of multidisciplinary
(1999). Methodology for captive care was based on three groups within recovery teams remains our best hope of
years of successful commercial breeding of P. semimarmorata. effecting viable use of husbandry as a tool. We must
recognise the public perception of captive programs and
This project has been supported by a wide range of make use of the support they can give, while taking care not
participants and is presented here as an appropriate model for to promote the idea of captivity as a panacea.The effective
the involvement of relevant stakeholders in captive use of media and the public must be explored to provide
conservation.The project was supported by funds provided to alternative sources to traditional funding.
the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
(NPWS) by Environment Australia (EA). Over two years, Above all there is a need for pragmatism. While programs
$21 000 has been contributed to the captive component of the relying on husbandry may not always be the cheapest or best
P. corroboree project by the recovery team. Cooperation conservation actions, we cannot deny the support afforded
between the ARC and the University of Canberra has ensured such visible conservation measures and the level of public
the development of rigid experimental design following scientific awareness and sense of involvement they can bring. Such
principles. Further cooperation between the ARC and Victoria programs should be able to generate much of their own
University of Technology has provided student labour to funding, reducing competition for other conservation dollars.
conduct two small research projects within the larger Sustainable commercial use of frogs must be encouraged as a
husbandry program.The involvement of the Victorian Frog free mechanism for driving research.The situation that exists;
Group (VFG), by regular inclusion of information about the end users with capital while husbandry research is severely
project in their newsletter, led to the involvement of Australian under-resourced, begs the consummation of a very
Geographic (AG) as a corporate sponsor leading to over $5 000 convenient marriage. Realistic attitudes to commercialisation
being contributed to the project. Media coverage and support of wildlife conservation may provide the only solution to a
generated by this publicity has led to a further $2 000+ in public rapidly drying government funding well.
donations to the project.The volunteer resource drawn to the
ARC by the presence of this and other projects has contributed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
greatly to the ARC’s development and continued success. As a
consequence of this and its commercial operations, the ARC has Thanks to all those who have by their collective efforts
contributed some $15 000+ in material resources and $30 000+ contributed to the knowledge base for Australian frog
in labour and infrastructure resources to the project. husbandry as described in this paper, especially: Margaret
Davies, staff at Taronga Zoo and Currumbin Sanctuary, Lothar
In just under two years a project valued at over $70 000 has Voigt, Harvey Vaux, Karen Thumm, Jacqie Recsie, Will
been carried out with less than a 30% contribution from Osborne, Mark Cowen, Ross Alford and Shane Gow.
government. Over $50 000 has been contributed largely by

Staff at the ARC who assisted in conducting the frog husbandry (Pseudophryne corroboree). Pp 158-167 in Declines and
survey, or who assisted with maintenance of the collections Disappearances of Australian Frogs ed by A.Campbell.
while I was absent visiting interstate collections or preparing this Environment Australia: Canberra.
paper: Natalie White, Mason Hill, Joanne Doherty, Fiona Hobcroft, D., (1998) Conservation program for the Green
Morrow, Michelle Love, Anne Gaskett and Lindley Makay. and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea at Taronga Zoo: a
cooperative recovery plan. Proceedings of 1997
To all those who donated their time to assist with the
ARAZPA/ASZK Conference. Auckland Zoo, Auckland NZ.
P. corroboree project: Fiona Morrow, Kristy Penrose, Lee
Berger, Mason Hill, Joanne Doherty, David Reznick, Raelene IUCN (1998) Guidelines for re-introductions. IUCN/SSC
Hobbs, Rebekah Hirst, Australian Geographic and the Re-introduction Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
members of the VFG. and Cambridge, UK.
Kleiman, D. G. and Mallinson, J. C., (1998) Recovery and
And to my wife Sally, whose tolerance of my work habits has management committees for Lion Tamarins: partnerships in
been pivotal in all of the above. conservation planning and implementation. Conservation
Biology, 12: 27-38.
REFERENCES Lyles, A. M. and May, R. M., (1987) Problems in leaving the ark.
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Backus,V. L., Bryant, E. H., Hughes, C. R. and Meffert, L. M.,
(1995) Effect of migration or inbreeding followed by May. R., (1986) The precautionary tale of the Black-footed
selection on low-founder-number populations: implications Ferret. Nature, 320: 13-14.
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Banks, C.B., (1996) A Conservation Program for the Page,G., Quinn, P., and Warriner, J., (1989) Comparison of the
Threatened Romer’s Tree Frog (Philautus romeri). Breeding of Hand- and Wild-Reared Snowy Plovers.
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Berger, L., Speare, R., Daszak, P., Green, D. E., Cunningham, A. Robinchaux, R. H., Frier, E. A. and Mount, D. W., (1997)
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McDonald, K. R., Hines, H. B., Lips, K. R., Marantelli, G. and bottleneck associated with reintroduction of the Mauna
Parkes, H., (1998) Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian Kea Silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
mortality associated with population declines in the sandwicense [Asteraceae]). Conservation Biology,
rainforests of Australia and Central America. Proc. Natl. 11: 1140-1146.
Acad. Sci., 95: 9031-9036. Ryman, N. and Laikre, L., (1991) Effects of supportive
Berger, L., Speare, R. and Hyatt, A.D. (1999) Chytrid fungi and breeding on the genetically effective population size.
amphibian declines: overview, implications and future Conservation Biology, 5: 325-329.
directions. Pp 23-33 in Declines and Disappearances of Ryman, N., Jorde, P. E. and Laikre, L., (1995) Supportive
Australian Frogs ed by A.Campbell. Environment Australia: breeding and variance effective population size.
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Briscoe, D. A., Malpica, J. M., Robertson, A., Smith, G. J., Simonetti, J. A., (1995) Wildlife conservation outside parks is a
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loss of genetic variation in large captive populations of
Snyder, N. F. R., Derrickson, S. R., Beissinger, S. R., Wiley, J. W.,
Drosophila flies: implications for the genetic management
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captive breeding in endangered species recovery.
Cannon, J.,R. (1996) Whooping Crane recovery: a case study Conservation Biology, 10: 338-348.
in public and private cooperation in the conservation of
Snyder, N. F. R., Derrickson, S. R., Beissinger, S. R., Wiley, J. W.,
endangered species. Conservation Biology 10: 813-821.
Smith,T. B.,Toone, W. D. and Miller, B., (1997) Limitations of
Crayford, J. and Percival, S., (1992) Born captive, die free. captive breeding: reply to Gippoliti and Carpaneto.
New Scientist, 8: 21-25. Conservation Biology, 11: 808-810.
Cunningham, A. A., (1996) Disease risks of wildlife Stevens, D. R. and Goodsen, N. J., (1993) Assessing effects of
translocations. Conservation Biology, 10: 349-353. removals for transplanting on a high-elevation Bighorn
Denton, J., Hitchings, S., Beebee,T. and Gent, A. (1997) Sheep population. Conservation Biology, 7 :908-915.
A recovery program for the Natterjack Toad (Bufo Tonge, S. J. and Bloxam, Q. (1989) Breeding the Mallorcan
calamita) in Britain. Consevation Biology, 11: 1329-1338. Midwife Toad Alytes muletensis in captivity. Int. Zoo Yb
de Vosjoli, P., Mailloux, R., and Ready, D., (1996) Care and 28:45-53.
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Frankham, R., (1995) Inbreeding and extinction: a threshold Viggers, K. L., Lindenmayer, D. B. and Spratt, D. M., (1993)
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Implementation of a population augmentation project for of 1987 survey data. Conservation Biology, 10: 1142-1154.
remnant populations of the Southern Corroboree Frog

Conservation status of frogs
in Western Australia
Dale Roberts1, Simon Conroy1 and Kim Williams2


Seventy eight frog species are known from
Seventy eight frog species are known from Western Australia
Western Australia. Only three have been the
from fifteen genera (Tyler et al. 1994; Roberts et al. 1997).
subject of recent systematic survey to assess status. The Kimberley region (regions sensu Tyler et al. 1994) with
For eleven others there are some objective data summer rainfall has 28 species, the arid zone with irregular
but tending to summer rainfall maxima has 17 species and
(post 1988) suggesting they are still widespread and
the southwest with predominantly winter rainfall has 30
abundant.Three frog species are of conservation species. Several species overlap two zones.
concern in south-western Australia: Geocrinia alba,
Although there has been sporadic work on some species in
G. vitellina and Spicospina flammocaerulea. All three the Kimberley and the arid zone (e.g. Roberts 1996; Watson
have small extents of occurrence (< 200 km2), small and Gerhardt 1997) neither area has been the subject of any
systematic survey to determine the status of anurans. Further,
areas of occupancy and fragmented distributions.
before the period of major frog declines starting in Australia
Twenty three sub- populations of G. alba have gone in the mid seventies (Mahony 1996), many species in these
extinct since 1983 and there are continuing threats areas were either undescribed, uncollected or their
distributions were poorly known so shifts in distribution, local
from grazing, vegetation clearing and fire. Geocrinia
extinctions or declines are unlikely to have been detected.
vitellina has a range of 6 km2 but there are no For example,Tyler et al. (1994) reported eight species of
major threats except fire. Spicospina flammocaerulea Uperoleia from the Kimberley and arid zone of Western
Australia — six were described after 1980 and there has
is known from 13 populations over a range of
been little published work since then.
194 km2, but has a highly fragmented range and
In the south-west, winter rainfall zone, there has been more
population sizes are uncertain. Its true status
intensive work which collectively suggests most widespread
is unclear. species still occur over all of their known range and are still

1 Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA 6907

2 Department of Conservation and Land Management, North Boyanup Road, Bunbury, WA 6230

locally abundant.This view is supported by the number of known population sites) had been cleared since European
frogs recorded and the number of sites where species were settlement with likely consequent loss of populations.
heard during recent studies on geographic variation in male Geocrinia alba had a small natural range which has been
advertisement call. One of us (JDR) worked on eight species radically reduced and is now severely fragmented (Figure 1).
from 1988-1992 and Littlejohn and Wright (1997) reported
on a ninth.These data are summarised in Table 2.These data Fifty six discrete populations of G. alba have been located in
are further supported by population or population genetics the period 1983 to 1997.These populations can be further
studies on Heleioporus psammophilus (Berry 1996), subdivided into 80 sub-populations based on variation in
H. albopunctatus, Neobatrachus kunapalari, N. pelobatoides and adjacent land use (e.g. cleared and grazed, natural forest or
Pseudophryne occidentalis (Davis 1997) and Crinia georgiana tree plantations), or division by physical features such as
(McDonald 1998) which all reported abundant populations major roads crossing creek systems (Wardell-Johnson et al.
of the species studied. 1995 define populations and sub-populations). Most
populations occur on privately owned land (Wardell-Johnson
Although there is some evidence that land clearing, increasing et al. 1995; Figure 1). Based on IUCN (1994) criteria, G. alba
salinity and fragmentation of vegetation may have affected is critically endangered (criterion B, area of occupancy less
population size and local occurrence of some widespread than 2.5 km2; B1, severely fragmented, and continuing decline
species (e.g. Main 1990; Davis 1997), there is no evidence of observed in, B2 (b) area of occupancy and B2 (c) number of
general, recent declines or extinctions in anuran populations sub-populations; Figure 1,Tables 2 and 3; Wardell-Johnson
in Western Australia comparable with those in other parts of et al. 1995).
Australia (Mahony 1996;Tyler 1997). However, it is also
important to note that, with three exceptions listed below, Geocrinia vitellina has a much smaller range at about 6 km2
there has been no systematic survey of the status of any frog with only six known populations but all of these are in State
species in Western Australia since 1992. Forest or are proposed as conservation reserves and under
no immediate threat from clearing or logging activity
Three species, Geocrinia alba and G. vitellina (Wardell-Johnson (Appendix 2 of Wardell-Johnson et al. 1995; Figure 1).
and Roberts 1989; Roberts et al. 1990) and Spicospina Geocrinia vitellina is vulnerable based on IUCN (1994)
flammocaerulea (Roberts et al. 1997) are currently declared criterion D2.
as “threatened” pursuant to section 14 (2) (ba) of the West
Australian Wildlife Conservation Act 1950. Species listed as Spicospina flammocaerulea was discovered in 1994 and
“threatened” generally fall into the IUCN (1994) categories described in 1997 (Roberts et al. 1997). Field work in 1997
of extinct, critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. raised the number of known populations to 13.This species
In the most recent rankings of species according to IUCN has a limited extent of occurrence (around 194 km2), small
(1994) Red List criteria (released in May 1998), the West area of occupancy (0.78 km2 calculated by assuming an area
Australian Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) of occupancy of 0.06 km2 (probable area at Mountain Road
listed G. vitellina as vulnerable (criterion D2), G. alba as one of the largest sites) at each site and multiplying by 13))
endangered (criterion C2a) and S. flammocaerulea as and a fragmented range (Figure 2). Based on these data it is
vulnerable (criterion D2)1. Concern about the status of these clearly vulnerable (criterion D2). However, this evaluation
species came from initial observations of small range, low takes no account of possible variation in population size. In
population number or low population density, and Table 4, we report data on number of calling males at several
subsequently from detailed studies of range, fragmentation sites from 1994 to 1997. At Mountain Road, numbers of
and population size. calling males have dropped from high levels of 120 observed
in 1994 to lows of 2 in 1997. If this represents a true decline
or variation in population size then the status of this species
THREATENED FROG SPECIES — may be worse. Field work in 1998 and 1999 is designed to
WESTERN AUSTRALIA assess population size more directly using mark-release-
Geocrinia alba and G. vitellina occur north and west of the recapture techniques and survey of tadpole populations.
Blackwood River between Margaret River and Augusta
Spicospina flammocaerulea is found in peat based swamps
(Figure 1).They are members of a complex of four closely
near the West Australian south coast, east and north-east of
related species (G. alba, G. lutea, G. rosea and G. vitellina) that
Walpole in an area of moderate relief with granite outcrops
all have direct developing eggs, breed in spring and into early
and associated ranges of hills rising to 300 — 400 m (e.g.
summer and have population structures consistent with very
Mt Frankland 411 m, Mt Roe 340m; Mt Lindesay 440 m;
low levels of dispersal among even adjacent local populations
Roberts et al. 1997). Five populations are on private property
(Driscoll 1997, 1998a, b).
north-west of Bow Bridge, with the remainder in the Mount
Geocrinia alba has an extent of occurrence (range) of Frankland National Park or on land designated to form part
approximately 130 km2 (Figure 1, minimum convex polygon of the Mount Roe-Mount Lindesay National Park but not yet
method, IUCN 1994). Wardell-Johnson and Roberts (1993) declared (Figure 2).
estimated that 70% of creek systems suitable for breeding
(where suitability was defined by geomorphology shared with POPULATION SIZE: Geocrinia
Driscoll (1996) reported counts of calling males and from
1 data reported in this paper were not available to the TSSC in late mark-release-recapture studies counted total numbers of
1997 when decisions on status were last considered. Status males calling over a season in breeding populations for
assessments discussed below represent new evaluations based on G. alba and G. vitellina.These data indicate that for G. alba,
data reported here.

FIGURE 1: Distribution of Geocrinia alba and G. vitellina in relation to land tenure. All populations ever known are included. White areas
are publicly owned land. light shading, State Forest, darker shading, National Park. Arrow on inset indicates approximate location of area
covered by main map.

the maximum number of calling males counted on any one

FIGURE 2: Distribution of Spicospina flammocaerulea in
night in a season represents an average of 89% of all males
relation to land tenure. Shaded areas are privately owned land.
found in the population over the whole season. For Remainder is managed as state forest, or national park (see
G. vitellina this figure is slightly lower at 83%.This means text). Arrow on inset indicates approximate location of area
counts of calling males are a reasonably accurate estimator of covered by main map.

the population size for adult calling males. Driscoll (1996)

reported counts of egg masses at two sites where he also
counted males.The number of egg masses almost equalled
the total number of males. If we assume one egg mass per
female per season (Driscoll 1996) this would mean there is a
1:1 adult sex ratio making counts of calling males a good
index of total adult population size.

Population estimates (October counts of calling males) are

available for three populations of G. alba and two populations
of G. vitellina for the period 1992–1997. Some earlier data
from transect and quadrat counts were reported by Wardell-
Johnson and Roberts (1991). For G. vitellina, populations at
Spearwood North rose steadily until 1996 but declined
radically in 1997 before this area was burnt. At Spearwood
South, the population increased rapidly from 1992–1993, was
stable, then rose again in 1997 (Figure 3).There was no
obvious cause of decline or increase at either site.These sites
are approximately 1 km apart precluding any difference due
to major variations in local weather conditions.

Spearwood Creek was last deliberately burnt in a spring, fuel
TABLE 1: Number of frogs recorded (total over all sites) and
number of locations where species heard, for eight south-west
reduction burn in 1983. As part of the management plan for
frog species with ranges largely or wholly in the intermediate this species, Spearwood creek south of Denny Road and
rainfall zone (the wheatbelt) of Western Australia. Data collected Geo Creek (the second and third most easterly records on
1988 - 1992 by Roberts. The complete range of all species was
covered but not all species were sampled with equal intensity.
Figure 1) form a 137 ha fire exclusion zone with the
remainder of the range subject to normal fuel reduction
burns at 7–8 year intervals. After population counts were
Species No. recorded No. locations made at Spearwood North in October 1997 (Figure 3), a
heard wild fire (an escape from a fuel reduction burn in an adjacent
Neobatrachus block) burnt 50% of the total area of occupancy for this
kunapalari 72 102 species, including 85% of the fire exclusion zone. Within the
pelobatoides 27 9 fire exclusion zone, 23.6% of breeding habitat burnt at mild
albipes 36 98 to moderate intensities (i.e. scorched foliage retained on
Pseudophryne Leptospermum and Agonis species; cf. Wardell-Johnson and
occidentalis 264 90 Roberts 1993) and a further 25.6% was subject to an intense
guentheri 333 192 fire (total defoliation of the same plant species and almost
Crinia complete removal of surface litter). Other areas were either
pseudinsignifera 535 230 not burnt or burnt at lower intensities.
subinsignifera 83 12
albopunctatus 106 77

FIGURE 3: Population estimates for two localities for Geocrinia vitellina. Counts are maximum number of calling males (generally from October)

FIGURE 4.: Population estimates for three localities for Geocrinia alba. Counts are maximum number of calling males (generally from October)

TABLE 2: Extinction rates for sub-populations of G. alba on Table 4: Maximum counts, by year, of calling males for all
privately versus publicly owned land, 1983 to 1997. 75 sub- known populations of Spicospina. Mountain Road (site 1) and
populations known 1983–1996. There was no significant Boronia Road 1 (site 2) are split into northern and southern
difference in extinction rates on privately and publicly owned populations because of differences in fire management history.
land ( x2 = 0.05, d. f. = 1, p > 0.05) Asterisk indicates an estimated number; dash means site was not
visited (or was unknown in that year). Sites 1–6 and 8 are on the
Kent River drainage; site 7, Frankland River drainage; sites
Extinct 1997 Extant 1997 8 –13 on Bow River drainage. Fire data supplied from CALM
records (summer of 1953–54 to 1995–96), by Hagan, CALM,
Public 6 15 Manjimup from CALM, Walpole records. Exact location of Collis
Private 17 37 Road 2 is uncertain so no fire history entered. Fire histories were
not available for sites on private property.

TABLE 3: Extinction rates for sub-populations of G. alba on Site Site 1994 1996 1997 Last
privately owned land related to adjacent vegetation. Cleared No. Fire
covers total clearing, partial clearing and sites cleared and
developed for tree plantations. Intact includes all sites where 1a. Mountain Road north 60 11 2 1994
there has been no or minor modification of adjacent upland
vegetation. No data available for two new sites discovered in 1b. Mountain Road south 60* 10* 0 1994
1997.There was a significantly lower extinction rates at sites 2a. Boronia Road 1 north 2 3 0 1994
with intact, upland vegetation ( x2 = 6.32, d. f. = 1, p <0.05). 2b. Boronia Road 1 south 0 0 2 1993
3. Middle Road 2 0 2 1993
4. Collis Road 1 - 10* 8 1993
Extinct 1997 Extant 1997 5. Nornalup Road - - 3 1994
6. Boronia Road 2 - - 3 1994
Cleared 14 16
7. Collis Road 2 - - 5 no data
Intact 3 19
8. Boronia Road 3 - - 2 1987
9. Trent Road 1 - - 150* no data
10. Trent Road 2 - - 3 no data
In 1994 the maximum, total number of adult G. vitellina was 11. Rose Road - - 4 no data
estimated at 2 230 frogs (Wardell-Johnson et al. 1995). Based 12. Hazelvale Road 1 - - 8* no data
13. Hazelvale Road 2 - - 10* no data
on 1994 counts, 64% of this total population was burnt in the
1997 fire.The fire burnt about half of Spearwood Creek (south
of Denny Road), all of Geo Creek and most of Hutt Pool.
Spearwood North and South (Driscoll 1997, 1998a).
On Geo Creek, a tributary of Spearwood Creek, sixty three
males were calling when the population was counted twelve Populations of G. alba have varied in size but the dramatic
days before the fire. Counts twelve days after the fire reduction at Forest Grove in 1995 was also associated with a
indicated 13 of 63 males had stopped calling.There are two low intensity, fuel reduction burn (Figure 4).The population
possible causes for this decline.The fire occurred late in the declined to about 60% of pre-fire levels.This is consistent with
breeding season when males are normally dropping out of the average effect reported by Driscoll and Roberts (1997)
the chorus therefore some loss is expected. However, males for the related species G. lutea.There are some indications of a
may also have been affected by the fire itself, either killed, or recovery of population size in 1997 (Figure 4).
they stopped calling because conditions were no longer
suitable. Driscoll and Roberts (1997) reported one male EXTINCTIONS AND NEW POPULATIONS
G. lutea killed by fire. One of us (SC) found three, burnt
female G. vitellina active after the 1997 fire. Fire may affect Of 75 sub-populations of G. alba known from 1983 to 1996
adults of both sexes but it is possible females are more (5 new subpopulations were discovered in 1997), 23 have
susceptible to direct damage if they are not protected in gone extinct (includes 15 populations not split into sub-
breeding burrows. populations). Extinction was defined as absence of calling
frogs at any site in 1994 or 1997. For fourteen sites scored as
Based on Driscoll and Roberts (1997)(who studied Geocrinia extinct in 1994 there was no evidence of recovery at any site
lutea) it is likely that low intensity, spring fires will cause in 1997 suggesting these are permanent extinctions rather
significant drops in the number of calling males in Geocrinia than an artefact of poor survey technique.
populations in the two years following fire though the longer
term pattern of recovery is unknown.The study sites used by In some cases there were obvious causes, e.g. one population
Driscoll and Roberts (1997) all had a 30 year (or more) (GA4a — Brooks Road) was inundated by a dam
history of fuel reduction burning implying that populations constructed for irrigating vineyards, but in most there was
can recover from low intensity fires.The impacts of higher not. Extinctions were equally common on both privately and
intensity fires have not been experimentally studied. publicly managed lands (Table 2). On privately owned land,
extinctions were more common at sites with adjacent
Although large populations at Spearwood South were not cleared land: sites more likely to have adjacent stock grazing
burnt, the chances of recolonisation or augmentation of (Table 3) but where there may also be other confounding
depleted populations at Spearwood North by natural impacts such as changed hydrology or fertiliser run-off .
migration is low. Movements of adults males are extremely Extinctions may also be an inevitable outcome of small
limited and genetic structuring of populations is consistent with population size related to stochastic loss or inbreeding
little or no migration amongst populations for any life stage or depression (Lande 1988; Frankham and Ralls 1998; Saccheri
sex, even at the very local scales of only 1 km separating et al. 1998 — see ‘Prognosis’ below for further discussion).

No populations of G. vitellina are known to have gone extinct. Geocrinia vitellina
The status of populations where habitat burnt in 1997
A fire exclusion zone was in place for part of the range of
cannot be reliably assessed until the spring of 1998 or 1999
G. vitellina covering Spearwood and Geo creeks but this
(cf. Driscoll and Roberts 1997 who reported maximum
failed in 1997.The fire exclusion zone covered about half the
declines two years post fire). geographic range of this species but this area contained
around 80% of the adult frog population counted in 1994
Spicospina flammocaerulea (see above).The remainder of the range is subject to fuel
No reliable data on population size are available.Table 4 reduction burning, again restricted to spring and on an eight
contains counts of calling males made in the period 1994 — year cycle as for G. alba.The range of G. vitellina is subject to
1997. At site 3 (Table 4), a high intensity fire in October 1994 high visitation rates by recreational users of the Blackwood
River system which may increase the risk of further fire
burnt all ground level vegetation back to bare earth with a
incidents. Pig control has been conducted in the range of
scorch height on the tree stratum of more than 5 metres.
G. vitellina by volunteer shooters whose expenses are partly
Many frogs were observed calling and breeding after this fire
paid by the Department of Conservation and Land
but numbers of calling males at this site have not been
Management.There has been no evidence of pig damage at
matched since (Table 4). It is possible that peak numbers of any known populations of G. vitellina.
calling males are only achieved after fire because the reduced
evapotranspiration generates elevated water tables or very Spicospina flammocaerulea
open swamps allowing elevated water temperatures.
Comparable conditions may only occur in unburnt sites on No specific management actions have been taken for this
species. CALM volunteers are currently monitoring known
very hot days in wet years leading to explosive breeding in
populations and adjacent control sites for evidence of pig
most years (cf. Neobatrachus and Myobatrachus species,
damage. Over the summer of 1997–1998 there was little
Roberts 1983, 1997). However, explosive breeding seems
indication of pig damage at ten monitoring sites (five control
unlikely. At site 9, approximate numbers were first observed
and five known population sites). Sites were monitored by
on October 30 and maintained over ten nights in the period walking five randomly placed 100 m transects and noting
November 3 to 13, 1997. At site 10, numbers were damage in 1 m sections.
apparently maintained over the period November 3 to
December 21 but with only 3 nights of observation. Neither This species will also require careful fire management. Studies
site was burnt in 1997. by Horwitz, Pemberton and Ryder (in press) on peat swamps
in this area showed a very high potential for peat loss due to
No data are available to calibrate counts of calling males. fire. Peat ignition could lead to total loss of swamp systems.
These numbers represent minimum estimates of population The apparent decline in frog numbers at Mountain Road
size but in the extreme, could also represent maxima. following wild fires in 1994 also suggests a possible risk from
fire. However, the frequency of major fires varies amongst
MANAGEMENT ACTIONS sites on CALM managed lands (Table 5) and all sites, except
Collis Road 1, have experienced wild fires in the last 50 years.
Geocrinia alba This suggests some capacity to recover post-fire but the time
and conditions for full recovery which could set an optimal
Fences funded by the Federal Endangered Species Program fire interval and intensity regime are unknown.
(through the Geocrinia Recovery Team) have been
constructed around 15 populations on nine, privately owned
properties in an attempt to reduce damage from grazing by
stock. Only one of the fenced populations contained more
than 50 frogs in 1994 — most are therefore small
populations. We do not know whether fencing will maintain TABLE 5: Fire histories for fire management units that contain
populations in the long term but this procedure is designed populations of Spicospina. Site numbers are from Table 4.
"Intense" means a single fire covered at least two adjacent blocks.
to eliminate any threat from grazing by stock and may allow These are extensive wild fires or fires resulting from escapes from
us to disentangle the impacts of grazing from other impacts fuel reduction burns. In our experience these have all been
intense fires (see text for comments on 1994 fire at site 1).
of clearing.The fenced populations are being monitored.
Data sources — see Table 4.

The Geocrinia Recovery Team has agreed that fuel reduction

burning will be maintained on an eight year cycle, covering two Site All Mean Intense Mean
generations, with fires constrained to early spring to minimise No. fires Interval fires Interval
intensity. West Australian Department of Conservation and
1a. 7 6.3 4 11
Land Management (CALM) fire prescriptions are to be 1b. 8 5.5 5 8.8
reviewed to formalise this decision. Equivalent control of fire 2a. 7 6.3 5 8.8
on private property is not possible though advice to 2b. 6 7.3 1 44
landholders from the Geocrinia Recovery Team has been not to 3. 6 7.3 2 22
burn swamps at all (Geocrinia Recovery Kit — fire management 4. 5 8.8 0 –
5. 6 7.3 1 44
advice. Distributed to landholders in the range of G. alba).
6. 7 6.3 5 8.8
8. 7 6.3 4 11


Geocrinia vitellina Two of three frog species from southwestern Australia of

conservation concern, S. flammocaerulea and G. vitellina, have
There are no identified threats to this species other than that status because of restricted range or inadequate
inappropriate fire management and feral pigs. An historical knowledge. However, in both species the majority of
analysis of the timing and intensity of fire events may give populations are in areas managed at least in part for nature
some better insights into the importance of fire as a conservation with manageable threats. By contrast, Geocrinia
management tool for this species. Despite fire in 1997, alba is of major concern as populations of this species are
the long term prognosis for this species is good. disappearing at an alarming rate with most on privately
owned land.The likely causes of decline are isolation of
Geocrinia alba populations due to land clearing and associated small
populations sizes exacerbated by low natural dispersal.
Nearly 31% of all known sub-populations of this species have Long term survival will require active expansion of available
apparently gone extinct in the period 1983–1997: a very high habitats on private land, careful management of fire regimes
rate of loss. Driscoll (1998a) argued that in the long term, on public lands and reintroductions to mimic natural
populations of G. alba have expanded and contracted and he migration patterns no longer attainable in the modified
presented evidence for historical contraction into a number landscape. It is unlikely that declines have been caused by
of discrete refugia, though these were not based on any introductions of novel diseases (cf. Berger et al. 1998) as
obvious features such as major drainage systems. However, most subpopulations that have gone extinct have rarely been
Driscoll (1998a) was unable to estimate a time scale for visited. Sites with high exposure to accidental disease
these events.The low levels of movement both within and introduction, e.g. the major monitoring sites (Figures 3 and 4)
between populations (Driscoll 1997, 1998a) mitigate against have not shown inexplicable declines that might not also be
rapid recolonisation of sites where extinctions have occurred caused by other factors (eg, vegetation senescence at
though this might happen over longer time scales (perhaps Spearwood Creek with a 14 year fire exclusion history).
hundreds rather than tens of years) if fragmentation due to
So far, Western Australia appears to have escaped the
clearing does not inhibit dispersal patterns.
inexplicable patterns of frog decline seen along much of the
Most populations of G. alba are small, with less than fifty adult eastern coast. However, with little deliberate survey activity,
male frogs (Wardell-Johnson et al. 1995).There must be a except for species known to be at risk, and increasing
high risk of stochastic loss with such small population sizes salinity in areas extensively cleared and used for wheat
production (e.g. Main 1990) frogs in Western Australia face
(Lande 1988) particularly as most adults may only breed
an uncertain future.
once and die at two to four years old (Driscoll 1996). Small
populations may also be subject to inbreeding depression
which could cause extinction (cf. Frankham and Ralls 1998; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Saccheri et al. 1998). All subpopulations that went extinct in Research on Geocrinia was supported by funds from the
the period 1994 to 1997 contained fifteen or fewer calling Geocrinia Recovery Team from the Endangered Species
males in 1994 (average of 5.4 frogs, range 1–15). With nearly Program. Research on Spicospina supported by a grant to JDR
all populations in this size range (Wardell-Johnson et al. 1995) from the Environment Forest Taskforce contracted through the
there are likely to be many more local extinctions in the Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western
immediate future if these are the result of small population Australia. Data on frog occurrences in the wheatbelt
size. Population modelling may give some clues to future supported by ARC grants A18715137 and A19030931 to JDR.
management of populations and directions for allocation of
Thanks to Greg Voigt for assistance with surveys of Geocrinia
conservation effort on all land tenure types but the prognosis
populations in 1997 and the Geocrinia Recovery Team for its
for G. alba is comparatively poor.
support. JDR acknowledges help from Oliver Berry, Don
Driscoll, Kelley Whitaker, Jason How and Phil Byrne for field
Spicospina flammocaerulea work on Spicospina and Greg Freebury and John Tillman,
Although this species has a current status of vulnerable this is CALM, Walpole for assistance and information. Don Driscoll
based on inadequate knowledge in two areas. First, there are made initial counts for populations of G. vitellina and G. alba
no reliable data on true population size. Second, major survey (1992–1994) reported in Figures 4 and 5.
effort in 1997 located 8 new populations — with five of
those in areas previously never surveyed.The potential for
discovery of new populations is still high.

There are no major threats to populations on publicly

managed lands that cannot be controlled by appropriate
intervention (e.g. fire) but there has been no analysis of threats
to populations found on private property.The prognosis for
this species is fair which could upgrade to good with better
data on distribution and abundance of populations.

REFERENCES Main, B.Y., (1990) Restoration of biological scenarios: the role
of museum collections. Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust. 16: 397-409
Berger, L., Speare, R., Daszak, P., Green, D. E., Cunningham,
A. A., Goggins, C. L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M. A., Hyatt, McDonald, L., (1998) The legal protection of fauna habitat in
A. D., McDonald, K. R., Hines, H. B., Lips, K. R., Marantelli, Western Australia and the consequences for the long-
G. and Parkes, H., (1998) Chytridiomycosis causes term survival of fauna. Unpublished Honours thesis,
amphibian mortality associated with population declines in Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia.
the rain forests of Australia and central America. Proc. Roberts J. D., (1983) Terrestrial breeding in the Australian
Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95: 9031-9036. leptodactylid frog Myobatrachus gouldii (Gray) Aust. Wildl.
Berry, O., (1996) The effect of a naturally fragmented Res. 8: 451-62.
breeding habitat on the population genetic structure of Roberts, J. D., (1996) Geographic variation in male call and
the sand frog, Heleioporus psammophilus (Anura: species boundaries in tetraploid frogs of the Australian
Myobatrachidae) in south-western Australia. genus Neobatrachus (Myobatrachidae). Aust. J. Zool.
Unpublished Honours thesis, Dept of Zoology, University 45: 95-112.
of Western Australia. Roberts, J. D., (1997) Call evolution in Neobatrachus (Anura:
Davis, R., (1997) The effects of habitat fragmentation on frog Myobatrachidae): speculations on the origins of tetraploids.
populations in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. Copeia 1997: 791-801.
Unpublished Honours thesis, Murdoch University. Roberts, J. D., Horwitz, P., Wardell-Johnson, G., Maxson,
Driscoll D. A., (1996) Understanding the metapopulation L. R. and Mahony, M. J., (1997).Taxonomy, relationships and
structure of frogs in the Geocrinia rosea complex through conservation of a new genus and species of myobatrachid
population genetics and population biology: implications frog from the high rainfall region of southwestern
for conservation and evolution. Unpublished Ph D thesis, Australia. Copeia 1997: 373-381.
Department of Zoology, University of Western Australia. Roberts, J. D. and Wardell-Johnson, G., (1995) Call structure
Driscoll, D. A., (1997) Mobility and metapopulation structure differences between isolated populations of Geocrinia
of Geocrinia alba and Geocrinia vitellina, two endangered (Anura: Myobatrachidae) from south-western Australia.
frog species from southwestern Australia. Aust. J. Ecol. Copeia 1995: 899-906.
22: 185-195. Roberts, J. D., Wardell-Johnson, G. and Barendse, W., (1990)
Driscoll, D. A., (1998a) Genetic structure, metapopulation Extended descriptions of two new species of Geocrinia
processes and evolution influence the conservation (Anura: Myobatrachidae) from south-western Australia,
strategies for two endangered frog species. Biol. Cons. with comments on the status of G. lutea. Rec. West. Aust.
83: 43-54. Mus. 14: 427-437.
Driscoll, D. A., (1998b) Genetic structure of the frogs Saccheri, I., Kuussaari, M., Kankare, M.,Vikman, P., Fortelius, W.
Geocrinia lutea and Geocrinia rosea reflects extreme and Hanski, I., (1998). Inbreeding and extinction in a
population divergence and range changes, not dispersal butterfly metapopulation. Nature 392: 491-494.
barriers. Evolution 52: 1147-57. Tyler, M. J., (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs.
Driscoll, D. A. and Roberts, J. D., (1997) Impact of fuel Wildlife Australia, Endangered Species Program, Canberra.
reduction burning on the frog Geocrinia lutea in south- Tyler, M.J., Smith, L.A. and Johnstone, R.E., (1994) Frogs of
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Horwitz, P., Pemberton, M. and Ryder, D., in press. Wardell-Johnson, G. and Roberts, J. D., (1991) The survival
Catastrophic loss of organic carbon from a management status of the Geocrinia rosea (Anura: Myobatrachidae)
fire in a peatland in south-western Australia. In, Wetlands complex in riparian corridors: biogeographical implications.
for the future, A. J. McComb & J. A. Davis (eds). Gleneagles pp. 167-175, in, D. A. Saunders and R. J. Hobbs (eds)
Press: Adelaide. Nature Conservation 2:The Role of Corridors, Surrey
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Survival Commission, Gland, Switzerland. Wardell-Johnson, G. and Roberts, J. D., (1993) Biogeographic
Lande, R., (1988) Genetics and demography in biological barriers in a subdued landscape: the distribution of the
conservation. Science 241: 1455-1460. Geocrinia rosea (Anura: Myobatrachidae) complex in
Littlejohn, M. J. and Wright, J. R., (1997) Structure of the acoustic south-western Australia. J. Biogeog. 20: 1-15.
signals of Crinia glauerti (Anura: Myobatrachidae) from south- Wardell-Johnson, G., Roberts, J. D. , Driscoll, D. and Williams,
western Australia, and comparison with those of C. signifera K., (1995) Orange-bellied and white-bellied frogs recovery
from South Australia.Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 121: 103-117. plan. Wildlife management program No. 10, Department
Mahony. M., (1996) The decline of the green and golden bell of Conservation and Land Management, Perth.
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disappearances of other Australian frogs. Australian biology and advertisement call of Litoria splendida Tyler,
Zoologist 30: 237-247. Davies and Martin.Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 121: 119-124.

Toxicological issues for
amphibians in Australia
Reinier Mann1 and Joseph Bidwell2

ABSTRACT are phylogenetically distinct. Interspecific variation

in chemical sensitivity has been demonstrated
As a consequence of agricultural, urban and
amongst northern hemisphere phylogenetic
industrial development, the chemical profiles of
Australian soils and waterways are being altered.
One could expect that this kind of habitat The discipline of ecotoxicology has much to
alteration may have deleterious effects on native contribute to a better understanding of these risks,
fauna such as frogs. At present however, it is unclear with several methodological approaches available,
whether environmental contaminants pose a threat although standardised protocols still need
to Australian amphibian populations.To date there development.
have been very few toxicological studies examining
the effects of environmental chemicals such as INTRODUCTION
pesticides, fertilisers and metals, or the effects of In recent years amphibians have been proffered as good
changes in soil chemistry on Australian fauna. indicators of environmental contamination because of their
unique physiology. Amphibians are the highest vertebrate
For some of these contaminants, there is a group to retain an essentially “naked” egg, and the only
vertebrate group which has an aquatic larval stage and a
reasonable volume of literature for northern
terrestrial adult phase. Furthermore, the skin of an adult
hemisphere species, although these studies are amphibian is a permeable organ used for respiration and
lacking in uniformity, preventing useful water-balance whereas the tadpole stage relies predominantly
on gills for respiration.This dual life cycle implies that
comparisons. Furthermore, these studies may not
amphibians may have more opportunities for exposure and
reflect the risks posed to Australian species which

1 School of Environmental Biology, Curtin University of Technology, PO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia, 6845.
2 Aquatic Toxicology Unit, School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000.

more modes of exposure to environmental contaminants toxicology references accumulated by the Canadian Wildlife
than other vertebrates, although the notion that amphibians Service (http://www.cciw.ca/green-lane/herptox/reference-
exhibit greater sensitivity to environmental contaminants than list.html), Power et al. (1989), Ferraro and Burgin (1993) and
other phylogenetic groups has yet to be verified (see below). Tyler (1994).This review will cover three main questions:

Amphibians do however, provide an extremely visible 1. Which chemicals pose a threat to Australian frogs?
indicator of pollution.The recent discovery by a school group 2. What tools are available to study toxic effects in frogs?
of several deformed frogs in Minnesota (Schmidt 1997) 3. What are the problems associated with amphibian
brought public focus to a water contamination issue. Indeed, toxicology?
the incidence of frog limb abnormalities has been proposed
as a useful indicator of environmental contamination (Tyler WHICH CHEMICALS POSE A THREAT TO
1994; Ouellet et al. 1997; Read 1997) and has been used to AUSTRALIAN FROGS ?
evaluate the hazards to wildlife posed by mining operations
at Olympic Dam in South Australia (Read and Tyler 1990; Pesticides
1994; Read 1997) and Jabiru in the Northern Territory
during the 1970s (Tyler 1994). The largest single group of potential chemical pollutants that
Australian frogs might encounter are the various pesticides
Amphibians as a group have only recently been included in employed in agriculture and pest management in Australia.
routine toxicological assessment of environmental chemicals. Much of the recent work examining the effects of pesticides
More than 45% of the peer reviewed literature which focuses on amphibians has concentrated on the newer generations of
on amphibians in toxicology oriented studies has been pesticides such as pyrethroids, carbamates, and
published in the last ten years. Presumably this reflects the organophosphates (see below), although there has been a
increased scientific and community interest in amphibians resurgence of interest in the older organochlorine insecticides
following much publicity regarding their apparent global (i.e. DDT) because of their environmental persistence and
decline, as well as a greater appreciation of the importance of possible links to amphibian decline. For example, studies in the
these animals as an integral part of the food chain in many of Sierra Nevada and Cascade Mountains of the USA indicate
the world’s ecosystems. Amphibians may actually constitute that wind-born topsoil bearing pesticide residues from the
the largest fraction of vertebrate biomass in some central Californian agricultural valley, may be responsible for
ecosystems, making them an important source of food for declines of several species of amphibians (Cory et al. 1970;
higher vertebrates such as fish, birds, reptiles and mammals, as Bradford et al. 1994; Fellers 1997). At this stage a direct causal
well as important herbivores (tadpoles) and carnivores in relationship has not been well established. Dramatic declines
these ecosystems (Blaustein et al. 1994). of the high altitude species Rana muscosa in Kings Canyon
National Park in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California
Australia has one of the most diverse amphibian assemblages were preceded by an outbreak of redleg disease caused by
in the world with more than 210 species of frogs the pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila (Bradford 1991).The
representing 29 genera and four families (Cogger 1992; reason for the outbreak is unknown, however, given that
Barker et al. 1995;Tyler, 1997). While it is surprising that more immunosuppression has been reported in other vertebrate
attention has not been paid to the effects of environmental species following exposure to DDT and other pesticides
pollutants upon these animals, environmental toxicology is (Barnett and Rodgers 1994), one can speculate about the
itself a relatively new field in Australia, with few toxicological immunosuppressive effects of pesticide exposure in Rana
studies carried out using native fauna of any kind. muscosa. One possible contributing factor in recently
Consequently, regulatory authorities such as the National documented declines in high elevation species along the
Registration Authority for Veterinary and Agricultural eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range of eastern
Chemicals (NRA) and the Environmental Protection Agency Australia (Richards et al. 1993) is that of a fungal pathogen
(EPA) rely on studies conducted with North American, South (Berger et al. 1999) and this also may be related to the
African or European species. More than 80% of the immunosupressive effects of environmental contaminants.
amphibian toxicological literature describes studies using
representatives of only three genera — Rana spp, Bufo spp or Insecticides — organochlorines
Xenopus laevis. In Australia, only one species belongs to the
genus Rana (a relatively recent colonist from New Guinea, Organochlorines were the first synthetic chemical pest
restricted to Cape York Peninsula) and the only Bufo species control agents, with DDT being the archetypal
is represented by the introduced pest species Bufo marinus organochlorine insecticide. DDT was used extensively in
(cane toad). developed nations until it was banned from use in the USA
in 1972 and in Australia in the mid 1980s. DDT is still widely
This review is intended to highlight some of the potential used as an insecticide in third world countries (Lambert 1993;
risks to Australian frogs from exposure to chemical 1997). While there are a few early studies on the effects of
contaminants and environmental imbalances. Moreover, we DDT on amphibians (Ellis et al. 1944; Herald 1949; Langford
hope to place the current body of literature dedicated to 1949; Logier 1949; Speirs 1949;Tarzwell 1950;Vinson et al.
toxicology in Australian species of frogs within the context of 1963; Isaacson 1968) research only commenced in earnest in
the general amphibian toxicological literature. In doing so, we the 1970s. One of the main proponents of these studies was
also intend to provide an introduction to the amphibian A.S. Cooke of the Monks Wood Experimental Station in
toxicological literature. It is not however, an exhaustive Huntington England, who published much of the work on
treatment of the available literature. Other valuable sources DDT toxicity in amphibians (Cooke 1970; 1971; 1972; 1973a;
of information include the list of amphibian and reptile 1973b; 1974; 1979; Osborn et al. 1981).

DDT and most other organochlorines are characterised by 1990; Swann et al. 1996). Interestingly, adult amphibians
high environmental persistence.Their persistence and appear to be tolerant of severe acetylcholinesterase inhibition
subsequent biomagnification through the food chain (Meeks (Balasundaram and Selvarajan 1990; Wang and Murphy 1982)
1968; Licht 1976; Niethammer et al. 1984; Russell et al. 1995) and the developmental toxicity of organophosphates (Elliot-
are among the factors which have led to their reduction in Feeley and Armstrong 1982; Snawder and Chambers 1990;
use. However, more than 20 years after it was banned from 1993; Alvarez et al. 1995) may be more ecologically
use in North America, DDT is still being detected in important. Also, there are a few studies which have indicated
amphibians from those areas in which the pesticide was that these chemicals can bioaccumulate (Hall and Kolbe
applied (Russell et al. 1995). In Australia, DDT and other 1980; Fleming et al. 1982; Powell et al. 1982; Hall 1990).
organochlorines were also widely used, as indicated by a
survey carried out in Western Australia which detected, In Australia, organophosphate insecticides are used
amongst other organochlorines, DDT and dieldrin in 39.6% extensively in agriculture and within urban areas (e.g. golf
and 39.0% of 11 248 soil samples respectively (EPA WA courses, turf clubs etc.).There are no studies which have
1989). Despite this widespread contamination, we are aware examined their potential risks to Australian frogs.
of only one study that has measured organochlorine residues
in a native Australian amphibian (Birks and Olsen 1987). Insecticides — carbamates
Like organophosphates, the low persistence of carbamate
Organochlorines are still being used to some extent in
insecticides has led to their widespread acceptance as a
Australia. Reports of fish kills in September 1997 in the Ord
replacement for the more traditionally used organochlorines.
River agricultural zone of the Kimberly region of north-
Again however, there has been very little research to evaluate
western Australia, were attributed to the application of
the toxicity of these chemicals to amphibians, although there
endosulfan to control cotton pests. We found only six studies
are some indications that field concentrations of carbamates
examining the effects of endosulfan on amphibians (Cockbill
following application of these insecticides may be detrimental
1979; Gopal et al. 1981; Hashimoto and Nishiuchi 1981;
to amphibians (Tucker and Crabtree 1969; Flickinger et al.
Vardia et al. 1984; Abbasi and Soni 1991; Berrill et al. 1998).
1980; Marian et al. 1983; Bridges 1997). Furthermore,
One of these studies (Gopal et al. 1981) found endosulfan to
carbaryl has been demonstrated to penetrate amphibian skin
be an order of magnitude more acutely toxic to Rana tigrina
more rapidly than organochlorines (dieldrin and DDT),
tadpoles than to the catfish Clarias batrachus and damselfly
organophosphates (parathion) or pyrethroids (permethrin)
nymphs (Enallagma spp.). Mulla et al. (1963), also noted that
(Shah et al. 1983). Carbamate based insecticides have also
endosulfan/toxaphene application was effective in producing
been found to produce developmental malformations in
an “almost complete kill” of “public nuisance” bullfrogs.
skeletal tissue (Alvarez et al. 1995) and musculature (Rzehak
Furthermore, in their review of the amphibian toxicological
et al. 1977; Cooke 1981).The effects on Australian species
literature, Power et al. (1989) ranked endosulfan as the
have yet to be investigated.
second most acutely toxic chemical thus far tested on
amphibians, being surpassed only by the heavy metal mercury.
Insecticides — pyrethroids
To date there has been no research into the possible
consequences of endosulfan exposure to frog species of Pyrethroids have gained a reputation as “safe” insecticides and
Australia’s Kimberly region or other agricultural areas where are widely used in agricultural, aquatic and household
this chemical is still being applied. products (Elliot et al. 1978; Smith and Stratton 1986).There is
some indication however, that field application of these
Organochlorines are known to produce developmental chemicals may be deleterious to amphibians (Jolly et al. 1978;
abnormalities in amphibians (Cooke 1970; 1972; 1973b; Thybaud 1990; Berrill et al. 1993; Materna et al. 1995).
Brooks 1981; Marchal-Ségault and Remande 1981; Osborn Pyrethroids appear to affect voltage-dependent
et al. 1981; Gavilan et al. 1988; van der Bercken et al. 1989). neuromuscular sodium channels producing tremors,
One of these references (Brooks 1981) examined the hyperexcitation and convulsions (van den Bercken 1977;
teratogenic effects of dieldrin on the Australian frog Vijverberg et al. 1982; Ruigt and van den Bercken 1986).
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis, however this is the only study of
this kind for an Australian species. Although pyrethroids are used extensively in Australia, there
are no published studies on the effects of these chemicals on
Insecticides — organophosphates Australian frogs. As far as we are aware, a B.Sc. honours
thesis by Millen (1995) presents the only information available
Organophosphates replaced organochlorines by virtue of
for an Australian species that we are aware of. It indicated
their lower environmental persistence.The first notable studies
temporary increases in acetylcholinesterase, growth inhibition
to examine the effects of organophosphates on amphibians
and behavioural effects following exposure to cypermethrin.
were published in the early sixties (Edery and Schatzberg-
Porath 1960; Mulla 1962; Mulla et al. 1963). More recently,
Herbicides and Fungicides
several studies indicated that standard field application rates of
organophosphate insecticides may have a deleterious effect on The first publication to investigate the potential hazards of a
amphibian populations (Anguiano et al. 1994; Berrill et al. herbicide to amphibians emerged in 1970 (Hazelwood 1970).
1994; 1995; Schuytema et al. 1995; Sparling et al. 1997). Since then approximately 70 articles dealing with the
toxicology of herbicides and fungicides have been published.
The established mechanism of organophosphate toxicity is The scope of chemical species which these references cover
through non-reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibition (Dekins amounts to more than 40 different compounds.There are
et al. 1978; Llamas et al. 1985; Balasundaram and Selvarajan however, more than 100 chemical compounds registered for

use as herbicides in Australia and more than 60 registered for Fertilisers
use as fungicides (Department of Agriculture 1994). It is
The potential hazards associated with agricultural fertilisers
reasonable to suggest that no particular herbicide or
have only recently been proposed as a potential threat to
fungicide has been adequately studied.
amphibians (Berger 1989). Berger (1989) noted a correlation
Two of the more wide-ranging studies by Johnson (1976) and between amphibian declines and environmental increases in
Sanders (1970), have examined the acute toxicity of nitrates and ammonia. Subsequent laboratory studies have
numerous herbicides to tadpoles or adult frogs and provide a concentrated on the effects of nitrate on amphibian survival
useful overview of herbicide toxicity.The only compounds and growth (Baker and Waights 1993, 1994; Hecnar 1995;
that have received a notable level of attention are the: Watt and Oldham 1995; Hecnar and McLoskey 1996; de
Wijer et al. 1997; Oldham et al. 1997; Xu and Oldham 1997)
• phenoxyacid herbicides (i.e. 2,4-D and MCPA) (Sanders
but the results are somewhat equivocal. Hecnar (1995)
1970; Cooke 1972; Zaffaroni et al. 1986a; 1986b; Zavanella
reported 96 hour LC50s of 13.6-39.3 mg/L for Bufo
et al. 1988; Arias et al. 1989; Leone et al. 1994;Vismara et
americanus when exposed to ammonium nitrate. Similarly, in
al. 1995; Bernardini et al. 1996;Vismara et al. 1996;Vismara
two studies, one of which is the only study to have examined
and Garavaglia 1997);
an Australian species, Baker and Waights (1993, 1994)
• dithiocarbamate fungicides (Prahlad et al. 1974; Zaffaroni reported reduced feeding and weight loss in Bufo bufo and
et al. 1978; Arias and Zavanella 1979; Zavanella et al. 1979, Litoria caerula tadpoles at 40 and 100 mg/L sodium nitrate
1984; Seugé et al. 1983; Birch and Prahlad 1986a, 1986b); respectively. In contrast, Xu and Oldham (1997) reported a 96
and hour LC50 of over 1000 mg/L N032- (as ammonium nitrate)
• paraquat/diquat herbicides (Sanders 1970; Anderson and for Bufo bufo tadpoles and increased growth at
Prahlad 1976; Johnson 1976; Cooke 1977; Paulov 1977b; 50 mg/L N032-, while de Wijer et al. (1997) reported a
Bimber and Mitchell 1978; Hashimoto and Nishiuchi 1981; disparity in the toxicity of ammonium nitrate and calcium
Dial and Bauer 1984; Dial and Bauer-Dial 1987; Lindquist nitrate. Until these discrepancies are clarified the role of
et al. 1988; Linder et al. 1990; Dial and Dial 1995; agricultural fertilisers in amphibian decline remains contentious.
Lajmanovich et al. 1998).
It is worth noting that the Australian frog fauna has evolved
Many of these studies have indicated that these three classes in an environment that is comparatively depauperate in
of chemicals have teratogenic effects. nitrate and phosphate (Lamont 1994) which may accord
Australian frogs a greater sensitivity to these chemicals.
Three published studies have incorporated Australian species.
Johnson (1976) used four species of Australian frogs: Impurities in fertilisers include cadmium, lead and mercury
Adelotus brevis, Limnodynastes peronii, Limnodynastes (State of the Environment Advisory Council 1996) and will
tasmaniensis and Litoria ewingii.This particular study be addressed in the following section on metals.
represents the only comprehensive toxicological study for
Australian species with regard to any environmental Metals
contaminant. More recently, Bidwell and Gorrie (1995) and Metal contamination of agricultural land/waterways occurs as
Mann and Bidwell (1998), presented data on the acute a consequence of fertiliser impurities such as cadmium, lead
toxicity of glyphosate formulations to tadpoles or adult frogs and mercury (State of the Environment Advisory Council
of the south-western Australian species, Litoria moorei, Litoria 1996). Similarly, coastal wetlands are contaminated by various
adelaidensis, Crinia insignifera, Heleioporus eyrei, and metals through urban and industrial runoff.The effect that
Limnodynastes dorsalis. these metals may have on Australian frogs has yet to be
investigated. Wetland bioremediation systems are slowly being
Pesticide mixtures incorporated as integral parts of urban and industrial waste
Pesticides are rarely applied in isolation. Usually a combination management. Such wetlands could provide a valuable
of pesticides is mixed together and applied as a single laboratory for the examination of metal exposure effects on
application cocktail. Furthermore, commercial preparations Australian frogs.
are often a combination of two or more pesticides, or they
The literature which deals with the effects of metal
incorporate various solvents, carriers or surfactants.These
contaminants is relatively expansive and has been treated
various combinations may have additive, synergistic or
comprehensively by Power et al. (1989). Recent studies of note
antagonistic toxicological effects (Landis and Yu 1995). A few
include several which have examined the teratogenic effects of
studies have examined the toxicology of pesticide mixtures
various metals including heavy metals, particularly cadmium and
on amphibians (Anderson and Prahlad 1976; Berrill et al.
lead (Pérez Coll and Herkovits 1990; Nebeker et al. 1994;
1993, 1994; Howe et al. 1998) while others have noted
Plowman et al. 1994; Sunderman et al. 1995; Herkovits et al.
differences in toxicity between technical grade pesticides and
1997; Rowe et al. 1998) and divalent metals such as zinc,
formulated products (Bidwell and Gorrie 1995; Schuytema
copper, cobalt and nickel (Hopfer et al. 1991; Plowman et al.
et al. 1995; Swann et al. 1996; Mann and Bidwell 1998).
1991; Luo et al. 1993, 1994; Sunderman et al. 1995).

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) Salinity
Many environmental contaminants are now known to behave Dry land salinity and irrigation-induced salinity are possibly
as hormone mimics, and there is much concern that wildlife is the most important environmental problems facing Australia.
being affected (Raloff 1994). One class of chemicals of By 1994 approximately nine percent of land cleared for
concern is the alkylphenolic surfactants. World-wide, agriculture in south-west Western Australia (1.6 million
approximately 500 000 tonnes of alkylphenol based hectares) was affected by dryland salinity, with an average
surfactants are produced annually for use in detergents, increase of 0.07% per year. In 1992, 200 000 hectares of the
paints, pesticides, textile and petroleum recovery chemicals, Murray-Darling Basin were similarly affected. In South
metal working lubricants and personal care products (Renner Australia and Victoria, 1993 estimates stood at 400 000 and
1997). While not directly concerned with amphibians, one of 150 000 hectares respectively, with smaller estimates
the most notable studies involving alkylphenols is that by beginning to come from other states. Shallow water-tables
Jobling et al. (1996), which reported induction of with accompanying salinity problems were estimated to affect
vitellogenesis (a process normally dependent on endogenous 360 000 hectares of the Murray-Darling Basin and 199 000
oestrogens) and concomitant inhibition of testicular growth in hectares of the Wakool, Deniliquin and Murrumbidgee
male rainbow trout following exposure to alkylphenolic irrigation areas (State of the Environment Advisory
compounds at the 30 ppb level. Council 1996).

Very little work has been published on the potential effects of The severity of salinity induced land degradation in Australia
EDCs in amphibians and only one has appeared in the refereed is perhaps analogous to that of acid rain in the northern
literature (Palmer and Palmer 1995). A few conference abstracts hemisphere. Certainly the widespread nature of the two
however, indicate that amphibian development may be affected phenomena is comparable and the consequential changes in
by oestrogen mimics such as DDT (Palmer and Palmer 1995; water chemistry can be expected to exert comparable
Hayes and Noriega 1997), polychlorinated hydrocarbons physiological stresses on amphibians. A considerable volume
(Glennemeier 1997) and alkylphenolic compounds (Palmer et of literature (more than 140 journal articles) is dedicated to
al. 1996; Ramsdell et al. 1996). the examination of acid tolerance/sensitivity amongst
amphibians (for reviews see Pierce 1985; Freda 1986; Ferraro
and Burgin 1993). In contrast to this impressive body of
literature there are fewer than 30 studies which have
examined salt tolerance/sensitivity in amphibians.

TABLE 1: Studies which have investigated the toxic effects of environmental contaminants in Australian species. OC organochlorine,
P pyrethroid.

Toxin Species Study type Reference

Organochlorines Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Fat residues Birks and Olsen 1987

Dieldrin (OC) Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Sublethal – development Brooks 1981
Cypermethrin (P) Litoria ewingi Sublethal – growth, behaviour Millen 1995
and acetylcholinesterase levels
Herbicides Adelotus brevis; Limnodynastes peronii; Acute toxicity and Sublethal – Johnson 1976
L. tasmaniensis; Litoria ewingi thermal tolerance
Glyphosate-based herbicide Crinia insignifera; Litoria adelaidensis; Acute toxicity Bidwell and Gorrie 1995
L. moorei
Glyphosate-based herbicides Crinia insignifera; Heleioporus eyrei; Acute toxicity Mann and Bidwell 1998
Limnodynastes dorsalis; Litoria moorei
Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Intraperitoneal administration McIlroy et al. 1985
Sodium nitrate Litoria caerulea Sublethal- growth and behaviour Baker and Waights 1994
Sodium chloride Crinia pseudinsignifera; Heleioporus Acute toxicity and Sublethal Baumgarten 1991
albopunctatus; Pseudophryne guentheri – avoidance Field correlations
Sodium chloride Limnodynastes peronii; Uperoleia laevigata Actute toxicity and Sublethal Ferraro 1992
– growth
Sodium chloride Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Sublethal – growth Quincy 1991
Sodium chloride Multiple species Sublethal – righting reflex Tyler 1972
Radiation Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Sublethal – development Panter 1986
Radiation Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Sublethal – oxygen consumption Panter et al. 1987
Metals Neobatrachus centralis Limb abnormalities – monitoring Read 1997
Metals Neobatrachus centralis Limb abnormalities – monitoring Read and Tyler 1990
Metals Neobatrachus centralis Limb abnormalities – monitoring Read and Tyler 1994
Copper Limnodynastes dorsalis; Litoria raniformis Liver residues Beck 1956

A wide variation in salt tolerance in amphibians has been restricted to a suite of representative species which could be
reported (see Liggins and Grigg 1985; Ferraro and Burgin reared in adequate numbers in captivity. Interspecific variation
1993). In general however, amphibians must maintain in acute responses is unlikely to be great enough to invalidate
hyperosmoticity to their environment and salinities greater data collected in common or cultured species, provided there
than 25% sea-water present an osmotic challenge.This is strict adherence to established protocols.
challenge is occasionally met by increasing plasma
concentrations of chloride and urea, thereby increasing About 30% of the amphibian toxicology studies reviewed
plasma osmotic pressure (Liggins and Grigg 1985). Such a present acute toxicity data in one form or another. Since the
response indicates a degree of adaptability in those species majority of this work has remained in the realm of
examined, including Bufo marinus (Liggins and Grigg 1985), “herpetological studies” rather than “toxicological studies”
Bufo viridis (Katz 1973), Bufo bufo (Ferreira and Jesus 1973), there has been virtually no adherence to standard
Rana temporaria (Ackrill et al. 1969), Rana cancrivora (Gordon methodology. Sanders (1970) presented a reasonably detailed
et al. 1961) and Xenopus laevis (Romspert 1976). It is not account of a methodology used to generate LC50 data for
known whether Australian species show a similar level of several different pesticides on two species of anurans.This
plasticity. In an examination on the likelihood of frogs crossing protocol was subsequently adopted by Johnson (1976) in his
the Torres Strait,Tyler (1972) examined salt tolerance in studies with Australian animals and his data are somewhat
several Australian and New Guinean species by exposing comparable to later more rigorous studies (e.g. Wohlgemuth
them to seawater and observing the time required for loss of 1977; Jolly et al. 1978; Hall and Swineford 1980; Gopal et al.
righting-reflex, but the results were somewhat equivocal. 1981;Thurston et al. 1985; Holcombe et al. 1987; Materna et
Apart from Tyler (1972) we are aware of a further three al. 1995; Schuytema et al. 1995; Sparling et al. 1997; Xu and
unpublished studies that have examined salt tolerance in Oldham 1997; Howe et al. 1998; Mann and Bidwell 1998).
Australian species (Baumgarten 1991; Quincy 1991; Ferraro
1992 — see Table 1). Sub-chronic, chronic and non-lethal
SUMMARY OF TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES The amphibian toxicological literature includes a number of
INVOLVING AUSTRALIAN SPECIES sub-chronic and chronic exposure studies in which either long
term survival or sub-lethal effects are documented. A selection
A summary of Australian studies is presented in Table 1.
of representative studies is presented in Table 1. Unfortunately
There are eighteen studies listed, four of which are
the absence of methodological uniformity precludes much
unpublished theses. It is likely that there are other
useful comparison between studies, although the tabulation
unpublished theses residing within Australian universities.This
system employed by Power et al. (1989) provides a useful
table has been included to highlight the paucity of
basis for comparing much of the earlier work.Various life
information available for Australian species.
stages have been used in these studies with most focusing on
various aspects of embryo and tadpole growth, development
WHAT TOOLS ARE AVAILABLE TO STUDY or survival. Studies with adults have been uncommon and will
TOXICOLOGY IN FROGS? be discussed further in a later section.

Acute toxicity tests Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus

One of the most widespread protocols for assessing toxicity (FETAX)
of a chemical to an aquatic species is the acute toxicity test.
The African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis) is one of the most
Standard procedures for conducting these tests can be found
widely used laboratory animals in the world. It is both extremely
in a range of sources (U.S.EPA 1991; ASTM 1993a; OECD
easy to maintain and breed in captivity, and its embryological
1993). ASTM (1993a) includes a specific protocol for testing
development has been described in detail (Nieuwkoop and Faber
tadpoles, fish and macroinvertebrates (ASTM 1993c). Acute
1975). FETAX is a recently developed technique (Dumont et al.
Toxicity tests will usually run for multiples of 24 h, with 48
1983) which uses Xenopus laevis embryos to ascertain the
and 96 h tests being most common.The results of such tests
teratogenic potential of environmental chemicals and has been
are usually expressed as point estimates such as the LC50- a
adopted as a standard bioassay for teratogenicity (ASTM 1993b). It
statistically or graphically estimated concentration that is
has not however, been developed with frog conservation as the
expected to be lethal to 50% of a group of organisms under
primary motivation. Of approximately 70 studies published by the
specified conditions. Other endpoints include the LD50 which
end of 1997, a number focus on validation of the test as a bioassay
is a lethality endpoint in which the toxicant is administered
for teratogenicity, and only a few have examined chemicals which
orally.The use of a 50% effect on the test population is for
may pose a threat to amphibians in the field (Dawson et al. 1985;
statistical reasons only, not an indication that only 50% of the
Birch and Prahlad 1986b, 1988; Snawder and Chambers 1989,
population should be protected.
1990; Hopfer et al. 1991; Sunderman et al. 1991; Hauptman et al.
Acute toxicity tests provide an inexpensive, rapid and simple 1993; Luo et al. 1993; Presutti et al. 1994; Bernardini et al. 1996;
method for accumulating base-line data on the toxicity of a Morgan et al. 1996;Vismara et al. 1996;Winchester et al. 1996;
chemical to a specific organism. Such data can be used to Dumont and Bantle 1997; Schrock et al. 1997). Furthermore,
compare the relative toxicity of different chemicals or the Xenopus laevis is a somewhat atypical amphibian belonging to the
relative sensitivities of different species.These tests demand family Pipidae, and may not provide information relevant to other
the availability of large numbers of test animals.This species.The technique does however, provide a template for a
requirement precludes the use of rare or endangered stringent and highly reproducible methodology for evaluating
species. Indeed, it may be preferable if this approach were embryotoxic potentials, and could be adapted to other species.

TABLE 2: A representative sample of sub-chronic and chronic studies or studies in which sub-lethal endpoints have been observed.
OC organochlorine, OP organophosphate, C carbamate, H herbicide, F fungicide, DOC dissolved organic carbon.

Endpoint Toxicant Exposure stage and duration Reference

Hatching Success pH Embryos – hatching Freda and Dunson 1985

Petroleum oil Embryos – hatching Mahaney 1994
pH/aluminium Embryos – hatching Tyler Jones et al. 1989
pH/temperature Embryos- hatching Griffiths and De Wijer 1994
Growth retardation pH/aluminium Newly hatched – metamorphosis Cummins 1986
and survival Triphenyltin/pH Newly hatched – metamorphosis Fioramonti et al. 1997
pH/metals/DOC Newly hatched – metamorphosis Horne and Dunson 1995b
pH/aluminium Newly hatched – 96h Jung and Jagoe 1995
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo Embryos-metamorphosis Jung and Walker 1997
-p-dioxin (TCDD)
Petroleum oil Larvae/Embryos – metamorphosis Lefcort et al. 1997; Mahaney 1994
Lindane (OC) Embryos – metamorphosis Marchal-Ségault and Remande 1981
Organophospates Embryos – metamorphosis Mohanty-Hejmadi and Dutta 1981
N-methyl-N’-methyl urea (H) 2 days post hatch – 80 days post hatch Paulov 1977a
Pyrasophos (F) 2 days post hatch – 80 days post hatch Paulov 1981
pH Larvae – metamorphosis Rowe et al. 1992
pH/aluminium Embryos – metamorphosis Tyler Jones et al. 1989
Ammonium nitrate Larvae – metamorphosis Watt and Oldham 1995
Morphological Herbicides; fungicides Embryos for up to 5 days Anderson and Prahlad 1976
effects and Dithiocarbamate fungicides Embryos for up to 10 days Bancroft and Prahlad 1973
deformities Dieldrin (OC) Embryos for up to 35 days Brooks 1981
(see also section on DDT; Dieldrin (OC); 2,4D (H) Various stages for various time spans Cooke 1970; 1972; 1973b
FETAX) Methyl mercury Embryos for up to 5 days Dial 1975
Paraquat (H) Various stages for various time spans Dial and Bauer 1984; Dial and Bauer-
Dial 1987; Lajmanovich et al. 1998
Organophosphates Embryos Fulton and Chambers 1985
DDT (OC) Embryos Gavilan et al. 1988
Nickel Embryos Hauptman et al. 1993
Corticosterone Larvae (Gosner 39-40) for 9 days Hayes et al. 1997
Cadmium Various stages for 72 hours Herkovits et al. 1997
Primacarb (C) Embryos for up to 9 weeks Honrubia et al. 1993
Lindane (OC) Embryos-metamorphosis Marchal-Ségault and Remande 1981
Ethanol Embryos Nakatsuji 1983
DDT (OC) Larvae for 2 days Osborn et al. 1981
Malathion; fenitrothion (OP); Embryos for up to 96 hours Pawar et al. 1983; Pawar and
benzene hexachloride (OC); Katdare 1984
carbofuran (C)
Lead Various stage embryos for 20 hours Pérez Coll and Herkovits 1990
Cadmium Embryos Pérez Coll et al. 1986
Dithiocarbamate fungicide Embryos for 7 days Prahlad et al. 1974
Thiosemicarbazide Various stages for various time spans Riley and Weil 1987
Coal-ash polluted water Embryos – 80 days post hatch Rowe et al. 1998
Carbaryl (C) Early stage larvae for various time spans Rzehak et al. 1977
Malathion (OP) Embryos for up to 96 hours Snawder and Chambers 1993
Postmetamorphic Parathion-methyl (OP); Embryos – postmetamorphic Alvarez et al. 1995
persistence of Pirimicarb (C) juveniles (14 wks)
deformities Nickel; cadmium; cobalt Embryos – postmetamorphic juveniles Plowman et al. 1994
(14 wks)
Enzyme activity Parathion (OP) Embryos or 22 day old larvae for 120 hrs Anguiano et al. 1994
Organophosphates Tadpoles for 96 hours Hall and Kolbe 1980
DDT (OC) Embryos for 31 days Juarez and Guzman 1986
Pyrasophos (F) 2 days post hatch-22 days post hatch Paulov 1981
Temephos (OP) Early stage larvae for 96 hours Sparling et al. 1997
Malathion (OP) Early stage larvae for up to 144 hours Venturino et al. 1992
Behavioural effects Carbaryl (C) Larvae (Gosner 25) for up to 48 hours Bridges 1997
DDT; Dieldrin (OC); 2,4D (H) Various stages for various time spans Cooke 1970; 1972; 1973a
Napthalene Three week old larvae for 96 hours Edmisten and Bantle 1982
pH Late stage larvae (hind paddles) for 5-8 days Griffiths 1993
Distillery effluent Larvae Haniffa and Augustin 1989
pH/aluminium Newly hatched larvae for 96 hours Jung and Jagoe 1995
pH Early stage larvae for less than 24 hours Kutka 1994
Triphenyltin 20 day old larvae for 48 hours Semlitsch et al. 1995
Lead Larvae for 6 days Steele et al. 1989

Mesocosms, Microcosm and Artificial Ponds entry, oral intoxication by consumption of contaminated food
must also be considered. Only a few studies have examined
The inadequacies of single species, laboratory based assays
toxicity through oral administration (Rosato and Ferguson
for predicting the ecosystem consequences of anthropogenic
1968;Tucker and Crabtree 1969; Hall and Swineford 1979; Dial
pollutants has been voiced by leading ecotoxicologists and
and Dial 1995) with most concentrating on skin exposure.
amphibian ecologists (Kimball and Levin 1985; Rowe and
Dunson 1994; Cairns et al. 1996). Microcosms and The latter studies can be split into those which have used
mesocosms are more complex systems which provide more isolated skin preparations (Yorio and Bentley 1973; Celentano
realistic exposure while allowing some level of experimental et al. 1979; Webb et al. 1979; Fromm 1981; Ferreira and Hill
control.The categorical terminology denotes the scale of the 1982; Salibian 1983; Ardizzone et al. 1990; Lippe et al. 1992;
system. Microcosms are generally small systems which can be Natochin and Jones 1992) and whole animal studies. Among
set up on a laboratory bench, while mesocosms or artificial the whole animal studies, acute toxicity protocols are rare
ponds are large tanks or permanent outdoor systems. Some (i.e. Kaplan and Yoh 1961; Kaplan and Glaczenski 1965; Kaplan
may even take the form of in situ enclosures in streams or et al. 1967; Zaffaroni et al. 1986a; Mudgall and Patil 1987;
ponds.The relative benefits of the various systems are still Mann and Bidwell 1998) and most studies have examined an
being assessed, with the inherent problem being that the extremely wide range of sub-lethal effects such as
greater complexity often makes it more difficult to develop behavioural effects (i.e. Cooke 1974; Hall and Swineford
causal relationships between the presence of a contaminant 1980; Roudebush 1988; Haniffa and Augustin 1989; Antony
and response. and Ramalingam 1990;), or physiological parameters including
thermal tolerance (Johnson and Prine 1976), enzyme activity
The use of mesocosms for amphibian studies was pioneered
(Guzman and Guardia 1978; Deshmukh and Keshavan 1987;
by Morin (1981) by employing 1000 litre cattle watering
Joseph and Rao 1990; 1991; Mendiola and De Costa 1991),
tanks. Such tanks have been used extensively since then for
tissue metallothionein levels (Suzuki et al. 1986;Vogiatzis and
the study of amphibian community dynamics (for review see
Lombourdis 1998), limb regeneration (Manson and
Rowe and Dunson 1994). More recently, similar tanks have
O’Flaherty 1978; Zavanella et al. 1984; Pfeiffer et al. 1985;
been used to examine the effects of acidity (Clark and Hall
Arias et al. 1989; Nebeker et al. 1994), and metabolism
1985; Warner et al. 1991, 1993; Rowe et al. 1992; Sadinski
(Mudgall and Patil 1987).
and Dunson 1992; Horne and Dunson 1995a; 1995b),
pyrethroid contamination (Materna et al. 1995), hydrocarbon Finally, approximately 50 studies were located which have
contamination (Mahaney 1994; Lefcort et al. 1997) and utilised administration by hypodermic injection to examine a
fertilisers (de Wijer et al. 1997) on multiple species systems. similarly wide variety of sub-lethal effects (e.g. Nagel and
Urich 1981; Woodall and Maclean 1992; Scadding 1996).
WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED One study examined the acute responses to intraperitoneal
WITH AMPHIBIAN TOXICOLOGY? injection of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) in the Australian
species, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (McIlroy et al. 1985),
Adult/Larvae (Terrestrial /Aquatic) although the ecological significance of such a study is
dichotomy questionable. Indeed the existence of numerous
nephrostome like structures associated with frog kidneys
One of the reasons that amphibians are considered good
allowing rapid egress of water from the body cavity
bioindicators of environmental contaminants is that the
(Tyler pers. comm.) suggests that protocols that utilise
permeable skin of the adult terrestrial phase of their life cycle
intraperitoneal injection of a toxic agent may severely
confers greater sensitivity than other vertebrates. One would
underestimate the toxicological threat posed by that toxin.
expect therefore, that equal weight would be given in the
literature to studies that examine toxicity in adults. In actuality, One notable similarity in all of those studies which have
it has been rare for researchers to test the toxicity of utilised adult subjects is the absence of any uniform
pollutants on adults.There are two reasons for this. Firstly, methodology. Clearly a range of physiological and behavioural
various studies have indicated that the larval or tadpole biomarkers have to be developed as standard test
stages are more sensitive to pollutants than eggs (Cooke parameters for adult animals.
1972; Pritchard-Landé and Guttman 1973; Dial 1975;
Greenhouse 1976; Bimber and Mitchell 1978; Saber and Species variability
Dunson 1978; Birge et al. 1979; Hall and Swineford 1980;
Davis et al. 1981; Mohanty-Hejmadi and Dutta 1981; Dial and Toxicological testing has for a long time relied on a small suite
Bauer 1984; Herkovits and Jatimliansky 1986; Dial and Bauer- of aquatic test species. Prominent amongst these are salmon,
Dial 1987; Anguiano et al. 1994; Berrill et al. 1994) while trout, sunfish, daphnids and amphipods. Several studies have
others have shown that post-metamorphic adults are less attempted to evaluate the relative sensitivity of amphibian
susceptible than larval stages (Hall and Swineford 1980; larvae when compared to such species (Jolly et al. 1978;
Schultz et al. 1983; Bidwell and Gorrie 1995; Mann and Thurston et al. 1985; Holcombe et al. 1987;Thybaud 1990;
Bidwell 1998). Consequently, most work has concentrated on Herkovits et al. 1995; Deyoung et al. 1996; McCrary and
the larval tadpole stages. Heagler 1997) but the issue remains contentious, since the
results of such studies are often dependent upon the toxin to
Another factor which has led to a reluctance on the part of which test species are exposed (Thurston et al. 1985;
researchers to examine toxicity in adult amphibians is deciding Holcombe et al. 1987). Also, only a limited range of amphibian
on the most likely mode of exposure. Although the phylogenetic groups has been assessed in this manner.
permeability of amphibian skin provides the obvious point of

Species variation amongst amphibians has received even less must be considered as a potential factor if animals are to be
attention, although a few studies that have examined several removed from an already declining population base.
species in parallel tests have reported species differences. Commercial breeding of native species needs to be
Berrill et al. (1993, 1994, 1995) reported differences in the encouraged if amphibian susceptibility to environmental
sensitivity of Bufo sp, Rana sp, and Ambystoma maculatum to contaminants is to be pursued as a line of research in Australia.
the organophosphate pesticide fenitrothion and the
pyrethroid pesticide permethrin. Hall and Swineford (1981) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reported differences in sensitivity of up to one order of
magnitude amongst Bufo sp, Rana sp, Ambystoma sp and Acris The authors wish to acknowledge The World Wide Fund for
crepitans following exposure to the halogenated pesticides Nature (WWF) whose financial support permitted Reinier
endrin and toxaphene. Hoppe and Mottl (1997) noted Mann to present this paper at the National Threatened Frog
species-specific differences in the occurrence, type and Workshop in Canberra in 1997. We also acknowledge
severity of malformations amongst field collected animals in Dr Michael Tyler, Dr Roy Swain and Dr Linda Broadhurst for
Minnesota. Wyman (1988) correlated distribution differences their constructive comments on the manuscript.
for several species of amphibians with soil pH. Interspecific
variation in acid tolerance has also been reviewed in Freda REFERENCES
(1986) and Pierce (1985).
Abbasi, S. A. and Soni, R., (1991) Evaluation of water quality
Apart from a recent study examining variation in sensitivity criteria for four common
between representatives of four temperate Australian frog Alvarez, R., Honrubia, M. P. and Herraez, M. P., (1995) Skeletal
genera (Mann and Bidwell 1998), the degree of species malformations induced by the insecticides ZZ-Aphox and
variation amongst Australian frogs, or between Australian Folidol during larval development of Rana perezi. Arch
species and standard test species like Xenopus laevis or Rana Environ Contam Toxicol, 28: 349-356.
sp. is unknown. A comparative study by Mann and Bidwell Anderson, R. J. and Prahlad, K.V., (1976) The deleterious
(unpubl. data) indicated little variation in sensitivity to effects of fungicides and herbicides on Xenopus laevis
agricultural surfactants between the tadpoles of four embryos. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 4: 312-323.
Australian species and the two exotic species Bufo marinus Anguiano, O. L., Montagna, C. M., Chifflet De Llamas, M.,
and Xenopus laevis under standard test conditions. Such Gauna, L. and Pechen De D’Angelo, A. M., (1994)
studies however, fail to consider the influence of high Comparative toxicity of parathion in early embryos and
temperature, low oxygen environments inhabited by many larvae of the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel. Bull Environ
Australian species.The extreme conditions experienced by Contam Toxicol, 52: 649-655.
Australian species need to be considered in the development
Antony, A. J. and Ramalingam, K., (1990) Phosalone toxicity on
of appropriate toxicity tests using Australian species.
the movements and feeding behaviour of Rana tigrina
It is worth emphasising here that the sensitivity of an Daudin. Uttar Pradesh J Zool, 10: 180-181.
organism is stage dependent. Not only do embryos and Ardizzone, C., Krokos, H. and Lippe, C., (1990) Actions Of
adults differ from tadpoles in their relative sensitivities (see Carbaryl on the ionic transport across the isolated skin of
previous section), but tadpoles at different stages of Rana esculenta. Comp Biochem Physiol C, 97: 49-52.
development will also display differences in sensitivities Arias, E., Pacces Zeffaroni, N. and Zavanella,T., (1989)
(Sanders 1970; Cooke 1972; Johnson 1976; Jordan et al. Teratological evaluation of the phenoxyacid herbicide
1977; Wohlgemuth 1977; Mohanty-Hejmadi and Dutta 1981; MCPA in the regenerating forelimb of the adult newt.
Rao and Madhyastha 1987; Howe et al. 1998). Ecotoxicol Environ Safety, 17: 30-37.
Arias, E. and Zavanella,T., (1979) Teratogenic effects of
Animal supply manganese ethylenebisdithiocarbamate (Maneb) on
Many commonly used aquatic test species are either cultured forelimb regeneration in the adult newt, Triturus cristatus
in the laboratory, or, as in the northern hemisphere, are carnifex. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 22: 297-304.
supplied by commercial companies.The advantage of such an ASTM, (1993a) ASTM Standards on Aquatic Toxicology and
approach is a constant supply of test organisms with a uniform Hazard Evaluation. American Society for Testing and
age structure and known history with respect to nutrition and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
disease. In Australia there are no commercial supply houses ASTM, (1993b) Standard guide for conducting the Frog
able to provide native or exotic frogs in the large numbers Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (Fetax). Pp. 457-
required for toxicology (although the Amphibian Research 467. In ASTM Standards on Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard
Centre in Victoria may have that potential in the future) and, Evaluation. American Society for Testing and Materials,
consequently, research on amphibian toxicology is largely Philadelphia, PA.
dependent on field collected animals.This presents a number ASTM, (1993c) Standard practice for conducting acute tests
of problems. Firstly, animal collection in some states and with fishes, macroinvertebrates and amphibians. Pp. 102-
territories is illegal or regulated by legislative authorities. 121. In ASTM standards on aquatic toxicology and hazard
Second, field collection is time consuming and can be relatively evaluation. American Society for Testing and Materials,
expensive.Third, there is always uncertainty about the health of Philadelphia, PA.
field collected animals and their field exposure histories. Finally,
Baker, J. M. R. and Waights,V., (1993) The effect of sodium
it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify the removal of
nitrate on the growth and survival of toad tadpoles (Bufo
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Declines and disappearances
of frogs: risk assessment and
contingency strategies
Michael Mahony, John Clulow, Robert Browne and Melissa Pomering *

ABSTRACT involves a pro-active experimental approach to

determining the cause of declines and the thresholds
The recent decline and extinction of amphibian
at which to initiate action. Contingency strategies
species is a worldwide phenomenon without an
involve a suite of methods which, when
identified cause or solution. In the face of the
implemented, form an insurance against
inevitable further loss of species and population
uncontrolled loss of species and populations.These
diversity a more active program of risk assessment
should involve captive husbandry, the development
and implementation of contingency strategies is
of reproductive technologies and the establishment
required.The goal of such a program is simple and
of a germplasm bank. Cryopreservation effectively
directly useful, it prevents the total loss of
lengthens the ‘genetic lifespan’ of valuable
irreplaceable evolutionary genetic information that
individuals, who can contribute to the genetic
occurs with extinction. It involves two steps that are
diversity of populations and species, or represent it,
possible immediately.The first is a pro-active
and allows higher levels of genetic variation to be
experimental approach to identifying the causes
maintained in smaller populations.
and mechanisms of declines.The second is to take
contingency actions as a form of insurance against
the further loss of species and population diversity.

Risk assessment provides explicit means to

recognise and prioritise species that are or may be
susceptible to as yet unrecorded declines. It also

* Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan NSW 2308.

INTRODUCTION Whatever the cause the outcome remains the same; isolation
and reduction in population sizes to the point where they are
The aim of this paper is to assess the major features of the
susceptible to stochastic effects whether environmental,
disappearances and declines among Australian frogs with a
demographic, catastrophic or genetic. Secondary questions
view to proposing methods to prevent further losses. Much of
will most likely arise whether a single factor or multiple
the paper is based on the experiences of the past eighteen
factors are involved, and whether all declines/disappearances
years, a time of considerable turbulence for those who work
are due to the same factor(s). However, waiting for answers
on frogs. Our perspective is not to be critical of the past but
to these questions may leave a situation where further
to use its lessons to move forward, to avoid making the same
irreplaceable evolutionary diversity is lost. Solutions need to
mistakes, and to prevent future loss of biodiversity.
be sought whether the cause is known or not.
It has been eighteen years since the disappearance of the
Two steps are possible immediately.The first is a pro-active
southern gastric brooding frog (Rheobatrachus silus) from south
experimental approach to identifying the causes and
east Queensland. Since that time another seven Australian
mechanisms of declines.The second is to take contingency
species have disappeared, with as many as a further 20 showing
actions as a form of insurance against the further loss of
signs of declines and regional disappearances (Mahony 1996).
species and population diversity.The consequences of
Field monitoring and surveys have shed light on various aspects
inaction can be considered from a number of angles which
of these declines and disappearances with various hypotheses
relate to the instrumental and intrinsic values that are
advanced.Tests of these hypotheses have begun but it is
recognised for all living organisms, communities and
apparent that we are a long way from a satisfactory explanation.
ecosystem (Meffe and Carrol 1994).
Unlike most cases of declines where the primary contributing
factors are apparent (habitat loss, introduced species,
overexploitation, and pollution) the cause of most amphibian WHAT IS RISK ASSESSMENT?
declines remains unknown. Because the declines in Australia are Caughley and Gunn (1996) define risk assessment in
recognised as being part of a global phenomenon (Blaustein and conservation biology as “estimating the probability of an
Wake 1990;Tyler 1991), attention has been directed towards adverse event.” They divide assessment into, the probability
agents that may act on this scale. Four major hypotheses have that the event will occur over a specified time interval, and
been advanced: increased ultraviolet radiation, climate change, the probability that it will lead to the extinction of the
action of a virulent pathogen, and pollution (for a review see population. Determining the events and their probabilities are
Pounds et al. 1997). If any one of these postulated causes were therefore the prime elements in risk assessment.The greatest
shown to be the primary “agent” what could be done to difficulty that faces the conservation biologist when dealing
mitigate the impacts? It is highly unlikely in the short-term, that is with declining frogs is that the “agent” or “cause of declines”
at least the next decade, that any effective action could be taken remains unknown.To use risk assessment in this standard
to halt the declines. It simply would not be possible to protect all manner in the case of declining frogs is akin to asking the
populations against increased ultraviolet radiation and the hole in process to cure a problem that it cannot logically diagnose.
the ozone will not begin to decrease until about the year 2020
(UNEP 1992;WMO 1995). Likewise, it is not possible to The most common form of risk assessment used when
vaccinate wild populations to deal with a pathogen. At best it dealing with endangered species is “population viability
may be possible to put in place a range of protocols to slow the analysis” (PVA)(Gilpin and Soule 1986).There are various
dispersal of such an organism if it is aided by human activities. techniques and software available to conduct PVA’s (for a
What can be done to mitigate the possible harmful effects of review see Burgman et al. 1993) most of which rely on
stable hormonal mimics that are spread around the world in the population demographic data.This form of data has rarely
atmosphere? We argue that contingency strategies must be been collected for frogs in Australia, and the question that
researched and put in place, regardless of whether or not the must be asked for the species’ that have already disappeared,
“agents” of decline are identified. is whether knowledge of various demographic variables would
have made any difference to the outcome? It is unlikely that
The decline and disappearance of frogs in Australia and other detailed knowledge of life expectancy, birth and death rates
continents from relatively undisturbed habitats provides the and measures of fecundity would have made any difference to
inherent implication that habitat loss and fragmentation are predicting the declines, or to provide a solution.This was
not responsible for all declines and that more subtle agents because the declines occurred so rapidly, and in several case
are involved in many cases (Pounds et al. 1997). Whether were undetected (Mahony 1993a; Richards et al. 1993).
some reported declines differ from those expected from
natural population dynamics or the expected impacts of In the first five years of the disappearance of Australian frogs,
various anthropogenic factors has been the subject of an because the “cause of decline” was unknown and therefore
ongoing controversy (Pechmann et al. 1991, Pechmann and could not be foreseen its probability could not be
Wilbur 1994; Pounds et al. 1997).The evidence from Australia determined. However, this should not have been an excuse
is that natural fluctuations were not responsible. for the lack of risk assessment in the subsequent thirteen
Disappearances in isolated populations were rapid (Trennery years that saw a further five species disappear and another
et al. 1994; Laurance et al. 1996), and direct observations of 20 decline markedly (Mahony 1996).
sick and dying individuals followed by population crashes were
made at a number of geographically widespread localities
(Dennis and Mahony 1994; Laurance et al. 1996; Berger et al.
1998). Finally, even if the cause could be identified mitigation is
not likely to be possible in the short-term.

Risk assessment of the type discussed above is useful when Queensland. In the rainforests of this region six species of
the cause of declines is known, whether it be due to intrinsic stream frogs disappeared from altitudes above 600 m. Species
or extrinsic factors, however, it cannot work effectively in the of Cophixalus occupied habitats adjacent to these stream
absence of any identified causal factor. Intrinsic factors, such as frogs, but none have apparently declined.They are still
level of fecundity and death rates under “natural” conditions, commonly encountered in these habitats. A major difference
can be included in risk assessment calculations. For example if between them and the species that disappeared was that
the minimum habitat requirements of a species are they do not breed in streams and do not have free-living
compromised the probability that a population will decline and tadpoles. Relying on restricted high altitude distribution as
perhaps disappear can be calculated. If however an extrinsic factors would have led to a prediction that these species had
factor, such as an introduced pathogen to which the native high probabilities of declining.
fauna has not previously been exposed is responsible, then
calculating the probability in the first instance is not possible. The probability of rapid declines from an unknown cause
leaves biologists initially with very few options for action.This
is even more so when base-line data on population
EVIDENCE THAT THE CAUSE OF distribution and abundance or even the most basic
DECLINES/DISAPPEARANCES IN demographic data have not been obtained. Caughley and
AUSTRALIA WAS NOT DUE TO AN Gunn (1996) point out that PVA can hamper diagnosis of a
INTRINSIC FACTOR conservation problem because it begins from the assumption
To the best of our knowledge, no Australian frog had that the problem is low numbers; “It is not concerned with
disappeared in the first 200 years of European settlement of why the population or species declined to small numbers, so
the continent. In the late 1970’s, the probability of an “event” it does not prescribe how to get numbers back up to healthy
occurring that would cause disappearances among frogs levels”.Viability analyses are at their most useful in estimating
would have been very low. In 1980 if someone had asked the vulnerability of small populations to stochastic events,
what the probability was that a species would go extinct, because the methodology treats the population at risk in the
attention would have focused on those species with narrow context of a density-dependent single-species model.There is
distributions, those reliant on special habitats, and those that ample evidence that the disappearances of populations and
occupied habitats impacted by human activities.This was the species of frogs were not the result of a stochastic event in
case for at least one species, the baw baw frog (Philoria frosti) the sense that populations were not reduced to small size
which has an extremely narrow distribution, specialised followed by the action of stochastic events.The probability
reproductive pattern, and its habitat coincided with the that this would happen to 20 or so species in a ten year
development of ski slope facilities (Littlejohn 1963). period, across a variety of habitats and with a wide
Accordingly the distribution and abundance of this species geographic range, when it had not happened in the past
was recorded (Malone 1985), but its subsequent dramatic 200 years is very low.
decline was not predicted (Hollis 1995). When assessing the
Essentially the same conclusions have been reached for the
status of Australian amphibians in 1978,Tyler considered that
declines observed in Central America. Pounds et al. (1997)
the most endangered species were those at montane
addressed the basic question of whether the number of
localities or with restricted distributions and he listed six
disappearances in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica
species, Arenophryne rotunda, Cophixalus concinnus, C. saxatilus,
exceeded that expected for naturally fluctuating populations.
Litoria longirostris, Philoria frosti, and Rheobatrachus silus.
Using long-term studies of amphibian assemblages to develop
He argued that their restricted geographical ranges were
probabilistic null models for the number of disappearances,
probably attributable to past climatic changes and not the
they concluded that the observed pattern was highly
effects of humans. He also pointed out that a high proportion
improbable in the context of normal demographic variability.
of the Australian frog fauna was only recently described
and niche requirements and geographic ranges of many Failure to adopt even a minimal approach to risk assessment
species were unknown. In such circumstances it was not has led to essentially status quo management when a series of
possible to determine whether many species were urgent actions were necessary. With the knowledge that eight
endangered or abundant. species had disappeared and a further 20 had clearly
declined, the probability that other species may meet the
Two of these species (L. longirostris, R. silus) are now
same fate could be calculated. When combined with some
presumed to be extinct (Richards et al. 1993), and a third
means of prioritising species on a scale of susceptibility based
(P. frosti) has declined markedly in range and abundance.The
on a range a biologically meaningful correlates of past
natural range of A. rotunda was found to be much larger than
declines such as, size of total distribution, altitudinal range,
originally known and there has been no suggestion that it has
fecundity, breeding site and taxonomic affinities, a probabilistic
declined in geographic range or abundance (Roberts 1990).
scenario could be produced.To some extent this is what has
The available evidence is that the two species of Cophixalus
happened in a qualitative manner. Biologists aware of the
have not declined (Mahony, pers. obs.). Using only restricted
correlates have focused monitoring on species and
distribution as a factor gave some predictive power of
communities with a mix of these characteristics. However, this
endangerment. However, it belied the unpredictable nature
process did not prove to be effective because between 1984
and some of the most informative features related to the
and 1993 species continued to disappear.This was due in
disappearances that occurred. Several species of the genus
part to two factors, the correlative approach did not provide
Cophixalus, including the two listed by Tyler, occur in restricted
high predictive value in all cases and there was an
distributions at high altitude in the far north east of
unwillingness to heed the warnings.

A PROPOSED APPROACH TO predictions about the potential for decline of the alpine
RISK ASSESSMENT corroboree frog (Pseudophryne corroboree) or the tableland
bell frog (Litoria castanea). Predictions were even more
In the context of the disappearances of Australian frogs the difficult when it is appreciated that some sympatric rainforest
aim of risk assessment should be to identify those species stream breeding frogs have not declined, and that no clear
which are susceptible to whatever is the “cause of decline” phylogenetic pattern of susceptibility has been identified
and thereby put into place appropriate strategies to prevent (Mahony 1996).
their disappearance.This is possible even if the precise cause
cannot be identified. Suspect species need to be prioritised We propose that a scoring system be adopted that combines
and actions defined and implemented. Contingency strategies the predictive features of the species that have already
form an essential part of the actions in the absence of threat declined/disappeared to produce a list of suspect species.
abatement, because the precise threat has not been identified A simple example would be:
and may not be easily mitigated.
Predictive features Points
In developing a risk assessment strategy several important
points should be kept in mind.The species that are most 1. Altitudinal Range
likely to be at risk are those with narrow geographic ranges, entirely above 300 m 10
occur at higher altitudes, with a concomitant narrow climatic Includes component above 300 m 5
tolerance.There have been few explicit studies of climatic and 2. Distribution
physiological tolerance for Australian frogs, other than for some < 100 sq km 10
desert amphibians. Bioclimatic modeling has been conducted < 400 sq km 5
for some geographic regions and the close correspondence < 1 600 sq km 3
between climatic attributes and distribution was demonstrated 3. Breeding site
(Nix and Switzer 1991). Secondly, certain species groups Stream breeding 10
whether they are delineated ecologically or by phylogenetic Upland swamp or bog 10
relationship have been susceptible. Attention should be
4. Fecundity
directed to other ecologically similar and related species.
< 50 eggs/female 10
The strategies are to identify susceptible species and use field <1 000 eggs/female 5
and laboratory experiments to identify “the cause” and 5. Phylogenetic affinity with species
mechanism of declines. Means of insurance, such as captive already declined
breeding and use of reproductive technologies (including Sibling species 10
germplasm banks) are considered as part of a broader Member of species group 5
conservation program.They have the added advantage of Monotypic genus 7
providing valuable information about various aspects of the
reproductive biology, fecundity, diseases, parasites, behaviour, A score above 30 would place a species in the highly
and physiology of the species. suspect category.

The finer details of such a scheme would require a greater

PREVIOUS AND PROPOSED ACTIONS amount of detail and should be considered by a working
The above discussion may give the false impression that group that involves biologists with a knowledge of the frogs
disappearances have occurred with no action being taken. with assistance from those involved in PVA modeling.
The response to date has been to establish four lines of
research; (a) identification of the susceptible species, (b) b. Monitoring
monitoring of declining and suspect species, (c) experimental
Monitoring programs for several species that were shown or
research to elucidate the cause of decline, and (d) captive
expected to be in decline were established and several
breeding and reintroduction of tadpoles.
continue (McDonald 1990; Mahony 1993a,b; Hollis 1995;
Osborne 1996). Monitoring is an essential action in any
a. Identification of susceptible species contingency strategy. By itself however it is not likely to lead
Previous attempts to identify susceptible species have focused to an identification of the cause, unless this happens by
on identifying the ecological similarities of declining species chance observations.This approach has provided
and their geographical distribution (Richards et al. 1993; confirmation of the speed and impact of the “event” in some
Mahony 1996; Hero and Williams 1997), and while these have habitats while in others the pattern has been less obvious.
proved to be valuable their predictive powers have been low. Declines in upland rainforest habitats in southern, mid and
north Queensland were rapid (Richards et al. 1993; Laurance
After the disappearance of the southern gastric brooding frog et al. 1996), whereas the decline of the baw baw and
(R. silus) and the southern day frog (T. diurnus) in 1979-1980, corroboree frog have apparently been more gradual (Hollis
it was reasonable to be wary and in a simple predictive 1995; Osborne 1996).
manner keep a close watching brief on other sibling species.
However, it was not possible to make the connection, on the We propose that monitoring be linked to established
basis of biological similarities or phylogenetic affinities from thresholds for action.This is akin to having an explicit decision
these upland rainforest stream dwelling species, with tree. Once again an example will make this point more

• If a population is estimated to have less than 5 000 The last of these studies had broader objectives. In 1993
adults (note that the effective population size is when it was conducted there was limited information on the
considerably less)(Wright 1931, 1938): commence a aetiology of declines, for example it was not known which
close monitoring program. part of the life stage was susceptible, whether reproduction
was affected or if declines occurred at particular seasons
• If a population is estimated to have less than 1 000 adults:
and/or climatic conditions. Among declining species in the
establish husbandry capabilities and techniques, sample for
Wet Tropics region tadpoles remained in the streams well
germplasm bank (i.e. sperm for 50 males and nuclei from
after adults could no longer be detected (Richards et al.
50 females).
1993;Trennery et al. 1994), and in mid eastern Queensland
• If a population is estimated to have less than 500 adults: McDonald (1990) noted that adults and juveniles were
start captive breeding program immediately. Positive use present at the end of the summer season but did not
of germplasm storage. reappear in the next spring. Using field enclosures to closely
• If a population is estimated to have less than 100 adults: follow the fate of individuals of the sharp-snouted day frog
ensure contingency mechanisms such as germplasm bank (Taudactylus acutirostris) Dennis and Mahony (1994) aimed to
storage has been undertaken. determine at what stage, when and how animals died. At the
time this study was conducted this frog had disappeared from
c. Identification of the agent of decline about 90% of its former range and was restricted to several
stretches of streams above 600 m on the Big Tableland in the
Determination of the cause of decline has produced the north of the Wet Tropics region.The approach was to
greatest level of debate (Laurance et al. 1996; Alford and reintroduce and observe adults and tadpoles exposed to the
Richards 1997; Hero and Gillespie 1997). Initially the difficulty environment where they were once common and also in a
was the uncertainty surrounding the reality of declines. Many control at the Big Tableland. All adults that were transferred
biologists were suspicious of the reports of amphibian died including those in control conditions. Most tadpoles
declines and pointed to the well-documented natural survived and many metamorphosed. With the exception of
fluctuations in populations reported for various species, one translocation site, all juveniles died shortly after
populations and communities in various habitats (Pechmann metamorphosis. Similar results were obtained with captive
et al. 1991; Pechmann and Wilbur 1994). Indeed this initial colonies from the same source population; all adults held at
caution, and appreciation of the variable climatic conditions of James Cook University Townsville died, tadpoles held by
eastern Australia, led those who reported the first Taronga Zoo Sydney and Melbourne Zoo experienced levels
disappearances (the southern gastric brooding frog and of mortality, and most juveniles died after metamorphosis
southern day frog) to propose that it was the result of except for a small number that grew to adults at Melbourne
drought (Tyler and Davies 1985). (North Queensland Threatened Frog Recovery Team 1995).
Another problem that has complicated assessment of the cause While establishing this experiment sick and dying individuals
of declines is the multitude of observed factors associated with of a number of species that had been reported to be in
declines among widespread species (Ferraro and Burgin 1993). decline (Litoria genimaculata, L. nannotis, L. rheocola) were
Most cases are closely related to deterministic effects (land observed. Specimens were collected and dispatched for
clearance, introduced predators, pollution). It is not surprising veterinary examination. Within three months of these
that frogs are difficult to find in urban landscapes, where ponds observations all populations of these species had disappeared
have been removed, or if they remain fish have been above 300 m altitude on the Big Tableland (Laurance et al.
introduced, run-off that fills them is often polluted, and streams 1996).The evidence was that the frogs were involved in a
have been turned into storm-water channels that are often rapid decline event. Adults were found moribund or dead in
cement lined. Native vegetation that is required for foraging and the microhabitats they routinely occupied, L. nannotis were
shelter has been removed or greatly modified. It is surprising found on ledges of a waterfall, L. rheocola on exposed rocks
that frogs survive at all in some urban areas. within the stream or on small shrubs overhanging the stream.
In the search for the cause of the catastrophic disappearances Dead and moribund individuals did not appear to be wasted,
and declines among certain upland species the approach has the males had normally developed secondary sexual
been poorly focused. We propose an explicit experimental characters (nuptial pads and spines), one female L. rheocola
approach to identify the causal agent(s) which relies on the was gravid with large yolky eggs observable through the
recognition that the frogs are the sensitive end point (Dennis ventral surface.The overwhelming impression was that the
and Mahony 1994).Therefore it is the susceptible species that animals had died suddenly, in the microhabitats that they
should be experimentally exposed to the postulated causes usually occupied during the warmer months of the year.
of decline.This approach has been adopted in a number of A number of external signs of illness were common to most
studies, sadly most of which have been of limited duration specimens, external lesions, clouded corneas, sloughing skin
and scope. Examples included investigations of the impact of and lethargic responses.The proposed translocation/exposure
ultraviolet radiation on early embryonic and larval experiment with adults from this population was unsuccessful,
development in a small number of species (van de Mortel and it was presumed that this was because they were either
and Buttemer 1996), impacts of introduced predatory fish already ill or that contact between individuals meant that
(Harris 1995; White and Pyke 1996; Webb and Joss 1997; transmission was possible. Dennis and Mahony (1994)
Gillespie and Hero 1999), and the role of various habitat concluded that a disease was active at the site, however,
variables (Dennis and Mahony 1994). whether this disease was the proximal cause or a symptom
of the decline could not be determined. It was highly unlikely
that sick individuals would have been detected without close

observations, and it was not surprising that if a similar process In the absence of an identified cause, and the likely inability to
had occurred in other populations that the event would go mitigate against any of the proposed causes there is little
undetected.The “event” had all the hallmarks and inherent option but to examine possibilities that act as insurance
difficulties of detection of what Underwood (1990) termed a against further losses.
pulse event. Short duration, and apart from killing the animals,
leaving no sign of its passing. Speare et al. (1993) postulated The aim of this section is to provide evidence that some
that a virus was responsible. strategies should be put in place as insurance against the
continued uncontrolled loss of species and populations. We
consider three points that lead to this conclusion. Firstly,
AN EXAMPLE OF RISK ASSESSMENT unlike most cases where the primary factors contributing to
What do we mean by risk assessment? An example of the extinction are apparent (habitat loss, introduced species,
concept will be presented (for brevity precise details of overexploitation, and pollution) the cause of most amphibian
experimental design have not been included). declines remains unknown. Secondly, even if the cause was
identified, mitigation is unlikely to be effective in the short-
In south east Australia within the bell frog species group one term.Thirdly, apart from the species that have disappeared
species (Litoria castanea) has disappeared and another numerous others have declined and become susceptible to a
(L. aurea) has declined markedly (see Mahony 1999).Two new situation; populations become isolated and reduced to
members of this species group (L. cyclorhynchus and L. moorei) the point where they are susceptible to stochastic effects
occur in the south west of Western Australia.What is the whether environmental, catastrophic, demographic, or genetic.
probability that these species may be susceptible and perhaps An example of the latter situation would be Fleayi’s barred
decline/disappear? Let us assume that the cause of declines is a frog (Mixophyes fleayi) which in northern NSW and
virulent pathogen or increased ultraviolet radiation. Our aim southeast Queensland occurs in small disjunct populations.
would be to determine the susceptibility of these species to
these factors. How do we proceed in the absence of an It remains unknown whether demographic and environmental
identified pathogen? The approach would be to collect the stochasticity contributed to the demise of Australian frogs
appropriate number of individuals and transport them to that have disappeared. However, once declines have
eastern Australia (captive breeding could provide a large proceeded it is clear that these may contribute to further
numbers of experimental individuals but this would use declines. Likewise, there is no evidence that the species that
potentially valuable time). After a suitable quarantine period field declined/disappeared had reduced genetic variation.
exposure studies, suitably replicated, should be conducted at Unfortunately, genetic measures were not available for any of
sites where the bell frog once occurred but is now absent.The the species that have disappeared and are available on a
most suitable location would be on the southern tablelands of limited basis for some species that have shown marked
New South Wales.The ponds used should be free of decline (Colgan 1996; Osborne et al. 1996). Loss of genetic
introduced fish and support a frog community. Field enclosures variation has been shown to lead to an increase in
could be modelled on those used in numerous other studies. If susceptibility to disease and increased parasite load in wild
ultraviolet radiation is suspected then associated laboratory populations (Vrijenhoek 1994), and these populations would
studies should be conducted to produce dose response curves be expected to have reduced ability to cope with
for ultraviolet radiation exposure, and accurate measure of field environmental change during evolution. However, the pattern
values of ultraviolet radiation obtained.Veterinary pathologists of disappearances and declines do not bear the
should be part of the research team. Laboratory experiments characteristics of species that become endangered as a
to test whether the species are susceptible to already isolated consequence of long histories of small effective populations
pathogens, such as Cythrid fungus (Berger et al. 1997) would sizes and consequent inbreeding and low genetic variation.
also be highly desirable. Populations of some of these species were large and they
extended over considerable range (McDonald 1992).
Experiments similar to that above could be designed to Conversely, when species and populations decline rapidly
determine whether the high altitude species of Tasmania from whatever cause (habitat loss, pollution or disease) levels
(Bryobatrachus nimbus, Crinia tasmaniensis), NSW, Queensland of genetic variation will be normal.These tests for those
and Victoria (e.g. Litoria subglandulosa, Mixophyes balbus, M. species that have declined markedly in Australia have not
fleayi, Philoria kundagungan, P sphagnicolus and been conducted, and they are not possible for the species
P. loveridgei, Taudactylus liemi) are susceptible to the agent that have disappeared. Whichever the case, inbreeding
of decline. depression will exacerbate endangerment in populations that
have been reduced to small sizes. Consequently, genetic
CONTINGENCY STRATEGIES concerns are of major significance in the majority of
endangered species and populations.The documented
Declines/disappearances in isolated populations were rapid
greater susceptibility to extinction of island populations is
(Laurance et al. 1996; Alford and Richards 1997), and because
related to the lower genetic variability of island populations
of this most of the affected frogs were not subject to routine
(Nevo et al. 1984). A decline in genetic variation can
monitoring. Furthermore, many were in relatively remote
preclude a species’ ability to respond to natural selection and
locations. Hence reactions by biologists were cautious and
consequently limit its evolutionary potential. In the long term,
often too late. Cautious because amphibian populations are
genetic variation can be a critical factor for persistence in a
notorious for their seasonal fluctuations. Captive breeding
changing environment. Small populations are often subject to
was attempted only as a last ditch effort in one species, but
others had disappeared before such efforts were

the loss of alleles through genetic drift, or random amphibians, one of the major hurdles to ease of use of AI,
fluctuations in allele frequency (Frankham 1995a,b,c). female reproductive physiology, is removed. Optimum methods
Reduced population size can also result in inbreeding for semen handling and preparation have resulted from
depression, or a decline in population fitness caused by research and development in agriculture, fisheries and clinical
increased homozygosity and the unmasking of recessive laboratories. Looking forward, the latest developments in
deleterious alleles (Leberg 1992; Hartl and Pucek 1994). reproductive technology might be employed to maximise use
These problems can be reduced and overcome by the use of of genetic material. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is currently
gene banking technologies.To maximise the efficiency and used as an alternative to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for infertile
effect where endangered species are concerned a human couples. In principle, this offers a means of using poorly
combination of methods and strategies are applied. preserved spermatozoa, providing a supply of oocytes is
available. It would be potentially possible to restore a species
WHAT CONTINGENCY STRATEGIES ARE using sperm only by hybrid backcrossing if a suitably close
POSSIBLE TO AVOID CATASTROPHIC sibling species existed. Embryonic stem cells offer another
LOSSES? potential avenue, these cells derived from the blastocyst when
injected into enucleated eggs are capable of directing normal
Captive breeding and the establishment of reproductive growth and development to adult frogs (Briggs and King 1952).
technologies are the most plausible and achievable solutions.
Cryopreservation of germ cells is the centrepiece in a range In parallel with a germplasm bank, a collection of associated
of technologies involved. cells and sera would provide a useful backup. Any unforeseen
questions about the origin or relatedness of individuals and
CAPTIVE BREEDING evolutionary systematics of the taxa could be answered, and
questions about the disease status of samples could be
The advantages of captive breeding when a species faces investigated.
extinction are obvious. However, there are some major
hurdles to be overcome if the eventual aim is to return
species to the wild (Ralls and Ballou 1986a,b; Benford 1992;
Holt 1992; Holt et al. 1996). In the context of the current The primary aim is to provide protection against
situation where the cause of declines remains unknown and catastrophes. It is far better to know that a representative
mitigation not possible it is uncertain how long stock may sample of the genome of a species is preserved in a manner
need to be kept in captivity before release is possible.The that can be activated in the future than not to have this
cost of captive breeding increases with the number of possibility. It is a tragedy that no preserved samples of the
generations in captivity and the size of captive populations. genome of a unique evolutionary entity such as the gastric
brooding frog were made when the species was common.
It is widely recognised that captive breeding is a last ditch A tragedy repeated with the extinction of the second
effort in the management of an endangered species. Despite species, five years after the loss of the first species.
this there seems to be few guidelines or thresholds that are
available to wildlife managers to indicate when captive Cryopreservation could enhance the breeding of animals in
breeding should be considered. Presumably this is because captivity and increase the conservation biologist’s options for
such thresholds differ between species and require the future. Single female animals could be mated with
information on population demography, genetics and the multiple mates by IVF and the number of offspring produced
cause of decline. Captive populations of endangered species by captive animals could be significantly increased, without the
are most often founded from small numbers such that potential negative genetic effects of small population size.
inbreeding becomes unavoidable. It is clearly desirable to Genome banks could be used in the same way as seed banks
minimise inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in the genetic have been used for agricultural crops. Genetic diversity lost
management of threatened species both in the wild and in in situ, in isolated populations, or in populations undergoing
captivity. While close attention to pedigrees and schemes to declines and bottlenecks could be recovered and restored.
avoid and/or reduce inbreeding depression have been devised The possibility of bringing back extinct species is remote and
and applied with some success, this remains an area requiring in most cases nonexistent. One of the hurdles is that the
close management. Finally it must be stressed that captive DNA in nuclei of tissue preserved in a museum is likely to
husbandry techniques must be established if the reproductive have deteriorated with time.This is one of the most
technologies discussed below are to be successful. important reasons to research cryobiology.

A range of potential benefits of germplasm banks for

GENETIC RESOURCE BANKS conservation programs requiring metapopulation
Genetic resource banking is the term given to the storage by management can be identified.Two adverse genetic changes
cryopreservation of gametes and embryos from threatened which occur in captive breeding programs — inbreeding
populations with the specific and deliberate intention to use depression and loss of genetic — variation can be overcome
them in a breeding program at some future occasion (Moore by reproductive technologies. Many captive populations of
et al. 1992; Holt et al. 1996). Genetic resource banks already threatened animals have been founded by only small
exist and function successfully for domestic animals of numbers, because there is a natural caution about removing
agricultural importance. Dairy cattle are routinely bred by the animals from the wild especially when the numbers are
use of artificial insemination (AI) with frozen semen, and cattle decreasing. However, the measures we propose do not
breeding centers with stocks of frozen semen exist throughout remove animals from isolated and/or small populations.
the world. Because external fertilisation is the norm in Sperm can be collected unobtrusively within a short period

and the animals released immediately. Large numbers of breeding programs.The number of founding individuals rarely
individuals can be assayed and samples stored indefinitely. exceeds ten adult pairs. Frankham (1995a,b,c) has argued that
Secondly, the possibilities for extending the generation no finite population appears to be immune from inbreeding
interval by means of cryopreservation are almost limitless. depression in the long-term, and to maintain evolutionary
potential an effective population size at least in the hundreds
GENERALLY PERCEIVED PROBLEMS is necessary. Cryopreservation can play a vital role to
WITH OUR APPROACH overcome these difficulties by increasing the generation
interval, thus reducing the number of populations likely to be
It is generally accepted that the least expensive way of threatened. It is against this background that the long-term
preventing extinction and loss of biodiversity is the advantages of cryopreservation should be viewed.
maintenance of habitats.This argument is well established in
the conservation biology literature (Caughley and Gunn ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
1996), however, it does not consider or deal with a situation
such as that which currently faces frogs in Australia and Field work by MM was supported by grants from the
globally. One of the puzzling features is that species have Australian Museum Sydney, New South Wales National Parks
disappeared from areas of pristine or near pristine habitat and Wildlife Service and Environment Australia. Laboratory
and areas of large reserves where there are no indications of studies by JC, RB and MP have been supported by an ARC
habitat destruction. Similarly, there is no evidence that an grant and the University of Newcastle.The manuscript was
introduced competitor or predator is responsible, apart from critically reviewed by Stephen Donnellan.
the hypothesis that an introduced pathogen is involved
(Laurance et al. 1996). Preservation of habitat or declarations REFERENCES
of new reserves would not have halted or prevented the loss
Alford, R. A, and Richards, S. J., (1997) Lack of evidence for
of the majority of species. Indeed, the only frogs that have
epidemic disease as an agent in the catastrophic decline of
disappeared in eastern Australia for which some indication
Australian rainforest frogs. Conserv. Biol, 11:1026-29.
that habitat change may be instrumental or played a
contributory role are in the tableland bell frogs (L. castanea/ Blaustein, A.R., and Wake, D.B., (1990) Declining amphibian
flavipunctata). Evidence that introduced predators (fish) have populations: A global phenomenon. Trends Evolutionary
played a role with some declining species has been presented Ecology, 4(7):203-204.
(Pyke and White 1996; Gillespie and Hero 1999). However, it Benford, G., (1992) Saving the “library of life”. Proc. Nat. Acad.
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Goggin, C. L., Slocombe, R., Ragan, M. A., Hyatt, A. D.,
Biotechnology is not a panacea for the loss of species McDonald, K. R., Hines, H. B., Lips, K. R., Marantelli, G. And
because species require habitat and interacting ecosystems. Parkes, H., (1998) Chytridiomycosis causes amphibian
The general ethical issues raised by use of reproductive mortality associated with population declines in the
technologies and cryopreservation are not new. For rainforests of Australia and Central America. Proc. Natl.
conservation biologists they concern values placed on Acad. Sci. USA 95 : 9031-9036.
wilderness and naturalness as well as the concepts, paradigms,
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Community involvement
in threatened frogs surveys,
monitoring and recovery
in Australia
Harald Ehmann *

ABSTRACT To improve community involvement participants

must feel welcomed, morally and materially
Involvement to date by the non-professional
community in frog conservation activities is encouraged, and integral to a broader research

outlined. Frogs and their enthusiastic and community and ‘outcomes-oriented’ network.
entertaining advocates have captivated Australians.
Some projects that could be run with significant
Schools and public involvement in Frogwatch,
community involvement are suggested.
FROG CENSUS, and similar programs have
exceptional community support. Frog groups are
widespread. Frogweeks, Frogdays, Frogfacts,
recordings of calls, and information books and This summary of Australia-wide community involvement in
frog conservation activities covers both threatened and
booklets sustain strong community interest.
currently non-threatened species.The wider community
generally considers that all frogs are ‘threatened’, and, in the
Frog and tadpole study groups, herpetological non-formal sense this is true for most species.
societies, landcare groups, recovery teams, science
This paper is not as comprehensive an overview of frog
teachers and conservation groups participate in conservation activities by community groups in Australia as I
habitat rehabilitation and survey/monitoring would like. My involvement is largely voluntary and therefore
activities.They provide resources for schools and my resources are limited.There have been important
additional community activities since the substantive
wetlands projects, raise research funds, and mount completion of this paper in early 1998 eg Alcoa Frog Watch
diverse public displays. in Western Australia, the establishment of additional

* Convenor, Australasian Affiliation of Herpetological Societies, P O Box R307 Royal Exchange Sydney New South Wales 2001.

herpetological groups in regional parts of Australia, the Frogweeks and Frogdays (see below) continue to raise
posting of significant information on the Internet, and the community awareness. Resources such as Frogfacts sheets,
establishment of the WWF Frogs! Project funded by Rio Tinto retailed tape recordings of frog calls (at both regional and
Mining Co.. I focus on issues that I believe are important to state levels), and information books and booklets have
consider for maximising community involvement. sustained strong community interest.

I have relied in part on my own direct experience with and Public displays of wide scope and appeal have been organised
knowledge of several types of community organisations and run by frog and tadpole study groups in most states.
namely frog and tadpole study groups (FATS groups), These have including public displays at shows, fairs, pet expos
amateur herpetological societies, landcare groups and rural and open days.
and pastoral landholder bodies. I have also drawn on the
experiences and views of colleagues and informants many of Frogweeks and Frogdays
whom are representatives of amateur herpetologists and
Frogweeks and Frogdays are now fixtures in calendars at the
landholders (see Acknowledgments). Summarising such views
national and state level.The 1993 New South Wales Frog Week
and experiences I have strived to write as a representative.
(in the first week of November) was the first ever Frogweek in
Problems that obstruct high community involvement in the world.The event was placed on the official state calendar by
herpetological conservation activities. need honest and the then recently formed Frog and Tadpole Study (FATS) Group
constructive regular checking if solutions are to be found and of the Australian Herpetological Society.This has since become
successfully applied. the independent FATS Group of NSW Inc.

In 1994 a national Frogweek was officially listed with the same

INVOLVEMENTS TO DATE BY November time slot to get a week’s national “snapshot” akin
COMMUNITY GROUPS to Waterweek’s snapshots which have strong public appeal.
Most participating groups and states found it worked well to
The community groups raise awareness. However areas that are usually without much
The sustained high public profile of threatened frogs and their rain at this time (e.g. inland and South and southern Western
enthusiastic and entertaining advocates have captivated world Australia) had limited success with frog survey-type activities.
attention. Australia, Canada, Mexico, the USA and others all The uniform national week was subsequently replaced with
have amphibian survey programs that involve volunteers. In state and regional time frames of one day to a week during
Australia, much of the community involvement has come seasons with higher rainfall. Some groups extended their tape
from the voluntary efforts of non-professionals and a small recording surveying well beyond the Frogweek time frame
number of paid wildlife researchers (professionals). Some of and this gave improved species coverage.
the latter have also contributed substantially with information, Frogweeks and frogdays are ideal to focus community
publications and frog call recordings. Many frog and tadpole attention and weather permitting, survey activities by the
study groups (which includes the amateur herpetological community can be a prominent feature of these events.
societies) are organised and run by strongly committed To be more useful, the survey and monitoring activities by
individuals.Their frog work has attracted good levels of public the community need to be spread throughout the frog
participation and they are active in all states, and more are activity calendar for each region and state (see Australian
forming at regional levels. Frog Count below).
There are several other major types of community groups
involved with frogs.These include landcare groups, conservation Survey and monitoring activities
groups, the Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers, science Surveying is the initial baseline work to establish the species
teachers at secondary and primary level, and recovery teams present and at least to obtain an index of relative abundance.
organised by Threatened Species Networks. Many of these Monitoring is repeating survey procedures at a site.
groups include volunteers, contributors with professional skills,
and experts (or at least access to them). Frog and tadpole study groups, in particular the strongly
motivated members, have also become involved in frog
Awareness raising and education survey and monitoring work both in an assisting capacity to
researchers as well as in their own right with independent
Secondary school classes were amongst the first large-scale funding. Of the latter, the most significant to date has been
community involvements in frogwatch-type programs that the survey by the FATS Group of NSW (Inc) of the
were developed in conjunction with school curricula. Some threatened frogs of New South Wales which was partly
frog and tadpole study groups in some states have provided funded by the Australian Heritage Commission (Ehmann
significant resources for school talks, presentations, and 1997). Professional survey and monitoring protocols and
wetlands habitat projects. forms were developed for Australian frogs (Adair et al. 1994).
FROG CENSUS in South Australia and Frogwatch in Victoria The Australian Frog Count (see below) has evolved since
(the latter was closed in 1995) are two statewide survey and 1993 with limited funding yet surprisingly good public
monitoring programs funded by state environmental agencies. involvement (see Ehmann 1997).The Environmental
They have raised widespread awareness and met with Protection Authority in South Australia adapted this model
exceptionally high community support and involvement, to run the much better funded FROG CENSUS for that
particularly in schools. Similar programs in other states have state’s community.
run without agency funding- some for up to ten years.

Captive husbandry and breeding technique described by Clark et al. (1995) and used by the
recovery team for the Eastern Barred Bandicoot in Victoria.
Enthusiastic and committed members of all frog groups and
many non-professionals take a strong interest in captive Most summarised issues are severe and may not occur or be
husbandry and breeding. Many have had pleasing successes apparent in all projects involving the wider community. None-
with some species and this has added to the body of the-less projects need to be designed and run to eliminate
knowledge and experience. Some individuals are very keen to these issues.
contribute their knowledge and experience to captive and
ex-situ breeding programs for threatened species. It is The essence of satisfaction is when everyone is appreciated
important that they be involved to maximise the chances of with positive regard and action. Each participant needs to
success for these programs. Such contributions have not been know that the others involved believe in her/his ability to
encouraged by some, information being ignored, trivialised or make a significant and meaningful contribution. It is about all-
taken without due acknowledgment. inclusive attitudes, all-inclusive policies and an all-inclusive
politic centred on the egalitarian versus elitist approach to
In earlier years some individuals and groups were involved in
the sharing of power and responsibility. It means human
providing tadpoles to well-meaning people who wanted frogs
equality and connection rather than hierarchy and isolation
in their garden ponds and property dams. In some cases this
(Sargent 1997).
resulted in dispersals of tadpoles for hundreds of kilometres
and a few species were sent beyond their natural ranges. Community ownership of an issue happens when the
Such dispersal has not been done or condoned by any of the community itself speaks in accepting responsibility for the
FATS groups for some time, but it may continue as it has for issue. Unrepresentative spokespersons for community groups
decades as a private uninformed and unregulated activity, just (especially professionals and experts) are seen by the active
as fishes are commonly translocated.The biological risks of community as elites dominating and controlling an issue.This
unnatural translocations are unacceptable and this is now can discourage community involvement and ownership or,
well-established and accepted by FATS groups. worse still, result in community backlash (Sargent 1997).

Rehabilitation projects Professionals and experts may ask “Why is the burden so heavy
on us?”The answer, largely, is that as employed wildlife workers
Many community groups and individuals have become
with access to most of the resources, including the documented
involved in frog habitat rehabilitation projects and stormwater
wetlands are ideal for this. Planting aquatic and fringe information and technology, they are in positions of power.They
vegetation, providing other shelter materials, and ensuring can therefore most easily affect the balance between resistance
suitable water depths and bottom characteristics for breeding and acceptance (Sargent 1997).To do this professionals and
and tadpoles have been the main activities. Frogs eventually experts obviously need to be adequately resourced in all facets
find their way to most of these sites naturally and therefore of their pivotal involvement. Such resources are scarce in the
translocations are not recommended or necessary. current economic climate in Australia.

Other activities Developing new directions for involvement

The Restoring Australian Native Amphibians (RANA) group The individuals in participant groups identified in Table 1 need
based in Queensland has been a national leader amongst to be involved to levels which they themselves set in
community groups in raising money for declining frogs consultation with other participants.These levels are often
research in Queensland. higher than some professionals are comfortable with.This
discomfort may derive from the professional’s scientific
The FATS Group of NSW (Inc) has been operating a Frogwatch training that emphasises the reduction of variables. Adverse
Helpline for the past three years to respond to inquiries from experience and past unfulfilled expectations may also be
schools and the public about Frogwatch and frogs.There are factors.There is a correlation between fearing, which results
currently about 30 calls per month to this service. in a closing down of communication, and getting the worst
outcome — expect the worst and it will happen. When this
The essentials of community involvement is starting to happen it is the right time to rethink and put
The public’s support and preparedness to get involved has more effort into resource development. An actively involved
not yet been fully realised.This section examines how this community is one of the most valuable resources available.
could be done.Three elements are discussed: 1) ensuring that
Some recent approaches to organisational and fieldwork
all participants are satisfied, 2) developing new directions for
design that actively involve the community have proven very
involvement, and 3) some survey, monitoring, recovery and
effective.The use of hierarchical (classist) structures of
rehabilitation projects that can be effectively implemented.
academia, public service and politics does not work as well as
Ensuring that all participants are satisfied adherents would like in harnessing voluntary community
participation. Prototyping (Clark et al. 1995), active adaptive
This often means overcoming some resistance, opinion, and/or management (Parma et al. 1998) and community focussed
impression that some members of each participant group may wildlife management programs (Raven 1995; Ehmann and
hold which gets in the way of whole-hearted commitment. Tynan 1997; the many Landcare projects in Australia) are
Unless all the participants are “on side” and fully committed examples of approaches that work better.
the arrest and reversal of frog declines will not happen as fast
as it could.This is an essential feature of the Prototyping

TABLE 1: Participant groups and their potential negative issues that may compromise project outcomes

Participant group Resistance, opinion, and/or impression that may be held

by some members. What is needed?

Landholders whose activities and land use is affected Will get interference with their usage and land management
practices.What’s in it for us?
Involvement and liaison from the onset.
Volunteers who get very involved in ongoing awareness Will not get reasonable acknowledgment for their input.
raising, monitoring and rehabilitation activities Give full recognition. Use each one’s name whenever possible in
publicity. Let them speak publicly whenever possible.
Public who send information, tapes, donations Never hear again.
Give feedback, send outcomes report.
Professionals who are employed to conduct monitoring, Having to deal with and win over all those participants, especially
education and management actions. Usually poorly resourced. the “sticky” ones.
See and treat them all as part of the whole valuable and equally
concerned community.Talk over “What gets in the way of seeing
and treating them all in this way” with someone skilled in listening
well. Prune program to fit resources or increase resources.
Non-professionals who become heavily involved in Will not get reasonable acknowledgment for their input and
organising, education, resource preparation, fund raising, involvement.Will be out of pocket.
captive breeding, rehabilitation (i.e. in addition to Include in as many facets of work as possible. Provide at least
volunteer group above) out-of-pocket costs.
Most sumarised issues are severe and may not occur or be apparent in all projects involving the wider community.
None-the-less projects need to be designed and run to eliminate these issues.

It is very important that community members become Some frog survey, monitoring, recovery and
involved in public speaking about projects. A well-placed and rehabilitation projects that could be implemented
savvy “people’s” statement or call for community help can at the suburban, regional, state, and national level.
result in high community involvement. Some examples of possible frog projects with the
community and frog groups are:
Existing community groups who may become involved in
frogs programs include service organisations (e.g. Lions, Rotary 1. At the suburban level: adopt a site or species.This may be
etc), the Guiding and Scouting movement, four wheel drive of interest to local government or schools. “Adopt a
Swamp” or “Adopt a Wetland” will foster ownership of a
clubs and even motor cycle (bikies) groups. While all of these
local issue or public site.This is very important for species
have their own specific agendas, they do have environmental
and site rehabilitation.
interests and concerns and can therefore involve themselves
2. At the regional level: adopt a river or a species.This may suit
in projects set within a workable time frame.
soil and catchment boards, regional planning authorities, local
The liaison required to get effective community involvement government and private industry. Starting and supporting a
“Friends of the Bell Frogs Group”, or “Friends of Croaky
can be time consuming and needs to be allowed for in
Creek” can help meet community expectations and
planning and budgeting. It is also important to set goals and
completion target dates on community projects. Without
3. At the state level: undertake survey/monitoring, captive
them support will fade sooner rather than later. A project can
(ex-situ) breeding, and rehabilitation. Set up a phone
be extended with new targets if support continues or can be
hotline to report sick and dying frogs. Any of these may be
further recruited. run by fauna and environmental agencies and may easily
attract funding from private industry.
Those participants who are not paid for their involvement
need and deserve support when they are out-of-pocket. FROG CENSUS is an existing successful program in South
Some help with fuel and food costs goes a long way.They Australia.There is good potential for research and
cannot be overloaded with duties they cannot sustain on an development of captive breeding programs that involve the
ongoing basis along with their own life and work more experienced members of the many FATS groups.
Community-based projects could adopt one to three
commitments.They need the fun factor kept to the fore, and
threatened species that are a focus in rehabilitation
many dislike elitism, academic competition, pecking order and
projects in large parts of the state.The dead and dying
scientific “correct speak”. Many volunteers have an acute frogs telephone hotline (DaD Frogs Hotline?) can advise
awareness of these factors. Ignoring any of these can result in finders what to do and provide direct contact details for
diminished community involvement. researchers. A contact and forwarding network for sick and
dying frogs would fit with several of the Frog Action Plan
(Tyler 1997) recommendations.

4. At the national level: run projects of national significance method exactly every time they do the surveys. Otherwise
and service and guide previous levels.There is a gaping the results are not comparable and valuable data is
hole here that the federal agencies could fill, resources lost.”(NAAMP, the words in [ ] are my additions). So it comes
permitting. An organisation called Frogs Australia similar to down to some training and survey/monitoring standards
Birds Australia, has great potential. It seems an excellent which can be achieved, even if this may not have happened in
way to set up,guide and optimise community involvement earlier attempts at wide-ranging surveys such as Victoria’s
at all levels. now discontinued Frogwatch.
Key community projects for Frogs Australia could include: Tape recordings (hard evidence) are made by volunteers at
• a national atlas or survey (and possibly a monitoring defined sites.The tapes are sent out to participants who
extension) that could be called the Australian Frog Count record locality, date, time and collector contact details on the
(AFC: see below); tape as a voice over. Additionally or alternatively the recorder
• the monitoring of one or more widespread and sends a photocopy of a map (e.g. topographic, street
threatened species (e.g. Pseudophryne bibroni, members of directory) with locations marked, time and date. A corporate
the Litoria aurea species group) on a national basis or as sponsor may provide the tapes.
focal species to get AFC data; The tapes are centrally processed i.e. they are listened to,
• a DaD Frogs Hotline (see above); and scored for species and relative abundance, permanently
• ensuring greater penetration of more specific and stored on CD-ROM for later rapid access and checking of
regionally tailored frog habitat advice into land uncertain or important calls, and a reply and report is sent to
rehabilitation literature and practice.To date a few stream the volunteer. A database is centrally maintained with ready
and waterbody rehabilitation manuals and guides for access for participants to non-threatened species data.
landcare groups have included mostly very general Various elements of this system have already been
information about frogs’ needs.There is a need for better successfully carried out by the FATS Group of NSW, the
information and this work needs to be resourced. South Australian Environmental Protection Authority FROG
CENSUS program, the Frogwatch programs that ran in New
South Wales and Victoria, and the Streamwatch and
Locality data associated with calling species can be added to
Survey (atlassing) and monitoring programs are valuable and
a GIS database for further analysis (e.g. distribution, habitat,
feasible projects in which the public can get involved.They
and disturbance), date and time data can be correlated with
can provide scientific data in quantities unachievable by the
weather data to determine calling/breeding activity (e.g.
professional and expert surveys and at a fraction of the
peaks, duration). As with any data gathering system there will
resource costs (NAAMP). Much of the data will be from
be errors and inaccuracies, but these can be controlled,
common species and those that are not formally listed as
minimised and allowed for in analyses.Volunteers may need
threatened. However there will also be some really valuable
some initial training which can be provided by regional
species and locality records that would not be found without
coordinators, via the Internet, and as a televised documentary
community involvement. Furthermore this decade’s common
made to recruit community involvement.Video copies of such
species may become the next declining species, as we have
material could be a major training resource.
seen with the Bell Frogs (Litoria aurea species group).
Contrary to some negative views about atlassing, information A nationally coordinated AFC should have an initial survey
collected on the scale envisaged will provide a lot of useful phase that lasts for three years with a second phase taking on
and cost-effective data. a monitoring role.This might start in the second year of the
survey but could continue for ten or more years.
The main objections to atlassing involving community
volunteers come from those who raise concerns about, 1) It is possible to develop a “Frog Activity Forecast” system
the comparability of subsequent monitoring activities and, 2) (providing FAF’s) that is based on Australian bio-regions,
the reliability of the collected survey data. Both problems can known and suspected frog species, known calling/breeding
be overcome.The former is also amongst the main problems seasons, and known weather requirements for calling. Regional
associated with such data collected by professionals in the FAF’s can be broadcast with weather bulletins just like fog and
past and even in the present.This problem is common to frost alerts. Initially these would be widely seen and/or heard
many studies and is addressed in the next paragraph.Tape “hooks” in the community recruitment phase. “Frogs, fosts and
recordings that are made at defined sites provide absolutely fogs” would join the blooper list! Regional FAF’s on television
reliable data for the presence of most species of calling frogs. might be frog icons (with microphones and pulsating vocal
Tapes may also provide relative abundance data. sacs!) on the state weather map to indicate something like
“tomorrow night will be a good night to record in your
Comparability can be achieved by using the same (few)
region”. Species for which calling information is not available
survey/monitoring personnel for all surveys, but in a
are assumed to call at any wet time.
continent with so few professionals and so many diverse
species this seems impractical. “The methods for conducting
surveys are many and must be chosen carefully based on the
uniqueness of each monitoring effort [and species]. It is
critical however that once the correct and most appropriate
method is decided upon that the field worker follow that

Visually impaired people, many of whom have acutely The Australian community is poised to go much further with
developed aural capabilities and keyboard skills, can process frogs. A national organisation like Frogs Australia is a logical
the tape recordings. Organisations that service the visually next step that cannot be delayed much longer. Several
impaired community have access to funding for appropriate projects involving the wider community and the non-
training, provided that it leads to employment. Electronic professional frog and tadpole study groups have already been
analysis could also be used, but there are several key steps in successfully trialed at regional and state levels.These can be
tape decoding and information storage that could not be upgraded and improved to run nationally over an initial
easily automated. three-year period. An increase in voluntary community effort
is unlikely without further resources support and this needs
CURRENTLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES to happen soon to maintain the growing momentum.

A list of the resources available for Frogwatch and Frogweek

activities in 1994 was widely distributed for free to over
90 frog study groups, researchers and Frogwatch contacts I thank George Appleby, John Barker, Brian Barnett, Elaine
throughout Australia (Ehmann 1994). Baskett, Alistair Bax, Gary Beardsall, Darryl and Sharon Bell,
Brian Bush, Peter Goonan, Shane Gow, Marc Hero, Marty
Tape recordings of frog calls are available in all states, and a Hilton, Michael Mahony, Alana Manning, Geoff Mills, Rick
few commercially produced compact discs of calls are also Nattrass, Mary Oldfield, Stan Orchard, Deborah Pergolotti,
available for some regions (some commercially available ones Jacquie Recsei, Dale Roberts, Martyn Robinson,Tony
are Barker and Grigg 1973, Gould League of South Australia, Robinson, Alma Serle, Phil Souter, Gerry Swan, Karen Thumm,
Littlejohn 1990, Queensland Museum 1990, Stewart 1991). Lothar Voigt, Merinda Voigt, Steve Walker, Arthur White,
Most tape recordings are available as retail items while the Wayne Winter and Bruce Worth for their generous and
rest are made available on request and the payment of a helpful discussions, comments and input. I thank WWF for
cost-covering fee (Ehmann 1994).The majority of Australia’s funding my airfare to contribute to and participate in the
species have been recorded.
Workshop.Thanks also to Stan Orchard and another
Printed information including posters, pamphlets, books and anonymous person who provided reviews that have
booklets are available.There are several posters of frogs, some improved the paper.
are region-based (e.g. Murray-Darling), others are state-based,
others are select Australian frogs (e.g. Queensland’s missing REFERENCES
frogs). Pamphlets include titles like Keeping Green Tree Frogs,
Adair, A., Ehmann, H. and Stace, J., (1994) Frog survey data
Keeping frogs in your garden, Establishing frog habitats on your
form and guidelines for completing form.Version 1.8.94. A
property, Rainforest frogs, and Green and Golden Bell Frogs
concise data form and protocol for Australian frog survey
(Frogfacts, various dates). Many other pamphlets and leaflets
work. Available from the FATS Group (NSW) Inc, PO Box
have been produced (mostly at regional levels, with a few
A2405, Sydney South NSW 2001.
state and national ones) to raise public awareness and to aid
in identification. Many excellent published books are Backhouse, G. N. and Clark,T. W., (1995) Case studies and
commercially available that provide information, identification, policy initiatives in endangered species recovery in
and student activities. Some booklets (which have been Australia: recommendations. Pp 110-116 in People and
published by FATS groups and others) are also available Nature Conservation: perspectives on private land use
including data forms and a protocol for Australian frog survey and endangered species recovery.Transactions of the
work (Adair et al. 1994), how to raise native frogs (Bax 1993) Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
and a waterproof guide to stream-dwelling frogs of the Wet Barker J., and Grigg G., (1973) Frog calls of south-eastern
Tropics rainforest (Hero and Fickling 1994). Australia. Most calls from eastern New South Wales,
Victoria and south-eastern Queensland, available from
Within the large amount of frog information on the Internet Australian Museum Bookshop, Sydney).
there is Australian material that is very useful for supporting
school and community involvements. Frogwatch and survey Bax, A., (1993) Raising native frogs. A booklet with guidelines
information is available at the NSW Streamwatch site. on raising tadpoles, metamorphs, food sources, frog
shelters etc especially in coastal Queensland. Available
from RANA, 42 Poinsettia Street, Inala QLD 4077.
Clark,T. W., Backhouse, G. N. and Reading, R. P., (1995)
Prototyping in endangered species recovery programs: the
While the wider community does not distinguish between Eastern Barred Bandicoot experience. Pp 50-62 in People
threatened and “non-threatened” frogs they can contribute and Nature Conservation: perspectives on private land
significantly to the recovery of threatened species.There is use and endangered species recovery.Transactions of the
great potential for community involvement in threatened frog Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
awareness raising, general and threatened species survey and Ehmann, H., (1994) 1994 Frogweek resources and the
monitoring, threatened species captive breeding programs, Australian Frog Count (AFC). Frog and Tadpole Study
frog habitat rehabilitation work and fundraising. Group of NSW Inc PO Box A2405 Sydney South
NSW 2000.

Ehmann, H., (1997) (ed.) Threatened Frogs of New South Littlejohn, M., (1990) Calls of Victorian frogs. All calls of
Wales: habitats, status and conservation. Published by Frog species in Victoria except Litoria spenceri. Available from
and Tadpole Study Group of NSW Inc., PO Box A2405, The Herp Shop, 16 Suspension St Ardeer,VIC 3022.
Sydney South 2000. NAAMP (North American Amphibian Monitoring Program).
Ehmann, H. and Tynan, R., (1997) Wildlife management Internet site at http://www.im.nbs.gov/amphibs.html
manual: the Gawler Ranges and Kingoonya Soil Parma, A., Amarasekare, P., Mangel, M., Moore, J., Murdoch, W.
Conservation Districts. A resource handbook. Pastoral W., Noonburg, E., Pascual, M. A., Possingham, H. P., Shea, K.,
Management Program, Department of Environment and Wilcox, W. and Yu, D. (1998). What can adaptive
Natural Resources South Australian, and the Save the Bush management do for our fish, food, forests and biodiversity.
Program. 186 pp and wall poster. Integrative Biology 1:16-26.
Environment Canada, (undated) Backyard frog surveys. Queensland Museum, (1990) Songs of the Humpback and
Canadian Wildlife Service, P O B5050, Burlington, frog calls of the Brisbane environs.The frog calls are
Ontario. L7R 4A6 Canada. grouped into habitats and seasons, with an introduction by
Environment Canada, (1995) Amphibian road call counts Glen Ingram, available from the Queensland Museum
participant manual. Canadian Wildlife Service, P O B5050, Shop, Brisbane.
Burlington, Ontario. L7R 4A6 Canada. Raven, L., (1995) Liaising with landholders. Pp 209-210 in
Frogfacts, (five to now, more in progress, various dates and People and Nature Conservation: perspectives on private
authors) Four page pamphlets available free by sending a land use and endangered species recovery.Transactions of
stamped, self-addressed DL size envelope and a cost- the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
covering donation to the FATS Group (NSW) Inc, PO Sargent, M. J., (1997) A new sociology for Australians.
Box A2405, Sydney South NSW 2001. Longmans, Sydney.
Gould League of South Australia, (undated) has separate tape Stewart, D., (1991) Frog calls of north-east NSW.Tape
recordings of frog calls for eight regions of South Australia recording of most calls from this species-rich area of New
(to make tape use easier in schools). Available from 63 South Wales, also useful in south-eastern Queensland,
Cungena Ave Park Holme SA 5043. Phone and fax: (08) available from David Stewart phone (02 6684 0127).
8277 2851.
Tyler, M. J., (1997) The Action Plan for Australian Frogs.
Hero, J-M. and Fickling, S., (1994) A guide to stream-dwelling Wildlife Australia. Endangered Species Program. From the
frogs of the Wet Tropics rainforest. Available from Botanical Bookshop, PO Box351, Jamison ACT 2614.Or
Queensland Book and Map Supplies, 37 Tully Street, South on the web
Townsville QLD 4810. http://www.biodiversity.environment.gov.au/plants/threaten/
Lindemayer, D. and Possingham, H., (1994) The risk of frogap.htm
extinction: ranking management options for Leadbeater’s
Possum using population viability analysis. Centre for
Resource and Environmental Research, Australian National
University, Canberra.

Applications of assisted reproductive
technologies (ART) to endangered
anuran amphibians
John Clulow, Michael Mahony, Robert Browne, Melissa Pomering and Andrew Clark*

ABSTRACT and embryos, may not be available in the short to

medium term. As an alternative to cryopreserving
Attempts to conserve critically endangered
whole embryos, cryopreservation of individual cells
amphibian species by determining and addressing
from early stages of amphibian embryos, followed
the causes of decline in the field have failed. Assisted
by reconstitution of complete organisms by cloning,
Reproductive Technologies (ART) offer many
has a high probability of success, and should be
possibilities to assist the conservation of amphibian
available in the future. In addition, the success of
species, and, at least in the short term, in
amphibian sperm cryopreservation means that
combination with captive breeding, may provide the
complete individuals may be reconstituted in the
only means of preserving some species. Some ART
future by androgenesis, a procedure that already has
procedures have been available for some time (i.e.
been shown to be achievable in amphibians.
induced ovulation and sperm release, in vitro
fertilisation (IVF), androgenesis and cloning), while
others such as amphibian sperm cryopreservation
have been developed within the last year.

Other procedures, such as the cryopreservation of

eggs and embryos are not yet available, and based
on problems with cryopreservation of fish oocytes

* Department of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia.

INTRODUCTION material in a form that is retrievable as living amphibians, and
to improve the efficiency of captive-breeding programmes.
There is now a strong consensus amongst many
The discussion in this review is confined principally to a
herpetologists and conservation biologists that the reported
consideration of anuran amphibians, as there are no native
decline and extinction of amphibian species in the last two
urodeles or caecilians in Australia.Table 1 presents a summary
decades (Mahony 1996; Pounds et al. 1997; other chapters
of the ART procedures discussed.
this volume) is a real phenomenon, rather than an apparent
one with alternative explanations such as cyclical changes in
population densities. Nevertheless, in spite of this consensus, THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF
identification of the causes of decline have eluded ANURANS
investigators, and even more importantly, from the With few exceptions, anuran amphibians (frogs and toads)
perspective of conservation, no effective means of reproduce by external fertilisation, generally followed by
ameliorating threatening processes in the field have been development of the fertilised egg and larva (again, there are
identified. Unfortunately, failure to identify causes or propose exceptions) in an environment external to the body of a
effective solutions has meant that biologists have been parent.This greatly simplifies the application of assisted
confined to a process of monitoring species into extinction. reproduction (AR), because it reduces the number of steps in
While these studies are important, and should continue, the the process to a minimum, avoiding complications of AR in
time has long past where alternative strategies should have higher vertebrates (mammals) where embryos must be
been applied to limit the irreplaceable loss of amphibian reimplanted into an hormonally synchronized female to
biological and genetic diversity. complete development in utero. Essentially, it means that
AR for anurans may be as simple as combining motile,
Fortunately, there are strategies which may be adopted to
mature sperm with eggs in a fertilisation dish. Obviously, there
limit these losses.These may broadly be classified as Captive
will be differences between species in the ease with which
Breeding and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).This
sperm and oocytes may be obtained, and later, in the
paper is concerned with the second of these approaches (the
requirements of the developing larva and metamorph, but
scope of captive breeding is too large to be considered in
the basic simplicity of the reproductive process is in favour of
this paper, and is already the subject of a widely-dispersed
the application of ART.
amateur and professional literature). It considers existing and
rapidly developing reproductive technologies which will play It is worth noting some basic features of the male and female
an important role in the management of critically-endangered reproductive systems of anurans, as these have important
amphibian species and populations in the future, provided bearings on how ART for anuran amphibians will be applied.
that conservation managers avail themselves of the In males, the testis is both the organ of sperm generation
opportunity to use it. ART will be most effective where they (the site of spermatogenesis), and the organ of sperm
are integrated into captive and field-based conservation storage.This is quite different from higher vertebrates where
programmes.The uses of ART will include the production of these processes are separated and sperm are stored in ducts
stock for maintaining captive-bred populations (held as external to the testis. In higher vertebrates, sperm storage
“insurance” against extinction of wild populations) and for re- outside the testis simplifies the process of sperm collection
introduction programmes where extinct populations may be for AR, as sperm from these storage ducts may be collected
re-established. As well, ART may be used in programmes to by electroejaculation, manual stimulation or artificial vaginae.
introduce additional genetic diversity to populations which With male frogs, however, sperm will have to be accessed
have declined to low numbers with consequent inbreeding from the testis (see below).
depression. Cryopreservation, as a central component of
these technologies, may be of use to retrieve “extinct” species
in the event of the loss of wild populations (through retrieval
of sperm, eggs or embryos held in cryo-banks), store genetic

TABLE 1: Summary of ART procedures that may be used with endangered amphibian species.

Procedure Application Available Prospects

Hormonal induction of sperm release IVF and sperm cryopreservation Yes

Hormonal induction of oocyte release IVF Yes
Sperm cryopreservation use with standard IVF or with androgenesis Yes
Oocyte cryopreservation use with cryopreserved sperm in IVF No long term
Embryo cryopreservation (whole embryo) Cryopreservation of whole organism No long term
Cryopreservation of individual stem use with cloning to reconstitute whole organisms No short term
(early embryonic) cells
Androgenesis reconstitution of whole organisms from sperm only Yes
Cloning reconstitution of whole organisms from single Yes
embryonic cells

The reproductive system of female frogs also has features We have used HCG successfully to collect large numbers of
which both assist and complicate AR.The ovarian cycle of sperm from anurans as diverse as cane toads (Bufo marinus)
amphibians differs from that of higher vertebrates in that and Australian hylids (including Litoria chloris and L. aurea).
primary oogonia (the germ cells that give rise to oocytes) The yields have been large, with hundreds of millions of
persist in the adult, producing a new generation of oocytes sperm collected from individual animals (Pomering, Clulow,
with each reproductive cycle (Lofts 1974). In contrast, most Mahony unpubl. data), more than enough for IVF or
other vertebrates have only one population of oocytes held cryopreservation. Hormones that have been recorded as
in arrested meiosis, and no oogonia persist in adults.The inducing sperm release in anurans include gonadotrophins
adaptive advantage for amphibians of continually renewing and gonadotrophin releasing hormones (Bettinger and
the stock of oocytes is that large numbers of eggs can be O’Loughlin 1950; Rugh 1962; Easley et al. 1979), and
produced throughout the reproductive life of the female.The catecholamines such as adrenalin and dopamine (Minucci et
female reproductive cycle (which may be seasonal or al. 1993 ). Fresh amphibian pituitary extracts (we frequently
opportunistic) is characterised by the recruitment of a new use cane toads as a source), are an excellent source of
generation of oocytes, which are very small, but grow rapidly amphibian gonadotrophins (Rugh 1962; Easley et al. 1979).
through the process of vitellogenesis (the laying down of yolk Successful IVF has been reported using sperm aspirated from
in the cytoplasm), a process under the control of oestrogen. the cloaca (McKinnell et al. 1976), although this is not a
Vitellogenesis is followed finally by ovulation, which is caused commonly-performed procedure. Nevertheless, the
by progesterone released in response to a surge in luteinizing important point for performing IVF in endangered species is
hormone (LH) (Lofts 1974). Mature oocytes, capable of being that non-invasive collection of sperm by hormonal induction
fertilised, may be held in the ovaries for an extended period, is a technique that works and is available.
until the LH/progesterone surge occurs in response to
environmental cues such as rain. Of most significance for AR, INDUCTION OF OVULATION
pre-ovulatory oocytes (i.e. oocytes retained in the ovaries)
are not capable of being fertilised, and it is only after As long as female anurans are fully gravid i.e. vitellogenesis is
ovulation ie the release of oocytes into the oviducts, that complete, ovulation can be induced with a number of agents
fertilisation may proceed. Consequently (see below), including gonadotrophins and gonadotrophin releasing
procedures for the induction of ovulation are essential if hormones. Freshly extracted amphibian pituitaries (Creaser
oocytes are to be available for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or and Gorbman 1939; Rugh 1962) remain an excellent source
other AR purposes. of gonadotrophins (probably the best, since the
gonadotrophins are amphibian rather than from other
vertebrates) for the induction of ovulation, and pituitaries
from one species can be used to induce ovulation in other
FERTILISATION IN VITRO (IVF) species. However, there may be some concern over the
The collection of gametes (sperm and oocytes) is necessary transmission of pathogens with the injection of pituitary glands
for two AR procedures: IVF and cryopreservation. For many or pituitary gland extracts.This may be an important
purposes, IVF will be the end point of the AR process and in consideration with the management of rare species,
applications such as some captive-breeding programmes, particularly in the current context where unidentified
collection of fresh gametes for IVF from individual animals pathogens are suspected of causing species declines (the same
which have failed to breed naturally may be all that is considerations will apply to the use of pituitary glands for the
required.The issue of gamete cryopreservation is considered collection of sperm). Consequently, commercial preparations
further below. of LH-RH or gonadotrophins may be preferable, although in
our hands these are less successful with a range of species
INDUCTION OF SPERM RELEASE than are whole pituitary glands. Steroid hormones (Wright
1961; Schuetz 1971) also may be capable of inducing
The standard procedure to obtain sperm from frogs for IVF ovulation on their own or in conjunction with gonadotrophins.
and other procedures in the laboratory is to kill the male, then
remove and macerate the testes in a dilute (hypotonic) Where pituitary glands are used, there is some argument for
solution to activate the sperm (Rugh 1962).This is obviously collecting them from male frogs where testes are fully
unacceptable when working with rare or endangered animals. developed. Enlarged testes are an indicator of elevated
There are, however, a number of neuro — and reproductive androgen levels which may only be maintained by
hormones which are capable of inducing spermiation (release gonadotrophin support from an active pituitary gland. In
of sperm from the testis). Sperm released from the testes contrast, female pituitary gonadotrophin levels may vary
enter the kidneys and subsequently the cloaca with urine (Lofts considerably with seasonal factors and stages of the
1974). Consequently, following induction of sperm release from reproductive cycle.
the testis, sperm for IVF or cryopreservation may be collected
non-invasively from the cloaca by aspiration with a soft plastic
cannula.This procedure formed the basis of the earliest tests
for human pregnancy because one of the hormones which
induces spermiation in anurans is human chorionic
gonadotrophin (HCG), a hormone present in high quantities in
the urine of pregnant humans (Bettinger and O’Loughlin 1950).

IVF AND SPERM INJECTION FIGURE 1: Androgenesis. 1a shows the process of normal
fertilisation where the maternal (black) pronucleus combines
While standard IVF will be the most common means of
with the paternal (grey) pronucleus to form a single diploid
obtaining fertilisation after collection of oocytes and sperm nucleus. 1b shows androgenesis where only the sperm pronucleus
(the process will not be considered further here, as it is persists, replicates and forms an entirely paternally derived
diploid nucleus.
reasonably simple: see Rugh 1962; Watson 1977; Hollinger
and Corton 1980; Browne et al. 1998), fertilisation by sperm
injection is a technique that also should be considered as
having potential applications. Conventional IVF for amphibians,
where sperm and oocytes are mixed in a dish requires large
numbers of actively motile sperm, with optimal
concentrations in the order of 105 to 106 ml-1 (Hollinger
and Corton 1980; Browne et al. 1998). Sperm injection, on
the other hand, requires only one sperm per oocyte, and
sperm of poor quality (low motility) may be used. Although
sperm injection is now a well-established technique in human
IVF, and is reported for some other mammalian species (Ng
et al. 1996), it has not been reported for amphibians except
in Bufo arenarum (Zelarayan et al. 1995) . Nevertheless, there
is good reason to believe that it is a feasible technique. In the
future, sperm injection may be of benefit in reconstructing
species (see androgenesis below) where only small numbers
of sperm are available, or where cryopreservation of sperm
has been poor e.g. as might occur with testes or whole frogs
frozen without cryoprotectants.


Cryopreservation has the potential to enhance conservation
efforts aimed at preventing the complete extinction of
amphibian species through ex-situ conservation.These include
the possibility of indefinite storage of functional, retrievable
genomes (either haploid or diploid) which can be used to
reconstitute fully-functional diploid individuals in the case of Work is continuing to further optimise the protocols, but the
extinction in the wild i.e. cryopreservation as “insurance” results to date are very encouraging, indicating that these
against extinction. As well, cryopreservation would almost protocols are probably applicable to a wide range of
certainly be a more efficient and cost-effective way of amphibian species.
maintaining species ex-situ than is the maintenance of live,
Of course, as desirable as sperm cryopreservation is, it only
captive colonies. Cryopreservation may have other
preserves a haploid genome, whereas the goal is to be able
advantages as well including reduced costs and problems
to retrieve functional diploid organisms. In the future, this may
with transportation of specimens, and benefits in quarantine
be achieved by the use of frozen-thawed sperm in
conjunction with frozen-thawed oocytes (see below).
However, in the event of failure to develop successful
SPERM CRYOPRESERVATION protocols for cryopreserving amphibian oocytes, other
Until recently, there has been little interest in cryopreserving possibilities may exist for the reconstitution of diploid
amphibian sperm, and there are no amphibian sperm individuals from sperm only (see below).
cryopreservation protocols currently reported in the
literature. However, this situation is undoubtedly about to RECONSTITUTION OF DIPLOID
change, as awareness of the amphibian crisis motivates INDIVIDUALS FROM HAPLOID GENOMES
reproductive and cryo-biologists to investigate the problem. BY ANDROGENESIS
Our laboratory has recently developed highly successful
protocols for the cryopreservation of anuran sperm (Browne Androgenesis (the generation of haploid or diploid individuals
et al. 1998) using the cane toad, Bufo marinus, as a model from sperm) has not been achieved to date with higher
organism. Recovery of motility and fertility in B. marinus has vertebrates i.e. mammals (McGrath and Solter 1984).
been high (with fertilisation rates up to 80% using thawed However, it has been achieved with several species of fish
sperm, and a similar percentage of sperm recovering post- (Parsons and Thorgaard 1985; Corley-Smith et al. 1996;Young
thaw motility). As well (Browne et al. unpubl. data), we have et al. 1996), and some urodele amphibians (Gillespie and
shown that the protocols also result in the recovery of Armstrong 1980). The standard procedure (Figure 1)
substantial percentages of frozen sperm in several species involves fertilisation of enucleated or irradiated eggs (usually
of Australian hylids including Litoria fallax, L. lesueurii, of the same species, but sibling species or congeners can also
L. phyllochroa, L. peronii, L. subglandulosa, and L. verreauxii. be employed) in which the female pronucleus is destroyed.

The result is a haploid zygote, as only the male pronucleus
FIGURE 2: Production of a clone from an early embryo
divides.The haploid nucleus can be converted to a diploid (blastula).The blastula is disrupted so that individual cells (clear
nucleus by heat or pressure shock at the stage of the first cell circles) may be removed and individually inserted into the
division. This treatment prevents cell division, but not the cytoplasm of an oocyte in which the female pronucleus (dark
circle) has been destroyed or removed.The inserted cell nucleus
replication of chromosomes in the nucleus. Androgenesis, replicates in the oocyte cytoplasm to form a new embryo.
thus, results in a single step in the production of a completely
homozygous individual, from which inbred lines can be
established, or from which outbred lines can be re-established
by natural matings. As an additional possibility, androgenetic
production of diploids also may be achievable directly by di-
spermy e.g. injecting two sperm into an enucleated oocyte, or
inducing polyspermy (Elinson 1986).

Androgenesis will be most useful where the male is the

heterogametic sex, as androgenesis will produce both male
and female offspring.The limitation of androgenesis where
males are homogametic (as some amphibians are) is that only
male offspring will be produced. Nevertheless, the potential
applications of androgenesis may be quite substantial in
conserving critically-endangered, or resurrecting “extinct”,
amphibian species. Androgenesis may prove to be particularly
useful if either of two circumstances prove to be the case: (1)
where attempts to develop methods for cryopreserving
oocytes or embryos are unsuccessful (2) where frozen testes,
but no live animals, are available. In the latter case, it is
possible by combining sperm injection (using sperm from
frozen testes held by museums or other institutions) with
androgenesis, that live animals may be reconstituted. Bearing
in mind this possibility, it is particularly important, where
species have become extinct in the wild, that every effort is
made to locate, and, for the time being, maintain frozen testes
or whole males, in an unthawed state, preferably at -80oC or
liquid nitrogen temperatures.

Successful cryopreservation of unfertilised oocytes, zygotes or
developing amphibian embryos has not been reported by any
laboratory but is a very important goal of future research.The
barrier existing around the yolk (the yolk syncytial layer), rather
capacity to cryopreserve unfertilised oocytes would
than to problems with freezing the blastoderm (embryonic
complement the now successful cryopreservation of amphibian
cells). Whether such specific permeability barriers exist in
sperm, and in combination, these two procedures would be
amphibians remains to be determined.
sufficient to insure against the complete extinction of any
amphibian species in the future.The capacity to freeze zygotes, As an alternative to freezing early embryos, later
embryos or larvae would obviate the need to use either developmental stages may be better targets for
sperm or oocyte cryopreservation, and in many respects, cryopreservation. Rapid advances in cryopreservation of
would be the most desirable of all the cryopreservation complex embyronic structures is now being reported, and
scenarios. However, the probability of successful larvae of Drosophila (Steponkus et al. 1990) as well as highly-
cryopreservation of either amphibian oocytes or embryos in differentiated larvae of a number of marine organisms (Olive
the short to medium term is not high. Preliminary attempts in and Wang 1997) have been successfully cryopreserved.
our laboratory using both vitrification (rapid freezing) and slow Nevertheless, it is likely that such a goal may be medium to
cooling have not been successful.The progress, or rather lack long-term for amphibian larvae.
of progress, in freezing fish embryos (Hagedorn et al. 1997a,b)
may be an indicator of the difficulties to be faced in this area
with amphibians. In many respects, fish oocytes and embryos
are good models for amphibians, as in both groups, the
oocytes are large and yolky. Attempts to establish protocols for
fish embryo cryopreservation over many years have met with
little success. Recent evidence obtained from zebra fish
embryos (Hagedorn et al. 1997a,b) suggests that the problem
may be due to a water and cryoprotectant permeability

CRYOPRESERVATION OF BLASTOMERES little attention until recently. Support for future research to
AND RECONSTITUTION BY CLONING complete the suite of techniques is an urgent necessity
(particularly to develop protocols for cryopreservation of
If cryopreservation of intact embryos proves to be embryos or embryonic stem cells), as is support for the
unachievable, an alternative approach exists which has a high transfer of procedures which currently are applied principally
prospect of success.This is the combination of the in the laboratory situation to use with endangered species.
cryopreservation of individual blastomeres (i.e. early Nevertheless, even without the full range of desired
embryonic cells) with the regeneration of totipotent diploid procedures, valuable procedures such as sperm
embryos by cloning (Figure 2). Cloning of amphibians has cryopreservation are available now to managers of
been a reality for many years (Briggs and King 1952; conservation programmes and recovery teams to help
McKinnell 1978), predating the recently much publicised conserve species which may otherwise disappear.
cloning of a mammal from an adult somatic cell (Wilmut et
al. 1997). In amphibians, cloning is achieved by disrupting early
embryos mechanically, collecting individual cells into pipettes, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and injecting those cells into recipient oocytes whose nucleus Support for work on amphibian sperm and embryo
has been destroyed by irradiation or manually removed (i.e. cryopreservation has been received from the Research
enucleated).The donor cell provides the nucleus, while the Management Committee, University of Newcastle, and from
enucleated recipient oocyte provides the cytoplasmic the Australian Research Council.
environment necessary to support the development of the
single injected cell into a developmentally competent embryo. REFERENCES
Cells collected from early embryonic stages (e.g. early
blastulae) retain the capacity to develop into a complete Briggs, R. and King,T.J., (1952) Transplantation of living nuclei
organism i.e. are totipotent, whereas cells derived from later from blastula cells into enucleated frogs’ eggs. Proc. Nat.
developmental stages are less likely to be totipotent (Gurdon Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 38: 455-463.
1962; DiBerardino et al. 1986). Bettinger, H.F. and O’Loughlin, I., (1950) The use of the male
toad, Bufo marinus, for pregnancy tests. Med. J. Aust., July 8,
There needs to be developed, in conjunction with a pp. 40-42.
demonstration in the laboratory that many endangered
Browne, R.K., Clulow, J., Mahony, M. and Clark, A.K., (1998)
amphibian species are capable of being cloned, a procedure
Successful recovery of motility and fertility of
to freeze early amphibian embryonic cells. It is, in fact, highly
cryopreserved cane toad (Bufo marinus) sperm: a
likely that such cells would be capable of cryopreservation.
comparison of the effect of concentration DMSO or
Cells at the stage of embryonic development from which
glycerol as cryoprotectants in a sucrose base. Cryobiology,
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comparison to oocytes, and would be frozen as individual
cells rather than complete embryonic organisms. In this Corley-Smith, G.E., Lim C.J. and Brandhorst, B.P., (1996)
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DiBerardino, M.A., Orr, H.O. and McKinnell, R.G., (1986)
different species (i.e. hybrids produced where the recipient
Feeding tadpoles cloned from Rana erythrocyte nuclei.
enucleated oocyte is of a different species to the donor
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 83: 8231-8234.
nucleus) are less likely to succeed than same species nucleo-
cytoplasmic transplants.This may be a problem for Easley, K.A., Culley, D.D., Horseman, N.D. and Penkala, J.E.,
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It is clear that attempts to conserve critically-endangered
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J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol., 10: 622-640
of decline in the field have failed. Alternative, pro-active
approaches are needed if further complete extinctions of Hagedorn, M., Hsu, E., Kleinhans, F.W. and Wildt, D.E., (1997a)
species are to be avoided. Assisted reproductive technologies New approaches for studying the permeability of fish
offer many possible tools to assist with ex-situ conservation, embryos: toward successful cryopreservation. Cryobiology,
and even to assist in management of species in-situ. Some 34: 335-347.
procedures have been available for some time e.g. induced
ovulation and sperm release, IVF, and cloning while others
such as amphibian sperm cryopreservation have received

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Schuetz, A.W., (1971) In vitro induction of ovulation and
disappearances of other Australian frogs. Aust. Zool.,
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Current Opinion in Obstet. Gynecol., 8: 171-177. involvement, respiratory activity and seasonal influences.
J. Exper. Zool., 272: 356-362.

Appendix 1: Checklist of
Australian Frogs Action Plan for
Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997)
HYLIDAE coplandi Copland’s Rock Frog
Cyclorana cyclorhyncha Spotted-thighed Frog
australis Giant Frog dahlii Dahl’s Aquatic Frog
brevipes Short-footed Frog dentata Bleating Tree-frog
cryptotis Hidden-ear Frog electrica Electric Tree-frog
cultripes Knife-footed Frog eucnemis Fringed Tree-frog
longipes Long-footed Frog ewingii Brown Tree-frog
maculosus Daly Waters Frog fallax Eastern Dwarf Tree-frog
maini Main’s Frog freycineti Freycinet’s Frog
manya Small Frog genimaculata New Guinea Tree Frog
novaehollandiae New Holland Frog gilleni Centralian Tree Frog
platycephala Water-holding Frog gracilenta Dainty Green Tree-frog
vagitus Wailing Frog inermis Peter’s Frog
verrucosus Rough Frog infrafrenata White-lipped Tree-frog
jervisiensis Jervis Bay Tree Frog
Litoria latopalmata Gunther’s Frog
adelaidensis Slender Tree-frog lesueuri Lesueur’s Frog
alboguttata Striped Burrowing Frog littlejohni Littlejohn’s Frog
aurea Green & Golden Bell Frog longirostris Long-snouted Frog
bicolor Northern Dwarf Tree Frog lorica Armoured Frog
booroolongensis Booroolong Frog meiriana Rockhole Frog
brevipalmata Green-thighed Frog microbelos Javelin Frog
burrowsae Tasmanian Tree Frog moorei Moore’s Frog
caerulea Green Tree Frog nannotis Torrent Tree Frog
castanea (flavipunctata) Yellow-spotted Tree Frog nasuta Rocket Frog
cavernicola Cave-dwelling Frog nigrofrenata Bridle Frog
chloris Red-eyed Tree Frog nyakalensis Nyakala Frog
citropa Blue Mountains Tree Frog olongburensis Olongburra Frog,Wallum Sedge Frog
cooloolensis Cooloola Tree Frog pallida Pale Frog

paraewingi Victorian Frog Kyarranus
pearsoniana Pearson’s Frog kundagungan Mountain Frog
peroni Peron’s Tree-frog loveridgei Loveridge’s Frog
personata Masked Rock Frog sphagnicolus Sphagnum Frog
phyllochroa Leaf-green Tree Frog
Lechriodus fletcheri Fletcher’s Frog
piperata Peppered Tree Frog
raniformis Southern Bell Frog Limnodynastes
revelata Revealed Frog convexiusculus Marbled Frog
rheocola Creek Frog depressus Flat-headed Frog
rothii Roth’s Tree Frog dorsalis Bullfrog
rubella Red Tree Frog d. dumerili Four-bob Frog, Eastern Banjo Frog
spenceri Spotted Tree Frog d. insularis Four-bob Frog, Eastern Banjo Frog
splendida Magnificent Tree-frog d. fryi Four-bob Frog, Eastern Banjo Frog
subglandulosa Glandular Frog d. grayi Four-bob Frog, Eastern Banjo Frog
tornieri Tornier’s Frog d. variegatus Four-bob Frog, Eastern Banjo Frog
tyleri Tyler’s Tree-frog fletcheri Marsh Frog
verreauxii Verreaux’s Frog interioris Giant Banjo Frog
v. alpina Alpine Tree Frog ornatus Ornate Burrowing Frog
wotjulumensis Wotjulum Frog peroni Brown-striped Frog
xanthomera Orange-thighed Frog salmini Salmin’s Striped Frog
spenceri Spencer’s Frog
Nyctimystes dayi Day’s Frog
tasmaniensis Spotted Grass Frog
LEPTODACTYLIDAE terraereginae Northern Banjo Frog
Adelotus brevis Tusked Frog Megistolotis lignarius Carpenter Frog
Arenophryne rotunda Sandhill Frog Metacrinia nichollsi Nicholl’s Toadlet
Assa darlingtoni Marsupial Frog Mixophyes
balbus Stuttering Frog
Bryobatrachus nimbus Moss Frog
fasciolatus Great Barred Frog
Crinia fleayi Fleay’s Frog
bilingua Bilingual Froglet iteratus Southern Barred Frog
deserticola Desert Froglet schevilli Northern Barred Frog
georgiana Tschudi’s Froglet
Myobatrachus gouldii Turtle Frog
glauerti Glauert’s Froglet
insignifera Sign-bearing Froglet Neobatrachus
parinsignifera Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet albipes White-footed Frog
pseudinsignifera False Western Froglet aquilonius Northern Burrowing Frog
remota Remote Froglet centralis Trilling Frog
riparia Streambank Froglet fulvus Tawny Frog
signifera Common Froglet kunapalari Kunapalari Frog
sloanei Sloane’s Froglet pelobatoides Humming Frog
subinsignifera Small Western Froglet pictus Painted Frog
tasmaniensis Tasmanian Froglet sudelli Sudell’s Frog
tinnula Tinkling Froglet sutor Shoemaker Frog
wilsmorei Goldfields Bullfrog
flammocaerulea Sunset Frog Notaden
bennetti Holy Cross Toad
melanoscaphus Northern Spadefoot Toad
alba White-bellied Frog
nichollsi Desert Spadefoot Toad
laevis Smooth Frog
weigeli Weigel’s Toad
leai Lea’s Frog
lutea Saffron Frog Paracrinia haswelli Haswell’s Froglet
rosea Roseate Frog
Philoria frosti Baw Baw Frog
victoriana Eastern Smooth Frog
vitellina Orange-bellied Frog
albopunctatus Western Spotted Frog
australiacus Giant Burrowing Frog
barycragus Western Marsh Frog
eyrei Moaning Frog
inornatus Plains Frog
psammophilus Sand Frog

australis Red-crowned Toadlet Cophixalus
bibronii Bibron’s Toadlet bombiens Buzzing Frog
coriacea Red-backed Toadlet concinnus Elegant Frog
corroboree Southern Corroboree Frog crepitans Rattling Frog
covacevichae Magnificent Brood Frog exiguus Scanty Frog
dendyi Southern Toadlet hosmeri Hosmer’s Frog
douglasi Douglas’s Toadlet infacetus Inelegant Frog
guentheri Gunther’s Toadlet mcdonaldi McDonald’s Frog
major Large Toadlet monticola
occidentalis Western Toadlet neglectus Neglected Frog
pengilleyi Northern Corroboree Frog ornatus Ornate Frog
raveni peninsularis Cape York Frog
semimarmorata Southern Toadlet saxatilis Rock Frog
Rheobatrachus Sphenophryne
silus Gastric Brooding Frog delphe Northern Territory Frog
vitellinus Stream Frog, Eungella fryi Fry’s Frog
Gastric Brooding Frog gracilipes Slender Frog
Taudactylus pluvialis Rain Frog
acutirostris Sharp-nosed Torrent Frog obusta Robust Frog
diurnus Southern Day Frog
eungellensis Eungella Torrent Frog RANIDAE
liemi Liem’s Frog Rana daemeli Water Frog
pleione Kroombit Tinker Frog
rheophilus Tinkling Frog
altissima Alpine Toadlet
arenicola Jabiru Toadlet
aspera Derby Toadlet
borealis Northern Toadlet
capitulata Small-headed Toadlet
crassa Fat Toadlet
fusca Dusky Toadlet
glandulosa Glandular Toadlet
inundata Floodplain Toadlet
laevigata Smooth Toadlet
lithomoda Stonemason Toadlet
littlejohni Littlejohn’s Toadlet
marmorata Marbled Toadlet
martini Martin’s Toadlet
micromeles Tanami Toadlet
mimula Mimic Toadlet
minima Small Toadlet
mjobergi Mjoberg’s Toadlet
orientalis Alexandra Toadlet
rugosa Wrinkled Toadlet
russelli Russell’s Toadlet
talpa Mole Toadlet
trachyderma Blacksoil Toadlet
tyleri Tyler’s Toadlet

Appendix 2: Threatened Frogs
Endangered Species Protection
Act 1992
Schedule 1, July 1999, Amphibians

Geocrinia alba White-bellied Frog
Litoria lorica Armoured Mistfrog
Litoria nannotis Waterfall Frog
Litoria nyakalensis Mountain Mistfrog
Litoria spenceri Spotted Tree Frog
Nyctimystes dayi Lace-eyed Tree Frog
Rheobatrachus silus Gastric-brooding Frog
Rheobatrachus vitellinus Eungella Gastric-brooding Frog
Spicospina flammocaerulea Sunset Frog
Taudactylus acutirostris Sharp-snouted Day Frog
Taudactylus diurnus Southern Day Frog
Taudactylus eungellensis Eungella Day Frog
Taudactylus rheophilus Tinkling Frog

Geocrinia vitellina Orange-bellied Frog
Litoria aurea Green and Golden Bell Frog
Philoria frosti Mount Baw Baw Frog

Presumed Extinct
None listed

Appendix 3: Threatened Frogs
ANZECC list of threatened
Australian Fauna
Amphibians, May 1999 Vulnerable
Geocrinia vitellina Yellow-bellied Frog
Extinct Heleioporus australiacus Giant Burrowing Frog
Rheobatrachus silus Gastric-brooding Frog Litoria aurea Green and Golden Bell Frog
Rheobatrachus vitellinus Eungella Gastric-brooding Frog Litoria littlejohni Littlejohn’s Tree Frog
Taudactylus acutirostris Sharp-snouted Day Frog Litoria olongburensis Wallum Sedge Frog
Taudactylus diurnus Southern Day Frog Litoria piperata Peppered Tree Frog
Litoria raniformis Southern Bell Frog
Extinct in the wild
Litoria verreauxii alpina Alpine Tree Frog
None Listed
Mixophyes balbus Stuttering Frog
Critically Endangered Pseudophryne pengilleyi Northern Corroboree Frog
Litoria castanea Yellow-spotted Tree Frog Pseudophryne covaceviche Magnificent Brood Frog
Litoria spenceri Spotted Tree Frog Taudactylus pleione Kroombit Tinker Frog
Mixophyes fleayi Fleay’s Frog
Conservation Dependent
Philoria frosti Baw Baw Frog
None listed
Pseudophryne corroboree Southern Corroboree Frog
Taudactylus eungellensis Eungella Day Frog
Taudactylus rheophilus Tinkling Frog

Geocrinia alba Creek Frog, White-bellied Frog
Litoria lorica Armoured Mistfrog
Litoria nannotis Waterfall Frog
Litoria nyakalensis Mountain Mistfrog
Litoria rheocola Common Mistfrog
Mixophyes iteratus Southern Barred Frog
Nyctimystes dayi Lace-eyed Frog
Spicospina flammocaerulea Sunset Frog

Appendix 4: Recommendations
from ‘The Action Plan for
Australian Frogs (Tyler 1997)
These recommendations are not ranked. terrestrial predators such as cats and foxes, subtle climatic
changes and perturbations, and impacts of global changes
Summary of the Problem to air and water quality.
27 species (13%) of Australia’s frog fauna are threatened, and
of these, 8 species may have disappeared altogether. An Two geographic zones in particular show widespread
additional 14 species give cause for concern. For most of patterns of decline:
these species, the causes of decline are not known or are — montane rainforest areas in Queensland,
poorly understood. — alpine and upland areas in south-eastern Australia.
• Recommendation 1: That high priority be given to • Recommendation 4: That attempts be made to
research and management action to address frog declines. determine if there are causal factors common to these
declines and if any of these operate together, or even
Causes of Decline
Frogs are known to be highly sensitive to aquatic pollutants
(Tyler 1989, Bidwell and Gorrie 1995). Conservation Status

• Recommendation 2: That research be continued into This Action Plan identifies 14 species for which information
the toxicity of pollutants, particularly herbicides and their is inadequate to assign a conservation status, although it
dispersants. It is also recommended that low-toxicity is recognised that there may be cause for concern for
surfactants be required, particularly for herbicide use near these species.
water bodies and drainage lines. • Recommendation 5: That high priority be given to
survey and research necessary to clarify the distribution,
Many factors have been suggested as contributing to frog
abundance and conservation status of insufficiently
decline but there is currently little evidence to implicate any
known species.
particular factors.
• Recommendation 3: That research and analysis be Captive Breeding
undertaken to clarify the possible contributing role of Many species declines have been recent and rapid, with
these factors, including data already available from apparent extinction of some species. Successful rearing and
Australian and international studies. Examples include: husbandry techniques need to be developed so that holding
pathogens, local water quality, impacts of introduced fish action can be taken in the event of a sudden decline of a
(eg. Gambusia holbrooki, trout, carp), impacts of introduced species in the wild. Such captive populations may provide

essential reservoir populations for later reintroductions.
• Recommendation 6: That priority be given to improve
expertise in captive breeding and husbandry techniques.
This should involve conservation agencies, researchers,
zoos and amateur groups.

Public Involvement
There is considerable interest amongst the general public in
frog decline, and many amateur groups, such as the Frog and
Tadpole Study Group (FATSG) in NSW and the Victorian Frog
Group (VFG), are already contributing valuable information in
terms of field surveys and biological information.
• Recommendation 7: That public involvement,
particularly through amateur associations, be encouraged
and incorporated into conservation assessment and
recovery planning.

Documenting and Describing the Frog Fauna

Several frog species have been described only recently,
demonstrating the paucity of knowledge of the Australian
frog fauna.
• Recommendation 8: That an atlas of Australian frogs
be developed and maintained, using existing and
incoming data.

National Working Group for Frog Conservation

Although an Australian branch of the Declining Amphibian
Populations Task Force (DAPTF) of the Species Survival
Commission was established in 1992, this is not
functioning effectively.
• Recommendation 9: That a national working group for
frog conservation be established to facilitate regular
communication between frog experts. This group should
link to the DAPTF as appropriate.

Appendix 5:The Conservation
Status of Australian Frogs
(Tyler 1997)

Litoria aurea
Green and Golden Bell Frog ENDANGERED
Litoria castanea (L. flavipunctata)
Yellow-spotted Tree Frog ENDANGERED
Litoria lorica
Armoured Frog ENDANGERED
Litoria nannotis
Torrent Tree Frog ENDANGERED
Litoria nyakalensis
Litoria olongburensis
Wallum Sedge Frog VULNERABLE
Litoria piperata
Peppered Tree Frog VULNERABLE
Litoria raniformis
Southern Bell Frog VULNERABLE
Litoria rheocola
Litoria spenceri
Spotted Tree Frog ENDANGERED
Litoria verreauxii alpina
Alpine Tree Frog VULNERABLE
Nyctimystes dayi

Spicospina flammocaerula
Geocrinia alba
White-bellied Frog ENDANGERED
Geocrinia vitellina
Orange-bellied Frog VULNERABLE
Mixophyes balbus
Stuttering Frog VULNERABLE
Mixophyes fleayi
Mixophyes iteratus
Southern Barred Frog ENDANGERED
Philoria frosti
Pseudophryne corroboree
Southern Corroboree Frog ENDANGERED
Rheobatrachus silus
Gastric Brooding Frog ENDANGERED
Rheobatrachus vitellinus
Eungella Gastric Brooding Frog ENDANGERED
Taudactylus acutirostris
Sharp-nosed Torrent Frog ENDANGERED
Taudactylus diurnus
Mount Glorious Torrent Frog ENDANGERED
Taudactylus eungellensis
Eungella Torrent Frog ENDANGERED
Taudactylus pleione
Kroombit Tinker Frog VULNERABLE
Taudactylus rheophilus
Tinkling Frog ENDANGERED


Litoria booroolongensis Crinia tinnula
Booroolong Frog Tinkling Froglet
Litoria brevipalmata Heleioporus australiacus
Green-thighed Frog Giant Burrowing Frog
Litoria freycineti Kyarranus sphagnicolus
Freycinet’s Frog Sphagnum Frog
Litoria pearsoniana Pseudophryne australis
Pearson’s Frog Red-crowned Toadlet
Litoria subglandulosa Pseudophryne bibronii
Glandular Frog Bibron’s Toadlet
Pseudophryne pengilleyi
Northern Corroboree Frog
Taudactylus liemi
Liem’s Frog
Uperoleia marmorata
Marbled Toadlet
Uperoleia orientalis
Alexandra Toadlet


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